#can’t wait to read it allllll
luckykiwiii101 · 9 months
Hey Upper East Siders. Want to play a game…? One condition, this time you HAVE to play by the rules. Or it’s game over…
- XoXo, Gossip Girl 💋 💌
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And who am i? That’s one secret i’ll never tell, You know you love me - XoXo, Gossip Girl 💋 💌
Hey Upper east siders.
It’s that time of year again. When the sleigh bells are jingling and people add more items to their never ending wish list.What if i told you…it’s more than just a wish list.Ever wanted something so bad that you would do ANYTHING to get it? Well luckily, i’m not talking about signing a contract in blood. You don’t even have to lift a finger, nor shed any blood…or tears. You can have everything you’ve ever wished for.You just have to play a little game. Will you accept this dance…? If the answer is yes…keep on reading.
Now that we’re nice and ready. We can get started on this super quick and fun journey. If i didn’t say this earlier, GOSSIP GIRL HERE!! and i have the BIGGEST news ever! YOU will have entered/woke up in the void state within a week and manifested your dream life! Maybe you’ll do it in less than a week, and have a holly jolly Christmas XoXo. Just depends on how determined you are.
You know what happens if you aren’t…right? There are two outcomes. Let’s go over them shall we..?
“Will you have this dance..?” “No”
(Option A)
SPOTTED: Lonely Boy. Can’t believe they didn’t want their dream life, only in exchange for a little persistence. How tragic……And EVERYONE is talking. Wonder what Blair Waldorf thinks. If only they knew how easy life was…
“Will have you this dance…?” “Yes”
(Option B)
SPOTTED: SPOTTED, On the steps of the Met: B. Looking perfect, as usual. Feeling perfect, as usual. Having everything they’ve ever wanted. So much for such little “work”. Did they really think they could just waltz over here and not manifest their dream life? So effortless, it’s almost funny.
So……Which do you choose?
(thought so)
Option B?! Good choice. Looks like Little J will have everything they want and a ticket to the inner circle. Why waste precious time dreaming when waking life is SO much better?
Luckily, your journey will be very short, and VERY sweet.
Serena Van Der Woodsen, your invitations just arrived. With strings attached. Come out, come out, wherever you are.
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Gossip Girl here…enough with the stalling. Now for the main event.
You will spend the next 7 days, accepting that you are a void master.
What is the void state?
Well well well. Look what we have here. An overcomplicator on our hands, caught red handed. (Just kidding, XoXo)
It’s a state of pure consciousness. When you are detached from your physical senses completely. You can’t hear, see, smell or feel anything. Must be heaven if your name is Dan Humphrey.
Did you know, that you enter the void state everytime you fall asleep? Shocked? Well don’t be. It’s nothing special. Things always work out for you after all, should be used to it by now. Doesn’t it feel weird to finally have Gossip Girl on YOUR side? Can’t wait to pry into your success soon……and write ALLLLLL about it. You better not disappoint me, you know what happens next. Don’t wanna end up like lonely boy……do you?
“But i don’t believe in the Void State.”
- Said no sane person ever. Unless your Queen B with a broken heart.
Here you go! 💋💌💋
Does little J want a virtual slap of common sense? Don’t tempt me. A few clicked pics of your journey home could turn into a journey to hell. You know you love me. XoXo.
How do I enter the void state?
(Here you go 💌💌💌)
Looks like entering the void state really IS sugar and spice and EVERYTHING nice after all.
Hear those silver bells? It’s a void master INCOMING!!!
Applying states for the void state:
(Here you go! 💋💌💋💌)
And everyone knows the biggest present comes in the smallest box………not so difficult after all.
Then there are those boxes you are SO glad you opened.
“Challenges” to apply:
EVERYONE knows that there’s no such thing as a “challenge”.
“Take one It Girl on a pedestal. Add a crowd eager to see her fall. And give them the means to knock her down. So sad how they know they’ll only be the ones who end up falling” - XoXo Gossip Girl
Is Queen B Feeling frustrated? : (Lotusmi’s void challenge)
Always finding your hands in your hair and your fist in the wall? Well this one’s for you! (💋 💋 💋)
Love complaining? Of course you do! Talk about a Blair Bitch Project.
And for the building to really blow up, all you need is an unexpected turn. Who knew changing attitudes were so helpful?Especially for the Stubborn Blair Waldorf.
Desperately Seeking Serena: (3 day void challenge)
Is Queen S feeling like she needs a whole mind reprogramming in a gorgeously short amount of time? Well it’s time to turn that mental frown, upside down! (Here you go!!! 💋♥️💋♥️)
Ah, what’s that magic word again? Oh, Consistency! Whoops! Don’t tell me you forgot too?
And anyone who’s used to bending the rules will find themselves breaking them.
Feeling like a Dare Devil?: (Void Princess challenge)
Confidence is built, and NEWS FLASH!!! You don’t need confidence to build it. No expense is spared.
(Post is here 💋💋💋)
There’s nothing Gossip Girl loves more than a little……push. Not off of a building of course………ofcourse.
Of course Gossip Girl here isn’t going to link every single void challenge here. Wouldn’t you like to come up with your own? Use your favourite one to your hearts content.
As we all know, there’s nothing Gossip Girl loves more than a surprise.
Is that a smile we see on B’s lips? The spotlight’s on her for once and no one helped her get it. I guess “miracles” can happen.
Distraction Method (made by the one and only, Gossip Girl)
Another stray thought lands in B’s lap. Will she use it as ammunition or will she surrender and put down her arms?
Here you go! 💌♥️💌♥️
What happens if Queen B doesn’t want to persist?
No, that’s not a tear in my eye. It’s just allergies. Without you, I’m nothing. —Gossip Girl
Who doesn’t love a five-finger discount. Especially if it’s the middle one.
Look who doesn’t want to end up on my blog. Who will I gossip about now?
Who cares if i’m pretty if i fail my finals?
Everyone knows that Blair Waldorf is SO much better than Rory Gilmore. Luckily for Blair, the word “failing” is unheard of. Too bad for Rory, it’s all she thinks about.
Read this 💋💋💋
Hey Upper East Siders. We hear that World War III just broke out. And it’s wearing kneesocks. Choose your side or run and hide. We have a feeling this one’s to the death.
