#can I bap you with my paws and just be really annoying?
kkoct-ik · 2 years
hiii i’d love to hear u ramble :-) whatcha thinking about
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i realised a little while back that i could very comfortably consider myself catkin. because i have huge autism and they are my brothers and i am one of them. and i also get really happy when called a cat or catlike or get pet. basically i am a well adjusted adult man
this realisation was cemented by me seeing a cat meme and Immediately having a self recognition moment . like oh thats me. my face
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this one for the record
but now my life is an endless stream of googling cat breeds to see if i can find a reliable set of adjectives to communicate this without. actually forking over "my man". and im finding it so annoying that when you keyword you only find pedigree breeds T_T
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though that said some close ones i found today were blue cream tabby cats. they are so close to hashtag me. and also they are so cute
and yeah thats my face finding journey so far. breed is kinda indiscernible. maybe a british shorthair. definitely a chunky build. chunky paws to bap things with <- priorities
i dont have a conclusion to end on just ty for letting me ramble lol i appreciate it lots
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m-jelly · 3 years
hi as someone who is in love with this account -def not checking for updates every hour- i want to request a levi x fem reader who is short-tempered like get easily annoyed and angry about anything i thought they would have a funny relationship cause levi is kinda bold and literally makes comments that can be annoying thx if you appreciate and write this love u bye <3
Aww! Bless you! I want to give you the biggest cuddle <3 This took me a bit to get this as I am the most chill person you'll meet. I can count on one hand the number of times I was angry last year. The same applies to the year before. It's so odd, I just don't get angry, but if I do my friends are so scared. Angry Jelly is a scary Jelly. haha
I'm going to do this as headcanons, hope that's alright?
Levi x short-tempered fem reader headcanons.
Levi is known for his strange words, sharp tongue and honesty. So, what would he be like if his lover was short-tempered?
- Supportive = He'd be supportive of you. He'd help you in times when you lose your temper a little and snap at others. You're his little angry kitty cat, so of course, he'd be there for you. He would find it a little cute how you lash out a little, like a cat bapping its paw on someone's head or face.
- Tea = As someone with a short temper, you get a little tired. Being angry so easily is rather draining on the body. So, Levi would provide you with the right tea to keep you energised and awake. He's got to take care of his angry little brat.
- Head pats = Sometimes you can get angry for no reason, it happens to the best of us, but Levi would calm you easily. Levi would pat your head, ruffle your hair or place his hand on your head just to calm you. Just feeling his touch is enough to make you feel at peace.
- Hugs = When a head pat is not enough, he'd just hold you in his arms and not say a thing. Kill the anger with love. He won't say he loves you often, but he'd hold you so tightly that you'd just feel the love and feel better. It'd be tightly too, mainly to stop you from hitting anyone.
- Kisses = When you are ready to rant, or someone has really pissed you off due to them winding you up, Levi has to pull out all the stops. He would kiss your forehead to stop you in your tracks. Levi's kiss just stops you in your tracks and makes it all better. Kissing you on the lips is big weapon against you. Taming the angry kitten is hard, but a lovely kiss works.
- I love you = When all else fails, he says he loves you because he does. He adores you to death and nothing makes him happier and smile than you getting a little angry. You're not dangerous, you're just a tiny bit deadly. His words just remind you that it's okay and no matter what you say to others and how pouty you get, he fucking loves you.
- Teasing/winding up = He might love you and try to soothe you, but sometimes he just has to wind you up so you lose your shit. He doesn't do it to laugh at you, he does it because you remind him so much of a cute annoyed cat. He just can't help but tease you so you get a little angry. You're adorable.
- Letting you vent = He likes seeing you stand up for yourself, so he won't get involved unless you ask him to. He'll just let you do your own thing, he'd watch you as you stand up for yourself and then praise you afterwards for being so strong.
Levi would love you no matter what. You're precious to him, so if you do snap easily or if you are the calmest person in the world, he'd love you. He'd always love you for everything you are. You're his precious little brat.
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lisinfleur · 4 years
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The request:
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Author’s Notes | A cute request! I hope you enjoy! 
Universe | Vikings
Pairing | Ivar x Reader
Info | Modern AU, requested by anon for 5CW7
Words | 1684
⁑ Warnings: None
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He remembers that the first time he found that little thing it was on the edge of the road, closer to the limits of his property barking and whining. On the other side of the road, near the woods, the rest of the litter left with the mother and Ivar understood what was happening, coming out of the car to look after the little one: the litter was abandoning the weaker and that poor little thing was left behind.
