#camera backpacks professional
wanderlustphotosblog · 5 months
Top 10 Travel-Friendly Backpacks for Photographers
Looking for the best travel-friendly backpacks for photographers? Check out this top 10 list for safe and comfortable transportation of your camera gear while you travel and explore.
This top 10 travel-friendly backpacks for photographers post was provided as a guest post by Claire Wilson. In today’s fast-paced travel photography, where amazing moments unfold in the blink of an eye, and you need precision and quality, carrying the appropriate equipment is a must. Traveling as a photographer, be it a professional or an amateur photographer, a backpack matters a lot because it…
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lamourest-bleu · 1 year
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A little traveler 6.25.23
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sweetiesicheng · 19 days
dk - retirement
word count : 840
"y/n!" seokmin shouts and runs over to you. with your trophy by your feet, you open your arms and practically jump into his. "you did so amazing out there, baby," he says to you and pecks your lips.
"thanks," you reply with a smile. "did you get some good shots?" you ask.
"yea. gonna have a lot of editing to do, but it'll be alright," he says to you and puts you on the ground.
you look around and notice someone looking at you. it looks like they're trying to get your attention so you can be interviewed.
"i think i gotta go, babe," you say to him.
"hm? oh," seokmin nods, "go. i'm going to get some more shots."
you go over to an area to be interviewed and people are almost swarming you. some security guards have to settle everyone down before you can be interviewed.
"y/n! how does it feel to have won your last race?"
"people say your performance when you were in monaco was better. any comments?"
"y/n, why did you decide to retire?"
you take a deep breath in before speaking. "today's race was an honor to be a part of. despite the difficulty, i think all of the participants showed themselves today," you speak in front of many mic packs that are being held by reporters. "the decision to retire wasn't an easy one, but today's race was my last race as a professional. i have been honored with being one of the many professionals in this field, and i can't wait to see what the future has to bring for the future for me as well as others."
more questions start being thrown out, and you answer them as you can. the questions start to focus on about your retirement, but you don't mind. the news was slowly let public because of how well liked you are.
when you're done getting interviewed, you meet with your crew.
"dinner on me, alright?" you say to them, "and you guys gotta meet the kid."
"chan, right?" one of your crew asks. "think he can keep up?"
you grin, "just because i'm not driving doesn't mean i'll be gone. i'll make sure he gets everything straight."
"you don't need to help us, y/n. we got everything," another crew member says to you while some of them pack up stuff.
"you sure?" you ask.
"yea, don't worry about it," they reply.
you look around and find seokmin taking photos in the press area. you don't want to bother him yet since he needs to get his photos, so you go to another area and change out of your suit. when you're done changing, you pack up your backpack and sit in a room where a few of the racers are.
you're pretty friendly with most of them, but you didn't feel like talking to them right now. honestly, you're getting pretty sad since everything's over. your career that you started off years ago is now over. however, you know you won't be away from the races. maybe you'll end up being a commentator once in a while.
but for now, you'll live your life.
you look up and see seokmin walking in with his backpack on. it looks like he's done working for the day since his camera isn't out.
"you okay?" he asks when he walks over to you.
you nod, "yea. just a little sad," you reply.
"i bet," he replies and kisses your forehead. "you know, we'll probably be back here to watch a race in a few months," he says, "and you can just take mingyu's car for a little joyride on the course when we go to a race."
you chuckle, "i definitely will do that."
"ready to go?" he asks, holding his hand out to you.
you nod and take his hand, "let's go."
you and seokmin leave the building together. there's still some paparazzi lingering, but you give simple waves and smiles to the photographers. you meet with your crew and all of you decide to head to a restaurant for dinner.
"hey y/n," one of your crew members calls. he holds your trophy up, "i think you should bring this one with us."
"bring it to dinner? and have seokmin drink out of it again?" you ask.
"oh come on, you did that before i did," seokmin says to you.
"and i'll do it again if it means you'll do it," you say to him. "hand it over," you say and receiver your trophy.
"wait, stop right there. you look cute," seokmin says and suddenly takes his backpack off. he fishes his camera out and turns it on. "gotta show off the best racer in this industry," he says and takes the lens cap off.
you smile, "she's retired now," you remind him.
"doesn't matter. she'll be number one in my heart for the rest of our lives," seokmin says and holds up his camera to take a photo of you.
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megaerakles · 5 months
To Whom It May Concern
Tim couldn’t stay. 
No matter what Bruce had said when he caught Tim in the act of laying the paper trail to establish his Fake Uncle, no matter how long Dick had sobbed into the phone at him during an inordinately expensive long distance (read: off planet) phone call, no matter how much Alfred had been fussing over him and insisting it was no trouble at all to care for him since Tim’s scheme had been revealed and promptly foiled, it just didn’t change the fact that Tim couldn’t stay. Truthfully, the Wayne family’s apparent sudden burst of affection for him actually made this whole thing worse because somewhere along the way, without even trying, Tim had failed to keep things wholly professional between them and somehow tricked them into thinking he belonged in their family! 
He couldn’t let it stand. For the sake of Jason’s memory, for the sake of preserving the sanctity of the true Wayne family, he had to stop this… this absurdity of pretending that Tim belonged with them from continuing! Tim had to run. Tim had to vanish. It was the only way to make things right again. Sure, the thought of never seeing any of them again, the thought of being done with Bruce and Alfred and Dick and Barbara and everyone in his life he currently held dear once and for all made it feel as though his heart was being ripped out of his chest only to be shoved back down his throat to stop the flow of air into his body—but it didn’t matter. He didn’t matter, not nearly as much as they did. This would be for their own good. 
Tim was leaving, and it turned out to be easier than he thought it would be in the end. Not emotionally easier, but logistically easier. Bruce had been extra attentive lately, so he thought he’d have to fake an injury and get ‘benched’ so that they would lower their guard long enough for him to slip away. But by some divine stroke of luck, a new player had waltzed onto Gotham’s criminal scene not too long after Tim’s Fake Uncle plan fell through and started making threats against Batman and Robin. They had apparently freaked B out enough to prompt him to send Tim off to Titan’s Tower to ‘focus on his team for awhile’. Tim had accepted the command with the requisite amount of complaint, planted some fake texts to make it look like he’d actually communicated to his Team that he would be there, shoved everything from his guest room in the Manor that he couldn’t bear to part with into a duffel bag underneath a spare uniform, gave Bruce what only he knew was a more emotionally charged nod goodbye than usual, and then poof. Tim Drake was zapped out of the Batcave for the last time ever. 
He let himself have one night in the Tower. Partly to catch a few hours of sleep in a familiar and secure environment, but mostly so he could clean up his room for its next occupant, sweep his belongings and his person for any extra trackers, and repack his bag more efficiently. He also took the time to grab a spare backpack and fill it up with emergency rations. While he was taking plenty of cash, he didn’t want to risk having to go into stores with security cameras for a while, at least until he’d cleared a suitable distance from San Francisco proper as well as implemented the first of his many planned disguises. He didn’t think a bottle of cheap hair dye and some colored contacts would be enough to fool Oracle indefinitely, but if he was appropriately cautious it might keep her from getting a confirmation of his location long enough for the Bats to either get bored looking for him or to actually realize they were better off without him around. 
When the early rays of dawn started to bathe the sides of Titan’s Tower in ember colored light, he was off. He left behind seven trackers pulled from his clothes and bag and one more from behind his ear; he’d kept the one he noticed in his favorite pair of sneakers because it was a type that wouldn’t start transmitting data until the Bats actively started tracking it and he was hoping to find someone who wore his size at the bus station he could pay to wear them so he could throw them off for even longer. If all else failed, he would just toss them in an out of the way trash can. He had also left a letter of resignation for Batman that he’d whipped up based off of an online template, signed and sealed and awaiting discovery atop the pillow in his nearly empty dorm room (he had tried for something more personal, a longer note of explanation for Bruce about why he couldn’t stay despite being asked, but—the words just wouldn’t come, and he’d been running out of time). His bag was heavy, courtesy of all of the extra supplies he’d grabbed in anticipation of having to evade not only Batman’s team but the rest of the Justice League. His heart was heavy, courtesy of emotional baggage that he wished was as easy to unpack as his actual bags would be when he finally found somewhere to settle. 
He boarded the first bus he saw after he’d gone a few blocks and took a seat towards the back, where he leaned against the window and stared back at the iconic giant T that he used to belong in, however briefly, until it disappeared from sight. And just like that, Tim Drake’s life as Robin was over. 
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter is to formally notify you that I’m resigning as Robin in Gotham City, effective immediately. 
Thank you so much for the opportunity to work with you all for the past three years. I’ve enjoyed getting to know the team and appreciated the opportunity to learn about vigilantism and hone my detective skills. I’m excited to take these skills with me as I pursue the next step of my career.
During the past two weeks, I have done everything possible to wrap up any ongoing cases and leave no unfinished business. The Robin suit as well as my spare have been cleaned and placed in the armory of Titan’s Tower along with any gear I have been issued. 
I wish Batman and team the best, but am afraid I will be out of contact for the foreseeable future. 
T. J. Drake
Red Hood stalked into Titan’s Tower with all the grace of a wildcat closing in on its prey, his vicious smirk hidden by his helmet, his unauthorized entrance hidden by virtue of the heroes’ own stupidity in failing to remove his codes from the database. Seriously—he’d thought gaining entry into their so-called fortress would be the hardest part of this little trip, and had only tried his access codes for the sake of checking the most stupidly obvious Plan A off his list! For them to work, to realize that there was nothing truly separating the precious sidekicks from the wrath of a vengeance minded crime lord, well… it sure made the message he was about to send feel all the more poignant. 
He had come equipped to subdue an entire horde of Teeny Titans without hurting them (much), but to his surprise, the tower was empty of kid sidekicks despite Robin having been sent to work with his team yesterday afternoon, a fact Jason had gleaned last night from listening to the mind numbing chatter of Nightwing being bored on a stakeout and wanting to chat with anyone over the comms Jason had hacked into. Which he’d done in order to better plan his aggressive takeover of Crime Alley, not because he missed hearing his family’s voices. Nope. 
(Since coming back to Gotham, it had been more difficult than he anticipated to stick to the plan when some part of his mind still stubbornly clung to those foolish, childhood dreams of belonging and family and a father who gave a shit and things like that, and kept popping up with annoying questions like ‘what if he revealed his identity to Dick or Alfred or someone just to see if maybe Talia had been right and they’d want him back after all. Clearly, the existence of a new Robin meant that they’d never really given a damn about him, so he was going to go through with this thing, just watch him.)
Truly this had to be fate, because the path to Robin was practically unfolding before him with no barriers. All that was left to do was find where in this gigantic clubhouse the itty little birdie was nesting. Jason tried the common room first. Then the kitchen. Then the rec room. And then the training floor. And the med bay. And then the armory, where he found Robin’s suit, but no actual Robin. He supposed the next place to check would be Robin’s bedroom, because even though it was well past eleven, Drake was a teenager and could conceivably be sleeping in, especially since there was no Alfred around to rouse him at a reasonable hour. Luckily, the doors on the floor with sleeping quarters were all clearly marked with either the name or symbol of the person it belonged to, so it was easy enough to find the one with that all too familiar stylized ‘R’. Jason paused to take a steadying breath before gritting his teeth and deciding to really make an entrance by kicking down the door. 
…To an empty bedroom. Like, not just devoid of Tim Drake, but also devoid of books, trinkets, photos, decoration, clothes, dishes, mess, et cetera, et cetera. It looked as clean and sterile as a hotel room, and if Jason hadn’t literally just seen Robin’s insignia on the door he would think he’d entered an unassigned room by mistake. He frowned and yanked off his helmet, as if looking with his own two eyes would suddenly change the scene, but no. Nothing. He strode into the room and yanked open the closet—empty. He walked over to the desk and yanked open the top drawer—empty. He yanked open the bottom drawer, and mostly empty except for—wait, was that a pile of deactivated Bat trackers? Fucking bizarre. When he stood up, he glanced around again, and this time something on the bed caught his eye. It had been easy to miss against the white pillowcase, but there was an envelope tucked up against the pillow. With a scowl, he stalked over and grabbed it. 