Why should I listen to Gossip Girl?
Because “I was a teenage drug addict” is not exactly a winning college essay.
Now have a holly jolly Christmas with your every desire. You can thank me later.
Every happy ending is just a new beginning. Because on the Upper East Side, the good times ALWAYS last forever. You know you love me, XOXO —Gossip Girl 💋 💌
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dekusleftsock · 11 months
Sigh… the newest chapter.
Very beautiful, very wonderful. It’s gorgeous looking, so much time and meaning put behind every single panel.
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These two panels have been the most interesting to me though.
The first, where the last tear falls away, and the second, where the first leaves flow freely through the spread.
And don’t you worry, I saw that parallel immediately.
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“And save people by winning.”
Still, I can’t help but feel as though these panels are still SO DIFFERENT from then!
First of all, the light in Izuku’s eye, the one that really makes the admiration and love pop in this image—it’s missing. Completely.
And, in the second one, where the tears have fallen and the leaves have come, that one is still shaded in darkness. Izuku still has no light.
So yes, has Izuku calmed down? Absolutely, but it still has this underlying melancholic atmosphere. Everyone else has a sense of success, everyone else is THANKFUL that Katsuki has saved allmight from the brink of death, he has won by saving someone—but don’t we all remember Bakugou Katsuki Rising?
You know, the chapters where everyone thought Izuku was just SO heroic and SO amazing, except for Katsuki who knew that something was very very wrong.
And this time it isn’t Izuku almost dying for everyone’s safety, it’s Katsuki—can Izuku’s heart really handle that right now? Right after he just got up?
Can Izuku control himself under all this weight?
(Ofc I gotta throw in the girls, they’re the representatives of love for this series for christs sake)
Izuku is selfish, we all know this now, so where will this selfishness take him?
Because I know for damn sure that, if I have Izuku’s character right, if I have Hori’s themes down…
Idk I just wanna see him lose control. Right in front of Katsuki. Because my god this boy can mask his queerness when he wants to.
Because what happened to THIS?
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Where’s that melodramatic passion?
Why is he not allowed to see it Izuku?
So I can see two ways this can go:
Izuku, at some point while Katsuki is awake and alive, loses his shit at Katsuki getting hurt or a comment that targets Katsuki. The way he WANTS to lose his shit.
Izuku attempts to sacrifice himself much like Himiko did for Ochako, solidifying their parallels even more. (Himiko is not dead and I don’t mean that in the “oh I’m delulu!” way. Y’all it just doesn’t make sense you guys realize that right. The same way it didn’t make sense to kill Katsuki. LIKE COME ON)
Personally, while I COULD see Izuku doing that, because he would do anything for Katsuki, I don’t think he’s gonna have the option to. Not only that, but I think that the first option is far more interesting for ALLLLLL the reasons above.
Izuku is known for being sacrificial, it would be far more interesting to have Katsuki have to assure him and calm him down in some way (it’s also the queer connection. I find this extremely important. We need a scene for bkdk like we had for the spirited away scene for tgck). Not only that but Izuku very much needs to have that moment where the story creates that wall that directly tells him he needs to change. It needs to challenge him, emotionally. And not in the panic, big fight way, but in the “Katsuki has to see the things Izuku still performs for him” way.
Katsuki needs to see how Izuku feels, because Izuku isn’t good at telling him that.
Anyway, my main point is that Izuku WONT be able to control himself anymore. Just one more thing, one more comment said in just the right way, and it’s over.
That confrontation is the one that I’m waiting for. Because Izuku still isn’t happy, this chapter isn’t happy—it’s laced with insecurity, despair, heartache, and a deep sense of loss.
And it’s hopeful! Very very hopeful, because that’s what mha IS, but you can’t read this chapter and tell me that Izuku right now is happy, in love, over the fact that it’s Katsuki who has to save allmight.
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findyourlovely · 6 months
Purging my thoughts on my millionth rewatch for science:
Ep 1.01
It’s truly incredible to see Andrew Lincoln back at it after all these years. This man might be the best actor in Hollywood.… is that doing too much? I really don’t think so.
We see three escape attempts in this episode and in all of them he barely manages to make it out of city limits, if even that. Tbh it’s wild to me that he never gave in to the ideation, but even without hope his subconscious is still fighting for his family 😭
I know feelings are mixed on his choice to cut off his hand (what was the plannnnnn Rick) but if this man has been alive for this many years I need to know he tried everything to get home
God, Michonne looks so so good
The lighting and color grading when he’s in CRM territory vs his dreams. The only time he genuinely smiles is when he’s sleeping, imagining all the ways he could meet and fall in love with his wife
Why does Beale allow Okafor to make these secret plays when he knows he’s up to no good? He can clock Ricks motives immediately but he can’t get a read on a man he’s known for a decade?
For my own sanity I hope we never see Esteban again so I can just tell myself he lives a long happy life with his journalist girlfriend in that air conditioned prison city
All this secrecy but nobody knows how to lock their doors huh
I’m endlessly intrigued by Okafor. This man is so compelling (and fine, sheesh). He keeps Rick captive for the hope of using him to change an irredeemable system. breaks Rick down to nothing and gives him in all the power to completely destabilize the CRM, but I struggle to see this plan as anything but a drawn out suicide mission. Even if they’re successful taking out leadership, no way they won’t die in the aftermath. And what guarantee is there that the next military leaders won’t pick right back up where Beale left off. What is the plan???
“You didn’t save my life” World traveling poker player Pearl, and she don’t understand Rick at allllll. She thinks not shooting him during escape #4 was kindness, but every day that poor man spends isolated from his people is worse than death. What good is it to survive if your soul is destroyed in the process. He doesn’t see the sun, or the sky, or the water, y’all. This shit is breaking my heart.
It’s interesting that when Rick writes his final goodbye letter, he tells Michonne he doesn’t see her in his dreams anymore. But in the very next scene he betrays the point with the “five pizzas and a wedding ring” proposal.. baby boy you aren’t ever getting over this woman, you know that right? He chooses to give up but his subconscious can’t accept it until she’s completely burned out
That reunion! He can’t even believe she’s real, you can literally see his brain buffering trying to understand what’s happening in front of him. This man had spent half a decade surviving off doodles to keep her image alive in his mind, finally gave up all hope of ever seeing her again and here she is, shot him right out of the sky.
