#honestly my boy cam was not even meant to be in this fic but the bastard crawled his way in anyway
cosmictap · 5 months
I wrote!
Logan walker is a sad sad man I love him
CWs: Implied suicidal ideation? nobody makes an attempt, but it’s worth noting his thoughts arent very happy in the beginning
Logan Walker. He would never call himself special by any stretch of the imagination, and everything in his files tended to agree with that notion. He had, in his professional opinion, the best brother in the world, but him? He was quiet, anxious, regularly described as ‘weird’ by his classmates. He didn’t; or rather, tried not to, let that affect him. Getting through highschool frankly was nothing short of a miracle. They all knew it. He lucked out in his last year before joining the US army, with one Cameron Rorke - his third favourite person, fourth if he was including Riley. He and Cam went through it all together, every stupid little fight he had with his brother, every time he convinced himself the world was out to get him, that it’d be better if he was gone from it entirely.
They did everything together, until Logan and Hesh joined the Ghosts, and the clusterfuck that was their dad’s death. Cameron- he tried, he really did, but he’s never been the best at dealing with processing grief like that, he just felt unbearably guilty, it was *his* dad who killed Elias, after all, despite Logan’s insistence he wasn’t to blame. He’d move heaven and earth for Logan, they both knew that already; but he wasn’t sure how to fix this. If it could be fixed. Death was complicated, he knew that much.
Months later, Hesh and Logan were sent on a mission, stealth- as is their usual- in and out, get the information and *leave*. Of course it didn’t go that easily. On their way out Hesh was shot, twice, both bullets hitting, and shattering, his knee. It effectively fucked them, their stealth was near impossible, and they were slowed down significantly.
Logan never once considered leaving his brother behind.
They struggled through it, coming to a head in the middle of a bridge, Hesh’s balance shifted, causing him to slip out of Logan’s grip for just long enough for his leg to collapse under him, semi dangling off the edge of the bridge. Logan could feel his heart pounding, his hands beginning to shake uncontrollably, but he couldn’t let it get to him, he had to pull his brother up, he had to.
The Ghosts, back at HQ, could only listen in horror, they knew they were too far to help, that much was obvious, but it didn’t stop the sinking feeling everyone felt, the whole situation was so eerily familiar. The image of Elias trying to hold onto Rorke for all he was worth, how he fell, the atmosphere in the air. Powerless.
They listened as Hesh practically begged Logan to let him go, to just let him die. Surprised, and heartbroken, when Logan responded.
*’I’m not *leaving* you! Fuck- This is the first time i’ve actually felt comfortable, i’m *not* letting you die.’*
He’s not sure how he manages it, but he gets himself and his brother back home in one piece, anger and fear written on his face clear as anything could be.
He let himself cry once he was safe, right in their rec room, surrounded by family. Someone - he thinks Keegan - got him a cup of tea. It’s perfectly made and just makes him want to cry more. He leans into Cam, using his best friends - partners- jumper to wipe his tears off onto, letting out a small smile as Cam flicks him for that move.
He’d do anything for his team, for his family. He knew that more than anything.
I listened to Call Your Mum by noah kahan while writing!
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idealisticrealism · 6 months
TCL 3x03 thoughts
Many thoughts and spoilers, as usual.
The Main things:
Given the timeframe with Fi’s journey back (and needing her in time for the Child Protective Services meeting), it can’t have been more than a day or two since the last episode.
The reappearance of Adan’s name in the credits was very confusing until Russo produced the video. I’m pretty used to the body double use now (managed to not even cry at the sight of my boy, which I'll take as progress) so my main thoughts about the vid were that it looks just like a scene from a fic idea I had last week that did make me cry, and also that if the footage is from a police body cam, I’m guessing that cop is dead/unconscious and slumped against their own vehicle given the angle and the fact they’re not moving…
Calling it right now, ‘Jeremy the handyman’ is undercover FBI. Russo is smart enough and determined enough not to put all her eggs in the Nadia basket, so I think that this is her other plan to take Thony (and through her, Arman) down. And as she later tells Nadia: nothing is ever as it seems. So I'm convinced the racist attack on the Cleaning Ladies office was fabricated by the FBI to allow ‘Jeremy’ to be introduced into Thony’s life in a way that would lead her to trust him quickly and allow him into her circle, especially with his kindness and all his sentiments about the shittiness of xenophobia and how ‘this is her home, no matter what anyone says’. I’m actually genuinely pissed about it tbh, bc Thony deserves that kindness and support for real, instead of having her isolation and fear and vulnerability preyed upon by people who want to throw her behind bars just because she didn’t play by the rules of their flawed and biased system…
Sigh honestly though, Thony is too stubborn and short-sighted for her own good. Like yes she saved Soledad’s life by ignoring Dante’s orders, but in doing so she risked her own life as well as Fi and Chris’ lives, and also jeopardised her relationship with both Ramona and the CPS worker who is responsible for deciding if Luca should be taken from her or not. At least she’s written consistently in that she always tries to do the ‘right thing’ and save the person in front of her, but that means she often overlooks the potential consequences of taking that action and the overall balance of good vs bad that would come out of it. Like I’m guessing she’s one of those people who absolutely hates the Trolley Problem lol
Well now we know how Paolo’s money comes into play… funny that if he’d never given Chris the money, Chris wouldn’t have been able to give it to Camila and her mum, which means they wouldn’t have come on the crossing, so he would have never had to fight the guy to defend Camila, and wouldn’t have ended up getting stranded in the desert…. Again, this show really is great at demonstrating those ‘well-intentioned actions leading to bad outcomes’ moments 
This ep is really trying to give Jorge a bit more depth, from him being all cute about Violeta’s soccer practice (showing he’s an involved dad who is also laid back and knows how to have fun, not one of those intense/pushy ones), and how his warnings to Thony have become less like threats and more like well-meaning advice. He’s willingly acting as Thony’s chauffeur rather than sending an underling to do it, and he’s also letting her debate with him on a more even level than before, where previously he just shut her down immediately. He even actually seems to listen to her about not hurting Nadia and the idea of letting Ramona meet Nadia instead (given what we see in the trailer). The scene where he finds her with the van is likely meant to look like he is hiding something, but I think he is genuinely looking for Arman and actually didn’t know that this was the van that took him, and he just doesn’t trust her enough yet to be open with her about it.  I also think he respects that she cares enough about Arman to stand up to him, to challenge him about his possible involvement– if I’m right and he truly is trying to bring Arman home safe, her persistent loyalty to Arman even in the face of danger to herself would be a big point in her favour. 
Okay what the hell is the little glass jar Thony finds, though?? Something of Arman’s? Something that they can get a bad guy’s fingerprints off of to give them a lead? A sedative medication that indicates he was drugged and taken somewhere, rather than killed and dumped?? I need answerssss
Poor Nadia is suffering through feelings of betrayal on all sides here lol. I don’t blame her at all for going to Russo and trying to save herself and Arman through a deal, but I’m so relieved that Russo’s obsession with punishing Arman has made that alliance an impossibility. Now all we need is for Nadia to cool down a little, and realise that despite everything, there’s only one person she can truly turn to… (and yes, I’ve written a fic about it lol)
“You ever notice that everyone around him turns up dead?” lollll look at this show being all self-aware about its tendency to just kill off its problems haha. But still, Russo’s got it all wrong; Arman’s not the common denominator here. He may have been the one pulling the trigger a few times, but he was almost never the one actually setting the events in motion. Instead, it’s Thony. Despite being someone who tries at all times to save lives, Thony is like an unintentional angel of death for those she encounters, and sadly Arman is going to be the next to fall.    
Other stuff:
It was interesting to see how clever the cartel is with all the different types of vehicles they use to transport people in order to avoid suspicion, I wonder how realistic that is?
I love that the show has continued its tradition of having cleaners/household staff regularly appearing in the background, highlighting the fact that even if they’re often overlooked, they’re there
The date on the bodycam is messing with my timeframe for the show based on the only other previous reference to dates that we’ve gotten, and though I know they probably just picked a random date, I don’t like it haha
That was very cool imagery with Ramona’s tea, of something shrivelled and dull being put into an intense environment and blossoming into something amazing… hmmm, wonder what they’re trying to say about Thony there haha
Fi totally ships Chris and Camila lol. I love the bond that formed between the two families (Fi protecting them in the store by putting on the Southern Belle act was awesome), and I hope Camila and her mum continue to be in the show, like maybe Fi and Thony could hire the mum as one of their cleaners and help both of them settle into life as an immigrant in the US. 
Also, the ICE raid was hard to watch, but bless the ladies in the store who helped them to hide! True allies!
The emotional song playing at the end as Fi and Chris are left behind is called 'Sister, Take My Hand' which just feels fitting for this show
Anyway, really looking forward to the Nadia & Ramona meeting next week. My wild dream of a badass coalition of mob women (Thony, Fi, Nadia, Ramona) running Vegas may just happen yet…
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drawlfoy · 4 years
snake for a badger
masterlist requests are closed, but read this before you click away! message me/send an ask to be tagged :)
pairing: hufflepuff!reader x draco
request? nope this was something that i came up with myself but low key i had quite a few hufflepuff requests that i never attended to and i wanted to give the hufflepuffs some love (my longest fics have had either ravenclaw or gryffindor readers, so this is your moment y’all...if you’re a slytherin then i’ll have something coming up for you soon ;))
summary: 6th year hufflepuff y/n y/l/n doesn’t know if she be afraid of draco malfoy after her friends warn her about his potential status as a death eater...and the fact that he keeps showing up to save her isn’t helping. THIS IS A TEASER!!!! for a much longer oneshot that’s currently in progress!!
warnings: teen drinking, secondhand embarrassment, swearing
a/n: important note that THIS IS A TEASER. i honestly have no idea how the entire oneshot is going to look (even though i assume that this isn’t exactly a one shot if there’s this added onto it). i’m not even sure if this is going to be a scene--it’s just the very first thing i wrote for it, and i liked it. i feel like draco’s character in this is really tricky because i haven’t yet decided how “ooc” i want him to be. i just really liked this idea and i’ve always had the image of y/n saving draco in this particular movie scene. let me know your thoughts!
no music recs, this is just a teaser
tags tags tags @gruffle1 @missmulti @cleopatera @hahaboop @accio-rogers @geeksareunique @eltanin-malfoy @war-sword @cams-lynn @itsivyberry @ayo-cowbelly @nerd-domland @yesnerdsblog @shizarianathania @evanstanfanatic @strawberriesonsummer @hariosborn @night-ving @straightzoinked @imintoodeeptostop @naiomimoonshard @jejegu @ophelia-enthusiast @alwaysbeanunknownfan @nearly-memories @litty-dumb @callieclearwater @malfoy-wife15 @charlenasaxen @belladaises @fiantomartell
word count: 2.5k
Her shoes dug into the back of her heels as she tried to keep up with Ginny around the corner. 
“I don’t understand why you insist on wearing those...torture devices,” the red-haired witch said without adjusting her stride in the slightest. Y/N was tempted to just rip them off then and there and attend Slughorn’s party barefoot and carefree, but she knew better. It was in her best interest to try and get on the good side of the professors. Even though she had no intention of holding an office in the Ministry or becoming an Auror, she still wanted a good scroll of recommendation from her Potions professor. Especially considering his connections.
“Why don’t you just spell the back of them soft?” asked Ginny. “That’s what Parvati does. At least, I think that’s what she does. I don’t know how else she’s able to wear them with her uniform every day.”
“She doesn’t know the first thing about shoes.” Y/N winced the tip of her heel wobbled for a moment in between the cobblestones. “Once you spell a shoe soft, they’re never the same again. They’re ruined. At least, that’s what my mother has always told me--she swears by that balm stuff I keep on my nightstand.”
“Ah, Mrs. Y/L/N. I’m glad she’s not here to see me. I think she would demand that I pay with my life for my outfit today.”
Y/N managed a smile. “Hey. You know she likes you. I think so, at least.”
They rounded the corner, and this time Ginny was kind enough to steady Y/N as they made their way up the final flight of stairs. “I don’t know how you’re going to make it through the whole night, Y/N. I bet you wish you’d taken up Nott’s offer to be your date this time, huh? Now that you don’t have anyone to lean on if your feet get too tired?”
“There’s something called taking my shoes off if they hurt too much,” she responded. “And I could never regret that--I know he only did it because his mother told him to. Something about a favor for my mother after we saved her at a gala, I’m sure.”
“Also the fact that Millie would crucify you if she saw you with him.”
Y/N laughed. “That too. Imagine being a Hufflepuff who accidentally put a target on her back…”
“You’d be dead.”
“But very, very stylish. And if I died, my feet wouldn’t hurt anymore.”
Ginny tutted at her. “So morbid.”
The staircase had finally turned to their stop, and before the two girls had a chance to get off, Y/N heard a voice call out for her companion.
“Ginny! Hey, Ginny!”
She pulled Y/N up the last few steps and deposited her safely on the corridor platform before bounding off towards Harry and Luna at the opposite end of the hall. They must’ve come from a different direction. “I’ll catch up with you at the party, ok?”
Y/N just beamed at her friend as she closed the difference between her and Harry, pulling both him and Luna around the corner towards the music and sound of the party. If it was anyone else, she might’ve been offended, but she knew how much Harry meant to her. Even if Ginny didn’t know it yet. And Y/N would not, under any circumstance, slow her friend down because of her poor footwear choices.
She dusted her dress off before making her way further down the hall. It was slower going without the prospect of a steadying hand next to her, but it was getting easier. Maybe the balm she’d used on the leather really was softening with each step she took like it said on the box. 
Before she lifted the curtain to walk into the jovial evening, a flash of blond hair caught her eye. Platinum blond hair--the type that only belonged to one person she knew. 
His head snapped up from its previous spot on his knees that were folded up on the floor. The Slytherin was obscured by the darkness and the dividing wall that had been erected in the corridor, but Y/N was completely sure of what she was seeing.
She crept closer, inwardly cringing at the sound her heels made as they clacked across the stones. 
“Need anything, Y/L/N?” he drawled. Once she was close enough to see his face clearly, his expression made it clear that he was not in a good mood. Not like he ever was, though. 
“Why are you...er...just sitting here?” Fuck. She sounded so ditzy.
“Enjoying my Friday night.”
“Oh...ok.” Y/N swallowed. “You were invited to Slughorn’s party?” 
He shrugged. 
Her mouth felt dry. Obviously, he hadn’t been invited. Slughorn was notorious for wanting to keep a squeaky clean image, and entertaining the idea of inviting a Death Eater’s son was...out of question. And he never tried in his class anymore.
She dared another look down at him and nearly squeaked when she saw him staring directly back at her. Under normal circumstances, she would’ve at least told him goodbye or goodnight, but her words completely failed her. Instead, she just stared back, completely frozen. 
She couldn’t help it. Ever since last fall, she couldn’t act normal around him to save her life. Not after...that. 
A cat meowed in the distance, breaking whatever was paralyzing her. 
“I...I have to go. I think that’s Filch.” 
He said nothing--just tilted his head and raised an eyebrow like he was expecting something from her. She spun and walked as quickly as she could manage without breaking an ankle.
“What took you so long, Y/N?” Ginny asked the moment the curtain fell behind her, closing her back into the party. The tent that was magically set up was much more spacious than she was expecting, and the lime and peach coloring was surprisingly bright and cheery.
Her explanation was cut short by the sound of the entrance curtain being shoved aside with so much force that the nearest tables shook, the fine china clattering. 
Filch stood in front of them, holding a very peeved looking Draco Malfoy by the scruff of his neck. “Found this boy loitering around outside. I don’t imagine that he’s been invited to your party here.”
“I’ll take care of it.” Professor Snape appeared to her left, his robes billowing black behind him as he made his way towards the pair.
“Ok, ok, I admit it, I wasn’t--”
“Draco! Where have you been?” 
The words were out of her mouth before she even had the chance to think of the heavy, heavy regret that weighed down at her the moment they were spoken--not to mention the foreign feeling of the name “Draco” instead of Malfoy on her tongue. The tension in the room was tangible as Y/N took a few tentative steps forward. Snape whipped around to glare at her with a look that contained so much venom that it nearly stunned her.
“Miss Y/L/N? What’s going on?” Her sweet Potions professor materialized behind her. Y/N felt a twinge in her gut at what she was about to say--if she followed through, he probably wouldn’t ever give her the scroll of recommendation she wanted. “Did you invite him?”
Oh well. Here goes.
She drew in a shaky breath. “Yes. He’s my...uh...date tonight.”
Ginny spun around and sent her a death glare that said oh you are so telling me about this right now. 
Filch released his grip on Malfoy’s neck, shoving him forward into the crowd. Y/N met his eyes for a brief second, and the only emotion she could register was shock. And anger.
“Fine. Dumbledore will be hearing about this, though. And tell your date to stop breaking curfew in restricted areas.” 
With that, the curtain fell back and Filch was gone, leaving Y/N in the throes of her own despair. Malfoy was just a few feet away from her now, standing in all his gloomy glory. And she’d just told everyone that he was her date.
The music started up again, the strings echoing around the still room. A few couples hesitantly started dancing again, and the roar of conversation slowly picked back up to where it left off. Y/N and Malfoy were the only ones not doing something...coupley. 
“So,” said Malfoy. The sigh that followed was completely unreasonable. “I think you’re supposed to tell me to stop breaking curfew in restricted areas sometime soon.”
She gulped. “Yeah. That.”
He held out his hand, slow and gingerly like he was about to touch a hot stove. Y/N just gawked at it.
“We should probably dance. Or something. I don’t think you’re being a very believable date right now.” 
Y/N grabbed his hand and let him pull her into the mess of couples. It felt like her mind had taken a complete vacation. What had happened? How had this night ended up this way? “I didn’t mean for this to happen,” she started.
“Yeah, well, me neither.” He was practiced and comfortable as he guided her through the steps of whatever waltz was playing. Y/N never paid much attention when she was young to the dance lessons that her parents painstakingly put her through--and it was clear from how much she needed to depend on him. Her shoes didn’t help, 
“Ginny is going to fucking kill me,” she said suddenly. 
“You think?” he said, his tone flat. “Why’d you say I was your date? Were you that desperate for someone?”
“I…” The words died on her tongue as she tried to get them out. Malfoy spun her as she clung to the silk lapel of his suit, hanging on for dear life as her heels teetered. “You know why.” 
If he had any strong thoughts on the matter, he didn’t let it show on his face. He simply let his gaze flicker down at her for a second before he dipped her. “You know, in my world we don’t really return favors. If I were you, I would stop trying to repay me. There’s no point.”
“There doesn’t need to be one. I just…”
“Just worry about yourself, okay? I don’t need you to be stirring up your own drama with fruitless attempts to pay me back. I’m perfectly capable on my own.”
“I’m not doubting how capable you are! I’m just being a fair person!”
“Nothing about any of this is fair,” he snipped. “It doesn’t matter what you do. You’re not going to set anything right. You should know better, anyways. You shouldn’t be trying to help me. I’m surprised Potter isn’t teaching you this.”
Y/N’s cheeks grew hot while the song slowly creaked to the end. “Malfoy--” 
“I’m going to get us drinks.” He dropped her hand and was gone before another word could leave her lips.
It took Ginny no more than a minute to have her friend cornered in a quiet spot of the tent, her eyes glittering. “When were you going to tell me that you were going to ask Malfoy to be your date?”
“I didn’t,” Y/N told her. She decided that she might as well be truthful. “I just felt bad for him. Snape seemed like he was in a bad mood, and I don’t want to put him through that. I don’t want to put anyone through that.”
“Ugh, you are such a Hufflepuff,” her friend groaned. “I can’t believe you. You’re kind to a fault sometimes, you know.”
“What’s the harm, Gin?” asked Y/N. “He can’t hurt me. He’s not all that bad. He’s just a prat sometimes.”
“Can’t hurt you--oh, dear.” Ginny let out a shaky breath and ran her fingers through her hair, messing up the pinned portions. Y/N resisted the urge to cringe at the sight. “Hasn’t Harry told you? You need to stay away from Malfoy. He’s dangerous.”
“Dangerous?” increduled Y/N. “No way. He’s all bark, no bite. The worst thing he’s going to do is tell me that Hufflepuffs are stupid or something.”
“Y/N.” The intensity of Ginny’s voice made her snap to attention. “You really don’t know, do you? I can’t tell you now. But I’m sure Harry will later. Just...promise me you won’t let him get you alone? Ok? And please don’t do any other favors for him. You’ll understand later.”
They both turned at the sound of a male clearing his throat. Malfoy stood, uncomfortable and broody, carrying two goblets. “Am I interrupting anything?”
“No, not at all!” said Ginny, weirdly cheery. She leaned in, feigning to kiss Y/N’s cheek goodbye, but instead she whispered, “Don’t drink that.” And then she was gone.
“Trouble in paradise with Weaselette?” he asked.  
She took the goblet and faked taking a sip. “Er, no. Why do you ask?”
“You look awfully pale, my dear.” 
“It’s just the draft,” she told him, but in truth she knew that her face was suddenly flaming red again. 
“Hm.” He, on the contrary, took a real, genuine sip out of his goblet. “Want to sit down somewhere? I’m thinking I probably going to want to get out of here soon.”
“To each their own,” responded Y/N. She was slowly becoming warier after Ginny’s speech. There’s no way he would...no...not after what he did for her. “I’m staying around until I get Slughorn to talk to me, personally. I want him to really like me.”
“That old bat? I’m sure he already likes you, if he’s inviting you here and all.”
“I don’t think he likes me, per se. I think he just likes who my family rubs elbows with.”
A rare smile stretched across Malfoy’s face, but it didn’t seem sweet. “Ah, I remember your family now. If I recall correctly, your mother used to come do fittings for my mother?”
“Um, yeah. I believe so.” Y/N attempted to smile back, but something in her felt...off. What didn’t she know about Malfoy? Was he actually capable of hurting her? Did he want to hurt her?
“I think I’ve overstayed my welcome,” Malfoy said after a few beats of silence. “Unless you’d like to join my thrilling pursuits with breaking curfew in restricted areas, I’d better be off.”
“Malfoy…” Y/N started. She had no idea what else to tell him. 
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” he said, sending her another one of those sly smiles that made her stomach turn. “Enjoy the rest of your night, alright?”
She made a sorry attempt to smile back. He kept looking down at her, so intently that it made her uncomfortable. He was thinking--about what, she couldn’t determine. But clearly it was something, and the gears were turning.
“May I suggest something?” His eyes glinted in the dim party lighting. Malfoy seemed to take her silence and wide-eyed stare as a yes, leaning in closer so quickly that she didn’t even have a chance to spring away.
“You’re supposed to swallow when you fake drinking something.”
He plucked the goblet out of her hand and took a sip, raising an eyebrow at her as if to say see? 
Even long after he was gone, she could still feel his hot breath on her neck and hear the way his whispered voice sounded in her ear. 
final a/n: hehe here i am 1 minute late!! probably later once i get all my links set up/copy paste all my tags but here it is! this is a TEASER! so remember that! i hope to get the real oneshot out sometime after i get wonders of ohio p 10 out. let me know if this is something you guys want to read/if you like this version of draco. i rlly want to write a flirtier draco because i think we could all use that right now
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innittowinit · 4 years
Can you pick me up? my uni burnt down (Chapt. 2)
Relationships: Sleepy bois inc (all fics i write are platonic)
 In which Techno goes to England for University, his building catches fire in the night, and he isn't prepared for the difference in climate between England and California. SBI fluff ensues
Chapter summary: 
After waking up, Wilbur has the great idea that they should do a sleepy boys stream. Tommy doesn't get told about this id
Words: 1785
Language: English
AO3 Chapt. 1
Listen, waking up on a sofa, with a thin blanket shared with 3 men was never going to be the best morning. His back hurt and his legs were numb from Wilbur having sprawled out over the three of them as he slept. 
Stretching his arms back, he recounted the events of last night. God, it really was only a few hours ago, he was so tired. Had this been last year, he would have been able to stay up for days on end and then just crash for an entire weekend. It wasn’t last year though and Techno had gotten himself into a fairly healthy routine, he couldn’t exactly be sleeping through his uni classes anyway. 
