#can't wait to see what future me comes up with for the metaphorical walls in this story.
Hiya! To all the lovelies who’ve been reading “Through the Wall,” I got a question. A poll if you will. How many times do you wanna see someone / something get thrown through a wall? I’m still working out plot details so there’s plenty of room for fun hehe :) 
more storybuilding nonsense / questions in the tags! 
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snickerdoodlles · 6 months
headcanons behind fic: Chay's allowance and KimChay zero baht dates mentioned in long & short
Kim chokes trying not to laugh. “Seriously Angel?” Chay looks at him, lips pulled into a pouty moue like what? “You only take me out on zero baht dates, but you’ll pay people to draw us as cats?” Chay sniffs primly. “I only use my allowance for education and fine art,” he says, haughty.
Korn giving Porsche and Chay a large allowance comes up in a lot of my fics I think, because I see him giving all of his sons and his wards a large allowance. And for once, it's not actually a part of his usual manipulation and control tactics.
(Well. It's not not about manipulation and control, because everything Korn does involves manipulation and control. Korn absolutely monitors their accounts and purchases, not to mention he's absolutely the sort of person to always have a mental ledger of favors given and owed for everyone, especially family.)
However, he doesn't need to control any of the boys' finances to have control over them and he's so present over all of them that giving them access to their own money (vs having them request it from him directly) doesn't give him any more advantage over them or could even run counter to it.
No, I see Korn giving all the boys a hefty allowance as a personal push back against the ghost of his father.
We don't know anything about grandpa Theerapanyakul beyond the fact that Gun invoked his name while yelling at Korn and the mere comparison of them rattled Korn more than the literal gun war happening in his own home. Of all the terrible fathers in this series, the grandpa takes the cake apparently!
Alongside Korn's deep-seated control issues, he also has this weird...thing where he really, really wants to be seen as a caretaker and good provider. He never outright denies his sons and is seemingly very supportive of them-- Khun was allowed to fall back and be taken care of, Kim was allowed to live separately to become a musician, he paid off judges in the name of Kinn's childhood dream, later he supports Kinn and Porsche's relationship-- and the whole fucked thing with Nampheung and the narrative he's constructed around him taking care of her. Even Korn's relationship with Gun is a little bit weird given how much he talks about competition. Like, he desperately wants to be seen as a good provider and caretaker, he just also can't stop being Korn and has that stupid-ass metaphor with the knife and the apple. It's a very crunchy contradiction.
Anyways, Korn's issues aside, I see Korn giving his sons and later wards personal allowances as a part of his personal image of himself as a good provider.
And Porsche and Chay hate it.
(Porsche reminds Chay they're very grateful. Chay mutters where was this help when Porsche took out an informal loan too young. Porsche hisses and whips his head around for any walls that are listening.)
Chay mostly just tries to ignore the supposed pile of money apparently just...sitting there, for him, and spend no differently than how he usually would (it doesn't feel real, digital money is never real to him). However, after so many years of Porsche sacrificing to save money for his needs and future, Chay can't bring himself to ignore the account completely when it comes to things like school or food. He never actually looks at his account, he mostly just squeezes his eyes shut whenever he uses his card for essentials and waits for the system to deny him, except it never does. That does not make Chay feel any better about the situation.
The only time Chay's close to breaking his "no treats" stance is shortly after he and Kim get together. Chay wants so badly to treat Kim to something really special, but. Money. He frets. He makes a pros and cons list. He paces. He has an entire argument with himself in the mirror. He angsts. He takes one look at Kim's happy face over a candlelight dinner and decides fuck it, that's a guy he's going to spoil to the moon and back, stupid blood money allowance be damned.
Except, as established, Chay's never looked at his actual account, so he goes to Cash the accountant to see what his options are for spoiling dates. Like, he's been paying his tuition and the card always goes through at the grocer or noodle house, and Korn does keep telling him his school allowance includes some extra spending money, but Chay wants to spoil Kim. A band they like will be on tour in Bangkok around Kim's birthday, Chay's gunning for special VIP tickets and some extra money for merch and dinner. Surely stupid rich mafia has plenty of money to spare for that.
Chay: would I, uh, be able to get a little extra money? tickets are 3000 but they're for a really special occasion and-
Cash, thinking about Kinn's 3000 dollar helicopter tickets: I don't care, let me just pull up your account details
Chay: thank you so much 🥺
Then Cash turns his screen around to ask Chay how much money he needs and. That is. A lot of money. So many digits. The decimal certainly in the wrong spot. Then Chay looks to the top of the corner and nearly screams because that's his name on the account, what the fuck?
Cash: Khun Korn said to have enough money to cover your tuition
Chay: [does not point out the initial balance was 3x his four year tuition]
Chay...leaves. He thinks. He doesn't know how he got from Cash's office to his room but his next stop is his bed to scream into his pillow until his throat hurts. Fucking rich people.
In protest, Chay takes Kim out the next evening on a zero baht date. They walk along whatever part of the river's nearest to their university to watch the sunset, have to jump a fence and duck two railings to even find a private sitting space away from any other river goers. The view's passable at best, at least free of most industry stuff thanks to the proximity to school but hardly the most inspiring. Chay spreads out his flannel for them to sit on, and feeds Kim dry packet ramen and stale shrimp chips he got free from a university event. He didn't even buy a drink, they survive off a mostly full bottle of grape soda Chay stole off a friend.
(It's a magical evening for Kim, obviously. Ferreting out little hidden spaces hand-in-hand with Chay, enjoying the nighttime air curled together, eating terrible cheap food that somehow tastes good? This is DOING things to him. He will be bringing a guitar and minimum two water bottles with him next time tho.)
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brokebonewritings · 8 months
All My Battles
Matt Murdock x Reader
Tags: 18+, fluff, slight hurt/comfort, making a home
Summary: A trip back to Bar Harbor creates a summer a new memories as you and Matt renovate your childhood home into a place to spend your future summers. Song: Lover, You Should've Come Over by Jeff Buckley
Word Count: 3K
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“Don’t worry! We will make sure both your apartments are safe and sound!”
“And we promise no major ragers while you’re away!” Foggy quickly said after Karen’s initial reassurance.
“Ha Ha, You’re hilarious.” You say with a deadpan expression.
Both you and Matt were packing for the summer to go up to your childhood home and fill it with your own furniture. Thanks to your wonderful team of attorneys, you were able to expedite the paperwork of signing the house over to your name.
It was a long battle, but your mom was out of the house at the beginning of the summer. Though it didn't come without a fight. She was very slow at moving the process along until you finally sent Foggy up to Maine with eviction papers.
"I just can't believe it's finally over!" You sigh as you close the trunk of your car.
"I'll drink to that, serving your mom that eviction notice was the best theatrics I've seen in a while, and Marci took me to see Phantom of the Opera last week!"
All three of you laugh, as you wait to finish locking up his apartment. You see him step onto the sidewalk and make his way towards the group.
"Okay, ready to go?" He asks.
"Yep, I just closed the trunk so we're all good here."
Karen is the first to step forward and give you both a big hug. Foggy being the last and stepping away with tears in his eyes.
"Don't you forget about us here in the Big Apple." He says tearfully.
"I'll miss you most of all, Scarecrow." You respond playfully.
The man wipes his metaphorical tears, and turns to Karen. "She thinks I'm a Scarecrow."
"Yeah, probably the lack of brains." She snarks.
This earns another group laugh, as you and Matt get into the car. It was going to be a long summer, but it would be worth it. You get to redecorate your family home, even though you thought the previous decoration was perfect. Your mom took most of the furniture when she moved.
As the car pulls out of the city, leaving behind the familiar hustle and bustle, a sense of sadness fills you. "So, any ideas on what we should do with the place?" you asked, eager to hear his thoughts.
"You're asking the blindman for decoration advice?" He smirks, which pulls a giggle from your chest. 
"Well this is gonna be our summer home, so I just want to get an opinion of someone who will be spending every year there."
Matt paused for a moment, his fingers tapping rhythmically on his knee as he contemplated. "Well," he began, "I think we should start by repainting the walls. I know your favorite color is orange."
"You remembered my favorite color?" 
"Of course, maybe a soft shade of blue to give it a more serene atmosphere."
You nodded, imagining how the color would transform the space. "And what about the furniture? I know we'll have to buy new pieces, but do you have any specific style in mind?"
"God, just anything without plastic wrap on it." He laughs.
You laugh along with him. "You really hated sitting on that couch."
"It was an overstimulation nightmare."
"Yeah, well, no more plastic-wrapped nightmares," you reply with a grin. "We'll find something comfortable and stylish."
As the two of you continue to discuss ideas for the house, you feel the excitement building up inside you. This summer was going to be a fresh start, not just in terms of your living situation but also in your relationship with Matt. It had been a long journey to get to this point, but now that you were finally together, everything felt right.
The landscape outside transforms from towering skyscrapers to vast green fields and rolling hills. It's as if the world itself is mirroring the sense of calm and new beginnings you feel in your heart.
With the passing hours, you make sure to stop frequently so that you both stretch your legs. Soon enough you enter the Bar Harbor limits and begin to recognize your surroundings. 
As you approach your childhood home, memories flood back — running through the fields, chasing fireflies on warm summer nights, and sitting on the front porch with your dad and a big cup of iced tea.
The familiar sight of the white picket fence and the old oak tree in the front yard is a relief to see. It hasn't changed much since you were last here, except for the overgrown grass and faded paint on the house. But that's all about to change.
You and Matt step out of the car, taking a moment to breathe in the crisp sea air. The scent of wildflowers and fresh pine brings a smile to your face. This place holds so many precious memories, and now it's time to make new ones.
"I can't believe we're finally here," you say, your voice filled with wonder.
Matt reaches out to take your hand, his touch grounding you in this moment. "Ready to get to work?" He asks and you reply with a soft 'yes'.
Together, you approach the front door, pulling out the key and inserting it into the lock. The door creaks open as you step inside, dust particles dancing in the sunlight streaming through the large bay windows.
As you make your way from room to room, deciding on furniture layouts and discussing which pieces to buy, the house starts to feel like home. Matt's fingers glide over the surfaces as he senses the textures and dimensions, his uncanny ability to visualize the space turning into an invaluable asset.
The next day you and Matt set to work immediately, armed with paintbrushes and a vision for transforming the old house into your dream summer retreat. The walls soon shed their faded colors and come alive with the soft shade of orange you chose. The air is filled with the scent of fresh paint, invigorating and promising.
