#cafe concert
edgarmoser · 3 months
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du caf' conc' au musichall (série disques pathé) (du café-concert au musichall)
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travsd · 1 year
Born 150 Years Today: Mistinguett, Queen of the Music Hall
Born 150 years ago today, French chanteuse Mistinguett (Jeanne Florentine Bourgeois, 1873-1956). The daughter of Paris laborers, Mistinguett (originally Miss Tinguette) initially sang while selling flowers in restaurants. She took lessons in voice, acting and music, and never grew to be a great singer so she focused on having an entertaining (and sexy) personality. She debuted at the Casino de…
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charlies-a-ghost · 8 months
if you see this I’m taking you on a date to the planetarium then we’re going to a cat cafe and a library. best places on earth criticism isn’t taken
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hearts4golbach · 5 months
The Night Shift.
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Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
Chapter 30.
the day before the concert, tara and i spent hours putting together our perfect Falling in Reverse concert outfits. with the two of our closets combined, and with the help of Jake and Johnnies too, but they don't need to know that, we were finally content with what we were going in. clothes were scattered everywhere, but we'd worry about that later.
Tara decided on a mini skirt with 3 different belts that we had found in jakes closet, which she had stacked strategically. she took one of my blinged up hot pink crop tops that i hadn't worn since 8th grade and had that as her top. she threw a fur coat over the top of everything. she threw on her chunky black boots with spikes and a cute pair of leg warmers on to finish the look. she had been planning on the makeup she was going to do for months, but all it was was her usual makeup with pink eyeshadow and eyeliner stars on her cheek.
i ended up wearing [outfit of your choice] and paired it with [makeup of your choice].
johnnies outfit was jaw-dropping. he chose his black lace button up and obviously wore it halfway unbuttoned. he layered about 10 different necklaces and rings. he also decided on wearing a new pair of dark red skinny jeans with his usual black boots. he tied it all together with his leather jacket. for johnnies makeup, he smudged red lipstick under his eyes and streaked black eyeliner down his face.
jakes outfit was just as cunty as the rest of us; he wore a cropped black tank top paired with his favorite pair of flared jeans. he also chose his belt with bullets on it. he decided on not even bringing a jacket with his reason being "he has tattoos for a reason." he also wore platform shoes and an arrangement of bracelets, some i had never seen before. jake decided to wear no makeup to the concert.
tara slept over so it'd be easier for all of us to take the 4 hour drive early in the morning. we had decided to rent a hotel so we could all get fucked up during the concert and not have to worry about driving home when we could just call an uber. all of us were restless that night, but forced ourselves to sleep so we were really ready for the concert.
i woke up the next morning wrapped in johnnies arms, per usual. the alarm was reverberating in my ears as Johnnie was also starting to stir awake. he opened his eyes and squinted them to look at me, a small smile forming on his face. "mornin'." his groggy sleep voice greeted.
"good morning. you excited?" i asked, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. i climbed out of the bed and stretched, making a million different bones in my body crack at once. "we gotta hurry up and take our showers since everyone else needs to, too."
Johnnies eyes scanned over my body. he sighed and propped himself up on his elbow. "do you want to just take a shower together? it'd save time." he smirked, gently squeezing my hand before he began fidgeting with my fingers.
"i like that idea." i placed a gentle kiss on his lips before dragging him out of bed into the bathroom.
i started the shower, making sure it was nice and warm as Johnnie got undressed. i wasn't far behind him, getting undressed myself before stepping into the shower with him. the warm water on my back woke me up as much as it was relaxing. i watched as the water trickled down Johnnies body and seeped into his inked skin. he ran his moist hands down my body and grabbed the body wash. he squirted some into his hands and began to wash my body. he had nothing but admiration in his eyes as they trailed over every part of me. he made sure no part of me was unwashed before going to wash himself. i did the same for him, helping him wash every inch of his pale skin. he shampooed and conditioned my hair, and while i wash washing mine out, he cleaned his own. he kissed me softly, but passionately before turning off the shower and climbing out. he wrapped me up in a soft towel, as well as himself.