I was really curious to see how this pilot would compare to the original series, and it totally blew my expectations. Can’t wait to see how they finish this story.
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earlgreytea68 · 2 years
A Post About Identity and “A Little Less ‘Sixteen Candles’...”
Fall Out Boy has a song called “A Little Less ‘Sixteen Candles,’ a Little More ‘Touch Me.’” You might know it because it has a ridiculous Fall Out Boy title. You might know it because it has a ridiculous Fall Out Boy video. This is a song all about identity and expectations and struggling with both
and, if you want to read it that way, Pete struggling with sexuality
After all, what is a vampire if not a metaphor with forbidden sexual desires???
Anyway, this is a song where Pete, over and over, fails to play the role that he thinks he should be playing, that he thinks everyone expects him to play. The title originally was “A Little Less Molly Ringwald, a Little More Samantha Fox,” which underlines how much the song is about identity: Who are you supposed to be? Which of these people? Couldn’t you fit yourself into the proper box?
It opens with an apology (”I messed up”) and the image of trying to “dress up” to get past the situation he’s put himself in. If he could just find the right costume for the moment, surely he could fix everything. Now, how he’s messed up is never explicit in the song, although it’s a song focused entirely on his failure. The only thing he seems to have failed to do is to kiss a girl.
He’s talking to “the girl all the boys want to dance with,” but he separates himself out from those boys. He’s not the boy who wants to dance with her. He’s the “boy who’s had too many chances.” She’s the girl everyone wants and she keeps giving him a shot but he cannot close the deal (”I messed up”).
The chorus is so explicitly about identity: embracing it vs. rejecting it, figuring out what’s authentic and what’s not. “I don’t blame you for being you, but you can’t blame me for hating it.” And then the very next line is “what are you waiting for? kiss her! kiss her!” In this chorus wrestling with identity and blame and loathing, the main command is to just kiss the girl already! This doesn’t seem like a difficult task to be given, but he keeps missing the boat: “I set my clocks early ‘cuz you know I’m always late.” He cannot get his act together. It should be the easiest thing in the world, she’s the girl all the boys want to dance with and you’ve had so many chances, what are you waiting for, just kiss her. But for some reason he’s always late.
The second verse revolves around this failure: “write me off, give up on me, what did you expect.” “I’m just off,” he says, an apparent diagnosis of his problem. Nothing more specific than I’m not what I’m supposed to be, I’m not right, I’m just off. “A lost cause, a long shot, don’t even take this bet.” It’s a veritable suffocation of self-condemnation. What is wrong with me? Just ignore me, I’m not worth your time. He just cannot get himself into the part he’s supposed to be playing.
And even when he does, he doesn’t do it right: “you can make all the moves, you can aim all the spotlights, get all the sighs and moans just right.” This is sex as performance, not as something you want to do but as the part you've got to play. And you can get it all right, but it still won't feel right, you'll still end up out in the cold (”sleeping on your folks' porch again”), “dreaming” of something else entirely, while the girl snarls at you, "Why don't you just drop dead.”
This song is allllll about identity, it's in every single lyric of the song. It really reads like a song struggling with knowing who you're supposed to be and somehow never being able to get it right, no matter how hard you try, just always being off and never making people happy, you set your clocks early because you know you're always going to be late.
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gayerthanevertbh · 2 years
I feel like Tasha and R would’ve met during high school or in a coffee shop idk why but I got a few small head cannons on my favorite Tasha Bear <3
-She is literally the most jealous person you will ever meet. You talk about a celebrity that you find attractive, she’s jealous, you zone out and are accidentally staring at someone other than her, she’s jealous, you’re reading a story and it has some really good sex scenes that has you blushing, she’s JEALOUS.
-She tries to act all cool about it but when going to meet your parents she’s is a nervous train wreck. “Maybe I should get them a bottle of wine or something, wait no, then they’ll think I’m a huge drinker and they won’t want me near y/n. Oh! Maybe some flowers! But what if one of them are allergic to flowers? Maybe I could make them some food, yeah that works. But what if they don’t like it” :(
-Literally obsessed with your ass and tits. It’s like a kid going into a candy store every time she sees them. One night they have to go out on a double date with their friends and R wears a dress that shows off her breasts a bit and nat literally can’t stop staring at them to the point her friends have to wake her up out of her little trance on see your tits
-Whenever she sees something at the store she thinks you might like, she’s buying it. A stuffed animal, bought. Some treats, bought. A book, bought. One time you send her to go to the grocery store by herself as you were busy and she ended up buying barely any food for the house, just a bunch of things you like
-She lovesssss vacations. She loves taking you to different cities and countries that she wants to visit. She never got to do much traveling as a kid so now that she can travel whenever she wants with the love of her life, she will NOT let that opportunity go to waste
-She loves sports. She gives me that dad vibe of having cookouts and playing football with her friends or on sundays she’s in the living room watching football and playing fantasy football. She said if she wins she gets 1000 dollars to spend allllll on R
-She is the most clingy person you will ever meet. Seeing family, clinging to you. At a store, clinging to you. Having sex, clinging to you. She lovessss the way you smell and loves holding you and rubbing your soft arms (or thighs 😏)
-She obviously works out, I can tell she is jacked. There are videos on tiktok like “how to improve your strap game” with a bunch of different workouts to help improve it, she obviously takes those workouts very seriously if it means pleasing you even more
-She hates nicknames from anyone else but from you? OMG YESSS!! If you call her by her real name she’ll stop in her tracks and ask what she did wrong. At first in the relationship you never called her any pet names as you thought she wouldn’t like them seeing how she reacts to any from her family or friends. But when you would call your friends pet names and not her she would get so upset and you finally noticed and started to call her every pet name ever made
(I have so many more thoughts but man I love this woman)
they would most likely have met in Highschool and once saw each other again at their mutual’s house. SHE REALLY HATES NICKNAMES BUT NEVER WITH YOU 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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badnew2005 · 1 year
can u explain what clip show/chokes says about dennis’ whole running away/facing reality/holding tight behavior?
