#can't wait to see their outfits in s3
same-crazy-art-girl34 · 11 months
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some avatrice✨️
@alonlyfangirl @rrruthless @lantsovs-emerald @im-someone-i-guess @cressjacquine @saltyfortunes @queen-born-out-of-fire @queenlilith43 @weirdoismymiddlename @confused-as-all-hell @drunk-on-inejs-laughter @indubitably-eternally-confused @ashisdeadand-dying @belle-the-mess @twelve-kinds-of-trouble @all-fandoms-are-life
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areyoudoingthis · 7 months
god I truly love the red suit (because it's hot obviously and i am not immune), but also because of the glimpse it gives us into stede and where he's at halfway through s2 (thee season of change and growth).
he's been wearing the same shabby, stained white shirt all season so far because he left everything he owned behind, and he hasn't complained once about ed throwing all his favorite clothes overboard, because nothing was more important than finding ed and finally being able to tell him how he felt about him, and I'm so proud of stede for that bit of growth. the white shirt is symbolic of that growth, of his willingness to put ed and the crew first, of him not needing all his physical belongings anymore because he has people to care about now, he doesn't need things.
but he likes them, and the way his whole face lights up when he sees the red suit and he stops to put it on in the middle of a raid (and almost gets stabbed for it) is so stede. he's grown but he still loves his fancy clothes, he loves bright colors and frills and buttons and gold thread. growing doesn't mean he has to stop loving those things, and that's such an important thing for the show to say, especially given where stede is in his journey of self discovery this season. he's still allowing himself to enjoy those things in spite of the undercurrent of fear of not being good enough and self hatred that thrums under the surface since the opening of episode 1 (and eventually leads him to kill a man and get progressively more butch in his outfit choices as the season progresses). i LOVE that he gets to have that, that he gets to feel hot and pose in front of the mirror and strut around all day (and that he gets to be a righteous bitch when the crew destroys the suit).
it's such a realistic representation of someone on a journey of self discovery, of someone who's figuring out what he's worth and why he's loveable and what he likes and will allow himself to like and how he will allow himself to present in front of others. and he gives it away because he loves his little piratical family and wants to keep them happy, but he still got to enjoy that, and he still looked great in just the red shirt with a low neckline and black lace all over it (and he got a "you wear fine things well" for it!!!!!!! ed saw and he understood what it meant to stede and stede got to hear that!!!!!! I'm kissing the show on the lips).
i still feel some type of way about the teal shirt and the leather pants and everything they say about his state of mind throughout episodes 6-8, and i feel fifty more things about him finally being able to have his romantic fantasy come true and know that he's loved in the color that represents repression and being forced to perform a type of masculinity that's been destructive for him his whole life (as I've said before). I think it was insanely symbolic and important for him to be able to wear that particular outfit at that particular time and stay in it for the entire finale.
but. BUT. i can't wait to see what becomes of Stede's gender expression when he has time to rebuild his wardrobe, when he's not running around trying to keep everyone safe or prove he has worth, when he starts to realize and embrace that he doesn't have to be a certain kind of man for people to respect him and for ed to love him. i can't wait to see the choices he makes when he's finally free to choose. I think s3 might kill me yall
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crownspeaksblog · 7 months
How the hell does ofmd manage to give me everything i love about tv shows, in one show?!!
It's funny, silly, stupid but somehow at the same time it's serious, deep and well thought out!
Characters change and develop in prominent ways, characters have arcs, what they go through affects them, things aren't stagnant. (1x01 stede is a coward who's trying to hide from the English, 2x08 stede throws himself over 2 soldiers, he's brave despite the fact he's out numbered. 1x04 ed wants to quit piracy but doesn't know how, 2x08 ed quits piracy a second time with stede even when the first time doesn't work out)
It's a beautiful romance, a queer romance between two people who have insane chemistry, a love story that has ups and downs, but in the end they're right there for eachother because what they have is True Love!
The show is shot so beautifully, it doesn't look boring, so many shows I've watched (although entertaining) are shot in the most boring/basic ways possible, ofmd has so many gorgeous still shots, a couple of fun one shots! (The bar fight one shot in 2x07 deserves more attention! Mer!stede and ed looking at eachother while floating in the water is genuinely one of the most beautiful shots I've ever seen!)
The outfits characters wear changes with their arcs and it makes sense story wise and the outfits are just so fun looking, it's interesting and different and so, so not basic. (Stede going from aristocratic silly little outfits to pirate shirts with deep neck openings and leather pants!! Hot! Also can't wait to see eds s3 outfit.)
The song choice is fun, the lyrics, beautifully add another layer to the story (I'm still not over the "I've loved him since he was born" lyric!)
The women in this show, although few and not main characters, they're interesting, different and not basic "normal" women, so many shows and movies I've watched, the men get to be weird, kooky and interesting while the women are just painfully normal, but in ofmd, the few women we got are either insane, wild, weird, violent or just not fucking "normal"! (the most "normal" woman we have is probably mary who was gonna stab her husband with a skewer through the earhole!! Also the addition of archie, former snake cult member is just amazing!)
The action we get every once in a while is just so fun! I love a fight scene and for the most part, they look good, it looks well done (again the bar fight and ed killing motherfuckers left, right and center in 2x08 is just so goddamn fun to watch!)
I know so many other shows have most of these things, but the fact ofmd has all of these things, that i just fucking love in one show is amazing, it's appreciated and on top of all of this, the show just makes me happy whether I'm watching it or watching people's reactions to it or even just thinking about it! I love this show even with the criticisms i might have, i love it!
