#can't say 'harassed' really like it was the voices. but still. he told me to get more bald.
moe-broey · 6 months
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.................... Guess who gave himself a shit ass haircut and got haunted by another shaggy haired blonde about it.
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o-pandora-o · 7 months
Modern AU with the WHB Kings
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In a world wherein the Kings weren't devils, and that you weren't the great granddaughter/grandson of Solomon, how would they meet you?
Warnings: harassing man on Beelzebub's, unhinged woman and knife on Leviathan's part, cursing/profanity. Gender-neutral pronouns were used. Reader is of legal age and working. Yes, I'm sorry if I have favoritism on Beel's.
a/n: I don't usually post WHB in a scheduled manner so I'm really sorry to those who wait for me. Requests are open tho! But I would like to warn that I can't post early T.T
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🩸He was a gym owner and coach near your area. He always wears a white jumpsuit that compliments his eyes.
🩸You noticed that you were gaining a bit of weight and wanted to try out the gym near your area.
🩸When you entered and paid the fee, the gym was empty the time you came. The gym was well maintained, there were also lockers and shower area.
🩸You were looking around the gym equipment, and you decided to try one but... You didn't know how to, but you tried to use it still. "You're not supposed to use it that way, you're supposed to hold the cord then pull" A long haired guy (did i mention fluffy hair) with a white tracksuit said. "I- uh... Sorry thanks" you sheepishly said "I'd rather appreciate it if you ask for help rather than destroying my equipment" he chuckled. "By the way, the name is Satan, and you are?" Satan extended a hand for a handshake. "Y/n" you shaked hands with Satan. "Sorry about that... I'm new to these things... Is it alright if you teach me with these equipment?" You shyly asked. "No" he said with a grin. "W-wha?! But you sai-" "Hah, I'm kidding, alright where do you wanna start? I'm also a coach btw. I train and have sessions every other day. Wanna sign up?" "Not yet, I just wanna familiarize myself first with the equipment and the atmosphere." "Alright, just don't go breaking my shit alright" "I-i said I'm sorry!" you playfully smacked him. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!"
🩸You realized how good Satan was in becoming the owner and coach. He had several rules over the gym.
🩸He often got pissed whenever people were flirting in the gym epecially to you. You sometimes hear his teeth gnash.
🩸People love him, even children and elderly! Who knew his gym would be filled with various people.
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🪙You were a fresh graduate applying to one of the biggest companies specializing in technology; Tartaros.
🪙You were in the Lobby of Tartaros, and asked the receptionist where the Human Resource Department was for your interview.
🪙When the receptionist told you the directions, you hurried towards the elevator and somehow bumped into something...no... Someone.
🪙You bumped into a tall buff guy with black hair and gold eyes. His eyes were really mesmerizing enough for you to stare instead of apologizing.
🪙When you realized you were staring, you bowed your head and apologized. "It's alright, I apologize also" he said and you somehow hear the warmth through his deep voice.
🪙You noticed that he dropped his wallet, and you wanted to return it so you followed him.
🪙He went to the elevator, you went to another elevator. He walked towards one of the hallways, you also walked. You were trying to get his attention by saying "Sir!" but your voice wasn't loud enough for him to hear you.
🪙He stopped in front of an office and went in. You saw him go in another room inside the office room. You were trying to catch his attention and ran to him but one of his attendants with a stingy face stopped you. "What business do you have with Mr. Mammon?" The guy with the stingy face said. "Wha- who? I was just going to return his wallet since it fell!" You explained "Yeah that's right, I heard that excuse many times. Off you go, you just want a promotion do you?" He shooed you off but his co-worker stopped him. "Sorry to break it to you, Bimet, but I don't think they're an employee" the guy with a gold hair with eye patch said. "Sorry about that, you said you wanted to return Mr. Mammon's wallet?" The guy faced you and asked you. "I don't know his name but... The guy with black hair and a bit buff and yeah i think he went there!" you pointed at the room Mammon went. The guy with gold hair chuckled, "I'll accompany you to Mr. Mammon's office." The guy knocked on the office and said "Mr. Mammon, someone is here to talk to you", you looked at him and he whispered "it's better if you return it to him personally, he's a nice guy don't worry". The other person replied "Ah Valefor, please do let them in".
🪙The guy, Valefor, opened the door for you and you went inside. It was only you and Mammon. "Oh you..." "Um... You dropped your wallet when I bumped into you. I was trying to gain your attention but you didn't hear me many times. I'm just going to return it." You said "Oh, thanks. You can have what's inside." Mammon said. "What?" You exclaimed "You can have what's inside" "No, I cannot. I don't want to" "But you were nice enough to return it." "Yes, but I can't accept it." "Really? You don't want it?" "I'd rather earn the money by hard work. Thank you for being nice though. But I cannot accept this" you returned the wallet and bowed to him. "May I have your name, at least and the department?" "Y/n, oh and I don't work here. Oh drat! I forgot my interview!! This was nice and all but I have to go, thank you Mr.?" "Mammon, call me Mammon." "Thank you Mr. Mammon!" You returned the wallet.
🪙When Mammon checked the contents of the wallet, he did see that there were no finger prints inside and the money and cards were intact. He was really sure to reward you. He made a call to the HR department, telling them to hire you. "Hi! Sorry I'm late for the interv-" "Are you y/n?" "Y-yes I am" "You're hired." "What. Wait what about the interview?" "You should thank Mr. Mammon" "Uhm. I hate to ask but... Who is exactly Mr. Mammon?" "Oh he's the CEO of Tartaros" "HUH?"
🪙You thanked Mammon again and now you're working for him. His company was really nice and non-toxic (well except for the Money grabbing attendant of Mr. Mammon).
🪙You were seeing him every now and then and you'd wish to experience more dealings with him in the future.
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🕶️You were referred as a bartender in a club by your friend Naberius. You were working there for about a month now and met wonderful co-workers and even customers.
🕶️You met the Chief and Acting Owner Bael who taught you with the drinks, rules, and policies. Amon, one of the chill security. Surprisingly, your friend Naberius was the chief security and receptionist of the VIP area. Lastly, Stolas, one of the security who was easily mad but is cute.
🕶️In the Avisos Club, there were two areas. First is the common area, where folks drink alcohol, mingle with people, dance a little and even flirt. Then there was also a VIP area that also works as a 5 star S&M hotel. Getting in the VIP area was really hard, but VIPs will have their own room and they can do anything in that room (using their money ofc). Most guests use it as an intimate or S&M area (yes toys are also for sale there). Some also use it as a high stake gambling area.
🕶️You mostly work at the common area to avoid weird requests, but you also share a fair share of chaotic situations in the common area.
🕶️Oh boy, today is not going to be your day. One guy kept flirting with you while making his bloody mary, how you wished to make his head a bloody mary. "*Whistles* Oh baby you look hot today, why don't I take you out today and drink some of yours; I take both males and females if that's your concern" "Nope sorry. Just drink this bloody mary instead." You were trying to keep it together. "Awww but I wanna have fun with you." he insisted "Rule Number 6 in Avisos Club, when a person says no, it means No." You replied while cleaning your work area. "Rules are made to be broken~ Come on, just a drink with me please~" He somehow grabbed your shoulder, and you were on the other side of the bar. "Sir, I respectfully ask you to remove your hand and leave me alone, or I will call security" "Yeah as if security will stop me, come on just one drink with me" "Three" "Two" "That won't work on me, you cant threaten me bab-" He noticed someone grabbed his shoulder "Hmm if I remember correctly, customers aren't allowed to harass, let alone to a bartender, no?" A guy with light blonde hair with yellow and green eyes said, he looked pretty but his smile looked so deadly. "Fuck off, can't you see I'm flirting with this guy/girl. And you're not my ty-" the guy grabbed him by the collar and removed him from you and made him sit on his seat. "What the, what's the big dea-"
🕶️The timing made you press the red button under the bar, signaling the security. Security will come in a few minutes.
🕶️The guy put a hand over the mouth of the person harassing you and looked at you instead "Oh! You're quite new here aren't you? My my, now I understand why this jackass was forcing you, you look handsome/beautiful!" the guy with the light blonde hair said. "Thank you I guess? Oh and you're correct, I just started this job a month ago" "Oho, Bael did a good job hiring you, I heard you also make good drinks and food, by the way the name is Beelzebub" "I'm y/n, thank you for helping me btw, and ah.. well I like making drinks and cooking so uh.. hehe I really like this job so I make sure I do my best!" you sheepishly said "Aww, I can see that, keep it up!" he said.
🕶️Security came and somehow the guy harassing you had a handkerchief on his mouth and his hands were tied. Huh did beel do that?
🕶️When you talked to the security about the guy, you told them what he did and beelzebub did. "Oh yeah also this guy, Beelzebub, he helped me wi-" Naberius cut you off "DID YOU SAY BEELZEBUB?" "huh? Yeah he's right here...oh he's gone..." you noticed there was a note under the glass he drank. "You make drinks that are unlike any other! Oh and that grilled cheese was delightful! I'll make sure Bael knows about this... But not today though! Try to keep this a secret okay? :3" You mentally facepalmed why saying sorry in your mind. "Uhm.. Naberius... Not to be dumb but... Who is Beelzebub?" "HE'S THE OWNER OF AVISOS BAR! HE WAS HERE?!" You noticed how this was making a scene, not to mention Amon and stolas as well as Bael was coming towards you "I... Yeah? Very light blonde short hair on the front, with green and yellow eyes, and pretty? Yeah? Oh with long earrings and necklace too?? Oh he's the owner..." You were shocked "He always wanders off and let's me do all the job here... He'll pay for this!!!" Bael said "He said you did a good job hiring me and... He liked the drinks and food" "Oh. Looks like you're going to be promoted soon. Keep it up then. As for him... That demonic person... When I get my hands on him he'll pay tenfold!!!" Everyone was devastated that they missed Beelzebub.
🕶️You kept seeing Beelzebub in the club every now and then. Both of you shared stories and you can see that he's really fond of you.
🕶️He always wants you to keep it a secret whenever he's there tho.
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⚰️You were an office worker with an 8 to 5 job. Your co-workers invited you to a club after the anniversary of your company. Somehow the name of the bar was quite familiar to you, but you couldn't remember the significance.
⚰️The club wasn't really your thing, some of your office mates mingled, some drank and you were sitting with your phone in your hands. You somehow had an uncomfortable, eerie feeling that someone was watching you.
⚰️You tried to brush off that feeling and went to the bar. You sat beside a guy with light colored hair, you noticed that he was looking pretty.
⚰️You didn't notice that you were staring at him for too long and he looked back at you. "Didn't you mother taught you that it's rude to stare?" He said while glaring at you. You apologized and sheepishly looked away.
⚰️You ordered your drink and somehow you still feel that someone was staring. Until one lady approached you and started flirting with you. "Hey sweetie? You alone? I've been looking at you for quite some time now. How about I accompany you, hmm?" She was being a bit touchy, she put her hand in yours and you retracted. "Ah no, I've got some friends there, I don't need accompanying thank you" you politely declined as she was making you uncomfortable. "Now now sweetie, I know you need company, don't resist now" "Um. Sorry I'll politely refuse." "I said you need company. Don't refuse me sweetie" you were looking at her weirdly. "No. Sorry..." "I said, YOU DO NEED COMPANY" that's when the unhinged woman threatened you with a knife. "Heard of the phrase 'no means no'?" the pretty light haired guy beside you spoke. "Hah who cares about what other people think, what is important is what I think, and that's why shut up!" she was becoming deranged. "Who told you that you can talk to me, huh? 'Fuck off'? How about you fuck off." it was all too fast, the light haired guy pinned the deranged woman in the bar table. He showed his badge which says 'F.B.I.' "The name's Leviathan, undercover agent of the FBI. Thank you for being useful and luring this deranged woman into showing her true self. She has already killed 60 innocent lives. She often goes to this club but she always use her money to make the owners shut up" he said as he handcuffed the woman. "If you ever become stupid enough and get lured and need help, call this in the future." He gave you his business card and you accepted.
⚰️Thank Heavens you did, because apparently you were a magnet for trouble. You often call his number every now and then. "Who knew a person like you would be wanted by many criminals that I kept track of." "What does that suppose to mean?!" "Nothing. I'll treat you today for making my life easier than it is." "I- well fine! I won't hold back with the food!"
⚰️You someone noticed how Leviathan was pretty but really serious. He also says what he thinks in his head which made you so irritated.
⚰️Needless to say your interactions become more frequent as he was a FBI agent and you're a magnet for trouble.
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Friends Family
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x fem!reader, Platonic!Sam Carpenter x fem!reader
Warnings: Mentions of sexual harassment, Frankie, brief mention of fetishization of wlw relationships, Tara gets pissed, negative self image, R has no self esteem💔
Summary: Frankie tried to make a move on you as you were walking to class to pick up Tara as usual, and he can't keep his hands to himself. When Tara hears about this she is not happy- and neither is Sam.
Words: 2,521
Breakfast in Bed (part one)
a/n I kinda went crazy with this one I'm ngl...
It seemed that after your conversation with Sam in the kitchen that she had less reservations towards you. She was still Sam, but she was less... scary. It was a nice change, you welcomed it.
You sat around the kitchen table with Tara, Chad, Ethan, Quinn, Mindy, Anika and Sam, all of you enjoying some Chinese takeout. Everyone was retelling the events of their day. You nodded along politely to Ethan's story, but in truth you weren't really listening. You were too focused on the the way Tara was gripping your knee possessively under the table. You kept glancing at her and her jaw was clenched as she pushed her food around her plate with her chopsticks.
