#also I had worms and mud on my mind
jacksprostate · 5 months
pls more fem fight club... from one of ur biggest fans
It's after fight club, when we've slunk back to our den and Tyler has stuffed me full of factory farmed chicken. I must be wearing my concussion on my face with how crinkled kind her eyes are. She takes me by the hand, we go to the garden to lie shirtless in the blood and guts and hair and shit and stare up at smog.
We lie close, like identical twins. Nursed in the same shitwater house, pummeled into superficial similarities. I know, my face is so blown out by bruising. Hers is no better; you could think we were a mirror. I could be some fucked up funhouse paper jam insomnia copy of Tyler. It would be a success.
"What do you really know of success?" Tyler scoffs, reading my mind.
Tyler says, "You don't know shit."
I don't disagree. I let my hand dig through the soil and mud until I've found a worm. Gently, I let its bristles catch on my skin. It wants to flee.
"You're told, we have it better than ever," Tyler says, and I know she's gearing up for a sermon. "You're told, we can work, and we can divorce, and have our own bank accounts. You and I both know you'll be fought every step of the way, but you can have those things now, isn't that a success?"
She takes the worm from me. Guides it into the unpleasant shape of a knot. Tyler pinches the ends of the worm lightly, pulls. These little cruelties are normally enacted on me, and I'm enraptured.
"If I stop, if I stop crushing and tearing this thing to death, is that a success?" Tyler drops it on my chest, in the valley between my tits. I see the knot is tight enough, some of the worm's organs must be crushed. Annelid internal bleeding.
"Is that good?" Tyler says.
Tyler says, "If you look to our glorious leaders, you will be told you should be overjoyed with getting a restroom into the Senate and the opportunity for the elite women who are part of our oppressive machine to wear pants. You will be told you should look at six women out of a hundred demons as a success. All of this, successes. Dripfed progress."
The common woman, she gets sexual harassment and a portion of the dollar. She gets marital rape exceptions finally struck off the books only in writing. She gets the second shift. She still gets rape and too late abortions and status barely beyond property of her husband and mother of his children.
The worm squirms.
Tyler says, "The House of Representatives still has nothing. They say, we have to be careful, we have to carefully mind the important history of the building as we act so kindly as to accomodate the silly womenfolk. Nevermind the steady light above his head and the subway he uses to get around."
Tyler reaches over, hand brushing my skin as she traces the twitching knot with a finger.
"I say, forget history. Holding onto history gets you little old cabins converted to rental cottages on a huge, private botanical garden with one large porched mansion in the middle. It gets you beloved buildings where even the most privileged women have to walk a block to take a piss, while men enjoy their modern heating and plumbing. It gets you the boot upon your neck. The knot in your spine."
She holds her hands out, spread. Occluded moonlight filters through. Her fingers are streaks of true night.
"If I were a worm," Tyler says, "I wouldn't wait until these hands die to consume them."
She takes the worm back, patiently, slowly unknots it as it writhes. I wonder if it knows those hands are the same ones that tortured it. I wonder if it cares.
"We can't wait for this. We should not expect the hands tying knots all through the world to truly ever undo them."
Forget history. Forget successes. Tyler wants to dismantle the world. Tyler wants to render things so equal that the sins of the past can be forgotten.
"Let's blow up the US Capitol," Tyler says, voice thick as syrup.
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kichiyosh1 · 1 year
What gives you the right to ignore me?!
Modern au! Scaramouche x reader
w:// this takes place somewhere from grade school to high school, and valentines day will be mentioned later on
When he tells himself that you aren't worth his time, but then starts hoping you don't think the same for him.
(it gets good the more you read it, I swear)
Scara being transferred seats for the 5th time this month because he keeps on picking on his former seat mates because he thinks of them as 'lowly worms'. Oh well, at least he should have some new form of entertainment now that he's seated next to— whatever your name was.
Not even a proper greeting was spoken when all he did was tap your shoulder. "and your name?", he has no need for such pleasantries anyways.
Sure he'd make fun of you later then go back to minding his own business the second after, but he at least would want to put a name to this person which he'd be stuck with for the whole school year(if he were lucky enough not to transfer seats the next few days later)
It took you a while to reply to him, eyes stuck scanning the pages of your book, then you gave him a small glance, and reply before going back to reading. "It's y/n", he's offended by how short of an answer you gave in return, but it's not like he asked for anything else other than your name, but the way you said it with such disinterest makes a shiver run down his back.
"Well? You should feel honoured that i have graced you with my presence. Don't get used to it though, don't think so highly of yourself just beca-","Didn't miss Kusanali transfer you here because you were misbehaving like a total brat? You act all high and mighty yourself when you can't even remember the name of your classmate that you've been in the same class with for awhile now." No ones ever stood up to him like that before, heck, you've completely gotten him off his high horse and all he can do is burn his stare at the side of your face, because despite all that, you STILL aren't looking in his direction.
He's not gonna waste anymore words with you. You're not worth his time anyways. Just another worm in the mud for him to stomp on, but for now he'll allow you to wiggle around in the comforts of soft soil, until it hardens and you have no choice but to dry up and die. Quite the poet he was, if not for his foul mouth and scheming mind.
He made it his personal mission to just ignore you. The only times where he's begrudgingly acknowledging you exist is when he's paired up with you by the teacher or when he REALLY has no choice but to confront you about something.
This would have came off as satisfying to him, the natural reaction of a person in his presence would be them wanting him to notice them, but you did not give an f, any f, at f'ing all.
He would hate to admit it, but he sometimes felt comfort in the silence you two shared, as there are also times where you would acknowledge he exists, like when he'd grumble about his broken pencil tip and you'd pass him a sharpener, or when he's about to fall asleep in class and you'd gently nudge him awake, but what irritates him is that you do all these little things while not even looking at him.
He didn't understand why he was getting frustrated. This is what he wanted, right? He got it, but it didn't feel as fulfilling as he first thought it would. Was he admitting that he wasn't quite fond of this mutual silent treatment? That maybe he'd prefer if you talked to him more, interacted with him more, hung out with him more?
"Like I'd admit to that!" it was after he suddenly blurted that out while standing and slamming his hands down on the table, that he realized the whole class was looking at him, giving him weird looks. A few laughs and chuckles were surfing throughout the room, but his attention wasn't on any of those pesks annoying voices. Once again, you weren't looking at him, but the small giggle that left your mouth had him staring at you in awe. "You look pretty when you smile", those words were lodged in his throat, and he'd rather choke then have those words spoken out for you to hear.
You're so annoying! would it kill for you to at least look at him when laughing at his misery? At this point he might as well admit he'll accept anything you're willing to give him, but it's not enough. He was never one to settle for less, so why now was he acting so shy. Might as well throw what he's thinking straight at your face, while twisting his words just a tiny bit, to save what little pride he had left.
"What gives you the right to ignore me, huh?!" "What law would I be breaking for 'minding my own business'?" You're insufferable, you really are, you must be so out of sync with your brain to have forgotten it was valentines day today, and he's so mad he doesn't know how he's supposed to give you the box he's been hiding behind his back, so in the end he never does. He hadn't realized he was storming out of the empty classroom (save for you two there) when he bumped into his homeroom teacher. She had no time to react when Scara was already shoving the box into her arms. "Eat it, give it to someone, throw it away, I don't care! To think I had my mom help me make those for that- that idiot! A waste of time!" he was already far off, still shouting his complaints, leaving a confused Kusanali standing in the hallway.
He wanted to cry, a part of him never wanted to see you again, but he already had the bare minimum of what he could get from you, what more if he wasn't there to catch a glimpse of your rare moments? Oh, and would you look at that, he's already at school earlier than what he's used to but he's doing this all for the sake of not having to awkwardly have to sit down next to you.
The classroom was already half filled when he heard the scraping of the chair next to him. He had his head in his arms, only allowing a small gap for him to take a peek at what you were doing. To no one's surprise, you were already taking out that same book, the one you were reading on your guys' first ever interaction. It was like he was back to square one, an ongoing routine of silence if not then it would be his one sided bickering. Too bad he wasn't feeling it today, but unfortunately, or fortunately for him, it was you who made the first move to speak.
Scared the sleep right out of him, his back straightened and staring into your— eyes? you? him? eye contact? when? eh? one look was all he took and suddenly he forgot how to blink. Presented to him at the palm of your hands was the same box he so carelessly gave to his homeroom teacher. "How did that end up in your hands?","Mrs. Kusanali gave it to me right before I left the school, but from what it says here, you are sender."
He took ahold of the box, and pasted right at its side is a small card that had 'To: y/n♥︎' and 'From: Scaramouche♡' written on it, alongside a very cringy love quote that almost made him want to gag.
"That wench!" He didn't even realize that card was on the side of the box, and from the hand writing alone he could already tell it was from Ei. His face scrunched up further once noticing the heart at the end of your names, even just that was enough for scara to look away out of embarrassment. "N-Not that I care if you liked them or not, but just know that I am NOT responsible for whatever THAT is."
The silence after that was just eating up at him. How did it go from denying you exist to having him here. He was holding onto the box too tight with trembling hands, it slowly crumpling just a tad bit his grip softening when your hands took place on both sides of his. "I think it's cute."
You had such a neutral expression on your face, but unlike before, your voice flowed smoother than any melody he's ever heard. "And thank you. Sorry I didn't get you anything, to make up for it, I'm letting you decide where we'll work for our next project."
He still couldn't believe you were actually talking to him and holding eye contact as well, he sometimes forgets you're human and not some unreachable deity.
He really couldn't take his eyes off you, and wanting to answer to a past question of yours, yes, ignoring him was most certainly a crime, if he wasn't able to spend these moments with you, it would be criminal.
"Hey, don't go ignoring me at my own house will you? or do you plan to just leave me there to finish the whole project without you?"
" I doubt you can, with you stealing glances my way for the majority of the time you'll be spending. What? think I didn't notice? peripheral vision exists you know."
"Like there's anything worth looking at you for."
"You did not just start—"
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overtaken-stream · 11 months
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This whole part is just King going, "My favorite color is dark, like my soul." also, this gif is so hot omfg I can't with him, I have a smut idea for him, and if I do, somehow wrap my head around it, I'll post it here and on ao3.
Yandere!King The Wildfire x reader Pt2.
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It was a hasty decision, done in reaction he is unsure what to call, hardy he could handle himself when in your vicinity, it was a feeling of something intruding someplace it had no business being.
Similar to you in this situation.
His room was devoid of human touch, obviously because he barely used it, postponing his sleep until the flames on his back would collapse in on themselves, and he felt the consequences every time. It complemented his suit and the general aura he tries to surround himself with when dealing with Kaidou's henchmen, dark and containing no distractions. One specially made bed with dark covers, straightened against the wooden walls, on the other side was a wardrobe that seemed giant to a normal-sized human; unlike others, it was decorated and carefully carved, leaves, waves, ships, eyes, and unseen mysterious symbols were embedded into the burnt wood.
``It's an interesting texture.`` He remembers thinking, though he can no longer put his finger on how he got it in the first place.
And yet, in the grim surroundings, there was a light his flames could never compare to; warmth, no matter how hard he tries, will never radiate from him. It was similar to that dark house where he first laid his eyes upon you. You who have not changed nor moved on from that moment, you who trembles and shakes, cry and call out for help, insult him, and corner yourself in a place where you feel defended.
He has been in your shoes before, a long time ago, he can't be sure.
Perhaps the understanding is the cause of his heavy heart, taken away from home in such a way... He can feel his throat close up as your hunched figure shines in his view. Grime stuck itself onto your limbs, knees, and hands decorated with splinters of all sizes, hair matted and filthy from ash and smoke, and its smell follows him in his showers as he allows himself to let free of his suit. It's so recognizable.
And if his heart clenched everytime he saw you in this horrible position, nobody had to know. Not even him, it was a can of worms King won't dare to touch.
He remembers bits of information about his race, long lost to time and humanity, the whispers that came in the form of dreams speckled across his mind and reflections; the delusions and validity are mixed within his remembrances, the real and fake are smelting into and out of each other, his past is forgotten even by him, the lineage of mighty warriors feared by all is smeared across the walls with mud and blood mixed with heartfelt feelings.
In a memory long before the laboratory, his tiny ears picked up information, a word that defines and tames a feeling of awe he is experiencing—a SoulMate.
Lost words from his Ma that he was too young to understand finally make sense, a connection of minds, unconditional love, and a total understanding of each other. It's about being oneself and knowing others, a SoulMate is following and understanding One's thoughts, but They're right there with the One, side by side. Completing the soul and tying the Lunarian instincts of animals into a pretty bowtie. A Soul and a Mate.
Love at first sight doesn't exist because even if King has not experienced it before, he is not fooled by others' thinking, Love dependent on sight is lust.
But he didn't see you first, did he? He felt you.
Kaidou is not obligated to put up with a civilian within his chambers, under his roof, where the empire buzzes with insignificant life, but it has been hours after they departed from your home island, now a kingdom of ash and debris, a few hours he has spent watching you with motionless crimson eyes.