oooh this is my fav topic i feel like i’m talking ab the same point over and over again BUT IM NOT GOING TO STOP !!!! i’m assuming this is the post ur referencing and i’m gonna keep using these parameters etc. this is definitely not the best ive ever talked ab this but !! its whats happening rn !!!
there’s a bit at the very end of clip show that has always felt absolutely dripping in desperation from dennis it’s right after their phones all finish updating the “thank god we’re back to normal” but everyone ignores him while he waits for a beat too long trying to laugh and smile ab it all like. it’s always read to me as the “normal” dennis wants is their past their youth, specifically before mac came out and before he left. dennis’ fight or flight has been acting up and influencing the gang for so long but it really is specifically tied to mac coming out, mac being recognised as gay by the gang and the fear they’ll recognise him too you know he’s been fighting, pushing back, causing tension and arguments and declaring his hatred etc etc. dennis is very very desperate to be back in charge of the direction of the gang and their mentalities etc, hes desperate to keep living in the past!!!!!
and chokes is another favourite example of this miscommunication and contradiction like ALLLLLL dennis wants is to go back to "normal" to before mac came out. mac being able to see through him and know him in a way dennis thought he had blocked was terrifying and caused him to physically leave like the fear of mac being able to see through his facade theres a LOT of things hes keeping hidden he cant let mac know like. but then he came back. and part of wanting everything back to normal is that unspoken connection and communication with mac - hes getting frustrated and angry at mac for not being able to read him and understand him anymore, that they cant just pick up exactly where they left - that they cant pick up from a few years ago and pretend nothings happened nothings changed. like dennis can’t communicate !!!!!! he wants mac to know him he wants everything to go back to how it Was before north dakota but. north dakota didn’t just happen to dennis. it happened to Mac Too. don’t forget that. macs seen dennis push back because he got too close so macs only following blatant orders he doesn’t want to get too close again and for dennis to leave. again. its dennis not being able to face reality to face the actual situation he himself put them in by leaving, emotionally and physically, and then crawling back. ive been saying soooo much hes only just emotionally returned from north dakota i think s13-15 we see him still stuck in fight or flight (as he has been for many seasons before this too) but in the process of crawling back home - emotionally. tail between his legs!
hes holding on tight to this sense of control to his fanatsies and memories and refusing to acknowledge reality which you see him do countless times over and over in different situations but like the end of clip show was SINISTER with the “we’re back to normal” it’s dennis’ fantasy he wants so badly to become reality. he’s the best at monitoring reality and pulling one over on the gang. because that’s all he Ever does. that’s all he’s been doing. they’ve only just caught on or directly challenged him or tried to live in their own fantasies. clip show reinforcing again and again dennis is the most skilled at / aware of having fantasies replace real life memories and experiences. he can change his perception of life to suit him, but is painfully aware its not reality for the first time. highshchool and the golden god one of my fav / the easiest examples of this like just hes always been running away from the truth from reality from some version of himself that he cant look in the mirror. also i legally have to mention roller rink its ooc because its like clip show its their memories theyre telling a story like remember when i was nice and cool yeah i do because it hurts less and they love eachother. clip show dennis takes control of the narrative of the story of the mission to get back into "reality" BUT thought he could pull one over do macden live together. hes a scared little baby running away! SAD! alsoooooooo like how the spinning top doesnt fall and we see the second charlie poke his head like !!!!!! THEYR (DENNIS IS ) STILL STUCK in dennis' fantasy of life aka where theyre all back to normal. i feel like i havent said enough ab holding tight its listerally just clinging into the past onto these idealised versions clinging onto mac and their relationship like not letting him move on you know.
yeah okay again this is def not my best explination of it but thats generally what i was getting to in that paragraph mentioning clip show and chokes :) its all dennis' relationship w the truth and reality and how he's always used it as a crutch trying to be someone else aka running away from himself from the gang from his real actual life. playing pretend as the person he thinks he should be. but then coming home and not being able to communicate ANYTHINGGGGGGGGGGGGG because he cant even admit it to himself so they just get stuck in these cycles.
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wander-wren · 2 years
look i wasn’t expecting it but i really love wylan in s2. i don’t know what i was expecting but mostly i was afraid we weren’t going to get much of him at all, and i’m SO happy with what we did get.
a lot of it feels like a direct callout @ the fandom for the whole “wylan van sunshine” thing. it’s sooo fun that wylan and jesper already knew each other, but more than that, with just that little change + aging them up we’ve made it far harder to infantilize the both of them the way fandom did with the books and that’s very cool.
(i’m part of “fandom” here, don’t get me wrong, i’m not on my high horse here. sorry wesper <3)
like—wylan and jesper are very clearly adults. they had sex the first time they met. they HAVE SEX, presently. they’re both comfortable in their sexualities. we won’t get a “just girls?” “no. not just girls” exchange now, but we don’t need it. this wylan and jesper don’t need that. coming out is sort of culturally linked to coming of age, and we’ve already done both, AND there’s unapologetic sex involved, so it’s harder to infantilize the two of them, especially wylan.
wylan isn’t singled out as looking like a kid or being the youngest. jesper calls him a novice, but that’s different. and while in the books you sort of know implicitly that wylan is smart in his own way, we don’t get to SEE him mixing compounds and knowing the scientific names of plants and bugs and symbiosis and allllll that. coming immediately after wylan revealing he can’t read? even i was a little shocked, bc wait, wait, he just REMEMBERS all that? in his head?
we even get a nod to him being good at deception (like in soc when he pretends to be drunk to fool the fjerdans), when he’s the one who comes up with a lie in the rollins manor.
and of course, we get that VERY good exchange between him and jesper where he literally tells him “don’t patronize me.” he feels less insecure here, still uncomfortable with it—he definitely says “my shame”—but not letting jesper make him More uncomfortable.
speaking of insecure…he’s still shy and awkward, but not in a cutesy way? like, comparing him to david, david is definitely played more as the cutesy innocent type. which doesn’t mean you should infantilize david either! just, they’re sort of similar but also different. wylan comes off as a little bit twitchy and strange, very comfortable in his world and hesitant about joining the crows. but not hesitant bc he’s a Precious Innocent Baby, hesitant bc….bombs! dangerous people! he kind of wants to keep all his fingers, thanks.