When Jason flipped it over, he noted that it was addressed to Batman, but decided that since he was a crime lord now he didn’t have to care about something as trivial as opening someone else’s mail. He didn't want to take off his gloves and risk leaving prints on anything, so he pulled out a dagger and used it to slice open the envelope. As he flipped it over to dump its contents on the desk, he had the fleeting thought that he probably should have put back on his mask in case this had been some villain’s ploy to poison Batman, but luckily all that fell out was a single sheet of printer paper folded into thirds. 
This he was careful not to damage as he unfolded it. It wasn’t a long note, just a few small paragraphs, so it was quick enough to read: To whom it may concern. This letter is to formally notify you that I’m resigning as Robin in Gotham City, effective immediately… 
Jason dropped the letter and took a step back, staring at the innocuous piece of paper with wide eyes and racing thoughts. Robin had—Drake wasn’t—Timothy—the kid, he was quitting? Leaving? Gone? 
It could be a trap. It probably was a trap. Except Robin shouldn’t have had any way of knowing Red Hood would be able to track him all the way to Titan’s Tower so why would he have set a trap for him in the first place? A trap for someone else, then? If it was, it was really, really stupid of him because the kid had signed his resignation letter from Robin with his actual name, and surely he wouldn’t have made it this far if he were that careless with his identity. So, it was either a very bad trap, or not a trap at all. And if it was not a trap at all, then… 
Then Robin had… resigned. Which, ok, Jason’s stated goal coming into this thing was to get Tim Drake to stop being Robin. So he should be happy about this, right? Except he’d not gotten to toss the kid around and work out his aggression at all so there was no satisfaction in it. Also, the timing was fucking obnoxious. Go figure that the very day he decides to do something about his replacement, the kid decides to peace out of the Gotham vigilante scene and… and go… 
… Somewhere. Jason had no idea where Tim Drake would go if he were no longer Robin. Given how he’d waited until he was alone and then left the note to be found on the other side of the country, Jason had a sneaking suspicion that returning to Gotham was currently off the table. The letter had said he would be ‘out of contact’ for the foreseeable future; Jason could read between the lines enough to figure out that meant he was running away. 
—Which, fuck. Another Robin was running away from Batman because of… well, Jason didn’t know what this kid’s issue with B was, but there were plenty of potential flaws in the man to choose from so Jason was going to play it safe and assume it was something Bruce did. Clearly, the man could never learn. And now, this poor dumb Robin was going to pay the price! Jason was more than familiar with the number of horrors that awaited kids who ended up on their own. He could starve; he could freeze to death; he could catch some disease like the flu, or get cut on a rusty nail and get tetanus, and then die from it because he couldn’t access medical treatment. He could get mugged, or harassed by cops, or snatched up by traffickers, or—
And fine; Jason himself had meant to hurt him. But that had been for ideological purposes, to prove a point about putting children in danger and not taking good enough care of them and stuff. It wasn’t like he was going to hurt him that badly, just bad enough to freak out Bruce a bit. But Jason was also the Red Hood, and the Red Hood’s mission was to do what was necessary to stop awful shit from happening to vulnerable kids. And this stupid, stupid letter was apparently enough to abruptly transfer Timothy Drake into that category in his head. 
Everything Jason had heard about the kid said he was smart, and the timing of his disappearance pointed to some thoughtful planning on his part. Jason could imagine that the little shit had some sort of plan in place to evade Batman’s attempts to locate him, and he probably could manage to run without getting caught by Bruce and the Gotham team for a while. Heck, the kid probably had strategies to get away from most if not all of the Justice League members, since B was sure to call in favors once he got frantic enough about the little bird. But one thing the kid likely did not plan for was being pursued by him. Ex-Robin, currently a crime lord, League of Assassins connections, and a bone to pick with Timothy specifically? (He ran away from home and left a fucking resignation letter about it? Does he not realize what that would do to Dick, to Alfred, to Bruce—)
After stuffing the letter into his pocket, Jason put back on his helmet and stalked out of Titans Tower as silently as he’d arrived, this time with a new yet equally furious purpose sharpening his steps. Sucked to be Timothy Drake, he thought, because the Red Hood got his message and he was officially concerned. 
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Would Yves join me on the anime fes :00 Cosplay with me even? Or does he simply here to accompany me while I do the photoshooting and buy silly stuffs from the booths? Love your writing and Yves 🫶
He would absolutely tag along, cosplaying with you too. Yves prefers to cosplay as characters that already look similar to him, but it has to be fully clothed. You might notice that he would cosplay as a feminine presenting character most of the time.
There will be stares as Yves could easily tower over everyone in the convention regardless of whether he is in cosplay or not. After the first few festivals, Yves would choose to dress up as a character that wears a mask. Because it annoyed him to no end that he kept getting scouted by modelling agencies. Yes, there would still be a good number of people who requested to take photos with him, but at least there is one less group to worry about. And no, it isn't flattering him that a good number of them think he should be a model.
He would buy you the merchandise that you want, but only to a certain extent. Yves believes that you should respect the things you own, because they help you with your day-to-day life, and you should be grateful for their purpose. If he thinks you are buying too much, that you would leave the majority of them to either dry-rot, mold or collect dust in your closet, Yves would stop you.
It's a different story if he knows you will eventually gift it to someone else, donate it, or you're simply buying to support the creator. He would gladly fork over his hard earned money to see you smile with glee.
Yves lets you hang out with your friends, or the people who generally do your photoshoots. But it would be a lie to say Yves's lower eyelid doesn't twitch in sheer irritation when he sees your camera person filming you in an awkward angle, everything they're doing is wrong, wrong wrong. It would be so much better if he did it, and it is true. Whatever he captures is of film-like quality, always getting your good sides and making you ethereal regardless of what shitty background is behind you.
He would get along fine with your friends. But you would notice he isn't interested in discussing any consumable media. Yves would only speak up if it's regarding you and how you act, any anecdote he can glean that mentions you, he will squeeze it out of them. And they're still so enamored by Yves, because he is just unbelievably hot and manipulative.
Yves would appear in pictures if you ask him to. But just like a certain prescription-glasses-wearing-professional-boxer, he prefers to be the photographer instead.
He would be walking around carrying a handbag that fits the theme of his outfit. It contains materials and equipment to fix your costume whenever it has a malfunction, a water bottle to keep you hydrated, deodorant, documents required (i.e., physical tickets, your ID, his ID, etc.), tasty homemade food neatly packed in a container because he doesn't trust the quality of the vendors there, your phone, your camera, any emergency medication... Yves is essentially your breathing, talking inventory.
You wouldn't need to worry about being responsible for your own belongings, or worry if a large backpack is going to ruin your cosplay, Yves will take care of that for you.
All he wants you to do is have fun and come to him when you're ready to leave or if you need anything at all.
And all he wants to do, is to observe you.
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joocomics · 6 months
eyes on me
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pairing: photographer!jungsu x fem!reader
genre: smut wc: 3047
contains: friends to lovers trope, praise kink, body worship, masturbation, dry humping, filming
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You always used to say that you’ll never make an only fans, but here you are - your account is all set up, you just need to make the first post.
“There’s no way you won’t blow up.” Your friend peeks at your phone.
You keep checking your profile although it’s still empty, and there’s nothing to look at except your name and the cheesy bio that you should definitely change with a new one before you upload anything.
“You’re fuckin’ gorgeous and your best friend is a professional photographer who doesn’t want your money.” Your friend keeps babbling while scrolling on her phone as you snack on a bag of chips together. “If that’s not a recipe for a successful only fans I don’t know what is. So when is the first shoot gonna be?”
“This Saturday.” You reply, just now realising how near the date is.
“Are you nervous?”
You look away from the screen, taken aback by her question.
“About what?”
“About getting butt naked in front of Jungsu?” She spits out, as if making her elaborate was super unnecessary.
For an unknown reason you start thinking over the question. Your friend stops chewing, staring at you intrigued.
“No…” You turn around to avoid her stare. “Of course not.”
Should you be nervous?
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You’re making the last final touches of your makeup when Jungsu rings at your door.
He enters the hallway with a big backpack on his shoulders, an extra bag with equipment in hand and a warm smile. You want to help him out by taking something, but he tells you it’s heavy, so you step aside to give him space.
“Oh, what happened here?” He enters the living room after you, blinking impressed towards the small cozy spot you created right in front of the windows. His eye notices the different positions of some of the furniture right away.
Since you live on a high floor you doubt someone will catch a thing of what you’ll be doing, so you decided last minute to open the curtains and let the natural light come inside the space where you’ll take the photos. The fuzzy blanket on the floor, the vase with the flowers, the candles and cushions are all nicely lit up by the sun making it the perfect time to shoot.
“I moved a few things around last night to make the photos more interesting.” You talk as he inspects your decorations. “Is it too much?”
He turns to you after hearing the slight concern in your question. As he stands in the centre of the room with hands hidden in the pockets of his jeans, Jungsu for the first time since he walked in, allows himself to just stop and really look at you.
Is it because you haven’t seen each other in a while because you’ve been both busy with work and finals, or is it because the reality behind him being here is starting to sink in?
“No, I think it looks great actually.” Jungsu quickly mumbles like he’s trying not to get lost in his thoughts again. He squats down to unzip his bags. “You might make a good creative director.” He chuckles quietly, taking out his equipment one by one.
A moment later, after Jungsu has set up his camera in the right position with the appropriate settings and lights, he takes a step back, giving you a thumbs up.
“We can get started if you’re ready.”
“I just need to change, I’ll be quick.”
He mumbles you to take as much time as you need, watching you run to the sofa that’s now moved to the other side of the room. He didn’t expect you to change here so when he accidentally catches you pull down your sweats, he turns back around so quickly, as if he’s not about to actually photograph you half naked, and then eventually… completely naked.
He feels your familiar presence getting closer, but he’s too stunned to move a bone, and he hasn’t even seen you yet.
The second you appear in front of him he realises what a huge mistake was to agree to this. There’s no way he can spend an hour, or even more, cause things like this are time consuming, looking at you in this state - with your familiar gentle gaze sparkling with lust; with your gorgeous body swaying provocatively in front of the camera, bending in different positions that will be lit up by the sun, while the lingerie will do the worst job at covering up anything.
“I have a few poses in mind, but you better tell me if something doesn’t look okay.”
“Of course,” Jungsu responds in a lower tone after clearing his throat. He continues to speak while focusing on the camera. “You said you want a profile picture, right? Let’s do that first.”
You pick up loosely your hair as you face the camera, parting your lips slightly just like you’ve seen models in different magazines do.
“Lift your chin up a bit,” Jungsu mutters focused on the little screen, and without even realising his lips curl into a smile as you follow his instructions. “Yeah, pretty.”
The clicking sound rings in the room again.
You do a few more - with you biting on your nail; hands on your boobs; a side profile. Each snap is only another reminder of how in love Jungsu has been with you for the past what… almost six years?
Different poses follow up after you kneel on the blanket. Jungsu alternates between squatting and standing up to photograph you from a higher angle while hovering over you.
The closer he gets to you, the more his palms sweat against the camera. It’s surprising his hands haven’t started shaking yet. His mind is fully occupied by thoughts about how beautiful you are; your shape, your curves, and the fact complete strangers from different parts of the world will touch themselves while watching those exact same things he admires right now.
He notices your thumbs tug at the waistband of your panties, and his eyes immediately unfocuse from what he’s doing.
“I think we can move onto the video.” You say through a soft voice that effects him just as much as your next move that consists of swaying your hips left to right seductively while your fingers tease by tugging the lingerie lower and lower before bringing it back up.
Jungsu swallows while zooming at the view of your pussy peeking through the thin fabric. It’s just for a few seconds, but it brings pressure into his core that unfortunately he cannot ignore. He’s undeniably turned on.
He keeps recording as you lean slowly on your elbows, arching your spine like a cat. He starts to feel the fabric of his boxers pressing a bit too harshly on his cock when he’s suddenly standing behind your ass that’s up in the air.
“Jungsu,” your mellow sweet voice pulls him out of his trance. Hours could’ve passed since he started recording and he wouldn’t know, that’s how lost he is in this moment; in you. “Can I ask you to pull my panties down? For the video.”
He hesitates for a second. Is the camera catching his heartbeat? He feels like it’s banging too hard against his chest.
“Are you sure?” He peeks at you. Your head is resting on top of your hands, but after his next words you lift up on your palms, trying to take a look behind your shoulder. “Are you sure you don’t mind I—“
“No, silly,” you chuckle. “You’ll cut this part out, right?”
