#cags series
buscandoelparaiso · 3 months
Sono proprio l'anticalcio...
riflettevo guardandoli su come devono stare sti tifosi inglesi che vengono a vedere sta tristezza e vedono tutte le altre nazionali che loro considerano sfigate/mediocri/scarse fare meglio di loro con avversari anche più forti, tifoserie tranquille serene e felici che gioiscono del bel calcio che vedono, dei golazos, cantano per strada e si divertono. dev'essere davvero brutto asuihfdsig cosa più grave è che questi si credono di aver inventato il calcio quando meriterebbero di uscire ai gironi e non tornare mai più
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nonsaremodellestar · 1 year
Note positive:
-i tre punti
-Fik che continua a fare bene
-bravo Ruben a farsi mezza gara con il giallo sul groppone, temevo un rosso stupido
Note negative:
-non si può soffrire a ogni attacco del Cagliari anche sul 3-1
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Perché mettere Bari Cagliari e Spezia Verona lo stesso giorno alla stessa ora?
Sono due partite decisive per i due più importanti campionati italiani
Sarebbe stato meglio giocarle in orari diversi o direttamente in giornate diverse
Tra le due penso che al massimo guarderò Spezia Verona ma spero tanto che vinca il Cagliari
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gossamer-witch · 3 months
I'm not normal about this series.
So, me and my best friend just finished our watch of Symphogear (her first time, my second time through the whole series) and I have come to the conclusion that I just can't be normal about it. I got into the series right before XV came out and that was still a few years before I transitioned, and after a rewatch and having transitioned, I know why this show resonated with me back then. It, like me, is HELLA gay.
I knew it was gay to start, I'll be honest with that, but after being a part of the queer community, I see just how gay this show actually is. Between Miku's near constant pining for Hibiki, Tsubasa having such autistic rizz that she pulls in two (arguably three) women over the course of the show, EVERYTHING regarding Kirika and Shirabe, and a hell of a lot more than I can put into succinct words. I'm amazed that throughout five seasons they managed to keep the show queer.
I guess in a way it was one of the final things that really cracked my egg, and for that I'm really thankful. Cag probably did the most given that she outright has a scene in the specials that is what a lot of trans women say and truly see in themselves (minus a couple hundred years) I think it was the first real time I was starting to identify with characters in a series, and after this rewatch, characters I passed over are the ones I truly relate to the most.
I usually just lurk and look at random images, but I felt I needed to get this out in some form. Yell into the void that this show, and soon to be movie, is something that is important to me. Who knows, maybe someone will come across this and give the show a try and it helps them in a similar way that it helped me. And if you do decide to watch it, all I can say is, "Enjoy!"
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crim50n-r8er · 1 month
Back at it again with part 2 of the swaps found in my Blockbuster AU
Let’s go! Swaps under the cut for the viewing pleasure of those who don’t care
Shadow 🔁 Imperator Ix
Shadow: He behaves more like he does in SA2, Heroes, and 06 but more in an antagonistic role. He will be seen as the same as this version of the Nocturnus found the means of immortality through genetic alteration to the point of giving themselves longer lifespans, Shadow having what people would call immortality. He’s also the leader of the cult known as “The Brotherhood of Black Arms,” BBA for short, seeing Devil Doom as a divine being and seeks to bring its “glory” to their universe by merging the Twilight Cage with it. Keeps VA
Ix: He is now the immortal ultimate life form. His antagonistic side in the SA2 adaptation is similar to what he was like in Chronicles, just no insanity. He also is not as cunning, manipulative, or as good with persuasion as canon due to not having much wisdom by only being around 50 years old, with most of it in a comatose state. Not sure how he would act after redemption. I just know that I don’t want him to be an edgelord. He will not only be created by using Argus DNA but with chaos drives (Shadow’s original creation origin before Shadow 05) VA will be Jason Douglas
Silver 🔁 Shade
Shade: She is basically the same, but she can’t rely on technology to fight due to her world being in ruin by Dark Gaia 200 years in the future. So instead, she uses her stealth to get around Crisis City with Rouge providing cover if needed. She would soon get some tech of her own from stealing from Tails’s stuff in the present to finally fight along with the crew. VA will be Kimberly Brooks
Silver: With being the most notorious physic in the army of the BBA, he gets great acknowledgment for his efforts, even from Shadow himself. He is still skeptical about if merging the Twilight Cage with their universe is a good idea or not. He soon awakens to knowing for a fact that it isn’t due to being deceived for so long and immediately joins the side of good. Keeps VA
Cream role = Marine
Charmy role = Cream
Marine Role = Charmy bee
Think of Marine as a found family little sister of sorts for Vector who he protects with his life. She still behaves the same though, just no pirate stuff. VA is Kayli Mills
Cream, like her mother, is a member of the CAG along with her mother and Mighty. Best not to separate mother from daughter, right?
