#meg kassel
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JOMP BPC - May 13th - Watercolours 
feat. Black Bird of the Gallows and Keeper of the Bees by Meg Kassel
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leckerschmeckerei · 1 year
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Nordhessisches TRADITIONELLES Weckewerk
Die nordhessische Spezialität im Glas oder als Wurst wird mit Schwarten, Bauch und Fleisch vom Schwein wird mit Brötchen vom Vortag vermischt und pikant mit Zwiebeln, Majoran, Muskat, Kümmel, Nelken, Piment, Koriander, Mazis, Nelken, Pfeffer und Salz gewürzt, mit ein wenig Fleischbrühe verkocht und in Form gebracht. Weckewerk als gekühlte Wurst schmeckt köstlich als Belag auf frischem Brot mit Senf und lässt sich sowohl warm als auch kalt genießen.
Warm in der Pfanne wird es breiig und leicht knusprig gebraten und zu (Pell-)Kartoffeln oder Kartoffelbrei serviert mit saurer Gurke oder sauer eingelegten Rote Beete Würfeln.
Das Weckewerk allerdings, das oft als traditionelles nordhessisches Weckewerk ausgegeben in Gaststätten oder das im Feinkostladen verkauft wird, besteht aus Kartoffeln, Zwiebeln, Speck und Blutwurst und wird traditionell in einer Pfanne gebraten.
Die Zutaten für das nicht traditionelle nordhessische Weckewerk sind einfach und regional. Die Kartoffeln werden geschält und in kleine Würfel geschnitten, die Zwiebeln werden fein gehackt und der Speck wird in kleine Stücke geschnitten. Die Blutwurst wird in Scheiben geschnitten und dann in der Pfanne gebraten. Anschließend werden die Kartoffeln, Zwiebeln und Speck hinzugefügt und alles zusammen gebraten.
Das nordhessische Weckewerk ist ein deftiges Gericht, das perfekt zu einem kühlen Bier oder einem Glas Apfelwein passt. Wenn ihr in Nordhessen seid, solltet ihr aber unbedingt auch das würzige echte, also das traditionelle nordhessische Weckewerk beim Metzger im Glas, Dose oder Wursthaut kaufen und es zuhause es unbedingt selbst probieren!
#Nordhessen #Weckewerk #Spezialität #Schwarte #Kartoffeln #Zwiebeln #Speck #Blutwurst #Tradition #RegionaleKüche #Bauernhof #Gasthaus #Deftig #Bier #Apfelwein #leckerschmeckerei
Bild: ©️®️CWG, eigenes Essen, das echte traditionelle Weckewerk!
Quelle: Metzgerei Ross, MEG, Käfer Feinkost, Edeka Metzgerei/Fleischhof MEG Inhaltsstoffe und https://www.hessen-tourismus.de/de/nordhessen/nordhessische-kueche/
©️®️CWG, 26.06.2023🌳🐩🐓🐩🌳
MEG -> Melsungen im Schwalm Eder Kreis, auch SEK oder S-E-K, jedoch auch im Stadt-und Landkreis Kassel und überall da in Nordhessen, wo es auch die patentiert echte „Nordhessische Ahle Worscht“ als Stracke (gerade) oder Runde, Knüppelhart oder noch streichfähig, am besten mild geräuchert oder aber luftgetrocknet gibt, da gibt es auch echt TRADITIONELLES NORDHESSISCHE WECKEWERK beim Metzger zu kaufen.
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con-alas-de-angeles · 4 years
And there’s that sadness that drapes over him like a cloak. Those lost, broken eyes that no one seems to notice but me.
Meg Kassel, Black Bird of the Gallows
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bookaddict24-7 · 6 years
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New Young Adult Books Coming Out Today! (September 4th, 2018)
Have I missed any YA novels? Have you added any of these books to your TBR? Let me know!
