#can u tell i never drew a cat before
silentgrim · 28 days
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jojo >:(
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owl127 · 4 months
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@ianthesmells in her endless talent and grace, drew Anubis from "Coffee & Scones" universe. So of course I had to write a drabble about it. --
There was a point of exhaustion when the letters on the Harrow’s laptop screen were an artistic display of unrecognizable forms and shapes. As her power point deck shimmered while performing aquatic dances instead of the data summary Harrow needed, she called it a night. Her phone blinked on the hotel’s nightstand, silent and ignored. Dulcinea had insisted on going to the bars with the other grad students, and she undoubtedly was sending Harrow unimportant photos to document the night’s proclivities. Harrow was not interested.
There was a lack of honor in the inebriation that Harrow despised.
Besides, she was the last presenter of the conference, and breakfast started at 7am sharp. There was no time for banal things such as “networking”.
She picked her phone to text Ianthe—her girlfriend was extremely efficient in calming Harrow’s nerves for her presentation—but frowned at the multiple pings from her plethora of diverse messaging apps; that is, all two of them.
She opened Instagram with a trembling finger.
Her first reaction wasn’t shock, since it took a good ten seconds for Harrow to recognize Anubis. Once she did, her cheeks burned with a drizzling mix of anger and amusement.
Much like his owner, Anubis was petite, a once tiny little black runt that grew into a tiny black demon. He had a history of fighting against collars, so Harrow never attempted to indulge herself by forcing him into funny little blankets shaped like denim jackets.
That was why, when she finally recognized her cat in a sheep costume framed by Coronabeth’s cleavage, she squeaked in surprise. To her horror, the little cricket looked adorable, and Corona’s massive volleyball fans had already adopted him as a mascot, with thousands of notifications in the photo. There was also a video of Anubis prancing around in the immaculate sheep uniform, his ears poking from the furry headset like sharp rocks on a field of camellias. Corona took the stage presenting the adorable cat, but Harrow knew better. She knew who was recording it, who had probably ordered the costume, and who had tagged Harrow in the viral videos.
“Hi, love. How’s the conference?” Ianthe picked up on the second ring. Harrow heard Corona’s voice in the background, and a suspicious purr that meant Anubis was around and enjoying the attention overflow.
“That’s animal abuse.”
“What do you mean?” 
Harrow heard the tilt in Ianthe’s voice. She knew exactly what Harrow meant, and she loved it.
“I left him with you for forty-eight hours and you already defamed him.”
“Harry,” Ianthe started, and Anubis meowed in the background, followed by Corona’s squeak. “The poor thing was cold, and Corona happened to snap a picture. He’s enjoying fame.”
“Leave him alone.”
“He already has his own TikTok and Instagram account.” At least there was a tinge of apology in Ianthe’s tone.
“Ianthe,” Harrow warned.
“Corona and Camilla will run it. And we can have more privacy at your place while they petsit him.”
“My place is fine!”
“Tell that to Anubis when he’s staring me down while I strap—”
Harrow hung up.
A minute later, Ianthe called. Harrow picked up after the third call.
“He’s okay, I promise,” Ianthe said as a greeting, and the background noise diminished. Harrow imagined Ianthe hiding from her sister’s enthusiasm in her room. “You know I’d never let anything bad happen to him.”
“I just want to be informed before I receive hundreds of follow requests because my cat looked adorable in a sheep costume.”
“Aww, so you also think he’s adorable?”
“You’re deflecting.” Harrow closed her eyes, letting the exhaustion from the day wash over her. “I miss you,” she whispered.
“I miss you too. You’ll do fine tomorrow. I promise.”
There was something visceral in believing a promise from Ianthe Tridentarius’ mouth. A chill ran down her vertebrae.
“Also, what are you wearing?”
She might as well use the energy into something good.
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Two Liars | Cassian Andor x Reader
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Summary: two strangers meet in a bar.
Rating: M
Tags/warnings: smut, unprotected sex, genitalia description
a/n: this took me a comically long time to write. I’ve been in such a bad writing funk recently but I did it!!! Dedicating this to my beloved @guess-my-next-obsession for always being so encouraging of my works, I would die without u<3
I’ve never written cassa before so be gentle on me! Enjoy!!!
The brightly colored liquid moved smoothly down your throat, the empty glass clinking against the bar top far too soon after you’d received it. You glanced around the dimly lit room; not much in the way of decor, a few silver couches and tables were dispersed throughout the small lounge. The rounded bar, which was emanating a white glow, was the main source of light in the space, causing most of the patrons to stick to the corners where they could hide under the cover of darkness. You, however, chose to sit right at the source, deciding the best way to stay undercover would be to stay in plain sight. You’d changed your appearance, of course- this time opting for a darker hair color, and a more intense makeup look than you’d ever wear normally. That was what all the rich women on this planet did, anyone else tended to stick out considerably. 
As you scanned the room, your eyes drew to a man sitting a few stools away. He was busying himself in his drink, pretending he hadn’t been looking at you moments before your eyes fell on him. He was undeniably handsome, from what you could see- though you couldn’t decide if he was the type to bother with. His dark clothing didn’t look particularly expensive, so you guessed that he was a traveler like yourself, just not masking it as well. Travelers were easy targets, your usual go-to, but on this planet, you knew there were much heavier pockets waiting for you elsewhere.
You looked back towards your own drink for a moment, then decided to glance back over at him. This time your eyes met, and you felt the tiniest hint of a smile pull at your lips. That was all he needed, apparently, before he stood from his chair and moved casually to the one on your left.
“Was wondering when you were gonna come over and buy me a drink.” You drew smoothly, crossing your legs, revealing more of your thigh.
His eyebrows twitched up as a shocked smile came to his face, as if he weren’t expecting you to be so blunt. You liked that. 
“Who said I was going to buy you a drink?” He retorted, putting the ball back in your court. This time it was you who raised your brows at him, used to men caving immediately when you got flirty. You liked this even more.
You gave a soft laugh before responding. “Careful now. I could just tell the barkeep that you’re harassing me and get you thrown out,” you tutted.
He inched closer to you. You willed yourself to keep your face even, a smile threatening to crack through during this cat and mouse game. It had been so long- too long- since you’d gotten to act like this. To be the flirty, mysterious stranger in a bar. Life had kept you on the run too much for this anymore. 
“No need for that. I’m just teasing.” He shifted so he was facing the bartender, raising his hand to signal the man down before he paused.  
“Can I at least get your name?” He asked. “Y’know, so I can know who I’m buying a drink for?”
You turned your torso to face him fully, taking him in completely for the first time. He was even more handsome than you’d imagined when glancing at him from the corner of your eye; tousled hair that had your fingers twitching with an urge to comb it down, rake your fingers through it, and a light beard that you could tell he’d grown to appear older. A sharp nose, resting just under the softest pair of eyes you’d ever seen. They held… something in them, though you couldn’t pinpoint what. Secrets, you decided.
A lie. 
He smiled at you then, those sweet brown eyes crinkling when he did so. But the smile he gave you felt reserved, as if he were holding back what he was feeling. Sussing you out, even. You briefly wondered if he was onto you, but you kept yourself calm.
“A lovely name for a lovely woman.” He responded, and suddenly any suspicious thoughts you’d been having about the man came dangerously close to slipping from your mind as he moved closer to you in his seat, slotting his knees between yours.
You rested on your elbow as he ordered another drink for you, plus one for him. He moved with a cool confidence, the practiced kind. You guessed that he’d worked hard on it over the years, most likely as a defense mechanism. It was a classic trick, and an old one; pretend you know what you’re doing and you’ll get just about anywhere in life. It was one you loved to employ, and had been doing so for most of your life. It was how you’d sweet talked your way into this exclusive, overpriced bar. 
When he turned back to you, you spoke. “Well? I gave you my name, aren’t you going to give me yours?”
He chuckled lightly. “My apologies. You can call me Venka.”
Another lie. 
You could sense it immediately, one liar to another. There’s always a tiny bit of hesitation when someone gives a fake name, sometimes so minuscule you wouldn’t notice unless you were looking for it. But you felt it in him- he probably rotated through a variety of aliases. The spark of curiosity you held for the man was quickly being fanned into a large flame; who was he? More importantly, who- or what- was he hiding from? 
“Mm. Well, Venka,” you poured his not-name off of your tongue with a teasing lilt, “What brings you to Calfa?”
“Ah, just some business. Nothing I want to bore you with. You?” He sipped his drink, raising his brows over the rim of the glass. 
You shrugged. “Just traveling.” You kept it short. 
He tilted his head slightly. “A beautiful woman traveling the galaxy alone? Seems a bit unsafe.”
“Are you suggesting I don’t know how to hold my own?” You bristled, brows furrowing.
His featured softened as he chuckled again. “No, no. I meant unsafe for whomever crosses your path.” Venka raised his drink towards you. 
You rolled your eyes and huffed out a laugh. “Nice save.”
When he smiled at you this time, it felt more real. His chest bounced as he laughed at your words, his head tilted back. As your conversation continued, you were both clearly holding back, unwilling to give up too much of yourself to the other. It was the way you had to be. And yet, even with the restrictions, you were also unwilling to stop talking to him. He was entrancing. You allowed yourself to be charmed by him, whether you meant to or not. Your will was slipping- what was the problem with having just one night of fun?  
 You knew you should’ve taken the drink and left him sitting there, told him to have a good night, but you couldn’t. Instead, you found yourself with your hand on his knee, slowly inching up his thigh.
“Care for another round?” You purred, leaning closer to him. You could smell him from here; a maddening combination of pine and sage. Cologne he’d probably swiped from someone rich enough to not even notice it was missing. 
His eyelids were low, a slanted smirk on his face. “Only if you do.” 
Your head quirked to the side as you raised a brow. “Something else in mind?” 
When he responded, his voice was low and rough. It sent a chill down your spine.
“We stop dancing around it and go back to your place.” 
Heat blossomed through your chest and sizzled down your body. Any inhibitions you’d felt previously were now fully gone- his large hand overtook yours as he helped you step down from the tall barstool. The heels you wore clicked against the metal floor, making a satisfying sound that let everyone in the room know you were on your way out. Though your goal was usually to remain unnoticed, you couldn’t help but feel a smug pride as you soaked in the attention. 
Venka’s hand gently floated behind your back, guiding you as you walked together. Not much was said on the short journey to your tiny studio, though an electricity was undeniably thrumming between the two of you. He let you lead the way, leaning against the wall with his hands tucked in his pockets as he patiently waited for you to unlock the door. You stepped in first, motioning for him to come in, before locking the door behind him. You reminded yourself to remain calm- though it was proving to be difficult with the way he was looking at you, brown eyes impossibly dark.
There wasn’t much to the space- a small couch in the middle of the room with an even smaller table in front of it, both provided with the lease. In the corner was a kitchen, white counters and appliances untouched. Towards the back of the space was the bedroom, which you set your sights on as soon as you heard the lock click. 
“Can I kiss you now?” He asked, pressing his forehead to yours and slinking his hands around your back.
You couldn’t help but let out a small puff of a chuckle at him asking permission, the intimacy of it warming your heart. 
“Yes please.”
You draped your arms over his shoulders, grabbing hold of his jacket collar. He tugged you closer, pressing his lips to yours with a sigh. His lips tasted of the bitter liquid he’d been drinking at the bar; it mixed intoxicatingly well with the sweet nature of your own drink that still lingered on your own lips. Venka- or whatever his real name was, you were finding it harder and harder to care- was a dangerously good kisser. The way his tongue slipped into your mouth felt almost natural, as if it belonged there. He pulled you in closer with a gentle grip on your neck, melding your bodies together.
“You are…” he began as he pulled back from you with a sigh. “A very beautiful woman.” 
You bit back a smile. “Flattery will get you nowhere, sir.” 
He gave you a smirk. “Whatever you say.” 
Stepping back, he slipped a finger under the silver strap of the dress you’d donned. It was overpriced, and most definitely not your style, but allowed you to blend in on a variety of these gaudy planets you tended to haunt, so you kept it around. His eyes were raking over you hungrily, eagerly awaiting your permission to continue- you were very glad you’d decided to wear it tonight. 
After you gave him a small nod he continued, sliding the strap down your shoulder and repeating the action on the other side. His fingers were rough in texture, a tell that he was someone who had worked with them a lot, but they moved over your skin with a surprising fluidity and gentle nature. The dress now only clung to your breasts, so you met his eyes and gave a small tug until you were completely bare before him aside from your underwear. He ran a hand down his face, catching his breath a moment, before closing the space between your bodies again and meeting your mouth with his. He kissed you with so much intensity- it was overwhelming and taking over your senses in every way possible. His hands gripped the base of your neck and the small of your back, holding you as if you’d slip away at any moment. 
As he kissed you, you tugged on his thick jacket, desperate to shed him of the layers. He obliged happily, not breaking the rhythm he’d made as he shrugged it off. You slipped your hands between your bodies, working the buttons on his chest with an eagerness that was almost embarrassing; you stopped caring when he pressed his thigh between your legs. The fabric was rough- not quite denim, but enough to make your hips roll against it. He smirked against your lips, knowing the effect he was having on you. Not willing to let him win, you pushed off the wall with your foot, catching him off guard and using his surprise to your advantage to switch your places. 
His hair had fallen onto his face a bit, framing his eyes and making them appear softer. You briefly noted that he looked younger in this light, before brushing it away from his forehead and getting back to work untucking his shirt and pulling it down his arms. His chest had a light dusting of hair on it, so irresistibly tempting you couldn’t help but place a small kiss to it. From there you set on his pants buckle, one that was overly complicated but you thankfully figured out with minimal embarrassment. You sank down, looking up at him with round eyes, pulling the fabric of his trousers down with you. His bulge was evident- pressing eagerly against the soft fabric of his underwear. Although he was a relatively lean man, you could see that his cock was anything but. It was thick- mighty, even. You stuck your fingers in the band of the garment, pressing a kiss to his clothed member before pulling it down. 
His eyes were trained sharply on you, watching your every move. He was waiting, anticipating what you’d do next. You moved deliberately slowly, enjoying being the one in power. All part of the persona, of course- but he didn’t need to know that. As far as he was concerned, this was who you were all the time.
Gripping the base of his stiff erection, you held it in place to take only the very tip into your mouth. Your lips circled around it, and your tongue slid forward to trace a pattern on the sensitive area. You pulled back a moment, keeping his eye, before returning and pulling more of him into your mouth. You began a slow rhythm, sucking him off while moving your hand at the base of him. He was clearly holding back, letting out heavy breaths. His hand had moved to the back of your hair, not pushing on your head, but simply resting there. You were making filthynoises around him- a sultry slurping sound that you knew was driving him crazy by the way his fingers gripped your hair, with a few cooing hums sprinkled in for good measure.
“I wanna hear you,” you purred, pulling your mouth off of him but keeping your hand moving. 
He made to reply with a snarky comment, but you cut him off by returning your mouth to his cock, this time with more urgency. Your hand was gliding up and down the length of him, lubricated by your spit, meeting with your mouth rhythmically. Your cheeks were hollowed around him and your tongue was pressing firmly against the underside of the member, dragging up and down steadily. There it was- the thud of his head back against the wall, the muscles giving out under the pleasure. His hand pressed more into the back of your head to urge you on, and of course, you did.
His hips were starting to move of their own accord; a slight twitch that you could feel all the way where you gripped his thighs. Soft, breaking moans were escaping his barely parted lips, and when you spared a glance upwards, you made a mental note to save the sight forever. His long torso flexing towards you, his abs straining as he held himself back. One arm tucked neatly behind your head, the other trying to find purchase in the wall and grasping at it desperately. And finally, perhaps the most beautiful aspect of the picture- his head, tossed back so his curls flopped away from his face, and his eyes drawn in tight. The image sent heat up your spine and warmed your cheeks, urging you on further and further until-
“Stopstop- stop,” He breathed out, gently pulling your mouth away from him with a heaving chest.
You sat back on your knees, taking a moment to wipe the spit from around your lips. “Did I hurt you?” You asked, out of breath yourself.
He chuckled, eyes still closed. “The furthest from it.” After a moment, he looked down at you, his smug smile from before slowly inching its way across his face. He extended an arm and grabbed your hand, pulling you up until you were level.
Gripping your chin between his thumb and pointer finger, he tugged your mouth to his, locking your lips together. You felt the air leave your chest.
“Get on your hands and knees.”
Something in the back of your mind told you to keep up the dominant persona you’d had such a strong grip on before; but the way he was looking at you, somehow both commanding yet comforting, turned that part of your brain off. You only obeyed him, crawling slowly onto your bed and arching your back towards him.
From behind, you heard him hum hungrily.  “Mind if I take these off?” He asked, thumbs popping underneath the band of your underwear.
You twisted your neck, just barely able to see him. “Be my guest.”
He smirked, gripping the underwear and sliding it over the curve of your bottom and down your thighs. He ran a hand in the opposite direction, carefully mapping out the expanse of your skin.
“Now, let’s see…” He started, taking his middle finger and dragging it from your ass inwards towards your center. He was met with wet heat, his finger sliding through it with ease. “Ah, did you like sucking me off, pretty girl? You’re soaking.”
Your cheeks warmed- you oddly felt as if you’d been caught. Perhaps your facade was a bit more see through than you’d thought. 
A small pinch to your ass pulled you back to the moment. “I asked you a question.”
“I did,” you replied sheepishly. 
He chuckled devilishly. He leaned forward, caging you in. He spoke in a hushed tone, the kind that lit your whole body up. 
“I’m going to fuck you now.”
His cock slid into you slowly, causing your walls to clench as you let out a throaty moan. Though it was a shallow fit, he still curved into you so fully your eyes rolled back. He was taking it slow, dragging against you. He balanced himself carefully on one hand, using the other to wrap around your stomach and slide up to squeeze at your chest. Oddly enough, what you noticed most in that moment- aside from the way he was stretching you open, of course- was the way he was so warm. It was as if he were enveloping you fully, melding your bodies into one as you gripped at the soft pillowcases beneath you. 
He was letting out a series of mmms and ahhs, choral noises to score the way he was drilling into you. You wished he would be louder, though you would take what you could get. You didn’t feel a need to keep quiet yourself, allowing your moans to flow freely, and in turn rewarded by his verbal praise.
“Feels good, huh?” He tutted cockily.
You ground yourself back against him, mouth agape as he brushed against something deadly within you. “F-uck,” was all you managed to reply with. 
It was hard to process exactly how much time was passing; all you could clearly feel was him penetrating you so deeply. You were lost in the clouds, gripping at sheets and tears escaping your eyes, when you felt him pat the side of your leg.
“Flip over. I want to see that pretty face.”
In a different context with a different partner, you would’ve scoffed at his command. It was corny and overdone, yet you didn’t find yourself laughing at all. You instead rolled over eagerly, sinking your fingers into his hair and pulling him in for a kiss. Your mouths clashed together eagerly, drinking each other in as if it were your last sip you’d ever take. 
“You’re so big,” you breathed out, eyes shutting again as he slid back into you. 
It was another corny line, one you usually reserved to inflate the ego of whatever sap you were looking to con that evening. But this time, you meant it. He slid impossibly deep into you, dipping down to lick and kiss at your collarbones. 
In this new position, you were able to slid your hands around his sides, moving them down until you could grip at the soft flesh of his ass. It seemed to encourage him, speeding up his strokes when you did so. 
“Shit,” you hissed. “I’m getting close.” 