Due to not having any knowledge about Sonic Rush Adventure, I sadly will have to leave Charmy’s bio blank. I do know that he would be a pilot instead of a sailor.
Wisps 🔁 Chao
The Wisps would not have their variants who have different powers, just their appearaces, like Null Wisps filling the role of a Dark Chao
Chao variants will have the color powers such as Dark Chao giving us that demonic hungry hungry hippo lol.
Argus role = Devil Doom
I want Shadow to still have some relation to the Black Arms Remove VA
Black Arms role = Argus
Think of this as an alien species inspired by Argus from Sobic Chronicles and the 100-eyed giant of the same name from Greek Mythology
The E-Series role 🔁 The Gizoid
Emerl 🔁 E102 Gamma
Obviously the self-sacrificing robots have to swap. Gamma keeps his VA while Emerl’s will be Zach Aguilar
Gemerl 🔁 E123 Omega
Pretty similar, so I’d say it’s okay to swap Omega keeps his VA while Gemerl’s will be Johnny Yong Bosch
E101 Beta 🔁 Perfect Charib
These two are pretty similar to one another, so I’d say it’s a good swap. Beta: Keeps VA, Charib: remains undecided
E100 Alpha / Zero 🔁 Perfect Scylla
Scylla: He would chase after Tikal as she tries to save some animals from deforestation and due to her knowing to much of Noahs future plans. With him being so unhinged, I think it really works out well. VA remains undecided
Zero: I see it best to not separate Zero from the rest of the E-series. Keeps VA (if he has one, of course)
Rouge 🔁 Blaze
As the queen of the newly renamed “Unbra Dimension,” Rouge is the protector of the newly renamed “Umbra Emeralds.” Be careful, though. Rouge is very protective and possessive of these gemstones, and she will keep you away from them with her control over shadows (umbralkinises)
Blaze is now a Gem collector, but think of her more as the Indiana Jones type. Keeps VA
Illumina role = Solaris
Solaris Role = Gaia
Gaia Duo role = Lumina and Void (Components of Illumina)
Mephilis takes Void’s role, and since never takes his form based on Shadow, he will take form of the person he talks to. If multiple people are there, he’ll take form of the previous person who talked to him. He will act like he’s a sorrowful being, but it’s a trick to get back with Iblis to become Solaris again. Keeps VA
Iblis is just the same, a mindless monster of fire
Dark Gaia is the same, a monster of darkness. All that’s different is that it’s scaled down in size.
Chip is now an antagonist who sees the biological world as out of balance with so much sapien life, so he seeks to wipe out enough of the species to bring balance as normal Gaia. I’d say they’d go for about 3/4 of the world population. Keeps VA
Void is in Chip’s role, and he’s now a good guy as he, the god of nightmares, helps Knuckles in the events of my Unleashed adaptation.
Lumina will be in the antagonist as Commander Noah will seek the goddess of dreams to make his dream of ruling the world a reality.
Big 🔁 Froggy
A frog mobian girl who is always looking for her fat, purple cat. Froggy, now named Jelly, will be voiced by Cristina Vee
This will probably be it for now. I’ll cone back in the evening of my timezone to give you all the next part
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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todaysdocument · 2 years
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Treaty Between the United States and the Potawatomi Indians of the Prairie and Kankakee Signed at Camp Tippecanoe, Indiana, [p. 1, 2, 5] 10/20/1832.
Map of land ceded via the IDA Treaties Explorer.
File Unit: Ratified Indian Treaty 172: Potawatomi of the Prairie and Kankakee - Camp Tippecanoe, Indiana, October 20, 1832, 1789 - 1869
Series: Indian Treaties, 1789 - 1869
Record Group 11: General Records of the United States Government, 1778 - 2006
Image description: Map showing Cession 177. The land highlighted is a sizable chunk of Illinois, south of Chicago. 