we made our way back to our bedroom to pack our 1 day trip bags quickly. i stole johnnies pair of chunky pajama pants to wear on the drive, as well as my Lana Del Rey tee that was beaten up and bruised from all of the use. i packed all of my makeup and my concert outfit. i didn't bother packing an outfit for the second day there since we were leaving and heading home as soon as we got checked out of the hotel. Johnnie packed pretty much the same thing as i did, the only difference being he did pack an outfit for the second day. he threw on a pair of black skinny jeans and a My Chemical Romance tee shirt to wear on the drive there.
there was a small knock on the door before tara's bright voice called out, "you guys up?" we both answered yeah at the same time. she opened the door and greeted me with a hug. "morning!" she greeted excitedly.
i hugged her back tight. "morning, Tar." i heard the shower start from down the hall. "damn, is Jake just now getting in?"
"yeah, it took me, like, 20 minutes to actually get him out of bed. he snoozed his alarm 3 times before i had to go in there and drag him out of bed myself." she sighed, sitting on the bed next to me.
Johnnie shut down his PC so it wasn't wasting electricity while we were away. "well, that's Jake for you."
tara rolled her eyes. "yeah, well, he needs his beauty sleep, anyway."
"did you get your bag fully packed?" i asked, tossing my bag over my shoulder.
"duh, i got everything ready." she smiled.
the three of us moved down to the living room, bringing our bags and everything else we needed with us. Johnnie sprawled himself out over the couch. i made my way into the kitchen and grabbed a bunch of water bottle and a few snacks for the road, putting them in one of my goat bags and setting it with the rest of our shit. Jake ended up joining me in the kitchen with a towel wrapped around his waist.
"okay, slut." i mumbled under my breath jokingly. i walked back out of the kitchen to join Johnnie on the couch.
"i know you are not talk to me, skank." he snapped his fingers and grabbed his zyns and decaf coffee off of the counter. he threw that shit in the microwave like it was nobody's business. he leaned against the counter and went on his phone.
i rolled my eyes, "is your bag even packed?"
"no," he answered nonchalantly before taking a selfie. i realized later on that he had posted it on his instagram story.
"that's wild that you're worried about your coffee right now, then." i laughed, "what if we're late to see Ronnie?" i over exaggerated.
he pursed his lips, "well, Ronnie can wait for my coffee." he smiled, taking a sip before heading up to his room.
tara had hopped in the shower immediately after jake did. she always took extremely long showers, but she made it quick today.
Jake made his way back downstairs with tara by his side less than 10 minutes later. with all of our bags and shit we needed on hand, we headed out the door.
Johnnie and I climbed into the back seat while jake and tara took the front. tara had music privileges for the first hour of the drive. her music taste was definitely different from mine, but I didn't mind it.
I leaned my head against johnnies shoulder and stared out of the front windshield, watching as all of the buildings and cars sped past. he wrapped his arm around my waist, his hand resting on my hip as he went on his phone to scroll through tiktok. my eyes flickered to his phone, watching as he reposted silly edits of himself, and of me and him, that fans had created.
Jake and tara had begun bickering about her lip smacking that annoyed jake ever so much. I felt johnnies shoulders jiggle, signaling that he was laughing. I quietly laughed along, aswell. they fought like a married couple, sometimes.
I could feel myself becoming drowsy as the car lulled me to sleep. my eyelids felt like bricks. it was way too early in the morning for this, especially when I was in and out of sleep all of last night. I gave in, letting my eyes fall shut as I slowly fell asleep on johnnies shoulder.
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I woke up about an hour and a half later. johnnie was now watching Netflix on his phone. tara was passed out in the front seat, and jake was next to her, gently bobbing his head to the slower song playing on the radio. johnnie had felt me stir awake and began to rub my hip gently.
johnnie cleared his throat, "was that a good nap?" he teased.
I stretched my back before placing my head back on his shoulder. "Actually, yeah. your shoulder is a great pillow." I placed a kiss on his cheek, nuzzling my head further into his neck. "we should stop and get breakfast somewhere."