"You're quiet tonight Tara. What's up?" The ever perceptive Anika asked sweetly. causing everyone to turn to look at Tara in concern. She let out a huff, leaning back in her chair in irritation, turning her gaze towards you.
"Do you want to tell them or should I?" She asked in an annoyed tone, and you looked down at your plate and shook your head.
"Tara, it wasn't that big of a deal-" You try to placate her, knowing she was about to go on a rant.
"No, it definitely is." Tara interrupts indignantly before turning to the group. "When (Y/n) was walking to pick me up from class Frankie decided to try and make a move on her." Tara spits, anger evident in her tone. You squirm awkwardly in your seat, glancing at Tara worriedly. You didn't like seeing her so angry and upset over something. Sure Frankie was a douchebag, but you could handle it, she shouldn't have to worry.
"It wasn't that bad." You say quietly, and Tara turns to you with raised eyebrows.
"Oh? Why don't you tell everyone what he said then, and they can decide if what he said was okay." She insists and you let out a resigned sigh, setting down your chopsticks as you have lost your appetite.
"He just said he had seen me walking through the quad between classes... and that if I ever wanted to hookup with anyone while skipping he was "ready and available."" You mumble, avoiding Tara's gaze. Mindy gives a loud gag, and Anika screws up her face into a look of disgust.
"Ew." Ethan mutters, looking a little freaked out.
"Mhm, and what did he say when you told him you had a girlfriend?" Tara urges, and you shoot her a dirty look. She simply glares back at you and you sigh, again.
"He said the usual gross douchey thing about liking girl on girl action or whatever." You said quietly and Chad let out a groan, rubbing his hands over his face in exasperation, Mindy gagged again and Anika let out a squeal of disgust while Quinn stared open mouthed in shock.
"And?" Tara prompted and you slumped in your seat, feeling embarrassed by the amount of attention on you at the moment.
"And when I tried to leave he grabbed my arm and tried to like... kiss me or something." You say so quietly that nobody would have heard you if not for the room being dead silent.
"No fucking way!"
"He needs to get reported or something, what the hell?"
"Seriously? I'm gonna beat his ass."
"It's okay! I just ripped my arm out of his hand and ran away. He didn't try to follow me or anything." You quickly try to placate over the cacophony of voices. Before anyone could say anything else Sam's calm voice cut through the room.
"It is not okay." She said firmly and you froze under her gaze. She looked immeasurably angry, and even though you knew the anger was not directed at you, you still shivered in fear.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." Sam assured as she got to her feet. Normally Tara would be protesting about Sam "handling" things, but this time she stayed silent.
"No, Sam it's okay don't worry about it, really-" You attempted to placate her, but she silenced you with a firm look.
"No. You don't fuck with my family and get away with it." She grits out before grabbing her coat and heading to the door. "I'll be back later, don't wait up for me." She says before slamming the door. Everyone sits in a tense silence for a moment, and you shrink in your seat as you feel everyone's eyes on you.
"Her family huh?" Mindy suddenly chimes in, smirking to herself. Anika gave an exasperated gasp and scoldingly swatted Mindy's shoulder.
"Mindy, stop it." She chastises and her girlfriend simply chuckles, looking to Chad for affirmation.
"What? I mean come on, look at Sam getting all mushy for (Y/n) too. It's kinda cute! Like she's off probation or something." Mindy teases, grinning as you hide your blush in your hands.
"Guysss." You whine, sliding lower in your seat.
"I mean it's kinda true. Sam has seemed less uptight about (Y/n) lately." Quinn agrees, a smirk rising on her face as well. Ethan chuckles and nods in agreement, and you look to Tara for help, only to see her looking smug as well.
"I'm going to bed!" You say suddenly as you stand up and scurry off to Tara's bedroom, blushing the entire way. Why did Sam care so much about you suddenly? Why did all of them care so much? It was just you, it's not like it was a big deal.
"Honey, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Tara apologizes as she enters the room, coming to sit beside you on the bed. You lay face down, hiding your blush in Tara's soft quilt. You don't react and Tara lets out a long suffering sigh.
"Listen, I know you don't think it was a big deal, but it really is. Usually I hate when Sam takes things into her own hands, but this time it's honestly merited. What Frankie did was disgusting and unacceptable." Tara says resolutely as she gently rubs your back. You roll over to peer up at her, a pained expression on your face.
"I just don't want to make it a big deal. I mean it just happened to me, it's not like it was..." You trail off as Tara's gaze turns fiery. She reaches out to press her finger to your lips, silencing you.
"Don't even think about finishing that thought." She spits, taking a deep breath to calm her anger. "Don't you even think for a second that you are somehow less important or valuable or- or lovable just because you're you." Tara murmurs, her voice wavering as her bottom lip wobbles and tears well in her eyes. You feel your heart clench painfully in your chest. You didn't want Tara to cry for you, you were fine.
"You always go on and on about how you want to take care of me, and protect me. Well now it's my turn to do the same. You deserve to be taken care of too." Tara insists, her eyes impossibly sad as she looks down at you. You don't entirely believe her words. You weren't even comparable to her, she was perfect- in every meaning of the word.
"If what happened to you today happened to me, how would you feel?" She asks, and you immediately scowl.
"I'd be pissed as hell and I'd probably go beat him within an inch of his life." You blurt quickly, the mere thought of Frankie even so much as being near Tara igniting a deep protectiveness within you. As soon as you said it you realized her point.
"See? Now do you understand why we all are so upset about this?" Tara asks, sniffling slightly as she cups your face in her hands. You lean into her touch, letting out a resigned sigh.
"I... guess. I mean I still don't understand how you guys can feel like that about me." You say, not fully grasping how such amazing people could be so worried about you. You weren't anything special. You were even below average, actually.
"I don't understand how you cannot see how amazing you are." Tara murmurs as she scoots closer to you, leaning down to kiss your lips with a tenderness that makes your bones ache. "You are beautiful, and smart, and kind and so many other things." Tara whispers as she begins littering your face with gentle kisses. "I love you." She murmurs, pressing a final kiss to your lips before pulling back to look at you.
Your heart skips a beat in your chest as you realize she is crying. Tears leave tracks down her face and sit heavy on her eyelashes as she looks down at you. She sniffles as you wipe her tears, frowning up at her.
"Don't cry, please?" You ask as you sit up and wrap her in a hug, gently rubbing her back. You felt guilty now. Perhaps you hadn't taken the encounter seriously enough. Maybe you shouldn't have even told Tara in the first place, then nobody would have been upset.
"Stop it, I can hear you thinking." Tara scolds lightly, her voice thick with tears as she pulls away from your hug. She jabs her finger into your chest as she gives you a half hearted glare. "Don't feel bad about it, it wasn't your fault. sure we're all mad and upset but we're not mad at you." She reminds you as you wipe her tears again, still feeling a bit guilty.
"Okay?" She prompts, searching your gaze. You shuffle a bit closer to her, so you're practically sitting in her lap.
"Okay." You murmur, before you gently ease her sweater off her shoulders, standing up to hang it in her closet. You also unbutton her jeans and pull them down her legs, folding them and setting them on her desk to be put in the wash tomorrow. You pulled her shirt over her head and folded that as well, before offering her her favorite pair of pajamas. The entire time you avoided Tara's gaze, because you know she was looking at you with those eyes.
"I should be the one taking care of you, you know." Tara protests as you change into pajamas as well, heading to the bathroom to brush your teeth.
"Mm... Maybe. But I enjoy it more." You tease with a grin, causing her to chuckle. She follows you to the bathroom and takes what's remaining of her mascara off, brushing her teeth as well. You can't help but admire her as she moves, going about her usual nightly routine. She was so beautiful, even doing something as mundane as brushing her teeth.
"You're staring." Tara says with a chuckle after she rinses the toothpaste out of her mouth. You blink at her and smile gently.
"Well the view is amazing." You compliment, causing her to blush slightly. She kisses you gently before leading you to bed, which you oblige happily. It doesn't take long before you fall asleep in her arms, warm and safe as you were wrapped in the blankets.
~ ~ ~
The next day you are walking with the group, hand in hand with Tara as everyone heads to lunch. As you are walking you notice Frankie on the other side of the quad, and you let out a loud gasp, causing everyone to turn to see what you were staring at.
"Holy shit." Quinn says, dumbfounded. Frankie looks like he was beaten within an inch of his life. He was sporting two black eyes, his nose and bottom lip swollen and red. His eyes were downcast as he hurried to his next class and you blanched, staring open mouthed.
"Serves him right." Mindy says, sniffing indignantly as she continues walking, dragging an astounded Anika behind her.
"Honestly, you're kinda right." Chad agrees, sounding indifferent as he follows them. Everyone continues on and you stumble after Tara, in shock.
"I didn't think she'd beat him up. I thought she'd just give him a talking to." You say in shock, and Tara gently pats your shoulder to comfort you.
"Oh I did that too." Suddenly you hear Sams voice come from behind you. You turn to look at her in surprise, and she looks surprisingly unscathed. Her knuckles are slightly bruised but other than that she looks nearly chipper.
"What are you doing here?" Tara asks in confusion, and Sam dangles her house keys in front of her.
"You forgot your keys this morning and I knew you were gonna be locked out because I work a double tonight." Sam explains as she tosses Tara her keys. You stare up at her, open mouthed.
"Sam, you really didn't need to do that." You say, referring to Frankie's new look. Sam shrugs nonchalantly, avoiding your gaze. "Well, I couldn't let him think he could get away with that." She announces, her hands on her hips.
"Aww, Sam is turning into a big softie." Mindy teases, noticing Sam's appearance. Sam rolled her eyes and shot her a glare.
"Turning into one? Under all those glares and harsh words Sam has always been a teddy bear." Chad joins in the teasing, causing Sam to scowl.
"Guys, knock it off." Sam scolds as she crosses her arms.
"What? They're only being honest." Quinn chuckles, flashing Sam a wink. You could have sworn you noticed a slight blush on Sam's face.
"Whatever, you guys are gonna miss lunch. Bye, you're all losers." Sam says loudly as she turns on her heel and marches away.
"Bye sweetie!" Mindy calls after her, giving an exaggerated wave. The group call their goodbyes after Sam and you simply stand there awestruck.
'Sam really... cares about me? She went out of her way to do that... for me?' You think in shock, unable to wrap your mind around it.
"Don't seem so surprised, you're worth protecting." Tara whispers to you gently, kissing your temple as you turn to face her. You feel like you want to cry as you wrap her in a tight hug. You felt so loved you didn't know what to do with it.
"I'll have to make it up to her." You murmur, pressing your face into Tara's shoulder as she gently rubs your back.
"No you don't, friends have eachothers backs, that's how it works." Tara explains gently, and you pull away from the hug to wipe at your teary eyes with a watery chuckle. You place a kiss on her lips before turning away and heading after your friends.
"Come on, we'll be late." You mumble, unable to stop smiling as you lead Tara by the hand after the group.
You weren't quite sure what to do with all the feelings you were feeling right now. You felt so loved it made you almost guilty. Like you didn't deserve it. At the same time, you basked in the feeling. Being fully accepted into the friend group, and being accepted by Sam meant the world to you. You squeezed Tara's hand, grinning as you joined in the conversation with your friends family.
a/n I definitely didn't project my insecurities onto R at all in this one, what are you guys talking about? 😜
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thezombieprostitute · 6 months
Good moaning. 😇
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A/N: Sorry this took awhile @navybrat817. The muses weren't working with me.
A/N2: Reader is AFAB, Tall & Plus Size; Ended up working through a lot of my own insecurities on this one. Left it open ended because it's a lot longer than it should've been. It was supposed to be open ended but then Hal insisted on showing off.
Part 2
Word Count: ~1.2k
Warnings: Insecure reader. Please let me know if I missed any.
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Hal had always been the most notorious flirt in the office. Every woman had been complimented, flirted with, made to blush by him. Except you. When it came to you, Hal was all business. Maybe some friendly gestures, but that was it.
You should be used to it by now. You'll never forget in high school when your crush said, "I just never thought of you as a girl. I don't think of you as guy," he was quick to say, "but I just don't think of you as a girl." And it seems to have been the same for every guy, every crush, ever since.
Dating apps only seemed to make things worse. You'd be really getting along with someone, they'd talk about how personality is more important, but as soon as they actually saw you, their demeanor shifted. They always just wanted to be friends. You were pretty sure spinsterhood was your only option. Especially if even the Hal Carter wasn't willing to flirt with you.
"You should be grateful," some of your friends would chide you. "You don't have to worry about being harassed or assaulted." And you were grateful that those weren't concerns for you. But you weren't bemoaning a lack of problems, you were bemoaning an abundance of loneliness.
"Hey, Y/N," Hal's voice snapped you out of your self-pity party.
"Yes, Hal?"
"Do you have the specs for that Potts order? I need to double check a few things."
"Sure thing," you nod as you go to the filing cabinet. You find the paperwork he needs and hand it to him.
"Are you alright," he asks.
"No different than usual. Why?"
"You just...you seem...um. How do I put this?"
"Hal, please just tell me I look miserable and get back to work? I'm not in the mood for beating around the bush. I'm painfully well aware of how I look." You're struggling to keep the tears at bay and just want him to leave you be.
"Is there anything I can do? I hate to see you like this."
"No, Hal, there's nothing you, personally, can do. I'm just having a self-pity party after yet another bad date and I need to be left alone."
"You're dating?" His face is filled with genuine surprise and it's the straw that breaks you. You stop fighting the tears and just run to the bathroom to let it all out in private.
By the time you're done crying you're exhausted. You should get back to work but you just can't fathom spending more time around people. You get back to your desk, send a note to your boss and head home early. You're just gonna let yourself cry and sleep it out.
