#cam cameron fic
keerysfreckles · 7 months
august — cam cameron
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pairing: cam cameron x fem!reader
summary: y/n has a summer job at the cousins bakery. cam cameron likes to find excuses to buy muffins every day.
warnings: none? just a long fic (i got carried away oopsies)
a/n: already rewatching tsitp and i finished it this week I LOVE IT SO MUCH FJSHJDHSH
masterlist !
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cousins beach was so surreal in the summertime. it was the busiest time of the year for the small town. the beaches were crowded and the boardwalk never slept.
everyone practically knew everyone. that's what y/n might have loved most about it. besides her close friend isabel conklin of course.
the girls met in the summer of 2017 when y/n's family started driving three hours to their newly bought beach house. it was in the same neighborhood as the beck house, meaning y/n and belly quickly became friends. belly always invited y/n over, and grew fondly of conrad and jeremiah fisher. she eventually learned to enjoy steven's presence as well.
the two girls have been inseparable since. every summer you'd find them attached at the hip, with conrad, jeremiah and steven following behind.
this summer however was different. not for belly though, she was still just as obsessed with the older fisher brother. the summer was already different for y/n. her father made the decision for the girl to get a summer job. her mother wasn't too thrilled with the idea, just wanting her daughter to have a memorable summer. but after officially getting hired at the local bakery, y/n didn't mind.
she's always loved going to the bakery. it was almost tradition for her mother to buy a pie to bring to susannah's fourth of july parties. y/n always begged for the double chocolate chip muffins before they left at the beginning of august. nine out of ten times she left with a smile on her face and a muffin in her hands.
the first week of work went smoothly for y/n. belly stopped by everyday to check on her. jeremiah went with her one morning for a muffin run, and conrad went with her once to buy chocolate chip cookies to cheer up a very upset steven.
two new faces came into the bakery with belly and the fisher brothers. conrad and jeremiah immediately went to the small stand with different flavors of cupcakes. belly walked up to the counter, with the two newcomers trailing behind her.
"hey bells," y/n smiles, leaning against the cold counter.
"hi," she smiles back, "i just had to bring everyone here for the best muffins in the whole wide world."
belly gestures to the two friends behind her. the girl to her right has dirty blonde hair, with thick mascara covering her eyelashes.
"this is taylor," taylor waves.
the boy to her left has brown curly hair, with darker skin than belly's, and y/n can't help but smile when be does.
"and this is cam," belly pushes him forward a bit.
"it's cam cameron actually!" jeremiah interrupts from the other side of the small store.
y/n can't help bit giggle, "cam cameron?"
"yeah, cam or uh- cameron works just as well."
y/n sends him one last smile before turning back towards belly, "so i'm guessing you didn't just come in here to chat?"
belly shakes her head and gives y/n the muffin order, including steven's request who was busy with his summer job at the pool as a server.
y/n was quick to pack the 7 muffins in a box before handing them to belly. she walked over to conrad after paying, with taylor following behind. cam sent a wave to y/n, which she happily reciprocated, before watching them walk out of the store.
the next day at the bakery was quite boring for y/n. an older couple came in and ordered a cake, and a family of four ordered a dozen muffins. y/n was in the middle of cleaning and rewriting on one of the chalkboards on the wall when the bell above the door rang.
"oh hey cam cameron!" y/n turned to see the curly headed boy from yesterday.
he smiled at the name, not hating it when it came out of her mouth.
"what can i do for you?" she sets down the chalk and walks behind the counter. cam follows as he stands on the opposite side.
he gives her his order, which was one blueberry muffin for himself to enjoy. she slides the small bag across the counter, but cam doesn't want to leave the store just yet.
"seeing as you're not busy," cam chuckles as he looks around the store, "do you mind if i keep you company?"
y/n instantly shakes her head, "no, no not at all. i'd actually love that today. it's been so slow."
cam nods, "yeah i saw the boardwalk was pretty busy on the way over here."
the pair talked for over an hour, when to both of them it only felt like ten minutes. y/n couldn't keep her smile off her face when he was around.
cam pauses in the middle of his story when his phone buzzes from his pocket. "shoot," he sighs, "my mom wants me home for lunch."
cam grabs his bag before walking towards the door, "i'll see you!"
y/n smiles and waves, "bye cam cameron."
for the rest of her shift y/n couldn't stop thinking about cam. their conversation earlier ranged from their favorite foods, to cam's love for marine biology, and even to y/n's hidden talent of being a boss at karaoke (belly's words, not hers.)
a week had passed and cam stopped by the bakery every day. his order varied from muffins, to cupcakes, to cookies. cam accidentally admitted to the girl he visited her to keep her company. it absolutely warmed her heart and a giggle fell from her lips.
y/n practically skipped out of the bakery and towards her yellow bike. she knew she'd call belly as soon as she got home to tell her what happened with cam today.
the phone rang once, then twice, then belly answered.
"hi y/n! what's up?"
"i may need some girl advice bells."
"i'm sorry?" belly's instantly confused by y/n's words.
y/n groans, not knowing how to word her feelings, "can you just come over? it'll be easier to explain."
not even five minutes after hanging up, belly's knocking on the pale blue door of y/n's parent's beach house.
"cam cameron asked me on a date," y/n was quick to the point once the two girls got to her room.
belly squealed, before asking a million questions. y/n happily answered them all, knowing belly was truly excited for her.
y/n explained to belly that cam asked her right before she left to go home after her shift at the bakery. the sun was setting, and cam was worried he'd miss her if he didn't jog the second half of the route from his house towards the bakery. she found it cute as he seemed more nervous around her today than any other day last week.
cam took a deep breath before asking y/n if she wanted to go to the boardwalk with him. with a bright smile the girl agreed.
which leads to her predicament, of not knowing weather or not cam cameron meant it as a date or not.
"he asked you personally, so obviously it's a date y/n," belly was looking through y/n's closet as the ladder layed on her unmade bed.
"but what if he just sees it as two friends hanging out?" y/n rebuttals.
belly doesn't answer, but instead she comes out with a navy blue corset type of tank top, and grabs the pair of shorts she found in y/n's dresser moments ago.
she holds the articles of clothing together, "because how can he see you as a friend if he sees you in this!"
both girls fall into a fit of giggles before you eventually get ready. y/n still had thirty minutes or so until cam was picking her up, so belly insisted on helping with the rest of the look.
she kept her hair natural, from it already being styled for work earlier in the day. she threw all her jewelry back on, considering she can't wear any at work. y/n always wore two necklaces, five rings (three on her left hand, two on the right), and a handful of bracelets adorned both her wrists.
belly helped with her mascara and lip gloss.
with one last look in her mirror, y/n and belly both giggled as a knock echoed through the whole house.
cam cameron was never speechless, but when he saw y/n standing in front of him words weren't even a thought.
"hi cam," she giggles.
"hey- hey y/n, you look great."
belly not-so-subtley squeezes her way between y/n and the door, greeting cam before she ran back to her own house.
cam and y/n started walking towards the boardwalk. the sun was still in the phase of setting. hues of orange, yellow and pink filled the sky with a couple of clouds.
the walk to the boardwalk wasn't the shortest, but y/n loved the amount of time she's able to spend with cam. they didn't stop talking the whole way there.
cam observed the girl, and noticed the small wrinkles around y/n's eyes when she laughed. he saw her fiddle with the ring on her thumb when she listened to him talk. he loved how excited she got talking about all her favorite rides at the boardwalk.
y/n wasn't the observant type, but cam was the only exception. her heart sped up when his smile got bigger as he talked about marine biology. he loved everything about whales. she noticed during the week, when he got nervous he runs his hand through his hair. he does the same motion as the two finally walk into the buzzing atmosphere of the boardwalk.
"so, what do you want to do first?" cam politely asks.
y/n can't help but giggle again, before grabbing onto his hand, "i have an idea." she simply grabs cam's hand and pulls him towards one of the many games.
y/n never thought her favorite night of summer would be with a boy she just met this year.
her and cam played almost every game on the boardwalk. y/n won most of them, but when cam beat her at ring toss, he gave her the purple stuffed giraffe, which she didn't dare loosen her grip on it for the rest of the night.
after games, the two sat down on a bench to eat. y/n had a massive plate of chilli cheese fries while cam had funnel cake. y/n wasn't one to question his choice, as he explained he ate an early dinner before he picked her up.
after eating they went into the arcade for a little over an hour. they walked out and the sky was now dark, with a million stars reflecting off the ocean.
now y/n and cam were walking side by side at the other end of the boardwalk. they were near the railing, away from all the games and bright lights, making it more quiet.
"i had a lot of fun tonight cam," y/n's smile hasn't left her face all day, and doesn't falter when she thanks him.
"me too, i'm glad you were able to come."
for a few moments it was quiet between the two. their hands kept brushing into each other's. y/n could feel the warmth radiating off of his hand, she couldn't help but slowly interlock her pinky with his.