"I second that." jake stuck up one finger before rubbing his tummy. "I could eat a horse pussy right now."
his weird comment made tara finally open her eyes, as she had been stirring for a while. "what a great sentence to wake up to, jake."
he patted her knee, "sorry, sweetie."
we pulled into the closest McDonald's and bought breakfast. jake ate with one hand as he continued to drive, nearly fisting the breakfast sandwiches he had gotten. Jake and I both got coffees and the same breakfast sandwiches, a mcgrittle. we were practically twins at that point. I smiled at johnnie as he happily munched on his breakfast next to me. he smiled back.
by the time we were all done with our breakfast, we were about an hour out from the hotel. jake and tara switched seats since she offered to drive the rest of the way.
the rest of the drive was silent except for the soft music on the radio. I could tell we were all pretty tired from the long drive, and we'd all probably need a nap whenever we got to the hotel. to be fair, the coffee did wake up me and jake, though. honestly, nothing slaps like a good McDonald's coffee with extra creamer this early in the morning.
we had finally made it even earlier than we expected. I climbed out of the car and stretched, cracking my back before grabbing my things out of the car. Jake got the key card for the hotel while we unpacked the car, although there wasn't much to unpack. we brought all of our bags inside and made out way up to the hotel room.
the room was extremely nice. there were two beds, a large window with a beautiful overview of the city, and the usual hotel room accommodations.
I threw myself onto the bed I was claiming for Johnnie and i. I watched as jake filled the mini fridge with water bottles. we all took our concert outfits out of our bags so they wouldn't get wrinkled from staying cramped up for too much longer.
Jake and I ordered lunch from the hotel, although it was a pretty late lunch. the three of us started on our makeup, which influenced jake to actually do his own. he ended up smudging eyeliner in his waterline before calling it a day.
none of us changed into our outfits. we all sat on our respective beds and ate our lunch-dinner while watching some random ghost hunting show on the channel that was already on whenever I had turned on the TV.
before taking another bite, I spoke up. "are we going to leave as soon as we're ready so we don't have to wait in a long ass line to get inside?"
Jake gulped down what he was chewing. "That's what I was thinking, yeah." Tara and Johnnie agreed with him. 
after finishing our food 10 minutes later, we all got changed. I smoothed out my outfit in the mirror.
Johnnie came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "you look great, baby." he smiled, planting a kiss on my cheek.
"thank you," I turned around, hooking my arms behind his neck and kissing his lips softly.
Tara's chunky shoes clumped down the hallway as we made our way to the elevator. "over here sounding like a fucking elephant, damn." jake teased her, gently shoving her shoulder.
she shoved him back harder. "shut up, they're cute!"
Johnnie gripped my hand, interlocking his fingers with mine. I scanned his whole body, admiring how good he looked in his outfit. fuck, he looked hot. I smirked slightly before turning away. a blush was painted across his face as he smiled.
Jake called the Uber as we waited out front of the hotel.
"why did you just now call it? why couldn't you have called the Uber when we were getting ready, it would've been here by now." I scolded, not actually caring, just wanting to complain and annoy jake.
"because I didn't know how long it'd take you ladies to get ready. don't act like I haven't heard the conspiracy theories about girls taking forever to get ready."
"conspiracy theories?" I repeated, "conspiracy theories is wild."
"well, they seem to be true." he crossed his arms, popping his hip out to the side.
"like you don't take 2 hours in the bathroom every morning playing with your hair." I retorted, looking around to see if the Uber was close.
"okay, well, that's different." he rolled his eyes.
"mhm, right."
the Uber arrived eventually. we all piled in the back, pretty much sitting on top of eachother. we were all buzzing with excitement, and we weren't even buzzed yet.
"I think my first goal when we get there is to get a drink," I admitted with a sly smile plastered across my face.
"I second that." Tara was fixing her makeup in her phone camera.