“Alright you two” Hearing Philza’s voice, he propped his head up, “Get up, you can’t lay around all day”
A groan came from the mass of blankets and cushions that happened to be Wilbur, who was curled up in the centre of it,
“Phil it's so early and we went to bed so late. It’s fine to sleep in”
“Okay” he chuckled, humouring his tired friend “It’s midday Wil, im taking the blankets away now”
Techno thought it was much too early too, as he tugged the sleeves of Wilbur’s hoodie down a little further so they could act like gloves. 
“Do you mind if I use your PC to try and find out what’s going on with my classes at some point? They'll probably send me an email or something” He grumbled, standing up so he could stretch his back out properly, following Phil slowly to the kitchen.
“That’s fine, it's up in my room, do what you need”
Breakfast was nice, it had been a while since Techno had had time for it honestly, and even longer since he had been able to eat with people he cared about. He had a couple slices of buttered toast and a bowl of some british cereal which he didn’t really like but he didn’t want to be rude so he ate it anyway. 
“You wanna stream together later?” Wil asked through a mouth full of food, earning a snort from Phil. This was nice. 
“Yeah maybe, you use face cam though, I’m not like against showing them my face but y'know, it is what it is” he shrugged, spooning another mouthful of his breakfast into his mouth, he had to admit it was very bland, he much preferred the sweeter ones that were more popular in America. 
“Well think about it, if you decide you don't want them to see you, you can always just sit off to the side and I'll turn my monitor so you can still see it. My office is big enough for it anyway, it’ll be like where Niki was during that one MCC remember?”
Techno nodded and carried on eating, they really were 3 very sleepy boys right now. Maybe he’d take a nap once he found out what was going on with his classes. 
Streaming without any gameplay to comment about and with facecam on? Techno wasn’t exactly looking forward to it. That just didn’t really sound like something he was going to enjoy.
It was nerve wracking and he always seemed to glance at the camera too much when it was pointed at him. He knew the fans would be disappointed if he didn’t do it though, When Wilbur tweeted out saying that he and Phil would join him in a ‘you laugh you lose’ he watched as the replies freaked out. 
You could say he was just a bit camera shy, he wasn’t incredibly insecure, sure there were things he didn’t like that much but everyone had things like that, it just made him nervous to know that people were looking at him. 
He’d be okay with his friend’s though, he trusted that they’d never put him in an uncomfortable situation. He knew if he got overwhelmed he could sit outside the frame. 
It would be okay. 
“Hey hey chat” Wilbur mumbled into the mic, making it loud enough so that everyone could hear but it still sounded like he was whispering. 
“We’ve got the blade here, bet you weren’t expecting that huh chat? Or maybe you were, maybe you read the title of the stream, bet there’s someone watching who didn't think he’d be here though” he finally turned the music off and switched from his ‘starting soon’ screen to his regular camera. 
Wil went through the rules, it was the normal stuff, he added in some jokes here and there, prodding Techno and Phil to talk at times. They’d already agreed that this wouldn’t be for youtube, since that seemed to add a bit too much pressure for Techno, but hey, he still had to welcome his chat. 
“Okay!! First media share! Lets go”  
After a series of videos, some funnier than others, Techno had started to loosen up a bit. He was getting more comfortable with the camera and while he’d probably cringe while looking back at the footage, at least he was having fun right now.
He had a warm feeling in his chest that wasn’t usually there when he was streaming alone, sure it was usually fun but nothing was better than being with his friends while doing it, there was really only one person who was missing. 
As if on queue, chat started spamming Tommy’s name, for a moment Techno thought he had been mumbling his thoughts out loud, before he looked between Phil and Wilbur, who both seemed equally confused. Moving Wilbur’s mouse over the chat to pause it, Techno tried to read some of the messages. 
“Oh he tweeted something” he mumbled, pulling his phone out of his pocket without a care. Maybe some irl streamers would have used the computer but knowing Wilbur’s history, he doubted it could run Chrome and streamlabs at the same time. 
Looking at the tweet he felt a little pang of guilt. It was lighthearted and jokey but he knew there’d be a little truth to it. He nudged the other two and read it aloud to them. 
‘Damn guess I’m not a sleepy boy after all’
The air felt a little thick after that, they hadn’t meant to exclude Tommy; all of the excitement of Techno coming to stay had just made it a little hard to arrange to have Tommy here after all. 
Still, they probably should have still told him though. They were supposed to be each other's family.  
“Hey chat I think we’re gonna have to end stream early.” Wilbur finally piped up, deciding it wouldn't be right to carry on when they had hurt their friend, not that chat needed to know that though, he didn’t want to embarrass Tommy. 
“I feel kinda sick and I don't think you all wanna watch me vomit right? Yeah so it’s best we end it now” 
Techno sniggered to himself at that, in games Wilbur always seemed to be very cunning but he supposed he wasn’t very good at lying when it was about something he actually cared about. Said something being Tommy.  
After raiding Fundy, the trio hopped straight onto discord. 
Tommy didn't answer the first time he was called. 
Or the second. 
Finally, after three calls, Tommy decided he’d talk to them. 
“You are all a bunch of dick heads, you know that? What the hell! Why wasn’t I invited to the sleepy boy’s stream! Wilbur you bitch!” Through all the vulgar language and the constant yelling, it was clear that Tommy was genuinely upset. 
He had every right to be, as far as Techno was concerned. From his point of view his friend’s had just gone off and hung out without him. He just hoped he’d calm down once they explained everything.  
“You know I thought we were friends! I thought we were brothers! But if you don’t wanna hang out with a ‘kid’ you can just tell me and i’ll- i'll go!” He was still yelling, as usual, it was clear he was trying to make this into a joke where he could overreact but Techno noticed the small sniffles and the quiver in his voice. 
By the looks on Phil’s and Wilbur’s faces, they recognised it too.  
“Listen, Tommy” 
Wil was the first to talk, it made sense, it seemed that Tommy trusted him the most at times. Sometimes Techno could be a bit too cold and sometimes Phil could get a bit too overbearing.
Techno understood this, he didn’t take it personally, he knew it was only natural that you have people you trust with your emotions more than others. It didn’t mean Tommy didn’t love them just as much, just that they weren’t his ‘go-to’ when he felt down. 
Techno felt the same way sometimes. Feeling’s got complicated and personally he thought Phil was the best to talk to about that, the fact that he was older and had his life sorted out gave him a sense of comfort, like he could trust him because he knew what he was talking about. 
“We didn’t plan a meetup, it just sorta happened. Phil was at my place, helping me record, and then Techno’s Uni had a fire and he needed a place to stay while they’re making it safe again” Wilbur sighed as he heard Tommy moving on the other side of his mic. Techno wondered what he was doing. 
“We would have invited you, had we known that we’d all be in the same place Toms” 
Phil took over, giving Wilbur a little sympathetic smile. The brunette so obviously felt guilty about the situation. 
“But when we got the call from Tech’ it was past 3 in the morning and it was tipping it down with snow, as soon as we got home we all slept. We decided to do a stream this morning but never once did we intend to try and make you feel like you aren’t welcome with us” 
Finally it was Techno’s turn to talk...Fuck.
He wasn’t exactly the most sentimental guy, he struggled to show his emotions and he just assumed everyone he cared for just knew that he cared for them. He rarely had to say it out loud. God okay. He just had to swallow his pride and go for it. 
“Tommy you are a sleepy boy and you are our brother. We did kind of a dick move today and if I was you I’d probably be upset too. I know I didn't like seeing you guys playing without me during MCC and that wasn’t even any of our decisions. We should have called you or something. I know I kinda tease you a lot but that’s just how I show I like people. Listen Tommy if I didn’t care about you I wouldn’t be comfortable enough to make those kinds of jokes with you. It’s not funny if it’s hurting you though..”
Techno bit his lip, this wasn’t as hard as he had anticipated but it was coming out like word vomit. 
“You’re young Tommy but you’re so talented. We love you”
There was some more rustling, it sounded like Tommy was wiping his eyes. Maybe the boy had expected a yelling match, only for it to turn out to be very emotional. 
“I love you guys too.. If you ever exclude me ever again though I’m getting my vlog knife out”
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kpoppwriter · 4 years
Angel Is The Centerfold
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Genre: Seungkwan x fem!reader songfic (Centerfold - J. Geils Band)
Words: 832
Warnings: swearing/language
Synopsis: Those soft and fuzzy sweaters too magical to touch. To see her in that negligee is really just too much
A/N: aha since I love talking about cam girl/boy aus and we haven’t talked about that shit in a while, I thought I’d bring it up again in the form of an 80s song songfic. I love this song ngl its a classic (this fic is inspired by the song but isn’t verbatim) 
“You’re not gonna believe what I found.”
“What a way to start a conversation,” Jeonghan teased
“No listen,” Mingyu said while sitting down beside Seungkwan and Vernon on the couch, “So I was looking through a...site and came across this girl!”
Seungkwan didn’t even glance up at Mingyu, his phone keeping him happily occupied. Vernon on the other hand was somewhat curious.
“Ew dude. Really was hoping not to see any porn from you today,” Vernon groaned
“Shut up, look at who that is?!”
Curiosity got the better of Seungkwan, especially when Vernon let out a surprised gasp. He looked up at Mingyu’s computer to see a girl in pure white lingerie pleasuring herself. Seungkwan was about to look away when he finally recognized the girl, a gasp falling from his mouth too. 
“That’s Y/N.”
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You had met Seungkwan when you were younger, back in elementary school. You had just transferred and you didn’t know anyone. Seungkwan saw you and was immediately smitten. You were like an angel to him that graced his life. He was extremely shy with you at first but after seeing you every day and passing notes, you got close. Very close. You were best friends, inseparable during school and always hanging out after school.
As you got older, that bond never wavered. You two would still hang out when his schedule was too busy and you stopped by the dorms from time to time. You hadn’t caught up in a while and now he wished you had. Clearly you were up to some...interesting activities. 
Seungkwan had called you over to the dorms randomly, which wasn’t unheard of for him but it felt odd. There was a way that he was talking to you that seemed unusual. You just brushed it aside and told him you’d be over in a little bit.
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“Kwannie,” you pulled on his sleeve, “Have you ever kissed anyone before?”
“Like kiss-kissed? No, not really,” Seungkwan glanced up at you, “Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know, I just...” you pulled your sweater sleeves down, “I was just curious as to how it felt.”
You fiddled with the hem of your sweater, not really sure why you were asking him in the first place.
“Like, Chan already kissed a girl and he’s younger than us! It’s a little unfair honestly. We’re in almost in high school and Chan’s practically a baby,” you huffed
“Do-Do you want me to...kiss you?” Seungkwan asked
You blush at the sudden proposal but you didn’t say no. You shyly nodded, your eyes refusing to make contact with his. He let out a shaky breath before leaning in close to your face-
“Ya! Seungkwan!” 
The male looked up at you as you stood in front of him. You narrowed your eyes at him, his quiet behavior was very out of the ordinary. You took a seat next to him on his bed.
“What’s up with you today?” you asked, “You seem off.”
“I’m fine,” Seungkwan said, clearing his throat, “Just something’s on my mind.”
“What’s on your mind?”
He stared at you. You looked so innocent, so pure. He couldn’t believe what you were doing in your free time. He had nothing against the work but it just didn’t seem like something you’d be doing. You were the cute little girl who wore sweaters that were too big and was shy to have your first kiss to him. Not a sexy grown woman that pleasured herself for the enjoyment of others.
“Just...” he paused trying to gather his thoughts, “I saw some of the work you do on the side.”
You weren’t quite sure what he meant but the blush forming on his cheeks and the way he couldn’t look at you confirmed what he was talking about. The camming. Seungkwan awkwardly fiddled with the hem of his shirt.
“How’d you find out?” 
“Of course Mingyu found it,” you chuckled
There was silence for a moment, the awkward tension filling the room.
“Did you watch?”
Seungkwan’s eyes went wide as he looked over at you.
“No! Well...a little bit but that’s because Mingyu was shoving the computer in my face and-”
“Did you enjoy it?”
Seungkwan’s face was tomato red, his mouth shut so he wouldn’t admit the truth to you. He was quiet as he stared at you.
“You can tell me the truth Kwannie,” you whispered 
That nickname has never felt so sinful. Somehow you stripped the sweetness and cuteness from it and the nickname you had called him since you were kids had a new feeling behind it. 
“I..I did,” he admitted
You giggled as you leaned in and pecked his cheek. 
“Maybe one day you’ll have to let me give you a private show,” you purred into his ear
Seungkwan gulped and looked at you wide-eyed. You laughed as you stood up, walking towards the bathroom. You could feel Seungkwan’s eyes staring you down and you had to admit, you rather enjoyed it. 
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huangsilks · 5 years
let your walls down for me (z.cl)
summary: worries about university, SATs, and moving away weighed heavily like a burden on your shoulders. one thing you knew for sure, though, was that your friendship with him wouldn’t falter, and you found solace in that.
pairing: bestfriend!chenle x reader
genre: hurt/comfort, fluff
a/n: hhHHH this is my first actual fic and i’m not v satisfied djsjdjjfjd but i enjoyed writing it and that’s the thing that matters!! if anyone is reading this rn and wants to be friends: hi! i’m cam! i wanna make more friends 🥺 👉🏻👈🏻
“you look like actual shit.” bestfriend!chenle snickers at you, a cheeky grin adorning his features as he pays close attention to the messy side bangs that fell into your face and uniform tie that was thrown on lopsidedly. you roll your eyes as he meets you on the sidewalk in front of your house, the same sidewalk you two had met each morning since second grade. chenle reaches out his hand and brushes your fallen locks behind your ears, chuckling at your irritated expression as you swat his hand away.
“well maybe if someone didn’t keep me up all night playing pubg, i would’ve woken up to my alarm.” you playfully side-eye him, knowing full well that your disheveled state was upon his insistence. flashbacks rang in your head from the night prior, a full seven hours of your life spent gaming that you’d never get back. considering you two would be uni students in just the next year, your sleep schedule was horrendous.
“we need to get more sleep than we do. you know that sleep deprivation is bad for adolescent brain development?” you nag.
“okay, okay. mom.” chenle disregards your light scolding, draping his arm over your shoulders nonchalantly. chenle was naturally a touchy person, even when you guys were little, so you were used to everything at this point— the hand-holding, the back-hugging, the general invasion of space when it came to him. admittedly, you weren’t the biggest fan of skinship, but zhong chenle was always an exception. he did it so often that people thought you two dated (not that you minded).
“your brain is so underdeveloped because you never sleep.” you tease, and he immediately feigns an overdramatic look of hurt, pushing you away from him. you beamed at his comical response. his orange locks radiated in the early morning light, and the up-turned corners of his lips stretch into a shit-eating grin.
“say that to me the next time you ask for calculus help, dipshit.” he mocks, and you stand on your tip-toes to ruffle up his hair, messing up the tangerine coloured locks (although he managed to still look good).
chenle sticks his tongue out at you, putting his arm back on your shoulder the way it was before. you were all smiles at his affectionate nature. a comfortable ambience fell over the two of you, as you basked in the undisturbed sunrise and yielded to the peaceful routine of walking to school.
“so have you asked bora to be your prom date, yet?” you inquired your best friend. jang bora was a good friend of yours both since elementary.
“it’s only the first day of senior year, it’s too early to ask her. what about you? find anyone you’d wanna go with?”
“no, not really. maybe i’ll just go alone.” you complained, scratching the back of your head. it wasn’t that you didn’t want to go, but nobody in particular really caught your eye.
“c’mon, don’t be like that. i know so many guys who would love to be your date, y/n.” chenle leaned in a little closer to whisper in your ears, “and i heard a rumour that park jisung wants to ask you.” he teases you with his gummy grin, a sparkle in his eye meant only for you.
“i don’t think so, chenle.” you shake off his mischievous laughter, holding back a smile of your own. “i think he’s more interested in you than me.” you add subconsciously.
“hey, if it makes you feel any better, you can be my date if bora rejects me. deal?”
“wow, chenle, i just love being your second choice.” you sardonically joke.
it was early autumn, and the typically mediocre scenery of your neighborhood seemed almost picturesque today. the muted orange hues of the fallen leaves perfectly complimented chenle’s bright ginger hair, a byproduct of some mindless bet he lost during summer. you swore that orange hair would look revolting on anyone; but he was zhong chenle, and zhong chenle looked good in everything. you still recalled the self-satisfied cackles chenle made at your widened eyes, because what the hell, chenle? how do you look that good with orange hair?
morning walks with chenle were always a safe haven for you two. all pressures to be considered ‘popular’ or ‘cool’ were reserved for the rest of the day, with other schoolmates and friends, but never with eachother. you liked starting your days off with him, opting to simply enjoy eachother’s presence rather than bombarding eachother with too much talk and mental stimulation at such an early hour. it was in these moments that you two could be at peace with yourselves.
you sigh in contentment at the foreign breeze, recognizing the first sign of autumn. to you, the messy escapades of summer— driving around in chenle’s car during the ungodliest of hours, blasting 80s rock music with the windows down so that the wind would seep into your hair— these events seemed so distant and long-gone. an image of two teenagers huddled haphazardly under a thick blanket, a twitch streamer on the laptop being the only source of light, chewing on shitty leftover pizza as you two struggled to stay awake—these were memories of a hazy dream you’d try so hard to remember. recollections of sandy flip-flops, overly competitive volleyball games, and cloud-watching at the beach, with chenle’s orange head in your lap as he dreamt lazily, airpods in his ears and sunscreen on his nose. these all were snapshots frozen in time. a time that felt lightyears away from the present, a time you’d try so hard to hold onto.
because now, it was the first day of senior year, and everything would be changing. the hustle and bustle of ap classes, sports games, student council, part-time jobs, and the pretense of a social life always kept both you and chenle on your feet. nothing would ever be the same in a few months, as the never-ending questions about university would loom over everyone, the topics of scholarships and SATs and moving away constantly being thrown around. it was all so overwhelming, so burdensome. one thing you knew for sure, though, was that your friendship with chenle wouldn’t falter, and you found solace in that alone.
you were zhong chenle’s best friend since second grade — he was intelligent, charismatic, well-rounded, and widely popular towards the entirety of the school. he assumed the role of student council treasurer, the soccer team’s infamous right midfielder, and subject to much talk amongst the females in your highschool. but with you, he was just zhong chenle, the sweet boy who moved in two doors down from you when you were 9. there was no facade your eyes couldn’t see past.
“hey, y/n?” chenle begins, and you glance up at him next to you, peering through your eyelashes. “can i ask you, like, a serious question?” you nod at your best friend, caught off gaurd by the sudden question.
“does the future ever scare you?” he ponders nervously. you pause in your steps, thinking of the right words to say. chenle looks at his feet, avoiding your eye contact.
“well, whether we like it or not, the future is going to happen, right? and i don’t think there’s any point in fearing the inevitable. the best we can do is try adjust to the changes and enjoy the ride.” you admit, honestly. and if you were anyone else, chenle might’ve laughed at the cheesy answer, might’ve made a joke about how you made everything too serious and tried to lighten the situation. but it was you, and he could trust you with anything.
“but y/n. everything is going to change in a few months. there’s final exams, graduation, and prom. but after that, it’s all just a jumble of ambiguous what-ifs. nothing is assured anymore. i never told you this, but i might have to move away for my soccer scholarship. i’ve never lived away from home and i don’t... i don’t think i can handle it. it’s too much all at once.”
his sudden rant of emotion was laced with anxiety and stress. you instinctively take his larger hand into yours, feeling how shaky and clammy they had become. you knew it took a lot out of him to finally admit those words to you.
“i know how you feel, chenle. but you’re strong. you’ve handled everything life has thrown at you, every single time. you can handle this, too.”
“but— but what if i never come back? the thought of losing everything and everyone scares me, so much.... i can’t imagine my life without you in it.”
his anxious words drifted into the autumn wind, ringing through your mind like a mantra. zhong chenle constantly tried so hard to be perceived as perfect and flawless to the whole world, that sometimes it was shocking when he let his walls come down to you. you don’t respond at first, not sure what to say to his vulnerable confession; so you don’t respond immediately, and instead, you took his face into your hands and stared him in the eyes, feeling the warmth and softness of his skin. you hold out your arms and wrap them around his taller frame, saying nothing for a few moments. you two were silent during this intimate time. when you pulled back, his surprised eyes were filled with tears.
“i know you, zhong chenle. you will get through this. and plus, i’ll never leave your side. it’s always going to be you and me, ok? wherever you go.” you assure him, beaming optimistically. and you meant every word.
he blinked away the tears and laughed, “thank you, y/n, for being my best friend. thank you for staying with me all these years... i love you.” his words left you taken aback. in all your years of friendship, chenle never told you he loved you. you wiped his tears away with your sleeve and laughed at his sad expression.
“awww, i love you too, you dummy. you know that right? now stop crying, you look like a baby.”
chenle snakes his arms around your waist and pinches your sides, sending a tickle jolting up your body. you slap his forearm as he chortles jubilantly in response.
“ow! nevermind, i take it back. i totally hate you.” you mock.
(you love him. very, very much).
he holds your hand all the way to school, and you know that wherever life brought you two in the following months, despite the anxious discussions on university and scholarships and moving away, zhong chenle would always be yours.
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
The Tomboy & The Model:
 Model! Michael Langdon+Tomboyish! Reader
(A/N): Hello lovelies!
I am back with a new Michael’s idea I hope you’ll like! 
I honestly firstly discussed this idea with @sojournmichael so big shoutout to her, and to my group of friends her for making me actually publish and write this fic, since I ended up having a bit or... PROBLEMS with it...
I am actually very out of the fashion industry so, exactly as with the cam-world, if you see some things which aren’t quite right, please let me know and I’ll do my best to actually correct them.
Also I tried to keep the reader being a tomboy a bit behind, so that anybody can try to see themselves in her, without having to stop anybody from feeling a bit like the Reader, so I hope you won’t hate me too much for that-
With this being said... I really hope you’ll like it, and please if you do end up enjoying, leave an heart, reblog he fic (if possible writing something... I am always the most anxious about hearing what you thought of my writing) or shot me an ask or a DM.
If you didn’t like it, please let me know, kindly, what didn’t work so that I could make it work better in the future!
Much love!
Hope you’ll enjoy this!
SUMMARY: You and shy model Michael could be the most different people in the world, but somehow you end up working quite well together.
WARNINGS: Sub! Michael, Dom! Reader (also brief mention of Dom! Michael and Sub! Reader), Spanking, Oral Sex (Male and Female Receiving), Orgasm Denial, A Bit Of Dirty Talk, Use of the F-word, and Drunken Assault.
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She had been always the type to prefer more masculine things: it wasn’t anything strange for her to run with the boys and play with them and slowly she had started taking over some of their mannerism.
It had been always her true nature to be much more masculine “than women were supposed to be”, according to her mother.
Her mother had been extremely disappointed by the fact that she hadn’t wanted to own a more feminine body and although she had made some concessions towards her style, she mostly went by her own way, which meant jeans, mostly large and graphic shirts for the summer and sweaters for the winter.
She enjoyed the gym and wasn’t afraid to assume a more manly role, such as paying for the bill or being the one who did the first move, which got her in so much trouble and rejections that she sometimes thought about giving up that nature just to get a bit of affection.
It hurt her to think about a future alone, although she had friends who loved and a family who supported her, but when everybody was so crazy about love, she couldn’t help but feel annoyed by her lack of.
She was a big romantic, underneath the harsh armor she wore.
And she was also a complainer, according to her roommate Mallory, who had set her up with a boy that Wednesday, insisting it would have been a fun idea.
“You basically set me up with a stranger” she had mumbled, meanwhile her roommate, a professional make-up artist, put eyeshadow on her lids after she had squeezed her in a nice outfit, still jeans but it was paired with a silky black blouse, giving her a vampire aesthetic she dug, enhanced by Mallory expert work with brushes and beauty blenders “I have watched too many “Law and Order SVU” episodes to believe that this will end well”.
“Shut up, and pucker up your lips” had replied Mallory, pushing out a shiny lip-gloss, getting an eyes roll from her, a clear way of asking her if it was truly necessary “… Michael is a nice guy, I wouldn’t set you up with psycho”.
She only had one clue, since according to Mallory “spoiling the identity of his date would ruin the magic of it”, alongside mumbling something about her being a bit too much of a cyber-stalker…
And that clue was that her date’s name was Michael, biblical and decidedly normal, too little for her to check him out on Instagram (although she had tried).
Mallory had gently rolled the lipstick onto her lips, till she was satisfied.