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stars-n-spice · 3 months
as always, spoilers under the cut and my thoughts are in no way coherent or in the order of how things happen in the episode
it's just me going to be screaming about whatever comes to mind as i type this
holy shit y'all new comfort episode just dropped!
kid you not, after seeing the episode i deadass went, "Wow, I'm so glad that episode didn't absolutely devastate me!" while I was like,, sobbing
whole episode i was either crying, screaming, or punching a pillow
can't even cry anymore, don't got no tears left
what is it with this show and having what would be emotional reactions to heavy things off screen???
fanfic writers you know what to do
Omega being back with Lula :( and her new outfit is so cute I love it so much :((
THEM BEING BACK ON PABU!!!! <3333 and still sleeping in their ship lol
Crosshair practicing :( and his aim just,,, getting worse :(((
will never ever ever ever get over cross and omega's dynamic,, I love them so much and I'm so glad he's back
I don't know how many times i went, "They're all back together!!" in this episode only to remember Tech isn't there and then sob violently
BUT ECHO FINALLY RETURNS - i'm kinda bitter about how he reacted to seeing Omega again because it seemed like,, like he was completely unfazed by the fact she was captured and sent to a hidden facility conducting god know what experiments BUT at the same time,, I could see it being that Echo always knew she was more than capable of escaping on her own so he wasn't too worried but STILL
"What no hug for me?" <- AAGUUHH,, and then the little smirk Crosshair gave after Echo's response,, they have no bad blood, love that
when Crosshair started talking about the facility I fucking KNEW he was talking about Barton IV and i was in so much pain,, agony even
Was NOT expecting them to return but I'm so glad they did because it played such a vital role in Crosshair's growth and returning to it and growing even more,, just,, aguughhh
WHEN HE FOUND MAYDAY'S HELMET,, FUCK FUCK FUCK minutes before that scene i was like "i swear to god if he finds something from Mayday-"
Hunter and Cross' dynamic in this was so fun to watch but also had me gnawing on my hands
could NOT get over the fact that they brought the dog with them on the mission, idk why but that's fucking hilarious to me
god I love Wrecker so much
"Omega trusts him and that's enough for me" FUCK
he wasn't super prominent in this episode but everything he did made me love him more
like you can tell the whole episode Wrecker was just waiting for the two of them to work things out
i missed all of them so much
it was so good to see them all work together
when he started to blame Hunter for his failures?? oh fuck as an oldest child that hurt SO much and I was so scared Crosshair was going to pull a "You're the reason why Tech is dead" card
But your honor they are brothers, I love them so much
"i said talk to him, not argue with him!" - "he started it" <- crosshair you cannot beat the youngest brother allegations
hey Crosshair probably didn't tell his brothers about his shaky hands,, ahahahahahaha,aha,,ahh,,,ha..
lmao love that being in a life or death situation and saving each other from it was what made Hunter and Cross start to trust each other
this episode was so great you don't understand
and i'm so happy nothing like,, terrible happened in it
yes I cried a fuckton throughout it but,, at least Omega is still with them and at least Echo is back (for now) and at least they're slowly starting to make up and be a team again
anyways,, nice episode,, can't wait for things to just get worse from here
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imrileyidostuff · 1 year
Episode 248
I just... hate this episode??? Screenshots under the cut, but oh my god the art is so wonky in this panel- and it especially shows in poor little baby Dionysus. The characters in this either look good or shit. Mostly shit.
Apollo's 'side' of the story is a really shitty thing to do and it seems like he's being justified in a way?? I'm not usually critical of stories, because I'm really dumb and can't analyse, but I'm sure that giving the perspective of an abuser is a pretty big no-no in writing, right? It could just be the story playing Apollo as a whiny ass guy who didn't know what he was doing, but it's coming off as 'It isn't my fault okkaaayy? 🥺👉👈'
It's just icky.
So, onto shitty ahh scenes! yaayyy. /s
All panels and shots belong to Rachel Smythe and her team
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First off- tiny head syndrome, yaoi hands, and I'm 95% sure that every male character is beginning to look like a fucking margarita glass. Also, i think the background is just a little bit too blurry: Zeus doesn't really look like he's in the world around him, he's more of a PNG pasted on top.
Oh wait-
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Okay. Anatomy. She's got bug eyes and is drawn a little childishly but overall it's alright. Shading. Muddy as shit- Rachel, please stop using the multiply layer for everything please i swear to god-
Overall, from Apollo's perspective this is a pretty good metaphor for this whole comic. A sad little uwu girl is put on a pedestal while she does absolutely horrendous shit. Although the rest of his perspective is shit.
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...Artemis, my /p Love, how... why...
So. Artemis is suffering from a really weird pose. Why are her hands doing... that? Her head is also a bit large but that's to be expected. Her pose is just so... stiff? going back to S1 she had such better posing, even if the anatomy was arguably worse.
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Look at this??? There's so much emotion and personality in these, and they just look gorgeous! Now, let's compare S1 with S3, hm?
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You can see that not only the anatomy is better, the shading is better, and that her outfit is really good, but you can tell that the second photo has much, much more emotion. Natural emotion, that is, not the goofy, non-serious kind of emotion that's comedic at best.
You can tell that Rachel put so much more effort into S1, with the amazing lighting and personality.
I'm going to do he rest of the episode another day lol, the rest of my screenshots are on a diff topic.
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risingshards · 11 months
Things I am not over from the movie (Venture Bros spoilers)
-That little moment of Doc being able to calculate how long they have in freefall, like he's actually really really smart he just is burdened with [gestures to his entire life prior]. I love any moment where he gets to actually be competent.
-"All you need to know is that the person who gave birth to you loves you. I promise they do." That is maybe the most beautiful line in the entire series I'm SOBBING. Bonus points that its true meaning is super science weirdness overflowing with love. That's the series in a nutshell.
-That potentially the last shot of the series is the Venture Bros' first "Go Team Venture"
-How hilarious it was that Monarch and 21's new outfits had the squeaky plastic/leather sounds, IIRC Jackson and Doc wanted that for something earlier in the show but couldn't get it
-The pee in a jar reference (I cannot believe this got in and I can't believe how sentimental it made me)
-Dermott stealing and hoarding Venture relics, I love that he joined OSI and basically ended up in the same spot
-My theories getting obliterated. I should've shared it beforehand but my big theory going in: In commentary for S3 they kind of go over an early version of Bobbi's history with Rusty and Jonas. My thought was that Bobbi St. Simone was not only the boys' mother with Rusty but also that she was Brock's mom who she had with Jonas, making him both the boys' brother and also Rusty's. It made perfect sense in my head but I'm glad I was wrong in hindsight lol. Force Majeure had a very similar face to Brock though so maybe that's his dad hmm...
