#can hypnosis help anxiety
healthyhypnosisau · 1 year
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arodykeism · 5 months
will forever bemoan my mom getting into pseudoscience bullshit but at least it can be funny sometimes such as being seriously asked if i'd let her hypnotize me
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upnowmarketing · 1 year
You can use hypnosis for anxiety and depression relief. Hypnosis audio downloads can help you get your emotions back in balance.
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oracle-of-dream · 2 months
Sweetness #3
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Minors DNI
Summary: The continuation of Sweetness #2; Seunghan and Eunseok heard Anton with you and want their turn.
Warnings: Male reader, Slight dubcon, Big cocks Riize, Threesome, Hypnosis, Rough Sex, Pet names, Degradation, Blowjob, Overstimulation, Multiple orgasms, Creampie
Wordcount: 3.3k
Eunseok and Seunghan went into Anton’s room to see you lying in bed, covered by the bed sheet.
Eunseok covered his nose, “Did they go at it that hard?”
Seunghan shrugged, “You heard it as clearly as I did. They were fucking like dogs in here, and it smells like it.” The boys went over to you to check you out. Your hair was ruined, your cheeks were puffed, darkening bruises on your next, and the smell of cum drifted off you.
Anton came into the room with the towels, “Here’s the towels…”
Seunghan sucked on his teeth when he lifted the cover to see the rest of you naked under the sheet. His head craned, “Are you serious Anton?! There’s no way he won’t notice his body messed up like this, mysterious bite marks–and you came inside. You sick fuck.”
Anton could only bite his cheek as his elders scolded him.
Together, they used warm wet towels to wipe down your body. You tried your best to remain still like you were asleep, but it tickled in some places. You were going to crack eventually so you had to play it off. You groaned, gently opening your eyes, “huh? What the–“ You sat up sharply but held your side where Anton had bruised you. “What happened?!”
Eunseok and Seunghan looked at you, at each other, and then back to you. 
“Anton fucked you and damn near broke your back, blame him.” Seunghan put his hands up, “Eunseok and I were forced into helping him.”
You glared at Anton, “You what?!”
Eunseok whispered, “Sweetness, you don’t care about Anton anymore. Forget about that and just focus on how to repay us for helping you.”
Your head flopped down as your eyes went out of focus. 
Seunghan turned to Anton, “We’ll keep this a secret if you keep our deal. If not, then y/n will remember everything. Maybe even hate you.”
Anton looked at you, “I hope you guys know what you’re doing…”
“The same as you! Now get the hell out and keep a watch for the others.”
Eunseok and Seunghan helped you up, wrapping a towel around your waist. You were guided to the bathroom and seated on the toilet lid. “Okay, a shower may be out of the question. We can’t explain him walking out of the shower like this. Anton seriously did a number on him.” The boys spent some time thinking. 
You started getting impatient so you pressed that you were waking up. You groaned as your head drifted to one side.
“We’re running out of time, the others will be home soon. If we want to do something, now’s the time,” Eunseok warned.
Seunghan’s face lit up with an idea, “I’ve got an idea that can get us some alone time with him. While also getting back at those two fuckers for tricking us.” The boys discussed their diabolical plan in front of you. It was devious and almost crazy hearing them talk about what to do about you like you weren’t a person. It was kind of hot…
The boys brought you clothes dressed you, then had you sleep in their room. The front door opened, and you heard their plan launch into action. You couldn’t help but peek out the door to see down the hall as it unfolded. Seunghan had the group sitting at the table, most of them shivering from the cold while Anton shook out of anxiety. “So, I’ll give you the chance to come clean first. To prove you show at least a little remorse,” Seunghan tapped his foot on the floor expectantly.
The others exchanged looks with each other until one by one they stopped on Anton who was turning pale. Sungchan spoke first while giving Anton a death glare, “What are they talking about?”
Anton looked at everyone, fear across his face. Sungchan was a death threat, and Seunghan had a knowing smirk on his face. He was going to throw him under the bus! “I-I fucked y/n!” The others complained in protest. “But, so did Sungchan!”
Sungchan leaped to his feet, “You rat!”
“Those two did it two!” Anton pointed at Seunghan and Eunseok.
Eunseok shook his head, “Not even. We heard Anton going at it right when we got home from our errand and caught him in the act.”
“That’s not-“
“Shut it!” Seunghan commanded, “Clearly no one can be trusted around him. He’ll be sleeping in our room. Alone. For the rest of his time here. And he can’t be alone with anyone, there’s always got to be a second person present.”
The group nodded in agreement.
“But what about these two?” Sohee pointed at Anton and Sungchan.
“Since you two are the least trustworthy here, you’ll spend some time with each other. Without y/n. We’ll order him to ignore you completely.”
Shotaro stood, “Won’t that affect him much later? We don’t want to cause any permanent damage.”
“Sho, they’ve already crossed a line! I think it’s more than an appropriate punishment, and if y/n knew they’d want the same. Maybe even worse.”
Wonbin raised his hand. “Should we just tell him?” 
Anton and Sungchan spoke, “No, you can’t!”
“Why not?” Sohee raised an eyebrow, "This is serious. We should tell him."
Anton tried to explain, “If he knows that, he’ll never want to see us again. We’re a group, if he wants to see you he’ll still see us. Or even being around you may remind him of us. What if he gets PTSD or something?”
“What the hell did you do to give him PTSD!?”
“N-Nothing, it’s just an example!”
Eunseok snapped, “Stop shouting! You’ll wake him up! We'll decide if we'll tell him by dinner.”
Shotaro’s eyes popped open, “Where is he?”
“In me and Seunghan’s room, where I think he should stay to recover. Anton went crazy, bruises and bite marks…” The others scowled at Anton while the youngest hung his head in shame.
Sungchan’s face was red with anger. “Bite marks and bruises!?”
Anton put his hands up defensively, “You’re not any better than me, you made him suck you off in the middle of the night! He was barely awake to register it.” Sungchan’s mouth hung open at Anton’s defiance. Every word just made the situation worse and everyone needed some space. The group decided something needed to be done to punish the members who broke the rule. As part of their punishment, Anton and Sungchan were forced to cook and clean as long as you stayed with them. And do whatever you asked them to do–if you’d acknowledge them.
While the guilty made dinner, Seunghan showed the others the scene of the crime–Your body, fully clothed, still showed signs of surviving Anton, purple tint to some areas of skin and teeth marks.
Sohee frowned, "Should we give him ice or something?"
"Yeah, that's a good idea." Wonbin and Sohee left together to get you some ice, leaving Eunseok and Seunghan to watch over you. Your eyes were closed but you could hear shuffling in the room as the boys whispered to each other.
"Wake him up, quickly!"
You felt the warmth of someone's presence near you as you were gently shaken. "Y/n, wake up for a second," Eunseok spoke to you softly, like always.
You slowly opened your eyes, wincing in pain. "Jesus, my fucking back. What is it, Eunseok?"
Eunseok's eyebrows knit together as Seunghan kept watch at the door. "I... Can I ask for something?"
"Of course, name it."
"Say I wanted to go out with you. Or like get with you–theoretically... Would I have a shot?"
You giggle at his kind words. "Sure, Eunseok. I don't think I'd mind going out with you."
"Even if we went far with it, like sex?"
You nodded, "If we're compatible, then maybe."
"Can it be a yes or a no?"
"Gosh, Eunseok, I haven't put much thought into it. Yes, I can see us having sex, but is this the best time for this?"
"No, you're right–I'll bring it up later."
"Okay," You winked at him.
"Eunseok, you done?" Seunghan looked over his shoulder, "I think the others are coming back."
"I'm sorry." Eunseok held your hand tightly and whispered,  "Sweetness when I come to your room tonight. We're going to have sex, okay?"
You let your eyes lose focus as you slowly nodded.
He smiled at you as your eyes came back into focus. Your head cocked to the side. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"No reason," Eunseok said as he stepped away from you. 
Wonbin and Sohee came into the room with water and ice packs. The four boys comforted you as Sungchan and Anton made dinner. The dinner table was almost completely silent. You were seated between Eunseok and Seunghan with Anton and Sungchan kept at the far end of the table.
"This food is great you two!" You complimented, trying to lift the mood.
"Thanks, y/n," Anton's smile faded as the others glared at him.
There was only silence and nervous glances between everyone as they tried to find the words to tell you. You looked at Sungchan, hoping he'd know what to do. He nodded and stood up. "I have a confession," He said hoarsely. 
Seunghan stood up too, much to your surprise. "I've got something to say and want to speak first." Sungchan was glad to take the spotlight off himself as he sat down. The group watched Seungahn closely as he spoke, "Y/n, you're too smart for us! We've been trying to keep it a secret, but the guys and I have prepared a surprise for you!" Seunghan smiled as winked at the others for support. "Let's not tell them the surprise yet, we're not ready to show it yet," He emphasized his words to get his point across.
Sungchan joined him, "Yes, I was about to say more than I should've!"
Anton nodded rapidly as the others slowly joined in agreement. Wonbin locked eyes with you, raising an eyebrow questioningly. You smiled at him with a wink. "What can I say? You guys suck at hiding secrets!"
"As a part of the surprise, we need you to sleep in Seunghan's room for tonight. We might need to move stuff and we don't want to wake you up if you're in the living room," Eunseok explained. 
You nodded in understanding, "That's fine. I can't wait to see what it is!"
After Seunghan's announcement, the mood picked up a little more. You ignored the slight pain in your side from Anton blowing your back out as you continued eating dinner. You decided to call it a night after eating, feeling "weirdly exhausted", and the boys encouraged you to sleep as they cleaned the kitchen. You could hardly hear them whisper from inside Seunghan's room, but you knew you'd get another visit in the night soon enough. You weren't planning on sleeping, only pretending until someone arrived. You passed out with a full belly in less than ten minutes. You awoke in complete darkness, the sound of the door opening and closing as someone entered the room. Even though you were waiting for it, your heart raced as you could barely make out two forms through your squinted eyes.
"Make sure the door's locked," Seunghan whispered.