She already had felt uncomfortable due to the sticky sensation between her lips, deciding to clean it as soon as she was alone in the little diner they were supposed to meet for an appetizer.
Mallory had then pushed a mirror in her face, revealing a flushed face, and although the entire ensemble hadn’t made her feel like a clown, it was a bit too much for her.
Still it had looked definitely badass, enough that she knew why her roommate was so requested: she was lovely, without losing anything of herself.
“… also you look amazing” had mumbled shyly Mal, meanwhile she adjusted her hair, gently pushing out of her face “… he will have a dumbstruck expression when he’ll see you”.
She had doubted it, but she had felt confident and definitely not in need of the validation of a man.
And she definitely hadn’t needed her date being late, already annoyed by the entire ordeal, with a perfect plan to occupy better that night: “B99”, the last piece of cheesecake in the fridge and best of all… her bed, warm and comfortable.
She had been thinking this when suddenly she had felt a deep breath in front of her and she had raised her eyes as soon as the spot in front of her had been shadowed and there, in front of her, was the most beautiful man she had ever seen.
An elegant dust of red had been smeared on his lids, meanwhile kohl lined his eyes matching the outfit he had worn an elegant leather jacket on a red graphic shirt with “Gucci” written all over it, tucked in a pair of skinny ripped jeans, giving him a grunge look she fell in love with, meanwhile his face had an angelic trait, a clear contrast with his devilish outfit.
He had been blushing, clearly out of breath, his cheeks blossoming of a pink shade, meanwhile his eyes had tried to meet hers, looking at her as if she was searching something, which had gotten her to assume a confident stance or at least try to.
She had reasoned he couldn’t be a waiter, so he must have just come in, another client like her.
-I am Michael- he had blurted out and it had taken her a few minutes to link it with her date, meanwhile the boy had looked at her expectantly, without knowing what to do and asking for instructions -… Mallory’s friend-.
-Oh…- he was her date.
Her date was very beautiful: an androgynous god, with curly hair she wanted to caress.
-May… I … sit? – he had asked, shyly, ducking his head, meanwhile she had simply nodded trying to square up in her seat, and form a coherent dialogue.
-Of course- what a brilliant answer -… I am (Y/N), Mallory’s other friend- she had mumbled, cursing at the absurdity of her words, since he probably already knew, and she was being a fool, because his beauty had taken away any ability of hers to talk.
-I figured out- his laugh had been nice and warm, and he had offered her an hand after he had settled down; she was honestly grateful he hadn’t tried to come closer and kiss her, even just on the cheek, she was grateful he had half a knowledge of personal space -… I am also sorry for being late, I swear I don’t do it often… I had a photoshoot which took much more than I thought…-.
A photoshoot?
Was he a model?
He certainly had the look for it, being an ethereal creature with a big range, being able to assume a such a strong range, ruling both genders and all the ones between those.
-… you are a model? – she hadn’t meant to sound skeptical or anything, but she also hadn’t wanted to assume and just sound dumb…
-Yeah- his cheeks had become again flushed and she couldn’t help but want to pinch them gently but she had tightened the grip of her hands on her knees -… I know it’s strange, I still can’t believe it happened… one day you are in your grandma’s house and the following… you are shooting a photoshoot for Gucci-.
Hadn’t she been attracted before, she was now.
He clearly had seemed taken by the entire argument and she couldn’t help but love the shining passion in his eyes, his interest peaking when he mentioned the “Gucci” house, before hiding his face.
-… I am sorry I swear I am not trying to seem arrogant…- he had bitten his bottom lip, ashamed.
-Oh, don’t worry! – she had reached out her hand, pushing it over his shoulder, more to comfort him than actually to try anything, which had gotten her a grateful smile from him -…I actually know nothing about this world, but I also am very curious, so please talk all you want-.
He had become so red that she was sure he would have probably busted a coronary or something, but after a deep breath he had simply smiled and went back to talking about his life as a model and he also explained how he had met Mallory, working on a set for one of his photoshoot, since it wasn’t unusual for him to wear make-up (she had complimented the red eyelids, immediately getting a gentle smile).
“She is one of the best I have ever had: we need more sunshine-made people, on set!” he had giggled, meanwhile she had agreed that Mallory was everything good made as a person “… she said that she had a very cute roommate, meanwhile we were talking and she … said… “.
“I am sad that you in the end got a very annoying roommate” she had replied, meanwhile giggling a bit, just to be greeted with a slow gulp from the other boy who had then mumbled:
“I think that I actually got very lucky, instead, you are lovely” this had made her blush and the sudden silence had been interrupted by the waiter who asked their orders, letting them discuss on what they had chosen, Michael complimenting her drink choice, meanwhile she asked him if what had ordered wouldn’t make him gain weight, getting a wicked smile from Michael, who after a few minutes had started getting more at ease, even asking question on his own.
In the end, the night was nice and she actually had felt very enchanted by the shy model, who had suggested on her not getting an uber but getting a lift from him, so that he could apologize for his lateness; he had also tried to pay for the entire appetizer, getting instead a strict refusal.
“If you want a second date, you better understand that I am a pretty independent lady”.
She might have been wrong, but his eyes had shone interested at her own feistiness.
She had been bewildered at the elegant and sleek sportive car, immediately looking at it for a few good minutes, meanwhile Michael had explained he had paid it with the first money he had had, wanting something that could make him run away from everywhere.
“.. it’s presumptuous”.
“I think she is the prettiest” she  had giggled, entering it with extreme attention, not wanting to damage the pretty thing in the slightest “… you know the night is definitely going amazingly”.
“I thought that when I saw you in the table” again a simple mumble getting her to smile and her cheeks were rushed with blood “… I mean… I was honestly expecting some creepy girl”.
“… same” she had replied, meanwhile she had laughed shyly, the car revving itself up underneath her and she almost had had to restrain a scream of excitement meanwhile they rushed to her home, a soft choice of classical music, mixed with jazz coming from the radio.
“You can change it” Michael had mumbled, eyes on the road, but she could sense the self-conscious note in his voice “… all my friends say that I have the musical tastes of an old man”.
“I don’t mind it” she had sung along, humming softly at the tone, soon Michael was with her and when a few more popular songs came on the radio they belted out, the complicity that had started that night clearly shining and although it was just an appetizer, she was extremely taken by Michael.
She just hoped he felt the same, although they had joked, Michael’s shyness made it difficult for her to understand him and although she had wanted to try to be more proposing, she also hadn’t wanted to disturb the quiet of the poor boy, whereas he had confessed how awful some people made him feel.
“It is all so crazy: people somtimes say that they admire me, and then get into fights “for me”, they insult others because of that... and I mean... it is stupid and terrible to have this kind of power”
So, she had opted for a more posed approach, waiting for him to act, but they had arrived all too soon in front of her house, and she had to invent something to conclude the night happily.
-I had fun, tonight- he had mumbled, looking in front of him, his tell-tale blush reappearing -… I mean… I usually do not got out to these kind of things… it’s been so so long since I have had a date, so… I can understand if this sucked-.
She had been honestly surprised for his love failures: such a pretty face with that enchanting manners shouldn’t be left all alone.
-… it didn’t suck- she had leaned in, again caressing softly his shoulder, again to comfort him and suddenly he came extremely closer to her, enough for a kiss.
But she, instead, had panicked: it was the first time it happened with a boy, she usually was so confident and…
… and she had grabbed his cheeks, indeed the softest she had ever felt.
But she was also extremely aware of how silly the entire thing must have seemed.
She had met a nice guy… and she blew her chances.
Michael just looked at her in the face, definitely confused but then a shy smile had taken over and he had mumbled something about having had indeed fun and then had gone to open the door, as a gentleman, wishing her goodnight.
“Goodnight” she had mumbled back, fidgeting with the cars, then adding “… it was a very nice night”.
“Definitely funny” he had smirked, and waited for her to be inside of her house (she knew he had, because when she had turned around she had found him propped onto the side of the car, waiting for her, clearly wanting to seem disinterested, but he was blushing, a lot…) before running away with his sportive car.
She had been sure it was the last time she would have ever seen him.
He hadn’t tried anything and certainly he hadn’t kissed “goodnight”, which wasn’t a bad thing.
She didn’t mind boys who took their time and didn’t shove their tongues down her throat, but she had halfway hoped that with a cutie like Michael, the spark would fly and although she had known that his shyness would be a bit in the way…
… still she had no sign of his interest, except the “I had fun, tonight”.
Had he “had fun” with her just as a friend? Or as a date?
That’s what she had asked herself the entire day: she had never been this level of head over heels for anyone, but shy, model Michael who was way out of her league…
She thought that fashion was a beautiful industry but not hers: fashionable dresses looked good, on everyone except her.
And the bad thoughts keep on annoying her, mostly because usually she handled well rejection: she moved on quickly, thinking that it was simply not the guy for her.
But this time, it made her feel bad, about herself and her feelings.
Mallory had noticed her struggle that night, when she had come back and immediately had asked info on her date, just to receive her extremely gloomy roommate, who thought that Michael had disliked her in everything:
“We had a nice night… I mean… I did, but I am not sure about Michael… he was…- “she had bitten her tongue, meanwhile she had thrown her head back “… he seemed a bit off… and definitely not interes…”.
But before she could have finished her thought, Mallory had sent her a look which said “please don’t speak bullshit with me”.
-… I literally had Michael fanboying all over me, about how wonderful it was to have a date with you- she had mumbled, and (Y/N) couldn’t help but feel her heart burst of pure satisfaction.
-Tell me more- she had mumbled, even adding the entire sing-song voice as if she was in “Grease” and Mallory had looked conflicted.
-… I am not sure I am allowed to say more… Michael is my friend…- she had mumbled, just to get (Y/N)’ puppy eyes and after an exasperated sigh -… he says that you were very nice to talk to, he is an introvert so he needs people who don’t feel life-sucking and he said that you were also very respectful, and that he tried to lean in for a kiss but you went to pitch his cheeks, so… he was sure you were the one who didn’t like him…-.
Oh shit…
That poor self-conscious boy.
She must have scared him.
Mallory had been a step from spilling more tea, when her phone had buzzled and she had gone to retrieve it from its charging point just to realize it was an unknown number and she was halfway from not answering, sure that it was a call center, but then Mallory had just shouted quickly:
“Answer it! It might be Michael! I gave him your number” which had made her be extremely nervous, sending her an incredulous look: Mallory had taken this matchmaker role too far.
-Hello? – her voice wavering, not giving out too much, since she had been honestly scared of what might happen next… and worst of all that it might have indeed up to be a call-center.
-(Y/N)? – Michael’s voice was low and sweet, clearly shyness again shining in it, but she had known it all too well, although it was a bit distorted -… I am very sorry to bother you-.
-Oh, don’t worry, Michael… you are not disturbing me, in the slightest- she had adopted the immediate charm of her best flirting -… I am actually glad that you called me-.
-… oh…- she had then known that Michael was straight up blushing behind the phone -… well, I am glad that you answered me, and I hope you won’t think this is creepy, I asked your number to Mal-.
The entire phrase had been a continued babble, too fast that she had found it a bit difficult to follow him but it was extremely endearing.
-I don’t mind it, in the slightest- she had smiled, confidently -… I am actually happy she did, so that we can talk a bit more, I enjoyed our conversation, yesterday-
Michael had choked on the other line and after a few minutes of silence, she had felt him try to breath out a deep breath, before blurting out:
-…what about talking more, on a second date? -.
The second date had been lovely and they had been able to know each other in a more intimate way: she had talked about her body-issues, and how she had slowly moved upon the more tomboyish side, baring a part of her soul she hadn’t expected him to get and to even compliment.
“I am an androgynous model” he had mumbled, meanwhile they discussed over it at dinner, this time in an elegant restaurant he had suggested “… so I know that the entire thing about gender roles is stupid”.
He had also told her about his life, before modelling, stretching out on how comfortable he felt with her…
“… these are extremely delicate things…” he had mumbled, as a way of requiring her discretion “… my parents had trouble because of me, I was a very unwanted pregnancy and they both… died, when I was a child, so I was passed onto my grandmother: she wasn’t an amazing person, but it was due to her that I first got into modelling”.
She had shot the photo, which had made him famous, more out of pride, a prize to show to her friends, the one she met at the hair-dresser and the one with whom he she played bridge: she had posted it even on Facebook, with Michael’s help and the following day… a model agency was at his door.
“It was all too sudden” he had commented, meanwhile he had munched onto their appetizer, clearly not as refined in his aspect as with his manners “… but it was worth it; I am away from that horrible place and I have a bright future, for me”.
“That seems honestly lovely, I am glad that you had this all” and she still hadn’t understood why he would even think about going out with her, whereas everything around him was so bright, so charming and fascinating.
And she was just a simple piece.
Not the best one, not the worst one.
He had then proceeded with modelling funny stories, meanwhile she narrated her own ones, laughter  had been leaving her mouth constantly the same from his, although blush never left his cheek, but his confidence had been slowly appearing and this time when he had leant in, after he had accompanied her back, she had kissed him.
Softly and shyly, clearly not wanting to hurt him or scare him away, but he had surprised her being bold enough to ask for a second kiss, and a third one and then she had felt his phone vibrating in his jacket (they had been so close during the kiss) and he had ignored it, a first time, just to lean in for his fourth kiss, his nose bruising against hers.
But at the second vibration, he had had to answer, with a grimace and she hid a little silly smile.
“Give me just a few minutes, please” he had asked, pleading with puppy eyes, and she let him, moving towards her house, blowing him a silly kiss.
They hadn’t met for another two weeks, since Michael’s phone call had been from his agent, John Henry Moore, an ex-model, who had programmed for him a little trip in Asia for a special photoshoot, and then, a little  stay there for a modelling workshop with models from all over the world.
“You literally have no idea how boring it is in there” he always told her, when she was allowed to call her, time-zones always coming in the way “They are all so self-absorbed”.
It was a big joke, because he then told her all about how he had managed to make friends with each of the other models, although some were indeed presumptuous, “something was definitely stuck up there” he laughed, meanwhile she told him, about her “non-model routine”.
“I woke up, went to my job, passed a bit at the gym, did a bit of grocery shopping…” and he listened to her as if she was narrating him some epic adventure, whereas her life was completely the most annoying  “… you seriously never get annoyed by my silly stories?”.
“Maybe I like the sound of your voice, a bit too much” he joked, and it was in that time that his voice and words made her center turn into molten liquid.
But Michael was not only shy, but sexual suggestions or innuendos were ineffective on him.
She could have probably laid naked in front of him and he would have been like “how was your day, lovely? Have you forgotten your clothes?”.
And part of her liked him all the same, and another part… wanted to push him down her bed, half of the time they spent together, because of that innocence.
A month had been enough to declare them “boyfriend and girlfriend”, which had gotten a delighted squeal from Mallory, one of the few who knew about their relationship, since they preferred keeping it private for another bit of time.
And for her it was enough: her sweet and handsome boyfriend who had a real talent for seeing beauty in each thing, even a tomboy like her.
A week, after two months together, he had suggested she joined him as his plus one at a party for the release of a collection of one of his stylist friends:
“I thought it would have been a fun idea for a different night out” he had mumbled, meanwhile he had blushed, probably because she had sat down on his lap, meanwhile they were in his luxurious loft, which he shared with other models, but they went out for the night so it was just the two of them “…if you don’t feel comfortable or anything…”.
“I think that I would enjoy it very much, Michael” she had giggled, staring to lay joking kisses all over his face “… I am just a bit confused on what to wear, I don’t know if I have anything proper for it”.
“What about the pantsuit you wore, when we went out, the last time” she couldn’t help but remember Michael’s face at the elegant pantsuit she had worn at their date in an expensive restaurant, an impulse buy, which had proven worth of its price (which was a lot) after she had seen Michael’s surprised face.
Her shy boyfriend had looked at her as if she was a freaking night goddess.
“I don’t think that it would follow the theme of the night” she had reminded him, hugging him closer, and leaving a few kisses in his exposed collarbone, meanwhile her nose followed the scent of the cologne he used, something which drove her crazy “Isn’t it “rock and fashion” themed?”.
“I am pretty sure that nobody would mind, after they see you in that outfit” he had blushed, hiding softly his face in her hair, meanwhile she had giggled at his silliness, diving in for a kiss on the crown of his hair.
“You are too cute, Michael” she had complimented him, meanwhile he had taken a step back to look at her in the eyes.
“… and you are a goddess, (Y/N)”.
This time it was her who had hidden in his neck, meanwhile he had smirked happily, as if his goal in life was to breakdown her tough exterior.
In the end she had managed to find something which was “fashionably rock and roll”, putting herself in a tight mini-skirt of jeans with fishnets and a leather jacket, which basically showed the least effort into it, not that she actually cared of matching the theme or seeming like the queen of the night, but she didn’t want to shame Michael, who clearly belonged into the world.
She had also allowed Mallory to paint her face, choosing a tough smokey eye with a crazy eyeliner and a dark lipstick, and she thanked God that it was matte, because she didn’t know how to applique it again without making a mess.
It was a bit excessive and Mallory had smudged it to match the grunge aesthetic of her outfit.
She had sent Michael a picture, after the make-up was realized getting back a ton of emojis (mostly fire and hearts), since when words fail, emojis worked perfectly for the model, so she felt a bit confident of her ensemble, although she felt like she was going to a masquerade party instead of a stylist lavish party.
And she couldn’t help but feel even worse, when she saw Michael’s full outfit: he had worn a pant version of what she had, with ripped jeans, showing fishnets under it, a strange cut shit, clearly made so it would seem ripped, but what was even more attractive was the corset over the shirt, which was extremely revolutionary but also it low key gave her a shit ton of ideas…
His make-up was spectacular, red highlighted the tiny speckles of green in his azure eyes, meanwhile the expert contouring highlighted the strong bone structure of his face, his cheekbones basically standing out on their own, with an elegant trace of blush, mixed with expert contouring.
Dark lips were smeared like hers and she low key sent her thanks to God, knowing that if they did make-out they wouldn’t have ruined the effect of the lipstick.
It was definitely the work of an expert, but she guessed that he had done it himself, since he had admitted, expecting her to hate him, that he liked the creative expression of make-up, the way it could change a face and highlight gracefully or destroy flaws, empowering a human.
“It’s a body-art, I honestly love it with all my heart, although it isn’t masculine or…”.
“If you think that I care about anything like that, you probably got me wrong” she had replied, caressing his curly hair “… you could dress up as a clown, and I would still want to kiss you”.
But that time, Michael had honestly outdone himself and she couldn’t help but admire him, beneath the lights of the entrance of the rented place they had chosen for the party.
“Do I have something on my face” he had mumbled, meanwhile she just awed at his face and as he had gone to grab her hand.
“Yeah… it’s a thing called beauty” she had replied, getting a quick laugh from the boy, who had just smirked, leaning in for a kiss.
“I really dig this Billy Hargroove’s girlfriend dress, babe” he had complimented her, with the sarcastic side she had discovered he did own  “… but seriously, I think that I will have to keep you by my side for the entire event, or some model or stylist might steal you away from me”.
She had just blushed, mumbling about being only his, before they had strutted in, her less confidently of Michael, who, if he was even slightly nervous didn’t show it, at ease amongst elegant people in the chicest clothes she had ever seen, the kind you saved on your Pinterest boards.
She had met a lot of people, quickly forgetting a ton of names, but everyone seemed nice enough and they had kept offering her champagne, complimenting her for landing a beauty such as Michael, although she honestly felt like it wasn’t beauty the only thing that brought Michael out and made him special, but she had tried not to fight with Michael’s “friends”.
The stylist Ryan had been actually very nice, and she had been thankful for Michael’s fashion history lessons, so that she could navigate comfortably the conversation, but also Ryan, unlike the others, was actually also interested in her and asked a bit about her.
At a certain time, Michael had left her to give a cheer, something for which he had needed a few kisses of reassurance for, but he had done just fine as she had observed him raising her glass with complicity in her eyes, when he had finished his discourse.
And apparently her smile had done something for him.
He immediately had cornered her in a shadowy place, the boldest move she had firstly seen him do, not that the others had bothered, since they had been all busy taking in the next talker on the stage.
“We should get out, now that I have done my thing” he had suggested, clearly he had also reached its maximum of social energy.
“… what do you suggest, my knight in a shining armor?” she had asked, her hand in his, meanwhile they had moved out of the elegant house, inventing excuses as they met the people that they had talked with at the start of the night.
“There is a little diner not too away from here, it’s cute and it has a wonderful 50s aesthetic that I know you would dig” he had said, and you couldn’t help but feel moved by his sudden confidence: was it the confident outfit or the expressive make-up who brought this side of him out?
She hadn’t been complaining and she had let herself be led, in the diner, which was supposed to be only a few block away, so they hadn’t taken Michael’s car, and this had given them a good excuse to make out clumsily, dizzy on the champagne in the first alley they fhad ound, feeling like horny teenagers, but she hadn’t minded it so much when Michael had kissed her neck like rose petals, his curly hair tickling her face, meanwhile she giggled a bit too loudly.
Right when hands had slipped under the clothes, she had heard coughs and two guys, a bit drunk by the way they held onto each other, and she immediately straightened up, exactly like Michael, who blushed lightly.
She and Michael had moved to get away from the embarrassing situation but the two drunkards had started laughing and used the q-world.
Michael had seemed greatly unaffected, but he had just tried to pass of, but she couldn’t ignore it and had shot those two an hateful glare, but this was ineffective, since the two men just whistled at her but worst of all they said:
“What is a pretty girl like you doing with such a faggot?”.
But it didn’t stop there.
“Maybe she is the one with the dick, you know there are these disgusting people…”.
Michael couldn’t stop her, although he had tried to grab her arm, to stop her and get her to run away as fast as possible from those two, he had deemed dangerous.
“You just insulted my boyfriend, pricks” she had never been one to speak up about anything, but she had always had her own strong opinion, and this constant feeling of having to defend those she loved, like Michael “… I suggest you to say sorry”.
She had tried to keep her tone calm, but it didn’t work so well, since her fists had been shaking on her side, and Michael had tried to call her, saying it was no big deal.
But she had known it was a big deal: it was why Michael cowered in fear when he had to admit his passion for make-up, the fact that he was a model and he struggled to see that she loved him for who he was.
“What if we don’t want to, little freak?”.
Well, she had always known one way to make men listen.
And she had kneeled the nearest bastard straight in the groin, and as one went out, the other went down with him.
“Leave us alone, assholes” and she had turned around, cleaning her hand over her fishnets, meanwhile Michael had had this heated glance on his face, as if she had just stripped naked in front of him.
“I think that the diner might not be the best place after this” his pupils had been full-blown, he clearly had seen something he liked and she had dared just a light glance to his skin-tight jeans, just to discover, there was indeed a bulge in them.
“Mallory is over at her girlfriend’s house” she had suggested and soon they were again in Michael’s car, his hand gently skimming over her thighs.
Sexuality was something that she hadn’t very much explored with Michael, both due to his shyness and both to the fact that they were both taking it slow, but to say she wasn’t suddenly aroused was a lie.
She felt powerful for the effect she had had on Michael when she had fought those two pricks.
The rush onto the stairs almost made her trip onto herself and Michael, a few good laughs coming from their mouths, quickly shushed by their kisses and as soon as they were behind closed doors…
… she finally got her hands on the corset which had been teasing her all night, the idea of it staying during sex made her smirk, meanwhile Michael helped her out of the loose blouse she wore, immediately eyeing her simple bralette: she hadn’t meant to dress sexy, although it was almost part of the aesthetic so…but at least her panties and bra matched.
Michael looked at her, reverently and shyly, as if he was waiting for her to decide what to do, next… as if he was completely in her hands, a sensation which got to her head and to her thighs.
“That corset…” she mumbled, through kisses, Michael did know what he was doing, “… it made me feel things for the entire night”.
“… and that stunt, with those guys…” his eyes were honestly so dark that she almost thought he had contacts on, and he was so hard against her thigh “… I honestly was so scared, but you were so brave, you always are”.
She blushed, the mood dissipating a bit of sexiness in exchange for a softness, shining in her eyes as she guided him gently towards their sofa, straddling his lap.
“I am not, I was scared shitless, and it was definitely the champagne…” she joked, caressing gently his hair, pulling them back, away from his sweaty forehead, before laying a soft kiss on it “… you are the cool one, looking fearless on the catwalk, I would just fall on my face and make fun of myself”.
