#canadian jacket brands
jacketssupplier · 5 months
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Why Use Windbreaker Jackets: 5 Solid Reasons
There are many advantages of using a windbreaker jacket. Want to know about the 5 most important ones? Start reading the blog now!
Visit: https://oasisjackets.mystrikingly.com/blog/why-use-windbreaker-jackets-5-solid-reasons
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scrollonso · 4 months
A Strollonso AU where the daughter of a Canadian billionare and her friend are hired by Renault to bring attention to the teams 2nd driver. What'll happen when the girls gain the attention of more than just the media? (4k words, whore fernando, emotional lance) [@roostersrocket] {this was supposed to be a oneshot but... pt2 soon}
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Lance sat in the back of the car her father sent, Esteban digging through her bag to find her concealer as their chauffeur drove at a steady pace.
"Putain, where is it?" Esteban muttered, running a hand through her hair as the other dug through the sky blue bag on the floor of the backseat
"What's wrong, Estie?" Lance asked, glancing at her friend as she curled her eyelashes
"Do you have concealer? I think I left mine at the hotel"
"Yeah" She hummed, Lance handing the girl her own makeup bag "It should be your colour"
"Thank you, Lance, I'd be dead without you" Esteban said, taking out what she needed before putting the bag back next to Lance's pale thigh
After what felt like ages they arrived at the Imola Circuit, Lance stepping out to fix her clothes, knowing the odd material was messed up after the long car ride.
She had on a white tube top with the teams logo plastered right over her tits, a halter-top like jacket on over it. She propped one leg up on the side of the car as she unrolled her shorts, tucking the back of them back under the belt with a Renault branded buckle on it
"Lance, does my ass look okay?" Esteban called from the other side of the car, the Canadian looking up from her legs to see Esteban turned around at the other side of the vehicle, the yellow "2" on the left pocket of her shorts making it impossible to notice if her ass looked bad.
"Your ass always looks great" Lance confirmed, putting her leg down and closing the car door as she stepped forward to thank the driver before her and Esteban made their way onto the paddock.
They quickly found their way to the Renault garage, not able to ignore the cameras on them as soon as they got there, the duo only worried about how their faces would look in these pictures
"What if I have a double chin?" Lance asked, hand smoothing the skin under her jaw as she spoke
"Lance, the only double you have are double D's, calm down" Esteban scoffed, smiling at her comment
"Stop, I can't kiss you in front of all these people" Lance smiled back, nudging the girls shoulder as they made their way to the Italian side of the garage.
The two mainly sat around, speaking politely to all the slightly offputting men that would walk up and hit on them, the friends having no interest in anything besides the expierence from the job so far.
They'd probably spoken to half the engineers working for Renault before a driver approached them, realizing who it was as soon as he spoke
"You two must be Esteban and Lance, It is a pleasure to have you both here" Giancarlo spoke, extending a hand to Lance then moving to shake Estebans next
"Thank you, We absolutely love it so far." Lance smiled politely, legs crossing as she gazed up at the Italian
"There won't be much going on today but it will get more exciting as the week progresses, I look forward to having you two cheering me on" He smiled back, nodding at the girls before returning to his engineers side, back to work
"God, he's hot" Esteban gushed instantly, whispering in the Canadians ear
"Shut up" Lance laughed, hitting the girls shoulder as she shook her head, disapproving of the comment
"Oh, come on!" Esteban whined "Tell me he isn't. You like older guys, he's like 15 years older than you."
"And so not my type."
"You're such a liar, but fine, more for me then" Esteban hummed, rolling her eyes at the younger girl
Lance and Esteban began to wander around the paddock once the Renault drivers started speaking to the media, being told that it would cause more people to begin speaking about the driver with the number 6 plastered on his car
"My legs hurt" Lance complained, wrapping her arms around the taller girl's waist, pulling her closer as she stumbled on her heels
"Merde" She cursed under her breath, having been startled by the sudden weight on her "Take off your heels then, it'll probably look better if we're shorter than Giancarlo anyway"
Lance nodded, looking at the concrete her heels were resting on before unclasping them and sliding her feet out, glad the pavement wasnt overheated by the sun yet
"God, I should've worn flats" She mumbled, balancing on one foot as she rubbed the sole of her foot
"Stop complaining, it's only been two hours" Esteban laughed at the now shorter girl, picking up her shoes and pulling her along, not noticing the Spaniard who's eyes were stuck on the Canadian with long, bleched blonde hair.
Fernando stopped in his tracks as he saw the two girls not far ahead of him, they were facing away but as the blonde girl spoke her head turned just enough for the World Champion to catch a glimpse of her face, he felt like he'd been punched in the gut he was so in awe with her.
The way her lip jutted out slightly as she complained to the older girl in front of her, the way her clothes fit her perfectly no matter how she positioned her slim yet curvaceous body, the way her hair curled at the ends as it draped over her bare shoulders, everything about her had Fernando completely beguiled.
As Giancarlo finished with his interviews the girls were quick to rush to his side, striking up a conversation while still close enough to the journalists for them to notice the closeness between the trio
"Hello, girls, figured you had returned home already" The older man commented, arms snaking around the young girls' waists as they walked back to the yellow and blue garage
"We couldn't leave without getting to know you more" Esteban hummed, having to look down slightly in order to meet the mans eyes
"Only if I can get to know you as well" He responded, accent thick as he winked at the French woman, Lance rolling her eyes as she third wheeled
As the trio walked into the Italian side of the garage, Lance couldn't help but notice the eyes from the Spanish side. She looked up for a second, lips curving up as she saw the older man look away quickly as if he was caught doing something he wasn't supposed to
"So, what is it you ladies want to learn?" Giancarlo spoke, taking a seat at a small table in the corner as Esteban did the same, Lance just wandering the one side, now curious of the other.
"What are you willing to show me?" Esteban hummed, cocking her head to the side as she gazed at the Italian, completely oblivious to her friend slipping away, putting her shoes back on as she walked.
Lance peeked over to Fernandos side, noticing it was significantly emptier than Giancarlos, hesitating to actually step foot on the other side.
She almost fell over when she heard a voice close to her, grabbing tightly on to the closest thing to her for stability
"Woah" A thick accent spoke, hands grabbing harshly onto her waist "Are you okay?"
Her eyes widened, a startled look on her face as she gazed down at the Spaniard, realizing she'd tripped and fell into the arms of Giancarlos teammate
"Yeah, I'm sorry" She laughed, stepping back and fixing her top, unable to forget how his fingers lingered on her skin as she pulled back
"Don't be sorry, princesa." He responded, a part of him liking having to look up to see the girl "You're welcome on the better side of the garage any time"
"Are you trying to hit on me, Alonso?" Lance smiled, cocking her head to the side as she saw the Spaniards face flush
"Quiza, is it working?" The Spaniard laughed quietly, leaning against the wall beside him as he gazed at the Canadian, hoping he wasn't making the girl uncomfortable
"You'll have to try a little harder, Alonso" She shook her head, looking away from the Spaniard to scan his side of the garage
"Hm?" She hummed, eyes falling back on the man in blue
"Call me Fernando. Alonso's too formal, no?"
"Okay, Fernando" She nodded, unable to stop herself from smiling "I'm Lance. It's nice to meet you"
"The pleasure is all mine"
Lance spent the rest of the evening on the Spaniards side, he was funny. She was glad to get along with someone besides the man Esteban was clearly into.
"You have to choose one card, now" He smiled, holding a deck of Spanish cards in his hands, fingers decorated with silver rings.
"Okay" She laughed, eyebrows raising as he quickly flipped through the deck
"Oiii, you are too slow" He teased, shrugging as his eyes stayed glued to the woman
"Oh, come on!" Lance groaned, hitting his arm lightly "Go again, slower."
"Yes ma'am" He nodded, flipping through the deck again as he waited for Lance to tell him to stop
"There" She said, and he stopped, moving the deck so she would see her card.
"You know it?"
"Yeah" Lance smiled, leaning forward on the table as she watched the older man link the cards together, showing that he wasn't taking anything out
"Okay, we have the cards," He hummed, laying the deck down now that it was stuck together "You know which one you choose?"
"Then, we take this off." Fernando glanced at the girl before unlinking the chain and grabbing the cards, setting them in seperate pile one by one "When you see your card you tell me stop."
He got through half the deck and Lance had yet to say anything so he spoke again
"You have to tell me stop, if you no tell me stop-" He said, almost scolding the girl
"I will! I haven't seen it yet" She defended, jutting out her bottom lip as she moved her head closer to the cards
"We cannot play if you no tell me stop."
"I think it might've disappeared! Where's it gone?" Lance questioned, laughing as he reached the end of the deck
"I dunno! You were in charge." He shook his head, lifting up the unlinked chain to show the girl
"Where have you put it?" Her eyebrows furrowed, smiling slightly as she glanced at Fernando, smile widening as he began to laugh.
"I dunno!" He spoke through laughs, beginning to pat himself down
"I don't trust you" Lance's eyes narrowed, taking over and patting the Spaniard down, from his neck to his waist trying to figure out where the small piece of paper had went
They were close, Fernando could feel the girls breath on him, he'd never admit it but it made him quite nervous. She looked even prettier up close.
"C'mon, Fer!" She whined, hitting his chest "Tell me your secrets
"Look in my hat, princesa." Fernando looked up, eyeing the blue material on his head.
She was quick to take it off, shocked to see her card laying in his hat
"How did you-"
"Ah, ah, ah." He shook his finger, "Is a secret."
"Lance" Esteban called from Giancarlos side of the garage, the Canadian girl getting up fron her seat straight away
"Lancito" Fernando said, reaching out and grabbing the girls arm, worried she'd walk away if he didn't "Can I have your number?"
"Of course, Fer" She nodded, quickly typing her number into the mans phone before disappearing back to the side she was supposed to be on.
As soon as they got in the car Lance started gushing about the man she'd spoke to, overanalyzing everything that'd happened.
"No, you don't understand. He called me princess. TWICE. And admitted that he was flirting with me." She tried to explain, Esteban sitting with a skeptical look on her face
"He's a world champion, you're gonna get played." Esteban tried to explain, Giancarlo having briefly mentioned his teammates and how bad he treated the girls he brought around.
