#can we spend one more night talking until the sunset?
faildaughterr · 9 months
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tra1nchi · 3 months
I just had this thought
So like a yandere who’s in love with another and your one of their victims for getting to close to their darling so when they are about to kill your able to somehow able to convince them not to like a i don’t kill you you get me info to help me get me set up with darling cause your one of their close friends
So blah blah you spend more time with yandere and they slowly start to fall for reader and becomes possessive meanwhile reader is scared shitless cause their wondering what in the world is going on
Anyways really bad explanation but i just had to get it out somehow 😥
I went a bit overboard with this one,,MINORS DNI!! Bttm male reader,,this might be my longest fic on this blog lol,, Toxic ass dude,, stalking,,masturbation,,attempted murder,,N0n-c0n
When you first met him,,he was just that weird kid that always tried to talk to your friend,,never paying attention to any of the rest of his darlings friend group and Claude would only ever talk to him,,
He had noticed you,,definitely,,you were a high priority on his list,,you were handsome (not as much as his darling) but most importantly,,you were in his way,,His darling wouldn't talk to him whenever you were around,,Claude wasn't one for sharing
He would dream each night of his darlings touches,,how his darling would whisper in his ear at how grateful he was for the deaths of his friends,,they were only distractions for what was truly the only important thing,,their love
Waking up the next day alone in his bed was whiplash for Claude,,his bed was cold and so was his house,,he knew the only thing that could fill it with warmth was his one and only darling,,
College,,He only went because his father forced him to,,but despite his hatred for the man,,he couldn't help but feel grateful,,how else would he have met the love of his life? But he couldn't think about that today,,today was doomsday,,
He decided to pick you first,,you were growing into a bigger threat when he saw your hands on his darling,,he had to hold himself back from cutting off your hand right there on the spot,,even during class,,
He waited until it was dark,,he had been tracking you for a few days and knew you liked to feed the local alley cats after sunset so you wouldn't get caught by anyone,,Claude only thought that it was embarrassing for you,,who has that low of confidence?
Claude noticed you with a cruel smile,, a shiny butcher knife in his hand as he crept silently behind you,,though he stopped as he noticed what you were doing,,you were hunched out with a skittish looking kitten at your hands,,he could hear your small and quiet coos when it grew closer,,
He couldn't get distracted! This was for his darling,,his love,,he jumped slightly when you turned suddenly,,you both didn't know how to react as the kitten fled,,his instincts set in as he tackled you to the ground,,his weapon pressed against your neck,,
"Think you can get so loving with my darling? You are nothing compared to what we have!" He was close to yelling,,but kept his voice down,,his blade digging into your neck but he stooped when he felt his hand get damp,,
Glancing up he saw tears pouring down your cheeks,,you were sobbing and trembling underneath him,,you looked like a scared little bunny as you started desperately begging for your life,,He felt conflicted,, are killers meant to feel sympathy for their victims?
You managed to squrim out of his hold when he froze up,,holding your hands out in a protective manner as you started to try to reason with Claude,, anything to keep your life from ending,,
Claude listened to your begging,,his hand tight on the handle of the knife,, "you can get me closer to him? You better not be lying to me." His voice was harsh as he trusted the knife towards your neck again,,
When you rapidly nodded,,he gave in,,allowing you to keep your life at the exchange you bringing him closer to his precious darling,,
He felt himself growing closer to your side,,watching how you would talk about his love,,he would catch his eyes falling down to your lips as you talk but would quickly glance away,,he felt like he was cheating even if he wasn't even dating his lover yet,,
Despite your rough first meeting,,you grew closer with him,,noticing that above his weird obsession with your friend,,he wasn't all that bad,,though you didn't want to grow any closer with him then you were now,,you wouldn't want to risk it,,
Claude over time stopped thinking about him,,his dreams were replaced with you,,waking up with in a cold sweat after a particularly lewd dream,,when did he start thinking off you,,his little bunny in that kind of way?
The more he hung out with you,,the more he realised how bland your friend was compared to you,,you were so much better then he could ever be,,he started to unknowingly treat you the same way he did to your friend,,
Trying to isolate you,,talking over your friends whenever you tried to communicate with them and especially taking up stalking,,he already knew most of your routes from when he wanted to kill you,,but now he stalks you just to make sure youvget home safely at night,,
You were scared shitless of course,,you knew how he acted with your friend and now he started acting that way with you,,luckily he hasn't started staking you,,that would be the worse case scenario,,right?
he would get more daring with his little bunny,,sneaking into his darlings precious room at night to watch you sleep,,he would shuffle through your drawers taking out shirts,,socks and if he felt especially excited,,he would swipe a pair of underwear or two,,
He would lose sleep for what he was doing,,not out of guilt but he couldn't stop himself,,jerking your clothing up and down his cock,,wishing it was you,,craving for your touch and not the clothing that felt so rough,,
One night when he tried to return your cum filled boxers,,he would step on a creaky floorboard he would always avoid,,waking you up almost immediately,,your eyes wide with fear,,just like a prey animal
He tackled out back down onto your bed,,his hand covering your mouth roughly to keep your scream muffled,,"Shh, don't cry. It's only me, go back to sleep yeah?" He puts on his most soothing tone but you don't seem to be sleeping,,
He shoved your dirty underwear into your mouth to keep you quiet,,you could feel his hard-on press against your leg,,He let out a soft moan at being so close to you
"Oh my darling, my sweet precious love..I'll just be a second, okay? I'll be so gentle.." He groans softly in your ear,,his hand moving down to yank your pajamas,,he seemed pleasantly pleased when you didn't squirm,,you knew better,,
He started kissing your tummy,,down to your cock,,his hands moving down to his fly to free his own,, "Good boy! Just stay nice and still like that." He smirks moving down to spread your legs and with only using his pre cum as lube,,he shoves himself roughly inside of you,,
You were his darling from now until the day you die
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fictionalwh0ree · 1 year
the gang dating a stoner hcs
warnings: mentions weed and alcohol
a/n: as someone who's a lowkey stoner, i wrote this with the reader being someone who doesn't look like they'd be a stoner.
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johnny cade
definitely doesn’t mind that you smoke
he’s maybe tried it once but never enough that he felt anything
one day he tries it with you
he immediately understands why you do it
johnny has a lot of issues and has a lot of baggage, smoking weed helps him calm down
you’re happy that it makes him happy
but that can also be dangerous
you worry about him getting hooked to the feeling, so you make sure he only ever does it with you
thankfully its illegal and since johnny is kind of skittish, he doesn’t go after it on his own
smoking with him is a mix of calm and paranoia
hes paranoid while you’re smoking
worrying about the smell, who’s around, your eyes, etc
but once its done, he’s calm
you spend many late nights just dozing off in each others arms after smoking
also many deep talks
overall, he’s grateful for you (and it) and he accepts your habits
dallas winston
he LOVES that you’re lowkey a stoner
there’s something about how you look when your eyes are all droopy and red that turns him onnnnn
(he also finds you being able to roll hot, idk why)
he definitely does it here and there
but he loves to smoke with you
on a rare night, you two will get crossed at bucks and will probably end up fucking
high sex is his favvvvv
he’ll take you to the drive-in after you smoke
those are probably the only times you’ll pay attention to a movie around him
he’s very rebellious so he doesn’t worry about you getting caught very often
he’ll even steal snacks for you
he lets you crash in his bed if you’re super slumped
you love cuddling with him if you’re high
something about the warmth and skin to skin just feels so much better
he definitely finds it funny when you’re high
he’ll laugh about you demolishing your food
he definitely laughs when you start sharing your high thoughts with him
and he finds it especially funny when you find something funny and can’t stop laughing
you’ve definitely been caught in some dumb ass situations where you look at each other and have to find a way to hold in the laughter
ponyboy curtis
definitely has never smoked
he knows its illegal, so he was definitely surprised to find out you do it
at first, you kept it separate from him
you know his brother would kill him if he tried
you didn’t smoke around him and were never really high around him
until one time you were headed home after a smoke session with your friends and you ran into him
he invited you to the drive- in with the gang
steve and dally could definitely tell
ponyboy could tell something was off but couldn’t pinpoint it
he bought you a popcorn and you couldn’t shut up about how much better it tasted
“has this popcorn always been this good?”
“it doesn’t taste any different than the last time we had it”
“are you sure?”
“are you okay”
dally definitely broke the news to him and it hit him quick
after that, pony started asking you questions about weed
“what does it feel like to be high?”
“does food actually taste better?”
“does it taste like a cigarette?”
you asked him if he wanted to try it one day so you waited until a day where his house was completely empty and smoked
after one hit, he was coughing like crazy
no amount of cigarettes could’ve prepared him for that
he couldn’t smoke very much because of the coughing but he got high and finally understood the food thing
tore apart any food available
he really loves to watch the sunset when he’s high
he thinks the colours and scenery are so much more detailed and pretty
he’s the type to turn into a poet when he’s high
but in the end the coughing was not worth it so he only does it very rarely (and only with you)
its a very special occasion when pony smokes, so you always make sure its a good experience and you do everything so darry will never find out
sodapop curtis
he’s definitely tried it before
he was not a fan
(he wasn’t inhaling it right so he never felt it and thought it was pointless)
he was very surprised when he found out you smoked
he always makes sure you’re careful with it
he takes extra care of you when you’re high
he makes sure you don’t have to talk to anyone
will take you to go get whatever you’re craving
he’s also a fan of the high eyes
he thinks its cute when you laugh at dumb things you wouldn’t usually find that funny
he’s very observant so he can definitely tell when you’re high and even if you’ve smoked at all
you taught him how to inhale
unfortunately he’s a bit of a paranoid high person so you don’t smoke with him
he always feels his senses heightened
this boy will hear a cop car coming from five blocks away and then panic as if you’re not sitting inside his house
however he is the type to EAT when he’s high
he’s like a bottomless pit
but hes also sodapop curtis so he’ll stay skinny anyway
darry curtis
darry definitely tried weed in high school
i mean he was on the football team
but he’s not a fan
too much risk not enough reward
so when it comes to dating a stoner
he’d probably rather not
but if he is
you just have to keep it separate
you don’t smoke around him and you’re never really high around him
he doesn’t mind the habit as long as you don’t let it affect your ambition
darry is a workaholic, he looks for a partner with drive
so as long as you smoking weed isn’t interfering with your job its fine
he would never date someone who is always high
he’s okay with it if its more of a couple days a week type thing
once you’ve been dating a while, he makes it clear that you can smoke and be high around him
because he’d rather you do it around him then alone or out on the streets
he thinks its cute when you’re high
he likes how you’re giggly
he’ll cook for you
and he likes how affectionate you get
he smoked with you ONCE
he, like sodapop, is the type to eat like there’s no tomorrow
after it was done, the entire gang unexpectedly showed up at his house
they could tell
darry’s eyes were practically bloodshot red
ponyboy took advantage of calm darry and got to stay out late
“get him high more often y/n”
they tried to keep their laughs to themselves but it didn’t work
two-bit especially could not contain himself around darry and couldn’t look at him without laughing
you definitely fucked after and the high sex was almost enough to get him to smoke again
but he could never EVER let the gang see him like that again
he only got high with you again after you learnt how to make edibles
two-bit matthews
two-bit loves that you smoked
funniest couple ever
you love smoking with and around him because he makes you laugh so hard
funny sober = super funny high
you two will laugh until you’re clutching your stomachs in pain
he’ll finish a whole chocolate cake high
two-bit is not a sit down and relax type of high person
there’s two potential reasons
a) he’s just like that
b) he’s always a little drunk so he just ends up slightly crossed
he’s super social and bounces off the walls
so sometimes you have to let him just go out with his friends
once he comes down from it all he’s super tired
you guys WILL take naps together
you’ll sleep from 11am-4pm
or you’ll go to bed at 2am and wake up at 1pm
it all depends but the two of you are heavy ass sleepers after smoking
the house could’ve blown up and neither of you would notice
steve randle
he has also tried smoking before, but never too much
he had basically forgotten it existed until you
he doesn’t like it when you smoke alone so if you’re not with friends, sometimes he’ll smoke with you
it actually helps him focus a lot
if he can work on a car high, he will
it becomes the only thing that matters
gets you dx discounts on snacks
he’s pretty quiet high so the two of you will often spend your time watching a move with his arm around your shoulder
he’s lowkey strict with it because he doesn’t want you to get caught
so he doesn’t let you smoke in very public places or in broad daylight unless you’re somewhere safe
doesn’t let you meet your dealer alone
he’s protective of you when you’re high because he thinks it makes you a bit more vulnerable
he’ll do all the talking
he doesn’t like people who spend their entire day high
he’s okay with it as long as you’re not a bum because of it
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ajortga · 5 months
pairing: jenna ortega x fem reader
summary: nothing feels more than home to jenna than you.
word count: 800+ (drabble)
a/n: wanted to get this out there as a thank you, we reached 400 followers! words actually cannot describe how grateful i am that people appreciate the stories i write. i really hope they can make your day<3.
hey alexa, play home by edith whiskers.
