#cait/her mom so bad
earfgoddesss · 11 months
Arcane season 2 resurrected my ability to be excited, which The Gray Garden prequel destroyed.
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arcanegifs · 4 months
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Arcane Gif Requests: anon + Caitvi Scenes: 27/? ↳ "We need you back on your feet. What was the name Sevika gave you? Jinx?"
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sweetbans29 · 2 months
Wait for Me - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: HC of Caitlin supporting you through your pregnancy (based on THIS request)
Warnings: slightly suggestive
Word Count: 4k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: Let me just say, this girl would be all over you if you were carrying her child.
You stare at the line of sticks in front of you, unable to contain your excitement. Your hands stabilize you on the sink counter. 2 years. You have been going to failed rounds of IVF for over 2 years not and this is the first time you have see a positive test. Once you calm down a bit, you head downstairs to where Caitlin is practicing in your indoor court.
You stand and watch your wife go through her daily workout routine. You love watching her shoot - loved it since college and will love it until she is too old and frail to lift a basketball. "You're staring, babe," she says, slightly out of breath but doesn't break her rhythm. "Since when has that ever bugged you," you counter. You watch as she finishes up. Caitlin walks over to you and tries to wrap her arms around you but you push her away. "Eww, you're all sweaty," you dodge her second attempt to hug you. She continues to back you into a corner. "Since when has that ever bugged you," Cait says using your own word against you. "Caitlin Clark - do not come any closer," you say in a warning tone as a smirk plays on her lips. She continues to back you into one of the corners of your gym. "I just want a hug," she says innocently but you know the second she wraps her arms around you she will try to wipe as much sweat on you as possible. Considering you had already showered for the day you had no plans of needing a second. Although showering with your wife is never a bad time. "You will not attach your sweaty body to us," you say without thinking as you keep your arms out to avoid her body colliding with yours. "Us?" Caitlin stops moving altogether and looks at you with wide eyes. "Us???" "This was the plan, I mean not that I had a plan yet but I was going to make a plan and it was going to be cute and cheesy and it was going to be perfect," you say disappointed in yourself. Before you know it you are being spun around. Your arms come to wrap around Caitlin's neck as you let out a squeal. She sets you down and places her hands on your stomach. She kneels down, bringing her face to your belly, and kisses it. "Hi there," she says and you being to tell her that you couldn't be more than along meaning the life form in you couldn't actually hear anything. She stops you just as fast as you begin speaking. "We have been waiting for you for so long," Cait says as she kisses your belly again. You giggle and place your hands on Caitlin's head. "Babe, our little bean won't be making any sort of appearance for weeks," you says and bring her face up to meet yours. You wrap your arms around your girl as she wraps her arms around your waist. The two of you hold each other for what feels like forever. "We're going to be parents," Caitlin whispers in your ear. "You're going to be a mom," you whisper back to her. "We are going to be moms," she replies.
During your first trimester, the morning sickness is merciless. It is down right bad. You've learned quickly that is shows up at all hours of the day, tying you to the bathroom and your house.
It is the middle of the night when Caitlin wakes up and reaches over to your side of the bed seeking your warmth only to find an empty space. She continues reaching around as if you would somehow magically appear the more she searches. When she comes to the conclusion you are not there she sits up. Her hair is a mess, going every which way. She swings her legs over the side of the bed as her feet find her slippers. She sleepily walks to the bathroom, suspecting that is where you are but finds it to be empty. Cait rubs her eyes and continues her search for you - first checking the guest room, your usual spot when the sickness over-took you. She walks in to find it as empty as your shared bathroom. Caitlin continues her journey to find you. She makes her way downstairs to the kitchen to find no signs of you. She makes her way to the bathroom by your living room, her heart swelling at the sight. You are curled up on the floor cuddling the porcelain bowl. Caitlin sits down next to you and begins to brush your hair from your face. You stir as your eyes flutter open. "Hi," you say, voice thick with sleep. "Hi baby," Caitlin whispers as she continues to brush your hair. "Why are you all the way in here?" Before you can answer, you feel another rise. You sit up and empty the nonexistent contents of your stomach as Cait holds your hair and rubs circles on your back. She absolutely hated this. When you are finished, you reach up to flush and stand to brush your teeth. Caitlin sees you sway and stands behind you, placing her hands on your waist to stabilize you. "Please come back upstairs," she says as she wipes your chin. You look at her through the mirror and give her a weak smile. "Don't want to disrupt your sleep," you say and Caitlin can see how tired your eyes are and all she wants to do is hold you. "You know I can't sleep without you," she says as she turns you around to face her. She crouches down to come face to belly. "Alright baby bean, I know you don't like much right now but you will feel much better if both you and mommy get some rest okay? Can you do that for me bean?" Caitlin says then puts her ear up to your belly and you just look at her with a curious smile. Caitlin pretends to listen to the little bean growing in your belly and nods. She kisses your belly then stands to kiss you. "Okay, baby bean is in board, you can come back to bed now," Caitlin says with a smile, your hand in hers as she is pulling you back to your bedroom. "I don't know Caity," you say having your doubts. "Trust me, baby," she says as she pulling you up the stairs. You lay down in your shared bed and she brings you into her. You feel yourself become nauseous and push away from Caitlin who leans over to grab a ginger chew and hand it to you. You give her a thankful smile and lay back down. Caitlin continues to rub your back and before you know it your eyes are closing and you feel Caitlin kiss the top of your head. The next thing you know you are waking up to the sun hitting your face. Your eyes flutter open and you are still in Cait's arms. She is propped up, book in hand. You roll away from her and stretch your arms up. "Morning," she says and leans over to kiss your neck. "Morning," you say and let out a giant sigh. "That was the best I have slept in a while." Caitlin just sits there with a smile. You turn on your side to look at her. "How did you do it?" You ask. "How did I do what?" She says, a smile still playing on her lips as her eyes are in the words of her book. "I vaguely remember you talking to our bean last night but our bean still hasn't developed their hearing yet," you say. "Babe, that's my child, she doesn't need to hear to know when to listen," Caitlin says putting her book down. "She?" You say amused. "Yes, she. Our baby bean is our daughter," Caitlin says with a confidence you don't dare break. You smile at her and truly hope the little bean growing inside of you is a baby girl.
Once your baby bump begins to show Caitlin can't keep her hands off of it. She loves standing behind you and putting her hands on your belly. It becomes her most recent obsession.
You are standing in the kitchen making dinner for you and Caitlin when you feel a pair of familiar hands wrap around your middle. Her hands cup the little baby bump as she leans into you. "Hi babe, how was practice?" You asks as you continue to stir the pot on the stove. "Good," she says, her chin coming to rest on your shoulder as she looks over to watch her hands rub your stomach. "Missed our bean." You let out a chuckle and lean your head into hers. "You didn't miss me?" You tease her. "Always miss you but been missing the bean more," Caitlin says and you pretend to be offended. "You have lost bean privileges," you say as you put the spoon down and go to remove her hands from the bump. "No," she whines as her arms squeeze around you as she steps back with you still in her arms. "Just wanna hold our bean." Her lips are in a pout as she traps you in her arms. You wrestle Caitlin to wiggle your way out of her hold and she looks like kicked puppy. Whenever Cait would get home from wherever she is needed, she spends a minimum of 30 minutes wrapped around you telling both you and your little one about her day, her hands never leaving the bump. So when you deny her that, she feels like her day isn't complete. You walk up to her and lift her chin, planting a soft kiss on her lips. "I know you miss baby bean and I know you miss me," you say as Cait's arms land on your waist. She leans down and kisses you again. "I do, I miss you both. All the freaking time," she says in between kisses. "How about this," you begin. "After we eat dinner; you, me, and the bean can lay on the couch and watch a movie. How does that sound?" Caitlin nods and gives you one last kiss before letting you finish up dinner. Once you both finish dinner, you both clean up and head to the living room to post up on the couch. Caitlin lays down and opens her arms for you to lay back into. The second you are laying on her, her hands come to your bump as she pulls your shirt up and places her hands on it. She proceeds to talk talk to the bean and tell your little one about everything she did while she was out. Caitlin goes as far as using her fingers to explain several defensive plays that they ran as if the baby inside you has any idea of what she is doing. You let her and watch as the excitement in Caitlin's voice is evident. "Don't tell mommy, but I stopped on the way home to get a milkshake," Caitlin says in a whisper. "Hey! You got a milkshake without me?" You say offended that she didn't bring one back for you. "Baby bean, I told you not to say anything," Caitlin says as she softly pinches at your bump. You can't stay mad at her when she pulls your little one into the conversation. You put your hands on hers and bask in the moment.
Caitlin will want to be at every doctors appointment and you want her there as well. You would make sure to work around her schedule to guarantee she would be there. If there was any appointments that she for some reason couldn't go to, she would call the doctors office to reschedule to the nearest date she could be at.
The doctor appointment you had to find out the sex of the baby, Caitlin was wearing a light pink top and forced you to wear one as well. Her instinct of your baby bean being a girl evident to anyone who was even remotely curious. When the nurse was going through the ultrasound she pointed out different features of your bean, finally landing on the fact that your baby was indeed a girl. You were surprised when Caitlin didn't let out a big reaction but just sat there with a smile. When you asked her about her excitement, she responded with 'Babe, I've known our bean's been a girl for months now'.
Caitlin would be the one to track how big your bean is on a weekly basis.
*Eight weeks* "Babe! Babe! Our bean is the size of an actual kidney bean!" Caitlin says in pure excitement. You laugh at her excitement and join in. "Eight weeks and baby bean is literally bean sized," you say. *Nine weeks* "Our bean is no longer bean sized," Caitlin says sadly as she pokes your belly. "Baby bean is not, baby bean is now the size of a grape," you say. "I want out little bean back," Caitlin says. "Babe, our baby bean will always be our bean," you say using your thumb to rub her neck. "Baby grape," Caitlin says. "Doesn't have the same ring." You shake your head at your girl and let her sulk in the fact that your baby is no longer bean sized. *12 weeks* Caitlin is looking at the tacos in front of her. She flags down the waiter and asks for more limes. When they arrive she doesn't squeeze them on her tacos but connects them to create a whole lime. "Baby bean is the size of a lime this week," Caitlin says as she shows you the sliced limes she is holding together. "That's right C, bean is the size of a lime," you say with a smile. She drops the limes and continues eating her tacos. *15 weeks* You are sitting on the couch and eating an apple when Cait comes downstairs. You take another bite of your apple when it draws Cait's attention. "Baby bean is the size of an apple," she says and heads to the kitchen. You looks down at the apple you just bit and no longer found it appetizing. *22 weeks* "Hey babe, did you know our little bean is the size of a spaghetti squash?" Caitlin asks as she shows you her phone with her baby tracker.
Caitlin ropes her team into helping the set up of your baby shower. She takes charge of telling each of them what to do to make the day perfect for you and for your little bean. When you get there, you thank each one of them knowing Caitlin's need for perfection can be overwhelming. They all give you the 'Cait is crazy' look but don't hold it for long as they are melted by your glow and waddle.
Being pregnant was great and all but towards the end of your second trimester, you found yourself getting very needy...
You watch Cait as she is making dinner and feel an itch rise within you. You walk over to your wife and begin to kiss her shoulders, arms sliding under her shirt. Your kisses inch their way up her neck. "Hi babe," she says as she watches the food she has over the stove. You hum and continue your little attack on her neck. Your fingers find the line of her waistband and dip below it and you feel her inhale sharply. "Baby, I am in the middle of making dinner," she says with a sigh but makes no effort to stop your wandering hands. "Really, really want you Cait," you say into her ear in between kisses. "Can take you right here in the kitchen, don't even need to go to the bedroom." As tempted as that sounds to your wife, you have company coming over and she really needs to finish cooking. "You know I hate saying no to you but we have Lexi and her husband coming over," Caitlin says as she turns the burner down low and turns to face you. "Just really quick, I promise to be fast baby," you say with begging eyes. Caitlin looks at the clock then looks back at you. F-it. She turns the burner off and picks you up, carrying you upstairs to the bedroom. "You better be a good girl and finish fast," she says as she throws your down on the bed and begins to lift your dress.