"I don't care, he's sexy." Lance whined, grabbing her friends shoulders and shaking her "I can fix him!"
Lance put on the same outfit as yesterday but with a skirt instead, not wanting to look the exact same.
The Spanish man had yet to text her and it made her heart ache for whatever reason, she craved his attention.
As Lance and Esteban reached the paddock they were greeted by the Renault boys straight away. Giancarlo coming to wrap his arms around the girls as Fernando walked with another woman by his side, the polar opposite of Lance.
She had dark brown hair, green eyes, tan skin, she was in flats and jeans and a simple tank top. Is that what Fernando likes? Lance could be that.
He made sure not to stare, instead getting closer to the Italian man at her side as Esteban struck up a conversation, she always knew what to say.
They'd just gotten done with qualifying, Giancarlo p11 and Fernando p5 but the two girls still managed to congratulate the older of the two as if he'd gotten pole.
Lance didn't spare Fernando a glance, no matter how much she wanted to, she wasn't easy.
"You did good out there!" Esteban praised, body pressed against Giancarlo as his hand rested on Lance's hip
"I'm starting to think you girls don't understand how this sport works" He laughed, thumb brushing over the exposed skin on the Canadian's side
"Well, You're right." Lance laughed, trying to pretend she wanted the mans touch how she wanted his teammates "But, at least you aren't last!"
Lance decided she'd head to the car first, not interested in how her friend was eyefucking the man they worked for. She slipped her phone into her pocket, ignoring how it buzzed. She just wanted to take off her makeup and fall asleep in the back seat
"Lancito" A familiar voice called. Great. She'd ignored him all day and now he wanted to talk?
She turned back, unsurprisingly losing every ounce of anger in her body as she saw the look on his face
"My side of the garage missed you today." He hummed, stopping once they were just centimeters apart. The look on his face was different than it had been the day before, no longer soft and playful. He looked bothered.
"Oh, really? Didn't think you'd notice my absence."
"How could I not?" He laughed, hand finding its way to her hip, the same spot Giancarlo had touched earlier. "Hard to not notice someone like you."
"Mm" She just hummed, licking her lips as she looked at Fernando, unable to stop her gaze from falling on the mans own lips.
Without saying a word he pulled her closer, lips connecting roughly, grip on her hip tightening as he pressed their bodies together.
A shakey breath left Lance's lips, her fingers tangling themselves in the shorter mans hair as she kept him close. If he was the last man she was to ever kiss, she wouldn't complain.
His leg came up slightly, pressing against her core as he pressed her back to the wall behind them. Lance was never the doing-stuff-in-public type but if it was from Fernando she'd take whatever she could get.
Her mind clouded as she began to thoughtlessly rut against the mans leg, feeling the smirk forming on his face as her skirt hiked up. She should be embarrassed, really, she met this man, who is almost a decade older than her, yesterday and now she was whimpering into his mouth in a hidden area of the paddock. Maybe she was easy but she's also just a teenage girl, teenage girls have needs too and if this is how she'll meet them she doesn't see anything wrong with that.
Not long after they started it stopped, Fernando hearing his teammate calling his name. He pulled away from the girl, not bothering to even spare her a glance before he disappeared again. Leaving her feeling hot, heavy, and alone.
Lance thought about Fernando all night, thought about the kiss, his touch, the girl from earlier.
She hardly spoke on the ride back to the hotel, Esteban brushing it off as her being tired but even the next morning she was quiet
"What happened, Lance?" She finally asked, sick of her friends silence, it was race day they should be excited.
"He kissed me" Lance muttered, looking over to Esteban as they were both getting dressed
"FERNANDO ALONSO KISSED YOU AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?" She said loudly, dropping her shirt and going over to Lance, forcing her to sit down "Now you have to tell me everything"
"Well, I left early"
"I remember" She nodded, eyes glued to Lance
"He followed me, called me Lancito and said his side of the garage missed me. He literally had a girl by him all day hes such a fucking prick." She complained, covering her face with her hands
"But then you kissed?"
"He just got so close to me and I looked at his lips and suddenly he kissed me and pushed me against a wall and did that thing guys do with their knee-"
"OH?" Estebans eyes widened, standing up from Lance's bed "Lance, he wants you so bad."
"Yeah, wants my body so bad."
"Oh, come on. I gave Giancarlo a blowjob yesterday, that's all it is. That's all they want." Esteban shrugged, she'd never cared about the romantic part of things, always just what she could gain from the rich men she encountered. Lance had prayed to wake up like her, not caring, it never worked.
She tried harder today, trying to make herself look like the girl from yesterday. She wore low rise jeans with a soft design on the pockets, lighter makeup, and then a cropped renault shirt with Giancarlos name stitched on the back.
She didn't want to be just a body to the Spaniard, she wanted to be so much more. She wasn't just a body. She was a girl. A woman. She was so full of love and so desperate to recieve the same love she gave and she wanted that from Fernando. For whatever reason.
Lance got out of the car, walking and talking with Esteban as they made their way to the garage, now used to the sounds of clicking cameras and the flash of their pictures being taken.
Esteban was greeted by Giancarlo first, Lance's eyes meeting Fernandos as he walked next to a different girl. Tall, slim, blue eyes, ginger. What did he want. Why did none of his girls look the same. Why were none of them her.
Lance was in a funk practically the whole day, following Esteban around like a lost dog while Fernando and Giancarlo raced.
"I can't believe him." Esteban said randomly, Lance looking at her confused. "He kissed you yesterday and now he's with another girl?"
"I guess world champions just do that" Lance shrugged, trying not to think about it even though Fernando was all the commentators were talking about.
"Not all world champions, he's just a whore."
"I could fix him" She added, laughing it off as a joke but really, she hoped she could.
Giancarlo finished 8th, getting a point for the team. Fernando got 2nd so by the time the second driver returned most of them were at the podium waiting for Fernando to celebrate.
"You did good, Carlo" Esteban hummed, sitting on a counter on the wall of the garage as the Italian took off his helmet and balaclava
"Yeah, you're great." Lance added, nodding as she wished to be celebrating with Fernando.
The podium celebration came to an end, the Spaniard coming back to the garage and going straight to Lance, whispering in her ear before disappearing to shower.
Come to my hotel with me.
Who does he think he is?
Does he think he can just have any girl he wants?
What a dick.
Lance was definitely going.
She told Esteban she'd be staying behind to get to know people and her friend didn't prod, just smiling and nodding before taking herself back to their hotel while her friend snuck off to a drivers.
She found herself in the passenger seat of Fernandos car, his hand tracing shapes on the denim covering her thigh as he drove. She was nervous, not because she knew she wasn't the only girl he'd planned on fucking recently but because she hadn't fucked anyone recently.
The last time she'd gotten any action was with Max Verstappen before an f2 race in a cramped drivers roon where he kept her mouth covered the whole time. He wasn't good.
Surprisingly, her door was opened for her. Fernando holding his hand out to lead the girl in the lobby, into the elevator, and to his room.
He waited for the door to be closed before he kissed Lance again, picking her up and wrapping her legs around his waist with ease.
He moved towards the bed as if he didn't have over 100 pounds of extra wait on him, as if Lance was light as a feather.
It made her smile, hands on either side of Fernandos face as she deepened their kiss, bottom lip jutting out in disappointment once he pulled back, laughing under his breath.
"Come on, have to take these off" He spoke quietly, kneeling on the ground in front of Lance who was sprawled out on the bed, taking off the heels she'd been wearing all day.
Lance sat up, watching as Fernando unbuckled one and slid it off, placing it next to him before doing the same to the other. She was eager for him to get up but he stayed put, peppering her ankles and calves with kisses as he slowly made his way back up, Lance giggling at the feeling of his stubble against her skin.
Eventually, Fernandos lips were back on Lance's, one hand on the nape of her neck while the other worked at undoing her belt, eager to have her fully exposed under him.
One thing Fernando did differently off track was he took his time. Lance hated it. She needed him.
She decided she'd have to do it herself if she wanted anything to happen before she stopped feeling it.
Lance pulled away from him, quick to take off her own belt and pants until all she had was the shirt with Giancarlo's number and name all over it.
"I do not like sharing, Lancito" He muttered, finger brushing over the embroidered "2" on her chest
"I'm all yours." She responded, even though she knew he wasn't all hers.
Fernando scoffed, not believing just how easy the girl was. He undid the first few buttons before sliding off her shirt, adoring the sight of her in nothing but her underwear. A matching black set. As if she knew what was going to happen.
"Qué guapa eres" How pretty. Lance wasn't fluent in Spanish but she'd been hit on by enough Spanish men to know what he was saying.
It was embarrassing, how flustered she got from the most basic compliment.
She could barely remember what happened after that, waking up sore and with dried cum practically covering her skin. Disgusting. Seems like no aftercare had taken place. She wasn't surprised.
Even if she didn't expect aftercare she expected to at least wake up with him still in the room. Obviously, her expectations were too high because she woke up alone. All he left her was a text. Three fucking letters.
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shrenvents · 1 year
Miracle Aligner
Alex Turner Series
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Series Masterlist
Summary: Who knew Alex Turner, frontman to one of the greatest bands of this generation had the worst luck in love. As a romantic who's quite familiar with heartbreak, Turner's grown sick of looking for a spark that will eventually burn him. So, while visiting a local pub, how was he supposed to know that a drunken Tuesday night, would change his sombre tune forever?
Inspired by the album Everything You've Come To Expect. Mature content (sexual acts, language) Original character.
Chapter one:
Toronto, November 15, 2015
5:57 pm
Alex's POV
"That's enough Turner!" Zach yells over the various clamouring instruments. "You've been working on these songs for weeks and this was the best you got mate?" Jaime continues with a snort. "Yeah?" I huff, rolling my eyes.
Jaime and Zach exchange a knowing look before Zach pipes up again. "You know what Al? Why don't you call it a night, maybe go out, meet a few girls, have fun." He then glances to my right. "Miles you stay and finish your set."
"What's this?" I jest, bewildered by my bandmates.