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When you get to work the next day there's a bouquet of blue hyacinth and white lily-of-the-valley flowers. The card had a simple "I'm sorry" card signed by Hal. You really should apologize to him, it wasn't his fault. It was just really shitty timing. Still, you appreciate the flowers. You can't remember the last time anyone got you any.
You get into the flow of work, catching up on things you missed yesterday, so you don't notice Hal slowly making his way to your desk, like he's afraid you'll lash out. When you finally look up and see him, you give him a soft smile and he takes that as an okay signal to close the distance to your desk.
"Thank you for the flowers, Hal," you start. "You really didn't need to. You did nothing wrong."
"I ask you a question and you leave crying," Hal huffs. "Pretty sure that means I did something wrong."
"Believe me, Hal, if it was something you did, I'd have told you." You shake your head, "it's just me being overly sensitive. And I'm sorry I worried you or made you feel it was your fault. You don't deserve that."
"So, you're single and looking," Hal slowly says.
"For now," you sigh. "Seriously contemplating giving up but I just can never bring myself to ever fully give up hope. No matter how many times I get hurt."
"Maybe it's your technique," he offers. "If you need help with your flirting, just let me know. I can teach you a few things."
Against your better judgment you open up the dating app and the messages you shared from the last guy you met for a date. You show them to Hal and tell him how you could've done better.
"Huh, you're a smart cookie," he says. "Talking to this guy about smart stuff that definitely goes over my head. Why didn't he work out?"
Trying not to lose patience, he is just trying to help, you calmly tell him, "because he saw me. That's how it always goes, Hal. I'm not pretty enough. I don't fit into any of the molds that define 'attractive'. I never hide my build, my picture, but there must be quite the difference between photos and real life."
"Sounds like your problem is that you keeping attracting douchebags," Hal observed. "Just need to find yourself a good man."
"If it were that easy, I wouldn't be so lonely."
"You don't think I'm a good man?" He seems genuinely upset by this thought.
"Hal, please be careful because I don't want to cry at work again," you start. "Regardless of whether or not you're a good guy, you've never once expressed interest in me, so why would it matter if you were a douchebag or not?"
"This is definitely my fuck up," he sighs. "I was trying to be respectful of you. I was trying to treat you differently to show I think about you differently."
"Yes," you agree. "That came through loud and clear. You want to be workplace friends at most. I understand that. It's not a fuck up."
"No, not like that," Hal counters. "I...I flirt with everyone but you because I didn't want you to think I thought of you as just another pretty face. I kept it professional with you so you would know that I am respectful of you as a person. That I appreciate working with you and don't want us to get separated because the boss thinks I'm doing more flirting than working."
"I don't want your pity, Hal," you scold him. "If you're not interested, you're not interested. I don't blame you! But a pity flirt? That's hurtful."
Instead of backing down, Hal puts both hands on your desk and leans closer towards you, neither of you breaking eye contact. Your eyes are filled with a simmering anger and his beautiful blues are steely with determination. "I will prove to you, however I need to, that my feelings and intentions are genuine."
"I need to get back to work," you reply with ice in your voice.
"Challenge accepted, Dandelion," Hal smirks before leaving you to your work.
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Part 2
Tagging @alicedopey and @icefrozendeadlyqueen because I promised I would
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doe-eyed-fool · 8 months
Fallen {Chapter Six}
Alastor x (fem)Reader
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I spent a good while just roaming the streets, looking for a someone to help. I didn't have any extra clothes to donate to any stores, so my next best option was to try and be kind to someone and maybe help them out along the way. So far nothing, anyone I tried to talk to gave me a dirty look or told me to screw off.
I expected cruelty, but it didn't make it less hurtful or unwanted. I sighed and leaned against a near by wall, looking up at the pentagram in the sky.
"This is pointless." I mutter, I cross my arms around my body. How am I suppose to get into heaven, when I can't do any good down here? I close my eyes and lean my head back on the wall. Admittedly...it was a stupid idea to let my guard down like that, as I suddenly felt a sharp poke at my side.
My eyes shot open, and right next to me was a demon holding a switch knife. He was slightly shorter than me, and despite his thin stature, I still felt intimidated by him. Who wouldn't? He was holding a knife against me. 
"Empty your pockets and I might let you go free." His voice was scratchy and slightly high pitched. I froze, unable to do as he said. Even if I wanted to, I didn't have any cash or valuables on me. "I-I don't have any money." I stammer. "Then cough up that fancy necklace!" He demanded, pressing the knife closer to me.
My instinct was to reach up to the necklace and give it to him, but I quickly stopped after remembering what would happen if I did that. "Come on!" He snapped. Once again I stood frozen. The demon, finally fed up with me, raised the knife to stab me. His actions was halted as someone grabbed his wrist.
"Don'cha got nothin' better to do than harass some poor defenseless gal?"
I look up to see Angel Dust holding on tightly to the demon's wrist. The demon looked up at him with irritation and somewhat shock. Angel's frown turned into a sly grin. "Why not pay more attention to me?" His voice dipped into a more sultry tone.
"I can make it worth your while." The demon slowly lowered his guard, his arousal taking over his more rational side. "Really?" He asks with a smirk. Angel smirks as well before speaking.
"No." He then swiftly takes the knife and stabs the demon with it, sending him to the ground.
 I gasped and looked away from the gruesome scene. Angel tossed the knife elsewhere once he was sure the demon wasn't getting back up. "You ain't got no backbone, you know that?" Angel says to me, crossing his arms.
I look back to him, trying my best to ignore, the now corpse, at our feet. "You didn't even try to defend yourself." I furrowed my brows. "He had a knife!" I argue. "And? This dipshit wasn't worth the effort of killing. Just some low level schmuck, more bark than bite. Can't believe you let someone like that intimidate you."
"Well excuse me! When someone pulls a knife out on me, my first instinct isn't exactly to try and fight back!" I spat. I really didn't want to come off as harsh, but I was fed up with just about everything and everyone today.
"Well better grow a pair and learn to. Cause this is your life now. You're gonna run into more muggers and assholes than you think you might." Angel says as he walks past me. I followed after him, he seemed to be the safest to be around right now. Angel sent a questioning look down at me. "What are you doing out here anyway?" He asks.
"Trying to be a good samaritan." I shrug. "But, that's not going well. Everyone I've come across has either told me to...F off, or tried to kill me."
"Well no shit. This is hell, sweetie. No wants anything to do with anyone, unless it involves sex, drugs, money, or anything else that personally benefits themself in some way. Why the fuck are you even trying to do that?" Angel asks me. "Charlie recommended I do it for my recovery plan." I explain, causing him to roll his eyes.
"Her and those recovery plans, I tell ya what..." He huffs in annoyance. I look up at him. "Do you not believe in her cause either?" I asked. Angel's harden expression softens slightly. 
He looks off somewhere. "She doesn't know what she's getting herself into." He mutters. "Doesn't matter how hard we try, we ain't nothing but lowdown sinners. There's no redemption for people like us." I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. I reach to place a hand on his arm, but retracted it and awkwardly fiddle with my fingers as I spoke.
"Well, you can be all that bad. You just saved me after all." Angel glances at me. "Only because Charlie would have bitched if I didn't." He shrugs. "Don't make a big deal out of it."
"But that only means you care about Charlie's feelings. She would have been upset that a new patient was suddenly gone right?" Angel narrows his eyes. "No. I don't want to hear her complaining!" He argues. "Just shut up about it alright?"
A small smile found its way onto my face. "Thank you by the way. For saving me." Angel sighs. "What did I just say?" I giggle and say nothing else. We walked for a few more minutes before Angel's phone dinged, breaking the silence between us. He looked at it and groaned loudly. "Motherfucker." I look up at him confused. "My boss needs me back at the studio." 
Oh. A bit of worry grows in my chest. "Are you going to go?" I ask. "Kind have to." He says as he slick backs his hair, and pushes up his bust. "Looks like I'm working late again. I'll see you around." Angel waves me off as he walks in the other direction. Before he could get too far I called after him. "Be careful!"
I saw him freeze for a second before continuing on his way. I sigh before heading back to the hotel.
Just as I walked inside, I was greeted by Alastor. "Welcome back my dear!" I only waved before walking past him. I could hear his footsteps as he followed me to the couch.
I sat down and rest my head in my hands, blowing a stray strand of hair out of my face with a huff. Alastor was quiet for a moment before speaking.
 "Ah, I remember my first mugging. Quite the brute. But I gave him what for and sent him on his merry way. And by that I mean I tore him limb from limb before eating him whole."
I look up at him with shock. "How did you know?" I asked, choosing to ignore that bit about murdering someone. "I said I would be watching, didn't I? And that was certainly a sight to see, if I do say so myself. Angel was quite the hero, saving you from that lowlife."
"You really were watching. But how?" I ask. "I have my ways." Alastor smirks. "Ok..." I look back down at my lap, a sense of dread began to take over. I know it was only my first try, but, this was hell. It's not like tomorrow would be any easier. "I think I might head up to my room." I say standing from the couch. I began to walk past Alastor, but I stopped in my tracks as he spoke again. "Perhaps you should start even smaller."
I turn to face him. "What do you mean?" I ask. "The princess needs as much help with this hotel as she can get. It wouldn't hurt to ask what she might need done around here." Well. It couldn't be harder than what I was previously doing. I nod my head and began to make my way up to Charlie's office.
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lilcutiegurl · 9 months
ʚ𖦹ɞ-content warnings : lighttt angst, bullying? Happy ending
ʚ𖦹ɞ-synopsis : You being harassed by a jealous girl
"You must be in real bad trouble" you turn your head to see where the voice came from, you notice one of your (not so) lovely fellow inmate,
"Huh? Why do you say that?" You know the answer, it happens almost everytime you visit wriothesley in his office,
"Oh don't play dumb your always in and out of the dukes office, you just can't stay out of trouble." She crosses her arms with a smirk on her face,
"Ohh! That..." You think over your words carefully "Wri- Uh the duke and I have a uh.. special relationship erm..you wouldn't get it so.."
She scoffes "Okay, not this again...just give up. Nobody buys that your dating the duke" you avert your eyes to a very interesting object (it's the wall) "besides he'd be better off with someone like me" She flicks her hair and you want to choke in primordial sea water.
"Uh that's nice I really have to get going" you try to get out of the unnecessary conversation before things get...
"It's not like he'd want to get with you anyway, I mean...not to be rude but, look at you! Your build is all wrong and your face isn't all that pretty either" there it is. . .
"Okay I really should get going..." You don't wait for her to respond and you rush to the dormitories, you run into seigewine.
"Oh hello [Name]- Oh! Are you alright? Why are you crying. Come with me to the infirmary!" Once you're there, you sit on a bed while seigewine fixes you a cup of tea.
"So tell me" she climbs on an infirmary bed across from you, "what's wrong?" She looks concerned,
"I-It's that stupid girl again...s-she keeps bothering me..I'm so tired if it..!" You look at the floor and wipe your tears,
"[Name] I'm sure if you just told the duke he'd do something about it" she'd told you this many times before, why are humans so stubborn?"
"But..he's already got so much stuff on his plate, I don't want to burden him.." you've stopped crying by now but your still hurt,
"You wouldn't be burdening him! If you don't tell him I will!" She crosses her arms.
"Tell who what? Wriothesley walks into the infermary. Seigewine sneaks out of the room,
"Oh uhhhh, nothing!" You don't look him in the eye, "oh really?" He steps closer so that now he's in kneeling front of you, he holds your face with his hands, "If it's nothing then why were you crying,"
You eventually give in and end up spilling everything, along with a few tears.
"Why didn't you say anything to me?" He wipes your tears with his thumb,
"I-I didn't want to bother you.." your still looking down, Wriothesley stays silent for a moment before speaking again "look at me" you hesitantly lock eyes with him, "you never bothering me, okay If you want to tell me something, then tell me" you nod, he sounds firm but you know it's because he genuinely cares about you.
The next few days are a blur, Wriothesley made it a point to make it known that you two were in fact together, although you didn't feel like it was necessary. You two would walk together, hand in hand, to the coupon cafeteria.
Also, you haven't seen that one girl recently. I wonder what happened to her...?
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jacksprostate · 9 months
pls more fem fight club... from one of ur biggest fans
It's after fight club, when we've slunk back to our den and Tyler has stuffed me full of factory farmed chicken. I must be wearing my concussion on my face with how crinkled kind her eyes are. She takes me by the hand, we go to the garden to lie shirtless in the blood and guts and hair and shit and stare up at smog.
We lie close, like identical twins. Nursed in the same shitwater house, pummeled into superficial similarities. I know, my face is so blown out by bruising. Hers is no better; you could think we were a mirror. I could be some fucked up funhouse paper jam insomnia copy of Tyler. It would be a success.
"What do you really know of success?" Tyler scoffs, reading my mind.
Tyler says, "You don't know shit."
I don't disagree. I let my hand dig through the soil and mud until I've found a worm. Gently, I let its bristles catch on my skin. It wants to flee.
"You're told, we have it better than ever," Tyler says, and I know she's gearing up for a sermon. "You're told, we can work, and we can divorce, and have our own bank accounts. You and I both know you'll be fought every step of the way, but you can have those things now, isn't that a success?"
She takes the worm from me. Guides it into the unpleasant shape of a knot. Tyler pinches the ends of the worm lightly, pulls. These little cruelties are normally enacted on me, and I'm enraptured.
"If I stop, if I stop crushing and tearing this thing to death, is that a success?" Tyler drops it on my chest, in the valley between my tits. I see the knot is tight enough, some of the worm's organs must be crushed. Annelid internal bleeding.
"Is that good?" Tyler says.
