#can you tell i like newtmas
dv3whore · 1 year
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I have found the funniest thing i have ever found
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newtmas-fest · 3 months
Here we are, with the REVEALS for the 2023-24 edition of Newtmas fest!!
Thank you for following and/or participating in our fest! To always be updated on our fest, follow us here on Tumblr. 
And now for you the complete list of our submissions, no longer anonymous! From now on you can promote your creation as much as you like. Tag us and we will reblog!
☆  Silver Lining [Teen and Up Audiences - 5,207 w] by flemoncake @go-catch-a-chickn
Summary: When Newt is slowly losing sanity in the Last City and begs Thomas to leave him behind, Thomas fights with everything he has to remind Newt on a promise he made to Thomas a long time ago. Thomas makes a promise to himself as well. Or: The one time Newt lets Thomas know that he won’t let him give up & the one time Thomas tells Newt he won’t let him give up either.
☆ Oblivious [General Audience - 1,553 w]  by Itsthemaze @itsthemxze
Summary: I used a previous prompt and I choseeeee: 34. Everyone knows that Newt has been in love with Thomas for years, all but Thomas himself. Fed up with their constant drama, Gally decides he had enough and comes up with a plan to get them together. How? By making Thomas so jealous he will be spitting fire. Hope you enjoy!! Newtmas love ❤️❤️✨✨
☆ I now know my name [General Audience -  3,634 w] by justtorzaplease @justtorzaplease
Summary: Thomas doesn’t like nicknames. He only just got his name, and he’s not too willing to give it up that quickly.
OR: All the times someone has tried to give Thomas a nickname and he shut them down + the 1 time he let Newt call him something else
And for this edition it's all! Thank you all for participating.
The collection will remain open for post-fest submissions so if you have missed the deadline and want to post your fic to the collection go ahead! You won't go through an anonymous phase and please contact us here on tumblr or by email to notify us of your submission.
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justashuckingsimp · 11 months
The Sweetest Seconds (Part 1)
Request from @newtmas-luvin-bri:
"Is someone able to create a Newt x Reader where the reader is injured and is coming in and out of consciousness while Newt is talking to them, comforting them. But like, in intervals, med jacks come in and assess the reader and stuff?"
Yes I can, and here it is babes (^_^)/
I don't know how I ended up in the Med-Jack tent,at least that's where I think I am, I'm a Med-Jack after all. But I can't move, I can barely breathe, my whole body feels sore and heavy I can't even open my eyes. I try to recall how I got here, with no avail. Suddenly it all comes back, I got in between a fight, trying to break up Thomas and Gally again. Then I was hit in the head with a tool.. a shovel? The memory was too blurry in my already cloudy mind. So I just laid there waiting for my strength to return. Then I heard the curtain that sepreated the Med-Jack tent in two be aggresively pulled away. Newt.No doubt. He was shouting at someone. "Do you see what you two slintheads did?! What happens if she doesn't wake up?! What bloody happens then?! You're gonna bloody fight 'bout that too right?!" Another voice, Gally's " Then maybe you tell your little girlfriend to stay out of a man's buisness". A blow landed. More shouting. Clint and Jeff came. I still can't move. "Newt! Stop!" I can't decipher the voices now. Then I black out.
When I regain conciousness I'm still in the Med-Jack tent, I know now because I can open my eyes. I see Newt sitting at the edge of the bed, the moonlight makes it easy to see his expression, tired and broken. "N-Newt" I manage to croak out, he wakes immediately " Y/n? Oh bloody hell Y/n! You're alright!". He comes forward to embrace me, then slows remembering I'm injured and places his lips gently on my forehead. "Thanks for being here for me Newt, I.." Then I'm gone again.
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theokapuco · 1 year
Maze Runner Aus that have been locked in my brain for year's and have now finally found a way out
Tmr expect the Ivy Trio [Thomas, Newt, and Minho] are corrupted / the corrupted versions of them
WCKD is still a thing in this World except they never had a Maze plan in place, instead, they took to experimenting on the subjects to get the results they want.
Thomas was a subject that showed great promise, he seemed to have the flare but his blood would constantly be getting rid of it. WCKD decided to test his limits and see if there was a certain amount of the flare his blood can take. This resulting in him becoming half crank with his blood constantly fighting the flare but the flare always grows back.
Newt is a Crank subject, he is given potential cures to the flare very often which made him conscious of his mind compared to the other cranks, but he still acts like a crank just with self-awareness now. When he attacks people he doesn't do it mindlessly he does it with purpose and knows what he's doing.
Minho was another subject who showed promise with his blood being able to cure people for a short amount of time, expect his blood didn't contain the flare like Thomas's did so he went through a different experiment. Basically the same as the movie where they put him through realistic scenarios of his worse nightmares expect he ends up losing his mind and is unable to tell what is real and what is fake.
