#can’t wait to see infected in ep two
paigegonerogue · 2 months
TLOU s2 first look (in video form) came out, and HOLY FUCK IT’S INCREDIBLE!! But you guys know me… you know how I am… let’s analyze this sucker.
Spoiler for tlou part 2
Other than the amazing dialogue and acting here, this scene thrills me because now we know we get at least a little more time with Joel. Thanks, Craig❤️
I’ve seen people say it could be therapy, which I love, but it’s also possible it could just be a normal conversation. Either way, I can’t wait!
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Onto the next shot!
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The “the tattoo looks bad!” People are sweating lol This looks AMAZING!! The scarring makeup is so well done! But ALSO did someone say shallow depth of field?? No?? Okay we’ll screw me I guess. Also, IT’S THE MOTH AGHHHHHH
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Beutiful recreated shot. The shallow depth of field is gorgeous, and the lights… it’s just beutiful!
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First thing’s first…
It’s possible that the person holding onto Ellie’s shoulder is Maria, since if you turn your brightness up you can kinda see her side-shave hairstyle.
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I have two theories for this: 1, this is right after the chemical burn? Or 2, this is after Joel dies? I could be totally wrong, though.
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The guy in the background doesn’t look familiar to me, and none of the main cast have beards like that. I think he’s a new character, probably just a small role as a doctor.
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This is definitely Jackson. You can see that the gates are the same as Jackson’s from ep 6.
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And I’m fairly sure that it’s an infected horde, since none of them seem to have guns or weapons.
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(No analysis here. Just hype.)
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Definetly Seraphites, probably from the iconic forest scene. Looks great, love the lighting here.
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First look at Dina!! Woo!!
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Ellie has an assault rifle, and I think she might be on some rafters here, judging by the metal and because she’s definitely above ground level.
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Gorgeous landscape shot, probably around the Jackson area.
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JEFRREY WRIGHT RAHHHHHHHHH I don’t believe there’s a fight in the kitchen with Isaac in tlou part 2 (correct me if I’m wrong, but I definitely don’t think so?). He could be fighting Ellie here, which would probably be triggering for her (bad memories of guys fighting her in kitchens)
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Firstly, KAITLYN LOOKS SO GOOD WOOHOO!!! Secondly, awesome recreated shot.
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Not 100% sure, but could this be Tommy and Ellie? The first person looks like Tommy, with the longer dark hair and jacket. And the second person has the same color jacket that Ellie was wearing in the first look, and seems smaller than Tommy, which would also line up.
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Awesome shot! I bet this is in the tunnels, especially since the shot after you see an infected slam against the doors.
Anyway, those are all my observations for now! This was the best 20 seconds of my day, and I’m so UNBELIEVABLY hyped!!
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devnmon · 2 years
Long, Long Time.
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'Cause I've done everything I know To try and make you mine And I think I'm gonna love you For a long, long time
Summary: Irrevocably in love with the woman you can’t have, a wine drunk night over classical reading and a fireplace aids in decision making.
Ao3 version | tess masterlist
prequel fic
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Warnings: smut [a tiny bit], reader hopelessly in love with Tess, use of y/n (a couple times); based on ep 3 of TLOU
wc: 13k
A/n: Okay ummm first of all don’t blame me for writing this much on one character that i’ve never written before, but this fic is literally my baby. It’s my favorite thing i’ve written. I thought it was my turn to take a spin with writing for Tess. Since tlou came out i’ve been obsessed with her and… well you can tell by how much I wrote. Here it is, my perfect Tess fic. Enjoy <3
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Today was the day.
A warm morning in September, 20 years after the Cordyceps infection sunk into the deepest depths of society, crumbling down its once high, strong walls, to a brittle, cracked dictatorship of community. The Boston Quarantine Zone was one of your least favorite places in the world, but from what you heard about other cities' QZ's, it was a walk in the park.
As a smuggler, you handled runs for more than 75% of the place, with the help of a few desperate FEDRA officers that offered to look the other way for a price.
If risking your life for bottles of pills and useful supplies was the most dangerous thing to do, then so be it; you were the unlucky one.
Most runs, you were accompanied by one of your two partners, Tess Servopolous or Joel Miller. They were older, skilled, smart, and resourceful, and they knew how to kill. Especially Tess. She could handle her own like it was nobody's business. Hard headed and courageous, Tess became a good partner and soon enough, a close friend.
Although, there was another part of you that found her alluring, captivating and so, so gorgeous. She was confident in herself no matter what, which only drew you towards her more.
Ever since the early days of the outbreak, you three had each other's backs, and nothing could come between you. To you, they were the only thing you'd known after being found by the older woman and taken in. The day she found you, beat up and bloody with several injuries, was the day she had quite genuinely saved your life.
Now a part of Joel and Tess's smuggling business, you were off to a town called Lincoln, a five hour hike from the walls of the QZ.
The hot sun glared down on your skin, a chill September breeze flowing in gusts that kept you cooled off enough throughout your journey.
A majority of the trip was spent in silence, lost in your enamor for Tess, eyes trailing over the back of her figure. She had glanced back once or twice at you, like she could feel your eyes burning into her body.
Some nights you lay awake wondering what it would be like to drag your fingers up and down the expanses of her skin, trailing over her back and caressing the soft skin of her figure till you fell asleep.
Time passed as you traveled behind Tess and Joel, and the image of a metal fence coming into view.
"This is it," Joel stated before approaching the gate. You begin to follow the two older individuals before you pause, stopping a minute to remember something that Frank had mentioned about their gate.
"Wait, I thought you said this thing was booby-trapped or something.. How do we know it won't get triggered?" The concern of your safety was imminent, the unknown patiently waiting behind the metal gates.
"Well we don't, but Frank said if we came from the road instead of the forest that it wouldn't get triggered. They'd see us coming that way, too. Trust me, I know Frank. He wouldn't lie, not when he knows we can work together."
Tess was the expert on the two men that lived behind the gates of the completely deserted town; she was the one who arranged their meeting, after all.
"Alright.." You sighed, walking right up to the gate with them.
There was a box attached to the entry gate with a few buttons on it. You watched Joel walk up to the gate and press a button labeled 'Call'.
A loud buzzing sounded out after he'd pushed the red button in, and a moment later, a male voice responded from the intercom.
The voice sounded deeper than Frank's, only assuming the speaker was Bill, the other half of the couple that resided in Lincoln.
"Uh- Ahem," Joel cleared his throat, before stating the code word Frank had given you three before coming.
The feedback rang out as Joel spoke, another buzzing sound coming from the gate as you hear it unlock.
"Alright, let's go. Keep an eye out for anything suspicious, since we really don't know what we're walkin' into here."
Tess scoffed at her male partner's words, a smirk on her face saying otherwise from your tense anxiety of meeting new people.
"Tess, hey," you grabbed her arm ever so softly as you trailed behind her, and she looked toward you, "Are you sure we can trust these guys?"
A tiny smile formed on her face as she recognized your nervousness. She thought it was adorable and sweet how you went to her for comfort at any point in time. It warmed her heart and made her feel important to somebody again.
"Yeah, I'm sure. Frank wouldn't hurt a fly. Bill on the other hand.. he might be a bit standoffish at first. From what Frank said, I'm sure he'll warm up to us with time. Don't worry."
Tess rubbed your arm up and down a couple times, hoping it would soothe your worries. As she did, your face broke out into a small smile, nodding before you dropped your grip and continued walking. You could get lost in the hazel of her eyes like it was hypnosis, or something close to that. The way Tess made your world stop by even being in your presence was something entirely familiar to you, and it kept you up at night, pondering about the simplest things.
It seemed the little town of Lincoln, Massachusetts was surrounded by this perfect bubble of safety and security. Like a dream, the familiarity of a place as different from the QZ.. felt a bit unreal. You never thought you'd have the chance to make friends in a world with infected, much less one with access to such a large range of supplies in a deserted town, highly protected by its sole residents.
The feeling surrounding you was oddly similar to how you felt around Tess, her warmth and beauty heart-warming, much like a hug.
Your focus is brought back to reality as you almost bump into Tess's back, her and Joel had abruptly stopped walking.
"Oof- sorry Tess-"
"Y/n.." Joel says abruptly, not realizing they're both holding their hands out to the side, the cocking of what sounded like a gun putting the realization into place.
"Shit.." You whispered, stepping out from behind Tess, arms out in the same fashion as your partners, and you realize there's a man holding a gun out at the three of you.
Then, from the house the man stood in front of, another man came running out. He calls the name of the man who's holding his pistol at you, Bill.
Which means.. that's Frank. You thought to yourself, as the sweater-wearing man approached and tried to beckon the other man to lower his weapon.
"Bill, these are the people I met over the radio. We can trust them.. they aren't going to hurt us. Put the gun down, please? I don't want to scare off people we could potentially be working with.." The man named Frank said with a chuckle, almost having to force the gun down himself. After another moment of brooding stares being passed between Bill and Joel, he lowers the gun and places it in his holster at his thigh.
Your hands drop to your sides after freezing with them out in the air due to fear. It wasn't the first time someone's pointed a gun at you, but it sure as hell was one of the times you thought someone would actually shoot. Relief washed over you as Bill's arms lowered.
"Perfect, thank you," Frank says to Bill, before wrapping his arm around the man's shoulder, "Welcome to our home, I'm Frank, and this is Bill. I'm so glad to finally meet you guys. We have a lot to talk about! Come on, follow me."
Frank had a home-like smile that was warm and welcoming. It was the first time in a long time you'd seen anyone smile like that. So carefree. You guessed it was the effect of not being behind the walls of a QZ for too long. That, or Frank knew how to stay true to himself in such a rugged, rough around the edges world.
The uncomfortable gaze Bill shot your way made you realize that it probably took a lot for him to even agree to let the three of you come into their town, much less want to work with complete strangers.
While being led back to Bill and Frank's home, you can't help but marvel at everything around you. Lincoln was much different than the QZ and open city; a town quite literally frozen in time from when it had been evacuated. A place like this was one you dreamed of settling down in, with a partner before the outbreak; it seemed like the perfect place to do so. Quiet, quaint, and bare of any infected or dangerous militia and resistance groups.
As their home came into view, it was exactly as you thought it'd be: another one of the huge houses a place like suburbia always had. It was one of the biggest you'd ever seen, almost out of a storybook. Except for the leaves blowing through the streets, it was as if the house hadn't aged a day. Everything about their home and its surrounding yard looked as if it had been tended to regularly; a mowed lawn, bushes with budding flowers, and not a single area of chipped paint to be seen.
"This is our place, I do my best to keep it looking its best and Bill... well he's just one hell of a cook. Aren't you, dear?" Frank turned to Bill with a smile, only to look away from his lover and back at you three.
"It's true, one of the many things I'm good at. Including defending my home." Bill's hand went to the gun strapped on his thigh.
"Yes, of course you are. Now, could you whip us up some lunch while I get to know our lovely guests here?" Frank turns his head towards Bill again.
"But-" Bill begins to speak, wanting to name all the reasons he doesn't want to leave his lover alone with strangers. Though, you notice Frank is quick to reassure Bill that everything will be alright.
"I'll be fine, I promise. They aren't going to hurt me, I've been extra careful with who I talk to, you know that. These people aren't dangerous. At least not to us." Frank's smile breaks Bill's resolve, trusting his lover enough to retreat into the house with haste.
Now alone with Frank, he guides the three of you over to the table on their lawn. You sit down next to Tess on your right side and Frank on the left.
"So.. Tess, I assume the lovely man you arrived with is the famous Joel Miller?" Frank turned to Joel with his hand out, receiving a firm handshake and nod from the Texan man.
"And you must be..." He turns to you.
"I'm y/n, the secret.. not-so-secret third partner." You laughed awkwardly, feeling somewhat out of place with the man and woman.
"That's right, I've only heard your name a handful of times, but it is so nice to finally meet you in person." Frank read your nervous state like a book, giving you peace of mind with a warm smile. Your nervous state diminishes when Frank's words set in, easing a smile onto your face and raising your eyebrows in slight surprise.
He's heard of me? I wonder what Tess's told him...
"It's nice to meet you too, Frank."
The four of you conversed with small talk, only butting in here and there to add something in, mostly keeping to yourself and not wanting to make the wrong impression on Frank. Tess and Joel discuss the details of a trading business between you all.
Soon enough, Bill began to come out with plates and silverware, to which Frank jumped up to help with setting the table.
"I can help if-" You started to speak, feeling a little guilty at not doing anything to help out as a guest.
"No, no. Sit, relax. You're our guests here, and I'm sure your trip has been long and tiring. Besides, it's been a while since I've set the table for more people than just me and Bill, and it's something I've always loved doing." Frank's kind smile once again eases your worries. But you swore to yourself you'd find a way to repay them for this.
You nodded as the two men made several trips to set the table, appreciating every little thing they added to it one after another. Spices, napkins, fine china plates and silverware with no scratches or rust on them. It was all a marvelous sight, one that reminded you of the old world and missing little things like this in times like these.
The amount of objects they'd placed on the table made you forget just how many of those material things you realized living without was doable. Even if you wished there were more aspects of the old world in the present one.
Fiddling with your thumbs again, you listened in to Joel and Tess's muttering about whether or not they could convince the two males on agreeing to work together, until you heard an exclamation from Tess.
"Oh my god.."
Your head jolted up towards the woman, about to ask her the reason for her outburst, until you picked up what had caught her attention.
The smell of fresh, hot food surrounded the three of you, hunger scraping at the edges of your stomach, making it even more evident that your last meal hadn't been as much of a hearty one as you'd wished. Dishes with meat and vegetables were all neatly placed in the same portion sizes as Frank and Bill put each plate down.
Before you dug in, you heard a familiar pop of cork from what you could only assume was a wine bottle. Sure enough, as you looked at Frank, the bottle he'd brought out resembled one you'd buy for a nice meal like this.
It wasn't until you heard the same cocking of Bill's pistol that you froze in your place. You watched as he placed it on the table for you all to see, a statement of protection and untrustworthiness he clearly still saw in the three of you.
Maybe not you or Tess specifically, but Joel, most definitely.
You decide to ignore the firearm's presence on the table, and begin eating the food that's so delicately placed on each of your plates. Instead of scarfing it all down like some rabid animal, you savored each bite of the flavorful, nutritious food and sip of wine like it was your last.
It might as well have been, since you had no idea whether or not you would be working together.
You wondered how people even ate on china plates that were as delicate and prettily detailed in the most extravagant ways. The silverware and wine glasses were also detailed and etched in such a beautiful way. It made you appreciate the smallest things before you had to go without them again.
A while passes, and everyone's finishing their food up. Light gusts of wind flow through Tess's hair as you look over to her, holding the glass of wine in her hand.
"Well, this really is just-- it's amazing." A slight smile on her face brings warmth to your chest, heating your body despite the cool air.
"Right?" Frank looks from Tess to Bill, who still has his pistol on the table, "Can you not please?"
He reaches over Tess's glass to fill it with the dark red alcohol, then reaches over to yours to do the same as you smile at him.
"I'm the same way," Joel states, understanding where Bill's actions are coming from. You realized in that moment that Bill and Joel are more alike than you thought.
"Oh, you're a paranoid schizophrenic too?" There's a slight chuckle that sounds out from you and Tess as Frank speaks.
"I'm not schizophrenic." Bill suddenly retorts, knowing the validity behind the methods to his madness.
Tess clears her throat, attempting to break the awkward tension that's so clearly grown between Bill and Joel.
"Well can I just say, gun aside, which I get, by the way, how nice this is to have a civilized meal in such a beautiful place? It's been so long. I mean it, I just- I wanna thank you. Even if we don't end up working together. I really needed this."
Her words seemed genuine, a slight twinge of silent and repressed pain in what she said. You only knew an extent of Tess's emotional wounds, ones she pushed down to do her job better.
As Frank lifts his wine glass to Tess with a small smile, he states, "We are working together."
The two clink their glasses together, making you raise yours to do the same.
"Cheers." Tess and Frank clink their glasses, and then Tess turns to you in the same fashion, quickly lifting your glass to clink together.
You all finish up your meals, occasionally glancing over to Tess with appreciation that you got to share something this special with your best friend.
And then the realization hit you, she was only your best friend, and you'd wanted to be more with her since she'd revealed a different side of her to you throughout the years. It was a kind, warm, caring side of Tess that made her feel like the familiarity of those strawberry candies that were hard on the outside, but soft, sweet and gooey on the inside. Tess was rough around the edges, but when she was alone with you were the times she revealed a softer side of herself.
Frank hadn't glanced anywhere other than Tess and Joel, picking up the way they discussed with one another, as if they were good business partners and friends. He'd been blinded by the fact that you sat furthest from Joel, barely even glancing his way for a split second.
The moment Frank gets a good look at you at the table is when he picks up on the way you look at Tess; it's different than the way you look at Bill and Joel, and by god does it open his eyes a mile wide. He only hides it behind his all-knowing warm persona and recognizes a light in your eyes that he saw similarly in Bill's the minute before he'd kissed him, that one day in 2007. Three years later, he saw that same spark of light in you, whenever your eyes glazed over to the only other woman at the table.
The warm younger man looks to his partner, who's anything but, to reassure you all again.
"We are." A moment passes as he sips from the wine glass and speaks again, "You know what? Let's go inside. Tess and y/n, I wanna show you something."
Frank begins to stand, lifting his wine glass from the table, Tess following next before you stand as well.
"Oh yes, it sounds amazing, I'd love to see inside." Now more sociable with the two glasses of wine in your system, you catch your balance before pushing your chair out from the table.
"Actually, I have been wanting to see inside, thank you."
Your words and Tess's overlap at the same time, chuckling a little at the synchronized movements and words between you and the older woman.
"Bring your wine. There's more inside."
"No, not inside. Frank.. Frank!" Bill's voice echoes from the table, as Frank holds the front door open for you two.
You're looking down at your feet as you walk up the porch and into the house, unaware that Tess was glancing back every few seconds to see if you followed. As you step inside, you wipe your boots off on the mat and Frank shuts the door behind him.
Your eyes finally pull away from the mat you've wiped your boots off on, to the inside of Bill and Frank's home. A deep breath of air fills your lungs to the brim as the sight of it all is a bit overwhelming.
"Wow..." you sigh, Frank stood behind you, Tess a few feet ahead, "I haven't seen anything like this in so.. long..."
You trail off as the sight of it all renders you speechless. There's candelabras with fresh wax from candles and picture frames with black and white photos. The image of inside makes it feel like a home, something you haven't felt in a very long time.
"Come on, it's right over here." Frank speaks out loud to the both of you, only you're still standing a few feet in front of the door, as the two walk into the open room just right of the stairway.
"Oh wow, look at these photo albums! I haven't seen one of these in forever.. Are they all Bill's?" Tess's voice carries to you from the other room, noticing her slight chuckle as you gaze over to where she's flipping through one of the albums.
"Yeah, yeah they are. Just don't tell him I showed you.." The two continue to giggle to themselves over the old pictures.
"Oh my gosh, I didn't even notice the extensive vinyl collection.. You know, I used to have a turntable back in college. I'd play the same old records every day, annoyed the hell out of my roommates.." Tess chuckles as she talks about her past life, something you always enjoyed hearing about when she brought it up.
With you, she could bring up anything from her old life, and you'd listen to every word.
You still had the suspicion that she and Joel had a thing going on, and your not-so-little crush on her was doing more harm for you than good in that aspect.
Tess and Frank are looking through the collections of vinyl and photos while you nonchalantly watch from afar, eyes glazing over to the massive shelves of books. Most of the ones on lower shelves were Bill's books on survival and guns, but the ones resting on the higher shelves were classics.
Before the outbreak, you'd been a sucker for those. There was something about the art of classic literature, the subtext and deeper meanings under every word. The beauty of those stories was unmatched.
I'd love to read one of those over some wine.. Matter of fact-
"Hey Frank? Where's that other bottle of wine?" You call out to him from the doorway, with your glass still in hand. Frank glances over to you from a few feet away.
"It's in the fridge, wine opener is uh- somewhere in there. You'll find it."
"Okay, thanks."
You finally break off from the two, eyes glazing over every single picture Bill and Frank have of themselves in their home, as well as the paintings Frank's done of Bill and himself.
Striding into the other room, the kitchen was in a state of what looked freshly used; pots and pans were everywhere, the scent of once heated oil lingering.
Your curious eyes peel over all the older pictures, then notice one in color that's stuck to the fridge with a rainbow magnet.
A twinge in your chest comes as well as joy for the two men that happened to find each other among a world of infected and dictatorships.
You just wish it would have happened to you already.
Bill must have had some vintage cameras lying around, ones Frank knew how to use, or learned to use for things like this. You crouched closer to look at the picture of the two men, bodies pressed together and hands clasped in each other's like they never wanted to let go.
And in such a world, why would they want to?
You pull the refrigerator door open, spotting the unopened bottle of red wine in the door. Reaching for it, you read the label, Beaujolais.
Huh, fancy name for a wine. It'll get me drunk all the same though.. Now where is that damn cork opener?
You're rummaging around in the kitchen drawers until you finally find it, oblivious to the fact that Tess has walked up behind you in your haste to find the damn thing. Her grey shirt is unbuttoned, with a white tee underneath. She always had the simplest style, but it didn't stop her from looking fucking stunning in anything she wore. Tess makes her presence known to you, arms folded across her chest as she leans against the doorway. Picturesque light chestnut strands of hair frame the soft features of her face.
"Whatcha got there?" your body whips around, wine bottle and opener in each of your hands (and almost slipping from them), to which Tess smirks a little at the sight.
You were surprised to not have heard the sound of her boots on the wooden floor, but Tess always had a way of surprising you like that.
You smile sheepishly, raising the bottle and wine opener in both your hands. Truth was, Tess popped in at the perfect time; you could never get the hang of opening things like this.
Opening bottles of liquor for you was always Tess's thing, since you didn't have the skill or strength for it. Your hands were just naturally smaller than hers as well, which meant it was only a job for a person with bigger hands.
How you wished you could hold them.
"Just in time. Could you open this for me? It's more your thing than mine.. Please? Before I drop it or something.."
Tess strides towards you and grabs both objects from your hands. She inserts the opener into the cork and twists until the similar pop from earlier indicates she'd removed it, the wine's aroma filling the area between you two.
Her strength was so attractive, the way she could make the simplest things such as opening a wine bottle look hot. The veins in her hands protruded when her grip strained, making you wonder what her hands would look like doing different things.
Tess lifts the cork to her nose, smelling the wine more intensely now, looking angelic as she breaths it in. Then, she lifts it to your nose, the gesture so familiar to you, but yet you've never seen Tess in a moment like this before.
The scent of the liquor paired with how Tess looks in the sunlight peering through the window is intoxicating in itself, as she places the bottle on the counter. Glancing outside, the golden light began to fade fast, darkness approaching quicker than you'd like it to.
With a smile, you walk over to the countertop and pour yourself another glass of wine.
"Thanks... you'll have to teach me that sometime." You couldn't tell if the flush on your cheeks was from the wine, or the gesture Tess just did for you.
"Yeah, but then what would you need me for?" Tess cocks her head to the side, a slight smirk on her face again. That damn smirk.
Rolling your eyes, you scoffed.
As if I could ever go without you, Theresa.
"Oh, please. I'll always need you, Tess."
"Right.. So, Frank said we could stay the night, since it's more dangerous to travel when it isn't daytime. Our visit was longer than expected.." Tess's eyes move from you to outside, where Bill and Joel were still sat, discussing in what looked like a more civilized way than earlier.
"They have enough room for us?" You asked, sipping at the red wine.
"Yeah, they've got two extra bedrooms. So, I figure you and I could share one and give Joel the other room for himself. Plus they said we could use their shower," Tess shuffled closer to you and lowered her voice, "I hear they have hot water.."
Your eyes widened at the thought of a hot shower, something you hadn't realized was accessible anymore. Though, before speaking, you cleared your throat to minimize any indication of nervousness in the fact that you and Tess would be sharing a bed tonight.
"You sure you wouldn't rather room with Joel? I.. move around a lot in my sleep."
A confused look displays itself across Tess's face.
"I mean- I wouldn't want you to wake up with me on top of you or.. anything.." A nervous chuckle erupts from your chest as you laugh your awkwardness off.
"I think that second bottle of wine is what I should be worried about, not your restlessness." She smirks again, "But have fun with that. I'm gonna go wash up. Talk later?"
You only nodded, not wanting to embarrass yourself in front of your best friend any more.
As Tess left the room, the strain of your journey finally set in. Soles of your feet began to twinge with pain, carrying you to the next room with the wine bottle and glass in hand.
You saunter into the living room, the amount of wine you've consumed making your cheeks, not to mention your whole body, flush with heat. The weight of your figure flopped down in a corner of the room as you placed the wine bottle down.
You gulped at the rest of the liquid in your glass, putting it on the side table. Gazing around the room at all the vintage items in perfect condition, your eyes meet the tall shelf of classic literature once again.
Pulling yourself from the chair, you pick up the bottle of wine by its neck, instead of pouring yourself another glass.
They're not gonna miss one little bottle... they've got a whole vineyard to themselves.
It's then you hear the front door open finally, Bill and Joel coming in, their discussion a little lighter than the one they were having earlier. You hear a chuckle fall from Joel in his Texan accent and your eyebrows raise.
Wow, they're finally getting along. Maybe we will have new business partners after all..
You stumble over to the bookshelf, about three glasses of wine making your bodily strength diminish with every sip you took. You were in a more tipsy state than usual; not having drank alcohol for years had more of an effect on you than it usually would.
The higher bookshelves are littered with dust, not having been touched since who knows when; you're just tall enough to drag your fingers across the top shelf on your tippy toes, the one below it littered with the many classic stories.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, Lady Chatterley's Lover by D.H. Lawrence, Emma by Jane Austen.
You read the titles off in your head, fingers trickling over the necks of each hardcover novel, stopping at Little Women and pulling it from the bookshelf. You also grabbed Pride and Prejudice, planning to ask Frank or Bill in the morning to borrow them till your next visit.