"do you mind if we sit?" y/n points to a bench maybe ten feet away, "all the walking is finally catching up to me."
of course cam says yes. they sit beside each other on the cold bench, with the purple giraffe sitting lopsided by y/n's feet.
"are you not cold?" cam asks, suddenly remembering y/n was outside in only a tank top and shorts.
y/n shakes her head, "no uh- not really. i like the cold."
cam tilts his head towards her, "you sure? cause i could easily go to the gift shop for you."
y/n giggles at how sweet cam is, "really, i'm okay cam."
"do you know what you're gonna name it?" cam gestures to the giraffe he won for her earlier in the evening.
y/n shrugs, "i haven't really thought about it yet," she picks up the giraffe and studies it, "what about muffin?"
cam lets out a chuckle, "it's perfect."
a cool ocean breeze blows through the boardwalk. once it reaches y/n and cam, the girl shivers and subconsciously moves closer to cam. his cheeks flush slightly at the contact of her thigh pressing against his, and her shoulder bumping against his own.
"you sure about you not being cold?" cam laughs.
"okay, maybe it's a little cold now," y/n laughs with him.
silently, cam holds his hand open. y/n takes it, and a warm electric feeling flows through her body. cam's hand was shockingly warm, which was a great contrast to y/n's cold skin.
sadly, the fun night cam had planned for the pair had to come to an end. their hands never left each other's grip as cam walked y/n back to her house. once again, the two talked the whole way back.
y/n sighed once they reached the cobblestone driveway of her house. cam walked her up the steps of her porch, now turning to the girl once they reached the door.
"thank you for today cam," y/n thanked him again.
"i'm glad you had a good time," cam smiled down at the girl.
y/n smiled before leaning up to kiss the boy's cheek. her lips lingered there for a moment. just as she was about to unlock the front door, cam's voice stopped her.
"you missed."
y/n's eyesbrows furrowed.
"you missed," cam repeated.
before y/n can respond, cam grabs her hand again to pull her in front of him. he smiles before pushing his lips softly against y/n's. the kiss lasts for a few seconds before the girl pulls away. her cheeks are pink and her cold skin is suddenly warm.
"i really like you y/n," cam's voice is quiet, afraid to break the moment the two just shared.
to respond, y/n leans up to kiss cam again. this time one of her hands goes to his cheek to make the kiss become deeper. cam smiles against her lips, as his hold on her waist never falters.
this was the first of many dates for cam and y/n, and she loved every single one of them.
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
your cam Cameron head cannons were amazing, would u be able to write something for Cameron comforting fisher!reader. Maybe at susannahs funeral or when they all enter the empty house ready for Julia to sell it. If not it’s ok. Thank you !!!! 🥰
TV - c.c
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summary: request
cam cameron x reader
a/n: thank you for the request love :)))
y/n always knew cameron was the one for her. she grew up slightly in the spotlight of her older brothers. girls loved conrad and jeremiah, and they always had their own friends to hang out with. even y/n’s own friends wanted to get closer to her brothers. cam was different, he was one of the first people to understand her and care about her, not because she’s a fisher, but because she’s y/n.
y/n loves everything about the beach house. she loved her family, including the conklins. however, as summer continued, she realized the fascination the boys had with belly was taking over their mind. conrad was continuing to become more distant, and jeremiah had spent the whole summer partying with friends. belly was also obsessed with the boys, now that she felt like she was able to hang out with them.
cam was the one who she spent time with all summer. he was over the beach house all the time, swimming and going places with y/n. they ran around on the boardwalk and y/n felt more than peaceful with him. her brothers teased her for being so enamored with him, but she didn’t care. she never realized that he would be the one holding her hand at her mothers funeral.
cam was fully familiar with the connection with y/n and susannah. her only daughter, and it felt like susannah was the only one who she could connect with. y/n remembers vividly the weight that was lifted off her shoulders the first time that susannah was cleared of her cancer. the whole family was, feeling like they had finally won. they had no idea that they’d won the battle, but not the war.
in her beautiful dress, with cameron by her side, she watched the night of the ball turn to hell. the tears on jeremiah’s cheeks and the sad understanding on conrad’s was what sold it for her. she looked at her mother, who stood between the boys and she knew instantly. she couldn’t handle the eyes on her standing in front of them, so she could only walk out.
the sobs that wrecked her body didn’t come until that night, sitting on the couch surrounded by white lace and her family in black. she’d never seen her brothers look more broken then they had at that moment. jeremiah’s sweet disposition had turned to darkness, and conrad appeared to be lost in his deep thinking once more. they convinced their mother to do the trial to attempt to save her life. a deep, dark part of y/n knew that her mother wasn’t going to get better. she now understood why her mother was so adamant on seeing her in the ball in a white dress next to cam.
the following months were brutal. she tried to keep her spirits up and spend the best days with her loving mother, but it was so hard. y/n tried to not push everyone away, but it became exhausting. she thought her only purpose now was to be there for her mom, not caring about anything else besides focusing on her. her school ethic had decreased, grades sinking and performance dropping. everyone knew why, but they just ignored it. it hurt susannah to watch her little girl slip away from something she couldn’t control.
y/n watched movies with susannah all night, no matter how tired she would be the next morning. she always helped her move around when she was feeling tired or ill. y/n cooked, cleaned, and did anything that she had to do. conrad was at college, and he did the best he could being so far away. jeremiah was there, but he knew susannah wanted him to cherish every moment of his life that he could. he took her inspiration and incorporated it into his life.
the one person who lit up y/n’s life and was the flashlight in the tunnel was cam. he always came around whenever he could, and susannah completely adored him. she knew he made y/n happy, so susannah was too. she had no doubts that cameron would be there for y/n whenever, and that’s all she’s ever wanted for her kids.
every time y/n called him or texted him, he answered right away to soothe her with his words. he always knew exactly what to say that eased y/n. the brothers always poked at cam, but they’ve never seen their sister more comfortable with someone. if they couldn’t be there, they knew cam would be.
after cam had decided to skip the whale trip, he knew he did the right thing whenever he stood next to y/n. the support she needed was different from him. it was genuine concern and love from him.
y/n spent the day on the boardwalk after being forced to leave the house. she went with the whole group, including taylor and skye. she didn’t really want to go, but she knew she had to get out of the house and away from julia for a bit. they spent a while on the boardwalk, getting ice cream and trying to drown out the thoughts of their beloved home in cousins.
the energy was awkward on the boardwalk, standing with skye who knew their mom was in the wrong. y/n knew the troubles between her mom and skye’s, and skye had no hesitation to be with their mom.
“my mom hated it, but susannah loved it so much,” skye adds, mentioning susannah and her affection of the world.
“you know what else my mom loved?” conrad pokes in and y/n sighs. she knows what he’ll say, becoming very predictable. it made y/n nervous, knowing it would only bring up tension between everyone. she wishes they would just drop the conversation so they didn’t have to think about their mothers heart and how it would be broken by this. “the beach house.”
skye pauses in their steps, lightly throwing their arms up in annoyance. “my moms not evil, conrad,” they tells him, looking into his eyes and not worrying about the next words. “and your mom wasn’t a saint.”
y/n knows her mom wasn’t perfect, no one in this world is. what she did know is that susannah tried her best to be lovely toward everyone. she did everything to try and keep her family together, despite the troubles they had when growing up. maybe she wasn’t a perfect saint, but she was damn near close to one. she was their mother, for gods sake, and she treated her kids like angels until her last breath.
y/n’s face twitched, but she didn’t say anything. it was better to just leave her thoughts to herself. she felt the eyes on her, everyone knowing that she’s always the first to defend susannah. she remained silent, until someone broke the silence.
“well, skye,” belly interrupts. “have you ever played shoot your shot?”
“no, and i’m fine keeping it that way.”
it felt useless, trying to connect with skye but hopefully, they could get through the door a bit better. it was clear they were all uncomfortable, and they knew skye wouldn’t budge away from their mother. they didn’t want to waste a good day, so they moved to the laser tag building full of fun things to spend time on. y/n tossed her ice cream away, knowing what to expect.
her demeanor had changed to excitement, knowing she’ll see her person in that building eventually.
“what’s got her so cheerful?” skye asked.
“her man is in there, they’re practically inseparable,” taylor responded, smirking at y/n.
“because he loves me, and i love him,” y/n grins, flipping around to continue walking.
after a long battle of laser tag between everyone, they moved to the arcade to play around in there. they got certain looks from people after noticing their language, but they were having such a good time, feeling like the weight of the grief was off their shoulders for a bit.
gleefully, y/n looked around for cam, seeing no signs of him. she figured he’d be working today, since it was busy. she was disappointed when she couldn’t see him, but maybe she missed her chance and her shift ended. conrad and jeremiah noticed her upset at cams absence, and walked over to place a hand on her shoulder.