Days turn into weeks as you tackle each room with determination. The living room is filled with cozy furniture, perfect for curling up together with a book or watching movies on lazy afternoons. The kitchen becomes a vibrant space, adorned with colorful tiles and filled with the aroma of delicious meals being cooked. And the bedrooms become sanctuaries, personalized with photographs and cherished little touches.
As the final touches are being made, you and Matt stand back to admire your handiwork. The transformation is remarkable, a testament to the love and care you poured into this project. The summer home now radiates warmth and comfort, a haven from the outside world.
You begin to cry as you both stand in the middle of the parlor. Matt's arms wrap around your waist as he pulls you into a tight hug. It was all finally done, and you couldn't feel the overwhelming sense of sadness. The very same you felt as you left the city.
"It's alright, sweetheart. I got you." He whispers as you continue to sob.
You hold onto Matt, feeling his steady presence anchoring you amidst the waves of emotion. The tears flow freely, a mixture of relief, joy, and a bittersweet longing for the old memories that haunted these walls. You couldn't wait to bring your friends and family here in the future summers, and make new memories that were happier than the old.
After a while, the tears subside, and you sniffle, wiping away your damp cheeks with the back of your hand. "I'm sorry," you murmur against his chest.
He pulls back slightly, his hands cupping your face gently. "There's nothing to apologize for," he says softly. 
You nod, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. "You're right." You pause, feeling a surge of love radiating from the man in front of you.
"We made it," he says softly, his voice filled with reassurance. "We turned this house into our own little sanctuary."
"I love you," you whisper, burying your face in Matt's chest.
He holds you tighter, his heartbeat reverberating through your body. "I love you too," he replies.
That night you decide to have a picnic on the porch. You turn on the fairy lights, and set the radio to the local classic rock station. As you set up outside, Matt was in the kitchen preparing the meal you both were going to enjoy. Everything was perfect.
As twilight settles in, casting a soft golden glow over the porch, you light a few candles and spread out a cozy blanket. The scent of freshly cut grass mingles with the aroma of the meal Matt has prepared, creating an intoxicating symphony for your senses.
After dinner, you both clean and decide to stay outside for the rest of the evening and bask in the romantic setting you had set up. He notes that he forgot to bring the best part of dinner and runs back inside to grab dessert.
Matt emerges from the kitchen, carrying a basket filled with delicious treats. He carefully sets the basket down and joins you on the blanket, wrapping his arm around you.
"This is amazing," he whispers, his voice filled with awe.
You lean into him, feeling the warmth of his presence enveloping you. "I wanted to create this special moment for us," you say softly, your gaze fixed on the flickering lights.
The two of you spend the evening laughing and reminiscing, savoring each bite of food and each tender moment shared. As the night deepens, you find yourselves lost in conversation under a sky sprinkled with constellations.
Matt's fingers trace patterns on your arm, creating a soothing rhythm that matches the cadence of your conversation. You pause for a moment, overcome by a wave of gratitude. Gratitude for this beautiful night, for the love that fills your heart, and for the journey that has brought you here. You lean in closer to Matt, resting your head on his shoulder.
"I never imagined we would be here," you say softly, your voice filled with wonder. "Creating a home together, filled with love and happiness."
Matt squeezes your hand gently. "Life has a funny way of surprising us," he replies, his voice laced with sincerity. "And I'm grateful for every twist and turn that led us here."
As the hours pass, you find yourselves lost in conversation, delving into topics ranging from childhood dreams to future aspirations. Each word exchanged deepens your connection, solidifying the bond you've built over the years.
Eventually, the conversation mellows into comfortable silence, yet the electricity in the air remains tangible. You nestle closer to each other under the blanket, feeling the warmth of his body seep into yours. With every passing second, it becomes clearer that this is where you're meant to be.
You look up at Matt, gently grabbing his chin and pulling him in for a kiss. As your lips meet, a surge of warmth courses through your veins. The kiss is gentle yet filled with a quiet intensity, a beautiful reflection of the bond you share. Time seems to stand still as you savor the taste of his lips, the feeling of his arms wrapped around you.
When the kiss deepens, you feel a sense of belonging and contentment settle within you. Under the soft glow of the moon, you and Matt continue to share sweet, lingering kisses, each one filled with an unspoken promise.
Eventually you both feel the exhaustion from the long work day, and decide to head inside for the night. Matt is the first one to head inside and as you pick up the blanket and turn off the lights on the porch. 
You linger long enough for Matt to come back out and wrap his arms around your waist and kiss your neck lightly. "We have a lifetime of moments like this ahead of us," he says softly. "Come inside now."
Nodding, you follow him back inside for the night. Inside, the house is bathed in a soft, inviting glow. The scent of freshly painted walls lingers in the air, a gentle reminder of the transformation you both undertook together.
Matt leads you upstairs to the bedroom, where the moonlight spills through the open curtains, casting ethereal shadows on the hardwood floor. He pulls back the covers and invites you to slide into bed. You nestle against the plush pillows and feel the weight of the day slowly melt away.
As Matt joins you under the covers, he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. His touch is gentle yet possessive, a silent affirmation of his love for you. The room feels hushed, as if it holds its breath in reverence for the intimacy shared between two souls.
You close your eyes, letting the tranquility of the moment wash over you. The sound of your steady breaths fills the room, creating a soothing rhythm that lulls you closer to sleep.
The day before you leave is filled with eventful commotion as you invite some of your neighbors over for a small barbecue. You and Matt spend the morning setting up the backyard, draping string lights across the trees and arranging tables and chairs.
The aroma of grilled burgers and vegetables fills the air as the food sizzles on the barbecue. You decided to man the grill to give Matt a break from all the cooking he insisted on doing. The neighbors arrive one by one, carrying dishes to share. Laughter and conversation fill the backyard as everyone gathers around, sharing stories and exchanging smiles.
Another car begins to pull into your driveway, and you realize who it is before you see the two figures step out of the vehicle.
"No fucking way" You say as you turn to Matt who has a huge smile spread across his face.
"I called them last night when you went out to pick up dinner." He replies.
You start sprinting towards the car as Foggy steps out and walks around the car. Once he sees you running, he mutters an 'Oh shit' as you jump into his arms. He catches you and spins you a bit before setting you down. You give a gentler hug to Karen.
"I can't believe you guys drove all the way out here!" You say happily.
"We had to come see this house! Especially if we're invited here every summer." Karen says while lightly nudging your side.
Leading your friends to the picnic area, you introduce them to your neighbors and some old friends from high school. The backyard is filled with the joyful chatter of voices, as everyone embraces the sense of community and love that permeates the atmosphere.
As night falls and everyone leaves, the four of you gather around a crackling bonfire, its dancing flames illuminating the faces around you. Matt sits beside you, his hand entwined with yours, as you listen to Foggy telling one of his infamous stories. You all add in little quips to enhance the story as everyone listens and drinks.
The crackling sound of the flames blends with the soft hum of laughter, creating a harmonious symphony of friendship and love. As you look around at the faces illuminated by the fire's glow, you can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude.
Gratitude for the unwavering support of your friends, who have stood by you through thick and thin. Gratitude for this beautiful home that has become a haven, a place of solace and happiness. And most of all, gratitude for the love that surrounds you, weaving its way through every moment shared.
As the night wears on and the fire begins to die down, you find yourself lost in a comfortable silence. The embers glow softly, casting a warm light that dances across your friends' faces. Karen leans her head on Foggy's shoulder, while Matt rests his chin on top of your head.
"What a great night, amongst friends." Foggy sighs.
"I'm really glad you guys came out here to see the house." You begin. "It's like this house was built for our family."
"You wouldn't have this house if it weren't for your dad." Matt reminds and you nod in agreement.
"To Tommy!" Foggy says while raising his beer can.
You smile as the rest of you raise your drinks and cheers to your dad. A tear rolls down your cheek, but Matt wipes it away before it's able to fall from your face.
"You know," Karen says, breaking the silence, "your dad would be so proud of you right now. Look at what you've built, what you've overcome. It's truly amazing."
The moment is bittersweet, as the memory of your father tugs at your heart. It's been years since he passed away, but the house stands as a testament to his hard work and love for his family, a symbol of the legacy he left behind.
As the night winds down, you and your friends gather up the empty beer cans and remnants of the barbecue feast. The fire has dwindled to mere embers, casting a soft glow upon the yard. 
With a final round of goodnights, Foggy and Karen retreat to their respective rooms. You and Matt finish cleaning in the kitchen and make sure everything is put away before you all leave in the morning.
As you climb into bed, exhaustion weighs heavily on your eyelids. Matt wraps his arms around you, pulling you close and pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. The warmth of his embrace soothes you, easing away the worries and stresses of the day.
"Thank you for everything," you whisper, your voice barely audible.
He tightens his hold on you, his voice filled with affection. "I would do anything for you. You know that."
With a final sigh, you surrender to the gentle embrace of slumber, knowing that tomorrow will bring new adventures and challenges. But for now, in this haven of love and sanctuary, you find solace.
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spookiesmausoleum · 3 months
𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 : 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐄𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
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I've been listening to the album nonstop so I wanted to put together some starters based on Vessel's lyrical talent - it's going to be a long one. Feel free to mix and match and add context around the quotes! Please remember to specify muse for multis and change pronouns as needed.
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"I come as a blade, a sacred guardian, so keep me sharp and test my worth in blood."
"I'd turn my walls to gold to bring you home again."
"We act out of our holy duty to be constantly awake."
"You've got me in a chokehold."
"Even if it hurts me, even if I can't sleep, show me the way."
"I've got a river running right into you - I've got a blood trail, red in the blue."
"Something you say or something you do is a taste of the Divine."
"You've got my body, flesh and bone; the sky above, the Earth below."
"Raise me up again, take me past the edge - I want to see the other side."
"Oh, and my love, did I mistake you for a sign from God?"
"Are you really here to cut me off? Or maybe just to turn me on."
"'Cause these days I would be lying if I told you that I didn't wish that I could be your man."
"You won't ever have to talk about it, you'll never wanna talk about it."
"You were more than just somebody I was destined to meet."
"Never mind the death threats, parting at the door; we'd rather be six feet under than be lonely."
"You only drink the water when you think it's holy."
"You gave me nothing whatsoever but a reason to leave."