You smile, staring at the floor while the gentle brushing of Jungsu’s fingertips starts to linger on your hips. He’s so careful with every move it brings shivers down your spine.
He traces his knuckles up your back then glides them all the way down to your lower waist very slowly, making sure everything is caught on the screen. His fingers sneak under the string and tug down until the panties begin to expose more of the pretty shape of your ass.
His mouth waters at the sight. He would’ve never thought he’d find himself in this situation; that he’d be able to see you the way he does in his secret fantasies. True, this is all for your content, but he can feel you underneath his fingertips, and it feels like a dream.
Jungsu’s gaze alternates between watching your folds through the camera and outside of it. It’s time he does something else or he risks to leak through his underwear if he keeps staring into your pussy like that.
“Turn around.” His voice comes out as a whisper. He doesn’t even know why he suggests that. If you turn around he’s almost sure his heart will jump out of his body.
You shift on your back, and your eyes catch Jungsu’s darkened gaze. He looks uneasy, and not as concentrated as he was earlier, when he brings the camera back up close to his face.
You keep on the seductive look while biting on your bottom lip.
“You’re doing perfect,” he praises you, causing your eyes to glow even brighter from the compliment. “So beautiful, stay just like that.”
He moves backwards, as the sun hits the perfect parts of your figure just at the right angle, earning you even more effective shots.
You let out a chuckle when Jungsu notices your panties are tangled around your heels. He drops on his knees and removes them while keeping the video going.
“You can touch me.” You tell him, tilting your head. You’re not really sure what to do for this video anymore, and to be honest, a part of you misses the feeling of his hand on your skin.
Your lips open for a gasp, but nothing comes out, because his palm gliding on your inner thigh steals your breath. It most likely comes from the fact you’re standing with your legs spread wide in front of him…. naked. Both of you can see your tummy clenching as his fingertips trace light patterns on your skin, reaching closer to where you feel warm and wet at the same time. Eventually they trail away, not daring to go further.
The drunken state this put you in makes you bolder, and you take Jungsu’s hand, guiding it to your chest. This time you’re relieved to see he doesn’t hesitate to act on his desires.
“This makes things more interesting, right?” Your question comes out airy from the way he squeezes your breast through the lacy bra.
You both stare at each other for a moment, trying to figure out if you understand the question the same way.
Jungsu nods, moving the camera in the direction of his roaming hand which goes up your cleavage, your neck and stops at your lips. His thumb swipes them lightly to feel enough of their texture without messing up your lipstick.
“You’re so fuckin’ gorgeous.” Jungsu’s breathing turns uneven as your teeth graze his finger before he pulls it back.
He’s kneeling between your legs, so hypnotised by your pretty face that he’s memorised like the back of his hand, but yet, feels completely new to him right now, that he doesn’t notice when your hand starts to rub slow circles on your clit.
At this point he cannot do anything about the tent in his pants. His erection throbs and yearns while he films your lower body sat on the fuzzy blanket. After a moment of you touching yourself, the silence in the room grows intense from an obvious squelching sound - clear lewd noises begin to emerge from you, and not a minute later Jungsu notices that your folds are glistening.
“Jungsu,” a moan spills from your lips; one with his name, that makes even breathing a difficult task.
“Y/N… Shit, you’re so wet.” Jungsu utters, as he regains a better grip on his camera, although caring about the quality of the video is long neglected thanks to your arousal and the way you call his name.
For a moment he wonders if you’re asking him for something. If you’re provoking him. However, he quickly tunes back into his own reality again, - he’s a friend helping out a friend.
“Keep going, you look perfect.” His dreamy voice encourages your hand to move faster, reaching for your peak while simultaneously building up the bubbling pressure in his tummy too. “Your body is so perfect, you’re perfect…” Jungsu’s thoughts that have been clouding his mind from the start begin to burst out on their own.
Your body squirms the second you stop your fingers in one place to delay your orgasm. The camera records your overwhelmed panting, and each flinch of your muscles that anticipate the sweet burst of energy.
You observe your friend who seems just as excited as you, and your attention lowers to his crotch, or more specifically the big vivid bulge underneath the black denim.
“Is it true?” You lean closer, placing your hands on his thighs. “Do you really think I’m perfect?”
He doesn’t hesitate to say the truth, nor he needs time to think about his answer.
“In every possible way.”
You both recognise a new spark in each other’s eyes, one you’ve never exchanged before.
Jungsu’s brows knit together for a moment when you distance yourself back from him.
“Kiss me then.”
Jungsu leaves the camera on the floor not bothering to waste time by turning it off, and crawls on top of you. Your legs hug his hips while the rest of you easily gets used to the nice feeling of his weight pressing against you.
Your lips cannot separate from each other. You kiss deeply and sensually, making up for all these months you spent secretly fighting back against your own cravings. The pleasure flows even stronger through your veins, causing Jungsu to welcome each and every one of your small whimpers inside his mouth.
You break the moment to catch your breath when you get the idea to switch places.
You take a seat on Jungsu’s crotch after he relaxes on his back, attaching hands to your hips. The simple thrill from your weight suddenly on top of his erection shoots intensely through his core, and he groans before you even press against it properly.
You grind once, shutting your eyes closed at the immediate pleasure, then repeat the same move, watching Jungsu’s expression change in a euphoric state.
“Yeah,” Jungsu moans again, but louder, feeling his cock throb inside his clothes, “yeah, like that, baby.”
The friction coming from the rough denim fabric is so strong and effective, it provokes you into instantly speeding up your movements back and forth. The lucent slick spreads onto Jungsu’s clothed bulge, as you put in the effort to reach both of your peaks while rubbing your clit on the stiff shape. He is so immensely hard, that you don’t need to apply much force in your humping to heighten the stimulation. One normal swaying of your hips is just enough, but with each passing second Jungsu’s desperation becomes thinner.
“Fuck, gorgeous…” His hands drag higher on your waist, quickening the way you move on his cock. His fingers dig in your flesh emphasising his needs. “Faster—“
You listen to his pleading tone, and with palms underneath his t-shirt for support, you fasten the pace.
Jungsu’s hazed gaze trails up and down your mesmerising body after he lifts up on his elbows to appreciate the view better, especially the one of your breasts pushed together from the position of your arms.
The hitched pants and whimpers escaping your mouth melt into longer moans as you get dangerously closer to fall apart, but the burning exhaustion of your legs slows you down. Jungsu sits up, digging back into your lower half with his fingertips, not letting the sensation slip away.
You wrap an arm around his broad shoulders, as he helps you ride out your high. His open mouth covers your neck with kisses while you shake on top of him, pressed down as hard as possible by his strong grip. Your voice cracks in the middle of your orgasm that muddles your mind, but not enough to not realise Jungsu cums at the same time as you.
“Aah, f-fuck, ‘m gonna—“ his weakened voice is lost, muffled in the crook of your neck, but it still rings so captivating in your mind, clearing out everything except the thought of him.
Your fingers tug tightly at his shirt as your arms stay around him. You listen to his elevated moan; how it becomes less heavy till all that’s left from it is just panting from relief which warms up your already sweating skin.
While the warm release soaks his underwear, Jungsu slows down the motion of your hips, slightly bucking up his own, as his climax washes off.
You stay in each other’s embrace for a while; the only thing filling the silence is the sound of your own heartbeat till Jungsu whispers in your ear.
“I want to see you.”
His hands leave your body, so you can lay down, allowing him to take a nice look between your legs. The sight of your intimate lips is even more arousing with your skin coloured in light red from the fabric of his jeans; your entrance clenching around air, begging to feel him inside.
You humm from delight when Jungsu pushes half of his middle finger in, gliding through your walls with ease from so much slickness. His ring finger goes in next, stretching you out in the most pleasant way. It feels soothing, laying like that on the floor while he freely moves his digits so slowly like he has all the time in the world. You don’t even realise the camera is back in his hand until he speaks out.
“This is just for me.” He says, meaning the footage of the way you’re squeezing around his slick fingertips.
As time passed, the sunlight sneaking through the window turns much more subtle, and now it invites new shadows to fall over your silhouette, making it even more seductive and addictive for the eyes.
“It’s all for you,” you say back.
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! please do not repost, copy or translate my works
! please keep in mind that english is not my first language. i apologise for any mistakes i’ve might missed
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hlficlibrary · 1 month
hola, las fics qué recomiendan solo son hbottom?
Hi, anon! This is pretty broad, but here are 3 of my favorite fics that have bottom Harry...
De amore ex tempore by @persephoneflouwers
"Jump! For fuck's sake, Louis, jump!"
Louis looks down curiously at the ground and notices that the backpack is gone. The grass appears greener than it did before; a minute ago there were streetlights in front of him - why is there no light now? His brows furrow.
“Is there a blackout tonight?”
He starts coughing uncontrollably as if water has flooded his lungs. He brings his hands around his neck, feeling like he cannot talk nor scream for help – he can’t breathe.
“Louis, jump!”
And he can’t see, feel or hear anything, but trusts the voice. He jumps. Then it’s just cold and dark.
Or: the Middle Ages AU where Harry is a philosopher, whose thoughts happen five centuries too soon and Louis is a painter, whose art happens five centuries too late.
& Or: the Time Travel AU where alternate versions of themselves live simultaneously in different realities and their paths collide every time, until somehow, they converge into one.
High heels on, 'm feeling alive by thebreadvan / @thebreadvansstuff
Harry hears the click of the camera snapping his picture and decides to throw his head back for the next one. He cocks his hip a bit to create the illusion of curves and proudly shows the too-small high heels. He decides to go with the classic pose, hand above his hip bone and leg bent back.
The moment he lifts his leg behind himself, the heel comes in contact with hard metal and makes a screeching sound as it drags upwards. Harry jumps around to see a long scratch going up the passenger door of the car behind him, and slaps his open mouth with a hand. "Oh no."
Or, Harry damages a car when drunkenly stumbling home after a fun night out with his friends. Feeling horribly guilty, he tries to find the owner and make it up to him.
Man, Deconstructed by jacaranda_bloom / @jacaranda-bloom
Harry doesn’t need help getting laid and he certainly doesn’t need Niall to hire a professional to ‘sort him out’.
But when a gorgeous man turns up on his doorstep on his birthday to ‘lay some pipe’ in the back garden (who just happens to have the best arse Harry’s ever seen), his world is upended.
OR the one where a well-meaning best mate, a sculpture-worthy arse, and a heaping dose of misunderstanding combine to create sheer and utter chaos, and also, maybe, the best thing Harry’s ever found.
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Soy Luna characters and what they’d give each other as gifts
This can be very fun depending on how close all characters are with each other.
Warning it’s gonna be a LONG post 💜
Ámbar would give her new roller skates, specifically tailored for Luna. Color, design, and easily adjustable just for the type of skating Luna does.
Simón would give her a collage book filled with all of their memories together. Everything from photos to little notes he saved, to handwritten memories that he has written down. Also some pages are just ”my favorite stuff about Luna”. Luna looks in it whenever she feels sad.
Nina would give her a story she wrote where the main character is based on Luna. Nina would also audio record the story in case Luna wouldn’t concentrate on reading it.
Matteo, well, based on what he gifted her in canon on her birthday, probably something strawberry related. Maybe to be extra he buys a small strawberry glass sculpture for her to have in her room
Ramiro would give her this t-shirt that I myself happen to wear right now:
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Yam would probably sew a jacket for her, with a roller skate on the back and the text ”Luna Valente Professional Skater” under the roller skate.
Pedro I think would give her a T-shirt that said ”Roller Band Honorary Member”
Nico would give her a microphone. She goes around with the microphone in her backpack and sometimes it accidentally goes off and her backpack sounds REALLY loud.
Jim would perhaps get her a sign to hang up in her room that just says ”keep calm and roller skate”
Gastón would give her a polaroid camera, telling her to use it for special occasions.
Delfi probably gifts her a hairbrush and explains how to use it and Luna is like ”Yeah I know what a hairbrush is thanks”
Jazmin makes a video called ”Top 10 Luna moments” and it’s her favorite videos she’s taken of Luna
Luna gives her a box to keep her jewerly in. The box is pink and black, and carved inside it says ”To Ámbar, from your primita”.