Slumping over in the chair again, you open Little Women, pages crinkling as the smell of the vintage book hits your face. It almost makes you sneeze, but you stifle it and begin reading.
You're mumbling to yourself in the little cozy corner of Frank and Bill's house, perched in a red armchair, and it's the most domestic you've ever seen yourself be in a long time. Granted, you were becoming more intoxicated with each gulp of the bitter alcohol you ingested. It floods your insides with warmth, your train of thought sidetracking from the story in your hand to the thought of the gorgeous woman that was Tess Servopolous.
She felt like home, the sweet smile she revealed to you your favorite thing about her. Her hardened exterior cracked and withered away bit by bit with every day you lay in her apartment healing from your injuries.
You're pulled out of the daydream when footsteps descend down the stairway, until the figure turns the corner. Frank's face comes into the warm lamp light, silently walking into the room and fiddling around with a few things before making his way over nearby where you sat.
Over the edges of the book, you watch him grab a few logs of firewood, placing one in the brick fire pit, before lowering your eyes back to the book. A few more minutes pass of his fidgeting before you realize the fireplace has come alive with flames of light.
Waves of heat flood the room, completely bringing your attention away from the book in your hands.
"No way..." Your voice draws Frank's eyes to you.
"Way. You know, my favorite thing to do in the fall is make fires.. Bonfires, campfires, any kind of natural warmth feels so home-like and safe. Don't you think so?"
"Yeah.. my childhood home had such a nice fireplace like this. It's really nice to see and feel again after so long." The two of you share a smile and look at the fire. Flames crackle and burn high, popping at times, the same way it used to before. Silence is adamant throughout the room, clutching the novel in your arms as the flames continue to burn.
"So.. you gonna tell me what's got you slumped over in a corner reading classic literature? I can't imagine it's that riveting.." Frank's tone tells you that he's joking, but you can't help from being at least a little offended in your drunken state.
"Classic literature is actually my favorite genre of novel, for your information. And you wouldn't get it…" The irony of your words slaps you in the face the minute they manifest themselves because.. Frank does know what it's like to feel the way you do. He’s just still in the dark about it.
"Hey, hey. You can tell me what's going on. I may or... may not have any experience on what you're going through."
Then the realization sets in that he's probably felt the way you do his whole life.
It's at that moment you decide to trust him. You close the book over, and look Frank in the eye.
"Okay, but this stays between us. Promise?"
"Of course."
A sigh leaves your chest and you begin to tell him how you feel about a certain one of your smuggling partners.
"Tess saved me... however many years ago it was... I can't remember how long it's been now. I've just always been around her since then. She's done things for me and- and I've done things for her... But I never knew why I always wanted to be around her.. until one night when I had a really, really rough day and she comforted me. I never wanted to leave her arms, and that's when I realized.. I liked her. She's my best friend, Frank.. What would I do if she doesn't feel the same? I don't think I could live with myself if I ruin our friendship because of some stupid fucking crush."
You finished speaking, letting out another sigh like you'd just thrown up all the thoughts reverberating in your head the second you made it out of the QZ walls.
Frank's silent until he speaks, analyzing and connecting dots in his head about this afternoon and the way you'd been acting.
"All that... doesn't sound just like a little crush to me, hon. You love her.. and you want what's best for her. Protecting yourself from the hypothetical hurt of her not feeling the same is valid.. but you're not gonna know how she feels about you if you don't tell her. Take the night, and think on it. Or... go ahead and keep on reading your classic literature while the love of your life goes to sleep upstairs. I'm just saying, if you don't try, then what's the point?"
The next time you look Frank in the eyes, they're filled with kindness, and you can tell he sees you for who you really are. There's no hiding your true self around him, he reads you the same way he read Bill the day he fell in that hole in the ground.
"You know what, you're right. I'm gonna take the night to think about it, thanks, Frank. I don't know what I'd do if I was alone in this."
Frank places his hand over yours in a compassionate and friendly way. He understood where you'd been coming from, especially with the way you both were.
The rest of your night is spent cuddling up under a blanket Frank had placed over your legs before he headed up to bed for the night. The wine drunk put you in an exhausted state, eyelids as heavy as weights until you ended up falling asleep curled up in the chair, fire dwindling away to nothing but embers.
A nudge to your arm slightly pulls you from your slumber, wine bottle abandoned on the floor from earlier. The next thing you feel is a strong grip lifting your body from the chair. With a groan, your arms flail weightlessly to the side, as you're picked up bridal style, the creaking under the wood indicating you were being carried up the stairs.
It's probably Joel who's lifted you like this with no effort at all, no chance it was Frank or Bill. Tess was already asleep too, and once she rested her head, there was no waking her. She slept like a rock.
You figure you're finally up the stairs as the steps steady, pushing the door open silently to the dark bedroom. Finally, you're placed down onto the soft bed, boots being tugged from your feet and placed on the floor. Rolling over a bit, you groan at the comfortable state of the bed.
Already comforted by the blankets, the heat of your body diminishes in the cool, dark room, as you doze off to sleep for the night.
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As morning peeks through the shades of the cool bedroom, a pounding headache rammed behind your skull as your eyes inch open. Fluttering profusely, your pupils adjust to the rays of sunlight slowly, head still spinning.
Groaning at the pain, your eyes shift from the window to the side table, where there'd been a glass of water and two pills of Tylenol placed next to a small piece of paper. You sit upright in the bed, truly unable to recall the events of the previous night. The only thing you remembered vaguely was that second bottle of wine, one you regretted even picking up.
You reached for the note, headache only pounding harder as you attempted to read it.
For your head, since you really thought that second bottle of wine was a good idea. We've got breakfast made when you feel well enough. - Frank
It's at that moment you realize your mouth is bone dry, concluding on the fact that you hadn't drank one drop of water last night. As if a desperate plea for the quenching of your thirst, you drop the note in your lap abruptly, gravitating towards the very full glass of water sitting just a foot away.
The liquid slides down your throat as you desperately gulp it down, only stopping for a moment to pop both Tylenol into your mouth. After finishing the glass of water, you look down at the note again.
Signed Frank, but I've seen this handwriting before. Somewhere.. My hungover brain cannot remember right now for the life of me.
A yawn breaks through your chest, your hand instinctively going up to cover your mouth. When the smell of your breath hit your nose, it became apparent to you that you should probably take advantage of the hot and running water in the home.
Quickly, you threw the covers to the side, glancing down at your legs, body covered in the same clothes as yesterday. You didn't even dare attempt to sniff those articles of clothing, knowing how sweat stained they had become on the hike yesterday.
Yeah, you really needed to shower.
Standing from the bed now, you reach over to grab your bag, when you realize you've left it downstairs. Only when you look around the room is when you see a plain grey t-shirt sitting on the arm of a chair.
Tess's shirt, no doubt.
You pick it up and hold it in your hands, the scent of her sure enough surrounding your head.
As tempting as it would be to head back to sleep, you walk over to the bedroom door, opening it to the hallway. It seemed there was nobody remaining upstairs, evident due to the light conversation coming from downstairs. Your socked feet patter across the hall, peeping around a corner before b-lining straight for the bathroom.
Placing the clothing on the countertop, you reach into the shower and start the running water. As it slowly heats the small room, you stride over to a closet, pulling it open to find an abundance of everything you could've ever needed to bathe in the world before. Shampoos, conditioners, body wash, shaving cream and razors.
Wow, these guys really know how to keep inventory. They won't mind if I make use of some of this stuff, I definitely need it more than they do right now.
Steam fills the bathroom as you pull each article of sweat-stained clothing from your body, landing all together in a pile. As you pull the curtain back and step in, the warm water washes over your work-weathered body, goosebumps rising at the comfortably warm liquid.
It was euphoric, the temperature of clean, filtered water paired with the privacy of the shower.
You can only stand still as the dirt and other liquids patter to the tub floor, bringing you lighter in mood and vibrance as well.
As you scrub your scalp with the shampoo, the events of last night finally return to you.
Reading Little Women, admitting how you felt about Tess to Frank- the decision you told him you'd take the night on and think about.
You caught your head in your hands as embarrassment for yourself washed over you, much like the warm water of the shower.
"Ughh, I can't believe I told Frank that stuff.." Although you didn't regret it, not completely. The chat you had actually made you feel better, getting it off your chest after so long of holding it in.
You just wished it would be that easy to tell the person of your affection.
The spray of water from the shower ceased as you turned it off, stepping out onto the bath mat and wrapping a towel around you.
Regrettably, you had no other clothes to change into, so you pull on everything you'd worn the day before, except for your shirt. You put on the grey one for now.
Yep, it definitely smelled like Tess.
Pulling your cargo pants on, you stride out of the steam-filled bathroom, and your feet lead you into Bill and Frank's room.
Though you feel it's trespassing on an already stepped-over line, you head towards their closet, quickly opening the door and taking in the massive amount of flannel shirts hanging there.
Frank had impeccable taste in clothes, deciding to yank one or two of the darkly colored button ups from their hangers. You took a pair of socks as well, since yours had holes in them from their constant use.
You thought about not telling Frank about your thievery, but it's going to become imminent when you walk down the stairs with his shirts in your arms. So you shove them in your bag once you find it resting next to the bed.
Heading back into the guest bedroom, you pull the fresh pair of socks onto your feet, beginning to reach for your black boots sitting on the floor. Reaching down for one, you hear a knock at the door before you can grab it.
Quickly, you stride over to the door, expecting to see Frank or Bill on the other side with a message from your partners about hurrying to leave or something along those lines.
To your surprise, the face on the other side of the door is Tess.
Shit, Tess. The person you promised Frank you'd confess to last night over a drunken conversation.
She looks well rested, wearing a different shirt than the one from yesterday. It's a dark green, that compliments her eye color and the wisps of her caramel hair framing her face. Her hair is in that half up-half down bun, the rest of it resting behind her shoulders.
She looks fucking perfect, and you look like a wet dog, hair still damp from your shower.
"Hey, morning. How'd you sleep? I uh-" Tess is pulling at her collar awkwardly, standing in the same fashion as your eyes finally trail down to what she'd holding in her hands.
She had a plate in her grip, covered in freshly made, very appetizing breakfast foods. Some so freshly made, there was still steam coming off of it.
You're thankful in this moment to have taken those Tylenol earlier, or else the smell of any food whatsoever would've sent you hurling over the toilet like a hungover sorority girl.
"Oh my god, Tess. What is all this?" Your eyes widened in surprise, the smell catching your attention even before you had seen the plate of food in her hands.
"Well, you need a big breakfast for the journey back to Boston today, and I figured you could use it after last night.." A chuckle breaks through her chest, head dipping downwards before looking at your freshened state.
"Come- come in." You move aside for Tess to enter the bedroom, assuming you'd slept alone in here for the night. As she places the tray down on the bed, you sit down, Tess standing a few feet away.
"Tess, did you make this? What the hell- This looks amazing.. Eggs, sausage, hash browns? These are all my favorites.. Seriously, thank you. Wh-what can I do to make it up to you?"
"Well, first of all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And second of all, don't thank me, thank Bill and Frank, it's their food I cooked. Consider it a hangover cure. Once I get so drunk that I fall asleep in an armchair with a classic book in my lap, then you can pay me back. It better be a damn good breakfast." She chuckles again, in that low voice that keeps you up at night when you think about it.
The way it says your name, her low tone when she curses under her breath, the way she sounds in the early mornings when the sun still hasn't risen and she's drowsy enough to not make any sense in her muttering.
Tess went through all the trouble of making everything she knew you favored, the mere thought of her thinking about you as she cooked it all only made your enamor for her grow stronger, a fire of love burning behind your chest for the woman in front of you.
It's then she takes a seat on the bed with you, watching as you poke into the eggs and begin devouring the food on your plate. She wasn't leaving, by the looks of it.
In the middle of chewing your food, you speak again.
"Did Frank tell you I passed out down there?"
Her grin becomes larger now as her eyes move from the plate of food to your face as you consume your breakfast.
I wonder what else he told her. Hopefully nothing I haven't yet...
"No, I'm the one that found you, silly. Carried you up the stairs and put you to bed myself."
You continue chewing as your eyes widen, another realization from last night coming back to mind.
It wasn't Joel carrying you, it was Tess.
"You carried me up the stairs? Wow, I'm gonna have to start lifting weights if I have to do the same for you."
While you speak, you're enjoying every morsel of this delicious food Tess has made you, and you're grateful for her in so many more ways than you could express presently.
"You better," Tess says with a scoff. A couple more minutes pass by as you're finishing up the food on your plate. You notice that she's still sitting in the room with you, taking your silence as a sign of comfortability around her.
"So, what's up, Tess?" You say, shoving another fork full of hash browns into your mouth.
"Well, I came to check on you, since last night Frank told me you were drinking a whole 'nother bottle of wine by yourself.. and reading classic literature? For fun?" She laughs.. "I figured you might be hungover this morning and wanted to bring you something to fill your stomach. I can't have you fainting on me when we hike back to the QZ, now can I? Gotta keep your strength up, hun."
The name melts your heart a little and you smile. It was such a simple thing, one that indicated she cared about your wellbeing and didn't want to see you unwell.
"Yeah, always gotta be nourished and shit. Just human things, I guess. Though, a meal like this never gets old." You said with a smile.
It became more difficult to hold back the thoughts of holding and kissing the woman before you, her green button down shirt just aching to be pulled in order to kiss her. Those perfect hazel eyes of hers that resembled gems when they hit the sun just right, getting effortlessly lost in them every time they locked with yours. Her hands that completed her daily tasks so beautifully, with such care and concern in everything she did making you think she'd hold you the same way, love you the same beautiful way she did everything in her life with.
"I'm guessing you're feeling alright, then? Tylenol helped?" It was cute that Tess was still worrying about how you were feeling from the night before. Putting the fork down finally, you looked up at her.
"Yeah I- Wait, how'd you know I took Tylenol?" You hadn't mentioned anything to her about taking medicine.. so how did she know?
"Well I uh- I just.." She scoffed lightly before continuing, "I asked Frank to leave some by your bedside earlier and I was really worried about you, since yesterday. You don't drink like that unless something's bothering you."
Her eyes focused on you, hair lightly spilling over her shoulder, and she's in the moment with you now more than she had ever been. It's almost like she's reading you when you glance up again, pulling at the collar of your shirt.
"I know, Tess. It's just-" you sigh, thumbs fiddling with each other, palms beginning to prick ever so lightly with sweat.
"You can tell me anything, you know that right?" Her voice was sweet and soft, lowering a bit to hopefully ease your worries. One of her hands grabs yours, and the sensation is enough to make the breath in your lungs hitch.
If there was any perfect moment to confess, this was it.
"Tess, there's something I need to tell you." A slight quiver of your voice tells her that this thing that had been bothering you clearly meant a lot. You keeping things from her wasn't a common occurrence, which only happens when something was beyond frustrating for you to talk about.
"Okay, what is it?"
You're infuriatingly beautiful and I want to kiss you right now.
"It's the fact that I'm over here pining like an idiot for you and you can't even see it.." You mutter, not wanting to look Tess's way for fear of judgment or rejection. She notices, and in that very moment she longs to see the fire in your eyes burn its brightest. "It's the fact that- that I love you, and you probably love someone else.."
"Someone else?" Tess scoffed, "And who do you think that is, huh?"
"I don't know.. Joel, maybe.." Head still hung, your hands shake slightly, chest filled to the brim with uneasiness and anxiety.
Was it just you, or did the temperature in here get hotter?
"Y/n, look at me." You hesitate for a moment, then slowly your eyes move from their locked position on your hands.
Tess's hands are fidgeting in her lap too, you notice.
The second you lift your head, the glossy state of your eyes catches her attention, and her face eases once you're looking directly at her. Tess's bottom lip catches between her teeth for a moment, and she glances down swiftly, then back up at you.
"Joel and I are nothing but friends, you understand? I don't want him, never have." The words hit your ears and it's as if a weight lights off your shoulders.
It's the most clarifying moment that makes you giddy to spill everything onto her lap.
"Tess.." you breathe, closing your eyes for a moment and making a decision, "Please don't shoot me for this..."
You begin to lean in towards her, eyelids hooded as you glance down to her lips, watching intently as she does the same. It feels like an eternity before you're close enough to pick up on her natural scent, consuming your brain and going fuzzy upon the close proximity.
A warm tingling fills your hands as they brush over Tess's thighs and hover just over the dark denim covering them.
Once, twice, three times you glanced down at her lips, pausing to drag your eyes across her flawless face.
"Are you gonna kiss me, or what?" Her snarky tone pulls your eyes back to gaze into her hazel ones, almost getting lost in them before getting the courage to do something you couldn't come back from.
"Shut up," You say, before your hands grab onto her collar, and pull her lips to yours. Her kiss takes your breath away, crawling into her lap, collar of Tess's shirt still in your grip. Sparks flicker in your chest, and they're coming off of Tess's as well, deepening the kiss with another push of your lips against hers.
The weight of you in her lap pulls a groan from the woman opposite you, separating your lips from hers. You almost couldn't pull away, but the thought of hurting her made your worry jump a mile high.
"Shit.. Are-are you okay?" Tess gives you another peck on your lips, before trailing her eyes down your face and neck. The smirk on her face makes the heat from your cheeks travel down your torso.
"Oh, I'm better than ever... you wanna know why?"
Nodding your head fervently, her hands trail up your shirt to your collar, watching as her pupils dilate around the hazel in her eyes. The grasp on your shirt is tight, even tighter when she beckons you impossibly closer to her. The next moment, she's pulling your lips to hers in another passionate kiss. Your lips are pressed together for so long, it feels like you're out of breath by the time she pulls away.
"It's because I love you." The three words fall from her lips like a siren beckoning you with its song. Her voice has never sounded more perfect, and when she says those words to you, it's an indescribable amount of joy that fills your chest.
Her panting is an indication of not being able to breathe, but she doesn't fucking care if she got to kiss you like that.
"You love me, too?" Out of curiosity, you ask again, just to make sure it registers in your brain. Disbelief makes your heart jump, even though you've just kissed her, and you never wanted to stop.
Even though she told you she felt the same way, it was still a dream.
"Of fucking course I do. Ever since I took care of you, those few months you were living in my apartment. How could I not?" One of her hands trails up your face, brushing some stray hairs obstructing her view, so she could look at you fully.
The woman you've pined after for years has loved you all the same, and the realization feels a lot like you've wasted so much time behind a closed door. Sleepless nights went by with you writing about her in your journal, detailing all the ways you would love her if she only loved you back.
Tess adored you, she just hadn't let herself show it or feel any other way than a friend, and she'd been terrified to lose you if she fucked any of that up. The years and years of pining built to this very moment, tension in the room thick as you gazed at her lovingly.
"Tess.. kiss me again..."
It was a desperate plea for that fucking woman to press your lips to hers so you could taste her even stronger than you thought you could handle.
"I don't think I'll be able to stop if I do." Her low voice made your legs tremble, a new kind of desire growing due to her.
"Then don't." Your lips clashed together with hers, tongues exploring each other's mouths in a feverish attempt to taste even more of you than she already had.
The truth was, she had all of you for a long time, and now she couldn't imagine needing anything more.
A soft moan is pulled from your chest as Tess's teeth nip at your bottom lip. The both of you seem breathless as you pull away again, but every time you glance down at her swollen lips is when you want to just press them to yours over and over again.
"God, you're so beautiful, it's hard to look directly at you sometimes." Her words catch you off guard, feeling your eager hands travel up her neck, one resting on her shoulder while the other sneaks your fingers between her soft strands of hair. Twirling a lock of it, the blush on your face makes her smirk.
"Stop it, I mean just look at yourself. You're so hot and intimidating and perfect and-"
"You saying you're not those things?" Her brows furrow in distaste, because how dare you suggest otherwise.
"I'm saying you are. Pretty girl." A giggle erupts from your chest, raking your fingers through her hair with appreciation.
"If you don't say you're all of those things right this second, love, I'm just gonna have to prove it to you. And you know I will."
Your eyebrows raise, wanting to pull a little sneaky trick on her.
"Say that I'm what?" The smirk on your face makes Tess blush a little, chuckling to herself because she knows exactly what you're doing.
"Say that you're..." One of her hands goes to the top button of your shirt and unbuttons it as she places a quick peck on your cheek, "Perfect, intimidating, hot, everything I want.. God, fuck. Look at what you do to me.."
Her nimble fingers trail down your shirt, undoing each button carefully, letting the shirt fall open to your sides. Hands rest on the skin of your sides, just under the shirt you're wearing. Her shirt you're wearing.
"Tess.." You sigh breathlessly, still trying to gain back whatever air was pulled out of your lungs just a moment earlier.
"Hmm? Tell me what you want, baby." She tilts her head ever so slightly, the smirk on her face only enlarging when she sees the desire in your lust-blown eyes. Her pet name all but pulls a squeal from your chest, scrunching your nose upon hearing her low words.
"I want you, Tess. God, I want all of you.. But we can't-" Your hands run up and down her sides, shaking ever so slightly at her intimidating smirk.
"We can do anything we want, sweetheart. I've got you, now. No one's gonna take you away from me, ever. And no one's taking me from you. Got it?"
It's so warm, so Tess, such a loving and nurturing side of her that spills those words into your chest like a goddamn golden light, and it brings tears to your eyes. Sniffling, you try to blink them away every second they threaten to fall from your eyes.
The close proximity of her immediately pulls you into a safe hug, tears dropping on the cloth of her shirt, dampening the fabric bit by bit. Her hand rubs up and down your back, comfort surrounding you in the moment like nothing else in the world.
"So-sorry, Tess, I didn't mean to get your shirt all wet," You say, pulling back from her embrace, "I'm just.. so fucking happy because I love you and- and you're finally mine."
The words come out like the easiest thing in the world, like you could tell her your deepest darkest secrets and she'd still love you completely as you are.
"Aw, you look so pretty when you're in love. 'Bout the most perfect thing in the whole world to me, pretty girl."
"Well, yeah. It's all your fault that I'm crying like a sap, dummy." You playfully punch her shoulder and wipe your face, tears finally ceasing their descent from your eyes.
"You love me that much, huh?" This time, Tess's smile is sweet, intimate and all but this time your eyes lock with hers in a deep gaze.
"Love you even more than that, Tess." A giggle erupts from your chest as her lips press ever so lightly to your neck, ghosting feather light kisses across your skin. Before she pulls back, she attaches her lips to your skin and sucks obsessively, in the same spot. A particularly sensitive spot she gets to pulls a whimper from your chest, the sound making her pull away from kissing you, eyebrows raised with curiosity.
"What was that, baby?" You whimper again, embarrassment washing over you while your cheeks are being painted with a blush.
"Need you, Tess. Need you so bad.." The last word comes out rather quickly, hips rolling against hers ever so slightly.
"I'm right here, honey. Tell me what you need from me, and I'll give it to you." Her words come out like a plead, work-worn hands and fingers trailing over the waistband of your pants. "Come on, we don't have much time. Joel wants to get on the road soon.."
Oh God. Joel. Bill. Frank.
Your thoughts freeze and think to the three other men in the house, or probably somewhere nearby, if not lingering just a few feet away down the stairs.
"Shit, should we-"
"Yes, my love, we should. After all this time, we should."
"But the door-"
The bedroom door; it was swung almost completely open.
"Guess you better be quiet then." She mutters, voice low with lust and the need for you to fall apart for her just once before their travels.
"Tess-" You whimper breathlessly, and before you can speak another word, her lips attach to yours again. Her hair smells like lavender, and her lips taste like strawberries.
"Do you trust me?" She asks, wanting to know you're okay with her going further.
"You know I do. I trust you with my life." You reply, almost immediately. Her soft eyes gaze into yours and she nods.
It's the most perfect vision of Tess you've had your entire life, and nothing in this world could tear you away from that.
Once you feel her hands unbuckling your pants successfully, one of her hands slips down under the fabric, bypassing your underwear right down to where she knows you need her.
Her middle and ring finger slide through the arousal between your legs, and the second she feels you throbbing against her, is when her kisses trail from your mouth to your neck.
"Tess, fuck-" You whimper out, as her fingertips swirl around the most sensitive part of you.
"Needy girl, aren't you? So gorgeous..." The smirk on her face turns devious when her eyes meet yours again, catching how your face contorts with pleasure under her doing.
Another mewl leaves your chest, nodding fervently once again.
"Shit, all wet for me? You really know how to make a woman happy.." The slight laughter from her chest makes you clench around nothing. Nothing, until her fingers pursue lower than your sensitive bundle of nerves. Deep breaths of air make your chest heave, and Tess is only relishing in the way you're falling apart completely for her.
Before you feel her fingers prodding at your entrance, your hand grabs her forearm and she halts her movements.
"What about you?" Your eyes seem to beg for her without saying another word more, and she hesitates for a moment, until she speaks.
"You don't have to, love. You feeling good makes me feel good and-"
She pauses her words, because your doe eyes make whatever was left of her resolve break, the instant she looks into them.
"Alright, baby. Go ahead, touch me.. I need you, too." A smile breaks out onto your face, hands gravitating towards her belt, undoing it as fast as she can complete her sentence to satisfy you.
One of your hands slips down between her legs, watching as her eyes close in bliss at the first light drag of your fingers down her heat.
"Fuck.." Her head gets thrown back while her eyes shut at the amount of pleasure and love you have for her in that very moment. Tess curses under her breath as you begin slow circles on her most sensitive part of her body, goosebumps trailing all over her skin.
"Now who's the needy one?" She glances back up to your eyes, and just like that, her intimidating demeanor returns.
You almost yelp aloud when she pushes a finger inside of you, but her lips press against yours before you could do so. The fervent exchange of moans between each swirl of your fingers, and each thrust of Tess's fingers inside of you makes the moment feel infinite.
Everything you've ever wanted, you finally had.
She was yours to touch, to hold, to please. Tess gave you all of her, completely and irrevocably.
"Tess.. fuck, I love you.. I- never wanna be with anyone else but you.." Your tone of voice is pitched higher, submerged in the pleasure she brought. She could tell you were inching closer to release with every swirl of her fingers.