God Au
This story does not have a plot line yet, just characters
Thomas is the God of Heros and is considered one of the nicest Gods so if you want to communicate with a God, most people recommend going to him
Newt is considered a Pathway, which basically means he's a way to get to the Gods, him and Thomas have been married for thousands of year's, he is moral but keeps his morality with a necklace Thomas gave him that connects him and Thomas together. Basically, Newt relies on Thomas's life source to keep him alive. If the necklace is taken off nothing happens, he just goes back to being moral.
Minho is a moral in this Au, he does not have a role in this Au right now but he is the main focus of this Au, with Newt and Thomas being side characters at the beginning before being main characters later on.
The Graveyard Shift [Newtmas Au]
A simple sweet Au that was inspired by "The Nightmare Before Christmas" & "I have read the complete works of Montague Summers as well as Vampires: Burial, and Death and would just like to say the Penny Dreadful's are horribly inaccurate" by Singtome & "Amalgamation" by Tattered_Dreams
Thomas is a part of the Zombie population and quite literally lives in a graveyard, he is a part-time worker at a gas station that runs 24 hours, with him taking up the Graveyard shifts. Something features about Thomas is that he can not feel pain but that does not mean he isn't hurting, he's hand could be on fire and he wouldn't know until someone pointed it out. He is also able to rip off his hand, but only his left hand specifically since that was cut off before he became a Zombie.
Newt is basically Mothman and likes bothering the shit out of Thomas during his shifts. He has bright red eyes and large moth wings, at the beginning Newt would try to scare Thomas by popping out of nowhere, hanging upside down by the ceiling but Thomas has gotten used to it and doesn't even bat a eye.
There was a time when Thomas did scare the shit out of Newt when he got stabbed by a Robber but didn't notice until Newt pointed it out and all he said was "Oh,,,how did that get there? 🤨☝️"
Basically; Strangers to Friends to Lovers
Extra --> A small concept writing of this story expect Thomas works at a coffee shop instead with Brenda
October weaves through September, summer sun green leaves turning into fall orange and reds. Pumpkin spice hangs in the air, breeze passes through the town, and the sun covers up.  Thomas yells a “see ya” before leaving his home, closing the chain link fence behind him and sprinting through the dead weeds and cracked brick path.  He rounds the corner, using the lamp post as leverage to make a sharp turn. Busting open the doors of a dingy old looking coffee shop made of dark oak wood and filled with books, webs, and mold. 
The Flower Shop Down the Street [Newtmas]
Another short and sweet Au expect with superpowers
Thomas and Newt are around 26-30 years old, they are married and run a flower shop together, their flower shop is considered one of the most popular for the fact that Thomas has water base powers that allow him to water the plants more easily, with him being able to pick up water.
Newt on the other hand is a Planter but more on the weaker side of being a Planeter where he can't fully grow a plant but he can aid them in the growing process.
Extra--> I did write a short story about this but will only show some since I do not like the writing of it, I was like 14 when I wrote this LOL
Thomas places the watering can down the floor, next to a row of multicolored roses. And like magic, the water in the can float up, Thomas having his hands out. The water parted into four balls of water, all for different kinds of roses. He puts them into place above the plant stand, spreads his fingers out and let the water drop onto the roses like small rain droplets. Minho claps his hands in slow motion "ah, impressive" Minho says sarcastically. Thomas rolled his eyes " yeah I know, am the best " Thomas replies. He continues watering the plants the same way he did with the roses. Minho watching, the thing is, Minho wasn't born with powers and he always had an interest in them. When he was a kid he would pretend to have super speed and run across the field making 'zooming' sounds. He was kinda jealous of Thomas and Newt but he got over it and accepted the fact he was powerless. 
