#the time i watched arcane all night for the first time and was sobbing crying at the end...
earfgoddesss · 11 months
Arcane season 2 resurrected my ability to be excited, which The Gray Garden prequel destroyed.
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sprnklersplashes · 3 years
5 with Karen and Gretchen?
It’s time to fight the boss and if I don’t tell you now, I might not live to tell you
I have no idea why my brain decided to make this a fantasy/DnD style AU, but it did.
Karen’s hand is the warmest thing in this place.
There’s no light, save for the setting sun at their backs and their dwindling torches. Hers flickers again, blown about the cold wind, and she bites back a scream. It wouldn’t do at all to lose the one advantage they might have; the element of surprise. So she clamps her mouth shut, and begs the Goddess to keep their torches lit until… until whatever is going to happen, happens.
“It should be just up here now,” Janis says. Her voice is thin, trembling, a far cry from what she’s come to expect, and it sends another shiver up Gretchen’s spine. Janis is the strongest person she’s ever known, stronger even than Regina, and were it not for the arcane law that only men can be knights, she’d be serving in the King’s army right now. She’s known her from childhood and despite everything that she’s watched her go through, she’s never seen her truly scared. Until now. “Just around this corner.”
“Any last prayers, say them now,” Regina announces flatly. If she meant it as a joke, it didn’t come out as one. The time for jokes has long since passed, she supposes.
Quickly, Gretchen closes her eyes and mutters under her breath, a prayer she’s known her whole life. A protection prayer, for her and the people around. Because Goddess knows they’ll need it. A victory prayer too, in case their entire village’s prayers aren’t enough.
Karen catches her eye when she opens them again, and she gives her a small smile.
Of course, if anyone were to be the one smiling, it would be Karen.
Suddenly, the cave is slightly less cold.
None of them move. Six pairs of eyes look anxiously from one to the other, each eventually landing on Janis. She’s the leader of this group, the one who roused them Damian and Cady and told them she was going off to track down the monster that had been terrorising their village. And of course, they both insisted she wasn’t going anywhere without them. And then word accidentally spread to Regina, who picked up her daggers and invited herself, daring Janis to turn her down. Safety in numbers after all, and so their old rivalry is buried. And when she heard Regina was going, Gretchen asked to come too. Nobody understood her reasons why, even when she explained them. To protect her friends, she thinks. To be a part of something. Because she’d had enough of sitting around her house waiting for the monster to attack. Because they didn’t have a tracker, and it was either her or Shane. That persuaded Janis.
And when she said she was going, Karen decided she was coming too. Because she’s Karen, and they’ve done everything together since they took their first steps. Even when Janis explained the dangers to her, she was still insistent on coming as long as Gretchen was there too. She said that they’re in it together, and there was no changing her mind after that.
Gretchen’s glad she came. Not just because her magic has proven useful on more than one occasion, but because she’s been the reason for her smiling, for any of them smiling, throughout most of this journey. Standing there with a joke, a laugh, a promise that they’ll come out on the other side and sit on the hill overlooking the village again. Because she sits with Gretchen when it’s her turn to keep watch, because she shares her blanket with her, because she lets her lay her head in her lap and runs her fingers through it until she falls asleep.
Because she holds her hand.
But she also wishes she wasn’t here. Because there’s a new scar on her cheek that she’ll have to explain to her mother and a set of likely-permanent burns across her left arm. Because she cries in her sleep, scarred by the things they’ve seen. Because she doesn’t belong here, with her soft smile and softer hands that should be sewing or painting in her house, not skewering a dead squirrel on a stick.
Because on a journey to track and kill a monster is the worst possible time to realise that you are in fact, in love with your best friend.
And you still haven’t told her yet.
Janis goes over the plan one more time, speaking in a hushed voice that just about masks her terror. Cady scales the wall, perches on a ledge and fires her arrows into the beast, wounding it enough. Regina takes the other side and does what she does best with her daggers. And Karen stands at the side, uses her magic to hold it in place. Meanwhile, Janis and Damian approach it and bury both their swords in its heart. Gretchen’s diagram of the beast now sits in Janis’ pocket. If she’s right, two good thrusts into its chest should end it. And as for her, she stays with Karen, a few throwing knives in her bag should anything go wrong.
That’s it, and then it’s over. One way or the other.
Janis turns, the dimming light of her torch turning her pale face golden, her dark braid tucked into her hood.
“Last chance to turn away,” she says. “I won’t blame anyone if they do.”
“Absolutely not,” Cady says, and she’s speaking on behalf of all of them. No matter how scared Gretchen might feel, she’s not turning back now. She may be terrified, but she’s felt more alive on this journey than ever before. She’s done things she never would have thought she could if she’d just stayed at home. If-when… if-they return home, she’ll be different. She’ll make something of herself.
Maybe she’ll tell Karen how she feels too.
Janis looks around at them, unshed tears glistening in her eyes, and she nods. Her face breaks out into a grin, one that’s reckless and burning with courage, and she draws her sword.
“Let’s rock this bitch,” she says, and she heads into the cave.
Once Gretchen goes to follow her though, a wave of thoughts run through her head, dizzying her when she needs to be sharper than ever. That when she hugged her mother, it might have been the last time. That there are so many things she never said to people. That this could be the last thing she sees.
That if they die tonight, she’ll never have told Karen how she feels.
That scares her more than the monster does.
“Karen.” Her name comes out sharp and quick, and Karen turns, her eyes wide and face pale in the near-total darkness. Something rushes through Gretchen, her heart hammering against her chest, and she has to think, is this courage, before she says “I love you.”
She doesn’t know what she was expecting to happen. She hadn’t thought that far ahead. She hadn’t thought at all.
But what does happen is that Karen grabs her by the collar of her shirt and kisses her. Her hand was warm, her lips warmer still, chasing away the chill that the cave brought. She tilts her head just slightly, and lets Gretchen tangle her fingers in her hair. For a few blissful, beautiful seconds, everything else melts away and there’s no danger, no monsters, no nothing. Just her, just them, just two girls kissing each other because they can.
“I love you too,” Karen whispers against her lips, breathless. Gretchen laughs, the sound feeling strange in her chest, and touches her forehead to Karen’s.
“When we go home,” Gretchen tells her. “I’m holding your hand. And I’ll dance with you in front of everyone.”
“Promise?” Karen asks. The other girl’s smile dips slightly then, the dawning realisation that going home isn’t a guarantee. Still, Gretchen reaches up and tucks a stray lock of her hair behind her ear.
“I promise,” she says, so firmly she surprises even herself. “Now let’s go.”
Karen holds her hand tighter, and together they venture into the cave, Karen’s magic crackling at her fingertips and a knife poised in her hand.
They make it home. Bloody, bruised, beaten, broken and exhausted, but they make it home. Their families rush to greet them the minute they cross the village threshold, Gretchen’s strength fleeing her the minute her mother wraps her arms around her. She chokes and sobs into her shoulder, the feeling of her touch both so comforting and so unfamiliar, having been away for so long.
It takes a week for them to recover properly, all of them sleeping for days on end and only rising for meals. The village healer comes and checks over her, tutting at the many bruises that cover her skin and gasping when she tells him how she got each one. He tells her she’s lucky to be alive. She only nods. She doesn’t like to dwell on that fact for too long. All that matters to her now is that she’s still here. That they survived. And because of them, there will never be another attack on their village again.
Once the party is on their feet again, the King decides to throw a party in their honour.
Gretchen wears a blue silk dress, one of her mother’s own making, and Karen weaves white daisies into her hair. She tries and fails not to blush, and her mother catches her eye through the open door. It only takes one glance for her to work it out, and she’s glad of it.
They go to the party together, and Gretchen keeps her promise. She dances with Karen all night, in front of everyone, and kisses her when the sun sets, and when the stars come out, and when the full moon shines. They just dance, and kiss, and Gretchen hopes the night will never end.
It does, but Karen comes home with her, and she can kiss her goodnight.
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agoracactus · 4 years
Pt. 9.5 - The Blood Mage
so im here to explain what happened after reader left Geralt, but it gets pretty dark (see warnings), if u dont wanna read it but still wanna know what happened, ill do a family friendly summary at the very end, scroll and look for this ▲△▲△▲△ dividing line
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.4.5 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 Pt.8 Pt.9
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x reader
Word Count: 4110 - summary excluded
Warnings: besides the standards, blood, gore, indication of sacrificial ritual against children (yes im a monster)
Tag list: @theojuicee @ayamenimthiriel @imthesnowinthedark @distinguishedkryptonitecreator
You stood there, watching him disappeared into the woods, cold air wrapping tightly around your body.
Was it getting cold? Or was it your blood drawing away from the surface of your skin, wanted to crawl inside and hide there and never come out?
When you realized it, you were already walking away. Tears blurring your sight, hitched breaths blocking your hearing, you stumbled forward, don’t know where you’re going--- you just wanted to get out, you had to.
You tripped and fell, and you just lay there, panting from the emotion that’s gripping your chest.
How could he say such things? You cared about him so much, yet he returned it with sharp blades of words. Manipulating him? How dare he? You were merely helping, trying to steer him away from the tragic events that would happen to him! Did he ever say ‘thank you’ for your effort of trying? No. He complained. He Accused you for being a ‘jinx’.
You sat up. The darkness had already crept in in between the trees. You wiped your eyes with the back of your hand, the shock and the sadness faded into anger. You stood up.
Fine, you’re leaving. You don’t need him anyway. You could go back to Yen, she would take you in. You would live a way better life than before- Hell, you don’t even need Yen. You can take care of yourself. You will go on your own adventure and perhaps meet someone better than that stupid, stubborn asshole.
You didn’t know how long you’ve been walking, or where were you walking to. It was dark everywhere, and your human eyes could barely made out anything- probably even less than what you usually could due to your now puffy eyes.
You started to hear the different sound of the night forest, the cracking of the dry twigs, the chirping of what you assumed of the crickets, the rustling of the trees, and perhaps the howling of some wolves far away.
Suddenly, a scream pierced through the darkness of the forest.
You tensed up, ready to run if any danger come towards you.
You heard it loud and clear. You quickly drew out your shotgun, ran to the source of the sound.
It wasn’t hard to locate where you should go, there was a faint glow not so far away in the woods. As you were getting closer, you saw a circle of glyphs giving out a brown-ish red glow, in the center lay a shape that seemed to be a body of a child. Beyond the circle, not too far away, was a ghoul.
“Help me! Help!” Someone up in the tree shouted desperately, seeing you appeared from the dark. You stopped in the circle of glyphs, aimed the shotgun at the ghoul that was growling up at the poor man and pulled the trigger.
The ghoul took a few shot before it went down and stopped moving completely.
“Are you ok?” you poked the dead ghoul with the gun barrel to make sure it’s really dead, and said to the man, “You can come down now, it’s dead.” “Oh thank you kind stranger!” the man swiftly climbed down, he was wearing a cloak with dark stains at the bottom edge. “I would have been dead if not for you, I owe you my life!” “What happened here?” you asked, stepped into the circle once again to check the pulse of the child. You noticed the boy had several cuts on his arms and legs, and a mark of branding on the inside of his wrist that you couldn’t quite make out the design with the dim light from the glyphs.
“...Fascinating...” You heard the man gasped in awe. “Hm?” gotten distracted from inspecting the branding further more, the thought slipped from your mind, “The kid is dead.” you stood up. “Yes yes, poor child. His parents brought him to me for treatments, but the monster showed up. I tried to put up a protection sphere for him but he’s badly wounded...” the man lowered his head with remorse. “You’re a healer?” you stepped out of the circle. The man glanced at your feet and the glyphs, “I’m a worshiper of the arcane, a student in the knowledge of unknown.” he bowed his head slightly, “Sadon Olbrecht, at your service.” “Y/n.” you replied, found yourself having some trouble trusting him, but couldn’t put your finger on it.
“What a lovely name! And what brought you here deep in the woods in such late hours?” “Um, well, I um, lost.” you avoided the eye contact, remembering the reason why you were deep in the woods late at night. “Oh I live near by! You are more than welcome to come stay overnight, and I can show you the way to the highway tomorrow!” he lit a lantern--- that came out of nowhere. “It’s this way!” he lift up the lantern to see better ahead. “...” you took a look back at the direction you assumed you came from--- it’s too dark to tell--- “Sure. Lead the way.”
It didn’t take long before you saw that stone made house. “Here we are!” Sadon picked up the pace, “We don’t have much, but it’s our humble home.” “We?” you glanced at the dark windows. “Yes. Come come!” he quickly pushed open the wooden door. You hesitated, one hand reached back and clutched on the pistol.
You stepped in. It was dark, the smell of decay and dampness rushed into your nostril. “Sadon?” you couldn’t see anything. Something wasn’t right. You turned, wanted to walk back out.
Then a heavy strike hit you in the back of your head. You fell unconscious.
It was cold, dark, humid, stank of dirt and mold.
And blood.
So much blood.
Fresh, not fresh, they all mixed together into a protruding smell.
You were leaning against the cold stone wall, hands chained to the wall, another pair of heavy manacles on your ankles. There’s no window in this room, the only time when you could see anything was when Sadon were in the room, then he would light all the candles--- there were so many candles, black and red. When there’s no light, it’s pitch black. So dark that you often wondered if your eyes were actually opened.
It hurt everywhere, to a point that you couldn’t feel pain anymore. You used to complain so much about even the smallest cut, would wine about your sore back every few minutes. But you stopped thinking about the pain now. Your brain learned to ignore it after a while. You tried to get some sleep, but your body was aching and stiff--- in fact, your brain couldn’t even tell if you’ve slept.
And the noises. The sobbing and crying and moaning from below.
The kids.
You didn’t know who they were, but you know there were several of them. Sadon kept them separated from you, in the camber below. You saw him carrying sacks downstairs a couple of times, took some time before you realized that those were the kids. He probably kidnapped them somewhere, put them to sleep for transportation.
You’re glad that you didn’t know these poor children.
You heard the rustling of the keys, and the squeaking of the metal door. Light poured in from the door at the far side of the chamber, a pair of feet came down the stone stairs.
“Good evening!” he greeted you delightedly and started lighting the candles with the candlestick he brought down. There was a large stone pedestal in the middle of the chamber, few metal hooks sticking out on the sides, with runes carved all around it and it was covered in deep maroon. The runes ran down the pedestal, to the stone floor, and formed a circle.
Sadon finished lighting up the room, set the candlestick down on the side of the pedestal “I really have a good feeling today, perhaps success is near the corner!” You could hear the sincere excitement in his voice, and it only sickened you more.
He took the chain of keys, and unlocked the hatch to the basement. You chewed on the inside of your mouth, hearing the children crying. You saw a little boy being dragged up, manacles chained on his skinny wrists and ankles. The boy was trying all he can to fight, but Sadon as a grown man was way stronger than him. He threw you desperate gazes, but there was nothing you could do. You watched him being dragged to the pedestal, manacles on his wrists hooked to one side and the ankles were hooked to the other side.
Then Sadon brought a dagger and a small goblet to you. He knelt down beside you, took the dagger and cup a deep slit in your upper arm. You turned your head away, gritted your teeth so hard you felt like you were going to shatter your jaw. He caught your blood in the goblet and brought it back to the boy, who was laying on the pedestal, panting in fear.
You shut your eyes, trying to close off all your senses.
The pure one.
That’s how Sadon addressed you. How disgusted you were when you heard that.
He said he’s a blood mage. You knew that’s bullshit from the time you’ve spent with the witcher and the sorceress, and the knowledge they fed to you.
Sadon was just a demon worshiper, who was deluded about how he has a connection with the “demon lord”. He told you that he would one day break the barrier between the two worlds and bring his lord to this realm, and together they would bring the world to greatness. And he believed that your blood is the key to his grand plan.
You didn’t even care about the sanity of his mind.
How long have you been in here? How many rituals have you witnessed? How many young lives were perished, tragically and painfully in front of your eyes? The scenes, the sounds, they haunted your dreams. Sometimes you couldn’t tell if you were dreaming or the ritual was actually happening.
At first you were so mad, you screamed, you struggled. You tried to fight your way out of this, but you were nothing without your weapons.
You were nothing without your witcher.
You overflew your mind with the witcher.
His voice, his frown, his grunt, his smirk. What was he doing while you were stuck here, suffering? Did his mind ever come across you after you parted ways? Was he worried about you?
Then you banned him out of your mind, kicked the image the sound the phantom warmth of his out of your brain as many times as you needed.
You prayed. Prayed for all these were just a bad dream, prayed that Geralt would be looking and saved you from this hellhole. You cursed, cursed your bad luck, curse your immunity, cursed for you trusting a stranger and take him for his words. Disappointed- desperate about the absence of
Till there’s nothing left for you to do but to wait.
Wait for the final fate to find you.
The chamber has grown cold.
You were the one laying face up on the pedestal, staring up at the ceiling. There hanged a rusty chandelier, covered in dust and webs. The thought of it falling and killing you and ruining the ritual flashed through your mind, brought you a slight amusement. You were even more amused at how you were coming up sick jokes when death was staring you right in the face. In fact, you had to suppress the urge to laugh.
Few kids were kneeling on the ground, forming a circle around the pedestal. You couldn’t tell how many of them were there--- you were too weak to turn your head to look--- you guessed that they were probably the last ‘stock’ Sadon had in his little basement. You could hear them sobbing, the silver instruments Sadon made them held were making soft tinkling sound with their shaky hands.
The temperture dropped more. Or maybe it’s you losing blood.
You heard Sadon’s chanting, heard him moving around in his elegant robe. You fought to keep your eyes open, but the eyelids were growing heavy.
You were scared.
Is this it? Are you really going to die? What’s beyond ‘death’? Will you return to your world? Would Geralt miss you, at all?
You were not ready to go. But the darkness was creeping in from the corner of your vision.