"I love you, baby. With everything inside of me. It's you. Only you.. Now be a good girl and come with me."
"Are you gonna-"
"Yeah, I am. Fuck- keep going, just like that. Cmon, baby." The hand that wasn't inside your pants snuck up to your hair, grabbing a handful and pulling in silent demand.
Sighing dreamily, Tess pulled her fingers out of you and rubbed incessantly at your precious bundle of nerves, triggering your hips to rock against hers.
"Tess.." You moan out loud, almost too loud for the people downstairs to hear, but at the same time, you don't care. Not when Tess is giving you the most pleasure you think you've ever experienced in your life.
"I love it when you moan my name.. Say it again." Her fingers swirl to no end, feeling a jolt of pleasure wash through you as your high began to rush towards you.
"Tess, fuck. Oh my god Tess- baby I'm gonna come.." Your sounds are uncontrollable now as your release is beckoning you further.
"Yeah, hun? Gonna come for me?" Your hand speeds up your movements on her sensitive bud of nerves, another low moan leaving her chest, dripping with desire.
"Oh, baby, I'm-I'm.."
"Me too baby, yeah..." Tess calls out, her movements on your clit pushing you over the edge, her high washing over her intensely.
A few more filthy moans leave your chest, release crashing over you like a wave, running throughout your body with relief, your partner helping you ride it out before you finally look back up at her.
Sweat adorns her skin, chest heaving as she pulls her fingers from your pants. You do the same, only watching as she licks her fingers seductively. Another wave of pleasure threatens to overtake you, just by watching her do that.
"Holy shit... that was amazing. I knew your hands were good for more than just holding a gun and punching people." Your head tilts back the slightest bit as you try to catch your breath after the immense pleasure washed over you only moments ago.
"For our first time, that's nothing compared to what I've been thinking about doing to you for months now.." The smirk on her face threatens the rise of arousal again, though you're too exhausted now to even think about doing that, with what a long journey you've got ahead of you.
"You-" Tess raises an eyebrow at your speechlessness, "are the most beautiful woman in the whole world, and you chose to love me. Isn't that something."
Your words make her blush again, leaving a few small pecks on your cheeks, before pressing one to your lips again. Then, Tess's hands reach to your pants once more, doing the zipper up and buttoning them so she could do the same to hers.
"Well, I don't think we choose who we love. But if it was.. it's because you're the most perfect person in the world. Isn't that something.."
You look to Tess with a soft smile, one that makes both of you appreciate the domesticity of your conversation at hand.
"Yeah, it is," You say, taking her hands in yours and interlocking your fingers together, "So, what does all this make us?"
You catch Tess staring into your eyes again, and it takes a second for her to respond.
"Well, I'm already in love with you, so whatever you want, I want it too. I'm all in, for you. That sound good?"
God, you've waited forever to hear those words.
Attaching your lips with hers, it's a slow, soft kiss, almost stopping time with how you craved more every second that went by. As you pull away, Tess looks radiant in the sunlight that's pouring through the window even more now.
Her words turn you speechless, already knowing you called her 'mine' but hearing it from the velvet voice of your lover made your heart swell ten times bigger.
"It sounds wonderful, Tess." You lean in for another kiss, soft and sweet, until you pull back again, "You'll have to teach me how to open wine bottles, though."
"Nah, I think I'd rather just keep doing it for you." Your lips locked in another kiss, one you wished would last forever.
"Oh, one more thing," Tess goes digging in her back pocket, pulling out a blue tube, "Deodorant. You stink like sex."
"And whose fault is that?" You quip, grabbing the tube from her and rubbing it under your armpits.
Tess shrugged, almost pulling you in for another kiss, until the sound of a male voice from downstairs snapped both of you out of the daydream.
"Shit, Joel. He's gonna be mad that I took so long up here.. that-that we took so long-" You begin to speak, pulling yourself from the bed, reaching down to slip your boots on.
"Joel Miller is not gonna say anything when he sees that hickey." Tess mumbles, standing from the bed as well, adjusting her shirt from where you'd grasped it before.
"What mark? Oh, Tess.. you didn't.." You rush over to the mirror hanging on the wall, and pull your collar to the side abruptly to see the darkening purple bruise on your neck. You scoff, only buttoning up your shirt with haste to get out the door.
"I did. Couldn't help myself, you know. You're all mine now, had to make sure everyone in Boston knows you're spoken for."
She walks up behind you, placing her hands on your hips as you continue buttoning the flannel up. You scoff, flipping your head around to kiss her on the lips again.
"Yeah, well did you have to make it so dark?" You questioned, knowing she could've gone lighter but didn't.
"You already know the answer to that. Now c'mon, let's not keep the man waiting." Tess pulls you by your hand to the door, looking back once more as you exit the room and walk down the stairs with her hand in yours.
Just as you thought he'd be, Joel was pacing downstairs with his pack already on his back.
"There y'all are.. was starting to get worried about- Oh." The tall, Texan man clears his throat when his eyes spot the mark on your neck, eyes immediately avoiding yours.
"Yeah.. I'll grab our packs and meet you outside. Cool?" Tess says, before sharing a look with Joel, not saying anything more as he turns to walk out to the front yard. Her hand slips from yours every so slightly, and you already miss the warmth and love in her contact the second it drops from you.
"Hey, wait- where's Frank?" You call out to Joel, but he's already to the gate of their yard before he can hear you.
"In here!" Frank's voice comes from the living room, and you saunter over to him.
"Hey, morning. Listen, I wanted to thank you for everything. What you said to me last night, and just your hospitality and all you're gonna help us with when we start working together. I mean it- I'm really grateful."
Frank looks up from the vinyl he's sifting through, and meets your eyes with a compassionate smile.
"I take it this morning went... well?" He gestures to the mark on your neck, one of your hands going up to sheepishly cover it, a bit embarrassed that you let her go that far.
"Oh, um. Yeah, very well. I did that thing we talked about." As soon as the words hit his ears, he's grinning from ear to ear and throws his arms around you with a tight embrace, one that caught you off guard, but you hugged back, nonetheless. The smile is still beaming on his face as he pulls away.
"I knew it would go well. You two.." He shakes his head, hands on his hips, "Sparks were basically flying over lunch yesterday, every time one of you looked at each other.. Wait- Is that my shirt? Nevermind, keep it. Looks better on you anyway."
Frank laughs at the realization that you didn't have fresh clothes after showering, so he understood.
"Seriously, thank you. For everything, again."
"Yeah, yeah. I know. I'm such a matchmaker. Now go, run to your lover, and never let her go, okay? She's one special woman."
"Yeah, that she is.." Your gaze shifts from Frank to Tess appearing in the doorway with your pack in her hand.
"Oh, one more thing." Frank hands you the books you'd taken down from their shelves last night, Little Women and Pride and Prejudice. "Don't worry, Bill said it's alright. He doesn't read classics, anyways. You'll come back, and we'll trade."
That's the last thing Frank says before Tess beckons you back to her.
"You ready to go? Joel's gonna lose his marbles if we make him wait any longer, so.." Tess asks you, standing a few feet away, but it felt like miles before you could get back to her.
"Oh, God forbid a man wait on two fine ladies, such as yourselves." Frank says, turning Tess's way as you walk towards her, grabbing your pack from her hand and putting the two books into it, before slinging it onto your back.
"You make a good point, but he's gonna be grouchy the whole hike. He'll be done with our lovesick asses once we get back to the QZ." You say with a giggle, pressing a quick kiss to Tess's lips.
"Well, it's been lovely having you here, I'm not sure where Bill's run off to, but I'm sure he says goodbye as well. I'll walk you to the gate, since there's an idea I have as to how we can communicate back and forth on the radio.. I'll tell you on the way."
Frank follows you both out the door, spotting Bill already at the gate, the same holster with his pistol sticking out from his otherwise plain outfit.
As Joel finally spots the three of you coming from the house, he darts right out of their front yard, b-lining for the gate.
"Guess he's got a new friend..." You mutter to Tess, Joel's steps bringing him towards the gate faster than you three were walking.
"Maybe he just doesn't wanna look at the huge hickey on your neck." She retorts, her reasoning better than anything else you came up with.
Chuckling, you nudge her side, hands falling beside each other's before locking your fingers together again.
Frank catches up, walking alongside Tess as he begins to explain his idea for communication back and forth.
"So, I had this idea that we should use codes for the radio, in case anyone's listening."
"That's a good idea. Like, with what?" Tess tilts her head over to the man in curiosity.
"I was thinking, like, the decades. Like- 80's, trouble, of course." Frank states, as if he's put immense thought into something as simple as this.
"70's- for when we get new stuff to trade with.. and 60's for not having anything new. Sound good?"
"Yeah, Frank. That's actually really clever. I mean, I wouldn't have thought of that. Right, babe?" It's the first use of any pet name around people, and you can tell it puts Tess in a lighter mood just by hearing you say it.
"Right. Well, radio back to me when you guys are ready to start our business together." He reaches out to shake Tess's hand, "Otherwise, it has been lovely having you three here, and I'm so ecstatic to have you back whenever." Frank stood still, watching you all walk ahead.
The sound of Joel's boots on the pavement approaching you all force you to turn your heads towards the third partner in your group.
"What are y'all lookin' at? Let's head out, already. Whenever you lovebirds are done.."
Grumpy exterior, but an ally, all the same.
"What are we gonna do with him..."
"Yeah, he's not nearly as much fun as you." Nudging her shoulder again, your bottom lip catches between your teeth for a slight moment. Tess's hair is blowing in the wind slightly, and you can't help but smile at the beauty of the woman you called the love of your life.
You share a look between Tess's eyes and your own, before tugging her along as you walk ahead, attached by a soul tie at your hands, linked together for a lifetime.
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sailoryooons · 6 months
same anon but FH got me into dnd too! and now i’ve been dming a long running campaign for two years.
the pride armour gives me so many questions bc the yoghurty gilear vibes of it feels very different to the rage vibes of arnkarna.
but yes i was screaming at adaine too but siobhan clearly knew it was bad to say it but was acting in character and keeping brennan’s plot going. i’ve just started a rewatch and brennan mentions the photo at riz’s office early in the ep so i wonder if that’s when he planned that they’d maybe reach into the briefcase ??
can’t wait until next week i gotta knoooow!!
Omg I love that!!
Right I think I'm stuck on the pride armor, mostly because I'm trying to understand the connection between it being in Gorthalax's house, between it being angry that Gilear wore it, and then Fig being cursed. At first I assumed the armor was mad that Fig put Gilear in it the first time and whoever owned it cursed her, but the armor seemed to be attacking the curse and not fig? I don't know it's so confusing, I'm going to rewatch tonight!!
And you have SUCH a good point. He definitely could have just been prepared to be like - I have a fight ready for the suitcase just like he did for the vulture dimension lmao.
I also need to go back and watch the episode where Riz was going through all of his photos trying to figure out the Kalina thing. It has something to do with the photos so I'm like... hm. Also wonder if it's sort of similar to how Kalina made it possible for people not infected with her little contagion to not be able to see her.
There's just SO many twists that this time around I genuinely have no idea what is going on. My best guess is that Ankarna's rage is bringing Cassandra back to Nightmare King status, but I don't think it was Ankarna's fault before because that was something the elves did. But it definitely feels like Galicaea is anti-Cassandra and Ankarna, even before Cassandra started going back to Nightmare King this season. Something isn't right about Galicaea lmao
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skoulsons · 2 years
you know what time it is. my scrambled thoughts. took me an hour and a half to finish the ep 🥴
people have said this ep is really good and intense so I’m excited
where are we
we going back to two days before it broke out it looks like cause the 24th
Oooh police? What did she do
I think every ep is gonna start with a flashback so that’s cool
or is she like a doctor or something and knows something about the fungus?
she looks distressed?
Ibu ratna okay. Prof of mycology so they need her to inspect the cordyceps or something
I remember seeing a pic of her floating around
my episode froze why
cant survive in humans suree
oh dear is this person gonna be a clicker already or something
oh no okay it’s just her corpse
EUGH I hate surgery stuff and cutting like that
is she gonna wake up I fear
This is so gross please
OH MY FORHDKF that’s horrifying
bro I feel sick wth
FLOUR AND GRAIN FACTORY people were right
so she bit three people and they were all taken into observation
oh fourteen that’s a lot
listening carefully
“There is no vaccine” you’re damn right thank you joel
BOMB alright cool
it’s gonna be hiroshima all over again
was that too much im sorry
no she wants to be with her family before they all die :(
oh the music. gustavo I love you
I cant skip this intro it’s too good man
and the little Joel and Ellie <3
alright back to reality
look at her sleeping. she’s so tiny
they really put butterflies everywhere in this show
her bed hair 😭
did they just shove her in a room or something and tell her to go to sleep
I feel like I just experienced whiplash
oh cause she’s infected
sir that’s the second time you’ve aimed a gun at her in the last two days
im only 11 minutes in at this rate I’ll never get through this episode
“Don’t worry about that” “well I’m gonna” 😭
“there’s not gonna be anything bad in here” “just you” “oh funny” STOPPP I cant wait to get moments like these where they’re smiling
Joel :((
holy crap. “You need to stop talking about this kid like she’s got some kind of life in front of her”
“Guess not you guys” 😭
joel being scared of Tess going over to Ellie bc he doesn’t want her to get hurt :( the end of this ep is gonna suck real bad
“You must’ve heard that he wants to shoot you” :(
“She told me not to tell anybody and now I’m telling the first people that i-“ this is so Ellie. it’s about the vaccine isn’t it
Joel knowing exactly what she was saying 😭
Tess having to be their mediator
I GET IT!? damn no
her making the clicks 😭
I can’t believe I get to see my little comfort character in live action whisper an “okay” and throw his hands outwards. I love you joel miller
the chirping birds :)
I hope there’s a little instinctive moment where Joel protects her this ep. IM YEARNING FOR IT (I got it :D)
man those buildings look gnarly
I love how Joel just keeps walking while Tess indulges her questions. he’s so annoyed 😭
they’re such a little family 🫶🏻
oh I’m dumb I had captions this whole time and never put them on
Joel’s just causally eavesdropping cause he won’t talk to her directly but is also still curious
Riley :/
you got some balls on you sister 💀
I know I said this last week but Joel really has the “too tired for this shit” plastered on his face all the time and it’s delightful
the scenery is phenomenal
ooh mention of spores
they’ve really got the whole “Ellie bombarding them with questions and inquiring about every little thing” down
OOH CLICKER CLICK. that was loud too
and a frog too 😭
“Have you heard of books?” 💀 he’s SO done with her
NO SMART ASS. his little jump to show her it’s not deep 😭
this whole set is so good
YOU TRY CLIMBING TEN FLOORS WITH OUR KNEES. they’re so old this is so cute
he won’t even grab her shoulder to shove her aside. mans grabbed a fist full of her hoodie and backpack 😭
“I’m gonna need a few minutes” boy I hope this joelellie convo goes well
“The circus” he’s so tired
he’s downplaying her knowledge so much I love this
“no more questions about me” :(
this direction is beautiful. neil I take back anything bad I’ve said about you
was that a hint of him smiling. was it. or is my brainrot convincing me of things. WAS IT. she said it’s a really shitty one and it cuts to him I SWEAR THE LOOK ON HIS FACE AND HIS EYES I SWEAR
“sometimes” :( he looks like he’s thinking abt sarah
their height difference bro I can’t wait til they hug
im trying to cut these into small sections so… next section I guess?
wow. that’s a lot of bodies
all the infected noises wow
wow that’s incredibly scary
ooh the fungus being like a hive mind sort of thing? Interesting
ooh he was testing it
“did Marlene pack you one of these or just sandwiches?” 😭
“I HAVE A SPARE HAND” “CONGRATULATIONS” they’re so funny. if y’all could see the grin on my face
this is so spooky
that guy is messed up
“from this point forward, we are silent” yes sir whatever you say sir <3
this building is really falling apart
Joel turning back to look a them :’)
these first two eps have a lot of trailer shots which is good
the bodies look so gnarly
why did Joel look so soft opening that door. he just looks so 🤏🏻
oh look, a rare untouched room. not for long
him helping Ellie up :’’’)
wow that’s a gorgeous shot of their lights lighting up the dust from the debris
oh my gosh dude
joel has a tear in his eye telling her to be quiet. I might just 🕳👩‍🦯
it’s right there EUGH
they look so good dude
he sees Ellie he’s going over to get her
his backpack almost hit her in the face 😭
this is a serious scene but I can’t help but look at Ellie holding the flashlight on the clicker while joel fires and immediately being reminded of all the times my dad has had to fix something and I have to hold the flashlight over his shoulder while he yells at me to hold it better
oh she was bit a second time I THOUGHT SHE WAS
“If it was gonna happen to ONE of us” mmmm not quite true
“For once, maybe we could actually win” :/she’s acting like this bc she’s bit and she doesn’t get to win
he looks sm softer looking at her :(
that ladder is so unstable
last ten mins
man she’s in such a rush to get there :/ Joel’s suspicious
EUGH was that crushing his head? sheesh
that bloods looking pretty fresh
oh here we go
oh that’s disgusting okay
Here we goooo
“That’s not my home” why does it look like that broke Joel.
on her neck still wow.
she’s shaking already :(
joel baby you gotta go
SAVE WHO YOU CAN SAVE *immediately grabs Ellie*
Tess :(
I hate that
joel :((
Tess went out like a hero tho what a champ
12/10 episode!! So freaking good
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littlerosetrove · 2 years
It is straight (heh) up the day episode 14 is gonna come out, but whatever! I finally got to watch episode 13. (ep 14 drops at like midnight my time anyway, so i’m not gonna watch it until tomorrow morning, so.)
As messed up as their relationship is, Kinn clearly loves his dad, and I don’t think Porsche wants to mess with that.
Aww Vegas was looking so happy to be making a meal for Pete. Then his asshole father had to come in and ruin it. Shit dude, any issue this guy has he blames it on Vegas. Ngl, can’t wait till he’s dead. 💀 
Korn is up to something, as usual, and he’s trying to distract Kinn by saying, “For no particular reason, you should go on a trip with Porsche.”
Vegas is about to take his issues (re: daddy issues) out on Pete, and it’s gonna be a big step too far isn’t it. *not much later* JESUS. OKAY. Catch me crying with that acting from both of them.
Tankhun coming into the room with Kinn and Porsche and, uh, speaking nothing but truth bombs. Tankhun was like, “Everything surrounding Pete is hella suspicious, how do you all not see it?!?”
Oof, Pete couldn’t even give up Vegas, admit that it was him. Talk about uhhhh complicated feelings.
Kim and Chay hung out together?? More than we saw????? BOC! Please give us a side story of this or something, wtf!!
Kim needs to use his big boy words and talk to Chay in person.
Hmmm Kinn can tell Porsche is… not telling him something. 😶
Vegas deserved those two punches and more from Porsche. 😠 
Porsche is - not being careless per say, but more thoughtless. Making a deal with Vegas, getting Pete to the club? Porsche must see how not-right Pete is. Connect some dots my dude. I know Porsche is kinda single minded with this parent mystery thing, but bro… 😬
Vegas and Pete. Talk about a complicated dynamic/relationship.
Kinn talking to Porsche’s parents at the cemetery is definitely a favorite scene. Kinn is all about cheesy declarations of love for Porsche. (i noticed Porsche tho with the guilty eyes when Kinn said he trusts Porsche. hhhhhh angst coming)
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WHERE HAVE I HEARD THIS VIOLIN/PIANO PIECE BEFORE? During the pool sexy times scene. *squints* Why did it sound familiar??????
Setting aside this sort of “goodbye for a moment” sexy times aspect. I loved the sweet moment of Porsche kissing the top of Kinn’s head, and I’m kinda in love with these two hugging so much, I think especially after they’re intimate like that.
Also: don’t have pool sex. Ohhhhh my god it would not work that smoothly, and sweet jesus think about the possible infections. Don’t do it. Leave it to fictional BL shows and fiction. 
Tankhun wears his heart on his sleeve. He’s smart, but he can’t play games the way his dad and Kinn can. Bless him though, he was ready to BOLT to find Porsche and Chay. And then so was Kim, too.
I’m pretty sure Korn had Chan or another trusted guard assassinate Porsche’s uncle. 
Korn, “Why would I do that when she was my sister?” Porsche internally, “Say sike right now!! 😳”
I honestly don’t think Korn and Porsche’s mom are blood related. I don’t think Korn would let Kinn and Porsche be together if she was. 
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justmebeing--me · 3 years
Resident Alien, Ep.8 w/Reader
I want to write a fic about this show, but first I had to write episode eight with a reader insert!
You hadn't been able to reach Harry the whole day.
Under normal circumstances it wouldn't be a problem.
But Harry wasn't normal circumstances.
He was an alien for crying out loud!
An alien that you knew on a very personal level and that enjoyed your company.
An alien that you cared for and might have disappeared.
You searched all the usual places where he went with no luck.
This usually meant trouble.
You couldn't find the kid either (He always knew where Harry was... creepy).
Your last hope was the clinic.
"Are you sure he wasn't here? Maybe he was and you didn't see him?"
The nurse let out another exasperated sigh "Do you really think Harry could be here and no one would notice?"
"Do you think-"
"HELP!" A scream erupted from behind you and D'arcy came running in.
"D'arcy what-"
"Harry went on the glacier and me and Asta went to bring him back but then we fell in a crevasse and now Harry needs help!"
Both you and the nurse rushed outside with a wheelchair and ready for the worst.
But the parking lot was empty.
The nurse huffed and crossed her arms "Is this another prank D'arcy?"
"No no! I swear they were here!"
You believed her.
Harry doesn't prank people.
He tries to get as little attention as possible... He fails usually but that's beside the point.
You started to get really worried. What if something really bad happened?
"I swear! They were on the back of Harry's truck and-"
You couldn't hear them anymore, that's what you needed. You just had to find Harry's pinkish truck.
You sprinted, ready to search the whole town if needed. You were vaguely aware of D'arcy calling your name, but you couldn't stop.
You ran, lungs burning but you didn't care.
You had to find Harry!
Finally, finally, you spot the pink truck parked in front of Asta father's diner.
You pushed the door open and, surprisingly, it was open.
On the floor was a blue fluorescent liquid. You followed it toward the backroom and stepped into... the cold room? What you saw made your blood run cold.
"Shit!" Asta swore but your eyes were fixed on Harry, who was laying on a table without his disguise!
"Listen, ah- this looks weird but-"
"Harry." You didn't even register what Asta said as you rushed to his side. "What happened?"
Harry grabbed your arm with each pair of hands and Asta flinched, probably she wasn't used to them yet.
"I was on the glacier, searching for my stuff, but the two humans were too heavy and the ice broke underneath us."
"Wh-wait! You knew?!"
You rolled your eyes, "He's my boyfriend, of course I knew." He made a pleased sound and you smiled at him.
"Soooo... What do we do now?"
"We need some milk and-"
"What the fuck is going on here!"
Dan was at the door, Asta cursed under her breath before reaching for him "I can explain!"
"That's a health code violation."
While Asta talked with her father, you stayed close to Harry "What can I do?"
"My leg... we need to cut it off."
"What! No we can't-"
"Is infected, I will die if we don't."
"I can do it." Dan said, matter of factually.
"If you need to grip something, grab the table. I don't want to have a broken arm."
Asta stopped from taking Harry's hand.
"Remember how he threw your abusive ex through a wall?"
"...right," She opted for grabbing his arm instead. "Maybe we should make him bite something?"
"Oh please! My resistance to pain is better than any human-"
Dan chose that moment to hit, cutting the alien off, and Harry screamed.
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franniebanana · 3 years
CQL Rewatch - Ep 19
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Wow, Wei Wuxian looks so rough here. He’s spent some time under the knife (with no anesthetic), and then after that, he has just been waiting around for Jiang Cheng. It’s been seven days since Jiang Cheng went up that mountain. And of course Wei Wuxian is worried about him. What if something happened on his way down the mountain? What if he’d been captured or killed by the Wens? All the while, he’s basically defenseless here in Yiling (iirc). He’s sweating profusely, clutching at his middle—it’s possible he’s even suffering from an infection due to the transfer surgery. Seriously, the poor guy!
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I love the visuals here: all these cloaked figures just filling this tea house, and not another soul in there other than the waiters. It’s both comical and heartbreaking the way that Wei Wuxian tries to immediately nope out of there, because he knows it’s a trap right away. Even with his Golden Core, I don’t know if he could have escaped them all—there were too many Wens, including the Core-Melting Hand. This part always really gets to me, because it truly is the first death of Wei Wuxian. It’s the death of who he once was: that smart, quirky, rascal of a youth, who made a very honest oath that essentially guided him to this point.
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No joke, the first time I watched this, I was like, “Is that Lotus Pier? How tf did he get there?! How much did they change the story?!” And then a few seconds later, I realized this was a super sad dream/vision that Jiang Cheng was having and I channeled all my anger into sadness. This part is also super depressing. He has this vision of this happy family: his mother laughing, his father kissing his hand, just the picture of love. But it’s so far from what he had growing up, and you just realize that his greatest desire was really to have that happy family. But his parents are dead, he’s lost just about everyone at Lotus Pier—it’s so heartbreaking.
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God, he just looks so broken! I’m sad now.
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So even though I know the cost of Jiang Cheng’s happiness is Wei Wuxian giving up his own Golden Core, I still feel so happy here, seeing Jiang Cheng feeling like himself again. It’s because Wei Wuxian knows Jiang Cheng’s heart truly that he could offer up his own future so that Jiang Cheng could have a better one. I also just love this shot of Jiang Cheng kowtowing to the Immortal One, thanking her for healing him, and the camera pans past him, showcasing the beautiful scenery again. And then he walks down the mountain path with such a spring in his step! I love it!