"You say you want me, but you know I'm not what you need - But I am."
"Well, my love is an animal call; cutting through the darkness, bouncing off the walls."
"These days I'm a circuit board: integrated hardware you cannot afford."
"Well, my past is a holy book - Between the pain and the way you look, I'm stuck in a time where the mountains shook."
"Oh and I am done dancing to alarm bells; no wonder my ears are still ringing."
"I am done fighting off change."
"You have become the voice in my head."
"My life is torn, my bones, they bleed - My metaphors fall short in the end."
"Are you in pain like I am?"
"Will we remain stuck in the throat of Gods? Will the pain stop if we go deeper?"
"I want to go where nobody else will ever go."
"Follow me between the jaws of fate."
"I want to have you to myself for once."
"I know what you want from me."
"You want someone to be your reflection, your bitter deception … Setting you free; so you'll take what you want and leave."
"Who made you like this?"
"Who encrypted your dark gospel in body language?"
"Tell me you guessed my future and it mapped onto your fantasy. Turn me into your mannequin and I'll turn you into my puppet queen."
"Won't you come and dance in the dark with me?"
"Show me what you are, I am desperate to know."
"Be the first to the feast, let's choke on the past."
"And I know what you want from me … You want the same as me."
"You make me wish I could disappear."
"I caught you reading by the sunrise; you wandered from the path through the silence of the hillside."
"Are you really okay?"
"I saw it in your eyes; cutting deeper than the scars could run."
"I want to help you but I don't know how."
"I cannot fix your wounds this time."
"I don't believe you when you tell me you are fine."
"Please don't hurt yourself again."
"Why are you never real?"
"I know that you will disappear just as I awake."
"Somewhere in the past, something was between you and I, my dear."
"No matter what I do this scar will never fade."
"I make the most of the turning tide."
"Don't wait, 'cause this could be the last time you turn up in the reveries of my mind."
"The shifting states you follow me through are unrevealed."
"Just let me go or take me with you."
"Do you pull at the chains? Or do you push into constant aching?"
"Do you wish that you loved me?"
"Is there something you give that you will never receive in return?"
"Why are you trying to live like everything is a lesson to learn?"
"Can you ever forgive yourself?"
"I would turn into a stranger in an instant if I could."
"My reflection just won't smile back at me like I know it should."
"Maybe it's not that you conceal your feelings, it's just that they just don't exist"
"Do you ever believe that we can turn into different people?"
"Is it better to just not feel?"
"I've tried so hard to fix it all, but nothing seems to help, but I cannot hope to give you what I cannot give myself."
"Smile back at me, please."
"I almost became just a stoic statue, fit for nobody."
"The vicious cycle was over the moment you smiled at me."
"Just like the rain you cast the dust into nothing, and wash out the salt from my hands."
"Touch me again."
"Will you cleanse me with pleasure?"
"I'm coiled up like the venomous serpent."
"I'm tangled in your trance and I'm certain that you've got your hooks in me."
"I know that I am what I am; the mouth of the wolf, the eyes of the lamb."
"Maybe it's all just a game."
"When I open my eyes to the future I can hear you say my name."
"Rain down on me."
"I see you drifting past the fog, but no one told you where to go."
"We dive through crystal waters, perfect oceans, but no one told me not to breathe."
"My, my, those eyes like fire - I'm a winged insect, you're a funeral pyre."
"I'm a waking Hell and the Gods grow tired."
"Grow back your sharpest teeth, you know my desire."
"Take me back to Eden."
"I need you to see me for what I have become."
"we've no idea what we've got until we lose it. And no amount of love will keep it around if we don't choose it."
"I don't know what's got its teeth in me but I'm about to bite back in anger."
"No amount of self-sought fury will bring back the glory of innocence."
"I've got a ghost in the hallway grinning and a heavy head that won't stop turning."
"Give me one last ride on a sunset sky lane."
"I can feel the walls around me closing in."
"I hope to God you don't know this feeling."
"Yet in reverse, you are all my symmetry; a parallel I would lay my life on."
"If your wings won't find you Heaven, I will bring it down like an ancient bygone."
"I need to leave this part of me behind."
"Do you still believe that nothing else matters?"
"For me: It's still the autumn leaves, these ancient canopies that we used to lay beneath."
"We tangle endlessly like lovers entwined."
"You will not be mine."
"The Night Belongs to You."
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onyourowndaisymae · 1 year
Hey Daisy!
Idk whether you still accept requests for the 500 follower event (especially since I already asked one), but could you write prompt #10 "i think we fucked up" for Solomon with the same reader I requested prior (as in a gn/f reader)? Thanks in advance💙
P.s. I loved the latest Sol thirst you wrote, it's just *chef kiss*👌 perfect
ahh yes i do still accept requests for the 500 follower event, so thank you for requesting! and i'm SO GLAD people liked the sol thirst omg. it came to me from literally nowhere. here it is if you didn't see it already (i am proud)
this is specifically set in the nightbringer timeline and inspired the "why can't i come home?" chat
content + warnings: solomon x gn! reader (can be read as platonic if you're affectionate in general), reader is implied to be shorter than solomon
word count: 540
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"i think we fucked up."
"who the fuck is we?"
you stare in disbelief at the scene before you. viscous goop runs down the walls of the kitchen. the color is some horrific purple-- you're not sure if it's from solomon's terrible cooking or whatever made the dish explode in the first place-- and the mystery meal sizzles a little as it comes in contact with the drywall.
solomon's not looking at you. he's staring at the burner in a quiet, contained panic, his index knuckle trapped between his teeth as he thinks on what might have possibly gone wrong. his face is one of a man who knows what he's done wrong and is trying very hard to rationalize it in his head.
"... nothing exploded until you came home? so really, this is..."
he trails off, like he realizes the folly in trying to pin this on you.
you want to be mad. you want to be so pissed off at him for making this mess. he knew he wasn't supposed be in the kitchen, and that's why the sneaky bastard waited until you were supposed to be gone at the house of lamentation to craft his wretched creation. you knew this would happen. he knew this would happen. why did solomon insist on cooking when he was so god-awful about it?
but then you sigh, defeated.
you had told him the night previous that you were a little stressed by your obligations lately-- to the brothers, to diavolo, to the future of the devildom. when you arrived home after his suspicious texts, you found him in the kitchen, sleeves rolled up, begging you to just give him five more minutes to finish the dinner he was making for you. it was a terrible idea, really, to leave him alone this long.
he may be an idiot, but at least he was considerate.
solomon's arms wrap around your shoulders from behind as your eyes squeeze shut. maybe if you close your eyes, this will all go away? his lips find temple, and he begins to press soft, apologetic kisses across your skin.
"i'm sorry... i should have listened to you. i just wanted to do something nice for you..."
"you almost set the kitchen on fire, solomon."
"... i didn't think it was going to do that."
silence. he's practically holding his breath in anticipation. as aloof as he usually acts, you can tell he's really hoping you'll forgive him for this.
"well," you start. "i'm going to go grab us something from hell's kitchen. and when i return, i'd really love to have that mess gone."
he squeezes your shoulders in a tight hug and kisses your cheek again. you can feel his muscles relax against your body as he waltzes out of the metaphorical doghouse.
"yes! i'll get everything cleaned up before you get home to make it up to you. that's the least i can do."
the sorcerer scurries off to gather cleaning supplies. you call after him to get his order, but he's gone in the blink of an eye and you don't have the energy to chase after him.
you're starting to think you're never going to get a day of peace in the devildom.
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[500 follower event masterlist] // [obey me masterlist]
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self-loving-vampire · 2 years
Again I appreciate your perspective on this.
I feel like I grasp your thought process a little better now.
I think we both have the same endstate in mind in terms of UBI ultimately making stuff like this a non-issue.
Where we differ seems to be how forward-looking our respective arguments are coming from.
The textile example is an interesting one (and probably archetypical but I'm not much of a historian). Referring back to that, my concern is for the people who are disenfranchised in the interim before the technology inevitably becomes ubiquitous.
(I do think art is at least a bit different, but I'll get back to that.)
My main concern with the inevitability of technological advancement is that the disenfranchisement aspect will outpace society's advancement towards compensating for the change (i.e. with UBI).
You're absolutely correct that the impact on art is a narrow focus; I reiterate that my sense of hopelessness is a direct result of not being convinced we'll see broader solutions like UBI (or other sweeping reforms to the capitalistic nightmare that is the work-to-live model) for the foreseeable future. My (potentially overly) narrow focus is consequently a direct result of picking my battles because systemic issues tend to be inherently difficult to change.
Forgive me for dipping into my own wheelhouse for a sec, but despite relatively consistent efforts, and even a growing cultural awareness of the problem, we can't seem to convince anyone with any power to take meaningful action against the very real threat of global climate change, and I'm not convinced we'll be able to before irreparable harm has been done; on some level we're already past a point we can't come back from.
In a similar if slightly-less-catastrophic fashion, yes, inevitably more people than just artists will face disenfranchisement, but from my perspective it looks like the 'people' (governments? corporations? etc) with any real power to improve conditions for everyone just... won't. Because by the time the consequences reach their doorstep they'll be the ones in the metaphorical 'walled cities' leaving everyone else to fend for themselves/die in a wasteland/etc.
Maybe I'm too pessimistic. If I'm being completely honest, and I try to be, I don't really think the bell can be un-rung on AI art (or automation in general) either, but that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it; I don't take anything for granted, and I can't be content to suffer in the interim while waiting for a solution I'm not convinced will come soon enough to matter for me, because I have explicit reason to doubt those in power will ever willingly give up even a fraction of it for the common good.
Change may be inevitable, but it is not inevitably good, and as ever, there will be casualties either way.
I do hope you're right about this though, because even without AI art what few skills I can monetize are already effectively obsolete as it stands, and like your Master, I would also like to engage in creative pursuits without the pressure of survival or near-constant uncertainty hanging over my head.