Caitlin again being obsessed with the bump and now your waddle.
You walk down the stairs, taking them one at a time not to fall. When you get to the bottom, you look up to see Caitlin standing there with love in her eyes as she watches you move. "Are you just going to stand there and watch me or are you going to come over and help your very pregnant wife?" You say with a little more attitude than you intended. Caitlin comes over to you. "Let me help you," she says as she comes behind you and places her hands on your bump. "We are going to be late," you say. "Baby, let me help my wife," she says as her hands come underneath the bump. You lean back into her and nod. Once she is given the okay, she slowly lifts your bump and carries the weight of your baby bean. You let out a content sigh. "And I am never late," Caitlin says as she kisses your shoulder. "They won't start the game without me, I promise." After a few minutes Caitlin slowly lowers your bean and kisses your head. She helps you put your shoes on and walks beside you as you waddle out to the car. "You are my favorite penguin, you know that?" Caitlin says as she kisses your head again. You give her a playful push. "You shouldn't be making fun of your pregnant wife," you say, knowing Caitlin is the best wife in the world. "You are my penguin and you are carrying a pebble," she says with a little laugh at the realization. "And if we were actually penguins, you would be carrying the egg while I go and eat," you say as Cait helps you into the car. She leans into the car as she buckles you in. "I would gladly carry our bean whenever you would like," she says.
Caitlin's anxiety skyrockets every away game she has when you are at the end of your third trimester. Your due date was inching closer and with the WNBA being in full swing - Caitlin had a hard time being away from you with the potential of you going into labor without her. It is the last thing she wants. You always reassure her and every time she leaves you for an away game she crouches down and tells your bean to stay put until she gets back. Early in your pregnancy you would roll your eyes but your learned that for some unknown reason the little girl listens to every request Caitlin says to her. It even got to the point where you asked your doctor if that was normal and they had no explanation.
"Okay bean, I know you are ready to come out, but you know the deal. You cannot do that while I am away," Caitlin says to your bump as she is about to head out for another away game. You would typically go with her but due to your due date being close, you were under a no fly restriction by your doctor. Caitlin hated it. "You know she listens to every word you say, she isn't going anywhere," you say as you smooth over Caitlin's hair. "But what if she doesn't this time?" Caitlin stands and looks in your eyes. "She will wait for you," you reassure her. "Plus, I won't do this without you." What you want to say is that you can't do this without her but you don't want to cause Cait any more stress than she is already feeling with leaving. Right on cue, the doorbell rings and Caitlin walks over to open the door. Collin walks in with a duffle and you greet him with a smile. Once you hit 32 weeks, Caitlin had Collin come over and stay with you whenever she had an away game so you wouldn't be alone. "I'll be back before you know it," Caitlin says to you as she kisses you goodbye. "I know," you say. "Now go beat your best friend." Caitlin gives you a smile as she grabs her bag and starts to head out the door. She was heading to Vegas to play the Aces. "You got her right?" Caitlin says to Collin and he nods. "You know I do," he says and Cait nods at her little brother. After Caitlin leaves, you and Collin hang out. He breaks out the baking supplies as it became a tradition whenever Caitlin left for him to make his mom's chocolate chip cookies. Before you know it, the two of you are watching Caitlin's game as the Fever take on the Aces. It's a fun game to watch as it is a pretty even match up. You watch as your wife takes the win over her best friend. They pan to her for a post game interview on the court. "Caitlin, you were excellent in todays game. It seems like the mate up between you and your old college teammate is always a great game. What fuels you?" The interviewer asks. Caitlin wipes her face with the towel around her neck. "Well this team is great, they always play well and it pans out for a great match up. It is not just a physical game with it comes to matching up against Kate but also a mental one as we know each other's game so well. It is fun," Cait says. "And I know it has been hard to travel right now as you have a little one who is making their arrival any day now. How are you handling your away games?" Cait is asked. "It hasn't been easy," Caitlin says with a laugh. "But we make do." Caitlin turns to the camera and looks right into it. "Isn't that right little bean, you are to stay put until I get home." Your hands resting on your belly feel movement when your bean hears her mom's voice. "I will be home before you know it," Caitlin says as she thanks the interviewer before heading back to the locker room. You grab your phone and pull up your messages with Cait. You shoot her a message about baby bean moving at her voice and tell her that she isn't going anywhere until Cait is home.
Your little bean waits until Caitlin is indeed home before making her first appearance. Labour was honestly a piece of cake considering all you had experienced with the morning sickness in your first and second trimester. Caitlin was by your side through it all.
"I can't believe she is here," Caitlin whispers. Cait is laying beside you in the hospital bed as you hold your little girl. "I told you she would wait for you," you say as you look at the sleeping bean in your arms. Caitlin is looking down at your daughter with so much love and adoration. "Welcome to the world bean, your mommies love you so so much," she says as she leans over to kiss your daughters head.
AN: I am lowkey in love with this, let me know if you feel the same. And as always, thank you for your love and support 🤍
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inesbaby21 · 3 months
can you do headcannons of all the girl you write for with a gymnast!reader? i never see people do these.
ouu i like this idea ofc!
Caitlin Clark x Gymnast!Reader
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You two definitely met in high school
Spending all of your free time watching movies, reading, baking!
She definitely understands the pressure you're under, and as much as you're there for cait she's there for you
ughh, poor baby panics whenever you slip off of the balancing beam just a little and is sitting on the edge of her seat
Soooo sooo possessive, and If she hears anyone talking about you during your routine she's not any better than calling them out and telling them to "Do everything she just did, and has been doing for the last 14 years of her life in 3 minutes."
Absolutely loves watching you work on your tumbling, and one hand front flips!
She definitely is the type of gf/wife to show up to the olympics with a post that has your face on it
I'm seeing you two getting separated during college, but working through that as you eventually do transfer to Iowa to be closer to her.
Best, Best, BEST support system! Always makes sure you're well rested, you have something on your stomach and carries all of your gym bags
Definitely wants you to be at all over her games (College and in the WNBA) because you're her "good luck charm"
Touchies Gf ever, but just loves to hold you. Also loves when you do her hair before a game
Definitely the biggest support, and is arguing with judges when they take away points from a flawless performance because of something out of your control
Has the worst problem with women's gymnast outfits .. why do you have to wear the leo's, and do the tight buns if you don't want to??
Always there for her baby no matter what, and if your injured best believe she's the first one out of the stands and by your side.
Definitely blows kisses to you while she plays, and you're sitting court side
I'm skipping ahead to the future a little, but CC as a mom 🥹 omg
Always helps your little girl get ready, and you three definitely have a family/couple blog
Definitely is a supportive parent, and will skip any and ALL practice/games if baby clark has a dance recital or a k-1 basketball game!
I also see Gymnast!Reader going into labor during an olympic game (shes not competing bc she literally about to pop) and CC stopping dead in her tracks to help rush you to the hospital!
Gymnast!Reader and CC definitely have the cutest babies ever, but I think they're going to take after CC height wise as gymnast reader realistically never made it past 4'11 .. (don't judge for like the crazy height difference most gymnast are like really fucking short) 😞
Kinda feeling bad for Gymnast!Reader because TWICE in 4 years your pushing out monster sized babies and STILL having to get back up and compete after maternity leave ??
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CC and Gymnast!Readee definitely have a winter baby idc idc! First baby girl was born sometime in december right before new years like the 29th (haha dec 29th is my birthday!)
Okay guyssss i really love writing about CC, and send in more requests for her! this was so cute and so fun to write omg
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mayghosts · 3 months
OBSESSED: (Kate Martin x Reader)
Summary: You and Caitlin ended your relationship as good friends. However, one of Caits new teammates seems a bit too interested in your last relationship.
Warnings: used Y/N 🫤, alcohol, obsessive crushes
AN: I almost didn't post this but... we will see how long i leave it up for b4 i redo it
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Kate always considered herself to be a perfect friend, but lately something has been hanging over head.
From the first time Caitlin had introduced you to the team. Kate knew she was cooked. Her stomache flipping and her face heating up as you smiled and introduced yourself. Cooked. You got along so well with the team, and watching you talk about your hobbies and interests only made Kates butterflies increase tenfold. That night Kate took it upon herself to find your Instagram, as well as your moms Instagram… and most of your extended family.
And if you knew how much I looked at her pictures you would think we’re bestfriends
Two months later Kate felt like she was in some sort of “What Would You Do?” show, listening to Caitlin explain how you two had ended things on good terms. On one side she was sad for her friend. On the other hand she had just swiped off your Tik Tok profile and was just a bit too excited that you were single.
And I know you loved her and I know I’m butthurt But I can’t help it, no, I can’t help it, Im so obsessed with you ex.
Seeing you in the crowd at the next Iowa game was slightly unexpected. You and Caitlin had been broken up for almost two weeks now, maybe you were on better terms than Kate had thought? She pryed her eyes away from you in the stands, attempting to re-focus on the game. Every basket she made that night, she felt her eyes drift up to where you were sitting. Were you watching? Did you see that? Even though Kate had been a top scorer that game, she secretly accredited that Iowa win to you.
I'm starin’ at her like I wanna get hurt, and I remember every single detail you have told me so be careful baby
It was driving Kate crazy, having a crush and not being able to tell her friends. You were driving her crazy. She was at the point that she knew far too much about you, and she probably wouldn’t be able to have a normal conversation with you. In her mind there was no better solution to this than getting drunk and starting a life altering situationship.
However upon entering the bar, she was met with your smiling face. Kate felt herself loosing her sanity as she watched you dance with your friends under the colored lights. She had no idea how long she sat at that bar, just keeping an eye on you. Long enough to get absolutely hammered. She was absolutely obsessed with you.
She's got those hips she's got those lips, the life of every fucking party
The next morning Kates hangover anxiety quickly turned to hangover guilt as she noticed she spent all of late night thirsting over her best friends ex- girlfriend. Not being able to take it anymore she slid off her bed, making her way to Gabbies room.
Gently knocking she pushed the door open, “Gabbie, I need your help. I think I’m fucked.” Looking up from her book Gabbie responded “Kate whats wrong? How drunk did you get last night!?” “No this isn’t drunk me being dumb its sober me, I am going to tell you this but please don’t freak out I know its so bad.” Gabbie stared silently at Kate, “I have the worst crush on y/n… you know.. Caitlins ex?” Silence fell over the room. “Jesus Christ Kate you made it sound like you killed someone…. I mean that's not terrible, like they're on good terms and all that. Y/N is so sweet, and incredibly talented. I know she has said good stuff about you in the past, she thinks your cute.”
“She's talented, she's good with kids, she even speaks kindly about me”
“Hey Cait can we talk?” Kate felt like incinerating herself. Her hands were sweaty as she fiddled with the end of her pony tail. The locker room was empty aside from the two of them and Kate knew it was now or never. Caitlon glanced over, taling in Kates anxious appearance "yea whats up?" Taking a deep breath Kate started, "So... I have a crush, but its someone we both know. It's really shitty of me, but I need to tell you."
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kenzlovesyou · 4 months
could you write something about you and Caitlins families being very close in high school and ur relationship growing from there?
ur idea is so cute! i’m so sorry it took me so long to get to it, i hope i executed it well!