It was snowing. The road was a dangerous boundary. The little pup was left behind by the rest of the wolves for he wasn't able to follow the bigger ones across the road.
A wolf that couldn't follow the litter would pull it back, make is slower. Ivar knew pretty well that feeling of being left behind, considered the weaker, the weight that would pull everyone back or slow everybody. He could remember the many times he stayed home while his brothers were going out for parties and social events he would lie telling them he didn't want to go. He just didn't want them to be slowed down by his need for a wheelchair when he was younger.
That little pup was like him. And like his mother, he stayed back, taking off his scarf to try and pick the little one up.
However, despite being the weaker of his litter, like Ivar himself, that little pup was still a wolf. Ivar smiled when he started barking and growling towards him, bravely facing the bigger animal that his instincts considered a threat.
He wasn't weak. He just wasn't like the others somehow, but he wasn't weak. Ivar smiled: the little thing wouldn't come with him, but he knew without the proper care, that lone little wolf would die in the cold winter. So, Ivar came closer causing the little one to bark some times more, growling and walking back towards the woods until he was unsafe enough to run back to the trees and reveal Ivar where he was hiding: a huge tree with a small hole in the middle of its roots was serving as a lair for the little one. The place should probably be enough for the whole litter, but only he remained alone.
Ivar came closer, leaving the scarf at the entrance and pulling away, watching from far as the little one pulled the scarf into the lair.
He would be warm for that night.
Before leaving, Ivar ensured the fence would be properly closed to avoid that little thing to get hurt on the road. The lair was inside his property, so he could ensure the little one would be safe.
Through the next days, he came back to check on the pup, always bringing something with him. A small blanket, some meat... Slowly the little pup started to come out, closer and closer to him, trusting him more and more until he was finally able to touch the little one without being bitten.
Ivar knew he shouldn't be intending to domesticate a wild wolf, but he also knew that pup wouldn't last long without his family, so, if he could provide that little one home, why not? It would be a huge pet - the wolf was growing bigger and Ivar could already notice he was starting to dig around the lair's entrance, trying to make it bigger for him to go inside.
It was when that started... Ivar had planned to go there and help the little one, but when he arrived, the entrance of the lair was already bigger... And it wasn't marked by paws so it wasn't his little wolf's work.
Ivar also found some other stuff near the lair that wasn't his stuff...
The pup came closer, playing with him, now fully used to his presence. However, Ivar wasn't happy: someone was breaking into his fence and messing with HIS wolf.
To be sure he wasn't wrong about the invasion, he placed the fence in a different position being sure the wolf wouldn't be able to mess with it, but a human being would have to mess with the position to come in and out of that fence.
And the next day, there it was! The fence was messed just as he predicted and more things were there. Traces of meat and his wolf well fed.
"Who the fuck... Oh, but I'll get you!"
Whoever was invading his property, was doing it early in the morning or late in the night. By the traces of fresh meat near the wolf and in his fur, Ivar deduced that the person had come and gone before him, right before he came. So, he decided to set up a trap at the fence this time to warrant the person would be caught in his fence and not being able to leave unless it was decided to give up on its trousers!!
"Next morning I'll see your damn face, invader..."
Annoyed, Ivar left waiting to come the next morning to find anyone: one of his neighbors trying to poison the animal, some asshole from these scientific labs around the town... Anyone!
Anyone but a girl almost crying with her trousers caught by his trap at the fence...
"Dear gods! Thank you!" you thanked looking up to the sky before looking at him "Hey, you... You, please... Help me!" you asked.
Ivar looked at you surprised: you really didn't have any idea of who he was?
"Someone settled a trap and I think it hurt my leg... Please, can you help me? I can't lose these pants. Shit... I just came to help the little wolf that's living here near the road. I never thought someone would set a trap in a place like this. I bet it was one of those stupid scientists trying to catch the wolf!" you complained, seeing as Ivar came closer, dismounting the trap easily, confusing your mind.
But everything made sense when he looked at you, feeling guilty.
"I did. I settled the trap," he admitted, releasing you from that embarrassing situation.
"Why have you done that?" you asked surprised.