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You yearn to feel the sense of hope and comfort.
Not the home that shields Jenna as she sleeps, a roof over her head.
But at the same time, it is that.
Not the home that she wakes up in everyday when she wakes up for breakfast, the aroma of her mom’s cooking fills the air,
The TV turned on, her older and younger siblings playing in the living room. 
Not the home that holds her, her yorkie terrier and her family.
Or the home that shakes as Aliyah and her jump on the bed with Cash.
No, not that.
As much as she loved her family, nothing could compare to you, no one.
Jenna could remember her words as she strummed her guitar, a gentle hum filling her room.
“Alabama Arkansas, I do love my ma and pa, not the way that I do love you.’
The only home she’ll be the first to run to when she has news.
“We laugh until we think we'll die, barefoot on a summer night”
As Jenna strums to her whistling, she remembers running across the sandy coast with the palette of the sunset around you. Shades of orange, yellow, pink, and baby blue hues. Holding hands with you as you two laugh and run with each other barefoot during the summer. The sweetest memory she’s ever experienced. A moment that she never felt could be better. If she could go back to one memory before she died, she’d choose that one. With you, cupping your cheeks as you two kiss as dawn was welcomed, during her favorite season of the year.
Giggling as you both collapse on the sunlit meadow on a warm summer night, bodies wrapped around each other.
“Nothing is sweeter than with you.”
Oh you were everything to her, her best friend, girlfriend, soulmate, universe.
When Jenna’s boyfriend broke up with her, she sobbed on her pillow, she never told you when you came over that she pretended that it was you.
She didn’t know why it might’ve helped, it’s warmth reminding her of you, it made her hug it tighter.
“La-la-la-la-la take me home”
That day Jenna’s heart was shattered, you were the one to bring it back together, her sobbing in your warm arms as you comforted her, your hands scratching her scalp in the perfect way.
You told her she could stay over, she sobbed in your arms, fell asleep as soon as her body reached your arms, melting in your presence.
The next day you made her her favorite heart shaped nutella pancakes that she always asked for when she sleeps over at your house, she knew that whenever you made her it, it was always sweeter when you made it. 
She closes her eyes and remembers it, all too vividly. A smile comes across Jenna's face as she changes the chords, her fingers strumming again.
"Girl I never loved one like you."
Even if someone were to take every single step of your recipe and memorize the grains of salt and sugar you used, it was never the same, she knows your baking by heart. 
Drives in your jeep as you two interlock hands. Travels all over the world, shares of gelato ice cream and sweet moments. 
Deep gazes into eyes as a blanket wraps around the both of you. A soft kiss planted on your forehead as you fall asleep on her chest with the campfire crackling in front of you. 
She remembered when she first realized she loved you.
To have you first in her mind when she wanted to spend time with someone. Craving your cookies, your time spent together, those soft lips she always looked at as you talked.
To have someone listen to her strumming the guitar, to have them admire her voice and closed off side. Her little Y/N on her shoulder. To be so in love that she wrote this song for you.
You loved her.
Her freckles you counted as you’re curled up by her side, her soft hands. Her.
Your first encounter, meeting her on set and immediately feeling you two click.
Your first date together, when she accidentally spilled a coffee on your white shirt and you busted out laughing.
Your first kiss.
When she asked you to be your girlfriend, officially. You wanted to be with her forever. 
Jenna was the first person in your life to calm your storm down. You were the person who struggled falling asleep, it didn’t happen easily, but in her arms, it did. You were always gone as soon as she pressed your nose into her neck.
You were each others homes, you wanted to stay with her, to always be assured by her.
As the song comes to a close, she looks up at the polaroid picture of you two. The orange hue from the salt lamp the only source of light. Polaroids hung of you and her all across her string of fairy lights. Her walls were filled with her girlfriend. And as her fingers pluck the strings, Jenna smiles faintly. The song nears the end as she sings the last of the lyrics.
"Oh, home, let me come home Home is wherever I'm with you"
i love this song sm it's crazy.
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boydepartment · 9 months
Hi hi can you write something along the lines of enha showing up to your job cuz they know you're stressed?? Or something? I hope that makes sense 🙂
“i’m sorry baby.” - enha reactions when you have a rough day at work
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a/n: OF COURSE :3 i’m sorry this took a million years
warnings- none just fluff
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🍊jungwon… he definitely notices that your text messages were getting kinda weird and off. you weren’t texting a lot either, so it kinda freaked him out a bit. which led him to make the impulse decision of showing up to your work with flowers. what he didn’t expect was to see your car on and you crying in the car. he accidentally scares the shit out of you but you let him in your car and you both talked it out.
“i’m sorry my love… work sounds really rough and i wish i could help more, i can show up more surprising you or take you out after…”
🥭heeseung… you called him ranting about some gross guy that showed up to your job trying to talk to you. it was someone who was about to be trained to work with you so it stressed you out really bad. as you’re on the phone with him you didn’t even hear the car sounds and the next thing you knew he was bringing you your favorite drink and walking up to your establishment. he sits outside with you on your lunch hour too.
“so which fuck was it? that guy? pshhhh he looks like a loser, let me know if you want me to rough him up.”
🌽jay… the SECOND he hears your voice whimpering into the phone he’s sprinting to your work. he’s probably breaking speed laws too. when you see him parked outside your job you walked over there real quick to tell him your lunch hour is about to start. when it does you walk out there and spend time with you. luckily he dropped you off too so if you’re having a rough day and he’s your ride, he will stay in the vicinity of your job until you get off work. because he wants to go somewhere after to cheer you up.
“i’m sorry darling, you didn’t deserve any of that… would it help if we got your favorite snack?”
🍒jake… he would at first set up a movie night for you both, so when he picks you up, with flowers and a teddy bear, he had a fail safe at home too. which he didn’t even necessarily need. jake already picked you up walking into your place of work to spoil you in front of your coworkers. you were his everything and everyone needed to know, especially your coworkers who had been giving you backhanded compliments all day. when you got home you both cuddled as he reassured you that you’re everything to him.
“darling you work hard everyday, and you deserve to be respected… please don’t listen to their backhanded compliments.”
🍯sunghoon… he would tell you to pretend to get sick in the bathroom to get you off early. and you listen to him, normally you would feel guilty however all day you were practically get harassed by this one coworker and even though your other colleagues were comforting you, they never stood up for you. so on your break you called your boyfriend and he sprung into action immediately. he tells you to get the rest of the day off, and brings an extra pair of clothes for you in his car. when he scoops you up he takes you out to get food and you guys would watch the skyline as the sunsets. he knew you needed to look at something and talk.
“baby i told you, you can quit. i will pay for everything you’d never have to worry ever…”
🍋sunoo… ooooooo boy if he found out you were having a rough day to the point where you were going to put in your two weeks immediately after this shift he shows up. sunoo is ruthless when he requests to see your boss and rips him a new one for disrespecting you AND your colleagues. he goes full on overprotective boyfriend and will take legal action if needed. let’s just say your boss was definitely more understanding of you and your colleagues. you had no idea sunoo did this, and he would never tell you either.
“baby i’m so glad work is getting better! i guess your boss just had a change of heart :)”
🍓riki… you had a part time job while you did school. it wasn’t anything serious but some days it did get stressful. you texted riki that you ended up crying in the bathroom because of the stress and riki rushed to the store. he picked up your favorite flowers, snacks, and he grabbed the gift he was going to give you for valentine’s day. which is fine because he’ll just buy you another gift for valentine’s. he shows up to your work and showers you with these gifts. everyone was a little jealous of you but that was riki’s point. to make you know you’re his favorite and they should be envious of your relationship.
“i picked these up for you, kiss on the cheek please!”
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middlingmay · 3 months
Request because I’m dying of near triple digit heart. Gale taking his shirt off and splashing himself to cool off and not realizing he has broken the rest of the 100th … especially Bucky
Hello! I don't know what 'dying of near triple digit heart' means, but I hope you're okay!!
I really enjoyed writing this one! It let me revisit my Recruiter!Gale and Student!Bucky AU, which is a very fun universe. Hope you like it!
John had spent the past few months in a sort of dazed acceptance of his unbelievable good luck. Not only had Major Gale Cleven of all people been chosen to do the recruitment drive at his college, but he’d actually said yes to John’s advances, more than delivered on the very high expectations John had set in his head, and had graciously accepted John’s number in the morning.
John had promised himself (not Curt; Curt knew he wouldn’t last) that he’d wait a whole three days to abuse the privilege of Gale’s number, but he’d cracked by sun down.
Not having as much fun tonight as I did last night. Thanks for making my college experience feel like a drag, now…
If he’d expected something flirtatious or raunchy in return, he would have been gravely disappointed.
You’ll survive.
Someone else may have been offended, but John just snorted into his pillow and gamely stuck his hand down his pants, reliving their night together.
They texted and and off; not every day, but a few times a week. John made increasingly ridiculous attempts to flirt to see if he could get Gale to break (he couldn’t), and Gale sent brief messages wrought with dry humour, and to John’s surprise, photos. He may not be a verbose man, but Gale always sent John a photo from his day: the front cover of a book he was reading, a seriously fancy dessert at some swanky joint, a particularly pretty sunset, and, a few weeks in, a photo of Gale in the mirror, focusing on his long legs with the message: Goddamn hate ironing. Are my seams straight?
John had nearly called off his night with Curt and the rest of the team after that one.
They escalated to phone calls once every week or two, depending on their schedules. Gale had trouble sleeping sometimes and John’s voice lured him to sleep more than once. And Gale had a way of pulling Bucky out his own head and making him forget all the stresses of college and the team just for a while.
He also had the single most delicious, sinful voice John had ever heard, and because he had very little filter to begin with, he told Gale that. He’d chuckled low and rumbling down the phone.
“Is that right?”
“Well what you gon’ do about it, then?”
John’s friends were sick of hearing about Gale, and only Curt’s assurances had them believing he was even real, he sounded so perfect.
“I’ve never been so single,” Crosby had lamented one day. “And you’re not even in a relationship.”
And that had been a thought. It had stuck with John for days until he next spoke to Gale on the phone.
“Hey, uh, can I ask you something?”
“You do. Frequently and often.”
“He’s hilarious,” he said as Gale laughed. “No, but, uh, what—um, what do you—oh for fuck sake John—”
“John.” Gale cut off his flagellating rambling. “I’ve never heard you struggle to say anything. Just spit it out.”
So he did. “What do you want? From this? Is it just like, flirting, or friendship, or…what?”
Gale gave a thoughtful hum on the other end. “Well we are friendly.” John’s stomach dipped in disappointment. “But I also don’t tend to listen to my friends come as I talk to them on the phone, so.”
John shoved a pillow over his face and moaned. “’uck ‘oo.”
“Right back atcha,” Gale drawled happy. “But I, uh…wouldn’t mind, you know. Taking you on a date, this time.”
John threw the pillow to the floor, revealing a beaming grin showing nearly all his teeth. “Yeah?”
So, whenever Gale had a pass from base or a day or two off, he and John would try to spend time together. Sometimes Gale travelled to him, sometimes John came closer to Gale, but they’d find some time to go on honest to God dates: the movies, long walks, dinner. When John learned that Gale loved animals, he arranged for them to go down to a local shelter to spend the day meeting the animals and helping out. Curt had looked at him like he was crazy (“That ain't a date, Bucky, that’s a shift.”). But Gale didn’t stop smiling the whole time and had looked at John like he was the stars in the sky. When Gale admitted he knew nothing about baseball and John had been legitimately speechless, Gale had bought them tickets to a game and let John narrate the whole thing to him, patient as a saint.
But, one thing they hadn’t done since that first night, was sleep together.
In a rare moment of insecurity, John had asked Gale if anything was wrong, and of all things, Gale got embarrassed. But he rushed to reassure John all the same.
“Nothing’s the matter, John, I promise.” He looped one of John’s curls at the back of his neck around his finger. “It’s just—”
“Just what?”
“Just, now this could really be going somewhere, I want to do it right. Court you proper.”
Curt would have laughed himself sick if he heard, but all John wanted to do was climb this man like a tree and kiss the life out of him. But he wouldn’t He couldn’t. He would be respectful, because he was being courted.
John had invited Gale for the weekend to his folks’ place on Lake Michigan. They were away for some kind of work trip, and he and his friends were travelling up there to relax and get away from campus. They’d teased John when they found out Gale was coming (“Sure you want us there, Bucky? Not prefer a romantic evening for two?” “Gonna cockblock the hell out of you, I promise.” “I still don’t think he’s real!”). But they all shut the hell up when Gale had walked through the door of the Egan’s summer house, all golden skin, swept back hair, a well-made, well-tailored linen shirt, shorts that hit well above the knee, and a set of aviators on.
