#cale's nightmare
valdeswan · 10 months
My headcanon is that Cale taught himself how to wake up from nightmares without a physical reaction when he started sharing bed with the kids.
The first time, he woke up from his nightmares in panic and looked for a weapon that was not there, scaring the kids. He felt so guilty that now, when he wakes up, he just lies there, petrified and deadly silent, trying to convince himself that everything is okay.
Looking at the cellig, fighting the fear of the monsters that pursue him from his dreams with the warmth of the dragon and the weight of the cats
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murasaki-cha · 4 months
Tcf part 2 chapter 291
(this is the actual dialogue I kid you not)
3rd Inquisitor: How can you, a human, become the guardian knight of the Dragon Lord?
Clopeh *about to mentally scar an elf*: I am Cale-nim's guardian knight.
Clopeh: How can you put a dragon lord, a being who is nothing more than a dragon, in the place where the glorious name of someone who would become a legend is placed?
Cale: *sweeping his face with both hands and wishing for Raon and Choi Han to come pick him up because he's scared*
Clopeh: How can you ask me that I am a guardian knight likes of the Dragon Lord and not Cale-nim? Huh? Please answer me. I’m very curious. Huh?
3rd Inquisitor: *horrified and about to ask for help*
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hunterrrs · 1 year
sid wants to fly, cale wants spidey senses and trevor wants to be invisible
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youngyoo-apologist · 5 months
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OG ChoiCale comic based off of the pinkie pie and fluttershy weed brownie comic by @ punkittdev on twt
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sadlynotthevoid · 3 months
I'm not sure if I told you guys about the time I dreamed that 20ish Jason Todd died yet again and Death was pissed off because "really? Again? Wtf Batman. The universe doesn't keep reviving your son just so you can see how much he lasts!" And "He has a work to do you know?!". Besides, she's fond of the bright young soul.
So, she calls her uncle to help him. And what you know? Her uncle is the God of Death (because yes, my brain is like that sometimes). They sit to talk and come up with a solution.
First, taking advantage of the effects still present of the last time-space crisis and the spirits protecting the soul, they regress the time of this universe to when Jay had just left All Caste, way before he had came back to Gotham.
Then, Death places Red Hood!Jason's memories on the soul of his younger self. Not too harsh to force his soul to crack, but not too light to let them fall. Just deep enough so he finds them when he meditates.
And by last, God of Death tells the spirits where they should guide the boy to. The perfect place for him.
Where is the best place for a soul who craves for home and safety? Of course, that's with someone who has the heart to care and accept a new loved one and the determination to protect them.
That's how Jason Todd, teenage assassin in an existential crisis, ends up waking up in the softest bed he has ever been in some foreign country. At his side there's a redhead teen sitting in a sofa, a book in his hands and other boy— this one with black hair and pajamas— lying on his lap.
The redhead— Cale, as he presents himself— is mysterious but kind hearted guy. He also knows things. So much so that if he weren't as he is, Jason would suspect. As things are, he knows he's just used to collect information. A bit like a bat, but not quite. A bat would plan how to use it against the possible enemy. Cale? Well, he doesn't even bother to hide what he realized about him. He's also ridiculously casual about it.
Who offers an assassin if they want their hidden weapons back? This guy, apparently.
Jason only knows he's not totally unconscious because at one point an old guy entered with tea and pastries for the three and Cale, the little shit, choose that moment to reassure Jason.
"Don't worry. My butler is an assassin too and we don't treat him different for it."
The old geezer almost let got the porcelain teapot to the floor. Though, points for him for recovering so fast.
"Young master? May this Ron know who you would be talking about?"
"Hm? Who do you think? Hans? The only thing he can kill is Rok Soo's humor. It's you, obviously."
Rok Soo, the sleeping beauty complex guy pretending to be asleep on Cale's lap, was sweating badly. If everyone in the room weren't already aware he was clearly pretending, someone may had thought he was ill.
Later on, he realizes there was a reason Cale had said that at that moment.
He's looking at the butler subtly terrorize the boys to behave, treating the siblings like two particularly mischievous puppies. Then he turns around and uses the same tune to advise him to be careful with his wounds. And that's when he thinks 'Oh. He doesn't see me as a menace'.
Of course he doesn't. His employer just confirmed he's aware of his identity— at least partially— and his own nature. The biggest advantage of an assassin is their secrecy. After their identity is exposed, the only reason they won't attack is if the assassin believes the risk is worthy. Telling the assassin he knows he's an assassin was his way to show Jason's own intentions: none.