“Yeah?” He piped up, quirking his brow at you. 
You nodded vigorously. He responded by slipping his hand between you, shuffling his hand around until he found your clit. You sucked in a sharp breath at the contact.
“Is that helping, pretty girl? You like when I touch you?” He soothed, though his voice was tense and strained. 
You could only nod again, feeling the first tingling of an impending orgasm starting in your belly. You sank your nails deeper into his skin- it felt like fire was starting to burn through your whole body and you never wanted it to stop. 
“Oh my god,” you cried, mouth dropped open and brows pulled together. 
“What is your name?” He grunted, the words escaping through his breaths.
Caught off guard by the question, it took you a moment to find the name you’d given him- which one was it? Lia? Heleya? There were too many to keep track of and all of them were the furthest thing from your brain in that moment.
“Lina,” you shot back finally.
He gave you a disapproving grunt, shaking his head. “Your real name.” He looked down at you earnestly, still delivering deep strokes that had any coherent thoughts jumbled and nearly impossible to detangle.
You heart skipped a beat. Of course he was onto you- he was just as much of a liar himself. The two of you had played that game all night.
“Ah- yours first.” You spoke through a moan.
He grinned down at you, and you couldn’t help but let out a breathy laugh before tugging his head down to yours and kissing him once again. It was an unspoken acknowledgement between the two of you; you had to keep your real identity as close to your chest as you could. This lifestyle, this galaxy, was too unsafe to do otherwise. When you broke away, he remained mere inches from your face. 
“Not a chance.”
He was beginning to stutter in his movements, while you were still barreling towards climax. You were moaning almost pornographically, the kind of moans that are embarrassing when you remember them in the morning, though you felt anything but shame right now. 
“Fuck,” he exclaimed. He was teetering on the edge; you were both waiting to see who would break first. He was getting you dangerously close with every gentle circle of his fingers against your clit. 
“Let it go. Fill me up.” You cooed breathily, panting loudly.
“N-no,” he stuttered. He slowed the movements of his cock down, focusing his efforts on you. 
As you sucked in more and more air, your hips bucking up, he nodded to you in encouragement. “That’s it, there you go,” he uttered sultrily when you finally broke.
You clenched around him over and over, and while he made a valiant effort to allow your climax to finish before giving into his own, it became too much for him and he began quickly pounding into you before finishing with the loudest moan you’d heard him let out all night. It was a heavenly sound, and one you’d probably store in your mind forever.
“Christ,” you huffed out, laying flat as he removed himself from you. He collapsed on the bed silently, save for small puffs of air leaving his chest. 
The two of you remained side by side that way for a moment, completely bare atop your small bed. When your breathing had finally evened out, you turned your head to take in his resting form. 
He had several marks in varying states of healing, some as fully formed scars while others were fresh scrapes. Each one intrigued you, and you found yourself longing to trace them and ask for the story. You knew you couldn’t- feelings like this weren’t allowed. Vulnerability wasn’t allowed. But he looked so soft this way. You tried your best to set the feeling aside, choosing instead to curl yourself into his open arm.
His hand wrapped around your shoulder, rubbing it gently. You briefly pondered how strange this was objectively; two people, probably in lines of business much more similar than you realized, finding release and affection before you would both disappear back into the galaxy. It was almost sad, if you thought about it too hard. Perhaps you would settle down someday- as you laid there you allowed your mind to wander to the idea of normalcy, a family. An honest life, not one where you had to hide and find thrills in crime and rebellion. It shouldn’t have been a comforting idea, yet it was always lurking in the back of your conscious. 
He rolled over so he could hold you from behind, keeping his arm wrapped so it was tucked under you. He linked your fingers on the other arm, holding your hands against your tummy. Silence was rolling over the room, pulling you into sleep, until you heard him mumble something into your hair.
“What?” You asked croakily, not bothering to open your eyes. 
“My name.” He repeated, still at a hushed level. “It’s Cassian.” 
You were silent for a moment, letting the weight of his admission sink into your skin. In another other circumstance, this would be the moment you ran. You didn’t need to get personal like this. But in that moment, you made another choice.
“Cassian,” you echoed back, enjoying the way it rolled off your tongue. 
Though you shouldn’t have, you couldn’t help it.
You told him your real name.
Not sure who to tag for this so I’ll just tag my mando ppl!! Feel free to disregard if this isn’t ur cup of tea<3
@guess-my-next-obsession @iamskyereads @grippingbeskar @axshadows @wheresarizona
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sapphicnsh · 8 months
r u willing to give us some info abt the streamer au? You’ve mentioned it before but I’m just curious abt it tbh :D
so: what happens when you put the physical manifestation of ADHD into an apartment with 3 different flavors of autism, give her a successful twitch career, and blast all of them with Beam Of Insufferably Horny?
the streamer au LMFAO (putting this under a cut bc it got. INSANELY long omfg)
normally i dont rlly like human aus (they’re just not my thing) but this stupid au wormed it’s way into my heart and now i cherish it lmfao. there’s no real set plot, there’s just Situations these lil guys get into. some are soft and adorable (ie. pebbles’ first kiss with sig) or hilarious (sig’s ridiculous amount of flirting with his own chat) or just fuckin stupid (their halloween stream where they do a whole production where chat has to figure out who “killed” sig and it’s just chaos). tbh ive found myself accidentally focusing on the ragequit aspect of the au despite the entire polycule being a thing (lilypad, sunstone, traffic light, ragequit, and hurricane all happen)
i think the Main Things that sum up the au are:
Sig punched Pebbles’ transphobic (now ex) boyfriend in the face and spent a night in jail bc of it LMFAO
Pebbles and Suns meet after Sig drags Pebbles to a party at the college he attends (and Sig attended for a single semester before the whole streamer thing took off). Suns went to catholic school and is incredibly repressed and hesitant with Pebbles and Sig ends up having to instigate a lot of shit to prevent them from just fuckin. never going past hand holding.
Speaking of, Pebbs is an art major and drew all of Sig’s custom emotes. He also loves drawing everyone in the apartment, though usually keeps those drawings hidden from everyone in his sketchbooks
Wind and Sig being childhood best friends who are each others ride or die, they were each others first like, everything. The funniest one being where Wind is having a crisis bc he thinks he might be gay and Sig is just like “hm well I’m kinda a guy maybe kiss me and see if you like it?” And well. Wind has been kissing this fool for 7 years now and does not plan on stopping.
Moon is usually a moderator but does make appearances occasionally and chat loves her. Suns will not go on camera without a face mask. Pebbles was originally camerashy but ends up being in pretty much every stream after a while.
Sig refuses to tell chat his gender and thinks it’s funny watching everyone guess. If you ask/ask for pronouns he just replies with “whatever’s funniest” or “whatever makes this gay”, or if someone’s being rude about it, “whatever pisses you off most”
Sig is like. Insanely good at FPS games and holds multiple top rankings in competitive esports. Yui (Unparalleled Innocence) is one of her main rivals. It’s cute tho. They’re like. rivals who kiss.
Pebbles is Moon’s adopted brother, and has some pretty bad weakness in his hands/legs bc he had cancer as a child. They all support him a lot (Pebbles is rlly stubborn about “being okay”) and Sig does a lot of charity streams for things like forgiving medical debt and cancer research. Sig and Moon bought a huge thing of stickers to help decorate Pebbles’ crutches so he’d like them more.
Pebbles’ name is Pebbles because Moon came up with it as a nickname when they were kids, and when Pebbles came out he chose that as his name. Moon cried about it. Also I just like the whole “transmasc w a silly name” thing bc I feel like it fits him.
Sig helps Pebbles dye his hair (emo mf) but requires that if he helps she gets to put streaks of color in his bangs. It’s usually pink but sometimes she chooses a different color. Sig has the underside of his hair dyed purple. Pebbles’ natural hair color is a pretty light brown.
They all have their cats ofc!! Messenger, Hunter, Arti, and Ruffles!! They were all either strays they found or adopted from a shelter.
That’s all I can think of rn! I wanna draw their designs eventually (and I have but I don’t rlly like them anymore bc OUGHHH I haven’t drawn people in for-goddamn-ever) but yeah!! Damn this got long LMFAO
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Big Brother Obito
'Tis another themed week. Nisi can't resist themed weeks, especially when it is about my favourite team. This will be the only half OC fic this week I swear. The prompt was just too good not to use.
Uchiha Sayuri blah blah / @kanekolinkk once drew me a fanart of the two together. here
Uchiha Obito & OC
2067 words.
Rated G
for @teamminatoweek day 1: found family.
After training, Obito meets a little girl.
Obito practised throwing shuriken into a tree trunk not far from the Nakano shrine just outside of the village walls. Nobody paid enough attention to him to tell him that being so close to the shrine was bad luck, that he could anger the gods being worshipped there, because nobody ever paid attention to Obito in general. Well, except for the few grannies that helped raise him.
While he was going to go to school in a year, his skills were lacking behind the skills of other children his age, especially clan children, and he wanted to not look like an idiot once he finally would be in the academy. The only other person who was as little skilled as he was was called Rin, and as a Nohara she was naturally talented to be a healer. So it didn’t count, at least in Obito’s eyes, that she wasn’t as good with kunai and shuriken, because her healing skills already surpassed 10 year olds and she was only five like him.
So he had decided to go out and practise by himself, though he was too shy to enter one of the training grounds the other children usually trained at. Going to the forest close to Nakano at least ensured that the only people around would be Uchiha members, nobody else ever walked out here.
Night was already falling and Obito knew he was out way past appropriate for a child his age, but as nobody checked on him, there was nobody to scold him for it. The area around him was quiet, even the last visitors had left the shrine. That was when he heard the whining sound coming from one of the bushes just right ahead. He thought at first it must be a cat, cats liked the Nakano shrine for reasons he did not understand and seemed to be connected to the Uchiha in general, so it would not have been surprising. But the closer he got the more he recognised that it was in fact a tiny girl.
She was small, most likely a year or two younger than him. Her legs were pulled to her chest as if she was taking shelter between the thick leaves of the bushes. Obito recognised by the black hair on her head that she must be an Uchiha like him, nobody else had a colour quite like this and would be out here around the shrine.
“Hello” he said carefully, trying to pull his head under the branches. Her eyes jumped up at him and there was a fear in her eyes he could not quite understand. 
“Go away.”
Obito pulled his hand back just a little, but remained half in the bushes. She had spoken like a stray cat, hissing in her own defence. He knew that with scared cats you needed to be calm and patient and only approach them if they let you get closer. So he stayed where he was, at least for a moment.
“My name is Uchiha Obito”, he said and spoke as softly as he possibly could, trying not to alert her. “What is your name?”
This tactic seemed to work as she did not immediately hiss at him again. Instead she answered his question, her voice a little thin: “U-Uchiha Sayuri.” 
Sayuri, huh? He had never heard of her before, but that was not anything new since the clan was hugely branched off. Neither Obito nor her seemed to be the central members that were heading any kind of self administration or the police, so they had never met.
He decided to do another push forward and asked: “Why are you here?”
“I’m hiding”, she said and he stopped himself from replying “I can see that.”
Instead he inched closer to her, just a little. “Why are you hiding? It is pretty late. You should not be out here alone.” Obito himself shouldn’t be out here alone, so someone younger than him definitely shouldn’t.
Sayuri’s eyes shot open again and the fear flared up. “Don’t make me go home!” It sounded more like she was begging. Clearly, something at home was scaring her to hide here. Now that he thought about it, she must have been hiding in these bushes for hours at this point since he had never seen her sneak in. Obito inched a little forward again and stretched out his hand carefully.
“Why?” he asked. This time she let him touch her, let his hand hold on to her little one. She was very cold, shivering, so he confirmed to himself that she was out here for a long time. 
“My father will be mad at me.” There were braids on both sides of her head and leaves were hanging in it. Obito pressed her hand a little more. “He will be angry for running away and for not breathing fire”, she elaborated.
Obito blinked in confusion: “Breathing fire?”
She nodded and tears came back to her eyes. “Wind comes to me and water, but fire does not work and it is important to my father that fire works”, she said.
Obito realised that she was talking about chakra nature, something he just recently learned about from a conversation with Rin. Chakra was very important for healing jutsu that she already knew so much about, so she had explained to Obito that his chakra nature was Fire and that many Uchiha had that chakra nature. She must be one of the few exceptions.
“But that makes you special!” Obito exclaimed. “You are different from the rest of us.” He meant it, but Sayuri just sniffed and wiped the tears out of her eyes.
“Father says an Uchiha has to breathe fire. He says I am not a “real” member of his family until I can. He says that he is ashamed of me.”
He could feel the anger at his fingertips and stopped himself from pressing her little fingers too tightly. There had been quite a few moments in his short life in which he had wished he was an adult. He would have preferred to not inconvenience the older ladies in the Uchiha compound, he would have preferred to already know all the ninjutsu like adults did, like the legendary sannin that everybody admired so much, he would have preferred to be bigger than that stupid Hatake boy, who already could do everything and always was better at games than him.
But never had Obito wanted to be an adult more than at this very moment. If he were, he would have stormed off with this small girl on his back, had given her father a piece of his mind, obviously, he was a well known shinobi like that, and surely her father would have apologised for speaking so ill of his own child. Obito would have made sure of it.
“That guy is a massive idiot”, Obito said and refrained from using the stronger curse words people used on the playground sometimes. “He has no clue what he is talking about. You are an Uchiha by birth and you will one day inherit the sharingan just like I will, and that is more a signifier than any fireball could ever be.
Sayuri now pressed his hand back: “Can you do it? Breath fire?”
There weren’t many ninjutsu Obito could do well enough to brag about, but he nodded. At least he produced a relatively solid small ball of fire when he tried hard enough. Sayuri looked away from his face: “If you can do it you don’t understand.”
“Of course I understand!” Obito waved his hand around. “I know exactly how it is not to be wanted for something that is not your fault.” He thought of his mother and father, somewhere far away, dead most likely, and how nobody had wanted to take care of an orphan like him. “What matters is what you make out of it! And if you can already do water and wind at … What age are you?”
“Three”, she whispered.
“At age three! You will probably be an excellent kunoichi. Someone the Uchiha will be proud of! So who cares what that idiot father says about you, you are really awesome.” In truth, it did kind of make him jealous to know that a girl two years younger than him was already better than him at these things, but that was not important right now.
She put her head on her knees. “But if it makes you feel better, I could teach you,” Obito offered. 
“Could you?” She seemed excited at the prospect.
He shook his hand: “Of course I could! I will be the hokage someday, so of course I have to be a good teacher. I’ll make sure you can breathe as much fire as you want. I promise.”
She frowned a little: “You can’t promise that.” Sayuri was right of course, this was not something he could promise. More likely than not he would have to break the promise. From what he had heard from Rin, a chakra nature was an innate birth ability and if Sayuri didn’t have that, no type of training would really bring it out. But still, Obito wanted to try. He wanted to help. “I said: I promise.”
Her eyes shone in the darkness like little stars. Nobody had ever looked at Obito as if he was some sort of hero, not like this girl was now looking at him. His chest swelled. “We should go out of here, don’t you think?” he asked and looked up. It had gotten quite dark around them and they were still a bit away from the Uchiha compound at the shrine. With a father like hers every hour she would stay away would probably just make the punishment worse.
Sayuri shifted a little. She visibly bit her lower lip. “I’ll take you home, don’t be scared,” he said and pressed her fingers again. She looked up and then sighed a little. “Alright”, she said.
They climbed out from under the bushes Obito first, then he helped Sayuri get out. She was pretty dirty and there were leaves in her braided hair. He could now see the Uchiha symbol on the back of her shirt and she was wearing the usual high colour that most of them were wearing, especially in the inner family. It showed that her father really did care quite some to be seen as an Uchiha, the sort of type that Obito hated to interact with.
He thought again about how easy this would be if he were older. If he could magically paint a brush and make her pain all go away. Obito hated when he couldn’t help, when had to watch on the sidelines. Unfortunately he was still a child, but soon he would enter the academy and become a shinobi and then people would never forget his name.
“I’ll carry you so we will be faster,” Obito said and kneeled down in front of Sayuri. She hesitated for a second as if she’d never done a piggyback ride before (maybe she really hadn't, he thought), but then she carefully climbed onto his back. She was light, her head leaned against the back of his. He ran to the direction of the village gates as quickly as his feet could carry him.
It was nice having some to look after, and not be the one who was looked after. He loved his friendship with Rin because she was caring and sweet and talented, but he loved for once being the caretaker. 
Obito brought Sayuri right to the doorstep of her tiny family house. It was really right in the centre of the compound which meant they could not afford one of the bigger family homes at the forest side. After she jumped down she bowed to him, which embarrassed him a little. “I look forward to you teaching me”, she said with excitement in her voice. “You are so cool, Obito-niichan.” Then she jumped and hugged him.
Nobody had ever called him big brother before, Obito realised, not even the smaller children that often played with him. He hugged her closely and decided right then that he’d do anything to make sure he was worth that title. 
Whatever it took, from here on out, he would make sure Sayuri was the happiest she could ever be.
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 years
Peaky Blinders Incorrect Quotes (Part Fifteen)
(Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine/ Part Ten / Part Eleven / Part Twelve  / Part Thirteen / Part Fourteen )
(Dividers by this person here)
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Thomas: Why are you on fire? Red: This is just how my day is going.
Red: I hate you. Thomas: Well, according to this picture I drew of us holding hands, that is untrue.
Thomas: Remain CALM! *slaps Red multiple times*
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Thomas: Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey! Red: But I'm a vegan. Thomas: Wakey Wakey Vegetables and Sadness.
Thomas: I WOULD DESTROY THE WORLD FOR YOU! Red: Okay, can you do the dishes? Thomas: No!
Thomas: Swear words are illegal now. If you say one you'll be fined. Red: Heck. Thomas: You're on thin fucking ice. Thomas: Oh no-
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Red: Hey, can you do me a favor? Thomas: Sorry, I have to go do literally anything other than this. Red: You don’t even have a legitimate reason? Thomas: Oh, no, I do. Red: Well, what is it? Thomas: You see, I simply don’t give a fuck.
Thomas: Hey, wanna help me commit arson? Red: What the hell!? Thomas: Oh, sorry, my bad. Thomas, whispering: Wanna help me commit arson? Red, whispering: Of course. What do you need?
Thomas: Stay foxy. Red: Die lonely.
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Thomas: Where are your parents? Red: What are parents? Thomas: That’s just about the saddest thing I've ever heard.
Red: I don’t mean to be rude— Thomas: Yet, sadly, accidental rudeness occurs alarmingly often.
Thomas: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake. Red: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear. Thomas: ... Thomas: You mean ring bearER, right? Red: ... Thomas: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
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Thomas: Holy shit, Red, do you know what this means?! Red: Kid, whenever you start doing this, nobody knows what you mean.
Red: *Holding up a picture of a seemingly young anime girl* WHO IS SHE?! IS SHE TWELVE?! Thomas: No! She's a thousand years ol- Red: *Cocks shotgun* Thomas: NO! NOOOOOOOOOO-!
Thomas: Smart is attractive. Educate me on something I don't know! Red: The mouth of a jellyfish is also an anus. Thomas: Stop.
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Red: Oh, fiddlesticks! That really ruffles my feathers! Thomas: Please, just say fuck.
Red: So, I've been thinking Thomas- Thomas: That's dangerous.