Every Season - Caitlin Clark x Reader
Yours’ and Caitlin’s family had been friends for many years. The two of you had grown up neighbors, as your moms were best friends and it was their lifelong dream of living next door to each other. You remember when you were little, always going over to Caitlin’s house or her coming over to yours. Caitlin was your best friend in the entire world. The two of you did everything together. There wasn’t one day in the past 10 years that you hadn’t seen Caitlin.
When you and Caitlin hit your junior year of high school, time seemed to start moving too fast for your liking. It was a cold winter morning and you buttoned up the last button on your coat. With that done, you grabbed your bag and walked out the front door. Caitlin was there waiting for you in her car. That was the deal. As soon as one of you could, you would get your license and drive the other around. Caitlin, being 4 months older, had begrudgingly agreed on getting hers and now she was your personal chauffeur. You got into the car and went to buckle your seatbelt, “Morning, Cait,” you said to her absentmindedly, more focused on finding the buckle. Caitlin groaned as she took the buckle from your hand and did it for you.
“Y/n! Why’d you have to run late today of all days? I’m tireddd and I wanted to get coffee!” You knew she was halfway joking about her level of disappointment, but you still had an idea on how to help her feel better. “What if,” you started, “we just went now? We can skip first if you want?” You smiled at her expectantly.
Caitlin just stared back at you with a smirk. “When did you become such a bad girl, Y/n?” You wondered yourself where that idea had come from. You were always wondering where the sudden heat was coming from.
Caitlin drove you two to the drive thru window of a chain Coffee shop, and ordered for you both. She hadn’t even asked what you wanted. You always got the same thing, and she’d had it memorized ever since you started drinking coffee. You got your drinks and Caitlin pulled around to a parking space in the lot so you could hangout and drink them.
You stared at her as you sipped your ice coffee, taking in how her brown eyes sparkled more and more as the sun rose higher in the sky. You nearly choked on the caramel tasting drink as her hand reached down to grab your free one.
“Y’know I’m really glad you suggested this, Y/n. We haven’t spent much time together lately. Honestly I’ve missed this,” Caitlin stared at you with those sparkling eyes that you were just staring at a minute ago. ‘When did she get this..hot?’ You thought to yourself. Perhaps you were just delirious from lack of sleep. That was the only logical explanation. How else could it be then that you had known Caitlin all your life and never noticed her beauty in that way before?
Spring break of that same year, your parents plan a family camping trip with the Clark’s. The car ride is long and bumpy, but you don’t complain one bit because you think that you’d endure a lot more than a bumpy road trip if it meant you could spend time with your best friend. Your family pulled up to the campsite and you hopped out of the car. Caitlin’s family was already there and had done the majority of the unpacking and setting up camp already.
Caitlin sees you and jogs over to you. “Hey you.” She wore her usual smirk on her face. “Hey yourself,” you say back as you wrap your arms around her in a hug.
Sure, you two had always been a bit touchy, having known each other for so long, but you and Caitlin had found a new comfort in each other lately. From Caitlin having her arm protectively draped over your shoulder, to laying her head on your shoulder, to you rubbing her back after a long practice, the two of you had definitely grown more comfortable expressing your affection physically.
Caitlin grabbed your duffel bag off your shoulder and slung it over her own and led you to a tent. “I thought we could share one, and Colin and Blake could share with your brother. Is that cool with you?”
You had definitely been cool with that. In fact you were more than cool with it. You weren’t sure why, but the thought of alone time with Caitlin had made you feel so special lately. Like, wow! Caitlin wanted to spend time with you. Just you.
The summer before your senior year was when you really felt a change in yours and Caitlin’s relationship dynamic. You two were much more physical, and were hanging out even more than you already had been before. You’d stay after school to watch her practices, and after she’d drive you home. She’d go in your room with you, and the two of you would study together. Since she lived just next door, she wouldn’t even bother going home most of the time and would just sleepover with you.
It was another day just like that. You stayed after school to watch Caitlin’s practice, a particularly hard one at that, and watched as Caitlin slowly got more and more upset at the shots she was missing. Each time she missed, she huffed and looked away from you. She was embarrassed to be missing this much. After practice, her overall mood was still pretty low. She grabbed her bag and your arm and pulled you directly outside and to her car, not staying and chatting with her teammates for a couple minutes like she usually did. She sighed as she got into the drivers seat and banged her head on the steering wheel.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” You could tell she seemed like she wanted to cry. You looked up at her face and saw her eyes were glassy. “Cait, there’s nothing wrong with you!” You reached up to wipe her tears and you pulled her upper body to you and she stretched over the console. It wasn’t the most comfortable position, but you had hoped it would pose as some sort of comfort for the poor girl. “You are amazing and I love watching you play! Trust me, someday everyone’s gonna know who Caitlin Clark is” Caitlin chuckled and looked up at you from her head’s place on your shoulder. She admired how sweet you always were to her, you never yelled at her or made fun of her for crying like she knew her coaches or teammates could have done. You had always been her safe place, her place to run to whenever she was upset and needed comfort you. She saw comfort and you as synonymous. But lately, things seemed different. Had you been more sweet lately? Had you gotten prettier? Funnier? Caitlin wasn’t sure what it was, but now she had constantly felt a surge of emotion whenever she was around it. It was addicting to her, and she couldn’t get enough of it. It took over her mind and her thoughts so much to the point that she almost forgot how upset she was over her bad practice.
“Cait? Is everything ok?” You looked down at her.
“Everything’s perfect now. Thank you Y/n.” Caitlin smiled at you and resisted every urge not to kiss your lips that seemed to be taunting her.
Fast forward to summer, you and Caitlin had both committed to Iowa. Her for basketball and you for Caitlin. Your actual major was not Caitlin, but instead psychology. You could’ve studied it anywhere, so why not alongside your lover best friend? The two of you got a little apartment together, and you were somewhat happy.
You’d gotten what you wanted; to be with Caitlin. So why was it so painful for you to be around her now? Why did she feel so close and yet so far away all at the same time. You wondered if you could stay happy simply playing house with Caitlin, never making a move, but you knew that wasn’t the case. It was eating you alive.
Sure, she could feel the same. But what if she didn’t? What if she didn’t even like girls like that? Or worse. What if she did like girls and she just didn’t like you. That would be an even harder pill to swallow. You had always admired Caitlin’s ambitious spirit. For as long as you’d known her, she always worked hard to get what she wanted. Surely you could do the same and take of leap of faith for her.
Tears filled your eyes as the thoughts of possible rejection entered your mind. They encapsulated you so much that you didn’t even notice Caitlin walk in. She saw you on the couch curled up in a ball and was instantly confused. ‘Why hadn’t you called her and told her you were upset?’ She wondered to herself. She knows she would’ve came to see you at the drop of a hat.
“Y/n. Y/n, what’s wrong? Talk to me, it’s going to be okay. Come here, baby.” ‘Shit.’ Caitlin thought to herself. Had she really just called her best friend baby? Sure you were a little baby in her eyes, but you weren’t her baby.
“You’re my best friend, Caitlin. You’re my best friend and I’m so scared.” Caitlin immediately read you like a book. Was this you being the bravest girl in the world and breaking the invisible line of attraction that had been drawn between the two of you.
“Y/n. Shhhh. I love you. I love you so much you’ve gotta be my soulmate. I know it’s scary for us to admit it but honestly there’s nobody I would rather risk anything for.”
Your tears quickly dried and you wiped your nose. You saw Caitlin pouring her heart out to you and knew you had her in the palm of your hand. “Ohhhh. That’s great and all Cait, but I meant I was scared for my chem final coming up.”
The look on Caitlin’s face was priceless. “Fuck.” was all she could muster and stared blankly at the wall, contemplating every life decision. You started cackling uncontrollably, “Oh my god, Caitlin! I’m joking!” All she could do was scowl at you, then she got a bright idea herself. “Really? Prove it then.” You rolled your eyes at her, “Gladly,” and you pulled her in for a sweet kiss. It was soft and supple and you never wanted it to end; this kiss had to be like 18 years in the making. That first kiss, that was when you made the promise to yourself that now that you had Caitlin you wouldn’t let anything come between the two of you. She was yours, and you were hers. That was how it was meant to be, no matter the season of life you were in. You would always have Caitlin.
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s0rinsleeps · 1 year
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Twit cap: What if I went full TLOU ellie mode to protect my sister and u knew and didn’t tell the cops bcs u think I’m sooo sexy and sooo mysterious
Very very random spontaneous au moment!!
•Vander let’s vi/pow live in a secluded cabin in the woods to get them away from his shady lifestyle (he wants to quit but silco and Co. want him dead) anyway vi does her best to protect them both but unfortunately Powder gets kidnapped. (They want to use her as leverage against Vander) And well,, vi as said above, does what she has to do to get her sis back. Brutally. In her rage she fucks up and leaves incriminating evidence behind, so, desperate, she goes to the only other person she knows.
•Caitlyn learns abt this and decides to protect Vi and fuck up evidence to help vi hide. Vi feels guilty for letting Caitlyn get caught up in her mess but caitlyn tbh doesn’t gaf (we Stan a morally questionable woman) and she just wants silco and co captured./ they r wanted for. A numerous amount of things, drugs, murder, etc.
•(Also vi befriended Caitlyn a bit before this happened. I was thinking that the two met after Cait caught Powder practicing her marksmanship in the woods. Caitlyn is a detective for the local town and is curious abt the two. Although a bit moreso of the scary woman who looks like she’s never seen a bed in her life lol.)
-Was also thinking of giving Vander and vi a unstable/complicated relationship. ?
•Vi loves Vander like a father (classic he took them in at a very young age blah blah) but still hates the fact that her and powder have been dragged into all this, also he kind is bad dad (sorry) and doesn’t know how to give vi the emotional support she needs/she still becomes basically a mom for powder since he’s usually never home.
-Vander is trying his best, very much reflective of how he is in canon. The whole, ‘I’m trying to keep u alive but it’s not enough to keep ur innocence safe’ thing.
Also Vander is worried about the fact Silco now knows of his kiddos, and seems to have shown an interest in powder (while she was kidnapped she offed some guys which showed off her talent with a gun and silco was like wow cool I could use that)
-also silco was present but pow nor Vi saw him/ he was quickly hidden by sevika after VI started going ham on his goons.
•Powder(nickname jinx, she still has a lot of mental issues but she’s getting treated so she’s not ..that bad) takes a liking to caitlyn when she realizes that she wouldn’t rat them out to the cops and also the classic ‘they both can shoot!’ Thing, I’m sucker for caitlyn and pow bonding
(Also potential for powder trying to get vi and cait together because she wants Vi to have someone to rely on that isn’t Vander and also sees VI’s too nervous/self deprecating to make a move on her obvious crush) :p
Anyway that’s all I thought of rn!! Idek if I’ll draw more of this I just got carried away a little with the writing hahaha
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amazinglyegg · 1 year
companions react to sole crying when they raise their voice at them
AWW this one's sad
For clarity I'm going with the idea that the companions aren't yelling at Sole out of anger (like, a low affinity talk) but more like they're either scolding Sole over something minor ("you could have gotten hurt! Be careful!") or ranting out loud about something unrelated and Sole is very sensitive to that sort of thing!
Companions react: Sole crying when yelled at
Includes Cait, Codsworth, Curie, Deacon, Desdemona, Danse, Hancock, Haylen, Maccready, Nick, Piper, Preston, Rhys, X6-88
Uhh. Fuck.
Cait is probably Least Capable of dealing with a crying person
First instinct might be to use tough love because that's what she uses on herself and it works fine
Like "Oh come on suck it up, it wasn't even that bad"
Actually starts to feel bad after a few moments though and will change trajectory into something more gentle
Gladly lets Sole have alone time if they ask because she really needs a minute to try and think of what to say
If Sole comes back completely ignoring what happened she'll also ignore it, but if they continue to seem upset she'll make the first move and actually apologizes
Very awkward with it, every sentence is like she's testing the waters for Sole's reaction.