“you’re ok,” jeremiah reassures. “i’m sure he’s here somewhere.”
conrad nods in agreement, knowing that cam can make her so happy and just wanting him to brighten her day even more. steven, trying to bring up the mood, wanted to attempt the rock wall by himself, which got laughs from everyone around him.
“you actually can’t do that without a harness!” cam runs in, holding up the gear and recognizing stevens face. he beams up at him, knowing y/n is also there with him.
“there he is!” y/n says, walking over to him as he wraps his arms around her. when she pulls away, one of his arms is still around her shoulder and her hand is holding his.
“hey, cam!” belly greets, walking over to him. “i thought nicole said you were on a boat for an internship.”
cam looks over at y/n, who’s smiling up at him and he directs his eyes back to belly. “uh, fell through.”
belly nods, and steven breaks in and asks if he can go on now. cam sets him up alongside taylor, and he watches each of them battle for the bell at the top.
“we’re gonna go walk around the boardwalk, if you wanted to come?”
“actually, my shift ends in a few,” cam tells y/n, making her stand up straight and smile. “i’d love to, if it means you’re there.”
“we can wait for you, clock out and stuff,” she pecks him on the cheek and is practically skipping away, belly and taylor following.
the day turned out to be really great, everyone having a good time and being able to connect again. it’s been so difficult since susannah’s death and without her connective love. they all knew that she’d be happy that they could still be a family without her presence.
the drive home was easy, carefree. there wasn’t any worries, almost all of them being left at the beginning of the day. they pulled up to the home, finding comfort in the dim lights on the front porch. the little flickers and chips in the paint were there, but it’s what made it perfect to everyone else. y/n climbed out of the car, ready to go enter the home to pretend like it’s any other day. it wasn’t until she heard jeremiah’s voice from the door.
“what the fuck?” jeremiah yelled, his voice echoing in the now empty rooms.
her mothers favorite chair. their portraits, their photos. their cozy beds and their home decor. every last drop had vanished while they were gone. y/n couldn’t spit a single word out, just looking at the house that didn’t feel like home all of a sudden. the floors were shining with polish and the walls looked painfully bland.
no one could manage to form any words, y/n and her brothers just scoping out their childhood memories from the blank spaces in front of them. jeremiah leant against the wall, only being able to handle so much of his life being stripped from him. conrad was searching the whole house, trying to find a scrap of remnants.
the air quickly became suffocating. the pounding in her chest was heard in y/n’s ears, and she wanted to throw up. it was the one thing she had left of her mom, and her aunt took it all away. she felt horrible for having such a good day while strangers came in and made everything disappear. she could still envision exactly how everything was placed.
even after susannah passed, it felt like she was always there somehow. now, it wasn’t the lack of furniture that made it feel empty in the home.
y/n knew she had to get out of there, she couldn’t stand looking at the open feet of tiles and wood flooring. the glass doors were perfectly cleaned, y/n placing her hand on the handle and sliding it open. she sat directly where susannah painted her picture, and tried to imagine her mother right in front of her. instead, all she saw was the dock and the concrete of the backyard. the chirping of the crickets and buzzing of flies around her was the only thing flooding her mind at this point.
cams shoes slapped the ground as he stepped closer to her, seeing her sitting down on the ground. her elbows were placed on her knees and she just gazed into the night sky. he knew she was aware he was behind her, so he didn’t say anything. he just sat down next to her, and waited for her to be able to speak.
“i don’t understand how she could do this,” y/n mumbled, barely being able to be audible.
“she doesn’t know how to deal with her grief,” cam said. “but that doesn’t mean julia could’ve just taken everything away.”
“i’m so sick of being angry.”
“talk about it, y/n,” cam encourages. “you don’t have to hold anything in and grieve alone.”
y/n sighs, running her hands together to feel the warmth between her skin. “i’ve been angry with my dad for as long as i can remember. i’ve just gotten used to that, but i never thought it would be everyone in my family. i love my brothers to death, but i can’t help but have a little annoyance now. they’ve been so caught up with belly and everything, and conrad won’t let me or jere help. jeremiah won’t let me in, and they just- i don’t know, i just wish things could go back to the way they were. and i’m fucking pissed,” y/n lets out a fraudulent laugh, the tears coating her eyes. “i’m pissed at myself. i should’ve been able to avoid this if i tried harder.”
“i’m so, so sorry,” cam starts. “i wish i could fix it all, but you deserve to rest. you’ve done all you can do, and it’s more than enough.”
“i just don’t see it getting easier. my mom always said i’ll be ok but, i don’t know anything anymore.”
“it does,” y/n looks up, seeing cameron’s comforting features. “when i, uh, lost my sister, it’s always there, you know? but you learn how to cope with it, and the weight became lighter. it feels more like a scar, now.”
“i just don’t know how to go on without her here with me.”
“she is,” cam replies, his deep voice being music to y/n’s ears. “you’re never alone.”
y/n turns more toward her boyfriend, placing her hand beside his and letting them migrate together. she feels like smooth fingers intertwine with hers, and she lets herself breathe. she wants to feel susannah, hoping that wherever she is, she’s proud of her.
“i love you, cam,” y/n lightly grins at him, getting the same, pretty smile in return. “my mom did too.”
“i love you, too,” he whispers in her ear, letting her lean into his chest and decompress on him for a while. he just has his arm around her, hands on her back and head. “i’m never gonna let you be lonely.”
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girlkisser13 · 2 months
you belong with me
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"can't you see that i'm the one who understands you" "been here all along so why can't you see" "you belong with me"
pairings: cam cameron x fem!reader
warnings/tags: fluff with a hint of angst. some belly slander (sorry not sorry).
summary: after cam gets rejected by belly, he goes to seek the comfort of his best friend.
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cam stood frozen, watching belly walk away, her parting words lingering painfully in the summer air. “i’m sorry, cam. i can’t do this anymore.” the ache in his chest was profound, like a wave crashing over him, threatening to pull him under.
belly had always been elusive, her heart torn between conrad and jeremiah. he had known this, but he hoped he could be different, that he could make her see him. but in the end, he was just another fleeting moment in her complicated love life.
feeling lost, he pulled out his phone and sent a quick message. “y/n, can you meet me at my place?”
your heart ached when you saw the message. you were in love with cam, but he had never seen you that way. still, you were his best friend, and you would be there for him, no matter what.
you found cam sitting on the porch of his house, staring out at the ocean. his face was a mask of sorrow. your heart broke for him, but a small part of you couldn’t help but feel a flicker of hope now that belly was out of the picture.
“hey, cam,” you said softly, sitting beside him. “what happened?”
cam sighed heavily. “belly broke up with me. she said it wasn’t working out.”
you rolled your eyes. “belly doesn’t know what she wants. she’s always been like that. you deserve so much better than her, cam.”
cam looked at you, a sad smile on his face. “thanks, y/n. i just don’t get it. what did i do wrong?”
you took a deep breath, deciding to take a chance. “you didn’t do anything wrong. belly is just… she’s always chasing after things she can’t have. she didn’t appreciate you the way you deserved to be appreciated. you’re amazing, cam, and you need someone who sees that.”
cam’s eyes softened. “you really think so?”
you nodded, your heart pounding. “i know so. and i… i need to tell you something. i’ve been in love with you for a long time, cam. i’ve tried to be happy for you and belly, but it’s been hard. i just... i think you belong with someone who truly appreciates you. someone like me."
cam looked stunned, processing your words. you quickly added, “but i understand if you need time to heal. i don’t expect anything right now. i just needed you to know how i feel.”
cam stared at you, his mind racing. your confession had taken him by surprise, but it also felt like a missing piece falling into place. he reached out, taking your hand. “y/n, i… i’ve been in love with you too. i think i’ve always known, deep down. belly was… she was a distraction. i think i was just trying to convince myself i didn’t feel this way about you, but i do. i think always have.”
your eyes filled with hope and apprehension. "i don't want you to think you're in love with me, cam. i want you to know, without a doubt. just like i do."
before he could respond, you stood up, your heart heavy. "i'll give you some space. i think you’ll need it."
you began walking toward your car, but cam quickly followed. "y/n, wait."
you turned to face him, a mix of hope and fear in your eyes. he stepped closer, his voice earnest. "do you want to know how i know i’m in love with you? it’s because of your kindness, your patience, and your understanding. you've always been there, even when i was too blind to see it. i’ve never met anyone like you. and i don’t want to. i don’t want to meet anyone else. you’re it for me."
your eyes filled with tears of joy as you realized that he truly felt the same way.
you ran to him, throwing your arms around his neck as your lips met in a passionate kiss.
when the two of you finally pulled apart, cam held you close, whispering, "i love you, y/n. i always have. i’m so sorry for not realizing it sooner."
you smiled through your tears, your heart full. "i love you too, cam. and it’s okay. thanks for finally seeing me."
as you kissed him again, the sun dipped below the horizon, symbolizing the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. you knew that whatever the future held, the two of you would face it together, better than ever before.