Tyler says, "If you look to our glorious leaders, you will be told you should be overjoyed with getting a restroom into the Senate and the opportunity for the elite women who are part of our oppressive machine to wear pants. You will be told you should look at six women out of a hundred demons as a success. All of this, successes. Dripfed progress."
The common woman, she gets sexual harassment and a portion of the dollar. She gets marital rape exceptions finally struck off the books only in writing. She gets the second shift. She still gets rape and too late abortions and status barely beyond property of her husband and mother of his children.
The worm squirms.
Tyler says, "The House of Representatives still has nothing. They say, we have to be careful, we have to carefully mind the important history of the building as we act so kindly as to accomodate the silly womenfolk. Nevermind the steady light above his head and the subway he uses to get around."
Tyler reaches over, hand brushing my skin as she traces the twitching knot with a finger.
"I say, forget history. Holding onto history gets you little old cabins converted to rental cottages on a huge, private botanical garden with one large porched mansion in the middle. It gets you beloved buildings where even the most privileged women have to walk a block to take a piss, while men enjoy their modern heating and plumbing. It gets you the boot upon your neck. The knot in your spine."
She holds her hands out, spread. Occluded moonlight filters through. Her fingers are streaks of true night.
"If I were a worm," Tyler says, "I wouldn't wait until these hands die to consume them."
She takes the worm back, patiently, slowly unknots it as it writhes. I wonder if it knows those hands are the same ones that tortured it. I wonder if it cares.
"We can't wait for this. We should not expect the hands tying knots all through the world to truly ever undo them."
Forget history. Forget successes. Tyler wants to dismantle the world. Tyler wants to render things so equal that the sins of the past can be forgotten.
"Let's blow up the US Capitol," Tyler says, voice thick as syrup.
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spoopydooblr · 9 months
My King Will Be Kind Chapter 11 / Kendall Roy x OC
an: oh my god this one is a doozy. i feel like yall deserve the angst here fr, thank you for the love and support! writing this story has been so fucking fun and i can't believe it's almost over. (will i write a part 2 aka season 5 of succession? maybe....) this chapter is a good oneeeeeeee
tw: cursing, mentions of death, angst
Stella woke up on election morning with hundreds of texts bombarding her phone.
"Fuck." She muttered, scrolling through.
Kendall had posted one of the pictures they took the night before. They were sitting on his fancy, all white couch in the penthouse, his arm around her. His gaze was on her as she looked into the camera. Obviously, they looked great, but she was still upset about the night before and how Kendall treated Matsson. Of course he had no idea that Lukas had harassed her all night, but still. He had run off with Ebba earlier in the night and she was definitely not thrilled about that either.
Kendall had texted her too, and though she was mad, the silent treatment wasn't really Stella's thing.
She caved and called him, sitting up in bed. It was definitely past ten, but she didn't have much work as it was Election Day.
"I was getting worried." Ken chuckled on the other side of the phone. "What happened last night?  Did you like my insta post?"
"Yeah, yeah, I did. Sorry. It was just a lot—"
"Understandable." He smiled. "Did you have a good time, though? I thought the party was pretty lit."
Stella cracked a smile. He was always trying to be hip with her but was always a few years behind on the lingo. "It was super lit."
He was quiet for a second. "Uh, I don't wanna be that guy, but Shiv told me she saw you with Matsson."
"Like, I get it. But—"
"You have nothing to worry about, Ken. Seriously." Her voice cracked a little, the memories of the night before flooding her brain. If Shiv didn't separate them, what would have happened? Not that she would have cheated—definitely not. But Matsson had gotten awfully drunk and awfully close to her. "He kind of...um, he kind of harassed me."
"It's not a big deal. He just, kind of like, I don't know. He was weird."
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
She sighed. "I wish."
"Fuck." Kendall half-yelled. He had never been loud with her before. "I'm gonna fucking kill him."
"It's okay, really. He was drunk and just wanted to fuck with you." She pleaded. "I'm a big girl, I handled it."
He was quiet on the other line, clearly plotting his next moves. "Okay."
"I'm yours, Ken. Please don't worry."
"I know."
She remembered Kendall following Ebba to the balcony. If he got to question her, she was certainly going to question him. "Um, I don't wanna be that girl, but I saw you with Ebba."
Kendall sighed. "Business shit. I was fucking with Lukas."
"Trust me, you were the, uh, hottest girl there last night. Not that it was hard. But still. I'm kinda not surprised Lukas was trying to fuck you."
"Oh God Ken." She rolled her eyes.
"I know you're rolling your eyes, pretty girl."
"Fuck off."
"Speaking of," his voice softened, "Dad's funeral.  Uh, I know it's like, a funeral and shit, but my Mom's going...and Rava and the kids..."
"Oh, um, okay."  Stella could definitely handle his mother, but it was the ex-wife and kids that really made her nervous.  Sure, his daughter was a fan and she'd seen her on FaceTime with Kendall, but that was about it.  They hadn't found a good time for Stella and his kids to meet because of Logan's death.  He didn't see them that much anyway.
"Soph's excited to meet you."
"Okay, good."  Stella felt a little bit better.  "How does um, Rava feel?"
"Honestly, I don't know.  Things have been pretty fucking tense."
"I'm sorry, Ken."
"Sophie got like, fucking, I don't know...pushed or something."
"Some Mencken guy on the street.  Rava told me."  
"What the fuck is wrong with people?"  
"I don't know."
"Ken...if you have any say in this tonight..."  she trailed off.  "Do the right fucking thing."
He picked up on the first ring.  "Where the fuck have you been?"
"Tell me it's not true."  She breathed, looking at the tv in front of her.
"JERYD MENCKEN WINS ELECTION" blared on the screen, burning into her irises.
"What?"  He said, but they both knew what she was talking about.
Stella paused, tears pricking her eyes.  This could not be happening.  "Kendall."  She was almost pleading with him...hell, she was pleading with him.  "Please."
"He's gonna block the deal for us, I had to—"
"How could you call it?  How could you do this without the ballots in Milwaukee?  And the—"
"It wasn't my decision."
"What about your daughter, Kendall?"  She spat at him through the phone.
"What about my daughter, Stella?"  He fired right back at her.
"You told me she got fucking pushed, Ken!  Not everything is about the fucking deal!  Don't you care about her?"
"You don't know a fucking thing about my kids.  You're a kid.  Fucking suck it up."
"Mencken is a fascist and you know it.  He's a racist homophobe who's going to destroy the country and you let him walk all over you."
"Stella."  He warned.
"My brother and his husband were just starting to feel accepted in their new neighborhood."  She whispered.  "How could you do this?"
"Jimenez wouldn't help us.  We had to make a difficult choice."
Stella audibly gasped.  "A choice?  The fate of the country is a choice?"
"No, no, I...I can't."  She cried.  "This is all a game to you.  The election, the tailgate party...it's all a fucking game."
"This, this, is fucking politics, Stella."  He scolded her.  "And it's not going to fucking effect you."
"Not going to effect me?  Are you hearing yourself?"  She knew it was in him to be this way, but Kendall had never showed this side of himself to her.  He was callous and cold and cared about himself more than others.  "I didn't grow up like you, Ken.  I have fucking car loans."
He laughed.  He actually laughed.  "I'll pay your fucking loans, Stella girl."
"You...you can't just 'Stella girl' me and expect everything to be okay."  She stuttered.  "You failed your kids tonight.  You failed the fucking United States of America."
"Fuck you."
"No.  Fuck you."  Tears ran down Stella's face.  Was this it?  Was their relationship--their love--going to end over politics?  It just seemed so tacky to her.  She sunk to the ground, sitting on the cold wooden floor.  They sat in silence, neither of them sure how to finish the conversation.  Stella heard Kendall sniffle from the other side of the phone.
"I'm sorry.  You're right.  But I had to do it.  Shiv's working with Matsson and I can't let them win.  I-I'm sorry."
She stifled a sob.  "I know."
"Are you still gonna come to the funeral?"
It pained her to know that Kendall thought she would flake on him.  
"Of course, Ken."
"Are we good then?  Like, are we uh, still good?"
"Um...I don't, I don't know."
"Well...I'll uh, see you tomorrow, and uh, I...I fucking love you, okay?"
Stella breathed.  Tears were flying.  Never did she think this would be her life.
"I love you too."
The next morning, Stella's doorbell rung.  It was barely light out and the funeral wasn't until the afternoon.  
She opened the door to find a man carrying a dress bag.
"Miss Allen?"  
"Oh.  Great."  Stella mumbled sarcastically, taking the bag.  Of course Kendall sent her something to wear.  Even on the day of his father's funeral, he was still sending her signals, telling her that she was his.  
Putting on the dress and looking at herself in the mirror, Stella felt good.  Way too good for a funeral.  The dress was definitely too short and the black Gucci tights were definitely too sexy, but what was she going to do, not wear it? 
As she left the apartment building to get on the subway, a car was already waiting for her outside.  She recognized Fikret right away, rolling her eyes and getting into the black SUV.  
I told you to stop sending me things.
It's getting bad out there tho.  Our car got attacked by mob earlier
Can't risk you getting hurt
Stella groaned.  Little did he know she was going to the protest after the funeral.
Twenty minutes later, the car stopped at a giant cathedral.  Paparazzi were swarming everywhere.  
"Fuck, fuck, fuck."  She muttered, stepping out of the car.  Twitter was going to explode about her outfit.  It truly was a 'Fuck Logan Roy' dress.
Cameras rushed her, but they couldn't get too close because of the heavy security detail.  Stella walked into the Cathedral behind some other, expensive-looking people.  The last funeral she had been to was her father's, where she gave the eulogy.  It was good, obviously, she was an actress, after all.  
Kendall rushed to Stella the second he saw her walk in.  She secretly wished he didn't look so good in his navy suit.  
"How was it out there?"  He leaned in to hug her.  It lasted a little too long.
"Oh, the protest?"
He nodded.  
"I think they left."  She shrugged, knowing he was going to be pissed that she was attending the protest after the funeral.
"Uh, good.  I was worried about you."
"You don't need to worry."  She put her hands on his arms, rubbing down slowly.  It really wasn't appropriate--she was supposed to be mad at him.  
He leaned into her touch.  "Thank you for coming, Stell."
"Of course."
Kendall checked her out as subtle as he could.  "I knew that dress would be perfect on you."
"Little inappropriate for a funeral, though, don't you think?"  She smirked.  Hopefully Logan was grimacing in his coffin at Kendall being with her.
"Exactly."  He said, staring her down.
"O-okay lover boy."  She pushed him away, but before she could get far, an old woman with a pixie cut appeared out of nowhere.  
"Now Kendall, who is this?"  She spoke with a distinguished British accent.  Stella's heart sank.  The woman standing in front of her was definitley Kendall's mother.
"Oh, uh, mom, this is Stella."
Caroline's face curved into a sideways smile as she looked Stella up and down.  "Oh my.  Aren't you something?"
Stella smiled nervously.  She knew Ken's mom was a fake bitch.  "Hi."
"By God, Kenny, you're turning into your father."  Caroline laughed.  "Dear," she looked to Stella, "How old are you?"
She started to speak before Kendall interrupted.  "Thanks, Mom, great job.  Awesome."
"Ah, Kendall I'm just joking.  She's beautiful."  Stella noticed that Caroline didn't even address her.  
"Uh, thanks."  He answered for her.  Stella mentally rolled her eyes.  Everyone treated her like a child at these kinds of things, even Kendall.
"Now I just hope you don't end up like your sister...the poor thing."
Caroline must've noticed the confused look on Stella's face.  Did Shiv finally tell everyone she was pregnant?
"Oh, dear, you don't have to worry about that."  She looked at Stella's stomach.  "Not with Kendall, anyway."
Stella's heart dropped.  "I'm sorry?"
"Mom."  Kendall said sternly.  He looked pissed.  "Stop."
Stella didn't know what to say.  She was prepared for a few weird comments from Caroline, but that...that was not something she was expecting.  She looked to Kendall, but for the first time in their relationship, he couldn't meet her gaze.  Embarrassment reddened across his cheeks.
Before anyone could say anything else, Shiv grabbed Kendall's shoulder.  "Hey, it's time."
He nodded, pushing past Caroline and Stella without saying goodbye.
"Well I guess I should find Kerry."  Caroline smiled, walking away like she hadn't just dropped a bomb on Stella's life.  
On her way to get her seat, Stella made unfortunate eye contact with Lukas, who winked.  Things could not get any worse.  As she sat down in a random pew, Stella's mind raced.  Kendall had always insisted on using condoms.  And he had kids, right?  Sure, Sophie was adopted, but Iverson looked just like his parents.  Stella realized she hadn't even seen the kids at the funeral.  What was going on?
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multifandombxxch · 2 years
Hey, can you do a plug!Taeyongx x Chubby Reader. Y/n playing too much with Taeyong's feelings cuz y'know he really likes her and whatever but y/n doesn't believe him.
Pairing: Plug! Taeyong x Chubby reader
warnings: age gap, insecurities, fatphobia, raw sex (wrap it before you tap it), S*xual Harassment, mentions of drugs.
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"Bout to catch another flight (yeah)
the apple bottom make 'em wanna bite (yeah)
I just wanna have a good night
I just wanna have a good night (hold up)"
The familiar lyrics of Coi Leray's 'Players' were currently blasting through multiple speakers in my dorm parking lot.
What may be the cause of this you ask?
My roommate was having another party.
On a fucking school night.
My bedpost was banging against the wall as the bass of the speakers was quite literally shaking the whole building.
I kissed my teeth in annoyance I was trying to catch up on an episode of 'House of Dragon' for Christ's sake.
"I cannot take this anymore. I'm calling her." I grumbled.
Calling MIRAE<3...