"It's my property. And I was helping the wolf as well. I thought it could be one of my neighbors trying to poison the little one. I just wanted to keep him safe," he rehearsed an apology, but you smiled instead of being angry.
"So... You're the one who brought that warm scarf..." you said, and he nodded, causing you to extend your hand towards him. "I'm Y/N, the substitute momma-wolf... I guess we're parents of the same child here..."
The joke caused Ivar to frown but, at the same time, he smiled thinking it was sweet that you were calling yourself that way.
"I'm Ivar," he answered causing you to finally recognize him with a surprised expression.
"Ivar Ragnarsson? You mean THIS Ivar?" you took a magazine from your bag where it was easy to see his image at the cover. "Shit... Daddy-wolf is a celebrity!" you joked and this time he couldn't avoid smiling.
"I never thought myself this way, I mean... daddy-wolf..."
That was childish. But charming at the same time. Ivar couldn't deny you were a sweet and pretty woman indeed.
You smiled at him and sighed.
"Well, I guess you won the guard of our child..." you kept that joke, but with a tone of sadness. "It's your property after all, and you're surely more empowered to keep the little one safe. I think he'll be fine without me, then."
"I was thinking about taking him home. He's practically tamed and to leave him alone in the woods would be dangerous to him so..." Ivar started, trying to find a way to approach. "Would you like to help me with this, momma-wolf?" he joked back, causing you to giggle.
"It would be good. I can't go work anyway," you shrugged, pointing your ragged pants.
Ivar sighed.
"I'm sorry, I..."
"Hey, that's fine," you smiled touching his shoulder. "Ragged trousers for a new friendship? It seems a good deal for me."
Your smile was so charming and, somehow, he felt bewitched by the sweetness in your way to see things. Maybe it could be more than just friendship if he was lucky enough.
"You help me to put him on the cage and I'll teach you the way to my house, so you can come and see him whenever you want," he suggested, causing another beautiful smile to open in your mouth.
"Insert a coffee in this deal and you'll have me visiting every day," you joked with a smile.
And Ivar took his chance, smiling back.
"I have a coffee maker and a collection of capsules with different blends," he said, looking at you. "If you come every day, I think I earn a year of good conversations."
Whether you were raving or that amazingly beautiful man was hitting on you... Better not to lose the chance, right?
"I think you just earned your year, Daddy-wolf," you smiled.
His lips curled in a beautiful and attractive way, almost proud he just got what he wanted.
"We can start our year by talking about what will be the name of our son..." he said, opening the fence for you to come in and you smiled at his way to get into your game.
You never thought that stopping there for that pup would bring you such good luck. Maybe it was a good thing to think about his name...
"We should call him Even..." you said, coming closer when the little wolf left the hole coming close to you, touching your hand with his snout.
Ivar smiled.
"’Lucky’... It seems a good name. Then Even will be."
You smiled at him as the wolf shook his tail towards him as well, seeming to be happy to see the two of you at the same time. Maybe the little one was planning that meeting after all. One way or another, Ivar was sure that wouldn't be the last time you would see each other.
He would ensure that, for sure.
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mandakatt · 7 years
Which kitties are the ones that will play with the house’s insect invaders, and which are the ones that’ll just stare at it? Is there a kitty that drags spiders into the house in the first place?
A/N: *squints at your question* IF one of the kitters happens to drag in a spider, I’d be running away from said confused kitter. *giggle*  But, bugs in the house huh? Well, you’ve got your ‘avid’ hunters, then you got ones that make you wonder just….what the heck?
[Also, I apologize for this taking forever Anon-san. With the loss of my IRL kitter yesterday, I looked to your question for something to pull me out of my down and dark mood. So, thank you for asking this. ♥ ]
Tagging:  @momokitty27​ @major-artery​ @itshaejinju​ @kayterschmater​ @lulie-chan​ @margherine​ @kairakara101​ @ravenvelith​ @suzunesays​ @princess-of-lucis​ @blossattic
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Kitty!Noctis - He watches the most annoying fly in the world buzz around your room. He’ll bat at it if it zooms by, and if he manages to knock it to the floor, he’ll sniff at it a bit, only to watch it buzz around the room again.
Kitty!Prompto - He’ll pounce the annoying asian beetle that somehow found its way in. He will bat it around a bit before he suddenly makes a face, then pushes both paws down on it, before turning and skittering about to bat it all around the room, cause it’s stinky!