-I kept waiting to see what the title meant, and with the cover I was expecting a giant baboon to show up that was somehow dormant under Ventech tower, but the actual title ended up making a lot of sense (and the gushing baboon blood mentioned in press releases ended up being Monarch's...)
-James Urbaniak posted a bit of the script that had me anxious about the movie for a long while, the last audio he recorded for the movie were screams for the electromagnetic scene, and he shared a bit of the script and covered most of it up so it just read like "HATRED screams and opens fire.....HELPER is COMPLETELY DESTROYED." So I kept imagining how it would go, assuming they were going up against some ruthless enemy not trying to destroy a bunch of Alexas in an electromagnetically charged room. I had a nightmare where weirdly enough the scene was happening in space which ended up being where the scene took place which is weird, but in the dream version Hatred like violently died and I was so devastated. I must care about the Venture crew a great deal because I've definitely had nightmares about characters dying before big eps/specials before, before Operation PROM I had a dream about Orpheus getting lit on fire that I still remember and shudder thinking about. Also seeing Helper safe (well their head at least) in the ending was a great anxiety douser cuz from the script I thought Helper got like disintigrated and the movie would have tons of characters dying in some Venture-pocalypse.
-Monarch is Rusty clone 22, making him and 21's friendship more numerically satisfying
-Going by that my assumption is approximately 20 Rusty Ventures bit the dust before our Rusty lasted, just like his boys.
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findafight · 1 year
Re: Billy, yeeaahh, I think there’s exactly one *potential* way Billy could have been persuaded to leave without a fight and that’s if Chrissy was there at the Byers for some reason and she and Steve tricked Billy into thinking he saw her instead of Max. (1/ hopefully 2)
Why is Chrissy there? I don’t know. Maybe this is a ‘Chrissy and Steve are cousins’ au and he called her over in the hopes that her presence would stop the Party from sneaking out to commit arson to save Will’s life. Maybe she actually got caught up in everything last year bc she tagged along with Steve when he went to apologize (probably another cousins au scenario). Maybe she saw Max skateboarding, thought it was cool, and started a conversation. (Part 3 incoming)
(3/3) Cheerleading is pretty hard, so if Max was either already aware of that or found out while talking/hanging out with Chrissy, I think it’s reasonable that Max might admire Chrissy, which could potentially result in Chrissy being asked to the junkyard (especially if Max didn’t buy Lucas’s story, which I don’t think she did).
oooh fascinated by Steve and Chrissy being sporty cousins who are basically siblings tho. Steve who calls Chrissy his "sister but actually my cousin but basically my sister" in his brain because she's maybe 7/8 months younger than him so was in the grade below but they grew up together and almost all the baby pictures have them together in matching outfits :') they saved worms together from the pavement after it rained. Chrissy put them in Steve's hair and he cried. (she did this many times) They sit beside each other at family gatherings and just much sly and cutting mean girl comments about their relatives to make the other laugh. Or make distressed faces at each other from across the table when grandpa Otis is getting drunk and ready to rant.
Chrissy who Steve called during his sad boy clean up his own mess hours and she was like "okay I'll drive you to the byers house? You got knocked around I'll drive please don't get in a wreck auntie Diane would kill me." and she waits in the car for him but then Shit Goes Down and there's lights flashing and Steve runs out, but he stops, and looks back. and then locks eyes with Chrissy, and runs back in. So she follows. And finds out monsters are real right beside her brother-cousin.
yeah okay I'm digging Chrissy and Steve cousins au but it HAS to be coupled with Chrissy lives au I can't do that to them. I can't make Steve try to clear Eddie's name while mourning the only family he's known loved him. (but GOD a Jason/steve confrontation in that au? where jason is like she was your family! and steve is like I know!! That's why you need to believe me that Eddie didn't do this! I want revenge just as much as you! oh god this is so sad no no Chrissy lives in harrington cousin au.)
Anyway but Yeah. I think, like. Billy just wanted to punch someone. I guess because Chrissy is a pretty and popular girl, he would at least hesitate in his itch for a fight. Billy doesn't respect women but he's savvy enough to get in with Tommy, Steve's former bestie, so he knows enough that Chrissy isn't someone he wants to be on the bad side of. So perhaps it would...slow down? the events? idk. I really do think once Billy saw Steve or Lucas he wasn't leaving without punching someone. She could try to convince him it was her in the window, if Steve had gone out first, and that might give the kids time to hide better, but Steve isn't leaving s2 without getting punched by Billy in place of Lucas. It's one of those "locked in the timeline" things for me. Sorry Steve :( at least sometimes you aren't knocked out completely.
this answer is all over the place haha but post s3 pre s4 chrissy seeing Max skateboarding and thinking it's pretty cool and striking up a little mentor-friendship with her is so cute. Two lonely girls</3 Maybe Max teaches her to kickflip and Chrissy Teaches her to cartwheel... holds her ankles up to get the feel for it...and for a little while they don't feel so alone... aww... I love giving Max role models and older girls to look up to. She's got Steve but she deserves some girls looking out for her.