“You wouldn’t” he still laughed at the image “… but even if you did, you would just get up, as fierce as when you kicked that man in the crotch. Also remind me never to make you angry”.
“Right now I am awfully horny so…” she mumbled, meanwhile grinding against his thigh particularly roughly “… you better do something about it”.
“Not on the couch” he giggled, gently raising her “Mallory wouldn’t be happy”.
She continued with the kissing, the mood settling on a more romantic night, with him releasing her on the bed softly, not missing her little smiles.
And that was when the entire mood of the night shifted.
“You looked like a goddess, with those two assholes” Michael’s voice was breathy and before she knew it he was rutting into her, the hotness of the entire situation letting a silken breath be let out from her lips “… you were definitely the hottest woman I have ever seen”.
She didn’t know where it came from, but she couldn’t help but love that submissive tone in Michael’s hazy eyes, pleading her to do something, anything, and she did it, reversing their position and throwing herself on top of him, clearly in power right now.
This was power: the reverent look in Michael’s eyes, as if she was just sitting on his hipbone as if she was on a throne, her throne.
She tentatively grinded against him, slowly almost a caress against his clothed cock, meanwhile his face scrunched, eyes rolling back and she lowered herself to lick his neck, from his collarbones to the soft skin under his ear.
Moans erupted from Michael’s mouth and she giggled, at the tone, immediately going back to her previous position, smiling wickedly at the effect she had on him, before leaning down to kiss his lips, and whisper:
“Is this ok?” for her to take control on him for that night, drunk on the sheer power of relented dominance, but before she did more she wanted to check with him.
Sex and sexual preferences hadn’t been that discussed between them, so she wasn’t sure if this was something that Michael might even slightly be into, and she didn’t want him to regret this or to be even slightly uncomfortable with her.
“I thought that what I had between my legs was enough to say that I am enjoying this” giggled Michael, with more words she had heard him utter since the two drunkards had interrupted their make-up session “… but yeah it is ok… I actually prefer being… submissive in bed”.
She knew she wasn’t his first partner, Michael had had a previous relationship with a fellow male model (he had told her this when things had started being actually getting deeper between them, mostly because he was scared that she might be “prejudiced” towards him… strangely she wasn’t in the slightest) but she wouldn’t have guessed that he preferred the submissive role.
He was pretty shy, but Michael knew what he was doing constantly, unlike the constant chaos she was.
“Oh” she simply mumbled, before gently grabbing his hand from his side, pushing them up, over his head “… then… I think it’s my time to do something about it…”.
And she reached behind his legs, touching him over the clothes, meanwhile his hips keep rutting in the heel of her hand, meanwhile she giggled with mischief in her smile.
“… if you feel uncomfortable in the slightest, say “Gucci”…”.
She had never been the “dominant” of her relationships she hadn’t also very much thought about it, since sex was always some kind of childish thing with her previous partners: it was as if it had its passages and then… it was done… finished, whether you came or not.
Things had never been discussed and, although she tried to be vocal on her likes and her dislikes, most of the time “the man knew better” and she was always halfway through kicking them in the groin the following morning when they offered a second round.
That’s why she wanted Michael to be comfortable.
And also… not to lose that gaze full of admiration for her, although she felt like she might not deserve it.
“Did you…?” Michael laughed straight up in her face, and before she knew it her hand had quit the movement on his clothes and delivered a sound slap to his thigh, getting a pained moan “… that hurt”.
“You disrespected me, baby boy” she didn’t know how she had managed to speak like that, mostly due to her hate for pet-name, but Michael (literally) stood at attention  “… it doesn’t work like that, you do it one more time, and you will not come for the entire night”.
Michael gulped down a big load of saliva and she took a moment to wait for his answer, taking in the beauty of the model: some of the red eyeshadows had been roughly smushed around the lid, and she saw the lipstick mark of the color she had worn that night on his neck.
He still looked like a beauty and she was curious about how beautiful he could get if ruined.
“Yes, mistress” he replied, searching her approval, since her gaze had wandered off him, but he didn’t dare touch her “I will be more respectful”.
She gently caressed his face, collecting a bit of sweat, before she leaned down on a kiss-mark to bite on it gently and leaving a hickey on it.
And meanwhile this happened, she delivered another slap to Michael’s hip, hearing him let out a pained moan which she quieted with a kiss, cooing him in his mouth, meanwhile she gently guided to turn him around.
“Good boy” she started peppering kisses on his shoulder-blades, Michael relaxing again under her touch and didn’t see the sound slap she gave him on his plump ass, which got an howl from the poor boy “… this is for speaking up, in matters you don’t have a say into”.
She then delivered another.
“This is for not being quick in answering me, I expect the best from my boy”.
“This is for not counting… and believe me you will get one till we reach ten” she waited for Michael frail “three”, checking any discomfort in his voice, but although Michael’s held a painful sting to it, it was hazed and rough due to the excitement he was in “… and then if you are a good boy… I might think about letting things go further…”.
And this got Michael to count, whining for each slap, till ten, meanwhile she adjusted him onto her laps (she couldn’t help but laugh at the size difference, but only inside, outside she needed to try to be stern).
When Michael breathed out the “ten”, she gently helped him to get in a more comfortable position, meanwhile he kind of limped due to the redness and stinginess on his ass, which she caressed in an attempt to comfort him, as she gently cooed him and complimented him on how well he had taken his punishment.
“My beautiful good boy…” she cooed on his lips, gently kissing him with peppering kisses, in an attempt to get his hazy eyes to focus on her, which happened and immediately Michael was on her lap, trying not to crush her, giggling gently.
“Wasn’t I good, mistress?” mischief shined in his eyes, which clearly told her that he knew the answer “… don’t I deserve a reward?”.
She knew that she was being a bit too easy to satisfy him, that she should have made him beg more…
… but he was the cutest with his pouty lips.
And she lowered onto him, her nose skimming his stomach, laying wet kisses on it with carefulness to his gasps and his moans, mapping his skin, from the most sensitive to the least, passing again on the formers in order to blow air on them and leave hickeys on them.
She then reached his pants and brought them down, alongside the fishnets, his bulge appearing from his designer boxers, the length clearly bigger than the ones she was “accustomed” to, and her mouth watered, opening slightly and mouthing over the “Versace” boxers.
Michael shifted and she just needed a glare to make the flinching stop, a nervous glance shone again in Michael’s face, as if he was scared, but that fear brought him even closer to ecstasy she knew it, but the way its body trembled under her fingers, meanwhile she traced patterns on his stomach.
“Don’t ruin your reward, sweetie, wouldn’t want to hold you over the edge, right when you are falling from it”.
And then her mouth engulfed him again, taking more than before, still over the fabric but he lost himself, still he kept himself stiller than before, for which he was rewarded with a tiny peck on the tip of his cock, meanwhile an hand went to fondle him inside the boxers, finally pushing them down.
Her eyes shone at the leaking pre-cum on the tip, at the redness and silky feeling of the entire length which was confirmed by a quick touch, getting a shy moan from Michael: he sounded almost pathetic, but there was some melody in that ruin.
She lowered her mouth on him, meanwhile her eyes met him and soon their gazes were enthralled and linked, and she was unable to watch away as much as him…
… and when her mouth wrapped on him, he closed his eyes, just to be slightly reprimanded with a slap on his thigh, and a silly pinch.
She started with the tip, kitten lick and engulfing it in the warmth of her mouth, and the moved further, trying to take as much as she could and fit the rest in her hands, meanwhile teeth were sheltered under her lips, and hair fell down deliberately around her.
She must have been a truly masterpiece.
But Michael kept on looking at her, as if she was indeed some goddess and she only felt spurred by this to continue her ministration, till she felt him twitch and she backed off from him, a devilish smile on her face.
“… beg me, my sweet boy”.
Michael was clearly taken by surprise and she couldn’t help but lean down to kiss his lips, letting him taste pre-cum on them, but retreating to quickly, another way to tease him, as the hands that wasn’t working on him, caressed distractedly his nipples.
“I am not hearing anything, Michael” she taunted him, lightly.
“Please…” it was soft, and low, and she pretended not to hear it “… please, mistress, I need to come…”.
“That was quite cute, but you didn’t seem so desperate…” she considered, even holding an hand under her chin, as if she was thinking about it as the other speed up the rhythm on his cock “… and don’t forget… you have to wait for my permission to cum”.
Michael sniffled, slightly, showing teary eyes and she broke off character thinking that maybe she had gone too far.
“… did I go too far?” any teasing or annoying tone was brought away, and just worry filled her eyes.
Michael also broke away from his role, although tears shone in his eyes, he smiled, shyly.
“I haven’t said Gucci, have I?” he asked, sassily and the ruling part of her wanted to gently slap him across the face, for such disrespect, but then his voice broke off, excitement and haziness showing in her “… I am fine”.
“I was just scared I got a bit taken by this…” she tried, meanwhile he gently “… but now that we both know it’s fine, I suggest you to beg, because if you are not that desperate we can go on, for a little bit… longer”.
Michael’s teary eyes this time didn’t stop her and she just waited, till Michael obnoxiously mumbled a “please” after another, and another and she knew that he was basically on the brink of an orgasm, and although it would have been truly cruel to let him like this, she gave him the nod, which led to the permission…
…which lead him to come roughly and thick creamy cum was soon coating her hand.
He almost passed out, since not only he was breathing heavy enough for her to be sure that even the neighbors heard him, and worst of all his eyes rolled back and for a few moments she was sure that he was out for the tonight.
But then his hand reached out for her, as if he was asking for something to anchor him back after a mind-blowing orgasm, which got her to cradle him closer, his hand on her thighs, gently caressing his hair, meanwhile she waited for him to come back.
And when he did, he smiled softly and shyly, and she did her best to reassure him with gentleness and softness trying her best to make the atmosphere feel comfortable with him.
“I have to admit that I have never… you know… that hard”.
It was almost cute to see Michael like that after he had just acted that loosely with her, but she tried not to bring it up, the poor boy was already burning from embarrassment, she just shushed him,,kissing his forehead.
“Well… it was also my first time, in that kind of dynamic, I hope I wasn’t too rough” she asked, meanwhile she kept on taking slow care of him.
She thought about seriously giving him a bath, mostly because they were both a sticky mess, and the eyeshadows she had loved was smeared also on his nose, which she flickered gently to get his attention.
“… you were amazing” he replied, softly, his tone rough “… I think that nobody did make me feel like this, I honestly felt so secure with you, you always make me feel, like that”.
“Of course, sweetie” she kissed his nose, this time; the compliment went straight up to her mind, she couldn’t help but feel amazed that he felt like that about her, it was an honor, truly “… I love you, and this means that I want every inch of you”.
“People have always made me feel stupid for what I was…I was always too pretty, too stupid, too feminine and nobody ever wanted me for me” he gently reached for one of her hands, to kiss it gently “… not you, you are infinitely patient with me, and don’t mind each of my ‘flaws’…”.
“They are not flaws, Michael” she replied, meanwhile he looked at her up, surprised “… they are what make you, you, and I wouldn’t change anything in the slightest, so don’t even think about a moment that they ‘flaws’ “.
“You make me beyond happy, (Y/N)” he mumbled shyly, kissing again her hand, and laid a soft kiss onto her thighs, and she couldn’t help the shiver that left her body at the sheer contact.
For the entire time she had been focused only on Michael’s pleasure, but she couldn’t hide for much more hers, copious and heavy between her thighs, wetting the inside of them and she was sure that had Michael kissed a bit higher, he would have met her wetness.
She was still wearing her fishnets and panties under them, but her excitement was evident, and Michael couldn’t help but take in, a guilty look on his face.
“I wasn’t a true gentleman… I didn’t let you finish first” he mumbled, shyly and he quickly moved to make himself place between her legs, his intention clear.
“… oh you don’t have to” she giggled, trying to dissipate her embarrassment, closing her legs to stop him “… it was fine, I actually”.
“Oh no you don’t get it” he rapidly broke her fishnets and she couldn’t help but wonder where her gentle boy had gone, mostly when he looked at her like that, with a devilish glint in his eyes “… I want my revenge for before, so sit back, little princess and let me handle it”.
And soon his tongue was between her legs and she couldn’t think about anything more, except begging for more.
… oh, how the table have turned.
Mallory was drinking her coffee, when they finally decided to exit the bed, Michael had insisted for a morning round, just to be remembered halfway through it that he had a meeting in thirty minutes, and she had had to take the reins in her hands.
Well, now they were both satisfied and in need of breakfast, just to be welcomed by Mallory’s knowing glance, and she discovered even more because of the evident hickeys on both of them, and the little bruises she had left on Michael’s hips with the pinching and the slapping.
(Michael still hissed when he sat down on the table, for the spanking of the previous night).
“Shouldn’t you be at Coco’s?” she asked to dissipate the embarrassment.
“I have a meeting in twenty minutes” and then she looked at Michael, after she had taken a sip from her coffee mug “So does Michael”.
The boy, smiled shyly, almost hiding behind her and she wondered where had gone the boy who had eaten her out till tears, last night, rutting his hips in the mattress…
… probably the same place where Mallory’s interest for her own matters went.
“I can give you a lift, if you get me a mug of coffee” suggested Michael and Mallory just smirked, going to the kitchen, leaving them alone, meanwhile Michael gently leaned down for a “goodmorning kiss”.
“… see you tonight, lovely” he giggled, before kissing again his forehead.
“So we are that couple?” she replied, sarcasm coming from each poor of her.
“Sweetie you kicked somebody in the groin for me, of course we are that couple” he exclaimed, kissing her forehead quickly “… love you”.
“Love you, too”.
Thank you for reading everything!
And here’s the people who wanted to be tagged!
@so-langdon @blakewaterxx @emmyrosee @1-800-bitchcraft @rocketgirl2410 @mega-combusken @ladynuwanda @no-need-for-rules @coollangdon @katiekitty261 @frenchbread4ever @loveofmonstersandroses @dyns33 @bandsandanimefreak @kelncurls @athena1efd @star-crossed-artist @oldworldsoul @my-inner-world2 @kikimorabolotnyaya @ lsutgurxb  @ langdonsdemon  @ luv2red247 @ thenicestofthedamned @asgardianvamp21 @ daniellllaaaasworld  @ nightsblackroses  @ kaiagreelowy  @ girllaufeyson  @uinen-ulmiel @seniorscorpio @ jihootae @ valovemetal  @ lizardfanaticwitch  @lathraios @rosegoldrichie
146 notes · View notes
fbdo1986 · 4 years
idk the only fbdo prompt i can think of is cameron falls asleep on the couch so ferris and sloane have a contest to see how much random shit they can put on him before he wakes up. Besides that, the way you wrote cam & sloane’s 1st kiss was very good, how bout writing ferris and cam’s 1st kiss? Unless that’s gonna be in ur new fic of course. Anyway, i’ll be back if i can think of cuter prompts
yo anon… you’re the best!!!! how about i write both???!! it’s hard for me sometimes to write ferris/cam and i have no idea why?? but i’ll do it for you anon! and honestly i’m not too sure if my fic is gonna involve any kissing tbh! i kinda foster ideas as i go
okay! since i am incapable of putting this one in the same timeline of my sloane/cam fic heres one that goes post the fic im working on, which is an interpretation of that fateful day off! (it’s probably a few days after or so)
warning: slight mention of ab*se bc like. cameron’s dad exists
Cameron narrowly escapes to his room, his hands shakily pressing the button to dial up the Bueller residence. He was high of pure adrenaline, and unfortunately, fear. The spiel about how ‘he wouldn’t be pushed around any longer, and seriously doesn’t a teenager deserve to have a life of his own? and how he’s done nothing except nearly exhaust himself to make the man proud and he doesn’t even notice!?’ actually takes old Morris Frye by surprise, and in a good way. He ruffles Cameron’s hair and goes on about how for the longest time he’s been waiting for his son to become a man, and how maybe, he’s proud of Cam. That is, until he realizes Cameron’s mentioned the car. Then all bets are off. It starts with a loud bellowing yell and Cameron can sense it’s only gonna escalate from here. Quickly, Morris is inching his way closer to Cameron and even though Cam is giving an explanation as quickly as words can exit his mouth to try and derail his father, it’s no use for the man who loves his car more than his own family. The man is seeing red, the red of that precious 1961 Ferrari 250 GT California that tumbled to its death from the garage. And Cameron needs to get out of there before he gets any closer. 
So he makes it to his bedroom, and the immediate response is Ferris. There’s no one who can save him like the boy who can get out of trouble in any situation. The line rings and he hears the familiar, moody hello of Jeanie Bueller. “Hey, it’s Cameron. Can you put Ferris on, please?” His voice wavers, and Jeanie immediately understands. Cameron won’t lose it, not like how he used to, but these things build up. 
“Ferris! It’s Cameron!” Jeanie yells, and Mrs. Bueller asks if everything’s alright. Jeanie keeps silent, letting Ferris spill if he decides to.
Ferris has something inside of him that is fine tuned to discussions of Cameron or Sloane. This shout isn’t typical Jeanie tone, and immediate sirens begin to blare in his ears. From across the house he’s at the phone in the hall, immediately replacing Jeanie at the line. “Hey, what’s up?” He keeps his voice light. Maybe it’s nothing. 
“Fer, I need an out. My old man is gonna kill me for this car. I mean it. He’ll find a way to give me hell. If it was his way I’d never come back.” He lets out a breath he doesn’t know he’s holding in. “Please.”
At this point, Ferris has nearly bitten the inside of his cheek raw. He suddenly regrets all the things he’s ever done to put Cameron at risk of being hurt by his old man. Sure, he did think taking the car out was good for Cameron—he always wished Cameron could loosen up and fully enjoy what good things happened to him—but he could’ve never imagined the state it’d be in by the end of the day. He meant it when he said he’d take the heat for this, and he still does. It kills him to know his foolishness could cost Cameron harm. Ever since Ferris Bueller understood just how horrible things get in Cameron’s house he immediately knew he’d always be there for him. It takes a little longer to realize the reverse is true, that he’d be complete and utterly lost without Cameron, and that he needs him to stay sane. He won’t let that show in his words or his tone. He’s gotta be strong right now because that is what Cameron needs.
“Yeah, of course. I’ll get you out of there.” He covers the receiver. “Jeanie, can I use your car?” A silent nod of understanding from his sister. Mrs. Bueller is insisting to take care of it, she’s always liked Cameron, but Ferris wants it all under his control. “I’ll be there soon, alright?” He asks Cameron, hoping he doesn’t know that he’s keeping his voice from shaking. At least he can’t see his hands.
A deep breath. “Thank you, Ferris. Seriously. You don’t understand how much I appreciate this.” Cameron always knows that Ferris is and always will be there for him, but he’s always grateful when he steps up for things like this. 
Like lightning after Jeanie gives him the keys, Ferris races out of his house and hops into his sister’s car. Ferris is thankful for his driver’s license despite his absence of a car. And he’s thankful for Jeanie at this moment, too. And most importantly, for Cameron. He fights every urge to completely speed over there, since he’d never forgive himself for getting a speeding ticket on the way to his best friend’s house. When he gets to Cameron’s he makes his way to Cameron’s window. He’s willing to risk heat from Morris for sneaking Cameron out, and if the man even thinks he’s getting at Cameron for this he’s sorely mistaken. Has Ferris ever fought anyone? Absolutely not, but Morris Frye deserves to have a taste of his own medicine for once in his life. Ferris raps on the window as quietly as he can, his eyes lighting up immediately when Cameron turns to face him. 
Cameron fights a loud, enthusiastic expression of gratitude, but his sentiments remain. “G-d bless Ferris Bueller.” Ferris simply grins. But his eyes widen with concern when he remembers why he’s here. “Wait, Cam. Are you hurt? Did that son of a bitch—” Ferris can’t stop himself from grabbing at Cameron’s arms and getting a bit too close to look at his face.
Cameron chuckles, swatting him away. “I’m fine, Fer. Quit breathing on me. But seriously, I’m alright.” He looks at Ferris, the absolute goof of a best friend right in front of him. Despite his cool exterior, he really does wear his heart on his sleeve. He’s thankful that all those threats that he’d find a new best friend were never serious. Cameron almost embraces him. Almost. He settles for a shared smile. 
“Okay, let’s get the hell out of here.” Ferris rocks back onto his heels and Cameron swiftly stands up from his bed. They get out through the window and shut it tight. 
The ride to Ferris’s is awkward. Ferris wants nothing more than to crack a joke and relieve this tension, but he doesn’t want to disrespect what’s just happened to Cameron. The radio is on low, playing the current hits. When they reach the Bueller’s Cameron is bombarded with concerned but sweet proddings from Mrs. Bueller and a comforting look from Jeanie. Cameron feels a bit lighter already, but he only feels like he can fully breathe once they’re in Ferris’ room. The Cars are softly playing from Ferris’s stereo while Cameron flops directly onto the bed and Ferris sits next to him. 
“Jesus Christ.” Cameron’s voice is muffled against the comforter, and he slowly turns to face up and look at the ceiling. “I hate this. I can’t believe I have to run away to solve my problems.”
“To be fair, you’re not running away. You’re literally 10 miles away from your house. Plus, I helped you escape.” Ferris leans back on his palms and looks at the ceiling too. “Honestly, I’m surprised you haven’t done it sooner. I wouldn’t last a day there. I don’t know how you do it. Fuck what Morris says, Cam, you’re the bravest man I know.” He breathes out a sigh and wishes he could say more. 
Cameron shifts and turns to Ferris for a moment. “No way, man. That’s you.” They exchange a glance. Despite being friends for seven years, words like these don’t get shared often between them. “Thank you. Again. Not even just for this, Fer.” He looks at Ferris intensely. “My life outside of that house is what it is because of you. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.” 
Ferris averts his gaze, but a smile plays on his lips for a moment. He pauses and draws out the phrase, “You, my love, are worth it all.” 
Cameron’s face is immediately drowned in heat. He doesn’t know why this is so significant but all he feels is his heartbeat in his throat and he can’t help but sit up, dumbfounded. He looks at Ferris and there’s nothing that can convince him the boy was joking. Ferris, inversely, however, is turning pale. 
“What?” That’s all that escapes Cameron’s mouth, but it’s not upset or repulsed. Only curious. 
“Look, Cam, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it and it just slipped out and you’re just great, okay? That’s it. You’re just great, the problem is how great you are.” The words slip out so fast Cameron is just barely hanging on. 
“I’m what?”
“You’re fantastic. You’re everything I could ask in a friend and more and I’ve just been thinking it over for a few days and I’m so sorry I ever jeopardized your safety. I need you and all of this wouldn’t even matter if it wasn’t for you, Cameron.” His eyes, deep with worry and passion all at once meet Cameron’s. And without a second thought Ferris’s hands are cupping his face and he presses a kiss into Cameron’s lips. Cameron’s caught off guard, insanely surprised, but as his heartbeat slows he can hear Ferris’s breath in an exhale and Cameron presses a kiss back into Ferris. Cameron smiles and after a moment Ferris parts from the kiss and looks up at his best friend. 
“Didn’t mean shit, Bueller.” Cameron laughs and all of a sudden the light is back in Ferris’s eyes and Ferris can’t think of anything to do but tackle Cameron in a hug. It knocks Cameron’s lanky frame over, but they just lay there and continue to laugh.
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Fic recs:
Ok so during these past few years I’ve read sooooo many good fics, and I’m going to recommend my favorites !! Most of these are Member/Reader but there are some exceptions!! 
❦-Fluffyyyyy like marshmellows
☽-Angst, you WILL cry
☠-Smut, for when you’re alone at night
Folia by httpjeon ❦ ☠
Synopsis: stressed from work, you’re sent on vacation to the beautiful, tropical planet of Liana where you meet a beautiful Folian man named Seokjin, who makes your vacation 10x better.
This is probably the wridest fic on this list, but I’m not complaining. If you like this one then I also recommend the rest of the made of stardust series. 
                            ��                      *   *   *   *   *   *
5:40 PM by minnpd: ☠
one of my favorite smut pieces.