“Fucking Christ.”
“That’s what I said.”
“Is he real?”
“That’s what I said.”
“Can I touch him?”
Gale took it all in good stride, and was hastily introduced to everyone as they all scrambled to get ready to head down to the beach.
Gale, it turned out, loved the beach. Although shyer in front of others, he’d been almost solicitous on the way down. His hand brushed against Bucky’s back, he asked after his classes and practice. He even made sure John was happily situated on a towel with some shade to protect his pale, freckled skin when he’d demurred off heading into the water right away.
“You mind if I head in? Hot after the drive and the water looks nice…”
It cost Gale a quick peck, but John allowed it.
And because no man went into the water fully dressed, Gale made swift work of his shirt and his shorts, stripping down to a very nice set of pale blue swim shorts. He scrubbed John’s head once with his hand before diving into the water.
John was still recovering from the minor striptease when Gale emerged from under the waves. He watched the muscles in Gale’s strong back and broad shoulder flex and glisten as he glided through the water.
“Damn it, Bucky,” Crosby grinned next to him. “People literally write books about guys like him.” And being an English Lit major, Crosby would know.
Laying next to John, Brady had slid his sunglasses down his nose for uninterrupted viewing. “You kinda just want to lick him.”
Benny hummed, and at that moment Gale—who’d swam a bit further in—stood up so the water just tickled his waist. With both hands he swept the wet, clinging strands of hair off his face, showing off his biceps and the taught lines of his waist and stomach.
Curt whistled. "You lucky bastard, Egan."
Droplet after errant droplet tumbled down from those locks. They dripped off long golden lashes, over plump full lips. They ran a teasing line down his strong, angular neck and into collarbones that had no business being so damn biteable. They pebbled the skin of his chest and led down, down, down to that golden trail, and to…
“Oh my God. He needs to stop. Is that illegal? It has to be illegal?”
John had never agreed with Benny more. Maybe it was having that first taste of Gale and then going so long without it, but John didn’t think he’d ever seen anything so attractive and beautiful and brain-meltingly alluring in his entire life. The things he wanted to do.
“You coming, John?”
“Hm, what?” John snapped his eyes back up to Gale’s.
“Water’s real nice. Come join me.”
That damn smile. John wanted to leap off his towel and run full pelt down to the water and tackle Gale until they were both wet through. But, thanks to Gale’s display and John’s traitorous body, he’d have to wait. Because this was a public beach, and if he stood up, John would get arrested.
“Uh…” he crossed his legs, carefully. “Just gimmie, like, five minutes?”
They boys didn’t let him forget it for the rest of the day; wouldn't for the rest of the semester.
But the joke was on them. Because when they finally went to bed, Gale bunking in with John, and John had offered to take the little couch in the room, Gale had shut him up with a hand in his hair and a kiss so thorough he’d literally gone weak in the knees, and Gale’s other hand cinched around his waist was all that kept him standing.
Gale kissed his lips to John’s ear, placing tiny, sparking kisses all along the shell until he reached the lobe and traced it with his tongue and sucked on it and gave it a little bite, before he murmured, “Oh, I think we can share, tonight. Don’t you?”
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a-casual-kpopfan · 1 year
Just Another Day - Sullyoon
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“Thanks for another great day!” Her boss calls out before leaving the building. “I’ll see you tomorrow!” Sullyoon calls back in response to her boss. Sullyoon is seen with a smile, waving happily before tending to her belongings, packing her laptop and purse. The lone office worker leaves her cubicle, looks around the office before shutting off the lights.
5:54 PM
“Hmm, I guess I can make a stop.” Speaking to herself while waiting for the elevator, checking the time on her wristwatch. The elevator arrives promptly, no one else was working through the building other than the security guard and a couple janitors every few floors. Always the first one to arrive, last one to leave, night shift employees all know Sully by name.
“Good evening, Sully.” The afternoon guard at the desk just checking into their shift, watching Sully exit the elevator and walking towards the entrance. “Have a good shift, tell unnie I said hi!” Sullyoon greets the guard and to greet his wife for him, smiles and waves were exchanged before she leaves the building. Her eyes were set on the lone car in the parking lot, majority of the people working had left almost an hour ago, only cars in the lot are evening shift janitors and guards.
“Looks like I’m last again.” Entering her car, starting it promptly and setting her phone GPS’ destination to her local market closes to her home. Pulling out of the parking lot and making her way to the market, getting a call from a friend.
“Oh Hae Won”
With a press of a button on the steering wheel, Sully answers without distracting herself on the road. “Unnie!” Sully calls out to her long-time friend Hae Won. “Sully-ah! When are you going to see me?” Just chuckling to herself, “Unnie, you know I’m busy with work.” She wasn’t entirely telling the truth, but at the same time, she isn’t lying. “Yah, how can we find you a boyfriend if you don’t come downtown for once?” Hae Won complained to the amusement of Sully.
The two talked for majority of the car ride until arriving at the destination placed in the phone. “Unnie, I’ll call you tomorrow!” Sully calls out before hanging up, thinking how Hae Won does not give up trying to find Sully a date. After killing the engine, exiting the car and entering the shop, she’s immediately greeted by the service at the front counter.
“Annyeonghaseyo, oh Ms. Sullyoon.” The employees at this store have been acquainted with her for quite a while, ever since she had moved in this part of the country. “Good evening! How was the day?” Asking as she goes straight to the refrigeration section of the store, eyes on the alcohol racks. “Whatever gets me through college.” The cashier says as they scroll through their phone.
Sully visits this local shop so often that most of the employees know her by name, even knowing some employees outside of the workplace here. “The year is almost done; you’ll get through it.” Said by Sully as she brings up a bottle of red wine, aged from 2012 and two smaller bottles of soju, promptly paying for it and leaving a tip for the worker.
“Don’t spend it all in one place.” Sully leaves with a smile.
7:39 PM
After some time, our sweet pea finally makes it home being greeted by the sunset from her window in her apartment. After making sure the door’s locked and taking off her shoes and slipping on some slippers, Sully makes way towards a kitchen island, looking to dump her bags.
The big smile everyone sees on her, that everyone knows her by, the image people see, all gone. After a minute the once happy woman, is not present in this apartment. Sullyoon with the newly bought bottle of wine opens it up and pours herself a glass, swishing the wine in the glass to get a sniff of the scent.
“Mmm, let’s see how you taste.” After a sniff and sip, Sully is satisfied with her choice of wine for the night. “Mmm, that was good.” With that, our sweet pea sets the glass down to get herself changed into something more comfortable, a t-shirt and some shorts seem to be the mood for tonight.
Another day spent, another night alone.
Sullyoon sighs, first picking up the glass of wine and taking another sip, then the bottle itself as she moves to her couch. Placing the bottle on a coffee table in front of the couch and having a TV playing the News on the other side. “What else is happening in this sad world.” Sullyoon questions as she sits and sips on her wine.
“In today’s news, forest fires continue…” Despite the constant noise from the TV, Sullyoon really can't catch onto any words being said, her focus instead on the bottle of wine on her hands.
As alcohol enters her body, her mind starts to become blurry.
“But what?! You’re ruining our reputation with these worthless grades!”
And like that, a young Seol Yoon-A, being slapped by her father. A young Yoon-A is not up to par to her parent’s expectations, they wouldn’t accept their daughter making “satisfactory” grades. Seol Yoon comes from a high-class family, always pushing for nothing other than perfection.
That is what her life is created from, perfection.
“I tried my best appa!” A tearful Yoon-A collapsed on the floor, holding her cheek, looking up to her father. “Your best isn’t enough; I can’t believe I call you, my child.” Her mother now speaks up after seeing the transcripts with all the end of semester grades. “Eomma?!” Her didn’t even bother to look Yoon-A in the eye.
“Why can’t you be like your sister.” Her mother has to say while dropping the paper in front of Yoon-A, while the child just sat there on the floor, crying and not being able to say a word.
“Your sister is so perfect.”
“Why can’t you be more like Min-A?”
The speechless Yoon-A stays on the floor, the tears start falling on the paper on the floor in front of her. Being scolded by her parents is normal, happening way too often, being compared to her older, more successful sister.
Nothing in a young childhood hurts more than being essentially disowned by her own parents.
A little more than 2/3s of the wine is gone, all being consumed by the now named Sullyoon. “Why did I have to be born into this family?” Sully questions a picture frame of her and her family, mother, father and older sister. “Why did you have to be so perfect.” Picking up the picture frame with a little bit more aggression.
“WHY DID YOU HAVE TO RUIN MY LIFE?!” Throwing the picture frame in a fit of a somewhat drunken rage, the glass in the frame shatters everywhere, with the frame landing facedown on the floor. With realization hitting her shortly after, sighing and walking to washroom to grab the broom and dustpan.
“I always had to clean up all the mess…”
The sounds of glass scraping along the floorboards fight for sound dominance with the TV playing in the background. All shards of glass had been swept up, being safe to walk around the floor again, Sully picks up the frame and remaining glass on the frame is cracked all around the photo except of course, no cracks or shards being around the perfect sister Min-A.
“Screw you.” Sullyoon says with a frown before perfectly throwing the frame into a nearby trash can, followed by the dumping of the glass shards. “I should’ve thrown you out years ago.” Kicking the garbage can like a little kid trying to get back at her bully.
“Why must you need to be in my life?”
As a child Sullyoon… Yoon-A’s parents were strict to say the least, harsh? No, more like demanding, expecting you to meet the same standards that her older sister has set so early in her life.
Min-A always a perfect child, honour roll every year, perfect As every year, and nowadays she’s busy directing an entertainment company, which oddly enough Sullyoon works for. A way you can say for her older sister to keep an eye on her.
3 years ago, Yoon-A’s parents died in a tragic car accident. It would be rude for her to think that they deserved it, but then… Her parents weren’t that considerate to her as well.
“Yoon-A!” Min-A, calling out for her younger sister through the door.
“I told you, that’s not my name anymore!” A newly named Sullyoon yells, while opening the door. “Right… Sullyoon… We have a funeral to attend.” The younger sister rolls her eyes and walks away from the door, leaving it open for the elder to walk in. “I’m not attending it.”
“I know how you feel about them, but they lo-” A sudden slam on a nearby table startles the elder, cutting her off. “If they loved me, why did they want me to be you so badly?” Sullyoon says quietly, Min-A not being able to respond.
“They only loved you. I was a disappointment.” Sullyoon looks in the direction of the window, looking into the sky seeing a couple birds fly by. “A family is supposed to support each other… That’s not our… Your family.” Min-A remained speechless; she knew how her parents treated her younger sister but never got in between them whenever Sullyoon was being scolded.
“If you were my sister… You would have defended me.” Sully turned and walked away from the table and stopped in front of Min-A. “Why couldn’t you be there for me?”
Min-A couldn’t say a word and that’s all that Sullyoon needed to confirm with herself that she can finally be let go of her parent’s grips. "Their eyes were never on me; I never had a place in their heart. They only needed you, their one and only golden child." Sullyoon walked to the door and opened it.
“You can leave, I’m not coming.”
“I’m not Yoon-A anymore!”
Min-A slowly walks over to the door, hesitating before actually leaving. No tears being shed, Sully can tell that her older sister as holding back from breaking down in front of her. “If you need anything… You can call me…”
Min-A walks out of the apartment, with a loud slam following from behind shortly after. And it was there when she broke, Min-A dropped her bag on the ground, crouching down, grabbing her knees as the tears starts coming out. “I’m sorry…”
On the other side of that door, Sullyoon is in the same position. Even with all the resentment and anger she has for her sister; she still loves her.
“I had to…”
Some months later…
“Hey, I had fun last night.” Sullyoon says smiling while she wakes up on a random morning, to a man getting dressed. “Yeah, yeah, it was fun.” This man says while adjusting his belt around his waist. “We should, maybe go out again?” Sully mentions with a smile, but notices discomfort in his look while picking a t shirt off the ground.
“I guess it was just for the night then.” Sullyoon’s demeanor drastically changed. “Uh-Um…”
“I bet you don’t even remember my name.” Sullyoon changes position from looking at the male to just staring at the ceiling. The male didn’t reply, just proceeded to put his shirt back on.
“Thank you for letting me stay for the night.” The male said quietly while opening the door before leaving.
“Yeah… You’re welcome, Eun-Seok.”
The male froze, hesitated really to leave. “Sorry…” Is all that he can mutter before seeing himself out of Sullyoon’s apartment without a fuss.
The sounds of the front door closing echoes throughout the now quiet apartment.
The events of last night and now are stuck in Sullyoon’s head, the thoughts of her parents are flooding her mind. The yells of being useless, not worth anything at all, to anyone. “Were they right?” Sullyoon holds in her tears, although futile, trying to keep herself composed but failing.
Sullyoon for the rest of the day was dead, depressed, down.