The monster gets up from the throne, the squicking of leather alerting you of his movement, forcing you to turn towards him; the last time he made any move was when he sat down on the chair you can't quite make out in the dim moonlighting, your quivers, and sniffles fade out as he gets further away from you, his broad back is turned.
It's time he explained himself.
The cold yet quiet air is disturbed when he lights up the flames on his back, coloring this room in warm shades.
Your swollen eyes and snot-filled nose could only gasp for air as he slowly turned his face back to you.
``I'll come back.`` he slams the heavy door shut.
The smell of smoke lingers in the air, the disgusting dirt of your suffering sticks onto your skin, seeps through the crack, and marks the invisible scars into your psyche.
You wished, for the first time, that a promise would be broken.
``tsk...`` the angry and tear-stained eyes turn away from the door.
Left unchecked, fear turns into irritation, irritation into anger.
Balled fists shake, out of fear, out of anger.
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polteergeistt · 28 days
Gardening AU :3
The old mansion where Sleep Token resides had once a beautiful garden. They decided to restore it.
Vessel got assigned the job which requires the most muscles in my opinion which isss *drumroll* taking out weeds ! He likes it a lot because sometimes it requires digging holes around the roots and he likes it. He makes sure not to stab into worms with his shovel even if II assured him that they would survive if he did. He just doesn't want to hurt the wormies. It's quite a simple task and rather repetitive. He likes to listen to music while doing it.
I think II is the nerd of the situation. They call him the bug man because he knows a lot about bugs and all the little critters around. However, he refuses to touch them without gloves even if he knows they won't hurt him, but with gloves it's fine as long as the bug isn't too big or too fast. He has a big book with images he carries around. Vessel makes fun of it without actually intending to be hurtful but II wields the book as if he was about to smack him in the head with it, then they both laugh about it.
III will not mind picking up bugs with his bare hands, which grosses out the others sometimes but in his big carefree and gentle hands the bugs look kinda adorable. He is the bug dad. III will be happy to help, not Vessel because he deems his job boring, but V and VI who plant and water. He is often covered in mud and wants to crash in the couch once he gets inside but he gets kicked into the shower at the speed of light by IV.
IV is the one who does the heavy lifting. He is incredibly strong despite looking small next to Vessel and III. He can lift heavy bags of dirt and the weed and the buckets full of weed all by himself. He's very proud of it and likes to show off sometimes, all in a show-don't-tell manner. When Vessel is done weeding out the land and his back is sore from bending all the time, IV likes to give him massages. It amuses the both of them when IV makes Vessel groan and he starts to fake moans exaggerately and Vessel doesn't mind having IV sitting on him.
V is the one with the most knowledge about plants. She grew up in the countryside and often worked in the garden with her grandmother. She is basically the head of the operation, the one everyone asks for confirmation or advice. She prefers watering but she will do anything. When it's raining and they can't work outside, she paints flowerpots.
VI also knows a bit about plants and mostly flowers. She like arranging flowers so she tells which plant to put where and when they bloom she makes wonderful bouquets and put them in a pretty vase in the living room. She hates bugs with a passion but she made a reason not to kill them and asks for III to take care of them.
VII isn't into gardening as much as the others. She gets bored of it very easily. Instead, she keeps track of the evolution of the garden by taking picture every now and then. She also like to paint them with watercolor paint or draw them with pencils. She writes poetry about it as well. The garden is a golden mine in terms of inspiration for her because of how beautiful it is but also because it was put together by her friends. She shares the art she makes with Vessel and sometimes he gets inspired by it in turn. He makes fanart of VII's art, in other words.
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snarlesofthesewers · 1 month
a taste of poison
snarles x reader part 1 - if there's enough demand maybe ill make a part 2 lol idk i hate writing so it would probably take just as long as this one
a while after landing on this strange planet, finding yourself in the dark and haunting forest known as Subcon a spirit known as snatcher steals your soul and forces you to do his bidding unfortunately for you while working to complete one of snatcher's tasks you end up far deeper in the forest then you should have been and end up in someone else's hunting grounds
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after searching for nearly two hours you find yourself running into a small clearing leaves rustling and twigs snapping underfoot as you ran towards the rare flower snatcher had asked you to gather for a certain potion he needed to make what kind of potion? you had no idea but what you did know is that snatcher would probably kill you if you came back empty handed you should have been paying better attention to your surroundings while running you weren't exactly paying attention to anything other then the flower leading to you tripping over a fallen tree and planting your face directly in the cold and wet soil of the forest which definitely woke you up but when you realized just how much noise you had made on the way here you could feel nothing but dread something probably heard you no.. something definitely heard you you quickly wipe the mud from your face and come to your knees scanning the tree line and tuning in your hearing as you slowly get up but you see and hear... nothing nothing but the sound of wind howling between the cracks of broken trees the coast is clear and you are alone so you begin to stand and reproach the flower pulling it from the ground with the roots intact and stashing it somewhere safe for the journey back to snatcher's house but just as you pick it up the smell of something absolutely awful fills your nose its hard to stop yourself from puking and you probably would have if you weren't already so used to the constant smell of death that lays thick in Subcon's air... but this wasn't the usual smell of old decaying bodies this smelled far more ripe where the hell was that smell even coming from? "right behind you that's where~" a small crack and snap can be heard in the treetops above with the faint sound of hissing that transitioned into a shrill and wet sounding cackle that followed soon after you run but you didn't get far before you are promptly pinned to the ground by something far larger then yourself with its claws digging into your shoulders causing fresh blood to trickle down the side of your back and onto the cold wet ground and it was at this very moment that you realized YOU BLEW IT YOU TOTALLY SCREWED YOURSELF!~ you feel the smooth and slimy skin of whatever creature had you pressed against the ground began to coil itself around you like a snake ready to suffocate its prey your mind and body had already started to go numb but before you could pass out you were quickly snapped out of it by a voice... and maybe also the claws still stuck in your shoulders like knives but mostly just the voice
"finally.. fresh meat its been days with not a single soul... I was starting to worry that people had finally gotten smart and started to avoid this wrenched forest~"
"...now then.. how about we get started my lost little mouse~ it would be a real shame if I let fresh meat like you go to waste"
you struggle and struggle and struggle some more attempting to worm your way out of its firm grasp but its no use but if you were going to die you at least wanted to get a good look at whatever was about to kill you so you continued to struggle until you could get a good look at its face even if that meant completely exhausting yourself you catch a glimpse of its soulless yellow eyes flickering
"oh how cute the prey thinks it can escape~? you keep making this easier for me I almost feel bad... maybe the hunger is finally starting to get to me or maybe its just that scent.... wait hold on that scent" they lean in close to your face and just stare at you for what felt like an eternity before uncoiling you and towering above your sore body "is... this some kind of cruel joke?" they hissed in frustration before grabbing you by the leg and pulling you close to their face "no this cant be the case... did his previous contractor kick the bucket already? its only been a week there's no way he's dead already" they drool at the thought of eating the remains of snatchers previous victim even if there's no guarantee he was even dead...yet "well well well~ ...might you be snatcher's newest pet? oh ...don't worry about trying to speak.. I have other ways of finding out~" "my little mouse"
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the-cannibal · 2 years
Slashers with an animal lover s/o
Gender neutral terms used - they/them, you/your
Bo Sinclair:
.Oh boy, he both finds it adorable how you love animals so much, and very annoying
.I mean, he already has to deal with Lester doing shit like bringing raccoons into the house, now he has to deal with you doing the same?!
.I mean he loves you! Don’t get me wrong! But if you try and hide a snapping turtle in the bathtub one more time because it “looked lonely” then he’s gonna hook you up to one of those kid leashes that some parents use to make sure their child doesn’t run off into trafic.
.Lester definitely encourages it.
. “Hey Les, have you seen Y/n?”
“Nope! Haven’t seen them all day.”
“Uh huh… so if I open the tail gate of your truck they aren’t gonna be in there snuggling with a baby deer?”
Vincent Sinclair:
.He wouldn’t mind. As long as it don’t have rabbis or something.
.He has made so much art of you and different animals.
.Tell this man your favorite animal and he will make sure to make tons of art of it for you.
.just don’t bring them into the basement. We don’t want a repeat of last time… so… much… wax… everywhere…
Stu Macher:
.Oh this man loves animals too.
.You two would definitely go out into the woods by his house and catch little critters
.You two also sneak them into his bedroom (like bunnies and frogs)
.Ya’ll the type of people to call your animals your “fur babies”
.omg wait just imagine Stu is like sitting in class (not paying attention) and he just hears a light tap on the window, and he looks over to see you outside, covered in mud and holding a frog with a huge grin on your face.
.mans would definitely skip class just to go outside and look at the frog you found.
.”But babe, why are you all muddy?”
“Had to shimmy my ass down a log to catch this fucker!”
Billy Loomis:
.Im a strong believer that he is a cat person
.Im also a strong believer that that is the only animal he tolerates
. “Y/n get that thing out of here or so help me-”
“Okay okay! I’ll put it back!”
*They did not put it back*
.he would take you to animal shelters and zoos to let you look at and pet the animals.
.but he would then have to deal with you wanting to adopt every single one of them
. “No Y/n we are NOT taking home the alligator!”
“But Billy look at her! She’s calling out to me!”
.What is that thing Y/n is giving all their attention to? It’s not me? UNACCEPTABLE.
.Oh wait. It’s a little bird. Awww okay that’s kinda cute :)
.Wait why are they coming towards the house..? Wait y/N NO-
.yeah he keeps a close eye on you when you have animals ever since that day.
.but the big baby still gets jealous of them. That man is a brat for attention. Even if your holding a damn worm, that worm should be HIM.
Bubba Sawyer:
.Another animal lover!
.please show him any animal you find, his heart will absolutely melt and he will squeal in excitement
. “Bubba, Look! I found a little bunny!”
Cue Bubba making happy noises.
.I think because of his (beautiful gorgeous amazing) size he is scared to hold any animal, especially the small ones. He doesn’t wanna hurt the little fellas!
.but you help him through that fear!
“Here Bubs, just hold your hands like this… that’s it! Look at you! Ain’t you two just the cutest!
You’re making him a blushing, giggling mess Y/n
Michael Myers:
.just don’t even try
.You will be lucky if any animal he comes across leaves with its life.
.sorry (Michaels not)
(Poly) The Lost Boys:
.Depends on the animal, they will either like it, dislike it, or love it.
.Marko is wary with animals you bring in the cave because of his birds.
.Dwayne finds it cute and will tell you any facts he knows about it. And will smile when you tell him facts back.
Also if you bond with Laddie with animals all of them are going to die of cute overload
.but let’s be honest, these big vampires would probably want to kill and eat most animals you bring home.
. “That’s a tasty looking deer there babe.”
“Paul I will rip you apart.”
.yeahhhh better only show them animals that they for sure won’t eat, like dogs and cats… but even then, keep an eye on them…
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omentranslates · 5 months
Owari no Seraph chapter 133 english fan translation
It's my understanding that the official english release won't be for a little over another week, but the Japanese chapter came out today so I did what I do, anyone who'd like to read please enjoy!! Please be mindful of spoilers in the meantime and thanks as always!!!
Owari no Seraph chapter 133: Maiden in Love
Shinoa under the cloudless sky...
Shinoa: The sky goes so high...
Shinoa: Ants really are such pointless insects under a sky this tall...just like I am.
Mitsuba: Aha, I finally found you!! Shinoa!
Mitsuba: What are you doing over here!? Everyone's been looking for you!
Shinoa: What do any of you hope to accomplish in searching out an insect like me?
Mitsuba: An inse...what are you talking about??
Shinoa: Nevermind, could you forget I said anything?
Mitsuba: OH COME ON!
Mistuba: Yeah we'd still love you if you were a worm, Shinoa, we're your squad! But we're not getting anywhere with our leader acting like one.
Shinoa: Ah, that's true. Then Micchan, how would you like to lead?
Mitsuba: Keep talking stupid and I'm gonna punch you.
Shinoa: You're already punching me??
Mitsuba: Yeah well it'll be your face next time.
Shinoa: That's fine.
Mitsuba: Seriously, knock it off! You're not the only one hurting here, Yoichi and Kimidzuki are also...and even I'm-!!
Shinoa: That's right, you like like Yuusan don't you, as a man. Just like I do.
Mitsuba: ACK
Shinoa: We're 16 now, it comes with being bodily of age. Although I'm...not sure I can win against such a dire rival as you.
Mitsuba: WH- HEY!! No touching!!
Shinoa: ...ouch.
Mitsuba: Shinoa what the hell is going on with you? Ever since Yuu took off you've been...
Shinoa: Nothing like that~
Shinoa: This is something I've been thinking about more recently since I was born. About what the point is in being alive.
Mitsuba: Huh?
Shinoa: Hey, Micchan
Mitsuba: Yeah?
Shinoa: Have you always had a reason to live?
Mitsuba: ...our world is like THIS. We're alive but it's still a struggle to...No. For me...
Flashback Aoi: What are you alive for?