"It is," Eunseok replied. One of the shadows moved closer to you until you could make out Eunseok's features on its face. You closed your eyes, pretending to be asleep as your body started sweating in expectation. Eunseok's voice was low and gentle, "Sweetness, I'm here. Wake up."
You slowly open your eyes. "Eunseok? Is that you?"
"Y-Yeah, it's me." He took your hand in his. "You remember what we talked about earlier today?" His voice shook nervously. 
"About wanting to go out with me?"
"And the other thing."
"Remind me, I can't remember." 
"You said, we could fuck," Eunseok said plainly.
You giggle, "Eunseok, are you asking to have sex with me right now?"
He muttered something about how he had the most consent out of the members but discarded the thought when you tried to listen closer. "Yeah, I'm here to have sex with you," He said confidently.
You turned your attention to the second shadow. "Is there someone else in here?"
Eunseok nodded. "It's Seunghan."
"And he's here to watch?"
"Or participate if you'll allow? Which, I’ve got a feeling, you'll say yes. Sweet–"
Eunseok cut him off in a whisper, "Seunghan!"
"Sweet boy," Seunghan finished. You held in a smirk as Seunghan still found time to tease Eunseok. "What do you say? Want a package deal?"
"A threesome is ambitious," You tried to sound unsure. "What if they hear?"
"Don't worry about the others. They can't interfere, even if they want, it's just us," Seunghan assured you. 
You threw aside the bedsheet, showing off your legs as you'd shaken out of your shorts. "Then, I suppose we could have a bit of fun."
Eunseok leaned in and kissed you as Seunghan moved over to you, letting his hands run up your warm legs. Seunghan's approach was fast and smooth, tenderly kissing your inner thighs as he found your most sensitive parts and biting at them. Eunseok was more intimate, slow, and gentle like he was almost scared to touch you. He cupped your face as he ate your lips. Seunghan's biting made you moan into Eunseok's mouth, which made both attack you more passionately.
Both raked their hands over your body as you squirmed under them.
They both pulled away and undressed themselves.
Eunseok whispered in your ear, "Who do you want first?"
"I pick?"
He nodded. "We both want you, but you're the one who's got a choice." 
"You should go first, you did ask," You kissed Eunseok's nose as he positioned himself between your legs, Seunghan moving to the side of your head.
Eunseok slipped his fingers inside you easily. "Stretched out... I can just stick it in now." You nodded, almost begging as you held your breath. Eunseok slapped his cock against your ass a few times as he pushed you to arch your back. He put in his tip and slowly sank into you. Even after Anton, Eunseok stretched your hole–his cock being wider than the youngest Riize member. Eunseok groaned as you tightened around him.
Seunghan rubbed your cheek with his cock, its hot tip leaving a sticky wet kiss. You stroked it a few times, but Eunseok's increasing pace made it difficult to aim it into your mouth.
"Silly, baby, you need help?" Seunghan cooed as he rotated you, forcing Eunseok to move as well while inside you. Your head hung off the bed as Seunghan held your neck for support. "Just relax," He said as he slid his dick into your mouth. It glided into a comfortable position in your throat, you moving your throat to squeeze it tightly.
The two of them fucked you at a rhythm as one pushed in and the other pulled out. Starting slow and then moving faster, tears streamed down your face. It was Eunseok that broke first. 
"I'm going to cum, inside, cumming–" Eunseok's cock was suddenly pulled out of you as Seunghan pulled you closer to him. You throated more cock into your mouth as Eunseok cum shot up and rained down on you. "Seung, what the fuck!?" 
Seunghan pulled out of your mouth, letting you catch your breath. "I can't let you make a mess before I've had a turn."
Eunseok sucked on his teeth as Seunghan forced him out of the way. The boys switched spots as you lay there in anticipation for round two. Eunseok bitterly stroked his sensitive cock over your face as Seunghan hooked your leg onto his shoulder.
"Brace yourself, a real man's taking care of you now," Seunghan said as he pushed himself in completely. You opened your mouth, trying to restrain the moan that threatened to escape. You pulled Eunseok into your mouth, filling you so the sound couldn't slip out. Eunseok's body twitched and shook as you focused on licking and sucking him, his moans high-pitched and rapid. Seunghan grunted as his hips snapped, slamming into you. It was completely different from the kindness Eunseok had shown you, Seunghan's cock dug into you with a vein at the bottom that flexed every time he thrust it, making it just a little bigger.
"Still this tight? Even after all the cock you've been through?" Seunghan teased.
You let Eunseok out of your mouth, working him over with your hand. "Anton was just a little clumsy, that's all."
The boys froze in the realization of what you'd said. 
"Anton?" Seunghan looked at your face, "You know about that?"
"Yes," You groaned as you tried to move your ass, "Sungchan too."
"Not hypnotized. Talk later, fuck now!" 
Seunghan laughed wryly. "You're just a slut then? I can work with that. Lying sluts deserve a beating." Seunghan put your other leg over his shoulder and leaned forward, pushing his weight down on you as your knees touched your chest. Seunghan was in an almost plank, like a push-up form, as he pulled to leave just this tip inside you, then slammed into you. You screamed at the intensity Seunghan was fucking you, but you were getting too loud. "Eunseok, gag him or something!" Seunghan commanded.
You looked over at Eunseok whose cock was red and dripping, but still hard. "That, gimme. Please Eunseok, I need your cock."
Eunseok slowly accepted his fate, bracing for the overstimulation as you took him back into your mouth. His hand clasped over his mouth as you moved yourself around his length. Eunseok's cock twitched and spilled a full load of cum into your mouth, as he drooled into his hand. His eyes twitched as you continued sucking, forcing him to hold the side of the bed so he didn't collapse.
Even though your mouth was full, Seunghan was determined to make you lose your mind. He slammed into you without restraint, the clap of your skin loud in your ears as he groaned and grunted. "Slut, slut, slut! Are you getting off at tricking us? You know all of us want to fuck you, and you think you can get away with baiting me. I'll make sure we get even too!" His thrusts lost their speed but somehow got harder as he got close to his orgasm. Seunghan tossed one of your legs off his shoulder as he pushed you toward Eunseok, forcing you to deepthroat him, while Eunseok cried at being used. He held Eunseok in place with his free arm. While you choked on Eunseok, Seunghan came inside you. He slammed you for each pump of cum that poured into you.
After he finished, he put your other leg down and Eunseok pulled out your mouth. 
You were a mess all over again. Spit, tears, and cum stained your skin, mostly your face. You'd ended up cumming three times, once from Eunseok and twice from Seunghan. Your cock throbbed as it lay on your stomach softening.
Eunseok, finally able to relax, fell onto the bed twitching. "That was... amazing."
Seunghan pulled out of you, letting his cum drip out. "I agree, we should do that again," He winked as he smacked your thigh, making you wince. "Now, explain yourself."
You take a moment to breathe and then explain what happened. Wonbin snapped you out of the hypnosis, Sungchan throat fucked you, and then Anton jumped in before they did. Seunghan called you a slut at least four more times while you explained.
Eunseok, finally calm enough to form real words, asked, "So the only ones who don't know are Shotaro and Sohee? And Wonbin didn't hit either?"
You nodded. You could feel your throat swelling from its recent abuse. It would be a miracle if you could speak correctly by tomorrow morning.
"We'll keep up the act if you want. But Taro and Sohee are going to be difficult. You'll probably have to seduce them since they're so polite." Seunghan got dressed and threw Eunseok some clothes. "Now, let's get you cleaned up. We can help you get the others."
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harmoonix · 1 year
🔥Gorgeous Astrology🔥
❍Observations ❍
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Aries Risings; How you can manage to look so good even when you are angry???? Like seriously these people look good in every mood they are, they can keep a smile on their faces and stil thinking how to end you in 2 seconds if you do them dirty 😭
How to people with Venus and Sun aspects manage to be so pretty and charming and to be so elegant and on point every single time??? Venus and Sun aspects can make you to radiate such a big and warm energy 💕🫂
Cheating on someone with a Water/Fire Venus is the WORST! these people know how to revenge and they can do it very bad and without mercy especially Water Venuses because these people love at a very deep level 🫂
Venus in Capricorn people are very adorable in relationships they want to spend very much time with their partners and make good memories together 🥺❤️. These people usually wish a very traditional and harmonious relationship ❤️❤️❤️
Watch out your solar return chart, if you have Venus in the 1st/2nd/6th/10th houses in that chart you can have a very big glow up this year, watch out if you have Saturn - Venus Aspects too these can help your glow up more 💎
Moon in the 11th house can get very attached to people, they can be very needy of their friends and that's why most people with such placement are called *true friend* 🫂
Pluto - Mercury aspects can cuss a lot and can talk in a very influential way to make you talk like this too, is like they take you in a hypnosis and make you talk like them. Also a lot of people can get jealous at them, for having a very large vocabulary and expressing their words very good
I've seen very people with Mars and Venus aspects getting jealous very hard and very easily to their partners and friends they can be somehow possessive and wanting you only for them 🔥🫂
I have seen people with a Virgo Venus/Mars getting posesive the same as Scorpio and Taurus Venuses can get 🤯🤯, if you have some of these placements combined they can make you a very posesive yet attractive person ❣️
When Saturn is transitioning your 6th/12th house or is transitioning the house where "Pisces" is in your chart you may have insomnia or problems with sleep a lot during that time
Having a lot of planets in the 9th house can make you very interested in spirituality and magic very much, you can also find interest in discovering religion and learning about them
Capricorn Mercury can talk with a very classic glamour in their voice, they are VERY sophisticated people even when talking these natives make sure to make a good impression
Natives with Aries/Taurus combination in their chart might struggle with very big angry issues and nervosity
Having Venus in the 2nd house can mean you have a very beautiful body and a very beautiful appearance, you can have elegance in your blood
If you have Neptune in the 12th house people can become addicted to you, in all ways possible even subconsciously, this placement is a very spiritual so pay attention to the signs 🧘🏻‍♀️
Neptune/Uranus aspecting Sun/Ascendant = Electrified + Dreamy vibe aura
Moon in Earth Signs = Love/Passion for reading books/blogs/internet curiosities
Capricorn Suns live, laugh, dark humor 😭
Sagittarius Placements/Aquarius Placements are freedom seekers, if you put their freedom at risk they can do the imposibile to have that freedom again
Saturn 🪐 - Moon 🌕 harsh aspects = Mommy issues, they can have a very possessive/detached from feelings mother 🥹 you deserve a big warn hug (⁠つ⁠✧⁠ω⁠✧⁠)⁠つ💕
Saturn - Mercury harsh aspects could have anxiety while talking that's because they could've been restricted to talk in the past and they can also overthink a lot "Did i said everything right?" "Do they understand what i say", "Do i talk too fast" vibe i wanna give you a very big hug (⁠っ⁠.⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠っ you deserve it!