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
Hello, me again! I was finally able to read the new chapter and my heart!!! I can’t handle this! Listen, i had a feeling that it was going to happen but obviously I had no clue what you were going to do and you really broke my heart and hen slowly slowly put it back together. I always wished that the writers showed more of Brian dealing with the aftermath of the bashing and I know we got that little comment about how Mikey was with him for 3 days in the hospital but I aways wished to see more. And you just made this wish come true and it was just as heartbreaking as I imagined it would be! My heart broke so many times while reading it. You really managed to capture that hopelessness that one would have in a situation like that, once again made me feel like I was sitting across from Brian in the waiting room and watching it all happen. You really did break my heart in the best way possible but thank you for that cute ending! Wish we got that in the series as well. Oh and I am living for Emmett and Brian’s friendship! One of my favorites in the series that I wish was shown more. This really was an excellent chapter even if it was heartbreaking in a way. Fucking amazing.
Hello dear sweet anon! You survived the AO3 attack and got to read chapter 9! Those were some really tough days without our fanfiction, weren’t they? (I’m completely serious.)
I am not sorry at all for breaking your heart. Especially since you feel like I put it back together again. I always say that making people feel things is one of the great joys of writing, for me. Love it or hate it, just don’t feel meh about it.
This? “I always wished that the writers showed more of Brian dealing with the aftermath of the bashing?” That is 100% me and why all my fics eventually come back to the bashing. It was such a pivotal plot point and we got some precious glimpses of how each Justin and Brian coped and how they coped together but not nearly enough. I could have had the rest of the series dealing with all the after effects and then the way those would ripple out and impact other things. I know that’s not how TV works and that’s not super marketable but oh my god I would have loved that. Thank goodness for fanfiction? I jokingly tagged this fic with “I wrote this for me but you can read it too” because that’s true. The stories I write are those I want to read.
And platonic KinneyCutt!!! Their friendship is my favorite and we were so so robbed of seeing more of it. I don’t love that they used Emmett as comic relief and I think seeing more of his friendship with Brian would have made him an even more multidimensional character. Justice for KinneyCutt!
Thank you so so so much for continuing to read and to share your thoughts, they absolutely make my day/week/month.
The next chapter will be allllll about the bashing aftermath so stay tuned!
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bellswlw · 1 year
I saw that you put Heartbreak Feels So Good on your tbr and I am so excited to hear what you think of it when you do read it <3
I AM BEYOND EXCITED TO READ IT ALLLLLL i’ve been begging for longer multi fic works and UGHHH Heartbreak Feels So Good is absolutely PERFECT i can’t wait for it to fuck me up and i mean that in such a good way<333
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afreakingdork · 2 years
My heart is so full and thank you dork for CtM. It’s gotten me through some rough times and I absolutely adore it to pieces. I can’t wait to read everything that comes next. I’m a die hard Kacchako fan and I love that you write for them too so I’m fed in allllll the shows. I love this for me
Yours, 🌙 crescent
I'm so honored to have had a hand in anything that could give you some comfort. Thank you so much for sharing that with me. I hope things continue to get better for you!
Crescent Moon I can't believe we also share ship loves! I have 22 completed Kacchako fics on my ao3 😆 I have two unfinished with one posted and the other I've never shared, but always wanted to!
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themithadywizard · 5 months
(Continued, 2/?)
She grabs your wrist and drags you along the broken cobblestone streets, but the two of you don’t make it very far when you bump into a group of 6, large men coming out from a saloon, one of them was a centaur. “Well speak of the devil, there’s Lucid!” One of the guys blurts out between hiccups. “Wow she’s even hotter in person” another ones eyes widen, as the woman who’s name I now know, Lucid, seems rather used to this. Her eyebrows raise, “Yes Taelin, now, if you wouldn’t mind I’m trying to escort this fine missy, thank you.” She retorts, loosening the grip on your arm to put it around your waist, trying to drag you out of the group, but instead they continue talking. “Come on Lu, come with us!” Another guy says, he looks more intimidating than the rest, his voice was deep, and it echoed through the narrow street. “I wanna hear allllll about your adventures” the centaur says tauntingly, then the menacing man grabs her arm and yanks her away from you. “Wait!” You shout, trying to pull her away, but she’s already too mangled in the crowd of guys. “I’ll find you again, I’ll explain to you everything-“ she shouts over the grumbles of men, as they retreat back into the saloon for either a murdering session of this poor woman or another round of beers. You look around at the now empty street way, there’s rows and rows of shops and restaurants, none of which seem very welcoming to outsiders, especially one who can’t remember where she’s from. You decide it would be better to walk than to sit around, I mean, would that woman, Lucid even come back? Upon your walking, you find a particular shop, a potions shop. The name makes your head fuzzy and hurt, and almost suddenly you can remember something. The name of the shop is “Merlin’s potions and remedies”, and when you read it, you can vividly picture a tall, bigger man talking to you. His beard is overgrown and gray with white hairs mixed in, you can’t quite hear what he’s saying, but you can almost feel the moment. Then you can see a little child talking to him, they have a similar face structure to his, and well, they kind of look like you. After that vision, you go into the shop to see if it can revive any memories you might have of your life, whether it being past life or your current one. “Welcome to Merlin’s!” A condescending voice yells from the back of the store. You don’t answer and just walk around, the shop is filled with big bottles filled with mysterious liquids, crystals in a variety of sizes, tapestry, potions, and various other trinkets. You look at every detail of the items to try and jog your mind for any memories, but nothing comes to mind. Not until you look at one of the many tapestries hung up, this one being on the ceiling. On it is a small cottage tucked into a large forest backdrop, a small campfire light emerging from the tops of the trees. Suddenly another memory hits you. There, you can see what you assume to be you, chopping down trees with the old man again, he’s teaching you how to cut wood logs into smaller pieces. “When am I gonna learn how to do spells like you Dad?” Little you says. *that IS my Dad…* you think to yourself.
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I feel like this is the first time we've spoken and you've not been flooded with work! I'm soooo glad you can rest today! What kind of books do you like reading the most?
And yes there's something really cosy about the rain isn't there, I might even go for a walk if it isn't too heavy later on.