A voice crept in as darkness consumed you. It souded like several people talking at the same time, in different pitch, but merged in one.
“What do you wish?”
You found yourself standing--- or perhaps, floating, in this darkness. The voice seemed to be coming from everywhere.
“We could give you anything you want.”
You looked around, then you weren’t sure if you were actually looking.
“I want to live.” you found yourself talking, heard your voice coming from all around you.
“Pay the price.” 
The voice echoed in the space.
“I have nothing.”
“Give us what’s most precious to you.”
A dark shape emerged from the dark. You didn’t know how you’re seeing it without light, but the presence was strong. You saw it extended it’s hand, expecting a hand shake.
You closed your eyes, still seeing the darkness.
“Give it.”  “Give it.” “Give it.”
The voice now split into several whispers, coming from different directions.
You saw yourself slowly raising your hand, slowly, reaching that extending arm. Faintly, you heard your voice, telling you to stop, to think this over, to be smart.
A face flashed into your mind, the pair of eyes that would usually filled with warmth were painted in cold bitterness.
You held onto the arm.
A burning sensation burst out on the inside of your forearm. A shape was glowing, and eating your flesh away. You screamed.
The whispers ceased.
“You are ours now.”
The darkness faded. You were on your bare feet, panting. Most of the candles were out, the only ones still burning were the ones on the pedestal behind you.
Your saw your shadow casting on the ground, and drew up to the wall, swaying, with the low burn candlelight. The thick substance that’s covering the ground, glistening with the flickering light. You tried to move your feet, but your foot kicked something.
An arm. Children’s.
You slowly glanced around, eyes barely made out the scattering pieces of what you assumed, human body. The smell of gradually decaying flesh filled your nostril, your brain slowly started working.
What happened?
You saw Sadon, half of his head were by the wall, expression frozen on absolute horror.
The metal door screaked. You turned, and saw two figures standing at the top of the stairs. In their eyes, were those horror? Shock? Perhaps wonder?
You didn’t get to find out. In a flash, the smaller figure of the two rushed towards you. And before you could react, a blunt hit in the back of your head. You were back into darkness again.
▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲the family friendly dividing line▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲△▲
You left Geralt after the fight when the night was falling. Frustrated and disappointed at what happened, you got lost.
Deep in the woods, you came upon a man who named Sadon, he was being attacked by a ghoul, after killing the ghoul, he offered somewhere safe to stay for the night in return. He attacked you and knocked you out after arriving at his stone made house.
It turned out that he was a demon worshiper, and claimed to be a blood mage. He made sacrifices of children who he kidnapped at the nearby village to pay tribute to his dark lord. He believes that the rituals he’s doing granted him power, and one day he would be powerful enough to summon the demon king to this realm, and together they would rule the world. And when you saved him in the woods, he found out that magic doesn’t take effect on you. He believed that you were the key he needed for his grand scheme. So he kidnapped you, and was waiting for the right time for his final ritual.
Sadon wasn’t wrong. Your blood was desired by the demons, as it could grant them power. The ritual was successful, just wasn’t as expected by Sadon. You made a deal with the demons, giving them your memory in exchange of immense power.
You woke up and found yourself standing, around you were Sadon and all the children who met a horrible death. Helvi’tar and Eyle opened the door to the basement of death, found you in complete confusion.
Then Eyle knocked you out.
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liliesoftherain · 5 years
4 and 57 for kirishima please?
A/N: Whoops my hand slipped I..Angst guys anGST WATCH OUT-
Title: Never be the Same
Pairing: Eijirou Kirishima x Reader 
4. “Look at me-just breath, okay?”57. “I can’t stand the thought of losing you.”
Tumblr media
Eijirou Kirishima!:
Your ears were ringing, no other sounds were able to overpower the piercing sound. You were trying to gasp for air, but the smoke from the burning buildings that surrounded you made it harder to do. The fumes were making your head spin, but you couldn’t force your body to move. You sat with your back against one of the few still standing brick walls, trying hard to keep yourself awake and breathing. 
You kept an eye on all three villains who were scattered around you, making sure they weren’t going to get up any time soon. These guys were smart, knowing that they’d have a better chance if they had split you and your group up. It was supposed to be a simple take down of a small, low-threat group of villains. The only reason you had the party you did, was because the board of directors, that mainly consisted of government officials, decided it would be best to have this powerful group together for the threat. 
While they were a low-threat villain group, they were connected to something much bigger than that, and you heroes have been chipping away at them little by little. Hoping to hit the heart of the group before anything worse were to happen. However, these guys must have somehow caught wind of the plans, or they were becoming more antsy at having so many members lost, because they were ready.
At first, you hadn’t been worried at all, knowing that you, Bakugou, Midoriya, Todoroki, and Kirishima were more than capable. However, that confidence soon turned into unease once everyone was split apart, forced to take on three or more high-class villains on their own. That didn’t mean you weren’t about him though, although you should probably be worrying about yourself. 
You were suffering from the battle as multiple gashes littered your body, and larger wounds on your side and thigh which were causing you to lose a lot of blood.
You heard a large explosion break through the white noise, and knew you had to help the others. You stood on shaky legs, before collapsing once more. You cursed in pain as you began to army crawl, pulling yourself to one of the villains and using your quirk to secure his hands behind his back. You willed your life force to create some makeshift cuffs on the other two as well before hardening it, creating an almost unbreakable substance. 
You moved away from them, trying to stand once more, knowing now wasn’t the time to feel weak. You had to get to someone, had to get these guys in custody, you had to. You may have been swaying but you were finally able to stand without falling, squinting into the smog-filled area to spot something, anything. 
Keeping one hand tightly on your wound, you manipulated your life force into a rope in the other, connecting it to the cuffs and dragged all three villains at once. Slow, trembling steps were all you could take, but at least you were able to move. 
Painful coughs racked through your body, causing you to drop to your knees. The world was spinning and you were losing too much blood. A thin trail of it slipped past your lips, the metallic taste in your mouth made you spit in disgust with a hiss. 
“Fuck,” You wheezed, “I gotta keep- ugh..”
Your body stopped listening to your commands, choosing to have you fall face first into the ground below. You felt the pain from your side lighten, becoming more bearable as it became numb. That would have been a good thing if it wasn’t for the fact the edges of your vision were going dark.
Was this how it ended for you? All alone, surrounded by knocked out bad guys and burning buildings? 
What a way to go.
The sound of your hero name, while sounding quite muffled in your ears, made your body twitch. You wanted to look up, but you were way too weak to even think let alone move. 
“Ac-(y/n)! No! Hey wake up-open your eyes!” 
They fluttered open, you didn’t even realize you closed them. The feeling of being turned on your back didn’t even register until you were locked onto a blurred face you knew all too well. A smile, which you were sure didn’t look like a smile, spread over your face.
“Ei-” More coughing interrupted you, blood spilling from your mouth and spraying against his chest. You wanted to apologize, but the pain in your side had returned. Your mouth opened in a silent scream as the searing pain caused your nerves to pulse.
“No, no no no, hey! Look at me-just breathe, okay?”
You tried to suck in a breath but your lungs wouldn’t work, you brought your hands up, clawing at his arms and chest.
A harsh press against your sigh made you gasp, and a shuddering breath opened your lungs. You were gulping down the air you needed, your senses both dimming and enhancing at the same time.
You were hyper aware of the wrong things, you should’ve been focused on the villains, the citizens, the battle ahead, but you couldn’t.
All you could focus was the warm arms that held you tight, the unshed tears rimming in his ruby red eyes, the dirt smudging his tan face, him. 
“H-hey.. Eiji, I-” You grit your teeth as the throbbing in your side got worse.
“Sh hey, hey it’s okay. Don’t talk, c’mon you gotta fight through it okay? I’m going to get you help.” 
You lifted your hand to cup his face, your fingers were tingling but the comfort from touching him helped you ignore it.
“You’re… okay, r-right?” You muttered, trying hard to keep yourself focused on his trembling jaw.
“I-I’m fine, I only had two guys to deal with. Look at you, taking on three all by yourself. So manly.” Kirishima tried to laugh, but it came out more as a broken whimper.
“Hm.” Your vision was spotty, and you felt yourself slipping.
The cold was creeping in, spreading up from your fingers and toes. You wanted to fight it, you were trying so hard, but you couldn’t. The pull was too strong.
“(y/n), hold on okay, hold on.” Eijirou didn’t even know he was crying till he saw his tears fall onto your cold cheeks. 
He lifted you up and you moaned in protest, the light jolts of pain were enough to have you snap your eyes open. He didn’t care about the villains on the ground, he cared about getting you the help you needed. Kirishima tried holding your bleeding side as tightly as you could and he felt his heart squeeze at your pained cries. He rushed forward through the ashes and destroyed structures, looking for the ambulances that could help. Looking for anyone who could help.
“St-uh-op!” You groaned, your pain was coming in harsh waves as you were being jostled around. 
“I can’t!” 
“Please, it h-hurts..” 
“The pain is keeping you awake isn’t it! Focus on staying awake okay? I’m sorry, I’m sorry, dammit!” Kirishima’s heart was going into overdrive, his fear taking over his entire being. There was no one around, the debris and rising smoke was disorienting him and he didn’t know where to go. He couldn’t wait, you needed help-
“S-stop Eiji p-pl..” You whispered, hand squeezing his shoulder as tightly as you could.
He did what you asked, your small voice caused him to hold you closer as he didn’t know what else to do. 
He felt so lost, so insignificant, so helpless. 
How could he let you down like this?
His eyes blurred with tears as you looked so calm, your fingers cold but that small smile on your face was the warmest and brightest thing he’s ever seen. Sinking to his knees, he tried to put on a brave face for your sake, but your gaze was unfocused. He knew you weren’t looking at him anymore, and his whole body ached with the hurt and pain of feeling you slip away, right in his arms.
You couldn’t focus anymore, the world completely lost to you. The feeling of bliss was lifting the burden of pain from your body, and you had never felt better. You knew something was wrong, you knew you shouldn’t feel this way, but you let it take over.
“(y/n), I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you. God, I love you so much and I’m going to take you on a date okay? You got that?” He sobbed, biting his bottom lip to keep his wails inside.
His voice was getting farther and farther away, why was he so muffled? Wasn’t he holding onto you just a second ago? What was he saying?
“I’m going to take you out to your favorite place, a-and we’ll laugh together as we goof off, blowing the straw wrappers at each other. I’ll walk you home and kiss you for the first time, i’ll probably mess it up b-but you’ll laugh and tell me i-it’s okay, and you, you’ll kiss me again. It’ll be the best first kiss ever.”
His lips were moving but you couldn’t hear the words, you felt a longing to hear everything he was saying.
“T-then after some time together, I’ll make a grand proposal, and i-i’ll have Ashido record the whole thing! We’ll laugh about how I-I almost dropped the ring, and how nothing went according to plan. But you wouldn’t have it any other way..”
You tried to focus on his face, you really did. It was hard but at least you could see the emotions in his eyes-God his eyes, they were so sad, why was this angel crying atop of you? 
“We’ll have a small wedding with everyone we are care about, and I’d be the luckiest man alive… We’d be the power couple in the hero world, can you hear all the disappointed fans? I wouldn’t care, I would give it all up for you. The chance to love you, hold you every night, the chance to have you be by my side for the rest of my life.. So please, please, I can’t stand the thought of losing you. So don’t leave me.”
You didn’t know what was what anymore, but there was something nagging at you, something you needed to do. 
“..I love.. you..”
Your body went lax in his arms after you said your last words, and he could only stare as your eyes fluttered closed. Your hand fell from his shoulder as your head tilted back, and he was in shock. There was no way this was real, there was no way-
He would never be the same without you by his side, not for the rest of his days.
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thegilneanrose · 4 years
Memories of a Grandfather pt. 2
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(22 years ago)
Llorind sat and watched Mary on the shore with Rheah and her great grandmother, Eirika. Her brown hair had begun to curl much like her grandmother's hair did. And her eyes had retained the striking blue color that she had when she was a baby. Now at seven, Llorind could tell his youngest daughter was going to be a beauty. Daughter. Great great granddaughter. Titles. He would laugh at himself. He supposed in the future, he would tell her the truth. But for now, she was his daughter. He remembered the night that he had been given her. Rheah had loved her just as much and pleaded to make her their legal daughter, despite the blood relation. Llorind had worried about Eirika’s reaction, as Eirika was Mary’s great grandmother and Anamarie’s mother. But, Eirika had, kindly, allowed Llorind and Rheah to adopt Mary. 
Llorind was pulled out of his reverie when a piece of driftwood snapped from behind him. He stood up and swirled around to face the intruder. Again it was Andrew. But this time, Llorind did not greet his grandson in kindness. This time, he tensed, his face turned into a scowl. 
“Andrew, why are you here?” Llorind demanded, his hands extended, palms out, as if ready to strike. 
Andrew, now looked more rugged than the watery admiral that he had been the last time Llorind saw him. He looked like a pirate with the rugged leathers and white shirt that he now wore. No gilnean banner was born upon his chest this time. Even worse, the stories that Llorind had heard of the man made it well known that he had become a traitor to his homeland and had actually become a pirate. Llorind would have forgiven the man his choice to abandon his daughter, had these other tales not come up. But they had, and now Andrew was no longer welcome in Llorind’s eyes. 
“Grandfather.” Andrew said in his gruff voice. “I’ve come to take my daughter back. It is time she comes with me and learns the way of the sea.” Andrew said in as much of a demanding voice as Llorind had given him.
Llorind scoffed. “ And let her be subject to your men's leers and jibes? To be a criminal her self? No. You abandoned her, remember? She is legally my daughter now. You can not take her back, nor will I consent to give her to you. You lost the right to call yourself her father.” Llorind said to him. His voice, while still calm now had a hint of anger to it. 
Andrew sighed. “I do not wish to fight you, Grandfather. Give me the girl, or I will use force.” He demanded of Llorind. 
Llorind, however, stood his ground. “You’ve become a traitor to Gilneas, Andrew. Even if there is a wall barring you from returning home, you could still have proudly served Gilneas. But, you turned away from what is good and just. Lost at sea with the pirates. Stealing, drinking, and thievery. That is no place for her. She has a home here, where you left her. She is my daughter.” He said, his anger growing as he bared his teeth. He would have began to incant a spell when a small hand hand had planted itself in his. He looked down to see Mary standing there looking up at him. Llorind looked to Rheah, who was eyeing the two men as if deciding what she should do. Eirika, looking just as wary. Llorind looked down at Mary just as Rheah called to her. Mary, however, ignored her mother.
Andrew stepped forward, eyeing Mary but Llorind pushed Mary behind him.
"Andrew, not one more step." Llorind commanded. One hand gripped Mary's arm, the other out reached. Arcane began to glow in his hand.
"Mary? Is that the name you gave her?" Andrew taunted. "I've heard worse, but regardless. Give her to me, or I will take her. Final warning Grandfather."
Andrew had begun to draw his gun. Llorind, seeing the situation escalate knelt down to Mary, just as Rheah called her again. He opened his mouth to speak, but Mary spoke first.
"Baba.. is the bad man going to hurt you?" Mary said in her meek voice. Her eyes glanced to her biological father in the same wariness.
"No, little dove. But you need to go to your mother and sister. Quickly." Llorind pushed the girl towards Rheah who grabbed her and hid her behind her dress. Eirika instinctively stepped forward. The two hid Mary from sight. Llorind turned back to face Andrew.
"Andrew, leave now." Llorind commanded.
"You turned my own daughter against me!" Andrew snarled aiming his gun on Llorind and cocked back the trigger. "She is mine!"
Llorind did not flinch. Instead he looked at Andrew and scowled. "Yet you would traumatize her by killing me in front of her? If you truly loved her would you really do this? Fine, kill me." Llorind taunted. Opening his arms, splaying himself to Andrew.
Andrew did not hesitate as he shot at Llorind. However, it did not hit him. Instead it bounced off a shield that Llorind had cast as protection. Rheah screamed and Eirika cried out his name. He could hear Mary crying at this point. Andrew growled in frustration before cocking the gun again. This made Llorind snap. Rage and the need to protect his family fueled his magic and he pushed the shield into Andrew and caused the man to be knocked back, stunned. The gun flying from his hands.
Llorind incanted and levitated Andrew up in the air, suspending him.
"Andrew, your actions today have proved your character. You have shamed your mother, who risked her own life and the wrath of her family to protect you. You shame your father, who loved you and your mother and sacrificed his life to protect you. You shame the very name of Dovestrider who have have extended their arms to you as a member of the family. No more. I denounce you. You are cast out of the Dovestriders. Now leave this place and leave my daughter alone. If I hear you have returned, you will be imprisoned. Now leave!" Llorind spoke with all the fury and anger he had in his heart against the man. He pushed into the levitation spell and sent Andrew flying away. Andrew landed a few yards away, unconscious. Llorind thought about checking on him for a split second. However, the hurt and pain caused him to simply shake his head and turned away. He took a few calming breaths as he returned to the women. Rheah was kneeling down and trying to comfort Mary, who was still sobbing into Rheah's chest. Eirika, however, was gone. Likely to get help. Llorind knelt down and relieved Rheah of a sobbing Mary and held the young girl to his chest and gave her comfort until she calmed down and had fallen asleep, exhausting herself. Guards had come up then, followed by his oldest son, Rinil who looked ready to kill.
"Ah! Rinil! You'll find your idiot nephew over there." Llorind pointed his hand towards where Andrew laid still. "Escort him off the property." Llorind said to his son as he scooped up Mary and stood up.
Rinil had nodded silently. He and the guards proceeded over towards Andrew as Llorind himself, walked back to the house. Rheah behind him.
"You should tell Mary the truth. She will want to know." Rheah said to him as they walked.