[crossed out] 27 [/]   [underlined] 7  [/]     44
[in margin] Peaco [/]
Articles of a Treaty made and concluded at Camp
Tippecanoe, in the State of Indiana this 20th day of
October in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight
hundred and thirty two between Jonathan Jennings
John W. Davis and Marks Crome    Commissioners on the
[blue circular stamp] THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE UNITED STATES [/blue circular stamp]
part of the United States of the one part and the Chiefs
and head men of the Potawatamie Tribe of Indians of
the Prairie and Kankakee of the other part,
Article 1st   The said Potawatamie Tribe of Indians cede to the
United States the tract of land included within the following
boundary viz-
Beginning at a point on Lake Michigan ten miles
Southward of the mouth of Chicago River, thence in a
direct line to a point on the Kankakee River ten miles
above its mouth thence with said river and the Illinois
River to the mouth of Fox River, being the boundary of
a Cession made by them in 1816, thence with the Southern
boundary of the Indian Territory to the State line between
Illinois and Indiana thence North with said line to
Lake Michigan, thence with the Shore of Lake Mi-
=chigan to the place of beginning.
Article 2d From the Cession aforesaid the following tracts shall
be reserved, to wit-
Five sections for Shaw waw nas see, to include Little
Rock village-
[page 2]
For Min-e-maung, one section, to include his village.
For Joseph Laughton, son of Wais-ke-shaw, one section, and
For Ce-na-ge-wine, one section both to be located at Twelve Mile
         Grove, or Na-be-na-qui-nong.
For Claude Laframboise, one section, on Thorn creek.
For Maw-te-no, daughter of Francois Burbonnois, Jun'r. one
        section, at Soldier's village.
For Catish, wife of Francis Burbonnois, Sen'r. one Section at
       Soldier's village.
For the children of Wais-ke-shaw, two sections, to include the
        small grove of timber on the river above Rock village.
For Jean B. Chevallier, one section, near Rock village, and
       for his two sisters, Angelique and Josette, one half section each
       joining his.
For Me-she-ke-ten-o, two sections, to include his village.
For Francis Le Via, one section, joining Me-she-ke-ten-o.
For the five daughters of Mo-nee by her last husband Joseph
        Bailey  two sections -
For Me-saw-ke-qua and her children, two section, at Wais-us-
       kucks's village.
For Sho-bon-ier, two sections, at his village.
For Josette Beaubien and her children, two sections, to be located
       on Hickory creek.
For Therese, wife of Joseph Laframboise, one section and
       for Archange Pettier, one section, both at Skunk grove
[page 3]
[blue circular stamp] THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE UNITED STATES [/blue circular stamp]     46
        To Wah-pou-seh, for one horse, forty dollars.        40.00
        To Waub-e-sai, for three ditto, one hundred and twenty dollars.        120.00
        To Chi-cag, for one ditto, forty dollars.        40.00
[in margin] 6-51 [/]
        To Mo-swah-en-wah, one ditto, forty dollars.        40.00
        To She-bon-e-go, one ditto, forty dollars.        40.00
        To Saw-saw-wais-kuk, for two ditto, eighty dollars.        80.00
        The said tribe having been the faithful allies
of the United States during the late conflict with the Sacs
and Foxes, in consideration thereof, the United States agree
to permit them to hunt and fish on the lands ceded, as also
on the lands of the Government on Wabash and Sangamon
rivers, so long as the same shall remain the property of
the United States -
       In Testimony whereof the Commissioners and the
Chifs, head men, and warriors, of the said tribe have hereunto
set their hands at the place and in the day aforesaid  -
[right column]
[signed] Jonathan Jennings
[signed]John W. Davis
[signed]Marks Crume
Ah-he-te-ke-zhie    his x mark
Shaw-wa-nas-see     his x mark
Wah-pon-e-seh     his x mark
[left column]
Signed in presence
[signed] John Tipton
[signed] Th. Jo. Owen, United States Indn agent
[signed] J. B. Beaubien
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ao3feed-hawks · 1 year
2. Nowhere to Run Cagged
2. Nowhere to run – Cagged by Tsukiba
It was bound to happen. The very first time he kissed Dabi, Hawks knew he would end up right back here, in his training cage in the Commission's secret underground facility.
or : The Hero Commission find out about Dabi and Hawks' strange and intimate relashionship and punish the hero for it. Dabi is here to put him back together.
Words: 2243, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of WhumpFest
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks
Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags: Torture, Cages, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Soft Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Hero Public Safety Commission Bashing, Blindfolds, They're In Love Your Honor, no beta we die like billionaires in a submarine
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48297958
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evilsoup · 2 years
Battlestar Galactica reboot is one of the best sci fi TV series ever made, but it's frustrating how lopsided the worldbuilding is. The military (which is obviously the main focus of the series) feels reasonably thought-through and lived in -- they have their jargon like DRADIS (space radar), CAG (head fighter pilot), you see some ofe officer / enlisted divide that star trek normally glosses over. Given that the showrunner of BSG was a prominent TNG-era star trek writer & producer, it's pretty clearly a refinement/more "grounded" take on a familiar setting.