"Hey boo, wassup?" she answered
I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose "Rae I literally can't hear myself right now. The music is way too loud and it's getting late. Don't you have an 8am tomorrow? "
she groaned on the other side "Bitch I told you to come downstairs and live a little. You can't spend college cooped up in the dorm."
I rolled my eyes at that. Rae did invite me to the party but I wasn't one for loud music and crowded places plus...I wanted to avoid a specific someone.
"I'm good, thanks and you know I wanna avoid he who shall not be named. " I said.
I didn't have to say his name she knew exactly who I was referring to.
she chuckles nervously on the other side
"what?'" I question a sudden feeling of anxiety filling me.
"Imma just give it to you straight. He's here and I told him you were upstairs so he said he was gonna deal with his clients and then go up to see you."
I took the phone from my ear and stared at it like it was some foreign device.
Then I placed it back on my ear
"Bitch you did what?!"
"Oh calm down. He's literally been obsessed with you since last semester. He's damn dedicated I'll give him that and he's fine as hell." She gushes.
after a couple minutes of silence ( really just me being lost in my own thoughts ) I spoke up
"I'm nervous. I like him but what if he's just fucking around? I'm not exactly his usual type." I admit softly
"Y/n" Mirae's tone is much softer now.
I shut my eyes tightly.
I didn't need pity right now. but I couldn't help but remember the awful things that were said to me
'why do your hips bend in like that...it looks weird'
my hip dips
'you need to start working out I can see the damn rolls on your back
my back rolls
'no one is going to want someone who can't take care of themselves
my body
I didn't think I was attractive or deserving of any attention.
the attention I got from men made me feel dirty instead of wanted.
I mean...being groped by a random man at 15 wasn't something I had on my bucket list.
Now all of a sudden I'm supposed to believe someone wanted me for me.
change the topic from your body Y/n
"It's fine...forget about it." I quickly cover up.
"So how long ago did he say he was coming up" Nice change of topic idiot
she sucks in a breath "He actually went up about 2 minutes ago"
my eyes went wide in panic. Our room was on the third floor I had roughly a couple seconds before he kno-
three rapid knocks came from behind my room door.
"Oh is that him? I'm hanging up then babe." Rae rushed out before hanging up. I put the phone on my nightstand.
Christ, I didn't even have time to fix my hair or something.
I was still seated on my bed when I heard his deep amused voice
"Y/n I gave you enough time to prepare for me so come open the door."
My body jerked at the sudden call out. I hurriedly got off my bed and made my way to the door
I counted to three before opening it and coming face-to-face with he who shall not be named aka Lee Taeyong aka the university's plug.
He grinned as he held up a bag of my favorite snacks "Hey princess...missed me?" Funnily enough, the bag looked out of place in his hand due to his outfit. He was in a black t-shirt and some black ripped jeans. and his signature silver accessories around his neck, wrists, and fingers.
He didn't have his bag with him...weird he usually has it because it contained his "goods"
I must've been staring too long because he suddenly spoke up
"Are you gonna let me in or are you gonna let that mind of yours go places it shouldn't" he smirked
The inside of my mouth became dry and suddenly I couldn't speak. I stepped aside allowing him to walk in and put the bag on my study desk.
I closed the door and turned to him.
No surprise he was already staring at me. he always stares at me.
am I really that ugly?
he was looking me up and down while his bottom lip was caught between his teeth.
"You did all that for me?" he question gesturing to my attire
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion until I caught myself in the bathroom mirror.
hide...hide right the fuck now.
I completely forgot I was only in an oversized t-shirt that stopped mid-thigh...with no damn bra on.
I gasped and covered my face with both my hands.
he chuckled and I felt him coming closer to me.
suddenly he took my hands from my face.
"Stop being so cute y/n...makes me wanna fuck you more"
my breath caught in my throat.
he only found me attractive because of my body
a familiar feeling of disappointment filled me
he pulled me closer by my hands and moved his hands to grip my waist
"What's wrong cupcake?" he asked concerned.
His black hair fell in front of his face. He was too good to be true.
"Is someone bothering you again?" he grilled me his eyes suddenly turning dark
"No" I answered
"don't lie to me. You know I'd kill for you." he grunted, suddenly gripping my jaw.
he can't be serious right now
he doesn't mean that
"I am serious and I mean every. fucking. word." he said suddenly serious.
did I say that out loud?
Fuck it the worst that could happen is that he destroyed my already low self-confidence so I decided to ask.
"Do you actually like me?"
he stared at me incredulously "Y/n don't ask me stupid questions. Why would I follow you around and practically throw myself at you if I didn't like you?"
he was blunt about it but I just couldn't believe him.
my doubt must've shown on my face because he suddenly turned me around and pushed me up against the wall.
he was so close I could feel his heartbeat against my back.
"You think I'm playing with you?" he asked me
"Yes" I admitted
"There's no way you'd want me. You don't usually go for girls like me.
he pressed against me more and growled "The fuck do you mean girls like you? "
tears lined my eyes
"Fat girls...chubby ones!" I whispered
after a beat of silence from me and heavy breathing from him...he released me and stepped back.
I still faced the wall. I couldn't bring myself to look at him...I was too scared I was right.
"Y/n look at me" he spoke out.
I remained unmoving
suddenly he tugged the back of my t-shirt causing me to fall back into him.
"You think i dont want you because of your body?” He questioned….his tone soft and careful.
I nodded.
“Or you could want me just for my body….I know you would probably want to sneak around since nobody wants to be seen with me”
I could feel his heartbeat on my back.
He said nothing for a couple seconds and then….
“Should I fuck you and claim you to prove you’re wrong?” He asked bluntly
My body stilled.
“Answer me baby…I need an answer y/n. I won’t touch you if you don’t want it” he rasped out.
I nodded.
And that’s all it took for him to devour my body.
“Let me see your pussy baby” he grunted as he laid me back on the bed.
I clenched my thighs tighter together
What if he hates what he sees
All of a sudden he forced my legs open and used his index to take some of my wetness
Causing me to whimper.
He looked me in my eyes and licked it clean off his fingers.
“You taste better than I could even imagine princess” he moaned out.
I had three orgasms before he put his dick in me.
I was already a trembling mess but that didn’t stop him from fucking me senseless and giving me two more orgasms.
The blissful look on his face as he marked me everywhere and Painted my walls white with his cum was better than any artwork in any museum.
His body jerked and trembled as he whispered how beautiful and breathtaking he found me.
Slowly he rolled over and laid next to me.
After we came down from the high he realized that we didn’t use protect which I reassure him by telling him I was on the pill.
“No more playing y/n, I fucked you raw. I claimed your pussy and marked your body….tell me your mine.” He as he laid next to me.
“I’m yours” I whispered blissfully
He pecked my cheek “that’s right princess”
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bangchan-mytruelove · 2 years
An Alpha A Bit Different
Pairing; Omega!Bang Chan x Alpha!Male!Reader
Themes; Omegaverse AU • Fluff • Smut • Angst • Enemies to Lovers(not really) •
General Content Warning; expected stereotypical behavior (for omega and alpha alike), mentions of past trauma, reader has a hard time eating, plot slightly based off of "connected", reader is younger (born in the 02) and taller than chan (about 5 inches/12cm), mention of anxiety attack, reader can't look at his own reflection, reader and chan are really insecure, reader has good parents (shockingly), mentions of hyunlix being canon, minsung mutual pining, harassment.
Word Count; 2.3k
Summary; After finding out his best friend was looking for a place to move in, Jisung tried to convince (M/n) to move in with him, but after having the alpha avoid him, Jisung decided to simply drag him over to their apartment, where (M/n) met Chan in person for the first time.
Chapter 1; Meeting 3RACHA.
!please, reblog and leave feedback to let me know what you think about this fic~!
(M/n) grew up hearing from people around him that he was different from other alphas, and he always thought that was a good thing, a bright smile on his face whenever he received such a compliment. After all, every alpha he's ever met was egocentric, self-centered, possessive, and toxic, that's why he thought it was a good thing that he was referred to as different.
But one time, when he was only a sixteen-year-old boy, he stopped to see the faces of the people that called him 'different'. Alphas, omegas, and even betas looked at him with disgust and disapproval.
That was the first time (M/n) thought that being different was a bad thing. And for the first time in his life, he felt disgusted at himself for also being an alpha that didn't meet anyone's standards.
In this world, alphas and omegas are naturally attracted to each other, their pheromones being responsible for this, making (M/n) feel as if his life as an alpha had already been decided by the universe, his destiny already decided, telling him to only fuck and procreate with omegas.
And he hated the feeling of wanting to follow through with that animal instinct. To claim an omega as his and impregnate them, over and over again, marking their body so everyone would know they were already taken.
On days like those, when his rut was dangerously close, he would lock himself in his room, beating himself up and the world for making him an alpha.
"Why couldn't I haven't been born as a beta...?" His whisper would vanish into thin air, not reaching anyone's ears but his, and he would go back to holding himself back until his rut was over. His senses were overly sensitive to everything, noise, taste... smell.
He lived like that for a few years, receiving judging stares from people who disliked his personality, telling him that whatever he did wasn't proper for an alpha like him, and he had enough.
Heading to the nearest pharmacy, (M/n) bought his first box of scent blockers. Translucent patches he had to stick over the scent glands on his neck, right below his ear, and he kept living on as if he wasn't an alpha, not really correcting anyone who assumed he was a beta.
It's better this way, he would always say, convincing himself that it didn't affect nor hurt him in any way.
"Why didn't you tell me you were looking for a place to move in?" Jisung's voice sounded absurdly loud in his ear, making him frown as he leaned as far away as he could while having his best friend's arm around his shoulder.
"I didn't wanna bother you, hyung," Jisung dismissed his words with a sway of his hand, quietly muttering an 'aish~'.
"I thought I told you that the boys and I need a new roommate," (M/n) frowned and looked at the omega still hanging onto him.
"What happened to Hyunjin?" Finally releasing him, Jisung sat across from him in the café they decided to meet up for some lunch.
Grabbing the cupcake on (M/n)'s plate, Jisung took a bit out of it, its frosting covering his upper lip and the tip of his nose, "He decided to live with his boyfriend or something like that," picking up the napkin under the now empty plate, (M/n) lifted his hand up to wipe Jisung's frosting stained lip and nose, making the male smile happily at his sweet gesture.
The instinct told (M/n) to take care of omegas, and Jisung was one, and he was pretty careless so it was something normal to him at this point.
"You would be living with me, Changbin, and Chan, wouldn't that be awesome?"
(M/n) didn't know much about Jisung's roommates, the only one he knew kinda well was Hyunjin, but him being two years younger than his best friend made it difficult to know Jisung's friends well enough. Changbin is a senior, Hyunjin and Jisung are juniors while (M/n) had barely started the year, making him a freshman. Now Chan was a different story, he knew only the man because of some photos Jisung showed him, the man wasn't a big fan of pictures but there were those rare occasions.
Chan had already graduated two years ago, and he worked in the music industry alongside Changbin and Jisung, forming the trio, 3RACHA. (M/n) heard a few of their songs, and he liked them, a lot, going as far as to ask Jisung for the file once the track was finished. The one single important thing that he knew about Chan, was that he was an omega.
And it may be rare however not impossible for an omega to be quite big and muscular, and that's exactly what Chan is. Or that's what Jisung always said about him. (M/n) wouldn't know, he doesn't know the male and he's usually wearing baggy, loose clothing so is not noticeable at all.
"So, what do you say?" And (M/n) remembered what they had been talking about, unwillingly on his part.
He doubted for a few seconds, wondering how he would feel if suddenly a stranger came to live in with him, "I don't know, hyung, I don't really know you're friends-" the male took another bite of the cupcake he stole.
"Not an excuse," (M/n) sighed at that and somehow came up with something to make the omega drop the subject.
"How about I go to your house, and meet your roomies? Then we can decide how everyone feels about it, okay?" Pondering (M/n)'s decision, he shrugged and nodded once.
"I already know I want you as my roommate anyway, and Changbin hyung will like you too," His words did very little effort in helping (M/n), after all, Jisung didn't say a thing about the male he was worried about.
After unsuccessfully trying to avoid Jisung, (M/n) ended up getting dragged all the way to the apartment he shared with his friends. He had been coming up with excuses to not go there for the past two days, but Jisung was smarter than he looks, and he ambushed (M/n) when he was walking out of his last class.
"I don't care if you have plans today, you're coming with me," and (M/n) realized he shouldn't have ignored his gut feeling telling him Jisung was planning something when he didn't even try to persuade him earlier in the day.
I can't believe I actually thought he gave up... He lamented to himself while letting himself get dragged all the way to his best friend's apartment. It was a good walking distance, he noticed, unlike the train he had to ride for an hour to get to college.
On the way upstairs to the second floor, Jisung mentioned that Changbin was the only one in the apartment since he only had morning classes and Chan went out, something about his job and going grocery shopping. And even if he knew the only other omega wasn't in the apartment, (M/n) knew his scent must be lingering inside, so before Jisung opened the front door he took a deep breath and followed his best friend inside.
Gently pressing on the scent blockers on his neck, (M/n) walked in and followed Jisung, looking around the place, seeing a few windows opened, probably to not make him feel suffocated by the strong scents of two omegas and the mild scent of a beta. At least he knew his alpha scent wasn't gonna last around for long once he leaves.
Wary of the place he was in, (M/n) kept his hands in front of him, holding his right wrist with his left hand, making sure not to take deep breaths too often.
Hearing a door opening, (M/n) peeled over Jisung's shoulder, seeing a rather short yet muscular man walk out of a room. That's Seo Changbin, (M/n) has seen him around a couple of times, and they have made small talk on a few occasions, but he didn't know much about the male.