"I intend to, but not yet. When she is older and can handle the truth. I will tell her." Llorind replied.
They got to the house and Llorind walked straight to Mary's room. Rheah had gone ahead of him and pulled back the blankets on Mary's bed. He set the little girl in her bed and tucked her in before sitting down upon the bed. Rheah had gone over to set the shells that were collected on a table then joined him.
"No matter the truth, She is and always will be our daughter." He said again as he stroked the girl's cheek.
"Always and forever" Rheah said as she gave Llorind's shoulder a squeeze. Llorind reached up and gave her hand an affectionate squeeze in return. His gaze never leaving the little girl.
"No one will harm you, Little dove. I promise you. As long as I am your father. No one will harm you." He said to the little girl.
"I hope you can keep that promise, Llorind. I really hope you do." Rheah said to him in sympathy, as if she knew that it may not be a possibility. She leaned forward and kissed Mary's cheek before standing up, saying nothing more.
"I hope so too" He said as he stood up as well and the two left the little girl to her sleep. "I really hope so too."
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yellowmagicalgirl · 4 years
Turn Left: when Douxie tries to convince the others that Mordred might not be a threat, the others believe him
Turning away from the plot of Destiny's Pawn
Douxie sits up straight. He stares very intently at where some dishes are drying. “I mean, maybe we can use this against Merlin? I mean, maybe Merlin did something that made, er, Mordred turn against him. And maybe Mordred is so against Merlin that, that he’d be willing to work with. Us.”
Everyone stares at Douxie before Archie clears his throat. “Well, then. Show us.”
Douxie did not plan that far ahead. He looks around his friends, trying to think of a way to convince them that Mordred is not their enemy.
Archie then reveals that he knows a spell that can reveal old memories. Normally, he uses it to help Zoe with her training, but he can use it to reveal just why they should be trusting Mordred.
Douxie hesitates for a moment, but then agrees. But first, he asks his friends not to hate him, and warns them of the blood.
(From here, I could take this in two different directions, based upon whether the memories shared are first person or third person memories. I am going to go with first person memories in this post. The third person version is here.)
The spell goes off, and each person watching Douxie’s memories are suddenly watching the memory of a toddler running towards two men and a woman. His hands burst into flame as he flaps them, and one or more of the three adults reaches for something to smother the flames.
“Sorry, sorry, too far back,” everyone hears Douxie say, and the scene shifts. The viewpoint changes to that of a teenage boy, learning that two of his three parents are dead. Tensions rise between the living father and the boy, until one night tensions come to a head and the boy reveals that he was trying to get his father to send him away so he can’t fulfill the prophecy because he doesn’t want to have three dead parents.
Arthur tells Mordred that he loves his son and trusts him more than any prophecy. In addition, he wants Mordred to be happy and safe, and he fears what would happen due to the war with the Gumm-Gumms.
And then, the scene shifts again. To Camlann. Mordred is talking to Arthur, and then an overwhelming sense of cold takes over him. Arthur tries to talk Mordred down, but he does not fight back. Mordred stabs his father through the chest with a magical sword, and the cold goes away, and he holds onto his father’s body, sobbing, trying to stop the bleeding. And unfortunately for everyone else, this scene keeps on replaying over and over again.
Archie stops the spell, realizing that it wasn’t the best idea. Everyone is shaken, but Douxie is worst off, shaking with tears in his eyes because he had to relive memories of his family, and especially his memories of Camlann. Douxie is Mordred, and Mordred is on the edge of a panic attack. He promises that he would willingly never hurt his friends and reveals that he’s afraid that fate will make him kill his soulmate the way it made him kill his father. He does not look at Krel when he says this. His friends affirm that yes, they are still friends. Krel nods in agreement but stays silent.
Afterwards, Mordred excuses himself, emotionally drained.
Krel visits Mordred at his job at the Arcane Bookstore. His core feels unnaturally heavy. He is afraid.
“We need to talk,” Krel says. He changes into his Akiridion form and rolls up his lower right sleeve. Mordred frowns and removes the bracelets on his right wrist.
“This is your name, isn’t it?”
From then on, they’re soulmates and nothing should be able to change it, unless Steve is right and you can sever a soulmate bond by cutting off the mark. They don’t want to test this. From then on, they’re soulmates and thus they can’t be boyfriends or even friends. Not in person, anyways.
It hurts, but the two of them agree to stop seeing each other outside of trying to defeat Merlin. Mordred is grateful that at least texting exists. Krel does not tell Aja that dated and then broke up with Douxie, babbling on about technology instead to try and distract himself from the pain of his soulmate. Twenty-four horvaths later, Krel wishes that Mordred still had his phone so Krel could text him to see if he was alright, or better yet, track Douxie’s phone to find him and save him from Merlin.
Toby sighs. “Fine. But if you don’t come out after four minutes, then we’re coming after you.”
“Okay. Hopefully, the fact that Mordred’s my soulmate and sort of my boyfriend will help me in this.”
Steve demands that Zoe and Toby pay up with regards to the fact that Douxie and Krel were dating all this time. Zoe and Toby retort that they never agreed to this bet.
Krel pushes away at Mordred’s right wrist. Mordred howls in pain and drops his sword. As Mordred attempts to pull away, Krel’s fingers reach around the amulet and pull it out of the armor. Mordred’s eyes close and he falls backwards. Krel realizes soon enough that Mordred is missing a hand, but he still tries to keep Mordred from falling to the ground. Instead, Krel finds himself twisting so that his own body takes most of the impact. His head slams into the stone floor.
He comes to, only to find Mordred pressed up against him, crying against Krel’s core and apologizing. Apparently, Mordred has forgotten that Akiridions don’t have pulses. “I’m still alive, you know. Let’s go home.”
“I don’t think we need to stay away from each other anymore,” Douxie mumbles as he calms down. “Merlin… he’s the one who made me kill my father. And staying away didn’t make me not hurt you.”
Turn Left (still taking requests)
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calibansprincessx · 5 years
Hell Is Hot CH 3-How To Stop An Apocalypse
Wow Thanks all for actually reading and liking this story ! This story is on AO3 My name their is Sunhoney_fandoms ! So if you guys are having a hard time finding all the parts here you can go there to read! I will make a tag on my blog soon though! 
@kanakalala458 @queenhumanoid @lachicademarcasrojas
Back at the academy, Aunt Zelda, Aunt Hilda and Ambrose were already gathered in the office. 
“Hey guys, what’s going on?” I said determined with a puff of air.
“Well it’s about time you showed up. I mean honestly Sabrina does this coven mean nothing to you.” Aunt Zelda said asking cigarette in her typical knowing voice. 
“Sorry, Aunt Zelds I got here as soon as I could. What’s going on?” 
Ambrose interjected as to not waste anymore time or cause more tension. “Well cousin, we captured Circe but we still need to figure out how to deal with the rest of the Pagans before they retaliate.” 
I began thinking, the Covens powers were still waning and we’d need the whole coven and the hedge witches to take down the pagans. We might have to move up the third challenge so the coven could have enough power. 
“How long do you think we have until the pagans retaliate?” I said still in thought. 
Ambrose answered quickly. “We killed 4 of them members and kidnapped Circe, they’ll need time to regroup. I think we have two to three days before they attack but we can’t wait that long to be ready.” 
“Okay Ambrose come with me, I might have an idea but I need help. Auntie’s I’ll fill you in if me and Ambrose prove it to be successful.” 
“Fine. We’ll reconvene at dinner time tomorrow.” She said taking a long drag of her cigarette. 
Ambrose whispered, “Where the heavens are we going, cousin?” He said walking as determined as I was. 
“We’re going to Hell.” I said as I stop dead in my tracks knowing we’re where the aunties can’t see us, to transport us to hell.
While in Hell I told Ambrose my plans of aligning with Caliban.
“If I could declare the final challenge as queen I could get enough power to save the coven!” I said excitedly hoping that he would know if this would work. 
He stared at me shocked. “Cousin, this is mad. You can’t get married. The auntie’s will never allow it!” 
“Ambrose, I have no choice and Caliban is not that bad. With both of our powers we can stop the hedge the witches” I said trying not to be too loud. 
“How do you expect to explain this to the auntie’s? You know they’ll say to find another way.” Ambrose says worriedly.
“Caliban and I already signed an agreement signed in blood and in clay, it’s official. The auntie’s will have to accept this and if you help explain that this can restore our coven it might go down easier.” I said pleadingly. 
“Me?! Cousin, I don’t know about this.” He states nervously.
Just then, Caliban shows up. 
“Caliban, what are you doing here?” I said surprised.
“Well princess I could hear you talking about me all the way from the beach.” He said looking down at me. His state made my cheeks feel like they were on fire. 
“How—“ I started. 
“I have my ways, my queen. Now what is it that I might help you with?” He said as confident as always. 
I turned to Ambrose and then back to Caliban.
I explained to Caliban that if he came back to my house with me and Ambrose to tell the auntie’s of our alignment that we may be able to move up the third challenge in order to stop the pagans.” 
“Would you help me move up the third challenge and stop the pagans?” I said promisingly and almost out of breath. 
“I’ll help you Morningstar but we must be fast if you wish to be coronated in time to stop the pagans.” 
Ambrose interjects, closing a book. “Okay then let’s go.” 
“Caliban, can you—“ I started before he already knew to transport us to my house. 
When we got there Aunt Zelda was sitting alone with a dirty shovel next to her. We walked in slowly. 
“Aunt Zelds, where’s Auntie Hilda?” I said confused. 
Aunt Zelda explained to us that the pagans turned Aunt Hilda into a spider and she killed Dr Cee and some stranger from Riverdale. 
“I buried her in the garden, she should be in any minute. Now who have you brought here Sabrina?” She says finally looking over to us. 
Before I could say anything Caliban began introducing himself. “I’m Caliban, Prince of Hell.” He said matter of factly. 
“Oh heavens. Sabrina what have you gone and done now?” She said getting up hearing a knock on the door. “Oh that must be Hilda now, why on Earth is she knocking?” She says annoyed as she opens the door. 
“spinster somnum istum” Caliban summons. 
Mrs. Wardwell falls. I dropped to the floor as Aunt Hilda began to bleed. I begin putting pressure on the wound, crying. “Ambrose go get help!” I yell as Ambrose runs off. “Caliban! What did you do to Mrs Wardell?” I yell out. He bends down next to me, wiping a tear from my eye and picking up Aunt Zelda. I move with him keeping pressure on her gunshot wound.
“Relax princess I just put the spinster to sleep. Now where can we take her to lay her flat.” He speaks slow, calm and confident. 
Ambrose appears with Prudence and Mambo Marie. “Downstairs!” He yells. 
“We need to operate.” Mambo Marie states. 
We get downstairs and Caliban lays her down, while Prudence rushes to get the equipment for Mambo Marie to take the bullet out. 
We all wait patiently but one thing I can’t get over is how Caliban put Mrs. Wardwell to sleep. I didn’t know he had power like that. I look at him and quietly speak. “Caliban, how did you put Mrs. Wardwell to sleep? I didn’t know you had power like that.” 
He speaks while continuing to watch Mambo operate. “My power comes from the Pits of Hell. I studied many things and learned how to harness my power to its fullest.” He said smirking down at me. 
“Wait, does that mean I can get power from the Pits Of Hell?” I said trying not to be too loud as if I could wake Aunt Zelda. 
“No, it doesn’t work like that princess. I am made from the Pits of Hell.” He states. 
Dammit. I begin thinking out loud. “Why would Mrs. Wardwell shoot Aunt Zelda?” I speak so confused.
I start to hear screeching outside. Caliban, Prudence, Ambrose and I go to see what it is while Mambo waits for Aunt Zelda to wake. 
“It’s a banshee, a Spellman will die. I’m sorry.” Prudence speaks strong and soft. 
“Wait. We have to go. Ambrose, Prudence go upstairs with Caliban and he can transport you to the academy with the egg.” I said quickly.
“Cousin, what’s going on?” He speaks worried. 
“In the distance, Blackwood and Agatha are coming. She’s covered in blood. Go! Now! Caliban come back for Mambo, Aunt Zelda and I after.” I say slamming the door and running to the basement and locking all the entrances I can
Aunt Zelda still hasn’t woken and I explain to Mambo Marie the plan, although she tries to protest at first. All of a sudden I hear the front door burst open and hear Blackwood yelling. “KILL EVERY SPELLMAN YOU FIND!” Caliban appears. “Quickly” I said quietly to him. He grabs our hands and transports us as Agatha tries to bust the basement door down. 
Back at the academy I turned to Caliban. “Do you know any protection spells?” I speak harshly. 
“No not off the top of my head. I know protection sigils.” Caliban states. 
Before I could speak, Ambrose interrupts reaching into his bag. “I still have some of the Dark Lord’s essence that we removed from Nick. If all of us use what’s left to write sigils we can get the entire academy protected quickly.” He speaks fast and knowingly. 
Just as we finish protecting the academy Aunt Zelda wakes up and I’m right by her side. 
She sits up quickly. “I have it. I have the answer. I know how the coven can regain power and defeat the pagans.” She states confidently before looking around confused. “Where am I?” 
I lunge into her arms. “Aunt Zee! You’re alive!” We’re at the academy Aunt Zelda. We’re all safe here, for now.” 
“Where’s Hilda?” She said looking around then back at me confused. 
“She never resurrected from the Cain Pit, Auntie.” I said tears brimming my eyes. 
“What?” Aunt Zelda says in disbelief. 
“I’m afraid Aunt Hilda is gone.” Ambrose states before sobbing while Prudence comforts him. 
“Impossible. I left her not one moment ago in the Nether Realm. I saw the future, and Hilda lives to be an old crone. If she hasn’t resurrected on her own, then I’ll use what I learned in the next life to drag her back into this one.” Aunt Zelda yells confidently while getting off the table. “Today we will rip our sister Hilda back from the clutches of death himself. Now, who amongst you will return to the Spellman house with me to do the deed?” 
We return home and circle around where Aunt Zelda buried Aunt Hilda. All of us holding hands as Aunt Zelda remains in the middle of the circle. 
“It is said that whenever you call on the Triple Goddess, she comes to you. As much as I ignored her, put my faith in lesser gods, signed my name in other books, she still came to me when I needed her most. When I wandered, lost in the Nether Realm, it was she who led me back to the material world. We call you, Hecate.” The wing begins rustling through us. Aunt Zelda begins to call out. “We call on you now, Maiden, in your unbounded potential. We call on you, Mother, in all your divine power. We call on you, Crone, in your arcane wisdom. We are descended from all maidens, mothers, and crones. And so, when we call on the three-in-one, we call on all witches stretching back from the beginning of time to the end of days. We call on… ourselves, the powers that have been denied us. Imbue is with them, Hecate, and we shall pray to you morning, noon, and night. And we shall live to honor thy three faces, they three forms. Dark Mother, keeper of the key to the door between worlds, we… summon thee. Return our sister, Hilda to the realm of the living, and we will never forget you again!” Wind blows, thunder rumbles. It stops and Aunt Hilda doesn’t rise. “Hilda? Hildy? Hildy, are you there?” Aunt Zelda’s voice trembles as she drops to her knees. “Hildy.” Ain’t Zelda sobs. 
Seconds later, Aunt Hilda’s hand shatters through the Earth and Aunt Zee pulls her out. 
Aunt Hilda now resurrected and covered in dirt asks, “What have I missed?” While brushing herself off. 
I sigh. “A lot, Aunt Hilda. The pagans still need to be stopped.” 
“Oh, bloody pagans, what kind of trouble are they causing now?” 
So we catch Aunt Hilda up on the pagans plan to pollinate everyone in town with caramel apples for the Green Man. We devise a plan to put a lullaby spell on the town and use Pesta to kill the Green Man by wearing a Mrs. Wardwell glamour. 
After I deliver Pesta to the pagans in a Robin glamour, she destroys the Green Man. 
“I killed your pathetic plant god. Now I think it’s time you and your carnival left Greendale.” I spat as the rest of the coven shows up. The pagans begin departing. 
“Coven, do not stop until every last pagan is driven from our home.” Aunt Zelda bellows. 
We got rid of the pagans. Everyone went home. 
“And so Greendale is saved once again.” Ambrose says clinking a glass with Auntie Hilda. 
“And tomorrow morning the town will wake nice and rested.” Aunt Hilda replied 
“And none the wiser, Sister.” Aunt Zelda leaned forward in her seat. “Thank you, Sabrina. When the coven and your family needed you the most, you were there.” 
“It was nothing, Aunt Zee. I’m thankful to have had the help I had. I love you guys.” I spoke softly. 
“I suppose you’ll be running back off to Hell.” Ambrose spoke low with his head down. 
I took a long deep sigh. “I actually need to talk to you guys about that. Before any of this happened, I was gonna tell you guys.” 
“Tell us what Sabrina?” Aunt Zelda says ashing her cigarette. 
“Yeah doll, you can tell us anything.” Aunt Hilda said to combat Aunt Zelda’s sort of harsh tone. 
“I am to marry Caliban, Prince of Hell after I finish the third challenge tomorrow. Now before you get angry please listen.” I sigh. “This will ensure that I still get to spend time here with you guys. I will continue to go to mortal school and Caliban and I will have breakfast and family dinners here, but I will live in hell and spend my evenings there. This also secures Hell stays where it belongs. Caliban and I have already made an agreement, signed in blood and in clay. Right now I need to go meet him at Dorian’s.” I spoke calmly and softly. 
It was quiet for a moment. Ambrose said nothing already knowing the agreement. Aunt Zelda was the first to speak. 
“Queen of Hell is not the life we hoped for you, Sabrina, especially not marriage this young. But I am happy you thought through this agreement and still made your family a priority.” She said sadly. 
“I know Auntie Zee, me too, but it’s my destiny.” I said tears pricking my eyes. 
Aunt Hilda and Aunt Zelda begin to cry. 