The apology IS genuine, though, and Sole can tell just by how awkward she is about it. She won't just brush it off if Sole won't brush it off.
Poor Codsworth would do a complete 180 and start comforting Sole
Sort of has a hard time if they want to be alone to collect themself, he's worried they'll hate him forever (he has a bit of separation anxiety after being alone for 200 years)
Will note exactly what made Sole cry and will never talk about that topic with that voice again
Like if they cried because he was worried about them getting hurt every interaction like that afterwards will be "You NEED to take better care of - I mean, please take better care of yourself please"
If Curie is raising her voice at Sole she's probably scolding them for not taking care of their health
She wants them to take care of themself but she didn't mean to make them so guilty they cry!!
She'll immediately comfort them and apologize for being so strict
100% mom friend, will not stop apologizing and trying to make it up to them via food and comfort
Gives Sole a hug and a forehead kiss and tucks them into bed with a warm cup of soup. Maybe cries a little
Probably tries to stand up for them on their behalf in the future, like if someone yells at them she'll scold the person yelling for being mean
Ah shit
Deacon prides himself on being able to stay calm during conflict and read the other persons facial expressions, it's his job after all
But anger always managed to get to him somehow, and it made him ignore the small signs that Sole was getting stressed out
He wasn't even upset at them, he was just having a bad day, but he knew he fucked up the second their face scrunched up and they looked away
They're crying. Sole is crying because of him
Might try to fix things by making jokes but if he realizes Sole is genuinely upset he'll probably end up leaving and giving Sole their space
He leaves them to cry for a while and comes back once they've calmed down so he can sincerely apologize
Tries to make Sole feel better for the next few days by pulling some strings
Their favorite animal is brahmin? What a coincidence, Des is telling us to go to a safe house with a huge brahmin farm! They really like Blamco Mac and Cheese? Deacon just found a HUGE stash behind HQ, we better eat it!
Just kinda. Freezes.
This never happened before?? And either she doesn't really know Sole that well (agents faces tend to get confusing since so many come and go) and doesn't know what to say, or they're like, the best agent in the Railroad and she's very worried that she managed to make them cry.
Tries to brush it off as smoothly as possible and excuses them somewhere private to calm down so at least they're not crying in front of everyone
If she's closer with Sole she'll actively search them out herself and apologize directly
If not she'll honestly probably go to Deacon or someone first being like "Are they pissed at me?? Should I apologize or do I pretend it didn't happen?"
Might take the silent approach of giving Sole less work/more support and makes the mental reminder not to yell at them
Listen, this man is used to reprimanding people. He can practically do it in his sleep
But when he hears Sole burst into tears? He immediately loses all train of thought
He's probably the type of person to go "... Are you crying?" because this has never really happened to him before
Super worried that he's pushed Sole too far, regrets even yelling at them in the first place
Doesn't really know what to do, ends up waiting for Sole to make the first move (explain themself, run away, etc)
If he isn't as close with Sole he'll probably hesitantly give them space - it's what he would want if he burst into tears
If they're close/romanced he'll default to trying to talk to them and calm them down
He is a bit awkward and tends to fumble a lot, so Sole may have to be direct with what they need from him (Space, comfort, apology, etc) but Danse will do basically anything to get them to calm down
Like a person who is very bad at dealing with a crying toddler: "no no don't cry... Here's some candy... and twenty bucks... we can get ice cream if you want just please stop crying"
I imagine Hancock to be a pretty touchy guy, so if Sole started crying his go-to comfort is by hugging them or rubbing their arm/back
He has high energy and expresses himself loudly so he realizes that he can be overwhelming at times
He'll quiet down and focus on comforting them and getting them what they need
Absolute KING at respecting their space and autonomy
The only thing worse than crying is crying in public so he's bringing them to a quiet room and letting them cry it out distraction free. They make the tiniest action that seems like they don't want to be touched and he'll back off, no questions asked
Also a bit of the "poorly dealing with a crying toddler" person: "You want chems?? No? Candy?? Would it make you feel better if you punched me??"
Very empathetic towards Sole, immediately switches to a "Oh, hey, come on, it's okay..." type of voice
She gets that the Brotherhood is overbearing and it can take a while to get used to being reprimanded/spoken to in such a harsh way
If she's spent a good amount of time around Sole she's probably pretty in tune with their emotional needs and can work with that
Sole won't even have to ask, she'll just show up with some hot chocolate and a blanket, or apologize, or pretend like it never happened, or any mixture of those
A little worried and overprotective of them for a while after, though, especially if she's already worried about their mental health
Might talk to them to try and see what's wrong or convince them to take a break
Another member of the "Wait... are you crying?" group.
Panics, probably. Doesn't know what to do or what to say.
He'll end up apologizing to them either way
If he's close with Sole he's more likely to do so first and more quickly, if not he might wait to gauge Sole's reaction before talking to them
A little bit awkward but he's got the spirit, will probably try to understand what made them cry and what he can do to make sure it doesn't happen in the future
Will also do a sort of follow-up check in after the fact or if they're having a rough day some other time
Tries a lot to stay more in-tune with Sole's emotions and what makes them upset after this point so they don't end up crying again because of him
Nick Valentine
For Nick to raise his voice like that he'd probably have to be distracted in some way
Either thinking about his words and not his voice as he reprimands Sole or snapping about something unrelated that's on his mind
So he doesn't even realize Sole started crying until their tears manage to snap him out of his thoughts
He's the type to try and comfort them straight away by cautiously reaching in for a hug and apologizing
If Sole runs off or yells at him he takes it personally, getting upset at himself for making Sole so uncomfortable
He will eventually reach out to them and get them to talk about what's bothering them, even if it takes a while
He'll immediately step up and sincerely apologize, and then turn his focus onto Sole's mental health
He realizes Sole has A Lot going on and them crying was probably the result of many days/weeks/months of bottled up emotions
Sole crying stops her in her tracks and makes her re-think everything that's happened between them in the past 24 hours
Was it something she said?? Or something she did?? What did she do wrong!?
Depending on the situation will either try to explain herself ("I didn't mean it like that, no don't cry I was just joking I swear -") or immediately be worried for Sole and try to comfort them
Might take Sole needing alone time a bit personally, she'll end up worrying that they're REALLY mad at her
She feels like she's not the best at comforting people so she'll try to turn to acts of service/gifts to bring them comfort
Buying them their favorite food, carrying more of their items, giving them hugs, etc.
Almost confused at first
He's never had anyone shy away from him before - if anything people didn't take him seriously and tended to look down on him
So the fact that he managed to make Sole cry really made him reassess their entire conversation up to this point
Immediately apologizes and asks what's wrong because surely there has to be something else going on for them to cry like this, right?
If Sole doesn't give an explanation he'll default to assuming they're overtired and stressed from work
Probably ends up feeling guilty for every time he gave them more Minuteman-related work to do
Might end up in a bit of a self-deprecating spiral of "I pushed them too hard, now they're upset, it's all my fault, how the hell can I fix this..."
He'll really focus on being there for them, whatever they need.
Less work? He'll take on their load. Shoulder to cry on? He'll stay up all night for them. A warm hug? He won't let go until Sole lets go first.
Alright he's an asshole
Kind of goes on a power trip about it too
Like "Haha yes I made them cry. Because I am the strong alpha male of the group"
At some point might come to the conclusion, either through his own means or by Danse/Haylen calling him out, that he was being a little bit of an asshole
If he apologizes though it's extremely short and awkward.
Like "Hey. Uhh. Sorry for making you cry. Just don't do it again. It's weird." And never brings it up ever again
Alternatively, takes the "Older Brother When The Younger Brither Starts Crying" approach of "Don't tell Danse! I didn't even yell at you that much! You can punch me back so we're even just please stop crying dude Danse will hear you and he'll get mad at me"
It stops him in his tracks
Part of him is freaking out because Oh God Someone Is Experiencing Emotions Around Me
And the other part of him is freaking out because He Made Sole Cry Uh-Oh
Will probably give Sole some space immediately and waits for them to calm down - he's never been good at dealing with emotional people
Once they're calm he'll revisit them with a peace offering of sorts, like a fancy lad snack cake or some tea or something
Very curt apology, hands them the gift, leaves a moment of silence as an opportunity for them to speak up about what made them cry if they want
Once that's over he'll just try and pretend it never happened while also keeping them safe from whatever else could trigger that
He'll try not to yell at them and actively avoid putting them in situations where they'll be yelled at again whenever possible
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archangeldyke-all · 8 months
Rawrrrr I need more of Sevika and house mom reader!!! I need to see their dateeee omg I need to see Sev turn into like house step mom or somethinggggg
Im gnawing at the bar of my enclosure on my knees begging for more of these two.
Also cowboy!sev/reader- sev giving cait her blessing for vi <333
Uhhh dk if this is cool with 222daniela or nah but black vamp reader/sev- idk but i feel like sev would have a corny bucket list of things to do before reader turns her so something with that ig
love love love ya, kisses if you want em, and should i drop the official babyfather teaser? we're about 3/4ths done with that bad boy lemme know
marssss!!!! a million kisses back (and keep an eye out! i'll definitely be adding the bucket list idea to the next vampire/sevika request i have in my inbox tonight!!) but yes. lets do more club mom reader!!
men and minors dni
cherry's sitting on your couch, eating your food, laughing at you as you emerge from your room with a lingerie set she insisted you put on.
you sigh. "i look ridiculous." you huff. she snorts.
"you look like you just learned what sex is." she says, shoving more chips in her mouth. you groan.
"why are you even here? just gonna insult me?" you ask. she giggles then stands from her perch, approaching you.
"i'm here to help you get ready for your hot date. i know the sexiest thing you own are those granny panties-- you need some serious help." she says as she approaches you. you groan.
"i have sexy shit!" cherry raises an eyebrow at you, and you huff. "okay, fine." you mumble, waving her toward you. she laughs, and starts adjusting the lacy black two piece set on your body.
she tightens the straps, then adjusts your tits until they're sitting higher up on your chest. she pushes your shoulders back, turns you around, gives your exposed ass a quick smack, and then laughs when you jump.
"you actually don't look half bad, mom." she says. she walks past you toward your bedroom, laughing at the outfit you have laid out on your bed. "this is what you're wearing?"
"what's wrong with it?" you ask, walking in beside her. she laughs.
"blue jeans and a sweater? what-- she's taking you to the library or something?"
you groan. "fuck off! what am i supposed to wear?"
"i dunno mom, something that shows off those tits of yours! or your ass. or that slutty waist you got." she says as she throws open your closet door, rifling through your clothes.
"i don't remember asking you over." you say as you sit on your bed. cherry looks over her shoulder at you.
"you didn't have to. you help me get sexy all the time, now it's time for me to help you." she says. you chuckle and roll your eyes. cherry gasps, pulling a red dress out of your closet. "where the hell did this come from?" she asks. you shrug.
"remember when kelli got married?" you ask. cherry groans and nods. "i was a bridesmaid." you say. she laughs.
"god-- they were married for what, like three weeks?"
"two weeks and a day." you correct her. "it was a great fucking wedding though." you say. cherry snorts.
"i don't remember any of it i was so fucking drunk." she says as she throws the dress at you. "try it on." she demands.
you stand and slip the dress on, turning to have cherry zip up the back. she whistles when she's done, eyeing you up and down as she licks her lips.
"sevika's gonna love it." she says. you sigh.
"sevika's gonna be sorely disappointed if we go on a second date and i show up in my usual get up."
"i'll lend you a couple of slutty shirts." cherry says. you laugh.
"no thanks. we have very different measures of slutty." you tease your friend. she groans.