Simón gifts her a trip to Paris, just the two of them. He wants to serenade her in the eiffel tower.
Nina gives her a diary, to encourage her to get an outlet for her feelings that isn’t ”throwing stuff on the ground”
Matteo buys her a lamp that she jokingly had said she wanted to have once. Ámbar still appreciates the thought.
Ramiro gives her a photo of him and her posing and ”Red Sharks forever” written under
Yam handcrafts a music box that plays ”Como me ves” and gifts it to her. Ámbar listens to it sometimes when she's alone, and has to admit that she didn't expect a girl who she barely talks to could give her such a good gift
Pedro would give her a T-shirt where it jokingly says ”Reina de la pista”. Ámbar never wears it but she has it in her closet on display.
Nico gives her some earrings that are diamond shaped, but they are not made of diamonds (he doesn’t have that kind of money!)
Jim gifts her some shoes that she randomly saw in a store and thought was ”Ámbar vibed”. She was so scared Ámbar would hate them, but it turns out her vibecheck was completely right, and Ámbar wears them every now and then
Gastón remembers a porcelain doll she desperately wanted when they were 10 and apparently couldn’t get (I like the headcanon that they’ve gone to the same school since they were kids), and he’s like ”hey I found it now, it could be a little fun”, and Ámbar is really surprised he even remembered it because she forgot, but she’s very grateful and proudly has the doll sitting in her room on display.
Delfi gives her some make up, and super expensive and exclusive shampoo, lotion and conditioner.
Jazmin gives her spa weekend at an exclusive resort
Luna would gift him a trip to Cancún for the two of them, plus tickets in a concert in Mexico City of some band she knows he loves.
Ámbar buys him a leather jacket because she finds him super hot wearing one
Nina would possibly give him a book of argentinean slang and phrases (a little as an inside joke after their shenanigans at the retirement home)
Matteo I can picture buying him like… a bobble head of a celebrity. Or a handmade bobble head of Simón, so now Simón has a miniature version of himself
Ramiro would give him a pair of pants with a million pockets. Like pockets on the thighs and stuff.
Yam I think would make him a new beanie, maybe in the bisexual colors to be funky
Pedro would give him a giant taco-shaped pillow
Nico would buy him a shirt that says "SIMP: Squirrels in my pants" but the "squirrels in my pants" part is really small
Jim I think decides to figure out where he likes to buy clothes, and then give him a gift card on that clothing store
Gastón buys him some sunglasses. A simple gift, but Simón loves them and wears them all the time
Delfi would buy him some new shoes because "she noticed the ones he wore were worn out". Simón appreciates it a lot, because he had planned on buying new shoes himself for like a year but forgot.
Jazmin would make him a collage to hang on his wall where it's just cut-out pictures of Simón with hearts around it, and random stickers Jazmin thought fitted.
Luna buys her every book of Sherlock Holmes, in a very limited edition publication that is super hard to get, but Luna somehow did. She also has written "Para mi querida Watson" on the title page of every book
Ámbar would gift her a camera, with special features on it, so that Nina can take even better photos than ever
Simón I think would gift her a dvd box of some obscure tv show that she loved when she was younger but couldn't find anymore, and Simón had a friend in Cancún who happened to own all episodes on dvd and shipped it over
Matteo would buy her a notebook with pencils specifically tailored for that very notebook
Ramiro gifts her a bracelet with a symbol of a heart inside of a heart. He gives no context and when she asks he just does a salute and leaves the room.
Yam would give her a book that has printed out all the posts made by Felicityfornow in chronological order, so that even if the account ever disappeared, it's saved forever in this book.
Pedro would give her a light blue hoodie, because he thinks the way she sits down and writes so much, she should wear something comfy <3
Nico I think would give her a mood ring - a ring due to the inside joke that Gary thought they were dating, and a mood ring because he doesn't really know jewelry but "hey mood rings are pretty neat right"
Jim gifts her a book on how to write romance novels, after Nina said she really wanted to write one but didn't know where to begin. Nina ended up getting more inspiration from herself rather than from the book, but she was still very grateful that Jim got it for her.
Gastón would give her a souvenir from her favorite sci-fi movie, something that they actually had on the set and he managed to get his hands on, after searching deeply online. It's Nina's most priced possession and she has it on display in her living room.
Delfi would give her a gift card on a clothes store - either a store Nina has been in, or a store she never has set foot in, but Delfi thinks she can find some good clothes in there.
Jazmin would gift her some body lotion and perfume, because she wants Nina to smell good. Not that she didn't think she smelt good before, but simply because she found the body lotion and perfume and was like "this smells like Nina... I better give it to her!!"
Luna would 100% just give him some silly strawberry themed T-shirt. But he loves it and wears it so much he almost forgets to wash it.
Ámbar gifts him a poster she had commissioned an artist to draw: It's a roller skate surrounded by a king's crown. Referencing he used to be the "king of the rink".
Simón would give him hair gel because he wanted to see if Matteo would look like Blaine from Glee if he used it - cause without hair gel Matteo looks like Mr. Schue.
Nina always thought it was funny how Matteo was called ”fresa”, even though she knows it means something else in mexican slang, but she still decides to gift him something on the strawberry theme (he’s gonna get a lot of strawberry themed stuff tbh, it’s just his brand now). Anyway, she gives him a cookbook specified on fruits and berries, and jokingly mentions there’s an entire chapter on just strawberries he can look through.
Ramiro gifts him some themed underwear... only he and Matteo knows what the specific theme of the underwear is, and Matteo both feels like this was a hilarious gift while also feeling slightly awkward if anyone would ever find them. Ramiro also always seems to know when he wears them despite him never telling it.
Yam has heard all about this "chico fresa" thing with Matteo and takes it literally, so she makes him a vest in a strawberry pattern.
Pedro gifts him a mug that says ”Rey de la pista”
Nico gives him a bowtie with a bowtie pattern on it. ”Get it?”
Jim I think would gift him some new wheels for his roller skates, but paint the wheels strawberry colored (red with white dots, as well as green in the middle)
Gastón would give him a specially tailored friendship bracelet. However, instead of calling it a friendship bracelet he calls it a ”bro bracelet”. Matteo loves it.
Delfi makes a video about ”the evolution of Matteo” and just shows clips of him through the years with one of his songs playing in the background
Jazmin manages to get an autograph from one of his biggest idols and she refuses to tell him how she got it.
Luna would gift him roller skates with his own face printed all over on it. He actually skates with it a lot, although never in serious competitions. Except for once when he packed the wrong skates… that was an interesting competition
Ámbar gifts him a small sculpture of a red shark with the text ”never forget”
Simón would get him some instructional tapes on how to breakdance. Ramiro watches them too much in his freetime
Nina probably gives him a gift card on his favorite online shopping site where he orders all his odd t-shirts and also other stuff from
Matteo would give him a bracelet that says ”FRIENDZONE” on it. Only him and Matteo get the reference
Yam would sew some cool pants that he can easily move around in when dancing and roller skating, as well as making them look pretty rad and work with a variety of shirts and jackets.
Pedro I think gives him a notebook so he can write down all his wonderful rap lyrics… Ramiro wrote it out within 2 weeks.
Nico gives him old CDs from the 90s that instructs how to beatbox. Ramiro finds it fascinating how ”beatboxing sounded like in the old days”, while everyone else thinks it sounds mostly the same.
Jim would gift him a new roller skate helmet, with his name ingrained so everyone knows this helmet belongs to RAMIRO PONCE and no one can take that away.
Gastón gives him a miniature sculpture of the three musketeers, as a reference to when the boys dressed up as them.
Delfi buys him some headphones so he can ”dance to his music in silence”
Jazmin buys him deodorant and very kindly says it ”needs to be taken every day”
Luna would give her a shirt in the lesbian flag’s colors. Yam refuses to ever take it off.
Ámbar would buy her a new guitar that Yam could only dream of buying herself. It was one of those things she saw in the display window knowing it was just a wish. But for Ámbar it was like ”you play guitar and this guitar seemed like it suited your vibes so I bought it 🤷🏼‍♀️”.
Simón gives her a T-shirt that says ”Roller Band reserve (if Simón is unavailable)” and she exclusively wears it during those specific occasions.
Nina I think would write a song about Yam, or at least song lyrics that she later gifts her
Matteo I think ends up buying her a t-shirt that says ”Rock paper scissors” with the two first words crossed out and ”scissors” very highlighted, with a picture of two scissors intertwined under the text. In Matteo’s head this was more of ”well she likes funny english t-shirts I guess” while Yam cannot stop laughing as she gets the shirt.
Ramiro gifts her the gift of music - he records a rap song that is all about her.
Pedro would give her a handmade sculpture of a shield that says "I got a feeling 2017 never forget"
Nico would gift her a pass that says "Yamila Sanchez - she's allowed backstage if asked" and tells her this can let her get anywhere backstage on the Roller Band's concerts without any trouble (and they might need her in case of an emergency!)
Jim would... write her a 200 page long book, all about how amazing she is. Every page, filled with something she loves about her. She's also asked every single other person to write something about Yam in the book, so an entire chapter is just "Our favorite memories and things about you", and Jim has really asked everyone to write at least one full page, prefferrably more (her own page is 10 pages long because she has so many favorite things about Yam). There's photos, there's NOTES THEY PASSED TO EACH OTHER IN CLASS, there's song lyrics they came up with and even some inside jokes. Jim wants to make sure Yam knows how special she is. And if Yam ever doubts it, she can just take a look in the book and see just how much love people have for her.
Gastón I think gives her a black jacket with her name printed on it and a music note under because he associates her with music.
Delfi would give her a little necklace of a silver microphone. Yam asks how expensive this was and Delfi refuses to tell.
Jazmin would get her a gift card of to a really expensive fashion store that Yam has never set her foot in and doesn't even know where it's located, because Jazmin is like "I think you'd look good in the clothes they have there <3". Yam uses the gift card to buy clothes for other people.
Luna would give him a mug that says "the world's best drummer" on it
Ámbar would get him some expensive shoes, so that he'd look a little fancy when he's at work.
Simón would gift him one of those dancing cactuses that mimic everything you say. Pedro both hates and loves it.
Nina gives him some new drumsticks.
Matteo would give him a brand new drum set. He was like "it was nothing, you deserve some brand new ones <3"
Ramiro would give him some socks with drums on them.
Yam would give him hairspray, because mentioned to her once that he'd like to try to style his hair in new ways.
Nico gifts him a photo album of them through all the years in their friendship.
Jim I believe gives him a metronome so he can measure the beats in the songs he plays
Gastón noticed Pedro liked cooking, and so he bought him some new pots and pans (those are expensive!)
Delfi makes a 1 hour video of clips of him and her lovebombing him every single second
Jazmin would give him a plastic cup with a cartoon drum on it, explaining "now everyone knows this is your cup <3"
Luna would give him a new plectrum for his bass.
Ámbar would give him jeans, because she has no idea what else to give him... to her he's the least interesting person in the room
Simón gives him new bed clothes, where both the pillow and blanket says "Property of the Roller Band's bassist" - so that no one will steal his bed clothes
Nina I think would give him a cookbook, so Nico can learn some new recipes, and on the title page she writes "To Nico, from your 'wife'". He laughs so much every time he reads that message.
Matteo buys him a vest, because he thought Nico would look good in one
Ramiro would buy him a cap, because he thinks Nico's hair would look better with a cap on
Yam sews him a jacket with a bass symbol on it and the text "Property of the legend himself" (no one would steal a jacket with THAT epic text right?)
Pedro gifts him a sign to hang up on the wall that has a sentence that is confusing to everyone else, but it's a really funny inside joke between him and Nico they refuse to explain to anyone else
Jim I think would gift him a bracelet with the roller band logo on it, and when she gifts it, she gave him a note saying "Nico: Thanks for putting up with me while I figured out myself. You're a good lad!" He keeps the note in a little box together with the bracelet.
Gastón I can imagine hearing Nico was sad about never owning a PS2 as a kid because he couldn't afford it, so he buys him in a PS2 with some games. Nico is really happy, but the bad thing is that he forgets to go to sleep because he stays up and plays x)
Delfi would get him a gift card on men's hair products
Jazmin would make a 30 second video where she goes "Nico... I don't know you so well but you have always been ok. This is my gift, a video message! Love ya, bye!"