Jason didn't intend to end up in that field where these teens find him. He didn't intend to be brought in their vacation house. He definitely didn't plan that the people to found him passed out would be whoever these rich guys were.
But he didn't have anything against all of this either.
Well, maybe the wound. He could make it without the blood loose and the soon-to-be scar to add to his collection.
Either way, at least he had a safe place to stay and think. Just think. Because, the memories he saw— what is he supposed to do now that he has his answer?
His da— Bruce. Bruce didn't care for him as much as Jason does for Bruce. Bruce obviously didn't love him as he thought. And certainly, Bruce was way more willingly to harm him than he believed.
And Jason— well, Jason couldn't waste a second life on a man who didn't put hin even at the same level than the Joker of all people. But maybe his expectatives were too high? He hadn't planned what to do if his life was meaningless to him.
So, Jason needed time. Time to ponder and heal. Those things are better done in a safe place.
That's what Jason has in mind when Cale offers him to stay with them.
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blueteller · 2 years
Kim Rok Soo!Cale – aka. Poster Child of Trauma
Let's list down all the traumatic experiences of our MC, shall we? :)
Body stolen by the White Star's reincarnation
Being affected by the Curse of the God of Death ("All those you cherish shall die") before being born
Rebirth in Korea, shortly followed by the death of his parents
Taken in by his abusive uncle, Kim Seung Jong, who falls into alcoholism and gambling
Either the uncle dies due to his addictions or it gets so bad Kim Rok Soo runs away – that part was a bit unclear
Gets into the orphanage, where all friends or caretakers he comes to care about leave him, one way or another
Choi Jung Gun shows up when Kim Rok Soo is about to get murdered by the Hunters Park So Jin & Jung Yi-Rang, posing as his counselor & classmate
CJG or the Hunters wipe his memory of the event, which one did it is slightly unclear
Just as KRS's life gets stable enough that he gets a job while studying at a university, the Monster Apocalypse strikes and he loses everything all over again
KRS starves under the wreck of a building for a week before getting rescued by Lee Soo Hyuk
LSH takes him to a shelter where Park Jin Tae is in charge, just for him to turn into an abusive leader who bosses KRS around and beats him up
Then the monster wave shows up, killing everyone KRS got to know and care about at the shelter. Hello, Survivor's Guilt!
Somehow, he survives the rest of the monster wave, but that surely wasn't a pleasant experience, considering all shelters lost power for 24 hours and KRS probably experiences the minor ones failing in-person (who knows just how many different shelters he tried to run off to??)
After a time skip KRS gets into the company and we assume life is pretty good for a while for him, under LSH's guidance and the friendship with Choi Jung Soo, as well as their other Team members... except then the Unranked Monster shows up and wipes KRS's entire Team in one go, leaving him the last and only man standing. Hello, Survivor's Guilt Part Two!
KRS attends the funeral of LSJ & CJS, only to be talked about behind his back how he's not even mourning them correctly because he's not crying (those bastards-!)
He takes upon himself to avenge LSH and the rest of the Team, because they were supposed to have back-up from a Guild which all ran away and left them to die. I suppose KRS going after them went down similarly to how he later toppled Arm and the Mogoru Empire, so let's call it his "practice run on Dismantling Corrupt Organisations"
He takes over as the Team Leader as well, overworking himself to the extreme (not even taking a single day off in the first year) to have a 0% casualty rate
He distances himself from the team in order not to suffer another heartbreak if something happens to them (also, my theory is that KRS subconsciously recognized the pattern of his Curse and made himself believe that he's a bad, selfish person who doesn't care about others... just so the Curse don't kill off his Team members this time)
Once again, he gets his body stolen without his permission – and sure, that turned out well in the end, but still: not just once, but TWICE! NOT cool, God of Death!!
He's dumped with the knowledge and responsibility of the conflicts to come in this new world, which was supposed to be originally CJS's job to fix. Come on, it's not KRS's fault he lived instead!! Not he's gotta clean up THIS mess...
Once again, Cale overworks himself white trying to achieve World Peace, because HOW is he supposed to rest if the world comes to an end around him – AGAIN!?
Cale's body wastes away from continuously sacrificing himself (while claiming that he isn't sacrificing himself) and keeps falling into a coma from Ancient Powers overuse
He breaks his plate in the battle at the Gorge of Death and suffers terribly to get it fixed
He gets a premonition that he's probably going to die around November 8th – THANKS A LOT, GOD OF DEATH!!