"me too." jake and Johnnie responded in the same tone at the same time.
the 20 minute drive to the stadium felt like a 20 year drive, but I knew that was just the excitement and eagerness getting to me.
whenever we arrived, it took us 30 minutes to get inside, which was much better than it could've been.
we wandered around the stadium, looking for a good bar that had been set up. we ran into 3 before finding one with a good menu compared to the other ones.
we hurriedly ordered our drinks and made our way to our 'seats,' although none of us would be sitting during the actual concert.
we were an hour and a half early, or at least an hour and a half early for the openers. I had high hopes for the concert, I mean, it was a rock, emo, whatever you wanna call it, concert after all.
I sat back in my seat, propping my feet up as I sipped on my drink. to say it was strong would be an understatement, even though I was far from a lightweight.
"wanna try a sip of mine?" johnnie offered, handing me his clear plastic cup.
I gratefully accepted, handing him mine in return. I hummed at the taste of his, "I think I like yours more."
"honestly, me too." he laughed. we ended up trading drinks.
tara took a video of the four of us. "holy shit, falling in reverse!" she screamed over the hundreds of other people in the stadium that were most likely saying the same shit. she ended up posting it on her story.
the openers came on with a bang. smoke covered the stage before a much smaller artist, I wasn't sure of the name, strutted onto the stage.
the crowd cheered, but not as loud as I knew it'd be whenever Ronnie came on.
the small band played 6 different songs, and they were all surprisingly good. they were more of a nu metal band compared to Falling in Reverse. I mean, I wasn't complaining.
the four of us spent majority of that time taking pictures for our Instagrams. I mean, obviously. what else would you expect?
Jake and I were on drink duty. we sped back to the pop up stand and ordered everyone the same drinks they had had before, except me and johnnies were flipped.
we made it back just in time for the openers last song. it was a bug finale, to say the least. the LED screen behind them flashed before everything went dark. the crowd roared with excitement.
we were left in the dark suspensully. i was practically shaking with excitement as i heard the low murmurs of the crowd. the LED screen turned to a dark red moments later.
finally, Ronnie walked out onto the stage with the rest of the band members following. everyone cheered and shouted as they came out on stage. johnnie and jake seemed over the moon with excitement. but, so were me and tara.
Ronnie greeted the crowd, earning a screaming mess of greetings back. he laughed before getting into the very first song.
of course, he had to open with one of his most popular songs, 'The Drug in Me is You.' I knew this song like the back of my hand, just like every other song by him.
I gripped johnnies hands, shaking him as I screamed the lyrics in his face. I was as dramatic as I could possibly get, and he returned the same energy.
Johnnie took out his phone and recorded a snippet of the first song before flipping the camera to us and pulling me in, kissing me on the lips before ending the recording. I knew his fans would eat that shit up whenever he posted it.
we went just as hard for the next few songs before another one of my favorites came on, 'Get Me Out.' I practically screeched whenever I heard the first few words of the song.
to say everyone's hair was a mess at this point in the concert would be an understatement. Me, Johnnie, jake, and tara were sweaty and dirty, but that didn't stop us in any way.
Johnnie gripped my waist tightly as we screamed the lyrics out into the crowd and towards eachother, our energy never fading.
there was a short intermission, which gave me and jake just enough time to run and grab more drinks. to be fair, all of us were pretty drunk at this point in the concert, but who was there to tell us no?
we scrambled back to our seats as we heard the drum rhythm for 'I'm not a Vampire' begin.
I could see johnnie singing the lyrics as he watched the performance on stage. since we were still a bit of a walk away, I took a picture. seeing him in the stadium lighting was heavenly, and he seemed so into the music, it just made for the perfect picture of him. I planned to set it as my lock screen as soon as we got back to the hotel.
there was not much different about the last few songs, except for the fact that I was exhausted and out of breath. I had a feeling I wouldn't have a voice in the morning, either.
as the last chord of the song rang throughout the stadium, Johnnie gripped my waist and kissed me passionately. I reciprocated, kissing him back with the same intensity. he pulled away, his eyes sparkling. "I love you."
my lower lip quivered as I couldn't help but smile. "I love you, too."
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the-lavender-cafe · 6 months
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come rest your bones next to me, and toss all your thoughts to the sea…
one of the first times i’ve done a detailed background like this!! super proud of how it came out :3
close ups!