As to why people (myself included) react to the automation of art so differently, your comparison to textiles/industrialization sparked a potential answer for me:
Art is personal. (Yes, losing your job, and by extension your investment into the required skills practically overnight is personal. Yes, this is even more true for the kinds of craftspeople in your initial example, that's why I thought of this. It's also, I gather, what drove them to break machinery, as our current situation is driving people to advocate for stronger IP laws.) Art is the distillation of an artists frame of reference, on top of their acquired skills and connection to a crafted product. AI art feels especially perverse (you totally just used that term I'm sorry my brain does that) in that it's taking what is explicitly a form of self-expression, and making the self component obsolete (and again, it wouldn't be able to exist without those selves' work, which is admittedly true of other advancements, but hits close to home for art in particular) The pride someone takes in their work varies, but an artist is (or was) inextricably linked to their work. (I actually feel more strongly about this in terms of my writing, but as I've stated before, AI will come for writers too. And I'm every bit as much dreading the future where "original" writing dies because people can effectively input what they want and let the AI write fanfiction for them, because this too is an inevitability. Not that I'm making any money from my writing either, but same principle.)
That's not to say something as short-sighted as 'AI art isn't art'; quite the contrary: being able to depersonalize art is probably what makes AI art feel so threatening. (Economic value is the how, but depersonalization of something formerly inherently personal might be the why)
That, and the whole 'effort = value' rationalization I've seen is just that- a rationalization. My actual argument as to why accessibility doesn't justify the cost to existing artists from that angle would be closer to 'it wouldn't really be their art, just an amalgam of everyone else's' and I didn't initially see how that could benefit anyone except corporate interests unwilling to pay artists (or anyone) fairly, or the kinds of commission seekers who never really wanted to compensate artists in the first place; I have no sympathy for either of those, but I understand far too well wanting to express an idea but being unable to covey it.
AI art is very much an example of industrialization in the sense that it detaches the product from the producer in order to devalue the producer. You're absolutely right again, however, in the thought process that someone who couldn't afford to pay an artist isn't hurting artists by obtaining art they couldn't pay to obtain anyway; this is in fact the one glimmer of hope I can take from this whole thing, because more affordable assets could open doors for creative potential in a way that might not be inherently harmful in the short term. So thanks for that.
I'll be the first to admit, both as an artist and a person, that I take things personally, and I'll never be able to be truly impartial when I have any kind of stake in something, but I have to express again how much your insight means me, and that you gave a thoughtful response to my long-winded thought process without dismissing it out-of-hand like others might.
I share the notion that obtaining more information is inherently beneficial (for me it was initially a matter of survival); I hope that we do get to live forever long enough to see a society where UBI exists and therefore survival is decoupled from productivity and technological advancements can be cool and useful and helpful without people feeling like they pose a threat to anyone's livelihood etc.
Thank you!
I do think we generally agree and it is entirely fair to worry about technological developments outpacing equal access even if only temporarily.
People still do have to survive through that somehow after all, and in a lot of places social assistance is shamefully inadequate.
The climate change issue feels like a very prominent example of ruthless, self-interested optimization for profit above all leading to a failure in solving coordination problems despite the fact that those problems may harm long-term gains. Short-sightedness and greed motivating self-destruction in the long run.
It's the kind of issue that is difficult to really fix under the current system and so the most realistic hope is probably, perhaps ironically, technological advancements changing the incentive structures so that fossil fuels are no longer the most profitable option (although fossil fuel companies will fight this unless they can get their slice of the pie).
This isn't the only possibility by any means, but it's the one I'd consider the most reliable, just like how the ban on chemical weapons was motivated by changes in how warfare works rather than altruistic progress.
Social support is kind of different in that the way to strengthen it will likely involve strengthening the left's political position, since it's often conservatives who are gutting these things and telling people to just work harder and pull themselves up by their bootstraps instead.
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charliedawn · 3 years
Marvel x Chubbyreader imagine
Imagine going shopping and one of the employees/customers bodyshaming you.
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You find a cute dress and try it on. You get out of the dressing room and Tony's awestruck expression is enough for you to beam with pride.
" What do you think ?"
For once, Tony remains silent and only takes out his credit card as an answer.
" I'm buying this dress, and there's nothing you can do about it."
You giggle, but then someone's nasty comment makes it's way in your ear.
" Look at all that fat, it even moves when she laughs. It's disgusting. Nobody wants to see that.."
Tony stops dead in his tracks and turns towards the man with a fake smile before simply stating.
" You're fired."
The employee only laughs mockingly before replying confidently.
" I don't even work for you."
But, Tony walks to him and stares right at him with a death stare.
" I don't care, a**h*le. I buy the shop, thereby I become your boss and fire you. Now, get out of my sight before I pulverize your a**."
The employee doesn't say anything else and just walks away, not before glancing one last time at you with hatred. Tony wraps his arm around you defensively until he is definitely gone. However, the damage has been done and you finally utter weakly.
" M..Maybe I should just put the dress back.."
But, Tony doesn't let go and whispers in your ear in an hungry tone.
" Don't you dare.."
He then pays for the dress and as soon as you're in the car, he kisses you with such passion that it takes your breath away.
" Home ?"
You ask and he nods before replying in agreement.
" Home."
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You already knew that Bucky was handsome..But, that didn't mean that it hurt less when people made comments about it. You spot a beautiful dress and the employee quickly takes out the dress with a huge smile.
" Here you go ! I'm sure you'll be perfect in it !"
You smile happily and nod before entering the dressing room. However, you don't even have to time to get out that you hear the same employee talking to one of the other customers.
" Oh my God ! Did you see that ?! It's a shame to let oneself go this far ! They look like a freaking mammoth in a dress. If she is like this..I can only imagine the man accompanying her !"
You don't dare get out as they start laughing together. You feel tears in your eyes, threatening to spill at any moment. However, the door of your dressing room opens and Bucky gets in, worried since you seemed to be taking a long time. The moment his eyes land on you, he finds you gorgeous in the dress and promises himself to buy it. But then, he sees you face and crouches in front of you with a worried expression.
" What happened ?"
You don't have to answer as the employee outside makes her voice heard again.
" Are you finished, miss ? Or do you have some trouble putting it on ? Do you want a bigger size ?"
He automatically understands and clenches his jaw, glaring at the door before looking back at you with a small smile.
" Did you hear that doll ? Sounded like a death wish to me.."
He takes your hand and kicks the door open, shocking the woman that falls on her butt and looks up at the you with a glare, not noticing Bucky standing behind you.
" Watch where you're going, you big ugly..!"
She doesn't have the time to finish her sentence as Bucky steps out and crouches in front of her to take her by the jaw harshly.
" Next time you even look at her with anything else than admiration or respect, I will make sure that you can't look at all..Understood ?"
The woman only nods in agreement and Bucky stands up, satisfied. He takes you by the waist and leaves the shop after having paid for the dress. You arrive in the parking and Bucky opens the door of his car for you.
" Now, let's go dancing..Okay ?"
Bucky asks and, when you don't answer, he turns around to see you with a frown on your face.
" Are you sure we should still go on that date ? People will still look at us and I think it would maybe be better if..Mmmmppphhh !"
You don't have the time to finish your sentence that he pins you to a nearby wall and kisses you with his hand wrapped around your throat.
" Now, I will only accept two answers from you. Dancing or kissing ? Your choice."
You smile and kiss him hungrily again. Looks like the choice is made.
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" Yuck..Look at those stretch marks. They should go cover all of that up.."
Sam can't believe what he is hearing and looks at the man with anger radiating from him. You want to say that it's fine, but Sam doesn't give up and glares at the man while trying to remain calm.
" Man, shut the hell up. She is perfect in every way and there is nothing, absolutely nothing, wrong with having tiger stripes. It just means that if you were in the wild, they would be the one surving.."
You have tears in your eyes at his beautiful metaphor, but the man only laughs mockingly while eyeing you up and down.
" If the tiger is as slow and overfed as this one, won't be a problem outrunning it.."
Sam walks towards the employee and stands just in front of him before replying.
" That's where you're wrong..because this tiger is always accompanied by a falcon that will not hesitate before ripping the eyes of its prey.."
He doesn't understand until Sam punches him straight in the nose. The man whimpers in pain on the floor while Sam doesn't wait before grabbing your hand and stepping over the whimpering man.
" Come on, tiger..Let's go home.."
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Vision was clearly excited when you asked him if he wanted to go shopping with you. He was starting to worry about you as you hadn't come out of your room for a while. When you both arrive, your eyes immediately see a very interesting dress that you want to try automatically. It calls you and you drag Vision along as he looks at you with a wide smile, happy to see you so happy. You take the dress and try it on. However, when you get out, you didn't plan on another person being there.
" Oh my God ! You're going to damage the dress ! Take it off !"
The man nearly shrieks and Vision frowns up at the man.
" What do you mean ? You think the dress isn't a good fit ?"
The man sneers in disdain before lookin at you with clear disgust written all over his features.
" No..SHE's not a good fit for the dress.."
Vision's eyes widen perceptibly and you can see his fingers digging into the arms of the chair. However, he still succeeds in remaining calm and answers with cold smile.
" Oh, I see..Apologies my good sir, I thought you were just mistaking, but I can see now that you're just a moron."
The man is shocked and gapes at the insult like a fish out of water.
" What did you call me ?!"
He finally shouts in indignation, but Vision, far from being intimidated, only continues to smile falsely before repeating.
" A moron. Should I repeat it again, sir ? Are you perhaps deaf ?"
The man becomes as red as a tomato and wants to slap Vision that only takes a step to the side. In an instant, he restrains the man on the floor and, in his usual polite smile, says.
" Now, the lady here is doing her best to manage her insecurities. It took weeks for me to reassure her that she is perfectly fine, and you ? You just destroyed all of my efforts with one sentence."
He is about to break the man's arm when you gently run your hand on his back soothingly. He seems to remember where he is and gets up in an instant. He then takes you by the hand to pay for the dress and get out of the shop. You wait until you are in the parking lot before stopping and making him look at you. He seems as upset as you and you try to calm him down by gently kissing him on the lips.
" Sorry..He just was so mean to you and I.."
You kiss him again and he finally melts into the kiss.
" Never say sorry for acting heroically..You acted amazing out there.."
He smiles proudly before picking you up.
" Vision ! What are you doing ?!"
You exclaim before he answers with a small smile.
" I'm taking my wife home."
He then takes back his original form and flies up in the air.
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" Miss, I need you to step out of the dress. There is the scale on your right, we don't accept anything outside of size Medium in here."
You are about to reply when Scott suddenly stands up and glares at the salesman.
" No one. Tells. My. Wife. That. She. Looks. Fat."