Scorpio Placements = Love for wearing dark color clothes (Black, dark blue, dark red, dark purple)
Mercury - Pluto aspects might like talk a lot about taboos, about things people are afraid to talk face to face, these people can do that
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dr-spectre · 1 month
Splatoon 2 Callie Explained - (In my interpretation)
So in this blog post I wanna go over what is going on with Callie in Splatoon 2 because there's a lot of misinformation being spread around due to how unclear the events of Splatoon 2 were. I'm going to provide my own thoughts into how the Hypnoshades actually affect Callie and clear up what hypnosis actually does to a person, because a lot of people think that Callie was kidnapped and then mind controlled but its actually a lot more complicated than that. I've done a ton of painstaking research into this so if you would like some sources to what I'm saying then I'll be happy to provide it in the comments below when asked!
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Okay so first off we need to establish one thing right off the bat, no, Callie was not kidnapped in the sense that she was snatched up by DJ Octavio and then brainwashed while she was kicking and screaming trying to stop him. The idea that Callie was snatched up randomly is simply not to true due to the fact that the OFFICAL Splatoon 2 relationship chart states that Callie was willing to hear out DJ Octavio and go with him. Why? Because if you look at Sunken Scroll 21 and 22 in Splatoon 2, it gives insight into Callie's declining mental health as she struggles to put on a happy face as she walks through a huge crowd of people, as well as the fact that she drew a squid with a sad face on it in Sunken Scroll 22 which is a very clear giveaway that she isn't doing well. Also keep in mind Marie was busy with her own solo thing too and Callie even states in the relationship chart that she's busy and lonely. It also explains why Callie doesn't experience any sort of trauma, turmoil or resentment after Splatoon 2 because well, she wasn't kidnapped and the shades were not forcibly put on her. (Also in Squid Sister Stories chapter 7 there's an artwork piece of Callie walking towards DJ Octavio's star mark so there's that too....)
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Now I want to get into how hypnosis actually affects a person and what being hypnotized is actually like. Being hypnotized is described as having "heightened attention, increased focus and heightened suggestibility." You do not get put to sleep and become a puppet as popular media shows it to be, but instead you are hyper aware of what is going on around you. It's also said to be highly relaxing and can help with patients who struggle with anxiety and other mental issues, which might explain why Callie kept putting the shades back on, she enjoys wearing them to some degree as it helps her deal with the pain of being a celebrity, kind of like an addiction but unfortunately Splatoon 2 doesn't explore it at all and Marie (CALLIE'S OWN GOD DAMN COUSIN BTW!) jokes about it..... ugh...... at least she overcomes that addiction OFF SCREEN unfortunately....
Now that part about "suggestibility" is important to consider because contrary to popular belief, you don't lose awareness and memories while you are hypnotized and the person who is in charge of hypnotizing you, CANNOT force you to do anything that's against your wishes and you do NOT lose control of your behavior. Meaning that on some level Callie actually wanted to side with the Octarians because her life beforehand was shitty. The shades do not control Callie but instead put her in a hypnotic state that relaxes her and increases her attention and suggestibility.
For example, if DJ Octavio were to tell Callie to kill Marie instead of Agent 4, she would probably have a ton of hesitation about it and probably not follow his orders. Callie doesn't want to kill Marie, but she doesn't care or know about Agent 4 and that's why she had no problems with following DJ Octavio's suggestions. She also didn't try to attack Marie during the final boss when she was flying around and she just wants Marie to leave her alone because guess what, she's suffering from mental health issues!!!!!! And her relationship with Marie got worse and worse overtime as shown with the Squid Sister Stories.
If you were hypnotized and then the person responsible of your hypnotism handed you a weapon and told you to kill your best friend, you wouldn't do it because it's against your wishes (unless you secretly wanna kill your best friend for some reason....)
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With all of this information laid out, it actually does make Splatoon 2's admittedly mid story a bit more interesting, it shows that Callie does have these dark traits and flaws about her, and the Hypnoshades bring out the worst in her. The angry, power hungry and harsh side to her, that was even built up from Splatoon 1. If you look at the dialogue from the Naughty vs. Nice, Early Bird vs. Night Owl and Callie vs. Marie Splatfests, you can see that Callie actually got upset at Marie multiple times due to her attitude.
It really does make Tidal Rush more emotional and powerful as a song if you really think about it. It's a clashing of two cousins whose relationship has been broken apart and Marie is desperately trying to reach out to Callie and fix what she has done. Maybe Marie blames herself for why Callie ran away and that's why she sounds like she's on the brink of tears in the song.... And it makes Spicey Calamari Inkantation more triumphant as a song too.
It does make me a bit angry that Nintendo doesn't wanna dive into these topics as well as Callie. She is flawed and has dark traits about her but, she doesn't try to change or grow from them in any significant or well written way, its like they forgot about it in Splatoon 3 which.... sucks man. I'm hoping we get a Side Order type deal with the Squid Sisters for Splatoon 4 and we dive deeper into the psyches of these girls, because what we have is really interesting but it lacks explanation and nuance and everyone keeps boiling it down to "welp Callie got kidnapped and mind controlled!" Which... its more complex than that... With Agent 3 and Marina it's for sure mind control and i would like to talk about them in a future blog but, with Callie? It's different and there's a lot of layers a lot of people tend to ignore because Splatoon 2's story is just... meh.
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whumpshaped · 4 months
Caretaker being a vampire with all its accompanying guilt and shame who wants nothing to do with their curse, and whumpee being someone with a torrential past with vampires. An odd duo, but they make it work. One night whumpee is a pacing, unable to sit still, pathetically trying to self-soothe, anxious wreck. Caretaker realizes they can, in fact, help quell the raging fear within whumpee’s gut by entrancing them for a little bit. Whumpee is a bit put off, but eventually accepts the offer out of sheer desperation to feel calm.
aka whumpee and caretaker taking a piece of their power back by whumpee letting someone take control in a safe environment, and caretaker taking control in a way that isn’t inherently inhumane.
tw vampire caretaker, dehumanisation, self-loathing, mind control
Caretaker tried their best to stay away from Whumpee as much as they could in the small cabin. They had found the poor human injured and barely conscious out in the snow just a week ago, and now that they were well enough to protest the care, they did so with all their might.
Thanks for saving me, but I don’t want a vampire anywhere near me.
Caretaker wished they’d had a retort, but there was nothing to say, really. It wasn’t like they would’ve wanted a vampire near them, and they were one themself. They simply agreed to stay as far from Whumpee (and their neck and blood) as possible until the snow melted enough for the road to be safe. After that, they’d go their separate ways.
“Is that… human blood?” Whumpee asked one day when they opened the fridge. Caretaker nodded mutely. “Wonderful. Just… wonderful! Am I gonna end up in the fridge?”
“I stole them from a hospital,” they admitted quietly.
“Even better! I wonder how many people had to die as a result of that.”
“I know you’d rather me starve to death,” Caretaker said a little bitterly. “It’s understandable. I get it. But can you just hold off on that sentiment for a few more days?”
“Sure. Anything to make you comfortable.”
The following evening was unbearably tense. Whumpee couldn’t sit still, they were pacing around the living room like a poisoned rat with extra anxiety. Caretaker had watched them from behind their book for at least half an hour before the idea popped into their head, and another hour before they dared mention it.
“I could help put you to sleep,” they offered gently. Whumpee barked out a laugh.
“Just what I need. I mean, being a mindless thrall is a step up from being anxious, isn’t it?”
Caretaker bit their lower lip and looked back at the pages. “I just thought I’d offer. Sorry.”
Whumpee scoffed. “Yeah, well, I’m not interested.”
As the hours passed, and Whumpee got more and more agitated, Caretaker noticed they started glancing in their direction more and more often. They looked like they were considering the offer. Caretaker didn’t say a word, though, not wanting to embarrass them or seem pushy. 
Eventually, Whumpee caved. “Fine.”
Caretaker blinked. “Fine?”
Whumpee rolled their eyes. “I’ll… I’ll let you use your hypnosis powers on me. I’m… really tired, and I just… I’m really tired. I can’t sleep. My feet hurt. If you can make it all go away, I’m… willing to give it a go.”
“If you’re sure,” Caretaker said carefully, setting their book aside. “It won’t make you a mindless thrall, I promise.”
“All the better.” 
The human took a few minutes to actually follow through and settle on the sofa next to them. They were stiff as a board, flinching violently when Caretaker tried to reach out and touch them.
“I thought you just needed eye contact?” they asked defensively. “Don’t touch me.”
“It works better with skin to skin contact. Quicker. Less time spent with me awkwardly staring into your eyes while you glare at me.”
“I don’t need it to work quickly. I just need it to work, and I need you not to touch me.”
Caretaker let their hand fall back into their lap. “As you wish. This should feel nothing but pleasant and soothing.”
They looked into Whumpee’s eyes, focusing on finding a way into their mind. It was difficult with how guarded and hostile they were, but they eventually found a little crack, a desire to be cared for and helped. 
“Is this it?” Whumpee asked, voice laced with cynicism. “I don’t feel anything.” Despite their words, Caretaker could already see them stifling a yawn.