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lovvecherrymotion · 1 month
missed you smmm and i’m hugging you back 🥹🫶 hope you are doing good today!! and it’s totally fine that you replied late because in the meantime i started the show woooo
i just finished s2 and oh my god it was crazy good and i am in love with all the characters 😭💕 when i was watching lone star, i kinda know which plot points were triggering but as much as i liked some characters i didn’t feel that warmth or connection between them like in 911, here they are my family and are so worth watching for!! so yeah all in all i am really happy i started 🫶
agree with what you’ve said, i am so here for the angst okaaay 👀 bucktommy might last for next season even if they’re already giving hints that they might not be compatible (buddie looking more like a couple than them at the party and stuff) although yes i do hope they stay friends and i am curious to see more scenes with them like that kiss in the last ep??? daaamn 🫣 and marisol is so not staying she wasn’t even at the wedding no one cares about her i’m sorry to say 😭😭
i noticed the fandom is very,, intense. i try not to get worked up when i see all the ship wars and whatnot cause i honestly just want to vibe and enjoy the ride :)
- 💌
good morning, my darling anon! my friend still hasn't woken up, so i'm taking the chance to reply to your ask 🥰🥰
omg yes! i tried lone star and it's *fine*, sure, but i actually care about every single character in the og!! not to mention the found family aspect of the 118 and their dynamics - that was truly what made me feel invested in the show. they're all such great characters and their bond is just 😭😭😭
now that you're done with s2, i truly can't wait for you to experience the maddness that was s3 and s4 of buddie 🤭🤭
buddie with the matching outfits killed me. i do think they're doing pretty well with making us care about bucktommy AND also keeping things vague enough that he might stick around for longer or just hve them break up if they're not having the reaction they want from most of the audience. still - i'm very optimistic about where things are going
and that's the best way to do it! i was wayyyyy too invested in the fandom during previous seasons but this one i've just been chilling and enjoying what we get and it's making for a much better experience. the joy of getting bi buck is neverending anyway lmao
hope you're doing okay! i've been excited about böle and all my moots and friends who got to go! seems like it was an amazing show! (AND THE LITTLE BOJAN ON THE SETLIST? 😭😭😭 oh bojere you will always be famous)
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mellarkably · 1 year
I 100% agree with ur predictions. It’s what I am leaning more towards too. The only thing still unclear to me is the Ben promo pic looking at Devi in her locker, would go ahead and assume it’s after NYC when they’re finally besties again. The pic of them studying or some sorts is still unclear to me which episode but will go ahead and say around 406. And that random clip of Devi in a bed (? with a metallic outfit on it must be from the NYC episode. There’s a lot of things I’m still confused about but I agree with ur theories and how everything gets a conclusion.
I think that Devi/Paxton scene is the only one explicitly romantic they’ll get because it will serve as a conclusion for their arc. The writers high key closed their arc well on Season 3 and the only reason Paxton is a coach is to keep Darren in the finale season. That’s very clear. But their arc was pretty much completed.
Devi and Ben for sure will have sex again after prom on Devi’s room but this time it won’t be like 401 because they are clear on it and Devi isn’t doing it out of rush but there’s a lot of love and softness in it. We might even see the after match of them being calm and not longer the awkwardness after their first time.
I even thought about how in that Jaren and Maitreyi celebration video for their last scene. Mait is wearing the corsage but not her updo hairstyle from prom so it must be another attempt at prom. A clever person said that it looks like it could be her graduation dress since Devi is wearing her hair down similarly to that video but the outfit is covered by the red graduation gown so this could be the same episode of their graduation (Devi gets to be valedictorian) and Ben prepares a “retry” of prom for her.
*I might go further and say the library scene is a flash toward scene to college.
hello anon! glad to hear you agree with my predictions.
the promo pic i think you're talking about (inserted below) is actually from 406! so yes, it's after the club fight in 405, which im still assuming is nyc since the settings for every scene in this episode seems different than the show's usual sets. he seems very fond of her here and i assume they're engaging in their routine locker banter. its what gave me the impression that they patch things up after the club incident.
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as for the pic of them studying which i am also putting below (correct me if its not the one you're talking about) its from 409. the same episode as prom. im assuming its before because i don't really see them placing prom at the beginning of an episode, but it could be possible that it's the morning after he climbs into her window and whatever happens after.
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devi in this outfit still has me confused. she looks amazing, but it's clear its in some effort to seduce a guy, im assuming. i do agree with you about it being in nyc, although im not sure. my guess? she's decorated ethan's hotel room to have sex with him. its giving the same vibes as devi trying to have sex with des. again, don't know what and why or how this fits into the main plot, but i guess we'll see. it doesn't help that i can't seem to figure out which episode this is in.
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you're much more hopeful than me to believe the supply closet scene is their only romantic scene. considering she's already romantically involved with ethan in the first half of the season, id say that makes sense considering the time we have left to develop ben and devi. but this show always throws me off-guard so fingers crossed its true! really did feel like they closed off their arc in s3 but i guess some closure is allowed, still it just feels like dragging atp.
agree on prom! if not sex, some form of intimacy has to happen. whether its a really honest pillow talk, or a full on romantic scene, we'll have to wait till june to see.
you're very right about her hair! although it could be just the actress letting her hair down after filming. about the dress, it seems to be a part of an american eagle campaign which she was a part of, so i don't know if its as much a graduation dress as just a part of maitreyi's wardrobe. i could be wrong though and regardless, am holding out hope for a prom redo of sorts.
the library scene could very much be a flash forward! i actually think that makes the most sense. considering the timeline.
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darlenicy · 1 year
Let's watch: Winx Nickelodeon Special I
Okay, I made the step and watched the nickelodeon Winx Special. And OMG it’s so bad lmao. But today I am not alone reviewing – my best friend H-chan succored me and I swear, her comments are comedy gold. Just like I she knows Winx from her childhood but is no fan of it anymore so I am even more glad, that she agreed to watch it with me! Okay, let’s start. (H is her and L is me)
H: What's this for a really stupid new opening? I want "Heller als Licht*"!!! *the original German opening song for s1 and s2
H: Gardenia looks like in a bad computer game, the trees are floating 😂
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H: she goes to bed with her clothes on
L: At least she takes off her shoes
H: other outfits? that's totally confusing (everyone wearing their s3 outfits)
H: And Bloom rides her bike without a helmet. A very bad example again for the children
H: what??? Stella doesn't even have her real scepter!! It used to look like a hubcap. now it looks like a virus
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.....i mean she's not wrong
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L: Icy has a new voice actress in this one....wait! it's the same voice as Mai from ATLA!
H: Die Bloom, die!
L: also why does knut look so scary?? Wtf
H: At least it's not Katara from ATLA
[Bloom+family+Stella attacked by Knut and Troll] L: Why doesn't Stella transform? 😂
[the specialists arrive] L: Oh right, Sky is Sky in this one.
H: But then the whole conflict is gone. nothing will happen anymore. then what reason does Bloom have to be mad at him???
H: I always thought they had cool laser swords, but they can't do anything
H: Oh yes, I will fight against it, that will certainly help 🙄
[Faragonda appears] H: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 😬
[Bloom steps on Floras plant] H: Yes Bloom, the first thing you do is killing your roommate's plant 🙄
H: NOOO Flora has a new voice too 😖 (actually her new one from s3 ongoing)
H I always thought her [Flora's] outfit was super cool
L: this or the old one?