Sullyoon’s days just went like this, becoming a routine, becoming normal.
And that’s what it all became.
Every now and then Sullyoon would meet men from apps or just run in at bars, all with the same result. At night they’re having the time of their life, in the morning it’s like the she wasn’t just with a drunken partner.
By morning they’re already gone.
By morning Sullyoon is already sipping her coffee.
By morning, she’s already smiling perfectly at work.
Present Day… 6:14 AM
Empty bottle laying on its side, empty wine glass on the table. The sunlight peers through the blinds and shines onto the bottle reflecting it right on Sullyoon’s face, waking her up. The daily news is still playing in the background as the TV was left on all night, Sully gets up from laying down into a seated position trying to scope out what happened last night.
Used tissues all over the place, seeing the bottle has fallen over and is empty, the used wine glass on the table, surprisingly still on a coaster.
“Damn… I guess I had too much to drink.”
Sullyoon is accustomed to seeing this in the morning.
Drunken nights, mild hangover mornings.
It was a getaway from life Sullyoon yearns for, a world where her parents aren’t ashamed of her, where she’s not being compared to her sister, a place where she is wanted.
Oh, to be wanted.
Being wanted, something that everyone in the world wants. To have a partner, to have a friend, to have a family. Sully lacked all of these, reasons why she’s being led to an alcohol dependent life, reasons why she’s so happy in her workplace, being loved for her work, being wanted for her efforts.
But it can only get you so far.
“Time to clean up I guess.”
A groggy Sullyoon slowly gets off the couch to start cleaning up the apartment, getting rid of the tissues, picking up the bottle off the floor, cleaning the slightly stained wine glass. The apartment becoming spotless, cleaned from top to bottom as if Sully didn’t get drunk and cried her eyes out all night.
The morning routine goes as normal.
Sully bringing herself to the washroom, got to make herself look presentable for the incoming day, facial cleanser, moisturizing foam, a whole routine to make herself feel pretty, to be noticed outside.
For the false feeling of being wanted.
After a full shower and hour or so doing skincare, Sullyoon finally got to her makeup kits.
“Remember, you’re a great woman. You have a life and career; any other person would be proud of you.”
Trying to keep her moral up, making her feel the best that can feel, trying to forget everything in her childhood.
But somewhere in the back of her head.
She can hear the voices of her parents.
Sullyoon slows her hand down and lowering the makeup brush. “No.”
“You’re nothing.”
Sullyoon suddenly start tearing up, she looks into the mirror and looks at her reflection.
Throwing the brush at the mirror, Sully couldn’t bare to look at herself like this. The brush just bounces off the mirror and falls onto the counter. The impact of the brush brings Sullyoon to her senses and looks around. “They’re not even around…” Finding herself dumbfounded by hearing the voices in her head while no one would be around herself.
A deep sigh and picking up the thrown brush from the counter.
“Get yourself together… It’s not real.”
Sullyoon gets herself composed, cleaning her face up and covering up the parts of her makeup ruined by tears.
All dressed up in her suit and skirt, Sully gathers her belongings and packs up in a bag, slipping on her shoes and getting her car keys out.
Before leaving the apartment, she looks at herself on a mirror hung on the back of the front door of the apartment. Standing there professionally, arms straight and holding a bag by the handle with bother her hands, suit is wrinkle free, everything of her appearance looked perfect.
“Just another day.”
And with that Sullyoon begins another cycle to repeat, once again. ---------------------
A/N: This is my take on what a modern day depression story is in this day and age.
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staratie · 11 months
sad prompt:  when the daylight comes i’ll have to go
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sfw, moodboard i’m listening to the song (daylight by maroon 5) and this hc popped in my head. summary: due to unfortunate circumstances, you and your pirate have only one day to spend together.
It was heartbreaking news. He was normally calm and even tempered, but knowing this pushed buttons. He was sad. Devastated to be specific, but he wouldn’t admit that.
“What do you want to do?” He asks quietly. Looking at the horizon, you took his hand and walked together down the beach. The sun was setting slowly as you two sat down.
Zoro had his large hands over yours as he rested his head on your shoulder, sighing into your skin. He closes his eyes and murmurs, “can we stay like this? Just for a minute.”
You nod your head. Both of you sat there, looking at the setting sun. Quiet words exchanged, small kisses, and cuddles were your activities for the night.
“You serious?” he whispered, gently grabbing your chin with his fingers. “One day?” He has a solemn look when you nodded your head. He knew your time together was short, but he didn’t expect it to end so quickly.
“I-I don’t know what to do.” He says quietly. “I didn’t think that this day would come now.”
Both of you held hands as you sat on the harbor, legs dangling over the edge.
Giving you a small smile, Sanji took off his top, and jumped into the water. He playfully motioned for you to join him, and you happily agreed. The water was the perfect temperature for splashing around, play swim tag, and the romantic holding-each-other-close-in-the-sunset kiss.
When you two dried off, you warmed up in the ship and snuggled.
His eyes widened when you told him. He looked down when you explained the situation. While you spoke, he slowly took your hand and drew you closer. When you asked what was wrong, he said, “Keep talking, please. I like your voice. If this is our last day together, I want to listen to it until we have to leave.”
Giving him a smile, both of you talked the whole night away.
It was a simple night for both of you. You conversed, talking about adventures to come, your future lives, anything you had planned, getting more crew members...Luffy wanted to hear as much of your voice as possible.
After having dinner (and more conversation), you two were at the crows nest, barely hanging on. You knew he’d catch you if you fell. Of course, you probably would just for him to hear you playfully scream for help one last time.
At first he’d laugh it off, taking it as a joke. “You’re kidding, right?” One day together? That was ridiculous! It took him a while to accept that it wasn’t one.
You two were hanging out in a tavern, drinking beer and enjoying each other’s company with a friendly drinking competition along with snacks.
You told Usopp you’ll miss his stories of how he bested three pirates singlehandedly with his speed and slingshot, fighting off that darn shark, and other crazy stuff.
Both of you shared laughs, joked around, and had a mega cuddle session back at the ship. Both of you wanted to have as much fun as possible with each other, knowing that his adventures with them would be a little different after daylight.
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malfoyfarms · 8 months
Cowboy Maybank: JJ Maybank AU
AN: So this was supposed to be posted back in August/September when we were doing OBX writing week, but I failed to do so. I would lowkey LOVE to keep writing blurbs/fics in this universe though, let me know what you think.
JJ is a ranch hand / cattle fitter in this!
Warnings: Age gap (five years, but 18+), mentions of all things cowboy, mentions of intoxication
Word Count: 520
JJ looked across the truck, skipping past all the sour patch kids wrappers and empty energy drink cans, to look at his girl. He turned Zach Bryan down just a tad when he realized that his cowgirl was out cold. JJ thought she looked gorgeous with the orange midwest sunset pouring over her. He knew she’d be pissed that she fell asleep, something about creasing her makeup and her Native American jewelry leaving marks on her skin. Her falling asleep was inevitable, they had had a long day taking care of her family’s cattle, and now headed to a sale to purchase a new calf (or two). 
JJ began to see all the ways the girl had woven herself into the truck. The small polaroid on his dash, the hair ties on the gearshift, branded necklace hanging around his rearview mirror. He looked her over once more, noticing her dark flared jeans and hot pink blouse pressed against his old worn out truck seats, he thought to himself, “How did I pull that?” Sure, JJ and the girl had grown up showing cattle with (and against) each other, first meeting when they were 8 and 13. Here he was, ten years later, incredibly grateful for the opportunity to love her. JJ thought about the first time they had hung out as “more than friends.” Boy was it a disaster. 
He was an hour late to pick her up, as one of the cows at work had gotten loose. On top of that he was soaked, they almost missed her favorite part of the rodeo, barrel racing. The flowers he had for her? Crumpled in the passenger seat.
 They didn’t talk the entire way to the rodeo. She was pissed, she never dipped below her standards, and while normally this event would have thrown JJ right out, she’s had a crush on this crazy cattle loving boy forever, and her father wouldn’t let him take her out on a date until she was 18. A boy who respected her father’s wishes? She had to see this one through. 
The two had arrived at their destination, but JJ took a minute to gaze over his girl before they pursued a night of bidding, buying and slight intoxication. Her posture hadn’t changed much since he last checked on her, but for some reason she looked different. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but ignored it and started to push the hair out of her eyes. 
One thing about the cowgirl was that she liked to be woken up slowly. As she fidgeted back into the land of the living, he responded to some texts and made sure to pull her sweatshirt out of the back seat. 
“Hey Sugar,” she said in a mocking tone. That was her name. Her smile grew miles wide when she saw her favorite boy in a trucker hat with her family’s ranch brand on it. “Ready to spend some money?” 
He chuckled, thinking of her father’s text to him about not letting her spend all the money, as he ran around the truck to open Sugar’s door.
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This Wasn't in the Itinerary
Both of you work so hard, it's only right that you be treated to a vacation.
Character; Ruggie Bucchi
Content; fluff, gender-neutral reader, drabble
Word Count; 850+
AN; This is for a mutual of mine who brain rotted and I wanted to write a version of it. I hope you enjoy it!
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“A vacation? That I get paid for,” Ruggie gave Leona a semi-shocked look. What's he playing at here?
Leona rolled his eyes, “Yeah, you’ve pulled your weight and then some, so yeah, you’ve earned it. Already booked you a room too, so don’t even try gettin’ out of it.” He tossed a key at Ruggie, who clamoured trying to catch it.
Ruggie’s brows were pinched, but he looked at the key; it looked fancy, way too fancy. “How much was this?” Did I really earn this? “I can’t-”
“Too late, room’s booked. They also got some fancy schmancy breakfast options too,” Leona handed him a card that had all of the information about the resort, all in pretty cursive. "So yeah, you can accept it."
Dear Ruggie Bucchi, Escape the stress of your life and come to The Canopy, a resort focusing on rewinding and letting your hair loose. Enjoy the fresh breakfast made by the best pastry chefs in the Sunset Savannah. Take a dip in one of the many pools on the grounds. Head out on a river cruise and look at the local wildlife. The Canopy is an all-inclusive resort, and we hope you enjoy your stay with us! Room Type & Number; Single bed with a minifridge, as well as a balcony with a hot tub. Room 183, East Wing.
This… this is real. “I-,” he took a deep breath and exhaled. “Thanks, Leona.”
“Don’t mention it,” Leona said nonchalantly He wouldn’t tell Ruggie, but he has been planning this vacation for him for weeks. “Just enjoy it. Ya earned it.”
. . .
When Ruggie arrived at his room there was already a small bag in the process of being put away, but it wasn't his. He double-checked the room number, yup, Room 183, East Wing. then why was there another bag in his room? But that scent smelled familiar-
He turned around and saw you, standing in the doorway holding a brochure for some local shops. “Prefect?” He asked back, equally confused about the entire situation. “What are you doing here?”
You entered the room and went to your bags, looking over the card Professor Crewel left outside your doorstep. Or at least it said it was from the professor, but he hadn't said anything to you about it, but weren't complaining, you worked your butt off. Plus you didn't have to pay for any of this, so you weren't going to turn this down. “On a vacation. And you?”
“Same boat. Well, a forced one,” he also looked at your card. Room 183, East Wing. Had they double-booked the same room by accident? “Wanna talk to the front desk?”
You both looked at the bed; it looked nice, fluffy, and like it was made from the softest clouds. But it was a single, just big enough to hold one person. There was no way it could hold more without the two of you being crammed together. Ruggie could feel his ears heat up at even the idea of being in such cramped quarters with you.
You sighed and grabbed your bag, mentally preparing to talk to customer service. "Not really, but sure, why not?"
. . .
You both returned from the front desk to your room. Your shared room. And there were no other rooms available. Both you and Ruggie were stuck with each other, as the shuttle bus back to Night Raven College didn’t come back until tomorrow at noon at the earliest. So you would be stuck here for the night, sharing a single bed, together. But there were worse ways to spend your vacation, plus you like Ruggie.
“If you want I can take the floor, I don’t mind,” he offered, rubbing the back of his neck.
You placed a hand on his forearm, stopping him. “No, it’s okay,” you gave him a soft smile, “I don’t mind.” 
You got into bed a squished yourself to the edge so Ruggie could have the other half. Once he got comfy he looked up and then quickly looked away, and so did you. It was a tight squeeze, but like hell were you going to make him sleep on the floor. 
Huh, did he always have flecks of silver in his eyes? You shook your head, trying to shoo those thoughts away. When you looked back up though, Ruggie was already asleep, lightly snoring. Has he always been this pretty?
He shuffled over to you, slinging an arm across you. “Mmm, don’t leave,” he mumbled.
You stiffened but then relaxed, sighing. You carded your fingers through his hair and looked at him softly. “I won’t.” You sat there for a little bit before you too fell asleep, hiding your face next to his heart. A steady thump thump thump luring you deeper and deeper into a calm dream. 