“You will,” they said softly. “If you want to. And I think you do. All you want is some good, restful sleep.” As they poked around further, widening that crack and flooding Whumpee’s brain with peace and quiet, they realised Whumpee hadn’t slept too well on any given day in the past week. “And no wonder. You’ve been so restless. Were you scared to sleep?”
“Of course I was,” they said easily. Their voice had less of an edge to it, and they ever so slightly started leaning towards Caretaker. “I was in the same house as… as a vampire…” 
Caretaker tried reaching out again, and this time, Whumpee didn’t protest. The poor human felt so fragile as they guided them to lie down on the sofa, head in their lap, and Caretaker wondered how they’d managed to keep going until now. “There’s no need to be afraid anymore,” they cooed, carding their fingers through Whumpee’s hair as they talked. “You can rest now. I’ll keep you safe.”
“Safe…” they murmured.
“So safe. You just close your eyes and sleep, alright? I’ll wake you later, once you’re well-rested.”
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oliversrarebooks · 26 days
corporate retreat 3/4
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tw: brainwashing, drugging, dehumanization, hypnosis, amnesia
"Quinn? Can you open your eyes for me, please?"
Somehow, they managed to get their eyes cracked slightly open. The lights in the room had mercifully been dimmed, and everything seemed fuzzy and indistinct.
"Good. Follow the penlight with your eyes, please."
Quinn did their best, but it all seemed like a big confusing blur.
"Reactions very slow but perceptible. Subject just barely able to respond to stimuli. Twilight sleep state achieved. Based on the results of the tests and their psychological makeup… recommend… and fifty milliliters… around two hours…"
Quinn felt the mask being taken off their face, and the cool rush of fresh air untainted by sedatives was a relief. They cracked their eyes open again as their arm was grasped by one of the assistants. She wiped the inside of their elbow with a cotton swab soaked in cool liquid, and then began to insert an IV line. They were still far too out of it, their limbs much too heavy, to resist.
The IV line was attached to a big bag of light blue fluid. Quinn watched as the drug went drip-drip-drip down the tube and into their arm. The assistant used the IV port to inject a dose of what looked like the same drug.
"We'll give you a little time to adjust to the new medication," said Dr. Moon. "You can just relax."
They assumed they were going to be put back to sleep, but instead they just lay there, staring at the slow drip of blue liquid, in a kind of tranquilized daze. Whatever this new drug was, it wasn't bad. They couldn't remember the last time they had felt so peaceful. Actually, they were feeling pretty good. The all-consuming sleepiness they'd felt from the gas had melted away into a drowsy calm, and their thoughts were gradually returning.
"Quinn? Are you awake? How are you feeling?"
Quinn turned lazily to Dr. Moon. "Good. Really, really drowsy… but good," they said.
"That's excellent to hear," Dr. Moon said. "You're on the good stuff now. We gathered enough data to understand how best to adjust your mind."
"The good stuff…" Quinn's gaze traveled back to the IV line. "What is it?"
"We like to call it cleaning fluid -- but don't be alarmed. It's a nickname, because it's for washing your brain." She laughed. "We have many different components we can use to make it. It's highly customized for the individual, their needs, and our needs."
They really couldn't have been alarmed even if they tried. "What's in mine?"
"Cleaning fluid always starts with Influence Serum. That's our proprietary control medication that removes your mental defenses and inhibitions and increases suggestibility, leaving your mind delightfully pliant and malleable. Then we add Liquid Lullaby -- that's what's keeping you drowsy and docile," she explained. "Your custom mixture also has Pacifier, our anti-anxiety agent, and a little False Paradise, to induce mild euphoria. Plus a few interesting other traces."
"That seems like… a lot of drugs."
"Don't worry, it's especially formulated for you, and completely harmless," she said. "You were so anxious coming here, weren't you?"
"Yeah," they agreed without hesitation.
"And you seem so exhausted. Aren't you exhausted from all the work you do?"
"Yeah, I am."
"And I bet you're so tired of thinking, too. Solving problems. Making decisions. Your poor, tired mind needs a break from all of that."
She was right, that sounded heavenly. What had they even been so worried about? The Brainwashing Department was so nice, and Dr. Moon was so friendly and helpful. "Yeah, I guess I really did need a break." They relaxed into the comfortable chair, resting their arm with the IV on the armrest. Dr. Moon was right. These drugs really were the good stuff.
"Well, it's a good thing you've got a month long vacation, then, isn't it?" said Dr. Moon.
Quinn smiled. "I can't believe it, but I'm actually glad I came here."
"Oh, that's just so lovely to hear you say! I really do think we do great work here. We help people," she said. "And I've got another treat in store for you."
"Oh? What is it?"
"I'm going to turn on the screen and you're going to watch a fun movie for the next couple of hours. It's going to hypnotize you and help you be so obedient. Doesn't that sound nice?"
"Um…" Quinn furrowed their brows. They dimly remembered that they hadn't wanted that, but they didn't really feel like making a fuss when instead they could just relax in a blissful daze.
"Great, let's get you all situated." Dr. Moon reclined their chair a little bit more, then turned on the screen and placed it in front of Quinn's face.
The screen burst to life with a pulsating rainbow spiral, one that drew Quinn's eyes right to the center as the colors shifted and swirled. They couldn't look away. They didn't want to. Something about it was so, so… compelling… like it was the greatest and most fascinating thing Quinn had ever seen, like they could watch it forever.
"There we go. Just watch the spiral. You're too sleepy to resist, aren't you?"
"I'm… I'm not…"
"Oh yes you are. You're much too sleepy to resist."
"I'm… too sleepy to resist…" Quinn heard themself agree.
"The spiral is going to open your mind up very nicely," she said. "You're going to keep your heavy eyes open and watch the spiral, but your mind is going to go to sleep, okay? Deep, deep sleep… a deep hypnotic sleep where you can listen and absorb everything."
They could feel it. They could feel themselves falling asleep in the heart of the pulsating spiral. "I can listen…"
"So obedient, aren't you? Just like you should be. What an excellent subject."
Quinn couldn't help but smile. "…Thank you…"
"Oh, you like the praise, don't you? You're the type that wants to get a good grade in being brainwashed."
It felt like so long since they'd done anything right, really. "Yeah…"
Dr. Moon draped a warm blanket over Quinn's body. "Then be a good little test subject for me, stare in to the pretty spiral, and let yourself be hypnotized."
Quinn nodded slowly. They didn't want to do anything else. They felt a pair of headphones being slipped over their ears. Through them, they could hear soft music playing and Dr. Moon's voice coaxing them to fall asleep, to be obedient and docile, to love the experience of being brainwashed.
They were much, much too sleepy to resist. Besides, they wanted to please Dr. Moon.
They should just listen, let Dr. Moon do all the thinking for them, and fall deep into trance.
"Sleep and obey…" they heard their own voice saying. "Deeper asleep and deeper entranced… too sleepy to resist… I love being brainwashed… I must obey Dr. Moon…"
Their eyelids were getting heavier again, the entrancing spiral a colorful blur, as they repeated the mantras and fell so deep into hypnotic sleep.
They weren't sure how long they remained there, eyes half-open, staring into the spiral. Time seemed to have no meaning. It could've been five minutes and it could've been five months.
"…so happy that you were brainwashed. Three. You'll be docile and obedient. Two. You'll be relaxed and refreshed. And one. You can open your eyes and wake."
Quinn opened their eyes just as the screen turned off, yawning and rubbing the sleep from their eyes. They felt so, so utterly relaxed, like they'd just had the world's finest spa treatment. Like that was the first really good sleep they'd had in years.
They were still in their chair in the clinical room. The machines were quietly beeping, and the bag of drugs attached to the IV looked mostly empty. They were more than content to just rest for a while and see what would happen next, floating in a cloud of bliss.
It didn't take long before Dr. Moon entered. "Why, hello Quinn. Welcome back to the waking world. Did you have a good nap?"
"The best," they said. "I feel amazing."
"Oh, I'm so glad. You really needed that sleep and mental readjustment," said Dr. Moon. "Here, have some water and a nutrition bar."
Quinn eagerly took the food and water. It hadn't really been something they had thought about, but they actually were hungry.
"Did you enjoy the movie?" asked Dr. Moon.
"It was wonderful," said Quinn. "It feels so right to be hypnotized and not have to think for myself. I didn't realize how badly I needed that."
"Oh, you're such a model subject. I think you might be one of my favorites," said Dr. Moon as Quinn beamed in pride. "You're taking to the brainwashing so, so well. I agree, I really think it's exactly what you needed. And you're going to get another round with a new movie -- but first I wanted to give you a little break."
"Thank you," said Quinn through a mouthful of nutrition bar. They couldn't wait to see what the new movie would be like.
"First, though…" Dr. Moon nonchalantly pulled a capped syringe from her lab coat pocket, injecting the contents into the IV line. "We call this one Loose Lips. It's a truth serum. You're probably too hypnotized to really need it, but I want to make sure you're completely honest with me when I ask you embarrassing and invasive questions about your personal life."
Quinn nodded. "That makes sense."
"First off, how do you feel about your boss?"
They frowned, annoyance just barely managing to push through their drugged calm. "She's driving me insane with their unreasonable demands. She's constantly calling me in to work on nights and weekends because we're so short-staffed, and then she acts like it's my fault that I'm burned out. She wastes my time with boring, pointless meetings, and when there's some kind of problem, she micromanages me and keeps asking for status updates when I just need to concentrate on fixing it." The grievances poured out of their mouth easily.
"That sounds really rough," said Dr. Moon sympathetically. "You should tell me everything you know about your boss. I'm very interested. And after that, maybe you can tell me all about your insecurities, secret fantasies, and embarrassing fetishes."
"Sure!" said Quinn, so eager to be obedient and useful.
Dr. Moon questioned Quinn for a while, and Quinn found that they could answer all of their questions easily and in great depth without a hint of shame. It was really nice to be able to speak so freely. Dr. Moon was such a kind, understanding person.
"You've done so well for me," said Dr. Moon. "I couldn't ask for a better test subject. I think it's time for you to get another round of brainwashing, don't you think?"