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I love that Wei Wuxian is still able to use his mind and play to their weaknesses. Wang Lingjao is extremely superstitious and fearful of the supernatural, and just the idea that he could haunt them scares the shit out of her. It’s just very cool to me that with all the abuse he endures, he still maintains a clear head and is able to fight back with his wit. This is yet another reason why I get annoyed when I see Wei Wuxian characterized as an idiot or someone who isn’t very smart. He proves his wit in just about every scene, so I don’t know why he gets this reputation in fanon. I feel like it’s derived from some overused yaoi/shojo trope where the “girl” has to be less smart than the “guy.” I don’t know how many things I’ve watched and read with a scatterbrained (but not charming) female lead—it’s overused.
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This is so cool, because Wei Wuxian is scared out of his mind—he’s terrified of being left to die in the Burial Mounds. He’s heard all the stories: people don’t return, their souls get torn apart, etc. But what is cool is that he turns everything around and makes this place his source of power. He’s the man who conquered the Burial Mounds. It’s very satisfying to see that. FYI, I’m not going to talk about how he falls for like 20 minutes.
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But I do think it’s really cool how the dark spirits catch him (and that’s all I’ll say).
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This part still gives me major chills: you hear so many people calling out Wei Wuxian’s name, and then a “Wei Ying” breaks through. My breath always catches in my throat the first time I hear it. And then you hear it again, and the other voices have faded away before you hear it a third time. And that all feels nice until the screaming starts, which is hard to listen to, let alone hard to watch Wei Wuxian go through the mental turmoil.
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Lan Wangji is back, bitches! He’s got a new title, a new headdress, and he’s hotter than ever. Jokes aside, though, this entrance is beyond epic. Other than that tiny glimpse of him in the last episode, it’s been ages since we’ve seen him, and it’s so satisfying that we get this great entrance, walking up this enormous staircase. Obviously by this point, I’m ecstatic to see him (it’s been way too long). Everything about this scene is great, from his entrance, to the way he uses his guqin as a spiritual tool, to the way he and Jiang Cheng are now a team. I don’t think there’s an awful lot of comradery there, but they have a common goal: find Wei Wuxian.
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So we’re not really used to seeing a ton of emotion from Lan Wangji. Even when he’s annoyed, he doesn’t tend to show it. But, man, he is pissed here. Because of the magic of fiction, he’s probably heard the Wens’ conversation as he was walking up the stairs, so he heard them mocking Wei Wuxian (and the Yunmeng Jiang Sect), and he is not happy about it. He even uses the Chord Assassination Technique right off the bat against at least two of the Wen soldiers. Lan Wangji means business, and he’s not leaving until he gets what he wants.
The other great thing is that he doesn’t even need to come up all the way. He defeats them at a distance, while he’s still on the stairs. And the power and respect he commands is so great that they all know him by his face.
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What Wen Chao does here is so relatable. His girlfriend is freaking out, having nightmares, convinced Wei Wuxian is going to turn into a ferocious ghost and haunt them until they lose their minds, and he, of course, rationalizes: they’ve sent so many people to the Burial Mounds and none of them have ever come back. In other words, “You’re being ridiculous.” But when he turns away from her, you can see the fear in his own eyes. When something spooky happens, my first step is always to rationalize—there’s a logical explanation for most things, right? And it always makes you feel better to rationalize it to someone else, but when you’re alone and thinking, your mind starts to wonder, your imagination starts to go wild. It’s easy to psyche yourself up in the dark and quiet of the night.
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There’s this really gorgeous cello version of “Wuji” playing during this scene—it’s so beautiful, so moving, hitting me right in the feels. The look on Lan Wangji’s face when Jiang Cheng is telling him about how he and Wei Wuxian were supposed to meet in Yiling, how he thought Wei Wuxian had abandoned him to meet up with Lan Wangji in Lanling—he looks so defeated there. Defeated despite taking down the Qishan Indoctrination Bureau. Defeated because he hasn’t found who he’s been searching for. And then he holds Suibian so tenderly and lovingly—I’m emotional, okay?
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It’s really cute and heartwarming to see Jin Zixuan starting to fall for Jiang Yanli. We’ve known for quite some time how Yanli feels for him, so it’s quite satisfying to see his walls come down as he starts to care more and more about her. He becomes protective of her. When she gasps at the hanging head at the gates of Qinghe, his instinct is to hold her—of course, he stops himself, but it’s very obvious that he wants to comfort her physically (and not in a dirty way, get your minds out of the gutter).
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I love the dichotomy here: on one end, you have Jin Zixuan asking Lan Wangji where Wei Wuxian is, while you have Jiang Yanli echoing that on the other end with Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng can’t answer—he’s crying, trembling, emotionally responding to his sister without speaking. And Lan Wangji can’t speak either. His lips part, but no words come out. Again, you get this great sense of defeat from him—he’s completely at a loss, but he can’t or chooses not to show those emotions.
It’s also interesting how they kind of clipped the reunion between the Yunmeng Jiang siblings in favor of showing the conversation between Jin Zixuan and Lan Wangji. In my opinion, it’s to remind us of the reunion that isn’t happening right now—the one that should have been—the one between Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian. And why isn’t it happening? The conversation reminds us that he’s still missing. I don’t doubt the importance of the Yunmeng Jiang siblings in this story—they are obviously instrumental to the plot and to Wei Wuxian—but it’s choices like this where the writers/scene directors remind us that the relationship to focus on is the one between Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji, and not Jiang Cheng, holds onto Suibian, the only remaining item that is most spiritually connected to Wei Wuxian. Isn’t that interesting?
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“A-Cheng, you’ve grown up. As your sister, there’s nothing I can do but worry about you.” Such a wise line—such a sad line. This really brings out how powerless she feels in the lives of her brothers. She’s a bystander, she has no influence. All she can do is watch and worry, and nothing either of them says or does will change that. It’s something we as parents and caretakers and guardians at some point have to admit: we can’t control our children’s lives, we can’t control those we take care of. Once they reach a point in their lives, it’s them who has to make their own decisions. They must thrive on their own, they must fail on their own. And all we can do is watch and worry and hope for the best. God, Yanli breaks my heart.
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Me in bed when I watch a scary movie any time of the day.
She does crazy so well, though.
Other episodes: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
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shemakesmusic-uk · 3 years
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Moldovan progressive modern metal unit Infected Rain has been turning heads in the metal world this fall with the next chapter of their metamorphosis—their otherworldly fifth album, Ecdysis, out January 7, 2022 via Napalm Records. Following the success of massive new singles/videos ‘Postmortem Pt. 1′ and ‘Fighter,’ Infected Rain turns up the heat once more with electrifying third single ‘The Realm Of Chaos’ featuring guest vocals from Heidi Shepherd of Butcher Babies. The recent tour-mates provide a decimating dual vocal attack as the track pummels and bends with raging riffs and urging drums. Frontwoman Lena Scissorhands says about ‘The Realm Of Chaos’: “‘The Realm Of Chaos’ was inspired by the massive depression we all lived in 2020, dedicated to the lost nation and confused society we live in. Together with my friend Heidi from Butcher Babies, we implore everyone to stop running and start seeing the tragic reality we all live in.” Guest vocalist Heidi Shepherd adds:“Infected Rain have quickly become one of my favorite bands with some of my favorite people. It’s an honor to scream alongside Lena and the boys in their latest single. Everything IR touches turns to gold; this song and video are no exception. Over the past two years, this has been the feature that has been requested more times that I can count. Can’t wait to give the fans what they want in ‘The Realm of Chaos’!” [via Outburn]
Emanating from just north of Atlanta, Georgia, hard-hitting alternative rock outfit Misty Eyed, led by the compelling lead vocal of Megan Burke, brings a fresh and heavy perspective to 00s alternative rock. Misty Eyed’s new EP, Samsara, is out now, on 59 X Records. “This video for ‘The Bargain’ is by far the most special video we’ve done,” says Megan Burke. “Working with Chase Warren from Arizona (who also did our ‘It’s Goin’ Down’ video), we were able to pull out all the stops. The song itself is about the five stages of grief and working our way through those emotions. So taking those very abstract feelings and applying them to a visual medium, we definitely had our work cut out for us. Finally seeing this video in it’s finished form meant everything to us. It’s a personal song and we spent so much time making sure it had a visual aid that lived up to the sound, and with Chase’s help, we fully believe this video does. We hope everyone else gets just as much out of it as we do.” [via Outburn]
Hailing from Germany, Symphonic Metal discovery Hel’s Throne present their official video for the track ‘Ravens Flight’, taken form their self-titled album due for re-release on December, 17 via Wormholedeath.
While there's no talk of an album yet, Lacey Sturm has just released her second song of 2021. ‘Awaken Love’ is an atmospheric, string-backed ballad that you can hear in the player below. Just as she co-wrote early 2021's ‘State of Me’ with Skillet's Korey Cooper, the pair once again collaborated on this new track that explores the feelings of being immersed in the transcendent experience of perfect love. “With lyrics, I go into a place where I try to hear what the song is about. I have to learn. The music tells you,” Lacey recalls about the writing process. “Sometimes there are lyrics that stir that up, and Korey already had some of that written. Romance is a shadow of the divine,” the singer continues. “The shadow boxing of romance is really coming from the divine dance of God and humanity.” [via Loudwire]
Arch Enemy are closing out 2021 with a bang. In October, the Swedish melodeath veterans roared back with ‘Deceiver, Deceiver,’ their first new song in four years. Now, vocalist Alissa White-Gluz, guitarist Michael Amott and Co. unleashed another standalone single, ‘House of Mirrors.’ Featuring an Eighties-metal gallop and timely lyrics about isolation and introspection, the song comes with a stylish music video directed by Grupa13. "Musically, this is an idea that has been bouncing around in my head for a while, and finally it got finished," Amott commented of ‘House of Mirrors.’ "It all started with the guitar motif that kicks off the track, which naturally leads to the galloping Eighties-metal feel of the verses. As is always the case with us, we had quite a few different arrangements and demos of this song until it was, dare I say, fucking perfect!" White-Gluz added, "'House of Mirrors' is a song that twists its way into the human psyche. I wrote the lyrics during a dark time of strict, dystopian lockdown, and I think people will be able to relate to that feeling of being totally alone — but never truly alone — when you are surrounded only by past and future versions of yourself as company." [via Revolver]
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BUTCHER BABIES Pay Tribute To DC COMICS Character LOBO On New Single 'It's Killin' Time, Baby!'
BUTCHER BABIES have released a new single, "It's Killin' Time, Baby", featuring guest vocalist Craig Mabbitt (ESCAPE THE FATE).
"From beginning to end, 'Killin' Time' is a relentless groove-infused face melter that is guaranteed to give you bang-over," says BUTCHER BABIES guitarist Henry Flury. The single, out today, was inspired by the DC Comics character Lobo, a heavy metal bounty hunter. It was recorded by Matt Good (FROM FIRST TO LAST) and will be featured on BUTCHER BABIES' upcoming independently released EP alongside recently released singles "Last Dance", "Yorktown", "Sleeping With The Enemy" and "Bottom Of A Bottle" (feauturing Andy James).
"I can't think of a better song to release the day before we hit the road on our first tour in over two years," exclaims BUTCHER BABIES co-vocalist Carla Harvey. "It's killin time, baby…in more ways than one!! As a lifelong comic book aficionado, it was so much fun to write a song based on one of my favorite characters, the bounty huntin' space cowboy himself, Lobo. When Heidi [Shepherd, co-vocalist] and I were penning the lyrics we thought, are we really writing a song about a Bastitch on a Spaz Frag? Hell yes, because just like Lobo, we like a good time. It was also a cool new experience for us to throw another singer in the mix for this one! Craig Mabbitt's screams add another level to this banger…enjoy!"
"HOLY FRAGG, SPACE HOG!," shouts Shepherd. "We are fraggin' stoked to bring to you our latest banger, 'It's Killin' Time, Baby!' inspired by the main man himself, Lobo! This bounty hunter, biker has a way of stealing even the blackest of hearts. Between breaking legs and breaking hearts, Lobo embodies the heavy metal attitude we all need in 2021!
"We were so lucky to have our buddy, the very talented Craig Mabbitt from ESCAPE THE FATE and DEAD RABBITS, join us in this jam! Our incredible producer, Matt Good, brought this comic-themed dream to life and we CANNOT wait for you to hear it and then rock it LIVE in the pit!!"
Mabbitt commented, "Thank you to the BUTCHER BABIES for including me in this awesome track, and for introducing me to Lobo!!"
BUTCHER BABIES will embark on their first tour since the pandemic with a headlining run starting tomorrow, Saturday, August 28 in West Virginia at Metal In The Mountains festival and lasting until October 8, including stops at Rocklahoma, Louder Than Life and Aftershock festival. The "Butcher Babies Vs. Goliath" tour will see the band perform their 2013 debut album "Goliath" (Century Media) in its entirety along with fan-favorites and new previously unheard music. The fully female-fronted lineup will include support from INFECTED RAIN and STITCHED UP HEART, with KALEIDO also appearing on select dates.
For over a decade, BUTCHER BABIES have been crushing stages worldwide with their vicious live performance and explosive energy. Their stage presence is a hypnotic spectacle that leaves audiences hungry for more as they've displayed on tours among the likes of MEGADETH, ROB ZOMBIE, MARILYN MANSON, FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH, DANZIG, IN THIS MOMENT, HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD, CRADLE OF FILTH, BLACK LABEL SOCIETY and many more.
Hailing from the City of Angels, BUTCHER BABIES have released two EPs and three albums to date, with their latest 2017 LP, "Lilith", debuting at #1 on iTunes Metal chart and #7 on iTunes Rock chart.
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megamanxfanfics · 3 years
S.VI - Ep.14: Old Haunts
Written by Metal Man X
INT. ICY CAVE – Light Capsule Area – DAY
-Fade in-
We see a peaceful view of a dormant Light Capsule blinking amongst the icy walls of the cave.
-pan slowly away from the Capsule-
The ground shakes as an unnatural avalanche of ice boulders rains down near the capsule in a straight line.
-pan further to a hill just below the Capsule-
Zero is struggling to dash around and away from not only ice boulders, but also lava meteors!
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Uh, Zero..? You’re not gonna believe this, but there’s a Capsule directly above you.
ZERO: (struggling, dodging) Aghh, what??  You’re kidding!
He makes it back to the top of the hill and turns his head, setting his focus on the icy plain above the slopes.
ZERO: Damn… this could be tricky!!
He runs as a giant ice boulder passes overhead.  Then amidst the fire balls, he dashes, jumps and double-jumps through an opening.
Grateful for the flat land, he makes it to the top area, spotting the Capsule dead ahead. But also in his path is an infected Wolfoid.  He can feel the Nightmare within as the creature growls at him.
ZERO: Damn, we took too long…
It shoots with a Nightmare enhanced snout, but Zero takes it out with a quick swipe of the saber.
Then, an Avalanche of boulders almost drop on him.
ZERO: Shiiiiit!
He dashes ahead, just before the Light Capsule, collecting the small Nightmare Soul in the process. Dr. Light forms himself as the boulders wildy crash behind him.
DR. LIGHT: (surprised, awestruck) Zero... I'm glad to see you again.
ZERO: ...I will never die.
DR. LIGHT: …Where have you been??
ZERO: I don't really remember. My recovery functions didn’t fully kick in until later...  But when I came to, my instincts guided me. I couldn’t really see. I could only move... Soon I realized that I was in Abel City again, and it was only a matter of time before I’d find X.
DR. LIGHT: ...The world still needs you and X... ...So you came back to life, didn't you?
ZERO: (nodding, smirking) Heh, I suppose so..
DR. LIGHT: Right… Well, we must put an end to this Nightmare... Please give X this Armor program... However, for security reasons, the Armor won't work until all four programs combine.
ZERO: Alright.
DR. LIGHT: This is the foot program to X’s Shadow Armor. When executed properly, he’ll be able to high-jump and stick to the ceiling. Once there, X can dash on the ceiling for enhanced mobility during missions that require more stealth-like maneuvers. This is a tricky Armor. Please tell him to handle it well! Where is he anyway??
ZERO: I don’t really know. He’s in a portal somewhere…
-cut to-
X and his formidable ally known as Phantom look on at the newly revived ghost of Double with concern and contempt.
ZERO: (o.s, continuing) …dealing with Old Haunts.
[Insert Title Card – Old Haunts]
X: Double!! What are you doing here?
NIGHTMARE DOUBLE: Aaahahahah. It looks like you’ve finally made it to the Afterlife. It’s about time!!
X: Huh?
NIGHTMARE DOUBLE: What did you in? Was it Sigma??  Please tell me it was Sigma.
X: Double, I’m not dead!
NIGHTMARE DOUBLE: Then… where the Hell are we?  Is this Purgatory??  
X: More like, a Nightmare Dimension.  And you’re my only way out.
NIGHTMARE DOUBLE: Oh, I see...  So that’s what’s at stake here.  A 2nd chance at Life or Death.  I feel it in the air…. We all seem to be drawn to this.. Nightmare Energy.  Well, with it’s power, I’m gonna Destroy you and re-enter the World Anew!!
PHANTOM: He’s Mad!
He pulls out his daggers and bravely runs after Double.
X: No. Phantom, wait-!
In an instant Double dashes into the warrior and strikes him with his spiked gauntlet, carving a gash right across his stomach.
PHANTOM: Eeeeeuuuugghhhh….
X: Nooooooo!
-cut to-
INT. ICY CAVE – Light Capsule Area - DAY
From his Capsule, Dr. Light stirs in a slight panic
DR. LIGHT: Oh my Goodness! Please, help X!!
ZERO: (nodding) Don’t worry, I will…. He’s a big boy though. He can take care of himself..
Taken slightly aback, Dr. Light lets out a quick sigh, then composes himself.
DR. LIGHT: Hmph. You’re right. I’ll be off, then.  Take care of yourself, Zero.
With that, Dr. Light smiles and disappears.
ZERO: (smirking) Count on it…
Zero steps in the capsule and receives X’s upgrade for him.  A brilliant flash of power and light downloads itself into Zero’s head-gem making it glow into a foreboding shade of black for one second.  He closes his eyes, feeling the rush of power, then opens them with a zestful determination.
ZERO: (v.o, thinking) It’s a shame I can’t just send this over, X. Wherever you are, I’m sure you could really use this right about now!
-cut to-
X narrows his eyes, charges up and shoots a charged Blade Buster right at Double.
The Nightmare Double throws a large power ball at him as well.
X’s eyes widen as he mach-dashes out of the way.  He quickly switches to Yammark’s Dragonfly Missiles in desperation.  They swirl around him in defense, while green plasma blasts shoot out in offense.
The apparition’s bio-defenses kick in as suddenly all the dents in his armor, bubble up and emit various weaponry.  Two buzz saws bounce back at him while two winged drones fly after him and fire their own attacks.
X: Oh my God, I remember this…
His body shifts into red and orange while he charges up.
X: /YAGH!!
He unleashes the Flaming Godbird Attack on Double, which serves to destroy his bio-defenses and scorch his back to create some more.
NIGHTMARE DOUBLE: Huuurgh. Kiba Slash!!
Two more drones pop out from his back as he dashes after X with his gauntlet out.
X: Oh no ya don’t.
X jumps up and easily mach-dashes over and behind him.  When he turns around, he strikes him with another Blade Buster that knocks him to the ground.
Upon landing, X looks up at the drones, which swerve down towards him rapidly and fire hellacious blasts.
X pulls out the enflamed Z-Saber and strikes them with a Magma Blade.  He turns around and looks at the Nightmare Double with fiery eyes.
X: Come on!!!!
-cut to-
INT. ICY CAVE – Portal Hideout – DAY
From the Capsule, Zero waits for his opening and dashes past another avalanche trap.  He drops back down to the hill slopes, where he slips into a narrow corridor.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) You’re almost there, Zero.  Cody should be in a Portal, not far up ahead.
Zero nods as he spots a Nightmare Virus and slashes it down.  Then, he drops down further into the alcove.
ZERO: I see it. It’s right here!
He dash-jumps to the very spot where Cody and Batsu once stood.  Then, out of nowhere, the portal just seemingly disappears.  
ZERO: What the-!?
ALIA: (o.s, filtered, gasping) What’s wrong?
He takes a breath and decides to sit with his back to an ice wall.
ZERO: (grunting, then sighing) It’s gone! …Well, I’ll just wait for the next window, I guess….
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) It might not come. Best to move on, while you still have the energy.
ZERO: That’s just it. I really, kinda don’t. Those boulders and the Nightmare Lava took a lot out of me. I need a minute…
ALIA: (o.s, sighing, filtered) Take your tiiiiime.
ZERO: I will…
With that he turns his coms off and closes his eyes with a smirk.
-pan to-
----------------------------------------------------------------- INT. MHHQ BUNKER – Control Area – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------
In an instant, the screen displaying activity in the North Pole is blacked out.
ALIA: (frustrated) OUUUUGGGGGHHHHH. Whyyy did he close his Coms!?? That arrogant little jerk…! I can’t Stand Him!!!
She sighs and switches screens to X’s activity in the Central Museum.
ALIA: GREAT! Still Nothing!!
With nothing else to do, she looks at the empty lair in the Museum and hopes for the best.
ALIA: (v.o, thinking) Oh, X…. If only I could see you.
-cut to-
Nightmare Double narrows his eyes and grins as X flings a wave of fireballs from the Magma Blade.  He instantly dodges it by diving up to the ceiling, sitting upside down and then diving back out towards X with his sharp Kiba Gauntlet.
As the apparition plummets down towards X, he sees a clear opening and takes it, shifting his armor into black and red.
X fires a burst of Meteor Rain, which splashes acid directly up, into Nightmare Double’s face.
NIGHTMARE DOUBLE: AAAAAH! What the Hell did you do to me!!?!?
X smirks.
X: Ya don’t like that, huh??
He charges up and unleashes a whole array of Meteor Rain, which comes down hard on Nightmare Double from an angle.
Writhing in pain, Double gets struck in the back, across the chest, across the shoulders and ribs as he sways left and right, struggling to keep his balance.  His body creates an array of mechaniloid defenses for X to contend with as he falls to his knees.
X: (v.o, thinking) Not long now…
He stylishly evades the drones and buzz saws with a twisting Mach-dash as he gets directly above Double with his Meteor Rain buster out.  Upon firing he hears a -clk- noise and gasps.
Immediately capitalizing on the folly, Double carves a firm gash in X’s stomach.
X: Euughh…
He falls down near Phantom, who is holding his wound and heavily panting.
The drones and buzz saws come after X and bombard him with cuts and blasts as explosions surround his body.
X: Aaaggh. Yaaaaaghhhhh. Nnnoooo!!!!
Suddenly, multiple arrays of swift dagger throws can be heard as all of the mechaniloid drones are destroyed.
NIGHTMARE DOUBLE: What!?  You, again.
-pan to the wounded warrior, Phantom-
He looks at the Nightmare with malice, while holding out a large Shuriken.
NIGHTMARE DOUBLE: Who are you!!?
PHANTOM: I am the Hidden Phantom… My enemies never see me coming.
NIGHTMARE DOUBLE: Hmph! Never heard of ya…
PHANTOM: That’s because those unfortunate enough to cross my path, never live to tell about it.
NIGHTMARE DOUBLE: Uh huh…. It’s about time that I killed you!  Kiba Slash!!!!
He darts after him with another sharp gauntlet, but Phantom reads his attack and rides his Shuriken stylishly above and away.
The apparition turns his neck, annoyed and gets blasted in the back by a Blade Buster.
X: Your fight is with ME, Double!!
A bio-defense drone is created and immediately destroyed by a dagger.
X looks up to see Phantom lurking above in the corner, latching on to the ceiling and wall, stylishly.
PHANTOM: Finish him, X!  I’ve got the drones.
X nods with a quick smile.
X: Right!
The two run after each other.  X sets up a guard shell and pulls out the Z-saber. Then, he makes short work of Double, swiftly slashing and gashing him across the chest, while blocking against any of Double’s attacks. Before long, he gets two critical slices at the arms and impales Double through the stomach.
The defense drones are immediately blown apart from afar, with the help of Phantom’s daggers.
X narrows his eyes with a smirk and takes a breath.
The ghost shakes, curling his bloody arms up.
He lets out a giant crescent shaped blast, which knocks X down hard.
Sizzling and unstable, the apparition saunters near the fallen hero.
PHANTOM: Come on, X.  Get up.  You HAVE HIM!!!!
The apparition looks up at him with disdain.
He throws a plasma ball at Phantom with a bloody wrist. It brings him down to the ground.
X struggles to push himself up, panting.  The entire day’s battles and trials begin to weigh on his body again.
X: (v.o, thinking) Come on, X. You can do this…
He narrows his eyes as he looks at Nightmare Double.
X: Tell Gate that this is over!!  He can keep sending anyone he wants!  I’ll take them all down Over and Over again!!!  HE WON’T BREAK ME. YOU HEAR MEEE!!!???
The ghost’s eyes widen in fear as X’s eyes widen with fervor.  He summons up his latest Giga Attack, once again – the Double Wave Blade, which carves at the last of the Nightmare’s armor and destroys his entire frame.
The entire Dimension Shatters.
-       Cut to-
X and the wounded Phantom appear out of thin air, while the teleporter ring takes effect. Instantly, Phantom is sent away to safety.
X: (sweaty, panting) Hu..hu.. I did it!
ALIA: (o.s, filtered, gasping) X!!!!
His body shakes as his Blade Armor powers down to his Base Armor.
X: (smiling) Alia!!!
Out of nowhere, High Max teleports in, directly before X and knocks him down with a floating hard punch to the chest.
X: AAAUUUUggghhhhh… what the-?
HIGH MAX: We’ve warned you. Do not get in the way of our important investigation.
X writhes in pain, holding onto his bruised chest, barely able to sit up.
X: What are you investigating!? Why are you in so deep in this dead area??
HIGH MAX: I won't waste any more time. I'll delete you now!
He flies after X, who dashes back and barely stumbles to his feet.  
High Max blasts X with 4 dark shocks.
X: Agh, urgh, ough, Agh!
With his body smoking, X pulls up his buster and points it at High Max.
X: N-n-noo..
He charges up and fires an X-Buster, which completely misses his target.