                                                   *   *   *   *   *   *
Gyve by jiminwereckedme: ☽ ☠
Synopsis: On the occasion of your best friends wedding and high school reunion, you happened to meet once again, one of the richest heirs of the country, famous fuckboy Jung Hoseok. While the world saw him as a cocky arrogant person and you, as a confident, strong woman, only the two of you knew the scars that were hidden, and things you both were unable to fix. Only the two of you could see right through each others facade. But could you and Hoseok finally break the gyves holding you back? Or were you the ones who shackled each other in the first place?
While the world saw him as a cocky arrogant person and you, as a confident, strong woman, only the two of you knew the scars that were hidden, and things you both were unable to fix. Only the two of you could see right through each others facade. But could you and Hoseok finally break the gyves holding you back? Or were you the ones who shackled each other in the first place?
I have never wanted to be rich as much as when I read this fic, it also brought me into a “wedding planning period” lol, if you’re up for that then I recommend this a loooooot.
Tip 143 by minflix ❦ ☠
Synopsis: Even though he is everything you find attractive in a man, your friend and co-worker Jung Hoseok is just exactly that - a friend and co-worker. For some reason, you have never found yourself attracted to him even though all the girls and guys around you go absolutely crazy for him.But that all changes for you one night while scrolling through Heart2Heart, a sex live cam website…
Honestly all of minflix’s fanfictions deserve to be on this list, bu out of them Tip 143 is my personal favorite. I love the portrail of Hoseok (he’s such a cutieeeee). Totally recommend it !
Transference by dark-muse-iris: ☽ ☠
Synopsis: Prolonged periods of work-related stress brings you to a cross-road in life that leaves you prone to make impulsive decisions. During a routine visit to your local bakery, you stumble upon an intriguing business card belonging to a “tantric therapist” and take a risk. When you discover your therapist is an attractive young man with penchant for shibari, you throw a caution to the wind as he helps guide you self-recovery.
Wowowowowowowwwww, this fic is so addicting and the sexual tension has never been higher and I literally can’t recommend this enough.
Starfire by readyplayerhobi ❦ ☽
Synopsis: The schism that broke the galaxy began, as it usually does, over a disagreement. The resultant civil war has raged for hundreds of years. When a ragtag group of travellers discovers something that could turn the tide of war, for good or for worse, the bonds of friendship and love will be tested.
Okay so hear me out; even though this fiction isn’t even near complete the setup is done amazingly and I just KNOW that this series is going to turn out fantastic.
War lords by avveh (Namjoon/reader/Hoseok): ☠
Synopsis: Sometimes, we all need to let a little loose on the control we have in our lives. This fic actually reminds me a little of house of cards. It’s another mafia au with loads of dark smut, just not quite as gross as house of cards. Either way it’s really good and the portrails of Namjoon & Hoseok makes my knees weak. 
                                                   *   *   *   *   *   *
Phototbooth by seraphjoon: ☠
Synopsis: You never knew fucking in a photobooth, while all your friends are on the other side, could be this sweet. 
Just a lil something for your late night rendevouz
War lords by avveh (Namjoon/reader/Hoseok): ☠
Synopsis: Sometimes, we all need to let a little loose on the control we have in our lives.
This fic actually reminds me a little of house of cards. It’s another mafia au with loads of dark smut, just not quite as gross as house of cards. Either way it’s really good and the portrails of Namjoon & Hoseok makes my knees weak. 
                                                   *   *   *   *   *   *
The secrets triology by avveh: ☠
Synopsis: Park Jimin is the office’s oddball. Meek and quiet as a mouse, you never assume to omuch of him. Your mistake.
I present to you all; Park Jimin’s duology. This fiction really really really describes what it´s like when he goes from the worlds sweetest mochi to a sex icon in mere seconds. BOOM, is all I want to say.
Slight changes by chiminiemoans: ☽ ☠
THIS FIC WRECKED ME, from the day I read it and onwards I’ve only been a shell. No but seriously though, this fic is a masterpiece, probably one of my all time favorite fictions. It’s so well written and it just gives me all the feels, even thinking about it makes me want to cry. Also, I’ve never wanted to just scream FUCK YOU TAEHYUNG as much as when reading this. 
I’ll never be her by anon-luv: ☽
Synopsis: You loved him with all your heart, but he could only give you half of his. Jimin was the love of your life, your night in shining armor when she wasn’t around. She was his ex girlfriend,  his first love, actually she was his many firsts and she kept coming back. He had warned you she was his weakness, but you didn’t listen, because to you having him even if it was only partially was better than not having him at all. At least for now.
If you haven’t noticed it already, I’m currently in a love hate relationship with angst. Speaking of love hate relationships, this fic. It’s sooo sad, yet I can’t hate it. 
A lack of color by minflix ❦ ☽☠
Synopsos: Slowly but surely, you were starting to warm up to the idea of forever seeing in black and white as long as Jimin was by your side. 
This is another minflix fic that I love, can’t recommend it enough if you’re a fan of angst (like me).
Baby, baby by hobiwonder ❦ ☽☠
Synopsis: When you’ve run out of savings to continue on to the last semester of your Bachelors - you take an unorthodox route. Helping a desperate couple have a child and getting paid for it? Heck yeah. But what do you know - it wasn’t as easy as it sounds.
Another hobiwonder fic, but is anybody even slightly surprised. This one is my personal favorite of hers/his though, the writing style is 10/10 and the plot is AMAZING. Also, the sexual tension, I’VE NEVER FELT ANYTHING QUITE LIKE IT
Covet by bang-tan-bitches: ☠
Synopsis: Agreeing to meet Lee Ji-Hye’s boyfriend Park Jimin was your first mistake
                                                   *   *   *   *   *   *
You were happy by evangelene: ☽
Synopsis: You were in love with your best friend, and he only cared about his girlfriend. On the upside, you have two boys willing to do anything for you–including searching to the end of the earth when you go missing.
If there’s one author out there that never fails to make me cry it’s evangelene. This fiction is a whole rollercoaster ride, and I honestly doubt I’ve ever cried as much as when reading this. THIS WILL MAKE YOU CRY
Hush by sugakookiemonster (Taehyung/Reader/Jungkook): ☠
Synopsis: Four seats, five bodies. “Careful, sweetheart,” he breathed into the shell of your ear, hand tightening over your waist in warning. You lick your lips, pausing just long enough to ponder; what if you don’t want to be careful?
 This duo, this duo was made to kill us all I promise. And in this fic, woahhhh like I’ve never been this attracted to book characters before.
D!ck on the go by jeonggukingdom: ☠
Synopsis: It was all shits and giggles when you and Taehyung were desperate seniors in High School, having no idea what to do with your lives, wondering if you’d ever find a decent job or even graduate in the first place. It is not so funny anymore when you come home from the big city to enjoy your vacation time and you find his sex-shop right in front of the house you grew up in when you were a kid. “If nothing works out I’m just gonna open a sex shop and call it something obnoxious like ‘Dick on the Go’ or something with a stupid zucchini logo flashing on top of the building.” He had said one time. Shit, you had no idea he actually meant it.
This is plain crack, like I have NO clue what’s happening, but I can’t deny enjoying it...A lot...
Slight changes by chiminiemoans: ☽ ☠
 THIS FIC WRECKED ME, from the day I read it and onwards I’ve only been a shell. No but seriously though, this fic is a masterpiece, probably one of my all time favorite fictions. It’s so well written and it just gives me all the feels, even thinking about it makes me want to cry. Also, I’ve never wanted to just scream FUCK YOU TAEHYUNG as much as when reading this. 
Insomnia by hobiwonder ❦ ☠
Synopsis: You can’t sleep. 
I seriously love all of hobiwonder’s fictions, and this one is no exception. 
Baby, baby by hobiwonder ❦ ☽ ☠
Synopsis: When you’ve run out of savings to continue on to the last semester of your Bachelors - you take an unorthodox route. Helping a desperate couple have a child and getting paid for it? Heck yeah. But what do you know - it wasn’t as easy as it sounds.
Another hobiwonder fic, but is anybody even slightly surprised. This one is my personal favorite of hers/his though, the writing style is 10/10 and the plot is AMAZING. Also, the sexual tension, I’VE NEVER FELT ANYTHING QUITE LIKE IT
Masque by minstrophywife: ☠
Synopsis: World infamous thief Vante only steals the most valuable and exquisite of art.
I love everything with this fic; the writing style, the plot and Taehyung, especially Taehyung though. He’s so mysterious !! 
Covet by bang-tan-bitches: ☠
Synopsis: Agreeing to meet Lee Ji-Hye’s boyfriend Park Jimin was your first mistake
More than us by jeongi ❦ ☽ ☠
Synopsis: Taehyung had always been the common thread in the capsule of your memories, your best friend until the very end. But the thoughts had always lingered; could the two of you ever be more than this?
The doms next door by tatertotthethot (Junkook/Reader/Taehyung): ☠
Synopsis: In which you unknowingly accept the offer to become a tattoo model for the two, sexually-crazed men next door.
This. Fic. Is. So. Good. I. Can’t. Even. Explain. Just. Do. Yourself. A. Favor. And. Read. It.
Devotion by kookswife (Jungkook/Reader, ft Taehyung): ☠
Synopsis: you drunkenly touch yourself in front of your neighbour, hoping he’ll take notice. you can’t help but do a double take when he actually does.
Lol, are you starting to see the pattern? Honestly though, if there’s one duo that could kill me by just breathing it would be Junkook and Taehyung. (Which is what they do in this fiction)
                                                    *   *   *   *   *   *
The house of what’s left by evangelene: ☽
Synopsis: You had always loved Jungkook, but he never knew what he had until it was far too late.
I hate this, I hate how much it makes me cry I hate, hate hate this. But seriosuly though, if you love angst as much as I do this is a must read.
Hush by sugakookiemonster (Taehyung/Reader/Jungkook): ☠
Synopsis: Four seats, five bodies. “Careful, sweetheart,” he breathed into the shell of your ear, hand tightening over your waist in warning. You lick your lips, pausing just long enough to ponder; what if you don’t want to be careful?
This duo, this duo was made to kill us all I promise. And in this fic, woahhh like I’ve never been this attracted to book characters before.        
Saying goodbye by stanrandomthings:  ☽
Synopsis: You never expected that no texts from your boyfriend could lead to disastrous events.
Time for some more angst. It’s very short and delicate yet oh so sad.  
Blue orchids by inktae: ❦ ☽
This is a hanahaki fic, and it’s really good. There’s something about hanahaki diseases that is so beautifully sad, idk why but I love this concept.           
Tease by Junkooksloststar: ❦ ☽☠
Synopsis: You came with the intentions of your best friend landing a job as a stripper. You never meant to catch the eyes of the king stripper of the establishment- Jeon Jungkook, yourself. With what was supposed to be a harmless way of paying off college debt faster you find yourself falling into a very odd and passionate relationship with your new mentor. Between infidelity, passion and jealousy there’s never a dull moment at Cherry Bomb.
I love this fic with my whole heart, it’s so addicting and amazing and fabulous and everything I ever could have wished for. And can we please talk about Jungkook in this; a literal god.
One thing right by hobios: ❦ ☽☠
Synopsis: “i’ve been wrong about a million times, but i’ve got one thing right.” Or, desperate to get your ailing mother into the best care possible, you ask your childhood friend turned enemy to marry you for his health insurance benefits. the only problem is it’s illegal. and he’s the sheriff. and you swore to hate him since the day he broke your best friend’s heart.
The plot in this story is arguably quite basic and cliché, BUT don’t let that stop you from reading it. Because the writing is so so so beautiful.         
Arachne boy by kinktae: ❦☠
Synopsis: How do you tell your best friend that the reason you can’t hang out with her is because you’re too busy trying to save New York? Or, “Are you asking me if I piss out webs?”
Don’t we all love a good spiderman au? It’s light hearted, cute and everything I could possibly have asked for.   
Bitchin’ by kinktae: ❦☠
Synopsis: The 80s were a time of choices. Which perm was right for you? What color neon would you wear next? None of these choices, however, were more questionable than a certain deal you made with Jeon Jungkook.
I love love love love love love this fic, and its portrail of Jungkook. It’s so so so so so so so so good. 
The doms next door by tatertotthethot (Junkook/Reader/Taehyung): ☠
Synopsis: In which you unknowingly accept the offer to become a tattoo model for the two, sexually-crazed men next door.
This. Fic. Is. So. Good. I. Can’t. Even. Explain. Just. Do. Yourself. A. Favor. And. Read. It.
Comfort inn ending by joonbird: ☽☠
Synopsis: It was you who Jungkook gave his heart to- that is, until the day you broke it. And it is you now, hoping that some fault lines can be repaired, and that some broken hearts can be put back together again.
The only thing I remember is crying a whole river. Like this fic broke my heart into millions of tiny pieces, put it back together and stepped on it. Its portrail of cheating and its consequences are very real, almost too real.            
                                                      *   *   *   *   *   *
OT7 or Poly
Accidentally tamed by justanotherbtsbitch(OT7/reader): ❦ ☽☠
Synopsis: The worlds biggest boy band, and probably the most famous group of hybrids to ever exist. Somehow they found you, just a normal human, despite all odds. Now they just need to convince you to stay
This is actually a second updated version of this series, and the author really succeeded with the update, the writing style is very good and the fic as a whole a lot less cliché. 
Bad guy by sweetbunnykookie (Jin/reader, Hoseok/Reader/Suga): ☽☠
Synopsis: After a brutal attack in Hong Kong, your marriage with Kim Seokjin cracks as secrets begin to surface and a series of betrayals find their way into the veins of the Hidden Tigers. Although Jin’s devotion endures, in his own definition, the reality of being a mob wife may be too much for you to bear.
This fic is dark, sad and beautiful. 
Beautifully misfit by orphicbts (maknae line/reader): ❦ ☽☠
Synopsis: You never really saw yourself as a hybrid person. that is, until your best friend introduces you to his hybrid, and you suddenly find yourself craving the companionship. you only intended to bring home one. somewhere between the lines you ended up with three beautifully misfit hybrids who craved nothing but your love.
Crazy rich asians by hobiwonder (Jin/reader, Yoongi/reader, Hoseok/reader, Jimin/reader): ☠
 Synopsis: You overhear something you shouldn’t. Now some of the country’s most powerful - and rich - men would do anything to keep you quiet.
I can’t waiiiiiiiiiiiiit for the rest of this series, I can already tell that it’s going to be -amAzIng-
Ethereal orbit by loveejoon (OT7/reader): ☠
More alienssss yayyyy !!
Hanahaki by EminEmGurlz (Everyone/everyone? This is a mess): ☽
Synopsis: The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals.
This fic hurts like hell. Its another hanahaki one, and I don’t think I’ve ever felt my heart break as many times as in this fic. Even though the writing style is as light as a breeze, it doesn’t stop this fic from hurting. 
Heartbeat by resugance (OT7/reader): ❦☠
Synopsis: When you put out a roommates ad for your newly purchased house, the only requirement you set out had been cleanliness. The last thing you’d expected was for the 7 most eligible bachelors of your university to come calling.Throw in school, crazy fan girls and the most sought for men suddenly chasing after you with heart eyes, comes a college experience of a lifetime. Would it be so wrong to want them all?
This is another one of the series which has yet to be complete, or even close to it. But either way, once I read the first chapter I was HOOKED. And I cannot wait for the continuation. 
House of cards by sugamins (Kim Taehyung/Jeon Jungkook/Park JImin ft. ot7): ☽☠
Synopsis: Jungkook is the heir to a mob empire, the most notorious in the whole of Seoul. Taehyung is a rookie sent in to infiltrate by his select team and bring the empire crumbling down."You knew the game and played it, it kills to know that you have been defeated."
This is arguably THE best BTS fic out there, and that is not because of nothing. It’s so well written and deserves ALL the praise it’s been given. Warning though, it´s a VEEEERY dark fic.
Legacy by fantasybangtan (maknae line/reader): ❦
Synopsis: four children, each comprising one quarter of a sacred prophecy. As royal in a kingdom divided by war, you are expected to fulfil the destiny that has been mapped out for you since birth: find yourself a nobleman, and unify your country’s people through marriage. unfortunately for you, your choices are somewhat limited…
I love love love this fic, it’s such an original and cute idea. And the writer has a really beutiful writing style !! Satisfy by kookiemonster (kim line/reader):
Trivial Pursuits by foreignfingers (OT7/reader):  ❦☠
Synopsis: College life is not what you expected and befriending your peers is a challenge, at least until your coworkers invite you to join their weekly trivia night. Sexual tension skyrockets as you befriend this curious group of handsome young men.
WOAHHHHHH, this is such a good fic. AND THE SEXUAL TENSION, I’ve never felt anything like it before. 
Tainting Purity by sevenincubisstolemyheart (OT7/reader): ☠
Synopsis: If someone told you that demons would be an everyday part of society a month ago you would have called them crazy.  But now that they actually were, you were surprised to find them much more docile than you would’ve initially assumed. In fact, it was the Humans who were hurting them, more often than not. So when you get fed up and stand up for an innocent demon being attacked, you shouldn’t have been so surprised when your own species turned on you, including your own parents, and left you to fend for yourself. Luckily, the newly made treaty calls for a Human to live with demons if there’s 5 or more, and so, you’re now rooming with 7 demons. But not just any kind of demons. Incubi. Your life has suddenly just gotten a whole lot more interesting.
The Choreographer by BTSM (future OT7/reader):  ☽☠
Synopsis: You are the assistant choreographer for BTS. You are responsible for teaching Jungkook the choreography for his new solo number. The tension becomes too much
This fic is what got me into OT7, and you need to read it- mark my words !!
Pandemonium by chinkhbihh (OT7/reader): ☠
This fic is so so sooo weird, BUT it works
Void by btssavedmylife (OT7/reader): ☽☠
Synopsis: You are the only female crew member on a 12 year space mission with seven handsome men. The sexual tension is real, y’all.
I cannot stress how good this fic is enough, don’t ask questions just reaaaad itttt !!!
Timeless by jaeminhours (Renjun/reader): ❦ ☽
Synposis: You know the exact hour, minute, and second every person you meet is going to die, including yourself, and that’s the way it’s always been. In which you meet a boy who changes everything, but your time is running out.
Jaemin hours is a very talented author, and all of her fics deserve to be on this list. However timeless stands out a little, for it’s written oh so beautifully and it completely broke my heart.
There were seven by masterninajacow (OT7 dreamies/reader): ❦
Synopsis: There were seven. 
This fic is one of the most beautiful ones I’ve ever read, it’s a too all the boys I’ve loved before au and it’s so so soooooo cute.
Can’t we share by sluttyten (NCT legal line/reader): ☠
Synopsis: a chance encounter leads to you meeting and falling in love with them all, and why bother choosing between them when you can have them all? 
This fic is EXTREMELY smutty, like on a whole other level. 
Stray Kids
Downpour by honeybammie (Hyunjin/reader): ❦ ☽
I don’t remember much about this fic, but it’s very delicate and sad and made me cry a whole lot.
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thelarryficrecplace · 6 years
February Fic Rec
Hello my lovelies, I’ve recently got back into the habit of reading Larry fics so here’s some fics, in order of increasing length, I’ve enjoyed reading during February 2019:
Happy Valentine's Day, You Cockroach by allwaswell16:
Summary: Harry Styles, new director of the Milltown Zoo, has a great idea for a Valentine's Day themed fundraiser. For a donation, they'll name cockroaches after people's exes and then feed them to the meerkats on a live stream. He just didn't foresee how many cockroaches would end up with his name...
Word coutn: 2,048
Gotta Have You by styleandsin:
Summary: Or, an AU where Valentine’s Day doesn’t go according to plan but possibly turns out even more romantic
Word count: 6,085
Dulce Et Decorum Est by sweetmelodrama:
Summary: Or the time where Harry is a soldier in world war one and Louis is his rock who gets him through all the pain and suffering war can bring.
Word count: 6,748
Purrfect by louiesunshine:
Summary: Or, where Harry knows Louis is hiding something but he has nothing to worry about.
Word count: 7,185
What Am I Gonna Say When I See You by runaway_train:
Summary: The one where Louis' unsure if too much time has passed since he last saw his childhood best friend to try and make things right.
Word count: 7,303
dopamine by Only_angel_28:
Summary: Louis honestly doesn’t know how he gets himself into these types of situations.
Well, actually, that’s a lie. He’s doing this because he needs the money, and because he’s curious. And, okay, maybe because he might be a little bit lonely too. He has always had what his mother affectionately calls an “adventurous spirit.” Couple that with being a (tragically single) broke grad student and voila! here he is scrawling his signature on a release form provided by the university’s sociology department. Essentially, he is agreeing to snog a stranger on camera for the sake of science.
Shouldn’t be a problem, right? All he has to do is lock lips with a (hopefully) fit bloke, collect his money, and be on his way. Easy peasy. Little does he know, fate has other plans for him in the form of one adorably quirky art student who goes by the name of Harry Styles.
Word count: 7,885
through reds and pinks by CrazyLaughter:
Summary:  Harry and Louis go through a series of fake proposals on Valentine's day for Louis's vlog.
Word count: 8,487
You're home now kitten by thesedumbbois:
Summary: Louis is a stray and he follows Harry home. Harry likes him too much and makes him stay and Louis ends up quite liking it.
Word count: 9,304
Someday Maybe by eversinceniall:
Summary: or, Harry and Louis start having casual sex on tour. which would be fine, if Louis knew the meaning of the word casual, and wasn't hopelessly in love with his best friend.
Word count: 11,291
Kiss Cam by Snowy38:
Summary: Harry had been on enough first dates to know that he shouldn’t get excited.
Getting his hopes up only resulted in disappointment. Life was not like the film Enchanted. You did not meet the love of your life whilst skipping around the park singing Disney songs.
He had once spent a whole summer with his guitar playing a catalogue of his favourite Disney songs and he knew only too well that all that attracted was unwanted attention and the advances of women he had absolutely no interest in.
Word count: 12,128
Clumsy by lovelarry10:
Summary: Louis loves taking Clifford to the market every weekend. It’s their thing. But when Cliff manages to trip over a handsome stranger, on Valentine’s Day of all days, it might just be the start of something new and exciting...
Word count: 12,473
from, your secret admirer by flicker_album:
Summary: Or the one where Louis is Harry's Tumblr crush so he sends him secret admirer messages for Valentine's Day
Word count: 13,240
Loosen Up My Buttons by messofgorgeouschaos:
Summary: Or, Louis owns a tattoo shop called Pretty in Ink, Harry owns a bakery called Rolling Scones, they haven't been introduced, and Valentine’s Day seems like the perfect opportunity to finally talk to the man Louis has been pinning over for the past year. And they both end up with more love than they bargained for.
Word count: 13,434
Kiss From A Rose by lovelarry10 :
Summary: Harry is the quiet one in the office no one ever notices. Until Louis does, that is. When notes start appearing on Harry’s desk, he ponders who is behind the kind words, oblivious to Louis’ attempts to get his attention...
Word count: 15,194
Wait For Me To Come Home by twoshipstiedup:
Summary: Some people meet in line at the grocery store on a Sunday afternoon, others use social media and technology to find their match. Sometimes, it's the old fashioned way through mutual friends at a dinner party.
For Harry and Louis, it was a hot summer's day on a crime scene.
Word count: 15,637
Brave Love by angelichl:
Summary: Harry breaks up with his boyfriend a day before Valentine's Day and Louis tries to cheer him up.
Word count: 17,241
If That's Not Love Then What Is by larrymylove:
Summary: There are a few things in life that Louis Tomlinson cannot stand - Conversation Hearts candy and Harry Styles. But when Harry gets broken up with the day before Valentine's, and Louis is the only one he can turn to, he starts to reevaluate things.
Word count: 17,762
If You're The Storm, Then I'm The Chaser by Anonymous:
Summary: Louis is back in town for the first time since he and Harry broke up six months ago. He's not sure what would hurt more, if Harry has moved on or if he's still as torn up as Louis is. He never even considered that Harry would be acting like a completely different person. And maybe he really is as happy as he keeps insisting, but Louis really doesn't think so.
Word count: 21,651
You Make It Easy by Rearviewdreamer:
Summary: Harry has dreamed of a career in the lighting industry for years. Those dreams only become bigger and brighter when he’s hired to work on Louis Tomlinson’s first solo world tour. At the end of the day, he ends up getting more than just an amazing job out of the deal.
Word count: 26,823
After All This Time by Anonymous:
Summary: Louis and Harry have been best friends since a fateful meeting on the Hogwarts Express seven years ago. With their time at Hogwarts coming to an end, their friends are determined to make them see that perhaps they've always destined to be more than just friends.