"Yes, please!" said Quinn with a big smile. "I'm so lucky that I get to spend an entire month in the Brainwashing Department. Do you think I could transfer permanently?"
"I think that would be an excellent idea. We'll see. But for now, I need to change out your IV medication, okay?" Dr. Moon switched the nearly empty bag for a full one. "This formulation is a little different. I've reduced the Liquid Lullaby and added a little River Lethe. That's our best and most gentle amnestic -- a medication that interferes with memory formation and produces amnesia."
"Amnesia…?" said Quinn, feeling a strange bit of anxiety, the first they'd felt since waking.
"You'll be less sleepy this time, but don't worry, you'll be every bit as hypnotized and blissed-out. You're not going to remember the next few hours, though. You probably won't remember much of this conversation, either," said Dr. Moon. "This new medication will leave you feeling pretty fuzzy for a while after your treatment, too. Is all of that okay with you?"
The anxiety was dissolved by their desire to please the doctor. "Of course it's okay. Whatever you think is best." The new drug was already dripping steadily into their veins. It was strange to think that it was already at work in their brain, that they wouldn't be able to remember any of this.
"Then you can just sit back and enjoy your new favorite TV show," said Dr. Moon, turning the screen on again. This time, it was a scene of slow moving clouds floating by.
Quinn barely noticed when Dr. Moon dimmed the lights and left the room, the drugs and the voices in their headphones already turning their mind into useless mush, fit only to listen and obey. After all, they were so sleepy, and the hypnotic program was far too good to resist.
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bigboysfalldeep · 7 months
There I was—a loner, sitting inside a crowded lounge, looking at the ring laying in the palm of my hand.
"It's just not going to work." I told myself over and over again, but I had nothing to lose.
I bought it weeks prior from a weird yet friendly stranger—a middle-aged dude looking quite sharp, but something about him was off. He contacted me after I went down the hypnosis rabbit hole. I read multiple articles and posts and watched so many different videos about how to hypnotize someone, willing or not. I even left a comment under one post, even though I was anxious. I was new to this—all of this—and I didn't want anyone to look at me differently.
I always dreamt of hypnotizing a handsome jock to make him my own, but this wasn't happening in real life, was it? That's exactly what I thought when that man reached out to me, offering me this ring. A beautiful silver ring with a blue stone—alluring yet nothing too special.
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He told me that this would help me make my wish come true; the only thing he asked for was for me to share some of my future "acquaintances."
I shook my head in disbelief. I was so stupid to trust in this man and his sly smile. He was probably enjoying my hundred bugs while I was blinded by my fantasies.
I put the ring in my pocket and got up from my table. There was no point in staying here any longer; I wanted to go home.
But that's when I saw this handsome man sitting at a table, all alone. He was smoking a cigar and blew a ton of smoke into the air all around him while leaning back against the sofa. His eyes wandered through the room; he seemed to enjoy the attention he was getting from a few people around the lounge, including me.
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He looked so good—a well-groomed beard, nice hair, a very hot body—everything I dreamt of. That man had that look on his face: he knew how good he looked, and he was bathing in attention—mine at least.
Something deep inside me wanted this man so badly. I immediately imagined him being mine and mine alone—how good it would feel to touch him, toy with him, and just own him. Good god, I felt myself getting lost inside this daydream.
At this point, I felt the ring inside my pocket. I pulled it out again, looking at it with desire and anxiety. Would this actually work? Or was I in for a beating?
"Fuck it." I breathed and let the silver slide onto my finger. Oddly enough, it fit quite well, but I wasn't feeling any different. I hoped it would feel different, special, or something else. This wasn't encouraging at all.
Shaking my head again, I made my way through the crowd toward that beautiful stranger. He didn't even look at me until I sat down right next to him, causing him to turn his head, giving me a curious but suspicious look.
"Can I help you?" That guy looked at me; I felt his gaze burning my skin, even though I wasn't looking at him yet. I knew he saw me for what I was: a loner, maybe a random creep, but I didn't care.
I placed a finger at the ring and moved it, causing the crystal to move along my finger.
"I hope so." I said, my voice breaking slightly when I turned my head to meet his gaze. Fuck, he was even better looking up close. His lips, eyes, and beard are perfection.
The guy narrowed his eyes at me, and I felt the tension rising between us.
A little taken aback, he regained his composure. "Oh fuck, he was going to clock me," I thought. But the guy online told me to do exactly that—make the ring spin a few times.
"I don't know who you are, but you better..." The guy suddenly stopped, his eyes now stuck at the slightly glowing ring.
I was prepared to just make a run for it when I noticed that he was focused on the ring. His expression softened slowly; the scowl vanished completely, replaced by an empty look in his eyes.
Oh, those beautiful eyes—they lost their shimmer, just barely, but I could tell something was happening deep inside that gorgeous head.
As I kept spinning the ring, he tilted his head, and his expression softened even more. He looked at me with uncertainty, like asking for help. Both of us didn't know what was happening.
"Who?" He said it, with his voice sounding a little deeper than before. I looked him in the eyes before he broke eye contact.
The guy placed a hand on his chest, looking into the distance. He wasn't looking at anything in particular, and his face turned blank.
I was shocked yet aroused. He had a similar expression to all those handsome studs online when they went under, and I felt the ring heating up against my skin. It didn't hurt, but it was kind of unpleasant.
He took several deep breaths until he closed his eyes, leaning back against the sofa again.
"Are you okay?" I said, unsure of what was exactly happening to him, because it couldn't be caused by the ring, could it?
Carefully, I placed a hand on these thick thighs, but he didn't react at first; instead, he slowly opened his eyes after a few seconds, looking at me with vacant eyes and his mouth hanging open.
He looked soft and submissive, and I had to control myself not to let out a moan right here and then.
This was the exact expression I was seeing online in all those videos and pictures, but was he just messing with me? He and the other guy must be toying with me. This can't be real.
I contemplated just leaving, but something deep inside me told me to stop. The guy kept looking at me, waiting for something—perhaps orders.
My eyes shifted across his face and upper body as he wasn't moving an inch. That's when I noticed the cigar in his other hand.
"Do you mind?" I motioned for the cigar, and without any hesitation, he gave it to me and watched me as I started smoking.
I felt the hot smoke fill my lungs, and I just tested my luck. I blew smoke right into the guy's face, but, unbothered, he kept looking at me.
This made me cry right away. Fuck, he was so hot. I started to stroke his thighs gently, and he started to growl contently, even closing his eyes for a second.
If this was a joke, I admired his commitment. But what if it was real?
I looked at the still-shimmering ring and then back to the stud. He was breathing deeply, and I loved seeing his chest heave with every breath he took. I licked my lips while stroking his thighs.
"What's your name?" I asked him as I moved a little closer before putting the cigar into the ashtray.
"M..Matt." His now-rough voice barely came out as he struggled to think. He really was a mindless toy, just responding to me.
"I want to go home, Matt. Do you want to come?" I asked him, my voice breaking once more. I expected him to deny my request, but to my surprise, he just nodded.
I blinked a few times; I couldn't believe my luck. Was that ring actually working?
"Let's go then." I motioned toward the door and started to get up from the sofa.
He was a bit unsteady on his feet and needed my help to regain his composure again, but then he followed me closely. A few people watched us, but I don't care what they might have thought. I was going home with that little, empty jock boy.
Everything happened so fast, and I found myself on the road, with that beautiful specimen sitting beside me, watching me closely.
I felt my cock tent hard inside my jeans; I was surely already leaking just looking at this man. At every stop, every red light, I turned my head to find him looking at me: his eyes slightly unfocused, that muscly man with an empty mind.
I was still in disbelief—that ring—was it really the source of all this? Maybe, but that was something to figure out later.
Just then, the guy started to growl again, and when I turned my head, I found him stroking his own dick through his jeans. So fucking hot.
I felt the ring heating up around my finger—was it reading my mind? Hearing soft growls and moans, I couldn't help it. Instinctively, I stroked myself as well, just like all the times watching videos online.
A warm glow engulfed my stomach as he kept stroking himself while looking at me. I knew I couldn't wait any longer.
I took a turn toward the first empty parking lot, stopped the car, and tried to steady my breath. The car was filled with Matt's deep voice, growling and breathing deeply.
I bit my lower lip, and watching that stud get more and more into it made me harder than ever before. Subconsciously, I reached out and placed a hand on his chest. Right away, he moaned deeply.
His chest felt so good; all the hours he spent hitting the gym paid off as all of his muscles tensed hard against the fabric of his thin shirt. Just touching him made me nearly lose it.
Matt leaned his head back and closed his eyes for a few moments before staring into the distance again. He struggled to keep the door open, like a sleepy, horny jock boy. At the same time, he kept touching himself firmer and firmer.
My body was shaking, my dick was pulsating inside my jeans, and my breathing got even quicker. I hold back a giggle while intensifying my strokes. I observed how firm his pecs were and how they imprinted through his clothes as his entire body bulged more and more.
"Fuck." I moaned, playing with his hard nipple, when he suddenly turned his head toward me, smiling derpily. He was enjoying this just as much as I was.
"Let me see." I held back another long moan before I pulled his shirt up, taking a long, good look at his bare chest. Oh, fuck, was he hot? He was hairy as well, just the way I liked it. I ran a hand along his entire chest, through his pecs, and down to his treasure trail, and Matt was grunting under his breath like a puppy.
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As I stroked him again and again, he smiled at me, completely unbothered. His skin felt so good, soft yet firm, and all of him reacted to the most gentle touch. His breathing quickened slightly, and Matt swallowed hard a few times.
He just purred happily and smiled, while my hand ran over his entire chest over and over again. His body was telling me about his excitement. His muscles grew harder, veins got more visible due to the tesnion building up inside him, and most importantly, his dick was standing at attention.
With one final stroke, I let my hand run down right to his crotch, and when I felt him for the first time, he left the tip of my cock. I tried to hold it back, but I just couldn't. I grabbed myself, trying to stop, but it just felt too good. Matt was still smiling with that lovely empty expression, and I felt that ring heating up once more. It didn't bother me; I was too busy fondling my new toy.