Luna gives her some new roller skates that she has decorated in color and patterns herself to fit exactly the vibe she think fits Jim
Ámbar would get her a book about how to flirt with people and wish her good luck on future endeavors.
Simón gets her an original live recording of Fito Páez singing A rodar mi vida, and an autograph from him
Nina would get her a dvd box of an anime Jim loved as a kid, but the spanish dub was really hard to find now. Alas, Nina managed to find it on an auction site.
Matteo would probably get her tap-dancing shoes or something, because he knows she likes dancing, so why not learn tap-dancing?
Ramiro pays 5 breakdancing lessons for her because he thinks it's essential she learns the art of breakdancing
Yam records an entire music album where EVERY SONG is an original song about Jim. It's kind of an album that tells a story, first song is how they first met, last song is the wish for their future together. She names the album "For J" and people who knows no context try to figure out who this mysterious J is.
Pedro gives her a T-shirt that says "I solemnly swear to not steal people's suits again"
Nico gifts her a music box that plays Linda.
Gastón would gift her a jacket with the text "A rodar mi vida" stitched on the back
Delfi would freak out trying to get her a good gift to show that they are friends now, and ends up simply paying her dinner at an expensive restaurant. Jim loves it though. Free food!
Jazmin I think gives her a video camera, primarily so Jim can record her dancing auditions in a higher quality than on her phone. Jim also uses it to record people's roller skate performances and singing performances. There's also a rumor she recorded a video on it that only she and one other person knows about... but what they recorded is top secret.
Luna gives him a mug that says "World's best best friend in law"
Ámbar would get him a picture of when they were in like 6th grade posing together for a picture and as a caption write a quote that a teacher everyone thought was insane had said
Simón I think would write a parody of the song Gastón from BATB, but change the lyrics to be about the Gastón he knows.
Nina writes an entire novel where the main character is named Gastón. It's a sci fi story mixed with romance, and a lot of the scenes are based on things that happened in their real life but taking place in space instead. She just wrote it for Gastón but he thinks it's so good he thinks she should publish it for everyone.
Matteo buys him a trip to Las Vegas, because they talked about going there some time when they were younger and finally make their dream come true.
Ramiro I think gives him a miniature figure of Gastón from BATB, with the reasoning "haha you have the same name"
Yam would sew him an entire tuxedo suit for funsies and when he asks how she knows his measurements she says "I secretly took measurements of everyone, as well as their personal flavors and taste of styles, and keep the information in a little box in my sewing room in the basement". Gastón goes "wait what" and Yam does a hushing sound and walks away
Pedro buys him a t-shirt that says "I went to Oxford and all I got was this lousy shirt"
Nico doesn't know what to give him and thus gives him a package of beer. Gastón doesn't drink beer but he drinks up the package (not at once) to not let the gift go to waste
Jim would give him a gift card on some fancy men's fashion store
Delfi would give him merchandise from his favorite movie (she remembered!)
Jazmin releases a video called "Why men should be like Gastón (NOT FROM BEAUTY AND THE BEAST!)" where she just goes through her favorite moments of Gastón
Luna would give her a stuffed animal dolphin and Delfi wouldn't really understand the joke
Ámbar buys her a weekened at a resort
Simón would buy her a gift card at her favorite beauty product store
Nina I think would give her a journal... with a dolphin on the front (Delfi doesn't understand why people associate her with dolphins!!)
Matteo would look through her videos to find what's her favorite make up brands are and buy her a large package of it
Ramiro takes her to an amusement park, because he thinks she should "relax a little and have fun". Delfi relaxed when they went home.
Yam sews her some overalls, because had analyzed Delfi's style and thought she'd look really neat in some purple overalls.
Pedro writes her a song and records it on a CD so she has it forever
Nico gives her some dolphin-themed socks
Jim gifts her a photo of when they sing together and writes "Cool Ladies forever"
Gastón would gift her an adult coloring book, recommending her to do it every time she feels stressed.
Jazmin does a 2h storytime video about her and Delfi's history together, when they met and every little twist and turn they have experienced together.
Luna notices how much Jazmin seems to laugh, so she gives her a joke book so that Jazmin can laugh even more
Ámbar gives her a one year subscription on expensive and exclusive body lotion and perfume
Simón handcrafts a little trophy depicting a microphone, and writes "to my best student" on it
Nina gives her some new high heels. Jazmin doesn't know how Nina even knows what high heels are, but are surprised how spot on Nina was that they'd be her style
Matteo would get her a new case for her ipad, with pockets so that Jazmin could keep all her stuff in the same place
Ramiro would get her a fidget spinner that sparkles when you spin it. "Ooh, shiny!"
Yam would record a cover of "Fush, te vas" as a gift to her and Jazmin thinks it's fabulous
Pedro would give her a sign that says "Jazfans fanclub" and let all their friends sign it before he gave it to her
Nico would get her a purse to keep her belongings in - she ends up not putting anything in it and just walks around with the purse alone because she thinks it's pretty
Jim would buy her a rainbow skirt and Jazmin twirls around in it so much she trips too many times in a day
Gastón gifts her some lipstick that he saw her talk about loving in a video
Delfi makes a video talking about how important Jazmin is to her and then shows a slideshow of pictures of them with a cheesy heartfelt song in the background she definitely gets copyright for but she doesn't care!!
Woah... this took a while.
Tell me if you want me to do this with Violetta characters too... :D
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a-s-levynn · 16 days
hiiiiii! when you post art, do you scan it or just take photos? i was curious becuz it always looks so hd (๑•́∀•̀๑)
Hey there! Yes, i do scan everything that isn't obviously photographed from an angle or stated specifically in tags or text.
I started out with my phone camera and there are phones that can do almost scan quality pictures, mine is not one of those. So a few months back i invested about 75 euros to get a Canon Lide 300. It is not the most professional thing ever but for the price of like.. 2 merch shirts these days, it is not a bad deal.
It is good uptill A/4 size (tho you can work around bigger pieces on it with stitching the pieces), the program it comes with is very easy and it can go up to 1200dpi. It is perfect for at home use. It is small enough to put in a backpack if you are so inclined but i never did that.
I scan with 600dpi which is plenty enough for most art. Mind you after scanning i do some editing, because the scanner's light messes with graphite due to shine, but it is a simple contrast adjusments in most cases. And it only serves to give it back the tonal values the physical drawings have.
But to show you the comparison with the same froggo, the left is my phone quality picture and the right is the 600dpi value corrected scanned version:
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It does make a difference in my opinion. A significant amount of detail get's lost with regular phone camera quality. But as i said, with a proper camera, let it be phone or otherwise, you can achieve similarly good results given you have decent lighting, which i also do not have.
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seabeck · 10 years
FAQ + About (for mobile)
About me: My name is Milli (she/her), 25yrs. I love taking photos of nature and my Subaru. I’m a huge nerd about mushrooms, plants, and skulls. I’ve been hiking ever since I was a little kid and at this point I feel at home in the woods.
I have a flock of chickens, a boyfriend, a dog, and waaay too many house plants
Did you take all the photos on this blog?
Yep, every photo posted here was taken by yours truly unless otherwise noted (very rare).
What camera/lenses do you use? 
My crop sensor/work kit is:
Nikon D7100
10-20mm f/4.5-5.6G VR
Dolica ZX600B103 Tripod
My full frame kit is:
Nikon D850
Sigma 150-600mm f5.6-6.3 
50mm f/1.8 G
60mm f/2.8 ED Macro
Nikon 105mm f/2.8 VR G
17-35mm f2.8 
20mm 1.8 ED sold
Sigma 150-500mm f5.6-6.3  sold
Kenko extension tubes
Raynox 250
Vanguard Alta Pro 263AB (works for macro + everything else)
Filters and other gear:
Hoya circular polarizers + Stop down/up kit
Nikon camera backpack (discontinued)/TARION Camera Backpack
Instax Mini 90
Other cameras I’ve owned:
Here’s my lens wish list, some are on there for fun and some I actually want.
What camera gear would you recommend for a beginner?
Before you worry too much about getting the best gear, make sure you learn how to use it first. You could go out and buy the fanciest camera and lenses and still not take good photos because you don’t know how to use your camera or how to “see”. There’s also a saying, “you marry your lenses and date your bodies”. Invest in good lenses, preferably full frame compatible ones in case you ever decide to upgrade to full frame, and get a cheaper body to start. With that out of the way…
If you’re just starting out, I’d recommend getting a refurbished or used camera from the D7100+ line. They’ve come down in price as of late and are pretty solid cameras. Just make sure to check the shutter count.
I’d skip anything from the D3000 & D5000 lines. They’re not bad cameras but they do not have built in autofocus meaning they rely on the lens itself having autofocus. This isn’t horrible but it does limit what lenses you can use (and some of the lenses that won’t autofocus with those cameras are good AND cheap) and that can be confusing for a beginner.
As for a lens, a 50mm f/1.8, or 35mm f/1.8 is a great lens. Both lenses are inexpensive, have good quality glass, and can used for nearly everything. The 18-55mm lens that comes with cameras isn’t bad either. 
I don’t shoot Canon/Sony/whatever else so I can’t give any advice there sorry!
How did you learn to take photos?
LOTS of practice, I first picked up a camera back in 2013. In high school and college I took photography classes but ultimately I didn’t really learn much from them, they started at too basic of a level.
I did learn a lot about photography from taking art classes however. They taught me framing, how to use shadows/light, and movement in a photo (where does your eye travel when you view an image/art piece). My mom is also a professional photojournalist so I picked up some knowledge from her and my grandfather who’s also a published photographer.
How can I take better photos?
Again, lots of practice. Learn what every setting and button on your camera does, try different shooting modes, take the same photo at several different apertures and shutter speeds to see what changes. You can learn a lot from reading articles too but the best way to learn, imo, is by doing. Don’t worry about getting the best gear and the best camera, learn how to take photos first.
Study other photographers photos, and even paintings, and see what you like. Pay attention to directional lines and where your eye travels. Learn how to use Photoshop/Lightroom (just pirate it). Take photos in different weather, lighting, and times of day. 
What programs do you use to edit? What presets/filters do you use?
I use Lightroom and Photoshop Classic along with custom presets that I’ve made for different situations (fog, snow, etc) to process most of my images and then I make minor tweaks. A lot of my presets started as VSCO presets and then I kept the things I liked and changed the things I didn’t.
What is your job?
I’m a real estate photographer specializing in short term rentals. I love it.
Are you related to Eddie Vedder?
Yep, we’re very distantly related. Something like 7th cousins twice removed but I’ve never met him.
Can you add a photo to your print shop?
Sure! Just tell me the name of the photo (or link it if possible, I reuse a lot of names) you want added and I’ll get it up there.
May I use one of your photos?
I’m 100% ok with people using my photos as a reference for drawing/painting, I’d even love to see the result. For anything else, just shoot me an ask beforehand and I’ll let you know. Please do not repost my photos on Tumblr or elsewhere without my permission.
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gyutrivia · 3 months
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Silent Hearts
pairing: Hoseok x femreader
word count: 2.6k
genre: childhood friends, friends to ???, angst, unrequited love, one sided love , highschool hobi
summary: “i love you but you are not mine”
rating: 16+
a/n: this is my first tumblr fic and it’s based on the song agust and let you break my heart. its a bit rushed and i am a bit dumb so my grammar sucks. enjoy!
Have you ever found someone you loved so dearly? It could be your mother, your father, or your siblings—that’s love most everyone feels. In Greek, it’s called storge, a silly word for such a big meaning. What about your friends? The Greek language also has a word for it: philia. That's one that seems more familiar, right? But what does one call that one person who you love so deeply but they simply don’t feel the same way? Unrequited love. That sounds more modern, doesn’t it? But why is it one of the most painful feelings?
"Y/N, move out of the way!" someone screamed. I turned slowly and spotted the black-haired boy running full speed towards me. I stopped in my tracks, and only my stray hairs swayed in the gust of wind caused by the boy. "Hobi?" I said, my voice tinged with curiosity and disappointment. Now, the boy’s body was growing smaller as his distance increased. "Y/N, hold on," I sighed again and turned around, spotting my friend Em the brunette with a toothy smile as she bent down, hands on her knees. "Em, what happened?" I asked, walking up to her as she tried to catch her breath.“H-He ha—” Em let out a loud cough. I helped her up, handing her the bottle of water from my backpack."God bless you," Em said, drowning the water. “Is everything okay?" I asked as Em let out an "ah" sound."He had to crap," Em said, handing me the water bottle. I stood comically frozen as Em stared with a blank face."And why did you run after him?" I asked her as we stared blankly at each other. "Because I wanted to see if he was going to crap his pants," Em said with a straight face.
