#calla devlin
bookaddict24-7 · 7 years
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New Young Adult Novels Releasing Today! (September 5, 2017)
There are SO MANY books coming out today and I’m sure I’m missing a few. Let me know which ones you might check out and which ones I missed!
Standalones & New Series Releases: 
Black Bird of the Gallows by Meg Kassel
Storms by Chris Vick 
They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera
Uncanny by David Macinnis Gill
Even the Darkest Stars by Heather Fawcett
Girls Made of Snow and Glass by Melissa Bashardoust
A Semi-Definitive List of Worst Nightmares by Krystal Sutherland
Genuine Fraud by E. Lockhart
The Thing with Feathers by McCall Hoyle
If There’s No Tomorrow by Jennifer L. Armentrout
The Door to January by Gillian French (Not Pictured)
I Hate Everyone but You by Gaby Dunn & Allison Raskin (Not Pictured)
Feral Youth by A collection of authors (Not Pictured)
Cinderella, Necromancer by F.M. Boughan (Not Pictured)
Right Where You Left Me by Calla Devlin (Not Pictured)
Light Years by Emily Ziff Griffin (Not Pictured)
Series Releases (Not Pictured): 
Godsgrave (The Nevernight Chronicles #2) by Jay Kristoff
Tower of Dawn (Throne of Glass #6) by Sarah J. Maas
Intensity (Nick Chronicles #8) by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Happy reading!
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germmagazine · 7 years
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Author Calla Devlin on the Importance of Journalism
Calla Devlin
“One problem: I was awful. Terrible. Dreadful. Just shy of the worst. This isn’t false modesty. I sucked. I didn’t have the skill or tenacity or personality to be a journalist. I understood the story—how to paint a picture, draw out characters, and write something with suspense and intrigue. But facts, truth be told, bored me. My talent didn’t come close to my passion.”
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the-dust-jacket · 8 years
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Congratulations to the Morris Award winner and honorees! 
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littletonpace · 3 years
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Taylor Swift | evermore but it’s books Wanted to do this ever since I started seeing book titles at work that were also @taylorswift song titles. Obviously I took some artistic liscence with some in order to get the song title in there (’tis the damned season, marjorie, cowboy like you, etc) but you get the idea. Also, the authors and other parts of the covers are blurred in order to make the title stand out more. It’s not meant to insult the author and I’ve listed all the authors under the cut below, so don’t get all Tumblr butthurt about it :P Colouring by siguo :)
Books 1. Willow by Denise Brennan-Nelson 2. Champagne Problems by Staci Hart 3. Gold Rush by Karin Cox 4. ’Tis by Frank McCourt / The Damned Season by Shani Struthers 5. Can You Tolerate This? by Ashleigh Young / It by Stephen King 6. No Body No Crime by Ray Tough 7. Happiness by Helen Mortimer & Cristina Trapenese 8. Dorothea by Catherine Moorhouse 9. Coney Island by Robin Jaffee Frank 10. Ivy by Julie Hearn 11. A Cowboy Like You by Donna Grant 12. Long Story Short by Serena Kaylor 13. The Magnificent Lives Of Marjorie Post by Allison Pataki 14. Closure by Randall Wood 15. Evermore by B. B. Reid 16. Right Where You Left Me by Calla Devlin 17. It’s Time To Go by Carol Duffy
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I know you've read a lot of King, do you have any ships?
I do actually! For some reason I don’t post a lot about my ships on here but I have quite a bit lol. I’ll list all of my SK ships 
In no particular order:
Dennis Guilder/ Arnie Cunningham- Christine
Ray Garraty/ Peter McVries- The Long Walk
Gordie LaChance/ Chris Chambers- The Body/ Stand My Me
Eddie Kaspbrak/ Richie Tozier- IT
Jonesy/ Beaver Clarendon- Dreamcatcher
Henry Devlin/ Pete Moore- Dreamcatcher
Tom McCourt/ Clayton Riddell- Cell
Clayton Blaisdell/ Johnny Cheltzman- Blaze
Jake Chambers/ Benny Slightman- Wolves of the Calla
Roland Deschain/ Cuthbert Allgood- The Dark Tower
Jack Sawyer/ Richard Sloat- The Talisman
Alan Pangborn/ Polly Chalmers- Needful Things
Eddie Dean/ Susannah Dean- The Dark Tower
Sue Snell/ Carrie White- Carrie
Ben Hanscom/ Beverly Marsh- IT
Bill Denbrough/ Mike Hanlon
Stu Redman/ Frannie Goldsmith- The Stand
Don Callahan/ Lupe Delgado- The Dark Tower
Dayna Jurgens/ Susan Stern- The Stand
Thank you for asking!
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aviisalittlefr34k · 4 years
Name: Callaghan Devlin
Nickname: Calla, Hanny
Species and Race: deer hybrid
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Gender Identity: Male
Preffered Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 5'0
Sexuality: Bi
Personality: Callaghan is a sweetheart through and through. He's not known for violence.
Description:He has two large, red antlers and cute little deer ears with a deer tail.
Likes: running around with other's, maiing new friends, writing in his notebook
Dislikes: people making fun of him for not being able to speak, being seen as a burden, other deer hybrids
Fears: arachnophobia
Background: Callaghan was born into a herd of deer hybrids that didn't treat him to well. They never accepted him into the herd cause his more predatory appearance and behaviors. He left with his best friends and joined them with their pack, which is where he is to this day.