I tried to focus, but I could see my own cock move inside my pants. Turning away, I looked at the guy again, who was now drooling while moaning contently. In response, I groaned loudly, and my back bent away from the seat—my body held in so much pressure, and feeling this guy's massive cock made it much worse.
"Fuck." I growled deeply, and that's when Matt reached out to me. At first, I thought he snapped out of it or the spell was broken, but instead, he grabbed my hard cock as well and started to fondle with it, making it much harder to not cum already.
The ring was now burning my skin again, but that pain was nothing compared to the pure pleasure running through my veins.
Together, we unbuttoned my jeans, exposing my wet boxers, but he didn't hesitate. He tugged at my underwear—so eager, yet his expression was emotional. Still, it felt so good to be touched by him—his warm hands, his gentle touch—so good.
With a little help, he pulled my boxers down—the tip of my dick was clinging on to the wet fabric, fuck.
I looked at him again, and he was looking at me. I placed a hand on his cheek and stroked him; his skin was so soft, his beard well taken care of, and his lips were a dream come true. My hand ran through his hair as he kept purring.
Firmly, I grabbed his neck and pulled him closer, smelling him for the very first time. His cologne was thick, yet the smell of sweat was coming through more and more.
My eyes rolled back quickly before I regained my composure. He kept looking at me while I pushed him down, but, like a well-trained boy, Matt opened his mouth, swallowing my hard cock whole.
I could have cried out right then, but it was just the beginning.
That guy knew his way around a man's cock, using his tongue while sucking me off. Rhythmically, he moved his mouth while I encouraged him to go even deeper.
I never had this before: a hot guy willingly—more or less—sucking my cock. It was a sight to behold. It made my entire body heat up quickly, as I was edging myself on already.
I didn't know if I pushed too hard when he gagged, but it was alright. He steadied himself against my thighs while I leaned back contently.
Watching this handsome fella made me feel so good that I ran a hand through his nicely done hair. He really made sure to groom himself. Everything sat perfectly; that's why I wanted him so much.
"Thats alright. Good boy." I said—I loved when they said that in the videos.
And he reacted even better than expected: he groaned happily and his body shuddered. Such a good boy.
That's when I reached my limits. I pushed him further down as I shot my first load, then another, and another. I wanted him to take it all, and as expected, he didn't fight back.
As I was running dry, I released him, and he slowly, swaying back and forth, resumed his position.
He licked his lips; his eyes were foggy and unfocused, but his body was so excited.
"Good boy." I stroked his chest a few times and patted him. He smiled and leaned back as well.
For a second, I just sat there, thinking. "I should take him home." I thought so, but at first, I wanted to have some fun.
I encompassed his firm upper body again before I unbuttoned his jeans as well. His dick was tenting visibly, and I wanted to see it.
I pulled his enormous wet cock out of his underwear. I assumed he had a big dick, but it was even better than expected.
I moved my hand up and down his shaft, and he purred again while looking at me. 
Drooling heavily, he stained his clothes already, but it wouldn't stop.
"Let's get home, body." I stroked him again before I turned the key, and the engine roared to life.
On my way back home, I used every opportunity to fondle with his stick—he even leaked again, much to my amusement.
He watched me the whole time, smiling derpily and drooling. I knew he liked it.
From time to time, Matt let out several long groans, his body shifting slightly. I knew he wanted to cum so badly, but something was holding him back.
Back at home, still inside the car, I turned and found him looking at me pleadingly, and my breath quickened again. One of his hands was resting on his thighs, and the other was firmly stroking his meat.
"Fuck." I moaned looking at this man, craving my touch so much. So I wrapped my hand around his massive cock and moved it rhythmically.
Matt whimpered, and he let out a few moans of pleasure. He was so close already that he shot one massive load, spreading his cum all over his clothes.
At this time, his eyes rolled back, and an even wider smile spread across his lips.
That was when I came into my pants again—it just looked so hot. Matt was mine now; I owned him.
I looked at the ring, still shimmering, and took several deep breaths. Then I remembered what the guy online told me to share.
I got Matt dressed back up and wanted to take a picture. But I had a better idea.
I lifted my boy's shirt back up and snatched a picture. I never felt better in my entire life.
I wonder what the guy's going to say to Matt.
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please1mistress · 7 months
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If you are curious about what hypnosis does to the brain, you might be interested in learning about the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (DACC). This is a part of the brain that helps us stay alert and aware of our surroundings. It also plays a role in self-consciousness and emotional regulation. But what happens to the DACC when we are hypnotized? According to a groundbreaking study by Stanford University, hypnosis reduces the activity of the DACC, making us less vigilant and more relaxed. This also means that we are more open to suggestions and less inhibited by our usual worries or fears. Hypnosis can also change the way different brain regions communicate with each other. For example, hypnosis can increase the connection between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and the insula, which are involved in executive control and interception, respectively. This can help us focus on our inner sensations and feelings, and ignore external distractions. On the other hand, hypnosis can decrease the connection between the DLPFC and the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), which are part of the default mode network (DMN). The DMN is active when we are not engaged in any specific task, and it is associated with self-referential thinking and mind-wandering. By weakening the link between the DLPFC and the PCC, hypnosis can reduce our tendency to ruminate or daydream, and make us more attentive to the present moment. These changes in brain activity and connectivity can explain why hypnosis can be a powerful tool for pain management, anxiety relief, trauma recovery, and many other applications. Hypnosis can help us access a state of mind that is more receptive, flexible, and creative. Isn't that amazing?
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healthyhypnosisau · 1 year
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mymoodwriting · 7 months
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3.8k, yandere, android, mention of car accident, survivors guilt, PTSD, depression, anxiety, nightmares, slow burn, manipulation, hypnosis, brainwashing, restraints, physical struggle (@starillusion13)
“I have a present for you.”
A moment ago you were semi-conscious, and now you were wide awake. You stared at the supposed person down the hall standing by the front door. He had a simple smile on his face, and then politely bowed.
“Hongjoong… what is this?”
“A gift.”
Hongjoong was a long time friend of yours, you’d say he was your best friend. You had known him since you were a child, and had practically grown up together. He was always there for you, especially now. A few weeks ago you had gotten into a car accident with your parents, they didn’t make it. While you were in the hospital he visited every other day, and once you were discharged he did the same.
“This is Seonghwa, my latest design. He’s an android I created to help me look after myself. He helps around the house, he can cook, and do so much more. I want to make more down the line, but for now I’d like him to stay with you.”
“Hongjoong, I can’t keep this type of gift. It’s too much.”
“Y/n you’re worrying me a lot more as of late. I know you want your space, but now that you’re home I can’t be sure you’re looking after yourself. I’d feel better knowing Seonghwa was with you and caring for you so you won’t skip meals or fall too deep into a slump.”
“Please. Just until I’m sure you’re better.”
“Fine, but just temporarily.”
“Of course. Now he is informed of your situation, and he’s just here to look after you.”
Hongjoong stuck around for a while, Seonghwa sitting in your living room and giving you two some space. After a little bit of catching up with some tea Hongjoong excused himself. He told you to call him if you needed anything. You saw him off, as did Seonghwa, and then you were alone with the android. You stared for a while, if you hadn’t been told what it was, you never would have guessed they weren’t human.
“Hi, my name is Seonghwa, I will be taking care of you going forward.”
“Right… thanks…”
In the coming days you got to know Seonghwa’s personality, or at least little bits of it. He was pretty quiet, but he did his job well. He took over cooking your meals, bringing them to you regardless of where you were in the house, and making sure you ate. He also kept the house clean and wasn’t much of a bother. His silence made it easy to forget he was around sometimes, but he never startled you.
“It’s about time to replenish your groceries.”
“You can place the order, I’m sure you know what’s needed better than I do.”
“Yes, although I would prefer fresh ingredients I choose myself.”
“Oh, sure, I can-”
“I would need you to accompany me, as I can’t be out by myself, nor would I want to be walking around with your money.”
“Right… sure, let me get dressed.”
“I can make some recommendations, taking into account the weather.”
It was strange to have someone help you pick out your outfit, but it was one less thing for you to worry about. The grocery store wasn’t far from your home, so you walked. Seonghwa didn’t bombard you with questions, and took the lead with the errand. You walked beside him as he picked out what was needed, on occasion asking for your preferences. It was a very easy trip, and you were back home in no time. You had to admit it was a bit nice to get out of the house, even if just for a little while.
Instead of going to your room you sat down in the living room, turning on the TV and finding something to watch. Seonghwa came over to ask about lunch, wondering if he could make your favorite. You asked for something simple, and wound up eating at the table with Seonghwa. He didn’t need food, or anything really. You didn’t know what he did to maintain himself functioning, but it wasn’t really any of your business. Still, you enjoyed his company at the table, feeling more comfortable around him.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“How old are you?”
“Ah, well, I’m eight months, twenty four days, ten hours, thirty six minutes, and six seconds old.”
You chuckled. “So about nine months.”
“If you round it up, yes. Did I say something funny?”
“Kinda. I wasn’t expecting an answer like that, but it was cute.”
After that you felt a little more comfortable talking to Seonghwa, striking up conversations about anything. He was able to access an unlimited amount of information through the internet, so you could talk for hours without ever losing interest. Although this step did give Seonghwa some room to speak as well.
“You can just call me y/n.”
“Very well, y/n, if it’s no trouble to you, I would like to go to the park.”
“I’ve noted there is a park nearby, and was curious if I could see one in person.”
“You’ve never been to a park before?”
“I’m afraid not. I mainly remained indoors with Hongjoong.”
“I see. Well, there shouldn’t be a problem, so, yeah, let’s go to the park.”
Again you let Seonghwa take the lead, going over to a nearby park. You saw some kids running around, but you stuck to the trail. It was quite a nice day.
“It’s good to get some fresh air.”
“I’m glad you agree.”
“Wait… did you want to come to the park so I’d get out of the house?”
“Perhaps. I am supposed to be looking after you.”
