#calm within
1introvertedsage · 2 years
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shakingparadigm · 5 months
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NOBODY is allowed to be happy and EVERYONE is doomed
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thinwhitedoc · 2 months
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SHERLOCK | Martin Freeman as John Watson
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schneiderenjoyer · 3 months
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[Attention! UTTU Magazine is holding a special limited run "Live Letter Interview" issue with featured guests, Vertin & Schneider!]
Grab yourself a copy and submit your inquiry through the arcane skill embedded within this edition's magazine. The message will be received in real time and you'll have your answer by way of exclusive UTTU cards!
Remember, this is a limited run, so don't miss the chance to ask all you want to know from the arcanist themself before the incantation wears off!
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sammygender · 3 months
s10 of supernatural has dean under the influence of something that is specifically described as just ‘making you more of what you already are’, and sam makes allowances and excuses for him again and again. he almost kills sam & sam forgives him immediately pretty much while he’s doing it. he puts it down to it being the mark, not dean. it’s not who you are, it’s just this thing that was done to you! (nevermind dean actually ASKED for the thing) ‘you will never hear me say that you, the real you, is anything but good.’
meanwhile, s4 of supernatural has sam “disobeying” dean via drinking demon blood, using his powers and lying to him about it (bc dean has already shown to be awful about it, literally hitting sam to the point of splitting his lip for using his powers/not telling dean which is the real thing deans mad about), which as far as dean & sam know isn’t causing anymore destruction than their normal activities and is actually saving more people - and dean goes ballistic, locks sam underground, tells him he’s a monster and he’d want to hunt him, and that it isn’t even about what he’s doing, it’s who he is. it’s not this thing you’re doing that i disagree with, it’s YOU, you’re fundamentally wrong and evil. ‘because it’s not something you’re doing, it’s who you are. it means you’re a monster.’
and there are still so many people who think sam and dean are equally culpable in their toxic dynamic. that they treat each other in similar ways. lol. lmao even
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sad-trash-hobo · 26 days
You know what. I get why Anakin went to the darkside. You're gonna show me the Phantom Menace and hear Qui Gon tell Anakins mother that he isn't there to free the slaves, just pick up her son on a whim. And then to have him go and return Jabbas son, JABBAS SON, back to him? After he was owned by Gardulla? And no one says that that was inappropriate to have him do. And then in the Zygeria arc for Anakin to be upset about slavers, as he should, and Obi Wan tell Ahsoka that Anakin and his mother were sold into slavery so it's a touchy subject for him. He wasn't even sold into slavery. He was born into it! And this was Obi Wan, Anakins supposed brother? Shocking that Anakin would feel so betrayed and undervalued that he would go to the dark side. Anakin shouldn't have ever been a jedi. He should've been in therapy on Naboo with his wife. I love you Obi Wan, but you really did fail and I also hate you, in this essay I will-
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shikix · 1 month
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Art from my favorite fanfiction. If you ship them, I don't know why you haven't read this precious work yet (!!) I kindly invite you to read Catalyst from @detectivesebcas *Cheff kisses*
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ruvviks · 1 year
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THE EVIL WITHIN 2 ➤ scenery [8/?]
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rasairui · 8 months
I think anybody who thinks autism is more "accepted" nowadays is either in denial or can't see outside themselves. What we actually did is just popularize a really weird infantilized perception of autism that focuses on the symptoms that can be repackaged as "cute" or "quirky," and are continuing to treat people with inconvenient or even upsetting symptoms like garbage. And no I'm not talking about bigots who pull the "I'm literally neurodivergent" bs I'm talking about supposed allies telling me I'm acting like a child for getting too emotional when I literally have "Can't Regulate My Emotions" disorder, or that I'm moving weird, or that my voice never has the right tone to it. Sorry my autism doesn't stop and end at hand flapping and dinosaurs lmao I can gaurantee I'm not enjoying my meltdown any more than you are, buddy! In fact, I'd say I'm having a far worse time than you! I do not make a choice to be emotionally volatile nor do I feel good when I get upset. It's not my fault that emoting "properly" is a performance that takes energy and I really can't do it 100% of the time. Like idk it honestly feels like I still have to mask in supposedly progressive spaces just in a different way.