Body And Looks: He has dark brown hair, mint green eyes with slit pupils, light skin, midnight black freckles all over his face, and sharp canines. He has a natural mark of red on his left cheek, white across his nose, and blue on his right cheek. His nose itself changes from black to red every now and then. He stands at 5'0 and seems to have a more feminine body shape.
Clothing Style And Accessories: He usually wears an american flag bandana, a large camo jacket, a grey shirt, black jeans, and a pair of knee high high-heeled boots.
Extra Info: He can not speak due to damaged vocal cords but he can make and imitate sounds. He also doesn't live in a house by himself and seems to stay with a multitude of other people in a large mansion. (He says that the people there in the mansion are his forever "herd" when they're actually a pack of multiple different types of hybrids)
He lives with his best friends in the new pack! His friends are Nik, a shark hybrid, and Sevastian, a panda hybrid! The leader of the pack is Alpha, a giant wolf hybrid! Meaning he's quite large in both human and wolf form! He basically adopted Callaghan the moment he saw the small deer hybrid. Then there's Sire, a giant boar hybrid(a little bit larger then Alpha) who acts as the medic of the pack! He's saved Callaghan so many times but understands that the small deer hybrid doesn't really know the extreme dangers the pack faces cause Callaghan's original herd only had to deal with the threat of coyotes and coyote hybrids! There's also so many more hybrids in the pack! Including a giant bat hybrid named Onyx, a white rhino hybrid named Jax, a hippo hybrid named Kyran, a couple of saltwater/freshwater crocodile and alligator hybrids, and more! The alligator hybrid is Crash, the saltwater croc hybrids are named Jasper and Locke, and the freshwater croc hybrid is named Key! (Locke and Key are best friends, Jasper is Locke's older brother)
Last but not least the last character that is fully developed is Null, a Vinegaroon(these are also known as Whip Scorpions) hybrid. He takes care of the young for the pack while the mothers rest at night. It's a surprise that he can get near Callaghan, due to the deer hybrids arachnophobia. It's actually because of the Vinegaroon's job in the pack that Callaghan feels safe enough to be around Null but no one knows that except Callaghan himself.
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highlightedpages · 6 years
I know what it's like to be okay with dying.
Calla Devlin Tell Me Something Real
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yacovergalore · 7 years
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goddessgardener · 7 years
Simplicity and Journalism
eens talk and the world listens every Tuesday NOON PT on the Voice America Kids Network. Produced by StarStyle® Productions, LLC and Cynthia Brian, these young adults know how to rock and express their unique views. Join the fun!
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” —Leonardo Da Vinci
With so much “fake news” and social media posts, sometimes it’s hard to tell what’s really happening in…
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hollywoodnewssource · 7 years
See 57 of Our Anticipated Book Releases for September
It’s better late than ever! Hollywood News Source is here to share our monthly anticipated releases for September. It’s jam packed by 57 new titles from debut authors to veterans. We have a new series from Marie Lu titled ‘Warcross’, the sequel to Daniel José Older’s ‘Shadowshaper’, a companion novel from Daughter of Smoke and Bones by…
See 57 of Our Anticipated Book Releases for September was originally published on Hollywood News Source
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Автор: Калла Девлин Книга: Скажи мне что-нибудь правдивое Итоговая оценка: 3/10 Дата прочтения: 20.02.2017 Аннотация: Three sisters struggle with the bonds that hold their family together as they face a darkness settling over their lives in this masterfully written debut novel. There are three beautiful blond Babcock sisters: gorgeous and foul-mouthed Adrienne, observant and shy Vanessa, and the youngest and best-loved, Marie. Their mother is ill with leukemia and the girls spend a lot of time with her at a Mexican clinic across the border from their San Diego home so she can receive alternative treatments. Vanessa is the middle child, a talented pianist who is trying to hold her family together despite the painful loss that they all know is inevitable. As she and her sisters navigate first loves and college dreams, they are completely unaware that an illness far more insidious than cancer poisons their home. Their world is about to shatter under the weight of an incomprehensible betrayal… Отзыв: Если вы желаете впасть в безграничную депрессию, из которой вам будет очень не просто выбраться, эта книга для вас. Если не желаете, бегите от нее быстрее, она поразительно неприятная и скучная. 70-е годы XX века – время, когда было не так уж просто поддерживать отношения на расстоянии. Да и развлечений\отвлечений было явно поменьше, чем сейчас. И поэтому главная героиня погружается в пучину депрессии безостановочно (и хоть автор пытается показать, что музыка спасает ее, из-за странного способа повествования, читатель не может в это поверить). Ей не на что отвлечься, у нее плохо все... но, к сожалению, не могу перечислить, т.