Mitsuba: I guess that's not true. I came after my brilliant sister, I was the botched follow-up from the start.
Mitsuba: I want my family to look at me properly. Or...no, it's fine if they won't. But to be acknowledged by SOMEONE, I want it so bad.
Shinoa: You're just like me, huh.
Shinoa: But where I was lucky, is as an animal with no aptitude for experimentation, there was practically no one around me to want to be seen by. I couldn't even comprehend the thought. So I've had it real easy until now.
Mitsuba: But your older sister, she tried to save you...
Shinoa: I just recently found that out.
Mitsuba: But that's at least SOMEONE who loves you, compared to how I-...
Shinoa: I love you Micchan. I love you so much.
Mitsuba: ...huh?
Shinoa: If it was your life on the line, I'd give mine to save you in a heartbeat.
Mitsuba: Wh- for real? I-, wait
Shinoa: I really truthfully do see you as my family, Micchan.
Shinoa: But Micchan, that isn't something to live for. My life is worth so little to me, I wouldn't suffer even if you never acknowledged it.*
Mitsuba: So you're saying that only Yuu's acknowledgement will do.**
Shinoa: It hurts so bad, right here.
Shinoa: I was thinking you may feel the same?
Mitsuba: N-NO COMMENT!!
Shinoa: Are you sure?
Mitsuba: NO COMMENT.
Shinoa: Ahh...
Shinoa: This world surely must be hell, for just being alive to weigh my chest down with pain like this. And on top of it all, we've been abandoned. A rejected women's club of two, isn't it just the worst. Isn't it about time we just die?
Mitsuba: Getting dumped and then immediately dying sounds like an even worse life.
Shinoa: Shall we make a last ditch effort, then? A struggle between just us over a man trapped way over his head in mud?***
Mitsuba: If we do that, it'll be your first reason to live?
Shinoa: What do you say?
Mitsuba: I'm in if you are! I'm winning though so.
Shinoa: Hey!
Shinoa: By the time my sister was 16, she was already an unspeakable monster.
Mitsuba: Oh yeah, they say she's the hero who saved the world by pioneering the way we use demons.
Shinoa: Not at all, that girl caused nothing but problems. Ichinose Guren, Hiiragi Shinya, Hiiragi Kureto, she had them all wrapped completely around her finger. But, she did it all in the name of love.****
Shinoa: 16 is the age of destroying the world for the man you love.
Mitsuba: Didn't Mahiru say she protected you because you had some talent that surpassed even her?
Shinoa: I guess.
Mitsuba: So shouldn't you be like, less weak?
Shinoa: Perhaps that's just my lack of motivation or something to work towards?
Mitsuba: Who cares
Shinoa: Hahaha
Mitsuba: So, do you have any ideas?
Shinoa: Well...
Mitsuba: Can we save Yuu?
Shinoa: Yes yes, all in good time, our rivalry can wait until after we've gotten him back.
Mitsuba: So we can?
Shinoa: Well, a story that favors the maiden in love is always a good read, isn't it? Micchan, gather the Shinoa squ-
Yoichi: No need, we're already here! Sorry.
Kimidzuki: Oh and uh...don't worry about-I mean, we didn't hear anything. I mean. We weren't listening.
Mitsuba: Well I-!!
Mitsuba: It's the first time Shinoa has ever opened up to me like that so....
Shinoa: Of course we'll hear both of your love confessions now too.
Yoichi: Uh...
Kimidzuki: Fuck's sake.
Shinoa: So then, everyone, I've been thinking. Since it's our turn and we'd better give it our all, the Shinoa squad will be officially resuming activities. And we must stand as no less than equals to my sister and to the lieutenant and to the vampires.
Shinoa: We're going to jump out in front of everyone by any means necessary. We'll live in line with our reasons for life!!
Yoichi: Woooo *clapping*
Kimidzuki: You mean resurrecting our families, so we're going to go get Yuu back?
Shinoa: Yes, let's do exactly that!
Yoichi(?): Does that conflict with the lieutenant's goal?
Shinoa: About that...I've really begun to get the feeling that we can't trust my sister or the lieutenant. They aren't me after all. But although I've just recently come into wanting to do something with my life after having happened to fall in love, I do hope you'll all trust me?
Kimidzuki: Kinda seems like you should be the one saying that, but it doesn't matter anyways while we don't have the power to compete with the lieutenant and all them....
Shinoa: Gekkouin, Kiseki-Ou. Obey me.
Gekkouin and Kiseki-Ou: *screaming*
Mitsuba: WH-
Yoichi: Huh, Gekkouin!?
Kimidzuki: Kiseki-Ou!!?
Shinoa: According to my sister, humans created me to handle demons. It would seem that in terms of animals to experiment on, I am the strongest. Ability comes with motivation, after all.
Shinoa: So then
Shinoa: Lowering the walls around your heart
Shinoa: Oh my, what a state you've found yourself in. Weren't we all just in the palm of your hand?
Shikama: ...shit, not now.
Shinoa: What's that? Have I come at a bad time?
Shikama: Summon Wall
Shinoa: WALL, DOWN.
Shinoa: We still have a faint connection, you and I. Shii-chan. I specially chose the time it felt like you wanted to see me the least.
Shikama: What does a human want with me?
Shinoa: You made the demon army, yes? And you're the one who made me like this, aren't you? It was you who resigned my sister and my friends and I to this fate?
Shikama: O, Darkness
Shinoa: Consume!!
Shikama: This fucking....
Humanity's strongest counterattack....!!
*lit trans. "My life is so light within me" I wasn't sure how to get this across in english because in English it sounds as sad as it is, but in JP the meaning is still like that but the tone is lighter, like she just doesn't really care. Spending her life is easy to her.
**lit trans. "So you're saying you want to be acknowledged by Yuu" She technically only implies the "only" part, although I stand by it being closer to what I wrote with all context considered.
***Man over his head in mud. I decided to lean into a secondary definition of this word because we know they're talking about Yuu and he's Doomed By The Narrative but there's a few different ways it could be said including translating it to swamp man. Or swamp of men. I can't find any consistent established phrase related to it and if you google it you will get actual photos of guys covered in mud so. I'm going to put this here to explain better since I'm not even really sure how I want to interpret this as a reader sksdfkj
****I want to note that the word used for love here and also the word for love that Shinoa uses for most of the chapter is 恋, rather than 愛. 恋 has an explicitly romantic meaning and also a connotation of selfishness in some cases. However, she uses 愛, selfless and nonspecific love, in her line to Mitsuba.
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ygodmyy20 · 5 months
Hey anyone want to read my *looks at doc name* Pukes Words On A Page? From a teru pov of him having a panic attack?
Also I dunno if what I write is body horror or just regular old descriptions but I'll tag just in case. Also I used to never share these but...I am kinda proud of these crazy writings I do. So. Yeah.
If panic attacks are triggering maybe don't read.
Anxiety is eating him alive.
It crawls through his skin like worms through soil, burrowing its way upwards and settling in his chest. He feels sick, his fingers rattling and ribs tightening like a rope around his bones. His insides are rippling with hums and wheezes and he can’t breathe.
Teru doesn’t know what to do with anxiety.
It’s like his body is being eaten from the inside out, rusted talons scraping out his ribs for meat. Dull as they dig into his liver and the bottom of his spine. Blood rushes away from extremities and his head lightens and maybe he will pass out that would be nice but there is nowhere to go. He can’t seem to shake it. He needs to get things done. But his brain is rampaging with thoughts and ideas and he can’t seem to sit still, legs shaking, fingers clawed.
He is distracted but aware, fully present but his mind is lost in space. Nothing is working, like dragging his feet through the mud. Pouring buckets of sand into his eyes and ears and the thoughts are so loud and screaming at him. Crystals pierce the sides of his tear ducts. He wants to call for help, but he wants to talk to no one. He desires a hug, but also wants to go out and find a random ex-CLAW and punch them so hard they fly into the sky.
Panic is settling in.
He is so exhausted.
His powers barely register under his skin.
He never used to feel anxiety when the world was moving so fast and he had no time to even think about being anxious. But now, it is like an extra layer on top of his skin weighing him down. Was it better when I ran off of adrenaline? He thinks briefly before quickly shaking his head.
No no, that was worse.
He knows that was worse.
It was worse
But at least it made sense before.
You get chased, you run. You get attacked, you fight back.
Not like whatever convoluted hellscape this is where he feels like he just ran a marathon but is sitting at his desk, homework laid out in front of him, hand fisted in blonde hair that comes loose from his sad excuse for a ponytail. He pulls at his hair, noting as some locks come out. He tosses them to the side, the blonde strands floating to the floor.
He is behind in every class, and no matter what he does, he can’t seem to catch up. He can’t seem to figure out why.
He keeps using his powers to get to school faster because he is sleeping in too much.
He can’t sleep because he can't seem to keep his eyes closed.
His powers are drained and he knows it but he just just barely treading through waves.
All he wants to do go over to the Kageyama’s and play video games with them and Shou, and eat too much and be too full and stay up so late that he starts to imagine that the walls are moving into shapes of figures he can’t describe. Shadows and molten black and figures that reach for him but then he feels the flutter or purples and greens and reds from his friends and everything settles back into the walls from where it came.
If he could just take in a full breath maybe he'll be okay.
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A Great Big Phech-niverse Chapter 2
Tech and Phee post canon with the question "Would you still love me if I was a worm" but with a twist!
The rustling of sheets told Tech that Phee had rolled back over towards him before he even heard her voice. “Okay, what is it?”
Tech sighed. “It is inconsequential.”
“Tech, I’ve heard you hemming and hawing for the past twenty minutes. Something’s on your mind, and I really don’t think it’s inconsequential.”
Had it really been that long?
Tech turned over in the bed so he could face Phee. “I heard a phrase spoken by some adolescents earlier today. It has remained with me since then.”
Without his goggles, he could not see the definite details of his fiancée’s face, but her smile was discernible. “Kids say the darnedest things sometimes, but whatever it was seems to be bothering you.”
“That it is,” Tech paused at the sound of a moon-yo scampering across the roof. “It is an interesting question to ponder on the terms of love among sentient beings.”
“Ooo, getting deep,” Phee propped herself up on her elbows. “Okay, Brown Eyes, lay it on me.”
Tech took a deep breath. “Would you still love me if I was a platypus?”
Silence, save for the nocturnal insects and the moon-yo chittering.
“Run that by me again, Brown Eyes?”
He nodded. “The youths were talking about it as a question that apparently circulated with couples near the end of the Clone Wars. The question was whether or not one member of a romantic partnership would continue to love the other if they were a platypus.”
“You’re asking if I would still love you if you were a platypus?”
“Huh,” Phee mused. “Why a platypus?”
“I was unclear until I refreshed my knowledge of the creature. They are native to Ailartsua and while there is little knowledge of their cohabitation, it has been documented they live a solitary existence save for mating.”
“Am I also a platypus in this scenario too?”
“No, you are your normal human self. Only I am the platypus.”
She made a noise of disappointment. “Damn. They might look funny, but swimming would be a breeze.”
“That is true,” Tech mused.
“To answer your question, yes.”
“I think you’d be a lovely platypus,” she said. “I don’t know how platypus brains work and if you’d still love me, but if we woke up tomorrow and you were a platypus, I’d still love you. Even if you just wanted to swim all day long.”
The sentient made Tech smile. “I hope I would still love you if I was a platypus.”
”I hope you’d still have those brown eyes as one,” Phee chuckled. “Although what goes on inside would matter more than the out. I hope your personality would still be there. It’s one of the reasons I fell for you anyways.”
“And your ability to look beyond exteriors is one of your many attractive qualities,” Tech told her. “I do fear our wedding plans would no longer be in effect if I was a platypus though.”
“Yeah, but I’d still want platypus Tech in my life.”
To hear that affirmation that he was important to her still made Tech feel butterflies after all their time together. 
“For what it’s worth, I would like to have you remain in my life if you were a platypus and would still have feelings of affection for you provided your personality was intact and not overridden by animalistic instincts.”
“You love me for me,” she translated.
Phee shifted over in the bed and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Love you too, Brown Eyes. Now we should get some sleep. Hunter’s having us over for breakfast tomorrow.”
He nodded in agreement, slipping his hand under the covers to find hers. “However, I’m now pondering the multiversal universe theory, and if there is a universe where the both of us are platypi?”
“Maybe so?” Phee yawned. “Ask me again in the morning though. Last time we were yawning, Crosshair thought we’d been up to something else and kept grinning.”
In another universe…
“Tech?” Platypus Phee asked as she packed more mud against the side of their nest.
”Yes, Phee?” Platypus Tech turned to his mate from where he was placing the new grasses down.
”Would you still love me if I was a sloth?”
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seefullforecast · 7 days
Part 2 Mr Cool
Steve x oc
part 1
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"Let me get this straight. You were some lab rat and have had these powers for as long as you can remember, you managed to escape and now after all this time you're back because you have a 'bad feeling'." Steve was no longer shouting. Instead he just seemed confused and Mia could understand how that felt.