Scott would normally go with the pacifist approach, but when it comes to directly insulting you about the thing that you're most insecure about ? Get prepared for full-on mad Scott. He will make a scene. He will physically attack the employee. It will take you to physically restrain him from scratching the man too much. He will ask to talk to his boss and will not go without a sincere apology. Don't mess with angry Scott.
" Get up ! Come on ! I'm not finished with you !"
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He wouldn't say anything because you told him that you didn't want him to kill anyone again. But give him the chance ? And he would take the man's tongue and cut it so he may never speak again.
" Come on, let's go, Loki..The dress is not that important anyway.."
You take his hand and try to gently guide him outside of the dressing lounge. But, the employee adds before you could avoid any more problems.
" Yeah..The dress would be wasted on you anyway.."
This is the last straw. He turns towards the man with a dagger in hand and threatens him by putting it against his throat.
" One more word, and I will skin you like the pitiful human scum that you are ! Now, address one more time to my future wife with this sort of disgusting behavior, and your may find a thousand snakes hidden in your bed."
You drag him outside, grabbing your clothes and paying quickly. Loki frowns, upset at the fact that you didn't let him finish. You run out and it's only when you're in the car that you turn towards Loki with tears in your eyes.
" Loki. One more complaint and they will throw you in a cell again. Is that really what you want ?! Don't make idiots the reason we are separated again.."
He understands your concern and gently strokes your cheek with his thumb before kissing your forehead.
" Never..I just don't like how people treat you around here. It's so unusual. In Asgard, we don't care about the size, we care about how a woman fights. Here, you are called weak by strangers, and when you try to defend yourself, you are blamed. It just doesn't make any sense.."
You laugh at his perplexity before answering him with a kiss on the cheek.
" Never change, Loki.."
Sometimes, when you're alone like this, Loki seems almost innocent. He hasn't been shaped to understand human flaws, he even has trouble understanding why. But, this is why you love him.
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" Hey, fata**! Move out of the way ! You are blocking my view !"
A customer yells at you as you just got out of the dressing room. She tries to get in, but Stephen only arks an eyebrow and uses his time stone on her.
" W..Where..?"
She stammers and Stephen quickly answers.
" You are in my realm. I was just checking if you are relevant in any dimension or time-line..Guess what ? You are not. I could send you to another planet and nobody would come looking for you. Now, do I make myself clear when I say to never speak so rudely to anyone again, and especially not her ?"
The woman nods her head vividly and Stephen smiles before making them both come back to reality. The customer looks shocked for a moment, but she only humphs and walks away. You look at him with an eyebrow raised in suspicion.
" Stephen..What did you do ?"
You ask, but he only smiles innocently at you.
" Nothing, dear. Just had to get some things done..By the way, this dress is lovely. I'll pay for it."
You quickly nod and get back in the dressing room. However, you can't seem to be able to open the back zip and finally ask for Stephen's help. He wants to act casual, but is still nervous when you ask for his help..He still enters and pulls the zip down, marveling on the exposed skin of your back in the process. He slowly runs his fingers up and down your back before kissing your neck shortly and getting out. You still smile. At least, you had your approval on the dress..
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The moment you enter, everybody stares at you, Thor had insisted on coming with you in his mighty armor and you just knew it would attract many eyes..and the comments didn't take long to arrive..
" Did you see that ?! How did she manage to pull him off ?! I mean..Why her ?! It's surprising."
You hide behind Thor in shame and he quickly notices why. He approaches the man and leans in front of him with a fake smile.
" Is it though ?"
The employee seems taken aback and takes a moment to answer.
" What ?"
" Surprising ? Is it normal for humans to act in such a way when they have flaws themselves ? I mean, your brain is the size of a poptart, and you don't see me complaining about it now, do I ? I don't think you're even worthy of gazing upon her. She's a queen. A woman who has been by my side from the beginning to the end and who never left my side, even when death was upon us. Would you have done the same ? What are you compared to her ?"
Both you and the employee are shocked by Thor's words and he then takes you by the waist to kiss you in front of everyone, even going as far as squeezing your hips. You blush vividly, but he then takes a step back and looks around before shouting for everyone to hear while pointing you with his index.
" This is my woman ! She is just the way I want her and if everyone has a problem with that, he can come and talk to me !"
That quickly shuts everyone up and he then takes your hand, having spotted a very gorgeous red dress that he just knows would look good on you..or off you. 😏😂
Thor can be very confused about many human things, but he knows when something is wrong with his human and will do everything to make you feel better.
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He wouldn't say anything, but as soon as your home..He would take his arrows and bow.
" Where are you going ?"
" Out."
He would simply reply and you already know that if you let him go, the employee will be psychologically scarred for the rest of his life..You post yourself in front of the door and refuse to let him pass.
" Come on, darling. Move. I just wanna talk to him..I just wanna talk to him.."
He would try to reassure you, but then, he would remember how ashamed you seemed when buying said dress. His mindset completely shifts to murderous mode as he tries to get past you.
" I just wanna kill him..I just wanna kill him.."
You wrap your arms around his waist and refuse to move.
" Come on ! You're stronger than this, my love ! Don't do it !"
He finally sighs in defeat before nodding in agreement. However, he takes you by the arms for you to get up and gently kisses you.
" I would do anything for you..Okay ?"
You smile and nod, knowing that he means it.
" I know.."
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" Hey there.."
You try to ignore the woman openly flirting with your boyfriend, but it's hard when she whispers something in his ear. Something that makes him cross his arms and frown.
" I'm sorry ?"
He says, apparently confused and the woman only giggles before wrapping her arms around his arm.
" You heard me cutie, come with me and leave the pig behind.."
You nearly choke on your own saliva as she repeats high enough for you to hear..You turn around and see an angry Steve that suddenly gets up and glares down at the woman.
" Oh no..You misunderstood. I was genuinely sorry for the fact that no amount of make-up will ever be able to cover your mean heart. Now, leave us Regina George, before I decide to make you leave."
The woman's eyes widen and she turns around with a loud dramatic humph. In an instant, Steve is by your side and covers your face with kisses.
" Don't listen to her. She isn't worth it..And her perfume was just horrible, I need to wash it off when we get home."
You smile with tears in your eyes, reassured and extremely grateful for having such a perfect man in your life..
" Wait..How do you know Mean Girls ?"
You suddenly inquire as you remember that the movie only got out a few years ago..He smiles before blushing almost embarrassingly. He then admits while massaging the back of his neck with his hand nervously.
" I decided to culture myself..And I also heard Hawkeye talk about how his girl has been going crazy over that movie..So, I decided to check it out.."
Your eyes widen at the information and you smile almost mischievously.
" This is actually very "unlike" you, Rogers..Listening on doors..Are you turning to the Dark Side of the Force ?"
He looks back at you with an arked eyebrow, visibly confused and you sigh loudly.
" Oh come on ! Star Wars ! Don't tell me you've watched Mean Girls but never heard about Star Wars ! "
He only shrugs and you suddenly take him by the arm to drag him towards the exit.
" B..But the dress ?!"
He exclaims and you only reply with a slight grin.
" The dress can wait. We've got other very important matters to intend to !"
He suddenly gets out of your grip to run to get the dress and pay for it before coming back to you. He then grabs your hand with a huge smile.
" Now, we can go."
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goosedawn · 3 years
//Oh gods, welp, here I go [cracks knuckles]
//Tiny farmer Techno Au,,,, prepare for some future lore cjkhcxk
Timestamps from: "I Became the Mayor of Skyblock" by Technoblade
(5:39) "I decided to call in an old rival..." - Technoblade
Techno continues on with his life for days on, but finally, he somehow finds his way to society again, seeing that the entire town has been taken over by a tyrant of a mayor. The townspeople called for aid, and from the depths of his cold heart, he decided to help (....what do you mean he only did it so people would buy his potatoes-).
For a bit, he did his work by himself, only getting help from some other living scarecrows (listen, I really like the idea of some scarecrows coming alive [cough] PHIL [cough]), TimeDeo and Jyn (...? Is that how you spell their name?). (Dunno what the process for taking over the mayor would be exactly but,,, chchskdlcx,,,)
But you can only do so much work with... living scarecrows. With a bit of reluctance, he calls for help from SquidKid. And then together they defeat Dante :]
(Also, it's funny to think that the town has a mayor that they've never seen. All they know is that the previous mayor is gone, and the new one is pretty chill. /Lh)
(6:31) "Is there any way to do the teleport room without just like.. guessing?" - SquidKid
(6:36) "You are like... little baby, watch this." - Technoblade
Being tiny has its perks.
"Wait, what do you mean you can solve this maze in an hour or less?"
Techno turned towards the bigger hybrid, crossing his arms as he nonchalantly stared up at them. SquidKid only gives him a baffled look back, their tentacle-like hair slightly sprung up to further show their confusion.
He knows this only because he's known the man for far longer than they've known him.
He knows more personal information than should be shared, somehow finding the other farmer's parent's numbers along with a few other things. He had jokingly pocketed away the parent's number in the back of his mind, although, he had no real plans of ever using it. Well, maybe he had played with the idea of calling SquidKid's parents to dunk on the fact that a wild borrower had been winning their competition, but he ultimately decided not to for obvious reasons.
He knows the hybrid's schedule like the back of his hand, having to work around it for the better part of an entire year. Using that knowledge, he had sabotaged countless of SquidKid's tools, poking small, unnoticeable holes into their hoses and irrigation systems.
And he knows SquidKid's behavior from how they speak to how they express any sort of emotion. Lies were easily debunked from the small twitch of the corner of their mouth as they suppressed a smile, and anger was easily shown from how their strange hair pieces would spike up.
Yet, he can't help but feel slightly at unease in front of them. He supposes it's only natural, seeing that there's a huge height difference between them. Plus, this was practically the first time they've been closer than two fields of length in between them. Well, disregarding the times he's gone snooping around the bigger farmer's place, but that's neither here nor there.
"Squid, look at me," he raises his hand, gesturing towards himself, "I'm tiny, yes?" the squid hybrid nodded slowly, and he pointed at the stalks of tall fern and crop, "to you, this would basically be a wall you can't get through. For me, though...."
He jumped off his perch, tightly holding his trusty bag and sliding towards the flora before easily disappearing behind the thicket and appearing moments later at eye level, holding the stalk of the crops easily,
"It's easy to go through."
SquidKid makes a quiet 'oh' sound with another nod of their head, looking slightly in awe. The amazed look turns to one of confusion again, though, and he awaited their next question with a raised eyebrow, "but... the maze is big, how are you going to get through it all without tiring?"
