#camping metaphors?
leafthi3f · 2 years
I absolutely adore seeing all my favorite fanfic writers transition to starting to write some Warrior Nun fanfic it feels like walking to a campsite and finding the fire already lit and the marshmallows toasting
@spaceman-earthgirl @simplykorra @paddingtonfan69
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beaft · 11 months
brought astarion along on a Killing Things mission bc he likes violence and i figured it'd be a nice little treat for him but all he has done is bitch about how it's too much effort and he's gonna ruin his nails or some shit. literally no pleasing this guy
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happyk44 · 8 months
Percy: Gods, I wanna fuck Grover so bad. Not even like a sexual or romantic thing but because he's mine, you know? He's mine and I need him under me, I need to consume him, I need to drown him, I need to mark him from the inside out and-
Annabeth, slapping a hand over his mouth: You have got to stop visiting your dad. You always come back weird and saying shit like this and it's not good!
Grover, tangled up in Percy's arms, wondering if his ribs have cracked yet: I mean, it could be worse. He could want to eat me.
Percy: I think I kind of do.
Grover: Stop talking to your dad, Percy.
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isogenderskitty · 6 months
“i oughta let a bird walk all over you” ok but what if this isn’t entirely out of nowhere as a threat what if boy jerry has had some kind of run-in with ezekiel & co
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swan2swan · 21 days
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A man really got a fourteen-year-old to sign a blackmail document, absolutely incredible work.
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grntaire · 3 months
good omens really is so delicious but 90% of the fandom is so wildly intolerable and out of touch to me that it’s like. why are you here if you don’t get what’s going on
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suga-kookiemonster · 2 months
i watched the original x-men movies when they first came out, but never bothered to watch the prequel/reboot movies. just randomly decided to watch first class and was reminded what i've always felt my whole life: *whispers* magneto was right
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teartra · 1 year
Bluey could make a silly preschool cartoon episode and ends it with emotional damage
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secretsofthewilde · 29 days
Thinking about how after the ending of Wentworth Vera is the only person to know that Joan not only escaped but also saved her life as she did so. How this final moment must have reframed their recent interactions for Vera, making her realize that the two of them had changed one another in more ways than they had realized. Even if they never see each other again from now on, they will be changed irrevocably because of their time together.
Throughout each one of their interactions that season, Vera was aggressive and lashing out at Joan even when it was cruel and went against who she was to do so. If Joan wouldn't be the cruel woman Vera once knew her to be, then she would try to provoke her into becoming that woman again, but in doing so it really just showed that Vera had become the thing she said she'd never be - like Governor Ferguson. Her actions towards Joan/Kath in the final season are emotionally charged in a similar way to when Joan believed that Vera had betrayed her in season 3 and had become paranoid and acted rashly with little concern to others, with the justification that it was all for the "greater good" and that she knew best.
Despite everyone around her and all the evidence suggesting that Joan really was harmless as Kath at the start of season 8, Vera refuses to believe that the woman who had such an impact on her life has gone and is paranoid that she will end up hurt/betrayed if she believes in Kath. This paranoia and stubbornness then leads her to act cruelly towards Kath because she justifies how she is acting as being for the "greater good" of everyone by punishing Joan for her past actions - despite the fact that it's not really Joan she's punishing in those moments. And it's these actions (ordering the spitbag in particular) that cause Joan's memories to return and therefore unleash the monster back into her life.
Vera had taken over the antagonistic role that was once Joan's in their relationship, emulating the authoritative and self-righteous character of her past mentor-and-friend-turned-enemy. And as she took on that role, Joan became the one with little power or control in their relationship, deferring meekly to Vera as her superior in the prison hierarchy. Someone raised to believe that emotions are a weakness was having to recognise and process that not only did she have strong emotions, but that these emotions were brought on because of Vera. Throughout their interactions in the season, Joan is incredibly earnest towards Vera and shows a great level of concern and care for her even if at first she doesn't understand it herself. It is through seeing and talking to Vera again that Joan learns to put others before herself - something that was once Vera's biggest weakness (before she met Joan), has now become a sign of positive growth for Joan.
That's not to say that Vera wasn't still the caring and loving woman we've seen throughout the show or that Joan didn't still engage and desire cruel/violent behaviours , but rather that over the course of their relationship they drew strength from the others weaknesses. Despite any claim of hatred for one another by the final episode, it's impossible to hide just how much the two have changed through knowing one another.
As Joan walks away from Vera and into the distance at the end of the final episode, the symbiotic nature of their relationship comes to an end, but the two of them will be forever changed from knowing one another.
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dathen · 9 months
YOU get a disability metaphor and YOU get a disability metaphor—
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compacflt · 1 year
what are bradley’s earliest memories of ice and mav? the bits of his perspective on them that you’ve written are so fascinating
fairly unsurprising answer but: ice: when he came to see Carole to apologize for killing goose in ch 2 of wwgattai (sets the tone of their relationship)
mav: something very benign like mav doing magic tricks for him as a little little kid. you know how your earliest memories are always a little fuzzy and always afternoon sunshine? imagine a desaturated maverick sitting crosslegged in the grass in pale afternoon southern california sunshine showing Bradley how he can detach his thumb from his hand and then put it back again. no blood, no bone, no pain, and he’s got this daredevil grin like he’s enjoying separating his thumb from his hand. can’t see his eyes behind his aviators. the best magicians are the ones who can make even their pain disappear. or, playing “got your nose,” holding Bradley’s nose up so he can see it right in front of his very eyes, NO PAIN!, and then making it disappear. “where’d your nose go, Gosling? oh, my gosh, I lost your nose!! how’re you gonna smell? i bet you’re gonna smell bad. get it? get it? —here it is, i found it, don’t worry, it’s all good!” and putting his nose back so everything’s ok. that’s Bradley’s earliest memory of mav.