к. очень спойлерно. Ей толком даже поговорить не с кем. Старшая сестра сама еле справляется со сложившейся ситуацией, хотя девочки близки. Младшая вообще сходит с ума, зациклившись на религии и отсутствии матери. В книге плохо все, нет ничего светлого и доброго. А то, что могло хоть каким-то лучиком света стать для читателя – отношения Ванессы с Калебом – описано на двух страницах книги. Вообще книга «скомканная», иначе ее не описать. Она короткая (и на том спасибо, если честно), написана ужасно странно: только что автор говорил об одном, про это еще не закончил, а в следующей строчке речь уже совершенно о другом, причем, ничего себе, по сюжету прошло шесть недель. Как описаны отношения героини с Калебом (небольшие спойлеры!): познакомились, стали жить вместе, поговорили, влюбились, поговорили, переспали, разъехались. Вот серьезно, все на 2-х страницах. Все шесть недель. Это что вообще такое было? И так происходит буквально все. Причем автор описывает какие-то совершенно неинтересные и скучные моменты очень подробно, которые вообще можно было бы опустить, а реально важные: болезнь, отношения, как Ванесса со всем справляется – в двух строчках. Я прекрасно понимаю, откуда у книги такой низкий рейтинг на Goodreads. Как это читать, вообще не ясно. Единственный плюс – есть в книге один момент, который можно назвать: «вот это поворот». Больше плюсов я в книге не нашла. Невыносимо скучно, странно и жутко депрессивно. Не могу понять, как автор одобряет поступки своих героев, делает их примером для подражания. Я люблю грустные книги, но в них должна быть хоть пара лучиков света, чтобы это было реально прочитать. Итоговая оценка: 3\10
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quietya · 6 years
31 Days of #quietYA with Julia Lynn Rubin
LIKE MANDARIN by Kirsten Hubbard. Set in the badlands of Washokey, Wyoming, the story follows 14-year-old Grace Carpenter, who struggles to find herself against the backdrop of her tiny town and cloying, beauty pageant-obsessed mother. Grace would do anything to be like 17-year-old Mandarin, the cool, seemingly effortless girl at school who plays by her own rules. But as the girls grow closer, Grace realizes there are darker elements to Mandarin's story. Her interests in Mandarin border on romantic, and there's so much amazing sapphic subtext that I'm still not entirely sure was completely intentional. The writing is also drop-dead gorgeous and hooked me from the first line.
CATALYST by Laurie Halse Anderson. While still known and beloved by her fans, this is probably one of Laurie's "quieter" releases, and arguably her best work following SPEAK (though her sophomore novel PROM remains a classic in its own right. I mean, hello, the main character worked as a knock-off Chuck-E-Cheese character!). I've read this one so many times and each time, I go through that same melancholic, disturbing, fascinating journey that only Laurie Halse Anderson can take me on. So evocative and voice-driven and painfully real. It breaks my heart every time in the best possible way, and is a great example of how to include subtle twists without ever cluing the reader in that there will be one coming.
CLEAN by Amy Reed. Hilarious, poignant, and a masterclass in writing YA in multiple-POVs, this book helped get me me into YA as a whole and introduced me to a world of "grittier" fiction for teens that never felt condescending or Lifetime movie-esque.
JUMPED by Rita-Garcia Williams. Rita is a brilliant and hilarious author, and not only tackles multiple-POV oh so well, but a fast-paced, urgent, thrilling plot that all takes place over the course of one fateful school day that culminates in a teen girl getting jumped by her classmates.
THE RULES OF SURVIVAL by Nancy Werlin. It makes me sad that Nancy isn't on more people's radars! This book deals with parental abuse and a teen boy's struggle to protect himself and his siblings, and is never overindulgent or soapy. The writing style is clean and efficient, making for a quick read that will stay with you long after you've finished.
LITTLE CHICAGO by Adam Rapp. This is, quite possibly, one of the most disturbing books I've ever read, but it also might be one of the best. Glittering with magical realism and a surreal style to help us cope with the horrors within, I'd include a very strong *Trigger Warning* for sexual assault, sexual abuse, and neglect. It sort of blurs the line between YA and MG, and is haunting and visceral.
TELL ME SOMETHING REAL by Calla Devlin. Featuring gorgeous, literary prose and a family-rich, family-centered story set in the '70s that left me breathless, this award-winning novel is an absolutely underrated gem. I won't say too much as it's best to go in cold.
THE SACRED LIES OF MINNOW BLY - This YA thriller about a girl who's escaped from the clutches of a cult and lacks both hands to show for it (literally, she had them removed in the most grisly, disturbing way) was one of my favorite releases of 2015. It was so good, in fact, I bought a copy for my friend.
WHAT GIRLS ARE MADE OF by Elana K. Arnold. Even though this was a National Book Award Finalist, it pains me how few people seem to know about it, and how few bookstores even seem to stock it! I read this in just a couple of days and wow, just wow. Definitely a feminist read.
REALITY BOY by A.S. King. If you share my dark, cynical sense of humor and obsession with reality TV and psychology, you'll no doubt enjoy this one about a teen boy haunted by his childhood reality TV infamy. A.S. King is an absolutely phenomenal character writer and has one of the strongest voices I've read.
WHITE LINES by Jennifer Banash. Set in 1980s New York City, this gripping tale follows seventeen-year-old club kid Caitlin, living alone in Manhattan and working in nightlife to escape and forget the severe physical and mental abuse and abandonment from both her mother and father. Caitlin is a fantastic character and the setting is so rich and atmospheric.
BONE GAP by Laura Ruby. This book needs to be read widely. It quite honestly defies genre and is nothing short of fantastic. Julia Lynn Rubin lives the writer's life in Brooklyn, where she received an MFA in Writing for Children & Young Adults at The New School. She currently serves as a writing mentor for Girls Write Now, New York City's premiere writing program for high school girls. Her debut YA LGBT+, BURRO HILLS, pitched as THE OUTSIDERS meets PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER, was released March 2018 from Diversion Books.