“Oh, don’t cry, Aunties. I’ll be back later tonight, not for dinner, unfortunately.” I said resting my head on Aunt Hilda’s shoulder. 
“Oh, who’s crying?” Auntie Zee scoffs as she wipes a tear. 
“I bloody am.” Aunt Hilda remarks back. 
“It’s okay. It’s not the end, it’s not like you’ll never see me again. But for now.. I’ve got to go.” I say standing up to leave. 
“Lanuae Magicae!” I say transporting myself to Dorian’s.
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thecandywrites · 4 years
Of Heaven and Fire Part 11
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Do ya’ll have any idea how long I’ve been saving that picture of Benyana’s brother Kaive? Since part 1. Finally. He’s here. Ya’ll are in for a treat. 
Tagging the crew. @probablyclever​ @imherefortheforthefanart​ @funmadnessandbadassvikings​
Of Heaven and Fire Part 11
“...and a thousand.” You counted out before you were handed a set of documents which you quickly put away into your satchel before you gave your orders to the builders and gave them a bonus in their wages and gave the foreman your new orders before you began to walk the long walk back down the beach towards Stormbreaker before Oriles came out of the water to walk next to you. 
“How are the legs working out?” You asked him curiously as you walked together. 
“Strange, like two tails instead of one but they have to work together as one to get anywhere.” He answered. 
“You’ll get used to them.” You offered as you took his arm as you walked together, your steps going in tandem. 
“Why did those gold tattoos on those orcs surprise you?” He asked curiously. 
“Can you keep a secret?” You whispered. 
“I’m a Prince of the 9 Seas, of course I can. Besides, I would also like to be your friend. And It would honor me to keep your confidence.” He flattered as your intuition told you that for now, you could count on him. 
“Look at the back of my neck.” You offered before he did and frowned. 
“You have a gold tattoo too!” He realized. 
“It’s called the gold moura mark. All moura are born with it. So if they have it, they are also moura.” You explained. “But the fact that they think it’s an orc thing, they’re...intimidating, not to mention fierce, powerful and are in great numbers and have a strength I don’t dare play against, so I don’t dare correct them.” You answered. “Every moura a few months after birth grows what’s called a moura cloak- it does look like a feather blanket at first. However someone is stealing the cloaks from them and they think it’s one of their gods and have built a tradition around it. To steal a moura’s cloak is a very serious crime and injustice and whoever is doing it- is counting on the orcs not realizing the real value of what they have lost and their own naivety, if not imposed ignorance. It’s like if I were to trade you two tiny pearls for a large pearl just because there’s two of them instead of one, counting on the fact that you don’t know that your one large pearl is worth more than two small ones, if not many small ones. They’re content with the sack of gold only because they don’t know the true worth of what’s been taken from them and it’s just a matter of time before they find out and when they do, it could be another war, one that no one would win, so we all need to be careful and cautious.” You explained. 
“Ooohhh,” Oriles nodded in understanding. “That’s why Mr. Jealousy was as shocked as you were, because he’s moura too.” Oriles realized as you giggled at the name. 
“He is jealous isn’t he?” You asked rhetorically. “I don’t know how I’ll handle him. Usually men who are like that irk me and I have nothing to do with them. Now I have to deal with him or else.” You grumbled. 
“Who says you have to?” Oriles questioned. 
“The hundred and fifty thousand heavenly moura above us.” You answered as you looked up and noticed they seemed to watch you steadily. “I’m worried one wrong move from me will have disastrous results.” You muttered. 
“You already told us that we are not to harm either you or your family or the other competitors.” He countered. 
“I don’t trust Cordene to honor that.” You said plainly which got Oriles to grin. 
“Well at least we both sense that.” He nodded. 
“If you could keep an eye on him for me, I would appreciate it. He may let things slide in front of you that he may not with me. I trust you won’t abuse this and put words in his mouth or falsely malign him.” You furthered. 
“It’s obvious you are an honest person and therefore put importance on honesty from others, despite the situation. I respect that and I respect you. I will do as you ask.” Oriles agreed. 
“Thank you.” You thanked him. 
“So what were you doing over here?” He asked as he turned to look at the docks under construction behind you. 
“Getting more information about what’s going on there, I like to be well informed.” You placated. “Rhos said that they’re building the docks to circumvent Stormbreaker. I came to see if it’s true.” You explained. 
“And?” He asked curiously. 
“Not quite, but her hunch was close. When people are fearful, they assume the worst about everyone and everything. To be cautious is good, but too fearful and you become too guarded to believe the truth if it’s not as bad as what you fear it is.” You advised as Oriles grinned fondly at you. How wise you were despite how young he knew you were. 
Once you got back Suriel and Cordene unveiled their gifts to the clans in your honor since they could tell you held the clans in a safeguarded fondness, they were mobile villages on clouds that the orcs could move into that could travel all the way up to Suchi, one for Stormbreaker and one for Hurricane Breaker and you were unbelievably pleased before Suriel revealed to Oriles that he would make sure Oriles’ ship would also float up to the city so his own people would be able to be close and have a home away from home as well which pleased you supremely. 
However that night at midnight the cloak detached and Suriel woke you up to tell you that within mere moments of it being detached, someone was already there to steal it and you were instantly enraged to the point you transformed into a missile hawk and flew after the two sparrows that flew like bats straight out of hell out of the top of the tent where there was a hole for the smoke from the fire inside it- to come out of and once they saw you, they transformed into missile hawks to try to evade you but you were determined and your rage gave you a fuel that you sorely needed and in moments of great acrobatic feats as you both fired at the other before you managed to hit each of them while evading their own fire and then you caught them and drug them down to the ground before they were captured in cages and you transformed into yourself. 
“Change into yourselves you fucking bastards!” You roared angrily as they looked at each other and simply backed into the corners and away from you, doing their best to imitate real missile hawks. 
“Suriel,” you called out before he was at your side in an instant and all it took was for him to flick the cages and both birds instantly transformed into their human forms as you gasped in horrified shock. 
There, at the bottom of the cages knelt your brother Kaive and your brother in law Garis. 
“Oh fuck.” Suriel breathed. 
“Who are they?” Cordene asked as you were ready to set them both on fire as a fire like glow came from your heart then rose up your throat.  
“Hey, hey, hey, take a step back and breathe.” Brock realized as he pulled you away and tried to calm you down which surprised Kaive and Garis the most as Brock watched as the glow began to wane before it died out. 
“Talk to me, who are those guys?” Brock asked before you started to cry. 
“That’s my brother Kaive and my brother in law Garis, this doesn’t make sense, they would never do anything like this.” You explained as you steadily lost your composure before Brock just hugged you as you sobbed into his chest as the others turned to Kaive and Garis as they both winced and grimaced. 
“Then ask them to explain themselves.” Brock invited before he brought you back but just looking at their guilty expressions and posture got you seeing red again.  
“What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With. You?!” You screeched before Brock had to pull you away from attacking the cages once he saw your hands becoming clawed as the air above you started to waiver from the heat rolling off of you in the brisk spring night air. 
“Hey, they can’t answer you if you burn them to ash before they get a chance to explain themselves.” Brock calmly if not a little firmly reminded you. “Hey Suriel, how about you do the asking for a minute. You have a level head and know what’s really going on right?” Brock suggested as he tried to make sure you just didn’t turn into a fiery phoenix. 
“Explain yourselves.” Suriel demanded as Brock did his best to calm you down. 
“Elder Vedross told us that another moura colony was attacked and in the spoils was a baby’s moura cloak which the figured the orcs thought was just a blanket and put the blanket around their own child and tasked us with getting it back and suggested we leave a bag of money so that the orcs could buy a proper baby blanket but when we saw that the cloak actually belonged to the baby, we knew something was wrong so we left the money and the blanket on the baby and we fled.” Kaive explained. 
“Vedross?” You repeated in confusion. Elder Vedross was someone you never would have suspected of something like this but it only made you realize that this corruption was more vampant and arcane than you thought it was? What if TriKeng was actually rather new to this scandalous sin? What if this had been going on for centuries? What if there were other clans with gold moura marks? What if every colony’s elders were guilty of this? You were just one girl. Granted you were in extraordinary circumstances, and you did currently have legions at your disposal but did you really, honestly, want to use them on the very people you knew and loved and attack the colonies? Attack the very fabric of your way of life? Was there any answer to this problem that didn’t involve either blood or ash? And what if your family was more involved than it already was? 
You swallowed down the bile in your throat as you took a measured breath to keep yourself from hyperventilating as you could feel yourself grow numb in response to your overwhelming thoughts. 
“Tell me the truth, is this your first time doing this?” You questioned as they both affirmed that as you stalked over to them, angry tears rolling down your cheeks. 
“And are either of you aware that these cloaks have been stolen from these people for generations? To the point that these people have built an entire tradition around the theft? And does the council of elders know that all it takes is for word to get out of the true nature of this and no moura on the surface would be safe? Ever? Every moura would have to go back to the heavens or face these warhammers and battle axes and atone for these sins. These people have had their very birthrights stolen from them, their powers stripped from them and purposefully kept in the dark about the true nature of what’s been stolen from them. All of these crimes will be answered for and justice will be served- so may the gods help and deliver me I will see to it that each and every single one of these people will get their cloaks back or I will expose anyone and everyone involved so that the whole world will know the truth in vivid detail and whatever has been built on these sins I will break and tear apart thread by thread and brick by brick if I need to because these people are our brethren and they deserve to be recognized and respected as such and deserve to be welcomed into our brotherhood as a whole.” You insisted. 
“Because here I’ve risked my life to find a way to help Suchi, as we speak there are ships whose holds are frozen solid with seafood meant for Suchi and in just a matter of days we will be at the base of the mountain ready to climb up the passes and if the elders would just open their gates and if they would receive us in peace and joy and fortune we could be such strong allies. No one would come up against us ever again if we really embraced our brethren like we should have all along. Now if there is a way that that can happen without bloodshed and without everything set on fire to fuel war and for this great wrong to be set right, I’m all for it. The council of elders has until we get up to the gates to decide how to proceed.” You decided before you set them free. 
“Ok, I’ll let them know.” Garis nodded before he fled while Kaive stayed put. 
“Aren’t you going to go with him?” You prodded as you nodded up to Garis’ shrinking form in the night sky. 
“No, only one messenger should be needed for a message like that.” He answered before he cautiously came forward. “I really am sorry that I was stupid enough to get caught up in this, but I am so happy and relieved you’re ok, obviously.” Kaive apologized. 
“Thank you.” You sniffled as you hugged him. 
“How about I stay with you for now.” Kaive suggested. 
“Ok,” you nodded before you introduced him to everyone around you before he walked you back to the clan where Cordene and Suriel were all to happy to have you sleep in one of the homes on the massive cloud island that had been built for Stormbreaker. 
“How the fuck did you manage all of this?” Kaive asked as you both settled in bed as you curled into him. 
“Kaive, do I have a tale for you…” You chuckled. 
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winterstorm032802 · 4 years
I made this myself, the name of my character is Nora so that’s what will be written. Enjoy, please recall this is a what-if situation not canon but has spoilers so read at your own risk
What if you became a Lightwarden?/Major Shadowbringer Spoilers!!!!
It had been done, taking Vauthry's Light and finishing it all. Nora couldn't stop it though, she fell to her knees in pain as the Light began to consume her. Alphinaud cried out "Nora!" Alisaie joined "Are you alright?" "The Light, she can't contain it" Ryne looked to the sky as Y'Shtola spoke "The sky! It's changing back!"
Ryne was right, the night sky changed back to the everlasting Light and Nora screamed. Alphinaud was quick to go by her side "Nora! Don't worry, we'll help you. Please keep it together" Nora opened one eye to see the Elezen and gave a strained smile "My friend, forgive me" "No! Don't please" Nora moved one hand to his face and put one hand on his cheek feeling the warmth "Alphinaud, I'll miss you. All of you, I'm sorry to ask of this but... Put an end to me, I'm asking you. As a friend" Alphinaud tried to get the Warrior of Darkness to stay awake as the Light blinded her vision "No! Don't leave us Nora!" Nora glanced at Thancred and nodded, he looked hurt but nonetheless he ran over and grabbed ahold of Alphinaud taking him away.
Alphinaud cried out and tried to get out of Thancred's grasp "No! Let me go, Thancred, damn you let me go this instant!" Nora shut her eyes tight and screamed, the Light she coughed and threw up as it overabundantly overtook her very being...
Hints of the Miqo’te showed but other then that she looked exactly as a Sin Eater does, her power coming off in waves. The power she held and taken from every other Lightwarden was massive compared to any kind known. Nora held a large Arcane Book, wings from behind expanding 10ft wide, her skin pale and her eyes devoid of color, she looked blankly at her friends. Nora turned to Alphinaud and even though her face showed no sign, her eyes looked sad "Alphinaud...I...love....you..." Alphinaud's eyes went wide upon hearing her words and he shouted "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! DON'T DO THIS PLEASE I BEG YOU! NORA I LOVE YOU! I ALWAYS HAVE! SO PLEASE, STAY!" Alphinaud reached his hand out to Nora but she turned away giving out a ear shrieking cry, Nora left...
The Light returned through all of Nordvant, Alphinaud stayed in his room exiling himself from all his friends, even his own sister. The Elezen refused to leave the room and upon doing so had stopped nourishing himself. Alisaie and everyone talked to him from the other side and served food which he ate. Yet the food lacked taste to him, Hells, everything lacked something now that she was gone. Alphinaud felt angry looking upon the Everlasting Light, when they managed to get to the Exarch he and Urianger told them what they had planned.
Alphinaud was pissed at both of them, he almost hit the Exarch and so badly wanted to shout and scream at them for their friends' life. The Exarch with Urianger and Y'Shtola went through ways to save their friend. Alphinaud gave up on answers or false hope, instead his mind dwelled on the past and what he could've done had he been stronger. Yet he wasn't. That's what hurt him the most, he isn't strong or smart enough to save Nora. The first few days of his were spent stuck in the Cabinet of Curiosity begging for some answers, upon no such of a trace, he stopped going and he abided to his room. Away from the world.
Except it never ended, Alphinaud would hear and see it all. He would hear her laugh as clear as day, he would see her mismatched dark blue and teal sparkling eyes and he would hear her voice speak to him. Yet it was for naught. It was pure torment, his mind playing mere tricks.
"Alphinaud, why do you hide away?" Alphinaud looked to see who he longed for, yet he knew it was never going to be real again. "Because your gone and I'm done with these games you play on my mind! Your a Lightwarden now! A-and I couldn't save you, nor could the others... Leave, I implore you to go" Nora frowned and stepped closer "Alphinaud I-" "I SAID GO ALREADY!" Alphinaud shouted and slammed his fist on his desk, breathing heavy he sobbed once more and fell to his knees "Just go... I beg of you..." With that she left, leaving Alphinaud to himself.
"Alphinaud, it's me Alisaie. May I come in?" No response.
Alisaie opened the door to see the messy room he kept himself in, which is to say the least an exact opposite thing he normally goes by. Usually she'd have a hard time seeing a speck of dust in his room but this was not that kind of thing he did. That's how she knew it was worse then she thought. Alphinaud's hair was undone and stuck out in different ways. "Alphinaud, I think you'll do better in fresh air-" "And see that damned Light sky? I think not" "Brother please-" "No Alisaie, I don't want to" Alisaie got annoyed, his response never changed "Alphinaud you need to face it, one way or another" "You think I don't know that? I'll have to face her again if she were to ever show up in the Crystarium with an army of Sin Eaters" Alisaie grabbed Alphinaud by his collar and dragged him out his room, he protested ever so. "This is for your own good, Alphinaud I know you're upset and sad but you must face it one way or another" Alphinaud stopped struggling and Alisaie took him to the borders of the Alphinaud where the barrier would still protect them. "Please, brother I don't like seeing you like this. We need you, I know it hurts and-- and maybe you wish to hit and scream at someone-anyone-but right now they need us out there" Alisaie watched her brother, he kept his head down and he let out a soft cry.
"I-- I miss her so much. I see her, every day I see the Warrior of Darkness... I never got tell her, to her face that I love her. Why? Why her? If only those damned Ascians wouldn't have done this, then she would still be here! Her laughter rings in my head. By the Twelve it hurts so much to want to turn around to look at her and yet she'll never be next to me once more!"
Alisaie's eyes pricked with tears and she sat next to Alphinaud "Sometimes I see her too, I miss our good friend. We all knew how you two felt for each other, sometimes I wanted you to get it over with and confess so I wouldn't have to see such a lovey train wreck as you two were none the wiser" Alphinaud looked at Alisaie and slightly smiled "Is that so?" "Oh very so Alphinaud, it was always a bore watching you stare at your precious Warrior. It's the exact reason Krile and I kept teasing you around her so often" Alphinaud chuckled and looked back down "Thank you, Alisaie" Alisaie sighed "Anytime Alphinaud"
Alphinaud gasped and sat up looking around he noticed Nora's presence beside him. Her dark blue and teal eyes opening she looked at him and smiled "Good morning h-- Huh? Alphinaud your crying, what happened?" Nora sat up and wiped a stray tear away and Alphinaud embraced Nora "Twas a horrible nightmare is all, one which I am glad did not pass" Nora hugged Alphinaud back and he tightened the hug, he feared it was going to end up that she would disappear and yet here she was. "Do you wish to tell me about it?" "You turned...the Light corrupted you. I couldn't handle it, I hated myself for it. But twas only a nightmare, something which never happened, for that I'm glad for"
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maaaaaatryoshka0325 · 5 years
Arcane - Lee Know Mafia AU Part 20
(Part1) (Part2) (Part3) (Part4) (Part5) (Part6) (Part7) (Part8) (Part9) (Part10) (Part11) (Part12) (Part13) (Part14) (Part15) (Part16) (Part17) (Part18) (Part19)
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“Stop!” You yelled, rushing between them.