New Standalones/First Books in a Series: 
Dare You to Lie by Amber Lynn Natusch
Uncharted by Erin Cashman
When Elephants Fly by Nancy Richardson Fischer
The Leading Edge of Now by Marci Lyn Curtis
Not Even Bones by Rebecca Schaeffer
Meet the Sky by McCall Hoyle
A Room Away From the Wolves by Nova Ren Suma
Sadie by Courtney Summers
People Kill People by Ellen Hopkins
Part of Your World by Liz Braswell
Nobody Real by Steven Camden
Kiss Me in Paris by Catherine Rider
Hole in the Middle by Kendra Fortmeyer
Buried Beneath the Baobab Tree by Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani & Viviana Mazza
Seventh Born by Monica Sanz
The Opposite of Innocent by Sonya Sones
White as Silence, Red as Song by Alessandro D’Avenia
Ignite the Stars by Maura Milan
And the Ocean Was Our Sky by Patrick Ness & Rovina Cai
New Sequels: 
Keeper of the Bees (Black Birds of the Gallows) by Meg Kassel 
Two Dark Reigns (Three Dark Crowns #3) by Kendare Blake 
The Curses (The Graces #2) by Laure Eve
Happy reading!
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I may have a condition that causes me to see things that no one else can, but I am loved. Loved. Wanted. Needed. Something shifts in my heart and mind like a bone snapping back into its socket. And then, this singular thought: it isn't selfish to want more than this.
Keeper of the Bees by @megkassel (Meg Kassel)
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pleaseanotherbook · 6 years
Keeper of the bees Blog Tour #2: A review
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"There is no comparison. I'm a monster."
"So am I," she says in a silky voice. "My monster lives inside my head. People are afraid of monsters, wherever they reside."
"People are fools."
“Keeper of the bees” è il secondo volume di una serie urban fantasy di Meg Kassel edito da Entangled: Teen e in uscita il 4 settembre. Io naturalmente me ne sono innamorata immediatamente solo dalle premesse, che mi hanno conquistato solo con la parola “api”. Ma d’altronde si sa, io le ossessioni mica le curo, le alimento. Sono stata tanto fortunata da avere una copia in anteprima, in cui immergermi e che mi ha fatto compagnia in un lunghissimo viaggio verso il mare.
Dresden è maledetto. Il suo petto ospita un alveare pieno di api che non è in grado di fermare quando vogliono pungere qualcuno con un veleno che induce la psicosi. Il suo volto è un insieme che muta velocemente di tutte le persone che sono morte a causa delle sue punture. E gira così da secoli – da quando aveva diciotto anni e la magia scorreva nel suo paese natale, corrompendo le persone. Segue da tempo gli annunciatori della morte, così che possa colpire con la sua maledizione solo coloro che stanno per morire in ogni caso. Ma quando arriva in una città del Midwest segnata dalla morte, incontra Essie, una ragazza di diciassette anni che soffre di una forma debilitante di allucinazioni e delusione. Le sue api vogliono pungerla appena compare sotto i suoi occhi. Ma Essi non vede un mostro quando guarda Dresden. Essi è affascinata e deliziata dal cambio dei suoi lineamenti. Rischiando la propria vita, Dresden trattiene le sue api e la risparmi. Quello che inizia come un semplice atto di indulgenza finisce per disfare la vita solitaria di Dresden e quella tormentata di Essie. La loro romance impossibile potrebbe essere abbastanza potente da distruggere una maledizione lunga secoli.