This is it for now but in the future I probably will draw fan art of some of these Aus or built more onto them
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panevanbuckley · 22 days
tagged by @magdacimy thank you so much dear!! 💙
-20 questions for fic writers-
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 292 (jesus)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 649,327 (it's not as much as you might expect from the amount of fics bc i specialise in short fics)
3. What fandoms do you write for? atm? 9-1-1 is the fandom i have most fics for i think but i haven't written one in about a year. (i should get back on that!). i also sometimes do harry potter fics (usually jegulus), and i just started dipping my toe in f1 fics 👀
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. baby, come home [buddie] - 9033 (which is WILD to me)
2. don't tell my husband (he'll kill me) [buddie] - 8117
3. don't blame me, love made me crazy [jegulus] - 7691 (recently lost it's number 2 spot which makes me sad ngl)
4. come home to my heart [buddie] - 7491
5. fake boyfriends (with real kisses) [buddie] - 6790
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? i used to all the time!! but in the past couple years it started getting overwhelming and now i rarely do but i DO read every single one and they make me smile every time 🥺
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? oh gosh i rarely write angst but the first one that came to mind was a 1917 fic ('loving you is a losing game'), that was pretty angsty
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? umm...literally any fic i write?? happy beginning, happy middle, happy ending. that's my brand of fic writing
8. Do you get hate on fics? not that i know of (and i'm ever grateful for that! i have the BEST readers)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? not really. i dabbled here and there in the past but i'm just not very good at it 😭
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? again not really. i did do a world war z x justified fic ('don't count your chickens before they hatch') because i'm total loosier trash so it was like an alternate universe of them in a way because of the same two actors 💀
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i'm aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? i think i have? actually idk people have asked if they can translate fics and i said yes but i haven't got links available to me. somebody once did a podfic ('in the silence we fall apart') translation though and i loved that!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? i once wrote a part for a 5+1 buddie fic but i don't think the full thing ever got posted?
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? 100% gotta be buddie hasn't it? they consumed my entire soul. i have sooo many otps though
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? there was a hogwarts au 'the pacific' fic i started writing in lockdown that must be over 10k that i never finished... i think about that a lot
16. What are your writing strengths? umm.. nothing?? no but in all fairness i have no idea but people have always told me my characterization is good. or my ability to make up OCs (which i do A LOT)
17. What are your writing weaknesses? god, speech? writing anything longer than 5k 😭
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i LOVE it! i've had to do it quite a lot because usually the characters i write are multilingual
19. First fandom you wrote for? the maze runner!! goddd back in my wattpad days i wrote SO many newtmas/dylmas fics it was unreal. they really got me into fic writing
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? funnily enough it's not any of my buddie fics. even though i love those fics dearly and they're definitely favourites. but the one that owns my heart is 'don't blame me, love made me crazy'. it was the first jegulus fic i wrote, i had only gotten into the ship a few days prior and sat down to do a short fic but in a couple hours i had over 5k written and wasn't even halfway through 💀 this was back in the days when jegulus was still a rare pair too! and the love i got on it blew me away 🥺 so a huge thank you to anybody that read that fic!!
tagging literally anybody that sees this and wants to do it because i'm not sure who writes and posts on ao3! please tag me in your posts so i can check out your work too 👀
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It's Show & Tell Time!
Reblog and tag a blog (or blogs) you think others should follow!
marvelous. love this. thanks elise for reccing my blog <3 @abtyouandme
so. this will probably escalate ever so slightly, but it is not ME who is to blame, instead it is my many talented, wonderful and adorable mutuals who should be blamed here.
maze runner blogs you should follow:
@manako-no-yami clod's writing sideblog. read her fics.
@newtedison sami's tmr (side?) blog that has an archive of wonderful edits
@crestfallercanyon who writes loads of good things and if you're lucky you're gonna catch her ramble on about a wonderful, intricate new headcanon she's thought of
@persnickett moodboards and edits and snarky comments, AND links to her fics and fic updates.
@subjecta5newtella whatever santeri says about minho, i agree. (coined the term white boy summer agenda, like please.)
@dahliia04 who has equally smart things to say.
@timgayne search dee's blog for fic rec lists, thank me later. i most prominently remember the minewt and nalby ones. a gem for collecting them! do also read dee's thomally.
@nice-to-meet-ya-shank swift's tmr sideblog, thomesa fan and friend of the first hour. @swift-creates for her fics moodboards etc.
@thomesa-week-2022 this is kind of tooting my own horn, but check out the blog for thomesa week 2022 that took place in january this year. such wonderful creations!
@translated-tmr if i've already started tooting my own horn: look at the event blog for the translation gift exchange that took place this spring. maze runner fics, translated into 9 different languages!
@iasconsumesmedia ias' writing sideblog. if you love yourself you'll read her thomiho, thomally and thomesa.
@thominho-incorrectquotes momo. momo thinks about thominho. you wanna watch him do that, believe me. (he also writes, and. yes.)
@mazegays nix has lots to say. (and writes and organizes thominho week and does so many cool things:000)
@thominho-week2022 speaking of - the thominho week blog. archives from years back, treat yourself!
@thomallyweek speaking of ship week blogs: treat yourself to this year's thomally week sweets. thanks to clod and crest for organize it you did an amazing job ily
@itsthemxze molly makes edit and writes and reblogs funny stuff, i think you want to follow them
@voidstilesplease so shara is most notably a steo shipper, but i have cried over her thomally and thomesa writings and edits. treat yourself.