"Oh, (M/n), I've been waiting for you, man! Jisungie said he was gonna bring you over but he never did," Changbin patted his shoulder hard, maybe a little too hard, and (M/n) had to hide his pained expression the moment he remembered Changbin not only lifts weights, but he also does boxing.
"I've been... busy with stuff," (M/n) ignored the look Jisung sent at him, that look that said 'you were obviously avoiding this, don't lie', but he didn't comment on his blatant lie.
They talked for a few minutes, mostly Changbin did and both males got to know a little bit more about each other. And Jisung came into the living, finishing what seemed to be a chocolate bar, neither realized that he had gone to the kitchen in the first place.
"Do you know when Chan hyung will be back?" And right before Changbin could answer Jisung's question, the front door opened, and an incredibly captivating scent reached (M/n)'s nose.
He didn't really feel Chan's scent before, especially with how subtle it was, but now that he was back in the apartment he felt it as if he was standing right next to him, presenting his neck at him, letting him smell him for as long as he wanted.
From where he was standing, (M/n) saw him as he closed the door and locked it, turning around with his eyes down on his phone, the same hand that held the keys. A backpack hanging off his shoulder and a grocery bag in his hand.
And suddenly, he stopped abruptly before taking another step forward, his nose twitching slightly as he frowned, his nose caught the scent of another person. Not quite sure what they were since it was very weak and subtle.
He looked up and made eye contact with (M/n), who stared at the floor, slightly embarrassed at being caught staring so shamelessly. Jisung ran at Chan and brought him further into the living room, and seeing them standing next to each other, (M/n) noticed that Chan was the tallest of the three.
Wrapping his arm around Chan, Jisung extended his arm in (M/n)'s direction, who kept shyly looking somewhere else that wasn't Chan's intense stare, "Hyung, this is (M/n)~!" Chan seemed confused at Jisung's words, and he turned his head to look at him.
"Your alpha friend?" The way Chan said the word 'alpha' made (M/n) frown slightly, keeping his head down as he felt hurt by the tone of a complete stranger. He could already tell Chan didn't want him there.
(M/n) heard Jisung sighing and after looking up, he saw his friend sending the older male a disappointed look, "Hey, (M/n) is not like all those brainless alphas we've met, he's actually kind and thoughtful," (M/n) saw how Chan seemed to be skeptical about that, but he let out a short sigh.
"Is he our new roommate?" (M/n) only shook his head a couple of times, giving a negative response to the question.
"I'm not-"
"That's the plan~!" Rudely interrupted by Jisung, (M/n) looked at his friend with a tired look.
"Jisung," he said with a neutral tone of voice, making the male look at him with a wide smile, but (M/n) proceeded with his response, "I'm not sure, I don't wanna rush things and make you guys uncomfortable," even though it seems like I already did, he couldn't help but comment to himself, the clear look of disgust and disapproval on Chan's face, the same expression that made him hate being an alpha.
Changbin realized (M/n)'s mood and he walked closer to him, patting his shoulder again, only more gently this time.
"Well, I don't mind you living here, you're kinda cool," with those words muttered, Changbin beckoned Chan over to them, "You'll like him once you get to know him, hyung."
Frowning unsure, Chan took a deep breath and sat his backpack on the couch before heading to the kitchen, most likely to place the groceries away.
For the next hour and a half, (M/n) was awkwardly sitting between Changbin and Jisung, rarely getting into a conversation with Chan, who still seemed a little unsure about getting close to him, physically and personally.
And with that, (M/n) couldn't help but let that small voice wonder why such a beautiful omega reacted that way once he learned he was an alpha, the instinct telling him to protect and reassure him of whatever uncertainty he may have, and (M/n) mentally beat himself over for that.
That was the same behavior other alphas had, thinking that they had to protect omegas because they were weaker, and inferior to them, and (M/n) didn't like that.
In the end, not wanting to make things even more awkward and uncomfortable for Chan, (M/n) said goodbye, all the while keeping his distance from the older omega and he left the apartment, mentally preparing himself for the long journey back to his house.
Looking out the train window, he wondered if he should become their roommate or just keep living in his parents' house, he couldn't bear knowing he would make Chan feel uncomfortable in his own house.
For the following week, Jisung kept bothering him every chance he got, finding him every break to ask him if he already decided to move in with them, and at some point, on an impulse to make the male finally shut up, (M/n) accepted.
He was worried about Chan the most. He hasn't been able to stop thinking about the omega, seemingly liking him more and more, despite only seeing him in person once.
He was especially worried since it seemed he liked Chan more than Chan seemed to like him, and he was scared of what could happen with their cohabitation.
(M/n) didn't voice his worries and concerns, and like that, he moved in a few days later.
But if (M/n) would've known that living in that apartment was gonna make him act like those alphas he so deeply despised... he would've refused without a doubt.
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nicoleheichou · 2 years
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Girl Of My Dreams - Chapter 39: Effective Immediately
¤ masterlist ¤ 《 prev | next 》
Synopsis: Sakusa was the type to always get things done on his own, but now that he's forced to juggle between his successful pro-volleyball career and being a single dad, what happens when he enrolls his daughter in a new preschool and meets his daughter's new teacher? Will their relationship remain professional or will it evolve into something more?
"Yn! Okumura-san would like to see you in her office." One of your colleagues tells you as soon as you step into the building. For some reason you have an uneasy feeling in your gut, it's not every day that you get called into your boss's office. You rack your brain trying to remember if you'd done anything to warrant a meeting with her, not finding any reason for one, you feel your anxiety spike. You let out a shaky exhale before knocking on her door.
You hear some shuffling on the other side before she calls for you to come in. You slowly make your way into the room, where you notice she's already watching you, waiting for you to stand in front of her. She motions for you to take a seat which you do. It's quiet for a few moments before she leans forward in her seat, eyes studying your face.
"You needed to speak to me?" You ask, voice a little shaky with the way she's eyeing you. "Look, yn, I'm not going to beat around the bush. You're an amazing teacher and the children and parents can all attest to that, but I'm afraid that we'll be putting you on administrative leave effective immediately." She looks at you apologetically. It takes you a few moments to fully process what you're hearing. "Administrative leave? What? Why? What did I do?" A lot of questions tumble out of your mouth, your mind swirling with so many more.
You can tell she's not happy about having to do it either. Your center isn't too big, choosing to cater to families that can pass their criteria, which means there aren't many other staff members that can cover for you. You knew they'd be down a teacher and they'd have to find someone to help out in your class while your assistant teacher takes over, so you can't imagine why they'd willingly put you on administrative leave. She lets out a sigh while rubbing at her temples.
"I don't really care about what you do in your personal life, but something has been brought to my attention, by way of news reporters calling in to ask about you and your supposed affair with the father of one of your students." Your eyes widen at this new information, it had never crossed your mind that what Emi was saying online could affect your job considering you know they're false allegations. "It's not true! I didn't have an affair with one of my student's parents. Sure I am dating a student's father but he is very much single! I would never think of dating someone who was taken!" You start to panic, wanting to defend yourself.
She raises a hand to stop your outburst. "I know it's not true. I'm the one that interviewed Sakusa-san, remember? He was very adamant about being a single father and had told me about how Kimiko's mother had left them when she was still young. So I know that the allegations are false. But you have to understand, until these rumors die down, I won't stop getting calls from news outlets and you know how disruptive that'll be. The last thing I want is for them to stand outside and start harassing our parents. I'm just thinking about what would be good for everyone." She says, her tone softening when she looks at you.
You nod along to what she's saying because you know she's right. With Emiko and Kiyoomi's status you wouldn't be surprised if there were news reporters outside right now. "How long do you think I'll be put on leave?" You question, finally coming to terms with what you'd been told. "Let's go with a week for now. If we need to extend it, I'll let you know. And don't be sad. Just think of it as a paid vacation, alright? You rarely take days off anyway. It'll do you good to just relax." She says encouragingly, trying to make you feel better. "Thank you. And I'm sorry for causing so much trouble Okumura-san." You say as you move to stand up. She shakes her head. "Non-sense. You can't help that the man your seeing has an ex that likes attention." She replies as you make for the door. "Don't think too much about it, just enjoy yourself!" She calls out to you as you wave goodbye to her and exit the room.
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Well how are we feeling y'all? Looks like this is affecting work too. Idk if our faves will like that.
Stay tuned for the next chapter because it's going to get fun. 😊
As usual, let me know what you think, by leaving a comment or sending an ask!
I have 2 spots on the taglist if anyone wants to be added. Lol.
Taglist: @taelia15 @thathoneybee3 @dorkange @sexyandcringe @szeonn @natriae @whore-for-anime @diestheticu @loveinhaikyuu @youraggedybitch @mikk-o @erenisms @minimalisticstyle @qualitygiantshoepsychic @akisrandom @confusion-lord @aikochan4859 @speakfrenchbetweenmythighs @trashy-simp @somniari-94 @pillboxmb @astrrnmy @all-in-the-fandoms @mattsunnn @moonxma @daninaninani @juniorhooter @crayonwriting @beans-and-jeanes @hanabihwa @van-chii @sosiegate @grassbutneo @saaraunicorn @lalalemon101 @sunahyejin @princessatoru @sugusshi @roselleviennesstuff @queen-aria-things @hello0i @oopskashish @wolffmaiden @shakesqueer444 @julia-1901 @blkladyelle @marinarihearts @oikawas-toris @carlgrimm @zekeslefttit
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enniewritesathing · 1 month
All the pre-relationship ship questions!
hi, anon! 👋
you got it. It's a lot to read!
How did they first meet?
The short version is that Brian on the track team as a freshman and he was constantly being picked on by upperclassmen/teammates (he was way better than them so. yknow, take him down a notch.) Without any prompt, John stepped in. At this time though, no one really knew John and it was very easy to make shit up about him.
One day, during a class that they shared, Brian goes to the bathroom. It doesn't return for a while and the teacher asks if someone can go; John does. He finds Brian a mess -- and asks what's wrong. When Brian doesn't tell him, he guesses. He's right. John basically makes the command decision to be like "I'll take care of them."
(Brian just realizes that it's John, the kid who rarely says anything. He just knows he has a gym bag that he keeps in the front of the classroom.)
Brian offers to do any homework that John has, and John declines. He doesn't need to do anything, except join him for lunch. In the meantime, they got to know one another. Turns out they have a lot in common (and John admitting that he's shy but bc the way he looks, people read it as something else. The girls certainly do.)
One lunch, the people who were harassing Brian found him and did what they did -- but see, John's there. And they don't know. :)
Long story short, (lol), Brian got swung on and John blocked/countered the leader with a punch. Everyone who was involved got suspended, even Brian (bc zero tolerance is such bullshit and John voiced it as such.)
Outside of the principal's office he and Brian are sitting outside. They both hear a woman's voice going off. Brian looks over -- this doesn't seem like this is John's first rodeo the way he looks. Brian's shaking like a leaf -- what will his aunt say? What will she do to him? John takes out a piece of paper, writes something down and gives it to him. It's his phone number and address (?). As Brian's about to ask, the door swings open. A tiny woman comes out and says John's full name... and John is immediately on the defense, pleading his case and she's not having it -- wait until his uncle hears about this.
She briefly looks at Brian and he shrinks as well -- but only for a second; she asks if he's okay. His reply is meek. Honestly, he thought he was gonna catch some strays but she was satisfied -- and turned back to John before storming off. He makes the 'text me' gesture before following suit.
Brian waited two days before coming by the house. He's nervous. Door opens, it's tiny woman. John's mom. Brian apologizes for the whole mess that he's caused but she waves him off. John told her the full story; though he was out of pocket about it, he did the right thing, so she really can't fault him for it. Brian's relieved and she asks if he wants something to eat after calling down John.
(later on, Brian figures out that she was politely calling him skinny -- which he very much was.)
John's surprised at seeing Brian and for the first time, sees him smile. It's a nice smile.
What was their first impression of each other?
Brian thought John was ~cool and mysterious~ and fairly intense. Turns out John was generally a shy person.
John thought Brian could use a lot of sandwiches, lol. He thought that he was smart. (He still does.)
Who felt romantic feelings first?
John, actually. He didn't quite know what to do about it so he was pretty clumsy.
Brian really caught feelings at a gross time (long story short, John had a bad stomach virus and was throwing up in the middle of the night; Brian came in and put his hair in a bun and looked after him for the rest of the night. Didn't care that he was probably gonna get sick. He knew he was really in deep for him to do that.)
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
They did not! As it went on, they realized that there was something between them and decided to test it out with a kiss*.
*several practice kisses
**Brian insisted on John needing practice.
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
I couldn't find the post that I made thinking on this but it would be very different for the both of them.
I think I said that John would be a full-time Muay Thai boxer if he hadn't met Brian. With that, he wouldn't have much time for relationships, if at all. If he did end up finding someone, it's more of a settling down sort of thing, if that makes sense. I feel that he'd have something missing but not quite sure what that is.
(and this is not taking to account that he's a werewolf... he'd be more harsher on himself about it, imo.)
Brian would've been way different. I still think that he would've gotten away from his aunt eventually, maybe running away, but because of him not having a support system... he'd be in perpetual survival mode. He certainly won't like it, no, but he is built for it. He wouldn't stay in one place too long, or be with anyone that long either. One he senses a shift, Brian will leave. It wouldn't be terribly stable.
What was their "flirting stage" like?
Clumsy. John's an accidental flirt more than anything else (and this is still true), so there was a lot of pseudo false starts. Brian is more of a physical flirt with touches (hand on arm or when John flexing his bicep... it wasn't much back then lol).
How do their friends and family feel about them as a couple?