Thomas: Hey, I’m getting in the shower. Wanna help me out? Red: ...Have you never taken a shower before?
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Thomas: Pick a card, any card. Red: Fine. Thomas: Wait, that's my credit card! Red: You said any card.
Thomas: I think you're still suffering the effects of your party last night. Red: All I drank was Redbull! Thomas: How many? Red: Eighteen.
Thomas: Fuck you. Red: No u. Thomas: I'm down. Red: You're like 2, what the fuck- Thomas: I AM NOT 2!
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Red: Let’s write Thomas a friendly note, shall we? Dear... Incompetent... Dumbass...
Thomas: Thought I was meowing back at my cat for the past hour, but it was just me and Red meowing at each other from different rooms in the house.
Thomas: I fell— Red: From heaven? Thomas: No, I literally fell— Red: In love with me the moment you saw me? Thomas: MY ARM IS BROKEN! Red: Okay, but do you think I'm pretty? Be honest.
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Thomas: Good morning. As you begin your day, remember that violence is always an option and often the answer. Red: Thomas: Red: ...Please, go back to bed.
Red: *chokes on something* Thomas: Jeez, Red, don't die on us. Red: Don't tell me what to do, I'll die whenever the hell I want!
Red: What are you in the mood for? Thomas: World domination. Red: That's a bit ambitious. Thomas: You are my world. Red: Aww... Thomas: Red: Thomas: Red: OH.
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sie-rui · 3 years
Hii can u do soft baji headcanons??
❀ BAJI BEING SOFT | TOKYO REVENGERS 🤍 baji keisuke 💿 general headcanon, third pov, fluff 📅 june 12, 2021 🔗 main
baji keisuke being baji keisuke
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☆ Baji Keisuke loves his mom so much. She raised him all on her own and Baji will literally do anything to make her happy.
☆ He learned how to cook from his mom. Actually, he’s an amazing cook.
☆ He takes his mom out on dates every once in a while
☆ Tries to study real hard but it’s either he gets bored or someone / something distracts him.
☆ Keisuke is definitely going to fail his tests. Chifuyu is just a tiny bit smarter but that is not enough to help him pass. These two barely pass their exams.
☆ Keisuke will not cheat. He’s a lot of things but he’s not a cheater. (Both in exams and in love.)
☆ In conclusion, he’s definitely going to make his mom cry again if he doesn’t get his shit straight.
☆ He may not be smart but he’s hella perceptive. When Chifuyu is down in the dumps, he notices. When his mother is worrying about something, he notices. When Mikey ate one more dorayaki than usual, he notices.
☆ He was wide-awake during a class once but at the end of the day, he didn’t remember a single lesson nor word his teachers said.
☆ Practices his signature during classes. Also doodles cats and taiyakis. Once drew Mikey with pigtails. A decent artist, if Mikey may say so himself.
☆ Since they’re classmates, Baji and Chifuyu copy off each other’s homework. They both absolutely get a perfect zero. The teachers aren’t even surprised at this point.
☆ A little more application and Keisuke is actually capable of passing. He just has... other priorities in his life. (Mainly cats.)
☆ Jumped out the second floor in school before.
☆ Well-loved by both cats and dogs. One time, Chifuyu met up with him at the park only to see Keisuke on the ground, covered with dogs.
☆ Goes absolutely feral when someone hurts the doggies and the kitties.
☆ Chifuyu had seen him climb trees to help cats a lot of times already, along with helping dogs cross the street.
☆ Do not fuck with his food. He protects it with his life and will fight anyone if they dare mess with it.
☆ Keisuke most definitely randomly started dancing in the middle of the street before while Chifuyu records it on his phone. He’s supportive.
☆ He also most definitely ruined Chifuyu’s apartment before by chucking iced chicken in the microwave when Chifuyu was returning the neighbor’s cat.
☆ Watches sad telenovelas on the television. Chifuyu joined him once. They were both crying at the end of it but none wanted to admit it.
☆ Absolutely adores Chifuyu as if he was Keisuke’s baby brother. Hypes him up all the time.
"Fuck Chifuyu, did you just get scouted as a model or am I seeing things?" "Baji-san... I'm sorry but please shut up." "You're turning red!" "Shut up!"
☆ When he’s not fighting, he’s really dorky and sometimes squirms when girls’ attention are on him.
☆ Talked with Draken about shampoo and hair condition more than once.
☆ Are you trying to tell me that Baji hadn’t braided Draken’s hair before and Draken reciprocated and did the same. Taking care of each other’s hair is basically Toman’s love language.
☆ Recommends great shampoo and hair care brands to Chifuyu once before. In exchange, Chifuyu helps him with fashion. It’s a pretty nice deal if Baji says so himself.
☆ Surprisingly knows how to play chess. He learned online.
☆ Wanted to own a dog. He never really did get to adopt one.
☆ On the bright side, Chifuyu who shares his love for cats, always comes with him to visit pet-cafes. They go every Saturday. It’s tradition at this point. It does not matter if they’re broke or if they have an important event to go to that day, they. will. go. to. a. pet. cafe.
☆ Once tried to smuggle a cat out of said cafe.
☆ Crackhead by day, crackhead by night. Randomly burst out laughing in the middle of a class for no reason at all other than Chifuyu looking so offended at what the teacher said.
☆ Teachers are always trying to separate the two of them at class. Chifuyu sits on the front row and Baji is either outside, out in the hallway, or at the very back. Hey, even if he looks like a poindexter, it doesn’t mean that he is one.
☆ Chucked erasers and rulers at Chifuyu during class before. I’m here to remind you that he’s literally at the very back in the far corner and Chifuyu sits at the very middle right in front of the teacher’s desk.
☆ Baji has no patience for Escape Rooms, did Mitsuya care? Nope. He and Chifuyu got stuck together in one room for half a day, not even bothering to find clues. Baji literally fell asleep and Chifuyu stared blankly at the wall.
☆ Judges Mikey on daily basis. Mikey judges him back.
☆ Emma put flowers on his hair before. It stayed on the whole day. No one knew if he didn’t notice or he left it there on purpose. Except for Mikey that is. And Mikey can tell you that-
☆ He’s always there to cheer up his friends in a weird unconventional way.
☆ When Baji smiles, it’s always genuine. He doesn’t force himself to smile and he doesn’t fake grins. It’s what makes him Baji.
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myrulia · 3 years
Im a lil shy to ask in my og account so i will do it in anon! Can u do prompt 19? ( i hope im not breaking any of your rules!) your writing is delightful! 💖❤️ lots of love for u!
.。.:*✧Prompt 19: "Are you falling in love? I have a feeling you are."
.。.:*✧Warnings: Reverse hashira au, mentions of decapitation
╰╴⇢。.:*✧A/N: I honestly had lots of fun with this so thank you! You deserve love as well!💜
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`` The meeting shall now commence. ``
Muzan Kibutsuji, the leader of the Demon Slayer corpse, announced to the 9 hashira before him. They all kneeled in his presence out of pure respect, their heads hanging low but high enough to the point of seeing him.
`` Today we will discuss an important matter regarding our Moon pillar, `` said the male with such gentleness in his tone.
His words did cause them to raise their heads in confusion, knowing that the Moon pillar, or better known as Michikatsu Tsugikuni, was never one to involve himself too much in situations other than the purging of demons that wished to cause harm to humans. All eyes were on the spiky raven haired man for a split second before Kibutsuji spoke once more.
`` [Y/N], you may come out now. ``
You revealed yourself by coming from the shadows of the building you were inside, stepping onto the engawa just a few feet away from where Kibutsuji stood with his child close by. You fidget with your fingers out of pure nervousness, being in front of the 9 most powerful demon slayers you ever heard of in all your 19 years of living. The fact that they were in their presence alone made you want to poof out of existence.
`` This is [Y/N] [L/N], a very strong demon slayer who I believe has great potential. I wish to raise her ranking in sight of her power, so as of today, and for the rest of her time as a demon slayer, she will be a tsugoku taught under Michikatsu. ``
This brought shock to the pillars who now brought their heads up to get a better look at who you were. But the Ice pillar drew his eyes elsewhere, to Michikatsu. 
`` Our quiet Tsugikuni getting a cute tsugoku? It makes me quite jealous. ``
`` Mind your tongue around Kibutsuji, Douma, `` spoke the Shockwave pillar, or better known as Hakuji Soyama. The male always had a deep resentment towards Douma, and you had yet to learn the extent of it all. Michikatsu, who had been silent the entire time, took the chance to ponder his own thoughts and really process it all. A tsugoku? He did not have time to teach a student when he so desperately desired to get stronger to protect the weak.
Kibutsuji raised a finger to his mouth, causing the pillars to suddenly stop speaking. In your eyes, this was the utmost level of respect one can receive, truly shocking you at how much they devote their lives to this man.
`` Now then, how about we allow [Y/N] to introduce herself? ``
Your head snapped up in Kibutsuji's direction, your eyes wide with shock but all he gave you was a small nod, looking at the pillars again only to see that their eyes had locked onto yours. You cleared your throat before speaking, nervousness taking over your emotions.
`` As you have heard before, my name is [Y/N] [L/N]- but you may call me [Y/N]! My breathing style is the breath of moon, similar to Tsugikuni-san. I hope I meet your expectations of a demon slayer. ``
You bowed your head low in respect, hoping that your introduction was a decent one, but when you heard a hearty laugh erupt from the Ice pillar, worry started to set in that you made a fool of yourself.
`` She really is a cute one. Makes me upset that I do not have my own tsugoku. ``
`` That is because the last time you had a tsugoku, `` started Hantengu. `` You got the poor thing lost. ``
Lifting your head, you are met with the pillars now conversing amongst themselves, semi-arguing about the situation with Douma and his former tsugoku who apparently quit after multiple attempts of asking the latter out. You could not help but but let out a small snicker, bringing the attention back to you.
`` I was the one who made her laugh first!`` Said Douma, feeling triumphant at that moment.
`` No, it was just your stupidity, `` said a young girl with long white locks who got up and spoke with attitude in her tone, although her gaze was now directed to you. 
`` I apologize for them, I'm Ume pleasure to meet you. ``
The young girl bowed, but following right after was everyone else who also bowed in your direction. The whole ordeal painted obvious signs of shock onto your face because you always thought it was the pillars who deserved respect, not the other way around.
`` I apologize for my insolence as well, and my idiotic co-worker here, for our terrible first impression. ``
Hakuji held his head the lowest before raising it again, flashing you an attractive smile that would make any woman swoon immediately. You smiled in return at the 8 of them who decided to formally apologize, but the one who you assumed to be Michikatsu was silent and still. 
`` Now that we are all acquainted with [Y/N], the meeting will now come to a close, you are free to do as you so choose. ``
And with that, Kibutsuji went inside the building with his daughter holding his hand until they were no longer in sight, leaving you with the 9 pillars who went back to conversing with themselves, unlike another woman who you failed to truly notice. She had long brown hair, as well as long bangs covering her eyes and pale skin. You stared until suddenly you felt someone's presence behind you, a tall one at that.
Your small shriek of shock grabbed the attention of everyone still in front of you, looking to see Michikatsu appear behind you in a matter of seconds, a serious expression all over his face. 
`` How do you expect to be a good tsugoku if you scare easily? Always be on guard no matter who you are with. ``
The male left just as quickly as he appeared behind you, your nerves being left rattled and all over the place with how much he startled you. A look of concern was given to you by Hakuji, Douma, and Ume, the only three to really interact with you.
`` Dear [Y/N] got so scared, don't worry I'll protect you from Tsugikuni~ ``
`` More like he needs to be taught some manners, `` spoke Ume as she helped you up, flashing you a beautiful smile. You simply nodded, processing the turn of events. Was that same rude behavior something you'd have to endure during your time as a tsugoku?
Nightfall came quicker than expected, but it was much anticipated. Tonight would be the night you get to directly study under Michikatsu, following him under the moonlight as you study his movements and learn everything he teaches you.
You put on your haori, as well as sheathing your katana inside your saya and swiftly leaving your household to meet with your sensei at the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters to discuss plans for the night.
You arrived there early and ahead of time so you can make a good first impression, only to see the spiky raven haired male leaning against a tree with his arms crossed impatiently.
`` You finally arrive. Good to see you have the mindset to be early on any occasion, that is the only decent trait you have so far. ``
You approached the male with your eyebrows furrowed, having enough of his attitude, but a voice within you stopped you before you could say anything that would make the man before you have a reason to dislike you.
`` Thank you sens- ``
`` Gratitude will get you nowhere. ``
Michikatsu suddenly leaped into the tree he was previously leaning against, standing on a sturdy branch and looking down at you below him. 
`` Tonight we shall practice your speed if Kibutsuji-sama has acknowledged you. So, try to keep up with me. ``
`` Wh- ``
Before you could voice out your opinion, Michikatsu already leaped from the branch and onto another tree. Your reflexes instantly kick in, causing you to run after him and jump into the tree where he previously was, only for him to leap to another tree. The process continued of you tailing him hopelessly throughout the night until you both were well into the forest beside the headquarters.
You managed to catch up to your teacher, but just before you could land beside him the male landed in a small clearing beside a pond with koi fish swimming about freely in the clear water. He suddenly stopped to catch his breath seeing as how you both have been playing this game of cat and mouse for quite a while.
You landed beside him, catching your own breath and watching as the fish continued to swim freely, the silence taking over between you. 
`` For a fresh student, you are fast, I'll give you that. ``
That was all he said, and even though so little was said, the semi-compliment made you smile with gratitude. Michikatsu side eyed you, looking down at your smaller form since you were distracted by the pond. This gave him a chance to study your physique. You had a smaller build, but he could easily tell that you were strong, after all, Kibutsuji did say you had great potential. You may have been quiet for the most part, but the male knew that you had much more to say than you let on. He truly was perspective. 
`` Tsugikuni-san, why have we stopped at a pond? ``
Your question caught him off guard, so he tore his gaze away from you and went back to the usually stoic and blunt person he is. 
`` To catch our breath, but our break is over. Stay close in pursuit. ``
The training continued again, going on for hours throughout the night with the same cat and mouse game you started with. Leaping from branch to branch at a fast pace staying hot on the pillar's trail. Although, at the end of the day, he has had much more experience than you have, for you struggled to keep up with him this time around.
Michikatsu suddenly stopped on a random branch of a tall tree, his back facing you but his head being turned so he can face you. 
`` This is where we will stop for the night. You started to stagger and slow down 4 trees before. ``
`` No. I can continu- ``
`` As your teacher I order you to stop. ``
You flinched at his sudden command, yet you kneeled down to catch your breath nonetheless. Michikatsu suddenly appeared beside you, the same way he did so when he first pulled off the seemingly difficult trick.
`` That is all, go home, your first night of training is over. ``
One night turned into two, two turned into thirteen, and thirteen turned into twenty-four. You had been training your physical strength for twenty-four straight nights in a row, refusing to give yourself a break to become the type of tsugoku Michikatsu can be proud of. Despite all your efforts, he still showed little to no sign of a significant reaction that expressed if he was impressed, proud, or disappointed with your abilities.
Tonight, you planned on changing that.
By Kibutsuji himself, you both were assigned to killing a demon who was sighted near a mountain not too far from the headquarters, and you both happily accepted the mission.
So now, here you are, standing beside your teacher at the foot of the mountain where the location was said to have been.
`` Let us deal with this demon quickly so we can return to training. ``
`` Are all we ever going to do is train? `` You spoke up, freely speaking your mind for the first time since you started studying under Michikatsu. This, however, made him turn around in an instant and loom above you, intimidating you fully.
`` Are you complaining? ``
Gulping a thick string of saliva, you shake your head no, which ultimately pleases your teacher. You could have sworn you saw him smirk out of the corner of your eye, but pushing that to the side, you both trek on your adventure up the mountain.
You followed closely behind until you sensed another, foreign presence near you - except it was not just one, it was multiple. You looked up at Michikatsu only to see him completely still, yet his hand gripped onto the handle of his katana. You shifted closer towards him so that you could watch your surroundings from another angle, but before you knew it a demon was now directly in front of you. 
`` [Y/N]! ``
Michikatsu yelled your name, signaling for you to go straight into battle mode. You did so by swinging your katana instantly, only missing its neck by a hair. 
`` There are 5 of them, you take care of 2 and I will do the rest. ``
`` Yes sensei. ``
You followed his plan, following the other two demons who decided to run away in the opposite direction from where you were chasing them, but by jumping and flipping above their head, landing in front of them, you were able to catch the creature off guard and successfully behead it in a timely manner. 
`` Don't think you won just yet girly- ``
Another demon tried to surprise you from behind, but it was too late for it as well, because you already swung your katana and successfully decapitating it as well, leaving it to wither away on the ground just as the other did. 
`` Both down. ``
With your success, you internally celebrated as you ran throughout the forest in search of your teacher, only to hear the swinging of a blade not too far from you. Following that sound, you see that the three demons he followed after ganged up on him and cornered him. You arrived just in time, seeing as how one of them was just about to attack Michikatsu when he was off guard and distracted by the other 2.
`` Breath of moon, first form: dark moon, evening palace. ``
You swung your katana in the direction of the demon's neck, being only able to sever halfway through before it dodged and managed to land an attack onto your teacher's abdomen, ripping his uniform and leaving bloody claw marks on his chest. The male gritted his teeth in slight pain, but not before he got rid of the other 2 demons in one single blow, leaving you truly astonished at his power level.
Although you could not stay distracted for long in view of the fact that the demon you tried to kill now had its attention on you, healing its neck at a visibly slow pace.
`` You got in the way, so now you'll take his place of death! ``
`` I think otherwise!, `` you shouted in return, using the second form of moon breathing, pearl flower moon-gazing that successfully sliced the demon's body into multiple pieces, including his head. It fell onto the ground and started the process of withering. With that, you ran to Michikatsu who covered the scars on his chest with his hand, sheathing his blade into his saya with the other. You kneeled down, ripping off a piece of your uniform and using that to stop the bleeding instead.
`` As a pillar I should deal with this mysel- ``
`` Stop acting all high and mighty. You are clearly injured so just let me help you. ``
Your stern tone made Michikatsu stop instantly, going silent instead and moving his hand out the way so you could tend to his needs. The fabric you ripped off only did so much, so helping the raven haired male stand up slowly, you drape his arm over your shoulder and escort him to your house, which was surprisingly not that far from where your mission just was.
Entering your home, you immediately set Michikatsu onto your futon, grabbing his hand and placing it onto his chest whilst still keeping that serious gaze in your eyes. The whole ordeal left him in utter shock that he was now in your home and in your care. He was never really one to speak his mind, so whenever he had a strong emotion of some sort it always showed on his face.
`` Keep that on your scars while I prepare everything I need to clean them. You're going to have to remove your uniform top for this. ``
Your words left him in even bigger shock, so much so that he was frozen for a good few seconds until he seemingly began slipping his haori off and unbuttoning the shirt of his uniform. He removed it with ease, now being bare enough for you to clean his wounds. Before Michikatsu, you never would have had the courage to speak up to him the way you did, but now with him being injured since you were too insolent to not kill the demon right away, you felt like you had to take responsibility.
Silently, you moved over to the male who sat bare before you, moving his hand out of your way so you could wipe away any blood that seeped anywhere else onto his body and in between the grooves of his abs. Your hand brushed against his skin ever so slightly, causing him to tense up in response.