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puuta-heinaa · 6 months
Joker Out, Paris (Café de la danse) 22.3.2024
I arrived at the venue around 14ish, and was third to last in the EE queue. However queueing is part of the party! I exchanged sooo many bracelets and met amazing people, some of which I just met that day, some I knew from Discord or tumblr or earlier gigs, couldn't have been happier. Got selfies with Bojan and Jan?? Hug from Bojan??? HELLO. That would never happen in Finland. I described his hug as jämäkkä and turvallinen, which roughly translates to sturdy and safe.
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Some of the bracelets I made for the concert!
Met someone in the queue who had hawk's eyes and who encouraged me to go and ask for a selfie with Jan, and later on she spotted Bojan on the street 100 m before everyone else did. I had a chance to give Bojan 3 2 ananaslonkero -bracelet that I'd made, with a tiny drink charm. If the main joke in fandoms is that a hug from your blorbo would cure you? well it's true. Getting a hug from Bojan removed some stiffness between my shoulder blades that I didn't even know was there. It was literally easier to breathe after the encounter. I also kept vigorously shaking for 3-5 minutes afterwards, so much that some people asked if I'm ok. Just released years worth of trauma ig. Also LOTS of happy hand stims throughout the day, my autism was showing lol.
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Jan was outdoors SMOKING!!! And Bojan had charmingly dirty hair! He was taller than I had thought.
ANYways the gig !! I ended up on Jance side, which was nice as I was on Kris' side in Helsinki. Whole stage was about as wide as K-18 section at Kultsa, and I think they suit better on smaller stages.
We got Vem da Gres and Gola in soundcheck! I was wearing Vem da gres -bracelet that I got in Helsinki a few weeks ago and thought about that person for a few seconds!
Gola was ok. Bojan got disney mickey ears, and he was wearing my 3 2 ananaslonkero bracelet. Bojan also got a maca plushie that he was NOT scared of, he even made it fly.
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Kris left the stage as soon as the last notes of Gola were over, other boys stayed jamming in accelerating speed for couple of more minutes. I showed them my UM sign that only read "I want to sing UMAZAN" at that point. :')
20h02 was ok, didn't connect with their music at all though. JC Stewart seemed a bit sick, but sounded good nevertheless. Finished my sign.
They started with Katrina and Bele Sanje, and people were singing even guitar riffs along. Dopamin hit like dopamine followed by Ne bi smel, Nace was staring at me several times during those songs.
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Liinu's superb edit of staring sc Nace and struggling Kris and Arcti's edit about Jan's forgotten library books made my day
People were already singing along to Sta bih ja, and Bojan was sooo happy (and sweaty. We were all very sweaty, the concert hall was ridiculously warm.). Kris disappeared for a moment in the beginning of Sta bih ja, and Bojan looked like a lost puppy (wait, where is kris?? about 5-10 seconds into sta bih ja). Bojan said Kris didn't like how Jan played the riff and that's why he left the stage :P. Jan flipped a bird to him.
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Decibels raised by about 20 when they played Ona and Demoni. Turns out they might be the easiest to sing along for absolutely everyone, not just for people who speak Finnish. Bojan looked me directly into eyes during second verse of Demoni for several seconds, and I felt so seen (in a good way). EE was definitely worth its price.
In Helsinki I felt like the setlist was over before it even started, but in Paris it felt more like we were really dancing and playing until the stars fade. I think it had something to do with how much they interacted with each other and with the public during each song. In Helsinki they seemed like they had forgotten how to be on stage, and there was just TOO MUCH SPACE, whereas Paris had Nordic Tour energy.
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They all moved a LOT on stage!! Kris was on jance side several times! Nace had a mating dance thingy going on with Kris at least twice, Jan once. Jan interacted with the public on Kris's side a few times. Bojan almost run into Kris at one point - no wonder he caressed Kris's arm to let him know he's there before grapping his hips?? and dancing behind him??? during Behind those eyes. It's cafe de la danse after all.
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Def thinking "THIS is how we'll trend on tumblr tonight" right after the famous dance
Everybody's waiting and soooooo many people raised hands when Bojan asked in his spiel before the song if anyone here suffers from panic or anxiety attacks, and I think it made everyone feel less alone. He sang I'm the problem it's me -line to make things a bit lighter before proceeding to the song.
