#can we get McDonald's?
goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Super Effective!: Morningstars vs Vaggie
Lucifer: Vaggie?
Vaggie: Yes, Lucifer?
Lucifer: (Morningstar Puppy Eyes) Can we have McBurger Queen for dinner?
Vaggie: What did Charlie say?
Lucifer: To ask you.
Vaggie: We have food here.
Lucifer: You leave me no choice. CHARLIEZARD!!! USE BABY DOLL EYES!!!
Vaggie: Wait, what?
Charlie: RAWR!!! (jumps out from behind the door wearing a charmander onesie) Lucifetch'd, use Charm!
Lucifer: (transforms his clothes into a farfetched onesie) Ha-HA!
Vaggie: Farfetch'd doesn't know "Charm"!!!
Charlie & Lucifer: (double damage, Morningstar Puppy Eyes)
Vaggie: (overpowered by the adorable double team) AGH!!! Fine! We can have McBurger Queen!
Charlie & Lucifer: (jump up and down in a circle while holding hands) Yay!
Razzle: (bursts in wearing a unicorn onesie) Baaaa!
Charlie: All good, Razzle! We don't need you to use Razzling Gleam. Vaggie said yes!
Razzle: (throws his hooves into the air excitedly) BAAAAAA!!!
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bluesylveon2 · 11 months
EN server: We want Malleus’ Dorm Uniform card!
TWST: Say no more
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bonefall · 6 months
Anything planned for Whitetail? She’s bland in canon but I do love her
BB!Whitetail is so... I want to study her.
To begin with, she was an apprentice during the WindClan Massacre.
(Her mentor was not Onewhisker btw, he was too young)
She had two siblings, Graypaw and Blackpaw.
Graypaw was killed that night. Their mother, Sorrelcharm, probably also died.
Suddenly being thrust from her home and losing half of her family messed with her. Obviously. Who wouldn't feel this way
She has a perpetual sense of waiting for the "other shoe to drop." Like no home is truly safe, and it's a matter of time before the next big move.
Unfortunately... she's not totally wrong. Blackfur was either killed by TigerClan or a mine collapse. They were forced onto the Great Journey. Mudclaw's Civil War resulted in a raging inferno across the moor. Whitetail gets commended for how reliable and even-headed she is in the face of disaster, but it's because her mind is expecting the worst case scenario ALL the time.
Her personality is intense and orderly, only kept back by the fact she's a hopeless romantic.
PROFOUND sense of whimsy. She gives off a chilling air of seriousness, which stops people from discovering that she can be a real mush.
(Girlie galloping through the moor who whips off-course, as if she caught a glimpse of prey in her eye, only to have taken a short detour to crash through a puffy dandelion.)
When they all got to the lake, she had a brief fling with Onestar. She liked a lot about him-- his new status, yes, but also that when they were together they were just having fun. It was easy.
But... he didn't want it to continue romantically. He turned cold one day when the subject of kits came up.
They broke the unofficial relationship off unofficially, but a short while later he spoke to her again to arrange an honor siring.
He wanted to raise his kittens alone. Whitetail was willing to help him do that, as long as it could be known that she sired them. And that if the kittens wanted to know her-- they could do so.
But still, she didn't understand why he'd turned so suddenly. Not until much, much later.
But before then, she ended up developing an unlikely bond with Brushblaze.
Probably because they'd both been turned down by Onestar, funny enough. They were talking smack one day about failed relationships and it kinda clicked.
Whitetail: "Like idk, was it something I said? Am I the problem"
Brushblaze: "no, you're fine. He's the problem."
Voted WindClan's Most Intimidating Couple, between Whitetail's aura and Brushblaze's resting bitchface
They have two kittens together; Smokehaze and Galerunner. Around the time of their birth, Heathertail decided she wanted to take Whitetail up on the offer that had existed since she was born.
Brushblaze was a personal friend of hers for a long time, she wanted to know Whitetail, and she would like to experience what it's like to be a sister.
Sadly, Brushblaze didn't live to see his kittens become warriors, but Whitetail did.
Whitetail's BIGGEST personal failure interpersonally was, sadly, Breezepaw.
They were an awful match. Every wreckless action he took would badly set off her anxiety, which expressed as her snapping at him.
No matter how hard she tried to have patience with him, or how many times she scolded him to be more careful, it never ever worked.
On his end, the more visibly upset Whitetail became with him, the worse it made his fear of rejection. He was driven to do more and more dangerous acts to prove himself, which only served to make his mentor worse.
But ultimately, Whitetail was the mentor in this situation. She really tried, but she failed him as a teacher. They don't have the close bond that most apprentice/mentor relationships do, and Breezepelt only got lonelier.
For a while, Breeze felt like Brushblaze was "against him" for falling for his terrible mentor. It made it easy to reject his friend's advice when he said stuff like, "don't join the strange cult in the woods" and "this darktail bloke's a bit funny"
I think Whitetail has come a long way and is a much wiser person now than she was while she was Breezepelt's mentor... but.
She's cordial and accepting of Breezepelt now because it's what Brushblaze would have wanted. She doesn't trust him.
In fact she feels right about this. In her mind;
"Breezepelt needs to feel like part of the Clan, it's what Brushblaze would have wanted. Everyone deserves to feel safe, and more than that, this is the best way to neutralize him. When he's making soup and raising kittens, he's not hurting anyone... but he's had more chances than anyone here. Yeah I was harsh on him when he was a child, but he's made plenty of bad choices as an adult. I'm not being cruel or holding a grudge to keep him at a distance from Galepaw and Smokepaw... I'm being realistic. Brushblaze died to rescue him. I'm not going to lose more family to be nice."
This hurts Breezepelt... but it's fair. He tries not to think about it too much. He's learned the hard way that the people who will never like you anyway matter MUCH less than the people who love you.