@dont-bee-shy alexie writes, and when she does she will wreck your heart (but you will thank her) (esp. recommend the soniet royalty au, it's *chef's kiss*)
@go-catch-a-chickn fabs makes wonderful moodboards and writes equally wonderful fics. recently (or not so recently anymore actually) converted to also enjoying thomally in addition to newtmas. what a joy.
@ohbluesky juliette draws. (and does so wonderfully)
@hope92100 finds all the beautiful edits that have been buried in the depths of tumblr. daily gems. also brenderesa moodboars!
@gladerscake gally x reader writer and producer of countless incorrect quotes of which i can never settle on a favorite.
@newtmsa angie writes and makes beautiful moodboards/fanart thingies for her fics, it's amazing.
@00250 jamie isn't so active anymore, but she has made so many amazing edits, search her blog.
@nachoupala lena likes to hit her characters over the head with polyamory, and i think you want to watch her do it.
@visro has lots to say about zart. was also the one who wrote that tweet to which trashner replied newt was gay. (legend behavior helloo)
and last but not least:
@mazerunnersecretsanta the blog for the annual maze runner secret santa. an amazingly wide array of content that is produced each year. browse the ao3 and the blog, and find gems you never knew you needed!
wow, i was so good at keeping it short, only 25 blogs listed! <3
this was by all means not be a conclusive list, please add on if you want to.
also: if you're looking to find more community in the maze runner fandom, there is various discord servers. drop me an ask or a message and i'll enlighten you.
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persnickett · 1 year
A9. Who was your first ship? B4. Who is your current favourite author? What is their best story? B6. What is your favourite story trope? Why? B9. Who is your OTP? C6. Is there anything in canon that made you want to quit the show? What was it? Why did you hate it? [tmr] D10. What is one story idea you really want to read but no one has written yet?
-💖 {currently having heart broken & repieced by the blood culmination}
Hellooooo and thank you for the ask <3 A9. Who was your first ship? Hmm. Had to go back all the way to live journal to check that one but I think it depends if it means romantic ship or not? My first fanfiction was supernatural fanfiction featuring the brothers but my first ship must have been Dom x Brian from the Fast and Furious series. I haven't had the heart to revisit it since we lost Paul (10 years this year!?!) and I think I'm most comfortable that way. Then I went through my (10 year) die hard phase then ended up here, not a lot of history to share, really! B4. Who is your current favourite author? What is their best story? Tolkien is my favourite author always and we all know his best story lol. I think this means on ao3 though so I'd say I tend to revere the things I can't do, so my favourite things are poetic descriptions and stunning world building. Which means I have to recommend my two darling loves Tattered_Dreams and singtome. I haven't read all their stories yet - all gifts to myself for when I finish tbc! - but I can tell you that Hard Rock/Callisto is singtome's opus (be ready for angst) and though it was never finished, the world building in Amalgamation by Tattered_Dreams once had me so enthralled I nearly broke my ankle on it (true story, I stood up after reading it, not realizing my leg had gone to sleep and rolled my ankle. I limped for a month and people made Newt 2.0 jokes, it as fab and absolutely 100% worth it).
B6. What is your favourite story trope? Why? Oh god. I'm... this very contrary person who tries to avoid tropes (not possible, everything that can happen is a trope) and write each story as 'it's own thing' so I have a hard time answering this. Idiots to lovers? Probably? I don't think it's quite miscommunication that I write (though I hear that irritates some people to the nth degree lol) but my characters are always a bit dense to signals, or reluctant to risk falling in love or believing their interest is actually interested. So slow-ish burn I guess, though I don't have many long fics besides the obvious exception. Characterization and inner thought narration style are my favourite things to prioritize in writing so I think it's all the over-analyzing that makes it fun and satisfying for me to write out. I also like bed sharing kljasfkas lol. (Edit: I just realized I answered this as a writer out of habit and this is a reading quiz. So I have maybe already answered my favourite things to read with poetic word choice and fantasy/sci-fi worldbuilding above but my favourite tropes to read probably are the same as the ones I like to write. Slow burn definitely, with a lot of characterization that feels well thought out and true to canon, and I also enjoy the compartmentalization in any type of courtesan/sex-worker fic, or any adjacent situation where the characters have an 'arrangement' . Anything where characters can be getting it on but thinking the other feels nothing for them and their feelings are unrequited heh - usually most simply because the act could be part of their job. It's probably because it just feeds a slow burn in a realistic feeling way for me. Characters' thought processes feeling Realistic is a big priority for me in a good, satisfying read. Marriage of Convenience is always one that usually works for me much better than Fake Dating for this reason, too. A green card or insurance fraud gives the whole act a Reason characters are working so hard at all the lies other than just. Fooling people lol.)