But then the cylons and the civilian fleet clearly did not have the same kind of attention given to them.
It's stated at the start of every episode that the cylons "have a plan", but this is quietly dropped towards the end of the series, at the same time a concept of there being a secret "final five" cylons is grafted onto the plot. For most of the series they exist only to serve as antagonists while darkly hinting at there being some deeper mysteries or whatever, and it only becomes apparent how hollow they are towards the end. There is no plan, it's all being made up as it went on (roughly, the "mystery box" strategy pursued by Lost, though with a much better execution).
The civilian fleet functions as a source of problems-of-the-week. This episode we're doing west wing, then we'll do Chinatown, now there's a cult of cylon fans, now we're doing an episode about abortion, whatever.
Almost none of it deals with the situation the characters should be in: there are about 40,000 people left, politics should look more like that of a town than the federal government of the USA.
What does it mean that there's a "black market" -- those spring up when people are getting around restrictions on trade, what are those restrictions? How are resources being rationed? Are there really enough pedophiles in positions of power in a population of 40,000 that a criminal syndicate can develop with a profitable child sex trafficking ring?
Is the "quorum of twelve", with representatives elected based on the planet of origin of the voters, really adequate to the task of running the fleet? It's established that some of the colonies were poorer and considered more backwards (and considered themselves to be oppressed, to the extent that one of the major secondary characters is a celebrity terrorist), so it would seem likely that fewer people from those colonies would be in space at the time of the attack -- which would mean they are overrepresented. Say there's 15,000 capricans and only 5,000 gemonese on the fleet. How do you deal with this overrepresentation, which is itself ironically the result of previous inequality?
Is there money? The same money as before the attack? There seems to be, but that's obviously insane. The situation they are in calls for a command economy in my opinion (which could then give us a justification for there being a black market; I think that's a perfectly valid idea, but it's just not set up in the show).
Are people stranded on one ship, or is there frequent traffic between them? Either one is valid, but the show picks and chooses based on the narrative need of a given episode.
There's some evocative stuff, but very little substance to the civilian fleet as depicted. It's a real shame -- they could have had a much more compelling show if some thought had been given to how it all works, with conflicts arising organically rather than being invented on a per episode basis.
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m2024a · 1 month
Chiara Ferragni e Silvio Campara: «Lei era amica della moglie e poi ha detto "Me lo prendo"» Chiara Ferragni ancora al centro del gossip dopo la separazione da Fedez.Il giornalista di gossip Gabriele Parpiglia ha spifferato su Instagram e X alcune indiscrezioni piuttosto piccanti sulla vita privata di Chiara Ferragni e la sua nuova liaison con l'imprenditore Silvio Campara: «Per adesso, il viaggio programmato in Perù, ovvero il primo viaggio d'amore della neo coppia è stoppato. La partenza era prevista esattamente per il quindici di agosto».«L'amore di Ferragni e Campara non nasce da una precedente amicizia tra i due. No. Le prime a conoscersi e ad avvicinarsi sono le due donne, ovvero, Giulia Luchi Campara, moglie di Silvio e madre dei loro figli di due e cinque anni e la famosa imprenditrice digitale».Parpiglia ha aggiunto: «Siamo a Forte dei Marmi e grazie a una cerchia di amici in comune, le due donne si conoscono. Sin da subito Giulia tende una mano a Chiara, che come ben sappiamo, si trovava nel pieno del pandoro gate. Ma come la aiuta? Sia emotivamente, che cercando di metterle a disposizione un entourage che potesse risollevarla dal disastroso momento. Giulia le avrebbe permesso di rinascere legalmente, ma anche a livello di brand».In un secondo momento «l'amicizia tra Chiara e Giulia passa in secondo piano. Va precisato che Campara sta attraversando un periodo non facile. Proprio nelle scorse settimane avrebbe dovuto concludere una vendita milionaria del marchio Golden Goose, ma si è improvvisamente bloccata. Si è stoppato tutto: e questa situazione non ha potuto fare altro che creare tensione e pressione all'interno della famiglia Campara».E «quando Silvio incontra Chiara, in lei vede una sorta di via di uscita dal suo momento no. Tutto succede velocemente e ci riferiamo al mese di giugno, periodo in cui tutto è nato. Insomma: mentre la Ferragni scriveva alla moglie Giulia, contemporaneamente messaggiava con Silvio».Stando a quello che scrive Parpiglia, il «dramma esplode quando la Ferragni è a Capri e si lascia sfuggire una frase: "Lui me lo