#caesar house will still be the main one
trikaranos · 8 months
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TRIKARANOS is a dramatized narrative based on ancient events following Crassus (and Pompey and Caesar) through the years 87-48 BCE. Intended for an adult audience.
⭐ Trikaranos will always be free to read. In the near future, you’ll have the option to support this comic & my ability to spend time making it (I Am Extremely Fucking Broke And Have Bills To Pay etc etc) through Patreon! currently, I have a tip jar!
⭐ There is no set update schedule (chapters vary in length and will be posted as I finish working on them)
⭐ alternative places to read it (coming soon!)
CREDITS all additional art used are in the public domain, and the specific images used are open access, etc
🍊the first collage panel is combination of: Plate 113: Greeks Battling the Trojans (from Ovid's Metamorphoses), Antonio Tempesta / The Trojans pulling the wooden horse into the city, Giulio Bonasone (after Francesco Primaticcio) / Terracotta hydria displaying Achilles waiting to ambush Triolos and Polyxena 🍊the second collage panel is: The Lictors bringing Brutus the bodies of his Sons, Jacques Louis David / the paint over of Brutus executing is own sons is my own work based on the composition of this relief of Brutus and condemning his sons to death. 🍊I also used my own art: a panel from the Prologue, and my own illustration of Brutus with the bodies of his sons
📖 PREVIOUS CHAPTER | START HERE | ToC (under construction!)
UNDER THE CUT creator’s commentary, ancient citations, whatever else seems relevant. ideally, this is optional! you shouldn’t need the citations for it to make sense as it unfolds since it’s a comic and a story first and foremost, but it’s here if you’re curious about something or want to see where the inspiration is coming from!
I'm so fucking normal about Crassus and his family (<<< this is a lie)
Marcus Crassus was the son of a man who had been censor and had enjoyed a triumph; but he was reared in a small house with two brothers. His brothers were married while their parents were still alive, and all shared the same table, which seems to have been the chief reason why Crassus was temperate and moderate in his manner of life. When one of his brothers died, Crassus took the widow to wife, and had his children by her, and in these relations also he lived as well-ordered a life as any Roman.
Plutarch, Crassus
like, it actively fucks me up that this is something that's survived about him for over 2,000 years. they all ate together at the same table. Jesus Christ.
so! Crassus' dad! Publius Licinius Crassus (consul 97) fought on the side of Cn. Octavius (consul 87) in the Bellum Octavianum, and it didn't go great for him.
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Crassus: A Political Biography, B.A. Marshall
also. currently, if you look Publius Licinius Crassus up on wikipedia for an overview, his page lists his son (and also my main character for this comic) with the cognomen Dives, which is in-fucking-correct.
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Marcus Crassus and the Late Roman Republic, Allen Mason Ward
and to circle back to houses and meals shared with family, some citations that made me feel some kind of way when I read them
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Marcus Crassus and the Late Roman Republic, Allen Mason Ward
finally, there is discourse or whatever on the placement of the sons of Publius Licinius Crassus. Crassus is the baby brother here simply because I'm writing this story and I get to pick the themes, but also because no one has provided a solid enough argument for him being the second eldest son that I'm willing to buy into with enthusiasm, and I'm more inclined towards G. Sampson's conclusion on the matter.
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Defeat of Rome: Crassus, Carrhae, and the Invasion of the East, Gareth C. Sampson
and while I'm just kind of talking about stuff that I read that I enjoyed, this article by Martin Stone lives in my head rent free
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A Year of One's Own: Dating the Praetorship of Marcus Crassus, Martin Stone
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merbear25 · 2 months
Growing up with them (Kid, Law, Buggy, Caesar)
There are so many avenues for this fun ‘what if’ scenario. It’s not possible to have befriended all of them, so why not add a few extra possibilities? They were your neighbor, so there were only a few ways your relationship could go.
CW: SFW, gn!reader, headcanons/scenarios, some fluff, ‘neighbor’s kid’ vibes, slightly humorous tone, AU territory so some speculation has been applied, spoilers for Dressrosa(?)
Kid: feral child, feral child! No one can tell me that he wasn’t the wildest child when he was growing up.
He was sucked into his hobbies involving building and metal. He loved roughhousing, backyard wrestling, cookouts, and swimming pools. Summer was his favorite season growing up because it gave him every excuse to do whatever he wanted, and no one had the right to tell him he shouldn’t.
Water soakers, playing ball in the house and inevitably breaking something, sharing scary stories around the campfire, and probably sent to summer camp so his parents could have a break: these are the vibes I get when I think of his childhood.
Being friends: you had to meet his freak because he wasn’t going to slow down.
He wanted to explore, so being the adventurous type would bode nicely for your friendship.
You’d spend some days down by the lake catching frogs only to set them free shortly after. He was very much interested in building all sorts of things, so you’d help him gather materials, which often left you venturing out to strange places.
He threw the classic “What are you? Chicken?” at you when you weren’t as gung-ho as he was about anything.
As reckless as he could be, he’d do well with a friend who could be the voice of reason, helping guide him when he was too in the zone to see the reality of the situation.
He’d argue with you, get mad even. This boy’s stubbornness wasn’t going to allow you to talk him out of something if he had his heart set on it. He was either going to listen to you or he was going to have to learn the hard way.
Hope you didn’t tell him “I told you” for your own sake.
This hot-headed boy could be a handful, making it hard to avoid arguments at times. Being of the same temperament would make blow-ups a recurring issue. 
That being said, you were still children and most likely got heated over things like “which character would win in a fight” or about who rightfully won your card game.
Even if he was always on the move and doing something, I could see him enjoying something calmer like catching fireflies. You could take the jars you captured them in to your secret hideout where you’d camp out for the night.
He played rough though, so if you ever agreed to wrestling, there was a slim chance of you making it out without some sort of injury.
Uninterested in you: you were a bore to him. There was no sugar coating it.
Even from the few interactions you had, those were enough for both of you to realize that you didn’t want to bother.
Having similar hobbies helps a lot when building friendships, especially when it comes to children. However, I can’t say that this would be the main reason for him not being friends with someone. I could see it being boiled down to more of a personality issue.
You couldn’t really find common ground, not that he was really looking for any.
He never got why you liked some of the things you did, and you felt the same about him.
You viewed the other as weird and tried your best to ignore each other. That was easier said than done with someone like him, though.
An enemy/competition: he’s competitive, he’s aggressive, and the fact that you were just as good if not better than him made his blood boil.
You pushed his buttons and even when he screamed at you, you kept pushing. But, he was going to show you that he was no one to mess with.
Using the knowledge he’d gained from tinkering with various objects, he set up a few pranks. Some were a tad cruel because he wanted to humiliate you. 
Even if you saw yourselves as enemies, he had mixed feelings when one of his pranks made you cry. Depending on a lot of factors, he may send you anonymous sweets (cookies, chocolate, or candies) to make you feel a smidge better.
When you were back on your feet, you both kept your competition under more control, though there were times you were both tempted to cross that line again.
Law: a tough cookie to crack and even more so after escaping from his home country. I tried to take into account his personality before and after that incident.
He was very determined academically, part of which was to make his parents proud but the other was from his own genuine interest. Dedicating time to studying, enjoying sitting outside while reading, and could get irritated easily when his routine was disrupted: he appreciated a sense of calmness and balance but still had moments when he’d lose his temper.
There weren’t many who went out of their way to befriend him because of his unique hobbies, so that made him more of a loner. That wasn’t anything to be sad about in his opinion. He enjoyed his alone time and the few people he hung around were cherished.
Being friends: you mostly likely approached him, to which he was standoffish for quite a while.
With all his staring at you, observing your habits and quirks, you couldn’t help but feel like you were being looked at under a microscope.
It was his way of building up the confidence to hold a decent conversation with you. Once getting a good enough read on you, he’d be much more open to chatting. You’d feel a little less like a stranger even before you began talking to each other.
Being attentive would be appreciated, but he wouldn’t really care too much if his friend was clumsy or careless from time to time. As long as you were kind-hearted, he could overlook those small flaws rather easily.
Although being a nerd wouldn’t be a necessity by any means, it would be fun for him to geek out with someone over Germa 66.
Let’s say you were a big fan of them like he was.
His eyes lit up when you first mentioned it and he ran to show you his favorite merchandise. You’d play with the action figures together, probably draw them while sitting quietly, and then ooh and aah over each other’s art saying what you liked most about their drawings.
Now, let’s say you weren’t a fan of them.
He wouldn’t bring them up unless you asked about it. Maybe you made a comment on one of his figurines, for example. Despite wanting to go on and on about them, he picked up on your body language and sensed it wasn’t your thing. That was fine with him, though. It wasn’t his only hobby, after all.
Even though he was far from the type to take risks and would most likely protest against any dangerous activities (i.e. baking and/or cooking without parental supervision), he really needed someone to push him out of his comfort zone. The little nudges from someone he came to trust were more helpful than he ever realized.
Neither friend nor foe: he was cautious of you for a little while, trying to gauge what your deal was before ultimately deciding he didn’t really want to engage with you.
Perhaps you were too brash for him. He wasn’t a scaredy cat, but he was extremely cautious, meaning being friends with someone who was too reckless would stress him out and probably make him feel like a babysitter.
You may be too quiet. He could be pretty quiet himself, but trying to befriend someone who was even more soft spoken could present some challenges.
Maybe you were far too unpredictable. He enjoyed order and normalcy, which would mean being around someone who spoke and/or acted before thinking would have him practically breaking out in hives.
At best, he avoided you and let you do whatever it was you were doing.
At worst, he shot glares at you whenever you crossed the line.
All in all, he tried not to involve himself in your life too much.