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ayatotiddies · 1 month
OMG OMG OMG band!rafe overstimulating you after you flirted with another guy at his show
🥁- 🎸 Band!Rafe who is just so mean ;(
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Warnings - 18+ MDNI - Porn with little plot, No Established Relationship (But they both act like it), Hair pulling, Name calling (Whore, Dumb Bitch, Babydoll, Mine, Little thing, Angel, Baby, Sweet thing), Degradation, Slight Praise, Spit, Fingering, Sir kink, Slapping, Biting, Oral (Fem Receiving), Overstimulation. - NOT PROOF READ <3
Moodboard - Here 🎸
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You should’ve expected it, it was your fault after all! You wanted to be all cute n’shit and flirt with a guy at Rafe’s show? Nah, that wasn’t how this worked; he wasn’t going to let that slide.
A harsh slap arrived to your face.
“Pay attention, fuck is wrong with you, huh?” He spat and gripped at your scalp. It hurt so bad, but felt so good.. Maybe you needed to flirt with guys more often, but that was just a thought. You wouldn’t dare say it to his face. He looked so delicious in that dirty white wife beater. The sweat on his tan skin, you could see the way his muscles flexed when he pulled your hair.
“You’re such a whore, ya’know that right? Flirting with that dumbass at my show. Is this what you wanted? You wanted me to come find you when I was done. Treat you like the dumb bitch you are?”
He snorted when all he got was a shaky nod on your end. Another tug of your pretty locks, rushing you to stand up. He didn’t care that your mascara was smeared from him making you cry. If anything it turned him on more. You deserved this. So when he dragged you off to a bedroom in this huge house. You didn’t complain. You knew better.
“Speak to me babydoll,” he whispered into the crook of your neck. You were laid so pretty underneath him. His words were the opposite of the foul language he spoke earlier.
“Jus’ want you to pay attention to me, n’ love on me.”
He hummed softly at your soft spoken words. Kissing down your neck and stopping to bite down hard where your neck and shoulder connected. Causing a harsh gasp to leave your throat and that sadistic grin to cover his face. He snickered and kissed the area. Which was red with his bite mark imprinted into your skin.
“You’re mine, ya’know that right?” The question was inevitable.
“I’m yours.”
But your response was heavenly. The blonde man grinned, diving down between your legs. Your legs were spread and shoved upwards. His rough fingers toying with your clothed cunt. Rubbing slow and steady over the wet patch, making you whine.
“Rafe just hurry up!”
“Tsk, such a needy little thing. You want my attention that bad? Don’t worry, I’ll make you regret it.”
And did he keep his word… your panties were torn off of your legs. His fingers making quick work at spreading your folds so he could see your fluttering hole. The scoff that left him was embarrassing, even more so when it was because of how wet you were. He rolled his tongue and seconds later there was a glob of spit sliding down your clit, headed towards your pretty hole.
Rafe hummed to himself, his thumb running over the dripping spit and shoving it into you. A soft gasp leaving your lips when he replaced his thumb with two fingers. One of your legs was thrown over his shoulders, allowing him to kiss up and down your inner thigh. Occasionally leaving bite marks while he thrusted his fingers into you.
“Doing s’good f’me, right angel?”
A grin forming on his face when you moaned out a yes. His teeth grazing your inner thigh.
“Yes what?” His voice was low and gravelly.
“Yes sir!” You rushed out, head thrown back into the pillow. Your pretty fingers tangled in his dark blonde hair.
A soft huff of enjoyment left the man’s lips. But not before your hips bucked up. The soft kisses he was leaving so close to your clit was just too much. Occasionally kissing it when he wasn’t rubbing the bud with his thumb. You just wanted to cum… was that too much to ask for?
“Rafe,” a whining plead left your lips. His pretty blue eyes glaring up at you. “Wanna cum,” you whined, hips bucking up towards his face. His hands roughly pushing them back down.
“You wanna cum that bad?” He teased, watching the tears and watery black mascara run down your face. Loud whines and moans echoing around the room as you nodded. “Mm, don’t worry baby. You will” he confirmed.
Moments later his pretty nose bumped your clit when he dropped his head down. Earning a loud moan from you. He grinned and licked upwards, stopping on your clit, drawing figure eights with his tongue. You couldn’t help but tug on his hair, making him grunt. The gasps and moans that left your lips were heavenly. He didn’t want to stop. Even after your first orgasm approached and you came all over his face.
“That’s my girl.” He murmured into your pretty pussy, lapping up every drop of your cum. Just as you went to sit up, he yanked your legs back down over his shoulders, his fingers were long withdrawn from you. Both of his hands kept a harsh grip on your thighs.
“Rafe- RafeRafe!” Your shouts were relentless but he didn’t let up. Tugging on his scalp was your only option but it didn’t seem to help. Just made him want more. He finally pulled back, giving your clit a second to rest before his thumb found the bud.
“What is it? Hm, sweet thing?” His wet lips kissed up and down your inner thighs. “You wanted my attention, I’m giving it to you.” and before you could speak he went back to lapping at your dripping cunt. Not giving you a break.
Your second orgasm was pulled from you quickly after. And then your third. And then you lost count. All your mushy brain could remember was Rafe letting up when he finally got you to squirt on his face.
He was just giving you the attention you wanted <3 even if that meant you getting overstimulated.
You weren’t done yet either… he still had to get his nut in.
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@annoyingassleo @rafesno1bae @rafecameronsbunny @wearemadeofstardust0 @rafesthroatbaby @mackenzie-maybank
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lvrslvt3 · 1 year
ALWAYS | c.cameron
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pairings : camcameron x reader
summary : cam needs comfort after a breakup with readers best friend, bellly.
warnings : none
notes : we need more camcameron content, i also need some ideas on what to write for him 🤭
your bike lay silently discarded beside the familiar one, forgotten as you finally spot the boy you came here to search for sat alone on the rocks. he was too busy looking out the sea that he didn’t even turn around at the sound of your shoes scuffing the ground beneath you.
so in turn for his silence you didn’t speak up either, but instead took the uncomfortable seat beside him on the blanket he had thrown down. you ignored the blunt feeling underneath you and instead stared out at the water.
“you’re here?” his tone showed genuine shock at your presence — even though he had asked for it. you turned to meet his gaze, expecting sadness but there was no traces of the feeling anywhere on him.
he was your cameron. the awkward, slightly nerdy, boy that you had liked since you met a few summers ago when you came to visit cousins like you always had. back at the age when you no longer wanted to hang out with your family so instead made friends with the future marine biologist.
“you called me.” you shrugged as if that was the perfect explanation, because to you it was, “are you okay? i know you liked belly..” you trailed off, unsure on how to start this inevitable awkward conversation.
belly didn’t know about your crush on cam, and if she did she would have never went on that date with him in the first place, but she had, so now you had to deal with the consequences of your two best friends dating and now then being broke up.
cam shrugged in response. “i guess. it’s just… it didn’t really feel serious, y’know?” he glanced from the sea back towards you, “i liked her but there was always something in the way of fully committing myself to her, and it wasn’t just conrad.” he spoke with his hands.
you hummed to let him know you understood. after knowing cam for so long you knew that he only did relationships if the other person was willing to commit as deeply as he did, if not then it wasn’t really enough for him. not that he had any serious relationships before.
“i just feel like i’m never gonna find the right person.” cam finished off his small ramble. he looked down at the water below and as he did so one hand came up to scratch the back of his head - messing up his curly hair that had already been disturbed by the early morning wind.
“well, i don’t believe in never.” you tilted your head at him with a smile that he matched. he was beaming at you and it seemed to light up the whole area around the both of you, like you had your own bubble of happiness in that moment that nothing or no one could break.
“i don’t believe in always.” he retorted with a tilt of his own head. you shrugged before countering his silly argument, “well, opposites attract, don’t they?” you didn’t mean for your innocent words to have such a reaction, but they had.
cameron’s eyes narrowed on you in a way that you hadn’t seen before, or maybe you had in your dreams. it ignited a reaction in your brain and body that covered your body in goosebumps. camcameron was the man of your dreams, and he didn’t even have a clue.
“never.” he raised a brow, still looking down at you. his hair was a slight mess from a mixture of him playing with it and the weather, and in the bright morning sunlight of cousins he looked even more handsome and human that you’d ever seen him before.
“always.” you argued back — your breath catching in your throat when you spoke as you realised how close the two of you really were now that you were both facing each other fully instead of stealing glances.
cam chuckled, glancing down at your lips for such a short moment that you almost missed it if you weren’t studying him with your eyes. “promise me you’ll always remember me.” he said after a moment of tension filled silence between the pair of you.
“i thought you don’t believe in always.” your voice had accidentally grown quiet. you were afraid to speak up as if he would wake up from a trance and run away, or that you would wake up and this would all really be a dream.