"I mean that is all grossly simplified but yeah pretty much." Mia responded trying to pull her wet jacket off her whilst under the restraints of her seatbelt. 
"okay so um this bad feeling you had, that's why you were in the woods?"
"You know I think you've maybe had enough so I'm gonna pop that question in the classified pile." Mia knew opening up the can of worms that was monsters was too much in one night for Steve.
"Classified yeah okay whatever I don't believe any of this." he grumbled his focus still on the road. The rain was getting lighter now but it was still quite dark out.
"You don't have to." she stated matter of factly.
'I said you don't have to. I just needed a getaway car so thank you for that. And anyways even if you go to the police or tell your friends or whoever it's not like they're going to believe you. Even I know how crazy this all sounds." She chuckled to herself as she played out in her head what it would be like for Steve trying to explain all this to the police. 
"Yep okay you are totally crazy." he confirmed to himself. 
"Whatever could you just drop me off somewhere central in town, I need to find a hotel for the night." She was done with his comments and crossed her arms already regretting her actions leading her into this situation. 
Steve glanced at Mia. She was about his age. She wore a pair of jeans and a white tee, her jacket now strewn across the backseats of his car. Her hair was flat and dripping and along with being covered in mud she also had blood all over half her face.
"I cant believe I'm about to say this." Steve muttered to himself looking up to the sky hoping that if god was real he would protect him in the future from anything that may occur as a direct result of what he was about to say. 
"Look it's the middle of the night and you're not going to get anywhere to stay at this time looking like that. I'll take you back to my place but..." He was cut off. He was beginning to realise this was a bit of a pattern.
"no way."
"no way? What do you mean no way I thought you needed somewhere to crash."
"I do but I'm not going back to yours I don't know you. How do I know you don't drive around at night trying to pick people up to take them back to your lair."
"Lair? what is this the Texas Chainsaw Massacre?"
"Oh my god the fact you even thought of that confirms you were thinking of it." Mia shot at him accusingly.
"That doesn't even make any sense. Besides you have literal super powers. If anything I am still scared that you are going to kill me."
"Fine okay let's make a deal, I crash at yours tonight, I don't kill you, you don't kill me and I'll keep my mouth shut about the fact that you either need your eyes checked or your licence taken off you." Mia didn't have any other leverage on the boy and knew she would need something to try and keep him quiet. She came back to Hawkins for a reason and would be screwed if Steve was the reason she failed within her first few moments here. 
Steve contemplated it for a second and nodded his head with a tight lipped smile mumbling a few okays. He tapped the steering wheel to a random beat in his anxious state. He was still up a height over everything he had just witnessed but a small part of him knew he would feel guilt and regret if he was just to leave the girl on the side of the road not to see her again. She has literal super powers. You only see that shit in the movies!
A few minutes of awkward silence passed between the two. Mia pretended to take interest in the scenery out of her window. Steve kept glancing at her then back to the road still with so many questions on his mind.
"You're right though." he tried to start. She gave him a quizzical look. "Apart from your hero and or villain origin story we don't actually know anything about each other." Steve's eyes  were wide as he spoke, Mia noticed, clearly still spooked. Maybe small talk was what they needed.
"How about we play a game. We each get to ask the other a question and the other has to answer it, yeah?" He suggested.
"That's not a game that's just us having a conversation. What's your idea of fun if those are the kind of games you're playing?" Mia knew he was digging and did not want to put herself in a position where she was showing all her cards too early. She was taught from an early age not to trust people. 
"Look I'll go first okay, um okay let's see um." Steve rattled his brain. There was so much on the tip of his tongue that he actually needed a moment to organise all the mess. "Favourite ice cream flavour go!" He managed to force out and was actually a little proud of himself for doing so.
"Ice-cream flavour?" she really didn't know why he had asked that. She couldn't understand why of all things that would be the first thing he would want to know in this so called game of his.
"Don't think! Just say that's the whole point go on." He was frantically nodding his head in encouragement. God this boy was like a golden retriever. 
"Okay well I think that uh..."
"I said not to think!" he caught her off guard. She began fumbling her words and he kept pressing for an answer. 
"Ice cream flavour go!"
"Just go! On instinct what's the first thing that pops to your head."  
"I don't know oh my goodness let me just..."
"Hey do I need to go over the rules again look I'll go first." There was no anger between the two despite the heightened voices. Granted they were both shouting but more like a couple of younger kids who are overly excited and are about to be scolded by an adult nearby. 
"Chocolate!" Steve yelled. 
"Woah what's wrong with chocolate?"
"Nothing nothing I just didn't peg you for the kind to sit and indulge in chocolate ice cream." She shrugged.
"I do not indulge in chocolate ice cream okay? You say it as if every night I sneak downstairs to steal a tub of ice cream then hide the remains so nobody suspects anything. It's ice cream! Everyone loves ice cream." Steve tried to defend himself but once he had finished his little rant continued to glance between the girl and the road catching a growing smile on he face.
"What? What are you smiling at?" He questioned. She began laughing now. Not for the first time since seeing this girl he was confused. 
"You totally do sneak ice cream!" She managed to tease between her giggles.
At this point Steve could only roll his eyes. Getting something out of this girl was like trying to draw blood from a stone. It was impossible.
"Excuse me for trying to get to know the stranger I have in my car."
"And you thought the best place to start would be with my favourite flavour of ice cream?"
"You can tell a lot from a person by what they choose."
"Evidently." she stated given all she had learned about Steve from his answer. "But I guess I would have to say chocolate too, now that you've made such a song and dance about it." 
Steve let out a breathy laugh in response. This random girl in a matter of minutes knew how to get under his skin. He thought she was crazy but maybe he was a little mad himself for going along with it all. At least that's what he was telling himself.
"Home sweet home." Steve announced as he pulled the car into the drive. Nothing but the few street lamps lit the way. The rain seemed to have gotten lighter for the meantime but Steve had remembered the news that morning predicting a bad storm throughout the night. 
The two teens hopped out of the car and made their way into the home, Steve leading the way. Mia took note at the size of the house when she first entered. It was spacious and clean and photos and pictures littered the odd empty space. 
Steve shook off his jacket to hang it up and noticed Mia must have left hers on the backseat of his car as she stood there shivering before him. 
"Nice place, nobody else is here right?" She seemed worried he noted. From what she had explained to him in the car about being held captive as a child he assumed she didn't take too well to strangers. That and the events that occurred on their short drive home.
"Yeah no, parents are on a business trip so as far as the eye can see is all King Steve's" He dropped his keys onto the side and lead her into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took out a couple cans of coke, passing one to Mia. 
She refused to touch it. Her eyes locked on the can and Steve noticed. Blinking and clearing her throat she pulled back choosing to ignore the gesture altogether. 
"Can I use your bathroom?" She timidly asked. This girl didn't seem like the same girl that was in his car. She had recoiled and looked like a claustrophobic person  who had just got trapped in a broken down elevator. 
"Yeah, yeah sure right this way." He spoke softly leading the girl upstairs. "Theres towels on the top shelf for you to take a shower and I'll leave you a change of clothes outside of the door for when you're done." He brought her into the bathroom.
He went to walk out but paused at the door when she called his name.
"Steve..." she gulped. "Thank you, by the way." She felt vulnerable and exposed despite being fully clothed and having not actually told him too much about herself. But she had. He knew she had powers and didn't belong anywhere other than a government facility as far as she was concerned. She just needed a place to stay and warm up. Steve was the best she was going to get, she didn't need anything more than that.
"Yeah of course." he blinked still speaking in his same soft tone. "Uh theres uh stuff in the cabinet if you need a bandaid of anything." He motioned above the sink where they were kept for the cuts she had gained due to her time in the woods. The full extent of what happened he was still in the dark about. 
He gave her one last look before pulling the door behind him shut. He went into his room to grab Mia a change of clothes. One of his old crewneck sweaters and sweatpants would do. He also took out a pair of socks and laid the folded pile of clothes outside the bathroom door where he could hear the shower turning off. Whilst she was finishing up he went to grab some spare blankets and pillows.
Mia was just drying the ends of her hair when she actually had a moment to see the gash on her head. How could such a small cut bleed so much. She wiped the mirror above the sink free from the condensation and closed her eyes tight. Something she had grown to learn from an early age was that she didn't always need first aid kits. Smaller cuts were simple. Focusing her energy she pictured her face in her mind and saw herself without it. When she opened her eyes the cut was gone. 
"Good as new." She smiled. Pulling on the clothes Steve had left her she had to roll the waistband over a couple of times so she wasn't tripping over them. She folded the towel she used and left it on the side not knowing where the boy kept his laundry. 
Opening the door she came back out into the hallway and was not too sure which of the rooms Steve was in at first. She saw a light coming from the end of the hall and followed it assuming she would find him there. She was right. As she stood in the doorway she saw him making a bed on the floor out of numerous pillows and blankets. It all looked quite excessive actually. His back was to her and he hadn't realised she was there yet. She took a moment to glance around his room.
"What's a blondie?" She questioned whilst startling the boy. When he turned to the voice he found her standing on his bed pointing to one of the posters on his wall. He thought she was joking. He thought she was trying to lead him into some sort of trick to try and embarrass him. 
"Yeah right." He grabbed her arm pulling her down from the bed and crossed his arms. Mia stood waiting for him to expand. "Wait you're serious?"he asked judging by her confused face it did not look like Mia had any idea who Blondie were. 
"Okay I'm gonna put it down to the fact that you most likely have a lot of other stuff on your plate rather than the fact that you are just plain ignorant but they're a band." he tried to explain assuming there was probably lots of music she didn't know about. 
She gave him a look to show she was slightly unimpressed. 
"Right well, I grabbed you some blankets and made you a little bed, or if you'd prefer there is the couch you could always..." He changed the subject.
"No this is fine yeah thanks." The two of them both awkwardly stood nodding slightly. 
"Okay no I cant do it. I cant do it." Steve broke first raising his voice. Mia could only roll her eyes and sat herself onto Steve's bed. She crossed her legs and watched as he paced in front of her.
"You just get in my car in the middle of the night after running into the road and do this weird witchy woo voodoo shit then suddenly you're sleeping in my room tonight."
Mia started picking at her nails zoning out of the rambling ahead of her.
"And don't think I didn't notice you have magically healed. What the fuck is going on I need some serious answers if you're staying in my bedroom." He ranted slightly out of breath and coming to a stop in front of the girl. 
"Why, do all girls need to have an interview before sleeping in your room?"
"God dammit!" He knew it was useless but he was so frustrated nonetheless. His hands made fists at his sides as he threw them around above his head seemingly trying to shake out the frustrations. Mia could honestly not believe the fact that this boy was breaking down in front of her and she was the cause. The thought made her giggle slightly to herself. 
"Would you sit down already your pacing is hurting my magically healed head." She grabbed his raised hand and forced him to sit opposite her on his bed and also cross his legs.
"Thank you, I"m cool, okay I'm good."
"Sure looks it Mr cool." she referred to his weird outbreak but he decided to ignore the jab. "Since you have made me a bed and have given me some clothes I think it is only fair that I give you three questions." She felt sick as she spoke. Mia really was not a people person but thought she would get a better nights sleep if Steve could also maybe sleep. 
Steve was surprised at that. A little part of him couldn't help but think it was a trick though. She was probably going to let him ask all his questions and then refuse to answer anyways. 
"You mean it?" he cautiously asked making eye contact.
"I do, ask away." She felt obligated to open up somehow no matter how much she was reluctant to do so. 
"What exactly is it that you can do? These powers you have?" she had predicted that would be one of the questions. 
Mia thought it would be better to show Steve rather than tell him. Steve watched her close her eyes tight and take in a deep breath. The light above him flickered and the radio alarm clock he had began tuning frequencies until the sound of a local station came through. His bedroom door slammed shut and his bedroom curtains shot open. Steve made his way to his window in awe at the streetlights one by one going out like it was a synchronised light show. 
"Woah..." he mumbled turning back to Mia. When she opened her eyes all the lights returned to normal and his radio shut off. She wiped the small blood that had started dripping from her nose. "So um that was cool." he stated actually impressed by what he had just seen.
"Cool was probably the last thing I thought you were gonna say." She muttered more to herself.
Steve with a burst of energy now jumped back onto his bed where he was sitting before, ready for his next question.
"How long have you had these powers?" he wondered still astonished at what he witnessed from her.  
"For as long as I can remember really. I escaped the lab a few years ago and to be honest haven't used them since meeting you. I was always scared something bad would happen like I would lose control and they would find me." As she spoke Mia had wrapped her arms herself and looked down as she spoke as if she was ashamed. Her voice was soft and meek like a hurt mouse. 
"They would find you, what the people from the lab? When you say escape, do you mean you were trapped there because of what you can do, did they hurt you?"
"They were bad men Steve and I saw my chance and took it. Leaving the others behind." Mia had a solemn look on her face as she spoke still holding herself tight.
"Mia, if you ran away why are you back?" Steve thought back to finding her running from the woods of all places, the more he was finding out in drips and drabs the more it didn't make sense and the more questions he had. 