An enemy: there were so few people who lit a fire under him to be viewed as competition, so you most likely took the enemy title.
The easiest way to have made an enemy out of him would be upsetting his little sister. He was a protective big brother. They fought like any other siblings, sure, but he never tolerated others treating her like that.
He’d be on you like a hawk at that point. So much as breathe in the wrong direction and he’d be there to scare you straight.
Intimidation would be his strongest weapon—vaguely threatening you with his knowledge of human anatomy and the least frequented places where you lived.
If you just came after him and disregarded his sister, it’d take a bit longer for him to deem you as a full blown enemy. He’d simply hate you for the longest time until you just pushed a sore spot that sent him over the edge—giving you nightmares at the very least.
Buggy: How patient are you? Because he’d be throwing you curveballs no matter the relationship you two had.
He was known as the loud kid and class clown. He wanted so much attention which made it hard for others to ignore him. There were a lot of mixed feelings about him, especially in the neighborhood.
Was the kid who sent out invites to his birthday to every single kid in class, in the neighborhood, and at the corner store just to have a few show up to his party. He kept his head high, even if it was getting to him.
Being friends: it wasn’t hard getting him to talk to you. Hell, it wasn’t even that difficult to get him to hang out, but he was very wishy-washy with his interactions.
He never failed to put himself out there. You couldn’t help but think that was endearing.
I can’t necessarily see him having been partial to his friend being introverted, ambivert, or extroverted. A friend was a friend, and so long as they treated him well, that type of stuff wasn’t of any importance.
However, it would be a must for you to have a sense of humor. There was no way around that. He wanted to laugh and make you laugh, so someone who was the more serious type perhaps would have made things much too difficult.
Though he put up a good front, making people think he was some tough guy, he was super soft and squishy on the inside—really just needing someone to be vulnerable around. That was something he could find in you. Though it took what felt like ages to get to that point, it was all worth it.
Sleepovers were a massive thing for him. Your parents liked him, albeit thinking he was just a tad odd, but were happy that you had made a friend nonetheless.
There were tons of games you’d play together which tended to involve forts: pillow, blanket, and cardboard mostly. When you played pirates, he insisted on being the captain. Despite his confidence in leading you and your crew of stuffed animals, you ended up having to take control on most missions.
Even when you thought you were having a good time hanging out with him, he had a tendency to leave suddenly, most of the time making up an obvious lie. When you tried talking to him about it, he was often dismissive and just wanted to forget about it.
You weren’t sure how to take that. It kinda hurt. You quickly understood not to take those moments to heart and just boiled it down to Buggy just being Buggy. Even if that were the case, you hoped he would eventually lower those walls—one day.
Weird in between: You caught him peeking over your fence and popping back down. He wanted more friends, but he wasn’t confident.
He couldn’t gauge you, couldn’t figure out who you were exactly and the way you carried yourself made him want to keep his distance.
As hard it was for others to ignore him, it was almost just as difficult for him to do the same to them. He was always aware of everyone, or at the very least, he checked them out before deciding if they were worth the trouble.
Even if you were indifferent towards him, he’d try his darndest to get on your good side. If he didn’t care for you all that much, he’d wait to throw it in your face before you ever had the chance to humiliate him.
You didn’t know what his deal was, and to be fair he didn’t know what his was either which led to him being so hot and cold with you.
He tried just ignoring you, but when he heard you laughing and having a generally good time with the other kids, he couldn’t help himself. He was curious and eavesdropped on your conversations, wondering why he wasn’t a part of the fun.
Him needing to best you: maybe you didn’t hate each other. Perhaps at the most you strongly disliked the other. Either way he wanted to prove how much better he was.
Buggy was all over the place. He’d try insulting you, challenging you, but then if you took him up on it, he’d increase the gap between you.
He was never short of excuses as to why he couldn’t keep to his own challenges against you. When you eventually went home after realizing he wasn’t showing up yet again, he twisted it into making it seem like you chickened out.
It was hard for you to see him as an enemy because of how void of seriousness he was. He had days when he thought you were mortal enemies, followed by days he thought you were cool with him, but then right back to being wary of you.
Caesar: Hope that you are just as unhinged as he is, otherwise you were in for a rough childhood. His voice would carry through the streets, alerting the entire neighborhood that he was up to something—none of it good. 
Whenever you looked out your window or passed by his house, there would be smoke, sudden loud noises (mostly bangs and explosions), or possibly a strange faint odor that made you think twice before asking about.
Generally speaking, I imagine him having been far more reckless with experiments and even when regarding the manipulative side to his personality. Not necessarily feral but just more brash.
Being friends: you’d have to keep up with him otherwise he’d just think you were dragging him down.
Being adventurous would go a long way with him. He wouldn’t have much patience for someone being overly cautious to the point they were practically a scaredy cat. 
That being said, he’d need a friend who was the voice of reason during his more reckless moments. Sure, you got an eye roll and huff for “not being fun” but you gave a sense of balance.
You’d earn bonus points if you were just as into the macabre as he was—pushing the limits could get rather…messy, after all. You could be his assistant all you liked but being a partner in crime would be the cherry on top.
He’d never admit it, but he got scared easily. However, this was reserved for when he felt in danger.
If you were brave, he would hide behind you, putting his faith in you that you’d chase off whatever he was afraid of. If you weren’t brave, self-preservation would more than likely take over, and he’d shamelessly leave you behind—desperate to distance himself from the posing threat.
He’s competitive. He’s also a narcissist. Because of these qualities, I’d argue that being interested in science could go either in or against your favor. 
In your favor: you didn’t try to upstage him, especially if you turned out to be wrong because you’d just end up getting on his nerves in that case. Being into another field of science might make it a bit easier because he could feel like he out-shined you. Plus, it could be more fun pairing your expertise with his to create ungodly creations. If you were right about and/or better at something, you didn’t rub it in—you were humble even if he wasn’t. Otherwise his ego would take a few hits, making him pout and want to get back at you.
Against your favor: You were more clever in certain ways on top of being competitive. I think he’d enjoy some competition with a friend but only to an extent because eventually it’d turn into a rivalry. 
Everyone in the neighborhood would loathe you and forbid their children from interacting with you for a multitude of reasons: potential harm, corrupting their ‘little angels’, and you two being bad eggs to name a few.
Your parents would probably try forbidding you from hanging out with him, believing he was nothing but a bad influence on you. Although they may have had a point, that didn’t stop you.
And you are…?: you were just kinda there in a sense—not interesting enough for him to have engaged with or irritating enough to have humiliated.
Maybe there were times you tried talking to him but due to your approach, he deemed you as unworthy of his presence. 
Maybe he just didn’t like you for no reason in particular: being viewed as unspecial, one that blended too much into the crowd, and overall lackluster—not even being worthy of recognition as, well, anyone.
You kept your distance once you noticed others, whom he saw as mere pawns, had horrific “accidents”.
An enemy/competition: you rubbed him in all the wrong ways.
Whether you’d intended it or not, you wormed your way into his mind and refused to let go of the hold you had.
He had the same effect on you, making rivals of each other quickly and eventually full blown enemies.
The easiest way for you to have done this was either besting him at chemistry or generally being far too clever for your own good, making him feel shown up in one way or another.
He didn’t just want to be the best, he needed to be. Meeting someone who could beat him at his own game was infuriating and fueled his desire to tear you down. There were times when he succeeded, but there were also plenty when you were triumphant.
No matter how much you may have disliked or even hated each other, you gave the other the incentive to keep pushing and bettering yourselves like no one else had.
Thanks to your childhood rivalry and constant pushing, you both had unknowingly set the other up for success in their careers. I guess you should thank each other…not that you ever would, though.
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gothic-thoughts · 10 months
Under Her Influence
(Jojo one chance plz, I swear 😩😊)
Joseph Joestar x Black Fem Reader Smut
MDNI, Best Friend's SisterAU, RoommatesAU, Enemies2LoversAU
CW: Caesar's younger sis (adopted ig cuz like 🤷🏾‍♀️), afab parts mentioned, she/her pronouns, secret relationship, male and fem masturbating, voyeurism, quiet/secret sex, eating 😻, P in V smashing, unprotected smashing
TW: Jojo's britshness (he's so cute wtf 😍)
Word Count: 1961 (give or take)
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I had a little crush on Caesar's sister, (Y/n) since we met, but of course, before I could speak, the bastard threatened me about even trying. My love for her only grew when she moved in, but I was always side-eyed by Caesar for even making her laugh. Then outta nowhere, she started to avoid me for no reason! Even going as far as to ignore me when I spoke!
When (Y/n) was out of the house, I stormed up to Caesar's room and knocked on the door heavily. I wait for him to open it with a scowl on my face and my arms folded in front of my chest, ready to confront him. I just know he spread rumors about me! And I can't ask her cuz she'll just ignore me! As I raise my fist to pound on the door again, the blonde Italian opens the door with his arms crossed with an unimpressed expression.
“What is it, Jojo?” He asked, leaning on the doorway.
I poke him in the chest, “What the hell did you say to (Y/n) to make her hate me so much, you pompous prick?!”
“What are you talking about?!”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about! (Y/n)’s been ignoring me and treating me like trash outta nowhere for days!”
“Heh, maybe she’s finally seeing what I see; nothing but an annoying idiot.”
“So you did say something!” I grab his shirt, pulling him close, “You son of a bitch, you’re ruining my chances!”
“I knew this was about that!” He angrily pushes me away, “Didn’t I tell you to stay away from my sister!?”
“Well, it’s kinda hard to do that when we live in the same house, you dunce! And besides, she’s a grown woman; you can’t control who she likes!”
“I can if it’s you! I don’t want her anywhere near you!”