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faeriekit · 2 months
OKAY I've ready Bury Your Gays now and:
I'm apparently more of a supernatural horror loser because my reactions to the evils of this story were more ??wtf? than interest if that makes sense??
and the setting. Setting it in hollywood...I lost so much ability to get spooked. Oh? Someone got murdered in hollywood? The place with all the cemetery and walking death tours? The place famous for drugs and death and the occasional murder? Color me shocked. Tell me how Natalie Wood died, again.
The evil was— and I will not spoil it for you— something so specifically an enemy to me personally that I got out of being spooked and just Got Mad lmao. This is a real life evil I can be mad about right now. Sure it's weird that it's killing people at the moment but my standards for hollywood and the movie industry was so low that genuinely I was like "Yeah, this [horrible supernatural interpretation of this particular evil] might as well happen."
Gore good! Gore very good, but nothing will beat that opening death scene anywhere lmao
Very good backstory tethering to the main character and the story as it unraveled too. Sometimes the background felt more real to me than the ongoing story itself.
My coworker came up to me and asked if the AceAro rep was any good and I had to squint and remember who it was. There is AceAro rep here. I think it's good?? I fluctuate on the both and honestly it was barely a passing thought to me.
However. That payoff. So funny.
I think that overall, Camp Damascus was a better fit for me as a reader due to my long-term interests in cults, the occult, and the age group of the main character. Bury Your Gays is very good, but I am a cynical killjoy and this humor(?) did not click as well with me as it may with you. Pick up a copy, give it a read— it really is an ingenious story, and it is most definitely worth at least a 'what the fuck' reading— and do your very best to not imagine Misha MainCharacter as that guy from Supernatural, as I have literally this whole time. It will be tempting. But Misha MainCharacter has an actual boyfriend, and Misha Supernatural would never be so unambigiously queer without fumbling the bag publicly on twitter.
Get your hand on this weird and a little fucked up book today! ✨👍🏽🧡
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idolomantises · 2 years
Watched that new Wednesday show on Netflix, I like it a lot. But damn, I’ve never seen a show fail to convince me that two characters were straight.
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wallbeatjournal · 2 months
if you had to base a new riverdale season off three movies, which would you choose and why? they could be tonal choices or you can pluck entire elements of the movies and work them in.
ok i broke the rules bc i didn't stick to movies, i went novels and pop culture with it too. and i also kind of embroidered a few references together around each main riff in a way that i think COULD be riverdalian, but these are my 3 selections:
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jt leroy (2018). trashy iffy-hot-take kristen stewart/laura dern movie about a very 2000s literary scandal/internet drama run Too Far into irl drama that i think riverdale would know better what to do with. two ideas (this is a jughead plot btw):
put jughead in the dissociated trauma-projecting controlling persona-having laura albert/jt leroy role and rope veronica and reggie and their monetary-business motivations into the scam angle. monica posh savannah knoop stuff and rattling veronica and jughead around in a jar together intensely in a campy way
or step lightly outside the bounds of this script into the real livejournal and myspace based drama of it all and jughead's sometimes-characterization as a guy who needs help unpacking metaphor even though he's swimming in it. make him into one of the many emo band boys (ryan ross?? ryan ross????) who related so so so so sosososo much to the writing of jeremiah terminator and then had a whole crisis when j.t. was unmasked as a middle-aged woman with a metaphorical literary persona.
permissible bonus web-weaves: james frey a million little pieces and oprah, augusten burroughs and running with scissors. we're doing the 2000s obsession with author authenticity is-this-really-autobiographical-if-it's-not-literally-true-or-are-you-shaming-your-family-for-NOTHING questions and scandals. but we're especially doing the emo community freaking the fuck out about blorbo from their novels doing a catfish online to extend the persona just that much further.
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the avril lavigne replacement conspiracy theory (linking the wiki even though what i'm REALLY thinking of here is this moving pandemic essay alexander chee my beloved posted that i can't locate now, riffing on themes of feeling like a ghost inhabiting your own life after a major trauma). they can work in some other famous body double / replacement and assassination conspiracies (paul is dead, jfk) too but avril is the main reference and this is a betty plot.
pull in some actual alexander chee images and motifs too maybe, his novels about csa grooming trauma and having complicated feelings about your intimate abusers via like grandiose opera/paris siege metaphors (the queen of the night) and fox demons (edinburgh) betty would eat, i fear, even if they're a step off her normal serial killer media mix. dark betty has the range <3
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stephen king's the long walk / suzanne collins' the hunger games / battle royale / state-sponsored brutal murderous game show authority abuse dystopia media homage in general!! especially when it's homoerotic and full of ptsd and institutional abuse, because clearly this is a plot primarily for archie and the lads. imo the long walk ("how bad do you have to hate yourself to join the military" but it's game show horror) and the hunger games ("child stardom is traumatic institutional abuse especially in the era of social media and society simply pretends not to see it" but make it a ya game show adventure) should be the main references, but we could work the academic/art-competition angle of battle royale for kevin. as a treat. ok yeah and maybe work in that arnold schwarzenneger movie the running man too while we're here picking up interwoven motifs at the store. why not!
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yashahimewasamistake · 4 months
A lot of fics have Sun having a complicated relationship with Hylia....and it makes me imagine the Links having a complicated relationship with the Hero's Spirit.
What if some Links are like "the Hero's Spirit is manipulating me!!!"
Other Links are like "The Hero's Spirit is just reincarnation, isn't it?"
And other Links are like "It's a metaphor, you know. It isn't that deep"
Meanwhile Sky is having a crisis because he doesn't know how reincarnation works, if it's even a real thing for people like him, and what if he is manipulating the rest of the Links in some way????!!!!
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