"I told you I had a bad feeling. Something about this town, about that lab..." She didn't know how to explain it to him so he could understand. She looked up to see his eyes transfixed on her urging her to go on. "I've always felt so guilty for leaving and now felt like the right time to do the right thing." 
"Well that's not vague at all!" he exclaimed.
"I think that's your three questions Harrington Steve Harrington. Now if you do not mind I shall be going to sleep now." Mia didn't want to go any further. She knew he was probably even more antsy now to interrogate her but she couldn't let herself. Steve seemed nice enough and didn't want to drag him into any sort of mess she knew she was going to cause. 
She pulled back one of the blankets that Steve had put on the floor for her and lowered herself down. Steve sighed and found himself following suit in his own bed. 
As the two of them lay in the room the storm outside continued to grow worse and yet it felt so quiet to Mia. She closed her eyes in hopes of trying to sleep. She knew it was futile as if she did try to sleep it would just allow the nightmares of the monster she had been seeing for weeks to take over her head again.
Disturbing the silence Steve began hitting his pillow trying to fluff it up. Then he began shuffling his covers so it was sitting right over his body. When he started turning in his bed to find the comfiest position that was when Mia had enough and decided nightmares in her head were better than whatever the fuck she was currently experiencing. Steve wouldn't settle and she knew she was right in liking him to a golden retriever earlier. 
"I just find it weird how that cut on your head..." He finally broke the silence
"Dear Lord help me find strength not to murder this boy!" She yelled into her pillow rolling onto her stomach. 
"Hey we made a deal not to do that!" He shot upright pointing an accusatory finger in Mia's direction. 
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wishitweresummer · 10 months
Nights Like This
GeorgeNotFound x Sapnap
Word count: 659
Warning: Kissing.
This is for snf week!!! If you want to participate, you still can! The prompts are very cute!! It was put together by hiddenheavens!! Everyone was really cool about my tickle fics and has been nothing but sweet and amazing. I’ll definitely participate more next time!! (And everyone say thank you to @dreamnotnapss for bringing this to tumblr <333)
Day 7: Bonus Day (I chose Playful Kissing)
“Sapnap!!”, the shrill shriek of terror filled the darkening night. Sapnap loved it. Everything about George was so exciting.
Sapnap had always been annoyed to be the youngest. Everyone else years ahead of him. He always felt behind. Well, until he fell for George. Even though the other was so much older, he never felt it. Sapnap could be himself and sink into the childlike excitement of being in the other’s presence. His best friend.
Now, he chased him through the yard. No cares in the world. George’s lovely shrieks were only getting more panicked and louder as he almost got his hands on that tiny waist just out of reach.
Neighbors next door? Dream inside trying to sleep? Who cares?
George’s foot slipped out from underneath him and they both toppled over each other. Loud cackles rang out as they rolled through mud and Sapnap ended up on top.
“No!”, George yelped. They wrestled, messy. Already covered in mud and uncaring for more. Sapnap grappled with George’s hands and when he couldn’t get ahold of them, he aimed for ticklish sides instead. George screamed. Sapnap laughed as he collapsed against him when the boy convulsed.
They rolled and flipped. Complete messes. The rain came down at an unforgiving pace as they giggled close to each other’s faces. Closer than friends should be, but who’s watching? It felt like there was no one else in the world.
George reached up and smudged mud across Sapnap’s forehead; hat long gone. He quickly ducked down and nuzzled his face into George’s neck until he was screeching.
That dreaded inch Sapnap had once thought meant everything, really meant nothing. Under him, George was helpless and sweet. He felt so small. He could be manhandled so easily. And the slightest bit of teasing made him flame with adorable embarrassment. A few well placed pokes could bring the taller to his knees. Sapnap was obsessed with how much smaller George felt even if he technically wasn’t.
Sapnap sat up on top of him. They were both breathless and giggling. At some point between the backdoor and here, they had lost their minds together. Or maybe it was when George landed in Florida? Or when Sapnap touched down in London? Maybe it was when they met for the first time all those years ago through a screen.
Either way they were together and it was so exciting. Wild eyes met each other in the darkness.
George grabbed roughly at the front of Sapnap’s soaked shirt and pulled him back down. They fell together like they were always meant to. With lips wet with rainwater and breaths stolen from laughter, they kissed.
This was the first, but it didn’t feel like it. It felt like home. Like fate. Sapnap whimpered against the connection and George tugged him in closer and they sunk in deeper. Love. Electricity sparked between them and the sky lit up with the proof. Deafening thunder clapped around them and the sky opened up, drenching them further.
With a surge of energy, George was on top. The rain was warm, but George’s hands were freezing as they wormed up Sapnap’s shirt. The younger shrieked and giggled. Kisses became sloppy as Sapnap desperately tried to keep their lips connected while also trying to keep George’s playful hands away.
George pulled back and they panted together. Dream would be so mad if he knew they were out here making out in the mud in the middle of a thunderstorm. Thank god they had him to keep them grounded. Well, not now. George giggled as the lightning lit up the sky and illuminated how much of a mess Sapnap looked.
Instantly, he was flipped into the mud on his back and shrieking laughter filled the beautiful night. It’s volume competed with the thunder. But really, nothing was as loud as them.
Their love. Messy and loud and everything.
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enbysiriusblack · 8 months
ooooh okay Lily headcanons!!
She’s chubby definitely, and at one point she had hair that grew right down to her waist (but then chopped it all off into a mullet during fifth year or something)
Loves Doctor Who. Her and Remus bonded over it. She’s more of a fan of the TV show while Remus is more of a fan of the comics.
She’s Jewish. I am correct about this.
She’s a dirt girlie, as in she loves getting her hands dirty, gardening, playing in the mud, dirt under her fingernails, digging up worms and woodlice, do you understand my vision.
Always braiding everyone’s hair at all time. Hers, the Girls, Sirius, James (even though his hair is definitely not long enough, she still tries).
She’s a thrift store kinda girl. All of her clothes are from charity shops by choice.
Massive cat person.
She has sooooo many freckles they are literally ALL over her!! James says they look like stars <3
She’s from Scotland and has a Scottish accent bc yeah.
She’s pansexual imo and definitely had a crush on Marlene at the very least and totally dated Mary for a bit before James.
I have more but these are the ones off the top of my head I love her so much. Rotating her around in my mind like a rotisserie chicken.
chubby lily- yes so true!! i can def see the hair thing. i feel like she'd have the really long hair and cut it off after her and severus fall out (cause of the whole hair holding memories thing)
doctor who- yess. i cannot see lily reading comics at all, but she'd def love the tv show (she's a sarah jane girl)
jewish- so so real. i think thats anothet one of the things her and remus bonded over, although remus isn't religious whilst she is
dirt girlie- 100% true. literally as a kid she spent almost every day playing with severus in the woods. and at hogwarts she helps out slughorn with getting potion ingredients
braiding her- feel like it would so be a calming thing for her. like exams are stressing her out, or she got a mean letter from her sister, and one of her friends just sits in front of her, lets her braid their hair
charity store- yess. i mean by choice but also its cheaper than normal stores and she is fairly poor. she'd also always notice clothes that her friends would like and just grab it for them. also always uses things not as theyre meant to be used for (tie as a belt, shoelace as a hair ribbon, shirt as a skirt, etc.)
cat person- YES. her and james so got a kitten as soon as they finished school (in my head lily moved in with like all the marauders plus marlene and dorcas so literally all of them were straight away coparenting a cat)
freckles- so true.
scottish- yes yes. i feel like her accent would be very strong. she makes fun of her english friends all the time (with the help of remus, marlene, emmeline, and dorcas)
pansexual- real!! very much agree.
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littleperilstories · 1 year
The Prince of Thieves: Every Man Must Choose His Way
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Mood Boards | Chapter Titles | Also on A03! | Playlist | Story Intro
Warnings: Gunshot wound, stitches, angst
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Word count: 3189 || Approx reading time: 13 mins
Every Man Must Choose His Way
Teaser: At my gasp—pain is ripping through my entire goddamn abdomen—Bree Cooper jerks awake in the chair where she was dozing. For a moment, I do not know where I am or why everything hurts or what happened that led up to this moment.
When Will and I were kids, things were easy and soft, even when they weren’t. He was always pissing someone off, and yet miraculously he always seemed to worm his way out of things, and sometimes he even managed to get what he wanted. Including the time he came home with the dog.
“You can’t keep it,” I remember telling him. “Joe will kill you.” I liked to think of myself as the man of the house back then, when Dad was away building the new railroad along the stretch of coast that would eventually become his tomb. And I knew our landlord Joe wouldn’t be happy if we suddenly had a dog yelping into the deep hours of the night.
That was how it always was: Will did something silly, and I tried to talk him out of it.
He turned his ridiculous eyes to me with a mournful expression that so perfectly matched the puppy he was clutching in his arms that suddenly I forgot all the reasons we couldn’t keep a dog.
Just as I can still hear my time-misted voice, so stern and childish at once, telling him to take it back where he found it, I can still see, too, the look on his face when I went back on my refusal. “Fine,” I said, “but that mutt is yours. You need to take care of it.”
“She’s not a mutt,” he insisted. “She’s perfect.”
She was—which was less than true about the next puppy he brought home a few days later.
“Don’t even think about it!” I had no idea where he was even finding those beasts, and I never found out.
“Jamie, look at her!”
Some cursed compulsion had me stretching out my hand to stroke the dog’s silky ears.  She took one look at me, sank her little puppy teeth into my thumb, and we were inseparable for years.
If Will was chaos, his pup was calm. If I was reason, then my dog was pure bedlam.
“I’ll never understand why you chose that one,” Ma said. It was a few months before she died. Her eyes were still clear, body failing but her mind still with us. I think I was nursing a new scratch along my arm, cursing and swearing while the damn creature sat on her haunches looking at me with a look of innocence on her deceptive goddamn little face.
“Neither do I,” I grumbled, pressing a mass of cotton to my arm to soak up the blood. But I knew—and Ma did, too—that if anything had happened to her, I would have fallen apart.
Ma blinked and smiled and puckered her lips at my little mutt as if to kiss her. The dog growled back.
When I open my eyes, Ma is gone, and so are the dogs. So is Will.
At my gasp—pain is ripping through my entire goddamn abdomen—Bree Cooper jerks awake in the chair where she was dozing. For a moment, I do not know where I am or why everything hurts or what happened that led up to this moment.
“How are you…” Bree’s words trail off when I try to shift. “Wait. Wait for Allan. Don’t pull on the—”
The wound.
God, I took a fucking musket ball in my side.
Allan. I can dimly conjure his image, though he doesn’t seem to be in the room now. Earlier, I woke up with rain pelting me in the face, and he was there, soaked through and perfectly calm, giving Bree Cooper quiet instructions as if he’d been born to patch up torn flesh in the mud.
“Will,” I manage. God, I sound rough. “Is he… Did he…” I remember gasping at her in the mud, feeling the sickening mix of icy rain and blood gushing hot against my skin. He got out. “He did get away, right?”
Bree nods. “With Geoff.”
“Hurt?” She shakes her head. “Both of them?”
“They were both all right, I think.”
Although it seems like she’s about to say something, she cuts herself off when someone else enters—the mysterious Allan, I suppose.
“Hello.” He pauses next to me, and I realize I’m sprawled not on a bed but on a table. “I’m pleased to see you’re awake. How are you feeling?”
Like I got shot? Instead of answering, I say, “I don’t know you.”
“I’m Allan. I’m the med—” He stops. “I’m a doctor. I’ve done my best to patch up that wound in your side.”
“Where the hell did you come from?” Bree and Allan exchange a glance that appears almost wary, and I wonder what the fuck I missed while I was bleeding and unconscious. When no one responds, I ask, “Why are you helping us?”
Again, that long pause.
“I just got out of training,” says Allan, and I’ll take it, even though that doesn’t answer the question. “Wrote my exam a few weeks ago. Took the first job I was offered—for the constabulary.” The moment he sees me trying to jerk upright, he presses a hand to my shoulder. It’s embarrassing how little pressure it takes to push me back down. “I do not work for them anymore.”
“I don’t understand.” Pressure is building in my chest, panic, fuck, it’s getting harder to breathe.
“I’ve seen how they… What they’re like behind closed doors.” He glances at Bree and her cuts. “I cannot respect them. I certainly can’t work for them.”
 Slogging through everything he’s said, I ask, “You met Will?”
“Briefly, yes.”
“Was he hurt bad?”
“Not as badly as before they hired me, from what I understand.” At this, Bree turns her head away. The only one who knows just how bad it was before.
“How do I know we can trust you?” I don’t think I’ll be able to take it if he says, You don’t.
He absently reaches into what I assume is a bag somewhere behind my head, rummaging quietly within. “I tried…” He clears his throat, as if he isn’t sure how to go on. “I tried. To help your brother with what I could. He wouldn’t let me get too close.”
I think of Will on his knees, held down by the constables, looking at me with hollow terror in his eyes.