Vi potrei raccontare come nasce la mia fissazione per le api, ma poi toglierei tutto il fascino che nasconde e preferisco tenere per me questo amore solido e viscerale. Eppure appena leggo “api” mi devo impossessare del titolo e “Keeper of the bees” non ha fatto eccezioni. Ammetto di essere stata un po’ inquietata dal fatto che un intero alveare risiede addirittura nel petto di un ragazzo costretto da secoli a convivere con uno sciame dotato di una propria volontà che spesso diventa totalmente indipendente. Eppure, non se ne può prescindere perché il fulcro di tutta la storia ruota intorno alla volontà di Dresden di liberare o no le sue api, e chi decide di pungere e chi no. Potrebbe sembrare l’incontro impossibile tra due emarginati, eppure finisce per essere una storia in cui ci si interroga molto su cosa è giusto e cosa è sbagliato, ma soprattutto quali sono le conseguenze delle proprie azioni. Perché non c’è niente di semplice o lineare, ogni passo che compiamo è la somma delle nostre segrete speranze, l’incedere lento verso la risoluzione dei nostri atti. E da un lato c’è appunto Dresden questo uomo dall’aspetto di diciottenne e il peso di secoli sulle spalle, plasmato dagli eventi che ha provocato con le sue api, incapace di vedere oltre il velo di disperazione che gli casca addosso ogni volta che fa un passo verso il futuro.  Dresden compie gli stessi gesti da così tanto tempo che viene scosso dal profondo da una ragazza come Essie che lo vede sul serio per la prima volta, che sfugge da ogni logica perché il suo è un mondo irreale, fatto di spettri, apparizioni, visioni che offuscano il suo senso del reale e del tangibile. Ma quello che colpisce di Essie è la sua forza d’animo, il suo ottimismo, la sua volontà di superare ogni confine che sembra tenerla lontana dai suoi pensieri e la sua famiglia. Dresden che già sfugge alla logica, perché è un essere sovrannaturale, le renderà giustizia, in modi che neanche immagina. Insieme lotteranno, per loro stessi, per la città di Essi e soprattutto per la loro relazione appena sbocciata, che dovrà affrontare ogni prova, anche la più terribile.
Il worldbuilding della Kassel è straordinariamente minuzioso, pur fornendo pochissime spiegazioni sul modo in cui Dresden è diventato ciò che è, che in fondo era la parte che mi interessava di più, ma le descrizioni delle api sono molto accurate. Ed è questo l’elemento chiave che fa la differenza in tutta la storia.
 Il particolare da non dimenticare? Una finestra…
 Un racconto straordinaria di amore e lotta, una guerra tra bene e male che passa attraverso la normale vita di una cittadina del Midwest che si riempie di terrore e paranormale, in cui le api, per una volta, non sono così buone come sembra.
Buona lettura guys!
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Ringrazio immensamente Entangled Teen e NetGalley per avermi regalato la possibilità di leggere questo libro in anteprima e YA Bound Book Tours per avermi regalato l’opportunità di partecipare al blog tour promozionale.
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Per consultare il calendario del Blog Tour potete andare a questo link.
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anshireads · 6 years
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Keeper of the Bees (Black Birds of the Gallow) by Meg Kassel
“One day, I will say no to this girl and I will mean it. One day I will walk away. But not today.”
(read in 2018)
Keeper of the Bees is the story of two young people, beautiful and cursed, whose pasts and fates intertwine in unexpected ways. 
Dresden is a bee-keeper - a hive of bees lives within his body and he is responsible for carrying them around and finding them preys, who, once stung, suffer from psychoses induces by the venom of the bees. He exists and travels along harbingers of death, his face is a constantly changing slideshow of the features of all the people who have died from the stings of his bees, and there has been no other way for him to live, or no way for him to escape this curse for centuries now.
Essie is a seventeen-year-old girl who has inherited the Wickerton family curse - to suffer debilitating hallucinations. Her condition cannot be figured out by doctors and things have not really ended well for those in her ancestry who have also suffered it. When she and Dresden first meet, his bees want to sting her immediately while she cannot understand whether he is real or another hallucination. He risks his life and stops his bees from stinging her. She is fascinated by his constantly mutating face. And what started off as a chance encounter, quickly evolves into something much more.