Oh my goodness I KNOW!!! I can't believe I'm going to see them live for the first time 😭😭😭 the forecast is 22 degrees which is very hot for Scotland! So I'm not sure if I'll be able to stand on barrier all day without fainting, but the boys are on last so I'm going to try and shuffle my way to the front for their set and I will be SOBBING 😭 do you have a VPN? If you do then you'll be able to watch it live on BBC :) they're on at 9 I think, so 4pm your time??
Yeah!!! I finally got all of my grading and entering scores done yesterday. So, at this meeting I have at 2 pm, I just have to explain to my teaching supervisor why students got the scores that they did, so he can make sure I’m treating everyone fairly and doing it correctly and stuff. Then that’ll be it! I can’t wait to just have a few days of peace and quiet before going back to research lol.
They’re a brilliant band and literally all of their songs sound great live (from what I’ve seen, lol) so I’m sure no matter the setlist, you’re gonna have so much fun. I wanna hear ALLLLLL about it when you’re back! Omg this is making me smile so much I’m so excited for youuuu 🥹🥹🥹💗💗
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 years
OH MY GOD. I'm late to the game (which is funny because I DM'd you on Wednesday after you posted it) in reading chapter 60. I need to just actually use Ao3 the correct way and subscribe to stories but OMG!
I need you to know that this line: "He’s always known he would die for her, long before he’d identified the love he gardened for her, but he’s never been more sure of it than now." BETTER NOT MEAN WHAT I THINK IT MEANS MA'AM.
*tiny voice* I would die.
It was such a gorgeous chapter, I'm literally here sobbing. It was so poetically written and perfect. I know we joke about you torturing us with Mordor, but I can't wait for the torture to begin and for it to be epic and absolutely destroy our hearts. And hopefully there will be a happy ending then too.
Otherwise I propose a general readers strike until you write us an AU to the AU? Cool? Cool. We can not read under these conditions.
Anyway, I love you, you genius.
nonsense there’s no such thing as late to the game! i know some people who are waiting to read until i finish this (and some people who ended up getting impatient and reading anyways which was sort of funny to witness i can’t lie 😭)
and i have no clue what you think that means. 😀 not a single clue. what could that be possibly mean? he just loves her. he loves her a lot. (i need to stop being such a sarcastic jerk oh my gosh)
there’s this phrase i once heard that goes “the waiting is torturous. i hope it’ll last” or at least something along those lines and i think about it a lot while writing this story. i feel like i’ve built and hyped up this sequel quite a bit, and i really hope it meets everyone’s expectations and standards! especially mine haha
also, crazy thing - earlier today i literally had the thought “i’m going to have to write a fix it fic for my own damn fix it fic”. maybe amongst the angst i’ll occasionally come on here and do up some fluffy requests for the entire AU. like, sure, they’re fighting vecna in the current chapter, but would anyone like some ‘willow and eddie adopt their first stray cat’ happiness? just me? okay okay fair enough
i’m sending allllll the love right back at you, you wonderful human being. forever grateful for you guys and putting up with my tomfoolery
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muniimyg · 2 years
Heyyy sorry I wasn’t able to leave any comments I got so busy 😢 I just read the art of war and it’s so good ??? I am so addicted to the story, can’t wait to read more ! I’m waiting for the jealousy part Namjoon deserves some pain
Reading ur fics is always a serotonin boost ! 💕✨ Thank you for sharing with us !
omooo ,, thanks for sending in! i really appreciate you reading my work & loving it 🥹 i think what makes this story good is how mellow yet chaotic it is?? like the undertone of angst w the weirdest dialogue has me laughinggggggg.
+ part 3 is allllll about the jealousy 😈 i can’t wait to share it w you guys! he does deserve some pain… i’m surprised no one thinks he’s toxic 🤣
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tiredbuthappy · 2 years
Any tips for a f1 writer just starting on tumblr??
Oooooffffff I’m honored you’d ask me. My biggest advice is to not be like me. 😂 Updating regularly is huge. And make sure you genuinely enjoy what you’re writing. I love my fics, but sometimes I use up all of my creative energy and I have to wait for the tank to refill. I hope that this helps!
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pastafossa · 2 years
“It’s... Really Yellow?” (Matt Murdock x f!Reader, Fanfic)
Ok so in honor of ALLLLLL the good Charlie news today and us getting a little more of him in the red and yellow suit in the trailers, I’ve decided to finally pull this little drabble out of my folders and finish it since I’ve gotten some requests about what The Red Thread!Reader’s reaction would be to Matt’s new suit. You do NOT have to have read TRT to get this, it’s just a nice bonus (and for those who DO read it, just know this is set *waves* in their future).
Ship: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Rating: Mildly NSFW at best. There’s some suggestive stuff, lots of innuendo, but no sex or anything.
Summary: Foggy needs you to help him convince Matt that red and reflective yellow are ridiculous colors to wear as a stealthy Devil. Unfortunately for Foggy, Matt knows exactly how to convince you otherwise.
Wordcount: 2,942
Warnings: innuendo, language, Matt turning the Devil voice on you, bad use of puns, Matt’s ability to look good in literally anything
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“Look at me,” Foggy said fiercely, pointing at your eyes and then his. “You can’t forget what we talked about when he shows up. Ok?”
You scoffed where you’d leaned up against the humming a.c. unit, relaxing on the rooftop as you both waited. At least it was the rooftop of your and Matt’s building. There were far less things to worry about up here. “Of course I’m not going to forget. That’s ridiculous.”
“Good. Because it’s—I don’t know how you missed it last night—”
“I told you. I was asleep when he came in, and he had to leave early this morning for that case.” You rolled one shoulder in a shrug. “I knew he was going to pick up the new suit last night, and I tried to stay up but passed out on the couch. Woke up in bed when he kissed me bye before work. I figured he could just show me tonight when he was done with his patrol.”
“Yeah, see, that’s my point,” he said quickly, absently shaking out one foot. He was probably trying to keep himself awake. It wasn’t often you both tried to stay up for the moment Matt came back from his circuit around the Kitchen. There had to be at least one person who kept normal human hours. “It should have woken you up. You wanna know why? Because it’s—”
“It’s yellow, I know. You’ve said.”