. . .
“You did that on purpose didn’t you,” Jack asked, looking up at Leona.
Leona shrugged, “Eh, they don’t need to know that.”
Professor Crewel was not the one to gift you an all-expenses paid holiday, it was Leona. He had grown tired of the two of you not admitting anything and it was driving him up the wall, so he decided to speed things up. Hopefully, his plan turned out… the both of you deserved good things.
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tinyfishtits · 3 months
Ooh, an opportunity for more Micah-fic! Might I request a bit of TLC for our favorite roguish rat? (Maybe he's been roughed up a bit, or is feeling a little under the weather but doesn't want to let anyone know.)
Love your work!
YES OF COURSE you can request my literal favorite genre of Micah fic Zana, you beautiful human you. 
I got a little carried away with this one, I hope you like it !! I loved writing it 🥹❣️
TW: Graphic depictions of blood/gore/wound mending
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I pushed the stew around my bowl as Mary Beth went on about the new book she was reading, though I heard none of it. Micah had been gone from camp for four days and nobody could even tell me why he’d left in the first place. Some bullshit lead on a job he thought he could tackle on his own no doubt, the cocky bastard. Nobody even noticed he was gone until I brought it up. 
“That explains why it's been so damn pleasant around here lately.” Arthur had said when I asked him about it. I knew what they all thought of him, hell my opinion wasn’t much different… Maybe I'd deluded myself into thinking we’d become friends over the past few months, that him talking to me was anything more than just tolerating my company. 
I’d be lying though, if I said I didn’t care. We’d come to spend most nights together since his return from Strawberry, tipsy and tired by the fire. I looked forward to it. Micah often talked about his father, of his adolescence spent robbing and killing out west. He was an entertaining storyteller to say the least, emphasizing every word with big, grandiose hand movements and even getting up to act certain things out. 
Occasionally I’d talk about my life before the gang as well. Though my stories weren’t nearly as colorful, he always listened. Indulging me with questions about my family, the hobbies I once had that there was no longer time or resources for. He’d folded over with laughter when I told him I used to love needlepoint. Saying, “By the looks of your mending, sweetheart, I’d wager that was time wasted!”
The last time I saw him we had barely talked at all. I’d been uncharacteristically exhausted after spending the day helping Pearson when Sadie refused to. And ended up drifting off against the log he sat upon, cleaning his gun. Though I’d woken sometime later to him having moved to the ground beside me, my head on his shoulder as he carved aimlessly at a scrap of wood. When I woke again in the morning, he was gone. 
“Isn’t that just so romantic?” Mary Beth crooned, her attention on me. 
“Sorry, what?” I asked, pushing my stew away. My stomach was too knotted up to eat, I knew I was probably being stupid and irrational, if Micah were here to see how I was acting he would say as much. But I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. 
Mary Beth looked me over more closely, “Are you alright? You look…”
“Fine. I- I’m fine, Mary Beth. I’m gonna go on a walk, don’t wait up okay?” I said, rising from the table.
“Oh, Okay!” She called out to me as I walked toward the path out of camp. It was probably a stupid idea. No, it definitely was. Walking around at sunset, alone, without a single weapon on me… I just needed to move, to feel like I was doing something other than waiting. A pathetic part of me hoped I would find him out here somehow, just stumble upon him trotting back toward camp completely fine.
I walked along the cliff edge toward Caliban’s Seat, making it halfway before dusk was upon me. Reluctantly, I turned back for camp, not at all looking forward to the restless night that awaited me there. That was when I spotted him.
“Baylock?” I called out to the black horse who was galloping up the hillside, his saddle empty. My stomach dropped at the sight. Even in the darkness, I knew it was him. He whinnied and reared up on his back legs as I neared. “Shh boy, you’re okay.” I hushed, holding a hand out to the wild eyed horse. He huffed and snorted at my hand, but let me approach. Giving him some comforting pats I looked around for any sign of him being robbed, a struggle, blood, anything to give a reason as to why he was alone. But there was nothing. He had just… run off. 
“Where’s Micah?” I whispered to the horse. He had to be close, surely. With Baylock calmed, at least enough to mount, I jumped on the saddle and led him back down the hill where he’d come. 
The full moon rising in the sky aided in my search, illuminating the surrounding forest enough that I wasn’t completely blind. Though Baylock did most of the navigating for me. He brought me through the section of forest that had been badly burned in an old brush fire, the ground still black, no life having braved the area just yet. I’d noticed it on our journey in from Colter. He was taking me to the base of Caliban’s Seat.
“Micah?” I called out to the darkness. Baylock whinnied in response, stomping his feet as we came to the tree line. He refused to go any further. “Micah?” I called again, and this time I got a faint groan in response. Jumping from the saddle I ran toward the sound some fifty yards ahead in the clearing. 
“ FUCK!” I yelled, jumping back and falling on my ass, the bright yellow eyes of a cougar staring back at me through the tall grass. It took a moment to catch my breath and realize the beast was dead. Though its eyes still shone ominously in the darkness. 
“What the hell are you doing out here?” Micah moaned. I jumped again, not having noticed him so close. He sat on the ground beside me, his back against a tree. He seemed… fine. 
“What… Happened?” I finally managed to say. 
“It got me. I got it.” He said simply, gesturing to the cougar with a lazy wave of the revolver still clutched in his hand.
Getting up from the dirt I crawled the few feet over to where he sat, my hands hovering over him hesitantly as I tried to pinpoint where exactly it had got him. Sensing the silent question he turned his back to me with a pained groan. I gasped. 
His shirt was hanging on by threads. Three deep claw marks had torn through it from the shoulder all the way down to the hem of his pants. Blood oozed from the slashes, tar black in the darkness. 
“ Shit.” I whispered, “You need a doctor. We need to get you back to camp!” 
“No” He groaned. 
“But… Micah you can't see it, its-” 
“ No.” He said firmly, leaning back against the tree with a wince. “I’ve got supplies in the saddlebags, enough to make camp here and patch up.”
I just stared at him, speechless at his nonchalance toward the whole thing. Fully expecting me to just go along with his plan, he started unbuttoning his shirt. 
“What are you doing?” I asked. 
“ You are going to stitch me up, sweetheart.” 
“No…” Sickness twisted in my stomach at the prospect, “ No! Micah… I- I can’t.” 
The bastard didn’t listen. He just kept working to undo his shirt as I sat there completely frozen at his side. Leaning heavily on the tree for stability, he rose to his feet and whistled for Baylock. The horse came obediently to him, nuzzling his nose into Micah’s neck with a huff. 
“Hey boy…” Micah whispered to him, stretching with a groan to pull a peach from the saddle bag, “Sorry about that…” Lovingly stroking the horse's nose, Micah sighed, resting his forehead against the animal. I’d never seen Baylock calmer in my life. 
Rifling through the saddlebags I found some half drunken tonics, a bottle of whiskey and a crude wound dressing kit with - much to my horror - a needle and thread. I knew it had to be done… If not sewn up by me tonight, the cuts would almost certainly fester into something much worse by morning. My many failed attempts at cross stitching and cloth mending flashed behind my eyes, the nausea growing as I pictured my messy, uneven stitches threading through skin.   
I took a swig of the whiskey before handing it over to Micah, who raised a brow at me. “You’re gonna need it…” I said, my voice shakily betraying the anxiety coursing through me. He chugged a good quarter of the bottle before chucking it aside. 
“And this.” I held out a tonic for him, hoping if all else failed, it might keep infection at bay at the very least. He chugged that too, his eyelids heavy when he met my gaze again. “Just sit down, I’ll start a fire… Are you hungry?” I about gagged just saying the word. The thought of eating churning my stomach even more. 
I don't know if it was my own reaction or if he too was an anxious wreck at the prospect of me stitching him up, but he mercifully declined the offer of food. I made quick work of a fire, setting our camp up a ways away from the wild cat corpse that was already starting to attract flies. 
Micah sat beside the fire, his shirt now fully discarded. The image of him lit by the warm, flickering firelight sent a strange sense of calm through me, as if this was just any other night. A sparkling sheen of sweat already coated his torso. He glanced sidelong at me and I averted my gaze... hoping my lingering stare could be attributed to his wound and not his half naked form. Blush burning at my cheeks I asked, "How did it happen?" 
"Wrong place..." He grunted, running a hand through his hair. "Wrong time." 
Whiskey in hand, I kneeled at his back. "I didn't think cougars even came this far east..." I said, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder I guided him to turn so his back was to the fire, he did so with another pained groan that made my heart ache. It was about to get so much worse, I was about to make it so much worse. 
"They don't." He grumbled, snatching the whiskey from my hand for one last sip before returning it to my grasp. 
“This is gonna hurt…” I warned. He and I both took a deep breath and when he exhaled I poured the alcohol over his wound. His breathing halted as he held back a cry of pain, only deep growling groans escaping him as his breath came back in stuttering bursts before calming once more. 
“Sorry…” I whispered, finally exhaling my own breath. 
“Don’t start that…” He said, a bit breathless. Reaching a hand back to me he squeezed my knee in a small but comforting gesture. “I don't need you apologizing every time you stick me with a needle neither, doll.”
Grabbing the whiskey bottle, he took another generous chug. “Okay… Do it.” He sighed. 
Opening the little tin of needle and thread… I hesitated. The needle was so small. Stitching up the wounds would take an hour, probably more. Dousing my hands with alcohol I reached out to touch the edge of one of the slashes, testing the sensitivity. He inhaled sharply at the gentle touch. Seemingly sensing his pain, Baylock huffed and lowered himself to the ground beside us, his large black head resting on Micahs lap. 
“Micah…” I whispered. I didn’t know if I could stomach the pain I would be putting him through. He didn’t say anything, but squeezed my knee once more. Gently moving his long hair over his shoulder and out of the way, I brought the needle to the largest slash and with a deep breath, inserted it into the skin. 
He didn’t flinch or cry out in pain, only tightening his grip on my knee as I drove the needle through the fatty skin visible in the crevice of the wound. In, through, in and out again. Were the only thoughts in my head as I concentrated, tying each suture closed with several knots before moving on to the next. 
Once I got into the rhythm of it my anxiety eased, the nausea in my stomach subsiding along with it. The gore of his back becoming just another piece of ripped fabric that needed mending. It helped that Micah stayed impressively still during the whole process, only occasionally wincing when my needle drifted too deep into the wound.
When I finished the first of three slashes I turned to look him over. His face had gone pale and his eyes clamped shut. He never did release his grip on my leg. 
“Two more cuts to go…” I said, mostly to myself but Micah’s head perked up, a small groan escaping his lips. I had no idea how much time had passed from when I’d started stitching, but the moon was high overhead by the time I finished. It must have been at least two in the morning. 
Knotting off the last stitch I sat back, looking over my work. It wasn’t pretty by any means, the slashes red and jagged. But it was done. 
“Well, you’ll have an impressive scar at least.” I said, pouring the last of the whiskey over my work for good measure. He didn’t even flinch this time, his back probably so numb with pain already from the hours of tedious work it barely registered anymore. 
“Micah?” I whispered, his hand tightened on my knee in response but he made no sound. Leaning into his shoulder, I pressed a gentle kiss to the unmarred skin there. A low moan escaped him. 
“What was that for?” He mumbled.
“A kiss to make it better…” I whispered against his skin, peppering two more kisses up his shoulder, one for each wound. “Mmm…” He hummed, his hand slowly snaking up my thigh. The contact shot electricity into my core, the pit of my stomach churning with a kind of anxious anticipation. I took his wandering hand in mine and kissed that too. 
“Are you hungry?” I asked in an attempt to change the subject. Leaning in to meet his gaze, his pupils were blown wide, his eyes almost completely black as he looked at me. A smile spread over his lips. 
“That a trick question?” He slurred, wrapping an arm around my waist. He practically fell into me, his hot, whiskey tinged breath on my neck as he pulled me in closer.
“You're drunk.” I said matter-of-factly, but made no effort to push him away. I didn’t want him drunkenly falling back on his fresh stitches, but mostly I just… didn’t want him to let go.  
“Mmhmm...” He hummed, “And hungry.” his lips just barely grazed my skin as he spoke. 
His flirty retort was an empty threat. Slowly, his body relaxed into mine, going heavier and heavier until he was completely slack in my arms. With a sigh, I sat back, carefully resting against Baylock who had stayed loyally by Micah’s side through the entire ordeal. 
Micah’s face nuzzled sleepily into the crook of my neck, his arms wrapped around my waist as snuggled into me like I was his own personal pillow. He was completely splayed out on top of me, effectively pinning me in place between him and the horse. Unable and unwilling to move, I just held him against me, a hand softly stroking at his hair while the other traced lazily at the unwounded skin of his bare back. 
He let out a long, content sigh and mumbled something into my neck. 
“What?” I whispered. He turned his head away from my skin just enough to speak more clearly. 