High Max rushes up to X and punches him hard in the gut.
X: AAUUguughhhhhhhh….
He gags and throws up.
High Max stands tall, pulls up his arm and elbows X hard in the back of the head, forcing him down to the ground.
X: (faceplanting) MMPH!
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) EEEEEXXXXX!!!!!!!!!!
From out of nowhere, a slightly scuffed up Dynamo teleports in between X and High Max.  Holding a hand out, he looks at the horrid machine, aggravated.
DYNAMO: Not this way.. Not here…
HIGH MAX: Excuse me!???
DYNAMO: It’s my turn! Stay out of our way!!
He bends down and grabs the unconscious X.
HIGH MAX: NO. This one’s Mine now..!
DYNAMO: (grinning, laughing) Hmhmhm… Later!
Just like that, Dynamo teleports away with X’s body.
HIGH MAX: (frustrated, agitated)
-pan to-
----------------------------------------------------------------- INT. MHHQ BUNKER – Control Area – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------
Alia looks at her screen, confused and worried.
ALIA: Oh NO! What the Hell did I just see?  /Oh!
Before she can react, she finds that X has been teleported to the North Pole Area, in the same spot as Zero.
She /gasps.
-pan to-
----------------------------------------------------------------- INT. ICY CAVE – Portal Hideout - DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------
Once teleported, Dynamo grabs X’s carcass, opens up a portal with his device, and tosses him inside like a rag doll.  
DYNAMO: In ya go….
ZERO: Huuh!??
Zero stirs awake at the sight of this and gets to his feet, but he is too late.
DYNAMO: Whoopsieeee. Too slow!  
ZERO: DYNAMO!  What are you doing with-
The Nightmare Portal fully dissipates again, after Dynamo teleports inside.
ZERO: (finishing, thwarted) X…
He turns his coms back on in a panic.
ZERO: (shocked, scared) Uhh, Alia did you catch any of that??
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) No thanks to you, ya piece of work!
ZERO: Huh!!?
ALIA: (o.s, upset, filtered) Don’t close coms on me unless absolutely necessary! It shuts off my video feed and then I can’t help you at all…
ZERO: Hmph…. Well maybe you should be less annoying, then…
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) OURGH! I Can’t stand you!!
SIGNAS: (o.s, filtered) That’s enough. Both of you….
-pan to-
----------------------------------------------------------------- MMHQ BUNKER – Control Area - DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------
From his Central Console, Signas finally breaks his silence.
SIGNAS: This is beyond Unprofessional. Both of you are letting the stress get to you, so let’s just stick to the facts, shall we?  ..X was bombarded in a sneak attack by High Max in the Central Museum after dealing with.. whatever he faced.
ZERO: (filtered) Oh noooo.
SIGNAS: Strange as it seems, I believe Dynamo’s actions were something of a mercy to X…
ZERO & ALIA: (filtered) Huh???
SIGNAS: Remember that Dynamo is a Mercenary. He interrupted High Max when he was winning, then quickly tossed X in the portal nearest, you.  If that doesn’t say that he’s hedging his bets, I don’t know what does.
ZERO: (filtered) …Interesting.  So are you saying that Dynamo isn’t a threat?
SIGNAS: It’s hard to tell. He’s definitely playing the odds against both sides… But if nothing else, he’s a lot safer with Dynamo than he is with High Max right now…
ZERO: (filtered) Man…
ALIA: Poor X…
-cut to-
On the flat terrain of a very similar looking Ice Cave, X is laid out on the frozen ground. Dynamo teleports, just ahead of him and looks down at his sorry hide.
DYNAMO: Go ahead and use your Sub-tank, X.  I’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready…
He kneels down and slaps X in the cheek twice. Then, he pinches his nose only to see X scrunch up his face and gasp for some air in his sleep.
DYNAMO: Hehe.. so cute…
He gets up and dashes far ahead.
-cut to-
INT. ICY CAVE – Hideout - DAY
Zero huddles over in the hideout, while bickering on his coms.
ZERO: Hmph… I should’ve been there. He should be facing Me, instead!
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Yep! And I could’ve warned you that the Portal was opening!!
ZERO: I Knoooow! I screwed up, okay???
SIGNAS: (o.s, filtered) Enough!  It’s too late now.  I need you to focus…. Batsu still needs your help and we need to learn the Investigator’s motives for allowing this to happen!  You have a Mission to accomplish.  Finish it, Zero.
ZERO: …Y-Yes, sir!
-pan to-
INT. ICY CAVE – Dangerous Slopes - DAY
Snapping out of it, Zero dash-jumps out of the alcove and runs back to the dangerous slopes.  He contends with an upward slope as best as possible, attempting to dodge the large ice boulders and Nightmare Lava once again.
ZERO: /igh..
He gets hurt as he makes his way to a short ladder and climbs down.  The ice slope slides him right down, near an icy spike trap.  He dash-hops over it, while giant boulders threaten to crush him.  He quickly uses another ladder to drop down further.
As he drops down, the Nightmare Lava balls fall near him and scorch the front and back of his torso, simultaneously.
ZERO: Aaaaaagh! This Nightmare is the Worst!!
When he lands, the ice almost takes him to an icy spiked trap against the wall behind him, but he dashes ahead uphill, against all odds.  Cutting down two Wolfoids along the way, Zero successfully dashes away from the slopes and makes it towards his next obstacle – a giant ditch.
-pan to-
INT. ICY CAVE – Ditch Traps - DAY
Zero drops down into the ditch, only to find a Reploid curled up in the fetal position.
ZERO: Hey, Man. Are you okay??
The weak, frozen reploid looks up at Zero in fear and cowers.
BATSU: Z-Zero!! No!
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Ugh, didn’t Anyone read the Memo!?  It’s okay, Batsu.  Zero isn’t the Nightmare. He’s here to help you.
BATSU: But he… almost killed us all…
Zero smirks.
ZERO: Heh…. Come on, kid.  I’ll catch you up later. Ya did good here.
He helps the baffled rookie, up.
BATSU: W-WAIT! What about C-C-Cody…? Is h-h-h-he alr-r-right???
ZERO: (nodding, lying) X has got it taken care of.  (v.o, thinking) I hope…
With that, he gives the Rookie Hunter a teleporter ring and sends him home.
-cut to-
X gradually shivers out of a sleeping state, feeling weak and frozen to the core.  He shuffles through his chest cavity until he grabs hold of his sub-tank and activates it.  With a jolt of power, he spasms and sits up, feeling more awake and alive.  He quickly rubs his arms for heat as he rocks back and forth, attempting to get his bearings.
X: Hm…Was I.. thrown off course? How’d I get here?? Alia! Tell me where I am...
He presses an ear to his coms and hears static.
X: ...The communication is out?
Upon hearing his own hollow echoes in the cave, X nods.
X: The Nightmare Dimension, I should’ve known.  But how… Who brought me here?
X gets up and runs on. An icy slope immediately rushes him downhill, into a Wolfoid that fires a grenade at him from it’s back.
X: Agh!
Barreling into the Wolfoid, he incidentally tackles it further down the slope and bashes into the next one.  When he sees a spike-trap amidst the slope, he quickly dash-jumps and runs down the rest of the ramp until he makes it to some broken icy pillars.
X: Daaaamn!
He instinctively hops through all of the pillars while hot lava balls unnaturally rain down on him.
X: Agghh! What the Hell???
He covers his head as he runs through the slope, barely jumps past another spike trap and catches a rope at the near-end of the clearing.
X: Man!!!  There’s no time to think!!
He takes a short breath while lowering himself down.  Upon turning around, he hears a familiar voice from a narrow alcove.
?????: X….. Is that you?
X squints upon the narrow alcove and jumps inside.  At the far-end of the tunnel, beyond a long bed of spikes, he can see a green and white Wolfoid with an original Maverick Hunter logo etched on the side of his collar.
X: …Frostbite…?
The weary wolf smiles and lets out a friendly bark.
X: (shocked) It IS you!  What are you doing here???
X walks over towards him, before the bed of spikes.
FROSTBITE: Honestly? Not much… I’m stuck.
-cut to-
INT. ICY CAVE – Ditch Traps – DAY
Zero attempts to kick-jump up the slippery wall but falls on his behind yet again.
ZERO: Damn it! That rescue was all well and good, but… how the Hell am I supposed to get out of here???
Just then, a big block of ice seemingly materializes from the ceiling and drops down to crush him.
ZERO: Wait a minute, what’s this!?  I think I see… Ice.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered, confused) Ice???
ZERO: Yeah. A big, chunky block is coming right for me.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Hmm… It must be the Nightmare.  Although we can't see any Nightmare Ice from the Hunter Base, I wonder if there is a way you can take advantage of this situation.
ZERO: Yeah, I think so!
When the ice touches down, Zero dodges, then jumps on top of the block.  He looks up, eagerly awaiting for the next one to fall on him.  It does so, paired with a Wolfoid for good measure.
ZERO: Hmph!
He attacks it mercilessly and lands on top of the falling block of ice.
Soon, another one peers out above him.  He carefully double jumps onto it, then takes another careful double-jump into a 2nd ditch.
ZERO: Aw man…. Not again…
-cut to-
X stands tall and transforms into his Blade Armor.
X: (brave) Don’t worry, I’m gonna get you out.
The rest of his armor shifts into earth tones, as he charges up and puts his buster out.
X: yyy/Yah!
At once, he forms a giant boulder and grabs hold of it, the moment it shoots out.  The boulder nearly makes it all the way to Frostbite. When it crashes against the spikes, X simply lets his mach-dash take him the rest of the way.
FROSTBITE: Whooooa, X… you made it! I can’t believe it.  I’ve been stuck here for weeks.
X: Jeez, I’m so sorry… I wish I’d known.  I didn’t even know you survived..
FROSTBITE: (nodding, regretful) When the Colony crashed and our base was destroyed, I ran for it.  I didn’t know who was alive anymore, or who to trust..  It was just easier to start over on my own.  I’m so sorry, X.
X: So you came to the North Pole… Of course.  It’s okay..  Let me guess.  You fell into this ditch with a lot of momentum and a lot of bad luck??
FROSTBITE: Heheh.. pretty much…
X: Let’s go.  We’re getting outta here!
X charges up once again and points his buster, while tucking his former comrade underneath his left arm.
-cut to-
INT. ICY CAVE – Ice Base Trap - DAY
When Zero double-jumps out of a 2nd ditch, he runs ahead to the end of the tunnel, where he appears to have made it to the outer wall of a base.
ZERO: Alia, I think I’m getting close.
He looks up and climbs a ladder.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) That’s correct.  The entrance to his base should be further up ahead.  Watch out for any hidden obstacles!
As she warns him, a line of ice blocks drops down to him with only one opening to advance.
ZERO: Shit! Are you sure you can’t see this??
He jumps out of the way as the line solidifies into a layer of ice.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) No, what’s happening.
ZERO: More Ice Traps!!
Another line falls down towards Zero’s position with the opening at the other end of the narrow tunnel.
The lines keep on coming at faster frequencies, only for Zero to see some helpless Wolfoids, stuck within the dugouts of the walls ahead.
ZERO: (wide-eyed) Oh my God!
He instinctively pulls out 4 teleporter rings and wraps them around his wrist.  When one layer solidifies, he dashes into the dugout to his left.
Upon touch, the 1st Wolfoid is sent away as the ring passes from Zero’s wrist to the Reploid’s.
Zero dashes into a narrow opening and jumps just in time for the next line to solidify.
He double-jumps up to the next dugout on his right, saving a 2nd Wolfoid.
With a little time before the lines catch up to him, Zero looks up and plans his next move.
As the line solidifies at his level, he quickly dashes out, double jumps through the clearing, saves the 3rd on his left, dashes back out and rushes to save the 4th on his right.
Seeing the ice ahead of him, it solidifies just after he jumps out.
ZERO: PHOOOOOW!  Damn that’s a Rush!!!
Having saved all of the Wolfoids, Zero has a pleased smile on his face, knowing he did the right thing.  
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) That was really brave and heroic, Zero…. Thank you.
The rest of the obstacle is a breeze to him as he freely double-jumps amongst the lines and they feel more spaced out once again.  
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) I’m beginning to see why X trusts you…
ZERO: Heh.  Well, good. We’re on the same Team after all…
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Don’t ruin it.
Zero just smirks at that one.
-cut to-
INT. NIGHTMARE PORTAL – Narrow Alcove Gateway – DAY
Having made it to the other side, X and Frostbite jump to the rope and then dash-jump beyond another spike trap to the other side where they make it to a gate.
When they enter the first one, X spots Cody sitting patiently against the wall.
X: Cody! You’re alive!!
Uh, yeah…. I’ve been stuck here for a while.  Then this big guy said he’d let me out if I fought him, but I’m not stupid enough to engage in battle!!!
X tilts his head, relieved and awestruck.
X: Good! You and Frostbite stay here and let me handle this, okay?
FROSTBITE: Sure thing…
The two watch X enter the 2nd gate and see it close behind him.
-cut to-
INT. ICE BASE – Gateway - DAY
Before long, Zero finally makes it to the top and enters the gateway. As the 1st shutter closes, Zero feels a dark weight in his chest.
ZERO: I feel it... This must be the investigator!
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) The investigator in this area is Blizzard Wolfang. Set up your weapons in case you fight...
Zero nods, takes a breath and walks on.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) ......... Zero, actually I-
ZERO: (anticipating) Forget about the past.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered, gasping) You know??
ZERO: I read the file...
ALIA: (o.s, filtered, nervous) Back when we worked together, Wolfang was-
ZERO: Now he is a Nightmare Investigator. We have to fight him.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Yeah, right... Good luck, Zero.
-cut to-
From the icy lair, X looks on at Dynamo and flinches, with a slight face-tick.
DYNAMO: Oh, Heeey. Long time no see! How are you doing?
X: You again! …Why’d you bring me here!?
DYNAMO: I'm sorry if I made you worry. But you know what they say, "Discretion is the better part of valor."  I figured any time away from that big lug would benefit the both of us, so… you’re welcome!
X: Hmph… What do you want, Dynamo?
DYNAMO: Nightmare Souls. They do a body good... So, have you solved the mystery of the Nightmare?
X:   That’s none of your business! Why don’t you hurry and get out of here? You are good at running away, aren't you?
DYNAMO: Awww, don’t be like that Maaan. Why don't we talk a little longer? Say... Let's see who has obtained more Nightmare Souls!
Dynamo powers up, emitting a new mysterious aura of purple around his body.
X: (sighing, muttering) Here we go again…
-cut to-
INT. ICE BASE – Blizzard Wolfang’s Lair – DAY
When the shutter closes behind Zero, he looks on at Blizzard Wolfang, who is looming in the darkness.
ZERO: Blizzard Wolfang, nice to see you...
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: Zero! I heard that you returned.
ZERO: I won't die so easily.
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: Hmph… Neither will I…
The two of them stare each other down, unwavering.
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: Please don't think badly of me, Zero. I just won't disobey Gate. That’s all.
ZERO: Oh don’t worry… None of this is personal
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: I know I must pay for my past sins. Besides I have a new mission, now.
ZERO: Oh yeah? And what would that be? Preserving the Nightmare at all costs!!?
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: More like Protecting the North Pole from Nightmares like you!
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: Same Difference! You know what I mean. Let's fight!
ZERO: Then, I have no choice… You will lose!
-cut to-
Dynamo grins as he throws five swift double-sided blades at X.
X’s eyes bulge as he quickly gets hit by two, dashes to the side, but then gets struck by the 4th and 5th blades.
X: Agh! Hey!!
X points his buster and charges up, but suddenly all 5 spinning blades retract and strike X in the back, like a boomerang.
X: Kk-aaauuuugghhhH!!!!!
DYNAMO: Heheh.. Don’t give me that. I know you’ve fully recharged, bro.
From a crouched position, X looks up at him and grits his teeth.  Shifting into shades of purple, X points his buster and shoots a powerful Ray Arrow at Dynamo.
The attack surprises him and knocks him back a step.  Then he holds a glowing black fist.
DYNAMO: Two can play at that game…
He smashes a fist down and smothers X with his Dark Giga Attack.
Forced to the ground, he takes the blast while charging up.
DYNAMO: Gotcha!!!
He jumps after X, who gets up and puts his hands out to his sides.
X: Not yet!
He unleashes the Charged Ray Arrow, which creates an upward stream of light similar to Zero and Dynamo’s Giga Attack.  It /strikes him directly from below with a hard blow.
DYNAMO: /Whaaaaa!!!????
-cut to-
INT. ICE BASE – Blizzard Wolfang’s Lair - DAY
The room lights up as Blizzard Wolfang runs after Zero.
ZERO: Whoa..
He tries to dash-jump out of the way, but Blizzard Wolfang smacks him to the floor with sharp claws.
ZERO: Agh..
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: Take this, Maverick!!
He claws at Zero’s chest with both hands four times, before Zero shoves a Z-Buster under his chin and blasts him off to the side.
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: (yelping) Hrr..!
ZERO: You’ve got it wrong. You all do.  Just because I’m Awake doesn’t mean I’m Evil!!
The Investigator sits upright and charges up.
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: Not from where I’m sitting…
His mouth forms a burst of ice and shoots it at Zero, who gets knocked down from the attack.
ZERO: Koough…
-cut to-
Dynamo gets up from the recent attack and shakes it off, cricking his neck with a smile.
DYNAMO: Very clever attack, but I’m not here to play games… I am here for the Nightmares. So, why don’t you do me a favor and hand those over, already?
X: Absolutely not.
X jumps and freezes in mid-air, then kicks Dynamo in the head.  Dynamo blocks it, but before he can strike back, X mach-dashes away.
DYNAMO: Hmph…. You’ve gotten better, I see.  I've been gathering these Nightmare Souls, thinking that I might be able to enhance my powers, but so have you... I guess that puts us on an even keel after all…
X: Maybe…
He fires his enhanced level 1 shots at Dynamo, who easily spins his sabers to knock all of them back.  Then, he chucks 5 more blades at him.
More aware this time, X jumps and mach-dashes past the first two.  The next two get near him, but he drops down in the opening.  A fifth one gets close, but X ducks at the last moment.
DYNAMO: Haaah!!!!
He rushes with a quick dash into X, knees him in the stomach, then flips him onto his back with two hands pressed against the back of his neck.
X: Khauh!
Dynamo points a buster at X’s head.
DYNAMO: I’m not kidding. Give me all the DNA Souls you have gathered!
He shifts into red and orange.
X: NO!
X waves his Magma Blade at Dynamo from the ground.  The fiery blade and fireballs which emit from the swipe, affect Dynamo greatly.
DYNAMO: Auuughh!!!!
He puts his arms up as his chest gets scorched.  He quickly pats himself off as X charges up to unleash a Flaming Godbird Rush.
Suddenly a wave of phoenixes fly into Dynamo and thrash against his burning body.
-cut to-
INT. ICE BASE – Blizzard Wolfang’s Lair – DAY
Blizzard Wolfang ramps up his momentum as he runs from wall to wall at a swift pace, with the icy ground aiding his every move.  He long-jumps across the walls and continuously shoots his Ice Bursts at Zero, who gets pummeled left and right.
ZERO: That’s it!
He takes out his Z-Saber and creates a Shoenzan firewall to crush the next ice attack.  Then, he dashes into Blizzard Wolfang and cuts him with a fiery blade.
He tries to run after Zero, but he just does it again, burning him at the side.
He tries one more time and once again, Zero strikes him right in the chest with the Shoenzan.
The Wolf Investigator cowers to the corner and grits his teeth.
ZERO: I didn’t wanna do that so soon, but you leave me no choice…
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: …grrrrrrrrrrrrrr…
-cut to-
Burnt and bleeding, Dynamo loses his smile and makes a scowl.
DYNAMO: Damn it, X. I will get the Souls that you collected!
He rushes after X with a long-jump.  X swipes a burning blade, but Dynamo parries with two of his own blades and spin kicks X in the head.  The attack spins X around.  Dynamo capitalizes and plants a big boot against his back.
X falls down to the slippery ice, where Dynamo doubles down with another Dark Giga Attack straight against his back.
DYNAMO: Give it up, Mega Man... All of this ends when you just give me those souls.
X: (grunting, charging up) Rrgghh… aaaghhhh…..
Dynamo presses X’s head against the ice while he notices a shift in color from red to pink.
DYNAMO: (v.o, thinking) What’s he up to?
Suddenly 4 clam shells appear from all 4 corners of the room.
DYNAMO: Huh???
Completely locked in their sights, the clam shells fire cross-X shots striking at his front and back equally and following him as he wavers around the room.
DYNAMO: Agh! Ogh! Ohh.. DAMN IT!!!!
-cut to-
INT. ICE CAVE – Blizzard Wolfang’s Lair – DAY
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: (aggravated) Don’t think you’ve won, Maverick… I’m not done yet!
He high-jumps to the ceiling and latches on to the ice like a ninja.  Without warning, he blasts Zero with 4 rapid Ice Bursts, which surprise him and knock him back down.
ZERO: Aaaagh… /Huh?
Suddenly the whole room /flashes white, blinding Zero for a second.
Blizzard Wolfang dashes from the ceiling and a whole set of spiked icicles crash down on and around him, cutting him at the shoulders, back, legs and feet.
ZERO: Guaaaaahhhh… What the Hell??
Blizzard Wolfang grins and allows himself a light chuckle.
-cut to-
He pounds another fist of dark light against the ground, but it completely misses X.  
A charge shot strikes Dynamo in the back from a different corner in the room.
Although affected, he’s relieved to see X panting in his blue and white look again.
DYNAMO: Hmph… You just keep pulling them out of the woodwork, don’t you?
X: Enough Dynamo…. Let’s just end this.
DYNAMO: Awww, what’s wrong.  You had enough already, sweety?
X narrows his eyes.
X: We’re wasting time.  If you’re not gonna help me, then just get out of the way.
DYNAMO: Oh, but don’t you see?  I already did help you.  I saved you from getting pummeled by that sorry sack, High Max.  So now you owe me.  I’ll take my payment in Nightmare Souls please.
X shakes his head.
X: What was all that about, anyway…?  You didn’t have to do that.  He caught me off guard.  You could’ve had what you wanted.
DYNAMO: Oh please… and spoil all the fun in catching you, myself?  Hardly!
Raising his eyebrows, X doesn’t know what to think.
X: …Did you bring me here just to tease me? Just leave, NOW!
X shifts into brown and juts out a large boulder from his buster, which breaks into Dynamo’s side.
DYNAMO: Agh!  HAHA.  All hard work and no play makes X go crazy! Hee hee hee!
X: Don’t make me do it, Dynamo!
X dashes after Dynamo and punches him, but Dynamo catches it and slides a blade across his stomach with his other arm.
DYNAMO: (grinning) Do what, exactly?
-cut to-
INT. ICE BASE – Blizzard Wolfang’s Lair – DAY
From the ceiling, Blizzard Wolfang throws continuous shards of ice fangs at Zero, which carve away at his back, head and shoulders.
Enraged, Zero uses his Rekkoha Giga Attack as Blizzard Wolfang dashes towards him from the ceiling unaffected.
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: That won’t work on me!
ZERO: Huh??? /igghhh… /GAH!
He /claws him hard in the chest with two paws, flips on his back and /dropkicks Zero against the wall.
Zero attempts to retreat to a more open space to regain his footing, but Blizzard Wolfang uses the Nightmare to enhance his own speed.
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: Don’t run.  We’re not done!
-cut to-
Bleeding again, X holds his stomach and puts a desperate hand inside his chest cavity.
DYNAMO: Looking for another Sub-tank?  I don’t think so, Amigo.  I already checked.  You’re fresh out… so now you’re gonna listen to me.
X looks up at Dynamo, hurt and afraid.
DYNAMO: It took hours for me to get here. I won't go back empty-handed. I've been gathering Nightmare Souls at the risk of my life. I've been dying to become stronger... All for this moment.  So now it’s time for You to help Me end this Nightmare I created.  
X: …what was that…?
X: (enraged) Dynamo! You did it, again!!
DYNAMO: What??
X: You’ve Underestimated me for THE LAST TIME!!!
From out of nowhere, X’s armor shifts into black and red as he unleashes a damaging rain glob underneath his belly.
DYNAMO: Ghaaaaah.  How!??  You were out!!
He cowers and jumps far away.
X: You checked all my weapon and energy levels like a creep, but you never checked to see that I had a Weapon Tank!  
X chases after him and shoots another acid glob at his back.
DYNAMO: Ghooaaawwww!!!!!
X: And now you’re gonna tell me EVERYTHING!!
-cut to-
INT. ICE BASE – Blizzard Wolfang’s Lair – DAY
Blizzard Wolfang Nightmare dashes to Zero’s postion with a claw out and a charged mouth, ready.
Zero narrows his eyes and creates a Guard Shell with his Saber out.  With them, he is able to effectively block his claw and ice attacks and give him a warning slash.
ZERO: Cut it out!
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: Oh no. I don’t think so…. Now that I’m winning, suddenly it’s a problem?
He rushes Zero into the corner, who retaliates by crouching and spinning into a set of Ensuizan slashes.  His saber cuts at Blizzard Wolfang’s chest, stomach, arms and legs, before Wolfang finally backs off.
ZERO: I mean it.  You were a good person, once.  Let’s consider a truce!
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: I still am… but I would never align myself with the likes of you.  Even if you are not the Nightmare, you certainly created it.  And for Gate’s sake, that means that I must end you!!
ZERO: (guilty, frustrated) Aaarrgh, damn it Fang. You don’t have to die today!
BLIZZARD WOLFANG: Oh please…. We both know you want to kill me.  Deep down we all want the same thing…. Power!
-cut to-
X crushes Dynamo with another devastating blow to the stomach with a heavy glob of Meteor Rain.
X: (infuriated) You mean to tell me that YOU did this!!??
Dynamo looks at X, on his knees with regret.
DYNAMO: I caused the Colony to fall last month…. It was my fault.  I got us all in this mess…
With another hard glob of rain, Dynamo gets shaken so bad that a Nightmare Soul falls out of his body and absorbs itself into X.  