I groan and punch the wall, “And who are you to say that; you may be her brother, but not her father!”
“I’m the one protecting my baby sister from a broken heart after a useless 6-month fling with an idiot like you! So forget it, Jojo."
“Fling?! Dammit, Caesar, I wouldn't be acting like this for some stupid affair!"
"This is my last warning!"
He steps back and slams the door in my face leaving me in the hallway to groan loudly and angrily before punching the wall beside the door.
"I just want to talk to her! Is that so wrong to get to properly know my other roommate?!”
No response. Groaning, I punch the wall as lightly as I can despite my anger so I don’t give myself a new problem to deal with later. Ugh, I get that (Y/n)’s his only sister, but this is ridiculous! It's not fair to me! Or her! With one last loud groan, I storm downstairs and leave the house with a slam of the front door.
I only came home from the bar soaking wet from the rain became hard, I arrived home from the bar a little drunk and still pissed at the argument earlier. I liked it better when she would try not to giggle at my flirts. I open the front door and go, inside striding up the main stairs to my bedroom as the house creaks from the storm. 
Ugh! Maybe if that bastard hadn’t banned me from talking to her, my feelings wouldn’t have gotten stronger! Stupid ass... I shuffle past Caesar’s room and grab my door handle, only to hear soft gasps of my name from behind me between the rumbles of thunder. Was that...? I hold my breath, listening for the hushed sounds again. Is she alright?
“(Y/n)?” I push the door open slightly, “Is every—?”  
My breathing caught in my throat, eyes widening at (Y/n)'s contorted face through the small space between the door and the frame. Those lovely dark eyes squeezed shut, those legs parted and trembling to keep her underwear at her knees while her fingers thrust in and out at knuckle depth. Her top was pulled up to her chest, leaving her big breasts on display while she gently twists and tugs on her hardened nipples.
I couldn't move—I just stood there in shocked silence as she fought for her orgasm, feverish movements begging me for help, causing my pants to grow tighter and tighter thanks to the adrenaline and alcohol rushing through my veins. Goddamn, she....looks so nice... (Y/n)'s eyes fluttered open for a second, and it was too late to leave. 
She yanks her hand from between her legs with a loud gasp as her skin dawns an undertone of deep red as her knees snap shut, allowing her underwear to loosely slide down to her ankles. Shit, shit, shit, how am I gonna explain this?! And why was that so hot?
"Jojo, what the hell?!" She snapped, still heaving slightly, "Were you spying on me, you pervert?!
I stammer. "Perv?! Me?!"
"What the hell are you doing here?!"
"You were calling me! I thought you-- you...were...."
I pause, refocusing my attention on how I found her: moaning my name while she battled desperately for her climax. The moment replayed over and over in my head until I smirked a little and began ogling knowingly.
"You were calling my name." I tease, "One may even say you were moaning it."
"No, I wasn’t. I was...”
“Let me guess..." I step into the room before lightly kicking her door shut, "You were just trying to 'relax' after work?”
"Shut up! You're not even supposed to be home; Caesar said you were out for the rest of the night!"
“Well, I would be if it wasn’t raining cats and dogs."
"Anyway, what'd he tell you about me that was so bad? Cuz, uh, I get the feeling none of it was true."
"Yeah, right."
"Well, honestly, it depends on what he said, but I bet it was just some bullshit just to get you to hate me. But I guess it didn't stop you from having moments like...this. But hey, don't stop on my account.”
"You heard me. You've obviously had a long day so....continue."
I could practically hear her heart hammering on her ribcage, but I couldn't help but continue to stare at her body, wondering what she was imagining me doing to her. After the longest 30 seconds ever, (Y/n) finally looks at me, her gaze trailing up and down my body, most likely noticing the bulge in my pants before curling a finger to gesture me over.
I take slow steps to give her time to speak out and protest but manage to get to the foot of her bed without our eye contact breaking. My gaze moves down to observe the way her thighs shivered from her incomplete climax. The sight makes me moan softly as I grab her ankle and drag her to the edge, watching her thighs separate as her hand slowly slips back to her shiny clit.
"Mmh, you look as delicious as you sound." I groan, caressing her soft thigh, “C’mon, touch yourself to me like you were...before I do.”
She strokes it in small circles, fingers swirling her sensitive bud until she shivers, plush thighs tensing in front of me. I kneel at the edge of the bed for a closer look at how her opening twitches around nothing, pouring her juices down her butt to the bedsheets. Fuck, I want it. I want her. I...I... I undo my pants, letting my girth spring free before wrapping my fingers around it tightly.
"Ngh, Jojo."
"Don't call me like that, (Y/n)." I groan, stroking faster, "You're gonna drive me nuts."
Her hand stops and she smirks down at me, "You're already down there, aren't you?"
I instantly latch my mouth onto her rosebud, causing (Y/n)'s head to drop back into the mattress while she plays with my hair. Mewls and whimpers leave her lips along with my own moans as my tongue wiggles past her folds. I grab her thighs and hold her open for me while I slurp and lick until a mixture of slick and spit coated my lips and chin.
I reluctantly pull my tongue from her and stand, licking her essence from my lips with a devious smirk before slowly pushing my cock into her, groaning in disbelief at the snugness. I press my hands into the bed, plowing my body between her thighs to keep them open to my harsh strokes. Her nails sink into my shoulders and her teeth into her lip as my pace grows harder.
"~ah, my god." She gasps, "Holy shit~"
"Shhh, we still gotta be quiet."
"You're not ~ngh, making it easy."
"I know." I let out a breathless giggle, speeding up my hips, "You just feel so good, I-I can't.”
"Y-yes, oh my god~"
Moaning, I grip the sheets at the way she squeezes around me. I swirl my hips as I drive a little deeper, her hands tugging on my shirt while her legs wobble from the weight of me hammering against her cervix. 
"Oh my god~" She groans, legs wrapping around me, "You're gonna make me loud, J-Jojo."
"Heh, I knew you couldn't hate me; how could you when I'm so funny?"
"He talks s-so much shit about you, ngh, it's like a hobby."
"I don't care what that meathead thinks; I just care what his sister thinks."
Her legs pull me closer while her back arches under me with every drag along her sweet spots as her orgasm rushes through her. Her climax made her even wetter, turning the sound of every stroke into her inviting pussy into a soft squelch. Pure carnal need boils in my stomach at the feeling of her juices squelching out of her as I cover her mouth and start pounding into her with reckless abandon.
"Oh...sh-shit~" I moan, "Goddammit, you feel s-so...good."
"Don't stop, hah, baby, please. Jojo, please"
"You keep talking like that and I won't. Heh, your brother...would absolutely....kill me~"
My hips stutter out of rhythm as I huff out breathless groans every time my hips move before quickly pulling out despite the warmth. I stroke myself until warm seed shoots along her pelvis and stomach while I grunt out curses, hips jerking forward with each one. I press my clean hand into the mattress next to her side to catch myself.
"This don't have to be the only time we do this."
"I sure hope so, I've been wanting a normal conversation with you since you got here."
She chuckles, "So it's not just about you wanting to sleep with me?"
"It's not, even when it is." I laugh, "I just want to be close to you, and if this is the only way I can do it then...."
"We can be close another way."
"Closer than what we did? How's--"
She pulls me down by the collar of my shirt and hotly links her lips with mine. I moan in surprise, eyes widened before they flutter shut as her other hand slides up my chest to my shoulders. I take my turn to surprise then surprise her by slipping my tongue into her mouth, making her moan under me again. She tries to pull my body closer but I pull away with a giggle, breaking our forbidden kiss. Our eyes open while we pant heavily on each other's swollen, reddened lips.
"Sorry.” I whisper, “As much as I'd love to be pressed against your breasts again, we should get cleaned up before....uh.."
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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Ancient Roman Temple Where Julius Caesar was Assassinated Opens in Rome
The square contains the remains of the Curia of Pompey, a central meeting place for senators where Caesar was stabbed to death on the Ides of March.
An ancient square where historians believe Julius Caesar was stabbed to death — one of the most infamous assassinations in history — was opened to the public for the first time Tuesday.
The Sacred Area of ​​Largo Argentina, containing the remains of four ancient temples in a bustling part of downtown Rome, can now be seen up close via a lowered walkway for 5 euros ($5.50).
The site also contains the remains of the Curia of Pompey, a central meeting place for senators where it is believed Caesar was stabbed to death on March 15 (the Ides of March) in 44 B.C.
Successive generations had built on the site since ancient times, and it was only rediscovered when buildings were demolished in 1926. Three years later, another dictator, Mussolini, inaugurated it as an important historical site.
Two new exhibition areas also document the many archaeological finds at the site over the ages. The works were funded by the fashion house Bulgari and managed by the Capitoline Superintendency for Cultural Heritage.
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The site could previously only be seen from street level and had become overgrown with weeds. Tourists’ photos posted online show the area being enjoyed by stray cats — there is cat sanctuary on a corner of the square.
“One of the most beautiful and precious places in Rome is finally fully usable by Roman citizens and tourists, who from now on will be able to see from nearby wonderful archaeological finds from various periods of the history of our city,” Miguel Gotor, councilor for culture for the city of Rome, said in a news release.
The first recorded structure of importance on the site dates to the early third century with the construction of what is referred to as Temple C, probably dedicated to the Roman goddess Feronia.
Fires in 111 B.C. and A.D. 80 destroyed much of the earliest buildings, with those remains buried under a new floor built by the emperor Domitian in the first century.
Caesar's death has endured in Western culture as one of the most seismic political events in history, even as its details and wider implications continue to be debated.