“I’m glad it was you.” He said, his strong hands pressing into my back as he spoke, as if he was making sure I was real, that I was there with him. “That you were the one… that you found me.” His voice trailed off sleepily.
Something about his admission brought a wetness to my eyes that threatened to break through my resolve. I hadn’t truly allowed myself to absorb the scene I’d stumbled upon tonight. How much worse it could have been… Holding him closer I breathed, “ Me too…” my voice barely even a whisper. 
Exhaustion soon came to consume us both. With a final soft kiss to his temple, all three of us drifted off to sleep under the stars. 
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If you liked this, check out my other Micah works!
★ My Masterlist ★
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differenteagletragedy · 11 months
First part takes place at the end of Step 3 after Baxter leaves, the second takes place at the end of Baxter’s epilogue before the party. Probably OOC for Derek but Baxter got off too easy
"Ok, give me a noun."
"... an adjective?"
Derek couldn't help but let out a little sigh, putting his pen down. He'd been trying to cheer you up by creating the highly anticipated sequel to BabyCastle, but you weren't giving it your all. He was way too polite to ever say it, but you were actually being kind of a bummer.
He had found time in his busy schedule to make it out to Sunset Bird -- his last trip before he left for his freshman year of college. Cove couldn't get out of work, so he couldn't join you until later, so the two of you were spending time together in your bedroom. It would have been fun if you'd felt capable of having fun. Unfortunately, you were still very much nursing a broken heart.
It had only been two days since Baxter had left his summer rental -- and apparently your life. You'd understood his terms, that your relationship wouldn't be forever, but you never thought that he wouldn't want to even be friends. How hard was it to text every once in a while? Very hard for zebra-themed assholes, it turned out.
You looked up at him and guilt washed over you. You rarely got to see Derek, and here he was, right in front of you, and you were letting that fancy pants jackass ruin your time. It wasn't right.
"I'm sorry," you said softly. "I'm just kind of sad."
"Hey, it's ok," he said quickly, scooting your desk chair to get closer to you. "I know how much you liked him. I've got to say, sounds like he turned out to be kind of a douchebag though."
"Right?" you asked, then stopped yourself. "But I don't want this whole day to be about him. That sucks."
He smiled tenderly at you, saying, "It's really ok. You can talk about your feelings, I can listen. That's always been the case since we became friends, and it's not going to change now that I'm leaving."
You hesitated, then started talking. About what Baxter had meant to you, about the feelings you didn't mean to develop for a relationship you knew was temporary but that took root fast anyway. How you felt like absolute trash when he said there was no reason to keep in touch, just used and tossed aside like nothing.
Derek listened intently, throwing in some trash talk when necessary but mostly just letting you get it all out. When you were spent, feeling a little lighter after letting everything out, he said something that surprised you.
"Want me to beat him up?"
"Derek!" you half-gasped, half-laughed. It wasn't something you'd expect from him -- he was all manners and understanding, not one for violence whatsoever.
"What?" he asked, stretching and pretending to crack his knuckles. "I could get in a few good licks. One good punch even. Take Mr. Fancy Pants down a notch."
"He's gone to Virginia for school, how are you going to beat him up from all the way over here?"
"Where there's a will, there's a way," he answered solemnly.
You started laughing, and he brightened as well, continuing to describe all the ways in which he'd find Baxter and clobber him for what he'd done to you. His ideas got sillier and sillier, and your mood got better and better. The mood stayed upbeat for the rest of your time together -- it was a good send-off for your old friend.
Five years later, that night was a distant memory. You couldn't even imagine feeling so much animosity towards Baxter -- well, you could, easily in fact, but none of those bad feelings had remained.
You had been reunited with Baxter, the unexpected wedding planner that Jude and Scott had hired out of desperation. After a difficult few days, he had finally opened up to you, explained more about why he was the way he was and why he’d done the things he’d done. You hadn’t wanted to forgive him so easily, but he was as charming as ever, even more handsome than you remembered, and before you could reel yourself in you were sleeping in his bed.
It was the last full day of your trip — the next day you’d be headed home. You were spending the first part of the day with Baxter, going for a walk in the city and keeping an eye out for an old friend.
Derek was never that close to Miranda or her family, so of course he hadn’t been invited to the wedding. You did see him earlier in the summer when you came for Father’s Day, but it felt silly to be in the same city as him without at least meeting up for a chat.
The days leading up to the wedding, and truthfully the day after too, were so hectic that you hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to Derek about Baxter, and you didn’t mention the development when you’d texted him briefly that morning about where you’d meet. You remembered him not being too fond of the idea of Baxter after he’d broken your heart, and you thought it might be best to surprise him with the news of your reunion so he didn’t get too deep in his thoughts about it all.
It turned out that was the wrong thing to do.
“So what does this Derek look like?” Baxter asked as you casually strolled along waiting for him.
“Real beefy,” you answered, “Brown hair, green eyes, probably wearing some form of athletic wear.”
“Would that be him?”
You looked to where he was pointing and he’d nailed it on the first try — there was Derek, making his way through the other people moving around the city straight to you, smiling wide.
“Derek’s back!” you cheered — possibly an overused line, but a classic nonetheless.
You hugged him tight as Baxter stood back, politely waiting for an introduction. When you let go of Derek and gave him one, your friend looked at you in confusion.
“Baxter?” he asked, then leaned down to quietly ask “That skunky son of a bitch?”
“Yep, that’s the one,” you laughed, and before you launch into an explanation of what happened, Derek launched his fist and punched your boyfriend directly in the face.
Baxter fell flat on his ass. He was graceful, sure, but he wasn’t tough, and Derek was strong. He lifted a hand to his face, a bit dazed, and you saw that the punch had landed on his jaw.
While you were still processing what had happened, Derek extended a hand down to Baxter to help him up.
“That’s for five years ago,” he explained in his usual tone, no real malice in his voice. “I sort of made a big deal about how I’d do that if I ever saw you.”
Baxter paused before hesitantly taking Derek’s hand. He easily pulled him up to a standing position, then gave him a smile.
“I do admire a man of his word,” Baxter said, straightening his shirt.
The three of you stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do next. Baxter rubbed his jaw again, and Derek didn’t look entirely displeased with himself.
“So what’s new?” Derek finally came up with.
You bit back a laugh and rubbed Baxter’s back lightly.
“A lot.”
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One of Your Kind (Ch. 8)
Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 | Ch. 8 | Ch. 9 | Ch. 10
Word count: 4.0K
Summary: within hot girls summer and cute dates, November’s finally here and Wednesday’s finally streaming.
Warnings: make out session
Pairing: Jenna Ortega X Fem!Reader
May went by quickly. Jenna wanted to spend it alone with her family after being away from home for so long and of course you let her, knowing how much she cared about them, but you still obviously talked every night and every moment you could, without bothering her. She was getting called on interviews, the trailer for Wednesday season 1 will be released in August and there were already quite a few sneak peeks. As June came the two of you started hanging out more, whether it was at her place or around town: she knew that this show would make her quite a lot famous so she decided to take adventure of this remaining time to be herself and go around town without too many people recognizing her. She always wore sunglasses as to get recognized less, but you didn't mind as long as you were with her.
"Where are we going?" She asked you, as you drove slightly out of town. “You'll see when we get there" you teased only to watch her groan in annoyance. You reached some small forest with a trail, and you parked the car. “What, you're gonna take me here and kill me?" She giggled and you did too "well you're Wednesday here so it should be the other way around" you teased "I'm gonna need to cover your eyes. You trust me right?" She nodded and so did you, you covered her eyes and led her through the woods to the final destination."You're so gonna like this" you said as you gave her a peck on the cheek. You had brought her on top of a hill, the trees behind you and from there you could see the whole Los Angeles. You had set up everything you needed for a picnic, you had laid a blanket on the grass and had took some snacks. It was sunset so the view would be even better. As soon as you uncovered her eyes her jaw dropped and she looked down at what you had set up, she was stunned.
“This is my hideout" you started and wrapped your arms around her from behind "whenever I'm too overwhelmed or stressed I come here and relax. No one ever comes here and I never brought anyone here before you so we can make this our place?" You said and looked at her with a small smile “it can be your hideout too, for when you feel like you need alone time” you kissed her cheek again. And waited for her reply. “This is beautiful” she had been speechless until now, “no one has ever done this for me” she said and turned around to look at you, anyone watching from miles away could understand that Jenna was so in love with you and you were too. “You deserve this. Tell you what, tonight the sky will be clear. I also bought some blankets, we could stargaze?” Jenna smiled brightly and obviously agreed, she has never done this before and she was glad that her first time stargazing would be with you.
You were laying down on the blanket you had put on the ground, the sun had just finished setting and a few stars were visible already. Jenna had already snuggled up to you and you had your arms wrapped around her keeping her close to you. “You know, I’ve been thinking about switching careers,” you started and Jenna immediately turned to look at you “what why?” She said and you shrugged. You hoped you wouldn’t upset her with what you were going to say. “I don’t know, I just feel like directing is not my field? I know it’s what I studied for, but it’s not gratifying you know? I want to have more recognition for what I do. Maybe I could try being an actress?” Your revelation got Jenna at loss of words. She wasn’t expecting this, not at all. She thought you loved your work so this kind of left her shocked. “Are you upset?” You asked, seeing as she wasn’t giving you a reply. “It’s just that you studied hard for this job,” she said and you looked down. “You may have not gotten what you wanted, but it’s gonna take time. Being a good actress takes time to, and you know that. I don’t like this idea of yours but I’ll support it no matter what because I love you”
She was right after all, but how could you continue with that job, if you didn’t like it anymore? You have always been like this, ever since you were a child. You started sports, and then left them because they were either too hard or you didn’t like them anymore. This aspect of yours has never changed and will never leave you. “I love you too” you said and gave her a small sad smile. You know what she thought, she thought that you were wasting your studies, your scholarship and everything you had worked so hard to get. And maybe she was right. So you decided to hang on a little more with this job and see where it took you.
You had grown really close to Jenna’s family, her mom treated you like her own child: she made sure your were eating alright, she made sure that you weren’t stressing yourself out like Jenna was, and in general she made sure you were fine... She was to you the mother you never had. And Aliyah was the sister you never had. You texted every day, even if it was sharing some memes or silly pictures, the two of you were always in contact. Eventually the beach days came too, Jenna was always inviting you to go to the beach with her family and this was one of those days. It was a Tuesday, when almost everyone would be working and both of you were less at risk of being recognized, and less people would be at the beach. Jenna had been very playful and that’s why as you were applying a sun protection Jenna threw some sand directly at your legs. This is one of the things you hate about the beach: the sand sticking on your skin.
“Do that again and I’ll throw you in the water” you warned giggling, trying to brush the sand away. Unfortunately for you she didn’t listen and threw sand at your other leg, trying not to laugh at the face you made. “You asked for this” you walked over and picked her up, throwing her over your shoulder “no!” She laughed “let me go!” She kept laughing as you made your way towards the water, getting in until the water was slightly above your waist, her family laughing as they watched you from the beach “is the water cold?” She asked but you smirked and ignored her question “this is for not listening to me” you said and threw her in the water. For a brief second you saw her plug her nose and then you saw her emerge from the water with her mouth opened in an “O” shape from how cold the water was, and you couldn’t help but laugh at her face “you got what you deserved” you laughed and she did the same, as she splashed you. You nearly made the same face she did before and splashed her back.
You kept splashing each other and eventually you decided to “prank” her. You went underwater when she had her eyes closed from the water, and she soon noticed you weren’t splashing her anymore. “(Y/N)? Where are you?” She looked around, and you jumped up from behind her wrapping your arms around her as you heard her scream from the jump scare, but eventually she turned around in your arms and saw you smile at her “you’re even prettier in a bikini” you whispered and she smiled brightly before pulling you in for a sweet kiss, the kiss was salty due to the sea water as your lips danced in perfect sync, your arms in the small of her back and hers around your shoulders. At the moment it seemed that both of you didn’t care if her family was watching you, you didn’t care if paparazzis were around you were just living in the moment. You don’t get this many intimate moments with her so you took advantage of the few you had.
You weren’t even aware of the fact that her sisters were taking pictures of the two of you, but you just looked so cute that they HAD to take those pictures for you to keep. The morning at the beach was peaceful, but in the evening more people started coming and you had to keep affections low to a minimum. It was automatic now and both of you didn’t mind, as long as fans attentions were lowered to a minimum. And that’s exactly how it was, not many people knew her yet, maybe a little bit more after the fallout came out but still it wasn’t much. There were a couple girls asking her for photos and she always, happily obliged. Though you wondered, how would her fame affect your relationship? “What’s going on in that little head of yours?” Jenna asked after sitting down from the third photo of the day. She played with your hair with a small smile. “Nothing I was just thinking…”
“Thinking of what?” She asked you and you sighed. “You do realize that this show will make you hell of a lot more famous right?” She nodded and sighed, looking away from you, probably thinking the same things you were “how will it work for us? I mean- you probably won’t have time… with all the interviews and stuff.. I don’t know how relationships work in the acting field and.. I’m kinda scared” you looked down as well, taking a hold of her hand. “Babe… nothing’s gonna bring us apart. Not fame, not interviews, nothing. I’ll take you with me on interviews, awards and everything. I need you with me.” She said and made you look up at her placing a hand under your chin. You looked at her hopeful. “Are you.. sure?” You asked and she nodded, that small smile of hers you loved showing “yes I’m sure” she was about to give you a small kiss when two girls came up asking for another picture.