B9. Who is your OTP? Still Newtmas.✨ C6. Is there anything in canon that made you want to quit the show? What was it? Why did you hate it? [tmr] I saw the movies first and then read the books simply because I needed to write fanfic that would save Newt. It was actually a really funny experience because I had never seen something and felt the distinct NEED to create for it, or fix it, before (and I had sort of drifted from fanfic, only writing a short one a couple times a year, and I hadn't had a new obsession in years). All my other ships I had come to backward, ie. I felt a need to write, and found characters that would suit what I needed and then dug in. Newt's character and his tragedy really took hold of me. And I felt I needed to know the books in order to write acceptable fanfiction. I nearly didn't make it through them. Dashner himself has admitted to the gender issues that I felt were prevalent and toxic all throughout the books so that was pretty difficult for me, but the book I nearly didn't finish was tfc. The torture of a 4 year old child and the way it read like fanfic of his own work were not doing it for me lol. D10. What is one story idea you really want to read but no one has written yet? OOF lol I want to read all the stories and have so little time, so I don't feel equipped to answer this one at all. I hope everyone writes the ideas that come to them! Writing and reading are both such powerful experiences that everyone should have the pleasure of indulging in at least a little bit in their lifetime. <3
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tag nine people you want to know better ✨️
ahhhh tysm for the tag @yellowloid 💖
most recent ship: christ i dont even have to say do i??
the one i've read the most of: milex 4 life (shut me up) no but seriously like- i think ive worked my way through half of ao3 with those two
wild card: still milex 😭 honestly its mad how they just work like- absolutely everywhere. theyre chemistry quite literally could transcends dimensions-
first ever ship: omg trip down memory lane goodness me- hmmmmmmm... baby me was OBSESSED with maze runner so it was most likely newtmas 😭 (god bless them and keep them🙏)
last song: barely on my mind - the regrettes
last movie: rewatched fear and loathing in las vegas for, what? the fifteenth time?? 😭
currently reading: going between shuggie bain and rereading fight club!!
currently watching: rewatching shameless usa in the background (wow i really love re-ing stuff can you tell??) i have no clue how im not sick of it by now-
currently consuming: also heavy confused by this?? 😭 uhhh ive got a nice wee cuppa tea rn so ig there ya go (god i really couldn't get more british)
currently craving: oh lots of things, *looks serenely into the distance* miles's new album, the italian country side, many cigarettes, a hair cut?? yeah. i'd also scran the feck out of a box of maltesers rn mate- OH AND desperately craving that my new chapter for inhaler to just up and finish itself at this point 😭
right heres the hard part (firstly ofc no pressure/sorry if you've already been tagged my memory is quite literally walking out the door as we speak- and if ye wanna be tagged, consider yourself tagged <3): @ballad-of-what-could-have-been @stereobone @thranduil-aran-edhil @uhbasicallyjustmilex @alexturne @freakykeypad @mileskanex @depressedraisin @hellcatsandcars
knock yerselfs out lads and ladettes!!
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dv3whore · 1 year
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lets fucking go
any blog who is a newtmas shipper has an automatic follow from me idgaf
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newtmas-fest · 1 year
Here we are, with the REVEALS for the 2022 edition of Newtmas fest!!
Thank you for following and/or participating in our fest! We hope to see you on our next edition too! To always be updated on our fest, follow us here on Tumblr. 
Help us program our next edition by responding to this google form. 
And now for you the complete list of our submissions, no longer anonymous!
☆ and though I can’t recall your name (I still got love for you) [General Audiences - 4,159 w] by achwieloustig
Summary: Based on prompt 03: Ever since he was sent up in the Box, Newt has dreams about a brown-haired boy whose name he doesn’t know. In the map room, he sketches the strange boy on bits of scrap paper. The other Keepers tease him about his ‘dream-man’. Then one day the Box comes up with a Greenie (Thomas), who looks exactly like the face on Newt’s drawings.
☆ If you say you want me, I can make you mine [Teen and Up Audience - 3,931 w] by Introvertedintellect350 @book-and-music-lover
Summary: Thomas Greene finds himself questioning everything he thinks he knows about himself when one Newton Isaacs walks into his life. But on the annual Christmas Eve Ball, he worries he may have ruined everything after the last time they spoke weeks earlier.In which Thomas comes to several revelations over the course of as many months in regards to the boy who might just be more than a friend.
A Regency-Era AU.
☆ Our Love is Like No Other [General Audience - 1,269 w] by  blueeyedwonder7
Summary: Thomas helped take down WCKD no problem, this very important question he had to ask Newt?? He was worried to say the least.