"you're such a prude. where are your shoes?" she asks. you laugh again and lead cherry to your living room, where your shoes are piled up by your front door. cherry frowns down at the pile, sighing, before she picks up a plain pair of black sneakers. "these will have to do. it's too bad we're different shoe sizes." she sighs.
"what, so i could break my fucking leg on some of those pleasers of yours? that'd be great for a first date, don't you think? making her chaperone me to the hospital?"
"if you're lucky-- you won't be walking at all." she says, smirking. "your feet'll be in the air all night." she teases. you laugh.
"a girl can dream, i guess." you say. cherry snorts.
"oh please, sevika's obsessed with you. i'd be surprised if you guys make it past appetizers before she's dragging you back to her place." she says. you roll your eyes.
"right." you say sarcastically. cherry scoffs.
"i'm serious! you know she came in today looking for you? you shoulda seen how fuckin' bummed she looked when i told her you had the day off."
you smile, something fluttering in your stomach.
"and i couldn't even talk her into staying for a dance, mom. i think she's really crushing on you."
you laugh and nudge your friend.
"okay, okay, get outta here, i gotta get ready." you say.
"what, you won't let me help you with your makeup?" she asks. you shake your head no.
"i do all of you guys' makeup in the club-- how hard can it be to do it on my own face?" you ask.
"whatever you say, mom." cherry says, wrapping you into her arms and pressing a kiss to your cheek. "good luck tonight." she says. you hug her back.
"thanks cher-bear." you say. she giggles then pulls away, pulling your front door open and waving over her shoulder.
"see you tomorrow!" she calls over her shoulder. you wave to her.
"be safe walkin' home." you call. she nods.
"yeah, yeah. love ya mom!"
an hour later, and there's a knock at your door.
you almost trip over your feet and faceplant in your rush to get to the door.
when you swing it open, you almost die.
sevika looks so fucking good. she's wearing a black button up, only the top few buttons are undone, giving you a lovely view of her cleavage. she's got on dress slacks and fancy shiny shoes, and her hair's slicked back off her face, tucked behind her ears. she's gawking at you, clearly just as impressed by your appearance as you are by hers.
"fuck." you say in greeting. sevika closes her mouth, then smiles.
"yeah. you look so fucking good." she mumbles. you grin, and step out of your apartment, taking sevika's hand in yours. she smirks, then swoops in to press a kiss to your cheek. you gulp.
"hey." you say when she pulls away. she smiles.
"hi hotstuff." she says. you laugh.
"don't get used to it. cherry dressed me today." you mutter as sevika starts walking you to the street. she snorts.
"yeah? ran dressed me." she says. you grin.
"well they did a great fucking job." you say. sevika stumbles a bit at the compliment and you laugh. "shy, sev?" you ask. she rolls her eyes.
"f-fuck off." she mutters. you burst into laughter.
"oh c'mon! i thought you were supposed to be all sexy and suave-- all the girls keep telling me about how cool you are."
"i am!" she insists. you raise an eyebrow at her and she groans. "you just make me nervous." she mumbles. you snort.
"i make you nervous?"
"yes!" she exclaims. "i don't-- i don't think you understand." she says, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk to turn to face you. you blink at her. "you kinda knocked me on my ass last night." she admits. "like-- forget it." she mumbles.
you tug on her hand. "tell me." you say. she shakes her head no, starting to walk again, and you tug her again. "i'll tell you my secret if you tell me yours." you offer. sevika blinks, then sighs.
"i dunno. you ever seen one of those films they make in piltover?" she asks. you nod. "and how-- how when there's a romance scene and the guy meets the girl it's like-- like the screen goes all blurry everywhere except where she is? and the background noise goes away and corny music starts playing?" she asks. you nod again. "it... it kinda felt like that first time i saw you." she says, shrugging. you blink again. "i-i... i've never done this before." she says.
"done what?"
"dating. flirting." she says. you smile.
"oh. well you're doing a pretty good job of it." you say. she snorts.
"am i? i feel like a fuckin' idiot."
"you're not, you're cute." you say. sevika smiles.
"i'm cute?" she asks. you nod.
"very." you say. sevika grins, then tugs on your hand. "what?" you ask.
"you gotta tell me yours." she says. you laugh.
"oh. mine's no where near as sweet as yours." you admit. she raises an eyebrow at you.
"no?" she asks. you shake your head no and sevika grins. "well?" she asks.
"it's more of a show don't tell secret." you say, winking at her. sevika grins.
the place she takes you to is pretty classy. she orders drinks and appetizers to share, and the two of you chat a bit as you look over the menu.
you look up at some point to reach for your drink, and find sevika admiring you from the other side of the table. when she's caught, she doesn't even seem to care, just grinning at you.
"okay, so tell me about this near death experience." you request. sevika laughs.
"silco's got this kid." she starts. you nod. "she's into explosives and stuff. blew up this building we were all in-- killed like five or six people." she mumbles. you frown. "lost my arm." she says, gesturing to her mech-arm. "and... i dunno. it just got me thinking, i guess. what i'm doing with my life-- the stupid shit i'm wasting all my time and money on. where i always thought i'd be when i was a kid versus where i actually am."
"where'd you think you'd be?" you ask. sevika snorts.
"when i was really young, i thought i'd be one of those show wrestlers-- you know the ones that get all dressed up and sell out arenas. but then i found out those fights were staged-- it took all the magic outta it." she says. you giggle. "but, i dunno. i... i always saw myself, like, doing shit. reading a hundred books a year, learning new languages, learning how to cook. i never did any of that shit. so now... i'm trying, y'know?" she asks. you nod. sevika smiles at you. "you were not in the plan, by the way." she says. you smile.
"didn't see yourself meeting anyone?"
"i saw myself meeting a lot of someones." she says simply. you laugh. "i... i didn't ever expect to meet someone who i'd like though." she says.
"we've known each other less than twenty four hours."
"yeah." she says. "i just can't shake the feeling that i'll know you for a long time to come, though."
you take a hefty sip of your drink. this is like the third time sevika's said something disarmingly romantic and sweet, and she doesn't even seem to register the fact that she's being so romantic and sweet. you reach over the table to take her hand, and shake your head at yourself.
"what?" sevika asks.
"you're not playing me?" you ask, just to be sure. sevika's eyes go wide.
"no!" she says. she opens her mouth to say more but you stop her by squeezing your hand.
"i-- you can say no. it's your first date and everything, i don't wanna fuck it up for you. but... do you maybe wanna just call it a night and come back to my place? find out what my secret is?" you ask.
sevika grins.
"really?" she asks. you giggle and nod, and sevika gets out of her chair so fast it clatters to the floor beneath her. you laugh. "let's get the fuck outta here, babe." she says, throwing some cash onto the table and tugging you out of your chair.
you get to your apartment twice as fast as you got to the resturant, sevika urgently tugging you behind her the entire way.
before you can reach for your keys, she's pinning you to your front door, pressing herself against you, and shoving her tongue down your throat. you moan against her, reaching up to sink your fingers in her hair and tugging, relishing in the shiver that travels down her spine.
"oh fuck, i like you so fucking much." she mumbles against your neck as she begins trailing kisses down it. you take a shaky breath.
"i-i like you too, sev." you say. she grunts, shoving her thigh between your legs, and you moan, hitching your thigh up over her hips. she whimpers.
"c-can i touch you?"
"yes please." you mumble. she grins against your neck, her hand slowly trailing up your leg until it reaches the hem of your dress, and then ducking beneath it, traveling farther and farther up.
you can feel the moment she feels your lingerie, her whole body goes stiff and she sucks in a sharp breath against your neck. you giggle.
"it-- i-- it's not mine. cherry lent it to me, so don't go expecting thongs and lace all the time." you say. sevika groans.
"you better find your keys before i fuck you right through this door." she says. you take a shaky breath and start fumbling through your bag in search of your keys.
you pull them out with a gasp of victory, turning in sevika's arms as she starts grinding against your ass to fumble with the locks until your door swings open.
"i'll give you the tour later." you joke. sevika chuckles against the back of your neck as you both spill into your apartment.
you scream. sevika jumps behind you.
"cherry what the fuck?!" you yell. cherry snaps awake from where she was sprawled across your couch, a bag of chips on her chest, a record playing in the background. she curses.
"oh fuck, mom." she says, rubbing her eyes. "i am so sorry." she says, giggling as she takes in you and sevika's rumpled appearances.
"what are you doing here!?" you ask. cherry giggles.
"about an hour ago i realized that two of you might come back to your place-- and it's a fuckin' mess! you got dishes in your sink and laundry all over the place-- you didn't even make your bed!"
"s-so?" you ask.
"so i came back and used the spare key you gave me to clean up a bit for you two!" she says. "but-- i guess i fell asleep somewhere between folding the laundry and lighting some candles to set the mood."
you groan. "so your plan was to light candles in my place and then leave them unattended? for possibly the entire night?" you ask. cherry cringes.
"see when you say it like that--"
"oh my god, get the fuck out!" you cry.
cherry holds her hands up in a placating gesture, shoving her shoes on and stumbling past you and sevika.
"you two have fun! be safe! if you hurt her, i'll figure out where you live." she threatens sevika as she walks past. you groan again. "love you mom, see you at work tomorrow!" she calls over her shoulder before she slams the apartment door shut behind her.
you sigh, then turn around to look at sevika. she's grinning.
"i'm sorry." you say. sevika snorts.
"it's cool." she says. you groan.
"it's horrible!"
"you're a single mom of like thirty girls-- i get it." she says, slinging her arms around your waist. you chuckle, your head falling forward to rest on her chest. "guess you're a bit of a package deal, huh?" she asks.
"i guess so." you say. she chuckles.
"that's cool. i can work with that. just no actual kids, okay?" she says. you laugh and lean up to kiss her. she hums against you.
"no kids. sounds good." you say against her lips. sevika smirks down at you.
"that... i mean. 'no kids' doesn't necessarily mean we can't try to make a few." she says, raising her eyebrow at you. you grin.
"yeah?" you ask. sevika grins and nods at you.
"show me your bedroom. i hear the bed's freshly made and everything." she says.
you laugh, wrapping your hand around sevika's, and dragging her toward your bedroom.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby
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imagine-silk · 3 months
Hi I was wondering if you would do fallout 4 companions reaction to m!sole s/o who acts kinda suspicious and always covers up during the day and never seems to eat in front of them only to find out sole is a vampire, he only feeds on bad people, animals, and buys or scavenges blood bags when he can. When his companion finds out he is seems panicked and is quick to reassure that he would never hurt them is sorry for lying but he didn’t want to scare them away.
Sorry if I sent this before I don’t have a good memory
》Had to do this during gay month because there is nothing gayer than vampires. (I asked my mom what's gayer than a vampire and she immediately said, "You." No hesitation.)
》I didn't include Deacon because I already have a post on him here x
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【Cait】 "What the fuck?!"
She attacks you. Twice. Once when she finds out and you have to stop her and again a few days later. She grew up with a healthy dose of distrust so she didn't trust you from the second she laid eyes on you. Then you were cagey around her and that only fed her suspicion. Then she caught you drinking blood in the middle of the night. She couldn't take you down then so she tries again when you're asleep, not knowing you only lay down for the night because you don't sleep. You decide to make a deal with her. If you can convince her you mean no harm in a month's time she won't kill you, and if you fail she can kill you. The whole time she's waiting for you to slip up but you never do. In fact she sees just how in control you are and almost envies it. That's when she starts to consider taking your help.
【Codsworth】 "Right, sir. Let's cover you up. Wouldn't want you to catch a cold. It's so good to have you back."
Of course he knew. He knows to do the 'wink and nod' shtick in front of others. He's very protective of you, even before the bombs so it's cranked up to eleven now. Being a vampire wasn't illegal before the bombs but there were very strict rules and you could be fined for not following them. Most vampires got by by pretending they weren't what they were. Depending what kind they were they'd take the day-shift because they could and it wasn't common knowledge vampires had varying severity to sunlight. He's disappointed at the blood offerings of the Wasteland nowadays but that's to be expected. The best he does it keep you covered and welcome you home.