Then on another occasion, the two of you had gone out after dinner, just walking together into a park, hand in hand as you weren’t worried about paparazzis anymore. There weren’t many around her, just yet, so you didn’t have to worry. You had been trying to set up the prettiest dates for her to enjoy, but deep down you wanted to make the best out of this relationship before she got too busy and you were managing so far. The park was empty at this time of night and there weren’t many lights around this park, especially not around the lake that was inside of it. It was a small lake, where people usually rented boats but you didn’t need to do so to make this a romantic date. You liked simple dates and Jenna did too, so this would do. The weather made this even more romantic, because at some point it started raining all of the sudden. You weren’t about to ruin the date because of some rain and kissing under it has always been one of your desires with Jenna.
“We should go back home” she started, neither of you had an umbrella so she put her hood on “wait” you stopped her “a kiss under the rain sounds romantic don’t you think?” You said with a small smile and she giggled, taking her hood off before getting on her toes to kiss you. The way the rain kept pouring on you became irrelevant as you picked her up, her legs wrapping around your waist as you shared the softest kiss ever. You were so in love with each other that it seemed unreal, it almost seemed like the love you see in movies and impossible to find real life, but the two of you had it. You had it and you couldn’t be happier off the fact that it was with her. When you pulled back you saw her smiling at you and giggling, as she laid her head on your shoulder. “What?” You laughed as well as you helped her get off of you. “Nothing, this was such a great idea, but my mom is going to kill us” she warned “I couldn’t agree more” you said and finally the two of you started heading to her place. You had basically been living there recently, Jenna didn’t want you to be alone and you didn’t want that either.
And she was right, her mother was mad at the two of you but you couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. You had walked inside the house soaking and dripping, and when her mother pointed out the water trail you had left behind you you both lost it and started laughing non stop, Natalie eventually laughed too but basically ordered you to take a warm bath as to not get sick. Useless to say that you spent the whole time making out and just cuddling.
November arrived, Wednesday had just been released. You binge-watched the whole show in one day with her family, without Jenna as she insisted on not wanting to watch herself on screen. When watching it, you pointed out the scenes you directed, and only you noticed the differences of your scenes from Tim’s. His have better angulation, better lighting, better everything. In the meantime, with it only having been a week since Wednesday was released, Jenna’s fame had definitely increased. She wasn’t free of going in town without being recognized, she wasn’t free of hanging out with you or her family and it was stressing her out, way more than it should. You did your best, you tried being there for her, telling her that it was gonna be okay, that it was just the hype of the moment and that people were going to leave her alone, eventually.
It was the day of the premiere, you and Jenna had decided to sleep in as this would be a long, tiring day for her and she needed as much rest as possible, especially with all the stress she was enduring. You had woken up at around eleven in the morning, and as you rubbed your eyes you noticed that Jenna was sleeping in your arms. You gently played with the few wild hair that had gotten out of her messy bun, This was your way of waking her up gently and it always worked, she always woke up in a happy mood, Same as today. “Hmmm good morning” she said in a sleepy voice, and hid her face under your chin “good morning baby” you said and kissed her forehead, she gave you one of those sleepy smiles you loved. “Big day uh?” You said and she grunted, only pulling you in closer. “I don’t wannaaa” she dragged the last word and you only giggled in response. “I wanna be with you” she said and sleepily kissed your jaw.
As you were about to reply you got a notification on your phone. You grabbed it from your nightstand and took a look “HOLY SHIT” you nearly shouted, sitting up as you rushed your hands in your hair “what is it?” Jenna asked and sat up, “I got an invitation to the premiere-“ you said and she looked at you with a small smile “co-directors never get invited- this is not good” you said and got up, walking back and forth in the room “why is it not good exactly?” She asked as she crossed her legs. “I don’t have a dress? I don’t know how to do my make up I’m-I’m screwed” Jenna laughed and you stopped walking to look at her “what’s so funny?” You said and looked at her “babe, seriously? We have the same size, you’re just a bit taller. I can give you one of my dresses and my make up artists will do your make up and you’ll also have hair done” she said and you sighed, falling back on your bed. “Oh thank god” you said and watched her smile as well.
Her crew came sooner than expected after lunch. You couldn’t decide on a dress, they were all either too long, too short, too tight, too loose… how did Jenna deal with this every time was still a mystery to you, but you had to learn how to if you wanted to become an actress as well… so eventually you opted for this dress which you thought was very simple and didn’t steal Jenna’s spotlight, with the black dress and veil and everything she was just stunning. You were given white high heels, and you couldn’t even walk on them and it made Jenna laugh because you just looked so goofy, but with Jenna’s help you made it work.
Both you and Jenna decided that it would be a good idea to show up in two different cars as to not get too much attention, so you arrived first, just after Tim as the stars would be arriving later. You did get a few applauses, not as much as expected, but you’ll have time for that. You greeted Tim as you hadn’t seen him since you wrapped up filming and it was good seeing him again. The two of you were taken a few pictures, paparazzi mainly focusing on Tim but you didn’t mind. The actors started arriving, you knew Jenna would be the last to arrive because she wanted to build some suspense, so you took advantage of that time to catch up with Emma and everyone else. Emma basically jump-hugged you and you laughed as you hugged her back “so how are things going with Jenna?” She asked as she held your hands.
“Hush don’t say it out loud! People don’t know yet” luckily there wasn’t any attention on the two of you, the paparazzi were too busy greeting Gwendoline who had just arrived. “So you didn’t go public yet?” You shook your head, and Emma was about to speak again but she was called on the carpet for some photos and you stood there awkwardly, not many people knew you, and even less wanted pictures of you. When Jenna arrived your jaw nearly dropped. You had seen her in that dress back at her place, but not with hair and makeup done as well. She looked stunning to say the least. “You’re drooling” Emma said, you hadn’t even noticed her getting back at your side. “Shut up!” You giggled and nudged her shoulder. You went to greet Jenna and took advantage of the hug to tell her “you’re gorgeous” and it made her blush, but she laughed it off.
Eventually all of you were called on the carpet for some group photos, you as well as you stood by Tim and behind Jenna, you decided to “tease” her: paparazzis couldn’t see from this perspective so you gently traced your index finger on her spine, and you saw how she shivered under your touch, and in that moment she wanted nothing more than to turn around and kiss you, show everyone that you were hers, but she couldn’t, not yet. Soon enough everyone was being pulled away for interviews, and surprisingly you had one too. “(Y/N)(L/N) everyone! You look stunning tonight!” The woman said, and you smiled in response “thank you so much! You look good too” you replied back, “so how has this experience been for you? We know it’s your first important premiere” the interviewer said and you nodded “it is indeed. I have to say I was nervous at first, but now that everyone else arrived I’m feeling better”
“This show has definitely gotten a lot of attentions! How are you feeling about it?” You started noticing differences from positive interviews to negative ones “at first I was really, really scared. I mean we all know how my first project went, I was scared that my reputation would have ruined this show and I nearly gave up, but I had support. Me and Tim are very proud of how it turned out, I learned a lot from him” the woman nodded with a small smile as she continued with her questions. “You said you had support,” you nodded “how did your work get affected by friendships on set? I mean, you’re a pretty young director and you’re the same age as the actors right?” You nodded again and smiled “yeah, the others really played a really big part in my life during those months of filming. Especially Jenna, we already worked together on the fallout as you may know, but we got even closer, she’s one of the main reasons I didn’t give up” you nodded to yourself with a small smile, the interviewer seemed to be satisfied with your answer as she continued.
“Well we can definitely expect big things from you (Y/N)” you nodded in thanks “are you working on any project or planning to work on one?” Million dollars question. “Uhm I’m actually thinking of switching careers” you started “directing is fun and gives lots of satisfaction, but I would like to try something new you know? Maybe acting is a better field for me” you said with a small smile. The woman, seeming satisfied enough with your answers said goodbye to you and let you go back to the others. The premiere itself was good, paparazzi taking photos and your friends being interviewed… you just took in the atmosphere. It felt nice if you stopped to think about it. Everyone was there to see Jenna because they loved her, they loved her performance, and not so secretly you thought about how that would feel if people were there to see you.
As you stood aside talking to occasional people and other random actors, eventually the premiere came to an end. You were all leaving, the actors in front while you and Tim stood back, paparazzi taking pictures of the actors as y’all went by. But then Jenna’s steps faltered, she turned around and walked to where you were at the end of the line, taking your hand as she basically started running to her car “Jenna what the hell-“ you said through giggles as she dragged you to her car, trying to keep balance as you still couldn’t walk on those heels. “We’re leaving together” you looked at her in confusion “…okay?” You looked back at Emma and the others and shrugged, before being pulled into Jenna’s car.
You were great for the dark tinted windows because as soon as the car left Jenna sat on your lap, straddling you as she started kissing you deeply. Hands cupping your cheeks and yours went to her waist, “you looked so pretty tonight,” she said in in between kisses and deep breaths “I couldn’t take my eyes off of you” she said and moved to your neck, where she licked, sucked and bit down on your skin, making a soft moan escape your lips. “I can’t get enough of you” she said, you loved this side of her, when she gets touchy and flirty and wanting to make you hers… you love that. Eventually the two of you arrived home, luckily to your apartment as you lived alone, and you made it to the bedroom between kisses, Jenna wanted so bad to get rid of your dress, but she waited for your consent, as the two of you had never done this together.
Suddenly, you pulled back from her “Jen… I’m ready” you told her while trying to catch your breath. Jenna smiled brightly and the both of you discarded of your dresses and made love into the night for the first time, together.
A/N: next chapter will probably contain a lot of angst so grab the popcorn and get ready!
Tags: @idkjustliving2 @tundra1029 @engenelxver @rainbow-love4ever @gimaximoff @fashromanmaximoff @wol-fica @lum13 @eviekensington @wifeyjennaortega @i984 @otherstainedrose @rockwyn @jujuu23
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forestgreenivy · 2 months
One Year Ago Today…
You always hear people talk about defining or major events that mark their lives as “before and after”. So far, my defining event was the move to Greenville. I lived there for 10 months, and who I am as a person fundamentally changed because of it. One day in particular stood out, and I’ve been waiting for today to come around. August 4th, 2023 was the last day of that job, and I walked out of those doors for good.
I knew then that I was moving home. I had already contacted the apartment I live in now, back home. I had secured a job back at the beach. I just had one month left on my lease, my new job was letting me work from home until I was able to move back. This day one year ago, the “after” began.
I sit here now, just thinking back on everything that has happened. So much beauty, pain, and readjusting to my normal life - but as a new me. Some days, I am so thankful to be home, some days I miss the mountains. Some days, I am at peace, other days I suffer panic attacks, severe depression symptoms, and anger. So many days I am thankful that I have support from family and friends here. It what makes it home. In Greenville, I had the comfort of beautiful nature and the mountains. When I was in the mountains, I missed the comfort of family and friends, the marsh, the ocean. Now that I am back, I miss the mountains.
What I can tell you… those 10 months I spent in Greenville felt so much longer than this year felt. It flew by and time is moving so fast. Those 10 months felt like its own eternity. These days have flown by and I have been floating, trying to find my footing again. I can barely even remember the fall and winter we had. All I can remember is falling apart in the spring. I’ve been trying to pick up the pieces and figure out what to do with my life.
But… looking back. It’s been a beautiful year with big moments. I remember leaving that job and going on a camping trip with my sister for a few days and completely unplugged. I spent a month working from home (aka working in every coffee shop I could get my hands on in the Upstate of South Carolina and Western North Carolina). I remember days spent in Brevard with a swimsuit in my bag, finishing work for my new job and immediately going to Sliding Rock. I spent the most beautiful days on the tail end of summer watching sunsets on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I remember swimming in Lake Jocassee in the rain. That month was a beautiful free month of joy and spending as much time in Pisgah as I could before I left. I knew that very soon I would be a visitor once again. I spent every day savoring how lucky I was to spend so much time so close to a favorite place. I remember my last hike as a resident, up to Max Patch. Bidding a farewell to those mountains that became a solace for me in times of trouble. I remember going to Dry Falls again and watching the water fall from behind, finding peace in the fact that it was time for me to go. I was satisfied. I conquered as much as I could.