“i believe in promises,” he quickly countered back while bringing a hand up to move a hair that had flown infront of your face to the back of your ear, “and i believe in you, in us.” he added in afterwards.
you shook your head, moving backwards just the slightest so his hand would fall. “don’t make me promise that,” you spoke without thinking of the consequences, “people only ask you to remember them if they’re leaving.”
you shook your head once again in protest, staring down at the space inbetween you and cameron for a moment before finally meeting his eyes. the sadness was there this time. “please don’t ask me to remember that.”
the boy shook his head and took your face in his hands once more, but this time he used both. “i will never leave you, okay?” he raised both of his eyebrows to get his point across, so you would know he wasn’t lying.
you nodded. you didn’t trust yourself to answer him audibly. you weren’t expecting this when he called you after him and belly had just broken up. you would’ve never expected this in a million years but it was really happening.
cam cameron was leaning in, and when your lips met you were instantly obsessed with the sensation. it felt like being dipped in gold, or diving into an ocean and your being swept up so nothing really matters anymore except this kiss. not belly, or conrad or anybody else. just you two together.
this moment. these lips. his hands that laid firmly against each side of your waist and squeezed you tightly so you wouldn’t leave his desperate grasp. it was enough, anything with cam cameron was, but you wanted more. this was the only thing that mattered and you wanted all of it.
your hands ran through his hair, messing it up more, as you leaned closer until you could feel his body pressed against yours. you reeled him in until he would be yours, always.
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kestisvrse · 7 months
headcanon collection: dating cam cameron
♫ - new romantics by taylor swift
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(slightly suggestive at the end?)
· belly or jere introduced the two of you
· instantly drawn to each other (or atleast he is to you.)
· even if you were a party person, if he ever was at the same one as you you found yourself escaping to a quiet place with him
· if you were in the same school i imagine him always leaving little notes in your bag or locker
“you look pretty :)”
“i like that colour on you”
“hang out after school? □ yes □ no”
· study buddy, also how you got to know him better and what led him to even asking you out
· he loves when you talk about your interests, he just stares in awe and nods as you speak
· he goes over to your house one day while you were baking cookies and that just becomes your guys thing, always baking together
· meaning cliche movie flour fights, all. the. time
“we need to start keeping track of the winners”
· like i swear if the skies are clear he is asking you to go on a walk or drive to look at the stars
· as you get closer and he gets a bit more confident he definitely gets touchier
· he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything so its always subtle
· shoulders pressed together, knees hitting or your fingers interlocking
· you’re cold? he will give you his hoodie
· if he doesn’t have one on him he will immediately go and buy one it doesnt even matter
· i dont see him owning many hoodies, but he definitely owns less when he starts dating you because he keeps giving them to you
· having them returned to him awhile later because they ‘lost their smell’
· he will fall asleep if your hands touch his hair in the SLIGHTEST
· ok exaggeration but seriously playing with his hair is actually his favourite thing ever trust
· not big on nicknames but would probably drop an occasional “babe”, “angel” or “sweetheart”
· but saying that, he loves when you call him nicknames, like will melt at anything you call him
· so if you had asked to call you a nickname he definitely would do it more often
· not big on pda, minimum he has to be standing next to you, holding your hand or resting his hand on your back, he’ll place a quick kiss to your lips or forehead but not often
· he makes up for it when you’re alone, taking every opportunity to show you how much you mean to him
· for some reason i just imagine like, your first kiss being underwater
· like you’re both pushed into the pool and while under the water just say fuck it and lean it
· even if people are around, it’s just so in the moment
· as much as he loves staying in, cuddling and watching a movie, he LOVES taking you out on dates
· it doesn’t have to be public, he likes bike rides or picnics, scenic things he gets to experience with you
· makes you playlists
· like he doesnt just update one, he’ll make a new one every few months, or ones for certain moods
· you’re sad and he can’t be there? he makes you a playlist of songs so you can think of him and hopefully feel better
· the BEST at comforting
· he’ll listen and only give advice if you want it, or even if you don’t want to talk he is there rubbing your back or tracing shapes on your hand to calm you down
· he like is definitely secretly easily jealous
· like you would never be able to tell if he was, and he would never tell you
· unless it’s someone like, touching you or obviously flirting with you, he will immediately have his arm around you hoping they will get the hint
· but usually he hates getting jealous, especially if its just a friend or he is misreading it
· so he stays silent because he trusts you and know you wouldn’t talk to or encourage anyone trying to get with you
· even while dating he still does the note thing, this time scattering them around your room, in your draws, placing them so you could keep finding them for months
· definitely has a million photos of you, and has a problem with printing them off and putting them everywhere around his room
· he’s absolutely WHIPPED for you
· he loves putting his hands under your shirt onto your waist, feeling how warm you are as you blush
· nose kisses.
· i don’t think hickies happen a lot
· like he loves kissing your neck but he never leaves a mark
· but occasionally slip ups happen, and he’ll feel so bad but you don’t even care, because it shows everybody that you’re taken
· i don’t think he would be a huge fan of you kissing his neck
· probably tickleish so he ends up squirming and giggling
· he likes when you kiss his face though, it doesn’t matter where, he just loves it.
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sapphicbrink · 2 months
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briar    ୨୧    8teen    :    she    :    cam    brinks    girlfriend
⟶    m.list    ୨୧     rules 
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requests  .    .    .    are    open
asks    .    .    .    are    open
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cosmictap · 5 months
I wrote!
Logan walker is a sad sad man I love him
CWs: Implied suicidal ideation? nobody makes an attempt, but it’s worth noting his thoughts arent very happy in the beginning
Logan Walker. He would never call himself special by any stretch of the imagination, and everything in his files tended to agree with that notion. He had, in his professional opinion, the best brother in the world, but him? He was quiet, anxious, regularly described as ‘weird’ by his classmates. He didn’t; or rather, tried not to, let that affect him. Getting through highschool frankly was nothing short of a miracle. They all knew it. He lucked out in his last year before joining the US army, with one Cameron Rorke - his third favourite person, fourth if he was including Riley. He and Cam went through it all together, every stupid little fight he had with his brother, every time he convinced himself the world was out to get him, that it’d be better if he was gone from it entirely.
They did everything together, until Logan and Hesh joined the Ghosts, and the clusterfuck that was their dad’s death. Cameron- he tried, he really did, but he’s never been the best at dealing with processing grief like that, he just felt unbearably guilty, it was *his* dad who killed Elias, after all, despite Logan’s insistence he wasn’t to blame. He’d move heaven and earth for Logan, they both knew that already; but he wasn’t sure how to fix this. If it could be fixed. Death was complicated, he knew that much.
Months later, Hesh and Logan were sent on a mission, stealth- as is their usual- in and out, get the information and *leave*. Of course it didn’t go that easily. On their way out Hesh was shot, twice, both bullets hitting, and shattering, his knee. It effectively fucked them, their stealth was near impossible, and they were slowed down significantly.
Logan never once considered leaving his brother behind.
They struggled through it, coming to a head in the middle of a bridge, Hesh’s balance shifted, causing him to slip out of Logan’s grip for just long enough for his leg to collapse under him, semi dangling off the edge of the bridge. Logan could feel his heart pounding, his hands beginning to shake uncontrollably, but he couldn’t let it get to him, he had to pull his brother up, he had to.
The Ghosts, back at HQ, could only listen in horror, they knew they were too far to help, that much was obvious, but it didn’t stop the sinking feeling everyone felt, the whole situation was so eerily familiar. The image of Elias trying to hold onto Rorke for all he was worth, how he fell, the atmosphere in the air. Powerless.
They listened as Hesh practically begged Logan to let him go, to just let him die. Surprised, and heartbroken, when Logan responded.
*’I’m not *leaving* you! Fuck- This is the first time i’ve actually felt comfortable, i’m *not* letting you die.’*
He’s not sure how he manages it, but he gets himself and his brother back home in one piece, anger and fear written on his face clear as anything could be.
He let himself cry once he was safe, right in their rec room, surrounded by family. Someone - he thinks Keegan - got him a cup of tea. It’s perfectly made and just makes him want to cry more. He leans into Cam, using his best friends - partners- jumper to wipe his tears off onto, letting out a small smile as Cam flicks him for that move.
He’d do anything for his team, for his family. He knew that more than anything.
I listened to Call Your Mum by noah kahan while writing!
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catastrxblues · 11 months
never really liked bio, but if cam cameron has so much to say about marine biology and jellyfishes and eels, then maybe i’ll try
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0sincerelyella · 1 year
Just Us -C.F.
Summary- Conrad brings his girlfriend from back home to cousins this summer, planning a whole summer of just the two of them. but belly and taylor are not having the change.