Prompted into reliving some of their most vivid moments at Hogwarts, Louis and Harry come to a startling realisation... that just maybe, after all this time, they're meant to be each others. Always.
Word count: 36,099
The Way You Make Me Feel by The_Girl_Almighty:
Summary: The one where Louis is forced to go to Jazzercise, and Harry is the hot, English instructor.
Word count: 47,353
A Twist of Fate by perfectdagger (sincerelyste):
Summary: Or a Just My Luck Au in which Louis, who apparently is the luckiest man in the world according to his friends, might have his fate and luck twisted when he crosses path with a handsome and mysterious bloke dressed up as Zorro at Syco Entertainment Press Corp’s Halloween party.
Word count: 59,677
Strawberries & Cigarettes by dimpled_halo:
Summary:  Two stories, eleven years, and the two boys that never stopped loving each other.
Word count: 76,633
Like Water Over Fire (Like Water On Fire) by MCSSymon:
Summary: Or Prince Harry has 46 men and 13 weeks to find the husband of his dreams, Louis has a limited amount to time to live out a royal fantasy. They might just be exactly what the other needs.
Word count: 119,264
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gretavanfleetlife · 6 years
Only Time Will Tell: Chapter One
AN: This is the first fic I’ve ever written and I’m so excited to share it with you guys!! This will be the first chapter of a gvf series so there’s much more to come. I love you all so much, thank you for the support! Hope you enjoy!!
Also an enormous thank you to @aliensforleaders for inspiring me and being a massive help, I couldn’t have done it without you!!💕💕
Warnings: swearing
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You stare mindlessly at the ceiling while you lay sprawled across your best friend's bed, humming along to a record that you knew all too well. You slowly open your eyes as the record stops spinning and the music becomes silent.
"God bless Bob Dylan," Josh says, "a true legend."
"You've been saying that since you were eight years old," you reply, smiling and looking up to see him walking towards the bed and flopping down next to you.
"And I'll keep saying it because it's true and you know it," he says and looks over at you. You scrunch up your nose and he sticks his tongue out at you. You and Josh have been best friends since you were three years old and he was six. He's always felt like an older brother to you, and the two of you became inseparable despite the clear age difference. You were only four years old when your mother passed away, and Josh's family took care of you when your father couldn't. You've grown extremely close with his family and closely bonded with Josh's brothers, Jake and Sam.
"When are you gonna get a boyfriend?" Josh asks suddenly. The abrupt question brings you out of your daydream.
"When are you gonna get a girlfriend?" you smirk.
"I'm serious y/n."
"You're never serious." Josh rolls his eyes, fighting a smirk that tugs at the corner of his lips.
"Ok well, this one time I am. You haven't gone on a date in, what, two years?" Josh questions, rolling onto his side to look at you, "don't you think it's been more than long enough?"
"Give me a break Josh, I dated Cam for a year. Don't you think I deserve as much time as I need after that?" you reply, meeting his gaze as he rolls his eyes at you. The last time you were in a relationship you were cheated on after almost a year of being together, and you didn't want to have to worry about that happening again.
"That was forever ago! It's time for you to get back out there and I'm going to help you find a guy if it's the last thing I do." Josh decides as he jumps off of the bed, "and I know just how you're going to do it!" The mischievous glimmer in Josh's eyes makes you nervous to hear his idea.
"Uh oh," you mutter as you prop yourself up on the bed to face him.
"I'm gonna throw a party tomorrow night!" You groan and bury your face in a pillow. "Hey, I know your excited y/n you don't have to hide it," Josh says, crossing his arms. He was right, you did feel excited as you smiled into the pillow that you held against your face. Sometimes you feel like Josh knows you better than you know yourself.
You throw the pillow at Josh and he lets it hit his chest and fall to the floor. He laughs as he walks out of his room without explanation.
"Josh where are you going?" You call out to him.
"Follow me," he calls to you as he walks downstairs. You let a small smile tug at your lips before quickly getting up and jogging after him. You get downstairs as Josh is putting on his shoes. "Sam! Let's go we're going out."
"Do I get a choice?" Sam asks as he gets up from his seat in the living room. You slide on your shoes as Josh opens the door, motioning you outside.
"Nope, hurry up," Josh responds.
As the three of you huddle into Josh's messy car, you ask him where you're going. Josh ignores you and turns on the radio, giving you a smirk before turning his attention back to the road. You cross your arms and share a smile with Sam, both of you impatient to know where Josh is taking you. After about ten minutes of you and Sam eagerly guessing your unknown destination, Josh parks the car in front of a clothing store.
"Oh no..." you mumble, looking nervously at Josh, who has a large grin on his face.
"Oh yes!" He replies, energetically hopping out of the car.
"Aw, I thought we were getting food! Why did I have to come?" Sam complains as the three of you walk towards the shop.
"I wanted a second opinion," Josh shrugs, earning an eye roll from Sam.
Walking inside the vibrant store, Josh and Sam make their way towards a small velvet couch beside the fitting rooms as Josh hurriedly shoos you away to look around. You leave the boys and turn your attention to the endless rows of shelves and hangers. As you flip through the dresses, you feel hesitant to take any off the rack. It's not that you don't want to catch a guy's attention, but you don't want to appear to be trying too hard. With a small sigh, your eyes land on a small black skirt. Picking it up and tucking it under your shoulder, you head over towards the back of the store where Josh and Sam are sitting. You pass the boys and walk into a fitting room, overhearing them discuss their band as you change into the light skirt. You smile and giggle quietly to yourself as you hear them bicker about their songs. They always talk about music extremely passionately, and you imagine Josh's elaborate hand motions as they discuss the newest song that they had written.
"Highway Tune is ridiculous!" Josh exclaims as you push the curtain aside and step out of your room to stand in front of the boys. Josh and Sam's conversation stops immediately and they turn their attention towards you.
"I like it," Sam says giving you a warm smile, which you happily return.
"What the fuck are you wearing?" Josh asks loudly, giving you a very confused expression.
"What does it look like?" you reply sarcastically.
Josh shakes his head in response, "It looks like you're not even trying. The whole purpose of the party is to get you a boyfriend can you please make my job a little easier y/n?" Sam's eyes widen and his shoulders tense as he stares at his brother. You groan and plop down beside Sam and he shifts uncomfortably on the couch.
"Fine! You go find something then," you shrug as Josh gets up and briskly walks away. You glance at Sam beside you and notice him quietly fidgeting with the end of his sleeve. Sam notices your gaze and quickly stops, clearing his throat.
"So Josh is throwing a party?" he asks.
"Yeah, tomorrow night," you reply.
"Do you know who's gonna be there?"
"I don't know the whole list, but probably everyone in our grade, plus Josh and Jake's friends. Why?"
"Oh no reason, just wondering." You notice Sam has gone back to fiddling with his shirt.
"Are you alright?" you ask gently.
Sam glances at you briefly before looking down at his feet. "Yeah of course. Why wouldn't I be?" Sam replies quietly.
"You just seem like there's something on your mind, that's all."
Sam looks up at you intently. He opens his mouth to reply but is interrupted by his older brother shoving multiple dresses into your arms.
"Honestly y/n did you even look? It took me about ten seconds to find these three," Josh complains loudly, "Well off you go then! Go try them on, we'll wait" he says as he returns to his seat.
You get up to walk back into your changeroom and glance at Sam, who's resting his head on his fist while he looks at the floor. You frown to yourself and close the curtains. When you open them again and stand in front of the boys, you have on a short golden dress that falls dangerously close to your butt and shows way too much cleavage for your taste. You roll your eyes at Josh's sense of style.
"What's with you and tight gold clothes?" you ask.
Josh's face lights up, "That's what I'm talking about! You look fantastic y/n."
Sam looks you up and down, his eyes landing on your chest for a moment before returning to meet your eyes. He swallows hard, "I don't really think it's your style, do you?"
"Yeah, you're right. This is too 'Josh' for me," you agree. Sam's shoulders relax as you walk back into your fitting room to try on the next one. You hear Josh let out an audible sigh as you force your body into a tiny, backless red dress. You were astounded as you finally got into it, walking out of the changeroom towards the boys.
"What size do you think I am Josh, negative four?" you snicker at Josh who nods his head in approval.
"Well yes dear, beauty is pain as they say," Josh chimes.
"Can you breath?" Sam says with a small laugh.
"Not really but thanks for asking," you snickered, shuffling back to your changeroom, "I think I'll have to pass on this one Joshie," you call out to him before sliding the curtain closed and changing into the final dress that Josh had picked for you. As you slid on the shoulderless maroon dress, you instantly fell in love with it. It showed off your curves and revealed just the right amount of cleavage, captivatingly complimenting your features. You knew the boys would love it too, so you quickly stepped outside and walked excitedly towards the velvet couch.
"That's the one!" Josh stated instantly, sporting a smile similar to yours as you gave him a quick spin, "how about it Sammy?" Sam silently stares at you, his lips parted slightly as his eyes rake over your body. Josh nudges Sam, "Well?" Josh says.
"N-no," Sam stutters while his eyes continue to scan over you. You frown, a bit hurt that Sam didn't like the way you looked.
"Oh, you don't think it looks good?" you ask Sam, second-guessing yourself.
Sam's eyes widen, "No, y/n that's not what I meant! It's just..." Sam stumbled.
"Just what?" you ask looking down at yourself. Sam tears his eyes away from your dress and looks at his feet.
"Nothing. You look beautiful," he sighs, slightly mumbling the compliment.
"Well if there aren't any obligations then this is definitely the one!" Josh says excitedly.
Josh insists on paying for your new dress, so you head out to the car with Sam. You hop into Josh's truck, claiming shotgun as Sam slowly makes his way to the backseat. You sit in silence as you glance at him through the mirror. Sam stares at his feet, fiddling with his hands as his eyebrows furrow in an emotion that you can't quite place. Sadness? Anger? Confusion? You're not sure, but you can tell something is bothering him. You ask Sam if there is anything wrong and he glances up at you briefly before turning to look out the window.
"Hm? No, I'm fine," Sam slurs unconvincingly. You've known Sam long enough to tell that he was definitely not fine, but you decide not to push it. You figure that he's probably just upset that he was forced into coming clothes shopping with you and Josh.
You flinch suddenly as you hear an enormous bang. You laugh and catch your breath as you see Josh sprawled out on the hood of his car, wailing like there's no tomorrow. He smiles at you as he slides off and throws himself into the driver's seat next to you, tossing a shopping bag containing your new dress at Sam, who doesn't seem impressed by Josh's spontaneous theatrical performance. Sam mutters something under his breath as Josh pulls out of the parking lot. As you made your way back to the Kiszka house, you sang along to John Denver at the top of your lungs with Josh and remained completely oblivious to Sam's frequent glances at you the rest of the way home.
@aliensforleaders @obetrol-and-cocktails @sweet-ladyy @goodoldfashionedqueen 💖
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Fictober Day 19
Yes I know! I’m late again. Family came in and gave me no time to write. So We’ve got a treat today! Two fics for the price of Three prompts!
Prompt number: 19
Fandom (AU if applicable): Uta No Prince Sama
Rating: G
Warnings/Tags: Mild cussing, A lot of fluff, Camus, Oc/ Reader
I had to help. I couldn't stand to see her like this. A normally clean room was now trashed. Fabric covered every surface and needles were in the wall. Sky was kneeling focused before kicking the stand away growling.
"Fuck this!!!" I sighed then before stepping in and getting her shoulders. God she was tense. Barely even eight am and she's already a mess.
"Come on."
"No. This is due tomorrow!"
"Tell them there's no way."
"Camus I can't!!! I've already had an extension!!"
"And you'll get another."
"Says who?"
"The one who will be wearing it." She rolled her eyes then and got free from my hands. She rose quickly taking off her needle holder and the measuring tape.
"Cam… this and three other pieces are due in the next week. I don't have time to take a break! I need to focus!"
"And yet you've pricked yourself how many times? And isn't your machine jammed?"
"Hence why I'm sewing it by hand." I pulled out my phone then.
"Then I'll make this easier on you."
"Who the hell are you calling?" I smiled then as I hit the number. She came over but I held out a hand.
"Camus. What's going on?"
"Your fashion designer. Her machine jammed and won't be fixed for another two days. She's been hand sewing for twelve hours."
"What!? SKY ARE YOU THERE!? ITS DAVID!" I put it on speaker then.
"He's holding me back so yes!"
"Why didn't you call sooner!?"
"Because I had it! He's been overprotective!"
"For a reason. No. Nat can do the cape. You've got to machine dew that material. It'll slide too much in a hand!"
"Yeah I noticed…. Fine. But the others…"
"Got pushed back. Take a damn break. I see you in the office tomorrow I will send you straight home."
"You heard me. Now I've got to go." He hung up and I saw the shock in her eyes.
"You did not just do that."
"I believe I just did. Now do me a favor. Get dressed. I need help out in town today."
"Yeah ok…. Fine." She huffed a bit then brushing back her hair.
"You didn't have to do that."
"It's eight am, you're bleeding and screaming curses. Yes I did." I kissed her head then.
"My shower. Then we leave and get breakfast. I know a spot."
"Oh? And what about this favor?"
"After breakfast." She just laughed then and got some clothes before following me back to my room. I'd make sure her room got cleaned before she came back. I didn't want her to think about work at all today.
God what game did he think he was playing? That was a mean trick. Needed… but still mean. At least I got to see him. That's the important part. Going on two weeks without us spending any time together. I had honestly missed him. I walked out of his bathroom to find him on the phone.
"He does? Oh dear…. Yes I had planned on it anyway. Yes that's perfect. I'll be there around noon? Excellent. See you then." He hung up then and smiled.  
"What's that smile about?"
"Hm? Just checking in on something. You'll find out soon. You ready?" I nodded sitting down in his favorite chair to pull my boots on.
"Yeah. Whats on the agenda?"
"Brunch. Then I've got a fitting for a new suit. It's casual wear so don't." I went to pout at him but he had that look. I huffed a bit then and nodded.
"Fair. Then?"
"Walk in the park. Why not? It's a gorgeous day. Plus I need to get my boy out." I stopped then.
"Your boy…?"
"Yes?"  I glanced to his desk then. I had a feeling who he was talking about. In the photo he always kept there of his queen, there was a gorgeous puppy on her knee. He had once told me his name was Alexander.
"Alexander yes. Why?"
"... you're going to let me meet your puppy?" I looked up at him then. Camus was confused.
"Why not? I meant to have done it sooner but he fell ill. He's much better now…. You do like dogs right?"
"Like dogs?" I got up then and just beamed.
"I LOVE PUPPIES!" Camus laughed then and got my hand.
"Come then. Maybe meeting mine will help you relax." I nodded then wrapping my arm around his. He let me willingly as we headed out.
Brunch was honestly a lot of fun. I had never been to this cafe but the staff was kind and easily helped us find something to fit our cravings. He even got me a mimosa which was amazing. I could feel the knot in my chest relaxing the longer we sat there laughing and talking. He was perfectly relaxed and even gave a few young girls smiles as they glances over. He never did hide his appearance when out in town so everyone knew he was a member of Quartet Night. We kept it calm but he didn't hide us holding hands or him opening doors for me or pulling out my chair.
The fitting afterwards was at a small store. One you'd have to have a reservation to get into. They welcomed camus like an old friend and ushered us in. He was completely relaxed just talking with them all. I was gazing around seeing how many beautiful outfits were around. One caught my eye. Black skinny jeans, with a tight shirt with ripped shoulders with an ice blue heart in the middle. A leather jacket covered it all with a matching purse.
"You see something you like?" I jumped and looked up. Camus was giving me a questioning look but soon saw it.
"Oh… it's your style."
"Yes it kind of is." I smiled then.
"But we're here for you. Not me."
"On the contrary." I don't even get to give him an odd look before a lady is ushering me into a separate room. I can hear Camus chuckling before the door closed.
I wanted to surprise her. I could tell by looking at all of her closet, she had never had a tailored outfit to her body type. Well I wanted to fix that. She had done so much for me when it came to making me stage outfits and such. I let them do what they needed with me. I didn't fuss or argue, only offered suggestions on where a bit more space would be nice. They listened and soon had my order in. I went and sat by the window humming just watching and waiting.  
Thirty minutes later, she came out. Hair tousled gently with light lip gloss as well, she was wearing the outfit we saw. Her boots matched perfectly and had even been shined. She leaned on the doorframe watching me smirking.
"So did you do this on purpose or spur of the moment?"
"On purpose. How does it feel?" She walked forward then and took a deep breath.
"It's weird… it fits. Like it's not too tight but it fits." She went in front of a mirror and checked out the side profile. Every curve she hid was there and I had to avert my eyes. I couldn't let her see me blush like that.
"I might need some more jeans like this… she gave me real pockets! Like my phone fits in these cam!" She turned then and showed me. I laughed a bit as she kept sliding it in and out.
"Damn… ya know I might need to do this to all my jeans."
"Wouldn't be a bad idea. You carry a lot of things after all." She shrugged then as I shook my head. She was a wonder, that was for sure. The owner came out then with a smile and my new coat. Only a minor altercation was needed.
"Try this on sir…. Oh my… is this your beauty?"
"Yes. Care to add hers on mine?"  Sky stopped then.
"What?" I smiled then as he walked away to do so as I slid on my new coat. I went up to her and gave her a gentle kiss.
"You look this good and you think I'd let you leave here without it?" She made a small sound then before kissing me back. I just smiled and let her. They had my information on file after all.
He was such a wonder. A tailored outfit. Just for me. I couldn't believe it. Yet here I was, wearing such a thing. She had even offered to change the heart color but I wouldn't let her. The blue matched camus's colors perfectly. Even now sitting down, it wasn't too tight or anything. Wrinkles didn't stay and the pants didn't ride up. I didn't even need a belt anymore. It was on more for style than purpose. Soon tho, we were at his apartment. I had been here before to drop something off but I never went in. I had just met him at the door before leaving. This time I got to come in.
"Don't worry about shoes, we'll be leaving soon." I nodded as I came in. It was all simple decoration but what I did see spoke of softness. A lot of icy blues and silvers on a dark grey couch. Colors of home I guess. Then I heard the claws on the floor.
"Alexander stop!" A white blur came out of a back room and tackled camus making him laugh. A young man stumbled out of the hall panting.
"Sorry sir!"
"Nonsense. He knew I was home. Didn't you boy?" This dog was big. On his back legs, he reached all the way to camus's chest! He was smiling like a goofball tho before sitting down. Camus knelt and rubbed his chin.
"You have been a good boy Alexander? Hm?" He whined then and almost seemed to nod. Camus nodded then and looked back.
"Come say hi." I stepped forward then and knelt next to camus offering my hand.
"Hi alexander…" He gave me a curious look before coming up and kissing my cheek. I yelped then before giggling and petting him.
"Oh god you're soft…. Such a soft baby…" Alex whined then and sat down nudging me for scratches on his head. I scratched him gently smiling.
"Such a baby…. Oh cam…" I moved closer then as he laid over so I can rub his belly. I laughed and did so happily.
"Dear lord, he likes you."
"Yeah. That's a big deal?" The young man standing in the hall chuckled then.
"Took me three weeks before he would let me rub his belly. He lets some of the band members pet him but nothing like this." I looked down at the dog and he just gave me a look of pure love. I sighed then.
"Maybe he just knows who to trust… dogs judge people on who treats their owner well as well." Camus chuckled then and kisses my head.
"Sounds like he knows how much I love you then. So… shall we go for a walk? That way you can see how he really is." Alex perked up then and soon ran to the door and nosed his leash. I laughed then getting up and got it free for him and locked it on his collar. He was wagging like mad with such a big smile.  Camus was a bit behind us but soon we were on our way to the park.
Alex was a dream. He was so well behaved. Even when a squirrel ran across the path, he just sniffed at it and kept walking. Sunset was slowing coming but we hardly noticed. We were just enjoying hanging out. Alex joined in sometimes with a bark or a small woof making us laugh before I leaned down to pet him. I could hardly remember why my shoulders and my chest had been hurting before today. The pricks on my fingers didn't even hurt anymore.
We stopped for ice cream right as the sun hit the horizon and got a few more laughs in as he tried to give me a spoonful or two. Alex had a pup cup and soon was dozing at our feet once his was gone. Sitting on a bench just watching the leaves dance in the wind, I couldn't help but hold Camus's hand and relax.
"Alright… I'll admit it…. You were right."
"Huh?" I smiled then.
"I did need this day off." He chuckled then.
"I know. Plus… I know dogs help at any point. I wish he could stay with us at the dorm.. but Shining said no." I pouted a bit then.
"Damn…. That would be awesome. I love dogs… and he's so well behaved!"
"I made sure he would be…. I love him so much… he's so smart as well."
"I've noticed. He listens very well." Alex looked up a bit then and I smiled at him.
"Yes you, you big pretty baby." He whined then moving closer before laying his head on my foot. I leaned down to pet him happily. Camus chuckled and did the same.
"We wore him out… better head home." I pouted then and Camus shook his head.
"I never said we were going back to shining. We have a weekend off for a reason." I perked up then and smiled.
"Does he cuddle?"
"As much as I do." I beamed then getting up. Alex followed and we headed home. I couldn't wait to be in the middle of that.
We had barely been home an hour. Sitting on the couch in pajamas, Her on my side and Alexander curled up by her feet. Her arm wrapped around mine with her eyes closed. An old show played on the tv giving a small amount of background noise as I got my phone out and got a quick photo. It was so rare to see her looking this peaceful. Alex looked up after the photo and I smiled.
"I'm glad you like her too boy." He whined then and nuzzled in. I just chuckled before sending it to the boys. I'd see their reactions in the morning. For now, I was just glad to stay here with my own little family.
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drawlfoy · 4 years
The Wonders of Ohio P.5
masterlist (check here for parts 1-4!) request guidelines
pairing: draco x reader
request: from 14 year old me babey
warnings: cringe, mentions of drug use, mentions of sex, language, and just bad writing
summary: y/n is in her senior year of high school when she is asked to take on an exchange student from britain that’s a little...different. this is NOT a nonmagic AU. draco is still a wizard and this will become and integral part of the story shortly.
a/n: heyyyy everyone. i graduated from high school this week and i’m posting this as my happy-one-year-to-me. as some of you may know, i posted my very first fic on this day a year ago. i’m really happy to see how i’ve grown since and i’m so lucky to have shared this with all of you. anyways, nittygritty--
this part is really the last slow exposition chapter. chapters 6 on will be a whole whirlwind beginning with homecoming and i hope that you guys are willing to stick around. i promise itll be worth the wait. y/n is going to get the story arc of a lifetime and also please do not hate heather she is just going through it ok 
tags tags tags  @gruffle1 @missmulti @cleopatera @hahaboop @accio-rogers @geeksareunique @eltanin-malfoy @war-sword @cams-lynn @itsivyberry @ayo-cowbelly @nerd-domland @erisdogwood @loveissupernatural
word count: 4.6k (;))
song recs: 
strawberry blonde -- mitski 
in your neighbors garden -- mimi bay
wishes -- beach house
ode to artifice -- samia 
pink in the night -- mitski
enjoy <3
The seatbelt buckle scorched the side of Y/N’s exposed neck as she turned to face the disheveled blonde in the passenger seat.
“Do I need to teach you to set an alarm?” 
Draco let out a huff. “Stop. Do you have a….a comb, or a brush, or something here?” His hands looked abnormally fidgety. Their actions were shaky, varying from patting his pockets to running through his hair. He seemed more and more frustrated each time his hands left his pockets empty. 
How curious Y/N thought as she racked her brain for any remembrance of putting a brush in her car. It was always a mess, and she honestly couldn’t blame Draco for assuming that anything could be in there.
“I don’t think there’s one here,” said Y/N, trying to sound at least a little sympathetic despite the fact that his tardiness had them 10 minutes late. “You can look around if you want, king.”
“What’d you call me?” His voice was suddenly sharp and awake.
Y/N rolled her eyes so hard that she thought they’d get stuck in the back of her head. “You don’t--ok. It’s a joke. You can call guys here that.”
“And it means that I’m…?”
“It means I’m acknowledging that you exist, I guess. It’s not like it has a strict negative or positive connotation. Like, I can say ‘Ok king’ to any man telling me something and it can either be sarcastic, or it can be because I don’t know what else to say and just want to let him know I heard him.”