In Shakespeare’s dramatic retelling, the dying dictator last words were “Et tu, Brute?” after he saw that his old friend Marcus Brutus, one of the murder conspiracy’s main ringleaders, was among his killers.
What is agreed upon is that Brutus and a group of Roman senators had grown concerned over the size of Caesar's power and influence and his undermining of the Republic.
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However, Caesar's killing unleashed a period of reprisal and civil war that killed thousands and effectively killed the Republic. His named successor, his adopted 18-year-old son, Octavian, became what is regarded as Rome's first emperor in 27 B.C., known by then as Augustus.
Such is Italy's vast wealth of archaeological treasures that many important sites have yet to be excavated and thousands of found items have never been put on public display.
Historians' understanding of ancient Rome is still evolving as more items are found. In April a new study shed light on the use of Roman wineries in theatrical ceremonies, while in May archaeologists revealed how people were killed in an earthquake triggered by the immense eruption at Vesuvius in A.D. 79.
By Patrick Smith.
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stoat-party · 5 months
Evaluating Which Details Pose Continuity Issues (yeah, it’s long, sorry)
I’m being relentlessly annoyed by (some) people mad at the show and by (some) people mad at people mad at the show, so let’s clear up where the issues are and aren’t so we’re not just talking over each other here.
Destroying the Strip
Obviously not a retcon. Retcons refer to previously-established events. Some people might have their own problems with it (I definitely saw it cited as evidence of a coordinated attack on New Vegas), but it presents no continuity problems.
2. What exactly is a vial?
I don’t think this changed ghoul lore. They can still go 200+ years without turning, or they can start turning as soon as they get ghoulified. There’s just a new plot element where they can stave off the effects of going feral for awhile if they take this mysterious drug - without the drug, the rules are still the same. The story was NOT clear on this, and it confused me, but if ghouls need drugs to stay sane, Oswald, Dean, Billy, etc. could not exist even if there’s a massive industry in vials of goop that’s never been mentioned before.
3. It took Vault-Tec decades to build all the vaults.
This is something I worried about because there couldn’t have been much time between the boardroom scene and the bombs falling (Janey doesn't age). But I think it makes sense if you assume the vaults were already built and they filled them with experiments afterward. It does leave the problem that some vaults were unfinished but Vault-Tec also dropped the bombs - why would they do that before finishing their vaults? It’s possible that they planned to drop them but got beat to the punch, or any number of other explanations. Clear retcon but not a huge plot hole.
4. House is worse than Caesar all of a sudden?
This one’s a private gripe of mine because House and Sinclair were not originally written to be Actual Sadists Who Hate Humanity. There’s also House’s mastermind prepper attitude toward the apocalypse, which doesn’t indicate that he had a hand in orchestrating it. While the change doesn’t conflict with the text as far as I know, it really changes the flavor of the game, but not as much as:
5. The Fall of Shady Sands
Let’s say that this happened after the first battle of Hoover Dam, so no continuity issues with their ability to win that. (That’s probably why they set it in 2277, so the NCR would have almost four years to recover before NV. As if Caesar wouldn’t have taken half of their land by then, even with his armies crushed, but ok fine he’s going through a divorce, he’s busy right now.)
But are you telling me that a country can lose a massive city containing much of its infrastructure, most of its central government, and ~5% of its population and still be trying to manifest destiny four years later with no mention of it?
Losing the Divide as a travel route almost crippled the NCR in the Mojave for awhile. Now, not only have they lost the Divide and their capital city, but one of their other biggest cities, the Boneyard, is abandoned and inhabited by an apparently-unaffiliated town. (Yeah, Los Angeles is big, but we don’t see any NCR or Followers despite three main characters traveling through it.) Even if there were still people there during New Vegas, how is the NCR still conducting a campaign in the east?
Also, who is Muldover and what’s her position? Why does she have raiders at her disposal? Is that really supposed to be what remains of the government? I get that some of this will be resolved later, but short of complete societal collapse, there’s no explanation.
We don’t see any of this in New Vegas. The president (who was in office in 2277) is still alive. No one mentions losing family in the explosion. Caesar, Ulysses, and House, along with the many other characters who complain about the NCR’s weakness and instability, don’t bring it up. People even mention the politicians in Shady Sands specifically. PEOPLE ARE MAKING JOKES ABOUT WANTING A NUCLEAR WINTER-
Now there’s a saving interpretation going around that “the fall of Shady Sands - 2277” refers to a metaphorical fall, and the explosion was later. I’ll accept this if I have to, but don’t pretend it’s not a strained reading. Every entry on the board is dated. Why would you date an amorphous event and not date the city exploding?
The explosion was nineteen years ago, and it had to be that early because Lucy and Norm don’t remember living there. (Not clear how old they are but probably in their early-mid 20’s.) The earliest you could place the event without it making no sense is late 2282, because with the time skips in DLC, the events of New Vegas are about a year long. Maybe you could put a gap between Lucy returning to the vault and the actual destruction, but not a five-year one. And if it was in 2282, Max would still be a teenager.
There are legitimate concerns here. Between House and the NCR, the show changes a lot about the main conflict of New Vegas. It’s not just side details.
Not telling you how to feel! Just don’t pretend nothing poses any problems and people are crazy for being concerned. I think the vibe right now is to dismiss me as a hater, but I hope you can see I’ve tried to make it all work. Continuity is really important in a multi-decade story, especially to writers.
I will be appeased by a respectful and thought-out New Vegas remake that preserves as much of the original continuity as possible and is also really good and costs $4. Thanks in advance Bethesda.
6. Tatoes in the vaults
(but yeah there shouldn’t be tatoes in a vault that hasn’t opened)(maybe norm and lucy had seeds in their pockets when they came back, sure)
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theology101 · 5 months
Im honestly so excited to see the political repercussions for the NCR. I honestly think losing Shady Sands might be a positive for them.
When we run into them in New Vegas they’re corrupt and trapped in a cold guerrilla war. Tandy’s reforms against monopolies have been removed, and military appointments are based off of political connections, not skill.
With Caesar right there, the NCR has to maintain a presence, but its passive. There is neither the political will or need to cross the Colorado river and actually fight with Caesar, allowing him to pick the terms of the war. His terrorist campaigns at Nipton is a perfect example of this - that town should be under the NCR but they could do NOTHING to atop it and its people being burnt. They also cant stop the Powder Gangers.
The NCR is demoralized, a repletion of the exact same pre-war system that lead to Nuclear Fire. Shady Sands is five years into its decline at this point and everyone knows it.
And then Caesar dies of a brain tumor, and the Legion collapses into infighting and civil war. The NCR can relax, try to deal with Mr House formally - then their capitol has its reactor overloaded and destroyed.
Imagine the confusion and chaos there would be if the majority of the executive, legislative and judicial government just got exploded
Who’s in charge, what happens next? Who did this? It would be a Mad house
Thankfully, Mr Bishop - illegitamet son of the Chosen One and Leslie Anne Bishop - is only 38 years old when the Second Battle of Hoover Dam and destruction of Shady Sands occurs. Why are we thankful?
Because he’s a maverick. He knows the wastes like the back of his hand, he’s different from the other Bishops and far more dangerous. MB took over the family when he was just 13, and since then he has lead the family to vast amounts of power. He used the pre-existing connection between the Bishops and the NCR his father founded, as well as their insane amount of capital leading to this ending in Fallout 2 and confirmed canon by Bruce Isaacs in New Vegas, “in the decades following the alliance, several bishops rose to political power”
Right now, since we know that MB wont die until he’s 73 and right now he’s 54, he’s out there. He’s probably the leading political authority in the NCR right now - the Bishops are the NCR’s favorite black ops group. Anything the NCR needs done quietly and off the books, the Bishops can handle. And now that the main government is gone, I think that power is going straight to MB. He’s the only one who can take back control of the NCR in this chaos.
I think the NCR was forced into a bad deal by House after Shady Sands was gone which is honestly pretty positive given his plans longterm. House needs the NCR successful, but he wants his own territory. MB will make the same deal his alleged father helped broker with Vault City giving it quasi independence.
This gives the Government time to recapture itself. They sent a party to continue their cold fusion project near the ruins, but by and large the NCR has left it alone - they surround the territory on all sides, its not like they’re in danger of losing it. On a map, it would still be NCR territory, ya feel? The capital is moved to the Hub, the primary economic powerhouse in Southern California, and the democracy gets going again
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Oaoaao, hello, can I get a headcanon of sfw? Pillarmen/reader? I'm sorry I stretched it so far.
Imagine that the reader is Joseph's youngest adopted sibling and the sibling was adopted by Erina when JoJo was old enough. Maybe the reader is 10 years old? One thought is that if the reader in JoJo's opinion behaved badly or cried a lot over nonsense, he joked that he would give the child back. Joseph is a dumb jerk not realizing how much it scares the little kid who will probably get used to those words.
I don't know how to think this through well, but the reader goes with Joseph, Caesar, and Speedwagon to the catacombs where they encounter the pillarmen. The reader panics and soon cries, Joseph turns purely mechanically to say a certain stupid thing and the reader suddenly goes off to the pillarmen, patting Kars on the thigh and saying that he is now their new daddy and brother.
My main question, though, is whether the child will be made something of a hostage, while waiting for a ransom, and how the pillarmen would react to a curious child wanting to talk to them and explore their bodies and abilities
Hi! Let me just say this is so cute and a really great idea, I hope you enjoy! <3 Adding Santana to this because I can
Pillar Men with a child "hostage"
•Kars is bemused at this tiny human kid begging to be taken away, but subconsciously despises Joseph for bringing such a small child to such a dangerous location.
