#camp camp max cosplay
aphburgers · 11 months
Camp Camp fandom? Are you still out there? It’s been a while since I’ve interacted with you 😭
ANYWAY! In light of the new Camp Camp episode, I have revived my Max cosplay once more.
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tag-the-degenerate · 13 days
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Got a couple more patches on the old wasteland jacket since I last posted. I have a new vest I’ll be posting the step by step weathering process of once I’m back from NY.
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sheliesshattered · 1 year
Jack’s college roommate and best man at our wedding (with whom he keeps in fairly regular contact) just messaged Jack to ask if Mad Mad Fury Road is any good
it’s been eight years
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cracosplays · 2 years
POV: Hackett's Quarry Camp counselors on their last night at the camp
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isabelguerra · 3 months
2015 highschool au pnat kids isaac would try to become vine famous and isabel would have loud arguments with johnny over interpersonal LARP camp drama and ed would be playing mother 3 and max would be roped into isaac’s vine stunts when all he really wants to do is draw grafitti dicks on the old art building fire escape and work on his cosplay for the batter from OFF
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chrashley · 3 months
What are the Counselor's comforts? Stuff that would help them calm down and/or relax, especially post-game
ryan finds solace in horror content- he always has- because it gives him a sense of control. he can be scared, but not for real, in a comfortable place and have the ability to turn it off it ever becomes too much. he also starts doing more traditional art (namely oil painting) with a horror focus
abi finds comfort in her new job as a tattoo apprentice. she's incredibly proud and happy that other people enjoy her art enough to put it on their bodies, and she's done custom tattoos for ryan, kaitlyn and dylan postgame. she's in progress planning one with emma
nick picks up cross-country running postgame, the fresh air clears his head and it gives him something to put excess energy into. he runs in long distance races recreationally and volunteers at the local kids' running club events
emma calms down with books and reading- she's actually started a book review series on her channel and it's become her passion. she enjoys fantasy romance and actually dabbles in making her own cosplays on the side
i always liked to think that max and laura might get engaged postgame and buy a small farm to house rescue dogs, so laura probably throws herself into animal care and being a doggy businesswoman while max finds solace in being the homemaker and learning to cook and bake for his (future) wife
dylan becomes a full-fledged video game completionist. he's loved nintendo games since childhood (his first tattoo was almost TLOZ themed) and he spends a lot of his free time learning silly speedrun tricks while trying to 100% Tears of the Kingdom
jacob ends up using a majority of his free time to coach kids' sports teams. he's always loved kids AND sports, so after enjoying being the camp sports coordinator, he applied to the local parks and rec center and began coaching baseball, softball and football
kaitlyn gets into house flipping. i know that sounds random but she's handy and strong, and i think that with help she could have a fantastic eye for design. she really enjoys painting but her favorite part is definitely demolition
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theghostbunnie · 1 year
Do you have any headcannons on what Max, Nikki, and Neil could do separately when they’re older? Like hc’s for them individually
I can't see any of those emojis- ):
But weither you mean career or just overall character wise I totally get it, Nikki and Neil (Neil especially) and often just reduced to Max's buddies 😭 and although future AUs where they're working at camp can be cute I personally find them?? Really sad?? None of them would want to be there and Neil specifically had so many ambitions? Max would never want to work with children or nature or physical labor or (continues forever) and although Nikki might like some aspects tremendously, she'd still have to do activities like science camp ect she doesn't like.
I personally only think it works if that's acknowledged and maybe it's only a highschool summer job. But anyways as always I'm really excited to get asked my HCs n really appreciate it 💖💖
Neil after graduating from some prestigious collage actually took a break for awhile. He LOVES science and had been devoting his whole life to it, finding which specific field to go into was a struggle all on it's own. He wanted to try living his life and trying other things first before he settled on a soild career. It was during this time of relaxation/hobbie hopping that he was approached to lead a team that would secretly study 'magical' anomalies and try to find out the logic behind the mystery. It's government run and he's not allowed to tell anyone, alot of moral greyness involved in it but finding an "awnser for the so called paranormal" and more funding then he's ever had before really excites him. He finds time for alot more hobbies he's acquired now as well. He's still a gaint nerd and plays fallout and goes to comiccon in elaborate cosplay.