H: no, this one, the top of the old one looked like lettuce
jdjflksjfdsfkkdsfö I almost died laughing. I actually liked the old one a lot and never saw a lettuce in it xD)
[Transformation and everyone shouting their things, like FLORA FAIRY OF NATURE ] H: Okay but if Flora is the fairy of nature, that should contain water too. So everything left for Layla is being the fairy of jelly
H: Yes, AlFEA the school for FAIRIES. Someone was very creative on this one (in Germany it's even more obvious because fairy means Fee)
H: Why does Griselda want to punish them now? For eating pizza or for being almost killed by three sexy witches?
L: For the plot I suppose. So they put one of the most boring episodes in (Friends in Need)
[Musa: We would be done sooner if you know who helped us] H: As if Voldemort would help you
L: Riven be like NOPE
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L: Stormy has the same voice like Katara I think!
H: We know that when she says something with hope 🤣
H: Timmy has no laser sword. He has a flashlight 🤣
[Driven appears on screen]
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Also they completely left the part with the Prince of Darkness out because not even Rainbow knew what it was about xD
L: And of course BLOOM hat the idea. 🙄
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H: like the scrap drummers 🤣🤣
H: They could have died for not transforming so as not to break the rules, but they break into the office simply because bloom wants to
H: riven only turned on the light so the trix could see the others😌
[Faragonda hopes that Griffin will punish the Trix] H: yes of course, noo! she'd totally celebrate it. Besides, they're bad witches and then they do something bad and it's not right either???
Daphne: Bloom, do you recognise my voice? H: No, it's different from the one in the show
[In the simulation room ]H: Why is there no snow on Domino??? (that always fucked me up too in the show ahahah)
L: Why do the Trix already guess that Bloom has the dragon flame? Where do they know it from?
H: Because they're mega smart 😌
[Paladium: We have to get her back] H: yeh, you could have done that sooner
H: oh those are supposed to be wings when she makes that finger movement? I always thought she just couldn't do a heart
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areyoudoingthis · 7 months
I CAN'T WAIT to see what outfits they put them in for s3. what's stede gonna choose to dress like now that he's not constrained by circumstances (neither his upbriging nor the scarcity of clothes he suffered from in s2. watsonian and doylean). what's ed's gender gonna look like now that he has embraced the leathers and the softness? will the jewelry make a comeback? will he be allowed to wear a wedding dress to his wedding? I wanna be watching the interviews with the costume designers already
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rillette · 2 years
So how would you think titans 2018 would handle the parralax arc (I'm interested in a train wreck sorta way)
im so glad u asked bestie <3 putting this under a cut bc theres four paragraphs already and i havent even got to parallax yet
ok so. if they ever plan on introducing kyle into the titans lineup, they're probably going to have to adapt the parallax arc. and since they have superboy i feel like its (unfortunately) a possibility. so, first things first: destruction of coast city happens early in the season.
I'm setting this during s4 since it hasn't happened yet, so the titans are on a road trip back to the west coast. The titans are in a diner, diner goes quiet, they see the destruction of Coast City on the TV or whatever. Standard catastrophe happens in a movie shit, u know the deal. The titans go "oh no! anyways" and go back to their meal.
they get back to sanfran and everyone in the city is giving them a wide berth, shit is weird, everyone is creeped out but they figure it's just leftover bad press from s3 in gotham. they get back to the tower, turn on the news and find out that superboy is being framed for the destruction of coast city. its not that huge of a leap considering he has a history of flipping his shit in public, but never to that extent.
anyways they get to coast city, defeat the imposter, kon gets his cool 90s outfit to separate himself from the other guy and bc its cool as shit. on their way out of the city (they dont help with the clean up) they pass by some guy having a breakdown at the edge of the blast radius. they shrug and keep moving bc who gives a shit.
anyways the next couple episodes or whatever are them attempting to do street level hero shit and failing miserably bc they have no skills other than punch guy in face hard and also people still don't trust them lol. they get word on the street that someone is going around and actually like helping people and stopping crime with minimal collateral damage (impossible challenge).
eventually they corner the new guy and omg its kyyyyle hi kyle! kyle is doing street level shit bc some guy gave him a ring and no instructions, so he just. started doing what the main character in his comics does (hes employed as a comic artist and this will never get brought up again). they offer him training and he accepts, joining the team. of course, the introduction of kyle means that the entire corps have been slaughtered offscreen at this point. girlboss hal moments.
anyways this all builds up to hal being the big bad of the second half of the season. hal confronts the titans in full parallax regalia, intent on killing them all. soup, you say, is this 90s parallax or the shitty bug retcon? neither. this is titans 2018. this parallax has a breakdown over the destruction of coast city because he can't control coast city anymore (since its gone) and spirals because he feels like he's losing control over his space sector. he spirals so hard that he decides he needs more power so he never loses control over anything ever again. thats right baby, this titans 2018 version of hal is just a thinly veiled version of sinestro but shittier.
anyways this culminates in a showdown where hal is trying to kill the titans bc he blames them for the loss of coast city. kyle is going "wait guys i got this, hal this isnt you this isnt in ur heart </3" etc. etc. it doesnt work lol. anyways the finale matches the season one finale beat for beat. if they go the route of hal also having fear powers or whatever this is a great opportunity for jason to push past the fear and show his character growth but this show hates good writing and also jason.
anyways the titans beat his ass with the power of working together and also the color yellow probably and then they all go "omg we're such a family" and hal dies. the end of the season finale shows kyle leaving flowers at hal's grave, and then he walks off and meets up w the titans again. (also this gives kyle a complex where he feels like he has to be better than hal bc hal turned out to be a mass murdering megalomaniac.) (this is hinted at during the course of the next season but they will never ever expand on it and it will be forgotten).
i have thought about this a normal amount. dc hire me.
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insomniactalks · 2 years
Did you see how Ej and Gina wearing blue and pink again for s3 promo pics. I can't wait for the season.