•He'd scoop you into his arms, whispering to you that yes, he'll be taking you in as his new student, but tells Joseph and Caesar that you're now his new hostage. The Pillar Men will be taking you as leverage over the hamon users, along with Wammu and Esidisi's wedding rings of death.
•Your curiosity with his inhuman features is secretly adorable to him, he'll let you explore his body freely, just warning you to be cautious with his sharp horns
•It takes a lot to upset Kars, he's raised two other children from his tribe of course. Rarely would you see him angry, he hides his emotions the best but involuntarily ends up falling in love with this cute human child. You've brought a new light to his men that he hasn't seen in years
•He might get a little possessive over you 👀 even after being defeated by Joseph it's hard for him to let you go, Kars can't admit it but he's grown attached. Maybe they can work something out
• #1 dad mug where?
•Genuinely enjoys having you around! He isn't afraid to let everyone know how much he cares for you <3, despite Kars' negative comments
•Treats you the best out of the four, never lets you down from his arms either.
•Esidisi doesn't see you as a hostage and more like a "permanent guest", he still goes along with Kars' charade though
•You might spend the most time with him, because he's the best with tiny children. He might get very attached too. You can probably use that to your advantage if you ever accidentally do something wrong
•Isn't impressed with you in the slightest at first, but doesn't hurt you once his master's tell him not to
•A bit awkward with you, but learns to get use to the tiny thing running around being chased by Esidisi and Santana
•Tries to train you in hand to hand combat, slightly disappointed when it doesn't work out
•Unlike the rest he's a little embarrassed with you messing around with his horn and doesn't like you touching it.
•I don't think Santana ever really falls for you the same way the other Pillar Men do, but treats with with respect
•Secretly jealous that you get treated so much better than he does
•He ends up calming down once you play with his hair/horns. It's therapeutic (for the both of you)
•Plays with you the most, but tends to rough house a little too hard. He's been scolded more than once by his masters
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B is for -- Benny Gecko
Aaaaand here is the prompt for the good ole Ben-man himself! He's always a fun challenge to write for with his... expressive dialogue, lol. And this was no exception, but again, I think the randomized aspect of the prompt was being nice to me 😅
Anyway I hope you all enjoy!
And here is the 2k event masterlist, for your browsing pleasure!
Pair: Benny x g/n Six
Dialogue Prompt: “Remind me when I said I needed your help?”
Word: Believe
Rating: SFW
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 1.4K
“Baby?” Benny’s sleep-sore voice passed through the fabric of the lightweight bed sheets as he turned to face his partner in the darkness. “What you up to?” 
Six continued readying themself, the sound of shuffling bags, of zippers being pulled up, and buckles being done rang through the casino hotel room. 
“I’ve been up thinking all night, and, it's time. I've gotta just… end this.” 
Benny sat up at that, one hand wiping at his tired eyes as a confused expression settled upon his face. 
“End… what? This early in the a.m.? Angel, you must be guzzlin’ moon juice or somethin,’ you thinking about doing anything right now. Sun’s not even awake yet, what right have we got to be kicking around at this nocturnitus hour?” 
“I didn’t say we, Benny. You can stay here, I just… I can’t sleep thinking about this. Haven’t been able to for days, since we found out about House’s army in that bunker, about the dam and Caesar’s reinforcements coming in and the NCR President… I’ve just gotta do something about it now. Before it’s too late, before it’s out of my hands.” 
Benny blinked at them, the wheels in his head beginning to turn, still only processing half of all they said, but operating suitably enough for him to spit out a response. 
“Sure, yeah, sounds like a dream, sweetie-pie. I’d love to shove a stopper in it all too, just be able to stay here and make sweet music with you all the time. Get Yes Man fired up, override or delete or whatever it takes of that mummified millionaire and get our names up in lights, but… Can’t just be done in one night– ahem, morning. It’s morning, again, I forgot, cuz the moon is still dreaming up there..." Benny shook his head, sleep still tugging ceaselessly at his eyelids as he patted the still-warm spot beside him with one outstretched hand. "Why don’t we follow its lead, hm?” 
The bed shifted as Six took a seat at the foot of the mattress, and Benny found himself scooting closer, wrapping a hand around their waist and leaning one cheek on their shoulder. 
“Hmm, takin’ my advice for once, lovebird?” 
His head shifted as Six sighed, rising and sagging along with their shoulders. 
“No.” They told him simply, and Benny’s chest gave a pathetic little ache. “I can’t sit by and do nothing as war threatens all of New Vegas.” 
“We won’t be doing nothing, sweetcakes.” His hand rubbed over their back, in an attempt to smooth their ruffled thoughts through nothing but his touch. “Everything’s close to ready, an’ we still got the chip. House can’t do jack without that shiny piece of platinum, which means we’re in control here. Just waiting for the opportuneous moment, when our own tin-can-pal can safely transfer power over to us. Then, baby, then we make our waves, ya dig?” 
“Just because House can’t do anything with his underground nightmare, it doesn’t mean Caesar and the NCR are gonna sit and wait. Something has to be done about them now.” They stood up, wrenching their waist out of Benny's hold and leaving him to catch himself from toppling over where he’d been leaning against them. 
What the hell about what I’m saying isn’t getting through that cranium of theirs?
Evidently, it’s a thick cranium, that, he knew from personal experience, but…
Still, Six should know better than to run off like this, like chasin' wildflowers in the wind. As beautiful as the thought of it was, in reality, it was always gonna slip through their fingers.
They may be the fated courier who held the platinum chip, and his main squeeze, both were hefty titles, but they still could never hope to stop this war all on their own.
“So, what about tonight brought all these plans and schemes of yours to the head of the table?” 
Six zipped their rifle bag closed definitively, and he heard another sigh leave them. 
“It’s not just tonight, Benny, I told you. It’s been weeks, and I just… I can’t take it any more. I feel like they’re gonna make their move any minute, and I don’t want to be a waiting duck.” 
“That’s a weird way of putting it, sugar.” He scooched all the way to the end of the bed as he spoke, letting his feet swing over and hit the carpeted floor. “‘Sitting duck’? Wasn’t that it? What is a duck, anyhow?” 
“Dollface, just hold on a jiff.” 
“No, Benny. I told you. I’m leaving, you can’t stop me.” As his eyes adjusted to the dim of the room, and as pale sunlight began to lighten the blackout curtains hanging from the windows, Benny could see the way they swung their bag over their back and made to leave with a stubborn sorta purpose. 
They could never hope to stop this war... On their own.
“I ain’t gonna try and halt your moves, baby. If you’d listen, I’m about to tell you I’m coming with ya.” 
He stood up, and started towards the cabinet where he kept his suits. Benny didn’t need to look their way to know that Six was pinching the bridge of their nose, or maybe flaring their nostrils. 
He just does that to them, and he knows it. 
Doesn't mean they don't want him tagging along though. Deep down.
“Remind me when I said I needed your help?” 
Deep deep down.
“Don’t gotta say squat for me to know you want it. May not need it, that’s not really what I’m sayin’, but sure as nuka cola bubbles, you want it. Even if you don’t know that, I do, baby.” 
Six rolled their eyes at him. As he pulled on his clothes swiftly though, he found he didn’t much care. 
He does that to them too, he supposed. He has since they met him. Well, met him the second time, that is. 
“You really want to help me?” He expected there to be more humor in their inquiry, but no, it had more of a genuinity to it. Real curiosity bled through their words, and a lousy sorta feeling made itself known in Benny’s gut. 
“Look," He sighed as he paused his dressing, letting his button-up hang down half-done. "I know, so far, in this outfit I been about as useful as a deck of cards with no aces, or a brahmin with no legs, but baby, all you done for me? The dream we share? Never found a bloke or broad I could relate to more, never found someone to take me as I am the way you have, even through all the muck and grumble I’ve put you through.” 
Benny approached his partner once he’d pulled his iconic suit jacket over his shoulders, and grasped either side of their arms in his hands, pulling them close to look them in the eye. 
“And while I don’t like to analogize myself with the slimy, no good Robert House, I too, am a businessman, whether I like it or not. Got the dress here to prove it, too.” He gestured with one hand down at this checkerboard suit jacket. “And if I owe somebody a debt, I aim to pay it forward, ya dig?” 
Six bit their lip, looking away from him briefly before one hand reached out to touch their chin, drawing their eyes back to meet his. 
“An’ I owe you diamonds and pearls for all you done on my account. But I ain’t got all that, all I can say is… believe me. Believe that I wanna help you, that I’m gonna. And believe that I believe in our dream. Our New Vegas.” 
His hand on Six’s chin rose to boop them on the nose affectionately, and despite their determined look, a smile escaped them, passing right through to Benny as he reflected their relief at his words. 
“Alright.” They sighed, for the umpteenth time this early morning. “I’ll believe you, baby.” They leaned forward, and Benny grinned into it as their lips met his in a chaste little kiss. 
“But for the record,” Six said as they pulled away, much too soon by his account, “You’re no businessman, Benny.”
“No?” He turned his head to them as he finished buttoning up his shirt, moving towards the bedside table as he did, where his Maria laid in waiting.  
“Nah, you’re a conman.” Six practically giggled, and Benny couldn’t find the words to argue. He could only take his gun in hand, and follow them out the door they both set off to change the fate of the Mojave.
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sleepingsongbird · 1 year
Alrighty so I’m finally getting around to writing some modern au One Piece fic so I figured I should probably share some background for it!
Everything is set in one giant city and I have put way too much thought into this
City is roughly split up between the “four emperors”
The Grand Line(NE-SW) is the main commercial street that runs through the center of the city where every large group has a front. It intersects Red Street(NW-SE) which divides the territories. The Hospital sits at the East corner of where the Grand line and red street intersect.