`` Sorry if I hurt you in advance, `` you said, your voice cutting through the silence. He merely hummed in response, watching you work as he leaned back to get a better view. Michikatsu himself was appalled at how good you were at treating wounds, allowing you to actually do something he would never let anyone else do. But, over the course of your training, he had taken a liking to you. 
`` Have you done this before? ``
Both of your gazes met at a close proximity before you tore yours away in slight embarrassment, continuing the process of cleaning his scars. 
`` I have, yes. Why do you ask? ``
`` You seem to be rather skilled, that's all. ``
You finally finished cleaning his scars, setting down the wet cloth you used to do so, grabbing the bandages you had prepared and began wrapping them around his upper body, covering the scars effectively thus completing your task. Your skin had made contact so much that you were not able to discern when your face slowly began to heat up each time it did, but Michikatsu on the other hand had a pretty good view of your concentrated yet flustered expression.
You shifted to get up from your sitting position, only to feel a hand grab onto your wrist and pull you back down. You turn your head in disbelief, only to see that your noses were inches away from each other at the chain of events.
`` Thank you, [Y/N]. I mean it. ``
`` Well- you're welcome sensei… ``
Your bashful expression could not be hidden this time, and neither could Michikatsu's. The ends of his ears turned a bright red, thus letting you go at the realization of this because he was all too aware of his own emotions.
Hurriedly, you put your cleaning supplies away, moving so fast that you nearly tripped yourself. You could not help how you felt in that moment. Your emotions were all over the place and the only reason was because of him. Deep down you thought that yes he was attractive but his attitude was a bother. Even then, you still suppressed those feelings.
But not tonight.
`` Be careful, you might hurt yourself. There is no rush. ``
`` I apologize.. I am not used to having guests, my teacher being one no less. ``
He then suddenly patted the space beside him, signaling for you to sit down which you followed obediently, planting your hands in your lap and keeping keeping gaze low so as to not make eye contact. 
`` Will you look at me? You seem to be heating up by the passing second. ``
`` It could just be your inagination..- ``
A finger was brought to your chin, tilting it to the side and upwards to examine your face at a better angle, although the tip of your noses brushed against each other at the close proximity. You had to admit, with the moon light shining through your window and the way the luminosity shone on Michikatsu's features, it made him look ten times more attractive than he already did. 
`` Are you falling in love? I have a feeling you are. ``
You were ultimately taken aback by his sudden boldness even though he has mentioned that expressing how he feels just was not his thing. Your eyes widened ever so slightly while his expression stayed the same. Eyes partially lidded, mouth parted as his gaze glanced from your own irises to your lips. Your lips quivered to say something until you moved forward.
`` What if I say yes? What will you do about it. ``
`` Personally, I believe actions speak louder than words so.. ``
Just like that, you felt Michikatsu's lips press against your own yet pull away just as quickly, staring into your eyes once again until this time you moved forward, pressing your softer ones against his. The eagerness you felt in that moment showed with how you kept contact much longer than he previously did, but there were no complaints from neither of you. 
A large hand moved to the small of your back, hesitantly pulling you in closer contact with his bare chest until yours was leaning into his. Pulling away at the close contact, the redness at the end of his ears spread to his cheeks just barely, and this time you visibly saw an expression other than the one he usually sports.
`` So I take that as a yes? ``
`` It was most definitely a yes Michikatsu. ``
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astrochemstry · 3 years
oooo hello! how about writing dating headcanons for dazai osamu? 🙈
YO I love ur leaving for a trip HC omg thanks for requesting
probably bad bcs I feel detached from myself today buT YEAH HOPE U LIKE IT
Character: Dazai
Warnings: Mentions of Suicide bcs dAZai
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When you first meet:
“D OU bLE SUIc IDE???”
I mean i think he does that at first
Talks for a bit but forgets u after a while lmao
But when he sees u again, idk doing whatever you like with a smile and feeling happy
He just goes “wow cute smile”
Is constantly thinking about u afterwards
“Haha cute smile”
Ok tbh i think Kunikida would find out first
Tells Dazai hes in love
Dazai is !??!?!??!?!??
Kunikida--though he didnt know Dazai was from the mafia-- he's smart, I think he'd pick up on subtle changes of mood, he'll feel the room's vibe turn into a cold tension, not so different with Dazai but he doesn't know the intentions of  his sudden mood changes, as if he doesn't know how to handle his emotions
Cough cough
Look he may seem like he doesnt care but he dOES
So he helps Dazai!!!
Kunikida is a romantic no i don't take criticism for this
Dazai does remember something you like though, maybe youve been eyeing this item or you like these flowers, this book and etc
So he tells Kunikida, they buy it, Kunikida wants him to wrap it, he uses bandages
Jk he was just joking around that time, probably gets something thats your fav color or design and stuff
So the day comes when hes gonna give it
He actually brought a balloon where he drew something like a cat idk you choose
I think he woudnt know what to say? He prob goes “hey” agGRESSIVE GIVING AND LOOKS AWAy
Ofc he glances a bit to see if u like it
U do ofc
Whether you ask why he gave u this or not, he goes
“I found out you liked that so i bought it for you”
Pls do the asking out here
When u do
Stops being quiet and starts gasping, fake fainting, dramatic poses that stuff
To be real?? He felt anxious like damn what if he made a bad impression?? What if its not good enough?? whAT IF HE LOOKS BAD??
Look this guy, he overthinks too, hes just that good at hiding it
But ofc he accepts the offer who wouldnt
And that concludes your first meeting and going on a date
When Dating:
This guy is the best
Surprise huGS
And as I said before,, cH E e k KIS SES!!!!
yo I think you guys would ride those supermarket carts
Yes in the store but
You guys don't play safe, you guys take riSKS
and no you guys didn't ride the cart without getting caught
Kunikida bailed you out lmao
And as I said in that pamper s/o hc, this guy
Yes he loves getting pampered tbh
But at the same time, hates it?
Not like annoyed, mad, not hate hate
He just doesn't feel like he deserves it
But reassure him pls!! Boyo deserves lots of love
When you guys first kiss or you do smthing affectionate
he's so surprised
He's just ?????!!!!!!!!!!??????
like yeah for a split second you'll see it but he can get himself seem like he's unfazed
But bro,,, bro… I swear,, he just wonders sometimes how he got someone like you
Another thing he does is
If you don't work at the agency, he'd bring you from time to time and just show you off lmao
*Loud sigh* "DaZAi" sMACK
And of course we can't forget our Kunikidad I mean Kunikida
Everyone is surprised except for Ranpo and Kunikida
They love you btw you're very sweet heh
Anyways, You guys I think,,
You guys just sit together
Park bench, couch, whatever but you're watching the sun set or something pretty
And you just, sit. In silence. Enjoying eachother's presence yk?
Also look, I think he has topics he found out through a newspaper or the internet and he just researches about it and is literally passionate about it
Ask him about it and he'll just, he won't stop talking until hes told you eVERYThing
Would also be surprised if you remember a thing or two-- or even start getting into the topic too!!
He'd be so excited because he has someone to talk to about it
Now when you get more closer, yk the relationship is now months or years old
He'll open up
This is Dazai Osamu, remember that, it's hard to read this guy and nobody really knows what he thinks unless he says it
So be patient with him, it's worth it seeing his vulnerable side
Meaning he trusts you that muchh
When he opens up, he never expects he would tbh? He never thought he'd find someone he'd open up to (like Oda)
And his past with the Mafia?
Tbh, I think he wouldn't bring it up? Like, he's afraid yk?
He doesn't want to ruin something good, he doesn't want you to think he's the same person as before
But I think you'll find out either way, either some Port mafia mission happens and you just happen to see it or whatever coincidenctal scenario
Though, he might uh avoid you when that happens
He's just afraid yk? Overthinks the whole thing and is scared but he keeps up the same persona to avoid concern and suspicion
But hey, you know he ain't the same person and he's working hard to be a better person--
You guys talk about it and now you're both okay
I think I just ruined the whole request by making this that long but yeah!! That's all I got for today
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ringmyheart · 3 years
Dating Johan headcanons? Your Vinjin one was literal ✨gold✨ and yk so now i'm super curious about how you'd think dating Johan would be like.
Thank you!! 😭 I hope I did this well <33 also a warning, skip to where I wrote [HERE] if you’re uncomfortable w reading anything ab religion. Also I didn’t mean to offend any religion I am religious myself and didn’t specify any to avoid saying something incorrectly !
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If you’re religious, he’s very VERY wary and cautious. Not of you but of the people you’re with, and it worries him a LOT
If u tell him ur hanging out with church friends he’s either insisting he comes too or asking a suspicious amount of questions of ur whereabouts and watching u from afar. He’ll probably step in on accident cuz he saw them like reach for ur shoulder or smmn and intervene cuz he thought like u were ab to get kidnapped but they were just gonna bring ur awareness to the food store around u, he’d be so on edge
He doesn’t like entering churches but if u go and u won’t negotiate on wether u can or can’t go, he’ll risk it all and come too
He’ll rough up the preacher after the service tho like “what’s your thing ???? Like what do you do.” And ask them questions completely unrelated and honestly kind of confusing to intimidate them
Like, “oh so this is all u do? U just preach?”
“Uh, yeah I love my job and am devoted. :) 👍”
“u have no other job? Nothing?”
“R u married?”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
And he meant like yeah good keep ur eyes off of u his s/o or SMM but it came out off putting and frankly indiscernible 😭
While in the service he might even start to shake cuz he’s so worried if he sees AC or hears it running he’ll grab ur hand and book it cuz he thinks ur being poisoned 😭
Likes to share things with you, like clothes and all. U know that black jacket he always wears it’s also ALWAYS on u too
Half of it is cuz he’s stingy w money naturally so it’s like less money spent if u guys r sharing ur food and clothes and all
So ur always wearing his stuff but in return he’s always wearing urs and like even shoes. If ur taller than him and have clothes that were his size he has ur old wardrobe in his closet now as hand me downs
HE PROBABLY wraps ur shirt around his wrist as a good luck charm before fights. Before he gets into a showdown he’ll wrap it around like his arm and kiss it and say ur name or whatever and he swears if he does this tradition he cannot lose he won’t let himself
Because u don’t spend much money, u have wired earphones (nothing wrong w that ofc) HOWEVER if ur listening to music together and he runs into someone he has beef with he’ll start swinging and ur just there like 🧍🏽‍♀️ cuz the earphones r still connected and he’s fighting to the death w like sweet but psycho playing in the background
He loves physical activities to do together. If ur not active u probably will be now forcefully bc he’ll be like please and u can’t say no so now ur hiking every day
Forgets to wait up for u bc he gets rlly ahead of himself the amount of times u get lost on the trail is unbelievable and he eventually establishes the “if u lose me, HUG A TREE AND I WILL FIND YOU” rule w u and now three times a week ur hugging a tree and waiting for him to come pick u up in the middle of the woods
He’ll apologize and tries to teach u the layout but u don’t memorize it ever
Also loves biking and gets u matching bikes, likes walking the dogs w u, going on runs etc. if u cannot run he grabs ur hand and is all its okay u got this :)) like thanks for the sentiment but it doesn't help💀
DO NOT DO HOBBIES W THIS MF!!!!!!!!! If u like to dance and tell him he’ll do it with you and within two days he leagues better than you it would suck
He is so good at picking things up if u play just dance for fun he will kick ur ass and ur like bro I thought we were just playing having fun wtf 😕 and he genuinely wasn’t even trying
So if ur competitive don’t put him on the hobbies ur into cuz he will start it a beginner and be better than u within three days
He’ll feel so bad tho if he finds out u don’t like it. Like when u drew stuff he’d sit by u and draw too and when u saw he was advancing to surpass u u stopped. He thought u just grew out of it but finds u in like a closet drawing to hide from him
But he loves doing stuff ur interested in w u even if it’s something he was never into. If u like it he likes it by association
The type of boyfriend to buy you ten fruits if you say you like one.
In passing you mention liking watermelon the next day you come home there are ten on your counter and he’s like hey :DD!
Gets you a matching dog god jacket like him so u two and ur dogs r matching always
He doesn’t care if you’re wrong, he will die defending you!!! U r always in the right what do u mean the total cost is 10.00$?? What do u mean it says 10$ on the register?? They said it was 8$ u heard them
He’s pretty reserved when it comes to personal stuff and just everything in general. U will be three years into the relationship and realize u don’t know what his last name is??!!!
He’s a “I didn’t see why it was so important” mf... if u ask ab his past or occupation he’ll tell you but in a way that underplays it extremely. Because he isn’t that ready to be vulnerable and open up as well as thinking u might not care or you’ll leave him
He’s a pretty jump-y person because he had to be alert and on his toes most of the time. If you surprise him by accident by being too quiet then appearing right by him he’ll jump three feet up like a cat or sock you in the face then apologize profusely and tear up feeling horrible
He’s pretty perceptive but when caught off gaurd he gets very nervous, can’t help it
While watching tv shows or bingeing a series he will narrate everytning to u. Because he really enjoys the show and wants to make sure u understand in the fullest too and enjoy it. If he didn’t understand sometning in the beginning but then understands you HAVE to know too
“Oh my god he just shot him....”
“The dog RUNS AWAY!?”
“She said she loves him oh my gosh...”
“They’re kissing?”
Like yes Johan.... we know.... if you tell him he’ll stop but it’s like programmed in his DNA to not shut up while watching tv he can’t help it
He’ll also pause the show to turn to u and go “I KNOW HIM!!”
And ur like “rlly?? OMGG”
And he’ll go “YEAH he’s also in that other show remember :O” and u realize he does not know him recognizes him
😑😔 .
He’s not that updated on internet and how humor has progressed over the past few years so if u send him any meme over 2015 he will be so confused
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Send this and he’ll text back “😅 why did you send me this?”
“Is that sonic?”
“Are these your texts with someone?”
Otherwise he’s a pretty normal texted. He uses punctuation sometimes which will throw u off gaurd cuz it will be like “I love you.” And it’s like sweet but why did he add the period?? But he doesn’t always so it’s regular
If playing sports or doing something competitive he threatens everyone in the beginning to let you win and always lets u get the score/goal/net, whatever. He pulls everyone into him prengame by their collar and is like “listen ur letting them win got that. If I see u take that ball from them....”
He’s a helicopter boyfriend he is always seeing what ur doing what ur up to how u are, etc. protective to a fault basically
Holds u back when crossing the street as if ur seven years old
I have more I could say, but I’ll inevitable write another johan relationship hcs some day again so I’ll save it for then 😅 I hope this was what I wanted! Thank you for requesting ❤️❤️
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some-kindofgnome · 4 years
Kinktober #5: Pretty Please? -  Hawks
In which you and Keigo coin a few new petnames for one another.
Characters: Takami Keigo (Hawks) / f!Reader
Warnings: smut (18+ please!), daddy kink, dom!Hawks, vaginal sex, a touch of begging, inappropriate use of gen Z social media apps
Notes: This man is getting dangerously close to the top of my simp list. It’s really becoming an issue. Today’s prompt is ‘Daddy Kink.’ Also, I didn’t come up with ‘kid’ as a nickname that Hawks uses... if u know, u know
Kinktober Masterlist
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“How long have you been here?”
Keigo’s voice echoes in the hallway of his little apartment soon after you hear the jingle of his keys in the lock. While it certainly isn’t your first time coming to his place without him, you’re still not quite used to the appearance of that silvery little key dangling from your key ring.
Nor are you used to hanging around the place by yourself. You spent the morning in a coffee shop around the corner, working away- popping by the agency to see Keigo over lunch. He’d told you to come back here if you needed somewhere quiet to work- bonus points, since you’d be here waiting when he got home.
“Came straight after lunch,” you call absently. Your eyes are glued to the screen as you finish your thought, typing out your last email of the day. As soon as you hit send you snap the laptop shut, pushing it gently across the kitchen counter while climbing out of your chair.
“Hi,” you purr, catching up to him in the hallway. You grab his hand and he pauses, leaning in to peck your lips. When he pulls back, he’s got a lazy smirk drawn across his mouth.
“How you been, kid? Sure feels good comin’ home to you at the end of the day.”
“Don’t get used to it,” you tease, pushing your shoulder against his. You lean down and nuzzle his jaw, letting your cheek scrape against his scruff. “I’m a strong, independent woman.”
“Which is exactly why I love you,” he replies. He grabs your chin and pulls your mouth back to his, catching it in a kiss that would have surprised you with its tenderness, if you didn’t know him so well.
When you first met, he played the Cheshire Cat role eagerly. Smirking at you, pulling lines on you, making you think he was the laid-back hero that everybody knew him as. But the more time you spend with him, the more he opens up. The more he lets himself be vulnerable to you. And you him. You’d never meant to let him in so easily, but…
Here you are.
You flop down on the couch together, Keigo leaning against one arm while you keep your head cradled in his lap. He’s happy to fold his wings over the back of the couch and absently stroke your hair while you catch up a little. It’s only been a few hours since you’ve last seen one another, so you settle quickly into comfortable silence.
That’s when you open your phone, idly opening Tik Tok and starting to scroll. Every so often you come across a video related to Hawks. He’s got a lot of fans out there- and a lot of fangirls, too. You don’t mind, though. Sometimes they get a little too personal, however, and you like to scroll.
This time around, you don’t scroll fast enough.
You don’t catch the whole video, but it’s a clip of Keigo that somebody took on their phone. Suddenly, the audio cuts out and it’s interrupted by the sound of a female voice, moaning more obscenely than you could ever hope to.
“Daddy,” it mewls, and you scroll so fast the phone almost topples out of your fingers.
Frozen, you pull your eyes carefully up to meet the gaze of your boyfriend. He definitely heard. And while he knows that Tik Tok can pull up some random videos at times, you can see the flush spreading across his cheeks.
He shifts a little underneath you, hand paused on top of your head. He clears his throat.
“What was that?”
You consider your next words carefully.
“…A video.”
He swallows hard and licks his lips.
“What kind of video?”
Suddenly, it hits you. You have the reins. You realize exactly what’s going through his head. And the next time you look up at him, it’s with a wicked smirk stretching your lips.
“Why do you want to know?” You ask, and your voice has taken on the low sort of drawl that makes him shift again underneath you. “Don’t tell me you like the sound of that… Daddy.”
You feel the barest vibration in his chest as a tiny groan escapes him. He doesn’t move, but you can see the way his wings bristle, the joints stiffening a little as his feathers spread. Your stomach jolts excitedly.
“Don’t call me that,” he grunts, but you know he doesn’t mean it.
The two of you are far from vanilla most nights. You’re definitely up for a little experimentation. And pet names flow between you like water. But this feels… different. This feels controversial.
Oh, fuck. You’re into it, too.
“You do.” You scramble into a sitting position, swinging one knee over his thighs. He looks up at you with a pair of lidded tawny eyes, his jaw drawn slack in an expression that spells sheer arousal to you. You know that face well, and it makes your body ache.
“Do you want me to call you Daddy from now on?” You’re not letting up, and as you lean forward, his hands find your hips. They squeeze. Hard. His wings fan a gentle breeze over your face, and you love the way his breath hitches in your ear.
“Fuck, stop,” he groans. It’s more desperate this time, and as his hips keen against yours you can tell just how hard this is hitting him. He’s half-hard already, straining against the thick denim between you.
“Maybe now’s the time to tell you,” you whisper, “how bad I’ve wanted you all day, Daddy. I couldn’t stop thinking about you all afternoon. I even thought about ducking into your room before-”
That breaks him, and he snatches your hips and stands abruptly. He’s strong enough to carry you easily, and he lifts your thighs securely around his hips before beelining for the bedroom.