"Sorry Al, the songs you've been writing these days just aren't the Shadow Puppets brand," Jaime trails off, looking more empathetic than his counterpart. My brows crease further into my eyelids and I dully unclasp the guitar strap from my shoulder. "My songs don't fit the 'brand' of my band?" I glare at them in disbelief as the two share another look.
"Sorry Al, but your material has been all doom and gloom these days." Miles now exclaims while avoiding my troubled expression. He pauses before continuing. "Your greatest hits are love songs, passionate shite." Miles's eyes then connect with my own, and I finally understand what he's implying. "It's been a while mate." His last statement was the final blow.
That's right, I haven't been with anyone for months, romantically, physically, and everybody knows it. These days I just find romance to be tiresome. Even a shag doesn't seem to excite me much anymore. I've simply gone mad, that's what it is.
Though they seem to have me all figured out, I refuse to give in to their remarks. "You lot have lost it. I'll come back when you've come to your senses!" I bark out while snatching up my guitar and jacket. The boy's faint snickers fill the room as I take off towards the door. "Aw c'mon, Al!" Jaime carries out, stifling his laughter. I slam the door behind me with unnecessary force, utterly infuriated.
Instantly after leaving the studio, I feel the blistering Canadian winter encase my narrow frame. "Bugger," I snit before whipping out my phone, in hopes an Uber would usher me away from this frost. To my dismay, because of the excessive snowfall, transport was either delayed or unavailable, and I had no interest in sticking around roadside. So, I switched to searching for a local pub, racing out of the cold.
After a numbing 10-minute journey, I reached a pub called Les Cactus and ripped open its wooden entrance, embracing its heat. Whilst I take a seat on the nearest bar stool, a flash of red catches the corner of my eyes. A waitress with her back turned serves drinks to a group of men who gawk at her with an unreserved fancy. Momentarily, I admire her long, fiery hair that flows down her fit backside. Fortunately, the incoming bartender removes me from my fairly pervy thoughts. "What can I get for ya buddy?" The bartender ranks down my features, odd excitement filling his own. "You got any Bulleit?" He smirks.
"Sure thing." He spins away from me, before quickly rotating back and whispering for my ears only, "Big fan by the way." I smile politely with a nod as he disappears into the bar to prepare my drink. My gaze returns to the space where the redhead once stood, which is now vacant. "Here ya go. Let me know if you need anything else!" The bartender ponders shortly before speaking, "My name's Mickey by the way." He places my bourbon down with an oddly suggestive wink.
8:24 pm
"Maybe consider spacing out your next drink Alex. I get you're a millionaire and money ain't a thing," Mickey bobs his head, taking note of appearance, "but you're kinda overdoing it buddy," he finishes. I scoff at his smirk and slap a bill on the countertop. "Another." My face and tone drop in an attempt to be taken seriously, but my drunken command doesn't detour Mickey's delight.
"You're the boss."
"Uh-uh, that's at least his sixth drink this hour M." An unfamiliar feminine voice pitches in. It's husky and demanding, and so, I intend to listen. Curiously turning to look, my vision is consumed by that recognizable carrot-like head. If I was captivated before seeing her face, I was surely a goner now.
Mickey ceases his actions while she stares between us with scrutiny. I'm gobsmacked and she clearly takes my silence as a sort of confirmation. "Right, no more for him. Okay M?" Mickey nods sternly, face falling moderately as her tone leaves no room for opposition. "Alexander!" I practically cry out before Red gets the chance to leave. Smooth Turner.
"Excuse me?"
"I-uh, name's Alex..." Yeah, very smooth.
"Jennie." She states curtly, evidently bemused. She then moves swiftly on her heel towards the kitchen. Straight away I grimace, pulling a hand to my forehead, rubbing its lines harshly. "Not a word." Mickey chuckles quietly and goes back to his work.
9:41 pm
"Still here, Alexander?" My head shoots up, startled by Red. When did I even fall asleep-
"Yes?" She snorts at my jumbled reply.
"Want me to call you a cab? A shrink perhaps?"
"M' sorry?" I question clumsily.
"Oh? I just thought you may need one, after hearing what you told to Mickey." Her sultry voice echoes out her rather devious grin. "God." My eyes widen in horror which aids her impending elation. "What have I said?"
"Nothing really, just that..." She starts counting her digits absentmindedly. "You've got no luck writing your music, no love life. Oh, and you have no sex life!" She proclaims the last part with glee. Jesus, please end this nightmare.
"I did not."
"Did too."
"I've had too much drink."
"Drunken words are sober thoughts." Jennie carries on smiling at my trepidation. Maybe I'd find her charming if her jokes weren't at my expense. "That's it, I'm not tipping." I declare pathetically. Her devilish smirk doesn't falter. "Seriously? Things can't be that bad! Mickey tells me you're actually a successful musician."
"That you've obviously never heard of." I roll my eyes at the absurdity of our conversation. She laughs aloud at my response, which I admit, brought a genuine smile to my face. It really has been a while. Her face then goes blank. "Alexander."
"Alex. You're young." She pauses, her gaze sweeps my shaggy appearance. "Ish"
"Ouch." I flinch jokingly, earning myself another gorgeous laugh and playful swat.
"Hey! And you're good-looking."
"Ish." I interrupt again with a chuckle and her smile grows.
"No!" She more or less shouts, "You have a lot to work with, trust me." Her hands gesture nimbly. "The only thing standing in the way of you getting laid is yourself." A surprise roar of laughter leaves my lips shortly and I shake my head in disbelief.
"You're selling yourself short here Alexander," Red concludes. "Alex-"
"You're wasting your youth-ish," she interrupts me once again and a sliver of silence washes over us. It's as if we're the only ones in this packed pub, eyes locked on one another, communicating beyond words. Her deep hazel orbs focus on my brown ones. "What do you suggest I do then, Jennie?" Lightly raising a brow, my words dare her while her lovely name rolls off my tongue. I can't help but revel in how it sounds. Then something flashes in her fixated stare.
"Let's get out of here."
Chapter two
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hotchs-bitch · 2 years
Fluffy Feb Day 27- Snow
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Warnings: getting together, only one bed trope except I as the author provided 2 beds and they do it to themselves, Canada (which was supposed to be realistic but comes across as satire. No judging me unless you are also Canadian), some 18+ implications but nothing happens
Pairing: Hotch x blank slate Fem!Reader (no use of y/n)
Word Count: 4.1k (i went crazy :/)
A/N: Honestly I've either made up or researched everything I've put in a fic about America so it was a nice change to just Know Things (although I am not from the province where this takes place). Also in my mind this is a continuation to Day 9- Pine
Once again, bonus points if you can figure out which Taylor Swift song I was listening to when writing this
Cases have taken you all over the country, face to face with some of the worst serial killers that America has ever seen. Much less often, they take you to Canada.
Specifically, in the case of a psychopath who skipped borders after killing in two states almost a decade ago and resumed his killing spree further north now, they occasionally take you to the middle of Nowheresville, Saskatchewan, Canada. In the dead of winter.
“Hey, folks.” The chief of police greets you all- well, most of you, since Rossi and Prentiss are already out on the field- with a friendly wave, shaking Hotch’s hand. “Chief McCartney. Sorry to make y’all take a trip up here, but we sure can use the help.”
“The FBI has been searching for the unsub for some time,” Hotch answers as their hands part. “The case has been assumed cold for several years by the Bureau, so we’re grateful you reached out. Two of my agents are at the latest crime scene already.”
“Where should we set up?” JJ asks, and the chief leads you to a conference room. “And, er, speaking of cold…”
You’re all very cold, just from the drive from the airstrip to the station. You’d seen people snowmobiling past the road, and JJ had marvelled aloud wondering how they could bear to be out in this weather. It’s not surprising that she’s the first one to bring up the chilly air in the precinct with her parka still zipped up to her chin.
McCartney snaps his fingers like he’s remembered something important. “Y’all must be freezing, eh? Let me rustle up a space heater, get you nice and toasty.”
The fact that he’s wearing a button-down shirt and a light jacket isn’t lost on any of the experienced profilers in the room. “You’re not cold?” Derek asks, half in disbelief. “Man, I grew up in Chicago and I can’t feel my toes right now.”
“We hit minus 30’s a few weeks back,” McCartney says, wincing. “Sorry, I didn’t even think of it. Guess we’re all used to it around here by now.”
“Minus…” You glance at Spencer, who’s locked and loaded with an answer.
“Negative 30 degrees Celsius is about negative 22, Fahrenheit,” he reports. “I’d estimate we’re closer to negative 31 degrees Farenheit, though.”
“He’s smart. Windchill’s pushing us a little under,” McCartney confirms. “I’ll go get that space heater. Y’all settle in, and I’ll have one of my officers bring over the files ASAP.”
You ‘settle in’ as best you can, poring over the case with your team while wrapped in thick sweaters and cradling to-go cups of coffee. They’re branded with the Tim Hortons logo from the traveller case that one of the officers brings for you along with the files and a box of donut holes labelled ‘Timbits’. The space heater sits in the corner of the room, slowly bringing the space to a temperature that you’re all used to.
Hotch takes the first sip of his coffee without adding anything into it, his face screwing up at the taste. “It’s not too good when it’s black,” the officer tells him. “Sorry, should’ve warned you. Try a double double, it’s way better.”
“Here, I’ve got it.” You take Hotch’s coffee from him, adding in two little packets of sugar and two creamer cups while he watches you. “Better?” He stirs it and takes a sip, deliberating.
The second sip must be miles better than the first. “It’s not as bitter. I think that’s all I can ask for,” he murmurs while he takes a seat next to you, and you smirk.
He’s wearing the same quarter-zip that made an appearance when you went to Alaska, and he seems relatively warm. Lucky him. The less-built members of your team, particularly JJ and Spencer, have rosy cheeks and keep sticking their hands in their pockets to warm them. Poor Spencer goes through several cups of coffee in mere hours, a weak attempt to warm himself from the inside out.
Nearing the end of the day, you all pack up your things. There haven’t been any more murders today, but the information gleaned from the crime scenes helps you add to the profile. The unsub has a pattern of striking each week, probably to gauge how close the investigation is to catching him during the cooldown period, and he hasn’t strayed from the pattern since resurfacing.