Big mom’s pastries
The Red Force bar - cocktail bar
Kids repair shop
The Amazon Lily - Boa Hancock’s strip club
Rayleigh is a legal consultant and the only piece of neutral territory on the grand line
Marinefold- the Town hall sits dead center of Red street
Lodge square - located in the center in front of city hall
Pacifista church - run by Kuma, large mega church
The Heart territory is a couple blocks in the East side that spans from Law’s apartment to the employee entrance of the hospital
All of the Hearts work either at the hospital or the Heart Club
Hearts are highly territorial despite being in Red Hairs area
The Hearts have tattoos but no markings on their medical uniforms
The large hospital where Law works is neutral territory and pretty much every doctor/surgeon there is affiliated with a group
The white coats of the doctors each have the symbol of their affiliated group embroidered with white thread. Each major group has at least one doctor that is deemed safe to go to
Kaido is a Yakuza group and Kin'emon’s group is the remnants of the Kozuki clan that are trying to retake the territory
East side is Red Hair
Baratie- restaurant Sanji works at and common meeting place of the Straw Hats
Water 7- Large mechanic shop, Franky uses one of the workshops there for personal projects and to repair their Van(The Sunny)
The Heart Club- A below ground nightclub owned by Law
Patty’s bar- Run by Makino and frequented by Shanks
Mihawk’s Dojo- Zoro frequently trains there
Elegia recordings - Run by Shanks and started to Publish his daughter’s music
Uta started as a streamer then starting doing live performances once her popularity grew, she is often out of the city on tour
She is a very active protester and has been arrested multiple times
Soul KIng - Music supply shop owned by brook
Brook who was a famous musician who faked his death and moved into town to avoid the publicity (still very recognizable)
The straw hats live friends style with 3 apartments on the same floor. They are the local menaces and are constant up in everyone’s business
North Side is Kaido
Onigashima- Formally called the Kozuki theater was taken over by Kaido and turned into a club. Run by Orochi but paid for by Kaido. The daughter of Oden works undercover as a dancer.
Oden restaurant - Named after the late boss of the Kozuki family is run by his friends and son, current front to the Kozuki Yakuza group
DonQuixote Inc. headquarters- Center of Doffy’s operations and front for the family
Dressrosa Casino - run by Doflamingo. Hosts fights at its arena. Formerly run by the Riku family, Viola Riku currently sits on the board.
Punk Labs- Caesar’s lab, Donquixote is their parent company. Was formally run by Vegapunk.
Cipher pol - Government intelligence. Has agents stationed in every region
-Local occult shop run by Hawkins. Perona works part time doing seances
West side is Big Mom
Germa 66 publishing company- a well known action comic publishing company owned and run by Sanji’s family
Thriller Bark - Haunted house run by Gecko Moria
Zoo - Run by a wildlife conservation group called Zou
Drum University Campus - known for its medical programs ​
South side is Whitebeard
Local Police station
Alabasta Gallery - an upscale art gallery. Formerly run by the Nefertari family has recently become a front for the Baroque Works gang run by Crocodile selling counterfeit art
The family heir Vivi is a curator trying to gain evidence to take down Crocodile and restore the Gallery to its former glory.
Museum - has previously bought works from the prestigious Alabasta gallery. Robin works as a curator and researcher there.
The yami - dive bar run by Blackbeard
The coast(East Coast)
Impel Down- High security prison located on an island off the coast
Enies Lobby- an old mansion island now used for major celebrity and political events
The big top - an amusement park and circus located on the boardwalk. Run by Buggy. Alvida runs the big top in his absence.
Buggy is the primary informant in the city and also works as a clown at the local hospital to cheer up the patients and gather information.
The Barto Club - a bar and exclusive club dedicated to the strawhats gang. Run by Bartolomeo. Invitation only.
The Polar Tang- Luxury Yacht that Is outfitted with a full medical infirmary owned by the Hearts
Cocoyasi orchards - citrus farm owned by Nami’s family run by Nojiko
Baltago Cafe - front for the revolutionary army, an anarchistic group opposing the government. Koala is their head barista. Militia operations run by Dragon. Sabo is a member.
Feel free to use this as inspiration or setting for any fanfic or art just tag me so I can check it out!
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Just Stuff About Wally's Voice Actor in my Story (I saw someone say they were starting to like them so I decided to write this)
I kinda dropped a bucket of paint on their head so here's my apology for their new concussion/other possible damage. Get well soon, Wally VA!
🎙️ If people haven't noticed, already, I have written it so that most characters are gender neutral and don't have names. That's because I like to give the reader as much imagination as they want when it comes to stories about pre-existing fandoms, plus characters like puppeteers, producers and such might be introduced into the cannon story. I figured it would make sense to keep them as kinda mysterious figures. So, everything in this post is just for my little story I have going on and how I imagine them. Two main things are that, in story, I am always going to try to keep them nameless and genderless, just because I feel that is the most interesting part of their mystery, but this post will be what I imagine when I write. If you want me to use this specific version of them, just let me know by referring to Wally's voice actor by the name I use in this post. OwO
🎙️ Some basic information is that Wally's voice actor is a man named Caesar Jones. He's in his late middle ages and has two kids. He has arthritis, although, the doctor's haven't figured out exactly what type it is, yet. His wife divorced and left the family on good terms, and they still keep in contact.
🎙️ He is very protective over Wally because they created him. He is scared that, once someone else is puppeteering Wally and (eventually) voicing him, the character of Wally will change and become unrecognizable to him. No one knows Wally better than his creator. At least, that's what Caesar thinks. It's actually the only reason why he doesn't like the reader in the story.
🎙️ He is a smoker, but makes sure to always go outside to smoke. Even when he is in an area that allows him to smoke inside, he goes outside. He has even gone outside in borderline blizzard conditions. Ever since he had his two kids, he makes sure to keep them safe. What started the habit of him going outside was when one of his kids started coughing from the smoke.
🎙️ He uses a wheelchair when at home. He doesn't need it all the time, but he uses it at home so he can give his knees and ankles a break after work. He bought it with his own money, as a "self-birthday-gift", AKA he bought himself a gift for his birthday. He also believes it will help slow down any joint damage he might have from his arthritis. A part of the reason for the contract the boss made between Caesar and the reader, the one that keeps them both updated on the other's health in emergencies, is that Caesar will stay home on days where his pain is especially bad. So, in those cases, he sometimes has the reader visit his house to rehearse for episode recordings.
🎙️ He doesn't know it, but he actually has a mixture of both arthritis and carpal tunnel in both wrists. He got diagnosed with arthritis and just assumes that the numbness and carpal tunnel symptoms are from the arthritis.
🎙️ Some aspects of himself have made it into Wally. For one, both Wally and Caesar have a deep desire to preserve the wonder and imagination of children. Caesar believes that wonder is what makes a person special, because it fuels the imagination. Nobody really imagines things the same way, right? Wally believes that, too.
🎙️ Caesar is interested in cults, especially religious ones. He, himself, is religious. He isn't extremely so, only really doing the bare minimum of his religion's practices, which is exactly why these cults intrigue him. He couldn't imagine bringing any of his beliefs to such a severe degree. The thought scares him. Wally, in a way, also has that trait. Except Wally is more like a little cultist, himself! With no knowledge on what a 'religion' is, though, he has unknowingly turned to you as the core of his belief. All of the obsessive, worshipping, and overall cult like behavior that Caesar researched about went straight into Wally.
🎙️ He is actually a very progressive person for his time. He doesn't care what gender or sexuality identify as, nor does he care about your racial background. As long as you respect him, he will respect you. If you interest him and he wants to get to know you better, he will approach and talk to you. It is all the same to him. People are people.
🎙️ He's a hard cookie to kill, so he probably survived that paint can. I always imagined that it hit the back of his head, which is where the part of the brain that controls sight is. He probably has some damage there, which can cause hallucinations.
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titaniumrock · 5 months
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Lore down below cut because it's really long :)
Fallout , Texas 2280. 119 years after Fallout 1.
(Before 2280) The state of Texas has been inhabited by regular wastelanders, two most important offshoots of the Masters surviving army lead by Attis, and brotherhood members that split from the main Brotherhood now called The Texas Brotherhood of Steel.
Texas brotherhood, with fear and wanting to prevent Attis army from making more Mutants to continue the Masters plan, engaged in Battles with Attis's army and managed to win making their army not much of a threat. Unfortunately the Brotherhood is also not much of a threat as well due to losses in the battle. The Texas wastlanders don't really care about both parties and we're mostly uninvolved in the conflict.
(During 2280)
The Brotherhood presence is limited and mostly keep to themselves over in a town they 'stole' called Alamo, San Antonio. The town itself is most untouched by the bombs aside from the Northside which was blasted into a crater. Despite that the town was then split into North, South, East, and West. The North has been converted into a place to toss waste, the Brotherhood has been given the East side, South is for residents to live, and the West is for trading. The brotherhood over there keep the city under control and are still trying to recruit and build up, they have yet to gain many members though.
Attis's army has dwindled into almost nothing, many members dead by the battle or time. They mostly reside in a town called Austin and work as the city's guard under a Super Mutant named Keat. With how close they are to Alamo it is a bit of a suprise that the Brotherhood haven't tried to murder them, but then again the city has a mutant plant problem and lacks electricity, they are currently trying to get the Texas Rangers to come help.
A place called Fort Worth was once the largest Brotherhood of Steel outpost in Texas but it was wiped out by The Jackals who would have tooken the fort had their leader not died. As such the place was then taken over by the Texas Rangers main leaders. The fort is now used to train members and they have refused to give it back to the Texas Brotherhood who doesn't have the fire power to even attempt to get it back anyways.