He also goes through a traumatic test of seeing his worst fear at the Wind Island
He attracts the attention of several nasty characters: like Adin, the White Star, or the Sealed God... which is definitely NOT a good thing
The Sealed God casually tosses him into an alternate universe to relive his greatest trauma
Cale, once again, has to solve problems in another world because he literally cannot do anything else
Also the White Star is trying to murder him in the meantime, so he suffers great physical AND mental pain at the same time - hurray!
Oh and let's not forget, now he gotta defeat the Final Boss by stabbing himself. It won't hurt, the World Tree says...? WHY DON'T I BELIEVE YOU (Also the Sealed God made sure everyone saw everything, nice going there you son of a-!)
And just when the whole thing with the White Star and the Sealed God gets resolved, the HUNTERS SHOW UP, BECAUSE WHY THE HELL NOT
And now Cale gotta go around MORE UNIVERSES to solve ALL OF THEIR PROBLEMS. ..... H o w n i c e
To shortly sum all of Cale's traumatic experiences:
Bodysnatched: x2
Cursed with loneliness and misfortune
Lived in poverty
Target of attempted assassination (also used as bait for assassins)
Had his head tampered with
Lived through an apocalypse
Trapped under a building (hello potential claustrophobia!)
Chased down by monsters
Survivor's guilt: x2
Betrayed by allies
Forced into leadership
*Body dysphoria due to scars (forgot to mention that earlier)
Impostor syndrome: x2 (for both becoming the Team Leader and becoming Cale Henituse)
Judged for coping mechanisms
Regularly gets hurt and falls into coma
Near death experiences: x[INFINITE]
Forced to experience his worst nightmare
Forced into self-harm
Forced to save the world: x? (at least 3 times and the counter is still rising!?)
Basically, this man's life maybe have gotten better in the past 2 years... but his life is still hell 😅
(I blame you, God of Death – WHY would you consider reincarnation a good punishment?? And a CONTAGIOUS CURSE which affects the victims of your target!? This is all your fault.
...But mostly the Hunters' fault, obviously.)
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lurrywrites · 10 months
so... mmmmmm......
*mopes around on the floor pathetically*
Yeah. I'm taking requests again.
Rules are in the pinned post, yadda yadda... plan to list all the fandoms I'll write for fully soon!
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caleism-1 · 2 years
Cale Henituse was written off as trash and Kim Rok Soo would agree. But now that he was Cale Henituse himself, sometimes he'd wonder what made the Original Cale like the trash he was in the first place.
He just didn't expect to receive the answer in such a blunt and no-nonsense manner that he'd wake up in the middle of his nap.
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nishicchikouchi · 2 years
In modern AU, Clopeh wouldn't be Cale's stalker in the entertainment world. He would be the too zealous and the Cale enthusiast PR leader. Like, he would hunt whoever makes bad rumors about Cale, would make the best caption for his posts and just would take very good care of Cale's image overall. Cale thinks he's a bit weird and insane but since he's good enough with the job, he doesn't fire him.
Clopeh was originally was of those reporters who pushes buttons and asks the most controversial things in public interviews with famous people, he completely becomes enamoured with after an interview where he was crushed by such a respectful (actually, it was roasting), factual and thoroughly worded response.
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cosmicfruits · 2 years
Nightmare sans is a lesbian send post now
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fitzselfships · 11 months
I just got SUPER triggered but I'm being so brave about it I think I deserve 10000000 kisses <3
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shecomesincolors · 2 years
are u going to any concerts this year?
Yes, I will! I’m taking my little sister to see Billie Eilish in a couple of weeks, and I recently bought tickets to see Florence + the Machine and Haim at a festival in Rio (I’m barely familiar with the latter’s discography, to be honest, but I did love Alana in Licorice Pizza).
On the “maybe” list, and this is only wishful thinking, I’m hoping Pulp might announce a world tour once their new album is out, and, if I’m lucky, that may include at least one date in South America (I know they performed in Chile the last time around circa 10 years ago). There’s definitely an audience for it. Also, I’ll probably be in Spain during Primavera Sound and I’m wondering if it’ll be worth buying tickets just so I can see The Voidz, haha (I’ve been listening to a lot of Julian Casablancas’ music ever since a Strokes concert last year greatly surpassed my expectations; of course, the band are not what they used to be at their peak, but I found a lot to like in their latest album).
Thank you for the question! I hope I haven’t confused you by mainly referencing 21st century acts. Though my blog is dedicated to the 1960s, and I do still mostly listen to music from that decade, I do have many other, not quite as salient, art and pop culture interests (not to mention young artists are simply more likely to go on tour, and to perform here in LatAm).