“And I don’t blame him.” Allan shudders. “He looked at me with such…” The thought ends abruptly, and he stops fiddling with whatever is in his bag. “I saw the way the constables treated him and everyone else in there. I don’t blame him for not trusting me.”
Somewhere in the distance, I can hear other voices, footsteps, the clattering of pots and pans, the scraping of chairs. Must be some sort of boardinghouse where he lives. A regular house, out in the real world, not the one we made for ourselves through IA, just people going about their lives, unbothered by constables and the back-breaking terror of living on the edge every single day. What would be different if I had worked harder to catch that kind of future in my hands rather than grasping the one I did? How would Will’s life have turned out? Who would he—we—be instead?
“I think he might’ve tried to bite me if he got the chance.” The corners of Allan’s mouth twitch, so I can tell he’s trying to be funny, and I know I should be pissed off at the joke. But I’m so tired, and everything hurts like hell, and if I’m being honest, he’s probably right. Grudgingly, I mutter as much out loud.
“I’m sorry for leaving you on the table like this.” Allan gestures to my less-than-comfortable bedding. “I didn’t want to risk moving you. You lost a lot of blood with all the moving around earlier.”
“I don’t care.” Hell, does he think I haven’t slept on a hard floor before? It’s not much different. “Is it bad?”
He tips his head from side to side, as if he’s deciding how to answer. “The musket ball wasn’t lodged in there, but still—it’s worse than that,” he says, nodding towards Bree, and for the first time I notice the bandage around her upper arm. “I’ll need to watch carefully for infection. Black powder is… Well, it can be nasty.”
“It didn’t hurt when I fell.” I frown as I try to remember. “Not really.”
“Well, it will if it becomes infected.” Allan peers down at the bandages on my side. “I’d prefer not to disturb those just yet. How is your pain now?”
That gets tight smiles out of both of him and Bree. “I mean, how strong is your pain at the moment?”
“Unpleasantly strong.”
Nodding, sighing softly, Allan steps back and glances around the room. “Would you prefer to stay where you are, or try to shift to the bed?”
I don’t have to waste much energy on that question; the thought of moving anywhere is nauseating. “I’ll stay.”
A memory drifts to mind—Will sprawled on a table just like I am now, bandages around his abdomen, too. “Gonna have a scar to match Will’s.”
Bree murmurs, “I think I saw that scar. What happened?”
“He jumped into a fight about two years ago.” Thinking of it still makes my insides shrivel. “Being chivalrous. Helping some girl. In a fucking snowstorm, no less.”
Helping some girl he didn’t know. Unbidden, the image of him during the trade invades my thoughts again. For all his faults, when he wants to, Will can be selfless. He’s good. Yet they made him suffer… Again and again, they hurt him…
So lost in this spiral, I miss the look on Bree’s face until Allan prods her gently, “What’s the matter?”
“A—A fight?” She looks stricken. “What happened? How’d he—”
“Stabbed. Don’t know much else.” I don’t know why she cares so much about something that happened years ago. “He was always cagey on the details.”
She’s got her hand pressed to her mouth. I take another few moments to realize she’s holding back tears. “I didn’t know he was hurt so badly that night.”
“Why would you have kn…” I stop, realizing what she’s saying. For fuck’s sake, the universe is cruel—it likes to play tricks—but this is too much. “It was you?”
My memory of that night: whipping wind and a stolen kiss. Colette’s tangled skirts and Will’s bloody shirt. Terror we might never find him, and spilled-over anger when we finally did.
Even though Will told us why he got a knife in his gut that night, I never thought much about the other character in the story, the one I never saw.
“I didn’t know,” she says, slightly frantic, “I really didn’t, I never would have just walked away if I had known—”
Allan is glancing between us, brows furrowed. “I can see we’re getting distressed here,” he interrupts, “although I’m not entirely sure why. I’m going to go to the kitchen and heat some water. Make some tea. Get some broth going.” To me, he says, “No getting up.” To her, the command is, “Don’t let him get up, and no more upsetting stories, if you please.”
I’m certain this bluntness will make her cry for real, but Bree laughs hollowly. “No promises.”
“Hmm. I mean it.” He disappears.
After a moment, Bree says, “He’s an…interesting fellow.” She’s completely abandoned the previous thread of conversation, per Allan’s instructions, but her voice still quivers.
I watch the doorway through which he vanished. “Do you think we should be trusting him like this?” It’s a question I’d normally ask Colette. But Colette isn’t here.
Bree waits a moment to answer. “He sent the constables in the wrong direction. Pointed them away from where you fell. Do you remember?” I shake my head. “And he helped you anyway even after I tried to throw a rock at his head.”
The laugh this draws out of me sends a wave of fire through my side. “Tried?”
“I missed.” She points toward the bandage on her arm.
The lure of sleep is dangling over me, trying to pull me into its warm embrace—alluring in its promise to dull the pain at least for a while. The prospect of tea, however, is enticing, even if it won’t be as good as Geoff’s. “Maybe it’s a good thing you did.”
She nods.
Silence falls between us. Sleep pulls a little harder on my mind, and her gaze is far away, thoughts apparently completely elsewhere. But there’s something I need to say before I fall asleep.
“You…” My voice draws back her attention. “You came back for me.”
She doesn’t meet my gaze.
“Thank you,” I say, “for—for running back. I think you might have—”
“I did it for Will,” she says, cutting me off. “He… He would have run back himself. If Geoff had let him.” She blinks rapidly, and I know she’s holding back tears. “After everything, he would have run back anyway. For you.”
I close my eyes against her gaze, where I see the simmering anger I know I deserve. Will was arrested in my place, was tortured trying to protect me, and only didn’t throw himself back into the arms of constables because Bree risked it for him instead.
“I’m sorry,” I say. She, too, suffered. “I—”
“And I know what you did,” she says, every word rushed, as if she can’t stop them now from spilling out, “sending that message. To the constables. Trying to trade yourself for Will.” When I open my eyes, I catch the last moment of her wiping a tear from her cheek. “And that…. That was… It was courageous. And selfless. But then—but lying to everyone about it—and then guilting everyone else about lying to you.” Her cheeks turn red. “That wasn’t.”
“So…” I barely know her, and I shouldn’t care what she thinks, and yet… “I didn’t do it for you. It was for him.”
I want to say something, but when I open my mouth, I realize I have nothing to say.
“I didn’t say anything. You tell them yourself.” She still won’t look at me. “So you better not fucking die. Because if you do, it’ll kill Will, too.” She turns away.
“Thank you, anyway,” I say again, not know how else to respond. I think it comes out in a stutter. “For saving my life.”
“I didn’t.” Her fingers flutter against the bandage on her arm. The sleeve of her shirt—my old shirt—is cut just above the cotton, a faint line of rusty brown staining the fraying threads. “He did.”
Heavy silence hits again, and I let it crush me.
I’m about to drift off into what will surely be nightmares when there’s a crash and a yelp from the other room.
“What the—” Allan’s voice bursts into more of a choke.
Someone else is in there with him.
Bree leaps to her feet, paling. Where did they come from? The front door is in this room, which means they got into the kitchen through the—
“I have some questions,” a familiar voice says, “and you’re going to answer them for me. Now.”
I don’t need anything more to know who’s in there, or what the hell she’s doing.
“Colette! Put the knife down!” At my words, Bree’s face goes from stricken to astonished. “I’m in here!”
A scuffling sound—a sharp intake of air—footsteps—and then Colette torrents in.
“Oh, god.” She’s here, alive, she’s all right, gripping my hands tightly enough to hurt. “I was so scared you were dead.”
“Well, you know,” I say, so relieved I’d be laughing if I didn’t think it would split my side right open. “Almost.”
Allan hovers in the doorway to the kitchen, one hand pressed against the side of his neck. “You all have very interesting ways of getting to know people. Violent. Perhaps unnecessarily so.”
Colette glares at him, the daggers in her eyes sharper than the one in her hand. “Allan Armstrong Dale, huh?”
Coughing in a way that sounds suspiciously like it’s covering a laugh, Bree takes over the explanation, which I’m grateful for.
“If you’re a turncoat,” Colette says once she’s heard the story, glancing around Allan’s apartment, “coming back here probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do. Won’t they come looking for you?”
With a gulp, he says, “I didn’t think of that.” Pacing around a little, Allan goes on, “Maybe they think I’m dead?” After a few moments, we realize he’s musing, mumbling to himself more than us. “Well… I suppose I wasn’t supposed to be there, so perhaps not…”
“Jamie,” Colette says, talking over his muttering, “you can’t stay here. Will is going to lose his mind if he doesn’t know you’re all right.”
I wince. “How is he?”
Her fingers squeeze mine again. “As fine as can be, but I’m scared he’ll go looking for you and end up getting arrested again.”
Just like Bree said.
The very thought of moving is a torment, but I have no choice. “All right. Where did you go?”
She hesitates—actually stumbles over her words. “We’re—Well—” She takes a deep breath. “They’re with my family.”
Hearing that is like taking another musket ball. “What?”
“I left them with my family.”
“You have a family?”
“Obviously I—”
“You have a family who’s still alive?”
Huffing a sigh, she drops my hands. “Yes. And I don’t feel like talking about it because—”
“In six years, you never said a damn thing!”
“Um, can I interrupt?”
We both swing our heads to look at Allan, who is done talking to himself and reapproaching warily. “Might I suggest that it’s hardly the time to be having this argument?” He points to me. “You’re going to exhaust yourself even more and I’d really prefer not to redo your stitches if I don’t have to.”
“Fine. It doesn’t matter, anyway.” Colette folds her arms. “He can’t stay here.” Glaring at him, she adds, “He’s coming with us.”
“No.” For the first time, Allan’s voice turns harsh. “Are you mad? Look at him. He needs rest.”
“Then I’ll…” Colette bites her lip. “I’ll send a carriage.”
A rich family who’s still alive, apparently.
With a sigh, she says to Bree and Allan, “It’ll be crowded, I suppose, but it’s best if you come along, too. Unless you have somewhere safe to go.”
Allan frowns as if he isn’t sure.
“May as well,” Colette says, impatience colouring her voice. “If you’re in it, you’re in it. One of us now.”
“I wouldn’t go that f—”
Ignoring him again, Colette says, “Don’t you dare die, Jamie. Will and Geoff are waiting for you.”
Mostly through the conversation, Bree has been silent. Now she glances at me with sharpness—and sadness—in her eyes. “He won’t.”
With a tight smile, Colette presses a kiss against the top of my head, a rare and unexpected show of affection. “Good. Now take your rest. I’ll be back for you. Soon.”
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Tagging: @starlit-hopes-and-dreams, @gala1981, @kixngiggles, @whither-wander-whump 💕
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justsome-di · 1 year
Nobody Ends Up Dead in a Bathtub, Everyone Keeps Their Organs: Chapter 15
Summary: Alex is an ordinary, highly-introverted office worker. He clocks in and out and goes home to his little apartment he shares with his younger sister. He hasn’t dated in years. Until his co-workers set him up on a blind date.
The only issue is he and his date are not on the same page. At all.
While  Alex thinks it’s a normal date, Damián is under the impression Alex is a  client who paid to be there. No-so-quickly, they realize something is up. It’s all a prank. Damián is a sex worker Alex’s co-workers hired as a  sick joke.
After reassuring that they’re both okay, Alex decides he wants revenge for both him and Damián. The plan is to use the stigma of sex work and start a 6-week, scandalous fake dating scheme with a big finale at the office Halloween party. Alex’s co-workers will be too horrified to try to prank him again. At least, that’s the plan.
You can also read this on AO3, or Patreon  (patrons also get chapters a week early along with bonus content). If you’re enjoying the story and want to support me in other ways, consider dropping me a message in my inbox or reblogging this post!
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Leo made sure he was punctual and on his best behavior. Damián had picked out a nice shirt for him to wear and begged him to keep it tidy. It was like Leo was still a child in Damián’s mind. Like he was sure Leo hadn’t matured past seven when he would try wrangling worms out of the mud while in his church clothes.
It could have been that Damián was nervous that Leo was going to make a heterosexual spectacle of himself. Leo could see the way Damián was almost holding his breath before he left the apartment. It was the classic “straight people are around” rigidity. Leo saw it often when Damián tucked a part of himself away when they left some bubble of safety Leo couldn’t see.
Leo considered asking Damián if he should stay away from the lecture, if it was best if he didn’t try to force himself in, but then Damián told him he was happy he was going. That maybe in the future, they could go to stuff like that together. There was no shortage of queer events in the city. When they both had the time, Damián had said fixing Leo’s collar, they should think about the next one to go to together.
Leo showed up 15 minutes before the lecture was set to start, waited patiently in the back of the lecture hall until Eve shuffled in, and found a seat with her in the middle of the audience.
He looked around the lecture hall. It was a sea of multi-colored hair cut short or grown long. Eve wasn’t the only one with an undercut, and she wasn’t the only one rocking an academic goth look—large black sweaters and Doc Martens were all over the place.
In the corner of the room, the guest was speaking to some faculty member Leo had seen a few times around campus.
“Who is this woman?” Leo asked.