“Cute. Next time you don’t have to be so sneaky.”
“Actually, since we’re here and all, I was wondering, do you like helping?”
“I do. It’s my purpose, but also allows me to learn more. I observe and figure out what is needed, what is best, so it’s a welcomed challenge. I’d even say it’s fun.”
“I’m happy to hear that.”
The two of you stayed out for as long as you wanted to, just enjoying the day. You had dinner together and then you went to bed. It seemed like another night, but while Seonghwa was cleaning up he heard screaming and ran to your room. He found you whimpering and thrashing around in bed, recognizing the symptoms of a nightmare. He carefully approached you, bringing you into his arms and gently waking you. At first you were startled, but then you realized Seonghwa was holding you. He was offering you words of comfort, his voice different and soothing, then you looked up at him to see his eyes glowing softly.
You didn’t fully wake up, and while Seonghwa gently rocked you back and forth you wound up falling back asleep. You slept well for the rest of the night and woke up in the morning. The smell of breakfast was in the air, and you got cleaned up before heading to the table. Seonghwa greeted you and you took your seat as he set down the food. Just as always the food was good. It only made sense that he’d be a good cook. Although even if you slept well, you were aware of the fact you had a nightmare and Seonghwa had helped you with it.
“About last night, how did you… what did you do?”
“Are you alright?”
“Yes, I am. I slept really well actually, but how did you do that?”
“It was something I learned to do. Hongjoong has trouble sleeping, so I looked into the best and most efficient method of falling asleep.”
“Well, it definitely works. Good job.”
After breakfast you had a group call with your friends. They were checking in on you, and just hearing your voice let them know that you were doing better. You glanced over at Seonghwa as he did the dishes, agreeing with your friends. You felt better, and you knew who you had to thank for that. Of course it also reminded you that this wasn’t exactly forever.
“How long will you be staying for?”
“Are you trying to tell me to leave?”
“No, no, not at all. I’m just wondering, since I know your original task was to look after Hondjoong.”
“That may be true, but I am here to look after you, and there are many ways to do that. Would you like me to leave?”
“Not really… I enjoy your company, and I don’t want you leaving just yet.”
For however long Seonghwa stayed was not up to you. Hongjoong didn’t physically come to visit, he knew Seonghwa was around, but he still called. Eventually he did come for an in person check up, wanting to see how both of you were doing.
“It’s good to see you.”
“Same here.”
“You seem to be doing better.”
“I’m feeling better. Seonghwa has been a great help, he’s incredible. You did good with him.”
“I’m glad to hear, he’s my greatest creation.”
“Thanks, Hongjoong, seriously. I wasn’t open to the idea, but he’s really helped me. I don’t think I’d be in this state right now without him.”
“That’s good. Now that you’re feeling better you should come by, we can hang out like before, and you could drop off Seonghwa too. Well, once you get back on your feet that is.”
“Yeah, I’d love that.”
You had a meal with Hongjoong, Seonghwa volunteered to cook so the two of you could continue catching up. Even though a lot had changed for you, things were starting to feel like they were going back to normal. You were grateful to have spent time with Hongjoong, sitting down for some TV after he left until it was time for bed. Your days continued as normal, although you realized Seonghwa was around you a lot more often. He was there when you woke up in the morning, making sure you slept well and were feeling alright. He even took it upon himself to pick your outfits for the day.
If you needed any little thing done, he’d volunteer and take care of it for you. His actions were a bit cute, knowing he was still learning how to act around people. Everything seemed to be going well for you, that is until another nightmare took hold. Seonghwa was there again to wake you up, holding you in his arms and doing his best to sooth you. This time around you found yourself sobbing into his chest, shaken up by the whole thing. You had relived that dreadful night, and it caused all those emotions to come crashing down on you.
“Sh, it’s okay, it’s okay, I got you. Nothing bad’s gonna happen.”
“I… I thought… I was getting better…”
“You are. You’re in a much better place now.”
“Then why… why…”
“It’s human nature. You experienced something awful, and there’s a guilt that lingers. You may think you don’t deserve to get better, but you do. Everyone wants you to get better, whether they are here with you or not. You’re doing well y/n, but it’s okay to still hurt.”
“… can you… can you sing…”
“Like a lullaby… your voice…”
“Of course.”
You held onto Seonghwa and listened to his voice as he lulled you back to sleep. You felt safe in his arms, and slept the rest of the night without incident. You thanked Seonghwa in the morning, and he was more than happy to help. The next night he offered to help you sleep, but you declined.
“I can sleep by myself… I shouldn’t end up relying on you too much.”
“I understand.”
You went to sleep like normal, a little worried about nightmares, but you were exhausted. You slept fine for most of the night, although you wound up waking up randomly. You thought nothing of it, that is until you realized you were in Seonghwa’s arms. You didn’t recall having had a nightmare, or inviting him into your room. It seemed he had his eyes closed, resting as well. You moved slightly, wondering what was going on, but in that moment Seonghwa opened his eyes, and you were captivated by the soft glow. You could see his lips moving, but you couldn’t quite register what he was saying. Yet you felt yourself being dragged back down into slumber, closing your eyes and accepting your fate.
You jolted awake in the morning, finding yourself alone with a minor headache. You weren’t sure what you had dreamed about, but there was this strange feeling in the back of your mind. It was probably just the lingering feelings of last night’s dream, so you moved on. You joined Seonghwa for breakfast, and the two of you decided to have a movie night. There were plenty of films he had yet to see, and you were more than happy to watch them together. You had popcorn and some drinks, watching a few back to back, but eventually you began to drift off. You wound up falling asleep, floating in an endless void.
Soft whispers filled your ears, creating a slightly warm and fuzzy feeling. It pulled you down deeper into the dark, only for you to resurface moments later. You opened your eyes, your vision filled with that soft glow. You only basked in it for a while before closing your eyes again and drifting back to sleep. When you opened your eyes again you found yourself in your bed, sunlight peeking in through the blinds. It was morning. You must have been really tired if you slept throughout yesterday afternoon. You got out of bed, calling out to Seonghwa. You had some questions for him, but as soon as you stood up you collapsed to your hands and knees. The world was spinning a bit and you nearly fell over, but Seonghwa had entered the room at just the right moment. He helped you get back onto your bed.
“Are you okay, y/n?”
“Hm… I feel dizzy…”
“You must be sick, lay back down while I examine you.”
Seonghwa took charge, getting you to lay back as he took your temperature. You hadn’t done anything to warrant being sick, yet here you were.
“You seem to have a fever.”
“A fever? I was fine yesterday.”
“As I understand, something like a fever can come up without any prior notice.”
“I know…”
“Let me get started on some porridge and then I’ll help you wash up.”
“You stay in bed.”
“I will.”
Seonghwa tucked you back into bed and stepped away. You closed your eyes for a moment, feeling as if you’d fall asleep again. A while later Seonghwa came back to your room, a bowl of water in hand. You sat up, intending to help, but Seonghwa insisted he could take care of you. Yet you persisted and wound up spilling some water onto him.
“Oh no! Sorry, sorry…”
You desperately reached over and tried to clean up the mess you made, but Seonghwa gently grabbed your arms and pulled them away.
“I am waterproof, you know.”
“Ah… right…”
Seonghwa let you go, proceeding to take off his shirt. You quickly looked away, feeling your face burning up, or maybe it was just the fever. Seonghwa had gone to get more water, but he didn’t bother with a shirt. He sat down next to you, gently dabbing the rag into the water and then onto your skin. You had to look at him, and you couldn’t help but take in his chest. Everything about him seemed normal, but now you could see something that stood out as odd. You reached over to feel Seonghwa’s chest, trailing up until you came across this circle right below where his ribs would be.
“What’s this…”
“That? It’s my power core, or better said, my heart.”
“Wow… that’s cool.”
Seonghwa took extra care with your meals, and with you, in the coming days as this fever passed. He stayed with you at night to make sure you got proper rest, and before you knew it you were back on your feet. You had been stuffy in bed, so once you were better you insisted on helping Seonghwa with breakfast. The two of you working together was really fun, and certainly made you think of what could be, but this was always meant to be temporary. Maybe Seonghwa was reading your mind, but his next words followed your thoughts.
“I want to stay with you.”
“Seonghwa.” You looked over at him, a soft smile on your face. “You’re meant for better things than helping someone like me.”
“But I want to look after you.”
“And you have. I’ve gotten better thanks to you, so it’s about time you return to your own place.”
“Things can get bad again.” Seonghwa’s eyes began to glow, and his voice changed. “You need me.”
The world around you began to spin, and you had to grab onto the counter for balance. Seonghwa came over to your side, holding you in his arms.
“You must still be sick, let’s get you back to bed.”
“No… no I’m fine…”
“I know best.”
Seonghwa began leading you back over to the bedroom. You stumbled in your steps, but he held you up. Everything began to feel like a dream, but you knew something was wrong. When you got to the bedroom Seonghwa sat you down, trying to get you to lay down. Even if you were out of it you had enough sense of self to grab the nightstand lamp and smash it against Seonghwa’s head. He collapsed to the floor, the fog in your head lifting. You jumped up, shaking your head and looking down at Seonghwa. You noticed this blue liquid coming from his head and dripping down to the floor.
You were worried you had killed him or something, but you couldn’t stick around to find out. You tried to carefully move around when Seonghwa’s hand suddenly grabbed your leg and yanked you to the floor. You slammed your head against the ground, feeling a bit concussed. Although before you could think to move you were turned onto your back, Seonghwa getting on top of you and pinning you down. He grabbed your hands and held them above your head. You tried to fight, but your head was throbbing from the pain, and his grip was firm. When you noticed his eyes glow you shut yours tightly.
“Don’t fight me, y/n.”
“Get off!”