For John's side -- his family was very supportive! (Family in the beginning being his mom and aunt and uncle at this point. Dad's side of the family didn't know about it until a few years later and they generally disagree. Not like he talks to that side. If his dad were still alive, he'd be a little surprised but supportive anyway.) Noelle was supportive in that she saw how her son lit up around Brian and how so much better he was in general; it was very obvious after a few talks that he clearly loved him and gave him that nudge.
At first, John didn't think his uncle Elijah didn't approve (there was the whole masculinity at play... it wasn't toxic but maybe some lean into it. I guess indirect?) When Eli pulled him aside after Muay Thai practice and asked John what was up with him at the time (sudden intensity, more focused). He asked, "Who is it?" and John was leery but he told him anyway. Eli nods and tells him that it's fine, to his surprise.
(I think I'll do a one shot of this at some point.)
Everyone else was more or less "god, finally."
For Brian... well, his family didn't even know as he's disowned, and his aunt that he stayed with didn't know until John and Noelle got him to bring him back to their place for good. Connie was disgusted and was about to drop a slur but Noelle punched her square in the nose. Years later, when Connie was at the hospital Brian worked at -- and he realized that even she was terminal from cancer, she was still keen on tearing him down. She admitted that she wished she had her knife on her when she accidentally punched John in the side. (She actually swung on Noelle and John grabbed at the last second; she ended up punching him instead.)
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villainsblog97 · 2 years
Xdinary Heroes Scenerio
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Pretending to be your boyfriend if you're uncomfortable at a bar
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, some harassment, sexual talk
Inspired from a post I saw on Tik tok, how our heroes would really step in and be the hero if they saw someone uncomfortable at a bar, this will have mentions of harassment, both physical and somewhat sexual, IF that makes you uncomfortable please do not read!
Let's get it!
Gun-il :
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God he would be so pissed!
He doesn't even know you
But the fact that you have asked the person 3 times now to leave you alone is making his blood boil
His bandmates have told him to not engage in the situation
Finally he can't sit still anymore
He walks over with a soft voice
"Sorry I'm late honey! The traffic was awful!"
He walks over to you
The person looks him up and down
"I told you I'd pick you up when you texted" he smiles
You'd take his hand and follow him out of the bar where he'd smile at you
"Are you okay now?" He'd ask
You'd nod your head and thank him for helping you out.
Jungsu :
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He'd been watching someone put the moves on you for 15 minutes now
You kept trying to shrug him off
But he kept coming back
Attempting to put his arm around you
You kept moving around before he could
Jungsu finally got fed up with the person
He sat down his glass and made his way over to the DJ
He asked him to play a slow song so he could help you out
The DJ slowed things down
Jungsu walked over to you with a smile on his face
"Jagiya... dance with me?" He asked holding his hand gently to you
You nodded and took his hand as he lead you the dance floor
"Thank you for that" you smiled
"No problem... I could see you were getting uncomfortable, do you know that person?"
"No not a clue...."
The rest of the night you stayed glued to Jungsu
Until the person harassing you finally left
As a way to say thank you
You asked Jungsu out for a coffee sometime
It didn't take him long to accept the offer.
Gaon :
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Jiseok is a jokester
But he can get real scary when he's mad
And boy was he mad
He was taught to respect people
Not cat call them
He saw you sitting at the bar
A person sitting two seats away from you kept whistling at you
You tried to ignore it
But it was starting to annoy you
The person was obviously drunk
And kept trying to order drinks for you
Jiseok had enough
He walked over and carefully put his arm around you
He whispered to just play along
In which you did
"Excuse me... can you please leave my girlfriend alone" with a small smile to show he came in peace
"Yours?? That's yours?" The drunk person slurred
"Yes... and I'd like you to leave her alone"
The person got up and patted his shoulder before walking out of the bar
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His blood wasn't boiling...
It was erupting like a volcano
This person kept trying to make passes at you
That had you nearly shaking
They kept resting their hand on your leg
Each time getting higher and higher up your leg
You'd attempt to push it off
But it would come right back
Seungmin was squeezing the glass in his hand tighter and tighter
"Hyung you're gonna break your glass!" One of the 2 maknaes would warn him
But his anger was deafening him
He slammed the glass down and walked over to the booth you were sitting in
"Jagiya... are you okay?" He asked looking at you with an expression soft, yet sent warning signals to the person beside you.
They stood up and looked at Seungmin who was not in any form of amusement
"Yes that's right...." he glared as he reached his hand out to you
You took it and he pulled you up from the booth and put his arm around you
"So don't touch what's not yours" he glared again
He walked away from scene with his arm around you.
Junhan :
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He wouldn't know what to do at first
He'd see you looking around the room
The person beside you kept trying to get you take shots with them
You kept saying no
They kept insisting
Actually trying to force you to take the shot
He wasn't sure how to help
Then one of his hyungs came up with a plan
"Pretend you're her boyfriend!"
"Yeah go go!"
He'd walk over and with a small little laugh he'd start speaking up
"There you are!" He'd laugh a little
"I've been looking for you, man you turn around for 4 seconds and your girlfriend is gone!" He laughs as he puts his hand on your shoulder blade
"Thanks for finding her guys!" He'd smile as he lead away
"Are you okay?" He'd whisper
"I am now!" You laughed
Jooyeon :
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No he didn't know who you were
He'd never met you before
But he knew you needed help
The comments this person has been making to you were getting out of control
He was ready to swing his 5 string bass right into their face
But he didn't have it with him
So instead he came up with an alternative
He cupped his hand over his mouth and called out to you
"JAGIYA!!!" he then waved at you
You tried to walk over but the person grabbed your hand and pulled you back
He walked over this time
"Jagiya~" he cooed
You knew he was trying to help
"Ah excuse me... but I'd appreciate it if you'd let go of my girlfriend" he smiled
The person was too drunk to argue and instead let go of your hand in which you walked over to your mysterious hero
"I can't thank you enough for that" you bowed to him multiple times
"No need, I'm just glad you're okay"
After that you two spent the rest of the evening together
He even walked you home
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aishangotome · 3 months
Minamoto No Yoritomo: Chapter 12
Chapter 11
(Ah, I see.)
(I've been in love with Yoritomo-sama for a long time.)
Tears continued to fall like a substitute for a scream.
Yoshino: Ah...
Yoritomo-sama gently squeezed my hand in return and quietly placed a kiss on it.
Yoritomo: ...I've never seen a woman with such beautiful crying eyes.
Yoritomo: Yet, I wonder why.
Yoritomo: When you cry, it makes me uneasy.
Yoshino: Why...
Yoritomo: How the hell should I know, idiot.
Yoshino: ...I'm not an idiot.
Yoritomo: Yes, you are. Why are you crying for someone like me?
His voice is gentler than usual, and that alone makes my chest ache sweetly.
Yoritomo: Come on, if you don't cheer up, I'll kiss you somewhere else.
Yoshino: W-What are you saying?
Yoritomo: If you don't like it, stop crying. Okay?
I want to believe that his voice and gaze are directed only at me.
(Yoritomo-sama is a man of a different status than me.)
(He is a man who will continue to walk a difficult path with a great cause.)
I can't wish for such a person to look at me.
(I'll forget about this love today.)
I gently let go of his hand, wipe away my tears, and force a smile.
I'm not crying anymore
I'm sorry
Thank you
Yoshino: Thank you. I will never forget what Yoritomo-sama told me.
Yoritomo: I won't forget it either. What happened today.
(If even a fragment of me remains in Yoritomo-sama's memory when we are apart someday...that's all I need.)
We both fall silent and let the wind, which has taken on the evening air, wrap around our bodies.
Our arms, barely touching, were frustratingly warm.
Meanwhile, a little while earlier...in a corner of the garden where Yoritomo and Yoshino were.
Maid 1: You still haven't found the hairpin? If you're caught wandering around the garden without permission...
Maid 2: If we get caught, we can just say we got the cleaning time wrong.
Maid 3: Or maybe we'll accidentally run into Yoritomo-sama. Oh my...
The three maids look around the garden.
Maid 2: ...! Wait, is that really Yoritomo-sama?!
Maid 3: Where?!
The maids hurriedly hide and their eyes catch sight of Yoritomo and Yoshino sitting on a bench.
Maid 1: Hey, isn't that the apothecary's daughter? She suddenly became Yoritomo-sama's attendant for some reason...
Maid 2: Yeah. I can't tell what they're doing from here, but...
The three maids huddled together and whispered.
A few days later-
(It was only three more days until the ceremony Yoritomo-sama mentioned. The atmosphere in the palace has become quite busy.)
I also offered to help with the preparations and have been spending my days doing odd jobs around the palace in between my apothecary work.
Right now, I'm on my way to Yoritomo-sama's room to find some documents he asked for in the archives.
(I'm happy to be able to help Yoritomo-sama, even in a small way...and I get to see his face for a short time.)
That's why my days have been fulfilling lately, but...
(...if only it weren't for 'that'.)
As I walk along, thinking about a certain worry, I pass by several maids.
Maid 4: Look, there she is. The one...
Maid 5: Is that Yoritomo-sama's mistress? Isn't she a little too ordinary?
(I can hear you...)
My worry--it was the rumors about Yoritomo-sama and me that had suddenly started circulating in the palace.
(It's nonsense that I'm his mistress. Where did it even come from? It's not true.)
As I turned the corner with a sigh—
( …! Those people are..)
Maid 1: Oh, you're in the way.
The moment I noticed the trio of maids walking together,
Yoshino: Ah!
One of them splashed the water from her bucket all over me.
I instinctively shielded the documents and glared at the maids with a look of disgust.
Yoshino: Cold ……
Maid 2: Oh dear, how pitiful. You're soaked.
Maid 3: Sorry about that. You jumped out in front of us.
(The harassment from these three are terrible. Rumors aside, I wish they would stop causing actual harm.)
I gathered my courage and looked them in the eye.
Yoshino: It would be a disaster if the documents I'm delivering to Yoritomo-sama got wet. Please stop this kind of behavior.
Maid 1: Hmph …… How dare you talk back to us.
Yoshino: Ah, wait a minute ……
She snatched the documents from my hands, and I hurriedly tried to get them back, but—
Maid 1: I'll take these to Yoritomo-sama. It would be a nuisance if you went to his room soaking wet like that.
Maid 3: That's a good idea. Why don't you clean the hallway instead?
(But it was them who spilled the water...)
(However... I don't want to cause any unnecessary trouble when everyone is busy.)
Yoshino: …… All right.
Suppressing my anger, I received the bucket and rag.
Maid 3: Learn your lesson and don't approach Yoritomo-sama carelessly again.
Seemingly satisfied with my lack of retaliation, the three left triumphantly.
(...... First, I'll wipe the floor. Then, I'll change my clothes.)
(It's okay. I'm not discouraged at all.)
Renewing my determination, I finished wiping the hallway when a shadow suddenly fell over me.
???: What are you doing?
Shigehira: Shigehira-san!
Shigehira was looking down at me with an exasperated expression.
Shigehira: It can't be your hobby to wipe the floor while soaking wet...
Yoshino: Of course not! This was an accident...
Shigehira: Harassment?
Yoshino: How did you know!?
He had hit the nail on the head about my attempt to cover it up, and I stared at him in surprise.
Shigehira: It's common for outsiders to be disliked. Besides, you stand out because of the special treatment you receive.
Yoshino: Is that how it is? Actually...
When I confided in him about the rumors and the harassment from the three maids...
Shigehira: It must be the maids from the "Admiration Society."
Yoshino: The "Admiration Society" …… Ah!
I suddenly remembered something Morinaga and the others had told me.
Morinaga: Ah, yes. It seems there’s a group among the girls working here in the palace called the “Adoration Society for Yoritomo-sama.”
Yoshino: … Hold on a moment. What on earth is that odd-sounding society?
Kagetoki: From what I’ve heard, they exchange information about “Today’s Yoritomo-sama,” sell portraits of Yoritomo-sama exclusively to members…
Kagetoki: They even publish regular stories featuring Yoritomo-sama as the protagonist in “That’s Our Shogun” series.
Yoshino: That’s a much deeper involvement than I expected!
Morinaga: It seems they have quite strict rules too. Excessive contact with Yoritomo-sama is prohibited.
*flashback over*
(According to the rumors I heard back then, there were indeed many extreme people in the "Admiration Society.")
(Does this mean I was harassed because I was with Yoritomo-sama...?)
Shigehira: You've been targeted despite the trouble it causes.
Shigehira: Well, why don't you just tell Yoritomo-sama about it?
Yoshino: Ah... I'd like to avoid that if possible.
Shigehira: Huh? Why?
I explained to Shigehira-sama, who raised his elegant eyebrows.
Yoshino: I don't want to bother Yoritomo-sama with such trivial matters when he's preparing for an important ceremony.
Shigehira: What? Do you think you understand the importance of the upcoming ceremony?
Yoshino: Of course, I only understand a little...
Yoshino: But I heard it's going to be the largest military council regarding the battle with Yoshitsune-sama.
I paused to think and then continued speaking.
Yoshino: By broadly informing everyone about the current food supplies, weapons, and number of soldiers, as well as the future strategy,
Yoshino: It's important to ensure that everyone can fight efficiently and with peace of mind...
Yoshino: There's also the purpose of announcing rewards from the previous battle to demonstrate the fairness of the shogunate and boost morale.
Shigehira: .....
Shigehira: Surprising. I thought you didn't understand anything about politics.
Yoshino: I'm not familiar with it at all. But as I accompany Yoritomo-sama on his official duties, so I naturally learn some things.
Yoshino: Besides... I wanted to know more about the shogunate, so I asked about things I didn't understand.
Shigehira looked at me with a puzzled expression.