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We got Omamljeno Telo and I felt SOOOO HAPPY (but also sad for Moonu) but also SOOOO HAPPY it was on the setlist, I think I screamed VITTU JES on top of my lungs (manifesting it for Ruisrock huh). Famous water spray on Jan during OT, and it shows I've grown old, because instead of "yeeeess I want Bojan's spit on me" I went "rat disease, why am I not wearing a mask".
Everyone sang along during CD, not in French though even if there was a fanproject French translation published a whole 28 hours before(....). Plastika hit like a hammer once again, but I think I was already waiting and stressing for UM, so I didn't mosh for example. Which, good idea, because my neck was soooo sore after Helsinki.
Bojan announced the karaoke song, and asked which versions we have today. He saw my sign, asked "Slovenian version?", to which I "said" (from 4th row on Jan+Nace side) Finnish version, and he heard it and corrected himself and said perfect. I was not afraid at all even if I knew I'm probs going to sing in front of about 500 people in 5ish minutes???? How??? I'm usually a ball of anxiety but here I was just proud and excited to sing my version of it.
I loved the Bretogne/French version (I've still no idea what were the words, but it rhymed super well and she sang well, but that was def NOT paris region French), cringed at some of the "translations" because they did not fit the lines and did not rhyme, sang along to Slovenian versions in Finnish, felt bad for one of them as the karaoke singer started at the wrong moment and Bojan spent most of their special moment trying to orchestrate the band.
When Bojan approached with "I think we still have a Slovenian version, OH NO, A FINNISH VERSION" I chortled, and felt the last bits of nervousness disappear. (Cue "some boat, titanic, oh no".) I had my ACTUALLY finger pointing moment, which, on point with my personality, telling him it's a hybrid version. I don't know what he meant with SUOMI SAA, but it was NOT full-on Suomi SAATANA, that much is certain. I quite like the idea/interpretation he was making a pun with SAA(tan)Are you ready? But who knows. Sad about missed chance to answer "ArE YoU???" now that I think about it, but at least I wasn't the only one who failed the moment :') . Speaking of cursewords though, a histronic youngster next to me did shout vittu though! I loved my spot but she was super annoying throughout the evening.
The Finnish version is in the beginning of this one, and the Arabic version right after Finnish version is AMAZING. The French version is on the first part, as well as Bojan going "uuu Finnish version? perfect".
Started in Slovene, which made him have a Ok?? face, but when I switched to my own Finnish version that rhymes with the Slovene version, he raised his brows and seemed so impressed that I just nodded to him, sending telepath(et)ic messages that yes, our languages match and rhyme, about time you collaborate with Jere. I think he remembered I asked for a hug in the afternoon, because he did not hug everyone during karaoke. Afternoon hug was better btw.
I love his little surprised smile right when I finish the first Finnish line on this one
I usually think quite a lot about how other people perceive me, but now I didn't give a single fuck, just enjoyed being the main character for 20 seconds, having this interaction with my blorbo. Forever grateful for the 4 different angles I received from friends I made in the queue, and 1 from a random guy who asked me after the concert if I'd like to receive a video he took of me singing. Even Vita was filming the whole thing with her big light + camera + phone ensemble. I often sing in my car, and even IMAGINING i'm singing karaoke makes my voice suddenly tiny and weak and compressed, so I'm overflowingly glad it went this well, you have no idea even if I've just bragged about it for 4 paragraphs.