☆ Truth or Dare? [General Audiences - 2,294 w] by Itsthemaze @itsthemxze
Summary: During a drunken game of Truth or Dare, Newt tells the story of his first kiss, with a boy named Thomas he lost contact with. Well, it just so happens that Minho knows a Thomas, and it being 2AM on a weekday is not going to deter him from seeing if it’s the same one. For Newt’s sake, of course.
☆ twin flame [Mature - 13,058 w] by FilisMaze @filismaze
Summary: Involuntarily, he reached into his pocket, jabbed his fingertips against the wooden figure he was carrying for Thomas, before finding the note which lay below. It had become a habit in a short time, a constant need to make sure it was still there. And with the horrifying image of the dead woman and the grieving man in mind, Newt made a decision. Abruptly he stopped, bringing Thomas to a halt as well who turned to him in surprise. “I need to talk to you, Tommy. Just you. It’ll only take a second.” 
or: Newt learns he isn't immune to the Flare and decides to take precautions. Thomas does not like this.
☆ a rhapsody for you and my (our symphony) [Mature - 6,700 w] by flemoncake @go-catch-a-chickn
Summary: This realization hits him like lightning. It has always been there. But it’s them standing together over the corpse of a greedy WICKED spy, the tunes of an old country song vibrating in their chests and blood rushing through their ears, mixing shock and relief that make him understand: Thomas would do anything for Newt. Anything to keep him safe. It’s as simple as that. 
or: 5 times music helps Thomas to realize he's in love with Newt + 1 time music helps Newt to show Thomas that their love is real
☆ star wars au [Digital Art: Moodboard/Edit] by @newtedison
Summary: thomas is a rebel who needs a reminder of what he’s fighting for. newt is a scrapper who needs someone to fight for him.
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fili-is-gone · 1 year
Seriously someone pay you for posting this stupid crankmas newtmas fics & posts ?!? Everybody knows now you are smalleymcsmall & that ur real OTP is Thominho <33 (finally u make a good choice & u should stay with it) & post more Thominho stuffs & stop lying to urself & others & messing with ppl heads when u can enjoy the good ship only (aka Thominho :*** ofc). But i have to tell u even i believed u in november when u said u liked crankmas newtmas then but now u should stop it & tell us the dates when u gonna post ur six Thominho fanfics. Xoxo.
Seriously, please, I'd love to have someone pay me for writing Newtmas.
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heliads · 2 years
Hey Lisa !! Can I ask you about 7, 14 & 16? Hope you are doing well ❤️
thank you!! i am doing as best i can under the present circumstances <33
7: Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
oh man i don't know how to pick this. tbh i forget everything i write after i post it so i had to go back and pick from one of my favorite pieces (newtmas time loop au of pain) for this:
Night falls; the city burns. [Thomas] meets Newt outside of the WICKED headquarters, and their friends all run to their respective corners of the city for their final tasks. Thomas gifts Newt the knife he needs. It came from Thomas’ belt, the knife that Newt uses to attack him; Thomas only learned that in the last few weeks. He had previously assumed it to be Newt’s, but it isn’t. Newt had always taken the knife from him to begin the assault, but Thomas gives it up freely this time.
Thomas shouts something to Newt across the blur of the knife slashing between them. It’s an I-love-you, a goodbye, a cry of regret and acceptance all in one. Newt’s head jerks up and he stares at Thomas, finally seeing him for the first time since they broke Minho out. A smile touches at the corners of the blond boy’s lips, dragging them up, cracked and bloody, until Newt looks like the same boy who had met Thomas at the opening of the Box when everything first began.
idk i just really like it. i know i've had more flowery figurative language, but this one really has an impact, you know? thomas giving newt the knife even though he knows it'll kill them both. that's a journey of acceptance, babey. thomas thinking newt resembles the person he'd been at the start of everything- a flashback in a time loop? a continuation of a pattern in which thomas wants more time with newt over anything? perhaps!
14: What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
ooh that's hard. i mean people don't tell bad advice for fun. for me personally, maybe that everything you write has to have some great deeper meaning? obviously if you can work in something like that, it's great, but you can write pointless things and have them be absolutely fantastic. clearly i am the paragon of that. not everything you post has to be good, you just have to enjoy writing it. trust me, people are going to pick up on that more than if you hate something but try to make it Important.
16: If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
as someone who doesn't write a lot of pairings, i really like this question. probably minewt? you've just got so much potential there- interesting setting, amnesia, friends to lovers, plus their dynamic is perfect. this is me begging to write a minewt fic yes
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newtedison · 2 years
fic rec tag game!
ty @crestfallercanyon for the tag, tumblr never wants me to see my tags but i did it
rules: recommend three of YOUR fics, one that is the most popular and two that are “hidden gems”
i don’t want to recommend this but i have to
most popular: therapy dogs and comic books
this fic is almost at 30k hits, i’ll literally never have another fic reach this high. i haven’t even come close since. 
i wrote this when i was 18 and at the peak of my newtmas phase. it’s an 80k high school au strangers to friends to lovers fic. people tell me they really like it. i’m personally quite distanced from it now and would change a bunch of it if i could, but clearly i did something that resonated with people, and i’m happy about that. 