“Y/N?!” Kyuhyun gasped.
“”Kyuhyun don’t shoot, please.” You said, tears filling your eyes.
“Wait, he-” He stared at Minho for a moment, then at you.
“Y/N, what the fuck is going on?” Kyuhyun asked.
You looked at Minho, whose eyes were glaring right into yours.
“Did you set this up?” Minho asked.
“What?” You asked, shock filling you.
“Your bestie here is a cop, and was in Busan when we were. And you so happened to hear shit from cops, and now he’s here.” He hissed.
“Minho I wouldn’t-” You were cut off by another voice.
“You betrayed us Y/N.” Changbin said, holding Felix’s arm over his shoulders.
“Oh Felix.” You gasped, seeing the gunshot wound to his side.
“How could you betray us?” Jeongin asked, his voice small.
“I didn’t!” You said, tears filling your eyes.
“I was right when I said this was all a coincidence.” Woojin hissed, his eyes full of anger and hurt.
“What should we do Chan?” Changbin asked.
Chan was staring at you, his eyes dark. He grabbed the gun from Minho’s belt, the one you had used to practice, and approached you. Kyuhyun raised his gun, as well as Stray Kids as they pointed it at him.
“Lower your gun Kyuhyun.” You said.
“Just lower it!” You snapped.
Chan looked down at you, his eyes looked so sad. He looked at Minho, who had his back turned. You closed your eyes, then felt the gun fall to your feet.
“I haven’t forgotten what you’ve done for us, and how you saved me last night.” Chan said, turning his back to you and walking away.
You watched him with shock, tears flowing from your eyes. Minho walked by you, and you went to grab his arm.
He whipped around, his eyes holding more ice than they had when you first met.
“Don’t come near us again, or next time neither of you will be so lucky.” He snarled.
Tears flew down from your eyes as he walked away. You dropped down on your knees and covered your face as you felt your heart breaking.
“Don’t go.” You sobbed.
You felt Kyuhyun hug you tightly, rubbing your back.
“I’m so sorry Y/N.” He said softly.
Why did this have to happen?
You felt Kyuhyun lift you into his arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck tightly and cried into the crook of his neck as he walked you to the open road where the cops were cleaning themselves up and getting themselves together,
“Kyuhyun!” You heard his dad call.
His dad was the chief in his department, having gotten Kyuhyun the job.
“Is that Y/N?” He asked.
Kyuhyun nodded and walked past him, holding you tightly. You whimpered as he cradled you in his arms, his big hands holding you securely to him.
“It’s okay Y/N, I promise.” He whispered.
He put you in the front seat of his car as he drove back to the police station, rubbing your thigh and your arm as much as he could along the way.
Kyuhyun’s dad questioned you as much as he could, but you refused to give out their location.
“I don’t understand Y/N, you were such a good kid, what happened?” His dad asked.
“They’re not bad people Mr. Kim. They... They’ve saved me multiple times. They could’ve killed me if they wanted too, and they didn’t.” You said.
“They brainwashed you.” He said flatly.
“They did not!” Your voice raised with anger.
“They saved me. THEY saved those girls from that pyscho fucking sex trafficker. They tried getting a hold of that damn drug that’s killing people to get rid of it! Do what you want with me for not talking, but I won’t allow good people to go down.” You said.
He stared at you then sighed, running his finger through his balding hair.
“I won’t do anything to you Y/N. You’re a great kid. Thank you for your time.” He said, walking you out of the room.
You walked out, feeling absolutely exhausted. And on top of all of this, you had no where to go. You’ve been living with Stray Kids for months, surely your apartment was taken by the bank. You sighed and walked into the lobby. You looked up from your feet to see Kyuhyun waiting there. His eyes brightened when he saw you, and he stood up to walk over to you.
“Come here.” He said, opening his arms.
You ran into his arms, burying your face into his chest as a sob shook your body. He rubbed your back and held you tightly, hushing you softy. No matter how comforting it felt, it still wasn’t Minho’s arms around you, which made you cry harder. He pulled away and wiped your tears with his thumbs.
“Come on,” He said, grabbing your hand. “Lets go get some bubble tea and food.”
You both sat at a booth in the bubble tea bar, but you hardly touched anything he got you.
“Y/N?” He asked.
You looked up at him as he softly pushed some of the hair out of your face.
“I’m so sorry.” He said sadly.
“It’s not your fault Kyuhyun.” You said softly.
“I know but still,” He said softly. “If I had known I wouldn’t of been there.”
“Really?” You asked.
“Yeah... Was it true? That they saved you?” He asked.
You nodded and told him the story of Mr. Lim, and that’s how you met them. You told him how you were always stuck with Minho, who was ice cold at first, then turned sweet, and how he taught you how to use a gun, and how he saved you from being raped and saved you from being hurt by Seungri. You told him about Felix and Jeongin, and how Jisung is a pervert and Changbin being scary despite his size. You told him about how smart Seungmin is and how Woojin is really good in the medical field and how much of a warm bear he is. 
“And... I fell in love with Minho.” You said softly.
His eyes held sadness in them as he listened to the way you talked about them.
“I really wished they would’ve listened to you, Y/N.” He said softly.
“I do too... This hurts.” You whispered, your eyes filling with tears again.
“Hey... Don’t cry.” He said, wiping your eyes.
“I’m sorry,,, They were like a big family to me.” You sniffed.
“I know. Myabe your paths will cross again. I just hope it doesn’t end up the way lover boy said it would.” He said.
“You used to have such a strong opinion on them, what changed?” You asked, shocked.
“The way they were with you made me see them differently. Any mafia guy would’ve just shot me, Minho didn’t. Any mafia leader would’ve killed someone they thought betrayed them on sight, Chan didn’t. They looked so... Hurt when they thought you betrayed them, and lover boy was crying when he saw Chan raise the gun to your head, and they all looked like they wanted to cry.” He said.
Tears slipped down from your eyes and you quickly wiped them away. He rubbed your arm and pushed a cake towards you.
“Sweets always make you feel better.” He said.
You smiled and took a bite, trying to swallow it, but the lump in your throat was in the way. He rubbed your back and thought for a second.
“Why don’t we have a movie night at my apartment? You can stay as long as you want.” He said with a big grin.
You sniffled and nodded as he lead you out of the bubble tea bar and to his car. He drove you over to his apartment, which was high end, courtesy of his father.
You both stepped in and took off your shoes. It didn’t feel real being in his apartment, as the last time you were was before you were taken. 
“Why don’t we build a fort?” Kyuhyun asked, running out of his room with heaps of blankets. You laughed and nodded, taking some from him and started to put them over the couch, on the coffee table, tucking one under the back of the T.V so that it was in the fort. After you both had finished, his whole living room was covered in your blanket fort. You both looked at each other and smiled as he walked back into his room and pulled out another heap of blankets, setting up a comfy bed under the fort. He grabbed his fluffiest pillows and a couple movies and finished setting up the bed. He pulled you under and you laughed, seeing how it was neatly set up, a little lamp between the pillows with multiple movies sprawled out for you to choose from with snacks on the side.
“Welcome to Villa Y/N.” Kyuhyun said, giggling.
“That’s cute Kyuhyun.” You giggled.
“I know, I’m your cute best friend that knows how to cheer you up.” He laughed.
He put on a movie and you laid down, trying to pay attention to it, but your mind kept going back to earlier. The look on Minho’s face made your heart break all over again, he looked at you with such disgust, and such hurt.The members looked at you with sadness and betrayal, and you instantly felt sick to your stomach.
“You okay?” Kyuhyun asked.
You shook your head and let out a small, choked sob and he pulled you into his chest. 
“I’m sorry Y/N.” He said, rubbing your back.
You don’t know how long you cried for, but you had fallen asleep to Kyhyun comforting you.
You wok up the next morning to a throbbing headache and groaned, getting up to pee. You saw Kyuhyun standing in the kitchen, his uniform on. 
“Good morning.” He said.
“Good morning.” You mumbled back.
He handed you a tooth brush and something that looked familiar.
“Is this mine?” You asked.
“Yeah, your old landlord was throwing your stuff out so I grabbed your favorite clothes and took them, I knew something had to be up cause you’d never throw some of these out.” He said.
“You know me so well.” You said, letting out a small laugh.
“You’re my best friend, I have to know almost everything about you.” He said. “By the way, I can’t take off today or tomorrow, but I’ll take off the next couple days so you’re not alone, okay?”
You nodded as he walked by and ruffled your hair before walking out the front door to start his day. You decided to shower and go to your favorite cafe again, thinking some caffeine would take away the headache. You felt glad Kyuhyun had grabbed one of your bags that had your (months old) make up in it. You covered the dark spots under your eyes and headed out the door.
The cool breeze made you shiver under your light sweater, but you ignored it as you walked into the cafe. 
Lets see if Chan canceled this card.
You ordered and surprisingly enough, he hadn’t. You had a few years worth of pay on that card. You sat down and swirled your coffee around, playing with it more than drinking it.
“Y/N?” You turned to see Rina standing there, a smile on her face.
“What are you doing here? Where’s Minho?” She asked.
You felt tears spring to your eyes and she gasped.
“Oh honey, c’mon, we’ll take a walk, okay?” 
You told her everything, from Kyuhyun being a cop, to Minho and Kyuhyun almost killing each other. Her eyes were soft as she stroked your arm.
“I’m so sorry honey. I know where they’re coming from, but they should’ve listened to you.” She said.
You nodded, wiping the tears from your eyes. She rubbed your back and pulled you into a hug.
“You’re lucky though, they usually kill anyone who betrays them.” She said.
“Chan threw my gun on the ground and said because I did so much for them and saved him the night before he wouldn’t do it.” You said.
“What happened the night before?” She asked.
“One of Seungri’s men broke into the mansion and killed one of Chan’s guards. I got to him before he was able to sneak into Chan’s room. Changbin got him to talk afterwards.” You said.
“That’s scary.” She breathed.
You thought for a moment, then your eyes widened. She tilted her head a syou whipped your head over to look at her.
“Do you think Suengri set it up?” You gasped.
Her eyes widened as she gasped.
“He wanted him to either kill Chan or get caught!” She gasped.
You watched her dial a number as she held her phone to her ear.
“Jinyoung? Have you talked to Chan recently?” She asked.
You heard Jinyoung talking on the other end of the phone.
“When you see him tonight, tell him Seungri set him up yesterday. The man that broke into his mansion was either supposed to kill him or set them up.” She said before hanging up.
“We’ll have this sorted out sweetie, I promise.” She said.
You both walked around the river for a bit, trying to avoid the topic of Minho.
‘Excuse me ladies, I’m gonna have to give you a fine for jaywalking.” 
You both turned to see Kyuhyun, his eyes shining with amusement.
“Oh, hey Kyuhyun.” You giggled.
“What’s up? I didn’t expect you to be out of the house.” He said, smiling at you. His eyes flickered to Rina.
“Oh, Kyuhyun this is Rina, Rina this is Kyuhyun.” You said.
“Ahhh, so this is the famous Kyuhyun.” Rina said.
“Yep! That’s me.” He smiled. “Awwee, Y/N do you talk about me?”
“Uh- you could day that.” You said.
“So how did you two meet?” Kyuhyun asked.
“It’s a long story.” You said.
“Wait a minute...” Kyuhyun said, leaning down to look at her face. “She was one of the girls that was taken to be sex audited.” 
“Yeah, but Y/N and the Stray Kids members saved me.” Rina said.
He nodded and rubbed the back of his neck.
“I guess they did better at finding you than we did.” Kyuhyun said.
She gave him a warm smile and shrugged.
“I’m sure you guys did the best you could with such little evidence.” She said.
Kyuhyun nodded with a smile before throwing an arm over your shoulder.
“Why don’t we all go to lunch? On me. I have an hour lunch.” He said.
You and Rina shrugged and followed him into a diner. He sat down and you all order drinks.
“This place makes AWESOME burgers.” Kyuhyun said.
“Really?” Rina asked.
“Yeah, to die for.” He said with a smile.
You and Rina took his word for it and both ordered burgers and fries, as did he. When the waitress brought you your food, both of your eyes bulged at the size of the burger.
“That’s huge!” Rina gasped.
“No comment.” Kyuhyun giggled.
You threw a fry at him for being perverted and Rina arched a brow at him.
“Something you’ve never heard, hm?” She said.
Kyuhyun started cracking up and smiled at her.
“She’s funny.” He said.
“You have no idea.” You giggled.
You all ate and you huffed as you struggled to finish.
“You can bring it home too Y/N.” Kyuhyun laughed.
“I know, it’s just so good!” You laughed.
In reality, you weren’t hungry still. But you didn’t worry him or Rina.
“Rina.” You both turned to see Jinyoung approaching the table.
“Hey babe.” She said.
He sat down beside you and Rina, seeming awkward about Kyuhyun.
“Everything okay?” Rina asked.
“Yeah.” He said.
You leaned into Rina’s ears.
‘Does he know?” You asked, meaning Kyuhyun.
“Yeah, he knows.” She whispered back.
“I’m Kyuhyun.” Kyuhyun said, reaching his arm across to shake Jinyoung’s hand.
Jinyoung shook it firmly and nodded.
“I’m Jinyoung.” He said.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Kyuhyun said with a big smile.
“Like wise.” Jinyoung said back.
“Do you want some? It’s huge.” Rina offered him some of her burger.
“Nah, I just went out with the guys.” He said.
The waitress put the bill on the table and Kyuhyun looked at it before he and Jinyoung both reached for their wallets. Kyuhyun raised his hand up to stop Jinyoung.
“I told them it’s on me, I hope it’s not weird for you.” He said.
“Are you sure?” Jinyoung asked.
“Yeah, Y/N and I are close so I don’t mind.” He smiled.
“You’re pretty cool, for a cop.” Jinyoung said.
Rina smacked his chest and he jumped.
“You’re pretty cool too, for a mafia member.” Kyuhyun said.
You and Rina both went pale and Kyuhyun laughed.
“Do you guys think I’m dumb? Don’t worry, I don’t care.” Kyuhyun said.
“Really?” Jinyoung asked.
“Really. Just don’t have me doing over time because you want to cause trouble. I don’t get paid for overtime.” He said with a big smile.
Jinyoung smiled back and stretched his hand out.
“Deal.” He said.
They shook hands again and RIna looked at him in shock.
“I’m surprised you’re not all over him.” She said.
“Nah, he isn’t causing trouble. Now if he were Seungri I’d be all over him. I’ve been after that bastard since day 1.” He said.
“Haven’t we all.” Jinyoung said.
“You too?” Kyuhyun asked.
“Yea, we don’t tolerate sex trafficking. It’s disgusting and dishonorable.” Jinyoung said, holding Rina’s hand.
“I like that. Maybe one day we’ll all join forces and bring down the whole industry.” Kyuhyun laughed.
“Maybe.” Jinyoung said with a smile.
You all walked out of the diner and you hugged Rina and Jinyoung goodbye.
“I’m gonna try and talk to Chan, okay?” Jinyoung said.
You nodded and watched them leave.
“I’ll see you when I’m off.” Kyuhyun said, waving to you.
You waved him off, then went back home.
It felt like so long since Kyuhyun had left to finish his shift when he came back into the apartment.
“You’re still awake?” He asked.
“Yeah, I couldn’t sleep.” You said, a book in your hands.
He sat next to you on the couch, looking at all of the blankets.
“There’s no way in Hell I’m allowing you to sleep on this uncomfortable ass couch.” Kyuhyun said.
“I’ll be fine.” You said.
“No, you can sleep in my bed. It’s a lot comfier, we’ll get you a bed for the guest room.” He said.
“Why?” You asked.
“I mean, you don’t have a place right now. And you need a big buff guy like me to protect you.” He laughed with a big, goofy grin.
“Yeah, so buff.” You smiled, rolling your eyes.
“No but really, take my bed. It’s really soft.” He said.
“I’m not taking your bed Kyuhyun.” You said.
“Fine, then we’re sharing it.” He said, hauling you over his shoulder.
“Kyuhyun! Put me down!” You squealed.
He flopped you on the bed and wrapped you up like a burrito in the blankets.
“See? Comfy.” He said, plopping down next to you.
You laughed and laid a little away from him, and he noticed.
“Don’t worry, I won’t take advantage of you in your sleep.” He laughed.
You tried to laugh too, but that sentence made you think of Minho and the last night you two slept next to each other. The lump came back into your throat, and you tried to push it down. You fell into an uneasy sleep, Minho still on your mind.
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pikelanette · 5 years
The Wake of Vox Machina (prologue & chapter 1)
It is I again, with a weird fic about Vox Machina who are basically gods now and haven’t seen each other for 500 years and love each other very much. Pretty pairing-focused, if that is your shit. It is definitely mine. 
Pairings: pikelan, vaxleth & perc’ahlia Words: 2952 Rated: M  Link: ao3
a multi-chapter godlike vox machina reunites AU - prologue & chapter 1
Vox Machina wakes. 
Percival rises from smoke and ashes in the forge of Whitestone castle, in the dead of night. Through some passing miracle, no one is around to see him form out of thin air, smelling of dynamite and brimstone. 
Keyleth's roots pull back into her body. Her bark turns back into skin. Her branches retract. Her face emerges, then dozens of arms, which slowly turn back into two. She stays rooted until the moment her eyes open, when her feet trunk splits into legs again and she can feel the dirt between her toes where she stands a foot-deep in the earth.
Grog digs himself out of the fresh overturned earth of a recent battlefield, the taste of blood and adrenaline in his mouth. He opens his eyes to a dark sky, laying on his back in the carnage, surrounded by discarded weapons and the errant cut off limb of a soldier. 