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uneminuteparseconde · 6 years
Des concerts à Paris et alentour
Novembre 07. Low Jack + Sidney – Bigwax records (gratuit) 07. M.A. Beat! + Domotic – Olympic café 08. Half Asleep + Delphine Dora – Médiathèque musicale (gratuit) 08. Cold Cave + Choir Boy – Petit Bain 08. Jealous + The Absolute Never + Drone à clochettes – Alimentari 08. Dominique A – Maison de la Poésie 09. Le Syndicat faction vivante – Paris anim' Marc-Sangier, Vercingétorix & Didot (gratuit) 09. Sonotanotanpenz + Le Ton mité – Le Chair de poule 09. Words & Action – Le Klub 09. Rendez-Vous + Prurient + Silent Servant + Poison Point + Crave + Low Jack b2b Moyo + Clara 3000 & Coni – La Machine 09. Regis + Vatican Shadow + Samuel Kerridge + December – Rex Club 09. AZF + Randomer + Identified Patient + Zuli + Benoua b2b Legitime – Concrete 09. The Hacker – Badaboum 09. Porest Group + Senyawa – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 09. Kikagaku Moyo + Frédéric D. Oberland – Petit Bain ||COMPLET|| 10. Missing Waves – Paris anim' Nouvelle Athènes (gratuit) 10. Kink Gong + Baba Commandant & The Mandigo Band – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 11. Bo Ningen + Cassels – Point FMR 11. Brothers Unconnected (Alan & Richard Bishop) + Robert Millis & Jesse Paul Miller – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 13. Hot Snakes – Point FMR 13. MellaNoisEscape + Puts Mary – Petit Bain 13. Sophie Agnel, Joke Lanz & Michael Vatcher – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 14. Cocaine Piss + We Hate You Please Die + New Favourite – Supersonic (gratuit) 14. Peter Murphy & David J jouent "In the Flat Fields" – Bataclan 14. Jerusalem In My Heart + Good Luck In Death + Florian Abou Yehia – Petit Bain 14. Tout de suite + Mr Marcaille + Le Crabe – L'International 14. Charalambides + Bridget Hayden + Jon Collin, Nina Garcia & Augustin Bette – Les Nautes 14. Blind Delon + BLNDR + IV Horsemen + Paulie Jan + DJ Varsovie + Panzer – Rex Club 15. Father Murphy + Le Jour du seigneur & Kaïto Winsé + Arnaud Rivière – Les Nautes 15. Babil Sabir 2 + L'Ocelle Mare – Le cirque électrique 15. Méryll Ampe + Emmanuelle Bouyer + Anne Flore Cabanis + Matthieu Crimersmois + Frédéric Mathevet + Colin Roche + Anton Mobin... (Extended Score #2) – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 15/16. Mario Batkovic – Centre culturel suisse 16. Frigs + Plomb + Cave Story – Supersonic (gratuit) 16. Jasss + Nkisi + Bonaventure (Biennale Némo) – La Gaîté lyrique 16. Ellah A. Thaun + Love Coffin + Bryan's Magic Tears – La Station 16. Tapeworms + Carpet Burns + Casio judiciaire – La Pointe Lafayette 16. Noir Boy George + Officine + Foune Curry – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 16. Parquet Courts – Elysées Montmartre ||COMPLET|| 17. Moriarty – Librairie L'Atelier (gratuit) 17. The Damned – Elysées Montmartre 17. Jung An Tagen + Matthias Puech + Meryll Ampe & Konpyuta – 100ECS 17. Eomac + Defekt + Aktion mutante (Unhuman & Violet Poison) + ANFS + Polly F – entrepôt en banlieue 18. Ensemble Links : « Drumming » de Steve Reich – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 19. U.S. Girl – Nouveau Casino 19. Samara Lubelski + Metabolismus + Gloria Navales – tbc 20. King Champion Sound + Pierre & Bastien + Rose Mercie – Le Klub 20. Duck Duck Grey Duck + Billie Bird – Centre culturel suisse 21. The Breeders – Le Trianon 21. Lydia Lunch & Ian White – La Station 21. Ekafaune + Badbad + Baba Yage – Le cirque électrique 22. Société étrange + Pyjamarama – Le Zorba 22. Scout Niblett + Miles Oliver – Petit Bain 22. Cookies + Trotsky nautique + Guns'n'Ganseblumchen – La Pointe Lafayette 22. Les Filles de Illighadad + Zenobia – NF-34 22. Tomoko Sauvage + Jacques Demierre & Axel Dörner + Frantz Loriot + Anna Frei & Franziska Koch (Textures fest.) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 22. Serge Teyssot-Gay, Christian Vialard & Éric Arlix : Hypogé – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 23. Michael Nyman : "War Work: 8 Songs with Film" – Salle Pleyel 23. Ennio Morricone – Bercy Arena 23. Kollaps + Trepaneringsritualen + Verset Zero – Gibus 23. Le Mystère des voix bulgares – église Saint-Eustache 23. Les Morphogénistes + Asié Usu + Annabelle Playe (fest. Vision'R) – Les 100 ECS 23. Saravah revisité (Areski, The Recyclers, Arlt, Bojan Flames...) + Hyperculte + Waltraud Blischke (dj) (BBmix fest.) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 23. Yasmine El-Baramawy + Dennis Tyfus + Les Sirènes (Francisco Meirino, Jérôme Noetinger, Mathieu Saladin & Juliette Vocler) + Denis Rollet (Textures fest.) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 23. Tommy Four Seven + AnD + Stephanie Sykes + VSK – Concrete 23. Steve Rachmad + Scan X + Matteo WNB – Rex Club 23>25. Anne-James Chaton & Manuel Coursin : "L'Affaire La Pérouse" – La Pop 24. Geometric Vision + Solveig Matthildur – Supersonic (gratuit) 24. Seefeel joue "Quique" + Insides – Petit Bain 24. O'Death Jug – Le Bal 24. Smode + Marti Guillem + Maries Laveau + The Shaders + Stéphane Privat + Sune Petersen (fest. Vision'R) – Les 100 ECS 24. Endless Boogie + Pan American + Facs + Von Limb + Waltraud Blischke (dj) (BBmix fest.) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 24. Frustration + Twin Arrows – Rack'am (Brétigny/Orge) 24. Trentmøller (dj) – NF34 24. Arnaud Rebotini + Vernacular Orchestra + Soul Edifice – Rex Club 24. ABSL + Cem + Elad Magdasi + Mind/Matter + Moth + Nico Moreno + Paramod + Parfait + Raär + Sentimental Rave – tba 25. Satan + Kill + Necrodancer – Espace B 25. Lene Lovich Band + Morgan King – Supersonic 25. Evan Crankshaw & The Dead Mauriacs + The Mauskovic Dance Band + Waltraud Blischke (dj) (BBmix fest.) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 27. Mudhoney – Trabendo 27. Etienne Jaumet – New Morning 27. Elizabeth Devlin – La Tête de chou 28. Anne-James Chaton – Auditorium|Cité de l'architecture (gratuit) 28. Adult. – Petit Bain 28. Borja Fames + Eloïse Decazes + Èlg – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 28. Ensemble IRE joue "Nexus Entropy" d'Ulrich Krieger + Marc Baron + Lionel Marchetti (fest. Bruits blancs) – Anis gras (Arcueil) 29. SK/LR – Chair de poule (gratuit) 29. Esben & The Witch – Point FMR 29. CHDH + Mariachi + Lårs Akerlund & Sten Backman (fest. Bruits blancs) – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 29. Rakta + Marée noire + Trashley – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 29. Interpol + Nilüfer Yanya – Salle Pleyel ||COMPLET|| 30. Mick Harvey – Petit Bain 30. Artus + Fleuves noirs + Hex – Le cirque électrique 30. Spit Mask + Poison Point + Lunacy + Some Ember + Offermose + Kaukolampi – La Station 30. Deeat Palace + Tamara Goukassova + Tryphème – L'International 30. Machine sauvage + Léon Denise (fest. Vision'R & Cookie Demoparty) – Folie numérique N5|Parc de La Villette 30. John Chatler + Samuel Sighicelli + Shapednoise (fest. Bruits blancs) – Anis gras (Arcueil)
Décembre 01. NAO (fest. Vision'R & Cookie Demoparty) – Folie numérique N5|Parc de La Villette 01. Nadia Ratsimandresy + Bruno Chevillon + Uriel Barthélémi + Marc Sens + Annabelle Playe (fest. Bruits blancs) – Anis gras (Arcueil) 01. Deux boules vanille + Jeff Mills + Molécule + Renart + Nicolas Horvath joue P. Glass, T. Riley et J. Adams + Ensemble Links : "Music for 18 Musicians" de S. Reich (fest. Marathon!) – La Gaîté lyrique ||COMPLET|| 02. Beak> + Le Comte – Café de la danse ||COMPLET|| 03. Idles + John – Bataclan 03. Pardans – Olympic café 05. Julia Holter – Petit Bain 05. Sudden Infant + Massicot – Centre culturel suisse 06. La Tène avec Jacques Puech, Louis Jacques, Guilhem Lacroux & Jérémie Sauvage – Centre culturel suisse 06. The KVB + M!R!M – Badaboum 07. Kink Gong – Médiathèque musicale (gratuit) 07. Antoine Chessex + Nina Garcia + Francisco Meirino – Centre culturel suisse 07. Heimat + Bordigaga + Bruno Billaudeau, Xavier Mussat & Black Sifichi (Semaine du bizarre) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 07. Nosfell – Espace 1789 (Saint-Ouen) 07. Aubadja + chdh (fest. Vision'R) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 07. Shxcxchcxsh + W.LV.S + Wlderz – Rex Club 08. Père Ubu (Semaine du bizarre) – Théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 08. The Horrorist + Federico Amoroso – L'Officine 08. Jean Benoît Dunckel + NSDOS + CloZee + Kiddy Smile (Inasound fest.) – Palais Brongniart 08. Blawan + The Advent + AWB + Yogg & Pharaon + Netsh – Concrete 09. Panteros666 + Matt Black + Erol Alkan + Kiasmos (Inasound fest.) – Palais Brongniart 09. The Fleshtones – Supersonic 09/10. Moriarty – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 12. Nova Materia – La Maroquinerie 12. Le Réveil des tropiques + France + Helio Polar Thing – Petit Bain 13. The Callas + Selofan + Hørd (fest. Magnétique Nord) – La Station 14. New Model Army – Trabendo 14. Carol Robinson, Bertrand Gauguet, Julia Eckhardt & Yannick Guedon : "Sequel to Occam Ocean" (2018) d’Éliane Radigue – Palais de Tokyo 14. Sida + Broken English Club + Toresch + Moderna + Wr2old + Shazzula (fest. Magnétique Nord) – La Station 14. Hangman's Chair + Jessica93 + Revok – Les Cuizines (Chelles) 14. Succhiamo + Air LQD + Rraouhhh + Christophe Clébard – Le Chinois (Montreuil) 14. Rebekah + Paula Temple + Anetha + Hannah b2b Charlene – Concrete 15. Gaspar Claus – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 15. Ata + Oliver Hafenbauer + Chinaski + Last Love Pilgrim + Kilian Paterson + Slyngshot + DJ Neewt (fest. Magnétique Nord) – La Station 15. Job Sifre + Fatma Pneumonia + X1000 + Spunoff (fest. Magnétique Nord) – La Station 15. AZF – Rex Club 18. Drab Majesty – Point FMR 19. Belmont Witch + Zad Kokar + Petra Pied de biche – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 22. Yan Wagner + Il est vilaine + Magnüm + Mayerling – La Maroquinerie
Janvier 18. Francis Dhomont (fest. Akousma) – MPAA Saint-Germain (gratuit sur résa) 19. Armando Balice + Ingrid Drese + Jérôme Noetinger + Loïse Bulot + Robert Hampson (fest. Akousma) – MPAA Saint-Germain (gratuit sur résa) 20.  Catherine Bir + Raphaël Mouterde + Francisco Meirino + Roland Cahen + Yoko Higashi & Lionel Marchetti (fest. Akousma) – MPAA Saint-Germain (gratuit sur résa) 22. Emmanuelle Parrenin & Dominique Regref – La Ferme du Buisson (Noisiel) 24. Rouge Gorge – Le Chair de poule 25. La Secte du futur + Shiny Darkly – Supersonic 25. Léonie Pernet – Gaîté lyrique 26. Chloé – Elysée-Montmartre 29. Dominique a – Salle Pleyel 31. Deena Abdelwahed – Gaîté lyrique