“hidden gem” #1: to have a heartbeat
where my brenderesa girlies at?! this is an 11k fic where brenda is a new ghost that teresa accidentally summons while working on a photo restoration for thomas. i was rereading parts of this yesterday and i was like you know this kind of goes off. not to toot my own horn but i like it. despite the fact that brenda is a ghost i don’t actually think it’s that sad. i’m hoping i can expand the universe of this fic one day but we shall see!
“hidden gem”#2: Kenopsia
if you weren’t in the discord or missed when i posted this, you might have seen me reblog things about a “torture labyrinth” or pictures of liminal spaces with the tag “kenopsia” and have no idea what i’m talking about. essentially i had this idea to make a fic about liminal spaces, passed out, and woke up with 28k written. newtmas. maze runner parallels where thomas wakes up mid-run in a liminal space with no memories and finds newt who is also trapped. if you’ve ever seen “eternal sunshine of the spotless mind” it’s sort of like that. i know it’s weird but please give it a shot. 
i tag @subjecta5newtella @newtmsa and @itsthemxze
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pinkandblueblurbs · 2 years
Congrats on 10k gill!! your celebration is adorable i love the theme, could i request a my melody for first time double penetration with poly!newtmas?
newt x thomas x fem!reader. penetrative sex, anal sex, double penetration, d/s dynamics, praise, dirty talk, light degradation
“Tommy…. I think she might be ready tonight.” Newt muses as he gently thrusts three fingers inside your ass, spreading them slightly to get you stretched. Your eyes widen at his words, and you crane your head back to try to see him.
“Yeah? You think she’s loose enough?” Thomas is standing at the side of the bed, fisting his cock languidly with one hand while the other strokes up and down your back. You can just barely catch Newt’s nod from the angle you’re at.
“She took me back here just fine last night, so she’s still nice and loose from that.” The brit explains, pulling his fingers out of your hole and stroking the excess oil onto his cock. “Reckon she’ll take both of us just fine.”
“What do you say, baby?” Thomas asks, hooking his pointer finger under your chin to guide you to meet his eyes. “Wanna try it?”
“You’ll…. You’ll be gentle, right? Take it slow?”
“Course we will, poppet. We’d never hurt you.” Newt says reassuringly, calloused hand caressing your waist down to your hip. You nod, excitement bubbling up inside you as you offer both boys a nod.
“Yeah, okay. Let’s try it.”
With some maneuvering you get into position, Thomas below you on the mattress, your chest pressed against his, and Newt behind you, gripping your hips and rubbing the head of his cock over your lubricated hole.
“Who should go inside first?”
“Probably me, yeah? Get the tough bit out of the way?” Newt suggests, waiting for your input. You nod.
“Yeah, makes sense. You first.” You murmur, voice slightly shaky with nerves. Thomas reaches up to cup your face.
“Take it easy, baby. If it doesn’t feel good, just tell us, and we’ll stop.” You nod again, and Newt starts applying pressure to your rim, slowly pushing inside you.
“Thaaat’s it, sweetheart. Bloody hell you’re tight. Feel so fuckin’ good for me. Lemme in, just like that.” The slew of dirty praise as you moaning and relaxing enough that he can slide in without issue, bottoming out after a few seconds of steady pushing.
“Alright? Feels okay?” The brunet below you asks, looking up at you with furrowed brows. You nod, letting out a pleasured sigh.
“Yeah. Really good.” You’re already breathless. “Want you too, Thomas. Want you to your cock in my pussy.”
“Fuck, Tommy, can’t turn that down now can you?” Newt pipes up. You can’t see him, but you can picture the smirk on his face well.
Thomas can’t, it turns out, turn that down, and within moments you feel the head of his cock swiping against your clit and then down to your entrance. Made easier by how wet you are, he starts pushing inside you, separated from Newt by only a thin layer of flesh.
“Fuck.” You gasp out, eyes squeezed shut and hands gripping the pillow on either side of Thomas’s head like a lifeline. “Oh my god, Thomas.”
“‘S that good? Or do you need me to stop?” His voice is tight, and though he doesn’t say it, you can hear the hidden prayer of “please don’t ask me to stop” in his strained tone.
“Don’t stop. It feels so- I’m so full.” You stumble over your words, overwhelmed by pleasure. Slowly, Newt pulls out of you, and in tandem Thomas does the same, building up a slow rhythm of alternating thrusts.