“You didn’t look her up?” Eve asked, a bit of judgment in her voice. “Jo Sheryl?”
“I asked my brother, and he didn’t know, and that was the extent of my research.”
He should have put forth a little more effort, but he had thought if he knew everything about her, the lecture would be underwhelming. He didn’t want spoilers. If she had any great anecdotes, Leo wanted to hear them from her in person.
He also might have neglected to look her up in favor of working on grad school applications. He had finally sucked it up and applied to the out-of-state schools he had been looking at. Michigan had a well-respected, competitive applied math program, and Michigan wasn’t too terribly far away. It was cheaper than living in New York, too.
There were also programs in Connecticut and Massachusetts. 
Leo submitted the applications when Damián was gone on a date with his new, weird client. It was the only way to distract himself when Damián had texted him to say he’d be out a little later than planned.
“Yeah, well, Damián is a little older than her target audience,” Eve said. “He probably hasn’t seen her stuff because’s a guy in his 30s.”
“Damián isn’t all that old.”
Leo turned in his seat, infuriatingly small for him. All the seats on campus felt like they were made for someone three inches shorter than him. Complaining about how his legs were cramped in the small space between him and the seat in front of him only got him eye-rolls from people who didn’t seem to realize that while being tall was nice, there was such a thing as being too tall.
“How do you know Damián?” Leo asked.
“He didn’t tell you?” Eve said it so easily. “We’re in a gay book club together. I saw him last night, and we connected the dots between you and me and him.”
“Oh, yeah, his book club.”
“I actually run it.”
“No shit.”
“And my brother is—well, he’s been hanging out with Damián. They’re doing a whole thing together.”
Was he maybe the person Damián had been planning a night with at the end of the month? Was Eve’s brother the guy Leo stewed over? Eve probably shouldn’t have been giving up so much information about Damián’s clients and appointments. Leo had always held that information close to his chest.
“Anyway,” Eve said. “Jo Sheryl wrote a graphic novel. It was called Stories from a True-to-Life Dyke. It’s about lesbians in college.”
“That’s all it’s about?”
“Obviously there’s a plot. There’s Minnie, this freshman, and it’s all about her coming to terms with her sexuality and falling in love with this cool dyke.”
“Is that an okay word to say?”
“What? Dyke?”
“It’s okay for me to say, and it’s how the character describes herself. But if you’re asking if you can use it, then no. You probably shouldn’t.”
“Okay. I wasn’t planning on using it, by the way. I just wanted to know what the status was. I know there’s other words, and I’m trying to keep on top of the list.”
“What, a slur list?” Eve gave him a curious look and shook her head. “You’re a funny ally.”
“I’m doing my best!”
“I know. I’m just saying. You’re funny about it.”
Leo wasn’t trying to be funny. He was trying really hard. If he was a better ally, if he understood things better, then maybe he could return to Damián with some of it and make up for some of what their family had done to him. If Leo could be on top of all the struggles and hot topics, then he wouldn’t have to worry about Damián feeling isolated.
“Being queer isn’t all about the words you can and can’t use,” Eve said.
“I know. I know. I just want to know about things.”
The president of the GSA walked to the podium and leaned into the microphone. Leo had never seen him before. He was a little guy with purple hair. And though the dye job was patchy and growing out with a few fingers of dark roots coming in, Leo thought he looked pretty cool.
Jo Sheryl also looked cool. She had a leather jacket and a men’s button-up top, and her hair was cut very short. Her unplucked eyebrows, the lack of make-up, and the way she held herself was all very masculine. Her hands were shoved in her pockets until she walked up to the podium. When she walked, she did it with purpose. Shoulders held square, chin high.
Leo was very familiar with butch women. He thought they were neat. He admired them on the subway like they were a piece of art. He took everything about every single one of them in.
But seeing Jo stand in front of the room, he felt something stir inside him. Like this was the first time he was actually seeing a butch lesbian for what she was. Beautiful, bold, and so wonderfully not quite one thing or another.
Leo leaned over and whispered, “Is part of being gay looking cool?” He meant it as a friendly joke, but he feared it came off as a serious question.
“Yes, it is,” Eve whispered back with a smug smile.
Jo Sheryl began speaking. Her voice was low. She rocked back and forth on her feet and waved her hand as she ran through notes and a slide show. The lecture hall was silent except for her baritone washing over the waves of seats.
She talked about how she first came up with the idea for her graphic novel and how it seemed to blow up overnight as she was posting it to her blog. The response to it had been overwhelming. With love for Minnie came long-awaited-for acceptance for herself. She had received the positivity she had been seeking for years and also provided it back in turn for those who needed to see themselves in comics.
It was a cycle, she emphasized. When queer people lifted each other up, they lifted themselves up. When queer artists and writers wrote for themselves, they wrote for others and vice versa. The importance of community was never so evident to Jo as it was in the comment section of her comics. Strangers on the internet, all across the country, had made her feel more comfortable in herself than she had felt in a long time.
She was hiding less and less of herself not just to her audience but to the people around her. Though she was out to her family, she hardly ever talked about dating women in front of them. She had straight friends who she knew accepted her but didn’t understand the deeper parts of the LGBT community—the finer details of the history, the ongoing struggles, the little things Jo had to see and cope with every day. With the success of her comic, she started speaking up. Started showing herself more and more, no longer fearing isolation if they decided that she was being “too much.” There was now a massive community to fall back on.
Leo had never thought about being queer in such a way before. It was just like being Latino. He liked seeing people like him succeed. It felt good. It felt like he was capable of also succeeding—and doing so without having to give up any part of himself.
For a while, after he started college, he didn’t speak a lot of Spanish outside of the apartment. If Damián slipped into it when they were out, Leo stubbornly only responded in English. Damián, equally stubborn, would only respond in Spanish until Leo realized that Damián wasn’t forcing it but was giving Leo permission.
And it wasn’t like there weren’t other people speaking Spanish in New York. Leo heard Spanish all the time.
But there were some spots—the organic food stores Damián sometimes took him to, the clothing stores in the less diverse neighborhoods—where Leo didn’t want white women side-eyeing him or white managers coming up to ask if he needed “help” with anything with a tight smile.
Leo already had it rough in those spots. His complexion was darker than Damián’s, and he was taller and built up a little stockier. He was young enough to be up to no good but old enough to threaten someone, somewhere. Speaking Spanish, even in a place like New York City where people really should have been used to hearing an ever-changing flow of languages, made Leo feel like he was making a spectacle of himself. He could tell when someone turned to look, when people shuffled away while keeping a close eye on them when he and Damián naturally switched between languages.
Damián always handled those moments well. He never stopped speaking that lovely combination of Spanish and English, flowing so easily between the two. And eventually, Leo, as he grew older by a few years, understood why he did it. There was no point in trying to hide that part of them. It came with pain, sure, but it was worse to keep Spanish to the “right” places. It was worse to play by the invisible boundaries other people had drawn for him.
Leo was sure that that must have been how Jo felt when she cut her hair short or when she started shopping in the men’s section. It had to have been hard and came with the fear that was unique to being unapologetically visible, but it must have felt like a weight was lifted from her shoulders. When she saw other women like herself, when women like her saw her, that would have been well worth it all.
Leo tried thinking about how Damián had to navigate the world being both gay and Latino and if he could only be visible in one direction or another at a time when Leo wasn’t looking.
There were questions after Jo’s lecture. Someone asked if she was going to continue her series. She said she had plans for one more volume and then she would move on to other projects. She had more confidence now to pursue other stories she had been too scared to tell.
She was asked about upcoming artist workshops she was hosting in the city, thoughts about a recent collaboration with a writer, and if she had any advice for other queer artists.
“The one thing I want to tell all queer artists,” Jo said, “is that a lot of people are going to tell you no. Publishers will turn you down. Readers will leave nasty comments around the internet. It will feel like you’re not doing anything right for anyone because everyone has something to complain about. A lot of straight people who are trying to help you will tell you to ‘tone down the gay stuff.’”
There was a wave of laughter. Leo laughed, too, to show support and that he understood that pressure to suppress an identity, to try to be a more tolerable version of yourself for others.
“But,” Jo continued, “you don’t have to listen to any of those people. There’s a whole new world out there online where you can share your work with people who are looking to read it. If everyone else is telling you no, you need to give yourself permission to tell yourself ‘yes.’ And I want everyone here, even if you’re not an artist, to be as authentic to yourself as you can be. Even if—and I know you’re all in college so this might be the case—even if you don’t really know who you are yet. Keep telling yourself that you’re allowed to exist in whatever way you’re happiest. The world deserves to know the real you.”
The room was filled with applause. Leo clapped the loudest out of everyone.
The president announced the questions were over, thanked everyone for attending, and thanked Jo for being their guest. What a way to end things! Leo felt inspired. He was going to go straight home and tell Damián all about Jo Sheryl and how much he had learned from her.
He was going to see every single guest the GSA had through the next semester.
“I think I get it,” Leo said after Jo stepped away for a book signing. “Being queer is like being Latino. You know what I mean, right?”
“Yup. Us marginalized groups have to stick together. And you know, True-to-Life Dyke has a Latina character. She’s not a major character for the first half, but she gets a bigger role in the second volume.”
“Yeah. And I have a hunch she’s going to have an even bigger part in the next volume.”
“That’s dope.”
Jo’s books were for sale at a collapsible table with a long line right outside the lecture hall, but Damián didn’t have the money to spend $40 on two graphic novels. He’d have to find them later. Maybe at the queer bookstore Damián went to. Maybe he’d tag along the next time Damián went, and they could bump into Eve together.
The president of the GSA spotted Eve and made his way up to her. She greeted him kindly and introduced him to Leo, who made sure to tell him that he was an ally. The president looked up at him with a smile and as he began asking if they were going to attend the next meeting, Leo’s phone buzzed in his pocket. He left Eve to explain her hectic schedule and stepped away.
It was his mother. Great. It was like she always knew the absolute worst times to call.
“Hi, mom.”
“Leo, are you busy?”
“No, mom.”
“Good. I wanted to know when you’re visiting home. We haven’t seen you in months.”
Leo closed his eyes. He didn’t want to go “home” at all, but it was expected of him, and he felt like it was important to keep some peace between him and his parents.
“You don’t live that far away,” she said. “It shouldn’t be that hard to see us every once in a while.”
“I know. I’m sorry,” Leo said. “I’ve been trying to get applications for grad school submitted before the end of the semester.”
“That’s why I want to see you. I want to know how it’s going. I can’t brag that you’re getting into all the top schools if you don’t tell me when you get accepted.”
“I haven’t heard back from anyone except SUNY.”
“You’ll get accepted to all of them.”
Leo laughed nervously. “I don’t know. Some of these programs are pretty competitive.”
“Talk to your father and I about it over brunch in a couple of weeks. How’s two Fridays from now?”
She always scheduled their meetings like they were business partners rather than family. He just knew that she was penciling him in between a hair appointment and some tea with her church friends.
“Uh. That’s fine. I have class at noon on Fridays, though.”
“We’ll make sure you make it to class.” There was a few seconds of silence. “Where are you right now? It’s very loud.”
“I’m at an author’s visit on campus.”
“That’s nice. I’ll let you know where we get reservations. I love you.”
“Love you, too. Tell dad I said hi.”
Fuck. He had to deal with this shit in person. But it’d be fine. He’d get it done and out of the way, and he wouldn’t have to see his parents again until Christmas. If he moved a little further away, he could probably go longer stretches of time without seeing them.
Sorry, no money for a plane ticket. No time to leave work and grad school projects. See you Easter, maybe!
Leo hung up and returned to Eve who was now alone and scrolling on her phone.
“I’m heading back to my brother’s apartment,” Eve said. “Unless you want to learn more about the GSA. I told Chase I’d indoctrinate you if you were interested.”
“Don’t you mean recruit?”
“No, it’s an inside joke.” Eve shoved her phone into her pocket. “Want some flyers?”
“Sure. Yeah. Definitely.”
And so he left with Eve, hands full of flyers and a calendar of events and his phone buzzing again from his mother telling him that she had already made a reservation. When Damián asked him later how it was, Leo lied through his teeth and said it was great. He had had a great day.
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Your favorite boy <3 | TOH Hunter
Hillow it is i the (not so great) Lana! Muahahaha
So yeah this is a hunter x reader fic just wanted some fluff ad angst? If you can even call it that, so yeah, I'll be checking any misspelled words or grammatical errors tomorrow :) now let's get on with da fict!
Key words: y/n - your name; h/l - hair length; h/c - hair colour; e/c - eye colour
Hunter x gn!witch!reader
Warnings: hunter not knowing what a crush is, tooth rotting fluff, angst?