Nikki lives kinda floating from place to place. She grows and hunts her own food, doesn't have a steady job but when she decides she needs money and it's more than she ask friends or family for she'll take on a few odd jobs around one town or the next. Life has become this constant adventure and she goes everywhere she can by very whacky means. Collects ridiculous stories this way. "I once rowed down Niagra Falls in a duck shaped floatie." "I successfully mailed myself to Peru but I was trying to get to Turkey."
Max goes from not really caring about or having much interest in anything to becoming a workaholic at his job, a criminal detective. He's somewhat flimsy and careless with hisown life mostly because he's chasing the adrenaline rush from the situations he gets himself into. Figuring out cases gives him that high of being right and smarter than the people around him aswell. It took him awhile to find it but this has always been his calling he believes.
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joker2019 · 3 months
con highlights:
- they had project diva at the arcade room. sadly I am kinda bad at it because of the different button placements compared to the console versions. I had to play normal difficulty (I usually play hard on console) rip
- a good amount of AT cosplayers. I'm used to cosplaying more obscure characters and it would be an Event whenever I found another cosplay from the same thing but there were a good amount of other AT cosplayers and even other simons. even found a betty!
- watched the movie belle and enjoyed it. great animation and music. if I had to criticize it I'd say a lot of the social media/virtual world parts made no sense and felt a bit out of touch. why does youtube live have two way video calls
- lotus juice concert was fucking hype. he had a great stage presence and I even got a front row seat because I camped out in front of the venue like two hours early lol
- the con reached max capacity last night which apparently hasn't happened since 2004! even the arcade was so packed that they weren't letting anyone else in and there was a line outside of it. I could not play more project diva :(
-panels were kind of mid this year
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cosmicanger · 1 year
Question.. how do you feel about the big red boots? What are your thoughts?
Okay first off, I love em lmao. I dont like that brand and im actually surprised they made something that’s kinda cool cause I hated the fake cast boot thing for example. But anyway back to the red boots. I will start by saying that ‘Notes on Camp’ (Sontag, 1964) is a decent entry way into “camp”, but what was missing from that Sontag text is that Blackness defines all “high camp.” Those boots are campy af, silly, kinda corny, but that’s the point. I think the most baseless argument I have seen about the boots are that it makes people look like animated character. Umm yea the boots based off Astro Boy would do that, like that’s the whole point. Omg the cosplay community just got like a diamond level boot, Halloween will never be the same. Yes, the boots should be $60 MAX and probably terrible to walk in for a long period of time (only valid criticisms). They are costume boots and thats camp to me. Because they are so “high camp”, only Black ppl gonna be able to really pull em off and only Black ppl who aint afraid to be kinda silly w their wardrobe. Idk im into anime boots in a neoReagan fashion climate. Idk only boring, conventional ppl dont like the boots cause they could never pull em off. I love that SGA look so much
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emmamountebanks · 2 years
You called? 👀
I genuinely think I'm better at camp related head-canons, so:
Sometimes Emma or Max will do little skits with Dylan during his announcements just to make it more interesting for the kids to listen to instead of the same scripted crap Chris tries to push.
Recently decided Max hosts woodworking classes during his off time so him attempting to teach Dylan and Emma while driving them crazy with puns is a thought I cling to. "Whittle me this"
Also the president of the Emma inviting the other counselors to crash her theatre class for a bit of improv club and boy do Dylan and Max take advantage of her offer.
The treehouse is their favorite place to chill together.
An extra random Emma head-canon that I have is that she loves to host get togethers. Party planning queen! You'll never be disappointed with what she comes up with.