I usually answer asks in the order I receive them but I had to get to urs first, anon! Yes I did see them wearing their signature colors yet again! Given the following instances, I can't help but think it's intentional at this point🤷🏽‍♀️😅:
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Sure, Gina and EJ aren't always wearing pink/red and blue in every scene together in the pics above (1.10 and 2.05) , but I can't help but notice it comes up often enough. Even in the 3.01 screencap when they arrive at camp, they still have blue and red/pink present in the bags they carry. It deff seems intentional on the show's part to have Gina and EJ wearing pink and blue once again in the S3 character portraits. Also, notice their body language there. Gina's arms are crossed in front of her which suggests she's still a bit guarded, but she wears a smile on her face b/c maybe she wants to continue to open up more next season. EJ's facing the camera more fully but has his hand in his pocket and the other on his neck, which suggests to me he's also a bit guarded but is willing to open up as well (the hand on the back of the neck may also mean nervousness in what the future holds). They both also have the slightest bit of green in their outfits, which is also present in their 2.07 fits. In 2.07, they fake dated (again), and EJ expresses some disappointment in not being Gina's "fake boyfriend" anymore. Obviously that all changes when he asks her out "for real this time" in 2.10. I have no doubt Portwell will be going thru it in S3 (mainly b/c they're a main couple who will always deal with the brunt of the drama) but that doesn't mean they won't make it out in the end, together.😚 Also, and I could totally be wrong about this, but in S2, whenever Gina and EJ were feeling pretty low, they tended to wear darker, more muted colors (2.03, 2.04, 2.06). The fact that they're both wearing a pretty bright pink and blue could indicate how happy they are or will be in their budding relationship in S3.
I'm with you anon, I also can't wait for the season (and holy fucking shit they all look so good in the S3 character shots/ group pic)!!!😭
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kattestrophe · 2 years
Alright, I've finished Season 3 of The Musketeers
It was... I have some questions. I may just be dumb. I may have missed things while getting a drink. I don't know. Maybe someone will be able to help. Anyway, I'll rant my thoughts into the void for a moment.
How exactly did they go on after the end of S2? Their last scene is literally "Yeah, we're going to go find Aramis and get the gang back together after five minutes apart!" and then they... Don't, apparently? They are surprised to see him at the monastery in S3E1, so they obviously did not know he was there. Did they catch up to him before he got there? Did they not find him? Did he actually turn them down when they asked him to come back or did they just not have that talk?! I feel like that should be mentioned? Feels relevant? Was it mentioned!?
Why is Grimaud so mad at Athos specifically? Why is it stated in the behind the scenes clips that Grimaud specifically gives Athos the heeby jeebies more than any other villain so far? Where did he get his money? How did he get his connections? Do I need to read the book to understand why the show named their villain who has never met Athos before after Athos' lackey??
The other villains didn't quite catch me either this season, idk what it was, they just didn't really do it for me.
Why would you basically put Athos in the Milady Memorial Suit, say as much in the behind the scenes, and then pretty much not use her at all in S3? "The Milady Story", "The writers felt like there was something left to tell", then why didn't they do it?!
Why does the Dauphin not talk?! Like?? He's supposed to be 6?? Give him another line or two and pay the child accordingly, it's kinda creepy how he barely makes any sound at all. Also: Why does he just walk along with anyone who grabs his arm, surely even a child would notice that the guy who just punched the lady he was supposed to stay with in the face is not a nice man?!
Well, maybe he gets his brains from his dad who, for some reason, thought spilling everything about his affair with Anne to Louis was a swell idea. "I know how a dying man acts", oh fuck off, for all you know you may have just turned his terrible inescapable marriage even worse for Anne. 17th century Queens have been exiled away from their kids for this type of shit, Aramis!
Speaking of which: What exactly did Louis do to keep Aramis away from Anne and his son after his death? Like? He says that, but?? Nothing happens?? At all?? No consequences?? He called her a spanish harlot in the episode before his death, it doesn't sound like he feels all that generous towards her??
That was another thing, the whole caricature-print-story started and ended so fast I barely caught up. That really only existed to have Athos yell "to hell with the law", right?
Was Sylvie expecting the people to just get how to read themselves from the flyers they were handing out? Like, they were explicitly handing them out, not using them for lessons.
Oh boy, Feron sure changed his mind about the whole treason thing fast. "I'll conspire against the crown!" "You're family, Philippe, I'm gifting you a grave 🥺" "Can't wait to fill that! Will die for you right away!"
Why do Aramis and d'Artagnan keep switching pauldrons in multiple episodes, I am BEGGING you to label your costumes, BBC!
And why do they only get their new uniforms in Episode 3
And why is Marcheaux's jacket glittery
And what's that added leather thing with the cross that Aramis wears like... Twice? Is it their fancy day uniform? Why does he wear it without anything else when he accompanies Louis? Why does he wear it to the bar battle?
the costumes were kind of hit or miss for me this season, some I loved, some were Marcheaux's jacket or Aramis's final outfit. Or the Dauphin's wigs.
it's also very funny to watch everyone in the behind the scenes say "Oh, the Red Guard is so much more elite now, scary Red Guard" when d'Artagnan throws his weapon away to kill Marcheaux and they're still mostly absolute dunces who get beaten to pulp every other episode and have their bare asses handed to them by Constance
Speaking of Constance: Handing the kid off to her sounds fine at first, but like... Wouldn't everyone know her around these parts? And know she doesn't have a child? If there are two women the people of the area would know it's Madame d'Artagnan of the Musketeers and Sylvie of The Group of Refugees We Hate Sometimes, people would notice them dragging an unknown child around.
Speaking of Constance and kids, that was made to seem important for her and d'Artagnan and then never mentioned again. "Oh, we may never have kids..." "Oh, the kids Constance and I will have someday..." talk to each other!?!?
Aramis in the middle of S2: "Fighting is what I am meant to be doing!" Aramis at the end of S2: "Everything is going to shit, if I get out of this I'll radically turn my life around!"- okay, I get that. - Aramis at the beginning of S3: "The turning around part showed me that I am truly meant to be a musketeer!" - nice, he has grown in his understanding of himself, he knows his place in the world - Aramis at the end of S3: "So, about that-!" - oh come ON!