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“I made it in time,” Hobi said, placing his lunch tray on the table. “I almost didn’t, and I had tears in my eyes,” he continued, opening the juice. I stared at him with a blank look.
“Hobi, I didn’t need to know that. You can keep that to yourself,” I said, setting my tray in front of him."Sunshine, I swear, I almost jumped two guys who were waiting in line for the stall. The urinal was almost a victim," Hobi said, taking a bite of the rice cakes."I'm not continuing this conversation," I told him, standing up jokingly, causing him to stand up and grab my hand, smiling brightly."Stay. I won’t talk about my bubble gut anymore," he said."Hobi," I said, a laugh escaping my mouth.
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Jung Hoseok, aka Hobi, was one year older than me. The first time I met him, he threw a tennis ball at my head. Did I know where he got the tennis ball? No. Does he play tennis? No. But does he say he’s a professional tennis player? Yes. We didn’t become friends from that. It was one day when I went to slide down the slide and slid into a boy who was doing Spider-Man moves in the middle of the slide. But when we both landed on the bark, only one of us landed normally, and it wasn’t him and for the nickname when we fell from the slide the sun rays against my forehead blinded him and some how the nickname sunshine came to be but not after being called shiny forehead for a year straight.
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“I’m telling you, Sunshine, you don’t understand. You have to hold the camera steady. I saw the video you took, and I was moving like I was possessed,” Hobi whined as we walked home after school.“I was. You just moved possession. Not my fault,” I said as the cold breeze blew. I shoved my hands in my sweater pockets and let out a clatter in my teeth. “It’s so cold,” I said as Hobi danced around me. He stopped and shrugged.“You just gotta move around like me,” he said, doing a random dance. I smiled softly at him.
“Okay, sure, Hoseok,” I said. He stood next to me, grabbed my hand, and shoved it in his pocket while his hand held mine.“Is that warmer?” I looked at him a bit wide-eyed. “Hobi, Sunshine, not Hoseok,” he said, pouting. I felt my cheeks flush and turned away from him. The rest of walk was quiet only his hums filled the cold breeze.
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Now, let me introduce you to my first love, Jung Hoseok.
I didn’t want to love him. I did everything I could to stop it. I tried to focus on his flaws, but my mind found none. I even attempted to like other people, but they always paled in comparison to him. If you asked me why I fell in love with him, I would simply say, “It’s Hobi.” He never said he didn't feel the same, but his actions and words made it clear. The wingman for the cute girls at school. And, of course, the iconic line, “You are like one of the guys.” That’s why I kept my feelings to myself—I was just his best friend.
I remember every time he would gush about a girl he liked, my heart would sink a little deeper. It wasn’t jealousy, not entirely. It was the painful realization that I could never be that girl for him. I was the one he called late at night to talk about his dreams and fears, but I wasn’t the one he dreamed about.
There were times I thought he might feel something more. The way he would hold my hand a little too long, or the times he’d look at me with an intensity that made my heart race. But then, just as quickly, he’d pull away, cracking a joke. It was like he was reminding both of us of the boundary that existed between us.
I tried to move on. I really did. I dated other people, hoping that someone else could make me forget about him. But every date, every kiss, every moment spent with someone else felt like a betrayal to my own heart. No one could make me laugh like he did, or understand me the way he did.
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“You have to tell him, Y/N” Em said as she sipped her drink. I choked, coughing as she handed me a napkin. “Tell who?” I asked.“You know who I’m talking about,” Em said, placing her cup down. I avoided her eyes.
“Hoseok, Y/N. He’s going to college in a few months. Don’t you think he deserves to know?” Em's tone was serious. “I can’t,” I said, looking down and fidgeting with my bag strap. “I don’t want to break our friendship.”Em tapped her fingers on the table to get my attention. “You can write him a letter,” she suggested gently. "It’s better than saying nothing at all."
“Happy graduation, Hobi,” I said, handing him the bouquet of flowers. Hobi turned around and smiled brightly at me, opening his arms for a hug. I smiled and hugged him. The scent of his cologne hit my nostrils, the soft, faint smell of vanilla. I closed my eyes as my head landed on his soft chest. I wished I could stay here all day. I pulled away, and he smiled at me.
“I did it, Sunshine,” Hobi said, and there it was, my heart beating to the nickname only he called me when we were younger. I felt my heart pounding in my ears as I slid my hand into my purse, grabbing the letter.“Hobi, I hav—” I was cut off by a soft voice. I turned to see his mother walking with her husband. “I’m sorry, dear, but the photographer is looking for you, Hoseok.” I turned and smiled softly at her. “No, no, go ahead.” Hobi smiled at her and then at me, grabbed my hand, and gave it a light squeeze before jogging to his mother, leaving me.
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The days passed quickly, and soon it was time for Hobi to leave for Seoul. The night before his departure, we sat on the swings at the park we first met, the same place where we had spent countless evenings talking about everything and nothing.
“I’m going to miss this place,” Hobi said, swinging gently.“I’ll miss you,” I said softly, trying to keep my voice steady. “I’ll visit, and you can come to Seoul anytime,” he said, smiling that bright smile that always melted my heart.I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. The letter burned in my pocket, but I knew I couldn’t give it to him now. Not when he was about to leave. Not when he was so happy.
We swung in silence for a while, the night air cool and crisp. Finally, Hobi stood up and pulled me into a hug.“You’re my best friend, Sunshine. Don’t ever forget that,” he whispered. “I won’t,” I whispered back, holding onto him as if my life depended on it.I tried to pull away, but Hobi shook his head. "No, not yet," he said softly. So I held on, and for once, the hug felt different. I was trying to let go, but my hands were gripping his t-shirt, as if they had a mind of their own.
"I'll miss you," I murmured again, feeling the sting of unshed tears."Don't worry, Sunshine. We'll see each other soon," he said, his voice filled with confidence.
I wished I could share his optimism, but my heart was breaking. I knew things would never be the same once he left. Hobi pulled back slightly, looking into my eyes. "Promise me you'll take care of yourself," he said, his gaze intense.
"I promise," I whispered, forcing a smile. "Good," he said, finally letting me go. He ruffled my hair playfully, the way he always did. "And don't forget to write, call, and text me. I want to hear all about what's going on here." "I will," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.
When we reached my front door, he turned to me one last time."See you soon, Sunshine," he said, smiling that familiar, heartwarming smile. "See you soon, Hobi," I replied, watching as he walked away.
As soon as he was out of sight, I rushed to my room, my heart aching. I took out the letter from my pocket and stared at it. All the words I wanted to say, all the feelings I had kept hidden, were right there on that piece of paper. But it was too late.
I opened the drawer of my small desk and pulled out the box of trinkets. It was filled with memories—ticket stubs, small notes, and other little things that reminded me of Hobi. I placed the letter inside and closed the lid, hiding it away with the rest of my unspoken feelings.
The next morning, I woke up early to see him off. The train station was bustling with people, but it felt like we were the only two there. Hobi was surrounded by his family and friends, all wishing him well. I stood on the sidelines, feeling a strange mix of pride and sadness.
When it was finally time for him to board, he came over to me, his smile as bright as ever. "Take care, Sunshine," he said, giving me one last hug."You too, Hobi," I replied, my voice cracking.
As the train pulled away, I watched until it disappeared from sight. My best friend was gone, and with him, a piece of my heart.
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The days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months. Hobi and I kept in touch through texts and phone calls, but it wasn’t the same. Every time we talked, I felt the distance between us growing.
I often found myself sitting at my desk, staring at the box of trinkets. The letter remained unopened, and I wondered if there would ever be a right time to tell him, or if I was destined to keep my feelings hidden forever.
Life went on, but a part of me was always with Hobi, in Seoul, living a life that I could only dream of being a part of. And just like that, we stopped talking. The texts stopped, the calls, and the letters—all of it faded into silence. Hobi and I were like two stars that met briefly before drifting apart in the vast universe.
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On my graduation day, amidst the sea of caps and gowns, I spotted him. Hobi was there, dressed casually in a loose white t-shirt and baggy blue denim jeans. For a moment, it felt like nothing had changed, as if the Hobi I knew and cherished was back.
Drawn almost magnetically, I approached the group where he was standing, his back to me, engaged in conversation. As he turned around, the familiar rush of emotions surged through me, but they were quickly tempered by the sight that unfolded. Next to him stood a small petite girl in a purple sundress, her big eyes and pretty smile could have captured anyone's attention, yet I didn’t care to linger on her features. My gaze fell to their hands, intertwined firmly, a silent proclamation of their connection.
Masking the ache with a practiced smile, I looked back at him. "Thank you for coming, Hoseok," I said, my voice steady despite the turmoil within. His expression shifted slightly, a mixture of surprise and something indefinable as he released the girl's hand to offer me a brief, somewhat awkward hug.
"Congratulations “ he replied, stepping back to stand slightly behind the girl. "I wouldn’t have missed it for the world."
"That means a lot," I said, glancing briefly at the girl who was watching our exchange with a curious look. Turning back to Hobi, I continued, "I hope everything’s been great with you." "Yeah, things have been... really good," he said, a hint of hesitation in his voice as if he wanted to say more but thought better of it. His gaze flitted to the girl beside him, and he introduced her. "This is Becky," he added, his smile returning. "Becky, this is Y/N, my old friend from school."
"Nice to meet you," she said warmly, offering her hand, which I shook lightly. "Nice to meet you too," I replied, my heart sinking just a bit deeper. The words 'old friend' echoed in my mind, a reminder of the distance now between us.
The ceremony was about to begin, and as people started to move towards their seats, Hobi touched my arm lightly. "Let’s catch up later, okay?" he suggested, a hopeful note in his voice. "Sure, we’ll see," I said, nodding politely.
As they walked away, their hands found each other again, and I turned to join my family, feeling the finality of the moment. It was clear that the chapters of our past were just that—past. Hobi had moved on, and it was time I did the same
As the graduation ceremony unfolded and later wrapped up, I didn't get the chance to talk to Hobi again. The bustling energy of families and friends celebrating, the loud congratulations, and the clicking of countless photos filled the air, but a quiet disappointment settled over me. Hobi’s mom approached me with a smile, her familiar warmth a small comfort.
“y/n dear, I wanted to tell you earlier, but Becky had to leave she was on call, you see, and Hobi drove her, so they had to rush off,” she explained.
I nodded, managing a polite smile. "Of course, I understand. I hope they got there okay," I said, hiding the mix of relief and sorrow that Hobi hadn't chosen to leave without a word. "They did, thank you. He wanted to stay longer, you know. He's always talking about how proud he is of you," she added, her eyes softening.
As the crowd began to thin and I started to leave the venue, a pang of nostalgia gripped me. In a fleeting moment, amidst the dwindling groups of chatting attendees, I thought I saw Hobi looking back at me. I blinked, staring harder into the crowd, trying to pinpoint the familiar face that had haunted both my dreams and waking thoughts. But it was just my imagination playing cruel tricks.
He was gone.
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envihellbender · 4 months
Survivor AU Frank
Frank Morrison, Survivor
Role: Murder fanboy
Appearance: Frank has dark brown hair that falls in his face. He is covered in tattoos - mostly stick and poke but some professionally done like the skull on his neck. He wears a Misfits t-shirt (the sleeves he cut off himself with kitchen scissors) his binder is underneath and pokes out at the sides. His jeans are muddy at the bottoms with tears over the knees (worn from age), and he has an old pair of battered, second hand adidas trainers. He has an old paint stained backpack with band and horror patches sewn onto it, in the side pocket is a camera, and the front pocket is filled with different types of knives, his preferred behind a simple flick knife he keeps on his pocket.
If you are fixing a generator with another survivor that generator becomes invisible to the killer and increases in speed by 2/3/4%. This can only be applied to one generator per game.
Children of the Damned
The Entity oddly favours you more than most survivors. It takes 8/9/10% longer to be summoned and you have a 5/6/7% more chance to unhook yourself.