You trudge to the hotel across the street from the police station- this town is so tiny that you don’t think it’s made up of anything other than a main street and rows of suburbia housing- in the pitch-black, wind whistling by your ears and freezing them. The sun went down several hours ago even though it’s only nearing seven PM, and the dark doesn’t lift anyone’s spirits.
“Get some rest,” Hotch says while he hands out room keys in the hotel lobby, speaking over the sound of chattering teeth. It’s more of an order than a request. “We’re at the station bright and early tomorrow, and I want you all rested and ready to work.”
The room key in your hands leads you down a hallway to a door that you unlock right as Hotch turns the corner. “119, right?” He clarifies, and you nod. “Alright. You’re with me.”
“Sounds good.” Your voice sounds cool and even, and you’re sort of proud of yourself for keeping it together after finding out that you’re sharing a hotel room with your very kind, very attractive boss. You’ve shared a room with him before, but it’s a battle of willpower to appear normal every time.
The hotel room is decently nice, and it’s warmer than you expected. Two queen-sized beds share a nightstand, and there’s a desk with a coffeemaker on it pressed up to the wall next to the TV. It’s a standard hotel room, a setup you’re familiar with. The heater under the window is whirring, filling the room with blissfully warm air- almost too warm- that has you shedding your jacket as Hotch sets his go bag on one bed and his briefcase on the desk.
“No working,” you remind him, your tone as scolding as it is light-hearted. “Bright and early, remember?”
Hotch snorts at that, then takes off his quarter-zip sweater. “We’ll be six bitter coffees deep before the sun comes up,” he says, but you struggle to hear a single word out of his mouth when you see his biceps through the thin white material of his shirt. He’s been covered up all day, and you haven’t hit your daily quota of staring at his arms.
It’s been a hard day, particularly for that reason.
“I’m going to shower,” Hotch says after a moment, discarding his fleece on the desk chair. He picks up his go bag, and the bathroom door closes behind him a moment later.
By the time he re-enters, wearing flannel pajamas pants and a white shirt, you’re fiddling with the heater. It seems to be broken, and when you turn the dial to blow cold air in the room it only seems to come out a few degrees cooler.
“The blanket’s really heavy,” you warn as he gets into his own bed. You can’t believe you’re overheating at negative-a-million degrees, but the combined weight of the duvet and warm air blowing steadily into the room is reminiscent of falling asleep in Arizona rather than the snowy north. “Something’s wrong with the heater.”
“I’ll try to manage,” he responds with a dry smile before pulling the blanket over himself. It lands on him with a solid sound, thick duvet against chest, and a soft ‘oof’, and you count to three in your head before he says, “Okay, you were right.’
“Aren’t I always?” You pull your own duvet down when you get into bed, leaving yourself covered with the top sheet of the bedspread. He stays underneath his blankets, not shifting them while you reach out and turn the lamp off.
Falling asleep has never been so difficult. Without the thick duvet, you’re curled into a ball within five minutes when the slightly colder air fills the room. With it, you’re sweating so much that it’s a wonder you aren’t sliding right off the bed. One leg pokes out from under the heavy covers, but it feels like the only part of your body that’s at a closer-to-normal temperature while the rest of you overheats. You toss and turn, falling asleep briefly every once in a while for maybe ten minutes at a time.
It’s a little embarrassing, actually. Your blanket and sheet are lifted and shifted so many times that you have to hope you aren’t waking Hotch up, even when you move as quietly as possible. The only sound in the air is the wind whistling and fabric shifting, louder than you thought possible.
Around 1 AM, hours after trying to fall asleep, you’ve all but given up. You’re considering getting to work on the file by lamplight, or just stripping down naked under the thick blankets. What other option do you have?
That’s when you hear a grunt from the other bed, and Hotch’s outline shifts in bed. You can see him move around, lifting up like he’s flipping over his pillow. In the barely-there lighting from a streetlamp, you notice that his duvet is ruffled and partially folded over itself. It looks like he’s been tossing and turning, just like you.
“Aaron,” you whisper once he’s still. It’s quiet; he can pretend not to hear you if he’s close to falling asleep, and you won’t be offended. 
When he responds, his voice is gruff and just as loud as it was in the precinct today. “Yeah?”
“Can’t sleep?” It’s a stupid question, you realize as soon as it leaves your mouth. He isn’t sleeptalking, after all.
He doesn’t call you out on it, but just sighs instead. “No. It’s not working too well for me. I’m really hot.”
Yeah, you are, you want to say, but the logical side of your brain beats the sentence back with a stick before you can say it out loud. “Me too. How do you think everyone else is doing?
“Better than us, I hope.” He sits up in bed slightly; you can tell from the rustling and the dim outline. “I’m sure Dave has some kind of temperature-controllable blanket with him.”
“Spencer probably researched the best kind of pajamas to bring,” you joke back, and Aaron chuckles at that.
“Morgan probably worked out before bed and didn’t need any blankets,” he murmurs, and you snicker.
“JJ and Emily are probably cuddling for warmth.”
Why did you say that? The high altitude- the provincial average is roughly 1700 feet above sea-level, Spencer would tell you- combined with the restlessness is probably getting to you.
Aaron clears his throat, and you cough. Neither of you seems to know what to say, so he speaks first. “As long as they don’t tell me anything. It’s a lot of paperwork, for that sort of… fraternization.”
“Well, I mean. If they’re just doing it to keep warm, that’s got to be an exception,” you point out.
“I.. suppose so, yes. As long as nothing further were to happen, two agents just trying to keep each other warm isn’t inappropriate. They… we all need to be professional.”
He sounds hesitant now, speaking carefully like he doesn’t want to say the wrong thing. You wonder if he’s dancing around the same thought as you. If he is, is he trying to avoid it? Or does he not want to say it first?
“So, by that logic…” you trail off, waiting for Aaron to say something. He can say anything now. He can cut you off, bid you goodnight again, or even ask you to go bunk with Rossi, but he doesn’t.
The fact that he also isn’t exactly not encouraging you doesn’t disembolden you at all. “Yes?”
“Well. You know,” you murmur. “I’m just saying that if it’s completely professional… and if it’s helping them sleep, and therefore be more well-rested to catch a serial killer tomorrow…”
“What are you saying?” He isn’t really asking. You can hear his smirk as clearly as wind whistling through the trees outside your window. “I think you need to clarify for me.”
Your huff of annoyance is more forced than it sounds. “I’m saying that if we sleep in the same bed we might be able to actually sleep. Body heat, and all that.”
Aaron’s voice is softer now, less sure than when he teased you just a minute ago. “Are you comfortable with that?”
“If it’s okay with you, then it’s okay with me,” you promise. The only sound in the room for a moment is both of you breathing, and you wonder if he can hear your heart thumping against your ribcage. What are you doing?
“Alright,” Aaron agrees after a long moment, pushing the duvet down to the foot of his bed. “Does it matter what side you sleep on?”
You get out of your own bed, and murmur, “No,” as he rolls over to make room for you. He lifts the top sheet up and you slide in under it, curling up. There’s still some distance between you, and you try to maintain it; he’s the one who’s concerned about things being ‘inappropriate’, after all. There’s no need for him to know that your heart is beating so fast that it feels like it’s about to jackhammer out of your chest.
“Goodnight,” you mumble as soon as your head hits the pillow. His body heat is like a furnace, warming you up perfectly from a foot away, and the thin sheet is warm like it’s been waiting for you to climb in. He says something under his breath- ‘goodnight’, maybe- but it’s been such a long day that you fall asleep in what feels like seconds without responding.
When you wake up to the sound of Aaron’s phone alarm, you’re much less than a foot away from each other in the warmest bed you’ve ever known. He’s curled up against your back, one of his arms slung around your waist to hold you to his chest. Previous experience with room-sharing tells you that he doesn’t wake up at the first alarm- he usually sets two or three, a few minutes apart- and you’ve got a couple of minutes to just be.
The sound of the alarm grates on you, but it must be on a timer because it stops ringing after a minute or so, and you relax back into Aaron. His cheek is resting against the back of your head, and you can hear his steady breaths in time with the rise and fall of his chest against you. It feels good, it feels right to wake up like this. You don’t want it to end, but you know that it has to.
When the second alarm goes off, he rouses with a little startle, like he doesn’t remember where he is. The arm around your waist tightens, just for a moment, as his body relaxes into yours. Soft as a whisper, you could swear that you feel warm lips brush the shell of your ear before he pulls his arm away and sits up.
The room is just as dark now as it was a few hours ago, and Aaron manages to fumble for his phone and quiet the alarm before he speaks. His voice is raspier than it was in the middle of the night when he checks the time and then says, “It’s almost a quarter to seven. Er, did you sleep well?”
“Very.” You yawn as you sit up, stretching both arms above your head. “I wouldn’t complain about a couple more hours, though. That whole same-bed thing works wonders.”
Aaron yawns too, turning away to grab his go-bag as he stands up. “I’m glad to hear it. You can go shower. I’ll change out here.”
“Deal.” You gather your own things when you get to your feet, disappearing into the bathroom to get ready for the day. Your mind is already on the case, pushing aside all thoughts of sleep arrangements and large arms holding you close in favour of your job. When you exit the bathroom, Aaron is already gone.
When you meet with the team in the lobby, you find out that he headed to the station right away to get ahead on the case. Everyone bundles up before walking back to the precinct; the walk is no warmer than it was last night, and fresh snow begins to fall just as you get to the doors of the precinct.
Once you find your way to the same room as yesterday, you find Hotch already there, dressed in yesterday’s fleece. He’s got a Tim Horton’s cup in one hand, and he sips it while staring, perplexed, at the geographic profile. “Good morning,” he greets everyone at once. “Reid, I was thinking. If we intersect his old hideout parameters from Minnesota and Georgia with his murders here, then…” their chatter fades into white noise as you turn your attention to the files lining the tables.
The first hour passes in a blur, the conference room lit only by harsh overhead fluorescents as you trade theories and examine new evidence provided by the local officers. The clock is just announcing the arrival of 9 AM, the sky beginning to brighten slightly, when you realize that you need coffee.
You’ve got the same setup as yesterday in that regard, too. One of the officers must have picked up a fresh traveller for you, evidenced by the steam rolling off of the coffee that Hotch is pouring for himself. “How’s it going?” He asks, stirring two creams and two sugars into his coffee.