Vax'ildan falls from the sky in a cocoon of feathers. He does not know how long he has been falling for as he wakes - he just knows to spread his wings and catch himself before he hits the ground. As he does, he catches his first glimpse of the endless ocean underneath him. He is drifting between the clouds on his glowing raven wings, disoriented for but a second before he focuses and uses every muscle in his body to move. 
Vex'ahlia is pulled together from the roars of a family of bears, twisting into existence as her bones snap into place. Her body regenerates at an immense pace, perfecting her up to the bright blue feathers in her hair. Her longbow is strapped to her back with her quiver of arrows and she breathes in the earthy, fresh scent of the deep forest around her. Around her, the bears roar again - a call into the world that their mistress has returned - and from the woods around her, an immense spectral brown bear emerges, his eyes locked on her. 
Scanlan steps out of a bookcase in the romance section of a public library in the middle of Tal'dorei's capital. His skin is paper, first, but strengthens as it turns human once more, and the lines scratched across him disappear. His third eye opens before his regular two do - and with it, he searches for the last one of them.
Pike wakes in her crypt, her hand bursting through the stone of her mausoleum and grasping her mace in one smooth destructive movement. She gasps, inhaling the cold air into her lungs with a vengeance. Her eyes burst open and she grips her mace harder, the feeling of it in her hand familiar and comforting, even in the shock of rebirth. Immediately she starts coughing, dust of the stone she destroyed trying to make its way into her lungs. She sits up straight, pushing the material off of her and wiping it from her eyes with the back of the hand holding the mace. Once she feels a little less disoriented, she opens them again and looks around the room.
Her mausoleum looks the same as when she went to sleep. A little older, of course, worn by age. It is cold and dusty and some weeds have managed to worm themselves in through the cracks in the stone floor. She knows immediately that it has been a long time since anyone has set foot into this building. She can feel it everywhere around her - the utter silence. The emptiness. 
They would never wake. This had been their promise when they went under; the price they paid for the peace in the world. This should not be happening. 
Pike coughs again and gets up out of her stone coffin. Her armour is spotless and heavy on her body. She clenches and unclenches her fists for a moment, enjoying the sound of the metal as it creaks. She looks around the room for a moment and then leans back against the edge of the coffin.
This should not be happening. This was not what was supposed to happen. 
Her thoughts reach for her family and she feels her heart lurch. If she was awake, they would be too - and they could be together again. She could see them. 
Immediately, she is overcome by yearning, and part of her mind begins to think of ways to reach them. She is not entirely sure where all of them were buried, but she would find them. Scanlan would know.
He would come for her as soon as he could. She knew it. He would be here any second now, probably.
But fear creeps up on her again, and she feels a shiver run down her spine as she remembers, in full force, that no matter how happy it makes her, this should not be happening.
They would never wake...
Unless the peace they fought for had been destroyed. Unless the gods had found this plane again.
Chapter 1
Pike hated waiting.
She was a little embarrassed that even now, when she was practically a god, she couldn’t bring up the patience to sit quietly for a little while. But, in her defence, she was waiting for someone who she hadn’t seen in over five hundred years. And waiting… it reminded it of when she was little.
Littler, of course. Grog would say tiny. The smallest of gnomes. Back when her parents locked her up in a tavern room and told her to wait for them to return (bloody and bruised and possibly intoxicated) ten hours later. Waiting made her feel small.
It wasn’t so bad if she had something to do, but having just waken up from a five hundred year long nap in a stone mausoleum, there really wasn’t much to busy herself with. She scraped up some of the stone dust that she left behind when she broke free from her slumber, but other than that she was stuck just… looking around.
And overthinking.
She felt like her frown might be etched into her forehead for another half a millennium by the time that something in the air seemed to shift.
She was leaned back against her tomb again, holding up her mace and wondering whether there was anything she could do for it without any resources. It looked sharp enough, but it was covered in dust, and perhaps if she took off some of her armour she could bunch up her tunic and start cleaning with it.
But before she even remembered she might not want to greet her friends half-naked, the air around her mace seemed to crackle.
Her eyes widened. This mace wasn’t like some of the vestiges her friends used, a weapon that evolved and changed over time. It was as awake as it would ever be. So the arcane runes that started hovering in the air around it, growing bigger every millisecond, couldn’t have come from there.
Her subconscious caught up before her active thought process did and she felt excitement bubble up in her chest as she watched the arcane runes settle on the stone floor in the shape of a large circle. They were golden, and gorgeous, and they sparked with purple like a small fire being fed dry wood.
A flash of light overtook the room and then her vision of the runes was obscured by the person in front of her. He was gripping her mace with the same familiarity that she was, his hand just above hers, their fingers almost touching but not quite. A vibrant eye made of purple light was staring at her from his forehead, but he had his eyes closed in concentration, a small frown between his bushy eyebrows. Her lips parted as she quietly looked over his face – the big nose, the long eyelashes she had always been jealous of, the pronounced cheekbones, the pouty bottom lip that had tempted her a million times over. She brought her gaze back up to his eyes just in time to watch them open.
The moment Pike locked eyes with Scanlan Shorthalt once again, her throat expelled a strange, pained groan that sounded suspiciously like a choked-back sob. She could see a strange fire light inside his soul when he registered her standing before him, the power of his affection flowing from his gaze as he, too, looked at her. The glow of his third eye slowly disappeared until he was all skin and bones again.
The shock of seeing him shut down her brain temporarily. She was incapable of coherent thought, even as he looked her over and slowly slid down his hand on her mace until it covered her own. At that, another one of those sob-like sounds, this time louder, echoed through the cold stone room.
She could not explain how overwhelming it was to have someone touch her. Although the last five hundred years were a blur, her body seemed well-aware that it had been ages since she had felt that connection. Emotion welled up in her unbidden, and she swallowed back her tears until she saw that he had not deemed such a thing necessary.
Scanlan was crying. Full, hot tears were rolling down his cheeks as he stared at her, his own jaw slightly slack as well.
“Pike,” he croaked out, and she wondered what would happen if she tried to speak.
Pike brought her free hand up to where he had laid one of his own over hers and put it on top of them, trapping his hand between both of hers. Her voice quivered. “Hi Scanlan.”
Scanlan cleared his throat and her favourite lop-sided smile appeared on his lips. “You have aged exceptionally well, miss Trickfoot.”
She let out a breathy chuckle. “Yeah, well. Petrification does wonders for your skin, apparently.”
He reached out his hand and, feather-light, traced his fingers down her cheek. “You don’t say…”
There was so much tenderness in her voice, and the space between them seemed static with emotion. Pike let out a full sob now, pushing closer to him and pressing her forehead against his with a clumsy bump. Scanlan let out a shuddering breath at the contact and she wanted nothing more than to see those dark brown eyes again, but her own eyes had closed somewhere in that motion and she was far too overwhelmed to open them.
For some reason, she felt incredibly heavy. She felt exhausted. Absolutely tapped. Inside of her, her emotions were roaring through her body like a thunderstorm.
She felt Scanlan’s hand grab her by the waist, and then he was wrapping his full arm around her, burying his face into the crook of her neck. She could feel his tears against her skin. Her mace and their hands were trapped between their chests now. She could feel them move as they breathed in tandem. She had never been this happy to be alive before.
Soon, he lifted his head slightly to nuzzle her cheek with his nose. “Pike, you’re freezing,” he told her, sounding a little bit worried.
He did feel very hot against her. Like he was running a fever. But maybe it was her.
“Must be the stone,” she answered hoarsely.
Scanlan let go of her to wrap his second hand around their already intertwined them, making it a pile of four, like they were playing the game they used to play when they had a boring watch together. He was like a charming little hand warmer.
He was frowning again, though, going over something in his head. “I don’t think I have anything to help with.”
“I’ll warm up naturally. It’s okay.”
He looked her in the eye again, searching for something. He looked so damn hopeful that it was almost heart-breaking.
“This isn’t a dream, right? We’re really awake?”
“I think so… Unless I’m dreaming.”
He couldn’t help but smirk at that, it seemed. “Do I show up in your dreams regularly?”
She smiled back. “You’re like herpes. Just can’t get rid of you.”
He pulled a face and she laughed – her first laughter in five hundred years. It felt absolutely perfect.
“Cruel, cruel mistress,” he told her playfully, and bumped their foreheads together again.
“I’m so happy to see you,” she whispered back. Watching him cry set her off as well and she could feel the tears start rolling down her face. He couldn’t resist letting go of her hands so he could wipe them away.
“Not as happy as I am, Pike. I don’t know what to say.”
“Me neither.”
They smiled at each other in silence for another little while.
Then, reality seemed to set in.
Their smiles dropped almost simultaneously, and she would have felt weird about how in sync they were, as she always did, if it weren’t for the million other thoughts that were clamouring for her attention.
“Are the others up too?” she asked.
Scanlan brought his hand to his mouth and gently bit down on his thumb. “I haven’t checked yet.”
She flushed a little at that admission, at the implication of it considering that he was standing right in front of her, but refused to acknowledge that response. “Could you do it now?”
He nodded. “I think so. The eye, it…” On his forehead, the purple light appeared again and his third eye dashed open. “It doesn’t really need to recharge anymore. Or maybe I’m just using some energy stored up over the past few centuries. Who knows. Give me a second.”
Scanlan focused, his eyes glazing over, and Pike wondered how he had known that it had been centuries since they went to sleep. She wondered how she had known. Because she did know – she knew full well that it had been five hundred and thirty two years since they had laid down their futures for the rest of Exandria. She couldn’t have said how many months it had been on top of that, but she knew the amount of years perfectly. It was strange.
Then again, she supposed waking up from a never-ending sleep spell was strange on its own. It was bound to have some side effects.
Scanlan hummed, still looking like he was seeing an entirely different scene than she was.
“What is it?”
Maybe he couldn’t even hear her. It wouldn’t surprise her.
But, no, Scanlan held up a finger to tell her to wait another second – irritation spiked, of course. She wasn’t a patient woman.
“Everyone’s up,” he then said.
Relief washed over her. Part of her had still been afraid that one or more of them hadn’t risen from their slumber. She wasn’t sure she could do this without all of them here.
“Where are they?”
“Percy’s in a cellar somewhere. I think Whitestone, looking at how fancy the place is dressed up. Might even be his own workshop. Keyleth… Keyleth’s in Zephrah. As for the other three, I can’t really pinpoint it.” He frowned. “There’s no real landmarks. Vax is somewhere over an ocean. Vex is in a forest. Grog… On a recent battlefield? In a carnage somewhere, at least. Lots of blood. Lots of gore. Kind of nauseating, to be honest.”
“Focus.” Pike put both of her hands on his shoulders, staring into his unseeing eyes. “Can you figure out where he is? Grog?”
“I don’t have to know where he is to bamf us to him.” Scanlan reached up and scrambled for her hands, pulling them from his shoulders and holding them loosely in his own. “I just need to…”
“To what?”
Scanlan blinked, and when he looked at her again she knew that he was back. She suddenly noticed their faces were pretty darn close together at this point.
If she blushed a little at that realisation, she would never be the one to point it out.
Scanlan seemed to notice, though, because he also flushed – he always did when he saw her blushing. It was a strange comfort. True gnome solidarity right there – at least she never looked like a fool on her own.
It was a little intimate, though.
“To zone in,” Scanlan said. He nodded towards her mace, which was now resting on the floor between the two of them. “Like I did with your toy, there.”
“Don’t call it a toy.” She pulled a hand free and knocked him on the shoulder.
“Ow.” He reached for the place where she’d touched him and looked at her like she had offended him in his soul. “Be careful there, hon’, I’m still as weak as a dish rag.”
“I think you lost the right to say that the first time you took the full force of a fireball and managed to just brush it off.”
He pursed his lips. “Party pooper.”
“You did it to yourself, friend.”
Pike could imagine Vex in the back of her head. You hear that, Scanlan? Friend, she said. She thought Scanlan must have heard it too, because he got the same hurried look on his face.
“We’ll pick up Grog first.”
“Yes, please.” She was itching to get to her brother.
She could feel the magic in the room rising and – okay, looked like they were going right this instant, apparently.
“Maybe we can catch him before he kills someone,” Scanlan added as he started concentrating. The next words from his mouth were undeniably arcane, a language that she could follow but never truly speak. He was moving his hands frantically in the somatic components of the spell.
“Don’t get your hopes up,” she said.
Scanlan sent her a look that she took to mean fair enough, and then the world disappeared in a flash of bright purple light.
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ffxiv-ariavitali · 4 years
micro story writing prompts #13: ‘too loud’ and #15: ‘trembling hands’ 
or personal writing prompt, ‘burning’ [inspired by Violet Evergarden]
AO3 ver.
The pumping within her veins was setting fire to her entire body. She felt the burns too keenly, both the ones that marred her body moons ago as well as the ones imprinted into her soul. It was too much, far too much, for a single individual to handle and yet the gods above decided that this was to be her fate.
Aria chuckled at the prospect of such, laughed at the idea that the cruel machinations of fate decided that she were to undergo a series of pain and torture. The voices of those that she has slain echoed from the deepest part of her heart, from the side of her that she - at first - wished never to see surface again.
The smiles of her friends, blood seeping from the corner of their lips. The anger of the fallen that she had slain as she did what she must.
The hopeful eyes of their loved ones, wondering when the victims would ever return.
It was loud, much too loud, within her head. The last wishes, the curses, the sight, sound and smell of death accompanying her blade. Each added to the throne of bones lying in her wake along a liquid red carpet of the blood offering they have given - whether they were aware of it or not.
How could she end this? How could she make this go away? When will the burning stop?
A cool breeze wrapped around her in a protective bubble, soothing the self-inflicted, imaginary pain as if it was there. The Hyuran woman peered up, without full awareness her cheeks were stricken with tears, and saw the ghost of two figures at her side.
Of the two figures she created, made manifest of her heart.
Fray encircled his arms from behind her, his hands resting atop of hers from where she gripped the handle of her claymore. The trembling she wasn’t aware existed dissipated upon realization, upon the comfort of a kindred spirit that she had forgotten was always looking out for her.
“‘Tis alright,” he said, a rough voice echoing in her mind in a gentle whisper. “Just a little longer. We are with you.”*
Myste, as small as he was, stood in front of Aria with arms outstretched, as if using himself as a shield to protect her. The same protective bubble she had initially felt glowed softly in patterns akin to the starry skies of the heavens above. The light in the dark, the beacons of hope in the blackest night.
“You remember, don’t you?” he asked of her, peering over his shoulder to present her with a kind smile. “Think of us in your darkest hour. We love you. Forever will we love you.”
Tears further spilled from the woman’s amethyst eyes and she felt her body ready to rack with sobs.
Nonetheless, this wasn’t the time. The threat of war loomed before her, here on the front lines of Ghimlyt Dark, and her fellow Scions were left behind, caught unconscious by whatever affliction has banished them to a land of dreams - if that’s what’s even keeping them from returning.
A magitek colossus appeared before the woman and swiped her aside, sending her flying back half a dozen yalms. While the pain was minimized thanks to the blessings given to her by those she holds dear to her heart, it didn’t stop her from coughing up splotches of blood onto the ground.
In the distance, there was a cry, one from a voice she had grown accustomed to hearing in a land of ice and snow. Simply hearing it growing closer and closer fueled the fire within, reignited by the reminder given to her by the deepest part of her soul.
“Aria!” the lord commander shouts. “Aria, are you alright-!”
Before she answered, the Hyuran woman turned with her claymore gripped tightly in her hands and Plunged towards the colossus that had knocked her away. Rejuvenated with energy and using the pain mitigated from her by the memories of those deep within, Aria positioned her body to take down the magitek armory with a Bloodspiller, finishing it off with an Edge of Darkness for good measure. The moment that it crashed to the ground was the moment that Aymeric had finally reached the woman’s side.
“By the Fury!” he exclaimed, his ice blue eyes wild with worry. “Fall back, we will hold the line.”
Aria’s lips curl to a grin — up to the challenge and not without a tinge of madness as one of greatness is wont to have.
“Nay, Aym, I would fight for a bit longer,” she answered in kind.
Aymeric’s eyes widened. “But, Ia, you are injured!”
“And I would fain accept a chirurgeon’s ministrations after this last push!” she responded. The Warrior of Light then turned towards the advancing battalion led by the lord commander, recognizing symbols marking different houses of the Pillars — including her own.
(Truly, the use of a crimson lily outlined in gold by House Lukos could not have been any more ironic for her. A Warrior that has seen and shed rivers of blood borne into a house specializing in conjury and the healing trade, representing the purity and sanctity one's faith in blessed Halone should have, was enough to make the woman feel as if she deserved not her birthright.
Moreover, their blatant renouncement of her father, a lowborn with an unknown name nor a family of his own, was enough to anger her so much that she refused in-depth dealings with them, leaving it to her elder brother.
Not that he would have it any other way, for Stryder would not suffer to have his little sister take on more burdens than she already bears. This is in despite of the fact that his sister’s innate talent for the arcane was not unlike the scion of Lukos, their late mother, which made her the ideal heiress to the name in comparison to her fool of a brother that couldn’t weave aether to save his life.)
At this, the soldiers saw her eyes sparkle — as a stout leader in her own right encouraging them with utmost effectiveness — and felt courage welling within their breast.
“One last push, fighters of freedom and justice!” she rallied, raising her claymore towards the Garlean line before her. “Remember Carteneau! Remember Rhalgr’s Reach and Doma Castle! Remember the pain you have suffered and allow it to be your strength for this assault! I yet stand with you and I will not suffer to have them take what we have reclaimed!”
The soldiers released a roaring battle cry before marching forward, the effect of the Warrior’s words giving them the courage needed to continue on this path. Before she could rejoin the main host, she sensed Aymeric’s watching eyes and he continued watching her worriedly. Overshadowing it, however, was a hint of admiration and a single question slipped his lips — one she has been asked many times before.