“Yellow!” Foggy thundered, flinging his hands up towards the sky in an apparent show of outrage. “Yellow and red, ketchup and mustard! How is this stealthy unless you’re disguised as a hot dog? He’s-he’s reflective! This is anti-stealth, and he already gets into too much shit when he is stealthy! He should have woken you up like a yellow disco ball or a mustard torch!”
“What even is a mustard torch?” you mused.
“A mustard torch is what he is now,” Foggy groaned, reaching up to scrub at his face. “It’s absolutely ridiculous. ‘Why not black?’ I asked. Do you know what he said? He just blinked at me like he was shocked and said, ‘but I’ve already done black twice, Foggy.’ That’s what he said!”
“I mean… he has, though, so...”
“Listen to me.” Foggy tapped his temple, trying to psych you up. “No getting distracted. He’ll try it. He’ll use every trick he has on you. You’ve seen him in court. And you are our only tiebreaker. Karen’s staying out of it, Jess just mocks every suit he wears, and Spider-kid is too innocent to bring into this. You need to hold the line. You’re the only one who can talk some sense into him about the hot dog colors. I need reconfirmation you’re with me on this. We need to be a united front.”
And granted, you hadn’t actually seen the suit yet since Matt had only gotten it last night and despite your best efforts, you’d unfortunately fallen asleep  before he’d gotten back. But from what Foggy had said, it did sound… a little silly. It was red and yellow—and not just yellow, but apparently a reflective, gleaming yellow. Matt wasn’t exactly the best judge of color, obviously, but surely even he’d realize that painting himself like a reflective road marker would make the whole sneaky devil thing a whole lot more difficult. This was smug. It was cocky. It was…
Alright, so maybe it was just like him, but still. That was what you were here for. You’d be able to tell him he’d gone a little over the line again.
“Trust me,” you told Foggy firmly, nodding your head. You even widened your stance and crossed your arms, determined to stand strong. “I’m on your side.”
“Thank you! We can teamwork this, ok? So he comes, you see it, you point out the obvious, we get him a can of spray paint or something. Literally, any other color as long as it’s dark. I’d take fucking dark blue at this point, I’d take grey, anything but that ridiculous—”
The sudden burst of warmth inside your chest was the only warning you had before you felt the rush of a breeze overhead.
Years ago you might have ducked, but you’d gotten used to it by now, and instead, you barely blinked as Matt’s acrobatic leap carried him over you. The second he'd passed you, he twisted in the air, the movement transitioning into a smooth roll as he hit the ground. The rise to his feet was just as smooth, just as clean, the finish progressing in one fluid motion as he spun to face you before standing still to await your judgement.
“Theatrics!” Foggy barked, poking Matt’s arm. “That’s cheating, and you know it.”
“She needs to get the full effect,” Matt said defensively as Foggy poked him again, and…
Oh, you thought, your eyes sweeping down.
It had been a while since you’d seen him in anything like his first Devil suit, but you remembered fondly the way all that tough leather and strange fabric had drawn your attention to his broad shoulders, the powerful thickness of his thighs, and the endless breadth of his chest. This new suit looked much like the last in shape and in form despite a few obvious and less obvious changes—and if anyone besides Matt would know, it’d be you, since you’d stripped him out of that old suit often enough. And goddamn if you weren’t being reminded once again that Matt Murdock was always a five-course meal no matter what he chose to wear.
Your five-course meal.
“You are literally the color of a highlighter, that’s the only effect she… hey. Hey! Look at me!”
You darted your eyes guiltily back over to Foggy, breathing a little more quickly. “Yup, looking at you. I am focused.”
“The yellow!” he said quickly, jabbing urgently at Matt’s mask. “Remember what we talked about. Ok? Stay strong.”
Matt hummed. “Have you been tampering with the witness, Foggy?”
“It’s called preparing the witness. I’m not about to let you pull your Devil mind tricks on her.”
The yellow.
You could look at him and think about just the yellow.
Matt fixed his attention once more on you when he sensed your gaze return. And ok, so the mask was different. The dark, opaque eye lenses of the mask seemed an almost liquid-black in the low light, endless pools of shadow that saw right through you, saw into you beneath skin and bone, fathomless eyes made all the more startling when set within the gleaming, burnished gold of the full helmet. Because it was gold, not yellow, but gold: rich, rough as if weather-beaten, and luxuriously, dangerously warm, and yes, maybe also abso-fucking-lutely reflective, it was true. It would draw attention, maybe too much. But it… it wasn’t as bad as you’d thought, was it? Somehow, it still managed to look dangerous, like something belonging to a wild, untamed thing that you just wanted so foolishly to touch—
No, no, you needed to focus.
Matt parted his lips the slightest bit, drawing the air in across his tongue on a slow inhale. He swallowed, once, as if savoring the taste. And then…
The corner of his mouth tilted up in a smirk.
“Stop it with the sniffing and tasting thing,” Foggy snapped. “Seriously, she’s not gonna fall for that.”
Matt let his head gradually tilt, his chin tucking down. You knew that look. It was the look of a predator, the motion confident and dripping with intent, with knowledge of what was around him. It was how he hunted, how he hunted you, and your heart skipped a beat on instinct, a reaction far beyond your control. He opened his mouth bit by bit, drawing your attention to his full lips, to the curl of his tongue as he shaped the word.
“Don’t you dare, Murdock!” Foggy bellowed.
“Sweetheart,” Matt purred, his smooth voice nothing but warm smoke and a low, throaty hunger.
“Shit,” you groaned as your knees went weak, your body flooding with heat. It was that voice, damn him: that rasping Devil voice you always swore you could feel drag along your skin like a physical thing, like torn strands of silk, like the burning brush of his mouth and the heat of a flame. When combined with that familiar silhouette and the smooth motions of his body, there was little hope of resisting. “Shit, shit, shit.”
“The color!” Foggy shouted, throwing his hand in front of Matt’s face as if it would break the spell Matt had cast on you just now, cast on you months ago, years ago. “It’s fucking yellow! Focus, woman!”