And of course this doesn't even start to get into people with higher support needs than me who are rarely acknowledged unless they themselves are doing it. It's one of the reasons those posts that are like "Do you think neurodivergence is just autism/adhd, and not (heavily stigmatized other disorder)?" rub me the wrong way. They always seem to be addressing the most sanitized version of autism possible which strikes me as counter intuitive to the point being made. And don't get me wrong, as a system I understand why it's being said but it just really frustrates me because the people these posts are about don't actually think severe cases of autism or adhd are neurodivergence either! They treat higher support needs people with the same disorders like shit!
No I do not think anyone who's ever made a post like that is a bad person nor do I expect every post to have a disclaimer containing every possible nuance but I do think a lot of them are not written with the existence of high support needs or "weird" autism symptoms in mind, which inadvertently feeds into this "palatable autism" thing people keep doing
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hualianisms · 10 months
camilikha on twitter posted with mtl the part of the TGCF Audio Drama production team's talk where they discussed hua cheng's character concept, and i love what the AD team said so i attempted a rough translation of the CN text:
"The core of Hua Cheng's character: Ultimate beauty, ultimate danger, ultimate devoutness The simultaneous contradiction and balance in his feelings: On one hand, he has a yearning desire that is blasphemous; on the other hand, he sees Xie Lian as sacred and inviolable, so he simultaneously possesses a devotee's sense of worship and sacrifice [1], and restraint [2]. His love is akin to a fire in the abyss; on the surface he approaches everything with effortless skill and ease, but in his heart he is always simultaneously suppressing and yet burning with fervour and zeal."
*translation notes:
[1] "献祭 worship and sacrifice" here refers to the religious act of a worshipper making sacrificial offerings to their god. the sacrifices offered to the god can be other people/things, or oneself.
[2] for the part about "restraint 禁欲", the CN phrase used refers to religious asceticism or abstinence (the AD team used many phrases with specifically religious connotations in this description of HC). however, "asceticism" felt to me like the wrong eng word for HC as he is not ascetic at all, nor is his devotion or love chaste. I struggled to find an eng word that fit here, but this is what the AD team was likely referring to (his abstinence during the centuries before he met XL):
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(I think the AD team may also have been referring to how HC initially attempted to hold himself back early in Book 1/Arc 1 for fear of overwhelming XL at first (during the period before they started kissing and HC realized XL fully reciprocated his attraction and desire).
and just my thoughts but i love how the AD understood HC as character so well! i love how they highlighted how he is simultaneously the concept of the most faithful devotee, and the most ardent lover. whether it's his religious devotion or his romantic/sexual love for XL, it's intense & passionate to the highest degree
i also love how they described the juxtaposition btwn HC's effortlessly calm & competent exterior, vs the intense passion he holds within. i really love how well the AD understands his character and allows HC to be as layered, multi-faceted and gorgeously romantic as he's meant to be
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I am in the stratosphere of delusions at the moment
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slowandsweet · 10 months
Every once, if you are lucky, you encounter someone with such powerful and generous light in their eyes that they rekindle the lost light within you and return it magnified; someone whose calm, kind, steady gaze penetrates the very center of your being and, refusing to look away from even the most shadowy parts of you.
John O'Donohue
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Okay I understand where people are coming from with the "emotional suppression in Vulcans is learned not genetic" talk re: "Charades" but, consider......... the emotional suppression is muscle memory, and the aliens took away the mental muscles that remembered how to do it. It's a crude metaphor on my part, but that was the way I saw it.
Also consider: it's a sci fi show using extremely high-concept bullcrap science on a weekly basis and maybe nitpicking it is a fruitless endeavor because none of it is going to make sense otherwise and enjoying the ride for what it is is a much more enjoyable way to engage with this franchise. Sometimes you need to shrug and let dumb things happen and laugh.
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conceptofjoy · 6 months
dirk and jake got so pressed and for what. hes literally glasses.
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dylanlila · 27 days
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got 2 points to make. the first one being: THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE LAST SHOT...... showing this right after lila's dissolving boundaries breakdown says EVERYTHING... it has her and elena within the boundaries of the door, as if they were their own little country... second point being (this is for people who care about jo, the blogger posting this): me circa june 2024
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flock-talk · 7 months
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The mighty husbirds
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