Février 02. The Residents – Gaîté lyrique 02. Shabazz Palaces + Dälek (fest. Sons d'hiver) – théâtre de la Cité internationale 06. Brendan Perry – Petit Bain 07. VNV Nation – Le Trabendo 09. The Ex : "Ethiopian Night" (fest. Sons d'hiver) – salle Jacques-Brel (Fontenay-sous-Bois) 10. Therapy? – La Maroquinerie 11. Massive Attack feat. Liz Fraser jouent « Mezzanine » – Zénith 16. Anthony Braxton + Dave Douglas & Bill Laswell (fest. Sons d'hiver) – théâtre Jacques-Carat (Cachan) 21. Mlada Fronta + Absolute Valentine + Neoslave – Petit Bain 22. Nils Frahm – Le Trianon ||COMPLET|| 23. Nils Frahm – Le Trianon
Mars 02. Boy Harsher + Kontravoid – Badaboum 07. Scratch Massive – Gaîté lyrique 12. Yann Tiersen – Salle Pleyel 20. Oomph! – La Machine 22. Delia Derbyshire (diff.) + Lettera 22 + Evil Moisture + Caterina Barbieri + Drew McDowall : "Coil's Time Machines" (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 22. The Young Gods – La Maroquinerie 23. Pierre Boeswillwald (diff.) + Max Eilbacher + Andrea Belfi + Sarah Davachi + William Basinski & Lawrence English (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 24. Warren Burt (diff.) + Mats Erlandsson + Okkyung Lee + Low Jack + BJ Nielsen (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 29. Perturbator – Le Trianon 30. Marc Almond – Le Trianon
Avril 05. Beirut – Le Grand Rex 08. The Specials – La Cigale 10. Daughters – Point FMR 14. Arnaud Rebotini joue la BO de "120 Battements par minute" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 17. Teenage Fan Club – Trabendo 27. She Past Away – La Machine 27. Chloé : Lumières noires – Le 104
Mai 10/11. Dead Can Dance – Grand Rex 11. Christina Vantzou + Eiko Ishibashi + Jan Jelinek + NPVR (Nik Void & Peter Rehberg) – Le 104 12. Massimo Toniutti + François Bayle – Le 104 17. Philip Glass : Études pour piano – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 18. Bruce Brubaker & Max Cooper : Glasstronica – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 31. François Bonnet + Knud Viktor + Jim O'Rourke + Florian Hecker (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio
Juin 01. Eryck Abecassis & Reinhold Friedl + Hilde Marie Holsen + Anthony Pateras + Lucy Railton (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 02. Bernard Parmegiani + Jean Schwarz (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 26. Magma – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie
Juillet 11. Masada + Sylvie Courvoisier & Mark Feldman + Mary Halvorson quartet + Craig Taborn + Trigger + Erik Friedlander & Mike Nicolas + John Medeski trio + Nova quartet + Gyan Riley & Julian Lage + Brian Marsella trio + Ikue Mori + Kris Davis + Peter Evans + Asmodeus : John Zorn's Marathon Bagatelles – Salle Pleyel
Août 23>25. The Cure (fest. Rock en scène) – parc de Saint-Cloud
Septembre 13. Rammstein – La Défense Arena (Nanterre)
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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bellamysgriffin · 7 years
to read list (ya version)
jsjsdfj this is so long i’m s o rry it’s partially for my reference but honestly hmu if anyone wants to start book club (@ tilde worry not asoue and hdm and peregrine’s are implied) this is hideously long so it’s under a cut
yellow brick war by danielle paige 
i’ll give you the sun by jandy nelson 
everything everything by nicola yoon
a million miles away by lara avery
the secret language of sisters by luanne rice
falling into place by amy zhang
shooter by caroline pignat
never always sometimes by adi alsaid
the last good day of the year by jessica warman
proof of forever by lexa hillyer
because you’ll never meet me by leah thomas
the name of the star by maureen johnson
the game of love and death by martha brockenbrough
hate list by jennifer brown
the body in the woods by april henry
me being me is exactly as insane as you being you by todd hasak-lowy
the end or something like that by ann dee ellis
the truth about alice by jennifer mathieu
say what you will by cammie mcgovern
everything that makes you by moriah mcstay
tease by amanda maciel
killer instinct by s.e. green
we’ll always have paris by jennifer coburn
paperweight by meg haston
like it never happened by emily adrian
don’t even think about it by sarah mlynowski
finding paris by joy preble
emancipated by m. g. reyes
the face on the milk carton by caroline b. cooney
the last boy and girl in the world by siobhan vivian
once again by liz braswell and cameron dokey
boy of summer by jessica brody
road trip summer by lauren barnholdt
survive the night by danielle vega 
kill the boy band by goldy moldavsky
totally awkward love story by tom ellen and lucy ivison
the square root of summer by harriet reuter hapgood
the lifeboat clique by kathy parks
boys like you by juliana stone
26 kisses by anna michels
dissonance by erica o’rourke
if i was your girl by meredith russo 
now that you’re here by amy k nichols
the only thing worse than me is you by lily anderson
some of the parts by hannah barnaby