Warnings: so like i wouldn’t say smut bc it’s not but i guess it’s kinda implied?? a bit not totally
AN: I DO NOT IN ANYWAY HATE BELLY (i’m an avid taylor disliker for sure, not always lol but most of the time) it’s kinda a Nicole situation but i also don’t like Nicole lol grammar mistakes are common, and lower case is on purpose!!
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“your kidding right?” belly said, as she watched the front door shut after a happy skippy conrad ran to his car. “what are you so angry for bells?” Jeremiah asked, putting the milk on the table. “It’s been the same summer forever! just us four and the moms!” she complains, “taylor’s coming down tomorrow” “taylor comes down every summer!” “and you haven’t seen us complaining.” Steven added. “Conrads been mopey the last three days i’ve been here and today he wakes up all cheerful and doesn’t pay mind to anybody!”
“can it belly!” Steven says, laughing at his sister. walking into the kitchen “bells hes been mopey for the past four months the only time he’s happy is when y/n is around.” Jeremiah explained. Belly stood up and walked to her room, ignoring all the reasonings the boys tried to give.
“she’s got it so bad for him” Steven laughed, opening the fridge.
at the bus station conrad couldn’t sit still, he hadn’t felt this happy since they got to cousins. He had a whole summer of excitement planned, which isn’t usually his thing but he’d do anything for y/n. his cheeks grew red when he saw the bus pull up to the stop. he waited not so patiently as he watched all the people flood out of the bus waiting for his beautiful girl.
it was like a scene from a movie when he saw his beautiful shining woman, her hair perfectly framing her face and her dress perfectly framing her body. He watched as her eyes lit up when they met his, and her lips moved into a beautiful smile as she threw her bags down and ran to him
he picked her up in one swift motion and spun her around as they brought each-other into a kiss they wished could last for a life time. Conrad had felt every ounce of sadness and hurt leave his body as he was finally home again. as they pulled away and their foreheads rested together, y/n felt more happiness then she ever has. she hasn’t seen her boy since school, and now she’s in his arms again
“i can not wait for you to meet laurel, Steven and belly” he said with that breathtaking smile. “my moms gonna be so excited to see you! and jere-“ “Conrad, Conrad, i can’t wait to meet them either” she smiled, kissing his nose “but right now it’s just us, just me and my boy” he smiled, putting her down onto the ground. “and my girl” he put his hands on her cheeks and smiled down at her. his girl, his forever
in the car, Y/n smiled, looking over at Conrad in the drivers seat of his car, one arm out the window and the other on the steering wheel. “You know beautiful,” he said, switching his hands, placing one on her thigh and the opposite on the wheel. “this whole summer is gonna be us, me and you” y/ns heart almost exploded at that statement. “The rest of of our lives is gonna be me and you” he finished. grabbing her hand and bringing it to his lips. “Forever” he said. “And always” she finished as they pulled into the fishers beach house driveway.
“Let the y/n and Conrad summer begin” he laughed, jumping out of the car, running to the passenger side to open y/ns door. she hopped out, took his hand, and they walked to the door. “We’re home!” he called. A happy Susanna ran from the kitchen followed by a happy jeremiah. “Y/n! how are you beautiful?!” she pulled her sons girlfriend in for a hug. “Susanna hi!” y/n hugged back the woman she thought of as her second mother. and Jeremiah as her second brother, “now is this the girl i’ve been hearing so much about?” Laurel walked from the kitchen just as susanna had moments before. “princess,” y/n looked up at conrad and smiled at the nickname “this is laurel, laurel this is my girlfriend, y/n” laurel pulled y/n in for a hug as Steven walked in to meet her.
“where’s belly?” Conrad asks “She’s upstairs” Jeremiah chuckled, “getting ready for taylor coming in tomorrow ” Steven added. “taylor?” y/n looked up at Conrad again “whose taylor?” Jeremiah almost spit out his water, causing everyone but Conrad to be confused “Your gonna love her” Jere smiled his mischievous smile
That night, Conrad brought y/n to the pool for a swim. Her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck as the sat in the middle of the pool. “your really beautiful” He says, moving her hair behind her ear. “you are also really beautiful rad boy” she giggled, kissing his lips “No princess, I’m being serious, your like,” he pauses, pulling her chin up. “a shooting star,” he whispers, pulling her in for a deep kiss.
“a shooting star? that’s cheesy” the kiss quickly ended as belly walked out of the house in her bathing suit. “Belly,” Conrad said, as y/n let go of Conrad and swam to the side. “Belly, hi! i’m y/n!” Belly smile half a smile. “hi” she said, sitting on the edge of the pool.
“Belly i told mom we were gonna have the pool to just me and y/n-“ “C, it’s okay” Y/n said, sitting next to belly “C?” belly asked. “his name is Conrad” y/n laughed a nervous laugh “uhm i know i just-“ “Princess it’s okay we can just go walk on the beach” Conrad was embarrassed to say the least, he thought belly would love y/n. because he did.
“princess? Conrad what’s up with you? i thought you said pet names were gross” Belly stood up, turning back to the house. “you say a lot of things before you meet someone who changes it all belly” Conrad said, hoping out of the pool to stand by y/n. “It’s just supposed to be us. the kids and the moms”
“Belly, we arnt kids anymore, people change” Belly huffed, and walked inside, not in the mood for a swim anywhere. “i’m sorry C” y/n said. “baby, what are you even sorry for?” conrad helped y/n stand, and kissed her cheek. “Belly gets protective over tradition, she’s gotta learn that people change” y/n nodded. “let’s go upstairs, yeah?” Conrad grabbed her hand and headed inside.
after they both got changed, they layed in the guest bed looking at each-other. “now i just don’t understand why you can’t sleep in my bed” Conrad said. “have you ever met yourself rad boy?” she laughed, pulling him in for a kiss. A kiss Conrad had been waiting to lay on her lips all day, it was soft and slow. he moved his hand up and down her hip, and his other in her hair. “y/n i wanted to-“ conrad shot up from his spot on the bed, scared it was his mother thinking something else was happening.
“oh hi belly” belly looked at them, with a stoic expression. “i just wanted to apologize but it’s obvious you are busy” and once again, a sweet moment with just the two of them, was no more. “i’m sorry princess, let’s continue this tomorrow okay? belly and jere are gonna be out with taylor, Steven works, and the moms are going shopping so it’ll be just us” y/n laughed
“Goodnight sweet boy” she said” resting her arm on his bicep and pecking his lips. “ill snake in here tomorrow morning and we can lay in bed until belly’s birthday breakfast” Conrad suggested, and y/n smiled “your such a morning horn-dog” he laughed “shhh i am not”
the next morning Conrad did just as he said, and woke y/n up with a kiss. laying next to her for a few extra minutes. Soon, they had all made it downstairs to Belly’s breakfast and everyone started the day off great.
as all of the family left the house, Conrad was excited to have the house to himself and his girl. as the last person in the house, steven, shut the door, Conrad grabbed y/ns hand and they ran to his bedroom.
Conrad sat up in his bed, and y/n sat on his lap, laying her head on his shoulder. “i’ve missed you so much conrad” y/n kissed his cheek. “you do not know how glad i am you could come this summer” Conrad ran his hands down her back, and up her shirt to rest on her bare back. “you know my parents are to busy pampering my little sister to care” she laughed
He smiled, as her hand moved to hold his neck and pull him closer. “i’ve been waiting for this moment since you got here” conrad whispered. “then kiss me stupid” he chuckled, lifting her up and flipping her to lay on the bed. she he kissed her deeply, holding her hips with his hands. her fingers ran through his beautiful hair, and she felt so happy to be in his arms.
their moment was soon ruined by the three people Conrad was hoping would stay out the longest
“This is the girl Conrad chose over you?” “taylor!?” and Jeremiah’s laugh made Conrad crawl off y/n and sit at the end of the bed. he was just about done with everyone ruining his moments with his girl.
“the door was shut! you could’ve knocked.” he crossed his arms as y/n sat up. “chose over her?” y/n asked. Belly shook her head. “she’s not even pretty belly” taylor said, obviously not hiding her presence. “Geez taylor can’t you just stay out of everything!” Conrad yelled. Y/n put her hand on conrad’s shoulder. “C its,” he pushed her hand off his shoulder. “don’t tell me it’s okay.” he snapped, standing up. “i finally get a break from everything and my summer with my girlfriend keeps getting interrupted.”
“Belly we can still have tradition! you have to face that y/n is apart of that now, just like we excepted taylor, with open arms by the way. i’m going off to college next year and it’s not gonna be the same, so get used to it. come on princess”
Conrads little speech made y/n smile. She stood up and apologized to belly, following Conrad close behind. “Connie slow down!” “you never call me connie” “oh your just gonna have to except the change” y/n smirked, jumping on his back. “oh your such a jerk” he said, laughing as he walked down the stares with her on his back.