“No big break yet, but I’m sure we’re close. We’re going to get this guy soon,” you promise, and Hotch nods at that. “I wanted to thank you again. For, you know. Helping me sleep last night.”
“It was no trouble,” he assures you, fiddling with the stir stick in his hand. “It was helpful for me, too.”
“And, hey.” You lower your voice a bit, and Hotch leans in to hear you better. “Maybe we can do it again tonight. You know, if that’s okay with you.”
He gives you a smile, that tight-lipped one you’re used to seeing around the office. “It’s alright with me. I just don’t want to… well, I’m your boss. I don’t want you to do anything you’re not comfortable with. It has no impact on my views of your professionalism.”
There’s that word again. You wish he could be a little less professional, for once. But he’s right, he’s your boss, and there are certain things he can’t say first. Your profiling skills tell you that he still wants to say them though. “Well, what happens in Canada can stay in Canada,” you half-jest.
“It can, if you want it to,” he murmurs. He still hasn’t taken a sip of his coffee, and he hands the cup to you while he pours a second one. “The sun will be coming up, soon.”
He’s right. Pale orange is streaking the sky through the large conference room window, tracing pink lines around the edge of the sun that’s just starting to peek up into the prairie sky. The snow is still falling, painting a picturesque image in the sky “It’s gorgeous,” you comment, taking a sip of your coffee. Without taking your eyes off the sky, you step a little closer to Hotch.
“Yes,” he agrees, holding his coffee in his right hand. His left rests on the table that your back is against, and it might be wishful thinking, but you think that he would wrap that arm around you again if there were no one else around. “It certainly is.”
“Longest week of my life,” Emily complains as soon as you’re airborne, a mere three days later. The unsub has been apprehended and is in federal custody of the country you’re returning home to. “But those beds were insanely comfortable. I haven’t slept that well in months.”
You and Aaron exchange a glance, a double-layered inside joke about why Emily slept so well and why exactly you both slept so well for several nights in a row. 
The last four nights have brought with them some of the best rest of your life. You’ve grown familiar with the feeling of Aaron’s arms around you in the morning, and by day three he stopped jerking them away as soon as he woke up.
That was the same day he asked you out, his gaze averted while he fiddled with a gold-coloured coin that he had received as change when he went out to buy a coffee. You had agreed, of course, and had assured him more than once that it didn’t matter that he’s your boss. You want him, and you have for ages.
On the fourth day, just this morning, he had held you a little tighter when he woke up and rumbled, “Morning, baby,” against your ear. If he hadn’t felt your heart beating around in your chest before, he had certainly felt it then.
Despite the fact that you’ve got a date planned with the man you’ve been cuddling for the better part of a week, you’re ready to tease Emily for cuddling JJ, before Spencer chimes in.
“I thought that the beds were quite comfortable, also. According to Sheriff McCartney, they’re primarily a transit town, which runs on a completely different economic structure than a transit village. The economy depends on truckers and people on road trips or similar travel to sleep in their hotels and eat at their restaurants,” he explains. “It’s fascinating, actually; transit towns pour the majority of their resources into making sure travellers making one-night stays enjoy themselves enough that they take the same route on the way home, thus giving the town more business.”
“The only business I want from that town is the name of whoever supplies those blankets,” Derek says, grinning. “That thing was so heavy, it was like getting crushed to sleep. Exactly what I needed with all that cool air blowing in.”
“Your room wasn’t too hot?” You ask, your nose scrunching up. “I think the heat was broken in mine. It was just hot air the whole time, every night. Way too hot to sleep.”
“Ours was like that on the first night,” JJ recalls, and Emily nods in agreement. “It was awful.”
“Right?” You complain, sinking further down into your seat. Hotch is sitting to your right, his face an impassive mask while he watches the exchange. “Let me guess, you guys shared a… uh…” 
Your teasing falters when the look on both JJ's and Emily’s faces tells you that, no, they did not share a bed, and you’ve just implied your solution to the heater problem. “We used the other blankets,” Emily says slowly, her eyes narrowing. “Didn’t you?”
“Oh! Oh, the other blankets. Yeah, the ones in the nightstand.” You nod along, your mortification growing in time with JJ’s smirk.
“They were in the closet,” she corrects you, obviously trying not to laugh. “I guess we know how you and Hotch stayed warm.”
You don’t need to look at your boss’- boss? Friend? Lover? You aren’t too sure right now- face to know that his cheeks are dusted rosy pink. “It wasn’t like that,” you protest to deaf ears as Derek whoops and high-fives Emily.
“About time,” he snickers at the look on your face. “So, when’s the first date?”
“It’s not-” you start to say, but Hotch speaks before you can.
Your eyes widen and you turn to him. He raises one shoulder and smiles, like What was I supposed to say? “Friday,” you relent a moment later.
Derek is still grinning ear to ear like a maniac, and even Spencer cracks a smile when Aaron snakes one arm slowly around your waist. The sun is rising on one side of the jet, and the orange glow illuminates his face.
For one suspended moment, everything is perfect. You’ve got a date for this Friday, you’re more well-rested than you’ve felt in ages, and your team doesn’t seem to care that you and your boss are much closer than you were a couple of weeks ago. It’s a blissful moment to you, and it’s only broken by Emily’s gleeful not-quite-a whisper to JJ. “Penelope is going to be pissed that she missed this.”
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conradscrime · 5 months
Unsolved Canadian Cases
April 17, 2024
These are cases of individuals who have gone missing in Canada but may not have enough information to be an entire case post of their own.
James David Kunuk
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James David Kunuk was born in 1981 and was 34 years old at the time of his disappearance. He was last seen by family on September 21, 2016 in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. He was not reported missing until December 2016 by his landlord.
James had been living in downtown Vancouver, BC, but had recently moved to the Yukon and not yet unpacked his belongings. He did not take his wallet with him.
James did not contact his family for his birthday or over Christmas, which was unusual. Most do not think he moved again, however, he does have family in the Northwest Territories.
James uses multiple aliases including Jay Kunuk, Jimmy Miller, Jay David Springgay, Jimmy Kunuk, James Thrasher, Jeremiah McClusky.
He is Indigenous, 5'10 in height, 181 pounds with a medium build. He has short, straight black hair and brown eyes. He has two tattoos; one on his left forearm of a cross with the word "LIFE" and on his right arm of the word "THUG."
He would be 42 years old today.
Edward Joseph Arcand
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Edward Joseph Arcand left his home in Coleman, Alberta driving a 1969 Ford Falcon station wagon on June 8, 1975. He has never been seen since.
On June 15, 1975, one week later, his vehicle was found abandoned 80 km north of Coleman on Highway 940. However, the Doe Network states his car was found in July 1975. Edward is Indigenous, 5'8 in height, 139 pounds with a medium build. Joseph has brown eyes and short black hair, last seen wearing a blue, denim jacket, red shirt and blue, denim pants.
Many speculated he could have been Septic Tank Sam, a man whose remains were discovered in a septic tank outside Tofield, Alberta in 1977. However, Edward was missing 6 teeth and Sam had all his teeth.
Septic Tank Sam would later be identified in June 2021 as a 26 year old Indigenous man named Gordon Sanderson, who had been murdered by a gunshot wound in 1976 or 1977.
Joseph had a hernia scar on his lower abdomen, a dark complexion, and no facial hair at the time. He was 27 years old at the time of his disappearance.
Joseph would be turning 76 years old in 2024.
Glenn Field
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Glenn Field was 62 years old when he was last seen in April 2019 by a pilot flying over his campsite at Rolfe Lake, Northwest Territories. Glenn had flown to Rolfe Lake on September 13, 2018 to spend the winter living on the land.
He was then going to make his way back to Yellowknife, Northwest Territories in the spring of 2019. Glenn had three dogs with him and enough food to last the winter.
In October 2019, the RCMP Search and Rescue team did an aerial search of Rolfe Lake, but found no sign of Glenn.
Glenn is 5'10 in height, 170 pounds with grey hair and grey eyes. He has glaucoma and is missing one toe on his left foot and two toes on his right foot.
Glenn would be 67-68 years old in 2024.
Jean Gravel & Jean-Guy Champagne
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Jean Gravel was 24 years old and went missing with his coworker Jean-Guy Champagne, who was 25, on July 6, 1972 in Trois-Rivières, Québec. Both men were employees of the Rio Bar in downtown.
Both arrived to work early in the evening to work the closing shift. Neither ever returned home and have not been seen since. They were reported missing on July 10, 1972.
Jean Gravel is described as being 5'8 in height, 139 pounds with brown eyes and hair. He was wearing yellow corduroy pants, a beige wool vest, leather black and white running shoes, a gold ring on his left finger, a necklace with assorted colours and a dark blue coat.
Jean-Guy Champagne was described as 5'11 in heigh, 163 pounds with brown eyes and brown hair. He was wearing a green cotton coat, white cotton shirt, green cotton pants, a watch that may have been "Timex" brand, a silver wedding ring on his left finger, black shoes that were size 10-10.5 and has a scar on his chin.
If you have information on any of the above cases you can contact Crime Stoppers: 1-800-222-TIPS(8477) or online at https://www.canadiancrimestoppers.org/tips. You can stay anonymous.
Source: Canada Unsolved (canadaunsolved.com)
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annieqattheperipheral · 5 months
NHL PLAYOFFS TIME!! see you in the lb's!!
1. Leafs 2. Avs 3. any Canadian team 4. other blorbos/moots' faves My allegiances will change as rounds progress and teams fall off but will follow this hierarchy.