a song for ella gray by david almond
summer days and summer nights by stephanie perkins
my life next door by huntley fitzpatrick
in real life by jessica love
whisper to me by nick lake
the walls around us by nova ren suma
ready player one by ernest cline
awake by natasha preston
the siren by kiera cass
mirror in the sky by aditi khorana
magonia by maria dahvana headley
last year’s mistake by gina ciocca
once upon a dream by liz braswell
dreamology by lucy keating
the last time we were us by leah konen
keep me in mind by jamie reed
p.s. i like you by kasie west
summer of supernovas by darcy woods
the way back to you by michelle andreani and mindi scott
please don’t tell by laura tims
the cresswell plot by elisza wass
i woke up dead at the mall by judy sheehan
a week of monday’s by jessica brody
don’t look back by jennifer l armentrout
the problem with forever by jennifer l armentrout
fig by sarah elizabeth schantz
you have seven messages by stewart lewis
denton little’s death date by lance rubin
the fall by bethany griffin
don’t stop now by julie halpern
side effects may vary by julie murphy
inland by kat rosenfield
invincible by amy reed
i am princess x by cherie priest
off the page by jodi picoult
panic by lauren oliver
devoted by jennifer mathieu
six of crows by leigh bardugo
we were liars by e. lockhart
bone gap by laura ruby
elsewhere by gabrielle zevin
a whole new world by liz braswell
never said by carol lynch williams
hit by lorie ann grover
the dark elements by jennifer l armentrout
daughters unto devils by amy lukavics
wendy darling by colleen oakes
fracture by megan miranda
red girl blue boy by lauren baratz-logsted
wonders of the invisible world by christopher barzak
stranded by melinda braun
taking aim by michael cart
the accident season by moira fowley-doyle
infinite in between by carolyn macker
wither by lauren destefano
how it went down by kekla magoon
sing by vivi greene
the third twin by cj omololu
backlash by sarah darer littman
liars inc. by paula stokes
the killing by natasha preston
the thousandth floor by katherine mcgee
the raft by s.a. boden
ella minnow pea by mark dunn
the pregnancy project by gaby rodriguez
out of control by sarah alderson
ruthless by carolyn lee adams
the memory book by lara avery
georgia peaches and other forbidden fruit by jaye robin brown
tumbling by caela carter
the odds of lightning by jocelyn davies
tell me something real by calla devlin
don’t get caught by kurt dinan
everyone we’ve been by sarah everett
playlist for the dead by michelle falkoff
the weight of zero by karen fortunati
we were never here by jennifer gilmore
been here all along by sandy hall
three truths and a lie by brent hartinger
you were here by cori mccarthy
nearly gone by elle cosimano
the infinity of you and me by j q coyle
lost stars by lisa selin davis
die for you by amy fellner dominy
until friday night by abbi glines
this is our story by ashley elston
to catch a killer by sheryl scarborough
the hundred lies of lizzie lovett by chelsea sediti
the hate u give by angie thomas
but then i came back by estelle laure
me and me by alice kuipers 
shackled by tom leveen
infinite in between by carolyn mackler
the free by lauren mclaughlin
the outliers by kimberly mccreight
a good idea by cristina moracho
girl on a plane by miriam moss
eat the sky, drink the ocean by multiple authors
the sky is everywhere by jandy nelson
meg and linus by hanna nowinski
radio silence by alice oseman
all the forever things by jolene perry
keeping the beat by marie powell and jeff norton
the homecoming by stacie ramey
seven ways we lie by riley redgate
beautiful broken girls by kim savage
between shades of gray by ruta sepetys
history is all you left me by adam silvera
everything beautiful is not ruined by danielle younge-ullman
shooter by walter dean myers
the memory of light by francisco x stork
a storied life by gabrielle zevin
worthy by donna cooner
run by kody keplinger
one of us is lying by karen m mcmanus
a psalm for lost girls by katie bayerl
the one memory of flora banks by emily barr
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Journalism and Simplicity: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/102273/simplicity-and-journalism
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mermaidsirennikita · 8 years
January 2017 Book Roundup
Because I’m excessively nerdy and decided that I wasn’t working on enough shit this year, I’m going to try to keep track of how many books I read/attempt to read each month this year.  This is my covert way of trying to push books that you would maybe? not? try? on you because honestly, I feel like I see so many of the same books over and over on Tumblr.  And many of them are good!  But many more are overlooked.  Without further ado:
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne.  5/5.  This is a great romcom to read while you think the world is ending.  It’s pure fluff, except for the smutty parts.  It’s the tale of Lucy and Joshua, two incredibly passive aggressive coworkers at a publishing company who are competing for a job while also wanting to hatefuck each other.  Joshua’s just mean enough without being a total dick?  Lucy can dish it?  A must read.