When you get there, instead of being spread on your back like the pillow princess he’ll normally let you pretend to be, he pushes you face-down into the pillows, letting your hips hang off the edge of his wide bed. He bends close, his chest brushing the column of your spine as his jaw brushes your ear.
“You brought this on yourself, kid,” he gruffs. He’s already working your sweater up your back. You lift your torso enough for him to wedge it off of you, but he doesn’t wait for you to do the same before he’s peeling your leggings down your thighs and taking your thong with it. The second your ass is bare he brings his palm down across it with a resounding snap.
“Kei-” you start to gasp, but he quickly silences you with another spank that draws a yelp from your throat.
“You started this,” he grunts, “you’re gonna finish it. What’s that you were gonna call me?”
You suck in a shaky breath and let your eyes flutter shut. You deserve this. You want it. All you have to do is take the plunge. The rest will follow. That breath you drew before gets held for a moment. And then you jump.
“Daddy,” you whimper, throwing an extra edge of desperation into it, “don’t tease me.”
“Shit, kid,” he grunts. His belt jingles as he gets his pants undone, and you hear them hit the floor. A breeze from his wings and another pile of fabric hitting the carpet determines that he’s naked now. He’s left your leggings partially on, though, keeping your legs pressed tightly together at the knees.
He knows what he’s doing.
When he steps up behind you again it’s with the warm presence of his bare skin on yours, and you feel the brush of his hand against the back of your thigh, gentle and rhythmic. He’s stroking his cock and you want more than anything to turn your head and sneak a peek, but you know that doesn’t fit into the game you’re playing.
“You ready for me, sweetness?”
He slips a hand between your legs, drawing his thumb along your slit and making you shiver. You could use a little more time, but you’re wet already. He drags his slick thumb down to the swell of your clit and circles it. The tender nerves are already pinched between your thighs, and the sensation is enough to make your hips buck harshly back against him.
Your ass connects with his thighs and he steps back a little, chuckling as he lays one hand in the small of your back to steady you.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you wanted something,” he drawls, continuing to circle your clit with that lazy thumb. It’s making your toes curl against the wood floor as stars explode behind your eyelids.
He leans in close. “Why don’t you tell me what it is?”
“You know what it is,” you choke, because it won’t be any fun at all if you fold right away.
“I know,” he quips, and you can hear the smirk in his voice. “I just wanna hear you say it.” He draws his thumb across your clit in a sudden swipe, making your whole body jump. You squeeze your eyes shut and brace yourself.
“Fuck me, Daddy,” you plead, and he chuckles so low and feral it sends vibrations up your spine. He shifts forward again, hand still pushing you into the mattress. His thumb leaves your clit, but it’s soon replaced by the head of his cock, pressing flush against your slick pussy. You can feel it now that he’s touching you- you’re soaked.
“Now how am I s’posed to say no, baby, when you ask so- ah- nicely?”
His voice breaks as he pushes in, and your whine comes in sync with it. You’re always amazed at how perfectly the two of you seem to fit together. There’s a stretch, but no pain. There’s never been pain. And on top of that, the thirsty Twitter accounts are right.
Your man knows how to fuck.
He bottoms out inside you, sliding a palm to your ass, and lets out a breathy groan. But he’s grinning. You can tell. It’s been a long day for both of you.
For a man who talks so much during foreplay he’s relatively quiet- or, wordless, at least. There’s nothing quiet about the way he grunts as he draws himself back and pumps slowly into you again. He’s testing the waters, but with your thighs pressed together the way they are you’re even tighter than usual.
“Not gonna last long,” he warns headily, and that’s the last thing you hear before he starts to fuck you properly and all your senses go haywire.
When you swim back to the surface, the only sounds in the room are your mingled, laboured breathing, and the rhythmic slap slap slap of his thighs against your ass. There’s something about the angle he’s taking you from- he’s hitting you just right, and you squirm in front of him with a desperate mewl.
“Daddy,” you whine, taking the game and running with it, “daddy, please, I wanna cum.”
“Don’t you worry, sweetness,” he growls behind you, breathless and feral. “Daddy’s not gonna leave you hangin’.”
It sounds different coming out of his mouth. The appeal was already there- anything that turns him on turns you on, too, almost as a direct result. But when you hear it coming from him, it flips your stomach in a way that you could get used to.
He slides an arm beneath your waist and hauls you off the bed, pulling you back against his chest as he continues to fuck up into you. His right hand dances down your hip and between your legs, finding the swollen nub of your clit. He strums it deftly, making you squeal.
“Yeah,” you whimper, letting your head fall back against his shoulder as he holds you close. “Fuck, I’m getting there.”
“Me too, kid,” he pants into your ear. “So damned tight. Fuck, you’re suckin’ the life outta me.”
In another half-dozen thrusts you’re dangling precariously on the edge. He’s still going, hitting you just right and pushing you there one inch at a time. Suddenly he re-centers his grip on you and comes back with renewed ferocity. His rhythm doubles.
You fall.
Your orgasm is particularly spectacular this time around. Your spine goes concave as your legs go fluid. You reach back and grab at his hips as you keen and twitch and rock through the pleasure. Your pussy convulses around his cock and his hips stutter. He grabs you hard, holding you up as he explodes, warm and liquid inside you.
When it’s over, you both collapse onto the mattress. Outside, the sun is painting brilliant streaks of apricot across the sky. A gentle autumn breeze flutters the curtains. You finally catch your breath.
“So,” you sigh, turning your head where it’s cradled on his chest. His body is beautiful, and now that you’ve finally got the chance to look you don’t take it for granted. He’s all long lines and clean muscle, dusted over with tawny hair and the last kisses of the summer sun.
He’s kissing your shoulder as you speak up, one scarlet wing folded neatly at his shoulder, the other fanned out across the bed.
“It’s gonna be Daddy, then, is it?”
He snorts, smirking against your skin.
“Sure didn’t sound like you had a problem with it two minutes ago.”
“I don’t,” you quip, tracing a finger down his sternum. “I liked it. I…” You trail off, and your ears warm. “I liked it.”
He pulls back from your shoulder and rests his head against the pillow beneath him, his eyes casting over your face. Warm and loving and heartbreakingly genuine despite the… sensitive nature of your conversation.
“So did I,” he purrs, and you fall silent for another few minutes. Decompressing. Basking, he’ll say later on. Inevitably, the needs of the evening step in, and as the last rays of light fade from the city you lift your head.
His eyes were closed, but they slide slowly open again at the sound of your voice. In the dim like this, they’re the colour of almonds, always soft when they’re looking you over. You fall a little more in love with him every time he looks at you like that.
Then he shoots you a near-boyish crooked grin and your heart warms all over again.
“Whatever you want, kid.”
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nightwcngs · 4 years
Jason Todd Fluffy Alphabet
Tumblr media
A = Attractive (what do they find attractive about the other?)
Jason loves your legs. Of course, he loves all of you, but the leg thing started when you joined him at a gala and the dress you wore had a slit in it.
B = Baby (do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Jason secretly wants to have kids someday, he's just afraid of becoming a shit dad like his own. He's told you this a few times and is thankful you're understanding of his situation. He just needs some time before he sees himself as ready to become a dad.
C = Cuddle (how do they cuddle?)
Jason is usually the to hold you when you cuddle. He has to touch you in some way. His favorite though? Is when you're laying on your back and he can rest his head on your chest or stomach. One arm is wrapped around you. You know when he does this, he's having one his bad days. Run your fingers through his hair as he falls asleep, he'll talk when he's ready.
D = Dates (what are dates with them like?)
Dates with Jason are always fun. He's willing to try something new if you want. He loves taking you to bookstores and thrift shops. His favorites, though, are when you stay at his apartment, watching cheesy romance movies with take out.
E = Everything (You are my ___ e.g my life, my world...))
"You're my whole heart"
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love)
It was a random day, nothing special. The two of you haven't even been dating that long, just a few months. You randomly stopped by, giving him a small gift you picked up from the store. Jason couldn't describe the feeling in his chest when you told him you had to get just because it made you think of him. It was only after you left he realized what he was feeling. He called Alfred afterwards.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
He tries his best. Jason has rough edges all around. A lot of built up anger and sometimes he doesn't know what he's mad at. He feels like shit when he takes his anger out on you, you don't deserve it. He's working on it with your help.
H = Hands (how do they like to hold hands)
Jason doesn't really like to hold hands. When you asked him why, he told you it was so he could have faster reflexes. Gotham isn't the safest city, you both know that. He'd do anything to protect you and that requires his hands. He opts for keeping an arm around your shoulder or having you hold his arm.
I = Impression (what was their first impression?)
He knew right away he had to get to know you. There was something about you that drew him to you.
J = Jealousy (do they get jealous?)
Is water wet? Jason get jealous pretty easily. His brothers are one thing, he knows Dick means no harm in flirting, it's part of his charm. But when a stranger starts hitting on you? They'll be lucky if Jason doesn't start a fight in the physical sense. If someone isn't taking the hint that you're spoken for, Jason isn't afraid to land a punch or four. It only escalates that far if a hand is touching you or you're uncomfortable. He's getting better at telling people to back off.
K = Kiss (how do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Jason is a very passionate kisser. Very handsy. He definitely initiated the first kiss, not wanting to take his time.
L = Love (who said "I love you" first?)
You do. Jason was sure he loved you, he just couldn't bring himself to say it.
It was one night after a really bad nightmare. It was close to the anniversary of his death, and that time was always hard for him. Once he finished explaining everything that happened to him, he was sure you were going to leave. But when you told him you loved him despite everything else? He was a mess all over again.
M = Memory (what's their favorite memory together?)
See above.
Jason doesn't like to think back to days where nightmares riddle his memories, but he makes an exception for this one. He doesn't know what he did in his second life to deserve someone like you, someone who isn't afraid to love him despite his flaws. But you're here, you love him. That's all he could ask for.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
He tries his very best. He doesn't always buy himself things but if he sees something he knows you'll like, he'll immediately grab it from a shelf.
O = Orange (what color reminds them of their other half)
Calming colors. His life is so hectic a majority of the time. The only time he really gets to be in a sense of calm is when he's with you. You're the calm to the raging storm inside him
P = Pet Names (what pet names do they use?)
Princess is used the most, but he'll call you baby when he knows you're upset with him
Q = Quaint (what is their favorite non-modern thing?)
Jason loves the classics, he'll read them over and over
R = Rainy Day (what do they like to do on a rainy day?)
If you're not with him, he reads. Jason tries to drown out the sounds of the storm outside, the loud noises of thunder bothering him immensely.
When you're with him, the two of you stay cuddled up in bed. You could be watching a movie or some other activity.
S = Sad (how do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Jason bottles everything up until he's practically ready to explode. When he doesn't feel like talking, he's training. Each time his hand hits the bag, he slowly feels the anger fade away. He only comes to you when he can't take it anymore, needing every ounce of comfort you can provide.
For you, Jason takes you to a little diner. You two frequent there a lot, and it's become a safe space for the both of you. You'll talk about anything and everything in the back of the diner. Plus, sharing a plate of greasy food with your favorite person is always a plus.
T = Talking (what do they like to talk about?)
Everything except his family. While he's working on patching up his relationships with them, there's still some sore spots. He'd much rather hear about some random animal you saw on the street then that.
U = Unencumbered (what helps them relax?)
Baking. Jason's love of being in the kitchen started when he was a kid and had to take care of himself. While living at the manor, Alfred helped him improve his skills. With you? He loves to bake. He really enjoys himself when he's with you, making a mess together. He definitely starts fights with flour, really enjoying when he gets to help clean you up.
V = Vaunt (what do they like to show off? What are they most proud of?)
You. He loves that he has this amazing person by his side and he doesn't care who knows it. You're his, and he loves you with everything he has.
W = Wedding (when, how, where do they propose?)
It's not something that's a big deal, just a question that's thrown around one day. When you two decide you want to get married, he takes you down to buy a ring.
X = Xylophone (what's their song?)
Death In My Pocket - Machine Gun Kelly
Y = Yes (do they ever think of getting married/proposing)
He's never really thought about it until he met you
Z = Zebra (if they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Maybe a lab or golden retriever. Could also see him with a cat
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gxldenflower · 3 years
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas (Vision x Reader)
NOTE: Originally posted on my ao3, supposedly_archer, on December 25th, 2020. Both the summary and A/N are copied & pasted
Summary: Vision makes the holidays a little bit better
A/N: Merry Christmas!! I hope that you're all staying safe and staying home! Please enjoy this Christmas fluff that I wrote all in one day because I realized that I had nothing prepared for Christmas:)
Warnings: Mentions of COVID, light angst
Word Count: 1,267
Gender Neutral Reader
Spending the holidays without your family was odd, to say the least.
As much as you complained about the travel, the weather, and the loud and noisy house, you missed it. You’d never thought that you would miss it, but here you were. Stuck. Thousands of miles away from home.
But, you considered yourself lucky. At least you still had Vision, who was currently doing his best to untangle the cat from the Christmas tree. You laughed and went over to help him as Peanut yowled angrily.
After a couple of scratches to your hand, you and Vision are able to get the cat out of the tree. He runs off, presumably to hide under your bed. You shake your head, laughing. “I don’t think he likes the tree that much,” Vision says, laughing along with you.
Your laughter dies down though when you spot an old ornament hanging from one of the branches. You feel a sudden ache in your chest as you pick it up and hold it gently in your palm. It was a simple clay snowman, one you had made in 2nd grade. On the back, “I luv u mom” was written in sharpie.
You stare down at it and feel tears well up in your eyes. You hadn’t meant to become so emotional so suddenly, but you missed your mom terribly and hated that you weren’t able to spend Christmas with her.
You feel Vision place a hand on your shoulder. “Are you alright, Y/N?” He asks you quietly, and you shake your head no as tears begin to fall. You clutch the snowman tightly to your chest as Vision pulls you into a hug.
You sob, burying your face into his shoulder. “I miss her,” you cry out, shoulders shaking. Vision shushes you, petting your head with one hand and rubbing your back with the other.
“I know, I know,” he whispers, doing his best to comfort you. You sob harder, tightening your grip around the ornament.
Once your tears have dried up and the shaking in your shoulders has stopped, you pull back, and Vision cups your face in his hands. You sniffle and can feel snot running down from your nose.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, crossing your arms over your chest.
Vision shushes you again. “There’s nothing to be sorry for. You’re perfectly fine, Y/N.”
You nod, and Vision lets go of you to go and grab a tissue from the cardboard box that sits next to the TV. He hands it to you, and you wipe your face clean.
“I’ll make you some hot chocolate and maybe you can video call your mom?” He says, and you nod. Vision kisses your forehead, making his way to the kitchen. You can hear the clattering of pots as you pull your phone from your pocket, pulling up your mom’s contact.
After a long call with your mom, with lots of tears spilled into the mug of cocoa that Vision made you, your mom asks to talk alone with your boyfriend. You comply, confused, but hand your phone over to Vision before making your way to your bedroom and closing the door.
You sat on the bed and Peanut came over to bite your hand, which was his way of saying hi. You pick him up, scratching behind his ears. He purrs and closes his eyes. You smile and kiss him on top of his head.
Once your mom and Vision have finished their private conversation, you walk back into the living room with Peanut in tow. You curl up with Vision on the couch, and he throws a blanket over you before turning on an old Christmas movie.
At some point, you must’ve fallen asleep because when you open your eyes you’re being tucked into bed by Vision. You smile, then yawn as Vision pulls the covers over you before kissing you on the nose. You fall back asleep soon after.
The next couple of days passed by with nothing out of the ordinary. You called your mom every day, and there was no private conversation between her and your boyfriend again. You were curious as to what it was about, but it slipped into the back of your mind as Christmas drew nearer.
On Christmas Eve, you and Vision sat on the floor next to the tree with your mom on a video call. Your family had a tradition of opening presents that consisted of pajamas every year. Vision had been incredibly confused by this when you had brought him home for his first Christmas that he spent with you, but was also delighted.
You and your mom watched on as he carefully unwrapped the polar bear patterned wrapping paper. Vision unfolded the pajama pants and held them up in front of him so both you and your mom could see. They were covered in small drawings of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
When he brought them down to his lap, he was smiling and shaking his head. It was originally an insult of sorts that came from your aunt when you spent your first Christmas as a couple together. But, it turned into an inside joke between you, your mom, and Vision.
Once you and your mom finished opening your pajamas, you wished each other a Merry Christmas before ending the video call. You realized afterward how tired you were and fell asleep soon after you’d gotten changed.
Vision woke you up around 9 am, stating that he could no longer wait. After taking a few moments to fully wake up, the excitement hit you and you jumped out of bed, racing toward the Christmas tree.
Peanut joined you and Vision as you unwrapped the gifts that you had gotten for each other. Vision had gotten you a new blanket, journal, a couple of CDs, and a set of wireless earbuds. You’d gotten him a couple of new cookbooks, a wristwatch, a few new sweaters, and a 9x9 Rubix cube.
Once the wrapping paper had all been thrown away and the cat was happily napping on the couch, you went over and grabbed the two stockings that hung in front of the TV.
You handed Vision the one that had a large embroidered V on it and you held onto your own. You both rummaged through and found the little trinkets that you’d left in each other's stockings.
Finally, you’d hit the bottom of the stocking when you found a small box. Confused, you pulled it out and held it in the palm of your hand. “What’s this?” You ask Vision.
Without answering, he takes it from you, standing up from the couch where you were both sitting on and kneeling in front of you on one knee. You stare at him, knowing where this was going but not knowing how to react.
“Y/N,” Vision starts, “I know that this year wasn’t what any of us had expected and that we were supposed to be with your family this year. But, I know that I want to spend every moment with you, and I never want to be without you.”
He opens the box, revealing your mother’s wedding ring. “Will you marry me?”
You nod wildly, not trusting yourself to speak. Vision grabs your left hand and slips on the ring. Your hands are shaking wildly and you throw yourself at Vision, causing him to fall back onto the floor. You both laugh and you hover over Vision, smiling like a madman.
“I love you, Vision.” You tell him breathlessly.
He smiles, “I love you, too.”
Vision Taglist: @ineffablebean @marvelsbanner @9zoria9 @kawaiiusagichansan @therookie @silverdragonoid @themarvelousb
All of Marvel Taglist: @hawkmoony @romanoffbby
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be-ace-write-crime · 4 years
Too Many Kitties!
“I had six cats… Now I have six nearly naked men in my house…” you summarized out loud, rubbing your temples.
The cats you adopted turn out to be magic hybrids and they are so glad to be adopted by such a sweet mistress! You're not sending them away are you?!
Reader x Cat hybrid Bucci gang!
Wish fulfillment, fluff, cat hybrids, poly ships, surprise adoption, reader insert.
You were driving home after a long day at work. Nothing was going right at all. You had received a promotion at work a while ago, which you were initially excited about, but it really just meant you were handed off a complete dumpster fire for a small pay raise and your cat was your only salvation in these dark times.
You were actually thinking of getting a second one to keep Leone company. You’d get one from the pound when you had a little more free time. You weren’t really picky about breeds or things like that, but you wanted something cuddly.