Draco’s eyes looked a tad glazed over when Y/N dared a glance in his direction.
“I know it’s confusing. I’m sorry. I’ll try and ease you into the world of American slang.” 
He granted her a little “uh-huh” before opening up the glovebox with great difficulty and rummaging through the mess. Y/N would’ve felt more embarrassed about the tampon that fell on the ground in the process if he seemed like he actually knew what it was. 
Her attention turned back to the road as Draco continued to sift through things. Y/N couldn’t help but wonder if there was anything embarrassing hidden away in the corners of her car--after all, it hadn’t been organized since the beginning of summer--and decided that it was better to pretend it wasn’t happening.
It wasn’t the eerie silence that eventually prompted her to turn to look his direction--no, it was the weird energy in the car, like the feeling right before a thunderstorm. All the hair raised on her arms, and she shivered...but it was stifling hot in the car.
“Oh, did you find a brush?” she asked. His hair laid as perfectly as always, but his hands were lying shaking in his lap, palms to the sky. No hairbrush was in sight.
“Er... “ He was paler than usual, which was quite the feat for someone who looked like a ream of paper. “No. Just remembered a trick my father taught me.”
She tensed at the mention of his father--the very first time Draco had done so. “Oh. Okay. Glad you got it figured out, king.”
Her voice lightened on the last word, hoping she could coax a little smile out of him. 
“Don’t call me that.”
 There were many things Y/N thought she understood, but Draco Malfoy being in her Physics C class was not one of them. She took pity and sat next to him as he fumbled his way through the first lecture. His notes, while neat, were littered with crossed out portions and question marks. 
You do know there’s an eraser on your pencil, right? she jotted on a note that she sent his way. His brow furrowed and he seemed to tap at the end of the eraser for just a few moments before deciding otherwise and xing out another practice problem he’d done incorrectly. Symbols that she’d never seen before were scattered all throughout his notes. 
Maybe the UK kids just learn stuff differently.
By the time that Physics came to an end, Y/N was eager to get away from the storm cloud that was brewing over Draco’s perfectly smoothed and infuriatingly pretty moonbeam colored hair. The amount of attention he was getting from all the other girls made Y/N want to jump off a cliff--suddenly everyone was her “best friend” “just wanting to check up on what happened over summer”. She was grateful to see the face of Lizzy, grinning and looking mischievous during their break period.
“You must be Draco,” said the redhead, a glint in her eyes. He looked a little scared.
“Mind giving us some privacy? Y/N and I have some urgent matters to discuss,” she continued, looking him up and down. Y/N attempted to ignore the twist in her gut as she watched him swallow and nod, turning away to go brood elsewhere. Once he was out of sight, Lizzy grabbed her arm and yanked her into the girl’s bathroom.
“It’s so funny how he’s following you around like a lost puppy,” Lizzy said. “Also, he’s gorgeous. If you don’t at least try to get some of that, then I’m never trusting your judgement again.”
“But, Li-”
“The boy’s a fucking walking Wattpad story cover. Dark, tragic past, unbelievably sharp jawline, rich parents, exotic accent....honestly, Y/N, I don’t know what else you could want.” 
“Mom literally called him my host brother,” said Y/N. The bathroom was starting to smell suspiciously like cotton candy. “That’s wrong. On so many levels.” 
“But you’re not related!”
“But it’s gross! And predatory! The kid doesn’t even know how to do basic algebra! I’m all he has!” 
Lizzy’s eyebrow found its new home in the middle of her forehead. “You’ve gone absolutely batty if you think that every girl cursed with attraction to men in Cincinnati wouldn’t jump his skin at the chance. Use your head, queenie. He’s not alone. Shoot your shot.”
Y/N opened her mouth to serve back a retort--that was definitely there, thank you very much--but decided against it once she realized that the bathroom had become dead silent. “Um...maybe we can go over this later.” She flickered her eyes over to the line behind them that was now intently hanging on their every word. “I forgot I had to talk to the counselor.”
Lizzy was smirking as they exited the bathroom and began the search for Draco. It didn’t take long--the circle comprised of Heather and her friends was more than enough of a giveaway that he was about. 
“Draco, sorry to make you wait,” Y/N called out. It took all her effort to abstain from cringing as her voice rang out across the group. Heather turned to send her a big smile.
“Hey Y/N! You didn’t tell me that Draco was from London!” 
“He’s not,” she responded. “He’s from Wiltshire.” 
“Wiltshire. Of course. That’s what I meant.”
Draco’s smile was tense as he looked down at Heather--who stood roughly 4 inches below him--but he was smiling, and that wasn’t something that Y/N was on the receiving end of frequently. She didn’t know whether to be offended or relieved.
“I’m sure. Break’s almost over, Draco. I can show you where the English department is before the time is up.” 
 He paused, looking down at the blonde grinning up at him. “Er, actually, Heather already offered to show me around for the rest of the day.”
“Yeah, for sure. I’ll see you in French.”
Y/N was shocked at the sheer amount of jealousy that rose up in her throat as she turned away and made her way to Art History---the only class Y/N and Draco didn’t share. The walk was strange. Being in solitude after having a gloomy British boy attached to her hip was understandably eerie. Because that’s all it was. Adjustment. Nothing else.
She settled in at a table full of her friends, namely Sylvia. The tall girl was always a bit whimsical, but Y/N found that she was a breath of fresh air compared to everyone else. It made sense that Sylvia would take Art History--her dark academic inspired aura and the perpetually hot mug of black coffee just screamed history nut. 
“How’s your new brother?” she asked after the teacher had taken attendance. “I say that because I haven’t heard his name yet.”
“Ick, it’s gross to think of him as my brother,” Y/N responded. “And I know! We need to catch up. I’m sorry about not talking to you for a bit. The time difference was a bit weird during your trip.”
“It’s ok, I get it. I was away on family business, anyways. I didn’t expect you to spend your days staying up until the wee hours of the night to tell me all about your exchange student. Anyways. His name?”
“You’re gonna scream when you hear it, Vie,” she said. “Draco Malfoy. It’s so posh. You have no idea. It definitely suits him, though. He’s very...You good?” 
Sylvia’s olive toned face looked a bit paler than usual. “Yeah. Yeah, I just remembered that I forgot to take the trash out this morning. I’ll have to text my mom about it.” She adjusted the wool cardigan that hung around her shoulders and came up looking composed. “Draco, huh? His parents must hate him.”
“At the very least! He’s so rude. And uptight. I can’t tell if it’s just a Brit thing or if it’s because he’s an asshole.” 
Sylvia laughed. “I mean, when I was there over the summer, it was a different culture for sure. We’re by far louder. But I didn’t meet many mean ones. You must’ve just got a bad apple, then.”
“I guess so. He is pret--”
“Ladies, is there something you’d like to share with the rest of the class?”
“No, Mrs. Jensen,” Sylvia and Y/N said in unison. 
“Thoughts, king?” 
“I told you not to call me that.” Draco glared at her as he tried to open the passenger side door to find that it was locked tight. “Unlock? Please?”
“And I told you not to get cozy with ASB kids, yet here we are,” said Y/N as she slotted the key into the lock and turned. 
“What’s it to you?”
“Nothing. I’m just looking out for you.” She slammed the door shut and threw her bag in the bag. The line of traffic to get out of the school was long and stuffy, and she was eager to just get it over with.
The wait was so hot that Draco peeled off his stupid formalish jacket that was on thin ice of being called a blazer and probably worth more than her car. Y/N tried to look away as his hair became slightly ruffled, but she couldn’t pry her eyes away. It was endearing, almost, how someone who could look so posh and serious could have ruffly hair--and hair that naturally light, too. She had asked him one night if it was dyed, and he scowled at her and told her the grammatically correct term was dead, and that his hair was alive, just like the rest of him, thank you very much. She dropped it. 
Y/N finally rolled down her window after the AC simply refused to satisfy her, and the wind was a nice reminder to keep in her own lane. Draco was beautiful. There was no other way to put it. He had a feel of power to him, like he was capable of anything but just held it back. But he was just as inaccessible as he was pretty, and there was nothing she could do about that.
“Y/N?” He asked after a few moments of sitting in silence. “What’s Homecoming?” 
“Who told you about that?” 
“Heather. She asked if I had a date. Is that like a ball here?”
“She asked you if you had a date on the first day?”
“Fuck. ASB kids never do sleep, huh.” 
“Homecoming isn’t a ball. It’s like a...an…” Y/N paused as she saw Draco raise his eyebrows. “It’s, like, uh….Well I guess it is like a ball. An American one, though. Way less extravagant. It’s an excuse to get dressed up and run around the city. There technically is a dance, and all the ASB kids have to go, but literally no one else does but the underclassmen. Normally I go out with my friends and a date to somewhere fun and take pictures. And then get trashed afterwards.”
“Classy,” said Draco. “I think you can go now.”
A honk behind her emphasized his point as the space in between her and the car in front widened substantially. 
“Thanks. Anyways, it’s not really a big deal. I’d suggest not going with Heather so you can skip out on the dance portion. Or if you want to go with her, get her to come with us into Cincinnati because I am not going to spend my last homecoming watching a grind circle.” 
“A...what circle? And I don’t want to go with her.”
The relief Y/N felt was embarrassing. “Um...better if you don’t worry about it. You have a long time to figure it out anyways.”
He seemed satisfied with that answer, propping his elbow up on the center console. The pristine button up he was wearing had ridden up, exposing the pale skin and the bottom of the tattoo she had seen a hint of earlier. “Do you have a date?”
“Um. No, not yet. I don’t think anyone except for couples do yet. We have until the end of this month to figure it out, so I’m not too worried about it.”
He nodded as Y/N’s car finally left the school parking lot and began picking up speed. 
“I’m assuming you had balls? At your posh boarding school?” 
“Er…” Draco ran his hand through his hair, ruffling it further. “We only had one. It was when I was 14. We called it the Yule Ball.”
“Why only one?”
“It was for a special occasion. We had two other schools join us as well. It was quite a good time.”
“So every student only has one ball in their lifetime?”
“Of course not. Some of us--the ones from old families--have events like that regularly.”
“I’m sorry if this is overstepping my bounds,” began Y/N, noticing how he tensed up, “So you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. But, I’m just wondering, what is your family like?”
“What do you mean?”
“Like are they nice?”
“Oh.” The line in his forehead relaxed. “No. They wouldn’t like you.”
“Glad to hear it,” she said. “Do you like them?”
She heard the breath hitch in his throat. “I don’t know anymore.”
“I’m sure it’s hard to think about it when you feel like they’ve just shipped you off without anyone,” she added. “I’m really sorry, Draco. I know I’ve been a bit mean to you. I know that I’ll never be able to understand what you’re going through right now.”
The slight smile that spread across his face would’ve knocked her to her knees if she wasn’t already sitting down. “It’s okay. I wouldn’t expect you to understand.”
The silence that awaited them for the rest of the journey was comfortable.
School began to pick up the pace after the first few days. Y/N got into the swing of homework and her extracurricular workload. Draco was having a bit more difficulty, she presumed, but he’d never admit to it. She took pity one evening and gave him her laptop opened to a Khan Academy tab for Physics and was pleased to see that he showed up to class the next day with completed homework. He asked to borrow her laptop on a much more frequent basis after that. 
The routine they settled into had her heart leaping into her chest almost constantly--they’d eat breakfast together at the table, Y/N would try to ignore how pretty he looked across the table as they shared a pot of black tea (earl grey, which Y/N was thrilled to learn was his favorite as well), they’d get in the car, she’d write him notes in physics to help him (even though he never asked, he always smile and give a little shake of his head before unfolding them and intently staring at her writing), they’d drive home together and bitch about their French teacher, he’d retire to his room and do whatever pretty blonde Brits do in the afternoon, they’d meet unexpectedly at the same time in the late evening to have a final cup of tea, and then they’d go to bed and do it all over again. 
It was difficult for her to admit, but Y/N was falling very quickly for Draco. It was gross, and wrong, and manipulative, and completely against the code of conduct for exchange families, but she couldn’t help but spend her days fantasizing about how his gold-spun hair would feel as she ran her fingers through it or how gently she’d trace her fingers around the tattoo on the soft flesh of his forearm…
But Y/N knew those thoughts weren’t right. And they would go away. Eventually. 
“How’s it going?” Sylvia asked, effectively snapping her out of her thoughts. The Art History sub told them to go into independent study, whatever that meant. Y/N was not very good at either of those words.
“Pretty good. I can’t believe it’s been 3 weeks already,” she said. “It’s gonna be Halloween before we know it.”
“I can’t fucking waitttt,” said Sylvia. “I’m gonna be Wednesday Addams.”
“What else would I be? I get a new high collared black dress every year. It’d be a shame if it were going to go to waste. What are you gonna be?”
“One of the thousands of students finishing their UChicago ED app hours before the deadline.”
“You’re kidding. Can’t you just finish it the day before?”
“Where’s the fun in that? And, plus, I don’t have an idea as cool as Wednesday.”
Sylvia smirked as she opened up her planner and began to jot down something. “How’s Draco doing? I haven’t seen much of him lately. It seems like he never hangs out with us at break anymore.”
“Yeah, I ended up getting him connected with the Physics teacher. He’s getting tutored now. He thinks it’s all bullshit, but I don’t want to be the reason he doesn’t get into a good school.”
“Is that all you care about?” She smiled at Y/N. “Lizzy was telling me that you’re interested in him.”
“First of all, keep your voice down. Second of all, I’m not supposed to be, so I’m not.” Y/N hoped that the edge in her voice was convincing enough.
Her friend raised her eyebrows so dramatically that her glasses nearly slipped off her nose. “Y/N, who’s gonna hear about it. You guys are both going away at the end of the year anyways, and I’m sure he’s not going to be writing to his dear mum about his love life. If it’s consensual, there’s nothing wrong with it. I think it’d be good for both of you.”
“I see that, but let’s put me in his shoes right now.” Y/N shuffled in her seat and clasped her hands. “I’m rich. I’m British. I’m very hot. My parents throw extravagant balls for me and I kiss pretty girls that say water like ‘wota’. I’ve spent my life in silk and I only drink the finest teas. My family is so important that I had to be shipped off halfway across the world just to be safe. And now my incredibly expensive life has reached a peak because I’m sleeping with a random girl in Ohio that has run approximately 4 stop signs since I’ve met her.”
“You’re sleeping with Draco?” 
Y/N turned to see Lauren, a wide-eyed, obnoxious, but well meaning girl staring at her. She heard Sylvia stifle a laugh behind her. “No. I was kidding.” The smile that she followed with was awkward and showed way too many teeth. 
“Oh, okay,” said Lauren. “Do you know if he likes anyone?”
Sylvia’s smirk widened.
“No, actually, he’s a pretty private guy.” Y/N sent her another tense smile, and Lauren finally turned away.
“Jealous, huh?”
“Shut up, Vie. You know I wouldn’t go for him. Even if I had the chance.”
She just raised an eyebrow and smiled. 
The afternoon brought its own set of struggles. Their French teacher had blown up at another student who had been caught cheating on their last test, and it was all Y/N could do but hold back her snickers until they were out in the parking lot.
“I can’t believe they still managed to conjugate their cheat sheet wrong.” Y/N was gasping for breath as she unlocked the car door and threw her stuff inside. Draco was watching from the passenger seat, his lips in a soft upturn. “Can you imagine? Oh my god.”
He just shook his head and turned to look out the window, but she could see the smile slowly stretching across his face. “Ridiculous. You could totally tell Monsieur enjoyed it, too. I bet he gets off on making kids like Joey cry.”
“I had a teacher like that,” he started. “He was a Poti-a chemistry teacher.”
“Oh? Did he ever attack you?”
“No. He liked me. Family friends and all.”
“Ah. I almost forgot that your family was rich and influential. Thanks for the reminder.” She reached across and lightly punched his shoulder. His smile, though still remaining, seemed to shrink. “Hey, what’s that in your bag?” 
Y/N motioned to the cardstock peeking out of his nondescript black backpack that always seemed to fit more than it was meant to. She could make out a few words written in what looked like a bright red sharpie--something that did not exactly scream Draco Malfoy aesthetic.
He froze up. “Er. It’s from Heather. I think she called it a Homecoming ask?”
Y/N’s throat dried up to the point that no words would willingly make the climb from her diaphragm to her tongue; instead, she settled for giving him a little nod and what she hoped was a convincing smile.
“I told her I’d think about it,” he continued. “I remember you saying that the school dances sucked. So I let her know that I wasn’t sure yet.”
She nodded again. “Super cool. You can do whatever you want, though. You can come with my group if you’d like, but you’re welcome to go with Heather’s.”
“What? So you aren’t coming with me if I go with Heather?”
“Fuck no, dude. I don’t hate her, but I would way prefer to spend a night with my friends than some girl from my French class that only talks to me because she thinks you’re hot.” 
The expression Draco made reminded Y/N that he would never get comfortable with American girls calling him hot. “Ok. Have you found a date yet?”
“Chad from Econ asked me yesterday.”
“Is that why my seat was covered in glitter?”
“Are you going with him?” Draco’s hand was clenched tight in a fist in his lap.
“I think so,” said Y/N, steeling herself and deciding to just go for it. “But, of course, if you asked me I would say no to Chad. Just out of principle. I am supposed to be your tour guide, after all.”
The only parts of him moving were the few stray wisps of his hair being pushed around by the AC going. 
“But that’d be weird. I’d only expect you to take that up if you really didn’t want to go to the dance itself.” She swallowed and pulled out onto the main street, putting distance between them and the school. He was silent for a few moments. The quiet, normally comfortable between them, was stifling and strange. She pretended to ignore the way he was fiddling with his cuffs. 
“Yeah, it could be,” was all he said before slumping against the window and closing his eyes.
Mrs. Y/L/N was sitting at the head of the coffee table when the two arrived home, carding between a stack of letters in front of her. The mug of something--probably that new decaf blend she hadn’t stopped raving about--was sitting lopsided on a coaster, just barely about to topple off the edge. She looked like she hadn’t moved for hours, the novel she had been previously reading sat face down to preserve the spot next to her no doubt lukewarm drink.
“Hey Mom,” Y/N said as she set her keys down. “Anything good?”
She looked up, her expression morphing from startled to happy. “Other than the college brochures? Nothing, except...hm, what’s this?”
Her well manicured hand pulled at a crimson envelope, with sloping writing that seemed to shimmer in the light. 
To the Y/L/N Family, it read. The loopiness of the writing looked like it wiggled at the ends, but that had to be a trick of the light. It was dim in the kitchen during afternoons, after all. 
“It looks cool, open it u--”
Draco’s voice had never sounded so loud as it did then as he lunged across the kitchen, snatching it out of her mother’s hand and clutching it to his chest. “Er, it’s for me. I recognize the handwriting.”
 “Cool, see you later,” said Y/N. She was up the stairs and slamming her door before either of her housemates could say another word. After the horrible embarrassment that was technically Draco’s rejection, she needed to be alone. 
Even burying her face into her pillow and squeezing her eyes shut didn’t keep the scenes from their car ride at bay. She had been so stupid, so stupid. Why did she even think he wanted that? He was her brother, after all. Oh god, does he think we’re all from Alabama or something?
She wallowed for a few more mournful minutes before deciding that she had to pick herself up and handle it like an adult. After all, she was going to be 18 in just a few months. There was no excuse for her to act like a child anymore. And, plus, it wasn’t like she couldn’t just play this off as a pity invite. Yes,that’s what she’d frame this as if he ever asked her about it again. She felt bad for him was all it was. 
Once satisfied with her internal dialogue, she rolled out of bed and made for the foyer where her bag was still on the table. She’d first walk on Legos barefoot before she had to let a stupid boy--especially one that didn’t know how to turn on their shower and had to ask for her help every time--come between her and her 4.0. Never.
Her thoughts were cut short, however, when she heard a new sound from his side of the hallway. She froze, listening closely. 
Draco was crying.
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lookatthisdork · 7 years
Meditations of Jason Todd (Draft)
In the spirit of NaNoWriMo, I’ve made several attempts at drafting different fic ideas, which inevitably meant blocks of Batfam fanfic drabbles that don’t have any coherent plot, flow or continuity. They’re all basically unfit for internet consumption right now, except for this first attempt at writing in Jason’s voice. 
(Um, I’m still reading Pre-Crisis and 90s comics in my free-time, so the only canon Red Hood I have is his single animated movie. Since this is set significantly after that in his character arc, I’m not super confident when writing him. I have a problem writing characters I haven’t read the canon for, honestly.)
The problem with trading and selling drugs in a city like Gotham is that no matter how careful you were with recruitment, no matter how high your people’s morale and loyalty, you inevitably have to get your hands dirty to keep the money flowing. There are always incentives for both defectors and saboteurs to take pot shots at your stake. Offing a boss could mean a bigger piece of the pie for yourself, better job security (in the short-term, if your employment was tenuous), averting your boss throwing you under the bus for a job gone wrong. If the guy up top doesn’t maintain an aura of invulnerability, a willingness to crush any dissent under his boot, he quickly finds himself faced with with mutiny.
Dealing in drugs always ends in blood, one way or another. Jason was well aware of this. He was also aware of the fact that if you wanted to finance something really expensive quietly and quickly, drug money was the most sure-fire way of getting what you wanted.
(Actually, well-done white-collar fraud was the most sure-fire way, but if there was one thing he’d absorbed from watching Oracle, it was that fraud was never as secure as people made it out to be. It only took one individual with a computer and more skill than you to blow your operation to bits. Maybe it was old-fashioned, but at least drug-money was a physical object that couldn’t be “lost” with a few keystrokes.)
(Also, fraud was boring as a sole source of income. Too much time behind a screen, not enough explosions and punching people in the face.)
The Red Hood had been a damn-good drug lord, Jason liked to think. He’d run a tight ship, and the “severed heads in the duffel bag” shtick had quickly established just how out-of-their-league everyone else in the game was. Sure, he hadn’t stayed in business all that long for several good reasons (only one of which was Bruce), but extorting organized crime bosses was like riding a bicycle – really hard to forget. There was no practical reason for why he shouldn’t just recycle his old plan in a new city for some fast cash. Wasn’t like the shit-hole he was stuck in had anyone equipped to take him down.
Of course, striking fear into the hearts of criminals by decapitating their peers wasn’t the best strategy to use when your little brothers had front row seats to the carnage via helmet-cam.
He could just disable the cam for that part, of course. But the brats would definitely put two-and-two together and hatch some plot in response. An unnecessary headache when there was no Dick to foist them off on.
And...Jason wasn’t the best role-model in the world. He could admit to that. He used the phrase “little brothers” to refer to Tim and Damian very, very lightly in deference to the uncomfortable number of murder attempts among the three of them. Nowadays, he did regret all the stabbing and shooting and general dickery. Even though Damian was genetically engineered to be the most aggravating child on the planet and Tim kept stealing Jason’s alter-egos out from under him (unrepentantly now, the little shit). They were still better than uninterested-and-unhelpful-unless-I’m-sending-you-to-Arkham Dick and fucking Bruce. They didn’t deserve half the shit they were dealing with.
But his regret didn’t magically fix everything. There were 100-to-1 odds that neither kid saw Jason as anything more than “that one fuck-up that we don’t discuss in polite company.” Fair enough. Still, didn’t mean that the Red Hood had to live down to their expectations. He could do better – be the responsible adult, make sure they were fed and watered regularly, maybe (maybe) address their allotted emotional-expression-of-the-week.
Jason blamed his previously non-existent brotherly streak on Cassandra. She’d not only spoiled him by re-familiarizing him with friendly human contact, but she also subtly planted in his mind the idea that hey, you know who else would appreciate Jason’s company when Cassandra was busy? Tim and Damian. And you know who would benefit most from Jason’s unique perspective on life? Who needed a reprieve from Bruce and Dick and all of their frankly impossible expectations? Who could always use another person watching their backs, making sure they end up in an early grave?
(Honestly, Dick should watch Cass in Big Sister Mode and take notes.)
A soft huff of static came through the comm in his ear without warning, followed by the ridiculously-identifiable Damian’s click of the tongue. (Bruce was trying to train him out of doing it in costume so people wouldn’t catch on - with no success, of course.) “Todd, have your remaining neurons finally ceased to function? You’ve been standing outside the warehouse for five minutes. Are you ready or not?”