I didn't really dig the ending overall. We got a taste of Anne's and Aramis's combined diplomatic power in episode 8 and I dare say France is doomed.
Like, I'm glad they're together, making out in the middle of the park as if their relationship isn't still scandalous, raising their son, but A. that blue costume looked really weird on Aramis (is it just me? was something off about the cut?) and B. there must have been a better way. Honestly, the other people on the council who have been navigating politics for ages must be banging their heads on the table in agony whenever the current regent drags in yet another rando who's there for different reasons entirely!
Aramis will get bored and start shooting birds in the palace garden in three days time, I'm calling it
Continuing on about the ending, did Porthos and Elodie truly make such a connection in the cumulative week of knowing each other that they have to get married? Maybe if they had brought her back an episode earlier, but pulling her from a hat right before the end of the series felt a bit cheap...
Where are Athos and Sylvie going?? And why?? Don't the two of you have shit to do in Paris, help the poor, keep your community going?? Do they have a specific destination or are they just hoping to arrive somewhere nice enough with a midwife and a connection to food and water before Sylvie is so pregnant she can't ride anymore?!
Also, did Athos brush and tie up his hair for his final scene? That can't be him, it's his evil clone!
Constance and d'Artagnan are still cute and together, yay for that! Would have loved more conversations
Goodbye Scene in the garrison: Why no last "All for one, one for all"? Why must the last one for all be a note in a hat!?!? You're telling me this group of besties just kind of awkwardly walk away from each other!? Let Porthos and Aramis hug again!
I do love Milady's new paying position, good for my favourite murderous fashion icon. If only she had had like... a lot more proper scenes and interactions with the plot.
I heard that the actress couldn't film due to her being on maternity leave, but... come on, couldn't that have been handled better?
I really liked the show overall, but the third season felt a bit lackluster. Welp. I might still make that crack vid :'D
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garebearandnan · 1 year
Season 2 Day 9 Pt2 'The Good The Bad The Sexy'
I had started writting this a while back when I laid out most of the challenges for 'A Bit of Me'. It can't wait to see what FB does for the S6 challenge. I based this challenge on game S3 and S3 AU & S1/S5 UK TV show challenges that were based around a mechanical bull.
I originally was going to have as day 9 challenge and only have the boys riding the bull. But then did slight re-write and so it's a couple riding together similar to S3.
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Iain Stirling: There are three kinds of people in this challenge... The Good, The Bad & The Sexy. Which of our Islander will become the villa's sexiest cowboy or cowgirl?
Part 1:
"I've got a text!" shouted Priya. The shout rang across the Villa, making everyone perk up  Marisol asked, “What’s the text?” Priya comes to a halt at the breakfast bar and says, "It's a challenge!"
Hope squeals and claps. “Read it!” Priya reads out.
"Howdy, partners!  It's time to pull on your boots and  take the bull by the horns for today’s challenge!"
Bobby Is practically bouncing in place, asking, “Ooh! So, what you reckon it’s gonna be? A rodeo?”
Priya replied, “Hang on, no, wait!”
Noah shushes him, ”Shhh…”
Priya reads out the rest of the message.
"And see which couple are the real life Rodeo and Juliet. #ridemecowboy #giddyup"
Lucas asked, “We’re not going to have to ride a bull are we?”
“Ooh, this sounds mint!" says Gary. His eyes immediately light up as you thrust your arm in the air and begin to imitate whirling a lasso, adding, "Rodeo and Juliet. Love that."
Iain Stirling: Oh my stars! Who told her? Find out in the rootinest and tootinest reality show in all the West! … Who writes this stuff?
We ran down to the challenge area in slo-mo, whooping and cheering. As you approach the challenge area, you see an inflatable pen set up in the centre of the platform. Inside is a mechanical bull. The large challenge banner reads, 'The Good, The Bad and The Sexy'. On the other side of the ring is the makeshift facade of an Old West saloon. Shooting targets of various sizes are hung upon it. Each couple must ride the bull for as long as they can while shooting targets with a water pistol.
Bobby utters these words with a twinkle in his eye: "Bucking Hell."
“What the buck?” Gary laughs and tosses back his head.
Joining in on the good times, Rahim asks, "What the buck is this?"
Then, with a chuckle, Lucas exclaims, "Oh! For Buck's sake!"
When the boys looked at Noah, he finished by saying, "Buck off!"
ALL: Laughter
BH Grace: "So we get to the challenge stage and see this big bull in the middle and I was like, ‘Yee-ha!’ These are my fav.” She giggles. "I’m going to nail this challenge." I’m going to rope myself a cowboy..
Bobby says with an exaggerated Texan accent, “Woah, nelly. We’ve got ourselves a challenge, cow-folk.”
Looks like Bobby is getting into the spirit.
Lottie asked, “Um. Is that your cowboy voice?”
He says, "You betcha, partner," and adds, "Get it?" with a brimming smile.
Noah sighs and asks, "Please tell me that's not part of the challenge."
Gary bursts out laughing and slaps his thigh and adds, “Ha! Love it.”
“Looks like we’re in for some Bucking Bronco,” says Bobby and Marisol cheered, “Oh, bring it on. We had one of these at an end-of-year uni party once. I won but my thighs have never been sorer.”
Lucas gave her a smouldering smile and flirted. “Is that a challenge?”
She blushed. “Oh, um… that wasn’t supposed to be dirty…"
Lucas's phone beeps. "Guys, it's mine. I’ve just got a message.” He reads it out.
"Islanders, it's time to mosey on over and pick an outfit from the boxes. You’ll need to look the part today, as we find out who among you is the best at holding on to a rough ride…"
“This sounds like… A chance to show off my skills and an opportunity for some flirting. This is going to be epic. Not to one-up Marisol, but I’ve got some serious skills on these things. My brother's watering hole back in Texas has one.”
Gary gives you a cheeky smile and flirts with you, saying, “And I bet you look really good while you’re doing it, too.”
“Well, at least you’ve got a partner.”
Marisol gestures to Gary. “Oh, no offence, babes. I’m just not really into the idea of getting lassoed by you.”
"Hey, don't worry," Lucas added, "I’m not too worried about winning this one either.”