Leone you had found on a rainy day under a dumpster. You had carefully kneeled in the filthy puddle around it and reached out to him. The look in his eyes broke your heart and you ran home with the big, soaking fur ball. He’d not even struggled when you bathed him, although he certainly howled like he was being murdered. It took him a long time to want to be touched after that first night, but now he greeted you when you came home with a rub against your legs, headbutts when you fed him, and he slept on the foot of your bed.
Thinking about it, it was raining just like that day now. Only by now you had a car. You looked into the grim alley you had found Leone in nearly steering off the road when you saw what you thought was a crate full of cats there. You blinked at yourself, thinking that had to be some kind of mistake. Who would leave a crate full of cats in this weather? You needed to check.
That U-turn you made could have landed you in prison if anyone was around, but you drove back up to the alleyway and heard the unmistakable yowling of cats. The bottom of their crate had filled up and the wet, mangy looking little gremlins were pawing at the bars, begging to be let out of the small basin they were sitting in. You slapped a hand over your mouth, shaking your head.
“Oh, no, babies. I’m not letting you out into the street, but I’m not leaving you here,” you said, grabbing the crate and tipping it over until the water was mostly if not completely out. It was hard to tell with the wet, furry sponges inside and the pouring rain that had soaked your hair and clothes as well now. It wasn’t just a drizzle, it was bad. You moved your car closer and hauled the crate the rest of the way and by some miracle got it into the trunk.
You turned the heat up for all of you and drove home, cooing soothingly at the soft meowing in the back.
When you opened the door Leone was there, joining the chorus of meows all around. You were all kinds of tired though, kicking the door shut and opening the big crate. You tore off your wet clothes down to your underwear, because it was freezing and examined the cats more closely for the first time.
They were a mixed bunch. One was white with black spots all over and bright blue eyes, almost snow leopard like, but it was most certainly a kitty. It was the first to tentatively step into your apartment and let out a less offended or scared sounding meow.
There was another white one, this one looking like one of those fancy, purebred, long haired ones, and it had bright red eyes. That one in particular was pressed as far back as possible, hissing even. You couldn’t really blame it. Your transport here had been less than gentle.
Then there was the small back one with little patches of orange. It was small and scrawny, you could tell it would be even when it was dry, but it had the brightest, most adoring purple eyes you had ever seen. It stayed cuddled close to the spotted white one, getting it all wet again trying to shake off.
Then there was a very exotic looking one. It was long and slender, with bronze fur and elegant spots and tiger like stripes. It had cheerful brown eyes and was the first to start looking around, under loud, meowing protest from Leone.
The last one was a small, fluffy one with gold fur and a slightly lighter patch in the shape of a heart on his chest. It’s green eyes studied you inquisitively, before getting out of the cage and bolting deeper into the apartment, getting a loud yowl of protest from Leone, who gave you an accusatory glare.
“Sorry for the surprise, Leone floof… I couldn’t leave them out in the rain, could I? And I do feel bad leaving you home alone all day now, so maybe you can get along? I’ll put up lost cat posters and call in with the local shelter, but I don’t think they were left out by accident…” you explained sadly, scooping the big, silver grump into your arms. He was so warm against your rain chilled skin and he didn’t even protest, just kept staring down at the other cats imperially from his place in your arms.
First order of business was getting the cats and yourself dry and warm. You toweled off the spotted white one, the exotic one, and managed to give the black one a cursory ruffle with a towel before it bolted. The blonde one had hidden under your couch, looking at you quietly with its tail twitching restlessly. You decided to leave it. You also didn’t dare get near the long haired white one.
Next was food and you wanted to be sure they all ate so you split them into different rooms, as much as possible, with a bowl of wet food each. White one in the crate, Leone in the kitchen as usual, gold in the living room, spotted white in your bedroom, exotic in your spare room, and black in the bathroom. In the minute or two they were all eating you quickly changed into something warm and dry and comfy. Dry and comfy being the dumbass giant onesie in your favorite color that you only ever wore around Leone.
You ran around to let the cats out of the rooms and checked to make sure they had eaten. They had. You collapsed on your favourite spot on the couch. You threw your electric blanket over your lap and turned it on and laid out the other over the free space on the couch where Leone liked to nap. As expected, your oldest cat curled up on it, purring happily, and the other cats caught on quickly, flopping down on either Leone’s blanket or you while you browsed your phone and decided tonight was a takeout kind of night.
The long haired white one came trotting over eventually and you slowly held out your hand to it until it dared come close enough to be lifted onto your lap. It was still kinda wet, but you could ignore that for now. The gold one peeked out from under the couch, still damp and sad looking as well, and you tried to reach, but it already hopped onto the couch and laid down on the backrest, watching you with its big, bottomless emeralds for eyes.
“I’ll probably have to name you all something, huh? Hmm…” You mused, holding the hissy baby still in your lap. It needed to dry up a little and you knew you’d never be able to pin him down with a hairdryer, so this was the best place for it. “You can be Pannacotta. Like the desert~” she told him.
The exotic looking one meowed as if to say they wanted to be named next. “Alright, you… Guido? Do you like that?” The cat meowed affirmatively and looked at the gold one.
“How about Giorno?” you asked the blonde kitten. It showed no outward response, but it didn’t seem to object. About what you could expect from a cat.
“You can be Arancia, with those bright orange spots~” you told the black cutie. Right away it seemed to meow something like the name and you laughed. “Narancia? Would you prefer that? Okay, it actually sounds cuter that way. Good call!” you laughed.
Last was the spotted one. You struggled with a name for a bit, thinking of a few and dismissing them. “I really like the name Bruno, but you’re a white kitty,” you eventually said. You’d already gotten kind of fixated on the name for him, assuming he was even a boy. You hadn’t checked. The spotted cat purred and came to cuddle up to you, which had to be the clearest consent you could get from any feline. “Alright, Bruno it is!” you agreed, snuggling with your new cats until the food arrived.
You didn’t feel like staying up late or doing much the rest of the evening. You checked a few missing pet sites and set a reminder in your phone to call the pound during your lunch break tomorrow. You were starting to hope no one was looking for them, because these kitties made you happy beyond belief in just one night, even if you felt a little bad for Leone now. However, strays don’t end up in a giant travel crate together and most of these cats looked like very expensive breeds.
You left the heated blankets on the couch on a low setting and quietly went to bed while the cats slept. Only Leone got up to follow you, as he normally did. You got in bed and he made a soft mewl that drew your attention.
“What’s wrong, Leone?” you asked softly, smiling as he rolled onto his back and exposed his soft little cat belly submissively. He’d never done this before and you giggled and rubbed his belly in slow reassuring strokes. “Don’t worry, baby. Someone’s probably busy looking for them right now. I don’t think I can take care of that many cats anyway. I’m too young to be an old lady with six cats, right? You’ll always be my favorite, Leone. Just don’t tell them, yeah? Kitty promise?” you whispered softly, smiling wider when he purred and cuddled up against your side.
The next morning you tried to feed all your new cats their wet food the same way you had the day before, but Giorno had somehow made it to the top of your bookcase and was not coming down. Panna had taken his spot under the couch and was similarly unmovable, and Narancia and Guido were both hovering by your door, ready to make a break for it.
You had a kibble feeder set up, so you fed Leone so he wouldn’t get grumpy and set out a bowl of special cat milk your first cat didn’t care for. It did catch the attention of your other cats, who were more interested in it and satisfied you hadn’t left out the new kitties food wise you got showered and dressed for work.
“Be good babies! I love you!” you called out, already excited to come home to your sweet cats tonight. You forced yourself not to get too excited. You also forbade yourself from shopping for an extra big litter box and collars and cat beds, because you already knew that the second you got a call about the owner being found you’d be heartbroken.
During your break you called a few of the shelters near you, reporting what had happened. They all recommended you take them to the vet to check for a chip, which you agreed to do. You booked an appointment at the vet and with gritted teeth you begged for the time off from your boss. He was not happy, since you were still in charge of a shitshow from hell and your predecessor had left a mountain of work to be sorted out for you. You were entitled to that time off though, so you got your vet visit, under the condition you worked some overtime again, which you already expected.
It was getting dark by the time you were on your way home and while you were happy there was the slight underlying anxiety your new babies might have demolished your home in your absence. You had no way of knowing if any of them had spraying issues or if they might need a special diet. Leone was a very clean and neat cat, who’s only messes were his litter box and some shed fur that couldn’t be helped.
There was also the chance they might have fought for whatever reason and you quickly forced that thought out of your mind.
You would come home and there would be six lovely kitties meowing hello and wanting food and you’d all cuddle on the couch together and you’d be alright.
You opened your door and were shocked by the smell before anything else. It wasn’t the smell of cat pee or blood, which you were happy about, but it smelled like food. Like pasta with red sauce, to be precise.
Okay… maybe your mom had come over and let herself in and made you dinner? It was unlike her to do that, especially unannounced, but it was the only semi-reasonable explanation you could come up with until a stranger came walking out of your kitchen.
“Mistress, you’re home! Bellissimo! Leone said you’re usually home sooner, so we were getting worried-”
“Who the fuck are you and why are you in my house?!” you yelled. You didn’t want to be rude, you really didn’t, but you did not know this man and he was standing in your hallway, wearing nothing except your girly white apron that you rarely ever used. The man was of medium build, tan skin and a black bob cut, with two black cat ears perched almost cutely on the sides. You weren’t sure if the not knowing or the almost naked part disturbed you more.
A few seconds later you would discover it was in fact neither of those things that bothered you most, it was that apron man wasn’t the only under dressed intruder in your house! “You don’t have to yell. You invited us in,” a tall, lean, brown haired male with leopard spotted cat ears said, coming out of your living room wearing a pair of your hipster panties with a leopard print that matched his ears and at this point you were groping behind you for the door handle.
“Vecellio is next door...” you said, thinking these guys were probably friends of your neighbors who let themselves in. Did you not lock the door? Did they find your spare key? Did they not realize they were in the wrong house?
“That’s… nice? But I don’t think that’s got anything to do with us,” apron man said.
“You’re home~!!!” a small, black haired boy yelled, coming down the stairs in a bright orange mini skirt that you had only worn for Halloween once. He looked like he wanted to come up and hug you, but your indignant yelp stopped him.
“Why are you wearing my clothes?!” you demanded, tucking yourself way back into the corner.
“Chill, you didn’t have any guy clothes. Just thought it’d be more polite to put something on than to greet you with our dicks out. We’ll take ‘em off if you want,” leopard print said, already hooking his thumb into the panties he was wearing.
“N-No, keep that on! That is not what I meant!” you said quickly.
“If she’s home, does that mean we can have dinner now?” the black haired boy in the skirt asked.
“Not yet, Narancia. I think our new mistress needs a little more explaining,” the first said, beckoning you further into your apartment. By now two more guys had appeared. One was wearing the bottoms of your strawberry print pajamas and more egregiously, holding your laptop! The other only had a white sheet around his waist like he belonged in a renaissance painting, which quite frankly, would not be wrong.
“You're damn right I need a fucking explanation!” you snapped, already at a point where you were willing to overlook the mistress part of that statement when you realized something that had you ready to escalate this situation from potential battery to potential murder. “Where are my cats?!”
Around the corner at that very moment came your big, silver fur ball and you exhaled a sigh of relief, getting down on one knee to pick him up quickly.
“Hey, Leone,” you said, considerably more calm, only for the sweet but distant tomcat you’d had for over a year to transform before your very eyes into a tall, naked, silver haired man with an impatient scowl, with you still kneeling at eye level with exposed groin as he cocked his hip and crossed his arms.
“Now will you make them leave?!” he asked.
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sly-merlin · 4 years
Killing Me - 7 | n.y
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pairing : law student!reader + yuta
genre :    angst , mafia au/ arranged marriage au , smut
warnings of this chapter : cursing and mention of a knife.
words :: 6k
summary : “life’s never fair y/n. realise it as soon as you can . it is the only secret for living a regretless life.”                                  
                       “  curiousity got the cat hitched”
taglist :: (not tagging the old ones because they have read it already bt if u want , lemme know! )  @yiyi4657 @sorrywonwoo @sillywinnergladiator @suhweo @exfolitae @minejungwoo 
@kafenetwork​ @neowritingsnet​
K.M masterlist
k.m 6     k.m 8
It was 10 a.m. Not too late! but if someone has a long check list for the day, waking up this late in the morning was obviously not an ideal option. Groaning, you removed the sheets to get ready for a busy Sunday. As much as you didn’t want to tread in that direction, there was only one way out of the room. Keys jingled as you opened the door from inside, mentally thanking Kun for providing you the separate keys for it’d have been impossible to get the little nap that you took after 3a.m.
You were surprised at how door didn’t creak at all when you opened it. Your brows drew together as your eyes darted east and west to find any sign of life but hopefully the door of the other room was closed. You sighed, dragging your feet towards the bathroom.
unconsciously bolting the door, you looked at your reflection in the mirror. Eye bags adorned your deep eyes, cheekbones seeming dull and a bit hollow and all of this has happened in just a week. No matter how comforting the bedding was, the panic had already seeped through your bones when you saw that knife in yuta’s hand. With broken resolve of staying away from them, your anxiety had forced to to call taeyong at midnight, hours after fighting with your thoughts.
“Y/n you need to calm down. I told you already there’s nothing to be afraid of!
“How am I supposed to calm down when he literally threatened me with a knife!” your voice came out in loud whisper.
“He’s just finding a way to control you. I know he might have sounded aggressive but he’s not-
“Aggressive? You are defending that asshole!.... but it shouldn’t be a surprise to me. After all he’s your own kind. I can’t put-
“No y/n. you said yourself he looked drunk! and when I’m telling you you are safe th-
“I don’t think there’s anything to believe. I won’t be surprised if this was just a ploy to kill me in some more satisfactory way.” and you had hung up the phone on him.
After the call, you had realised there were flaws in your accusations towards taeyong but you were not in the wrong here and caring for your own life never counts as overreacting!
Finishing the morning routines, you were about to enter your room to get ready for the day but your feet instinctively led you to the living room.
Knife was gone. But the mark it left was a reminder of the alarms that went off in your head hearing yuta’s words.
You shook your head, deciding to stick to your original plan. Live and leave!
your to do list was not lengthy but still time consuming and luckily you won’t return until eight or nine so maybe you won’t face him today.
Tutoring, returning the boxes and some groceries.
You were recalling everything you had to do as your privilege to delay things was already gone a week ago. Being a senior in the same uni, you were the best option for the juniors, who could teach them the tips and tricks of attempting subjective exams and it was filling your bank account so you were not going to complain about teaching on Sunday as well.
The stack of plastic boxes seemed to be teasing you. There was no Johnny or jaemin, so it’d take atleast two rounds to get those downstairs and moreover you had to spend extra money on the taxi as well.
You whined loudly. The load of glitches in your life was not ending at all.
And all for the courtesy of none other than nakamoto yuta.
“I’m back!?” yuta announced his presence in the house in his loud good morning voice. “What’s for breakfast?
“Your favourite!” jungwoo replied cheerfully, tying his shoelaces.
Yuta glanced around finding most of them busy with one task or another but one particular scene going about in the corner of the hallway caught his attention.
“you lost yours! this is mine!” ten was shouting at doyoung, the same so-done-with-everyone look on doyoung’s face and between their hands was a mask that was getting harassed by both of them.
“You haven’t been active since two months, so no chance that this is yours!”
“I just went with you few days ago-
“What the heck are you both jumpy for?” yuta interrupted their bickering. They both stopped instantly, taking in yuta’s appearance. with hair looking like a bird’s nest and clothes all crinkled like he was wearing his sleepwear which he was not!
“Hyung! he is not giving me the mask. Its mine. I can’t go out for mission without it!” doyoung whined pointing at the black face mask aka cover at yuta.
“Since when are you nursing such macho interests doyie?” yuta snickered at doyoung , ten joining as well.
Doyoung gave them a stern look before throwing the mask on ten’s face. “ I’m not going with you anymore” he grumbled before making his way upstairs but stopped midway, pointing towards yuta, “ and I’m telling yong you are here again!” and he ascended upstairs.
“Give him my cover ten.” yuta patted ten’s shoulder but before he could ask or say anything to him, yuta made a beeline for the kitchen.
There in the kitchen, chenle and Kun were already gossiping minus chenle’s screaming, so it was visibly something serious. They both stopped as soon as yuta neared them and he definitely noticed the transition in the mood.
“What you hiding lele?” he asked the boy, settling himself between him and Kun.
Chenle simply giggled in response, his face lighting up yuta’s mood.
“What’s for breakfast?” he curiously asked Kun.
“cereal.” Kun replied.
“What! But jungwoo said it’s my favourite!”
“Yeah. You can definitely have your favourite cereal!” Kun exclaimed, sharing a high touch with chenle who couldn’t stop giggling at yuta’s scrunched nose.
“Don’t you have a mission to attend?”
“Mission? Pfff. why are you calling it that? It’s just a regular deal and why do you smell like...” chenle pretended to sniff yuta before completing his verbal assault. “Like someone poured egg mixture on your head.” kuns eyed widened as he tried his best to control his laughter by pursing his lips.
Chenle let out a high pitched scream as yuta grabbed his neck from behind, chenle’s body squirming under the pressure.
“Don’t you want to live few more years!” yuta playfully warned him, leaving his neck. As soon as he was released, he ran out of the kitchen for his dear life.
“You ain’t being a good father Kun!” Kun shook his head at yuta’s remark and turned towards the coffee machine instead. Yuta on the other side trudged across him to find his cereal box.
“Did jaehyun called you?” Kun asked him.
“He would call me for what now?” yuta backfired pouring the milk into the bowl.
“Taeyong hyung had a message for you but he was a bit busy.”
“Busy my ass. His backyard is always stuck to that ten feet chair. Haven’t you noticed how flat he has become!” he said with mouthful of cereal making Kun chuckle and cough at the same time, the coffee tickling his throat.
“What’s so funny here?” taeyong arrived in the kitchen, his hand poorly covering his yawning.
At the very moment, Kun coughed harder, trying to divert taeyong’s attention. After few more seconds of pretending, he calmed down.
“Done?” yuta asked Kun, smiling at him. Kun frowned at him in response as taeyong watched the exchange amusingly.
Taeyong made his way towards the cabinets to get himself something to eat but yuta circled backwards, blocking him with his long legs, feet now placed at the lower cabinet.
Taeyong glared at him through his hooded eyes. “Go back to your home and let us live in peace!”
“This is my home and I have pledged to not let anyone live in peace, especially you.” yuta replied pointing his spoon at him.
“Not . anymore!” taeyong declared, emphasising each syllable.
“Why are going to the deal in pyjamas? Are you trying to impress someone there? Perhaps li-shan, Taiwanese weapon mogul. But I don’t think you can amaze her without showing your ugly face boss.” yuta jabbed at yong, wiggling his brow at him. But with each word leaving his mouth, he was annoying taeyong more than ever.
“Why not talk about you instead. Let’s explain kun what you did last night hmm!” taeyong brushed his palms together before folding them against his chest. Kun titled him head at his words. He was missing something probably.
“I don’t know what you are talking about yong.” yuta replied calmly but moved his legs to clear taeyong’s path, hoping he would slide away, taking his precious mouth with him.
taeyong that was facing yuta now rotated his body in kun’s direction, addressing him, “our dear yuta welcomed y/n into his life by slamming a knife into the coffee table, telling her to leave the fuck out of his life, all while being under influence of alcohol, which we all know was nothing but a façade.” the composed manner with which taeyong spoke was enough for yuta to break down his frisky mannerisms. He didn’t think you would rant him out to taeyong.