“you know you love me” she smiled, kissing his cheek from behind his head. “that i do jerk” he smiled, walking outside. “make out on the beach?” “yes sir”
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wqterlillypdfs · 1 year
okay, question: i'm aware that the hype for tsitp has died out, but is anyone on this site still willing to read fics for the fandom? i've got a jeremiah one i'm working on now and i'm unsure on whether to post it before the release of season 2, or just get it out right now...
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
meet me at our spot - c.f
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summary: after a text from conrad asking y/n to come over, she could never say no.
conrad fisher x reader
a/n: soooo i’m like a year late to the tsitp game… but i just finished it and i cried like a baby omfg and conrad’s #1 protector!!
conrad (10:45 PM)
come over, i’m on the dock
the second the notification popped up on her screen, she was out of bed. she was dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a tank top, laying in bed but not being able to sleep. she’d been the one to paint a smile on conrad’s face this summer, and susannah knew that. she was happy to have y/n over whenever she could, noticing oldest son’s face light up when she walked in.
y/n was conrad’s soldier. she fought battles for him when he felt like he was too weak to do it himself. he cried on her and his best days were spent with her. the second they kissed last summer, he knew they were in it for the long run. no one could point out a cause for conrad’s recent misery. all they wanted to do was find a light for him in this tunnel. y/n was well aware that he had been struggling. he wasn’t opening up, but she knew that just being there next to him in bed was enough for him. no one has ever gone through the trouble of loving him so much, instead of just reaching over for a condom. he felt trapped everywhere he went, and the dock is where he decompressed. y/n always found him there, the only person he really wanted there. belly and jeremiah had come out there, but something about y/n’s hand in his made his heart balance.
as much as he wishes to forget all his thoughts, he was so happy with her all the time. she was like an eraser to the spelling mistakes and a bandaid on the cuts. she was more than just a girlfriend to him, she was a lifesaver.
y/n decided to just walk over to the fisher’s beach house. she hadn’t driven, knowing he’d probably want her to stay the night as well. despite the sun being out of the sky, the air was still warm and wrapped you in like a hug. you could smell the salt of the ocean and the damp grass in their yard. the sky was clear, just the high crescent of the moon reflecting on the water. something about it was therapeutic, reminder her of the boy waiting for her in the backyard.
she shuffled through a few patches a grass before carefully making her way down the dock to meet conrad. she greeted him as he had a joint in between his lips, lighting it up before releasing the smoke. “hey,” y/n says, sitting down next to him.
“you came,” he replies, almost sounding surprised.
“of course i did,” she grins. she takes the joint and places it between her own lips, inhaling and then blowing out a puff. the dock smelt like weed, but it was no secret that they’d been smoking. besides, susannah did it with laurel all the time. “you ok?”
“yeah, just wanted to see you,” he looks into her eyes and smiles. “i couldn’t sleep.”
“explains the pot we’re smoking. i couldn’t sleep either.” she hands it back to conrad. “even if i was sleeping, you know i’d come to you whenever.”
“i know. i’m always just eager to see you in person.”
“why?” she questions, teasingly. she knows the answer, but wants him to do it for himself. he leans in, pulling the joint back and landing a passionate kiss on her lips.
“because i can’t kiss you like that over the phone.”
she blushes like a middle schooler when her crush just looks at her once. like they haven’t been seeing each other since last summer and like she isn’t the only thing getting him out of bed in the morning. she looks deep into his red eyes, admiring every thought and feeling inside his beautiful head. “i’m always here for you, conrad. winter, spring, summer, and fall, i’ll be there.”
his lips curl into another thrilling smile, wrapping his arm around her as they pass the joint around a few times. they sit there for a while, glaring at the calm ripples in the water. it was just before midnight when they checked his phone again, seeing the bright numbers illuminate their faces. he gives y/n a mischievous look. “are you hungry?”
she directs another look of confusion to him, “what are you saying, fisher?”
the two stumble inside, stoned as they walk into the kitchen to take out a box of mac & cheese from the cabinet. they look over to jeremiah and steven, both slumped on the couch with their controllers on their stomach and the TV on a screensaver. “don’t wake them up, they’re gonna want some!” conrad attempts a whisper, but his small giggles pass through instead.
“shut the fuck up, we’re trying to be quiet,” y/n replies. as soon as she opens the drawer to get out a pot, a few of them clatter around and steven shuffles in his sleep. they both crouch down on the floor in hysterics until they hear the light snores from steven again.
“don’t worry about jeremiah, he’s slept on the bench at six flags once,” conrad says, peeking over to the two sleeping teens on the couch. they slowly fill the pot up with water and wait for it to boil. they don’t turn the timer on, just calculate the times on their phone as the water almost boils over to edge.
“shit, i told you to watch the water,” conrad says, turning the burner down.
“no, we both agreed i was gonna look at the phone.”
“it’s whatever, baby, just pour that cheese in here,” conrad requests after straining the flavorless pasta out of the water. they both pour each others bowls before running upstairs to conrad’s room. “we fucking did it!”
“finally, oh my god,” y/n speaks, sitting down on his bed as she places her bowl on his nightstand. “wanna watch shitty reality tv?”
“what type of question is that? of course, i want to,” he says sarcastically, throwing his hands up in the air before laying down on his bed and pulling y/n into him. her head was on his chest as his arm wrapped around her. they watched some old reruns of the kardashians before they were both eventually knocked out on his bed.
the sun had finally risen, and everyone else was up and ready for the day. they’d been eating their breakfast, and the kids were asking where conrad was.
“i’ll go check on connie, i’ll be right back,” susannah says, sweetly as she walks up the stairs she walks in to conrad and y/n on the bed, their bowls abandoned on the floor as her head is on chest, and his arms were around her. susannah laughs and debates whether or not to shake them awake, but she just nudges conrad a bit as he stretches and opens his eyes. “hey, we’re making breakfast if you want to join us?”
“oh, yeah. i’ll be down in a minute. she was tired, i might let her sleep for a little longer,” he says, looking at y/n.
“of course, she’s always welcome, connie,” susannah leaves the door open a crack and goes back downstairs. if y/n made conrad happy, then y/n made susannah happy.
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girlkisser13 · 2 months
cam cameron masterlist
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* indicates smut
dating cam cameron would include
nsfw headcanons *
you belong with me
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ayatotiddies · 30 days
🥁- 🎸 - Band!Rafe Who Just Missed You So Much While On Tour :(
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Ask from @justafangirls-blog <3
Warnings - 18+ MDNI - P in V, Porn With Plot, Established Relationship, No Protection (Wrap it before you tap it!), Creampie, Just lots of soft loving, Sweet kisses, Soft ‘nd subby Rafe <3, Name Calling (Pretty girl, Sweet Thing, Babydoll, Angel, Baby. Reader calls HIM Ray, like once or twice.), Ownership Kink (Mine and Yours). NOT PROOF READ.
Moodboard - Here 🎸
A/N - This was so yummy 😩 Also I wrote all of this while half asleep….
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The door creaked open, causing your pretty head to look away from the tv. Only to see it was your boyfriend back home from his tour. Before he could place his guitar down you were padding over to him in that pretty little nightgown.
You chirped with a smile painted on that pretty face. Arms wrapping tight around his neck as you pulled him in for a hug.
“Hey gorgeous,” the man hummed and kissed on your forehead. “How’s my girl been?”
He murmured, picking you up into his arms. Completely forgetting about his guitar, Rafe walked down the hall into your shared bedroom.
“I missed you” You whined, pretty lips puckered out in a pout.
The sight only making the blonde snicker as he laid you both on the bed. Finding a very comfortable spot between your thighs
“Missed you so much more, pretty girl.” He nuzzled into your neck, peppering kisses along your skin.
A soft hum came from your pretty lips. His soft kisses were making your panties SOAKED. You just missed your man so much! It wasn’t your fault. :( So when he slowly leaned down onto you, you were quick to change the position. You quickly demanding the man onto his back so you could straddle him and who was he to complain?
“Anything for you, lover.”
Was all you heard before he got on his back, his hands sat on your hips in the process. It’s so obvious the hard on his has in his jeans but he’s trying to be sweet! For you. Until he knows you want it. The way you’re biting that pretty lip and soft grinding on him. A soft grunt or two, falling from his lips. Accompanied by a little whine, his grip on your hips tightening.
“Sweet thing, as much as I love this are you reallly gonna tease me all night? Or help me out here.” The rough man whispered, like he was in a place to demand.
“Rafe, just shut up.” You pouted, leaving the man stunned.
He got the memo as you lifted your hips up. While you grabbed your pretty little lace panties to the side, he unbuckled his belt, quickly tugging his pants and boxers down. Cock springing out proudly and smacking against his abs.
A cocky grin on your lips, causing you to bite your bottom one. He grabbed his cock a have it a few quick strokes before lining it up with your soaked entrance. Your hand took over as you slowly sunk down onto him. The way your lips parted and eyes turned to slits. He could cum on the spot, instantly he grabbed your hips. His eyes were on the verge of rolling back into his head a soft whimper leaving his lips.