The Graveyard is a rather large town that was once a Airplane graveyard, the residents there have used the planes as shelter and have been in constant contact with Lone star who provides them food and protection despite the distance between the two.
Lone star is a large town that acts as Texas's Trading center, it was once called Abilene pre-war but has mostly lost that name. The town remains quite civil but doesn't mind dirty work thus making it a hotspot for anything. The town is broken up into two main sides, The Right side is for purchasing and selling usual goods like armour and weaponry as well as housing, while the Left is for unusual trading such as selling or purchasing animals, people, drugs, etc. This difference between sides is not exactly clear but it is mostly used to stop violence.
Vault 39 is located near Lone star and houses many plants mutated and not. It has been mostly under control and is used to provide the majority of the food for the town.
The town of Carbon is a small community of farmers that also provide food and are usually the ones to help deal with containing Vault 39.
Texas Rangers- They are the main group in Texas. They occupy Fort Worth, and Lone star primarily. They have been giving solders/Rangers over to the NCR due to the NCR stretching themselves very thin. They mostly keep their troops however due to the NCR not listening to Texas Rangers advice.
* They are technically enemies with Caesar's legion but have yet to encounter them at all despite how close Caesar's legion is to Texas. Though there is no saying that Scouts haven't been sent over.
* They also don't really care for the Texas Brotherhood who tried to place themselves as a super power.
* They are technically enemies to any 'outlaws' due to their goals.
-Texas Brotherhood of Steel- They are a minor faction in 2280 and don't focus on taking technology and instead are trying to rebuild. They mostly keep to themselves and don't interact with anyone really outside of Alamo.
Attis's army- The army has technically disbanded and remnants remain in Austin where they live and help protect the city while trying to deal with the infestation of mutated plants.
Main characters here-
Bunny- A 2 year old Texas Heeler stray that Joan found in a town called the Graveyard. Bunny was given her name by Joan and has been Joan's companion since.
Bunny is a very excited and happy pup, she is loyal to a fault and very cautious of those she doesn't know, and so long as they show here kindness she will be kind to them.
Marcus Connelly- A 39 year old man who grew up in a city called the Lone star. Having lived there he eventually took up a job of a Texas Ranger. A job title that had a few courses, 1. Protect the town, 2. Protect caravans, 3. Hunt outlaws, and 4. Recruit members.
He chose hunting down outlaws. During his time with the Rangers he eventually meets Joan who recently joined up with the Rangers. Meeting at Forth Worth for extra training, he observes their pre-inspection training (to see their combat ability and overall stats if you will), which they absolutely destroy, catching his attention. He then pulls some strings (he literally begs over and over again until the 'overseers' of the squads give in) to get partnered up with them and becomes the Companion of Joan for basically the rest of time due to Joan needing things to always be the same.
He has many personalty characteristics of a Rough collie, he is very affectionate to those he cares about, loyal, quite intelligent despite a lack of proper education, and he is quick to learn and adapt. He can however be very loud, clumsy, stubborn, swears like a sailor, and doesn't like to do things slow and careful he prefers to just get things done.
Joan- They have a very odd and sad backstory. Born in 2045 they lived in the Pre-war world which was falling apart. In 2063 at the age of 18 they were forced into joining the military to help themselves and their familie due to the slight perks members of the military get for their family.
In an unknown time they are then chosen for a secret part of the army that was trying to create 'super soldiers'. They are then called, Star Bird 07 (the 07 coming from the day of their birth), and thus lose their name and humanity.
This loss of humanity is soon removed when the Pre-war world as they knew it ceases to exist and they are introduced to the post-war, leaving their pod, grabbing their gear, leaving the bunker that weirdly lacked scientists, and escaping to the absolute freedom that Fallout can be. They then head back to Texas where they onced lived looking for familiarity that they so desperately needed.
Joan has many characteristics of a Black cat, they are highly intelligent, agile, graceful, loyal, prefers to do things carefully and slow, and are very adaptable. But they have been treated without humanity for so long that they don't get how to act properly, they get anxious often, are very violent at times, overly cautious, get attached to things easily, needs things to stay the same, and is hard to get to know due to some trust issues they have.
(They are 235 in 2280 the date they were set to be released).
Lore for Star Birds-
Star birds were essentially the prototype of Coursers. And Star birds were/are basically Pre-war super soldiers, and for all their suffering they were only used once in the Battle of Anchorage to test them out in a real battle, worst thing too is that they were barely used as well in that battle.
So all in all these soldiers were essentially experiments to see how far you could modify the human body while keeping them 'human'.
Their bones were reinforced with metal (the majority of them not all), eyesight enhanced, hearing enhanced, pain removed by adding an 'organ' to produce Med-X, Healing that is and can be extremely detrimental caused by another 'organ' that creates its own stimpak's, sense of scent enhanced, wires (from the Chinese stealth suit) implanted into their body to make them have the ability to become invisible, teeth enhanced to have a sharper and stronger bite, etc.
Then no matter if they are female or male they were sterilized, women getting a short end of the stick by having their entire uterus removed and having to have a supplement of estrogen placed into their body that has to be replaced every five years, while the guys only get a vasectomy.
Though despite how many enhancements were put into them they still could die, mutate, lose their minds making them feral, have organ failures, get infections etc. (The institute with their Coursers tried to remove those failures while using the Star birds as reference.)
There is also a bit of a class difference between the soldiers as well. The stars on their armour giving their rank.
- 1 ⭐, Star birds. They are the most perfect ones, being, easily manipulated to do what is asked of them, best results of the modifications, and have little to no 'defects'.
-2 ⭐⭐, Star birds. They are almost perfect, they are usually just missing that moldability that 1 ⭐ Star birds have or they have that and a 'defect' like hearing being broken, or eyesight being low. They often are left as 2 ⭐⭐s or fixed with harsher molding or fixing of the 'defects'.
-3 ⭐⭐⭐, Star birds. They are adequate but need more training and the enhancements didn't go too well. So they get fixed and have further molding (not all end up even moving up a rank).
Then there are the Decommissioned Star birds. They are the ones who died (from execution, or from 'natural' deaths), or those who are too far gone (mutations, mentality unstable, unruly, etc). They get branded with a 🚫⭐ on a very visible part of them and depending on of they are alive or not are used for more extreme experiments, or their body parts are used to enhance other Star Birds.
Then after they are tested in operation Anchorage and enhanced with the wires from the stealth suits they are then sent to a location in the Capitol a month before the bombs drop. During this month they are used to help build up the bunker they will be staying at for a long time.
When the bombs did drop however, a handful of the Star birds were outside the bunker and witnessed the end before having to go inside. They are then put into pods similar to Cyro pods (except that there is a wierd aloe vera like gel that surrounds them) and a timer is set that keep them locked until it runs out scientist being given the chore of watching over them to ensure no failures occur. The time is however set very far and not all/most of the Star birds have the same time of release.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 3 months
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To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day...
This is not exactly a first-time playthrough. But I am ripping through yet another of one of my all-time favorites. Because apparently Fallout: New Vegas became a staple of Millennial trans culture and at times I do live up to stereotypes. You should see how wide-eyed I get at opportunities to use heavy machinery around the greenhouse. At least my PoliSci degree is useful here, because everyone knows the most fun thing in video games is complex political scenarios!
Seriously, we have a fun action RPG here but if I wanted that I'd pick up Fallout 4. Which I quite like a lot in it's own right. But there's something about the charm of New Vegas. Sorta become a Christmas tradition to play it while cooking my parts of the big get-together meals. How can you not love this beautiful concoction of 50s sci-fi B movie and old Western? Cowboys & Aliens shouldn't be just one random forgotten movie it should be an entire subgenre complete with it's own Samurai & Aliens analogue. World is bullshit sometimes.
Giant fuckoffty Gatling laser chem fiend build this time because I have spurs that jingle jangle jangle and usually rely on the Big Iron on my hip. Never done Sneering Imperialist in Honest Hearts before and yeah we're doubling down on the evil with enthusiastically supporting my original and current decision to the big question it all builds to. Who should Courier Six tip the scales toward in the battle for Hoover Dam? (Which I can never take seriously due to how many times I saw Beavis & Butthead Do America as a kid.)
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House Always Wins bay-bay! And don't you dare sully the good name of this captain of industry by comparing him to Fuccboi Prime Elon Musk. Game gives you three factions and the choice to go it alone. The New California Republic, or the best candidate for the US government's successor on the West Coast. Caesar's Legion, a pack of Roman cosplayers complete with slavery and aggressive chauvinism while still being anti-drugs so like...wtf? Not a serious choice. If I have to endure a post-apocalyptic Mojave Desert I am going to make Hunter S Thompson look like Carrie Nation. You dorks managed to conquer Arizona, stop the fuckin presses (<3 you Piper).
Then you have Edwin House, an old CEO of a robotics Corp from before the great war on some kind of space-age life support for 200 years with a great big boner for Las Vegas. Yes, he's kinda a total douche but his goal is to mostly maintain Vegas as a city-state with his advanced robots. He's the one I lean towards because his resources at hand don't allow him to do much more than that and while he isn't perfect he seems content to operate through finding someone he can just pay. Doesn't seem too big on moralizing and honestly he's kinda funny. Like, recruiting tribes to fill out themed casinos is such a weird way of bringing "civilization" to the wasteland but...they did it willingly and it's been working pretty well. For all the shit Freeside gets even it's pretty stable by wasteland standards.