“So she is a whiny baby like our doyoung!”
“This is not what I mean and you know that!” taeyong’s voice rose, staring yuta down with his hands tucked in his pyjama pockets.
“It was a mistake”, yuta tried to explain, threading a hand through his hair, “I was drunk.” he completed quietly.
“Then how did u drive home? Were you drunk and driving?”
“I told you alre-
“Cut it yuta! I’m done hearing your stupid excuses for impulsive actions. Because of you she doubted me! Fucking me! Am I seriously a man of my words or was this all some stupid drama. She thinks I’ve hired you to slaughter her in her sleep! What the fuck, don’t you laugh at me now!” out of nowhere, yuta has started laughing and nobody knew what was so funny to him in the whole conversation.
“I seriously don’t remember anything except the knife part but now I feel like she might have peed her pants yesterday!”
“Bring her here tomorrow and you’ll apologise in front of me!”
Suddenly yuta’s face fell at his order. “No way in hell I’m doing that. And she’s never sitting in my car. ever.” he emphasised, leaving the stool to put dishes in sink.
“Oh wow. Ohkk. Then you are bringing her to the district office tomorrow. For registration. At sharp 9a.m and i don’t need any lame stupid excuses. And she’s sitting in the passenger seat of your car. Or you are apologising to her in front of everyone. A or b. you choose now!” taeyong stated with a flash of authority in his voice. They both eyed each other down as Kun whirled around to leave the negativity. He was done and that too for good.
“I’m going to shower.” yuta announced, rounding the counters to follow Kun but stopped once he reached the door.
“I don’t know what has come over you but I’ve never seen this much hatred in your eyes ever. not for anyone we know. never expected it from you yongie. why it has to be me hmm!”
taeyong’s anger reduced to one of puzzlement as he took in yuta’s word. He raised his hand to stop him but he was gone. Sitting on the stool and resting his head in between his hands, he could sense yuta’s hostility for him. Yuta has always been messing up with his head. That was nothing new. But when did his gamesome disputes got twisted into antagonism, taeyong was unable to find an answer for that. His intentions might not have been bonafide but they were truly far away from the malice yuta was accusing him of. He didn’t hate him. Never had. And never will. But now was not the time to repair their cuts. Because yuta won’t allow him to even try.
“Do you think of all the topics, Mrs. Kang is going to choose double jeopardy?” your junior or student at the moment, asked you in confusion, flipping through the pages of his constitution reference book.
“Yes she would. Definitely. And subjective on that. How many times do I have to repeat! There are just 73 pages of Article 13 on this book. Just pick and choose the precedents and landmark cases and you are done.” you concluded.
Just when you were about to taste your now cold chocolate latte, another one chirped up.
“Can’t we skip some of the civil rights? She gave us an assignment of ex post facto laws instead and we don’t think she’d question us on the topic she didn’t even taught in the first place!”
You suddenly chuckled, resting the cup on the small table. “That’s nothing new actually. For all I know, she has been doing this since she joined fifteen years ago. Topics differ but same pattern follows. She gives an assignment a month before exams, adds the grades as extra credit, imprinting a false presumption through her actions that she’d go in hell if she ever questions from that topic in exams. Everyone is happy that they can skip at least one topic without worrying about it and then boom!!!.She puts that very topic in subjective part. Voila! and everyone’s scores drop.” you sighed looking dramatically at the opposite wall. “But not actually everyone is that naïve so people like me and you actually do the chore of consulting our seniors. And this chain is as old as her career. So do you want to take the risk of doubting me?” you completed looking down at them with furrowed brows.
If words could kill, it’d have been the ones you just threw mercilessly at the young ones right now! They looked like seconds away from passing out. Your own face dropped at their helplessness so instinctively, you assured them.
“Hey! No pressure. You have one of the best guide here so I’ll make sure you ace the civil law!”
Their stiff shoulders relaxed for once in last 3 hours. Another forty five minutes and you would be leaving this small study room. The occasional yawns were not going away by coffee either. You were tired as hell but still had plenty to do. The visit to supermarket was still pending and you were not going to waste your precious money on taxi. Not again. You’d rather travel for an hour by bus to reach your new residence.
You were consumed in your own restless thoughts when the ringing of your phone woke you up.
“Oye y/n, we are going to itaewon. A new restaurant has opened. At eight. Get ready and I’ll pick you up from dorms.”
no hello. No formalities. He commanded you like you were his junior soldier in a war waiting for his directions to act.
“Slow your roll! I’m busy. I can’t join you today.”
“What are you doing at this hour? Your tuitions ended an hour ago.”
“No. I missed previous sessions so I’m making up for It.” you heard a long sign from other side.
“Ok. So you are only fifteen minutes away from dorms! You can make it. If you say we’ll delay for an hour. How about now?” you cringed at his antics but you had no other option than to burst his hope.
“I’m busy after that. I’ve some grocery shopping to do. I moved out so I’m busy setting everything up.” you deliberately mumbled the last part.
“What the! You moved out. When and why” the happiness in his voice suddenly turned into one of annoyance, “Why is everybody hiding stuff from me these days? Jungkook is busy every other day doing don’t know what! And now you! You changed address and probably I’m the last person to be knowing this!” he huffed at the end.
“I don’t know about kooky but I just took the decision in emergency. And I promise I’ll treat you to bulgogi next time.” your peace offering to him was his favourite food so you knew you were in safer zone. that was the only way you knew. food.
“yeah yeah whatever. Its not like I expect you both to visit my grave or anything. just don’t miss yeong’s birthday. she would chop off your hair.”
“Yeah sure. Now bye. I’m busy.” you hung up with a smile plastered on your face, your students already waiting for you with knitted eyes.
“Oh sorry. What is it?” you apologised for distraction and moved your chair further to take a look at the book.
“Umm what should be the beginning sentence? I promise I’ll get through this, just give me a kick start.”
“Me too! I don’t want any less than an A.”
You rolled your eyes at their competitiveness and their dedication to cling to you for head starters. Last time, you told yourself that you won’t help them with papers next time. But their puppy faces got through you resolves. Every time.
“Doyeon, you can start with the maxim “autrefois convict” and how it is applied in other countries, indirectly giving a comparison with our system. And you!” you continued, concentrating on mingi. “You would give beginning of civil law and how it was admitted in Korea and then explain the article 13 while giving subtle hints about how our system is a bit shitty at this but don’t forget to sugar-coat or Mrs. Kang will make sure your stupid ass never completes law. afterall…Her husband is a judge in the high court !” you advised rather sarcastically, glancing back and forth between them in silence. As they understood the reference, a burst of loud hearty laughter covered the small room before all of you returned to your studies.
9:30 p.m.
Your sneakers squeaked as you dragged your tired body out of the elevator. The apartment ,besides being just few steps away seemed miles away for now. By the strength you were holding and pulling the jute bag up from the floor, you were sure the red marks would be visible by now. Odds were never in your favour these days, but still to save yourself from the wrath of the monster, you had decided to take a longer route instead. Travelling, dinner, shopping, you had turned these everyday jobs into a mission to avoid yuta. But you had forgot about the discomfort that’d be caused by these extra efforts.
So now here you were, wishing the door itself would come and welcome you!
As soon as the door came into sight, you dropped the bag just when your body slumped against it. You groaned again realising chelin is not there to drag your almost dead body inside, so you picked the bag again. 2610 and the entrance was in vision.
As if some sort of warning, three pairs of shoes welcomed you. You took a deep, harsh breath before entering the hallway mutely. You walked straight for the kitchen but were not unnoticed by the two male figures sitting on the couch. Their heads turned like owls when you placed groceries on the counter. yuta and mark. You peeked through your hooded eyes to notice that they were playing some sort of game on the t.v and it wasn’t hard to read that the sour look on their faces was due to your presence in the vicinity.
So you did what you initially intended to! Leaving the bag on the counter, you left for your room but apparently everything has a limit excluding your bad luck.
You turned around ,muffled exhausted moan leaving your pursed lips only to find that the filled jute bag was now halfway empty, little red balls rolling and rolling towards the couches and the little marathon of apples stopped only at mark’s feet. You stood there like a deer caught in headlights until your admirer spoke out.
“That’s not how you feed your guests Mrs. y/n and especially not your husband.” the third man, jaehyun, who was hidden behind yuta till now, voiced his very genuine concern for your manners.
You initially rolled your eyes at his comment, deciding to avoid him as much as possible and removed your backpack to pick up the fruits and candies. But while you were picking up the stuff, a very annoying laughter erupted from the opposite side, definitely from jaehyun so you decided to address him directly.
“Hate to burst your bubble jaehyun, but uninvited guests seldom meets a welcome. so the problem here is maybe not me!” you  gave him a tight lipped smile and started with your scattered groceries again, placing them one by one in the bag again, the jute now balanced nicely to contain them.
“Well I’ve have an official invitation to be a guest here. Anytime I want. So isn’t it your duty to be a good host!” his snarked.
“Oh then someone who can adopt you, can feed you as well! And I’m sure you are in good hands jaehyun ” you only heard a snicker and someone’s shushing voice as the oranges in your hand started to roll out again. You were already frustrated enough to handle jaehyun and now the oranges were not cooperating either.
You started collecting them again when a pair of legs shadowed you.
“Wait I’ll do it!” mark said sheepishly, his hands already holding the other apples.
“It’s ok”
“You are wobbling. Lemma help.” mark gestured towards the fruits ,  fixing his glasses with his knuckles.
“Thanks” you merely mumbled as he filled and picked the bag only to place it in the corner of the further counter, secured properly.
After he was done, you thanked him again before picking your bag to leave for room.
“y/n don’t play the ‘lets catch criminals’ game in your sleep, who knows you might not wake up from the trauma of the consequences.” he shouted at you, chuckling along the way.
You were sure if frustration and idiocy had a face, jaehyun surely matched them perfectly.
“登録事務所。明日。 9時に”
Your mouth hung open as you stopped with the hand on the knob, trying to decipher what he said but obviously it was of no use. You didn’t know any Japanese so you just shut the door behind.
Loud laughs and yelling disturbed your sleep and that continued till 11p.m and after multiple trips to bathroom, you were able to rest a bit.
And one more thing you noticed during your frequent visits, yuta had officially moved in as your roommate.
Turning off the alarm, you hid your face further into the summer sheets. The night was a bit peaceful as compared to the ones you have been experiencing lately but in no way blissful. You missed your small single dorm bed, your comrade in the battles of stress. The rooster alarm had woke you up at 6 but for every student, the desire to be in the embrace of bed swells on the day called Monday. Reluctantly, you rubbed your eyes, sitting on the edge of the bed. But as you beheld the sight with squinted eyes, a smile crept on your face, your legs taking you towards the balcony. As you opened the sliding door, the warm of the morning sun welcomed you, making you close your eyes at the feeling.
After staying there for a few moments, you decided to get ready as the university was now actually too far away for anyone’s liking and you were supposed to attend the lecture of Intellectual property law at 9 a.m sharp
Collecting the clothes for the day, you pushed yourself for the bathroom. As you opened the top cabinet, there was everything but what you stacked a day ago.
There was a toothbrush, but clearly not yours. There were cleansers and toners, but again, not yours! Even your sanitary products were gone!
Yesterday night, the new hand wash that also didn’t belong to you had indicated that yuta has settled down but it was only now that you noticed, he had thrown out yours to accommodate his own stuff! You pulled your hair in frustration at his thought. He was a jerk, for sure, but of very senior kind. If hundred jerks were grinded in a mixer, only then one yuta could come into existence again.
Looking around ,your eyes fell on the cabinets below the sink, a bit inwards, that were probably used to put cleaners or something. But as you opened them , a squeal left your lips. There were no toilet cleaners but still your essentials were haphazardly thrown over each other. At least these weren’t thrown outside!
Huffing and puffing, you properly assembled them, ready to get through the day. Your main focus was not to trip yourself into another blunder but that yuta was scheming against you even in your absence. Not that you could do anything, but if there was a slightest probability, you’d slice his bitter tongue at first attempt. But no violence, even in thoughts. For now.
Somehow, the running water had managed to wash your cold head and you happily got ready for university in black long sleeved top and washed jeans. There was no need for scarf and yeong won’t be seeing you due to her paper presentation, so the fashion exercise was also cancelled. Putting your hair in a low ponytail, you grabbed your heavy backpack and went out to get some breakfast. The thought of cornflakes topped with apples was watering your mouth. So you ran out of the room, throwing bag on the couch, then made your way to food paradise.
Thanks to Kun or Johnny, the kitchen was already well equipped with the utensils and cutlery but still it was hard to navigate to find a small bowl for cereal. Once the hunt for glass bowl ended, you gasped!
In your hurry to dodge the them yesterday, you had totally forgotten to refrigerate the milk and there was no doubt the milk was spoiled by now.you sighed digging through the bag for your milk cartons but wow! there was cereal, apples, which needed to be stored as well, the chocolates, but no milk. you were sure that you indeed paid for the two milk cartons but no nothing, nada!. biting your nails, you eyed the fridge. Could it be!
Yes, it was. The cartons were stored in the fridge fresh and packed. You would thank that mark boy someday, if he remain cordial with you! of course.
The milk was too cold for your preference, but everything’s better than starving! The watch on your wrist read 7:40, you were on time like always. You stored the milk back and washed the dishes. Last thing you wanted to hear was that man taunting you for not keeping the space clean. Tossing two apples into the bag, you marched for the door.
“Where are you going?” rotating in your steps, you noticed yuta standing by the counter, shirtless, wearing only jeans, drying his hair with a towel and his orbs staring into yours in a showdown.
“A student with a backpack at 8a.m! I won’t be going to a fight club right!” you replied impulsively but immediately regretted opening your mouth, noticing his warning gaze. You again turned to continue but he paused you again.
“You are breaking the deal here then! Taeyong hates deceivers and results of his rage are not very pleasant either. Not that I would mind anything here”
Your face twisted as to why would taeyong would feel being defrauded at your uni trip! He himself told you to continue study.
As you dictated your same thoughts to yuta, you were met with a questionable look.
“I’m talking about district office. The place where we are going to register this peaceful treaty. Today. At 9 a.m.” he air quoted peaceful as you took in his words. He could be lying right! As if he heard your thoughts, he clarified with a smirk garnishing his lips, “It’s not an assassination attempt. You won’t be walking right now if I wanted to kill you so much.”
You gulped at his words but regained composure moment later, “but taeyong didn’t inform me about this and I’m late for my lecture. I can’t miss it without informing my teacher. So go alone.”
“I would love to sweety! But I had informed you yesterday and they need both of us, unfortunately.” he was still crushing his blonde hair with the towel.
“We didn’t even talk yesterday!”
“You didn’t. I did. I told you right when you were outside your room so don’t lie. If you want to go, wait here. Or else take the bus. I don’t mind.” he concluded, walking away. And you thought he was shit-talking in Japanese.
“I don’t understand Japanese. So talk to me in Korean or English next time.” you shouted at his back, frowning in annoyance.
You groaned loudly at his illiterate comment. “Japanese isn’t a law subject you moron!” you mumble to yourself, fishing out your phone to shoot taeyong a text.
You: district office meeting is today?”
Waiting, you moved to the couches. His response came immediately.
Taeyong b.n: hmm. Johnny and doyoung would be there so jaehyun won’t be a trouble to you. If yuta does anything, do tell me. Bye.
You threw your head at the back, moaning in an ugly tone. The idea of travelling with yuta was daunting and nerve wrecking. And jaehyun was just cherry on top. Single minute in his presence made you felt like an intruder. So much for new family. Then there was Johnny who could be counted as totally normal if placed in same balancing scales as these foolish brains and Kun had same vibes as jungkook, positive and put together. And from jungkook, your mind floated to chelin. You had decided to let her choose some skirts for you as it would make her happ-
You craned your neck at the sound of utensils. Yuta, now properly dressed ,was making food for himself. And he was wearing black shirt and washed jeans. Same as you. How insufferable. You were going to be looking like his little sister or something!
“Hurry up!” you exclaimed. “I have a lecture. I want to attend the half of it at least.” crossing your arms, you tried to focus on the t.v instead. Your previous happy mood was nowhere to be found in the reflection that faced you!
“We aren’t going on a bicycle. And we are going to a govt. office. Forget about the lecture, you’ll die of standing in the queues anyway.” he scoffed at you, taking a bite of the bread.
Cabinet open. Cabinet shut.
Refrigerator open. Shut.
Another thud. Maybe of glass bowl. By the sound of it, the bowl he was using won’t last for too many days.
A few moments of silence.
at this point, you could hear your own heartbeat, but still you were on edge. Your legs were restlessly shaking, fingers crossed, and thumbs fighting for dominance. Then suddenly, you face contorted at a certain sound.
Slurping. And it continued to breach the silence for few more moments. A louder thud.
“Are you sleeping or what? It’s not like I’m dying to drive you!”  The repulsion in his voice was clear.
Not choosing to answer, you picked the bag, walking outside, stopping only at the shoe rack.
“Oops. Wait. I think I forgot my sweetheart inside!” he announced before going back.
A small seat was attached with the shoe rack. You were tying your shoelaces when yuta sat beside you, picking up his own shoes. You gave a side glance to his shoes, the sight making your eyes round with surprise. A knife was clearly visible through his white sock. and maybe one of many. You jerked your head to focus on your own shoes. You got up before he did, smoothing the sleeves of your top.
What you missed were yuta’s eyes. On you. More specifically, on the ring, decorating your forefinger. His hooded eyes travelled upwards from finger to your waist, he gulped at the sight of your chest which was slightly pushed out due to straps of the bag but he halted right there, opting not to look further. He suddenly wanted to look anywhere but you. He peeked again but was glad that you were busy with your ponytail, instead of giving him any attention. He abruptly got up, cleaning his hands with the sanitizer he had kept yesterday right there.
While walking away, he looked behind, “wait outside the building.” he said like he was reading a morning newspaper, in stoic and emotionless voice. Opening the door, he stilled again, “and wear the ring in the third finger. Got to make them believe!” and he was gone.
You looked at the platinum which was shimmering due to the light. You closed your hand tightly after changing it.
The entire car ride was silent. Not comfortable one but the kind that could make one nauseous. As the district office was approaching, the discomfort intensified. your gnashed you teeth in an attempt to control your movements, moved the zipper of the bag up and down , sideways but your heart beating sped up like never before as yuta parked the car.
You jumped out as soon as he opened the door, craving for fresh air. Taking deep breaths, you gave light pats on your churning stomach. Once feeling a little better, you circled the car to reach where yuta was standing. He didn’t say anything but you followed him mindlessly.
“Morning y/n. how are you?” you peered at Johnny, who was smiling at you, expecting a response. You merely nodded at him, hugging your arms,.
“Hurry up. Its almost 9. I don’t have much time.” jaehyun said, not even acknowledging your presence.
“How much time do we have to wait for our turn?” you asked Johnny, now fumbling with the bag straps like a nervous school kid.
“Not even a sec!! jae got it here. Just witness signatures have to be done and then they’ll make you sign on a register.”
Reminder to not believe a fuck yuta says!
“Give me your bag. It won’t look very smart,” you handed over your bag to Johnny as everyone else was already miles away.
It was not even a room, if you could say. It was just a cabin with a small sign marriage registration written on it. There were plenty of people waiting but somehow you were the first or at least it looked like it.