Techno grinned, lifting a hand to his mouth and loudly whistling. He doesn't hesitate to slide back to the floor as a blur of white fur bounds towards him.
"Carl!" he exclaims, wrapping his hands around the rabbit's fluffy neck and combing through the fur with his fingers. He backs away to pull out a broken-off piece of a carrot, feeding it to the eager bunny before turning towards the astonished squid hybrid with a grin, "my noble steed," he waves a hand towards the still feeding rabbit.
"You tamed a rabbit," they dumbly point out, having to metaphorically pick up their jaw off of the floor.
"Yup, I did. you can stop gawking now," he huffed, "you're going to catch a bug with your mouth if you keep your mouth wide open."
"...And you named it Carl?"
"What kind of question is that?" he snorts, shaking his head, "yes, I named him Carl, and yes he's going to be the one helping me through the maze. Any other silly questions?"
The man stumbles over their words for a second, and he amusedly watches from below, "I- yeah, yeah, you bozo," they finally settle on saying.
"Alright, cool, I'm going to go find the exit now," he turns away from the hybrid, climbing on the back of the rabbit's back, "see you there."
He doesn't give SquidKid the chance to respond, already setting off through the thicket. And he sure doesn't suppress the grin that crawls up his face as Carl bounds past stalks and stalks of crops.
Having distracted SquidKid enough to get away, the bigger farmer had barely thought to ask how they themselves would traverse the maze.
They must have realized soon enough, though, since not seconds later, he hears a strangled yell of his name along with a loud groan.
Pain, it's been too long since I've written something /Lh
"(Also, it's funny to think that the town has a mayor that they've never seen. All they know is that the previous mayor is gone, and the new one is pretty chill. /Lh)"
When the townspeople come to greet the new mayor, they come thinking that it's SquidKid who's done everything since it's always been SquidKid going into town and doing the talking- the scarecrows being unable to do so for obvious reasons, and Techno unable to do so without revealing his entire existence.
So when the sheepish farmer calmly explains that he's just a helper of the mayor, they're... rightfully confused. At first, they want to know the real identity of the mayor, but SquidKid wearily tries explaining that said mayor really doesn't want to be revealed. They only conceded when he shakily points to the unknown farmer's territory, most of them getting the message.
Techno is very thankful that SquidKid doesn't take his title and also doesn't reveal his existence.
"It would have been so easy for the squid hybrid to just pluck his tiny form from their back pocket and shove the wrathful spotlight onto him.
He wasn't even able to even escape now as he found himself stuck in the hybrid's pocket. The crowd had come quickly after SquidKid had removed the other mayor for him, and he remembered feeling panicked as he stared at the other hybrid. The next thing he knew, he was shoved into their pocket.
He couldn't get out without tumbling to the ground with a splat, and, even worse, the possibility of one of the townspeople pointing him out with gossip-drinking eyes was incredibly high too.
He shakily gulped, greedily taking the air around him as he tried to stay calm. He never liked being near anyone- not even the scarecrows - so the second-hand contact with his past rival was not the finest experience.
"I- uhm," the squid hybrid stumbled over their words, "t-the mayor really would rather not... have the entire town to greet them.."
The crowd hushedly mumbled to each other, and one straggler called out, "well, tell them to come out anyway!"
By the Blood God, he hated this. He shrunk to the bottom of the pocket. This was one of the worst worries for a borrower; he had already been pushing his limit with the scarecrows and SquidKid, but this was another level for him.
"...Uh, well, in that case," he felt SquidKid shift, and a hand brushed over his pocket. He tenses, waiting for the fingers to tug him out and waiting for SquidKid to finally prove that they're not as kind as they look, for them to finally get some semblance of petty revenge.
"You can find them over there." He pauses, confused to as why there's no hand reaching down for him. The words finally dawn on him, and he's both relieved and perplexed to what SquidKid could have meant by that.
But hatever they've done has made the crowd fall unnaturally silent, and so he's at least a little relieved for that too.
The same voice that was brave enough to speak before pipes up, "you mean the ghost farmer?"
....He didn't know that the townspeople had come up with a name for him, but he's suddenly thankful that he's gained enough popularity that people stop and gawk.
"Y...Yes," SquidKid slowly acknowledges the villager, "they were the one orchestrating all of this. I was just helping with the... talking parts," the hybrid is silent for a moment before they burst into a stammering mess,
"And- uh, I-I should take my leave now, b-because I should really h-head back and ch-check up on them," he feels the bigger farmer start to take a few steps back, supposedly away from the crowd, "I'll answer any questions later!"
He has to push against the fabric to keep himself from bouncing around in the pocket as SquidKid starts running. He faintly hears the townspeople shout for the male, but it's muffled through the fabric.
As it starts to seem as if the squid hybrid would never stop running, they finally start to slow down, their breaths coming out labored and airy.
He doesn't speak up for a moment, letting the other regain themselves first. When they finally seem well enough, he speaks up,
"That's the best you can come up with?"
chKFCHKDSJFSDF oh my Primes, this is so LONG,,,, I have no idea how to write SquidKid,,,, plus, I had no idea how to like,,, oOGHgds,f,, pain.
Anyways, hope you had fun reading ALL of this cchjxcvxkdsf,,,
i dont have anything to add this is just fantastic,,,,, DEO AND JIYN AS SCARECROWS AS WELL,,, FBJHDKUHSJHHDV,,,,,, i love that techno gets to have Carl still 🥺🥺🥺 and him leaving squidkid on the other side of the maze??? FHJBDJNJKBF
ALSO 🥺 squid protecting techno and not telling people abt him,,,,, aaajfhkdojfh good,, i also appreciate that everyone in the village just has to be like. "the ghost farmer is mayor????... well this isnt the weirdest thing thats happened to me"
SQUIDKID RUNNING AWAY,,,, "ill answer any questions later" djhshhjhjhbhbfhdjhbe
*holds this gently* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i adore
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queenof-literature · 3 years
A Sick Wild Child - Chapter 10
Chapter 10 - Cold
Aaaand we're back! Sorry for the long wait, college is wack.
Uhh big angst warning for this chapter. I can't really tell if this is angstier than the rest of the chapters? But the warning is there.
As I said earlier, I am going to be rewriting this fic as I add to it. Nothing major will change, but I kinda cringe a little when I read back on it because I feel like my style has developed more as I've written.
Ao3 Link:
I hope y'all enjoy!
The rustling of the leaves above were the loudest sound Warriors heard outside camp. Between the soft snores of his companions, the distant flowing stream, and the cackling of the fire, perhaps he should have let himself relax, if only a little. Being as rigid as a board would do no one any good if monsters came, yet Warriors could not force himself to relax. Strained eyes jumped between the other Links, the world outside their overhang, and the only other two not resting.
Whatever allowed Wild to be semi-coherent hours ago had faded as night went on, stuttering chest still rising and falling roughly. 
Twilight hadn’t left Wild’s side, still holding tightly to the boy’s clammy hand. Warriors let out a sigh, trying to force some tension from his shoulders as he stood, slowly making his way over. 
“You need to get some sleep.” Warriors settled next to him, still keeping a sharp ear out for potential monsters. He had made the mistake of letting down his guard, and he wouldn’t do it again.
“I’ll sleep after your watch.” Twilight was lying, and they both knew it.
“You make fun of Time for taking on too much, but you’re the same damn way.” Warriors huffed.
“Pot, meet kettle.” Twilight snarked and Warriors rolled his eyes at yet another dumb country metaphor. “Besides, be careful what you say, Old Man is probably listening.”
“It’d be hard not to with how loud you two are.” A voice said from Time’s bedroll.
“Sorry, Time.” Warriors and Twilight spoke in unison, chuckling lightly when they heard a tired sigh and grumbling.
“Any signs of Wild waking up again?” Warriors nodded towards Wild’s restless form, keeping his voice far lower.
“Nah. I wouldn’t be so worried if he was getting some actual sleep.” As if sensing his name Wild shifted once again, letting out unidentifiable croaks and murmurs. Twilight stroked his thumb across the back of Wild’s pale hand in an attempt to soothe him once more.
“Yeah…” Warriors spoke awkwardly. “The worst will be over soon, then he’ll be able to start healing. Hylia knows Legend and Hyrule are going to shove a rainbow of potions down his gullet when he can handle it.” Warriors joked, feeling success at the small chuckle he received from the other young man.
“I know he’ll be okay, but…” Twilight trailed off, looking down once more at his protege
“Yeah, it’s hard to see him like this.” Warriors nodded.
“Well yeah but I’m worried for what comes after.” Twilight’s eyes still hadn’t met his.
“What do you mean?”
“When he comes to, how much of these nightmares is he going to remember? Some are fake, but his brain is already… addled.” Twilight said for lack of a better word.
“You’re worried about the memories.” Warriors understood now.
“Yeah. He doesn’t remember anything besides a few memories, I’m worried the real ones will mix with the fake ones and just confuse him more.” Warriors hadn’t even thought of that.
“He’ll be okay once he’s aware enough to talk them through, that’s always seemed to help him in the past.” Warriors reassured, clamping a head on his companion’s shoulder. “I know there’s a lot in the air right now, but we need to focus on the now. We’ll deal with the future when we get there.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Thanks War.” Twilight smiled at his companion, finallying meeting his eyes. Both settled in against the wall, taking comfort in the other’s presence. 
Cold, scared, confused. Fear struck his heart when he felt the familiar emotions, among others he couldn’t name. His lungs spasmed, and he felt himself cough roughly. Drowning… was he drowning? He didn’t feel wet, water meant drowning… right? Something warm and gentle slid across his hand and he shivered. What was touching him? Was it bad?
No… cold was bad, warm was good, or so he thinks. Yes that seems right. And what was touching him was warm so he could trust it. Yeah, that logic made sense.
Something was wrong though, he shouldn’t be feeling this way. This wasn’t normal. He tried to open his eyes. Wait, when did those get there? He had a body, and bodies had names. Did he have a name? Whatever was blocking his eyes refused to budge, or perhaps it wasn’t even trying. He felt his ears flicker when a noise drew close to him, and the warmth caressing his hand paused. No, don’t stop! He cried out, or he thought he did.