Kitty!Ignis - When he can see, he’ll watch the fly as it buzzes about with a keen eye, the moment it flies into the kitchen however, you swear his eyes glint, and he’ll make sure to pounce, and remove it from the room, depositing his ‘kill’ on the hall floor. When he can’t see - his ears will constantly turn, and he’ll be all on alert, burbling and meowing softly, constantly alerting you as to where the bug is, and you’ll have to remove it to calm his nerves.
Kitty!Gladiolus - He’ll move to where the middle of the room is and watch said bug intently. When it lands, he’ll crouch down, wiggle his backside and pounce, catching his prey easily. He’ll partly nibble on it though, then spit it out.
Kitty!Cor - A slow and methodical hunter. He will follow, not chase, the bug into every room of your home till he has it where he wants it and it is sufficiently cornered. He will kill it, and bring it to you, dropping it at your feet.
Kitty!Iris - She pounces everything that moves as it is. Spider crawling across the floor? *Pounce* Dust moving from behind the fridge? *pounce* Grasshopper accidentally making its way inside? *pounce*
Kitty!Aranea - She does “death from above” on everything. You’ve never seen a cat that will leap into the air to pounce on the centipede that happens to be crawling along your carpet. The fly that happened to land in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or the asian beetle that just happens to be buzzing and bouncing off the living room window.
Kitty!Cindy - She brings the bugs to you that she catches from outside and in the shed, and if it’s a flying bug, she’ll chase it about the house cause she didn’t kill it in the first place.
Kitty!Luna - She watches said bug flitter about, her ears turning slowly, her eyes wide. She doesn’t do anything about it however till it gets close to her, then she pounces on it, smushing it into the carpet. When she pulls back her paws, she’ll stare at her handy work, then meow sort of distraught. “Mom! Help! I hurt the thing!”
Kitty!Ravus - He’ll watch said bug for awhile, but if it gets anywhere near his sister, he’s quick to pounce on it, killing it instantly, and leaving it’s corpse for you to find easily.
Kitty!Cid - He ignores them, less they land on him, or crawl right by him. He’ll bat at them a little with his paws, but he doesn’t do much more than that.
Kitty!Regis - He plays with it, batting it around, watching it fly [if it can still] about then pouncing on it. He’ll play with it most of the day, getting a bit wild eyed here and there, and even going so far as to throw his head back, flail a bit then smush his face down on said bug.
Kitty!Clarus - He watches the bug, his ears turning a bit, but he doesn’t make a move, till one of his kids tries to go after it, then he’s on top of it before they even get the second butt wiggle out.
Kitten!Talcott - WIGGLE MODE ENGAGED - Many butt wiggles, many attempts at pouncing, and trying to get said bug, you’ll even hear a soft mewl in frustration then a crash. Rushing into where the noise was heard, he toddles to you slowly, chest puffed up with said bug in his mouth.
Kitty!Gentiana - Doesn’t really do anything about them, other than watch. If it lands near her though, her paw moves fast enough to smush said bug under it, then she tucks her paw under her chest like she hadn’t moved in the first place.
Kitty!Ardyn - He watches, quietly. Waiting, before he pounces it at the last second. You then find its corpse later in your bed, or your favorite chair. You’ve watched him even put the dead cockroaches right next to Noctis as he sleeps.
Kitty!Nyx - The moment you shriek in surprise [ because we all know that bugs seem to do that. ] He’s on top of it. Doesn’t matter if it’s a small asian beetle, or a spider, or a cockroach – Just expect to hear him crunching on it after he catches it.
Kitty!Libertus - He’s kinda slow to act, more curious on anything. He’ll approach the bug, his ears turning back and forth as he sniffs it. If it makes a stink, he’ll huff, then bap it with his paws.
Kitty!Crowe - Death from above. The moment it crawls across the floor anywhere near that she can leap to from her normal high perch, she does. Landing on the unsuspecting victim with all four paws.
Kitty!Pelna - He sits on his rump and watches it, curiously. His ears turn back and forth, and if it comes close to him, he’ll gently prod it with a paw.
Kitty!Titus - Whatever it was, it’s dead and mashed into the carpet. And no, he is never sorry.
Kitty!Dino - He freaks out with the 8 legged bugs [ aka Spiders! ], fluffing up a little and running away from it to watch from a distance. He’ll smack flies and other bugs out of the air though, and play with said bug till it dies.
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