【Curie】 "I know this."
She didn't realize you were hiding because she knows all the symptoms so the her it was obvious. Of course her studies extended to vampires. She also knows through her studies what a marvel you are because vampires exposed to large amounts of radiation will always turn feral so you can no longer see vampires in the Commonwealth. Small doses won't do that so drinking from the Wasteland now won't do that but she checks what you drink just to be safe. Get ready for a lot of check-ups.
【Danse】 "Is there a cure?"
You told him while he was hiding in the bunker as a way to prove to him he's only as dangerous as he allows himself to be. If he was still a part of the Brotherhood he'd be forced to put you down but he's no longer welcome and he knows you too well to be able to do that. He couldn't save Cutler but you didn't lose your mind, you've always been like that. Still afterward he wants to cure you. He says it's to help you not be a slave to hunger and walk in the sun but a part of him deep down feels like you're wrong. He tries to ignore that feeling but it's still there. So he goes around looking for a cure.
【Hancock】 "Ooooooh, I want to suck your blood."
He immediately teases you and has no concern for his own well-being even though you're freaking out about it. He figures if you were going to attack him you'd have already done it. That and the fact he's not really afraid of dying. He even makes a joke it'd be a really cool way to go if you ever did. You'll find him sometimes draped across the couch with his shirt open while he goes, "I hope no one bites my neck. It'd be such a shame if that happened." He's mostly teasing but he does want it to happen. He thinks it'd be really hot.
【MacCready】 "Let's get moving."
He thinks about killing you a lot, a surprising amount. Before he knew he already didn't trust you. He's a hired gun, he'd be stupid to trust you with the way you were acting. The second you tell him he says he's fine with it but he feels like he traded one concern for another. There are different points he thinks about it. When you're alone and relaxed or during a fight he thinks about how easy it would be to just shoot you then and be done with it. But the reasons not to greatly outnumber the reasons to do it. You can protect him better than anyone else in the Commonwealth, you've reassured him many times and told him yourself, you help people and saved his son. Just to name a few. For a long time he takes reassurance in the promise to himself he'll kill you at a moments notice but at a certain point he realizes he can't, or rather he won't.
【Nick】 "Of course you are."
He's seen a lot in his time. When he catches you drinking blood he thinks, 'that might as well happen'. You have to explain because his immediate thought is you're a cannibal. He runs by the belief actions define a person rather than what they are so he gives you the benefit of the doubt. You can't drink off of him, if he could he would, so he recommends eating off your enemies if you can. He also does his best to hide what you are from the public. He could never hide what he was but you can and he'll protect that til the end. If someone tries to call you out on it he'll say they're out of their mind and that vampires aren't real. Who are people gonna believe; a random person or Nick Valentine, a detective who has saved a lot of people and has almost universal trust?
【Piper】 "Interesting. Were there people like you out and about before the bombs or did this happen recently?"
After she freaks out and hits you over the head she apologies and helps you up. She knew you were hiding something but she wasn't expecting you to drink blood. She a little hurt you didn't tell her but she gets it; she's got a paper and she has the means to out you to the public. Her curiosity can get overwhelming and she asks you to bite her so she can know what it's like. She does at one point threaten you if you ever touch Nat she'll kill you, and she means it. She doesn't think you will but she just wanted to cover her bases.
【Preston】 "As long as you're not hurting anyone."
He has no idea what a vampire is so he has no idea what it entails. He doesn't understand just how dangerous you can be to the people around you. Slowly he pieces together the dangers but figures you're in controls so everything is fine. One day you drink from a feral ghoul because nothing else was around and you were getting a bit desperate. The radiation drove you a bit mad and you ended up attacking him. Thankfully you snapped out of it before any real damage could be done but you did put the fear of God in him. However when he sees you sulking for the rest of the day he knows you didn't mean to and goes to console you.
【X6-88】 "No need to explain."
He's not tied down by any social terms so you go out at night exclusively until the Institute is destroyed. And he's not surprised. Everyone in the Institute knows, courtesy of Shaun(who took his genes from Nora so he's human). Another courtesy of Shaun is blood. They have bags for you on tap and all the residents of the Institute are instructed to allow you to drink off of them if you ask them. A disturbing rule in place that makes you a bit uncomfortable. X6 never offers but if you ask he'll lower his collar without hesitation. If you ask if it's safe he tells you it is because synths are perfect copies and pain is of no concern to him, it's safer to drink off of him than anyone else. After the Institute is destroyed he finds himself worrying over your well-being and he doesn't know why. He knows your best source of blood on cover is gone but he knows you can take care of yourself and most worrying he shouldn't be feeling in the first place.
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lukedanger · 3 months
Caitlyn's Narrow Way Through without a Golden Path - A Spectulation
So, in the new S2 teaser, Caitlyn lists three objectives for her task force: locate Jinx, dismantle shimmer, and neutralize any of Silco's remaining loyalists. A clear set of objectives, and ones that in theory allow for precision as not every Zaunite is a Silco loyalist - the Firelights, for one. And ones that would almost certainly be in contrast to someone else's idea of how to retaliate. Say, a Noxian invasion? An invasion that this compromise of her leading a task force into Zaun can avert. Yet to do so, Caitlyn would still need to lead the Enforcers into Zaun as a military force: the opposite of what she wanted before.
This is not going to be pretty, but I think this is going to be a situation where she sees it as the least bad option. Caitlyn knows full well that the Piltover Council being exploded was not an attack by Zaun as a whole - Jinx made the decision herself. Caitlyn absolutely wants revenge, but I do not see her wanting to collectively punish all of Zaun for it.
Others, though, are itching to punish all of Zaun for the hexrocket attack. The most likely leading voice for that? Ambessa Medarda: if Piltover does nothing, then Noxus steps in. And Ambessa's methods would be an indiscriminate orgy of blood and fire that isn't going to care whether a Zaunite was one of Silco's men or a Firelight who opposed him. And we know that Noxus is sending at least one ship full of troops for the job from the teaser.
So, Caitlyn, now the closest thing Piltover has to a leader (assuming Jayce and Mel are out of action even if they live), steps up to the plate. She takes the reins before Ambessa makes a decision for them. And with that Sword of Damocles overhead tries to find a way through, however narrow, that avoids a total war between the cities or Piltover becoming a de facto Noxian vassal.
She creates a compromise to appease the warmongers while still avoiding collective punishment of Zaun, and asserts that Piltover is not free real estate. A narrow path of three limited objectives to resolve things in the absence of a golden path to bring justice to both cities. It is not a good solution, but the now-dead council missed every opportunity for one in their neglect and apathy. Cait makes a plan with the options she has available to her after all the better ones were lost.
Is it a good plan? Hell no! I fully expect that Cait's willingness to launch even a limited invasion of Zaun as a compromise is going to be because she wants revenge herself. At the same time, I don't think it is going to completely erase her good heart. She still is going to want the cities to heal, she just sees this conflict as one that needs to be resolved. Definitively. By her actions. Once she finishes fixing this crisis, they can deal with the actual root causes. The alternative means surrendering to despair and letting the broken system continue to fail.
But with her judgment clouded by revenge and no small amount of "I have to fix this because I seem to be the only topsider who cares", Caitlyn could lose the good heart we know her for in the first season. No doubt Ambessa will be there constantly encouraging Caitlyn to listen to the little voice in her head that says 'screw them all, they deserve to suffer for killing mom!'. To include more and more under the description "Silco's Loyalists" until that distinction is functionally meaningless. Or even starts counting Silco's enemies like the Firelights when they object to the inevitable excesses of the Enforcers.
This is where Vi will step in, I believe. She is someone who cares about Cait as a person and who is not going to fall in line to enable her worst impulses past a point of no return. I fully expect that Vi will call Caitlyn's judgment into question when it absolutely needs to be, painful an argument as it will be for those involved and to watch.
At the same time, it will be that argument that yanks Caitlyn away from the void she was about to step into. The other half of this is that when Vi calls Cait out, she listens and learns. It's just that this time, it is the lover's plea to the hero to step back before it is too late.
Maybe it is still too late for the main plan by the time this happens. Maybe this is what causes the final showdown between sisters as Cait has to let go and trust Vi to face this alone. Or maybe Vi has to do it alone because Caitlyn has to stop Ambessa as their timer runs out. There's a lot of ways it could go from here, but I think it will be a continuation of the same thing: a desperate attempt to find the narrow way through as every better option is closed off.
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zirawrites · 2 years
How would romanceable companions react to Shaun telling them that for Christmas he’d like a little brother/sister?
Cait: Cait tossed her head back with a carefree laugh, then lowered on one knee to look Shaun in his eyes. “Well, you tell your daddy/mum to keep wearing that outfit I love so much and you just might.” Then Cait uncharacteristically giggled when Shaun furrowed his brow in confusion.
Curie: Curie was surprised to find explaining her infertility to Shaun was more difficult than when she initially grappled with it herself. “Alas, young Shaun, but I do not think we can have a baby.” Curie gently squeezed his arm. “But the Commonwealth is very big, and maybe one day we might find a child to take in like yourself.”
Danse: The soldier nervously chuckled, moving his eyes between a flustered Sole and their eager son. “A baby is a lot of responsibility, Shaun. And it would be years before they could play with you.” Shaun still insisted, and Danse rubbed his face as if he could physically wipe away his anxiety. “Wouldn’t you rather have another dog?”
Deacon: Deacon rubbed his hands together and looked at Sole with the mischievous glint in his eyes that always meant he was about to put on a show. “Well, I guess it’s a good a time as any to tell the kid, don’t you think?” Sole asked what he meant, and Deacon turned to Shaun with a beaming smile. “I’m pregnant! Congrats, Shaun. You’re getting an alien sibling! Just last week when I was being probed aboard the mothership...” Shaun and Sole bust out laughing, and Deacon’s story was drowned out by their noise.
Hancock: The ghoul shook his head with a cool, even smile. “Ghouls can’t have their own kids, Shaun. But if you ask Santa for a puppy, I think he can make it work.” Hancock desperately hoped Shaun hadn’t heard all the barking last night when he and Sole tried to sneak a dog through Sanctuary.
MacCready: “Well, when Duncan is feeling better, he can make a trip to come visit the Commonwealth. How does that sound?” MacCready knew Shaun wanted a baby sibling, but neither he nor Sole were ready for another mouth to feed when they still didn’t have both their boys home safely.
Preston: “Oh, like a baby brother or sister?” Preston’s face was flushed an adorable shade of deep crimson. “I don’t think, uh... Sole and I have discussed that yet.” Shaun assured Preston that he shouldn’t worry: Santa could make miracles happen.
Piper: “Oh, Shaun. I don’t think so.” Piper tried to explain that he and Nat were already a handful, but Shaun wouldn’t hear it. “Babies cry, kid. All they do is eat and sleep and poop. Are you ready to change all those dirty diapers?” Piper chuckled when Shaun crinkled his nose. “Didn’t think so.”
Nick: “The Commonwealth needs an education overhaul if you really think your dad/mom and I can make a baby.” Nick then tried to explain where babies come from, which horrified poor Shaun.
X6-88: “That’s too bad.”
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slocumjoe · 1 year
companions react to sole being really sick but insisting to work anyways. they literally won’t sit down and they’re probably gonna fall out in a few minutes if they don’t
Companions react to Sick Sole that is In Denial
Aka the prompt that called high-school me tf out
Cait; Wrestles them into bed, hunts for cough syrup, force feeds. By wrestle, I mean "gently pushes until they fall over." Gives them alcohol and keeps away. Cait doesn't often get sick, but when she does, oh boy...Sole would never hear the end of it if she caught their shit. Will find spicy snacks for them to eat, to accommodate their lost sense of taste. Because Cait cares like that.