When the killer is stunned you have the ability to melee attack them. This causes the killer to be thrown back and disorientated for 2/3/4 seconds.
Ormond was the first place that the foster system sent Frank to where he actually felt at home. Sure, his foster father Clive Andrews was an abusive alcoholic, but he had friends. Friends who were just as obsessed with urban legends and true crime as he was. They were close beyond what most considered healthy, thats what the kid in the video store as well as Julie and Joey’s parents said. They didn’t care. They were happy. Every Saturday they’d meet to investigate old crime scenes and haunted spaces. There favourite killer however originated from no where near Ormond: The Ghost Face.
They’d talked about the infamous Ghost Face a thousand times but not ever did any of them suspect that one of his kills would happen in their shitty little town. When Julie waved the newspaper with Jed Olsen’s article and photo on the front page in front of their faces, the Ghost Face killer had attacked and they could see one of his crime scenes. It was the sort of thing they’d talked about taking road trips to do before, when they saved up enough money to go to the States. But they could actually do it now. Not only that, the article said it happened at the victim’s ski lodge - there was only one of those in the whole of Ormond. They whispered excitedly in their corner of the cafeteria about what they would do when they got there, they wondered if Ghost Face left anything the cops hadn’t picked up on.
If they weren’t so caught up in the anticipation that night, they might have found it strange that the place was empty when they arrived there. The police tape was untouched, but the doors were left ajar with blood on the window. Susie and Joey stayed behind, shivering in the snow, anxiously looking between each other. Both of them were mostly terrified of running into the police than the killer. Frank and Julie tried to push them to come with them. Eventually they agree once Julie and Frank had established the coast was clear.
Frank had been acting strangely the moment they approached the building, but only Julie seemed to notice. He felt something inside the building calling him, beckoning him, and he couldn’t help but follow it. He didn’t even notice the fog around him as he entered into the main hall of the ski lodge. He did however realise he was still shivering and when he turned round to mention this to Julie he couldn’t see anything but fog. He turned back towards the entrance, shouting Julie’s name. There was a strange hissing noise from the centre of the room, Frank spun back around before he could even process it. He couldn’t breathe when he saw the source of the noise - Ghost Face’s victim laid untouched on the rug in front of the fireplace. He couldn’t believe the cops had left it there. He ran towards it and got onto his knees, foolishing tearing his shirt buttons open to see the wound. Or what should’ve been a wound. He couldn’t see the body any more. All he could see was the fog.
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noellawrites · 2 years
Runaway - Yandere!Rafael Barba x reader
summary: when you run away from Rafael, he gets the team involved and makes them think someone else is threatening you
warnings: physical assault, rape mention, description of injuries, yelling, slight victim blaming
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You should've known better.
Your boyfriend, Rafael Barba, had been getting more and more intense. He was pressuring you to quit your job at SVU, to move in with him, get married. And you weren't ready yet.
Things got ugly one night, however. Rafael was yelling about how you had gotten too invested in a case, and you screamed in his face about how it was because the victim was in the same type of abusive relationship as you were.
He got in your face and you pushed him away from you. He pushed you back, but since he was stronger than you, you fell back and hit your head on the wall.
You cried in pain as Rafael tried to apologize, tears pricking his eyes as he realized he had done to you what his father did to him and his mother.
It didn't stop, though. A sprained wrist here, a bruised rib there. Always where you could hide it, where none of your co-workers could see it. Rafael almost seemed... addicted to it. He got close to raping you a few times, losing control and forcing you to your knees or pushing you over the kitchen table as you sobbed. He always apologized, cried with you, called you sweet names and held you through the night.
And you went on, never complaining, interviewing victims with the same injuries you had. You sat in the courtroom and watched your boyfriend prosecute criminals when you both knew he had done much worse.
"We've got a hit. City cameras caught her getting on a bus headed south to New Jersey. Barba and Carisi, you're with me. Fin, head to the station and see if the employees know anything. Amaro and Rollins, keep tracking down (Y/N)'s exes," Olivia announced to Barba and the squad. She grabbed her jacket and headed toward the elevator.
"Thank you, Liv," Barba sighed as he entered the elevator behind her. Carisi followed him, frowning at his pad and paper.
"Sergeant Benson, can you remind me again why this case is in our jurisdiction?" Carisi asked. Barba laughed dryly in response.
"Besides the fact that she's one of our own, she's also considered an endangered missing person. She went missing in Manhattan, and those threatening notes could mean someone is trying to kidnap or hurt her," Olivia stated, drawing in a sharp breath.
Olivia was much more worried about you than she would let on. She'd noticed something wrong for a while, and she grew more worried as you'd come in for your shift close to tears or looking a mess. She even talked to Barba, who had explained that you were dealing with a shitty ex and would be fine.
You breathed into your cupped hands as you waited in the cold Newark weather for your bus transfer. It would hopefully bring you to your parents' house, where you could get a clear head and get away from your boyfriend's increasingly abusive tendencies.
You had thought about it in every way. Olivia, your boss who would be the most sympathetic to your case, would still be in denial about her best friend, the sex crimes prosecutor, being abusive towards you.
The DA's office would laugh in your face and give Rafael a slap on the wrist, maybe. You would either have to suck it up and continue working with him or quit your job at SVU, which was a perfect fit for you. Chief Dodds didn't care for you much either, so if anything, you'd likely get demoted to patrolman. No matter what, your professional life would be over.
The bus rolled up, and you allowed yourself to crack a smile. Rafael had never let you visit your family for fear of you telling them what he did. He wanted to build a new family for the two of you, but you never wanted to bring a child into a relationship like that.
You loaded up your suitcase and held your backpack close to your body as you walked through the bus. The blue upholstered seats brought some comfort and you picked a seat facing the aisle, close to the middle of the bus.
You let out a deep breath and waited as the bus filled. You got lost in your thoughts, thinking about how much you missed your mother's cooking and watching television with your father. You could see your family pets running up to you after a year without you.
Your daydreams were interrupted the moment you saw Olivia board the bus, Sonny right behind her. Alarms sounded in your brain and your eyes went wide as you avoided her sympathetic gaze. You looked out the window and sure enough, Rafael was standing there in his signature black coat. He looked worried sick, eyes rimmed with red. His mouth was formed in a tight line.
"Let's get you out of here, okay?" Olivia assured as she put her hand on your shoulder.
"Who put you up to this, (Y/N)? Is someone blackmailing you?" Sonny interrupted as you resisted Olivia's lead. Everyone on the bus stared at the situation unfolding.
"Please don't make me go back," you cried unexpectedly, putting a hand up to your mouth in an effort to mask your crying.
"Whoever it is, we won't let them hurt you again," Sonny promised.
"Please, I can't go back to him, p-please don't make me," you sobbed, curling into Olivia's chest as your sobs got progressively louder and louder.
"It's Rafael. I can't go back to him, I need your help, please!" you said, hiccuping as Olivia held you gently.
part two linked here
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luchicm04 · 6 months
lost in the forest - part 1
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Summary: A normal girl with a normal life goes on a trip, only to come face to face with the biggest enigma of her life.
Pairing: Senju Tobirama/Original Female Character
Tag: #lost in the forest fic
posted on ao3
Word Count: 2.2k
Overall warnings: canon-typical violence, adult content, time skips, angst, kidnapping
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Walking becomes difficult the more she pushes into the forest, she isn't afraid... It's her fault for losing her guide because of the selfish desire to take photos with her luxurious pro camera. 
She curses the passion in her hobby that made her end up in this situation. She sighs, and stops to raise her hand holding her cell phone trying to obtain a ray of hope. "Dammit, no signal", she growls at her bad luck. The fanciest phone neither the biggest company in the country couldn't keep her from being uncommunicated in such a wooded area. 
She should have guessed this would happen when she decided to enter that tour centered in ecology. 
“Just calm down... Everything will be alright and you’ll laught about it later,” she laughts at herself not wanting to see the downsides of the issue. She carries a small backpack that she easily prepared. 
She’s paranoid and a little distrustful but above all prepared for inconveniences. “I’ve got to keep walking,” she purses her lips bacause she never learnt this type of things. 
She loves travelling, seeing other countries... but she feels stupid by her not attending any survival courses. 
It would have been better. 
She goes on and trips over, almost scratching her fresh pants. She frowns at the lack of mosquitoes she hasn’t seen since she began walking. 
Even so Karen is a very professional woman. She analyzes, observes and assures that something changed in the ambience. She gulps as the trees start to become weird... thicker. There are less bushes and the sounds are null. She looks at the sky. Dusk looms. 
“It’s a good thing I carried a flashlight,” she muses opening her bag and puts away her phone to save energy. Despite having an external battery she can’t get overconfident, judging from her energy bars and the little water in her canteen. 
She could survive five days with that from now one... She hopes someone saves her. 
She swallows hard when she realizes movies were never beneficial to lost people, remembering that TV show where a bunch of friends on a plane end up on an island. She sighs... She rambles and starts to think about other things to try to remove her fear of staying one night on a forest alone. 
And it not being the last time. 
She revises the instructions in her bad memory about the most important things to take into account in these situations. It’s primordial to find a place to sleep away from the ground. She looks up at the mysteriously tall tree tops. 
She doesn’t want to think about the change in the forestation. Sure it’s because she’s more fucked and pushed more into the woods. 
Still Karen... A barely 30 years old woman feels optimistic about it. It’s a good thing she has training, although she knows it’s different from being in a gym. The fresh air enters her lungs when she prepares to climb the tree. 
However... she doesn’t get very far when she feels something sharp near her throat. She raises both hands cursing her luck at being arrested and gulps thinking that she could have entered dangerous lands considering the high number of crimes like this that people easily ignore. 
Her mother had warned her this could happen if she became lost. This is why she told her not to come here! 
“I assure you I just got lost... I’m not interested in revealing your affairs to the police, so please don’t hurt me,” she tries to negotiate with the first thing that comes to her mind. Her heart speeds up, her feet tremble, she sweats... She doesn’t want to cry. 
Showing fear is worse... because being a woman, death is a mercy in this case. 
She keeps calm, but the stranger’s whisper is her only answer. 
“Huh?” She gulps again feeling the weapon at her throat tighten. Her eyes glaze. She sighs... She’s terrified. “I didn’t understand that?”, she declares after hearing that distinct language. 
Could it be indigenous? 
“[...]”, the stranger repeats again. It doesn’t sound like any local native language she heard about in the trip. It’s more like a kind of Japanene, Chinese or Korean that she doesn’t distinguish. 
She always mixed them up. But she could speak a bit in the first one. 
“I don’t understand,” she tries in Japanese. Seriously, if only she had studied Japanese after Spanish instead of German, she would be better off right now. Her mind isn’t making the right questions, neither focusing on the fact that somebody is speaking that idiom in the center of this forest. 
“[...]” The stranger clenches harder. However someone arrives startling her. She doesn’t want to maintain bad thoughts. Two man start to talk and she doesn’t make the effort to understand them. 
Her Japanese is limited. But this isn’t that language. She should have payed more attention to Mr Tanaka’s lessons. And when she feels this could not get any worst for her, being thrown against a tree is the last thing she remembers. 
The headache. 
Karen wakes up disoriented, feeling thirsty and of course doesn't react for a few seconds. She's scared. She's in a strange place with old-looking decorations that look straight from those period drama movies her little sister adores so much. 
She doesn't want to cry... Her logic tells her to check where she is, her head is spinning but is proud enough to continue. She's not tied down so she takes the chance to escape. 
First, to know where she is, check for hostile people and that sort of stuff. 
Quietly, with silent footsteps she leaves the bed and she feels dizzy. Leaning heavily on a wooden wall, she swallows. She curses but she holds on not to lie down even though she feels such a terrible headache. 
She hates this feeling. The need to vomit. Until she touches a light bandage on her head. The blow was strong, she sure needs something more than a diclofenac for the pain. 
Hopefully her insurance can pay for it. 
However, it is the door that opens that scares her. She turns back, she wants to run but the only thing she does in her poor state of health is fall on her back. The man only looks at her, he looks strange with a weird outfit that doesn’t make any sense. 
“Get away from me!” It’s silly to say it when you’re clearly at his mercy, now you know why people have the most illogical dialogues in the worst moments. The stranger with white hair does nothing but observe her with his red eyes. 