Oh! Another is that she takes up cosplay because I have a mighty need for Lara Croft Emma Mountebank. (+ Blygbank matching cosplays pls I am weak)
Short, sloppy and low-key recycled but I hope you enjoy and that you feel better, friend!
yesss they would love spicing up the announcements and they def advertise their own activities during it like "heyyy come on by to the (insert building here) at 1pm later today for fun times and hanging out with me, the coolest person at this camp". emma advertises the improv day and dylan and max already get the ideas brewing in their heads like How Can We Ruin Her Day
woodworking max is so cute. he is an absolute pun master and lives for the boos emma and dylan give him, but it rubs off on them and they try to make puns back at him. albeit super lame compared to his but they still try. just to see his reaction.
treehouse vibes yes. thats where they go to listen to dylans new playlists and have little heart to hearts. just to get away from the crazy kids for a second
emma is the biggest party planner and she's always so excited to do it. if its your birthday she's going all tf out to make it exactly what the birthday friend wants. and her halloween parties? hell yeah. abi definitely helps decorating those because she loves the spooky stuff (her backpack is literally a bat and its so cute). and with her cosplay expertise she offers to make costumes for those who want something actually accurate but also for a decent price because ofc she gives her friends discounts
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tag-the-degenerate · 4 days
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I’m Tag, a regular in the Post Apocalyptic scene (yes that’s a thing lol), a satanic Hispanic tattoo artist and a Degenerate.
I’ve been attending the biggest post apocalyptic festival in the world, Wasteland Weekend and every satellite event I can creep to since 2013, and have no plans of ever stopping.
I belong to “The Degenerates” an official themed camp of around 16 debauch little beasties who delight in equal parts psychedelic whimsy and pagan displays of blasphemy. We have a wholesome good time pretending the world has ended.
We have a speak easy called “The Hung Monk,” a Clown, a DJ and a few burlesque dancers. It’s pretty lit.
I also have a YouTube channel called “The End Times” where you can see various rough footage of events as well as some of my outfit builds. My costuming was pretty cringe at the start and it still is but now in an intentional way I embrace and condone.
This year’s Wasteland is coming up in September and I’ll be posting my latest art/ build projects, camp Shenanigans and event photos here for your viewing pleasure.
Degenerates never sin alone!
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maxhellfrogwarrior · 5 months
Croaking with Cult Appeal: An Exploration of Max Hell Frog Warrior
Released in 1996, Max Hell Frog Warrior, also known as Toad Warrior, is a film that defies easy categorization. A low-budget blend of martial arts, science fiction, and post-apocalyptic themes, it has garnered a devoted cult following over the years. This essay delves into the film's unique qualities, analyzing its narrative, characters, style, and impact on pop culture.
A World Gone Toadally Wrong: The film throws viewers into a desolate future where an experimental serum has transformed most of humanity into grotesque toads. The lone survivor, Max Hell (played by Scott Shaw), a stoic samurai-inspired warrior, emerges as the hope for the remaining humans. His mission: to rescue Dr. Trixi T, the creator of the serum, and find a cure.
Beyond B-Movie Clichés: While the plot might sound like a B-movie trope, the film surprises with its self-awareness and absurdist humor. The dialogue is peppered with witty one-liners, and the action sequences, though low-budget, are executed with surprising energy and choreography. Max Hell, despite his stoic demeanor, exhibits moments of dry humor and genuine heroism, making him a surprisingly endearing protagonist.
Cinematic Frog Stew: The film's visuals are a bizarre amalgamation of influences. The post-apocalyptic landscape is a wasteland of abandoned drive-in theaters and dilapidated gas stations, evoking a sense of forgotten Americana. The costumes range from Max Hell's samurai garb to the villainous Mickey O'Malley's (played by Joe Estevez) flamboyant suit, adding to the film's offbeat aesthetic.
Cult Status and Legacy: Max Hell Frog Warrior never achieved mainstream success, but its low-budget charm and offbeat humor resonated with fans of B-movies and cult classics. Its unique blend of genres, quotable dialogue, and memorable characters earned it a devoted following. The film has been screened at midnight movie festivals, inspiring cosplay tributes and fan art.
Beyond the Croaks: The film's enduring appeal lies in its embrace of camp and its refusal to take itself too seriously. It serves as a reminder that entertainment doesn't always have to be high-budget or follow conventional formulas. Max Hell Frog Warrior's success lies in its ability to be both ridiculous and strangely compelling, offering a unique cinematic experience that continues to entertain and inspire cult movie enthusiasts.
Further Exploration:
This essay is just a starting point. Consider delving deeper into specific aspects of the film, such as:
The film's satirical commentary on environmentalism and technological advancements.
The influence of other cult classics and exploitation films.
The film's portrayal of masculinity and heroism.
The enduring fandom and its creative expressions.