“Like this, poppet? Like having two cocks inside you?” Newt taunts, smirking when you nod with a lewd moan. “Such a greedy thing, one isn’t even enough for you.”
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yup-thats-me · 2 years
Thomas Brodie-Sangster Instagram au #1
Face claim: Demet Ozdemir
note: Thomas' username is "samohtsangster" but I don't like it ): so I'm gonna change it to "thomasbrodie_sangster" and Dylan's gonna have Instagram. Because I can do whatever I want 😉
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Liked by thomasbrodie_sangster✓, dylanobrien✓, and 5,478,902 others
yourinstagram he looks so invested in that book. But I'm gonna be a bad girl and bug him 😀
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thomasbrodie_sangster✓ you don't wanna mess with me, love.
yourinstagram✓ oh. But I think I want to 😏
tommythomas Not y/n italicising 'bad girl'👀
thomadbread I'm pretty sure that's marvel
yourinstagram liked this comment
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Liked by yourinstagram, kayascods and 7,640,926 others
thomasbrodie_sangster my sugar
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tommysangster she's so cute! Wtf?
y/nloveme can I have her now?
user81 dude, she doesn't even need to try and look cute. She's born with it
newtmas is that a candy shop behind her?
user03 yes I think
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Liked by @thomasbrodie_sangster✓,@kayascods✓, @tchalamet✓, @naomiscott✓, @dylanobrien✓ and 54,379,086 others
yourinstagram Tonight I had so much fun at @jimmyfallontonight! Make sure to check out 'Question the Angels' where Oscar nominee actor @tchalamet, along with the amazing @naomiscott and a girl named y/n in theatres this May! (:
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thomasbrodie_sangster I'm so proud of you Darling ♥
yourinstagram love you babe❣️
thomasbrodie_sangster love you too 😘
naomiscott actually y/n, I'm sad that shootings' over. We all had so much fun at the set ):
yourinstagram yes we had fun but there's nothing more fun than to mess with Timmy 😀
tchalamet ...
naomiscott 😂😂
fan008 y/n's so modest. Like babe, you're one of the most talented actresses out there
naomiscott, tchalamet and thomasbrodie_sangster liked this comment
user90 I'm over excited for this movie!
dylanobrien Dude, neither you or Thomas told me of this. I feel so betrayed. Wtf?
yourinstagram we wanted this to be a surprise for you dude!
dylanobrien ooh. Okay dude.
thomasbrodie_sangster see dude that's why y/n was gone for six months.
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Liked by thomasbrodie_sangster, yourinstagram, kayascods and 6,980,638 others
dylanobrien found this pic in an old folder. This was during the shooting of 'The Scorch Trials'. @thomasbrodie_sangster and @yourinstagram snuck out on set that day and I caught them red handed 🤣
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thomasbrodie_sangster Bruh, we were young and in Love. What did you expect?
dylanobrien BRO. "were in love"? I literally saw you two kissing at Kaya's house yesterday. You guys are the same as before. Drunk in love~
yourinstagram 😳
tomnewt I can tell. They're still so in love with eachother
newtiebaby they were having a little date of their own
kayayscods yeah I remember. Wes was searching for them and Dylan had told me he had seen them. I had to lie to Wes when he asked me where they were. I just hope he didn't find out
wesball believe me, he did
thomasbrodie_sansgter 😬
yourinstagram I'm so embarassed
dylanobrien 😹
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I'm sorry, i didn't mean to hurt anybody. I read one of her beautifully written Newtmas fanfic and i wondered if she could ever write another chapter to this story but whats the point of leaving comment if a person doesn't like the ship anymore and making them angry ? And she doesn't have anonymous questions on her tumblr and i'm too stupid and shy to ask questions without anonymous option so if you can : tell her that she's amazing writer. Have a precious sunday. And sorry for bothering you.
ohhhhh alright, i see!
no don’t worry about it! i just was very careful in replying because i wasn’t sure what the intention behind the ask was. 💚
but this is actually super sweet! i hope i can take your worries away a bit 💛
first of all: always leave that comment. i‘ve never heard of anyone get angry at a comment. never ever.
second: what comments aren’t, are a sure way to get a new chapter or more writing.
but to show appreciation, and express that you‘d love to read another chapter is always okay, and will in most cases make the author very very happy!!! 💛
third: fabs @go-catch-a-chickn , you have a fan 🌟
(anon first sent an ask asking whether you still liked newtmas, i answered it and then they clarified here ⭐️)
also anon i full heartedly agree: fabs is an amazing writer 💛 (and an amazing person, and an amazing friend—here‘s to you fabs, ily 🥂💙)
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