The warmth moved from his hand, allowing the cold to flood back, and he tried to cry out, he wanted to be warm he didn’t want to be cold. He relaxed once more when the warmth moved under his eye, under his eye… his cheek. The hand pushed into the skin of his cheek softly, and he tried to focus on what he heard above him, but he couldn’t push down his panic. What was his name? Everyone had a name, what was his name?
The warmth, which he now recognized as a hand, pushed his cheek with more intent, the noises growing louder. But he couldn’t focus on that, he could only focus on the empty space where his name, his very identity should be. What was his name? Everything would be okay if he could just remember his damn name-
“Wild?” A voice echoed above him, snapping him back from his spiral. Wild… that didn’t sound quite right, but it certainly didn’t sound wrong, and he clinged to it. Wild, Wild, Wild. That was him! 
“Wild?” Another voice asked, and Wild was sure it was a different one. The hand patted his cheek, and Wild felt his nose scrunch. He didn’t like that.
 “Wild? Are you awake? Can you open your eyes?” Wild’s ears perked at the tone, an odd mix of hope and concern. Now out of his spiral, Wild tried once more to open his eyes. Shutting them tightly once more when light assaulted his vision. He felt his head being turned, vertigo crashing into him, only relaxing when his nose brushed against something slightly course but soft.
“Try again.” The voice coaxed. Wild was skeptical, but did as he was told. With great strength, Wild peeled open his eyes. Even after his eyelids revealed the world around him he couldn’t see right away, it took a while for his vision to clear, yet the voice never grew impatient. He felt heat to his back, and it felt like a fire. Maybe that’s what was so bright. After the fuzziness finally faded, Wild could see he was facing a chest, but it looked odd. There was something missing around the shoulders...
“There he is.” The other voice proclaimed quietly.
“How are you feeling, Cub?” Wild felt the chest he was facing vibrate as the person spoke. Cub… cub.
“Tw’ligh?” Wild slurred, wincing at the dryness of his throat.
“Yeah, Cub.” Wild looked up at the face above him, who looked positively elated for some reason. Wild finally realized why the man looked so off, the usual pelt wrapped around his shoulders was gone. Wild glanced around, eyes slow and fluttering. After looking down he finally realized it was covering him instead. 
Wild tried to blink away the fog. That wasn’t right, this was Twilight’s pelt. Oh no, did Wild steal it? That wasn’t very nice…   
“Wild?” The other voice washed over him once more, and Wild realized it had probably been a while since he had responded.
“War?” Wild recognized the bright blue scarf, and the eyes that matched. The fog was slowly receding from his mind, but annoyingly stuck around the edges.
“That’s me.” Warriors confirmed with a fond smirk. “How are ya feeling?”
Wild didn’t know how to answer that. Everything hurt, his muscles felt heavy and useless, his head pounded, his throat was on fire… worst of all…
“Cold.” Wild rasped, trying to bury his face into the chest beside him, enjoying the rumble he felt and the sound of a fond chuckle.
“Sorry, Wild. Your fever hasn’t broken yet, we can’t let you get too hot.” Twilight really did sound sorry, but that doesn’t sound right. Fever means hot.
“Cold.” Wild stressed again, his small movement sending a spike of pain around his ribs. “Hurts.” Wild whimpered at the aches and pain that surrounded his body, especially his ribs. 
“I know, Cub. It’ll get better soon.” Twilight promised.
“How?” How did he know that? Wild didn’t understand. Goddesses, it felt like he was dying-
Wild froze at that thought. No, no Twilight would tell him. Twilight wouldn’t be so happy, he wouldn’t. The conversation continued as Wild’s world was crashing down on him.
“Your fever hasn’t broken, but it is getting cooler.” An optimistic voice continued, not noticing his panic. Why were they so calm? Wild was dying, he was dying! He felt his breaths get more labored, only sending further panic shooting through him. No, he needed to breathe, breathing meant life and Wild was alive he wasn’t dead he was alive-
“-we’ll fix it, Wild, I promise.” Wild tuned in once more and his heart lurched. Fix it? No, no , no, nononono. 
“N-no!” Wild cried out, trying to sit up.
“Woah!” Warriors bolted forward to keep Wild from agitating his illness further. They just got water in his system, they didn't want him to throw it back up now.
“Tw-i. Don’t. P-please don’t.” Wild pleaded.
“Don’t what? Cub we’re not going to do anything.” Twilight’s voice tried to be calm, but the underlying panic only sent Wild further into his spiral. Twilight knew and he was hiding it! The shrine… not the shrine.
“Na- the shrine. P-please. Anythin’ but the shrine. Just let me go.” Wild begged, coughing roughly at the end. Twilight felt his chest grow cold and his stomach drop. ‘Let me go’, ‘No more shrine’, Twilight felt lightheaded. He knew what it meant. Let me die. 
“No, no Cub, you’re not hurt. Not badly, you’ll recover.” Twilight tried to reassure but Wild was too far gone.
“Hey, hey.” Wild felt a different pair of hands on his cheeks, calloused from constant swordsmanship, but impossibly gentle. “Calm down.” Warriors soothed, brushing aside Wild’s bangs. No! He didn’t understand. He couldn’t do it, not again. He couldn’t wake up with nothing but a name he didn’t recognize, cold, hungry, scared, alone. 
“No shrine, nothing like that. We’re staying right here.” Warriors comforted. Wild shook his head, ignoring the nausea it brought. They didn’t understand, he would forget again. He would forget again. Zelda, the Champions, Riju, Teba, Yunobo, Sidon, the Links. All of them.
“Wild.” Twilight’s voice was soft, but stern, demanding Wild’s attention. “Wild look at me.” A hand took his chin, and he was met with dark blue eyes swirling with intense emotions, half of which Wild couldn’t name. “We’re staying right here. We’re nowhere near the shrine. You’re just sick, you’ll get better, on your own.” Twilight specified, rambling in the hopes that Wild would finally understand. Twilight felt his chest loosen when Wild calmed down slightly. 
Twilight wouldn’t lie about that, Wild could trust him. 
“No shrine?” Wild confirmed.
“No shrine.” Twilight put on his most reassuring smile, covering his turmoil at Wild’s earlier words.
“Never. Promise.” Wild demanded in the most stern tone he could muster, and judging by Twilight’s shaky smirk he didn’t do a very good job. 
“I promise, Cub.”
“Yeah, Hylia knows we wouldn’t even know how to work it- ouch! What it’s true.” Wild tried to laugh at the indignant noise, but all that came out was a coughing fit. He still didn’t understand what was going on, but there was no rush or panic or shouting. It wasn’t like the first time. There were no lasers, or carnage, or desperate screaming.
“Okay, that’s enough.” Twilight deemed after Wild’s fit had passed. “You need more rest.” Wild shook his head. He wanted to stay here, away from the things he sees when he closes his eyes. It was nice here, the fog was finally parting and if he went to sleep it would surround him again.
“Yes, Wild.” Wild heard Warriors laugh at Twi’s exasperated tone.
“No.” Wild commanded, well aware of how much he sounded like a petulant child.
“Wild, we’ll be right here. You need sleep. Real sleep.” Wild shook his head again.
“I’d be careful. Mama bear is ready to knock you out.” Warriors teased, yelping when Twilight used his free arm to smack his shoulder.
“Wild, I swear to Hylia, you are going to sleep.” Twilight threatened. Wild huffed. Fine. Wild lifted a shaky and weak hand from under the pelt, pausing to rest the limb above the covers. Slowly he lifted his left hand, barely reaching his target. He swatted uselessly at Twilight’s chest, trying to find a grip. Finally he managed to snag onto the older’s tunic, just above his heart.
“What are you doing?” Twilight chuckled, all ire forgotten at the Cub’s clumsy actions. This would be the hard part. Wild prepped himself, before putting all his strength into his left arm and pulling himself up as far as possible. Even the simple motion of pulling himself up was like climbing a mountain, all his stamina depleted by the time he put his plan into action as his ribs jolted and burned. His world twisted and swirled as dizziness washed over him, his head feeling light and his eyes watering.
“Wild!” Twilight yelped in surprise, hopefully not waking the camp. Automatically his arms flew around Wild to catch the boy now cradled to his chest. “What the hell are you doing?” Twilight asked again, far more bafflement and scolding in his tone. Wild stubbornly shoved his head into the crook of Twilight’s neck, breathing hard. Nausea surrounded him and his aching muscles cramped and twitched. Twilight winced as Wild coughed directly into his throat. Good things this wasn’t contagious.
“You can’t do that! You can’t push your body like that!” Twilight scolded, his words contradicted his actions as he rubbed soothing circles into Wild’s back.
“I mean, you could have asked.” Warriors agreed, smirking at the scene before him now that Wild seemed to be recovering from his little stunt.
“Stay.” Wild demanded, gripping Twilight’s shirt as the other was cradled to his own chest uselessly. His body had no more energy left to spare and he relied completely on Twilight to keep him from falling.
“I’m right here.” Twilight’s exasperated tone morphed more into confusion. Twilight wasn’t getting it. He was warm. Wild was so cold, and he wanted to be warm. Even if that meant soaking up heat from Twilight like a lizard did on a sunny rock.
“Warm.” Wild’s lips twisted into a crooked smile, not aware enough to try and make both the scarred and unscarred sides of his face match. Warriors didn’t even hide his fond grin at the cheesy sight before him, and Twilight’s shocked face was certainly a bonus.
“Wild your fever.” Twilight chided nervously, attempting to gently get Wild away from his body heat. Even being in his lap was pushing it, Hyrule told him to be careful before he went to bed.
“Warm.” Wild huffed, annoyed at Twilight moving too much. Twilight glared at the muffled laugh he heard from Warriors. ‘Help me!’ Twilight mouthed, glaring at him as the other just shrugged and smirked. Jackass. Twilight supposed it would be okay for a little bit, but… just until Wild fell asleep. Besides, Twilight couldn’t bring himself to push Wild off with the dopey and lopsided the grin the younger had. Instead Twilight tucked the covers and pelt around him, knowing he made the right choice when Wild sighed happily and burrowed further. It was the most content he had seen Wild in days, and if Hyrule found out Twilight had disobeyed his instructions and kicked his ass, it’d be worth it.
“We can watch his fever. Let him have this.” Warriors confirmed the voice in his head, and Twilight relaxed at the fact someone else agreed, allowing himself to lean against the wall to better support Wild’s weight.
“Yeah, I don’t wanna move him.” Wild made a noise that Twilight could only interpret as agreement, and tried not to laugh and disturb the boy curled into him. 