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m3r0t · 9 months
In Monster Hunter terms.. of me ig??// etc:
(some explained, some not)
being/talking with my parent is like eating raw meat (can heal and can hurt)
being/talking to my irl/ online friends is like taking a mega potion
hanging out with my friends is like a max potion
watching / reading stuffs is prob an ancient potion fr
being/talking to my favorite sibling is like taking a max potion
therapy is like an antidote herb, you have to put in quite a bit of work to it to be useful
strangers and coworkers are the monsters, sometimes they look cool but they can be frustrating and take a long time to figure out
having lots of different types of pets/ etc in my place boosts my dopamine
cosplay is the special armor and reg clothes are regular armor
Points and money are just money
quests is just working
expeditions are just going outside
triggers are just poison/ damage reduction
getting (real) compliments on hobbies/ interest interaction is vitality
vigorwasps are disrespectful catcallers cuz they are just really freaking annoying most of the time
taking your feline with you is like having an emotional support animal/ service animal
gathering hub is like work/school/ etc events
fishing is grocery shopping???
transportation is rider companion
different camps are personal house & friends or family’s houses
and so on,, might continue on another post later????
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docrotten · 1 year
HNR – 04/17/2023 – THE CONJURING TV Series, Mia Goth in the MCU, Radio Silence Does Universal Monsters
JOIN US FOR movie news about a new Universal Monster Movie, a Conjuring TV series, and a Scream Queen confronts Marvel's Blade . All this, and more, coming up next…
I am your host Doc Rotten and this is HNR, the official GRUESOME MAGAZINE HORROR NEWS podcast. Back with me again are the scariest, goriest, bloodiest co-hosts on the 'Net: Dave Dreher, the lead news writer at Gruesome Magazine, Crystal Cleveland, the Livin6dead6irl, and Vanessa, Podcasting Rock Star and International Cosplay Queen.
James Wan's Atomic Monster Summons THE CONJURING Series for MAX
A drama series based on the popular horror movie franchise "The Conjuring" is currently in development, according to an article by Deadline. The series is being produced by Peter Safran and James Wan, who have both worked on the previous films in the franchise. Max Brallier is set to write the series, which will reportedly focus on new cases from the files of real-life paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren. No further details about the series or its release date have been announced at this time.
    Recently Anointed Scream Queen Mia Goth Is Heading to the MCU with a role in BLADE
According to an article by Deadline, actress Mia Goth is in talks to join the cast of Marvel Studios' upcoming "Blade" movie. The film will star Mahershala Ali in the title role, Yann Demange is set to direct. The plot of the movie has not been revealed, but it is expected to follow the character of Blade, a half-vampire, half-human vampire hunter. The film will be written by Michael Starrbury and is set to be released in theaters in 2024.
    Melissa Berrera Joins Radio Silence for Upcoming Untitled Universal Monster Movie
Actress Melissa Barrera has been cast in an upcoming untitled monster movie from Radio Silence, the directors of the upcoming "Scream" movie, according to an article by Deadline. The project is being kept under wraps, but it is said to be a unique take on the monster genre. The film will be produced by Universal Pictures and will be the first project from Radio Silence under their overall deal with the studio. Barrera is best known for her roles in the TV series "Vida" and the movie "In the Heights". No further details about the movie or its release date have been announced at this time.
"The title for the new project was at one point Dracula’s Daughter, which centered on a group of kidnappers who abduct a group of young people, among them, Dracula’s daughter." - The Hollywood Reporter
    James McAvoy Returns to Blumhouse for SPEAK NO EVIL
James McAvoy has signed on to star in the upcoming horror-thriller film "Speak No Evil," produced by Blumhouse Productions. The film follows a family on a camping trip who become the targets of a mysterious entity that preys on their worst fears and secrets. The film is set for release in the summer of 2024. Source: Deadline
  Check out this episode!
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iseetheisland · 4 years
Would it be the right time to mention the fact that I just started a tiktok for my cosplays?
It won't be all camp camp, but it'll be a lot. And I know how I got the majority of y'all here. So come duet with me or somethin' :)
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Max & Cult Max Cos Test I need a sweatshirt for both of them but I will be bringing them to ALA My Daniel wig comes tomorrow~
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