What drew me to Keeper of the Bees was the cover. I thought it was so pretty, I needed to read it - and yes, I am someone who judges books by their cover, and most of the time, my instincts end up being right. I did think the synopsis was a bit disturbing for me because insects - any kind - creep me out a lot , and now insects living inside a "person"?? I was very, very skeptical about it, I had a bad feeling about it but I went ahead with reading it anyway (just because of the cover!!) and I do not regret it at all. This story and its writing were so well executed, the pacing was fine - I mean, not too fast and not too slow, it just flowed perfectly. I did have some discomfort reading about the bees at the beginning, especially with the descriptions about how Dresden and they coexist - and also since the writing is so good, the descriptions also turn out to be very vivid - but that dissipated soon enough with the story progressing. The plot thickens with new mysteries, as well as stuff from the past, that come up, giving indications that the connection between Dresden and Essie might not be such a coincidence after all. Amidst all the disturbance Dresden's arrival has brought to Essie's hometown, there are the growing attraction and love between the two of them that feels impossible because of all the complications that lie between them. The chapters alternate between Dresden and Essie's points of view, giving the reader an ample amount of their perspectives. This is something I find I appreciate a lot as they are bound to have different ways of seeing things, or even different things going on and it's nice to get insight into both sides of the story. In this case, you get to live Dresden and Essie's respective curses with them, how it affects their views of the world, how it affects their existences and my heart just went out to them. The author's Acknowledgement indicates that Dresden was supposed to be of the villain type but honestly, I saw him as more of a hero, like Essie. I rooted for him all the way. And that ending made me cry. I'd just like to reiterate that I loved, loved, loved this book, a lot more than I had expected when I had first picked it up. I would totally recommend.
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thefandomnet · 6 years
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Exclusive Interview: Meg Kassel Talks KEEPER OF THE BEES
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KEEPER OF THE BEES is a tale of two teens who are both beautiful and beastly, and whose pasts are entangled in surprising and heartbreaking ways. Dresden is cursed. His chest houses a hive of bees that he can’t stop from stinging people with psychosis-inducing venom. His face is a shifting montage of all the people who have died because of those stings. And he has been this way for centuries—since he was eighteen and magic flowed through his homeland, corrupting its people. He follows harbingers of death, so at least his curse only affects those about to die anyway. But when he arrives in a Midwest town marked for death, he encounters Essie, a seventeen-year-old girl who suffers from debilitating delusions and hallucinations. His bees want to sting her on sight. But Essie doesn’t see a monster when she looks at Dresden. Essie is fascinated and delighted by his changing features. Risking his own life, he holds back his bees and spares her. What starts out as a simple act of mercy ends up unraveling Dresden’s solitary life and Essie’s tormented one. Their impossible romance might even be powerful enough to unravel a centuries-old curse.
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the-book-ferret · 7 years
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Page Habit September YA Unboxing!
Use my code FERRET at checkout for FREE SHIPPING on your first box! (Or $5 OFF International shipping!)
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JOMP BPC - Jan 28 - Frosty Shaded Window
it’s 33˚C here today so no frost on my windows 😂 but here’s a paranormal romance I loved one wintry day
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leckerschmeckerei · 1 year
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Nordhessisches TRADITIONELLES Weckewerk
Die nordhessische Spezialität im Glas oder als Wurst wird mit Schwarten, Bauch und Fleisch vom Schwein wird mit Brötchen vom Vortag vermischt und pikant mit Zwiebeln, Majoran, Muskat, Kümmel, Nelken, Piment, Koriander, Mazis, Nelken, Pfeffer und Salz gewürzt, mit ein wenig Fleischbrühe verkocht und in Form gebracht. Weckewerk als gekühlte Wurst schmeckt köstlich als Belag auf frischem Brot mit Senf und lässt sich sowohl warm als auch kalt genießen.
Warm in der Pfanne wird es breiig und leicht knusprig gebraten und zu (Pell-)Kartoffeln oder Kartoffelbrei serviert mit saurer Gurke oder sauer eingelegten Rote Beete Würfeln.
Das Weckewerk allerdings, das oft als traditionelles nordhessisches Weckewerk ausgegeben in Gaststätten oder das im Feinkostladen verkauft wird, besteht aus Kartoffeln, Zwiebeln, Speck und Blutwurst und wird traditionell in einer Pfanne gebraten.
Die Zutaten für das nicht traditionelle nordhessische Weckewerk sind einfach und regional. Die Kartoffeln werden geschält und in kleine Würfel geschnitten, die Zwiebeln werden fein gehackt und der Speck wird in kleine Stücke geschnitten. Die Blutwurst wird in Scheiben geschnitten und dann in der Pfanne gebraten. Anschließend werden die Kartoffeln, Zwiebeln und Speck hinzugefügt und alles zusammen gebraten.