Obviously if you decide the main character Courier Six is a saint who'd never do wrong Wild Card where you do it yourself is the moral choice. But the kicker to me is that House and his agent sorta keep each other in check, especially if Courier Six has stuff like Big MT in their back pocket. House is ultimately doomed to fail because he only has so many of his big robots and his explicit goal is mostly about trying to get technological progress back on track. He can't really project power though. He's fine working with the NCR but they'll win in the very long game. Vegas staying a city-state that the Republic needs to sit down and stabilize if they want to oust is good for both sides and it'll get the Legion out. That's my view at least.
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renoxvated · 5 months
• Roy has a few different verses, his main verse takes place during the events of New Vegas, he is a House aligned courier and friend of The Kings, that helps the NCR on occasion. He isn’t friendly with the legion or the brotherhood.
Tag: thread ; badabing
• His second verse takes place after the events of New Vegas and Dead Money. He struggles with what his new life entails and the horrors he faced in the Sierra Madre. He has a Penthouse on the strip but often gets restless there.
Tag: thread ; dead on arrival
• His third verse takes place ten or so years after the last, give or take. He’s gotten older, slower and unbeknownst to him Mr. House sees that. The Mojave needs its protector, it’s Mojave Legend; regardless of if House likes to admit it and he needs his red right hand to do the jobs his robots can’t. These factors lead Roy towards Boston in search of something he’s told House wants, like the god dog he is, he barely questions it. Itching to get away from the strip and roam out, far into the Mojave and beyond. In reality what is waiting in store for The Courier lies in the institute. (aka the verse where Roy gets a synth body but won’t know it 🙃)
Tag:  thread ; into the unknown
• A few months after returning the the Mojave from Boston, Roy hears that things are less than stellar now back in New Vegas. After things with Shady Sands went FUBAR, the strips biggest customers are having to be moved around and the ones that are still around don't have the caps like they used to. Leading to more crime again in Freeside and the nearby areas. The Securitrons are spread more thin as a result and Roy is left to pick up the pieces of his home after being gone so long. (aka the verse that takes place after season one of the fallout prime show) Tag: thread ; back in the saddle again
• His modern verse is just him working as a mechanic who lives in a dingy little apartment. He owns an old dog that’s half dead (Rex) and he likes to watch old wrestling reruns and eat outdated cereal out of red solo cups because he never washes his dishes/doesn’t really own a lot. He has bare knuckled boxed before but after a bad arm injury he hasn’t in sometime.
Tag: thread ; so i'm back to the velvet underground
• In this verse Roy was captured by the Legion sometime after his mother died. He never became Courier Six, never saved the Mojave from itself. In this tale he simply became a legionary dog. If he was anyone else he might not have gotten to see another day alive, much less as a 'free' man, but he was who he was and in some ways his luck hadn't run out; he was too wild, too angry, like a rabid dog though and he was set to be put down and flayed out upon a cross. He was supposed to just be a slave, to be another cog in Caesar's machinations. Caesar had other ideas for the man who defied even the god-king, it would have been such a waste for a man like Roy to become a slave, after all the true focus of the Legion's ideology WAS survival and long term stability at all costs and what was Roy if not survival instincts themselves. So instead of putting him down like a dog-- he was offered to serve the god-king like one. He would be on a chain, abit-- a different, longer one. Roy wanted to fight it, to die with some dignity, but after everything? He'd lost so much, with nowhere else to run to he decided to make his dog bed and lie in it. (aka the bad verse where roy serves the legion) Tag: thread ; i saw god cry in the reflection of my enemies
• Due to Roy's Wild Wasteland perk he is no longer Courier Six, instead he's Courier Four; a man who should be dead because of a false package, "fuckin' fuzzy dice". After being shot in the head and left for dead, his luck seems to be what keeps him alive. He swears it was his brother who found him, but...he hasn't shown his face for years, he's got to be dead, right? He finds himself on a quest for answers instead of revenge that leads him down a path to what, or rather who he could have been in another life. (aka the verse where he can meet other couriers and is a companion there are two outcomes to this verse for what type of roy you get in the end, depending on how the courier six in question, would handle roy tracking down his brother-- who is actually the man who shot him working for the khans!) Tag: thread ; i took my love and i took it down
• Tag:
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zestymimblo · 11 months
hi i know you just followed me and stuff but like your wips sound really cool and i would love to hear more about them :D
Omg hi!!!! Thanks for the ask :] I'll provide a lil bit of worldbuilding goop
The Strings of Willis Manor
Willis Manor is an old estate. It sits on a large property, outside of the city Ghim (which is the capital of Mourshirian). It's secluded in a bay of forest. The back yard is almost entirely gardens. The paths loop around, end abruptly, and are generally maze-like. In the centre of the gardens is a large butterfly house. The manor is run by Mama (mistress of the household) and Father (owner of the business that funds this place). Despite the rest of the nation turning to automata and automatic inventions, Willis Manor still mainly relies on humanoid servants/workers.
Beneath Tattered Flesh
In this world, Magic is common. You either have Magic, or you don't. Those with Magic tend to be pushed into more creative fields, while those without tend to be pushed into more academic fields. Those without Magic are believed to have an above-average intelligence. Whether or not you have Magic is entirely genetic. You have to have at least one Magic biological parent. If you are born with Magic, you have one ability. For example, one of the main characters (Caesar Dampton) can lower the opacity and density of his body, so he can become invisible and essentially incorporeal.
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motsimages · 1 year
A conversation with my bf about that meme that apparently goes around in the US of "men think of the Roman Empire" made me realise that everyone in Europe thinks about the Roman Empire often by virtue of it being fucking everywhere.
If you are Mediterranean, you can barely scape it. You are going to work and suddenly there's traffic because they were repairing something but it turns out they found some Roman baths so now that road will be closed for months until they know what to do with those baths. You enter a bar to get some coffee and one of the previous owners of that house which is now the bar used some Roman columns as decoration for an entrance. The way the city center of this very small town looks like that because it still follows the Roman urban planning 2000 years later. You cross some small capital on your way to somewhere else and the main road is the original Roman road, rebuilt for centuries. Every summer, there is a theater festival in your town that takes place in the ancient Roman theater that is just there (not all the plays are Roman though, most of them are Greek). There is a drought, a dam empties, a whole Roman city appears in the middle of nowhere. You cross to Portugal through a 2000 year old bridge that the Romans first built. You are Italian and you live in a city called "Rome".
Like,... I don't think I choose to think about the Roman Empire but the Roman Empire sure makes its way into my brain more often than I want to acknowledge. Do I ever think about Julius Caesar? No. Do I think about Potito son of Vegeta, whose tomb is in the city museum of Cáceres? Weekly.
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britishchick09 · 2 years
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on my blog, you'll often see me posting about 'the rewrite'... but what is it exactly? find out below! ;)
the rewrite (or 'poto rewritten') is my version of 'phantom of the opera'! i came up with it in september 2021 as a way to have more eristine moments and a happy ending for erik, but it's blossomed into so much more! from weird coincidences to references galore, writing the rewrite has been a wild time! :D
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(get an equally wild peek at 'the opera ghost' here and buy it here!)
(and be sure to get the first short stories collection here!)
if you love these stories as much as i do, be sure to review them on amazon! ;D
first off, let's say hello to the characters:
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christine is shy and steadfast with a heart full of kindness, erik is an awkward yet witty stringbean with a love for music and raoul is a caring, optimistic lad with an affinity for the sea!
there are a ton of other poto characters in here like meg (she's in the group photo at the beginning of the post!), madame giry, nadir, ayesha, carlotta, piangi, sorelli and cecile (two ballerinas from the book) oroyeso (a mini series guy), carlous fonta (truly the most underrated poto character ever!), caesar the horse, madame valerius and of course good ol' daddy daae :)
the story mostly takes place in palais garnier (the lake isn't as magical as other adaptations make it but it's still pretty neat), but it goes far beyond the opera house! from bois de boulonge (book reference!) to the mazarine library and even the village of giverny, it explores the world of paris like never before! (and there's an eiffel tower cameo of course)
as you can already tell, there are quite a few references to other adaptations. the rewrite is a blend of various ones! poto soup if you will ;)
phans will certainly enjoy the rewrite since there are a ton of references to so many adaptations! from big bois like the book, musical, 1925 movie and susan kay's phantom to smaller ones like the mini series, the 1943/62 movies, love never dies and freddy phantom to tiny tales like ghost on the roof, angel's mask, phantom heart, and journey of the mask
some references are obvious like song lines from the musical (christine wanting to see the beauty underneath or whispering to her papa's grave, 'i wish you were somehow here again'), erik calling himself 'poor, unhappy erik' & raoul being on the naval borda ship like in the book, eristine having a picnic like in the mini series, erik having opera props on the wall like in ghost on the roof and masks from other adaptations being shown during the masquerade
others are super subtle like raoulstine reuniting on april 14th (the only thing i could pull from that lost 1916 movie das phantom der oper), walter plinge being a pseudonym from maskerade and cecile thinking the opera ghost is a canary (as 'the canary trainer'!)
and of course it wouldn't be a poto story without references to the creator, gaston leroux! manager armand is a fan of le gaulois (the paper that poto was originally published in), christina nilsson is name inspiration for christine (just like irl!), the maiden name of christine's mom is leroux (but they're not related probably) and-
...well let's just say there are a few neat cameos in store ;)
(see all of them here... but beware of spoilers!)
as you can see, the rewrite is a love letter to poto! and there are plenty of original ideas like the story taking place in 1888. want to see christine room with meg, explore paris with raoul or do adorable things with erik besides singing? the rewrite's got it all and more! ;D (it's a very eristine heavy story but there are plenty of raoulstine moments... and who she ends up with is another reason why i started the rewrite)
but the rewrite isn't just one story... just like with my original stories, i've planned out short stories and mysteries that take place after the main story ends. this is just the beginning! ;)
and what an amazing beginning it is ♥
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