⚠️Remember to mute lb's you're rooting against⚠️ and tag your posts w lb⚠️ it's a highly emotional time. you've no idea the levels of anger and disappointment you and others are about to reach🫂 bc refs.
wag jackets
oilers @ panthers [3-4] ...😭😭😭 that's all i got rn. next year. BELIEVE
panthers @ rangers [4-2] have you guys tried killing each other you should consider🔪 LMAO PRESIDENTS TROPHY CURSE LIVES ON
oilers @ stars [4-2] o canada!🇨🇦 WHEEEEEE!!!!!💫
bruins @ panthers [2-4] idk just kill each other🔪 they sorta did??
canes @ rangers [2-4] pls end ny. well, like try ok☺️ im sry sweet gale wind🫂
avs @ stars [2-4] my babygirls pls destroy my brother's team🫶 this one HURTS😞😭 my brother texted sorry
oilers @ canucks [4-3] i just hope everybody has fun🇨🇦🍁 but think I'll mostly be for edm while my bro roots for his previous home van i was pretty neutral by the end of this series but i suppose i was on the money!
caps @ rangers [0-4] caps you still made it to playoffs with the silliest reg season and you've got that to lord over the rest of the metro. even if it was a sweep. that was a branding choice 💅
bolts @ panthers [1-4] i hope they rip each other apart. demolish thyself Florida Man. turns out panthers are the most Florida of the Men🔪
leafs @ bruins [3-4] 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
isles @ canes [1-4] yea ok good stuff see ya boresville ny💤
vgk @ stars [3-4] beautiful shaming of last year's champs💅
preds @ canucks [2-4] what a matchup of both Norris & Adams finalists. fuck yea quinnifer what a first season as C😐 (a quinny smile)
avs @ jets [4-1] FUUUCCK YEEAAA!!! but oof sorry it had to be a canadian team & helly & jmo that had to lose🥺
kings @ oilers [1-4] yeeeaaa this was a given🙃
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chichiscloset · 2 years
What are some sites or stores you shop at to find clothes/ accessories/shoes etc?
Hi love!
I shop mostly at Saksfithavenue, Amazon, Skims, Lululemon & Shein. I wear a lot of dresses and I find these stores to have exactly what I need.
*All prices listed are in (CAD) Canadian dollars*
Saks is a bit on the pricier side, but you can get a lot of cute authentic luxury pieces from different fashion houses for less. I normally get my dinner/ date night dresses from here.
Most items cost anywhere from CAD 400$ upwards. Some items I’m thinking about getting
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Amazon has a lot of affordable items which I love. And a lot of great dupes of pricer items. For example I bought a skims dupe dress and cartier love ring just to compare it to the one I already had. To my surprise they were almost identical!
Amazon is a great way to shop for clothes, and accessories if your on a budget. I paid about CAD 35$ for each dress & 9.99$ for the ring *Please note I also had Amazon prime.*
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I had my doubts about skims until A few months ago. My friend put me on, and I recommended I buy the infamous skins dress, and some Shapewear. Ever since then I’ve never looked back.
If you’re looking for lounge& shapewear, skims should be your go to there’s so many amazing pieces on there that suits every skin tone and everybody type!
Skims is a little bit on the priced sider side items starting around CAD 50$ upwards. But definitely worth the hype.
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You can’t go wrong with having a pair of align leggings some Air Force once’s and the bbl align jacket. Although pricey it’s worth the price.You cannot compete with the quality.
Not much to say about the brand the quality speaks for itself. Leggings start at CAD 98$ and the align jacket CAD 128$
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Every girl shops here. Not much to be said. A tip for finding good clothes always go the back page and work your way to the front I’ve been able o get some god quality shoes bags and dresses that way
The items listed below cost CAD 38$ & CAD 50$
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haila-wetyios · 1 year
I come from a third world country. Which makes it easy for peeps from the first world to have several misconceptions about living conditions or even where I am (my favourite is the one where they think Nicaragua is located in Africa, or me being Russian).
That said, my husband (who I now believe is the saint of patience in disguise) has done his best in the 10 years we've been together to try and at least explain to his family that no, I don't live in a hut, unaware of all commodities and twiddling my thumbs, trying to marry him to get a visa and dump him right away. Or that yes, there's several towns at my country with rich agriculture but all are modern enough that you won't feel like you're in the end of the world or in some random mountain in your tent (unless of course, you really wanted to go camping to all our green areas).
We got a half assed functioning capital city, we only have Summer all year round, and greens and dairy products are so rampant that there's tons of cheeses that I can't smuggle out to my friends because they come with zero preservatives and maybe some extra seasoning from the farmer hand that handled them that had no time to wash it before we got it.
We lack a few of the fancier things in current modern society yes (as in, old models of several things), but it reflects mostly in the lack of manners and survival of the fittest practice that we have to deal with on a daily basis against each other. And of course, the government insisting on getting the country to crumble from the inside and the oppression of those against it, but that's a topic for a different writing.
This of course, has not gotten through my dear mother in law's head, and now that I'm staying for a brief period of time with them to get the hang of Canada, everyday is a very wild day of hot takes from her strange assumptions about me, or the way she handles things in general. Here are some of them:
"That's a train! Have you ever seen/been on a train before?"
"Oh I just got organic milk! It's good for your body. Have you ever had organic milk?"
Asking which Canadian brand I have never heard off I would like for certain groceries.
Going through roads I've only seen once since first arriving and asking if they're familiar to me.
"OH I HAVE TO TEACH YOU HOW TO USE THE TV" *proceeds to press the ON button and tell me to choose Netflix on the menu*
Suggesting that since they got a bag full of toothpaste, lotions, deodorants and so on, that I could grab those and make small packets to bring back to gift to my friends and co-workers at home.
Being very confused as to why I would take a walk around the neighbourhood without my husband, who is chilling playing games and letting me do my own thing.
Asking my husband why I didn't cook him breakfast instead of us sharing duties on breakfast prepping.
Asking if I've ever had cheese from Portugal often (it's always a new different brand).
"Y'KNOWWHATIMEAN?" x8 times (minimum) to me during the day.
Trying to get me to agree that the current weather is blazing hot while I'm wearing at least 2 jackets.
Being very confused when I mentioned my parents went out on a fishing trip, asking why if our house 'is right next to the sea' (we live in the city).
Insisting that I accept several cloth donations.
Insisting that my family take several cloth donations.
Asking in different words if I've ever had boiled eggs???
Losing her mind when I mentioned we don't have sweet potatoes at home.
Being shocked that we grow our own herbs in the backyard (parsley, thyme, etc etc).
Now just in case, this doesn't upset me as much as it amuses me at this point. We deal with too much shit at home for misconceptions to get to me. But those are only the tip of the iceberg of everything I've seen and heard in roughly a week of being around. And I do have to admit, I'm both wondering while also being terrified of whatever misconception comes next. I've had several moments of giving the benefit of the doubt and my dear mother in law grabs those, and throws them into a home run far, far away.
She loves me and changing the way she thinks is definitely impossible. So just gotta take the list of things and roll with them I guess. In her eyes, I either popped out of thin air, or have been living in Canada for a long while, there's no in between image of me
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yridenergyridenergy · 2 years
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Live report - Dir en grey tour22 From Depression to____ at Kawasaki Club Citta [2022/10/25]
Rasetsukoku (2011 ver.)
Ash (2018 ver.)
Wake (2018 ver.)
OBSCURE (2011 ver.)
The Perfume of Sins
Kodoku ni Shisu, Yueni Kodoku.
Ain't afraid to die (2022 ver.)
Merciless Cult
THE IIID EMPIRE (2018 ver.)
Hageshisa to, Kono Mune no Naka de Karamitsuita Shakunetsu no Yami
Up until the very second Shinya walked on stage, opening the way for the rest of the band, I kept thinking this was a dream and could not really be happening.
Three years since I last saw Dir en grey. I'd said it: as soon as Japan opens the gates, I will be there. Here I am. And yet, there were so many variables that could have gone wrong until the very last minute: I did my part of being very careful not to catch COVID-19, I monitored my overly-high Canadian body temperature (they totally did not check, in the end), but with the last couple of weeks' Tsutaya autograph sessions, I could still be let down by just one of the members or staff getting infected.
Fortunately, at last, they were still alive and well!
It seems like somebody stomped their foot and decided: "Fuck the fans, we don't want to play I'll", although tomorrow's setlist will be different, so I am sure that some still have their fingers crossed.
In fact, I came into this show not only starved from Dir en grey and sukekiyo, but I also have not looked at the "BEST SONGS" ever since the final results of the song battle polls were posted. All I knew was that Phenomenon was out, as well as most of the last ten years... Anyway, I felt like keeping that surprise of what songs should be featured in the setlist would get me more excited.
While we were waiting for the show to start, instead of playing some background songs picked by Kaoru from other bands, it was a few of Dir en grey's remixes. I can remember CONCEIVED SORROW (unplugged?), Dozing Green before construction, embryo, Filth, the fucking good Gyakujou no tannou keloid milk remix from the Drain Away single, etc. The onr that sounds like the Matrix soundtrack in the second half.
As always, eventually we hear the last remix's volume double, the tell-tale sign that the lights will get shut and the band will appear on stage!
Shinya wore a white top as usual. His hair was quite purple/pink. Die wore probably a brand T-shirt, but he had cut it so, so wide that within a minute and for the rest of the main set, we literally saw his right nipple! He also wore a black shiny necklace, the kind that drops in the shape of a triangle toward the chest. Toshiya wore a white prince jacket with black flourishing, tight black jeans. Kaoru had a rather professional suit top on but he wore some ample scarf or whatever underneath, and a dress shirt of course. The suit was black I think, whereas the stuff underneath was bronze-ish.
As for Kyo, he had black tight leather pants under a long green checkered dress. I think it was open on the sides, below the waist. It looks like some of his Madara Ningen dresses? He had a red knot bow at his neck but man... Above the shoulders? His hair has grown and is still blond, and he styled it super spiky. His hair seriously looked close to Cloud Strife in that sense! The masterpiece of it all was his makeup though. The eyes were heavily shadowed with white dots or "piercings" to the side and below+under them. Above each eye was a wide blue trail, not too sure. The eye shadows were linked on his forehead by a an upside down U, like an arc, and there seemed to be something dead in the centre but I wouldn't say it was a third eye. His mouth was well highlighted with dark makeup and elongated with thin lines horizontally on each side. Going back to his eyes, he wore red eyelashes and he had white contact lenses at least in the main set, so when the stage was bathed in red light, he seemed to have dead empty eyes, enlarged by all the red.
Already anticipating a huge nostalgia trip that the band would reluctantly play, it did not seem like much of a surprise to hear the first notes of Rasetsukoku. Kyo had said at his Tsutaya signing session that that was the ome song he was looking forward to play this tour, when a fan asked, so I thought that they wanted to start with that to pump up everyone and themselves, rather than to do the dreaded I'll first. But no, it just kept getting fucking better!