“I, um… it is… yellow.” You swallowed hard as Matt dragged his tongue across his lips, trailing his fingers smoothly along the billy clubs at his hip. In fact, the rhythm his fingertips took up looked more than familiar enough to have certain parts of your body clenching. “It’s… it is… yellow, and that might be… attention-grabbing. Which is… not a good thing.”
“I think she needs to see the back,” Matt said abruptly.
“Don’t even think about it!” Foggy thundered. “I’ll throw you off this goddamn roof, I don't give a shit about your training!”
“Sweetheart,” Matt crooned. “Would you like to see the back?”
“She would not!”
“...Yes,” you whispered because the only thing as good as Matt’s front was his back, and you’d never seen his ass look like anything less than a five-star masterpiece that belonged in art museums across the world. “Yes, Jesus, let me see.”
“No-ooo,” Foggy moaned, dropping his face into his hands in defeat as Matt pointedly began his gradual spin, showing off his outline with a smug grin. “Jesus, woman. You’re selling your soul for an ass?”
“But it’s his ass,” you mumbled because it was. Matt had the best goddamn ass you’d seen in your life, and that glorious roundness was now cradled deliciously in tight red leather. And maybe Foggy was right. The yellow pattern along the side of Matt’s thighs was a little obvious, but it also brought out just how much muscle was packed on those thighs of his.
You needed him to get over here.
“Does no one see how obvious the yellow is? Am I the only person—”
“D, come here and let me touch your ass,” you whispered.
“I’m absolutely shocked at how scandalous this trial has become.” Matt shook his head as he finished his spin, doing his best to sound at least mildly dismayed, his mouth the mouth of a poor chaste soul who had definitely not fucked you on a church rooftop last month. “And how would your husband feel about that? I see that ring.”
“You two are literally the worst. You cannot be flirting over the ketchup-and-mustard suit. You cannot.”
“Can and am. As for how my husband would feel, he’s given me a free pass for the Devil since Daredevil saves the city on a regular basis,” you said breathlessly as you fixated on the breadth of Matt’s chest. Yeah, you could get used to the yellow. It was a lot but he’d find a way to make it work. “He’s known about my crush on the Devil for ages. So come over here and let me grope the evidence before I rule in your favor.”
Matt let out a playful growl and ran at you, catching you around the waist and throwing you up over his shoulder with ease as you shrieked before bursting into laughter. Matt quickly spun, slapping you once on the ass and making you squirm as he grinned at Foggy and you pointedly began to run your hands curiously over the suit. “Sorry, counselor,” Matt sighed. “Sounds like the verdict’s been rendered in my favor. Better luck next time.”
“You only won because you cheated!” Foggy groaned as Matt sauntered backwards towards the rooftop door. Hopefully Foggy thought that stumble was because Matt had misstepped, and not because you had, in fact, begun to grope hungrily at Matt’s ass. He couldn’t blame you. It was right there. “This was not a fair trial, and I object!”
“Objection denied. No cheating needed,” Matt snorted. “You should have known better than to put my wife on the stand.”
“I’m a weak woman when it comes to my husband’s ass and chest, especially when paired with the Devil head tilt,” you agreed. “I have not hidden this. I acknowledge my flaws.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t know you were this weak,” Foggy scoffed, crossing his arms.
Matt spun, slapping your ass again as you shrugged at Foggy, somewhat difficult considering you were still lazily draped over Matt’s shoulder, but you did your best. It wasn’t like you minded, after all. You had a great view of Matt’s ass from here. “Sorry, Foggy. I’ll make it up to you, but I gotta side with D on this one. I rule in favor of these ass-ets.”
“Oh,” Matt sighed, as Foggy made a retching sound. “Now I’ll really have to punish you, because that was a crime.”
“How many more years will I get if I slap your ass right now as an additional crime?”
“A lifetime sentence, Mrs. Murdock. I’d advise you to think very carefully before acting.”
You pretended to think about it for all of about point-five seconds. “Done.”
His chest rumbled against your legs as a heated shudder rolled up his body beneath you, a motion easy to track with you draped over his shoulder, with your gaze fixed firmly on the line of him. And you’d gotten him good. The texture was a little different than the last Devil suit, but you still got a nice, loud sound of it, even if nothing would compare to bare, unobstructed skin.
He tilted his head very, very carefully, his lips brushing against your side. “You’re going to pay for that one when I get you inside, sweetheart,” he murmured, so quietly you knew it was just for you.
You were counting on it.
Foggy rolled his eyes as Matt wrenched open the rooftop door, and you threw Foggy a salute. “Despite my utter betrayal, I want you to know I love you, can’t wait to see that movie tomorrow. Use the other door on your way out, we’ll be locking this one.”
“Mustard-lover!” he threw at you, as you dropped your head to blatantly watch Matt’s ass again, the door shutting behind you both.
The second you were inside, Matt set you down carefully. Then he turned and stepped into you, herding you back with the broad line of his body. You gave in happily, ceding ground as he prowled forward until your back hit the wall, a shiver of anticipation running through you.
This never got old.
Your breath caught when he dipped his head, tilting it as he listened to the sound of your body, his tongue darting against his lips as he tasted you on the air, and you swallowed down an eager moan. He swayed in closer then, tempting you, inching closer until his mouth hovered over yours. Only then did his arms rise so he could brace his hands on either side of you, caging you in. Just like that, you were trapped, the Devil looming over you in heated shades of red and gold, rich lust and glorious indulgence. “Mm, now, sweetheart, I have one very important question before we start.”
Fuck, there was that voice again, nice and low. You couldn’t resist reaching out to touch him again, sliding your hands boldly up from his waist to fan out across his chest. “Uh huh?”
“Suit on,” he purred, his lips feathering against yours with each sinful world, “or suit off?”
“Suit definitely on,” you hummed, sliding your arms around him to drag your nails down the line of his back. “Someone’s gotta break it in, right?”
He threw you a feral grin, then, the low huff of his laugh rolling rich across your skin. “Did I ever tell you I love you?”
“Every day, D. Every beautiful day.”
“Ok, but is it… how yellow is it, really?”
“I mean, you’re not mustard-colored like Foggy says. More gold. But let’s just say if you polish that helmet too much, you might cause a car accident. That shit is really reflective now that I think about it.”
“Hm. I may have to change that in the future.”
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