He retreats to the other side of the room.
He Mach-dashes over and gets him again, effectively making him lose another powerful Nightmare Soul.
DYNAMO: Oh, give me a break...
X charges up and unleashes a shower of Meteor Rain to fall on top of Dynamo.  Immediately a series of Nightmare Souls leave his body and hover into X.
-cut to-
INT. ICE BASE – Blizzard Wolfang’s Lair – DAY
Blizzard Wolfang high-jumps to the ceiling and dashes towards the middle of the room, so he can shoot rapid-icebursts at him from a 45 degree angle again.
Zero shakes his head and grits his teeth.
ZERO: You’re wrong, Wolfang!!  This is what too much Power gets you!
Suddenly Zero enflames his Saber and uppercuts him with a powerful Ryuenjin.
The burning wolfoid falls to the ground while Zero capitalizes with a downward, burning Quake Blazer.  He stakes the blade right through his heart, which paralyzes him.
ZERO: No more…
He points his Z-Buster at Blizzard Wolfang and eliminates him with a dark spiral shot.
He explodes, before he can reconsider his life choices.
ZERO: TOO LATE!  God.. Damn it…
He turns his head and closes his eyes with regret as a green nightmare soul lurks out of Blizzard Wolfang’s carcass and enters Zero’s chest cavity.  He feels a dark wave of energy re-enter his veins and washes over with a wave of anguish.  With a clenched fist, he keeps it all down.
-cut to-
DYNAMO: (scared) GGGAAAAAAAAIIIIGGGHH, I-…still can't win!!!!!!!!!!!
The Nightmare Souls insert themselves into X’s body.
X: Even now, you’re not capable of remorse…. All you can think about is your next escape.  It’s sad, really…
DYNAMO: (scared, posturing)
I’m… not up to defeating you... You are way too strong right now...
X: I Don’t care if this KILLS YOU!!  YOU DESERVE IT!!!
X uses another Charged Meteor Rain. He watches as Dynamo gets beaten and battered to a bloody pulp. His circuits sizzle and his armor slowly chips away.
-cut to-
INT. ICE BASE – Fallen Fang’s Lair – DAY
In the silent, cold, calm of the base, suddenly Zero receives a com-link from Alia.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Blizzard Wolfang... An ex-investigator of the North Pole area. One night, during the Great Repliforce War, his team members investigated Frost Walrus’ base of operations where they were attacked by Mavericks!
(interested) Huh???
————————————————————————– EXT. NORTH POLE – White Forest – NIGHT ————————————————————————–
Three Knot Berets shoot at 2 Researchers, while an E-AT Yeti runs after Blizzard
In a fit of anger, he forms a blade of ice around his hands.  Then, he wildly attacks the E-AT.  As shards of ice break everywhere, he tears open the yeti’s torso. Then, he ravages the three Knot Berets who stand frozen with fear.  
ALIA: (v.o, narrating)
Although Wolfang was able to defeat them, his team was annihilated... My former colleagues at the Research Lab resented this.
————————————————————————– INT. LAYE LABS – Back Room – DAY ————————————————————————–
ALIA: (v.o, narrating)
At this point a little coup of Researchers who opposed Gate had developed.
In a back room Dr. Laye is meeting with Malek and Zach. Alia enters the room with an exhausted look on her face as she closes the door behind her.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) They schemed to dispose of Wolfang and take advantage of the incident, making it look like an accident… Wolfang was thrown into the cold sea... ... I did it! But I was coerced into doing it...
ZERO: (v.o, shocked) Alia…
ZACH: He’s a Wolf, Alia…  And wolves can’t be trusted!  …AND he was built by the same guy who created Bit and Byte..  That was a Nightmare!
DR. LAYE: Hmph.  Agreed.  We’re going to have to do something about him. …I’ve had it with Gate and his creations.  He’s out of chances.  We will have to eliminate the Wolf and you’re going to be the one to do it.
ALIA: (horrified, scared) What!?  M-me!? Why??
DR. LAYE: Because Gate won’t do it and Wolfang trusts you the most.  He would suspect something from us.
ALIA: I can’t. I could never…  He didn’t do anything wrong.
DR. LAYE: Now Alia. We brought you into the inner circle.  This is your career..  You wouldn’t want to disappoint me now, would you…?
ALIA: (v.o, narrating) Oh God, it was horrible!!
-a grainy image of an unsuspecting Wolfang getting ejected from an aircraft into the arctic sea appears-
-grainy images of Alia tumbling crashing, ejecting and tumbling down a mountain appear-
-a grainy image of her in the hospital being visited by Gate appears-
ALIA: This was the last straw for Gate…. He suspected something was off and figured out it was me.  I think this was his turning point…. I really do!!
ZERO: (o.s, reacting) Oh man..!
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) I’ll never forget that conversation…
——————————————————————————– INT.  ABEL CITY GENERAL HOSPITAL – Alia’s Room – NIGHT ——————————————————————————–
Gate looks at the bed-ridden Alia, disappointed. GATE: …Ya know..  Yammark was always worried that our co-workers couldn’t be trusted.  I just never would’ve believed that that would include you.  After all we’ve been through.
ALIA: I didn’t- ..You don’t get it…
GATE: Oh, I get it completely.  Lana never liked me, but she saw something in you and Victor.  She made you a part of her inner circle.  And you, my little overachiever, just wanted to get ahead.  So of course, you conformed to her wishes.
ALIA: (appalled) Gate!
GATE: (upset, hurt) NO!!!  One of them sabotaged Yammark’s jets. Then, they made Mijinion’s Mech-Test look like an accident.  I don’t know WHO killed Blaze in his cell…  But then YOU killed Blizzard Wolfang!!? God damn it.  You, Alia?  YOU!???
ALIA: I Know, I Failed you..  but I’m Telling you now!!!  I know it was wrong…  Pleeeease.  Let’s make this right again.  Together…  We can rebuild them!!
GATE: (appalled) No…  Nothing you say or do can ever make this right!  You can rot in this Hospital for all I care…
ALIA: (hurt) Gate..!  
GATE: Enjoy your Inner Circle, sellout.  You all deserve each other!
He starts to walk out of the room.
ALIA: Waait!!
GATE: (ignoring) I won’t be in the office by the time you get back.
ALIA: /PLEEASE, don’t do this!!!  
He stops at the door at the /sound of her voice, closing his eyes hard as he leans against the doorframe.  He clenches his fists and remains strong.
ALIA: (v.o, narrating) Then, he said…
ALIA/GATE: You should have thought about that…  Before you killed my best friend.  …I’ll get revenge on all you low reploids who couldn’t appreciate my ability!
He walks out of the room, leaving her to sit alone with her thoughts.
INT. ICE BASE – Fallen Fang’s Lair – DAY
Zero is awestruck by her story as he listens to his com-link intently.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Please don’t tell X…. If he found out, I don’t think he’d ever be able to forgive me…
ZERO: (nodding) It’s alright… Your secret is safe with me.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered, whispering) Oh thank you, Zero… Thank you…
-cut to-
After all the damage is done, Dynamo lies there, helpless on the ground – bleeding, burnt and corroded down to the circuits.  The near-dead Dynamo looks at X and forces a broken smile.
DYNAMO: (coughing) …C-Consider yourself… lucky… that I’ve changed my mind.
He toils to pull out a device and unlock the gate behind him.  Immediately, Cody and Frostbite run in to see X standing over the defeated Dynamo.
DYNAMO: Just do me a favor…. Once this is all over and you get rid of the Nightmare completely, give me a fair fight, okay…?
X gives Dynamo a firm and narrow stare.
X: Get us out of here, before I kill you.  The end result will be just the same…
X pulls out his buster and charges up.
DYNAMO: (wide-eyed, panicked) Challenge accepted! Bye, X!!
With the press of a button, the entire Dimension shatters around them and everyone is force-teleported to the proper Dimension.
-cut to-
INT. ICE BASE – Fallen Fang’s Lair - DAY
From the coms, Alia tries to lighten up the mood.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) …but Hey! You got the Ice Burst and can learn Hydroga, now!
ZERO: Hm..? What’s that?
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) You can High-Jump like never-before and create his ice-fangs with your Saber! 
Just then, X, Frostbite, Cody and an almost dead Dynamo fall into the room from a destroyed portal.
ZERO: Huuuh?
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) X! Oh my God, I’m so glad you’re okay!! You rescued Cody and is that.. Frostbite!!?
X: (smiling) Yep!  Mission Accomplished.  Let’s go home!!
ZERO: What about Dynamo?  Should we bring him in?
X: No…. Leave him here with his demons.  He’s got a lot to think about.
With narrow eyes and a firm grimace, X teleports away.  Frostbite and Cody follow suit.
Zero takes a deep breath and sighs.  Then, he teleports away too.
-Freezeframe. Grainy Effect-
SIGNAS: (v.o, narrating) X has gone through another ordeal, while Zero has successfully contained the Nightmare in the North Pole.  Peace is gradually being restored to the World.  But at what cost to our Heroes…?  
-Fade to Black-
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
April 10: 2x14 Wolf in the Fold
Watched Wolf in the Fold last night. The only thing I really remembered about this ep going in was that it was a Scotty ep. Which is true but also… slightly misleading. Also that it had to do with Jack the Ripper—which is more true than I remembered!
A decadent intro… I get why Spock isn’t here but I actually DO think he would be into it.
Matchmaker Kirk lol.
Scotty is so awkward. This is the other detail I remembered from this ep, actually: how Scotty wants to applaud using his hands no matter what. (Even with those cool lights RIGHT THERE lol). Old Aberdeen pub crawler…
This is honestly such a bizarre back story: Scotty got a concussion because someone who happened to be a woman made a mistake and now not only is his head all funny but he has a “total resentment toward women.” Like okay, nothing creepily sexist in that concept. Also –they ultimately barely even use it! I know it’s the implied rationale for why he would suddenly start murdering women and also not remembering it but it’s like such a flimsy excuse that they never say it out loud in so many words for fear it should sound too stupid. Which it would. Honestly, you really only need the concussion imo. Why go into the weird misogyny thing at all?
And now Kirk and Bons head off to a brothel, giving me a total resentment toward men.
Nice eerie fog out here. Very Aberdeenian.
Okay, so this woman was stabbed a dozen times but she only screamed once? And then a second later, Scotty had somehow teleported several feet away, still holding the knife? He’s good at his job but he’s not that good. This is already deeply suspicious.
“Therapeutic shore leave.” Trying to cure his hatred of ladies lmao.
So this weird little bald man, Hengist, from Rigel IV. Is he an alien? I suppose he must be. Rigellians are a race, as we know from Journey to Babel. It’s not always clear to me which groups of people are Earth colonists who have migrated to or been born on other planets and which are humanoid aliens.
The Aurelians are a gentle, harmless people. Cute. I like these aliens.
I wish we could hire aliens to be our administrators. Alien Overlord and Taylor.
“I’ll be taking over, since I am the highest official.” He out-officialed him.
I like this guy and his slightly creepy empath priestess wife. I feel like Spock would like them, too.
Speaking of: Spock in the captain’s chair. Hot.
I don’t get how this planet is the only space port around. Like… could not any planet be a space port? What does that even mean?
Oh no, a woman with the lie detector machine! She must be incompetent and/or to be despised.
I love Sybo’s outfit. Her hair and jewelry too. Honestly just a great head-to-toe look.
Another murder! Sorry but this one is on the Aurelian for just leaving the murder weapon out there unattended.
Generally speaking, the costume and set people are doing allllll the work in this episode.
Hengist went to look for suspects and he came up with the victim’s father and fiancé?? He’s not even trying lol. Anyway, he obviously did it.
How can you NOT tell if a lock was picked or not? I mean I know McCoy is a doctor, not a locksmith, but come on. It can’t be that ambiguous.
Spooky mumbo-jumbo.
Interesting that Spock doesn’t trust the mumbo-jumbo either. I guess he only approves of it when it’s Vulcan.
When Sybo says “monstrous evil” the camera is looking right at Hengist. Not suspicious at all. He’s only clearly railroading Scotty, looked right at the second victim before she was killed, was in the perfect position to take the murder weapon after it was carelessly left about, and is the most obvious non-Scotty suspect here.
I love how loyal Bones is. He literally saw Scotty holding Sybo and the knife with blood on his hands and is like “It’s impossible he could have done it.”
So many of the “truth discovery” devices on TOS are truly creepy. Like they’re all clear plot devices, and for that reason depicted as completely reliable, and the more completely reliable they are, the more deeply disturbing they become upon any reflection at all.
That’s a pretty computer though. All those pretty flashing lights! And it runs on floppy disks.
I literally just remembered what happened.
“Scotty, lie to me, how old are you?” / “Twenty-two, Sir.” Yeah, I’d say that’s a lie.
So like this allegedly all-powerful computer is literally just a lie detector. That’s it! A lie detector that picks up on psychological signs of lying, just like our lie detectors today. I mean… you could have just said that straight out. All they do is show what a person believes to be true, so in the case where someone truly doesn’t remember something, the usefulness is… limited.
My mom suggested a Vulcan mind meld which, actually, would pretty much solve the problem! But for once Spock actually treats it like something serious and not to be thrown out as a solution to all problems at the merest suggestion.
Someone needs to do a fashion line based entirely on the Argellian outfits.
Spock is internally eye-rolling at all this drama. I feel like he’s a real advocate for the computers today. That’s like… really his only role.
The computer’s linguistics banks don’t know what this word means? Maybe we should get Uhura on the case.
Plot twist: the killer was Jack the Ripper the WHOLE TIME! The last one you’d ever expect.
I don’t get how the computer made the leap from Redjac to Jack the Ripper since that is not a real word and no one outside of this episode of TOS has ever used it for Jack the Ripper.
“Everyone feeds on death, even vegetarians.” So dark, Spock. So emo.
Aw, alien creatures that derive sustenance from love. Adorable. There should have been an episode devoted to them. (Wait a minute…. Idea coming on…)
Speaking of gaseous cloud aliens…the Companion?
This episode really relies a lot on the computer to provide information and otherwise move the plot along.
Kirk keeps ignoring everyone to just talk to Spock.
“Cloud the issue” lol that’s a good pun. (Already can’t remember who said it but… point stands.)
The cloud entity feeds on women because they are more easily and deeply terrified. That sounds fake but okay. It’s also not in keeping with what Sybo said, is it? She mentioned a hatred of women. That’s not the same as finding women useful.
Hmm, when do we get our Martian Colonies, @ perseverance?
Oh, Rigel IV, you say? There seems to be a Rigellian right here!
This whole history of the entity is bizarre. The first killing sprees (that we know of) are on Earth, and Kirk specifically says that when man left Earth to explore, he took this with him. Does that mean… the cloud creature/entity originated on Earth? Truly a bizarre hypothesis, when you think about it.
Are you the entity, Sir?
There is actually very little Scotty in this Scotty-centric episode.
Lol the knife originates with the hill people of Rigel IV. What is this, Deliverance?
Omg Kirk punched the entity right out of that man!
So to summarize: “Jack the Ripper is actually a gaseous cloud that is capable of infecting the computer system of the Enterprise, thus hijacking the whole ship” is the basic, wacky concept of this episode.
This tranquilizer could quiet a volcano. Where was it during the volcano scene in STID hmm?
Kirk’s plan to keep people from being scared by the maniacal voice of the entity: Tranquilize the entire ship. That’s why he’s paid the big bucks.
Yet another twist on the old Kirk v. Computer plot. Time to use Math to defeat it.
Kirk is so unimpressed with the entity. “Eh, shut that off.” He would not be moved by a haunted house.
“This is the first time I’ve heard a malfunction threaten us.” Sulu can man his post AND be funny; he’s multi-talented.
Kirk and Spock don’t need tranquilizers because they’re smart enough to know this high-pitched voice yelling random threats just isn’t actually scary.
Kirk is really insistent that Sulu man his frickin’ post!
Oh no, not PI!! My nemesis, PI!
I’m really living for Sulu here.
If the entity entered a tranquilized person, it might take up knitting. I gotta say, that doesn’t make any sense as a plot point but I like it anyway.
That was a very efficient tranquilizing job! Everyone in a 400+ person ship in like 10 minutes? Get the medical team on the Enterprise in charge of the vaccine distribution stat.
Kirk just outright assumes that Spock won’t be a hospitable entity choice. And he’s not even wrong! The entity chooses the dead body over Spock or Kirk. It knows when it’s not wanted.
Hengist has been revived!
The entity is honestly, truly hilarious. Die, die, everybody die! Kill! Kill you all! Maniacal laughter! All while being carried by a still utterly unimpressed Kirk down the halls of the ship.
Spock’s like “get out of the way, you tranquilized idiot. Got some entity-scattering to do.”
“I gave them a pretty big shot, Jim!” Think you might have slightly overdone it, Bones? You didn’t need to make everyone useless for 6 hours for a problem that was solved in 5 minutes!
This is one of those moments, Kirk trying to get Spock to see the pretty ladies with him, when Spock seems super gay. Like, I don’t even think he is, that’s not my reading of him, and I also assume that wasn’t the intention here, but that’s just so clearly how it reads.
Aw, Kirk doesn’t want to go the strip club alone. Poor bb.
Weird how Lt. Leslie was in this when he died in the last episode.
Overall, I’d actually have to say that was a very crack-y episode. I liked the ending the best because it was so ridiculous.
What I don’t understand, in addition to whether or not the entity was really supposed to be from Earth, was how it came to be Hengist. Like, it can enter and leave bodies (or computers) at will, so perhaps it just entered Hengist, a normal Rigellian, at some point. But if that’s so, putting him on the transporter and scattering him into space was a pretty cruel thing to do. Also, why did he die (or appear to die) when the entity wasn’t in him? That implies he is the entity’s physical form. But then, first of all, how is also a Rigellian? Like did the entity mate with a Rigellian? Did the entity take over a baby Rigellian? Did the entity just claim to be Rigellian but is really just humanoid in its physical form—we did establish that some aliens, like this one, or creatures or whatever, are gaseous sometimes and solid others, so maybe its solid form is humanoid. Which would fit well with it originating in Earth, although that also brings a new and perhaps unintentional layer of creepiness to the story. I have to assume that’s the situation, but still, wild. And it doesn’t explain this: why does Hengist “die” when the entity “leaves” him, as opposed to just disappear entirely when the entity changes form??
Anyway, I know I’m overthinking this very wacky premise. Overall, I think the episode was fine. It didn’t have enough Scotty (for being a “Scotty episode”) and it changed genres an awful lot for 50 minutes. There was a tad too much misogyny going on. And overall I didn’t feel like the characters—even Kirk, and in actuality this was a Kirk episode much more than a Scotty episode, and purposefully so—were at their most interesting. Tbh Sulu ultimately stole the show in the final minutes.
Next up is the Trouble with Tribbles! Also a funny episode but at least undeniably purposefully so!
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
We got episode 3 “Into the Digital World”! And the good news is we are still Very Much at it with the Taishiro lol
This pic pretty much sums up the whole episode for me:
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Spoilers under the cut...
So let’s knock the most important thing off right away, at the end of the ep they DO go to a real digital world!
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And it looks like a child’s fantasy... a beautiful natural world full of amazing creatures. I have no idea how similar it’s gonna be to the world we know, though! So far everything’s different, even things that seem the same. Keeps me guessing.
The landscape is pretty intriguing. Looks like a planet/moon on the horizon? And I’m sure that interesting island’s gotta mean something...
But back to the beginning.
So last week, I was all boggled because they introduced Omegamon and Jogress so early. It was easy to think that since they’d started this hype wave, they were gonna keep riding it out, especially with Hikari and Takeru seeming to receive magic feathers and all. Well, that’s not really how it goes down.
The battle is very quiet, with few words - none at all from Taichi or Yamato until Koushirou gets their attention. I am not 100% sure about this, but from the way Taichi looks to the side when an attack comes his way and Omegamon then takes it out, I think it might mean Taichi and Yamato have some mental work of their own to do to help Omegamon fight and that’s why they’re so quiet. But that’s just a thought. I do love the idea that the kids’ ties to their Digimon have more of an affect on their ability to battle than just their evolutions.
One thing a Jogress does is make you glow. Yeah yeah, we glowed before too. No, I mean GLOW.
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Like, nonstop.
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Also, I have figured out that Taichi and Yamato must have suction cups on their shoes and that’s how they don’t fall off Omegamon while he’s hurtling all over the place
Cue awesome rock version of the theme song battle music!! Omegamon kills nu!Diaboromon the same way he kills him in Our War Game, with a STAB. But that doesn’t stop the missile. Here I thought would be Koushirou’s turn to shine, but aside from continuing to keep tabs on things, he doesn’t get to join in the fight this time.
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Omegamon is somehow able to detect missiles, I guess?
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And lock on to the infected one, which conveniently shows an actual lock, is red, and even has the monster’s eyeball symbol. We also see a bunch of Digi code before this.
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He absorbs the powers of all the Crests into his sword (!!) ...
(notice they’re still glowing!)
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... and stabs it. Because in Digimon, stabbing is always the answer.
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BOOM shakalaka
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People of Tokyo: Wow that’s bright! I should probably avert my eyes or put on sunglasses. But first, to Instagram!
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Thanks, Kouushirou’s computer.
The missle blows up way up high and no one gets hurt. They also don’t seem to care all that much about what this is either! Seconds later everyone’s devices lose power, including Koushirou’s computer. He is very distressed, but the outage doesn’t last long.
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Yamato and Taichi’s suction cups finally lose their grip and they fall away into a bright light...
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Omegamon became a butterfly!!
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It is now certain, Taichi didn’t pull a Kouichi xD He’s perfectly fine. That’s the RIGHT way to get in and out of the digital world at a train station. Take notes, kids.
OK before we move on I must take a second to appreciate these text messages Koushirou receives from someone named Mr.Unknown (gee I’m sure we’ll never hear from him again!)
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OMG my life is
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“Someone stop it!” Suddenly Japanese (also from Mr.Unkown)
Twenty bucks says this guy is Gennai? Ryou? Wallace? KEN?!
no don’t bet against me please, I have no money.
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Have an adorable Hikari, who didn’t get to do anything with the feather in the end. Who knows if she even really has it. She DOES seem to totally know what happened with her brother though. Takeru might know also? But Hikari definitely does. Our little oracle is back.
So Taichi is fine, Koushirou is fine, Yamato is fine. They all get back to the human world safely. Taichi and Koushirou head home, wondering if all that really happened, talking about what could happen next. More importantly, the Taishiro power returns at full throttle.
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Koushirou: Do you know about this? This? This?
Taichi: Hmm... hmmm... hmmm.. thinking makes my head hurt...
(Like I rag on Taichi for not thinking but tbh he’s quite the thinker and planner... maybe more so in this season than in the original.)
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Gloves returned to pocket. Goggles still at the ready.
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Then Taichi reaches out his hand... Koushirou stares at it like he’s not quite sure what to do with it. And Taichi’s like, “Thank you so much, for everything, you were a huge help!”
Koushirou: “But I didn’t do anything.”
Taichi: “You helped so much by doing all that research! You’re awesome!”
Koushirou: :D “Y-Yeah!!”
He agrees that he’s awesome!! My baby!!
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They shake hands! They’re such good friends now!
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... Then Taichi walks backwards out of the elevator with his hand still outstretched, staring at Koushirou
This show producers aren’t even TRYING to hide their bias hahaha okay that’s the Taishiro fan in me but HOW ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO READ THIS SCENE CMON LIKE!?
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So Taichi’s about to go home, and at this point I’m thinking “I guess Koushirou’s never gonna ask that question about camp...!”
Then Taichi is like, “Oh yeah, didn’t you have a question about camp?”
Fricking. TAICHI.
I am absolutely stunned that it’s him who brings up Koushirou’s original errand xD Koushirou himself has completely forgotten about it! (Too busy basking in the glow of being called awesome about twenty times in what this episode establishes is less than an hour!)
Seriously Taichi is SUCH A DAD!? His mom comes home and tells him about her day. Hikari comes over and he pats her on the head and tells her she was brave and did a good job. All he needs is a newspaper and a tie to reach peak Dad-ness.
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Hikari: “Thanks big brother!”
Taichi: “...? For?”
So about Yamato... on the elevator Taichi realizes he never found out where Yamato lives...
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... It’s Shimane. Grandma’s house in Shimane! Well I mean, they could make it somewhere else, but the point is it’s super inaka countryside. Yamato has a call with Takeru which makes it seem like they indeed don’t live together, as Takeru shyly asks Yamato if he’ll come visit since it’s summer break, and Yamato says he does intend to go to Tokyo and see him. Not sure yet who Yamato’s living with, if it’s still his dad or he lives with his grandparents in this version, or there’s some other reason he’s not in Tokyo...
Yamato also asks if Takeru’s okay, and Takeru replies he was inside all day so he’s fine. That’s what makes me think Takeru knows about Yamato going to the digital world. He might not, but I like the idea that he does. My guess would be he knows because he’s seen Yamato do it or something, whereas Hikari just knows because she’s psychic :P
Then guess what! WE GO TO CAMP!
Only for like, two minutes, though. That was a bummer for me. Camp is just a vehicle to introduce a couple other characters, then they go home. Well, we don’t need two of the exact same show I guess... I’ll just appreciate this as a nod to the original.
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First we see Jou! He’s hancho again and trying to tell other kids how to use a knife. He immediately cuts his finger. Good ole Jou I can’t wait to have him back.
Taichi and Koushirou are walking around camp and Koushirou trips due to Jou yelling and basically throws his laptop straight into the air
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Mr Superior Reflexes AKA Taichi quickly grabs Koushirou and prevents him from smashing face first into the dirt. GOSH THEY JUST WILL NOT STOP WITH THE TAISHIRO. I CANNOT.
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Koushirou: “H-H-Human c-c-contact?!?!?! Is this SKINSHIP”
Like y’all know this isnt my fault right? I wouldn’t have to say these things if the show didn’t make it so durn easy. Bahahahaha.