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---Hunter's pov---
"hunter over here!" Someone yelled, i turned around to see that that someone was y/n, a warm mile appeared on my face as they flailed their arms around
"coming!" I yelled running towards them as i giggled in excitement, i was soon right next to them as they jumped up and down, i looked at them confused, not knowing what they were exited about
"what's up?" I asked
"today's the opening of the carnival dummy! I'm so exited that you actually gave up your free day to go to the carnival with me!" They yelled excitedly as they ran around in circles
"well anything for a friend!" I said as i took their hand, i could have swore i saw them frown but when i turned around to look at them they had a huge smile on their face so i thought nothing of it
---time skip---
"never thought kids would be that dangerous." Y/n said as i chuckled
"you sould haw listened to my warnings" i said biting down on my pretzel
"well you know i don't listen to you." They mumbled sitting next to me
"that's concerning considering that i am THE golden guard." I proclaimed as i flipped my hair 'worm' as y/n called it, they giggled as they looked at the sunset i just couldn't help but admire their beautiful face how their beautiful h/l h/c hair matched their perfect face and beautiful e/c coloured eyes, wait what am i thinking?!?! Their my best friend!
"what're you staring at Goldie?" They asked as they turned towards me
"do i have left over mud on my face from wrestling that pig?" They asked as i chuckled
"yes actually, right... there." I said as i reached out to their cheek and started to rub off the mud, but i just couldn't stop myself from focusing on their face again, 'my Titan- they looked so beautiful from this angle' i thought as i put y hand under their chin
They were quite surprised by this action as their blush quickly caught on their cheeks and ears, i slowly started to lean in as i closed my eyes and right as our lips were about to touch they screamed out
"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD ITS THE MORNING!" they yelled as their face morphed in to Luz's face?!?!
I jumped up from my matrice as i screamed in fear
"oh my Titan Luz! You scared me half to death!" I screamed at the girl
"yeah yeah whatever, you must have been having a great dream because you didn't reply when we called you for breakfast, you even didn't wake up when Vee tried to wake you up, which is pretty rare." She said as she got up, "anyway breakfast is ready and everyone is waiting for you so hurry up and get dressed!" She added as she walked out of the room and slammed the door shut, i let out a long sigh and flopped down on the bed as i repeated the last scenes of my dream, excluding when Luz tried to wake me up of course, and it was like a memory i had when me and my friend y/n went to the carnival, but I'm guessing my mind just switched on what actually happened, but why did it do that? Why do i blush every time i think about them? Why-
"HUNTER!" Mrs Noceda yelled
"COMING!" I yelled back as i jumped from my matrice and flew out of the door to the dining room, as flapjack quickly followed me
---time skip---
Throughout the whole week that dream kept repeating over and over in my dreams, as well as some of the other memory's i had with her that were also flipped and changed around, and every time i think about them i feel weak in the knee's, and the only logical way, at least for me, was to ask for help, so i went to Gus, probably not my best option but everyone else was out grocery shopping so he was my only hope
"hey Gus?" I said as i entered the bedroom that all of us were sharing
"hey hunter!" He said enthusiasticly as he paused whatever he was watching and turned to me
"what do you need?" He asked, i sighed and sat down next to him
"I'm having confusing feelings." I said, looking down at the floor
"well, umm, if you want me to help you can explain those feelings?" He said, well more like questioned, i nodded
"well umm, there's this friend that i had back at the Boiling Isles, before even we caught the owl lady for the first time and their name was y/n, and recently I've been thinking more and more about them, like having these strange dreams with us almost kissing at the end of them or something like that, and every time they cross my mind my knees feel weak, heat rises to my cheeks and i feel like i want to throw up butterfly's, and when the thought of them getting hurt from the collector, or anyone for that matter, i feel sad and weak, the thought of anything happening to them makes me want to murder the person or thing that did anything to them, even if the witch, monster or thing is ten times stronger than me, i-i just want to give them everything i have, but i feel like that still won't be enough, like if i could give them the whole world i would, and yeah that's pretty much it." I said as i finally looked at Gus, to see him in complete shock, i mean eyes wide mouth open kind of shock
"what?" I said, i then heard multiple screeches from the door, oh no
"THIS MOMENT NEEDS TO BE SAVED!" Luz screeched as she ran in the room and took her phone that was previously playing whatever Gus was watching
"No, nonononononono, it's not like that! I don't have a crush!" I said nervously laughing as i scratched the back of my head
"well it doesn't sound like it!" Luz said as she played a recording... OF MY RANT?!?!
"You, RECORDED THIS!" i yelled at her ad i jumped up from the floor
"of course i record everything." She said shaking her phone left and right a bit before stopping
"whatever I'll just go and get some fresh air." I said as i pushed past the girls, that were swarming at the door
"don't run away from the truth!" Luz screamed as i rolled my eyes and scoffed, i got a beanie that was on the coat hanger and put it on covering my half of my ears as i went outside towards the worn down cabin, and how we all got to the human realm in the first place, i sighed and frowned as i looked back at the sad memory but quickly shook my head as kind of a sign for my head to shut up, i soon felt something light stand on my shoulder as i looked to my right to see flapjack standing there, he chirped happily as i smiled and petted him
"you always manage to cheer me up, just like y/n."
I soon saw the cabin behind the trees and i let out a sad sigh, when i arrived at the front door of the cabin i looked at it for a good minute, my mind re-imagining what happened almost a month ago, i reached for the doorknob and took a deep breath, i closed my eyes and opened the door, i waited a few seconds, already hearing flapjack chirping but i brushed it off and thought he saw a pigeon or something like that, i opened my left eye a little bit before both of my eyes opened widely in shock, it looked beautiful, all kinds of colours were splotched all around and it looked like there were some stars
"woah." I said underneath my breath, but that amazement slowly turned in to fear as i saw a figure coming in to sight, i took a step back but i forgot that it was an old cabin so i tripped on a loose peace of wood and fell just before the stairs, the figure got closer and closer and it got more familiar
"Hun€r?" A corrupted voice asked as i froze in fear, it knew my name
"Hunter?" A more clear voice called out, and my eyes went wide, not from fear, but from shock and happiness, that voice sounded like
"Y/n?" I asked as i stood up, soon the shadow started sprinting towards me and as it went through the portal the shadow quickly became a figure i could remember
"Y/N!" i screamed out of happiness as i wrapped my hands around their waist and spined them in circles, we both let out laughs and giggles of happiness, as we fell on the soft grass, laughing lightly, as soon as my laughter died down, i hugged them tightly and buried my face in to their neck
"I'm so glad you're here." I said
"me too Goldie." Y/n said as she returned the hug with equal strength, my eyes started to tear up as i started to sob, i could also hear y/n sobbing, but between the sobbing slowly started to form laughing
"god why are we so sensitive." Y/n said as they laughed, tears streaming down their face, probably from the intense happiness that they were experiencing, i mean i couldn't blame them, i was also crying, but i was as well getting snot all over their what looks to be dirty shirt
"i don't know!" I laughed along as i finally got my face out of their neck wiping the snot off of my nose
"I'm sorry that i got snot on your shirt." I said as i continued wiping my nose with my hand
"not a problem, I've been through worse for the past month or so, but don't worry tho, it wasn't that bad." they said as they brushed off the snot of themselves
We stared in to each other's eyes for a while, i couldn't take it anymore! I grabbed their chin
"consent?" I asked laughing a little, they just groaned
"c'mere you!" They said as they grabbed the back of my head and connected sour lips
It felt like fireworks were erupting everywhere as we were kissing, and i couldn't be more happier, as we pulled away i opened my eyes and looked deeply in to theirs
"wait- you cut your worm!" They yelled as they got up
"oh c'mon it was about time i cut it off!" I yelled
"but i liked the worm, i even gave it a name!" They yelled as they crossed their arms, suddenly chirps were heard next to me, and what seemed to be a sound of someone familiar talking
"y/n, i re-eat do y- copy?" A glitched out voice was heard, y/n quickly grabbed a walkie talkie "Yes i copy!" They yelled at the walkie talkie "can you hear me?" They questioned, "y-s we can, bu-t it's a bi- glitchy." The voice said, "h-ow is it there?" The voice, "it's fine but it is far to risky to sent another person through the portal, i barely ended up finding the portal to the human realm." They said, "ok-y the portal i-s closing stay in the human realm and find Lu-" before the person on the other end could finish their sentence the door to the cabin slammed shut
"who was that?" I asked
"Eda, we were on a mission to get all of you back and find a way to create a new key for the portal we have created but it took me way to long to find the human realm and now we're stuck here again, and it's all my fault." Y/n said as they started to tear up
"nonononononono, wait- don't cry, were gonna find a way to get to the other realm, i mean you already found a way! It's just gonna get faster from here." I said as i hugged them from behind, we stayed like that for a few minutes until a question popped up in my head
"say... How'd you get the titans blood anyway?" "I'd rather not go in to detail." Y/n said as she shivered
"okay? Wanna go to your new temporary home darling?" I said as i stood up and extended my hand
"oh of course my love." They said as they took my hand and we started walking towards Luz's house
"i love you Hunter." They said as they rested their head on my shoulder, still holding my hand
"I love you too y/n." I said as i interlocked our fingers and by doing that resting our hands in a more comfortable position
Well everyone is gonna freak out
Hillow :) finished this! Anyway i don't know what to write in this a/n solo yeah hope you're having a great day/ afternoon/ night
Oh and sent request's/asks!
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padfoot0216 · 6 months
Part 1 of me single handedly trying to grow the Miracle Workers fandom because I love the show.
Segment 1: Out of context quotes (Season 1)
1. Eliza - “Theres no way we can answer all of those [prayers].
Craig - I generally try and shoot for three, four a day. Although, now that I’ve got you, a teammate, theres no telling what we can do. I’m thinking 5…6…maybe as many as 6!”
2. Eliza - “There’s got to be something we can do .
Craig - I mean you can press F7.
Eliza - Does that stop typhoons?
Craig - No but it turns the sound off.”
3. Craig - “And does the debris ever dance?
Person - What?
Craig - Say the debris had lost an object, and then that object were found for it, would the debris be like *insert Craig dancing slightly*”
4. God - “But if you fail…
Eliza - Earth explodes.
God - Yeah but also…you have to eat a worm. Alive. The whole thing. The head and the butt. In front of everyone.”
5. God - “So we could explode his heart, or his lungs, *under his breath* or his penis.
Sanjay - Explode his penis?
God - Woah now that’s an idea!”
6. Abe Lincoln - “Out of my way black cat I’m late for my fun play!”
7. Craig - “Oh, no. No. Im not scared.
Eliza - You’re not?
Craig - No. I’m a bold, intrepid man with a strong mind. I’m a risk taker. I’m a big, bad…boy?”
8. Man 1 - “Oh shit my melon.
Man 2 - There goes our fruit salad.”
9. Craig - “If the world explodes then you will go down as history’s greatest murderer. Nobody wants that.”
10. Person - “This isn’t the department of anuses. We have integrity.”
11. Craig - “Thank you, and this pizza gentleman is gonna live, right?
Eliza- We are back on track.”
12. Eliza - “That necklace…why? I mean who wears bones to a massacre. I mean ugh I thought I was so hip.”
13. Sanjay - “We just watched you eat mud out of a bog.
Craig - Yeah that was clean mud.”
14. Person - “Why is the tornado staying in one place! This is impossible!”
15. [God scatting]
16. Craig - “It would make me really sad if God couldn’t read.”
17. Eliza - “Did he just turn that guy into a jellybean?!”
18. Eliza - “I am objectively bad at my job. I have accidentally killed a ton of people and I’m the leader of this group.
Sanjay - It’s true.
Craig - She leads us.”
19. Craig - “Yes! She saved us! Nooo, I have it away! He knows.”
20. Sanjay - “Okay, okay, new pitch. Uh, how about a romantic carriage ride?
Craig - Nope. Sam’s afraid of horses. Doesn’t like their eyes.
Sanjay - All right, then, uh, what about an eyeless horse? We get some crows, right?
Craig - Wait, where are you getting crows from?
Sanjay - It’s Earth. Anywhere. We get them to swoop down and peck the eyes out of the horse.
Craig - No, crows only peck out of dead things, though. So unless you’re going to get a dead horse-
Sanjay - Then I’ll get a dead horse!”
21. Eliza - “You’d go for it, right?
Craig - Well, no, not necessarily. Not if I was unsure about how she felt about me, or was scared to death if losing her as a friend, and also pretty frightened of her in general.
Eliza - What?
Craig - What?”
22. God’s Brother - “Explain cows.
God - I don’t want to do this anymore.
God’s Brother - Tell mom and dad what a cow is.
God - It’s like a big dog you can drink from.”
23. Gods Brother - “Tell then about giraffes. What’s a giraffe.
God - Tall dog with a leg for a neck.”
24. Craig - “(singing) Mr. Mop and Mrs. Bucket you live on a shelf. One is wet and one is dry and you are both my friends.”
25. Eliza - “(to Craig) Listen I’m sorry we put you in the cabinet.”
26. Person - “I’ll be honest, I’m always high, you know?”
27. Eliza - “Craig! Craig! Are you okay? Craig?
Craig - Bzzzzzzzzzz.
Eliza - *gasp*
Craig - Just kidding.”
28. Sanjay - “(pointing to a word that is clearly mammoths) We do it right here in the department of love.
God - Oh. Makes sense. Okay.
God - There sure is a lot of mammoth stuff in here.”
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