I later realised I was the only one who didn't hold the mic themself, this is a clear example how I objectify the boys, seeing Bojan just as a mic stand.🫣😵‍💫
I got fluent Kiitos from Bojan, that guy needs to move to Finland he speaks Finnish so well. Also LMAO I forgot to sniff him in the afternoon, now I'm praying the snifff I took after karaoke wasn't too evident and doesn't show on Vita's video……….. Jere is wrong, Bojan does not smell like shit, but there were no parfume smell either? He just smells like nothing in a pleasant, pheromone rich way lol.
my translation: Sanje so tvojega okusa Aamuihin taas tuoksusi Neula ei haarukassa Sieluni on hukassa Etsimässä tietään luoksesi
I haven't figured how to translate the first line. I've been playing with "Makus' on tarrannut uniini", but it does not rhyme with the og well enough. Otherwise super proud of my version. Neula and haarukka are parts of compass, basically saying the compass is layed on the map the wrong way. 🧭
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This is how small the place was??? I was in 3/4th row, and the hat guy in the right corner was right behind me during the concert so the club truly was tiny.
Apparently bubbles were not allowed on stage in Cafe de la danse? But some people had brought their own so we had bubbles anyway.
Jure exchanged his drumstick to a breadstick. I laughed because a) it was a clever pun and b) such a stereotypically French thing to bring a BAGUETTE wrapped in a napkin to a concert. Also no wonder boys are always sick, I don't even want to know how many people touched that bread before it was on stage.
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Life is pain (in mouths)
We waited for the boys after the concert outside the venue in the rain, and they walked past quite quickly. Bojan stayed for 30 seconds to take a group selfie. <3
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Honestly so happy I traveled there and met amazing people and surpassed myself on so many levels.
I feel like 2004 again, because that's when I last made a post this long on livejournal and also when I last was this hyped about a group.
I loved band's AMAZING OUTFITS in Café de la danse, everyone had some idrija lace on them, and I'm afraid my next special interest will be bobbin lace.
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kuuchuuburanko · 9 months
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takuya being teased by two lesbian baddies and weird childhood friend #2
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melodic-haze · 2 months
Sometimes I think about this one Starbucks worker I came across that drew a heart on my cup while she gave all my friends a smiley face. And gave ME a smile when I looked at her
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Like this was the. Was she. Was she hitting on me what. What
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tuituipupu · 2 months
have to go bowling with work let’s see how long until i end up on tumblr in the corner
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de-sir-ee · 1 year
“In the ocean, washing off my name from your throat”
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hotcinnamonsunset · 5 months
$20 small venue concert tickets are the reason i keep on carrying on actually
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edgarmoser · 3 months
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du caf' conc' au musichall, série disques pathé (du café-concert au musichall)
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dragonji · 2 months
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bday spoils ft. fitcheck
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msdk-00 · 5 months
online friend wanted to visit newfoundland anyways apparently and then we coordinated so we could hang out when i'm gone into st. john's for a trip but i told him im going to concert and now he's like I'll join you. and i was like umm im going with my friends for the concert! they have tickets already:) and he's like what concert is it, ill search it up!:) and im like. yeah we have talked a bit and also played stardew together but respectfully i am Not hanging out with you alongside my long time close friends for a concert. i would understand if we were closer but like we started talking only a few months ago and aren't that close at all... reddit AITA for not wanting him to go to concert with me
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dyscomancer · 2 years
Some great shots @marshmallomilk took at the TWRP show in Houston last night!
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Bonus: Dr. Sung pog
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onboardsorasora · 7 months
Maxiel Masterlist 2
So it seems like I've hit the link limit on my maxiel masterpost. So I guess this is the start of Maxiel Masterpost 2 lmao
My Dewis and OT3 stories are on Masterlist 2
My Ao3: Quesorasora
Here are ALLLL my current Maxiel stories :) Part 2!
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Dentist Drabble
Grey Pube Drabble - which is now on AO3 as well- Old Man Balls
Alpha!Dan Drabble
Soul Meets Body also on AO3
Something Something Drabble
Neighbor AU Tag
Max Time Travel Drabble
Girl!Dan Part 3
Boy Band Drabble
Hockey AU Drabble
Fireman Daniel AU Drabble
Young Max DM-ing Daniel
Hanahaki Idea Drabble
Newscaster AU Drabble
5+1 Fic Ideas Tag
Monaco Fix It Drabble
Daniel Next Win Drabble
Tennis AU Cont.