Codsworth; Absolutely not. Will use as colorful language as he can stomach to convince Sole to retire for a bit. Follows them around Sanctuary throwing a hissy-fit. Well...as much as Codsworth can throw a fit. Gets increasingly indignant. If Sole passes out before he can shepard them back home, he will consider duct-taping them to their bed, just for safety. He makes them soup and hand/claw-feeds them. Good luck sleeping with three robot eyes watching you like a hawk.
Curie; Pesters. Following them around with a rollup mattress for when they inevitably collapse. Recites a monolog about wellness and self care until they do. Very cross. Sole thinks they're hallucinating, seeing her glare and scold them. Makes their medicine herself; doesnt trust wasteland 'doctors' enough, and worries about such old, Pre-war medicine. Might start sticking things up their nose, or something, for samples.
Danse; A soldier refusing to seek attention and rest is not going to last long. He will also manhandle them, but not until they're already falling over. Makes a nasty ass...tea thing, that's great for colds/flus. Its. So. Gross. Danse knows how to make it because he himself refuses to stop working for sick rest. Hypocrite. If on the field, will personally tend to them. If not, leaves it to Cade, or any other doctor. Pesters said doctor enough he might get a clipboard thrown at him.
Deacon; Makes a similar, nastier tea thing. Spikes it with soda. Not to make it taste better. The soda is punishment to remind himself to never get sick again because it makes it fucking demonic. It makes Sole throw up and the force knocks them out. Rolls them up in a blanket burrito, raids the nearest pharmacy, and prepares a disguise. When Sole awakes, 50/50 chance they'll recognize its him.
Gage; What, is he their fucking mom? If they want to crack their head open passing out, that's their idiot choice to make. Except no it isn't, because he needs them alive, so Gage bitches the whole time, but he drags them kicking and screaming to bed. Throws medicine at them and tells them to quit being a baby. He's not getting too close to them right now. Hell. No. Also a baby himself about getting sick.
Hancock; Hancock isn't the type to tell someone how to handle themselves. He'll privately worry, and maybe hint that they should take a damn break, but until it gets bad enough they're half-way down to the floor, its not his business. When they're faceplanting, he'll step in. Also gives them some booze. He'll try to cook for them, but...uh. Chips and soda is good for colds, right? Right? [SOUNDS OF CURIE SCREAMING IN THE DISTANCE]
MacCready; Lucy was a doctor. He's got this. Or so he thinks, right up until Sole refuses to acknowledge their own illness. Okay. Shi–uuucks. What did Lucy do when he was being stubborn? Uh...that's not appropriate with Sole...what if he—Sole...? Sole–! Oh. Okay. That works. Just has to drag them into bed now. Spends extra caps for the good medicine, and for once, makes proper food. Sole remembers learning that he knows how to make his own noodles during this incident. MacCready tells them they were hallucinating.
Nick; Stands straight, crosses his arms, looks at them expectantly. Just waits. Grabs them before their legs give out, hauls them up over a shoulder, and straight to the doc's. Doc says bed, Sole is in bed. While they're out of commission for the week, plans out his lecture. It's not healthy for the brain nor body to keep moving when everything is telling you to quit. He's sarcastically coddling.
Piper; Also guilty of trying to power through. Piper is also an opportunist, however, and the moment she sees their guard fall, sees a moment of weakness, she's shoving them into their bedroom. Sole barely notices the change of environment. Canned soup, crackers, tea...and because Piper is just the best, she'll make them a dessert she often makes for Nat. Rice pudding, tarberry shortcake, she's even made honey custard. Something sweet and easy on the stomach.
Preston; Like Codsworth, chases them down begging them to just go the fuck to bed. Grabs them by the scruff of their neck before they hit dirt. Like Nick, sasses them the whole time, even if he is doting on them like a fussy mom. Remember Cait and her spicy snacks? Preston throws whatever spices he has into their meals. Hope Sole has a high spice tolerance.
X6-88; Grabs and warps to the Institute. If the Institute is gone, grabs and drags them to a doctor. He could try tending to them, but similar to Hancock, you will quickly regret asking. It's better to just have him go get medicine. He's somewhat fascinated over the concept, though. Cousers rarely get sick. And the once or twice X6 was, it was just an irritated throat or a headache. Sole is melting and yet they're expected to recover. Fascinating.
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sweetbans29 · 3 months
Jersey - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: Caitlin likes her jersey better on you than she does on herself (based on THIS request)
Warnings: fluff
Word Count: 3.1k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: What any of us would do for this...
When you met Caitlin sophomore year of high school, you would have never imagined your friendship and relationship to get you where you are today. The two of you played on Iowa Attack and that is when you learned just how amazing she was.
It would be a lie to say that the two of you connected right away - you actually butted heads at the beginning. When the two of you first started playing - she wasn't the best teammate. And that was a knock to her, it was a learning curve that everyone had to navigate. She was just that good.
But once the team got more practice together and began to learn how Caitlin played and how everyone played a role, the team really began feeling like a team. It rubbed you the wrong way in the beginning but the more you got to know her and her game it made sense. She was so far ahead of everyone when it came to her knowledge of the game that you could understand where she was coming from.
It was your senior year of high school when the two of you started dating. You made the first move even though she was the one to be completely obvious when it came to her feelings for you. You wanted to make your first date memorable so you asked her mom to help.
You show up at Caitlin's house at 10AM on a Saturday morning and knock on her door. She opens the door and is surprised to see you standing there.
"What are you doing here?" Caitlin asks with a little blush.
"Why hello to you too," you say with a smile. You can Caitlin's nerves with your presence. She tries to keep it cool and play them off but you just stand there and watch her struggle. First, one of her arms comes up and leans against the door while she crosses her leg. When the door begins to move she realizes it is a bad idea and stops leaning on the door and decides to put her hands on her hips to keep her hands from fidgeting.
"You know you are cute when you are nervous," you say and she blushes even more.
"You didn't answer my question," she says trying to regain any part of this meeting.
"Well, if you must know," you say with a teasing tone and the biggest smile. "I am taking you on a date."
She looks at you with wide eyes, a smile immediately making its way to her face.
"Wait, what?" She says with a goofy grin - her heart beating faster now than it does in any game.
"Caitlin Clark, we are going on a date," you say again, your smile matching hers. Her smile fades as a realization hits her.
"Wait, my mom needs me to help her with some family stuff today," Cait says, now frowning.
"No, she doesn't, I sort of roped her into helping me block out your schedule today so I could take you out," you say proudly that your plan had worked.
"Mom!" Caitlin yells as she immediately goes to find her. When she walks away from the door, you step inside and wait for her to return.
"Mom! Aunt Ellie isn't coming over today?" Cait asks. Her mom laughs.
"Well, she is, but we don't need your help. You are going out today," her mom says as she hands Cait a bag.
"What is this?" Caitlin asks, looking at the zipped-up tote bag. She begins to unzip it.
"Nope! You can't look in there yet," Anne's hand comes and stops her daughter. "She will let you know when you can."
Caitlin turns back to look at you standing by the front door. She goes back to where you are.
"Are you ready?" You ask.
She nods with excitement and you guide her out to your car.
"So where are we going?" She asks as you begin the drive.
"You will just have to wait and see," you say with a smile.
It was almost a 3-hour car ride but you finally made it to your destination. Once you were near your final destination, you let Caitlin open the bag her mom handed her. Inside is her Chiefs jersey.
"We are not," Caitlin says as she pulls out her jersey. "There is no way."
You laugh.
"Ya, I actually just drove us out here to go watch it at some local restaurant." You say and she whips her head to look at you in disbelief.
"I kid," you say putting your hand up and telling her to look in the bag. Under the jerseys were two tickets to the game that afternoon.
The two of you spent the day cheering on the Chiefs, eating all of the stadium food you could hold, and enjoying each other's company. On the drive home, you both were riding the high of your team's win. It is only when you are pulling up to her house that she becomes quiet. You park your car and she doesn't make a move to get out.
"Why...how did you do this?" Caitlin asks looking down at her hands.
You give the girl a question look - not that she sees. When you don't answer right away she continues.
"Why me?" She asks fighting the urge inside her to remain looking at her hands and turns her head to look at you. You look at the girl with love-filled eyes and a gentle smile.
"Why not you Caitlin? We've been friends now for a few years and even though I may have had my reservations about you in the beginning, you let me in and showed me who you are. A girl who feels so deeply that she doesn't know what to do with it half the time. You may be reserved with the world, and rightfully so I might add, but you have welcomed me into your heart and have made sure I stick around a while. You never explicitly said you liked me but seeing how your actions have changed towards me the last few months - the protecting, the asking intentional questions, the nervousness, all of it never went unnoticed. You were just too busy caring for me to see that I have been trying to love you back." You say as Cait sits there in disbelief and trying to wrack her brain for any of your signs the last few months. You take her hand in yours.
"So I got tired of waiting - I felt like I knew you well enough to know at the rate you were going, you would have never asked me out before heading to Iowa and I took matters into my own hands. I got together with your mom and dad and they helped me plan this." You bring her hand up to kiss the back of it.
Caitlin is too stunned to speak - she has never had anyone who has loved her like you are. You bring your free hand to cup her face, your thumb brushing against her cheek.
"I am going to kiss you now," you say slowly leaning in. You can see the effect you are having on her as her chest begins to rise and fall twice as fast. You bring her into a gentle kiss - it is slow and innocent. Once you pull apart, you both smile.
Now the two of you have moved to Indiana together and are starting life outside of Iowa for the first time. It's both an exciting and challenging time as Cait navigates the transition to the W right out of college. After finding an apartment - you started learning about the city while Caitlin jumped right into training camp.
The beginning of the season is a rough start as the Fever navigates a fairly new team. You can tell it all takes a toll on Cait mentally as she is trying to figure out what playing in the W looks like. The transition is something both of you were expecting but not to this degree. Her game wasn't what had been affected (at least not to the degree she was worried about) - it was everything aside of the game that Caitlin (and you) had to learn how to deal with. You did your best to make sure Caitlin was talking to her parents and even her old teammates this season to help encourage her and keep her sane.
She is incredibly thankful that you are there with her because aside from her parents, there is no one who knows the girl better than you do.
Her first game of the season was thrilling. It wasn't unfamiliar as Caitlin was used to playing in front of a packed house - it always fueled her even more. You were lucky enough to tag along and planned on being at every game of hers as she had them write it into her contract that you would travel with them to any away game. You had already been looking into flights when she mentioned you would just be traveling with the team.
You would always be close behind her when she would arrive at the stadiums and would often get pulled into quick little interviews about Caitlin. You would always hype her up and match her in some way shape or form.
After every game, the two of you would walk hand in hand with her jersey draped over your shoulder - ready to turn in for the night.
It had become a thing in college where Caitlin would pass along her jersey to you after every game. It became such a known thing that the uniform team would need to provide Caitlin a new jersey every game. It wasn't super uncommon but soon became known that after she put her game jersey on, it would never come back to them.
The fans also started to notice how you would walk out with Caitlin after the game with her jersey draped over your shoulder. The fans that had followed her in college knew that her game jersey was reserved for you but the newer fans had a field day when they found out. It became what you were known for.
You didn't expect it to be the same in the pros with Caitlin's jersey as you saw other players signing and handing off their jersey to a fan after the game. But without fail, after every game, Cait would walk out to you, jersey in hand, ready to hang it over your shoulder for your collection at home. The world knew that all game jerseys were yours, but what they didn't know is that before she would give them to you she would write some sort of cute message on them just for you. They would all conclude with her CC signature and the date.