“Babydoll, I’ma need you to calm down or I- Shit, I might cum. Think you can do that for me Angel?”
The way you bit your lip and nodded, he let out an exhale. Then he let you fully sink down onto him. Pausing to give him a momentary break. While you just felt so full and wanted to ride him. The man could barely handle it, being gone for 2 weeks was clearly too much. His eyes fluttered shut and then opened with a soft nod.
A loud groan from the man underneath you. His hands shifted from your hips to your ass. Gripping the meaty flesh as you bounced on him.
“You look so pretty Ray.” You teased and leaned down, kissing his pretty lips.
A whine left the man’s lips as he kept you down on him.
“Can’t say shit like that, baby. Especially not when you’re on top of me.” The whisper was a soft breath across your lips.
Pulling a hand up to hold the back of your neck as he kissed you. The other now splayed on your back. Soft grunts and pretty moans filled the air as you grinded down on him. The way his tip kissed that spot in you, over and over and over again. It was heavenly. Eyes rolling back before he softly kissed you back to earth.
“S’okay pretty girl, you got this. You wanna cum for me?” He questioned to which he earned an immediate nod, along with those sweet moans.
That sweet smile on his face as he hummed.
“M’kay, I’ll take care of it.” He whispered and moved his hands down to your hips.
Your head found its resting spot in his neck. Kissing and leaving your saliva all over him. He carefully started bouncing you up and down. Occasionally stopping to grind you down on him, just to give that pretty clit of yours some pressure. When your nails dug into his shoulders and you clenched around him, he knew you were close.
“Shit, y’gonna cum all on me?” He grinned and proceeded to pick up the pace.
“Rafe, need to- cum!” You poor thing, were so cock drunk you couldn’t help but hiccup in between words.
In your hazy mind he was just being plain mean when he snickered but he was doing all the work! ‘Nd he thought you were so cute when you started trembling, your eyes rolling back as you clenched around him.
“That’s it sweet girl, c’mon, cum all over my cock.” He urged, feeling himself nearing the edge.
You pushed yourself up, hands using his chest as a stand. Slowly bouncing up and down on him as you neared the edge of your orgasm. Rafe moaned out with you. Biting his lip before letting out a rough groan. His grip so tight on your hips it stung.
A few messy thrusts later and an unsteady bounce. Your eyes rolled back as you came around him. Clenching so prettily around his pulsing cock. Creating a creamy ring around his base. The man lost it. Digging those rough fingers into you as his hips bucked up. Getting impossibly deeper to spill his load into you. He was proud he had held out this long.
Your head laid down on his chest. Both of your breaths were unsteady and raggedy. His fingers treaded through your sweaty hair. A sheen gloss of sweat coated the two of you. Rough pants and soothing touches
“I don’t think I’m ever going to leave you for that long. EVER. again.” The man declared with what looked like a pout.
Causing both of you to burst out into a fit of giggles. The giggles quieted down though.
“You gonna be mine forever, right?” You looked up at the man with a questioning look.
“Uh’course baby, I’m yours for life.” He confirmed.
“Missed you Ray.”
“I missed you more baby.” The man declared, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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@justafangirls-blog @mackenzie-maybank @starkeycore @rafescokewhore @rafeyscurtainbangs @drewstarkeys-world @rafesbabygirll @starkeygirlposts @shawtycoreee @rafesthroatbaby @bunnycrush @theeslutintheroom @spaghettimonsterjane @2tarbell @rafecameronsbunny @starkeysprincess @bunnyrafe @nemesyaaa @rafesangeldealer @starkeyvhs @rafesbee @rafesno1bae @wearemadeofstardust0 @deffnotlou
All of my muts once again… 💋
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kyleiskoool · 1 month
I'm so DONE with ao3 making cam the top PLEASE HAVE YOU WATCHED THE SHOW 😭😭😭
Example one of many….
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FEMSLASH FEBRUARY #6: In which Cameron realizes that she has a wife
NOTE: it wasn't planned, but, this one turned out to be for @theresebelivett and her tattoo <3
[CN: food/dinner, being and getting upset at a restaurant] . .
Cameron made it through the first 20 minutes of dinner with two new, unknown representatives from Atari before she felt compelled to excuse herself and rush outside for some air.
The representatives themselves were refreshingly un-executive seeming. Nico, a gangly, unabashedly nerdy Filipino kid with shoulder length hair who’d just joined the company, collected vintage games and obscure comic books, and maintained a website with recommendations that was inspired by Comet. His boss, Becca, had described herself as an introvert, but had talked animatedly to Cameron about fantasy and speculative fiction, musical theater, David Lynch, gaming, and her attempts to learn to code. Becca was short (as most people were, next to Cameron), round, pale, bespectacled, and had several visible tattoos. She had bright brown eyes and short hair, and one side of her head was shaved, and she spoke to Cameron and Donna with this funny, endearing mix of real confidence and slightly nervous reverence.
The four of them met at Mountain View’s finest steakhouse, where Atari had reserved a quiet back room for their meeting, and Nico and Becca talked like the kids that Cameron used to chat with on the internet in the 1980s. They didn’t just know Phoenix, they knew Mutiny, seemed like they’d used it themselves. They didn’t just know Cameron’s most recent, independently released game, Steward, they knew every volume of the Spacebike Chronicles, and they knew about Pilgrim. Becca even had a Spacebike tattoo on the inside of her left arm, a simple outline of Cameron’s hero, standing next to her bike, and when Becca showed it to Cameron and Donna, it hadn’t felt smarmy or manipulative at all. Donna had laughed with delight, and said, “Oh, I kind of want one just like it!” But that was when Cameron had stood up abruptly and said, “Uh, I’ll be back…soon, bye,” and bolted.
After just over 10 minutes Donna went and found Cameron, who was standing outside, a few feet from the restaurant’s back entrance, chewing on her thumbnail.
“It’s a good thing you’re still here,” Donna said. “Those kids seem really nice, but if you’d left me here with them, alone, you’d be looking at a week on the couch, at least.”
Cameron looked at Donna, who was standing in front of her in a pale blue, cocktail-length asymmetrical dress that had a sort of Grecian vibe, that Cameron thought looked very nice on Donna, though the idea of having one shoulder covered and one shoulder bare made Cameron’s own skin crawl. Donna’s hair was pinned up, and she was wearing high heels. She’d convinced Cameron to leave Phoenix’s offices early that day, so they would have time to get dressed, and pushed her to wear her most expensive wool slacks and best-fitting blazer. Cameron hadn’t fully appreciated what a big deal this out of the blue dinner with Atari really was until she’d seen what Donna was wearing.
Donna reached for Cameron’s hand and gently pulled it away from her mouth, and kept it in hers. “What are you thinking?” she asked.
Miserably, Cameron said, “That you look beautiful. ‘Businessman’s wife who does all the actual work and closes the deal over drinks’ is a look that really suits you. Even though I don’t feel like I deserve it.”
“Don’t be silly,” Donna said. “I mean, you’re right, it is a look that suits me very well. But you absolutely deserve it. I’m only enjoying it immensely because I’m here with you.” She squeezed Cameron’s hand, and asked, “What’s really bothering you?”
“I don’t know,” Cameron admitted. “It just doesn’t feel good. I don’t know if it’s because it really doesn’t feel good, or because I’m remembering how it felt before.”
“What happened?” Donna asked, letting of Cameron’s hand. She crossed her arms over her chest. “How did it feel before?”
Cameron took a breath, as if that might help her hold back her tears, but it didn’t really work. Unsteadily, she said, “I made Pilgrim for you. And for me, too, and how I felt after Mutiny. I made it for you, and for us. Even if I didn’t realize it at first.”
Donna beamed at Cameron, and rubbed her upper arms, as if she were trying to keep warm.
Cameron took off her blazer, and put it around Donna’s shoulders.
“Thanks,” Donna said, pulling the blazer closed.
“I get that you and me and us is a very niche audience,” Cameron continued. “But they shit-canned it. And I’m still upset.”
“Well, I’m sure I would be too,” Donna said. “It’s okay that you feel that way, though. You get to feel that way for as long as you want to. You don’t have to decide anything, or sign anything, tonight. All you have to do is order the most expensive thing on the menu and enjoy it.”
“Yeah?” Cameron asked. “That’s okay, if we just have dinner, and maybe forget this ever happened?”
“Yeah, it’s okay,” Donna smiled. “They’re here for you. They came all the way down here because they want something from you, they need you. You’re the talent, and you’re the one who’s in charge.”
Cameron wiped some tears away with the back of her hand. “I’m the one who’s in charge.”
“We should also get more appetizers. And desserts,” Donna said.
“As always, you’re right,” Cameron said. She put her arm out, and Donna smiled at her, and took it. They started back toward the restaurant together.
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