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Part 1 | Part 30 | Part 31 | Part 32 | Part 33 | Part 34 | Part 35 | Part 36 | Part
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On AO3
De-Aged Daniel | De-Aged Daniel Pt2 | De-Aged Daniel Pt3 | De-Aged Daniel Pt 4 | De- Aged Daniel Pt 5 | De-Aged Daniel Part 6 | De-Aged Daniel Part 7 | De-Aged Daniel Part 8 | De-Aged Daniel Part 9 | De-Aged Daniel Part 10 | De-Aged Daniel Part 11 | De-Aged Daniel Part 12 | De-Aged Daniel Part 13 | De-Aged Daniel Part 14 | De-Aged Daniel Part 15 |
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“Is there anyone who has any reason why these two should not be married?” The officiant asked the hushed crowd. Everyone glanced around with identical smiles, but no one moved– as expected.
What was not expected was the doors to the church to open and a very pregnant woman walking up the aisle quickly.
maxiel; miscommunication, misunderstanding, angst, getting back together
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Max felt like the words were bouncing around the hollow walls of his brain as everything shut down. 'You like it?'
Not an excuse about performance wear, nothing about heart rate monitors or even jokes about whether his good looks could pull it off. No. Daniel had asked if he liked it.
Of course he liked it, he loved it and he didn’t even know what it looked like.
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Written for the @thattropeyouhate fest :)))
Trope: Animal Transformation/Shifter
Daniel brought an arm to his face, hoping to see the familiar rose of his tattoo. He was distraught to see a fur covered paw instead. Well shit. He hadn’t shifted in years, not since he signed for Red Bull. And it had been going fine, too. He hadn’t shifted this entire time and he’d honestly forgotten how to.
So this was a tad inconvenient.
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Follow Your Nose
The scarring of a mating bite was a point of pride for omegas. Because a True Mating Bond looked like a birthmark, a tattoo that proclaimed them as bonded to their soulmate. A True Mating can only happen with compatible pairs, and bonds that weren't True scarred silvery like old wounds. It wasn't uncommon to see an omega with a scarred bond or two.
Max was a great alpha, a great friend. Daniel was a poor omega with a neck full of scars like a diary of failed relationships
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welcome to whiskers
In the small village just outside the city, there is a popular cafe on main street. There really wasn’t anything that special about it– the coffee was soso, the tea was pretty ok. The staff were close and it felt like a family. Oh and there were cats.
Max works at a cat cafe. Daniel is his manager and in love with him.
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Sponsor Max
Everything in Formula 1 came with a price tag and sponsors dropped unserious amounts of money in their sport for the prestige of it all. In all of his years, Peter had never once seen a blank cheque. Until now. 
The memo section simply said for Daniel.
Tags: Power Imbalance, Extremely Dubious Consent. Gratuitous Smut, Topping from the Bottom, Max is Toxic and Possessive, Daniel Doesn't Have A Choice, Sexual Coercion, Explicit Sexual Content
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Prince Max
“Yeah I have a ticket and everything. I promise I'm not stalking you– what are you stalkable Maxy?” Daniel waggled his eyebrows before turning to pick up his tote bag from the sand, completely missing Max’s reaction.
Or: Max is the Crown Prince of the Netherlands, Daniel has no idea.
Tags: Fake Dating, Mutual Pining, Idiots in love, Getting Back Together, crack treated seriously
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you make my heart beat like the rain - ao3
rainy maxiel meet cute at a concert - tumblr
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Enchanted AU
Enchanted AU - Disney Princess Dan 1 | Part 35 | Part 36
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Homecoming: A Winter Soldier AU
“Hydra have been active recently.” And that got Max's attention. “We've been tracking their movements and we fear they’re attempting to activate the Winter Soldier.” As Nico spoke a few faces scrolled past the screen; current, known directors in the Hydra organization– senators, city councilmen, business owners. The slideshow ended with a photo of a man with short wiry curls and the second half of his face obscured. He was mostly turned away from the camera but Max would recognize his profile anywhere.
“Daniel.” Max breathed.
tags: Action, Alternate Universe, Coffee Shop AU …ish, Blood and Violence, Getting Back Together, Daniel has PTSD, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending
written for MaxielFest2024
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