Guess who catches the laptop! Soooooraaaaa!
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My girl is back! She’s got butterflies!
Koushirou says he knows who she is because the girls in his class always talk about how she’s so cooooool!
This episode establishes that Sora is 1) popular 2) well-liked 3) responsible 4) quick-thinking 5) athletic 6) Taichi’s old friend 7) coooooool in like, thirty seconds.
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Taichi and Koushirou continue to spend aaaaaall their time together. My one complaint here is that all they do is talk about the digital world. And while I know it’s no surprise, the one thing I always loved about old Adventure was that to a certain extent, the kids got to act like kids. Of course they had uncanny adult wisdom and ability to sit still, lol. I understand that. So far in this show, they’re not really acting like children even a little bit. It’s all superheroing. That’s how I feel at the moment though - the only one I expect to really act like a child is Takeru, and probably Mimi, I’d guess. I do hope we get to see a larger range of personality from all of them in the future. It is only episode three.
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Koushirou’s icon is a pineapple <3
So there’s a new threat but it’s not as obvious as the old one. Another power outage happens but they don’t know how important it is right away. Then both Taichi and Koushirou’s digivices start to glow! Taichi runs out, and here we finally got some new personality from him, something beyond friendliness and bravery: He really, really wants to see Agumon again. He’s already feeling the depth of that bond and it’s really been weighing on him that they parted so abruptly. He has so many questions. I would say, Koushirou talked about the digital world non stop because he finds it interesting, but Taichi talked about it because he misses Agumon. (Koushirou after all hasn’t met Tentomon yet.)
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Before he can run out, Taichi runs into Hikari in the living room. She’s worried, and she clearly knows what he’s up to, but all she says is “Itterasshai.” I super appreciate that the set up and lighting is the same as these scenes between the two of them in original Adventure! It’s a total throwback to that hallmark ep of Adventure, episode 21.
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Unable to think about anything but seeing Agumon again, Taichi runs outside to the train station where Koushirou is (I wonder if the train station is going to become like their base point or something). He doesn’t even notice Sora, but she notices him...
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... and in true Sora fashion, immediately turns around and starts chasing after Taichi without a word xD
ugh I will always hate how PINK she is in this
Sora: “Taichi’s running somewhere awful fast... he has that look on his face... he’s going to get into trouble ugh I just know it”
The digivices glow and both Taichi and Koushirou disappear into the digital world. As they go through the vortex, we see a bunch of colored lights...
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So this one is clearly Taichi and Koushirou, and Sora as well. My guess is she gets swallowed up as a result of following Taichi.
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However, over here we have Yamato, Jou, and Mimi, but why would they all be together? Yamato’s fine, but how are the other two getting in?
It doesn’t seem like Takeru’s joining this time, which is interesting. But I might be wrong - only episode 4 will tell.
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Taichi wakes up in the real Digital World and is finally reunited with Agumon. End episode 3 <3
I’m really curious about what’s coming next! I’m still pretty shocked that a Jogress happened so early, but I’m gonna guess now that we might not see it again for a good long while. My prediction is that Yamato’s gonna be more like the lone wolves of other seasons (Ken, Ruki, Kouji, etc) who don’t want to join the main team right away, then suddenly just do. Everyone loves a rogue hero. I am super excited for the whole team to be together though so we can see all those personality dynamics grow! I really want them to not go home for a while and have to live by their wits, but I don’t think that’s the way this show wants to go, it wants the drama of going back and forth between lives... OTOH, we now know for sure that it IS summer break, so I suppose they don’t really have a NEED to go home. Maybe we’ll get a bit of both - they usually go home after, but sometimes end up on a longer stay?
I think what I need most from this show is the rest of the team before it will really feel like Digimon Adventure to me. So looking forward to episode 4!
eta: I totally forgot about the pics I took of the trailer for next week!
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Look how awesome this is! This is exactly what I am hoping sticks around for a good long time! We need the partners to bond and we need to live up to the name of “Adventure”!
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Since the trailer only shows Taichi and Sora, I wonder if that means everyone’s split up. Koushirou’s light seemed a bit distant from the other two in that screencap up there, so maybe he lands somewhere else and they all have to find each other. Makes sense, really. I’d expected that for the other three but figured Koushirou would be with Taichi... but it’ll be awesome if he has to try to get by on his own in the beginning. Also, so excited for Birdramon!
Bonus: I found a vid on youtube that claimed to have English subs and I clicked out of curiosity... this is what it wrote when Taichi says “Koushirou”:
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X’D Koushirou has so many nicknames now. DJ Wiseman, Kou the Bro, Awesome, Taichi’s New God, Godzilla... I love Youtube.
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earthfluuke · 4 years
1/2 hello it's korn anon! this episode might be my favorite of the season so far. i LOVED seeing grace start to use her potential and save the day. i think the woman she's seeing is herself in the future, so she knows what to do to make sure they beat supot. i just. trust that she knows what to do and have full faith that she can carry the team to a victory here. the scene for next week showed her saying "you can't beat the future" which is true. that's the only thing he can't control or change
2/3 i can't wait to see him crash and burn. pang hurt me this episode. he's just so tired and defeated and i want to cry. i would like to think he has a bigger plan up his sleeve but it truly seems like he doesn't know what to do anymore and with all he's been through this season i don't blame him (also i can't even begin to think about the fact that pangwave would canonically willingly die for each other like wave WTF that was so romantic don't touch me i'm soft)
3/4 also NAMTAAN i was sooo happy to see our girl back in action! i fully maintain that if she had been here the entire season none of this would have happened. it looks like they're giving ohm more to do next week and i'm so excited for that. also when the trio went to see nate and she helped them escape that made me so sad. you could see that supot def had feelings for her at some point but is also psychotic enough that that didn't matter and he killed her. ugh
4/5 however there were some issues i had with this episode that contribute to the issues i'm having with this season as a whole. it seems like we are missing important scenes that while they aren't techinically needed for the plot to progress, are super important character-wise. my biggest grievance is korn (my namesake!). like since when was he suddenly cured and everyone accepts him again? only pang was told about supot forcing him. did korn tell them himself? it woulda been nice to see
5/5 (ig i had a lot more to say than i thought lol) also wouldn't he also need the treatment that pang and wave need (same with time and third) and wouldn't that cause him to also have to do whatever the director says? and are claire and punn back together? it doesn't look like anything has changed between them. also where is pom? is he okay? is he breathing? i would like to know as soon as possible. overall i really enjoyed it tho! and i can't wait to see next ep! what are your thoughts? x :)
okay, wow there is a lot to answer here (but that’s as to be expected, because this episode was NUTS). 
i definitely agree that she can see into the future and that the lady she keeps seeing is her from the future!! the preview especially helps support this theory. the memory loss is interesting, so hopefully we’ll find out why she has that. she really can be the hope that pang needs (because god...does that boy need it). 
LISTEN. PANG. MY SON. SOMEONE HUG HIM. DEAR GOD, WATCHING HIM IN THIS EPISODE HURT SO BAD. usually with pang, i’d say he’s planning something, but this time...i really don’t think he does. i think he’s given up, and he’s trying to do what will be best for all of his friends. what’s more important to him than getting rid of supot is his friends’ safety. that was on the line, so he did what he thought was the only option. but he’s so tired and defeated, and it pains me to see. he tries so hard and so badly wants to help others, but supot is just so damn tricky.
listen. there is not heterosexual explanation for that pangwave scene. absolutely none. when supot told the gifted kids that if they knew where pang was and they didn’t tell him, they’d have to infect themselves with the virus, HE  WAS LOOKING AT WAVE. HE KNEW. and then wave went to make sure pang was safe even though he knew he would have to risk his own life...g o d, those two.
when i saw namtaan, i AUDIBLY gasped. i was so shocked, but i’m pretty sure everyone was. i wasn’t expecting to see her at ALL, but i’m so glad we got to. if only she was still at the school...all of this could have been solved in like two episodes. 
that scene between supot and nate...i knew supot was a manipulator, okay, i knew. but that was just...that was just so sad. nate has been forced to live under his control for YEARS, all because he essentially told her that she “owed him” for helping her escape the ministry. and then when she did one thing that went against him, he didn’t even hesitate to kill her (because i believe he was controlling her with the virus too; what he’s doing with the gifted kids now is what he’s been doing to her for years, so he finally let the virus kill her). and he has the audacity to say that she never loved lee (i can’t even say a character’s name because WHO WAS HE, WE WILL NEVER KNOW), she loved the idea of who he was manipulated to be, which was supot. sir, i would very much like to bury you so far into the ground--
okay, the korn thing! i was wondering about that too! i saw him sitting amongst the gifted kids, and i was like ??? did they just let him back in, no questions asked? i’m going to assume he told them everything that happened, because otherwise...all of those kids are suddenly very forgiving. as for if korn is still infected with the virus already...i think he is. part of me thinks supot will infect all of class xv, even though he told pang he wouldn’t (because let’s be real, when has he ever kept any promises?).
i don’t think punn and claire are back together, at least not yet. i think they’re both just going about their lives and continuing to be friends. i think after punn’s other personalities showed back up again, they were able to start up a relationship again, even if it is platonic. because at the end of the day, they still very much care about each other. i think if anything, they’re just focusing on themselves for now and growing into the people they’re discovering themselves to be.
as for pom. let’s just say, i hope he’s off with chanon planning absolute revenge against supot for the years of abuse he’s inflicted onto him. but if you want me to be realistic, something tells me supot has him in a hospital room somewhere in the same state he’s planning to put all gifted people in - infected with the virus but enough to kill them, unless they do something to disobey him.
there are only two episodes left, and let me say, i am FRIGHTENED. please, just let all my babies be okay, because i cannot take anymore stress.
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jq37 · 5 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High Sophomore Year Ep 13
What the Hell?
Hey y’all. We’re back with a very eventful episode of Fantasy High--both from a plot an RP perspective--so let’s not waste any time getting into it. As you remember from last week, the kids are split up doing their various investigative activities. The first group we’re gonna check back in with are the Owlbears--Gorgug, Fabian, Ragh, and the Hangman--who are with the gnomish tinkerers.
Gorgug talks to the head gnome dude (Krumpkin in case I didn’t mention before) and asks to have his shoes loaded up with springs, which he is happy to do. Lou--via an offhanded comment that he absolutely commits to--establishes that Fabian has extremely small feet which is not plot relevant but I felt like I needed to mention. While they’re waiting for the shoes to be done, Krumpkin brings in a logbook so they can see what Killian--the elf working for Arianwyn--bought. It was a lot of stuff used in making magical candles and 2 blocks of Dusk Moss Incense. Dusk Moss is a hallucinogenic moss that people use recreationally to have sort of lucid dreams while awake. Gorgug knows that some kids in school do Dusk Moss but he’s never heard of it being in incense form before. He decides to buy everything that Killian did to be safe--including the drugs which he and Fabian are (hilariously) very flustered about.  
The gnomes give Gorgug his upgraded shoes and, in return, they just want to check out his crystal. Easy trade. He explains to them how the crystal works and Gorgug realizes, “Hey. I’m surrounded by people who know how to build stuff.” Maybe they can help with making a cell tower. They think they might be able to do it but they’d need access to more raw materials. Either that or access to a satellite. Gorgug (with the help of Fabian’s Bardic) suddenly remembers: while he was in jail the year before his parents actually launched a satellite into space! And a bunch of the schematics and stuff for it are in the Van. They go to get it while we flash over to see how the Nerd Squad is doing. 
They’re still casing the room Arianwyn was staying in at the Owl and the Harp. Adaine finds non-detection runes her mom put up to keep Falinel from finding her. She also can tell that two rituals happened in the room: one to kill Killian and the other to put the Devil’s Heart Ruby (ie: The Gorthalax one) into his body. Riz realizes that the ritual isn’t about getting into Sylvere so much as getting the Shadowcat into Sylvere by way of having the gem Petrosmos (as is rock+osmosis--as in what’s going on with Ragh’s mom) with someone she’s infected. He also finds a lot of super old school medical texts written in, like, hieroglyphs almost. Adaine ritual casts Comprehend Languages so she can read it and one of the texts is a diagram of a centaur with scary looking cat symbols at its eyes, ears, tongue, sinuses, and spine but not the brain (which they later deduce means that she can access their senses but not their thoughts).  He also knows that the two rituals were cast 24 hours apart which means that either Arianwyn left while they were partying or somehow knew to do the ritual the second they initially grabbed Aelwen.
Adaine rolls to try to find proof that her mom cares about her any personal effects left behind and does that thing people always do in movies where they lightly shade over a piece of paper to see what was written on the sheet on top of it. She finds a note written in her mom’s handwriting that says: Aelwen is with me. You are betrayed. You have no other choice, darling. Come join us. It seems as if she wrote it down to make sure she was under the limit for Sending. Adaine assumes it was to her Dad since it wasn’t to her. Riz also sees that the amount they were packing is way more than they would need to get to the temple. It’s hard to tell exactly what they were going there to do though because they brought all the important stuff with them.
They discuss Kalina’s abilities some more and are pretty confident that she can only be in one person at a time. They also think she’s unable to get into a Moon Haven/the Hallowed Van but they’re not sure if she can get in if she’s already in one of them before they go in. Adaine wants to establish that any private info, they Message to each other instead of saying it out loud. With an 18 Medicine check, Riz knows there’s a cure but he doesn’t know what it is. He takes all of the research to bring back to the party clerics who we’ll visit right now actually.
The Clerics and Fig are in the shrine with Vrath, the super aggro devil who’s just served Fig a subpoena. Fig reads it and sees that she’s being subpoenaed as a witness for a Tribunal against Gorthalax for neglecting his domain (he’s gotten 9 summonses which have all lapsed). Fig thinks it’s just a misunderstanding since Gorthalax is in a gem. Fig wants to do some court shenanigans but Kristen convinces her to at least get everyone together first.
Gorgug gets the research to the gnomes and they think they can rig something up in maybe a day. Then, the Owlbears go check in with the other two groups. After being told about the whole subpeona situation, Sandra-Lynn points out that Gilear actually knows a good amount about the law. He insists he’s not a lawyer but agrees to help and, upon reading the subpoena, says it seems pretty above board. Fig and Kristen also think they might be able to recruit the devils to fight against the NK while they’re in Hell since devils hate demons.
Adaine sets up the Message system they talked about earlier and Kristen decides to peruse the medical docs Riz found. NAT 20 BAY-BEE! And Kristen might have a -3 to Dex but she has a +9 to Medicine. That’s a big ol’ 29! 
After taking a second to eat his dice and contemplate how jossed his plans are, Brennan says that they can make a tincture using Dusk Moss and some other alchemical supplies from Sylvere that would cure it and that, with a Nat 20, she understands it so well that she specifically can cure it with Greater Restoration. Sandra-Lynn talks about what she found (where Arianwyn and Co. entered the forest) to cover the fact that Adaine and Fig are Messaging this information mentally to the group so Kalina doesn’t know what they know. Adaine thinks maybe they should start saying things that are untrue out loud so that Kalina is getting bad info. Fig thinks maybe they cure everybody but one person so they can control the info she’s getting but realizes that Kalina would probably realize what they’d done and catch on. Tracker pitches that they also could just all go in the Hangvan to be safe and then Kristen could one by one cast Greater Restoration on everyone who needs it. But she can only cast it once a day so it would probably take longer than they have.   
Gorgug asks a very insightful question that hadn’t occurred to me--if Sandra-Lynn is infected, why isn’t Gilear? Fig relays the question to her slightly embarrassed mom who says she must have gotten it within the past 3 years. Not info Fig really wanted to know I’m sure but these things come up when you go adventuring with your parents.
Anyway, after some more discussion, they decide that they have to go the tincture route so they can all get cured at once since doing it piecemeal means they lose their element of surprise and they also decide that going to Hell to clear up Gorthalx’s tribunal is top priority. Tracker stays behind in the Van since she can’t get into the temple where the door is because of the mural while everyone else tries the door. Fig goes in first but stands in the doorway so it stays open (if anyone else tries to approach, the door starts growing thorns). Gilear walks in, Riz is hanging onto Fig. Fabian and Adaine are next, both on the Hangman but the doorway recognizes a devil (the Hangman) going through the door and shuts, leaving Fig, Riz, Gilear, and the Hangman in Hell and everyone else in the shrine.     
Gilear immediately gets knocked out by fire-rain but Riz brings him back with his healer feat and the Hangman (who is very sad puppy about being separated from Fabian) gives him a devil mark on his forehead that protects him from fire. Gilear also says that, as long as they go to the tribunal, the devils will have to send them home afterwards. On their way to the tribunal, Gilear has some playful banter with Fig which Riz is immediately suspicious of he gets Gilear to blurt out in a panic that he’s feeling confident because Sandra-Lynn and Jawbone broke up and she asked to sleep with him and he declined. They had a good talk and they left it on good terms but that’s what’s going on. Fig is happy Gilear is feeling more confident, especially since she feels a little guilty about his whole deal, a fact that shocks Gilear. She thinks it’s obvious. She’s a living reminder of the fact that he got cheated on by his wife. He pauses. Then he says he’s going to step up for her and turn his life around. Oh, also, Riz going absolutely feral but that’s unrelated. 
They get to court which is overseen by Vraz (plus a Spiked dude and a Chained dude--Blozo, Vraz’s boss, is stuck in traffic). Fig is called up and asked if she knew of any intention by Gorthalax to neglect his duties. She says no and that Gorthalax was trapped in a gem by Kalina via a proxy (which, you will remember, was her). Brennan makes Fig roll to get away with that tricky wording of the technical truth and Adaine gives her a Nat 20 portent roll to beat Vraz’s 23. That gets Gorthalax off the hook for punishment but they still have to get someone to run the place while he’s gone and the tribunal isn’t over. Vraz calls a recess and puts the party on house arrest in hell. Also, Fig cut herself to show her blood to prove she was Gorthalx’s daughter and inadvertently created a fully sentient imp valet for herself so that’s also something that’s happening.   
Back in the shrine, Adaine checks out the mural and sees an occult rune on the spellbook and realizes she’s seen it somewhere. They then go check out the spot Sandra-Lynn found where Arianwyn entered the forest and the briers there are actually more tangled than in other places, not less. It seems like they were trying to throw people off by entering through a less intuitive spot but also that it will probably slow them down. They go back home to prep and wait for the rest of the party. Fabian gets a ping from the Hangman asking if he should try to call his dad. After a little bluster, Fabian admits that yes, yes he should. 
Meanwhile, Kristen wants to check out their coins to see if they have the spellbook (though Gorgug thinks the baddies already have it) and Adaine realizes she saw the symbol at the Compass Points library so Ayda would know what it means. She doesn’t have Sending stocked so she decides to trance so she can either get a short rest or have a long one and get the spell prepared, depending on when they need to leave. Gorgug decides to go see how the gnomes are doing with his crystal. Since he’s there, he can help out. Nat 20! They get the crystal to work. He now essentially has a satellite phone.
He magic Facetimes Zelda who is at a party with the rest of the 7 Maidens. She’s shocked that Gorgug was able to rig his phone to work on the road and she’s not even mad at him anymore. She apologizes for reacting so strongly and says she misses him so much. In the background, her party members do the extremely teen girl thing of hyping up the boyfriend that they all like. He and Zelda have a sweet little conversation and Gorgug lets her know that they’re about to go into the forest so their service might not be great. Zelda says that they’re done with their quest so he shouldn’t worry about her. She also says he loves him which the gnomes with Gorgug are super stoked about. They pop some bottles. 
Adaine wakes up from her trance, restocks her spells, and casts Sending to ask Ayda about Planeshift and the rune she found. Ayda says they should use the Synod of Spires and has Adaine check her right jacket pocket where she finds a glowing blue key. When Adaine uses it on a nearby, glowing lock, she finds herself in this cool pocket dimension which Ayda also appears in. She gives Adaine a copy of the spell (it’s 1st level I believe) so she can use it too when they need to talk and the Sending spell would be inconvenient. Re the symbol: Ayda says it’s an Abjuration rune (but not a protective one, a meta-magic one ie: modifying magic) that masks powerful curses and spells by letting them Trojan Horse under a different curse (she says the underlying curse could be a vessel for other spellcasting which sounds like a spellbook to me). She also says the larger Trojan Horse curse would be better if it was something static--Adaine suggests the wall around the forest and Ayda says that could work.     
When Adaine offhandedly mentions that Fig is currently stuck in Hell, Ayda freaks about rescuing her immediately, eventually revealing that they kissed for an hour the night before (“AN HOUR???”) to Adaine’s immediate delight (until she starts in on the TMI at least). Ayda actually was about to call Adaine as well so she could ask her to use her Oracular abilities to suss out how to avoid any possible futures where Fig doesn’t want to be with her anymore which has got to be the most teen girl thing Ayda has ever done in any of her lives. Adaine tells her that that’s not really how her powers work but reassures her that Fig wouldn’t play with her emotions and it wouldn’t be weird for her to ask Fig for clarification about their relationship status. They end up having a little talk about how both of them are wired differently which they bond over and the episode ends with Ayda mentioning that she created the friendship section of the library that Gorgug found a while back out of loneliness. And now she has a best friend and a girlfriend (probably)! What a different ending that a devil subpoena.  
Kristen for Trying to Handcuff Sandra-Lynn 
No one actually did anything too crazy this episode so I’ll give it to Kristen for a joke I have no idea how she saw going over well.   
Honor Roll
Kristen for Making Brennan Eat His Dice (And Going Full Jonas Salk All Over Kalina’s Ass) 
I think the only other person who’s made both lists in one ep is Fig.
Anyway, you know I had to give it to Kristen for that Nat 20 to figure out literally everything in those medical texts and how to cure everybody. What a clutch time for Ally’s dice powers to kick in. This is why Kristen had to almost break her leg ribbon dancing out a window. Equivalent exchange. 
(Also, props to Brennan for honoring the roll and probably jossing some of his own plans in the process.)
Random Thoughts
Housekeeping Update: There are only 7 episodes of Sophomore Year to go (not counting this one)!  March 25th is the last one so prepare accordingly! As much as I’m enjoying these, I’m pretty OK with this since I think more digestible content is one of the big strengths of Dimension 20 content. 
Also, for those of y’all who don’t watch Critical Role or missed last episode, on Friday (2/14) Ally will be playing on their Valentines Day one-shot of Monsterhearts (monster high school setting) and, based on the promo, looks like they’ll be playing a werewolf so be sure to check that out if you want more of Ally’s shenanigans in your life.  
I feel like Brennan must have a lot of fun coming up with nonsense gnome names. They’re all so insane. 
“Anything is an alchemical ingredient depending on what you’re trying to do.”
Lol at Lou being like, “We all have the same information and I didn’t figure out any of that,” when the Nerd Squad was figuring stuff out irl.
I love how Gorgug has no patience for eleven nonsense but someone says the word, “crystalmatron” to him and he doesn’t bat an eye. 
“This is in hell.”/”What!?”/”Hell.”/”What!?”/“Hell.”
Gilear: Everyone is in great danger all of the time
Adaine: I agree.
Gilear: Good? But also disquieting coming from the Oracle.
It occurs to be that Garthy is a really bad person to be infected by the Kalina Virus considering their occupation and how good they are at it. 
Fig is right. A simultaneous, “Bye Kalina,” would be very dope. 
If Kalina happened to be watching them at any in this episode, it’s good that they bought the Duskmoss beforehand. Like, if Kalina knows they bought Duskmoss blindly because they just bought everything Killian did, she’d be a lot less suspicious of them than if she sees them suddenly buy 2 huge bricks of an important ingredient in the cure for her.  
It occurs to me that Jawbone is also a bad person to be infected with the Kalina Virus. 
Oh man, Jawbone and Sandra-Lynn just got a house together with so many people. And now they broke up. I know they’re both being adults about it and all but you can’t tell me it’s not gonna be a little awkward.
I wonder what Zayn is doing back in the haunted house while this is going on. No real reason. Just wanna know. Like is Adaine gonna come back and he’s like, “I taught Edgar how to do a trick. What about you?” And she’s like, “Hoo, boy. Where do I even start.”
Fantasy drugs in D&D are always so so funny to me.  Also, lol at the fact that Adaine is actually pretty down to do fantasy hallucinogens (she thinks they might be therapeutic). 
The 6/7 Maidens texting Gorgug to be like, “Good job buddy!” is such a sweet detail. 
The vulnerability from Fig talking to Gilear in this episode. Gah. Fig’s thing is that she’s not a closed book despite what she says. She’s a wide open book for the most part. But that’s not the same as letting yourself be vulnerable necessarily. And the clear shock from Gilear that Fig would not only concern herself with his wellbeing in that way (like, she’s always head of the Gilear cheer squad but this is like, more than surface level, you know?) and that she would put it upon herself--something that she should never have to deal with as the child? I did not ASK for touching scenes from GILEAR but by God are they happening anyway.
Upon learning that Fig is wearing her library card behind her ear now instead of a clove (in tribute to Ayda of course) I got my library card and tried that and, folks, it is for sure a Choice. 
Man I hope Adaine messes with Fig over Ayda. Them acting like bratty sisters (like them fighting for rooms in ep 1) is one of my fave dynamics amongst the Bad Kids. 
Do we know how/why Ayda ended up in Leviathan in the first place? Like, did Aguefort just drop her there for some reason? Is that where she was conceived? How sentient are phoenixes? Does she have any kind of relationship with her mom?
“I want to be alone but also surrounded by my friends at all times.” Again, too real. 
Siobhan knows so many crazy words offhandedly. When Brennan said “synod” I started Googling and before I even pressed Enter she was like, “So it’s a church thing.” Wild.
@jamiebluewind has a Galaxy Brain theory that the kids need to get rid of all of their Kalvaxus gold for the coin/spellbook to reveal itself (details here) which I think makes a lot of sense because from a storytelling/gameplay perspective it would be weird for them to have possibly spent it before they even knew it was a thing they were looking for.
The obvious person that Arianwyn would have sent that Message to would be her husband but I’m wondering if either it’s a mislead or a trap because we know they’re not working together because of Aelwen (who I’m inclined to believe). What is your game Mom Abernant? What are you doing?