“Maybe you can play bad guys? Give the riders a little extra soaking.” Bobby made the suggestion, and Lucas thought it was a good one, remarking, “That sounds more like it. We’ll be the outlaws trying to chase down the sheriff.”
Gary continues getting into the role. “Dag-nabbit, you curmudgeons! You know that ain’t part o’ this here challenge.”
“Pretty sure cowboy-talk isn’t part of the challenge either, Gary,” exclaimed Marisol.
Gary shakes his head. “What the deuce are you talking ‘bout, cow-folk? Got a pining for a hiding, small fry?”
There’s a brief pause. Marisol groans audibly. “What does that even mean?”
Everyone regarded him blankly, and the blond Chatham native shrugged, saying, “I love westerns, OK? Have I really never mentioned that?”
“Not even once, babe.” You said with a smile. “But it’s hilarious.” Another box ticked.
TEXT ALERT! Lucas read out.
"Grace and Lucas - you will be competing together in this challenge as a couple. #roomforonemore #twocowboysonehorse"
"Let's get on with it, shall we?" You realise that Noah has already chosen an outfit from the trunk. Damn, he looks hot! As Hope scans him from head to toe, she exclaims, “Looking good, babe!” 
"Smoking, you might say," Priya observes.
“Thanks, guys,” Noah chuckles, adding, “Well, don’t just stand there. Come pick out an outfit!”
The Islanders rush towards the chests of clothes. You follow the others over to the chests, poking your head between the other Islanders as they all grab their outfits in a frenzy.
Everyone's trying to get the best outfit first! Lottie barges through the stampede, stepping on more than a few toes as she goes. “Out of the way, slow-pokes!”
“Ow!” Bobby cries out.
“Sorry babes!” Lottie keeps searching through the collection of items while she makes her sudo-apology.
“Dudes, I don’t look half bad, do I?” Bobby says while modelling what he's wearing, and Priya models her outfit in addition and claims that, “Hey cow-folk. Get a load of this.”
Gary cries out, “Ha! This is what I’m talking about. How do I look?”
You look over at him. How does Gary look in his outfit?  So damn sexy. "Like a smoking gun. Can you keep the outfit?"
He gives you a cheeky smile. "You like it that much?"
Oh, yeah. I love to ride myself a cowboy.
He suggests, "Don't wait around, get yourself something nice."
You find a number of different cowboy accessories and toys to wear over your swimsuit. Gary is watching you as you put them on, a grin on his face. Bloody hell, can she get any sexier. “Smokin' hot, Grace.”
BH Grace: “The boys all look so sexy in their little cowboy outfits.”
As soon as you finishing attaching your holster, you feel a splash of cold water on your back. You turn around to see Bobby pointing a water pistol at you. “Gotcha!”
“Hey! That was cold!” You pick up your water pistol and start firing back.
“Don’t waste all the water or you’ll not have any left for the challenge!” Hope says but thinks for a moment then adds, "Oh, wait we have a whole pool.”
Hope looks at her phone. “Oh, that’s me.” You read out the text message.
"Cowgirls, it’s time to ride. First you’ll need to mount the mechanical bull. Then use the rope to lasso you a stud onto the saddle with you. Together you will try and shoot as many pop-up targets as possible. So, grip those pistols, straddle the bull, and get ready to ride em’, cow-folks! #lassoyouacowboy #lotsofknots"
The pairs take it in turns to ride the bucking bronco, resulting in varying degrees of success. Part 2 coming soon.
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
Anyway here's wonderwall (a list of my "worries" for S3 tonight) (really only 1 is a legit worry)
1. Flapjack dies (please no please I can't even entertain the idea of this)(legitimate fear for this birb)(it won't happen)(BUTWHATIFITDOES)(it won't)(BUTWHA--)
2. Hunter becomes a Noceda, thus Dadrius never happens (I'll be so disappointed but I know logically from a writing standpoint it won't be a bad or 'unexpected twist' ending for him, but AHH I'll be so disappointed. I also wonder how that'd work in terms of like.. Hunter isn't gonna live in the human realm with Camila, right? That seems like an unusual turn, especially since I don't even imagine Luz will live at home full-time by the series end and instead comes and goes between Camila & Eda)(That said I think Hunter is already family with Luz & that Camila is one of the most important adults in his life & always will be, but actually having their name before we see Vee get it would be :/ )(This is just my very specific fandom brainrot that'd leave me bummed even tho I know it wouldn't even really be a bad thing)
3. Huntlow becomes canon or strongly implied it's inevitable, and people get all mad about it (I think regardless how people feel about a ship that fandom shouldn't make it the crew's problem, after everything the show has been through I promise one side ship isn't gonna ruin everything. I know only a small % of the haters of this ship act this way but I am genuinely dreading it getting worse & TOH getting that "is bad queer rep now" label that a lot of other media have been tossed under like SU & SPOP & LoK, over both this ship & if the ending is rushed in any way)(Like. Jfc that would be So Exhausting to see)
4. We don't get anymore clarified Wittebros lore, and especially we don't ever learn the name of Caleb's wife or if he married into the Clawthorne family (Cannot express enough how awful it is when media won't name the dead wives of characters)(I'd be SHOCKED if we didn't get the lore but I do wonder if the lore will include wittewife's name since it'll probably be told via Belos who probably didn't care to remember such information)
5. We see the adults in the Boiling Isles and none of them have any kind of design changes (this is just plain superficial, but it's one of those things that's lame as heck. Obviously kids' appearances change a lot quicker than a fully grown adult's but also the BI is in total chaos rn give them new outfits or hairstyles please)
6. The wait for the 2nd episode is really long. (Good time for the brain to marinate over everything, but also the wait will be so difficult, but also also I don't want the show to end)
7. Remember how Zeno said that the best acting he's done was a scene in this episode? And his other favorite scenes were in Eclipse Lake and Hollow Mind? So it's Highly Likely the Hunter moment that's his favorite is Devastating? (This is just point 1 again)(But also gd this kid has suffered)
8. Camila doesn't beat the shit out of Belos with the baseball bat (idk who I think deserves the killing blow but I want Camila to at least knock a few teeth out)
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