Contact lenses? She doesn’t know and it’s what she doesn’t process in a physical analysis that she’s unable to do. She turns back until she runs into a hard wall. She doesn’t move and watches the movements of someone who speaks of things she doesn’t understand. 
She doesn’t say anything. She doesn’t speak, seeing nothingness in that white face. 
Who is this person? What is someone with almost oriental characteristics doing on this side of the world? Is he involved? She doesn’t know what to think... Karen is alarmed when that strange person with exaggerated features from a convention her sister would love to attend keeps talking. 
“I don’t understand you,” she tries English, German, Japanese and Spanish. She doesn’t care if she understands enough. She doesn’t come any closer and she’s glad that this guy doesn’t pay enough attention to her when he goes out, leaving her alone. 
She sighs with relief at not ending up as another percentage of missing people on this side. 
She feels hatred... although she knows deep down that she is already part of that percentage as soon as they realize she isn’t answering her cell phone. 
“That’s right, my things!”, she tries again when her world moves, making her fall forward with a lost look and the heaviest pain in her head. The last thing she sees are old-fashioned sandals coming from a point above. 
The darkness again... is her friend. 
She wakes up again and it’s night. She has a cloth on her head and so very thirsty that she cannot describe it. She sits down with heaviness. She’s dizzy looking around carefully. 
The darkness is firm, the shadows rise oblivious to her problems. Her hands are still not tied so she is sure that she will be able to get out. She swallows thickly with her heart tightly clenched again. 
Karen continues with her plan ignoring her thirst and bad taste in her mouth. She continues her walk and gulps. She curses silently, continuing as stealthily as she expects. 
She was always careful, attentive to all places and avoiding conflict points only to end up in this situation due to a bad trip. She grunts... Her things are nowhere to be found so she continued. She is walking clumsily, sticking her head out of the door and doesn’t see anyone. 
A point for her that she is willing to take, completely unaware that it was just a false feeling that she was alone. But she doesn’t know it yet. Her steps continued clumsily. The sting is light, she doesn’t know if they treated her clinging to that abnormally rustic hallway. 
She leaves. The are some sliding doors that confuse her for a moment. She clings to logic and adaptability to get out of this problem and continues. The hallways are confusing without any type of decoration or things that indicate how much in danger she is. 
It’s empty... that’s till good but now it feels suspicious. 
If you are in the wolf’s den, it’s not an optimal sign not to find anyone, no guards with weapons or something like that. She thinks the worst, however she’s still optimistic seeing that maybe she found the exit. 
Nevertheless, when she sees the sky she stops in her tracks. Karen is obsessive with many things. She has degrees in matters that her family is always critical of because they have nothing to do with her career just because of the passion of understanding what surrounds and fascinates her. 
One of those things are constellations. “Damn!” is the only thing she says when noticing that the constellations look so clear, so impressive that she swears if she had her camera she would take several photos. 
The moon is high up, surrounded by the majesty of the intermittent glow of such distant planets, but what she feels isn’t so positive when she realizes that the view isn’t the same from her hotel. It is different... and even more so when she tries to find some known constellations. 
Failing in the attempt, her heart stops with suspicion. The disbelief of being in something as silly as this... she’s afraid, but most of all she keeps thinking that she’s dreaming which causes her to laugh hysterically. 
“Yes... this is a fucking dream, that blow sure was hard,” she convinced herself by looking further down. The forest is thick, the house is empty and she sees nothing but darkness. 
“[...]” Someone calls from behind scaring her, almost making her fall if it weren’t for the man who is just younger than her in silly clothes from ancient Japanese times taking her by the wrist. “[...]”, he continues saying something. 
But she doesn’t listen. She walks away, she tries to run. It’s stupid, she’s clumsy. She falls down out of fear of everything that’s happening around, a little effect of hysteria starting to come out. Her tears are running, but not so much to cloud her unique thought. 
‘Run away.’ Not caring about the preparation, the fact that she will die of hunger if she leaves or worse yet, eaten alive by some wild animal... Karen doesn’t think much anymore, she just wants to see her family. 
But she tops dead when that man appears again. She doesn’t want to look at her back, she’s sure she didn’t see him walking next to her. She swallows thickly when he takes a step forward. 
He looks friendly. He raises his hands in peace, so different from the first cold contact she had with that faded man with fake eyes. 
This one is... his hair is ridiculously light with a dark complexion very different from the pale one. His gesture is soft, he looks worried. She doesn’t let herself be fooled by taking another step back. 
“Don’t come near me!”, she instructs. The girl may be an important manager in an international company, a person so qualified in things that no one would imagine. Nevertheless, deep down she is still a simple human. 
One who is terrified at this moment and whose life is in danger. 
The stranger stops. He tightens his gesture but remains soft, he trusts no less with the strange words that come out. However, the lack of ability to communicate is the biggest impediment that causes more problems than it solves. 
Two people there... They look at each other, they get frustrated thinking about other things that have nothing to do with them. 
But not everyone has patience, not when she falls into unconsciousness again for some reason. 
Oblivious to the fact that others thought it was better to get rid of her. 
Karen... just fell asleep again. 
Her head will be the death of her the next day. 
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A/N: As you can see, this is another story proposal that I will be working for now. I don’t know if it will update as quickly as the others but here we are, fighting with the muses to bring out another character so different from the others.
She isn’t reincarnated, much less impersonating another character... An isekai? Hahaha well I don’t know if this turned out like it was in my mind, but I’ll be walking along this direction to see where it will stop.
Does she know this world? Does she know where she is standing? How will they bridge the communication gap? Or better yet... will she live long?
These and more questions can be asked... drawing themselves little by little among the corridors of this world... that I simply do not get tired of forming in my head with these variables.
Thanks for reading, we’ll see each other soon.
Author-chan out! 
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Info for Faith In The Future World Tour UNCASVILLE, CT May 26 2023
With special guests THE ACADEMIC & SNARLS!
Important Times:
Parking: open 24/7
Doors: 7pm ET
Opener: 7:30pm/8pm ET
Louis: 8:50pm/9pm ET
General admission (pit tickets):
No pit, all seats.
Here are important policies:
Cameras: disposable cameras are permitted. NO professional quality camera equipment. Video and audio recording equipment are prohibited in the Arena at all times.
Mohegan Sun Arena is a SMOKE-FREE venue.
Children: A valid ticket is required for all guests who enter the Arena. Children 24 months and older also require a valid ticket.
Guests who are found guilty of public intoxication, using offensive language, throwing objects, standing on Arena chairs or any other behavior deemed by Mohegan Sun Arena as disruptive or dangerous in nature, are subject to ejection from the Arena.
Parking is FREE.
NO food, except for certain medical conditions
NO illegal drugs
NO glass, plastic or metal containers
NO coolers
NO umbrellas
NO knives, firearms or weapons of any kind
NO firecrackers
NO strollers or baby seats
NO folding chairs
NO noise makers or horns, streamers, balloons, beach balls
NO parcels, packages or any items the contents of which is not displayed
Use the Mohegan Sun app and skip the line at Arena concessions or visit mohegansun.com/arenaordering.
The venue management reserves the right to restrict any other items that could pose a safety hazard or restrict the enjoyment of another guest. At the discretion of venue management, certain items may be left at the bag checks at either entrance to the Arena.
For more details click here
Bag Policy
NO Backpacks, string bags, diaper bags, shopping bags, messenger bags, briefcases and rolling style bags.
For more details click here
Banners, signs and flag policy:
NO signs
NO flags
For more details click here
For additional questions please call the arena at 888.226.7711. Email them [email protected]. You can also access their website. Check their twitter here for updates. Address: 1 Mohegan Sun Boulevard, Uncasville, CT 06382.
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You. Why. Why are you doing this to me? I fucking hate you.
I already have my brain filled with a bunch of other ideas and you throw this at me? I think by this point I should make a list.
God, I can already picture the dumb dumb trio acting like spoiled children, especially Leo who would be a little shit who loves his family and is good at heart, but would be a little shit anyway.
Donnie/Gale I don't know if he would be much different from his canon version, considering he would be raised by Draxum, but at the same time growing up on the surface and being friends with April. I feel like Draxum would be a little more lenient with his petty crimes.
April: *opened the door with a bang* Galois fucking Draxum!!!! Half the building just went dark, you're mining crypto again?!
Gale: Aprinella O'neil, you of all people should know that I have standards!
April: says the guy who hacked into every ATM in the entire north side of the city, stole parts from the government to build his rocket backpack and blew up half the school just because the computer teacher dared to give him an A-
Gale: Like I said, standards.
And please don't make me think of Splinter spending 13 years in a gilded cage hating a man who is unknowingly completely reformed, for nothing, this man has been through so much already.
Splinter is doing his damnedest to keep his kids at least a little grounded. Makes them put away their own toys, teaches them to say please and thank you to the hotel staff, will take away privileges if they get bad grades or are being little shits. (and god help Big Mama if she tries to overrule his discipline, that's one of the few things he'll legitimately fight with her about) And he makes sure they keep busy, between training and school and their hobbies, so they're not just lazing around all day being waited on. It helps that his kids are just genuinely good kids too.
Leo is definitely the most spoiled of the bunch, both because he can fool his dad and because he spends the most time with Big Mama. So a lot of his misbehavior never gets back to Lou, and Big Mama...I wouldn't say she doesn't discipline him, but she has a completely different set of standards than Lou does, and those standards seem to shift a lot based on her mood. She doesn't care if he's rude, she lets him do pretty much whatever he wants, and when she does find out about his shenanigans more often than not she'll say it's 'their secret' and never bother to do anything more than wag her finger at him, if she even does that. But she'll also get upset with him for showboating in front of cameras when she delighted in his theatrics the week before, and go between being incredibly proud of her son's cunning and enraged that it nearly rivals hers. Staying on her good side is a dance atop knife blades-which Leo is very good at, but it takes a toll on him. He feels the absence of his twin most of all, even though he knows so little about them.
Mikey is spoiled in the way all youngest children are spoiled, and he's so incredibly cute that no one can find it in them to say no to him. The kitchen staff don't sneak him cookies before dinner out of fear of Big Mama-they do it because he looks so sad when he's told no and it's just heartbreaking. Mikey knows this and is willing to exploit it. Splinter keeps him very close and fares slightly better against the puppy dog eyes, but he's only human(ish). Mikey at least has a number of hobbies Splinter can indulge him in and Big Mama can throw money at. He takes personal art lessons and trains with professional chefs, but he's learning proper skills and Splinter thinks it's good for character building.
Raph probably gets the shortest end of the stick. His strength and battle prowess is the main way he distinguishes himself from his brothers in the eyes of his mother, and she plants the idea of fighting in his mind very young. She would never let him get really hurt, of course, but he's still been trained to put himself in harm's way for his mother's attention. His father avoids him often, frustrated that he volunteered himself for something Splinter tried so hard to keep him out of, and unwilling to see the constant bruises and bandages that cycle through his body. And as the oldest he understands the most about their missing sibling, and probably has a bit of a complex about that. He's supposed to be the protector of his siblings. If the people his mom is hiring aren't getting the job done, then doesn't it fall to him?
(fuck I'm doing it again)
Donnie would never mine crypto! He's see through that shit like a ziploc bag. He was probably one of those guys on wallstreetbets fucking with Gamestop's stock.
But yeah, Draxum is extremely chill with minor law-breaking. As long as his golden rule of 'don't get caught' is followed. Gale can't end up in jail, they'd take his cloaking brooch and find out what he is. (do you always have to strip when you go to jail? Never been arrested here, I'm very boring) He also covers for April sometimes, which isn't necessary very often but when it does happen it's met with "you really shouldn't be shoplifting, but I'm not about to cry for Walmart." He lets them drink in the apartment.
Honestly, I don't even think of him as really reformed, he was absolutely planning on hopping back on his bullshit for a while there. His plan at first was to lay low until he wasn't being hunted so intensely, build up his resources and wait until Galois was a little older and more self-sufficient. But Lou just became more determined as time went on, and the flight to the surface and integration into human society happened before he could rebuild his lab. He isn't actively planning a genocide right now...but less because he's made the conscious decision that that's Wrong and more because he's a single father to one teenager and a weird uncle to another, (I've also decided that Cass starts crashing on his couch and he's just like "welp, I guess I have two kids now") and he's just too tired to really formulate plans for world domination.
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