“He can understand what we’re saying… that has to be progress, right?” Warriors questioned.
“Yeah, but at this point his fever breaking is the best we can hope for.” Twilight responded as he felt Wild succumb to sleep once more. Twilight didn’t want to admit how worried he was that his fever would never break. He knew that Wild would get better, really he did. But Hylia what Wild had said… what would Twilight do if he had the option. If Wild was dying in his arms and he had a choice. If he had a choice between Wild living with no memories, waking up with them all gone, probably long dead, alone and scared. Or letting Wild, his cub, die. Both options almost sent Twilight over the edge of despair just picturing it.
“Stop.” Warriors scolded, eyes peering into him. Twilight snapped out of his thoughts and glanced back in surprise. “I know what you’re dwelling on. Stop it. It won’t help anything.” Warriors’ tone was harsh, but his eyes were compassionate.
“I know but-”
“No buts. It won’t come to that.”
“You don’t know that.” Twilight’s voice cracked ever so slightly. Warriors sighed, of course he didn’t. Of course Twilight wasn’t the only one who thought at night about where this quest could lead.
“None of us do. But focusing on what-ifs, especially insanely specific ones, doesn’t help it just makes us all suffer. All of us, Twilight.” Warriors stressed, relieved at Twilight’s eyes widening, knowing he had gotten through. The words were harsh, but Twilight never listened when it was just his health on the line. He needed to know that watching him go through that hurt, just as it hurt them when one of the other Links were in a pit of anger and hurt.
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” Twilight squeezed Wild, needing to feel his heartbeat against his own. He focused on the breaths he felt against his neck. They were shallow and rough but they were there.
“Don’t be, I get it.” Warriors assured. “But let's face it if we think about everything that could happen on this crazy fucking quest we’ll be here for weeks.”
“Yeah…” Twilight shifted, ensuring Wild didn’t have too much pressure on his ribs.
“I’ll watch his fever, you need to rest.” Warriors commanded softly.
“You know that’s not happening.” Twilight glared.
“I didn’t ask you to sleep, I asked you to rest. You need it.” Warriors raised a challenging eyebrow, turning concerned when Twilight just nodded.
“Yeah… okay. Just make sure he doesn’t get too hot.” Twilight leaned his head against the rock, shushing Wild when he mumbled and huffed as his pillow moved. Warriors reached over and placed his hand on the cub’s forehead. 
“It’s fine for now.” Warriors smiled, happy the raging fever had dulled, even a little.
Both Warriors and Twilight quieted, and Twilight allowed himself to simply breathe as Warriors kept a sharp eye on the world around them.
Wild is on a mission and no one shall stop him.
Thank you all for reading! I'll update the summary when I rewrite a chapter so you all know.
And thank you all again so much for the support. I love every comment, and I’m so glad so many people enjoy this story!
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silver-wield · 4 years
I absolutely can't get enough of you analysis and I was wondering if you could do one of cloud and tifa after the plate fell and after barret hugged tifa? when sephiroth visits cloud again. like how'd that have been from tifa's perspective too?
Sorry this took a while to get to, Nonny. I would've had it done yesterday, but instead I wasted my time banging my head against a brick wall. Lesson learned lol
Ok, spoiler warning for ppl who haven’t played – do I still need to do this? Eh ok, (I tag FF7R spoilers as final fantasy 7 remake spoilers) and it’s gonna be reasonably long.
Also, this is one person’s interpretation of the scene, so if you disagree that’s cool and we’ll agree to disagree.
You’re also gonna have to excuse the janky quality on some of the screens, I’m grabbing them from Youtube and it’s frustrating af trying to get the exact moment I want.
Please check my master post to see if I've already covered your question, thanx
Recap time!
The sky has fallen and our brave failures have escaped by the skin of their teeth! Cloud watches over Tifa until she wakes up, then follows her until they locate Barret.
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AH MY HEART! Cloud's so adorably concerned for Tifa. (also far too goddamn pretty! Someone shove mud in his face or something I can't stand it!)
Who knows how long he's been waiting for her to wake up. There's a couple of times it looks like he wants to reach for her – there's a definite twitch in her direction with his left hand – and then as she goes to get up, he takes her hand to her help her. Someone remind me, how often does Cloud offer Tifa his hand? A lot? Yeah, that's what I thought.
It's a very demoralised journey through the rubble to find Barret.
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Well, I was aiming for a screen showing him punching the wall, but this is better. His rage and grief burst out. He's punching the wall with his actual hand and not shooting at it with the gun. This is because he wants to feel physical pain to dull the stronger emotional pain. Those were his friends. He should've stopped it. You can hear him sob Marlene's name once that rage is spent. He thinks they're all dead, including his innocent little girl. It's a powerful moment for his character.
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Here's a hint of a grief stricken Cloud too. He cared about the trio. He wanted to save them. Nobody had to offer payment for his services. He tried to be the hero and failed. He doesn't know how to handle these emotions or how to comfort anyone either.
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Tifa blaming herself is typical for her character. She puts a lot on her shoulders and keeps her feelings locked up tight. She sees the situation from the pov that if they hadn't blown up the reactors then Shinra wouldn't have dropped the plate. Barret sees it as, if Shinra weren't destroying the planet then they wouldn't need to blow up reactors. It's a pointless back and forth, round and round with no true winner. They have different povs, morals and principles and that's why Tifa just agrees with him in the end. Why argue on top of everything else that's just happened?
Tifa is very much the peacemaker, who doesn't want people to get into unnecessary fights. She'd rather back down than fight if there's a possibility of another choice. She says this in chapter 3 with her “I know we have to make a difference, but not like this.” And to the Shinra manager she says “I don't want anyone to die”
She's a goddamn sweetheart who can pack a punch, but doesn't need to rely on her fists first.
This is why later on with Elmyra, she stops Cloud from arguing to go get Aerith. It's not that she doesn't care. It's that she doesn't see the point in forcing your opinion on someone. By giving Elmyra time to think through their side of things she's letting the situation settle and everyone can approach it calmly and rationally. Which is exactly what happens. Elmyra had time to think and agreed with them. Because of Tifa. Because she’s the mature one.
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The real!Cloud hand twitch lol we know what this means and I think I've already mentioned is plenty of times in other analyses.
Barret and Tifa's body language here is very placid, not romantic in any sense of the word. Her body is turned to the side and he has one arm around her shoulder. He's not got his head tilted down towards her and hers isn't tilted up at him either. Her arms are by her sides. This is minimum contact and barely qualifies as a hug. It's perfunctory comfort between friends. What it does is motivate Cloud – who harbours romantic feelings – towards the urge to comfort Tifa in the same way. He wants her to rely and find solace with him. Because his feelings are driven by romantic urges the way he comforts her is different.
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And we're on our way to Aerith's house, where Cloud suspects Marlene is. Barret's highly emotional – shocker – and begs Cloud for hope, then admits it doesn't matter what he says he'd get mad. Cloud accepts this with a bland face, what else is there to say? He can't admit he might be wrong, but he can't say with all certainty that he's right.
He asks Tifa about the Ancients and then we get a visit from Sephiroth.
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So after we see a future flashback of OG Sephiroth talking about the Ancients like before, Cloud gives us a blurry 1st person view and pan up of Sephiroth. Now, this one is a vision that only he sees, but that really doesn't matter to him. He sees that creepy ex-boyfriend stalker smile and freaks tf out. You can hear him whimper.
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So, we don't get much of the scene from Tifa's pov. She's noticed Cloud freeze, probably heard that whimper. She's definitely concerned – you can see her frown just before we move back to Cloud – but she's unsure what to do about it. She's not a doctor after all. She has no idea if the right thing to do is insist on talking to Cloud about it, or pretend it didn't happen. She has to take his lead, which is to forget about it.
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“Through suffering you will grow strong. Isn't that what you want?”
Cloud's a sweaty mess of fear at this minute, but you can still see this question on his face and his answer that no he doesn't want to suffer. The part of him that's real!Cloud definitely doesn't want to suffer, but it's too scared to do anything.
I find the possibility of this being a different aspect of Cloud's personality interesting. It's a vision, after all. So while we have real!Cloud in chapter 8 trying to encourage himself and repair the broken parts, we have this Sephiroth aspect that wants Cloud to remain broken and afraid. It's a good metaphor for how Cloud tackles his mental illness, and of the 4 different Sephiroths, the hallucination is the one that speaks the most and talks about Cloud as a person. It's the one that tells him to run away in chapter 2. It's the one that calls him a failure. It's the one that murders Tifa.
It's a manifestation of his mental illness. Not totally because there's more happening than just that, but of the 4 Sephiroths we see, this one is the one that causes Cloud to freeze the most. This one is the one he's terrified of more than the rest. The one that's not actually there.
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I had to choose between this and Cloud looking terrified, but this one has Tifa edging into the frame with a concerned look on her face. Cloud's lost in his own head, probably overthinking everything Sephiroth just said to him. He dismisses Tifa again – remember, he doesn't want her to have a bad opinion of him, so he's pretending to be ok as usual. A lot of his reluctance to confide in her is his fear of her being disappointed in him. A lot of Tifa’s reluctance comes down to the aforementioned need to avoid confrontation. She doesn’t want to fight. If Cloud refuses to talk, she’ll respect that. She’s not pushy.
Tifa and Barret have known each other for 5 years, give or take, but Barret doesn't even know the story of Nibelheim because Tifa keeps emotional things to herself. The way she's struggling to contain herself is mistaken by him as anger. It's not anger. It's self-blame. And because Cloud understands Tifa better than Barret – despite them having been apart for years – his real self has the urge to comfort her. He doesn't know how because he lacks social skills and emotional maturity, but after seeing Barret's example he understands this is the way he wants to support her.
I just added my suspicions about this version of Sephiroth to another post, so to sum that up, I think most of what he says is induced by Cloud's own feelings of failure and fear. The times Sephiroth shows up can be attributed to the connection Cloud has through Jenova, but the content of Sephiroth's speech comes across more like it's Cloud's inner self dragging him down. Sephiroth is the darkness within Cloud – the representation of his mental illness that won't ever become a memory, that's something he has to fight against every day. The fractured parts of Cloud's psyche aren't strong enough on their own, which is why the one in chapter 8 was chased away. It's only once they're reunited because of Tifa that Cloud becomes stronger overall to fight against his inner demons.
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