New Ash, new TDFF, new Wake... As you can see above, I got a bruise on the back of my right hand from pumping my fist/hand so fucking hard at these songs despite wearing a bracelet with metal. In Wake, it was only near the end, progressively, that some people joined in putting their hands up. My deltoids did not ghost me, I was able to keep a strong arm up the whole show, alternating between the two, sometimes putting up both. The band was on fire!
Toshiya was so demanding in the beginning, and he did all the mouthing that we have seen him do in the DVDs. It's weird, having had just that to experience these past three years. But yeah, for the main part, they were all exactly like how I'd watched them hah.
In Obscure, Kyo did his traditional hand-thrown-up kind of headbang. You know what I mean. I think Toshiya spun around after the first heavy part as usual, but I was busy following Kyo who had also seemed to spin toward the right side of the stage and stopped himself short of backing into Die, who wasn't looking.
The Perfume of Sins started and I was so glad that we had accurately predicted that they would play some songs from Phalaris, because those songs were not part of the polls, right hah?
Kyo set his mic on his vertebral stand and the moment he sings: "NOSE", the atmosphere turns HEAVY. The Perfume of Sins is performed to make it the literal heaviest song ever. He leans backward with the mic on stand for each word in the introduction, then the band members all get laser focused playing at such a fast pace. Shinya was crouched on his drums, I really hope that song isn't the death of him.
Then, when singing the first real verse, Kyo gestured the "hitotsu", from what I remember, like his two index fingers were coming into or out of his eyes. After that, for "oboete hoshii", the fingers move outward as though expulsed from his ears, and for "soko no inochi", those fingers which were levitating in mid-air start disintegrating downward.
When that part is repeated in the second half, suddenly Kyo became a dysfunctional, agitated pantomime or robot, both arms swaying mechanically up and down disorderly.
One last thing I remember for that song is that in between his verses, at some beat, Kyo leaned forward with his mic supportinh him in the opposite direction (like a long upside-down V) and seemed to almost pant with the rythm.
Kodoku ni shisu, yueni ni kodoku was played next and I could not believe my luck! Another song I love, a high-energy one. And this time, it made up for the way too soft version I had heard in mode of Withering to death. in Kyoto Rohm Theatre in 2017. This time, what had to be screamed was screamed, there was no rest for Kyo's throat, he was all the way into it, without stepping over board and cutting though.
I remember that in one song, Kyo stroke his mic into the crate and simultaneously, Toshiya had to adjust his left ear piece. Coincidence? Hopefully his ears are fine since that time he had COVID, but it did seem like the bang affected him.
Next was Oboro and we were still clapping the whole band but we quickly shut up when Kyo began heavily breathing, almost sobbing with his mic on his chest. He gets so emotional throughout this song all the time, his voice cracks up even further when mentioning the tears/namida.
And then, and then, and then .......... !
13! They played thir-the hell-teen!
I don't think Kyo was still using the stand by that point. He actually sang quite softly, more than the recorded song already is (one interviewer had said it sounded like Kyo made a conscious effort to sound young, which Kyo denied). Nevertheless, it still held all the emotions of this recent song that he is fond of.
Ain't afraid to die was nice. Hm, did Kyo bring back the stand for that song? I just remember that there are green beam lights in the beginning before the band joins. I think it was also in that song that the backdrop video showed a lot of "depression"s typed. He sang it very sincerely too, not as emotional as Oboro but he definitely felt it. The dark makeup on his lips, it really served to exaggerate how wide his mouth could open, highlighting his own instrument.
It may have been at the end of this song that Toshiya hugged his bass, but more like crossing his arms in front of his chest. He has held his bass more intimately and this time wasn't exactly like that. By this point, Toshiya had taken his prince jacket off and was wearing a long-sleevd black shirt, maybe with a turtle neck?
Drain Away felt like the band's one "old" gift tonight. I just felt the energy that they were projecting it for the audience rather than necessarily playing it for themselves too.
Merciless Cult next! Holy hell, they were ruthless tonight. Kyo asked us to do more and he got up front demanding us to sing but like... we couldn't hah? So I clapped. He even removed his ear pieces either here or in the encore but... Please hear my clapping?
Saku was heavy, heavy, heavy. I can't remember anything specific other than so much energy.
In The IIID Empire, Toshiya threw his mic stand in the second part but he must have gotten a cable stuck in his bass because it took him too long to turn to us and his expression seemed a bit tense hah.
The first part ended and I could not believe it. First of all, I was busy trying to look at the other energetic members for the finale of The IIID Empire and when I looked back at the centre of the stage, I could not see Kyo. I thought he had dropped to the floor but he had done it before the final beat, so it would have been odd. But no, he never got up, so he had in fact left extremely swiftly before the song even ended.
We started 'clapping the encore' immediately. It took a little while, because eventually we were so impatient that our clapping was not slow like for: "en-co-ru", it was full-on fast clapping just like when the band members appear on stage. For them to get the message hah. We did that twice but, eventually, G.D.S. started playing! Everybody got super hyped. All the band members wore the tour T-shirts except Kyo, who took his alice auaa Androgynos outfit out from his closet again! He still had his main set makeup.
C seemed to hold a very special meaning. That or another song, but there were lyrics about being able to scream that Kyo directly reflected on us, who had to stay silent.
Next was Kodou, to everyone's enjoyment of course. Kyo only sang that first heart-shattering scream, but the song was so strong nevertheless.
For some reason, on three occasions in Kodou Toshiya flipped his bass upward as though to create a special effect by rotating it back to its original position, slamming it, but I could not hear anything or see what he was doing with the cords in front of his face.
KR Cube elicited some cheers in the crowd despite the order to be quiet in the venue. In the beginning, when Kyo does that "ooeh" sound, he crouches backward with a hand on his inner thigh. He got really teasy and energetic in that song. He even seemed to nod at people like: "Yeah yeah, you know what dance move, do it but I won't", but he was definitely dancing throughout it while doing grimaces.
Hageshi sato was great to hear again, but it sucks because you're stuck multi-managing the band almost all coming up to the stage and responding to the song itself because Kyo would not have it otherwise hah.
The last song came way too fast. Kyo stared at us and stomped his foot widely once, twice, maybe even threw times. The audience responded by stomping too, but he was clearly not satisfied. Eventually, he hit his chest with his mic very strongly. It was only when he really did seem pissed still, as his deafening silence throughout that minute implied, that people actually stopped stomping and you could hear the huge contrast in volume of clapping now. Like what the fuck were people expecting? What were you doing before? Then he announced: "Last song!"
Child Prey had the backing vocalists actually really stoic, it seemed. It was kind of a blur, because Kyo also left way, way promptly. Nonetheless, I think he saw my energy throughout the show, but I can't control the rest of the audience or maybe even just his personal mood that day.
For the goodbyes, listen to this: Toshiya stood up on Kyo's crate after throwing his bottle cap+straw planted in it into the crowd, then he drank a gulp of water and poured he rest of it on his head. There was a lot left! He must have realized that his shirt was uncomfortable wet, or he wanted to anyway... But he took off his shirt! Damn he is back to being really ripped. In fact, the short sleeves of the Shinichi Sakamoto shirt he wore were clearly made to show how muscled Toshiya's arms still were. Damn. And no body fat, I can tell you that hah. Oh and he also threw his T-shirt wet from water and sweat into the crowd. Screw COVID apparently hahah.
As Toshiya was leaving, Kaoru pointed backward with an expression like: "Wow" It wasn't clear if he was referring to his fellow band member's muscled chest or the back screen which showed: "Dir en grey 25th Anniversary", or both hah.
Die actually left before Kaoru after throwing a knotted towel very far in the back of the audience. Then, Kaoru teased us and threw so many picks, going back to his stand to rip a few more from it again. He looked really grateful.
We stayed for a very long time clapping ferociously to demand a second encore, but alas.
And now, as you can see in the picture above, I also sport a bruise in my palm from clapping very energetically. You can't claim that I don't put my all into it hahah. Especially not after three years yo.
Can't wait to see what differences tomorrow will have!
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circuslemon · 1 year
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Gonna be sort of spamming art dumps because I wanna share my notebook doodles.
I'm going to be posting about 2-3 years worth of notebook doodles so I split them up into categories that compliment eachother.
This post is themed after things relating to me, EX, self portrait doodles, the cat I put in my signature, sonas, random doodles, and just any lil doodles that don't really connect to anything I wanna make a sepparate post about.
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This doodle comes from my Autism brain reading the french word for vegetables on a can of vegetable soup ((I'm Canadian)) and becoming obsessed with the word.
This happens often
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I mis-remembered some song lyrics I heard on the radio while I was in the hospital and just
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I straightened my hair for the dirt time while my bangs were long and I became off-brand Sia. ((My hair is naturally alot wavier irl then how I draw it))
I was wearing my jacket I painted to look like Nagito Komaeda's, and it made me very happy.
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I had a dream one night about receiving a Lil plush duck with three eyes, one on its neck, I loved it so much I drew up a sewing pattern when I woke up ((you are allowed ro create your own)) he had the weird thready fur some webkinz have.
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This page was me just doodling and writing down the first thoughts that come to mind
And my brain just
I ended up creating my snail sona
((My brain is full of the Vocaloid song, Colorbars, by GHOST))
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Maybe 1-2 years later, while I was in the hospital, I redesigned my snail sona and confirmed that I was, in fact, a snail. ((I also did a full traditional piece - it's on my deviantart))
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Reiny is my sona. I made for an original closed species I made, you'd be able to find my species somewhere on my toyhou.se profile ((though I still need to reorganize my account sobs)) The species is reffered to as Bridge gaurdians and are based on these Lil ghosts with long legs I like to make.
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This is my Dungeons and Dragons sona, They are a Leech that takes control of a dead body, in which I have to redesign.
Their name is Marshel
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apureniallsource · 1 year
When you’ve been in one of the biggest boybands in the world, figuring out what life looks like afterwards is no easy feat, especially when it encompassed some of your most formative years. For Niall Horan, though, it seems all too easy. He still lives the pop star life with a sold-out set of shows coming up next year, a whole host of festival performances lined up this summer, and an album that hit number one in the UK just a few weeks ago. Yet off-stage, he’s calm, carefree and so down to Earth that you might not even realise what he does for a living.