Das nordhessische Weckewerk ist ein deftiges Gericht, das perfekt zu einem kühlen Bier oder einem Glas Apfelwein passt. Wenn ihr in Nordhessen seid, solltet ihr aber unbedingt auch das würzige echte, also das traditionelle nordhessische Weckewerk beim Metzger im Glas, Dose oder Wursthaut kaufen und es zuhause es unbedingt selbst probieren!
#Nordhessen #Weckewerk #Spezialität #Schwarte #Kartoffeln #Zwiebeln #Speck #Blutwurst #Tradition #RegionaleKüche #Bauernhof #Gasthaus #Deftig #Bier #Apfelwein #leckerschmeckerei
Bild: ©️®️CWG, eigenes Essen, das echte traditionelle Weckewerk!
Quelle: Metzgerei Ross, MEG, Käfer Feinkost, Edeka Metzgerei/Fleischhof MEG Inhaltsstoffe und https://www.hessen-tourismus.de/de/nordhessen/nordhessische-kueche/
©��®️CWG, 26.06.2023🌳🐩🐓🐩🌳
MEG -> Melsungen im Schwalm Eder Kreis, auch SEK oder S-E-K, jedoch auch im Stadt-und Landkreis Kassel und überall da in Nordhessen, wo es auch die patentiert echte „Nordhessische Ahle Worscht“ als Stracke (gerade) oder Runde, Knüppelhart oder noch streichfähig, am besten mild geräuchert oder aber luftgetrocknet gibt, da gibt es auch echt TRADITIONELLES NORDHESSISCHE WECKEWERK beim Metzger zu kaufen!
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con-alas-de-angeles · 4 years
It takes a piece of you, seeing death. Every time, it rips something away. I don’t want to lose any more of me. I’m terrified there isn’t much left to spare.
Meg Kassel, Black Bird of the Gallows
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bookaddict24-7 · 7 years
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New Young Adult Novels Releasing Today! (September 5, 2017)
There are SO MANY books coming out today and I’m sure I’m missing a few. Let me know which ones you might check out and which ones I missed!
Standalones & New Series Releases: 
Black Bird of the Gallows by Meg Kassel
Storms by Chris Vick 
They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera
Uncanny by David Macinnis Gill
Even the Darkest Stars by Heather Fawcett
Girls Made of Snow and Glass by Melissa Bashardoust
A Semi-Definitive List of Worst Nightmares by Krystal Sutherland
Genuine Fraud by E. Lockhart
The Thing with Feathers by McCall Hoyle
If There’s No Tomorrow by Jennifer L. Armentrout
The Door to January by Gillian French (Not Pictured)
I Hate Everyone but You by Gaby Dunn & Allison Raskin (Not Pictured)
Feral Youth by A collection of authors (Not Pictured)
Cinderella, Necromancer by F.M. Boughan (Not Pictured)
Right Where You Left Me by Calla Devlin (Not Pictured)
Light Years by Emily Ziff Griffin (Not Pictured)
Series Releases (Not Pictured): 
Godsgrave (The Nevernight Chronicles #2) by Jay Kristoff
Tower of Dawn (Throne of Glass #6) by Sarah J. Maas
Intensity (Nick Chronicles #8) by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Happy reading!
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hypable · 7 years
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Meet a harbinger of death in exclusive 'Black Bird of the Gallows' excerpt by Meg Kassel
Black Bird of the Gallows by Meg Kassel explores what happens when a harbinger of death shows up in your hometown. Read an excerpt now!
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August 2017 | Books Read This Month
This is Not the End, by Chandler Baker*
Shimmer and Burn, by Mary Taranta*
The Epic Crush of Genie Lo, by F. C. Yee*
Wicked Like a Wildfire, by Lana Popovic*
The Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding, by Alexandra Bracken*
All Rights Reserved, by Gregory Scott Katsoulis*
Black Bird of the Gallows, by Meg Kassel*
*indicates an egalley/ARC
Most enjoyed this month: The Epic Crush of Genie Lo, The Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding
Least enjoyed this month: Wicked Like a Wildfire
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