“Yeah, yeah, hold your horses,” he said as he checked the indicators for the explosives one last time. (Still all green, ready and able to wreck a certain someone’s next fiscal quarter.) “I was just reminiscing about the good old days, back when we all hated each other’s guts and I still blew up drug dens with the dealers inside instead of out. Ever miss those times?” he asked, heavy on the sarcasm.
Tim’s voice was dry as a desert, even with the slightly-tinny reception. “I miss them as much as I miss the knife that was embedded in my spleen.”
“Well, you have to admit, a knife in your spleen was probably the most exciting thing that happened to you that week, even if it was bad for your health long-term.”
“Clearly Todd’s mental dysfunction is worsening,” Damian said. As usual, his tone gave no indication if that was meant to be a joke or an insult.
Probably both, actually. Kid got a kick out of riling people who weren’t Dick up.
At least it was a joke clearly aimed to get a chuckle out of Tim instead of a joke at his expense. If there was one thing this months-long jaunt into the multiverse was doing, it was driving the boys together through their shared survival instinct and the fact that Jason deprived them of all baked goods whenever he had to break up their fights.
(Bribing his brothers with freshly-made cakes and brownies in exchange for good behavior was really the only reason they were three months into this shit-show with no major casualties.)
“Ain’t that a shame,” Jason replied. “It’ll just be you and Tim, stuck all alone in Not-Gotham. What a perfect opportunity for you two to bond.”
No,” both boys said at the same time.
Then the sound of Damian trying to land a hit on Tim (and failing judging from the lack of a pained grunt) filtered through Jason’s headpiece. Because Damian couldn’t stand to agree with Tim on anything for more than 10 seconds without ruining the moment.
Well, whatever. The brotherly-bond was a work in progress. “Stop fist-fighting so we can finish this,” he said. “I’ve got Falcone’s heroin wired up to an irresponsible amount of explosives, and I’d like to get our racket money before dawn.”
What I just wrote makes no sense out of context, but since this is the only thing I have written for this AU, I’ll just explain here:
This is from the “Jason-Tim-Damian get stuck in Flashpoint” AU I mentioned at some point, a few months into their impromptu stranding. How they got there isn’t super important, and I’m handwaving intervention from standard Earth not being able to get them back home in a timely manner. (Note: Bruce, Dick, Cass and everyone else aren’t trying really hard to get them back; it’s just not working for Reasons.) 
After thinking about these three in a strange Not-Gotham for a while, I came to the conclusion that they’d lay low and avoid drawing attention to themselves instead of trying to approach Thomas-Batman or Alt-Cyborg or someone else. Things might be different if Dick or Cass were the oldest sibling on the ground, but Jason’s much slower to trust, as are Tim and Damian. A virtual stranger that also happens to be Batman would be the last person Jason would trust with his and his brothers’ safety. 
Naturally, that means the guys need to find a source of income and a place to hole up. The former, Jason gets by extorting the local organized crime - charging money to sabotage competitors and charging money to not sabotage his employers. Lighter on the murder than his first return to Gotham, but Tim and Damian noticeably don’t bring that subject up anyway. I imagine they picked a spot that was an auxiliary batcave on their Earth and fix it up as a temporary base where Tim is trying to engineer something to send them back to their Earth (funded by Jason’s extortion racket). Damian is stuck as the odd-jobs kid, which he handles with as much patience as he can. (Hint: he’s not a very patient person.)
It would be a waste of the setting not to get the three of them involved with Thomas-Batman and possibly even the main plot of Flashpoint, so this scene would be a sort of in-between-scene prologue before the status-quo changes. I’m leaning towards either Red Hood crashing one of the Cyborg-Batman scenes because he needs tech only Cyborg has or one of the guys interrupting Martha-Joker’s last crime.
Of course, this premise requires a long-form fic, which I’ve never written before. This is all wild speculation, really. I’ll probably never write all of this out.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
BUT IF I DO, you can count on Jason finding out that in a world with no Bruce and no Robin, he STILL ended up dead and resurrected. The multiverse just has it out for him, clearly.
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theaceofgays · 7 years
So you’re new to the Little Witch Fandom or you’re looking for more blogs to follow, or you’re just looking for a good time, huh? Well I got my top GOOD TIME™ blogs for LWA each for different categories.
Ask blogs:
 @petite-chariot​ - Okay so what can I possibly say about this ask blog that you can’t already know from just looking at it? Oh my god. I have this blog on post notifications and I’m not going to lie, I’ve sent quite a few anonymous asks.... (Okay like half the asks on this blog but only because I LOVE IT SO MUCH). I squeal every time I’m notified that they’ve answered a question because I know it’s going to make my day. The art is just so CUTE and even the design of the blog is meant to be Chariot’s hand scribbles and I just think it’s the purest thing on the face of the earth and I would fight any one who dares to threaten the purity that is the petite-chariot blog on tumblr. Seriously. Fight me. Plus the mun is a precious sweetie and I love them??? They make my day honestly.
@thedianacavendish​ - Diana is an amazing character and I would probably also kill a man for her. This blog is so nice and I appreciate their headcanons and art style. (ALSO THEY MULTI-SHIP LIKE A FUCKING BOSS)
@ask-pisces-sensei​ - I didn’t wanna put this god damn fish on there, but here it is. The fish. I just- *deep breath* love Faiza’s work so much (particularly their Battle Of The Gays / Charoix / Charjolaine art) and this blog is so silly and I honestly just appreciate it so much? I didn’t think I would like it but it’s pretty funny
@badlydrawnsucy - I cackle at this blog oh my god I wish they would return from the war tbh
@badlydrawnwitches - also another great ask blog. Full of memes
Cosplay blogs:
@askthatclumsywitch​ - of course Ray is going to be at the top of the list, but that’s only because Ray DELIVERS™ when it comes to asks. They’re always so full of sass and Ray is so good with facial expressions and I get so excited to see their gifs on my dashboard because honestly? Ray is a gorgeous human being and I am so glad they decided to make this blog.
@askthedianacavendish​ - Okay so this blog recently won my heart over because they’re SO FUCKING ADORABLE???? 10/10 PERFECT DIANA HOLY FUCK also the mun is SUPER DUPER NICE AND I WOULD DIE FOR HER???? Plus they’re friends with Ray irl so DIANAKKO ASKS Y’ALL
@ask-lotte-yanson​ - What a cutie patootie omg please go follow this Lotte blog their asks are adorable and I love them so much holy fucking hell
@asklittlewitchbarbara​ - Barbara is adorable and best background student. ‘Nuff said.
Art blogs:
@azurathemagician​ - Azura’s art? CANON AF I mean shit boi, I cry. I just-- love Azura’s blog. Every time she posts some Diakko I want to scream. I mean that shit looks so good I’m so jealous like holy fucking hell what the actual fucking shit
@theneonflower​ - Chances are I don’t need to tell you to follow Neon. You already are. Neon’s that glorious asshole that everyone is following. They produce art that just makes you go “how. How in the fuck do you exist you glorious bastard, goddess of art and gays?”
@ilee-font​ - Purest artist in the whole community. You come at Lee and I will come at you while you sleep. Lee is my precious baby and I love them so much and oh my god they have so much talent at only 14 years old. GOOOD SHIT
@missmarjolaine​ - I’ve already talked about their Pisces side blog but honestly??? Their other art is good af. Plus they’re the ones who helped me come up with a brilliant but unlikely OT3 and made me really love Miss Marjolaine as a character despite the fact that she only exists for like- 2 minutes. That’s some power man. real good shit.
@blookity-bloke​ - I’d marry their art style if I could tbh, but I’m already married to Neon’s
@charoixluvr420​ - tbh I just started following them and I am in love??? What a great blog. So full of memes of the otp
@thegalaxey - soft Diakko art. A blessing tbh
@cheshirearttime - SENPAI NOTICE ME
Writing blogs:
@akilice​ - One of the best Charoix writers of all time. Also kick ass with making AMVs. Precious and pure. I love Aki with all my heart tbh and I would die for her
@cwjhunt - I have a bias because Cam is my daughter but let’s be real here, Cam has such a nice way of writing, so descriptive and very ebb and flow. I can dig it dawg
@hanasaku-shijin  - Honestly???? Fuck Hana. Hana is the Neon of fic writing. FUCK YOU AND YOUR AMAZING TALENT YOU BEAUTIFUL, GORGEOUS, PRECIOUS HUMAN BEING
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theresawritesstuff · 7 years
Sherlock College AU Part 4
One day I will come up with a proper title for this fic...but today is not that day... (I’m open to suggestions if you have any good ideas :D) Honestly when I wrote part one I didn’t expect to keep going with it but here we are! Thanks to those few people out there that actually read my stuff. You’re wonderful and I adore you...Here are links to post for Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Part of this post inspired by this x (I don’t ship it personally but I found it intriguing and thought it might be a fun way to play with Jim’s manipulative side...) Anyway...Enjoy!
Molly gulped down her caffeinated bribe as she walked across campus, trying to drown her frustrations in espresso. She probably shouldn’t even have accepted it, but there was no way she was passing up free coffee after the morning she’d had. She could feel Mycroft’s business card sitting in her pocket, practically taunting her. But she had made herself clear to Mycroft that she was in no way willing to help with his dirty work…right? Taking his card was just for emergencies...in case anything happened…
Molly sighed, tossing her empty cup in the garbage can as she tried to banish that last thought from her head.
“Owww! Who's that I see walkin' in these woods?” A familiar voice called out playfully.
Molly looked up to see Jim lounging on the steps leading to the Saintsbury Theater with his a cappella group.
“Why, it's Little Red Riding Hood.” Jim slid down the railing to meet her while his friends started singing a doo-wop harmony to back up his serenade.
“Hey there Little Red Riding Hood, you sure are looking good. You're everything a big bad wolf could want.”
Molly smiled half-heartedly at the serenaded compliment, feeling a bit frumpy in her red hoodie and messy ponytail.
“I get it. Very funny, but I really don’t have time right now…” She replied, attempting to politely go on her way.  Jim grabbed her hand, preventing her from leaving. She was to be a captive audience it seemed.
“Listen to me.” He grinned playfully at her as he linked his arm with hers, bringing her on a dance-like stroll in front of stairs as he continued to sing. “Little Red Riding Hood, I don't think little big girls should, go walking in these spooky old woods alone. Owwwww!”
Molly couldn’t help but laugh at the howl.
“What big eyes you have. The kind of eyes that drive wolves mad. So just to see that you don't get chased I think I ought to walk with you for a ways.” He gave her a little twirl, releasing her and clasping his hands behind his back, doing a mock-shy shuffle next to her. “What full lips you have. They're sure to lure someone bad. So until you get to grandma's place, I think you ought to walk with me and be safe.”
Molly laughed and applauded, bringing the performance to an end. She’d had enough of being sung to, but her mood was significantly improved by it. “Bravo!”
“Thank you! Thank you. Oh, you’re too kind. Really…” Jim responded in exaggerated humility, taking a couple deep bows. “Alright boys, beat it.” He snapped his fingers at the rest of the group.
The guys on the steps started up a rendition of Michael Jackson’s Beat It.
Jim chuckled, smiling and shooing them playfully with his hands while his eyes shot them a look that clearly meant ‘scram!’ They took the hint rather quickly.
“Thank you for that. I needed a laugh,” Molly said.
“You looked like you were having a rough morning.” Jim shrugged. “Where are you off to?”
“Just heading back to the Baker-Streit,” Molly replied.
“I’ve got a class over that way in a little bit. Mind if I tag along? The song is right, you know. Little big girls shouldn’t go walking in these spooky old woods alone,” He teased.
“Yeah, sure. If you want to.” Molly shrugged as they started walking. “Although, I have a feeling I’m pretty safe in broad daylight. Not to mention the extra campus security.” She nodded and gave a polite wave to the campus police officer standing on the corner; one of the many that the Dean had had stationed around campus. So far the added security had only increased the number of parking tickets.
“I suppose… Still… can’t be too careful…” Jim smiled as he walked belong side her, his hands in his coat pockets. “It’s a shame about that janitor. What a way to go…” A grimaced crossed his face.
“No kidding!” Molly replied with a melancholy chuckle. “Poor Mr. Philpot…Poor Mrs. Hudson for being the one to find him like that! Sherlock and I are working on trying to figure out who killed him. Well, mostly Sherlock. I’m pretty sure he just asked for my help for the medical side of things. Better access to the labs and whatnot…”
“Sounds gruesome! Isn’t that a little dangerous? The police are already investigating.”
“I suppose… but you weren’t there, Jim. I saw Mr. Philpot lying there, blood everywhere… and I just…I don’t know. I feel like I have to do something. He deserves to have his killer brought to justice.” Molly looked at the ground ahead of them, trying not to dwell on the memory of the janitor’s impaled corpse.
“That’s very noble of you,” Jim replied. “Well, if you find out anything let me know. I’d love to hear about your progress on the case. Just spare me the gory details... I don’t have the stomach for it.”
“Sure thing.” Molly smiled. “You’re a good friend, Jim.”
“Well I don’t know about that, but I’m glad you think so,” Jim chuckled self-deprecatingly.
“This is my stop... Thanks for the company Jim,” Molly said once they reached Baker-Streit.
“Sure thing. See you around Little Red,” Jim replied cheekily.
“See you around Big Bad,” Molly laughed.
“Oooowww!” Jim howled playfully as he walked off.
Molly chuckled to herself as she walked up the stairs into Baker-Streit. Jim could be a bit over the top, but he was certainly never boring to be around.
She made her way quickly up to dorm 221b, pausing a second outside the door to apply a tinted lip balm and attempt to fix her hair before entering.
“Hey guys! Sorry I’m late,” she greeted as she entered. “I got stuck as one of Jim’s captive audiences on my way here.”
“It’s fine.” Sherlock replied absently, never taking his eyes off of the array of crime scene photos of Mr. Philpot’s murder and scraps of paper pinned to the wall in front of him, his fingers steepled under his chin deep in thought.
Molly set her bag down on the floor, pulling out a few bags of trail mix. “So I had an interesting conversation with your favorite sibling at the coffee shop this morning, Sherlock,” she said, attempting to make conversation.
“Mmmm...Coffee…” John groaned tiredly from the futon, a biology text book tented over his face.
Molly smiled and gently set a bag of trail mix next to him, taking a seat by his feet.
“Which one?” Sherlock asked absently, eyes still never leaving the wall in front of him.
“Mycroft…” Molly replied, a little confused by his response.
“Right, of course. Typical,” Sherlock sighed, still not giving the conversation his full attention.
“Wait a minute, what do you mean ‘which one?’” John asked, removing the textbook from his face. “I thought you just had the one brother?”
“What? Yes. I do.” Sherlock responded, sounding a little annoyed as his focus was drawn away from the mass of information before him.
“You have a sister? You never mentioned her before,” Molly said with smile, filling in the obvious. Sherlock seemed like the protective brother type… in a much more endearing way than Mycroft. She was still a little on edge from her conversation with the elder Holmes.
“You have a sister?” John demanded. “Why am I just hearing about this?”
“No I…It’s…Fine…Yes I have a sister. Eurus is… She has her own issues to deal with... I don’t really like talking about it...” Sherlock glanced at Molly with an apologetic look. “Aside from my dislike of the subject, I never mentioned my sister because that information was never relevant to you, John. That and your tendency to flirt with anything in a skirt.”
“Excuse me? Are you insinuating that I would try to hit on your sister? Your sister?” John scoffed.
“John, really...You know I’d trust you with my own life but you do have a certain track record regarding those of the opposite sex…” Sherlock smirked as he tried to turn his attention back to the photos on the wall.
“Can you believe this guy?” John asked Molly rhetorically. “First he keeps me up all night making his murder wall and now he insults my honor as a gentleman. I would never make a pass at a mate’s sister. Certainly not his sister…”
Molly patted John’s arm sympathetically. “I’ll make you some tea,” she offered, standing up.
“She probably looks like Sherlock in a dress…” he grumbled.
“You wish…” Sherlock retorted cheekily.
Molly bit back a laugh as she knelt by the small cart that held their microwave and a few other assorted items. She filled a mug with water from the filtered pitcher on the bottom rack and popped it in the microwave to warm as she looked for a box of teabags among the shelves. That was when she noticed a familiar board game attached to the wall by a Swiss army knife.
“Why is there a Cluedo board stabbed to your wall?” Molly asked.
“You don’t want to know…” John chuckled tiredly. “Just never ever play that game with him. It will not end well…”
Molly smiled. “No I suppose it wouldn’t…”she laughed. Then an idea came to her...
“You know… they made a movie out of the American version. It’s pretty good. Lots of great comedic actors... It might be worth watching sometime for a movie night…”she suggested conspiratorially.
“Oh yeah! I think I’ve seen that one…”John smiled. “That’s the one with the…*three different endings?*” He mouthed the last few words, holding up three fingers.
Molly grinned and nodded with a wink. Sherlock was not paying the two of them any attention.  
“Ooooh that should be fun,” John chuckled deviously as he rubbed his hands together.
“Molly could you come take a look at—what are you too snickering about?” Sherlock asked, finally noticing their poorly suppressed giggling.
“Just planning a movie night for when this case done and things have calmed down a bit,” Molly explained, handing John his mug of tea and walking over to stand next to Sherlock. “We’re thinking a certain ‘80s murder mystery comedy.”
“Interesting genre combination… Are all the films you’re planning to force on me from that decade?” Sherlock quipped.
“No...” Molly laughed. “There’s a whole bunch of Pixar on that list too.”
“There’s a list now?” Sherlock raised an eyebrow at her.
“A small mental list. Nothing written down…just a couple dozen films or so…” Molly shrugged.
“A couple dozen? That might take a while, Molly…” Sherlock replied with a surprised chuckle, glancing down at her.
“Well I guess we should hurry up and solve this case, Sherlock…” she responded playfully.
“I guess we should,” he agreed, smiling down at her in kind.
“Hamish!” John interjected suddenly. They both turned to face him, confused by the outburst.
“John Hamish Watson. In case you two are looking for baby names…” he replied teasingly, clearly uncomfortable. “I’m going to go stretch my legs a minute. You kid’s behave yourself.”
Sherlock narrowed his eyes at the wink his friend gave him before exiting the dorm.
“…So you wanted me to take a look at something on the wall?” Molly asked.
Sherlock cleared his throat. “Yes! Right… do you notice anything strange about Mr. Philpot’s injuries?” He asked.
“Aside from being murdered with a weapon that hasn’t been popular since the 18th century?” Molly replied, studying the pictures pinned to the wall.
The corner of Sherlock’s mouth twitched upwards a bit, but she could tell he was seriously asking for her opinion now.  
“There isn’t really any sign of struggle other than the um, impalement. No lacerations or bruises…which is weird right? …It’s almost as if it was an accident…”
“My thoughts exactly. Or at the very least, not premeditated… Mr. Philpot was just in the wrong place at the wrong time… so why would our murderer have a sword?” Sherlock mused.
“Do you think they were part of the fencing team? The entry wound is fairly clean. Whoever did it probably had some level of sword training…” Molly offered.
“Fencing swords aren’t sharp… And this sabre looks more like a standard sword rather than a fencing sabre…” Sherlock reminded her.
“It almost looks like a prop…” Molly thought aloud.
“A prop…Oh that’s brilliant! Who else could walk around campus with a sabre without raising too many eyebrows? Fencers wouldn’t bother carrying their gear with them to the library…but a drama student who just learned the term ‘method acting’…” Sherlock grinned at her, eyes gleaming as he began pacing about the room.
“That still doesn’t explain why they would have attacked Mr. Philpot…” Molly pointed out.
“What if they had something to hide… a shady deal in a secluded stairway…Mr. Philpot discovers them on his way to clean the lower level, catching them by in the act! They turn around in a panic and HAH!” Sherlock mimed an excited stab in the air in front of him.
“But why would they stab him? Why not just knock him over the head or something?”
“Because our murderer was high as a kite when Mr. Philpot came upon their shady misdoings,” Sherlock replied, pulling a scrap of paper from the wall and presenting it to her.
“What is this?” She asked.
“That, my dear Molly Hooper, is blotter paper full of LSD.” He grinned. “Mr. Philpot must have caught our murderer buying drugs, or more likely, exchanging them for something. Not many of our fellow classmates have enough pocket change for this kind of thing. It’s not the cheap stuff people could get off any street corner… It would have to have been a trade. Something valuable…but what?
“Sherlock…where did you get that?” Molly breathed, trying to keep her voice low and calm despite the sudden queasy feeling in her gut.
“Same place we found Mr. Philpot. I noticed a few of these scattered in the corner of the landing when I went back to get a few snapshots of the crime scene, so I followed a hunch and picked one up to test in the lab.” He stated matter-of-factly.
“Sherlock… this would be considered evidence. You can’t just…Sherlock you could get in serious trouble for having this! If they caught you they could arrest you for tampering with a police investigation or worse! Please tell me you didn’t…?” Molly stared up at him, eyes wide with worry.
“What? No…Molly I just took the one to examine what it was. There were several there for the police to find. There’s no way they would trace this one back to me. I was careful, I promise…I didn’t ‘field test’ it if that’s what you’re asking. I tested this under a microscope during open lab. I’m clean as a whistle. I don’t even smoke anymore.” Sherlock rolled up his sleeve revealing two nicotine patches on his forearm.
“I went through a bit of a rebellious phase in high school but I swore off cigarettes when I came here. Too expensive a habit to justify with the price of tuition... The patches help me focus on a case… but that’s it Molly,” he explained.
Sherlock gently held her shoulders as he looked her in the eyes. Molly took a deep breath to quiet her nerves.
“Alright. I trust you, Sherlock.” Molly replied. “You already ran all the tests you need on this?”
“Good. Because we are flushing that before anyone has the chance to catch you with it. Can’t have the best detective on the case getting busted for drug possession, now can we?” Molly attempted a smile, trying to lighten the mood.
“Deal.” Sherlock chuckled, giving her a soft smile. He seemed touched by her concern. They both turned back to the wall in front of them, assessing this new information.
“So our culprit is a strung out drama student with a reason to carry a sword—well as much of a reason as any of them seem to have for doing anything—and some experience with using one…” Sherlock mused.
“Shouldn’t be too hard to narrow down,” Molly chuckled.
“Probably not, but we are dealing with thespians so who knows…” Sherlock quipped.
“Oh!” Molly snapped her fingers excitedly. “I just remembered my friend Mary mentioned some improv guys coming by her fencing practice last week. She probably could give us a few names. That’s a start...”
“Excellent. We should go and question her, see what she can tell us,” Sherlock replied, but his eyes were still fixed on the wall, lost in thought.
“What is it?” Molly asked.
“Just contemplating loose ends…I wonder what it was they traded for the drugs…Probably something their dealer could turn around and sell for a profit if they’re smart… but what would they have access to with that high of a market value?” Sherlock wondered.
“What about test answers?” Molly suggested.
“Test answers?”
“Mid-terms are coming up. People are stressed out over trying to keep their scholarships or getting into grad-school… Some people are willing to do anything to keep their GPA intact, including buying black market answer keys. Maybe the murderer is a teacher’s assistant...” Molly shrugged.
“Test answers…Of course! There were rumblings about a black market on campus but I never thought it would relate to Mr. Philpot’s murder. His record was too clean to be caught up in something like that…but his murderer…Just when I thought this case couldn’t get any more interesting…Once again, Molly Hooper you are absolutely brilliant! I could just kiss you!” Sherlock replied, excitedly holding her by her shoulders.
“Am I back too early?” John asked, having just reentered the room during Sherlock’s epiphany. Molly was grateful for the distraction as she felt a blush warm her cheeks.
“On the contrary, John. You are just in time. Grab your note book and meet Molly and me down stairs. We’re going to go question a friend of hers about a potential murder suspect,” Sherlock replied. “Oh and on your way down, could you flush this? Thanks!”
Sherlock handed John the scrap of blotter paper, putting on his coat and walking out the door before John could respond.
“Do I want to know?” John asked Molly with a sigh.
“Probably not. Just get rid of it, please,” she replied with a half-hearted smile.
“Right…”John chuckled, looking for his notebook.
Molly paused at the door “She’s cute by the way. My friend, Mary...And she’s an only child…”
“Yeah?” John laughed.
“Yeah. Just thought you might like to know…” Molly smiled and made her way out the door to follow Sherlock.
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