They got Gothalax out of punishment by saying that the reason he hasn’t shown up is because he’s been in a gem but 9 seems like a lot of summonses to have received in the past, what, four days (?) since he’s been trapped. Feels like a longer-standing issue potentially. 
Kristen and Gorgug each roll one Nat 20 in this episode and Fig gets one via Adaine’s portent roll. Fig and Fabian each roll one Nat 1. 
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gaamagirl565 · 4 years
Matters of the heart S2 ep 12
Matters of the heart
Season 2 Episode 12
The alley girl {OPENING CREDITS} {Open to a slow zoom on Varian’s house as thunder rolls in the distance; lightning flashes and we cut to the bedroom where Varian tosses and turns} Varian: ngghh...no… {We see his nightmare; Isaiah falling off the cliff; Cassandra being tortured by her power; Quirin being devoured by a black mist in the shape of a wolf; everything fades to a black void with only Estelle in the room; her back is turned to him}
Varian: E-Estelle? {She turns to him with pink and green eyes and the cut on her neck visible; when she speaks it is Zhan tiri’s voice} Estelle: Is this your happily ever after, child? {Varian jolts up in bed with a shout and wakes Zapada in the process} Zapada: mn? Iubriea mea? {Varian gets up from the bed and pours water from the pitcher into the basin on the dresser} Zapada: Another nightmare? {Varian splashes his face} Varian: Probably for the best...it’s almost dawn and I have to be at the castle… {Zapada gets up and walks over to him; she takes his hand and he looks at her} Zapada: You have barely been sleeping…and it is falling rain outside. Varian: It doesn’t matter...what matters is finding that cult and destroying them. Zapada: Varian how do you expect to do that when you look like death himself? Varian: Zapada, please… Zapada: No! You will catch your demise! Varian: and they are causing people’s demise! They took my friend, destroyed an entire kingdom, killed Estelle, my dad, my son-! Estelle: Who was no less of a son to me than the one within me, Varian!...but very well. If you want to perish before you’ve even obtained victory...then be my guest. {She walks over to the bed and lies down} Varian:...fine. {He leaves and shuts the door; Zapada’s eyes water and she quietly cries into her pillow; Cut to the morning in the Dark Kingdom; Isaiah rolls over in his cave with a groan} Isaiah:...ugh...I can’t wait to have my bed back… {A distant scream rings out in the forest and Isaiah jolts up} Girls voice: NOT AGAIN! AHHHHH!! Isaiah: H-Hang on! I’m coming! {Isaiah runs through the trees and hops over rocks; he rushes as fast as he can and arrives at a clearing; cautiously he steps forward} Isaiah:...hello? Girls voice: Up here you pillock... {Isaiah looks up to see a young girl hanging from a tree branch by her foot} Isaiah:......*snerk* Girl: Snicker one more time and it’ll cost your tongue. Isaiah: heh...sorry, here let me help you dow- Girl: no I got it… {She takes out a shiv and starts cutting the rope} Isaiah: If you have everything under control why did you scream? Girl:  you ever heard of frustration?  also, I was yanked up into a tree anyone would scream! Isaiah: I-... I can't argue with that… {she cuts through the rope and starts falling} Girl: AH! {Isaiah lunges and catches her} Girl: Hmph! Get off me! Stinky boy! {She gets up and fixes the bandana on her head} Isaiah: Soooo...i’m Isaiah! {He puts out a hand and she stares at it for a moment before going to pick up her bag} Isaiah:....ookkkaaayy… Girl:...Verbena. Isaiah: huh? Verbena: my name is Verbena. Isaiah: O-oh! Okay! Cool! So what’cha doing out here? Verbena: Foraging. Isaiah: oh..cool..yup…… {She stares at him and then groans} Verbena: ...if your coming along, keep up and shut up. Isaiah: R-right! Got it! {he runs up and stays next to her} Isaiah:...so what are we foraging? Verbena: ugghh… {Cut to Catalina walking down into the dungeon; she looks disturbed and angry; she stands in front of Noremoths cell}Catalina: I’d like to talk to the prisoner in this cell, please. Pete:...you’re sure? Catalina: just open the door… {Pete goes over and unlocks the door; Catalina walks in and bares her fangs in a growl; Noremoth looks up} Noremoth: Catalina! {She slams the door closed} Noremoth: Cat I can explain! Catalina: Oh I’m all ears! But lets review! You lied to me, you’re part of a dangerous cult, you killed people, and you attacked Corona multiple times. Did I miss anything? Noremoth: nope that’s uh...pretty much it. {She throws her hands up and walks to the other side of the cell} Noremoth: ...I never meant to hurt you. Catalina: No you only meant to lie, kill, and steal. Noremoth: Technically I never lied- {She gets close to his face, baring her fangs and eyes turning red} Noremoth: BAH! Okay! Okay! Relax! Catalina: You don’t get it do you!? Noremoth: What!? Catalina: I trusted you! I..I liked you! And you betrayed me! You hurt my friends! You hurt my kingdom! And I hate you for it! I honestly wish I had the strength to end you I would gladly tear your throat out for my friend and family! Noremoth: Cat… {Catalina shakes her head and runs out of the cell and slams the door} Noremoth:...smooth ol’ boy...smooth. {Fade to the cult HQ; Larkspur sits in her room with messy hair and a disheveled appearance; she takes a knife and throws it at a Coronian flag she has on her wall; a knock sounds at her door} Vergus: Mistress? {She tumbles out of her bed and fixes herself} Larkspur: C-Come in! Vergus: Mistress,  we were badly battered from the recent battle.  we have many wounded and we're running out of supplies. Larkspur:  and our vessel? Vergus:   despite the doubtless psychological harm that she suffered she appears to be in good health. Larkspur: That is all you needed to say I really don't give a rat's arse about her “psychological harm” Vergus:  regardless mistress, we must obtain more supplies.  the dark kingdom has a trade port. it's about two days’ time from our hideaway. Larkspur:  then what are you still doing here? get together a small group of those that aren't wounded and go obtain things to replenish our supply. Vergus:  well there's one more thing mistress. Larkspur: of course there is. Vergus:  we wish to know what you plan to do now. Noremoth has been captured.  and he didn't exactly leave on the best terms.  he's a serious threat and could easily be giving away information.  we wish to know your orders. Larkspur: hmm.. well it is true he could be a threat.  but we can't just go barreling into Corona.  as you said before we're all wounded and need time to heal,  on top of everything we're low on supplies.  I suppose we should plan for a battle then. if we don't attack they surely will attack us. looks like this little war is at a standstill. Vergus: Mistress? Larkspur:  take a small group of the members that aren't wounded.  go to the dark Kingdom, obtain the supplies that we require,  but also try and recruit some new members. look for the lowlifes of the town.  people who are desperate, weak of heart, there should be plenty.  if we're going to fight a battle in the future we should have more able-bodied men and women. Vergus: Yes mistress. Larkspur:  and Vergus? don't disappoint me. {cut to Verbena walking into the kingdom gates with Isaiah in tow} Verbena: So let me get this straight.  you got separated from your family and you're here for at least another week until you can find enough reserves for a four day trip on foot back to Corona. Isaiah: That pretty much sums it up yeah… Verbena:  well you're doomed. Isaiah: Wait wha-Verbena! Benny! May I call you Benny? Verbena: no. Isaiah: Benny,  what do you mean I'm doomed!? Verbena:  look I've been surviving on these streets by myself for 2 years.  I have survived starvation, infection, and almost dying of exposure.  I’m a big girl and I can tell just by looking at you, you wouldn't last a day. Isaiah: oh ho really? How so? Verbena:  do I really have to explain?  from what you've been telling me you relied too heavily on the grown-ups around you. you can't do that when you're living on the streets. a street kid has seen no lesser than a rat.  you have to do what you can to survive which means doing things that you aren’t gonna be happy with. Isaiah:  how old are you? Six?  who hurt you? Verbena: actually I'm this many! *holds up fingers*  7 almost 8. my parents died in a house fire. I’ve been living on my own ever since. Isaiah:  why don't you just go to an orphanage? {She grabs his face and pulls him down} Verbena: I WILL NEVER EVER GO TO THAT MEAN PLACE! Isaiah: Okay! Okay! Geez! {she lets go and starts walking before they both hear a grumble; she turns and looks at him} Verbena:  are you kidding me? when was the last time you ate? Isaiah:... on the ship. Verbena: ugghh.. helpless utterly helpless.  come on stinky let's find you something to eat. {Fade to Lily looking out a window from the seat in her room; she sniffles and wipes a tear before a knock is at her door} Cyrus: Lily? It’s me!...it’s all of us really. {Eddard opens the door} Cyrus: Wow rude...she didn’t express we could come in! Eddard: Lily? You okay sis?{Her sister Rosie sits by her} Rosie: Your handmaiden said that you've been turning away all sorts of food even your favorite. Cyrus:  you love lemon meringue pie. Lily:  I just don't feel it… {They all look at each other concerned; Eugene walks in} Eugene: don’t worry guys...I got this. All: Dad! Eugene:  if you guys could give us the room I think your sister needs some one-on-one with her awesome dad. Cyrus: Yes father. {all but Eddard walk out of the room before Cyrus goes back and pulls him out} Eugene: Lily?...sweetheart you can’t keep doing this.  I know it hurts but- Lily:  no you don't know! You can’t possibly know! {Eugene jumps} Lily:  I should have gone with you. Eugene:  no.  that would have been ten times worse.  you could have been killed then. Lily:  maybe then I could have stopped them from killing my best for him. Eugene: there was nothing we could have done.  Lily none of this was your fault. none of this was anyone's fault. it wasn't supposed to happen this way. Lily: I liked ‘saiah… Eugene: I know princess… Lily: no I...I like liked him… Eugene: wait, you...OH...ohh… {Lily sobs} Eugene: oh princess c’mere… {Eugene picks her up and holds her in his lap; she snuggles into his chest} Eugene: It’s gonna be okay..it may not seem like it now but..it..it will...it will {he holds her tighter as it zooms out on them; cut to Varian tiredly exiting his Lab in the castle; he walks a bit before stopping and look up at the giant door he’s passing by; Zapada’s words from that morning ring in his head; he sets his stuff down} Varian:...Herz Der Sonne’s journal. {He looks around before he places a hand on the door} Varian:...I must be outta my damn mind. {Varian opens the door to the room and walks up to the journal; he sighs} Varian: I can’t believe I’m doing this… {He opens the book and flips through it; he stops at a page and stares at it before running his hand over it: he sighs} Varian: ….I really screwed up, huh?  failed to protect you...failed to protect our son.  Seems just yesterday we were here. {He smiles sadly and scoffs} Varian:  I really was still a stupid kid wasn't I?   thinking all of our problems would be solved because we signed a stupid book. {Fade to a flashback of him and Estelle sneaking in the room; Estelle runs over to the journal as Varian closes the door} Estelle:  has anyone seen us? Varian: not from what I've seen. Estelle: Good.  in my opinion, this has to be a private affair. Varian: indeed your grace. Estelle:  Ew don’t call me that. {they chuckle and Estelle opens the journal to a blank page; She then takes a quill but hesitates} Varian: …Estelle? You okay? Estelle: Oh! Y-Yes! Right as rain! Varian: we don't have to do this if you don't want to... I'm not going to hold it against you. Estelle:  no!  I want to do this. the last journal existed for hundreds of years.  I don't want there to only be a record of me being tied to that... Pompous duke!. Varian: won’t people find out? Estelle:  nobody goes back and looks at the other Pages until it's been decades maybe more.  please...Varian. I want to share a page with the man I love. The man I choose. {Varian looks stunned for a second but then his face softens; He takes a Quill and both sign the journal; Estelle kisses him; they stay in each other’s arms} Estelle: Well...it seems to be official now. Varian: yeah… Estelle: for better or for worse… Varian: No matter what happens… {Fade out and cut to the page with their names on it; a tear drips on the page; Varian sniffles and wipes his eyes before staring blankly at the page; with a cold stare he tears the page from the journal and stuffs it in his vest; cut to him walking out of the room and stopping to lean against the wall} Rapunzel: Varian! There you are! We’ve all been looking for you! Varian: for me? How can I help Rapunzel? Rapunzel:....you’re...not gonna like it. {Lance walks forward with a drink bottle} Varian: What is this? Eugene: a drink to share with Noremoth. Varian: ...Excuse me!? Rapunzel: Now Varian, please… Varian: No Hold up! You want me to share a drink with the man that murdered my family!? Eugene: Varian I know your upset with him but- Varian: Upset? you think i’m just UPSET with that man!? i’m 1000x more than that, Eugene! Rapunzel: okay enough! Both of you! Varian, We need information from him. from what we've heard him say he seems to be innocent of most of the crimes here. Varian: what!? Rapunzel:  from what he's been telling us it was mostly Larkspur giving the orders.  Quirin's death was an accident according to him,  he didn't know that Estelle was going to be the first target,  and Isaiah fell off the cliffs when Noremoth wasn't anywhere near him. It's the only information he was willing to give us. Lance:  he just keeps asking us to kill him and be done with it. Keira: and why don't we!?  okay so my Quirin's death was an accident but that means he still tried to kill Varian! And look at Catalina! Rapunzel:  I promise you, there will be consequences for him but right now his information is invaluable. If we're going to avenge Isaiah and anyone else that was killed at the cults hand we’re going to need his help. {Varian eyes the bottle before walking off with it} Catalina: Varian just...just don’t hurt him too bad… Varian:...no promises. {Cut to Isaiah in the marketplace of the dark kingdom} Isaiah: geez... bread here is so expensive. Verbena:  that's cause wheat doesn't do well here so we have to im-..im… Isaiah: ...Import? Verbena: yeah! import it from other kingdoms. Isaiah: seriously how are you alive? Verbena: I guess i’m just smarter than you. Isaiah: you little- Verbena: shh!...look! Isaiah: what? {She points to a small bag of moldy bread} Verbena: It's all we got. Isaiah: how are we going to the new convince him to sell us- {Verbena rushes in and grabs it before taking off} Baker: STOP! THIEF! Isaiah: BENNY!? Verbena: Lets go! {they both run through the street weaving around people as the baker chases them; At one point Benny trips and picks up as much of the bread as she can; The baker goes to grab her but Isaiah picks up an apple from a cart and throws it, hitting him in the nose} Baker: Filthy street pest! You broke my nose! Augh! {Isaiah runs up to her and pulls her into the alleyway} Verbena:...well...that could’ve gone better. Isaiah: Yeah i’ll say! What in the hell was any of that!? Verbena: I was getting us food! Isaiah: By stealing it!? I have coin! I could have bought food! Verbena: if I knew that I would have let you but like I said before, You gots to do things you don't like! Isaiah: Screw that!  I've never once even considered stealing food! if need be I would have gone to the forest and searched for food or dug in a trash can! I never would have stolen from anyone! now look what I did I broke some poor man's nose for you! Verbena:  and because of that we have dinner.  when it comes to survival sometimes you gotta be bad. Isaiah:  I would rather risk everything than hurt someone again! Verbena:...Again? {Isaiah jumps at his own words and gently touches his scar; Verbena sighs and hands him a stale roll of bread from the bag} Verbena:  ...here... just eat it. {Isaiah swipes the roll and takes a bite; Verbena grabs her own roll and picks the mold off before eating; she hears sniffles and looks over to see Isaiah wiping his eyes as he eats} Verbena:...why me? {She walks over and plops down by him eating her bread; Isaiah looks over to her leaning on him} Verbena:...sorry... {he smiles and leans on her as they eat; cut to Varian outside Noremoths door at night; Pete unlocks it for him and he walks in} Noremoth: Well.. this is a surprise.
Varian: be quiet… Noremoth:  did you really just walk in here just to tell me to shut up? Varian: and if I did? Noremoth: well not like I can do anything except call you a massive jerk. Varian: you see there's a lot of irony in the idea of you calling me a massive jerk. Noremoth:  whatever... what's that? Varian:  this? {he holds up the bottle} Noremoth:  no the Dancing Cockatoo on your head.. yes the bottle! Varian: thought you could use a drink. I can't imagine the water down here is very sanitary. Noremoth: What is it? Varian: I have absolutely no clue but all I know is it doesn't smell very good. Noremoth: then it is my kind of speed. {Varian pours two glasses and goes to hand him one} Varian: oh...wait… Noremoth: Yes Varian... I'll just levitate the glass with my unicorn powers. Varian: oh shut up… {He goes to unlock his wrists; Noremoth rubs them; Varian hands him the drink and he sits down on the ground with him} Varian: well this brings back memories. Noremoth:  drinking in a Cell brings back memories? Varian: the cell itself dingus...  I forget...it's been what.. 18..19 years… Noremoth:  yes I've heard your story.  I believe we only met after the death of Zhan tiri.  you went traveling right? Varian:  I was gifted the title of Royal engineer. but I needed a break from Corona after everything that happened.  I decided to go on a scientific Expedition.  I wanted to learn how the Sun Drop , the Moonstone, and the black rocks had affected other kingdoms.  I also wanted to learn more about me and see if there was a more scientific explanation for all of it. perhaps a new branch of science that we hadn't even discovered yet. Noremoth:  and then we came in and screwed everything up didn't we? {Noremoth smirks and sips his drink} Varian:  you can say that again. instead of a scientific expedition, I found myself trying to thwart you guys every time I entered a new kingdom. Noremoth:  we were very diverse with our recruiting.  Misfits of all the Seven Kingdoms joining together to create a new world order with help from the power of Zhan tiri and a vessel hosting the magic for us. Varian:... why Cassandra? Noremoth:... that was larkspur's doing. I grew up in Corona. I was here for that great battle. Varian:...What? I didn't see you at all. Noremoth: I don't know where I was born but I do know I grew up in an orphanage not too far from Corona.  orphanages paint such a pretty picture.  oh we care for orphaned so therefore we're Saints! puh!... I left the orphanage when I was 12 I couldn't stand it anymore and then I was a street child in Corona.  therefore I was useless.  I was here for everything. Varian: Everything? Noremoth:  yes... everything. how did you make your raccoon that size? Varian:  Okay moving on!  you never answered my question. Noremoth:  right... I told her about how Cassandra was the wielder of the Moonstone and how I saw her come into Corona many times.  I even told her about the time she practically destroyed the whole Kingdom with black rocks.  Larkspur insisted that that was who we had to have his The Vessel. I don't know why but I think it's because she thought she can handle it. Varian:  so why did you join the cult? Noremoth: I left Corona once I was old enough same as you. I met t Larkspur and she told me her ideas. I was sick of being treated differently for things that I couldn't control.  people assuming that I was filthy, uneducated, and just overall waste of space because I was an orphan Street child.  I want to spare future generations of that that's why I joined.  I've always had a code. never hurt women or children. Varian: BUT- Noremoth:  I was never near your son when he fell and that wasn't supposed to happen.  I didn't know that Cassandra’s first kill was Isaiah’s mother.  as for your father... I want you to know that I gave Larkspur hell for that.  I'm sorry. I tried to do good things for the world by joining this cult but it seems that I've only brought misery. I’m...truly sorry about that. {Noremoth picks up his cup; Varian watches him with a despondent look} Noremoth: ...Salut 
Varian:......Salut. {They clink glasses and both take a sip before Varian coughs and sputters and Noremoth laughs; fade to Isaiah leaning against a barrel in the alley asleep; Verbena walks over and kicks him} Isaiah: OW! Hey, what the- Verbena: Sh! C’mon! I gots to show you something! {Isaiah rolls his eyes and follows; she leads him out into the dark barren street} Isaiah: ...Okay, I'm out here now what? Verbena:  any second now… {They stand for a minute or two; Isaiah goes to say something to her but then notices a glow; He looks up to see colours dancing in the sky} Isaiah: Whoa... aurora borealis… Verbena: what? Isaiah:  Aurora Borealis is also known as the Northern Lights I read about it in my books back home.  I didn't know the dark Kingdom had such a cool view of it. Verbena:  I overheard some grown-up say that the lights only started appearing after the black rocks disappeared. that was way before I was born. Isaiah: and how old do you think I am? that's before I was born to! Verbena:  you're old and stinky! {Isaiah smirks and tickles her; she squeals and giggles} Isaiah: Oh am I!? I’m old and stinky? Well, you’re tiny and spiteful! {she squeals and giggles; Isaiah smiles and looks up at the sky with a sad smile} Verbena: do you miss your family? {Isaiah turns to look at her} Verbena:  I miss mine too. I miss my mommy. Isaiah:...me too squirt...me too.
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sagehaleyofficial · 5 years
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·         Vic Fuentes of Pierce the Veil teased new music in a number of Instagram stories, where the singer showed how he uses software to layer vocals. The frontman ended the videos by saying he can’t wait until we hear the song.
·         Four Year Strong took to social media to announce they will be releasing their new album, Brain Pain, on February 28 via Pure Noise Records. The band also released two new songs, “Talking Myself in Circles” and the title track “Brain Pain.”
·         Blink-182’s Travis Barker and Machine Gun Kelly participated in an interview at the Beats 1 studio, where they announced to host Zane Lowe the title of MGK’s upcoming pop-punk album, Tickets to My Downfall. The album will also feature Escape the Fate’s Kevin Gruft.
·         Paramore frontwoman Hayley Williams teased more from her Petals for Armor project, posting another black box with the caption “Nothing cuts like a mother.” The Instagram page also posted screenshots from multiple movies including Bird Box and Kidnap.
·         Green Day dropped their newest single off their upcoming album Father of All…, titled “Oh Yeah!”. The accompanying music video pokes fun at modern interactions due to the influence of technology.
·         Derek Sanders of Mayday Parade announced that he will be releasing a solo record in 2020, a five-song EP titled My Rock and Roll Heart. The EP is scheduled to drop on Valentine’s Day and will feature a cover of Jimmy Eat World’s “A Praise Chorus.”
·         Anti-Flag released a live, in-studio, full-length album playthrough of their newest record, 20/20 Vision. The multi-cam video gives us a look at what everyone is doing to create such a killer album.
·         Grayscale dropped a live music video for “Tommy’s Song,” a tribute to lead singer Collin Walsh’s late cousin, and are raising money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. The band revealed that they have raised close to $2,500 in donations.
·         Creeper dropped the second single off their upcoming album titled “Annabelle,” which premiered on BBC Radio 1. Soon after, the band dropped a second tweet linking fans to the official lyric video.
·         Halsey announced that she is releasing an extremely limited version of her new album Manic. The album is now available with its alternate album art and will be signed by the singer, but under her birth name Ashley.
·         Australian act Trophy Eyes and WWE star Seth Rollins joined forces for the band’s new music video for the song “Figure Eight.” The music video, or “lyric visual” as they’re calling it, features Rollins lip-syncing to the song as he prepares to fight.
·         Jeffree Star recently spoke out to fans regarding the cancellation of his European makeup masterclass tour, due in part to his breakup from longtime boyfriend Nathan Schwandt. Star went on to discuss the complications in his life and that it was more than just the breakup.
·         Angels and Airwaves postponed their remaining shows for this month as frontman Tom DeLonge has fallen ill. The band took to social media to tell fans that DeLonge “has come down with a nasty upper respiratory infection.”
·         Citizen announced a new tour with support coming from Wicca Phase Springs Eternal, Fury, Snarls and Rosie Tucker. The 19-date tour will begin in Detroit on March 20 and finish off its rounds in Indianapolis on April 24.
·         Scary Kids Scaring Kids kicked off their reunion run with Secrets and Push Over, the latter of which features Kurt Travis and Thomas Erak (The Fall of Troy). The band hit the stage for the first time since disbanding following a final tour in 2010.
·         Sum 41 canceled the second night of their Paris stop for the No Personal Space tour after an explosive device was detonated outside of the venue’s door. After playing Zénith Paris Friday, the band were set to play a sold-out show at the Les Étoiles Saturday.
·         My Chemical Romance unveiled details for their much-teased UK show, taking to YouTube to share a video titled “An Offering…” on their channel before adding the same to social media. The band revealed they will be playing in Milton Keynes at Stadium MK on June 20.
·         Panic! at the Disco’s “High Hopes” has officially held the number one spot on Billboard‘s Hot Rock Songs Chart for 52 straight weeks. The song first hit number one on the chart in November 2018.
·         Another defendant in the ongoing Juice WRLD case filed for an extension to February 4. BMG Rights Management requested on January 13 that they have until the new date to respond to the initial complaint filed by Yellowcard.
·         My Chemical Romance’s Frank Iero announced that he will be making an appearance in a new movie to premiere at SXSW called Drunk Bus. Iero announced the name of the film through an Instagram post.
·         Woes announced their breakup on social media, stating that they are prioritizing their own well-being, but will finish out their journey with a tour in the UK. The group dropped their first and only full-length, Awful Things, last year on June 28.
·         Fall Out Boy was the topic of heavy debate in Comedy Central’s new satire video. In the video, which includes former Smosh co-founder Anthony Padilla, we see the panelists engaged in hot debate about whether or not the band’s music is considered emo.
·         Panic! at the Disco frontman, Brendon Urie, opened Notes for Notes, a new music studio aimed to help young people create music, at the Boys and Girls Club in Henderson, Nevada. The studio was also made possible by a $500,000 donation from State Farm.
·         Post Malone announced he would be making his film debut on TV screens everywhere, starring with Mark Wahlberg in a new Netflix action movie Spenser Confidential. The film was first announced in 2018 and originally titled Wonderland.
·         Former Black Veil Brides bassist Ashley Purdy revealed in a new interview that he didn’t choose to depart from the band back in November. In an interview with Sonic Perspectives, he said “Technically, I didn’t leave; I’m just not in the band anymore.”
·         Funko unleashed plans for their newest Pop! vinyl figures including ones for bands like Slipknot, Weezer, Ghost and more, plus movies like The Craft and Creepshow. The company has many more figures they will be revealing at the 2020 London Toy Fair.
Check in next Tuesday for more “Posi Talk with Sage Haley,” only at @sagehaleyofficial!
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