You didn’t know how you could get out of this, and your time was limited. There was no way you could overpower him, or catch him by surprise again, but then you remembered his weakness. Well, it was just an idea, but it was something. You struggled to get one of your arms free, deciding to go all in. You opened your eyes, slamming your head against Seonghwa. It distracted him long enough so you could free your arms and lift up Seonghwa’s shirt, grabbing his heart. You merely pressed down against it, finding a way to grab onto it and pulling it out. You threw his power core off to the side, managing to shove Seonghwa off you as well. You scrambled over to grab his power core and run out of the room, needing to get some distance between you.
You heard a broken voice call your name, looking back to see Seonghwa stumbling down the hall behind you. His shirt was wet, blue blood dripping down onto the floor. His eyes were flickering, causing you a minor headache, and for you to stumble in your own steps. You collapsed to the floor, and soon Seonghwa was on top of you. Before he properly pin you down you made sure to throw his power core out of reach. The two of you struggled for a bit before Seonghwa shut down. You took a moment to catch your breath before getting him off of you and crawling away. You grabbed his power core and went to the living room, still trying to process. In your state you still managed to find your phone in the kitchen, calling Hongjoong.
“Hongjoong… I need you…”
“Y/n? Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
“Seonghwa… your android…”
“Seonghwa? What happened?”
“He… he attacked me….”
“What!? Y/n-”
“Come get it… come get your thing and…” You started sobbing. “Please… please… I don’t know…”
“Easy, easy, y/n. I’m on my way, okay? Stay on the line with me and tell me exactly what happened.”
In between your sobs you explained to Hongjoong what had just happened. How Seonghwa had suddenly changed and attacked you. As well as what you did to defend yourself. You stayed on the call until Hongjoong was at your front door. When you saw him you collapsed in his arms.
“Y/n, woah, woah, what happened?”
“I… I don’t know…”
“Okay, okay, that’s fine. Where’s the power core?”
“Huh? Why?”
“I need to power on Seonghwa and restart him so I can run a diagnostics check.”
“No… no, what if-”
“Y/n, nothing’s gonna happen, I’m here now. If he tries anything I’ll activate his shut down protocols. I’ll just do a quick check and then I’ll leave with him. Promise.”
“Okay… okay…”
You gave Hongjoong the power core, waiting in the living room and just calming your nerves. You didn’t even want to know what went wrong, just that it would be gone, and you could move on. Things were quiet, and then you heard a thud. You thought nothing of it, but you felt like Hongjoong had been gone for too long.
You carefully got up, peeking into the hall. No one was there, so you figured Hongjoong had gone into one of the rooms. You heard some voices, unable to make anything out, and cautiously approached the door. You slowly pushed it open, gasping in shock and stumbling back, falling to the ground. Seonghwa was standing up, eyes glowing, towering over Hongjoong who was on his knees. As soon as you were spotted Seonghwa turned his attention towards you, heading in your direction. You tried to get up and run only to be caught. Seonghwa pulled you into his arms, pressing your back against his chest and holding you in place.
“Don’t fight me.”
“Seonghwa, let go!”
“I’m not going to hurt you, either of you.” Seonghwa rested his head on your shoulder. “Just relax.”
You couldn’t help yourself. Even if you weren’t staring into that warm glow of his eyes, his voice was soothing in a way you couldn’t describe. It felt right to just do as he said.
“Deep breaths, nothing bad is gonna happen. You don’t have to worry, I’m going to take care of you, both of you.” Seonghwa placed a kiss on your cheek. “That is my purpose.”
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thejockout · 5 months
A Word On Dumbing Down
In some conversations with my bros @avissapiens and @master-villain the other day, I finally managed to put a specific idea into words that had been crystallising for a long time. Nothing earth-shattering or even transformative, because I'd been exploring this same understanding with different wording for quite a while now, but it felt significant to me and sparked me to make this post.
The realisation was simple: Dumbing Down is not something you can "Do" as a standalone action. It's perhaps more accurate to say Dumbing Down is itself the perspective shift and realisation that "Smart" is something you can choose to "Not Do."
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Clunky wording, I know, but pretend it's smooth for me.
(And as a necessary fyi, this post assumes familiarity with Dumbing Down as a hypnotic concept, which is nowadays most often written and spoken about as a general simplification of thought and cognition versus turning you into some drooling doofus. Maybe the latter is your thing, maybe it isn't - either way, I'm talking here about the more "realistic"/AKA sustainable model where the word dumb is synonymous with "so laid back, you don't want to think or care if people perceive you as dumb because of it".)
Too many subjects (myself included) work at hypnotic personality and cognition changes with a straining effort, in an energetically desperate approach. This is understandable - we tend to push hard for things we really want - and anyone can fall victim to it. It's very similar contextually to the trap many anxiety sufferers fall into when they begin therapy. In an earnest attempt to recover, many sufferers approach recovery with the exact same mindset they do life; that of a "fixer", a "do-er", someone who problem-solves and overthinks themselves into knots and runs loops around the same well-worn mental tracks over and over again to the point of exhaustion.
Don't worry, I'm not here to give some big-brain solution to mental health issues. I suffer myself and am on my own journey of recovery, so I'm in no place to play armchair psychologist. But I will speak about this topic as it relates to hypnosis and dumbing down because the overlap of people who are into Dumbing Down/IQ Reduction/Simplification/Bimbofication/Himbofication hypnosis and who suffer with anxiety (and overthinking) is quite high, so chances are that many who struggle with Dumbing Down suggestions are making the same mistakes. Please see my peer-reviewed Paint Diagram below which provides unequivocal, non-anecdotal proof of this.
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IMO, there's nothing wrong with this overlap. Kink is an outlet for many people to deal with emotional issues, and often a very helpful coping mechanism. Dumbing Down is no different conceptually. But I'm talking about this because, just like approaching anti-anxiety work with an anxious energy and effort is doomed to failure, the exact same is true for Dumbing Down. Approaching it with an Intellectualist mindset OR in other words, the anxious energy of a fix-er and do-er and try-er is antithetical to the very state you wish to experience.
Does that make sense?
Successful Dumbing Down (beyond the very enjoyable, shorter-term effects of deep trance which feel like intoxication) is effectively the act of stepping back from mental action/the habit of overthinking. To give another clumsy metaphor, if your default mind works like a toy train constantly running around its track, sometimes gaining speed and sometimes slowing down... Dumbing Down comes from realising "hey, I can actually plug this thing out." No, it's not as simple as turning off an appliance, and it takes time for everyone. Overthought (in all its forms, whether anxious or just from over-intellectualising your life) is effectively a habit, and habits take time to make or break.
Therefore, Perspective Shift #1 that you need to make: recognise that thinking patterns and their frequency are ultimately behavioural and habitual, and can therefore be rewired and lessened with time and specific action. It's not an immediate thing - but it is possible, and this is effectively what dumbing in hypnosis is about.
That perspective raises some questions, I know. But I don't want to write about the answers just yet. Reread and consider that last paragraph a few times to make sure you've really processed it. Think about the questions it leaves you with, and come up with a few answers of your own if you can. You can post your thoughts in the comments or reblogs of this post, as I will be taking the time to read through them, and I'll continue this topic in future as I think more on it myself.
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upnowmarketing · 1 year
Did you know that hypnosis for performance anxiety can help you do much more than succeed. With hypnosis for performance, you can succeed.
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bimbotrainerbrighton · 11 months
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Being a bimbo is freedom from stress, anxiety and depression. You can finally be your true self! You don't have to think, I do that for you. All you need to worry about is looking pretty while I do the heavy lifting.
Your attitude, your fashion, your resilience and finally your mind will be owned by me. You'll have to watch my custom spiral video twice a day (minimum, (have a very fun plan for this specifically, which i'll create a bit further down the line), you'll be taken out into spicy situations (favourite is the mall walk while you have a vibrator up your bum with no knickers and a mini skirt on), your hair will be the same as this beauties hair, you'll be wearing lots of candy pink, if you've got some masculinity in you then don't worry as I'll be sure your ass remembers what your position is. You'll also be dumbed down via hypnosis and gaslighting, plus to make sure that your cute little subconscious remembers what you should be doing.
There will be lots of fun adventures with many people (i'll help you break out of those anxious thoughts).
Good obedient bimbos get rewards, bad bimbos get chastity and orgasm denial. So be a good cumdump and obey 💕😈
Your old self is the lie, so be free and enjoy life while you can!
I also do have a fun longterm plan planned out in my head
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obey-me-headquarters · 11 months
You want horny thoughts? How about Satan + Hypnotism?
This poor boy is constantly stressed out and overthinking, ALL the time. Between strenuously managing his Wrath 24/7 and keeping a tight leash on himself, plus his academic overachiever status meaning he always pushes himself to ace every test or study until he's exhausted, PLUS his deeply buried trauma and family issues? Satan's brain is like a beehive, and every single bee has constant anxiety.
Imagine hypnotising him so that his head can finally be empty. He'd love getting to have no thoughts at all so that he can finally relax. And he'd absolutely love getting to give up that stifling self-control to you, so that you can have all the control instead. He can just be your dumb little kitty that will do anything you tell him to do.
You could make him cum SO many times, because the hypnosis leaves him unable to feel the sensitivity or overstimulation of too many orgasms. He'll just lie back and let you keep doing whatever you want to him until he's cumming dry.
And then when you break the trance you have over him and give him his mind back, he'll feel SO sleepy and relaxed. He'll thank you for helping to soothe his mind for the night. ♡
!!!! YEAH!!! Once again I am falling in love with this idea lol.
Satan subbing for self care reasons has always been a fav of mine. And you describing how stressed Satan constantly is? How he becomes your naughty little kitten to destress?? Amazing.
I can just imagine Satan storming into your room after nearly having a stress breakdown, how he chose you instead of tearing apart his room like he normally would have done.
How he gives you this look that states he's one millisecond away from crashing and burning, and you gently coo at him to come lay down at you feet.
Satan just collapsing in front of you, crawling on his hands and knees to rest his head on your lap. Melting as he feels your fingers thread through his hair.
And giving him orgasm after orgasm?? Amazing. I can't stop imagining having Satan laying against our chest as your fingers take him apart, giving him orgasm after orgasm. Gently shushing him when he whines and paws at your arms, telling him to relax and just take everything you're giving him
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