“Please sit.” the lady offered politely, pointing towards the two chair opposite hers. You and yuta took seats as jaehyun opened the papers for her. She went through all the three pages in painfully slow speed, intermittently glancing at you both through her round glasses.
You were focused on her as she matched the details of birth certificates with papers when Johnny nudged you. He was trying to say something ,by actually not saying anything.
A smile. Then he looked at yuta. And he kept repeating it until you understood.
Smile. Yuta. Smile yuta. Smile yuta???
Ohh smile at yuta!!
You nodded profusely before turning towards yuta who was receiving the same instructions from doyoung but was too oblivious to catch anything. You waited for him to pick up and when he faced you, found you already doing the same. He plastered a smile on his face, you mirroring him instantaneously. And that was when you noticed, the twinkle in his eyes, howsoever fake, but still a beautiful sight. Your curved lips almost dropped at this. His eyes didn’t left your face as he scanned it completely. You, for a fact knew, your smile didn’t reach your eyes. You were just unable to do that. And nobody has ever questioned it but yuta’s eyes! , his eyes were teasing you. That he was better at this game. And that you were lacking something when compared to him!
“You kids are so fine!” you broke your eye contact at her voice, thanking her internally. “Most couples these days just come here, being all over each other and blah blah but the ones who try to find the shine in other’s eyes are like rare diamonds. Keep looking at each other and you’ll both find your paradise someday.” she clasped her hands together, tilting her head slightly to look at your figures. Her smile seemed …hopeful! How could she not realise that you both were faking being happy!
“You can sign here!” she exclaimed. You both signed at mentioned space. Afterwards Johnny and doyoung also signed as immediate witnesses.
“Collect the certificate in two days.” she said, an indication for you that you were over with another drama. You bowed to her before leaving, not forgetting to briefly smile at her.
Were you both that believable? Maybe faking being intimate wasn’t that of a trouble! Or maybe it was because you were both good at the art of pretence!
“Your bag y/n.” you took it from Johnny, putting it on your shoulders immediately. Taking out your hair tucked in the back side of the bag, you nodded at Johnny as goodbye, making your way outside.
“Hey wait!”
You stopped at his voice.
“Taeyong gave a message. The reception is on Friday evening. And lemma drop you. I’m not going with them.” you didn’t even know how to react at his words as you shook your head in refusal, your tummy giving you active signs of running away.
“No. I’m fine. Bye. take care.” you concluded, sprinting outside for a wave of fresh air, leaving Johnny behind, dumbfolded.
“Quite a runner!” jaehyun laughed as he and others joined Johnny.
“Yeah. She was shouting about some lecture at 9 a.m. maybe if she runs like bolt, there’s a chance to attend it!” yuta spoke. jaehyun laughed as if what yuta said was actually really funny.
“No. she is just hurt and upset.” Johnny explained, following you but immediately stopped at yuta’s words.
“shield cant be a sword johnny. Shield can never be a sword!”
“登録事務所。明日。 9時に”  = registration office. tomorrow. 9 o’clock.
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elena-reina · 4 years
Worth It - Draco Malfoy x Reader
Request: (1/3) heyyy, can you do an imagine that draco comforts you for having depression for whatever reason and one day he saw you standing on the roof of hog warts almost leaping off the balcony but he catches you in time (you can create the ending) thank u if you do!! :)) - Anon
(2/3) Can you do a one shot where Draco knows about the readers eating disorder and he helps her overcome it? I hope that makes sense, I love your stories so much, please don't stop writing! - Anon
(3/3) Yay, you’re back! I was wondering if you could do a Draco Malfoy x reader where he finds her self harming? I get it if you aren’t comfortable - Anon
Warnings: Very triggering- read with caution please, depression- suicide related, anorexia, self-harm
A/N: PLEASE READ! These three all fall under the same category for me, so I just combined them. I just want to make it clear that I am not, in any way, romanticizing or making it seem as though I am pro self-harm whatsoever; I purely write whatever requests come in. To those that do, I know you’ve got a lot going on and there is a lot of emotions, trauma, and hurt; believe me I know a lot about it. But it gets better, I promise you. It always gets better. Incase you all haven’t heard it, I love you, I care about you, and I know you’re strong enough to make it through anything. If anyone needs to talk, my messages are always open and again don’t ever think you’re not enough or worth it because you all are golden. You were put on this earth for a reason :)
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Just another day on top of another.
Yawning, you lightly scratched your head and stood in front of your mirror in your dorm room; nothing covered you besides your undergarments. Looking up and down your body completely still, you wouldn’t be able to tell there was anything wrong. You lifted your arm and looked at your wrist leading down your forearm; the markings covered the insides of your arms and varied in color, shape, and size. Some of them were old, obvious by how they shined and caught light at just the right angle. Some were bright red and bold, there was no denying it. Most were about a month old, looking like a cat scratched you and drew blood; which would be believeable considering you owned a cat- Pumpkin; some you could also blame on an accident. 
Well, what kind of accident?
Well, you didn’t have that answer. Not as if anyone were to ask anyways due to the fact that you kept them hidden in the first place.
You started at your feet, averting your eyes from your own reflection. Your feet were bony and thin, like the rest of your body. Raising your gaze, you winced at the emaciated figure that stared back at yourself. 
What had you let yourself become? 
To others, you looked sickly. 
Had you come to Hogwarts like this initially? No. It was harder to hide it at home, so your mind never crossed it other than maybe dark thoughts here and there.
Did you have a good life at home? Well, that’s subjective. You had a roof over your head, clothes on your back, and food in the fridge. All the necessary things to provide as a necessity to live.
But did you have genuine friends, loving parents, and a place to call home? No.
Your once plump and vibrant self, now looked thin to the bone. Once the soul becomes so thin, the body will inevitably follow in its footsteps like a wandering toddler, learning and adapting from the shadows within. Instead of a growing sense of ultimate self-love, self-worth, or self-positivity, the soul doesn’t have the strength to ascend upwards to health anymore. And so it is extremely hard to eat more, even when it is a simple bite at a time; drink more, with a tiny sip of water needed to survive; live more, the simple act of breathing eventually gets difficult from time to time; and ultimately hard to listen to that part of yourself that wants to stay alive and be loved.
Would you still go to the Grand Hall? Well of course, if there was one thing you hated more than yourself was unwanted attention. Part of you belives it’s your fault that you don’t have friends soley because of how introverted you are. And with the friends, well friend, that you do have just so happens to be the person most people don’t get along with; Draco Malfoy.
What’re the odds.
There definitely was more to it than just being “friends” with Draco, but neither of you fully acknowledged it. He knew about your eating disorder, and he tries his best to help you, encouraging you every step of the way- even when you blatantly push him away.
You never asked for help- Not that he cared if you did or didn’t anyway.
Turning away from the mirror, you slipped on your white button up shirt making sure to clip the button around your wrist, taking attention away for your skin. Sliding on your skirt, Y/H tie, and your Y/H robe, you were ready to head down for breakfast. 
Your hand rested on the cold metal door knob, as you stared at the small piece of silver metal on top of your dresser; whom you have a terrible relationship with. You bit your lip, hesitating. You knew you shouldn’t take it. You knew you shouldn’t have it on you because it will only ingite triggers. 
Fuck it.
You quickly walked over to your dresser and picked up the sharp piece to put in your pocket. Spinning on your heel, you headed on out of the room and to the Grand Hall.
You walked through the aisles, and immediately met with Draco’s eyes. He lit up and waved you over to your usual seat right beside him. He scooted over, patting the space next to him as you sat down. He grinned, happy to see you.
“G’morning, Y/N,” he said pulling you into a tight hug. He was always careful when touching you because he felt like he could snap you in half if he were to be too rough on you.
You smiled warmly, breathing in his calming smell. “Good morning, Draco.”
“Alright, I know we’ve been doing baby steps for the longest time, but I think you are just about ready,” he spoke.
You furrowed your eyebrows. “What’re you talking about?”
He leaned over the table and placed food onto your plate, more than he’s put on the last times. Before it would just be pieces of fruit here and there, maybe a piece of sausage; but this time he put a waffle, more fruit, and two slices of bacon.
Your stomach gurgled for the food, desperate to be full off of something. But at the same time, you felt sick to your stomach.
“Draco, this is too much. I’m not even all that hungry. We had a big dinner the night before remember?”
“Nonesense, you literally only ate a handfull of rice and two small pieces of asparagus last night. Even my owl eats more than that,” he scoffed, rolling his eyes.
You stared at your plate, leaning back. Your tongue felt dry, despite your cup of water being right in front of you. Your throat felt as if someone thrust a handful of itching powder down and it was dying to be coughed out. If possible, you could sit in the chair for fifteen hours straight; you just weren’t in the mood to eat.
“Listen, you don’t have to eat it all, but please try for me.”
You nodded and picked up your fork, stabbing to the orange melon. Bringing it to your lips, you slowly chewed as your stomach was growling in pleasure being finally fed. 
Draco cheered you on with every bite, causing you to laugh. He wanted to distract you so that you focused less on what you’re eating and more on conversing with him so you weren’t as distracted with how much you were eating.
Eventually, you finished about half the waffle, all your fruit, and had no more bacon left. You were surprised at yourself when you looked back at your plate and then to him.
“I’m so proud of you! You ate more than I expected- not that I am complaining, I’m definitely not because I am really happy for you,” he quickly chuckled, “Maybe tomorrow we can put two waffles.” He nudged the side of your bony rib jokinly.
“Ha ha very funny,” you joked, rolling your eyes. 
After some time, you had to go to class. Sadly, you didn’t share many classes with Draco if at all. Walking into potions, you sat in your usual seat in the back of the room. As usual, there were always a few Slytherin’s that would pester you  solely because you were one of the few people in the school who was able to even share the same space as Draco; it was pure jealousy but you didn’t have a say in anything, or even how your friendship blossomed in the first place.
“Y/L/N,” Daphne sneered, leaning close to your face.
You really tried your best to focus on your Potions book but the group of girls that taunt you every single day just so happened to want to be extra annoying and sit around you. And when I say around you, I mean literally in front of you, next to you, on both sides, and even behind you. You lifted your head from your hand to looked at Daphne in front of you, considering she was right in your face. You opened your mouth to speak, but she beat you to it.
“I really don’t understand how us purebloods are forced to associate with people like you rotting mudbloods,” she giggled, making a disgusted expression as she said the last part. Her friends burst out into obnoxious laughter. 
You weren’t even a mudblood. You had friends who weren’t magical, but that only led people to paint you as a mudblood.
"Can’t say anything? Can’t stick up for yourself Y/L/N? My goodness, do you even speak or is that too hard for you?” Sarah on the side of you asks, awaiting your response, “I see the way you have Draco baby you. It’s pathetic really.”
They took your silence as an answer and continued but this time it was Heather behind you. "See, she doesn’t even deny it,” she snickered, "Just look at you. I don’t see what he sees in you. You look like, I don’t even know how to say it, a walking pole-”
“No, a broken twig!” Daphne interjected, laughing.
“Yes a broken twig!” Heather continued, slowly enunciating each word, “Nothing but a pathetic, filthy, mudblood who pretends to be sick just to get the attention from those who actually matter.” 
Each word felt like a stab in an open wound over and over again, being thrusted through your entire body. Tears welled up in your eyes as you blankly stared down at your Potions book, threatening to fall at any given moment. 
“What? Cat’s still got your tongue?” Alicia from the other side of you jerked, shoving on your roughly causing you to bump into Sarah. Sarah let out a disgusted groan and pushed you back off of her.
“Gross! Do not touch me!” she gagged, as Heather joined in and pushed you to the point that you fell out of your seat and roughly onto the floor with a loud smack.
“HEY! LEAVE HER ALONE!” someone in the classroom, whom you recognized as Justin Finch-Fletchley, spoke loudly finally witnessing what was happening.
Tears silently cascaded down your cheeks. He quickly jogged over to you as the mean girls dispersed to a different part of the classroom snickering together.
“Are you alright?” he asked concerned, extending his arm out towards you. You looked at his hand through blurry eyes and nodded, lightly grabbing onto him. He helped you to your feet. Grabbing onto your book, you turned and rushed out of the room and headed in the direction of the bathroom.
Keeping you head low, you sped walked, and crashed into someone that sent you flying to the floor. Choking over your tears, you didn’t bother to look at who it was and instead rushed to find your Potions book and hurry out of there.
“Y/N?” that familiar voice spoke.
You still avoided eyecontact as you kept searching to your book only to find him holding onto it, to give to you. Standing up, you straightened out your skirt. Lightly grabbing it, you whispered a quiet thank you and tried to continue down the hallway. He stopped you grabbing onto your arm, alarmed.
“Woah, wait. What’s going on, what happened, what’s wrong?” he asked all at once as he watched the translucent tears glide down the sides of your face. You stood straight.
“Please, let me go,” you spoke softly, your voice slightly cracking.
“Was someone saying bullshit to you? Did someone hurt you? Because you know I’m always here for you and I’ll make sure they don’t say anything to or about you ever again.” He growls getting angrier by the second.
“I just really want to be left alone, Draco. I’m sorry,” you said snatching your arm back and sped walked down the hallway.
His scowl lightens, worrying for you. He slowly followed you. 
Initially you wanted to go to the bathroom, but changed your mind last minute. Turning a different corner, you kept going up more and more stairs until you inevitably reached the top of the Hogwarts building. Rushing to the edge, you dropped your book onto the floor and stood slightly leaning over the edge to get a good look at the bottom of the building with your hair flowing in the wind. It was a long way down that will ultimately end up in costing you your life. Trying to force yourself out of your thoughts, you looked in your pocket for that piece of metal, grateful that you grabbed it earlier. Frantically unbuttoning the shirt around your wrist, you felt numb as you choked over your tears silently.
“I’m not worth it,” you thought to yourself.
You stood on the brink of something you couldn't describe. The weight of everything seemed to press down on your shoulders and you struggled to take even a single step forward towards anything positive.
You felt worthless. 
A waste of space. A waste of air. A waste of life. 
It was too much. All of it. 
The tingle as the sharp metal glided against your skin provided a senseless, numb feeling. Every step cost you as the darkness in your mind grew darker and darker; the pain grew sharper and stronger; all of it seemed to only swell in strength and you began to wonder if things could ever get better.
You were tired of feeling things. Everyday felt like never ending dread. With an exception of Draco, nothing seemed worth it anymore. Hell, Draco will only end up forgetting about you in the end of it all.
You don’t play that much of a significant role in his life to matter to him in the long run.
Sometimes you wonder if someone ever notices that sad, broken look in your eyes that you see in the mirror that are masked with a smile and fake enthusiasm. 
If they see beauty where you see ugliness. 
You laugh, traveling up your arm going over old scars, a bitter, sarcastic laugh, at yourself. Nobody cares. No one notices. 
They never seem to, do they? You’ve fought for years, all for what.
The crimson liquid dripped down your arm, falling onto the stone floor. The wind pushed and howled against you as though to try and shove you back. Clumsily, you dropped your metal blade.
“No!” you shouted, dropping to your knees and it fell further and further, out of your sight. You choked over your sobs, feeling broken. Your arm stung and you looked at it through blurry tears.
“I can’t take this anymore,” you spoke aloud to yourself and shakily stood up. You inched closer and closed on the edge, as you looked up inhaling the fresh air. With one last breath, you closed your eyes, opened your arms, and took your last step forward and felt the pressure of the wind beat you on the way down. 
The blackness behind your eyes was perfect. It provided a visual silence that gave a respected admiration. With your eyes closed there was the simple sweetness of the longing of existing, of being, of breathing, and how those moments extended with such grace until you are met with the concluding dark abyss.
Prior while had Draco followed you, he could feel the dark and depressive energy emerging out of your presense. He knew you needed your space, but something was off. The higher and higher you went up the stairs, he had enough of following you and simply looked up. Only the worse things plagued his mind as he quickly rushed back down the stairs and sprinted through the halls to hurry and get outside. He had no seconds to waste, because he had a feeling you were going to try and jump.
He could’ve followed you all the way to the top, but if you had jumped he would’ve been to late. At least this way, he had a chance of catching you.
Ignoring the pain in his chest from running, he ran pushing anyone and everyone who got in his way. 
Darting outside, his eyes widened as he saw your body flying down the side of the building. With one last push of exertion, he caught you in his arms just in time. He fell forward into the floor, but was sure to cradle your head so you got the least amount of injury.
Breathing heavily up and down. You opened your eyes and met Draco’s silver, scared ones. You didn’t know what to think. You didn’t think he was going to be there. Your fresh wounds, began to soak up in his white shirt. Draco sees them, the sight of your new scars reveal themselves to him. He sees your arm, not that he’s surprised. Still being held in his arms protectively, he starts to cry. 
“Y/N,” he says your name like you had just broken his heart.
Your throat tightens and you feel yourself on the brink of tears as your eyes stung. You didn’t know what to say. You were broken.
“I’m sorry,” you apologize, not knowing what else to say or do. “I’m sorry. I–”
He interrupts you. “Why...” he stammers gazing down at your arm, “How many times?” He rang a soft finger down your arm, wincing at every raw wound.
“I don’t know,” you mumbles. 
“For fuck’s sake,” he cried out, his tears dripping off his chin. “I’m sorry I wasn’t…I wasn’t there for you enough.”
You shake your head, “No, Draco, it wasn’t your fault–”
Draco looked down at you with confusion and anger before he smashed his desperate lips onto yours.
Suddenly, the anger, the self-hatred, the loathing, the rage left your body for a split moment. It diminished as soon as his lips pressed against yours in a long over-due, intense passion. It was as if he was taking all away all your pain and misery and threw it away.
You kissed him back with burning amount of fiery love he was kissing you with. Your lips worked hungrily against his as his hands snaked their way to your waist and pulled your shaking body closer to his to kiss you deeper.
Your cold hands grabbed his face and pulled it closer to yours, if that was even possible. His calming scent flowed through your nostils, making your eyes water under your closed eyes.
Too many emotions were going through your brain and you couldn’t handle it. Deep down,  you had always dreamt of being with Draco. Although, you wish that it could have happened under very different and happier circumstances. Nonetheless, you were grateful.
Pulling away, he gazed into your eyes. “Y/N, can you answer me why? Why didn’t you come and talk to me.”
You tried diverting your gaze, but he grabbed your chin with his hand lightly to keep his eyes locked with yours. “Please.”
“I can’t take it anymore. I hate myself and everything I stand for,” you began to cry, “I just... I just thought it would make it easier for everyone else if I were to end everything and erase myself from existence.”
“I would miss you and I don’t know what I would do without you. What if I had just offed myself and left you there to wonder where you went wrong.”
You broke down into sobs, burying your face into his neck as he embraced you in a tight hug.
You shook. “I... I know, but I’m nothing special. I’m just–”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence,” he snapped harshly. “You are so fucking perfect, it drives me insane. I love you so goddamn much, do you know that? Do you? I love you too much to let you keep doing this to yourself. You are worth it. You are loved. You are my everything. I want you to remember that feeling you had right now at the thought of me ending my life, because that’s what you’re doing to me whenever you cut me out of your life like I’m nothing.”
“I’m sorry,” you cried lifting your head sniffing, “Draco, I wasn’t trying to hurt you, I swear. I was just…I was just..” but you didn’t have any excuse, so you collapsed back into his warm embrace.
“I know,” he murmurs against your hair. “I know. I love you. I love you so much.”
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