I remember moving a week earlier than planned due to a flea infestation. My parents coming to help me so I didn’t have to suffer with more bites. I stayed up all night. Packed up a Uhaul and quickly came home. To my parents how for a week until my new apartment was ready.
I got to be a part of my best childhood friend’s wedding. I remember that October going to Tennessee on a trip with her. I spent a long weekend under the Autumn colors of Peak Week in the Smokey Mountains. I drove home through Pisgah, and I cried seeing the fall foliage. The passage of time from a month before when the summer green was intact.
Winter was spent at home. I don’t remember much about it. But I remember finally taking the time to reconnect with my friends here and making new ones around Christmas. I turned 25 and as usual, I spent my birthday on the ski slopes of West Virginia. Saw those winter mountains again, and felt the joy I always feel on skis.
March was huge. I spent a week in Colorado again. Skiing at Copper Mountain, and I was reminded of a world bigger than those 10 months escaping to Pisgah. That Colorado trip got me fired up about my trips out west that I hadn’t taken since I moved away.
The springtime was beautiful and painful. The honeymoon phase of the comfort of home wore off. I finally faced the pain I had been avoiding for many months. The beauty of a coastal colorful azalea spring surrounded me, but I slumped into a new mental state. Something I have never felt - what I’ve been going through now. Memorial Day weekend was spent in Tennessee again with a large group of my friend’s friends. I remember hiking up to Max Patch again. My last and first Pisgah hike since the move.
Summer came around. I went back to Congaree to watch the fireflies. I got to thinking about national parks and booked a dream trip to California - Yosemite, Sequoia, and Bug Sur in September. Summer had been rough, even with the excitement. I have a love hate relationship with this place when it is so hot, the tourists, and my mom is always in town. It gets complicated. I have spent many weekends missing the summer mountains. Actually enjoying a summer for once. I don’t enjoy them here. This is usually when I hang back and wait for the fall. I was able to take a spontaneous trip back to Mount Mitchell and a quick trip back to Greenville for the first time. Those trips hurt really bad but they were necessary. I sit here typing this now itching to get back up to Pisgah, I need mountain time.
All this to say… this year I’ve had. It’s been wonderful and complicated. It’s been full of grief but also just reminders of what I need to be thankful for. Mentally, I’ve been trying to sort through a mess. There’s so much beauty and so much to be excited for. But now I focus on my employment choices and why they perpetually leave me in a state of burnout. Now I journey through figuring out who I am suppose to be and what I’m suppose to do. I need to find purpose again. That’s what has been missing on this side of Greenville. So now I journey on to find it.
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f1loveisland · 2 years
A good coincidence// cowboy!Mick Schumacher x reader
Warnings: fluff, uncle Mick, Mick and Seb not having seats, cowboys...
A/n: this is kinda short, but I think it's cute, forgot Sebs kids names while I wrote this and was to lazy to fix it
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2023 was going to look alot different for you and Mick. Mick being a reserve driver he had more time at home, for a few weeks you, Mick, Mick's close friend Seb, and his family where all staying at the ranch. Seb hadn't been there in years, luckily retirement was going easy oh him and he had been loving all the time he had been able to spend with his family. Tonight he wanted to go on a date with just him and his wife, so he asked you and mick to look after his kids. The kids loved you and Mick and were really well behaved how could you say no.
While Mick was on uncle duties you set the table. Treating the kids with some chicken nuggets. You called out to them and the three kids came running over, they all got seated and thanked you for the food before eating. Once they finished you put on a movie for them, it must have been a long day because they had all fallen asleep during the movie.
A long summers day ment the sun was still setting when Seb came back from his date with his wife, "thanks for looking after the kids, I hope they weren't any trouble," Seb thanked, "no problems at all, they were all asleep almost right after dinner," you exclaimed, "why don't you and Mick go out for a ride? You need to feed the horses anyway and it's a beautiful night, we can clean up the house for you," Seb said, he was right the horses did need feeding, you look over at Mick and he's already putting on his boots, "ok, thanks," you said to Seb as you headed over to Mick. You put your boots and hat on and so did Mick as you both headed out the door towards the stables.
You got your horse all saddled up and Mick got his horse saddled up aswell. Before you both rode into the sunset, peaceful. You rode down to the dam, giggling the whole way as you both talked. You both got to the beautiful spot at the dam. The sunset was beautiful from there. Both of your horses layed down while you and Mick say next to each other layed back onto your hands. Sitting there, watching the sunset enjoying your company. "I hope Sebs doing ok," you said, "yeah, he should be fine," Mick replied, "Do you ever think we will have a perfect family like his?" Mick's question stunned you a little. You had both agreed to not have kids until you where atleast engaged. "Well if you would hurry up and propose to me!" You said jokingly, "exactly," Mick said, leaving you looking a little confused, "Y/N, I love you so much... And it would be a dream come true if I could spend the rest of my life alongside you, your pride, your happiness. I would love to see mini us one day. Will you marry me..." Mick said as he got up onto one knee ring in hand. You hands fell over your mouth. You where speechless, "OMG, of course Mick!" You said. He softly slipped the ring on your finger. Mick then pulled you into a passionate kiss, it quickly turned into him making out with you, not in a sexual way, more of a romantic way. You both seperated.
You both kept taking, more about your future together now. But Mick seemed to keep looking behind you both so you did too to see Seb with a camera in his hands. "Oh my god did he take pictures of us?" You asked, "yeah this might have been a bit planned out.." Mick said, Seb chuckling in the background. "You two enjoy your time, alone," Seb said chuckling as he walks back to the house.
You and Mick kept talking, until it got colder and darker. You two ride back to the stables, fed the horses, and went back to the house. Where you two seb who had just reached the door, "nice walk?" Mick questioned, "I'm retired for a reason, you know?," Seb replied leaving you all laughing. You all walk inside to see the kids had woken up, "DID SHE SAY YES?" they all yelled, curious. "Yes she did," Mick said smiling. You showed the kids the beautiful ring.
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ripdragonbeans · 1 year
On Monday - Part 1
ModernAemond x FemReader
Warnings: none really.
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"Hel, wait up!" You laughed as you ran after your friend.
"No, you can catch up!" Called back Helaena.
Helaena had found a moat beautiful sunset moth and was absolutely dead set on catching it, if even for just a little bit. She finally slowed down to creep closer to the moth and crouched down to admire it. You caught up to her but kept your distance knowing that your harsh breathing would probably scare the creature away. Helaena gently guided the moth to her hand and brought the small one up to you.
"Look at her! Isn't she just beautiful?" Helaena wondered out loud. "All her colors, her little fuzz, everything."
You leaned down towards the creature and smiled. "Yes, Hel. She's absolutely gorgeous.
Helaena smiled at you before gently releasing the beautiful sunset moth. She gazed up at it, almost in a daze, when she remembered that you were with her as well.
"Shoot, Y/N it's getting late and we gotta finish that project!" Helaena cocked her head and gently tapped it as though she was coaxing a thought to the front.
The sky was slowly getting becoming a purple orange as the sun began to set.
"Why don't you just spend the night at my apartment? That way we can still hang out and actually get some work done."
You laughed at her little joke. "Of course! Let's get going."
The two of you linked arms as you made your way off campus and to her apartment. Despite being friends since freshman year, you've never actually been to her apartment before. Helaena told you she just preferred to be on campus basking in the sunlight and hanging in the quad with her friends. As an entomology major it did help to be on campus more often for the labs she frequently had to do.
As you two walked, you talked about everything and nothing at all. Pretty soon you looked up and saw the apartment, a fairly big apartment. Your mouth fell open in amazement. Everything was so sleek and modern, and that was just the exterior.
You felt a slight pull on your arm. "Come on, girl! I know it's a bit intimidating, and if it makes you feel better I miss living in my childhood home. Way more plants and much more inviting, if you ask me, but I promise you the inside is really chill." Helaena shook her head slightly and chucked. "Well, as chill as it can be living with my two brothers. They can get a little…heated at times, but I think you’d get along with Aemond,” giving you a knowing glance.
"Oh, I didn't know you had brothers! I mean, I knew you had brothers but I didn't know you lived with them," you squeezed out. You deliberately ignored her suggestion of her brother to you.
It wasn't a lie. You knew Helaena had brothers but you had no idea what they looked like and absolutely didn't know that they shared her apartment as well. They were simply little thoughts that have never been important enough to question and bring to life until now. Well, at least one of them was. All you ever really heard about in a positive way was Aemond. He piqued your interest, even if you only knew him as Helaena’s brother.
Helaena tugged your arm a little harder, giving you no choice but to follow her. As you neared the door you couldn’t help but take in every little detail. The delicate carvings on the walls created a beautiful texture that shone brightly against the dark grey paneling. Before Helaena could unlock the door it opened up to reveal the same silver blond hair as Helaena’s.
The guy looked you up and down with no shame and no attempt to hide his action. A mischievous smile tugged at his lips.
“Well, hello there,” he drawled.
“Hey, Aegon! This is my friend Y/N and she’s gonna be spending the night with us. We have a project to work on so don’t mind us,” Helaena explained.
“Spending the night, huh?” Aegon’s smile has definitely made his way to his face now. “I’ll be around, don’t hesitate to call me if you want some more…company.”
Aegon gave you a little wink before moving out of the doorway to let you two in. He was attractive, you gave him that much. He gave you sneaky vibes, like someone you know would get the both of you in trouble if you decided to become friends with him. Aegon looked like he was on a prowl and his wink and smile solidified that assumption.
As you walked through the threshold, your breath got caught in your throat yet again. The exterior of the apartment was stunning and the interior was no less beautiful. Unlike outside, everything inside the apartment seemed to hold a story, some old and some new. Pictures decorated the wall along with what looked like religious icons and stars.
You could hear some noise coming from a room nearby and you were a little relieved when Helaena led you that way. You met the first brother and were now nervous about the second. Helaena has been suggestive about you and her brother getting to know each other better, maybe something even more than that. Your hands felt a little clammy as you entered the living room. The Planet Suite played softly in the back.
Helaena called out to her second brother. “Aemond? I know you’re here. I want you to meet my friend, Y/N!”
Soon enough a tall, lanky body stepped out of the hallway, looking a little annoyed but softened at the sight of his sister.
“Yeah, Hel?” Aemond asked as he leaned against the wall.
“Just wanted to introduce you to Y/N! She’ll be staying the night and I just wanted to let you know,” she smiled at her brother.
Aemond looked at you and you felt your heart quicken. He was beautiful. He had a violet eye and what looked like a shining blue gem in place of the other with an aggressive scar passing through it. His silver hair was pulled up in a half bun while the rest of his hair cascaded to his shoulders. Aemond’s good eye scanned your body, similar to the way Aegon had done before but in a gentler way. He didn’t seem hungry.
“Well, make yourself at home, Y/N. I’m going to be working on an essay here if you and Hel are going to hang out in her room.”
“No! Stay here, Aemond!” Helaena stopped him before he could turn back to get his things from his room.
You looked at your friend, pretending to be confused as to why she was asking him to stay. Helaena was trying to put a plan in motion and you were both dreading and looking forward to it.
“Helaena, if he has work to do we should leave him alone,” you half whispered to her. Part of you didn’t want him to stay, nervous about what could potentially happen if he did. But at the same time you were curious and wanted to venture into this situation that your friend has obviously planned out in her head.
“Y/N, we’re going to want his help.”
Aemond’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “My help? My sister and her friend needs my help for what?”
You quickly explained what was going on. “We’re just working on a little philosophy project as well, it’s no big deal. You can work and we’ll leave you alone.” Your heart beat a little faster when you locked eyes with him and made fast work to break it.
“Aemond is a philosophy major, and it would be really useful to have him around while we did this,” Healaena all but pleaded.
“If it has to do with philosophy then I can help. And if you have Dr. Greyjoy you’re going to want my help,” Aemond simply stated his fact and immediately left to gather his materials.
While he was gone you gave Helaena a desperate look and groaned. She gave you an uncharacteristic sly smile.
“Oh, give him a chance, Y/N! You need something else in your life besides academics and so does he. It’s a perfect match. Would you rather I try to push you towards Aegon?” She questioned.
“Please, no, not Aegon. He already looked at me like I was his next meal.” You chuckled and took a deep breath. “Okay, I put my trust in you, Hel. But know that if he breaks my heart, you’re going to have to be the one who takes care of me for a few days.”
Helaena squealed. “Yes! Oh, I’m so excited!”
“Excited about what, Hel?” Aemond had come back into the room looking amused at his sister.
“Nothing, nothing! Let’s just get this project started!”
Aemond gave a small chuckle as he plopped down on the couch and you hesitantly took the love seat across from him. Aemond layed out all his books and notes and smiled up at you as Helaena took the seat next to him giving you the biggest smile while flicking her eyes between you and her brother.
“So, let’s see how you guys are faring, shall we?”
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