“All the pain that you have experienced… how is it that you are still able to stand, unbreaking?”
Aria stared at him for a moment before a helpless smile passed her lips.
“Among the greatest forces on this star, man is wont to fall to fear quite easily. It can act as a cold mistress in the abyss, seeking to freeze you whole before engulfing your very core. Yet, as Haurchefant once told us, is there not a fire hot enough to reforge the broken blades within our hearts? For where there is fear, there is cowardice. Despite this, there is in equal parts courage, Aymeric. The courage to take from this abyss the strength we need to push onward and the wisdom to know that taking more will lead us to oblivion.”
Aria’s gaze darted to the sky, her expression growing forlorn. When she had her fill, she turned to Aymeric once more.
“I believe in our people, Aymeric. As you have always done and as I know you ever will. Have faith and it will carry you farther than you think.”
Before Aria could say a word more or Aymeric could respond in kind, a voice called out to the Warrior of Light — the one belonging to her attendant, Echoes, who was part of her squadron sent to spearhead through enemy lines as an irregular unit.
They nodded towards each other and as she was about to depart, Aria raised an arm and stretched it towards her love. Soon, he was surrounded by an aetherial shield that moved as he did, surrounding him in a blanket of stars and encompassing him in a certain kind of warmth that he feels when it comes to her.
“Have care, Aym,” she urged of him. “And no noble sacrifices — I would like to meet our children, after all.”
With a wink, Aria turned her back on the lord commander and sprinted off, leaving behind a blushing lord commander before the first commander reached him.
“My lord?” Lucia called, baffled he was left on his lonesome on the battlefield.
Aymeric smiled and shook his head. “‘Tis of no issue, Lucia. I must work twice as hard now.”
Though Lucia was confused, she didn’t question her lord and followed his lead. In the meanwhile, he felt the aether sifting around him like a warm hug by a hearth on a cold winter’s night. It was just like Aria to give him a boon, unbeknownst to the others so as to not mark indications of ‘favoritism’. It was just like her…
...this method of saying ‘I love you’ without saying the words outright.
*inspired by this comic
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Beyond the Veil
So I didn’t mean to write another one of these, it just happened. I think this is the longest one yet as well. This time Megumi meets the unusual Keeper of the Veil, Miella who is not a werewolf, just to be clear. Megumi and Grii are used with the permission of @bace-jeleren and a warning, there is character death in this.
Death comes to us all, whether we are ready for her embrace or not. Miella did not understand why some would go to such heinous lengths just to preserve some facsimile of life. Ones such as the lich who had taken up residence in the tower overlooking the small Bant village. The town elder had complained of the ‘invaders’ from the other shards, whilst conveniently ignoring Miella’s lupine features.
But she had little concern for his mildly xenophobic ranting, what concerned her was the mockery of life hiding away and most likely making more of its kind. Villagers going missing in the night, liches had a nasty habit of never wanting to do their own manual labour, and now it was up to her to send whatever remained of these people’s souls across the Veil.
Gripping her crook, Miella started resolutely out of the village when she was halted by something tugging on her robe. Looking down in confusion, she saw a small child, incredibly pale with dark eyes and unusually long ears cast back over her head that reminded Miella of a rabbit.
“Um, excuse me miss. Can you help me?” The young girl looked up with pleading eyes.
“I’m not sure I’m the sort of person you want for help.” Miella replied softly, kneeling down to look at the girl properly.
“But the nice old man over there said you’re a traveller, and you don’t look like anyone from here.” Miella let out a soft bark of laughter.
“I suppose I don’t, do I? Am I to assume you aren’t from around here either, little one?” She shook her head. “Then where are you from?”
“Kylem, I live there with my mommy and daddy.”
“I see, and where are they now?” Miella looked up and glanced around, but there was no-one who looked at all like the child around. Glancing back down, she was shocked to see the little girl tearing up. “Oh I’m sorry, please don’t cry!” The sisters had not prepared her for this. Dropping her crook, Miella dug frantically through her satchel and managed to produce a handkerchief which she offered to the girl.
“Thank you.” She sniffled, taking the proffered handkerchief and dabbing at her eyes with it.
“Maybe we can start with your name? I’m Miella” She offered her hand to the child who took it tentatively.
“I’m Megumi.”
“Nice to meet you Megumi!” Miella smiled, only for the girl to recoil slightly. “Sorry, sorry. I’m not great at smiling.” Her ears twitched in discomfort, remembering the other children running away in fear.
“It’s okay, I like your ears, they’re really fluffy.”
“Thank you.” Beneath her robes, Miella could feel her tail starting to wag, which she quickly marshalled. “So, can you tell me what happened to your parents?”
“I don’t know where they are. I’ve been trying to get home, but I don’t know how and there’s this big nasty cyclops lady who wants to kill me because she’s angry with my mommy and daddy.” Megumi explained, sniffing again and wiping her nose. Miella’s mouth hung open slightly, appalled by this. Megumi couldn’t be that much younger than herself, yet here she was, running for her life.
She wanted to hug her, to do something to comfort the poor girl. But her previous attempts at comforting people were never particularly well received.
“It’s okay, it’ll be okay.” Miella murmured softly, collecting her crook and standing up. “I’ll take you to the inn I’m staying at, we can get you some food there.” She offered a hand to the girl which she accepted and allowed Miella to lead her back towards the inn. The lich could wait, Megumi needed help now.
She didn’t register the cold breeze that rolled over her at first, winter was almost here after all. Megumi however froze stock still, eyes widening.
“Megumi? What is it?”
“She’s here.” The young girl squeaked, looking around wildly. Then Miella could feel it too, the icy chill that dripped down the back of her neck and made her fur stand on end. She cocked her head trying to work out where it was coming from, but it felt like the aura of fear had permeated the entire area. Then her ears flicked back, the sound of heavy footsteps stomping down the road behind them.
“There you are little prey.” A voice called out, the pair spinning to face it. Megumi had not said just how tall the cyclops was, if she wasn’t glaring with murderous intent at the two of them and she wasn’t currently scared out of her wits, Miella may have been tempted to try something. However, given the current circumstances…
“Leave now, you have no business here.” Miella stepped forward and in front of Megumi, trying to project confidence but failing miserably whilst the cyclops let out a gravelly chuckle.
“This is the latest of your protectors? Pathetic, still a child herself.”
“I’m not a child!” Miella shouted hotly, she was seventeen! She brandished the crook in front of her, only to feel another nauseating wave of fear rush over her, sending her to her knees.
She was 4 again, the other children in the orphanage were taunting her, pulling at her tail and the sisters did nothing to stop them. Bile rose in her throat as she unwillingly emptied her stomach’s contents on the ground.
“Megumi… Run…” She managed to gasp out, trying to crawl upright using her crook as a support. This broke Megumi out of her terrified stupor and she tried to run only to be met with a loud clunk and one of the cyclops’ hands launched itself through the air and latched onto Megumi, halting her progress.
“At last.” The cyclops growled, reeling in the flailing girl.
“Leave her alone!” Miella finally staggered to her feet, and muttering a quick prayer, launched a beam of light at the cyclops. Only it did nothing.
“Hmmph, tickles.” She grunted out and turned her attention to Miella, still reeling in Megumi. “You stay out of this.” Cold icicles of fear drove themselves into Miella’s neck, knocking her down again.
Her hands were soaked in blood, its iron taste warm in her mouth and bodies littered the floor around her. No this couldn’t be happening, she was blessed by Death herself, she couldn’t have gone feral. Death’s litany poured from her mouth, the recitation bringing her back to the village where the cyclops had Megumi in a deathgrip, choking the life out of her.
As Miella clambered to her feet and started towards the pair, she saw the light in Megumi’s eyes dim and she felt the disturbance in the Veil.
“NO!” She screamed in anguished rage as the cyclops let Megumi’s body drop to the ground. She’d failed, she promised she’d keep her safe. Arcane words spilled from her lips, reciting another prayer and her crook glowed brightly as she slashed it through the air, leaving behind a tear in the Veil itself. Before the cyclops could turn the full force of her aura of fear on her again, Miella pointed the crook at her and finished the invocation.
A horde of spirits flooded out of the tear, all charging at the cyclops who was forced back by the legion who were unaffected by her fear. Miella ran over to the crumpled, body, and dropped to her knees, tears tracking down her face. She couldn’t bear to look properly at the body and instead, buried her face in her hands, sobbing.
“Miella, why are you crying?” A familiar voice spoke next to her. Stunned, she looked up to see the spectral form of Megumi stood over her.
“Y-You didn’t cross the Veil?” She looked at the ghostly girl in wonder whilst the cyclops yelled in rage behind her, still being attacked by the spirits. “You didn’t cross the Veil!” She could do it, she could save Megumi.
“Megumi, please try to remember what it felt like to live!” Megumi’s spirit hesitated for a moment.
“But it’s so peaceful here, I can here something calling me.” She turned to look away, but Miella caught her with her crook.
“What about your parents? Don’t you want to see them again?” She tried desperately. “It’s not your time yet, so please try to remember.”
“Okay, I do want to see mommy and daddy again.” The spectral girl agreed and closed her eyes, forehead crinkling in concentration. Silently, Miella prayed to Death that this would work and began reciting the Orison of Binding.
“What are you doing?!” The cyclops called out, swinging a giant claymore, trying in vain to cleave the spirits in half. Megumi’s spirit glowed golden as the ritual progressed, the cyclops desperately trying to escape and interrupt as Miella gently guided the ethereal girl down into her body with her crook.
The prayer complete, Miella could only sit and watch as Megumi’s body was suffused with golden light. “Please work, please work.” She chanted anxiously, throwing glances over her shoulder at the struggling cyclops.
“Miella?” A small, raspy voice spoke pulling Miella’s attention down to the confusedly blinking child.
“It worked! Thank goodness it worked!” and before Megumi could react, she was pulled into a tight hug.
“Ack, Nasty cyclops lady.” Megumi choked out, Miella had forgotten about that. Getting to her feet, Miella turned to face the cyclops, nausea bubbling in her stomach and fear racing up and down her spine.
“How? What did you do?!” The cyclops screamed, finally extricated herself from the clinging spirits. “I killed the brat!” Miella drew herself up, planting her crook firmly to help support herself both terrified of the woman she stood defiantly before and exhaustion from channelling so much mana.
“And I brought her back.” She stated resolutely. “She is under my protection, so you will leave now.” She levelled her crook at the cyclops who just laughed.
“Under your protection, you were throwing your guts up just now. Too scared to move. What makes you think you can protect her. I’ll kill her again and you so you can’t bring anyone back anymore and I’ll use your pelt as a rug.” She growled, starting to pace forward menacingly, waves of fear rolling over the pair.
“Okay plan B.” Miella squeaked, backing up rapidly and spinning her crook, light spilling out of the end as she recited a quick prayer. “Run!” The cyclops lunged, only to slam into a barrier of light where Miella had been spinning her crook. Too busy to see whether the barrier would hold, Miella grabbed Megumi’s hand and dragged her away down a side street and down a few twists and turns before stopping to catch her breath.
“Leave, you need to leave now.” She panted, waving at Megumi.
“But what about you?”
“When I’ve caught my breath, I’ll go elsewhere.”
“Will I ever see you again?”
“Maybe, I’ll try. I’ll want my handkerchief back for starters. Now go!” Miella flapped her free hand as she heard the cyclops pounding towards them and turned to face her. When she looked back, Megumi had gone just as her pursuer reached the mouth of the alleyway.
Smirking as best as she could with her muzzle, Miella raised her crook and slammed it down, creating a blinding flash of golden light and she stepped into the Blind Eternities. Only just remembering, she hadn’t dealt with that lich in the tower. Oh well she was sure that wouldn’t come back to bite her later.
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annoyed-galaxy · 5 years
Diiiid somebody say Adila Lives AU?
I don't care.
You get one.
Clerissa honestly would have liked to have Adila as a sister-in-law based off of Jespar's descriptions. So... Take this AU and dun worry bout it
"What did you tell him?"
The white-haired girl sitting in front of Clerissa was leaning forward, her arms on her legs, waiting excitedly.
The Aeterna sighed and chuckled. "I told him it was a ladies' night out. Just you and me. A chance for some sisterly bonding." Clerissa winked and sipped on her wine again.
The white-haired girl clapped her hands excitedly. "This is gonna be so much fun!" She took a deep breath. "Will we also be working on my... Condition?"
Clerissa raised an eyebrow. "Depends. Tell me how you feel."
The girl sighed. "I feel... Guilt. Anger. And I still feel allured to the Black Stone. To the power it had. And I can still feel the High Ones whispering in my head sometimes." She shuddered. "But most importantly, I keep seeing what I did. I keep... Seeing..." The girl paused, tears forming in her eyes.
"Adila," Clerissa leaned forward and put a hand on top of the girl's. Her eyes drifted to the Prophetess'. She saw only warmth and care in those deep blue eyes that it soothed her. "It's okay. We can work on it later."
Adila shook her head. "No. I want to work on it now. I want to get rid of this memory. I hate seeing it. I hate seeing his burning body and knowing that I did it. That I killed my big brother." Adila wiped her tears with her free hand. "I still remember the look on your face when I killed him. I remember seeing your heart break right then and there. The part of me that was still me, Adila Dal'Varek, cried out at the sight. I didn't even have time to think when you attacked me." Adila paused, her voice cracking on another sob.
Clerissa rubbed her thumb across her sister's hand. "It was good that you tried using the Black Stone then. Something told me that as soon as I knocked it out of your hand, there was a chance, a small chance to save you." Clerissa gave a comforting smile. "I thought that it was what I could do for him. Save his sister."
Both of them remembered the moment clear as day.
Adila, red eyes glaring at the Prophetess, roared as she pulled the Black Stone from her pocket. "Your power is great, Prophetess, but is nothing compared to this Stone!" The girl gripped the Stone in her hand, power pulsating through her body, before unleashing a dark blast towards Clerissa.
With her Aeterna grace, Clerissa just barely managed to dodge the blast and roll towards Adila. With one mighty swing of her sword, Clerissa knocked the Black Stone from the girl's hand. Adila stumbled back, the sudden lack of power bringing shock to her body. Clerissa was ready to linge forward and kill the girl when a small voice whispered in her head.
Her vision blurred and her senses tripled what they normally were as she saw Adila laying on the ground, unconscious, but safe. She saw the girl quiver from the lack of power the Black Stone was feeding her.
She saw Adila Dal'Varek redeemed.
The Prophetess' vision had returned to normal. With one look at Jespar's body, Clerissa exhaled before knocking Adila onto her side. The girl groaned, still weak without the Stone. Clerissa kicked it farther away, on the opposite side of the arena. She then kneeled down next to Adila, placing her sword down.
Clerissa placed her hands on Adila's forehead and chest. Taking a deep breath, Clerissa allowed all her knowledge of Light Magic to flow through her and into Adila, wiping away the dark influences the High Ones had forced into the Dal'Varek.
Blood trickled down Clerissa's nose and head throbbed as her Arcane Fever worsened the more she tried to heal these metaphorical wounds.
She allowed her magic to flow deep in between the corruption of the High Ones and find Adila who was crying. Clerissa knew it had to be the young girl Jespar talked so highly of. Clerissa's magic soared throughout and saved Adila's spirit.
By the time Clerissa had finished, her head was pounding and she was shivering. She pulled her hands away from Adila and watched as the girl's eyes opened slowly. Where her eyes were once red, they were now blue with a slight hinge of red. Not fully healed, but enough that Adila could come to her senses.
"How am I..." The girl looked around, confused. Her eyes landed on Clerissa and widened in fear. "What happened?!" She watched as blood flowed from Clerissa's nose.
Clerissa covered her nose with her hand. "Don't worry about it. What do you remember?" Clerissa asked the girl.
"I... I felt like I was in a dream." Adila sat up and looked around until her eyes landed on her brother. She cried out and scurried over to him. Clerissa grunted as she picked herself up and grabbed her sword, sheathing it. Her head was bursting with pain but she had no Ambrosia in her. She cursed herself for not having some.
She dragged herself over to the Dal'Vareks her heat broken as she looked down at Jespar. She fell to her knees, her Shadow Steel armor shuddering with the impact. Her hand still covered her nose and mouth, but she felt her tears mix in with her blood.
Jespar's face was looking up, his eyes closed and his mouth closed. He looked... Peaceful. Adila was sobbing, knowing what she did. "How could I?!" she cried out.
Clerissa didn't want to believe it. She reached her hand to Jespar's neck but could feel no pulse.
He was dead.
She clenched her fist on his chest and began to sob alongside his sister. She didn't hate Adila for killing him. She knew who was responsible for it. They were going to pay.
Both girls seemed to pull out of the memory at the same time. Adila blinked, and Clerissa noticed how blue her eyes were now that they were continuing their healing sessions.
"It's a good thing the Veiled Woman was there," Adila whispered. "I... I don't know what I would have done if she hadn't been there."
Clerissa sighed and leaned back in her chair, sipping on her wine. "I know what I would have done."
Adila looked at her sister-in-law with curious eyes. "What?" she asked, tilting her head.
"I would have died." Clerissa swirled the wine in her cup before downing it in one gulp. "I wouldn't have been able to live on without him. Not just because of how much I loved him, but because it would be another person that I loved dead. I wouldn't be able to bare it anymore. If the Veiled Woman didn't come I probably would have let the Fever kill me right then and there. I would have died feeling like a plague or a virus." Clerissa stood up in search for more wine.
She and Adila had been sitting on the top floor, talking so Clerissa went to the first floor where she knew a full wine rack was waiting on the balcony. Adila had followed her and picked up a cup herself. Without a word, Clerissa filled both cups and they cheered before taking long drinks.