Shigehira: Despite looking so uncomfortable when you first came to the palace?
Shigehira: Well, I was taken aback when you cheekily started working as a pharmacist afterward.
Yoshino: There were various reasons for that... Mainly thanks to Yoritomo-sama, though.
Yoshino: Since we're fighting together, I started wanting to know more about the shogunate.
Shigehira: ––I see.
Shigehira: I don't understand you at all.
Yoshino: Eh?
I couldn't help but exclaim at his blunt statement.
Shigehira: But I did learn that Lady Yoshino is quite a bold person.
Yoshino: Bold... Yoritomo-sama said that to me too.
(Even so, Shigehira's impression changes when he smiles. He seems more approachable...)
Shigehira: Why are you staring?
Yoshino: N-nothing!
(He's back to being aloof, what a shame.)
Shigehira: Ah, right.
After curtly dismissing me, Shigehira stared at me with his light-colored eyes.
Shigehira: Well, even someone as bold as Lady Yoshino can get discouraged, so...
Shigehira: If the harassment gets too bad, just tell me.
Yoshino: Thank you, Shigehira-san!
(At first, he seemed indifferent, but... He's actually kind.)
Shigehira: ......Can you drop the formalities?
Yoshino: Huh?
Shigehira: It's unsettling for me to be the only one speaking casually.
Shigehira: A bold person like you should be able to treat me as an equal.
Yoshino: Is that okay!?
(I don't appreciate being called bold repeatedly, but...)
(I never thought Shigehira would say that to me!)
Shigehira: You're using formal language again. Are your ears just for decoration?
Shigehira: You can call me whatever you like, too.
Yoshino: Really? What should I call you? Hmm...
A playful impulse arose within me, and I decided to take a chance.
Yoshino: Then, can I call you Shige-chan?
Shigehira: Huh!?
Shigehira: What are you saying? That's not how you address a man. Of course not!
(Oh, great reaction...)
Yoshino: Sorry, sorry. You said I could call you whatever I like.
Shigehira raised the corners of his eyes at me as I held back my laughter.
Shigehira: You're getting carried away! I meant you could call me whatever you like within reason.
Yoshino: Yeah, I got a little carried away because I was happy we seemed to become a bit closer.
Shigehira: ...You're a strange person.
Shigehira let out a sigh, as if caught off guard.
Yoshino: I'll call you Shige-kun. That's okay, right?
Shigehira: As long as it's not "Shige-chan," anything is fine.
Shigehira: If you call me the same thing as Yasuchika, I won't be able to handle it.
Yoshino: ...Huh? Yasuchika calls you "Shige-chan"?
Shigehira: One-sidedly!
(I can totally imagine it... Yasuchika would probably call him that with glee, regardless of Shigehira's reaction.)
Just then, I heard quiet footsteps from the other end of the hallway...
Yoritomo: Yoshino and Shigehira?
Yoshino: Yoritomo-sama!?
Yoritomo-sama, who had been approaching, stopped in front of us.
Yoritomo: What's this? Quite an unusual pair.
Shigehira: Not really. I just happened to pass by.
Yoritomo: Passing by was a coincidence, but chatting was your intention, right? That's what's unusual.
Yoritomo: ... Hmm? Yoshino, your clothes are soaked. What are you doing?
Yoritomo-sama tried to touch me, but...
(Oh no! If someone sees us like this, there will be more rumors.)
I instinctively pulled my hand away and took a few steps back.
Yoritomo: ......
Yoshino: Um, I accidentally got wet while wiping the floor.
Yoshino: Yoritomo-sama! I feel like wiping the entire palace floor, so I'll be going now.
Yoritomo: Huh?
Shigehira: Your excuse is a bit too far-fetched...
Yoshino: See you later, Shige-kun!
Yoritomo: Hey, wait!
I hurriedly grabbed the rag and bucket and quickly walked away.
(Until the ceremony is over, I'll try to avoid seeing Yoritomo-sama as much as possible.)
And so began the days of thoroughly avoiding Yoritomo-sama...
Yoshino: Kagetoki-san, you have a meeting in Yoritomo-sama's room, right?
Yoshino: I'm sorry to trouble you, but could you please hand over these documents?
Kagetoki: Yes, I don't mind since I'm going there anyway...
Yoshino: Thank you for your hard work! I brought you some tea.
Morinaga: Thanks. Oh, Yoritomo-sama will be here soon.
Yoshino: Oh, is that so? Then, please give him my regards. I have to go now...
Morinaga: ... Yoshino?
Yoritomo: Yoshino. Are you free now?
Yoshino: Sorry! I'm supposed to help with the garden maintenance...
Yoshino: Is it an urgent matter?
Yoritomo: ––No.
(It feels lonely, but maybe this is for the best.)
(As soon as I realized my feelings, I didn't know what face to make when talking to Yoritomo-sama.)
But, on the night before the ceremony---
(To be summoned by Yoritomo-sama... I can't refuse this.)
(No one saw me, right? I'll hear what he needs and leave quickly.)
As I walked, cautiously looking around, I arrived in front of Yoritomo-sama's room.
Yoshino: Excuse me, Yoritomo-sama.
As soon as the sliding door opened, my arm was pulled, and I was dragged into the room.
Yoritomo: Finally caught you. ...Geez, you've caused me so much trouble.
Yoritomo: Shall we hear your excuses, Yoshino?
Chapter 13
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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itsnotreal · 6 months
'' what i'm about to ask you, might be a little... inappropriate. '' :))
Harry dipped a fry into ranch before popping it into his mouth. Fuck. Ranch was for sure the superior condiment. He'd just finished a three hour appointment for his car. Yes, three hours waiting at the car dealership for an oil change. Apparently they were understaffed. So, naturally, he was starving and decided to get a bite to eat from the local burger chain, and his favorite place, Blue Jay.
He grabbed the avocado bacon burger he'd ordered in his hands and took a decently sized bite, humming contently while he chewed though he almost choked when someone slid into the booth beside him, ramming into his side a harshly.
With a grunt of disapproval, he turned to see who it was and frowned at them as he swallowed.
"What I'm about to ask you, might be a little... inappropriate." Louis Tomlinson, the bane of his existence, said with a serious tone.
"How about instead of asking, you just- go away?" Harry deadpanned and reached out for another fry.
Louis swatted it out of his hand, "I'm serious, please? Just this once can you be nice?"
Harry's jaw dropped, head snapping back to the blue-eyed man. "Me? You just smacked my food out of my hand!"
Louis just gave him a bored look.
'What do you want, Lewis?"
"I love when you say my name like that." His voice dripped with mock-arousal. "Okay, look. I may have told one of the workers here that you were my boyfriend-."
"-It's rude to interrupt someone."
Harry's mouth pinched together. As if Louis hadn't just interrupted his lunch. "I can't believe I'm saying this but- Go on." He sighed.
"Thank you." He rolled his eyes. "Anyway, the guy will not leave me alone, it's borderline harassment at this point and I really just want to have lunch in peace."
"You still haven't asked me a question."
"Oh, right." He ran a hand through his hair. "Can you just, like, pretend to be my boyfriend. We can be on a date or something?"
"Or we could just- be eating lunch."
Louis eyes widened, "So you're down?"
Harry opened his mouth to reply that no he was not down, but a different waiter than the one that had been previously helping him came up to the table with a plate of food.
"One mushroom Swiss burger, with fries and honey mustard." The man said, eyes boring into Harry's very angrily as he sat the plate in front of Louis.
"Great, thanks, Jessie." Louis said with a smile, scooting closer to Harry.
Jessie turned his attention on Louis, the angry gaze melting off his face and into something that resembled adoration. For Louis? Gross. "Anything for you, my love. Let me know if you need anything else."
Harry raised his hand, "I could actually use-."
"Not you." Jessie said with an eye roll and then he walked away.
Harry frowned, "Well, okay."
Louis snickered around a bite of French fry. "You look like a frog."
Harry sighed, "Just shut up and eat your nasty honey mustard."
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eva-knits12 · 6 months
The Haircut
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Trigger warning: crying, haircut, Colin Shea, office mean girls ,anxiety fluff
Summary: You get your first haircut in a while. It goes as well as expected. Colin comforts you.
"Colin, I'm getting a haircut today," I say, as I look at myself in the mirror. My hair is everywhere! I worked in an office that thrived on gossip, office drama, and bullying. I'm an IT, and I was a female in that position. The girls in the office treated me like shit because when they requested that a problem with their computers be fixed, I would show up.
"Oh, I'm sorry. We're waiting for a man," one would say.
"Who did you sleep with to get that position?" another would say.
"Really, this a man's job, so why are you doing a man's job?" a third would say.
I would have to escape somewhere and just cry. I would cry when I got home. I was trying not to let them get to me, but I was starting to crack. The more mean things they said, the more they got to me.
"Baby girl, that's great! You deserve it!" says Colin, who is more excited about that I am.
"You'll feel a lot better. Don't let these mean girls voices in your head control you any longer. You're beautiful, you're smart, you are worth the world," says Colin, cheering me up. He kisses me on my nose, making me giggle.
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I made the appointment, and I get ready to go. I make an appointment for a cut and color, and Colin tells me that it will be okay.
"You think so Colin? I just don't deserve this. My cut and color will look horrible," I say.
"You don't know that. Don't let those mean girls get the best of you. They're in your head. They now have free rent in your head. It's time to evict them. They don't need the free rent in your head," says Colin.'
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"You're the most beautiful woman and strongest woman I know," says Colin.
"I've seen my mom, and she's Irish," says Colin.
"Thanks, honey," I say.
I get in my Trax and go to the salon. I check in, and I wait for a bit. I pull out the fingerless gloves I'm knitting, while I wait for Justine.
I'm busy knitting, when I hear them. The feeling of nausea and dread hits me like a ton of bricks. I dig through my purse, in search of a starlight peppermint to ease the nausea, and I come up with a ginger chew. I eat the chew.
I hear Regina's voice, and I just freeze.
"I don't know why you're even bothering. Nobody can fix that ugly hair and ugly face of yours." says Regina.
"I didn't know that ugly was a requirement for this line of work," says Joanne.
"Yeah, she's way too ugly and way too plain," says Kari.
I feel like crying, but nope! As of right now, these girls are evicted. But, the owner. Tabatha, intervenes.
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"As of right now, I'm going to have to ask you three to leave. I will not tolerate anyone harassing my customers. As of right now. Eva is a customer. She became a customer as soon as she walked through the door," says Tabatha.
"But, but. but. we just want what's best for her," says Regina.
"What's best for her is to get her hair done here! What's best for her is to not have to worry about three adults who are still nothing but high school mean girls," says Tabatha.
"Ever since we met, you guys were nice at first. Eventually, you showed your true colors. Spamming my inbox with whatever things you wanted because I disagreed with you, or even told you about an update or a technical issue. Telling the whole office I slept with the boss, when I needed his help to solve a client issue. Even claiming that I went so far as to sleep with Zach and Jake, what the hell is wrong with the whole lot of you? Jake is in a happy long-term relationship, and Zach is happily married. Zach helped me get this job, and I owe him the world," I say.
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"You can't handle the fact that I have a high degree in my field. I'm an IT. I studied computer sciences, even computer engineering, and even studied coding," I say.
"Colin finds it amazing, and I can't say the same for you," I say.
"Well, we refuse to leave. She can leave, we'll stay," says Kari.
"NO! That's now how this works. I have asked you to leave. Since you refuse, I'm going to have to have the police escort the whole lot of you out," says Tabatha.
Erica calls the police. Regina, Joanne, and Kari are all charged with trespassing, and they're arrested. Tabatha decides to trespass them, and they're not welcome back through the doors. I decide to file for a restraining order as a just-in-case, even though it would be hard to get.
Tabatha takes me to her chair, and she starts to discuss what I want. I'm not sure, so I let her make some suggestions.
I get my hair colored, and then cut. I walk out with a nice, neck length cut that it's easy to do and put into a bun, a chignon, or even a pony tail when needed, since I'm so used to putting my hair back at some point.
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I look at myself in the mirror and I'm amazed. I love my new look!
I return home, and Colin doesn't recognize me.
"That's not my beautiful girlfriend who just put three mean girls in their place," says Colin.
Colin loves my new hair cut, and my new hairstyle!
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"I heard what happened. Word got around, and let's just say, it got back to them," says Colin.
"You heard from Sean, didn't you?" I say.
"Yes, and getting a restraining order is a good idea. They don't deserve the free rent in your head, and they don't deserve the free space in your life," says Colin.
Colin has grabbed me around the waist, knowing that I handled myself well, even though I was full of anxiety. I was determined not to let it show.
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"I'm proud of you," says Colin, beaming.
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"I love you, rock star," I say.
"I love you, too, baby girl," says Colin.
'Put on a nice dress, and I'm taking my baby for a night out on the town," says Colin.
"Dinner sounds amazing," I say.
"Wait, why don't we order our favorite Chinese dishes, put on a movie, and jus spend the night as lazy slobs?" says Colin, kissing me lovingly.
"That sounds even better," I say.
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Colin orders our favorite Chinese dishes. I get the almond boneless chicken, and Colin gets his favorite Chinese spare ribs.
Colin and I watch Knives Out, followed by the Losers. Colin and I just eat off of our plates, and feed each other bites. Dessert is fortune cookies, followed by those almond cookies we like.
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Colin and I spend the weekend just being lazy slobs, and taking a nice, romantic bath at the end. It was much needed, and did me a world of good.
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I return to the office first thing on Monday. I worked from home while I was busy dealing with the restraining order and the police. Colin is with me every step of the way. Jake and Zach, and my boss have heard, and well, I walked into the office with three new people, who are friendly and professional.
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