prendo" e lo fa mostrando le foto che scambiava col neo-fidanzato, seduta a un tavolino. Frase detta però, dinanzi ad un orecchio che ha riportato tutto, per filo e per segno, alla moglie di Campara, che non ha esitato il confronto con la stessa Chiara (una telefonata durissima e una serie di messaggi); la quale però, non ha minimamente indietreggiato ha confessato all'ex amica l'interesse per Silvio».A detta di Parpiglia: «Campara e la moglie si staccano, ma non del tutto. Silvio ha ancora i vestiti nelle case che condivide con Giulia e i loro figli, la sbandata per Chiara è forte ma sorgono i primi dubbi. Ed ecco lo stop nel voler partire con Chiara in Perù. Nel mentre, il trio si separa: Giulia è tra la Sardegna e Forte dei Marmi, dove arriverà il quindici di agosto. Silvio adesso è a Forte, ma andrà via. Chiara è in Grecia con la famiglia: un tris di cuori che ancora non conosce il suo futuro. Giulia Campara non ha alcuna intenzione di disintegrare la sua famiglia. Nessuna. I due hanno superato dolori molto forti, ma di questo ne parleremo in un secondo momento. L'ex moglie, anzi, la moglie, pensa che per Silvio sia in un momento "no" ma che non perderà quello che ha costruito. La Ferragni dal canto suo ha perso la testa e ci mette il cuore e crede in questa relazione».Nessuna dichiarazione da parte dei diretti interessati, mentre Fedez ha reagito con durezza agli ultimi gossip sull'ex moglie: «Alla fine è solo una gara a chi nasconde meglio la me**a sotto il tappeto. Io ho deciso di cag***i in salotto. Buona recita», ha scritto su Instagram.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 8 months
the why and the how they don't matter (focus on now)
by cryingpepperz When Dick comes home for some brotherly bonding, Jason places their movie options on shuffle, along with the ratings. How was he supposed to know Dick could get flashbacks from a damn horror movie? - (OR: the cat's out of the bag, Dick is just disappointed he had to break the nice TV screen while doing it. AKA where Jason - finally - finds out his big brother is a Talon.) Words: 5040, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of cag's talon Dick Grayson series Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Gen Characters: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth (mentioned) - Character Relationships: Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Dick Grayson is a Talon, Former Talon Dick Grayson, Family Secrets, dick "hm now how do i tell them" grayson, no beta we die like robins, Good Older Sibling Dick Grayson, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, he is my guy is just sleep deprived, Horror Movies, Light Swearing, Body Horror, Jason Todd is Robin, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Court of Owls, we love some scrawny lil brother jason dont we all?, BAMF Dick Grayson via https://ift.tt/zpCPAhQ
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buscandoelparaiso · 1 month
ho appena appreso che la sigla CGL nella grafica di Serie A è fatta per evitare che alla partita del cagliari contro l'atalanta venga fuori una roba tipo CAG-ATA uihgiughui
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nonsaremodellestar · 1 year
Ottimo aver ripreso sta partita conoscendoci, già tremavo, ora niente minchiate e vediamo di chiuderla
Contentissima per Fik e il suo gol❤
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emwritesfootball · 1 year
3, 10, 13 <3
[Disclaimer: since I have upwards of 1000 fics posted, I'll only be answering with my original pieces]
3. which three fics best represent your views about love / relationships? Let Me Go with Winks is really the only one I can think of (don't date someone expecting them to change on big things like having or not having kids). Unfortunately, I don't really write much that isn't trope-y (friends or enemies to lovers, etc), so nothing else really encompasses my views on love and relationships.
10. which three fics were you most nervous to post? why? Her Majesty's Men with Mount (mostly because I wasn't sure how it would be received even though it was with Mason), Movie Night with Soyuncu (because it was my first-ever series and major Cags post), and Faking It with Winks (because I loved it a lot but I also knew how angsty it was)
13. which three fics did you enjoy writing the most? Poker Face with Soyuncu aka 18k of Smut, Piano Lessons with Mings, and Call Me Gatsby, Cinderella with Winks. All three of these were very drawn-out thoughts where it took me ages to actually get something down, then I had writer's block for a few months, and then I came back to it and finished it.
Thank you, my dear!
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taktikairsoft · 1 year
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onlycags · 4 years
Movie  Night Masterlist | Çağlar Söyüncü
January: Chilly
February: Madders
March: Vardy
April: Schmeichel
May: Çağlar
June: You
July: Pérez
August: Barnes
September: Evans
October: Tielemans
November: Gray
December: Fuchs
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