It's the 6th game in the season when the Fever plays the Sparks for the first time. You are sitting in a box with some of the other staff and visitors for this game. By the end of the fourth - the Fever takes their first win of the season and the crowd and the team go crazy.
You make your way down the court when there are 2 minutes remaining and wait close to the bench as the team celebrates their first victory together.
Cait is pulled into a quick post-game interview with Aliyah and then is told to go meet someone courtside. You wait patiently, talking to some of the other players and congratulating them on a much-deserved win. You are talking with Lexie and Jason Sudeikis (who you have surprisingly built a friendship with as became to many of Cait's games) when you are pulled from your spot and are being dragged across the court by your girlfriend.
"Caitlin, I was in the middle of a conversation," you say yelling over the people. She brings you to a group of people and you immediately gasp when you see Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis standing there with their kids.
She introduces you and you do your best to keep your cool.
"We are such big fans of yours," you say as you hug each of them.
"You are too sweet!" Mila says as she introduces her kids.
Their daughter looks up at Caitlin with tears in her eyes and asks if she would sign and give her jersey to her.
Both Caitlin and Mila speak at the same time.
"This jersey is already claimed but I can definitely get you a signed one!" Caitlin says.
"Sweetie, you know she always gives it to her girlfriend," Mila says at the same time.
You decide to jump in.
Looking at the girl you say, " I would love if you had this jersey." Your smile beams and Caitlin is about to protest.
"But you have to promise to keep it safe for us, okay?" You say and she proceeds to nod with excitement.
You look over at Cait, who is giving you a 'but no this is yours' look and you just wave her off.
"I'll make sure it gets to you once she changes out of it okay?" You say and Ashton and Mila are both incredibly thankful for you.
"It is crazy that you knew that all of my jerseys go to her," Cait says to Mila.
"Well, we have been following you for a little while now and have seen the interview when you mentioned she has all of your jerseys from college. That is super cute," Mila says.
Caitlin blushes and you laugh.
"You would think I have enough but 139 just isn't enough," you say jokingly and Cait gives you a look of hurt - you know it is all in light spirits.
"You love it when I give you my jersey," Caitlin fights back.
"I do, and I hope you never stop," you say leaning in to hug her side, patting her on the chest.
You part ways with the Kutcher family and tell them you will get their daughter CC's jersey but not before taking a photo.
When you get back to the locker room with Caitlin, she changes and your take the jersey.
Later that night you are scrolling through your social media feed and see Mila had tagged you in a post. You pull it up to see it is the group photo that was taken followed by a photo of her daughter in Caitlin's jersey. You smile and like it, leaving a comment - 'No one else I would rather share CC's game day jersey with 🫶🏽'.
You scroll through the comments and see how cute it is and how that is a one-in-a-million jersey. You turn over to Cait, who is lying next to you, and show her.
"I can't believe you gave away my first Fever win jersey," she mumbles. You laugh at her.
"I have your pre-season win jersey! And there was no way we were saying no to Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis," you say.
"Even she was saying that jersey belonged to you," Caitlin retorts.
"I think we will both live if I don't have a jersey from today," you say and kiss her shoulder.
"That's what you think, but lucky for you - I made sure you wouldn't go home empty-handed," she says as she gets out of bed and brings her over her warm-up shirt from the game.
"Caitlin, you did not." You say sitting up and taking the shirt from her.
You look down at it and see her message.
[My girl - This first win goes to you and the heart of gold you have. Here's to many more. I love you - CC 5.24.24]
She is still standing next to your bed when you reach up to hug her. Her arms wrap around you faster than yours can wrap around her.
"I love you, you know that?" You say squeezing your girl.
"I know and I love you even more," she says as she nuzzles her head into the crook of your neck.
[My girl - To the first of many, a little thank you. I love you - CC 11.25.20]
[My girl - Let the fun begin - CC 3.23.21]
[My girl - I tried but 46 wasn't enough. Thank you for cheering me on no matter what. I love you - CC 2.6.22]
[My girl - Thank you for the pregame pep talk, it was needed more than you know. Michigan didn't stand a chance. Love you - CC 2.27.22]
[My girl - First double-double of the season, feeling good. Love hearing you in the crowd. Love you - CC 11.10.22]
[My girl - Not the way we wanted to ring in the new year but having you here made it better. We will get them next time. Love you - CC 1.1.23]
[My girl - A triple-double to take us to the final four, who would have thought...I mean you, you knew I could. I love you - CC 3.26.23]
[My girl - That one was rough, thank you for always cheering me on. I love you - CC 4.2.23]
[My girl - The beginning of the end. So glad you are here with me. Love you - CC 11.6.23]
[My girl - Thank you for loving me through my worst. You are the best - CC 2.11.24]
[My girl - I did it, babe! Most points in D1 women's basketball AND school high with career-high scoring for a game, easy. Hope you enjoy this birthday gift, love you - CC 2.15.24]
[My girl - Not to brag but your girl is the all-time leading scorer in the NCAA. - CC 3.3.24]
[My girl - No mercy, we have been working for this all year. Love you - CC 4.1.24]
[My girl - I wish I could tell you how much you mean to me, your support at every game fueled me. Thank you, baby. Yours forever - CC 4.7.24]
[My girl - Here's to a whole new adventure and jersey for your collection. I love you - CC 5.3.24]
[My girl - This first win goes to you and the heart of gold you have. Here's to many more. I love you - CC 5.24.24]
[My girl - Marry me? - CC 9.19.24]
AN: This is cute. I'm a fan but let me know what you think. And as always, thank you for your love and support 🤍
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elizabethkitley · 2 months
just some quick mom and wife caitlin headcanons
making chocolate chip cookies for you, your wife cait, and your daughter…baby girl is sitting on the counter, eating the dough from the beater when caitlin walks in the door :( your daughter knows she’s home before you do and she instantly tries to squirm off the counter to see her :(
neither one of you wants to discipline baby girl, but you’d choose to be the bad guy majority of the time. your daughter knows she’s really messed up when caitlin gets on her
going to games with baby girl wearing a tiny fever jersey
caitlin being there for her first steps, crying as your daughter waddles into her arms
speaking of caitlin’s arms, she’d be even more jacked the longer she’s in the W, so baby girl looks so tiny in her arms, even when she’s a toddler
you watching as caitlin bring the bay to her post game interviews, the baby girl being on her lap and playing with the microphone as shes talking omg
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FO4 Companions React to Sole Keeping Her Tapeworm Because it's Her Bodily Autonomy
The day Sole broke the news to Cait that she was eating for two, Cait seemed confused at first, but then agreed with her decision completely. Those who were in qualms about Sole’s opinion reminded her of Tommy back at the Combat Zone whenever she would pop a mentat or two. He’d always offhandedly snark ‘That’s stuff’l kill ya, Cait’, to which she’d remark “So could a feral deathclaw round’ the corner the second you step outside! Live a little Tommy!” 
Asks Sole if they could repeat that? After much explaining, pauses, and finger snapping, Codsworth seemed to be broken from his trance, only to bellow out long mechanic weeps and cries. “If the Hubby/Mrs could see this right now, they would be heartbroken!” Sole knelt down, attempting to console their robot butler and explained it was all going to be ok; that this was their choice and if things got too bad, they would definitely seek medical help. That seemed to quell the tears and reduce them to robo-sniffles here and there. “I-If you’re sure…” ‘I am’ Sole says, beaming.
Immediately gasps in shock and leads them to the nearest med clinic. She tells Sole the importance of being parasite-free in an already dangerous wasteland. As Sole is bent over in a hospital gown getting purified water pumped at 120 horsepower up there, Curie distracts Sole by recalling an interesting tale of her work at a human spay and neuter clinic.
Makes a disgusted face, and takes a few steps to the left in his Power Armor. Sole explains how it is a matter of bodily autonomy, and how it’s not contagious, no matter how gnarly it sounds. Danse simply nods and his finger itches towards his laser rifle, then in one quick moment he opens fire, rounds shooting through Sole’s body and lodging into the metal shack wall behind them. “Godless heathen. The brotherhood would never allow such filth.” He spits at Sole lifeless body. 
“I know a way to fix that!” Deacon said proudly, sunglasses glistening in the afternoon sun. He himself was full of worms, and used them for spying. “Go ahead and pull down those jorts.” Sole raises an eyebrow at this, but they trust their good friend Deacon and do as he suggested. After all, they wouldn’t have the flexibility or willpower to get the tube up there themselves. After some straining the tube enters their back barn door.
“Wowza! That’s a strange sensation!” Sole exclaimed. “Hold onto something steady,” Deacon said cautiously, the liquid tube dispenser in hand. “You’re going to need something to ground yourself when I squeeze this tube into your rectum. You have to hold the liquid in your backyard downtown zone for as long as possible. Once it’s in there you’re going to want to shit yourself into next week asap, but you have to hold it for as long as you can stand.”
The tube Deacon held was clearly pre-war tech and was pulled from a box that was dusty and faded. A woman with a stay-at-home mom nuclear bomb haircut with a big smile and a thumbs up was pasted on the front. Sole grasped a car bumper tightly in their hands and braced themselves. “Okay. Do your worst.” Deacon squeezed the tube and the igniting liquid whooshed up into Sole’s secret tube.
“FUUUUUUUUUCK!” Sole screamed, loud enough to wake the entire settlement. “Hold it in, bitch!” Deacon shouted with encouragement and pumped a fist in the air. “Every particle of my being wants to shit!” Sole screamed, holding their ass shut. Deacon looked at his watch and counted down with his fingers.
“Okay, Sole! Go!” He shouted and pointed to the nearby hole they dug in the dirt. Sole duck waddled as fast as humanly possible, holding their ass closed as sweat beaded down their face.
They could feel the inner workings of their ass growling and howling for mercy. There was an enraged beast inside them, approaching doom looming over them. They rounded the corner to the hole, where Hancock was already squatting, his pants around his ankles! “Occupied, sister/brother!” 
Doesn’t even bat an eye, perhaps because he’s supportive of Sole’s decisions or perhaps he’s high as a kite and sees Sole as one giant worm anyway. They proceed to get zonked out of their minds all night, arguing over what the worm will be named, what college it will go to, and how many kids it will have. Fahrenheit occasionally interrupts them due to being too loud, to which the mayor simply reasserts his mayoral rights, and recites the United States Constitution all while standing on a coffee table and falls into Sole’s arms bridal style.
Side eyes Sole after they recall their tale, and states he should now be getting paid twice as much as he now has two employers. He also tries to bargain the tapeworm off of Sole’s body to sell it on the black market which angers Sole as it’s their decision to keep it, and to be honest they kind of grew fond of the little guy.
The detective side of his brain wants to know how the tapeworm got there in the first place, and how to stop Sole from infecting themselves with more in the future. He finds later on with his investigative skills that they gave themself the tapeworm to slim down their figure. Nick places a comforting hand on their shoulder as they cry in the rain when he confronts them. “You’ll always be a fine piece of ass in my book, worms or no worms.” He says tenderly. 
When Piper finds out that Sole will be keeping their tapeworm she is confused. At first she thought they’d be heading straight for the docs office and getting that thing flushed out. However Sole is firm in their decision and that it's their worms, their body. Piper can’t quite argue with that. She ends up writing news stories about Sole and their worm companion, until Sole slowly withers away. 
Doesn’t know what a tapeworm is. He has his own case of ringworm however, and once the settlements are taken care of they wrestle leisurely and pass the worms back and forth. 
“I TOO HAVE WORM!” Is all he says, and he doesn’t bring it up for the rest of the year.
Says nothing at first, just stares blankly until one night he offers Sole a coffee. Sole drinks the coffee and spends the rest of the night vomiting and shitting blood until they are tapeworm free. X6 smiles proudly from afar as they are rushed to a medic. 
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