The Falconer by Elizabeth May.  3/5.  To be honest, I feel like I gave this three stars on Goodreads purely because I feel like other people will like this.  It’s your classic Victorian Era girl slays evil fairies book, which I normally would love, but--the writing just wasn’t for me.  It did have a nice romance percolating between the heroine and the evil faerie who wasn’t that evil.  But to be super honest, I expected more sex.  Why did I?  I don’t know.
Rejected Princesses by Jason Porath.  4.5/5.  I believe that this began as a Tumblr?  Essentially, Porath takes women of history (and mythology) that he thinks Disney would never make a movie out of, gives them a little write-up, and accompanies these write-ups with delightful Disneyfied drawings of them.  I honestly loved this, and only took half a star off because of the whole “I’m not sure about all of the women in this book being portrayed accurately because I don’t know about many of them” thing.  (He did include the “Caterina Sforza flashed her vag at everyone” story which, while popular, is bullshit.)  The fact that Porath used so many women I genuinely had never heard of really impressed me--I love these “bad women” collections, but most of the time I know the stories already.  Well done.
Tell Me Something Real by Calla Devlin.  3/5.  This book taps into the story of three sisters who live with their parents in a border town.  Why do they live in a border town?  Because their terminally ill mother regularly travels to Mexico for illegal cancer treatments.  This story was actually pretty interesting throughout and drew me in--but I predicted the twist VERY early on, and it seemed like much of the story depended on that.  Still worth the read if you’re interested in a very different YA with an out-there angle.
Ever The Hunted by Erin Summerhill.  4/5.  Following the death of her bounty hunter father, Britta is forced to help the king’s men track down his killer--who is suspected to be her childhood friend Cohen (who she’s obviously secretly in love with).  This book was not full of surprises.  It is a pretty standard YA fantasy.  But the romance is good--very much built on the two characters knowing each other, which is different for YA--and there’s a cool hook at the end.  It’s not going to SHOCK you, but it is enjoyable.
Poison’s Kiss by Breeana Shields.  2/5.  Marinda is used for her unique ability--she kills with a kiss.  Her employer/”owner” turns her towards a boy that she grows attached to, and--gasp, she doesn’t want to kill him.  This idea was kind of interesting, but like... No.  The writing is nothing special, the love is instant, and while the mythology is interesting, as it turns out the writer is not Indian.  Which is okay, except the mythology is and the world is based on India and according to several other reviewers she used terminology incorrectly and just didn’t seem to do her research.  Nah.
Little Deaths by Emma Flint.  5/5.  In 1960s New York, working class single mother Ruth Malone wakes up to find her two young children missing.  When they’re discovered dead a couple of days later, attention quickly turns to Ruth’s sexual exploits, drinking, and seemingly cold behavior.  This was SO GOOD.  Based on a real case (don’t google it), this story focuses not only on the perspective of Ruth, but on that of a male reporter who becomes obsessed with her as he follows her case.  Which annoyed me at first--until I realized where Flint was going with this.  Definitely a good book to read when you’re in the mood to hate men.
Windwitch by Susan Dennard.  4/5.  A followup to the first book, “Truthwitch” so I won’t say much.  Suffice to say that this is a YA high fantasy that focuses on Yseult and Safi, two girls gifted with witchery and their various exploits with people who alternately want to kill and help them.  This series has a great focus on female friendship, and the characters are diverse.  I also appreciate Yseult’s arc in particular, as it grew in this book and went in promising places.  (I want her to get with this guy who was a bad guy at first, and like... I’m not proud.)  The second book actually really improved upon the first and went in unexpected places, so--give this series a try.
Everything You Want Me To Be by Mindy Mejia.  4/5.  This story begins with the discovery of the corpse of teenage Hattie.  A non-linear storyline and the perspectives of Hattie, the local sheriff, and a schoolteacher new to town tell the story of what happened to her.  This book surprised me--I didn’t expect for the protagonist to be as dark as she was, seeing as she was the “dead white girl” of the story.  While certain aspects surprised me more than others, this is less about who killed Hattie and more about daily lies and the capacity of men to romanticize themselves.
When the Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore.  5/5.  I’ve already written about this book on my blog.  It’s about the romance between childhood friends Sam and Miel, it’s full of magical realism, and it touches on real issues--cultural divides, being transgender, sexuality, etc.  It’s beautiful, every word is poetic, I love it, read this.
Frostblood by Elly Blake.  1/5.  I... really do not like this book.  It had all the issues of Poison’s Kiss, except the concept wasn’t that interesting either.  Very boring, very typical YA Fantasy.  I don’t even know how to explain what it’s about because it’s that... Paint by numbers?  Just don’t.
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