I also don't really see a need to kill Whitetail off yet, because she makes a really good elder imo. She's practical but still likes to have fun, and is capable of giving really good analysis.
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corviiids · 1 year
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if you have ever wanted to read about achilles and zagreus going to mcdonalds together and it's not an au they are just two people from the underworld going to mcdonalds and it is not explained, please consider ordering @hadescookbook, because i made them let me write about that.
preorders are open from now until may 15! it is for charity!! and as well as getting a lovely book of delicious recipes and beautiful fic and art that has nothing to do with mcdonalds, there's also exciting merch like a coaster and an apron. very cool
here is the link again for the fourth time this post
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Sometimes, I wonder what would have become of certain characters - guys like Gore and McDonald, for example - if they hadn't been killed extra-prematurely.
Would their continued presence have made any difference, and if so, how? What would it have taken for them to be pushed truly to the brink, to their absolute limit?
In essence, and for lack of a better phrase, they died as "heroes" but would they ever have become "villains" had they only lived longer?
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hipsternumbertwo · 6 months
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Favorite Angela Moments 11/∞: CityWalk The Musical
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caseysventuri · 1 year
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derek and casey in every episode
s01 e01 the room
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whywoulditho · 8 months
if you're still not boycotting israeli products, protesting against the genocide, sharing the news, asking for a ceasefire, I am judging you. I know my followers, I know my mutuals. I know the ones who selectively interact with my anime shitposts and ignore the ones about palestine. I am seeing you and I am judging you. I won't call you out on your bullshit personally, because if you can still ignore this humanitarian crisis while being active online and seeing all those posts, you're just not worth trying to reason with. But know that if you still choose to be silent, if you still think this issue is too political or complicated you're an ignorant, pathetic little bitch. you can't live without your starbucks? grow the fuck up. you think celebrities don't owe anyone their support and it is okay for them to stay quiet when it's the brown, the muslim who suffers? you're fucking delusional and you're pathetic. you think you get to turn a blind eye because it's not effecting you? you're a self-centered whiney little toddler. stay in your bubble and keep quiet all you want, i know you will lie to your kids one day and tell them you stood with palestine.
none of us are free until all of us are. free palestine 🇵🇸
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alteredsilicone · 5 months
Larian on twitter telling someone "no kissing between durge and Gortash" LMFAO
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rambunctioustoons · 1 year
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discord shenanigans
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marciabrady · 2 years
also, needless to say but all of ariel's poses are taken directly from her original film in ralph breaks the internet
there's the obvious ones like the parallels below
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but literally every single pose in the below scene is an exact walkthrough of ariel caps from the first movie
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anissapierce · 8 months
As a kid one of the silliest thing i thought was rich people stuff was ordering drinks at a restaurant...
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ze-pie · 2 years
Man ai art is so scary
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managerpsi · 1 year
Angela refuses to hire a therapist what do I do
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mostlikelyshutup · 15 days
im crafting exquisite essays about ginger snaps and the death of childhood in my own head at midnight while laying awake in my dark room that will never see the light of day but trust me dude its genuinely a like delicious tasty little morsel of an essay
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humanransome-note · 3 months
My weekend was very productive!
Got a proper cleaner for the porch, which has black algae and is very much a slipping hazard in the rain, went to Home Depot and got a new hose and some concrete stepping stones. Dropped off 7 boxes of various sizes (all larger than a shoe box) at a charity shop, they’d been sitting in the hallway for a month at that point.
Then today, I moved some furniture and cleared up some space so the pest control guy has room to work on Wednesday.
Tomorrow I need to scrub the floor that was under the furniture, because the furniture was raised, and there have been 5 different cats in this house, so ancient hairballs have been discovered.
Now, the question is. Has this wave of activity been facilitated because the pest guy comes on Wednesday, and the looming deadline tops off my meds with extra adrenaline and I actually need a stronger dose/prescription on the regular?
Or, do I just have so much decision making anxiety that I spend most of my days in a web of long term decision paralysis, because I constantly feel like whatever choice I make in regards to my life will be massive and irreversible, so playing farming/management sims soothes and distracts me. But having clear cut goals with obviously known ends I can handle.
Or both!
Call in now to vote!!!
#wurds#also me and my mom talked a lot#and we have a very Frank relationship in regards to communication#I’ve told her there’s a part of me that resents her for having me#ANS THERE IS!#she had me for selfish reasons. for spite. for love she felt she was denied#but she’s recognized and acknowledged that those reasons were wrong#and she has been doing what she can to ACTUALLY be a good parent#she made mistakes raising me… but those were mistakes made with good intentions so I have chosen to forgive her for them#the damage she did was not so terrible that along with evidence of her wanting to do better. I can forgive her#she’s my mother and she’s human#while moving furniture I hade to move some storage boxes#and as a reformed hoarder my mother insists on going through old boxes to make sure what’s in them is ACTUALLY stuff of use/value#and she actually scoffed at what was in some of the boxes. not being a able to remeber WHY she thought it was important to keep#the strangest things being a gift card envelope of confetti from one of my birthdays and part of a Barbie toy box…#which she said was very strange because even though I had a few dolls they weren’t anywhere near my favorite#she also found some old school uniforms. and waved them around in that way like ‘isnt this cute! let’s save it for your kids!’#I told her I don’t want kids and I don’t see that changing (something she already knew) but I also said#but I added on ‘I’d rather regret NOT having kids. than resent someone for decisions I made that they had no say in’#and she asked how’d I get so mature because at my age she was working at McDonald’s couch surfing and running weed for some extra cash#which I laughed at. because I’m unemployed. not taking classes. and stagnating in such a way she thinks I’m becoming agoraphobic
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