The sat down together on the bench next to the wine rack, looking at the chandelier that hung in front of them. They sat in silence for two minutes before Adila broke the silence.
"I want to thank you for everything, Clerissa. What you did to help me. What you've done for my brother. I'm... I'm glad I can sit here and say that I lived. The High Ones didn't win over me." Adila looked and smiled at Clerissa. The Dal'Varek girl looked so much younger now that she was free from dark influences. Beneath her eyes, Clerissa knew those she killed would forever haunt her.
"You and I are similar, Adila,"Clerissa said. "We both have these demons inside of us now. We have to fight back to battle them and the High Ones. We have to be strong." Clerissa sighed and rubbed her head. "We need to be strong against these dark times."
Adila nodded. "I agree." The girls sat there in silence for a few more minutes before Adila spoke again. "When did you know?"
Clerissa looked at her, an eyebrow raised.
"When did you know you loved him?
Clerissa sighed and tilted her head back. "Honestly? I don't know. I knew it was before the incident. I guess, I just... I don't know. I don't know what part I fell in love with first. There's so many parts about him that I love." Clerissa took a big drink from her cup. "All I know now is that I can't imagine my life without him. He's done so much for me."
Adila smiled and looked into her cup. "I understand. It's good to see he has that effect on people. He's being the good person that I know he can be." Adila took a drink of the wine. "And I'm glad he found you. I don't think he could have found a better person. You complete each other. Everyone can see that. Everyone can see how much you love each other. It's... Refreshing." Adila nudged Clerissa with her elbow. "And it's nice to know we can be sister-in-laws. I've never had one before. Always had stinky brothers." Both of the girls chuckled.
"I've had a sister before, but I wouldn't mind having another." Clerissa wrapped her arm around Adila's shoulder and pulled her in for a sisterly embrace. Adila smiled and leaned into the embrace.
"Clerissa Dal'Varek," Adila said. "The name rolls right off the tongue."
Clerissa's eyes widened. "I don't think I can be a Dal'Varek unless I marry into the family."
Adila snorted. "What family? It's just me and Jespar. I think you'd be a great Dal'Varek." Clerissa smiled at the thought. "In fact, I think we should do that. You should be Clerissa Dal'Varek. It sounds normal. Unlike Clerissa the Prophetess." Adila wiggled her fingers and made a mock ghost sound.
Clerissa laughed. "Alright alright. You have a point there."
"Hey, can we go out and do some things?" Adila asked.
Clerissa smiled, remembering a moment long ago like this, with her little sister. "Yeah. Wanna go bug Jes and Tharâel?"
Adila jumped up and nodded. "Yes!" They finished their wine before heading out into the city of Ark to ensue some sisterly chaos.
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shardclan · 6 years
A Moment in the Summerlands
High noon rises and finds Analemma in silence. Noon Point stands empty, the merchants warned away, and the residents taking shelter in their homes. The eternal scent of steaming milk from the Happy Harpy Creamery, the one constant through even the darkest depths of winter, is absent.
Rebis stares down at the figure of Malu, sedated and physically restrained to the infirmary bed. Dust is at he side. She has left him only infrequently since bringing him there. Both share the same grim expression. Both are awaiting the inevitable.
"Enamor," Lavi had explained. "The single most basic skill in the entirety of light magic. A brief skill of captivation, something to make your enemy forget to speak their spell. It goes ignored a lot. But here we are, with an astral who has effectively taken it to the outer limits. To enthrallment."
Even Ashlesha had been too afraid to stay. His words blurted and near-panicked, were still fresh in Rebis' mind: 
"I brought us here as soon as I realized Titi-tet was here, because Lavi loves you, and I promised I'd be better and I'd care more and think about these things, but I have thought about it and in this case warning you and then leaving and locking the door behind us is best thing for everyone. I'm sorry I can't find it, it's--disseminating itself in the light, to me it feels like Titi-tet is everywhere, and it's too dangerous for me to stay here because she WILL come to you. It's her nature, she has be observed, she has to be worshiped, and if I end up enthralled I'm liable to erase everything you have built here for fun and you have maybe two people in the entire territory who could even begin to stop me, so please, please forgive me and let me take Lavi back to Horizon's Landing. Let us LEAVE."
Rebis didn't see Ashlesha very often, but his behavior was quite different. When they met, he had been unaffected and only interested in Invigilavi. To think he would beg her to allow him anything still weighs on her. Something is...amiss with him. But maybe that is only because he is human.
Malu opens his eyes. He looks around, and does not see the astral that has enthralled him. He shivers, and struggles, and soon begins to cry. His sobs are a rough and unfamiliar croak.
Dust presses a cool hand to his forehead and offers soothing but unheeded whispers. Titi-tet took his will, but they already know that can be returned. 
The same is not certain for his voice.
In the main office of the Tahalil Infirmary, Alala watches gravely as her mother flips back to the first page of a report from Noon Point's practice for third time. The symptoms. The names. The proposal written with complete impartiality at the bottom.
Haematica taps her pragmatically short nails with increasing disquiet atop her desk. The report is stirring memories old and rancid as bad wine. With lethal sharpness, she recalls the small practice she had with Tungsten on the edge of the Starwood Spa. She recalls the sharp rise in disassociative episodes before it all went wrong.
She hadn't been able to figure out what it meant, or why it was happening at the time. She had even disclosed that information to Dantalion. But none of them had been able to figure out the source. None of them had been able to stop Opal, or even identify him as the source of the problem, until their homes were in ruin.
She looks up into Alala's eyes. They both know Haematica had her first children to give the clan more plaguelings in a time when she was the only one who knew what it meant to survive. But she has never shared the stories of what the Exodus was like for her.
She cannot articulate the gravity of carrying Copernicus' mother out of the badlands on her back because the bogsneak didn't want to be cremated. Of thanking Carnelian for letting her give up on Ismene to focus on those with better chances. Of working through the night until her fingers were raw and gnarled and still having to watch Tawny set fire to the bodies of three imperials while they all held their breath and prayed that an emperor wouldn't be born.
The last thing Haematica wants is for the past to repeat itself for Alala. She places their family's seal on the letter and rolls it back up, and again she meets her daughter's eyes.
"Alala." Her voice comes out quietly, but with a maternal edge that makes the younger skydancer sit just a bit straighter. "You're also anxious."
"So are you, mother." Alala gives a weak smile. "But I think you are worried about your children, and I am worried about mine."
Haematica frowns. Alala and Rubedo's nests have an unfortunate tendency to precede ill happenings, and this time they have one lone egg to protect. She stands and fiercely embraces her daughter, mother to mother, before pressing the scroll into her hands.
"I would like it if you and Rubedo would take the egg and go stay with Asura for awhile. Maybe take Eshe, she hasn't spent much time in Feldspar."
"I think that's a good idea...for Rubedo, Eshe, and our egg." Alala peers down at the scroll in her hands. Though it is only parchment, it weighs the world. "As the Tribune of Health, I can't leave. Not now."
Haematica nods. "I know. Whenever you need me, blood of my heart, I'm here. Go. You have a lot to do if you're going to quarantine House Perihelion."
Camellia stands alone under the arcade that connects the Foursong Nursery to House Perihelion. Shrouded in layers of black silk and chiffon, with a single golden egg cradled in her arms, she stands out among the marble like the shadow of death in paradise.
When Haematica asked her to retrieve the egg holding their next grandchild, she did not ask why. They were old, dear friends, and Camellia trusted there must have been a reason.
She can feel this reason in the air around her. House Perihelion does not outwardly look different. Glamours wandering through idyllic scenery without any sense of rush or bustle is normal. House Perihelion has no businesses; it is all residences and gardens and skylights into public halls where river waters had been diverted into bubbling streams and mirror-still meditation pools.
But she feels eyes on her. Innumerable irregular clicks of bitten nails and the vibrations of jittery legs resonate in her horns.
Generous spots her and walks to her with friendly, animated haste. "Camellia~!" he sings. "My necro-chic darling, it's been too long!"
While they are familiar, even friendly in the right atmospheres, he has never been one to be touchy with her. Yet he throws his arms around her as though they are the best of friends.  
"Big smile dear," he whispers urgently. "Something isn't right and I don't think we're safe."
Camellia immediately responds with her most winning smile and throws one arm around him. "You know how it is Generous, I am always at the spans and you are always at the spa. Do you have a moment to walk with me? I'm on a granny errand."
"Granny?" He looks to the egg, and for a moment his eyes light with genuine joy, before he remembers the situation they are in. "O-oh. Oh dear. Uhm, yes--yes, of course! Let's catch up!"
Generous keeps a protective hold of her shoulders the whole way out. It isn't until they are well beyond the borders that he and Camellia relax and begin to exchange information.
Titi-tet sits in the lap of luxury.
The game of hide and seek is over, and the residents of House Perihelion have all had their time to see her--living wonder that she is.  She doesn't really know all their names yet, and it doesn't really matter. She doesn't need to know any of them when Pistis knows all of them. Pistis knows the good ones, and the bad ones, which ones will help most with getting Malu back, and which ones Titi should avoid being seen by.
Titi would have loved to have the guardian named Prophecy. She was old, she knew cool magic, and could have definitely been of use. But Pistis warned that Prophecy was perhaps too accomplished at light magic. She would know if Titi was bending light, and would probably not be easy to make a friend of. On the other hand, Titi would never ever have bothered with Dalma beyond her personal fancy. He was just some boring tundra man, not a special or interesting thing about him by appearances. But apparently he was the Queen's Historian.
"A queen..." Titi murmurs with growing indignance. She kicks over a bowl of fruit. "Hmph, I can be a better queen than some dumb fae... What's an Arcanite even doing running a light clan?"
"She's lightborn," Miscedence clarifies simply. "She is called 'Rebis the Rose-Eyed' because she was poisoned with Arcane magic in a magical mishap. Rebis is many things, but she cannot be called a particularly healthy or hardy queen."
"How's she manage to stay alive? Arcane energy is so gross!"
"A crown of white celestine," Stellaria answers. "It keeps her from getting too sick by siphoning the Arcane energy from her body. It's fine for her, but white celestine is lethal to Arcanites."
"I want that!" Titi-tet said, practically bouncing on her paws. "Can I have it?"
Verbena smiles, and pats Titi's head. "I'm sure we can get Ranti to make you one."
"No! She'll make one that's not as nice because I'm not a princess; I want the queen's crown!"
Verbena, Stellaria and Miscidence look at each other, but they chave nothing to offer. They look to Dalma, who looks to Laleh and Primsy, and they both turn their gaze to Moyo.
"I am not my sister," he reminds with a smile. "But the little diamond deserves a diamond in turn. It is simple, who can retrieve the queen's crown? Surely, the Tribunes must have this access?"
Miscidence quickly shakes his head. "If we touched the crown while it rested on Rebis' head, Bestealcian would take our hands before we could take a step."
"But I want it!" Titi insists. "Phi can't you just magic it off or something?"
"My magic doesn't do that..."
"Well it's quite simple then," Pistis chimes. "If Titi wants the crown, all we have to do is take Titi to see the Tahalil knight. When we explain to her that Titi would like Rebis' crown, I'm sure she'll be able to make it work."
Titi shines brighter than ever. She throws herself into Pistis’ arms, showering her with affection, completely unaware of the envious gazes of her other friends. 
If asked, Titi would probably not even remember Malu’s name.
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svartalfhild · 6 years
Too Wild
Rating: T Genre: Fantasy, Angst Words: 1,455 Summary: A young Mornath Sparrowswood must face the consequences of being denied the future as an arcane scholar that her father wanted for her.
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The culmination of everything Mornath Sparrowswood had worked for her entire life lay before her, spread out across her desk.  Their conclusion was that she was a failure, for each was a letter of rejection from a mage college or apprenticeship she had applied for.  The reason?  The first institution she had contacted, the University of Silverymoon, had evaluated her abilities and discovered a wild, unpredictable tendency in her magic.  She was “too much of a risk”, they had said, and word had evidently spread quickly amongst the arcane scholars of the region, because every subsequent submission of hers had been rejected without really saying why.
She was a Wild Mage.  There was no escaping it anymore.  As she looked over the latest letter for the tenth time, she felt the horrible knowledge that she would have to tell her father soon settled into her gut.  She had already been stalling too long.  Her well of delay tactics was drying up.
With a heavy sigh, Mornath gathered up her rejection letters into a neat stack and got up, adjusting her clothes to be as presentable as possible.  Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad, she told herself.  Maybe her father would be okay with her working in the book shop instead of becoming a scholar, given enough time and the right words.
Before she could even reach the door of her bedroom, it burst open to reveal her father, who very clearly seemed to be at the end of his patience.
“Ye’ve had more than enough time t’collect responses and make a decision about where t’study, so out with it.  Ye cannae afford t’dawdle.  I may have all the time in the world, but ye’re half-human and therefore do not,” her father told her.  If there was anything Dragglys Sparrowswood loved, it was a good lecture, and she could see one coming on a mile away.  The news she had to offer wasn’t going to help on that front in the slightest.
Too nervous to trust herself with speech, Mornath reached for the stack of letters on her desk and handed them to her father, carefully avoiding his piercing blue gaze as she did so.  He looked them over, the heaviness of his scowl growing with each passing moment.  As she watched him, she could see the tension building in him until it broke free like a beast from a cage.
“Twenty years. I spent twenty years raisin’ ye, buildin’ ye into somethin’ that could be worthy of the Sparrowswood name and this.”  Dragglys shook the letters at her, which were now crumpling between his fingers, his voice seeming to shake the whole room.  “This is the culmination of all ma hard work?!  Findin’ that ye’re too much of a freak t’achieve anythin’?!”
“F-F-Father!  Father, I can find somethin’ else to excel at!  I can...I can help mum run the shop!  At least until I find somethin’ more-”
“And risk you destroyin’ our entire stock with yer chaos?  I should think not!”  Mornath found herself suddenly backed against the wall, unable to retreat from her shouting father any further, though he continued to advance with furious step after furious step.
“But I could-”
“Ye can do nothin’ as ye are!  Ye are worth nothin’!  Ye have been a waste!  Now get out and take yer curse with ye!”  With these words, Mornath felt her whole world shatter and she could not bring herself to either move or make a sound in the face of her father’s fury.  He, however, gave no quarter, grabbing her immediately by the arm and attempting to drag her from the room.  She struggled, trying to wrench herself free from his grasp, and called out for her mother’s help, though it was unlikely she was heard this high up in the tower.
Frustrated, Dragglys growled a few arcane words and Mornath felt her entire body freeze up.  She could not even move her lips to speak or cry out in protest as she was dragged from the tower.  The spell did not end until she was facedown in the mud of the street outside and the door had closed behind her.
She slowly got to her feet and cleaned herself up, too stunned to do anything else.  Passersby stared at her and she was overwhelmed with a sudden need to hide.  She darted off down the street and around into an alley, where she climbed up onto a roof and nestled herself between inclines where no one could see her.  After a moment of catch her breath, she was hit with the weight of everything that had just happened.
Tears spilled, hot and fast, down her cheeks and she put a trembling hand over her mouth to muffle the sounds of her violent sobs.
“Oh gods...oh gods...” she choked out, over and over like a mantra.  She couldn’t believe this was happening to her and yet it was.  She had been cast out from the only home she had ever known and had nothing in the world but the clothes on her back.  There was nowhere for her to go, so she remained where she was until many hours had passed and she had fallen asleep.
- - -
Mornath awoke the next day, shivering in the cold autumn air with her stomach twisting itself into hungry knots.  She felt emotionally numb until she remembered that it was her birthday, her 21st to be exact.  The pain of her situation came crashing back down on her and brought forth fresh tears.  It was quite some time until she got ahold of herself and then only because her hunger had become so powerful.
She shakily climbed down from the roof and wandered towards the market, where many of the produce merchants had just finished setting up for the rapidly building crowds of folk come to do their early morning shopping.  It was easy enough for her to become part of the hustle and bustle, another unchecked figure among many.  She still remembered the tricks she had learned on her rebellious nights as a teenager, running around with a pack of street urchins.  It was a simple enough thing for her to swipe an apple from the stand of a produce merchant and tuck it under the hem of her tunic until she could slip into an alleyway and scarf it down until nothing but the seeds and stem were left.
Eating gave her the time and energy to think about what she would do next.  Her first thought was to find her old friends of the Hunters’ Lane Gang and join up with them again.  Sure, she’d left them on less than stellar terms, but after all this time, she was certain they’d just be happy to have their mage back.  If they didn’t want her, well, she’d cross that bridge when she came to it, but for now the mere thought of seeing Sparks and Lander and everyone again had filled her with a strange excitement, so she made up her mind and headed over to the back alley that had been their haunt for as long as she’d known them.
Mornath’s heart hollowed when she found the place empty.  And it wasn’t just empty in the sense of them not being there.  There were no signs that the spot was being lived in at all.  No tattered blankets stuffed behind crates.  No scattered nutshells.  No footprints in the dirt even.  The only evidence that they had ever been there was the small Calendar of Harptos she had once carved into a stone wall so that they could keep track of the days.
She supposed it was foolish to think that they’d still be here.  The Silverwatch was not nearly as forgiving towards adults on the street as the were to kids.  The gang must have left long ago or otherwise been put in jail.  Whatever the case may have been, there was nothing left in Silverymoon for Mornath now.  If there was a future for her out there, it could not be here, so she wandered back out to the main road and hopped on the first wagon heading out of the city that would take her.
“Where ye headin’, miss?” the wrinkly old dwarven farmer at the reins asked as she climbed up next to him.  She only shrugged in response.  He squinted his dark eyes at her.  “Ye got any family t’look after ye?”  She could tell by his tone that he was suspecting that she wasn’t in full possession of her faculties, which she thought was a fair assessment, given how intensely empty she felt.  It must be showing in her demeanor.
“Not anymore,” she answered quietly.
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