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i-might-be-a-simp · 2 months
It broke my heart when I read that Choi Han started to cry when he first saw the Stone Wall marking the end of the forest of darkness, it had taken him so long to reach this point. And how Cale literally became the light in his world because for so long his world was filled with despair, he was lonely and trapped in his worst nightmare, he was just an average highschool boy with a loving family but suddenly he had no one to talk to as he tried to survive without help for so many decades, and past this wall he saw Harris village, but he then lost them too, people who showed him kindness in this new world. Then one day, on his lowest, when he was helplessly angry and guilty for what had happened, when no one was there to check up on him and the people ignored him as some injured homeless man, there came someone who treated him and gave him a new family, a new direction and a new purpose. And it hurts even more when I think about how originally no one actually showed up for Choi Han, he spent the night hungry alone and unconscious, recounting the faces of his loved ones as he buried them, thinking about destruction and revenge. The original Choi Han's despair never ended...
Choi Han my beloved.
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idolomantises · 10 months
which character from either of your webtoons were the most challenging to design?
Bugtopia: Cale, don't have his design on hand (too many spoilers) but it was AGONIZING redesigning him. particularly picking out his clothing. he originally had tattered clothes based on his canvas design, but I realized that this is New Cale and he'd dress differently. he's still difficult for me to draw for some reason
Monsters and Girls: Ciel. Literally took me half a year to figure out his design. This asshole bird was a nightmare to figure out, because I dont like using more than white, black and gold for my angel designs (keeps it cohesive), as well as me having a personal vendetta against drawing bird characters (nothing serious, I just cant make their beaks and feet look good). I'll likely redesign his leg colors in the future.
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teriri-sayes · 24 days
Reactions to The Incomprehensible's Chapter 342
Brief summary: Flame Demon is an illusionist. CH easily dispels the illusion.
The chapter felt short because it was a battle (?) chapter. The first half of the chapter was some background info about the enemy.
The Demon King Army has 8 battalions.
Viscount Deshran is the commander of the 6th Battalion.
He is known as the Flame Demon or the Young Lord of the Veil.
Deshran is an illusionist, but he can make his illusions real.
His illusions turn the worst nightmares into reality.
He was called "young lord" because he always carried a book around, and his gestures and actions were full of grace. The "veil" referred to his illusion ability, which could cover reality like a veil.
Aurora was worried that CH was no match for Deshran, but Cale just smiled. After all, CH endured against the aura of a hunter family matriarch, Blood Demon. So a mere commander of a battalion could not compare.
The last part was hilarious though... 🤣🤣🤣
Deshran: Territory Declaration: Garden of Nightmares! CH: *dispels the illusion* Deshran: !!! CH: You asked who I am? CH: *looks at the clothes Cale and the others are wearing* CH: We. Are. Arm. Cale: 😮*shocked* Raon: 😮Human, human! CH is trying to act again when he can't!
"Real Arm" is back. 🤣🤣🤣 And Choi Han's "acting" is back too. 🤣🤣🤣 Cale, is this the "trouble" you're worried that CH and CJS will cause?
Ending Remarks Chapter today was short, but the last part was funny. Next chapter would be Cale's group fully masquerading as the Real Arm. I'm expecting more funny scenes again.
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lurrywrites · 10 months
Oh wow, I'm coming back after one- wait, two years. Niiceeeeee.
Well.. the old masterpost is still relevant.
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You may still call me Lurry, at least for now. I use they/them mostly but if the situation is comical I welcome being gendered otherwise.
English is not my first language, and am learning it. Criticism and corrections are allowed in polite form.
This blog will still be focused on x reader content but I may write character x character. Also, there may be some oc inclucion.
May write for:
Thrash Of The Counts Family - ongoing!
Cookie Run - ongoing?
Undertale(including aus) - ongoing
Cult Of The Lamb - Encouraged!!
Omniscent Reader - ongoing
Fran Bow(I have been infected with loving itward) - Ongoing!
The Amazing Digital Circus - Ongoing!!
● Please request through asks!
● If I didn't answer your ask, that means I either haven't recieved it, writing it right now, feeling too burnt out, uncomfortable with it or am busy; consider that I am too, a living being.
● Please do not send anything truly nsfw, slightly suggestive things and jokes are okay through!
● I'm not obliguied to answer your ask for various reasons; and I get to them when I get to them, of course.
• If my work did not turn out how you wanted or if I got something wrong, please be pollte about it.
● I will not write yandere fics for totcf as this is one of my very few comfort fandoms that was never associated with such themes in my eyes and I would like for it to stay that way for as long as possible.
● Other fandoms are okay, but heavy yandere stuff still will be unlikely to appear.
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