If Niall’s work life is about the biggest stages, biggest shows and biggest songs, Niall’s life at home is all about indulging in simple pleasures. Whether it’s bingeing a Netflix true crime series, lighting candles to make hotel rooms feel a bit more like home, or hopping from the gym to the golf course, he keeps himself grounded with a balanced routine and a low-maintenance lifestyle. It’s the perfect antithesis to celebrity life, and it’s helped him maintain the chilled-out vibe that he’s been known for since he was 16.
He might have just been about to fly to LA, but when we speak to Niall he’s as relaxed as they come. He’s still got yesterday’s hair (he proudly shows us how it’s still holding its volume), and he’s lounging in his living room in his gym clothes…
Let’s start with your dressing room. At this point in your career you’re used to being dressed, but how would you describe your own style when you’re at home?
I’d say I’ve got two different styles. One is very casual — I love street and sportswear — and then the other is very influenced by the 1950s and Sinatra. There’s a lot of collars, pressed trousers, penny loafers and that kind of thing. I like putting a modern twist on those old styles, whether that’s adding a more utilitarian jacket or whatever it might be. There’s a touch of ‘90s in there as well.
What about hero pieces?
I just got this vintage army green Gucci coat that’s very militaristic. I’m saving that for something good - can’t just walk to the shop in vintage Gucci, can you? I’m wearing this other, more casual coat at the moment, it’s a big green oversized bomber from Second/Layer. That’s been my go-to. Green goes with most things, so I’ve been wearing that a lot. I try and lean away from it, being Irish, but sometimes you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do.
I’m big on Reebok Classics. I buy like three or four pairs at a time and just wear them until they get destroyed. They look better the worse they get but there’s a point where it’s like, okay, you might just need to get a new pair of shoes now…
Vintage Levi’s jeans are a big one. I get them online from a place called the 13 Club. Lots of straight-leg denim going on for me at the moment, 505s or 501s. I'm also big into — whether people agree with it or not — double denim. I have this vintage Ralph Lauren denim shirt and I like that with a white T-shirt and some matching jeans. The Canadian tuxedo! I’ve been doing a lot of that.
You’re very into golf. What does your golfwear looking like?
I’ve been trying to '50s up that a little bit too, wearing a slack rather than a golf trouser and a shirt with a bit of that old-school two-tone to it. I say that…I also have a lot of the classic gear that I just throw on because no one’s going to see me on the golf course. I often think that, I overthink what I’m going to wear and then I don’t see anyone for four hours.
For general workouts, I’m obviously a brand advisor and investor for the Irish brand Gym+Coffee. I’m a big fan of all their workout tops, I’m not good on materials but they’re easy to wear and nice and light. They just go with everything. All their shorts are really comfy too, really lightweight stuff that’s easy to wear in the gym. Nothing worse than some of that heavier stuff where you’re sweating out and it’s definitely not pleasant to feel in or to look at.
Moving onto the bathroom and grooming… what’s your routine there?
Yes! My forté! Firstly, I came across these things on Amazon. My groomer showed me them. The orbs that you put in the freezer and use with serum. I just love them! Genetically, I get dark [under]eyes and it’s crazy how good they are. I’ve never had anything work but ice is the answer, it turns out.
Sarah Chapman is the brand I’ve been buzzing about for a couple of years. I do an eye cream, a spray, an intense hydrating serum, moisturiser and SPF — the old Irish skin can’t handle any kind of ray, so that’s a must. I’ve got to watch myself even in the winter. For the evening I’m doing retinol, moisturiser and then a face oil. That keeps me glowing. I do a lot of face masks, I don’t even know if any of this stuff works I just love doing it.
Shampoo is Philip Kingsley. I’ve stopped using conditioner as much but I use a Redken clay to style and a matte paste. I use the Dyson hairdryer — make sure you put that in block capitals and tell them they can send me whatever they want — I absolutely love it. And for aftershaves, it’s Le Labo.
Moving into the kitchen, do you cook much when you’re at home. Do you have a go-to gadget?
I have a Nespresso coffee machine. I kick things off in the morning with an espresso, then the late afternoon coffee is an oat latte or an Americano, it depends on what buzz I need. I don’t get too LA on it. Out there you hear all sorts of stuff…“choco-loco-choco-mocho”. Just drink it, will you?
I do cook a lot. When I’m at home I try and cook for myself but keep it relatively healthy, so I end up doing a lot of Mediterranean-style stuff — salads, chicken, couscous, all that kind of stuff — nothing too complicated until the weekend. I’m no Stanley Tucci.
On a Sunday we’re always doing a Sunday roast. Roast chicken, parsnips, cheesy leeks, cauliflower cheese, potatoes. Love a Sunday roast, it’s my favourite thing. I also make this really simple Italian dish that’s just so good. It’s fried garlic, chilli, onion, squashed tomatoes, spaghetti, smoked bacon and a whole block of parmesan cheese. I don’t even know what it’s called but it’s just magic, it’s just what you want. If I’m in on a Saturday night, that’s what I’m making.
Let’s think about unwinding before bed. What helps you out there?
Candles, always. I always have a candle with me, particularly Diptyque Fig and Oud. I usually like softer fragrances: Le Labo Santal is also a favourite. I actually travel with candles - hotel rooms, dressing rooms, just to give them a homely feel. The only problem with that being that once you blow it out you have to sit around and wait for it to dry before shoving it back in your bag.
I always listen to green noise before bed. When I concentrate on that I can just doze right off, and I do a pre-bed face mask every two or three nights. And I do watch a lot of TV in bed… which is not good. It’s always ‘oh just one more episode’ and then before you know it it’s half one in the morning. I love ‘24 Hours in Police Custody’. We watch a lot of true crime and all those American Netflix series. Name it, we’ve seen it.
Thinking about your living room, what do you do to unwind there of an evening or afternoon?
There’s a piano in the living room and I spend a lot of time with that. That’s where I do a lot of writing. I wrote probably a third of my new album on that piano, sat at home during the lockdown. There’s a guitar on a stand next to it and sometimes I’ll wander over there when I’m half watching TV. I’ve got a Fender Telecaster and a Gibson 335 that I play a lot, a big old red thing. My acoustic is from an Irish brand called Lowden, myself and Lewis [Capaldi] went to their factory on our Amazon show, and I’ve been into them for eight or nine years. Maybe I need a green one…I’ll be a walking leprechaun in no time.
I listen to a lot of music; I’ve got this big JBL boombox, it’s class. It’s got a big handle on it and I take it everywhere. I’ve also got a vinyl player, I listen to a lot of vinyl. People are always asking me what I’m listening to at the moment and it’s never anything new. It’s always the old stuff that I just love…in fact, I just rotate the same fifteen or so vinyls. Old head, young shoulders, I suppose.
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stars-and-soda · 2 years
Milan Fashion Week First Indigenous Designers
This Fashion Week in Milan hosted the first Indigenous Showcase. This is the first time Indigenous creators have been invited to Milan Fashion Week. The exhibit was at the White Market and was accompanied by a panel about the Indigenous way.
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Robyn McLeod, co-owner of fromthelandcreations, with her sister, Shawna. They’re Dene and Metis ancestry and are from Deh Gah Gotie First Nation. Robyn has her brand characterized by Dene Futurism.
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Dene Futurism / fromthelandcreations beadwork / Display in the WHITE Market
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Justin Louis creative director of Indigenous streetwear brand SECTION 35. He is Samson Cree and was raised on Treaty 6 Land. He is wearing one of the more popular designs of the brand that was on display at Milan. The name section 35 refers to the redraft of the Constitution Act in 1982 to reaffirm Indigenous rights in Canadian law. Early drafts did not include any mention of Indigenous people’s rights or respecting Indigenous relationships.
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Jacket by Section 35, earrings by She Was A Free Spirit, moccasins by arcticoceanmocs /Milan Set Up
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Evan Ducharme is a Metis creator raised on Treaty 1 land. He has ancestors from Cree, Ojibwe and Saulteaux. His work explores Metis history, pop culture, gender and queerness. Ducharme mixes contemporary and ancestral Metis culture and knowledge in his world to create modern statements and expressions of indigeneity.
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On display in Milan
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Niio Perkins is from Akwesasne, New York, Mohawk territory, where she learned how to sew from her seamstress mother in a fashion house. Her mother Elizabeth became popular for her vibrant designs showing Mohawk pride. She uses Haudenosaunee traditional beading method and glass beads to make her intricate pieces shine. For Milan, she released her “Icon” jewellery collection, consisting of some of her most popular pieces throughout the decades. The collection has eight iconic designs and twenty-five pieces. 
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Traditional Haudenosaunee Woman’s Outfit / From the Icon Collection
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Erica Donovan, an Inuvialuk artist from Tuktoyaktuk, North West Territories is the owner and founder of the brand She Was A Free Spirit. She takes inspiration from her culture, her and her ancestors home, and her love for colour. She describes her work as “a vibrant geometric take of my Inuvialuit culture”
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Arctic Sky Earrings / Donovan wearing her own earring
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Lesley Hampton, an Anishinaabe and Mohawk designer, is a popular artist who made a size-inclusive brand that was worn at the Emmy Award Show and by celebrities like Lizzo. In 2021, she was named the Number One Canadian brand to look out for by Vogue. 
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Notable Works in Her Exhibit
Photo Credits and Where to Find Them:
Robyn McLeod: (Website) (Insta) (Facebook)
Of Artist
First Photo
Second Photo
Third Photo
Justin Louis / Section 35: (Website) (Insta) (Insta) (Facebook) (Twitter)
Of Artist
First and Second Photo
Evan Ducharme: (Facebook) (Website) (Insta) (Twitter)
Of Artist
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Niio Perkins: (Website) (Facebook) (Insta)
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Erica Donovan / She Was A Free Spirit: (Facebook) (Insta) (Website)
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Lesley Hampton: (Insta) (Website) (Twitter)
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zenon-karr · 4 months
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Oncers!! Finally I found a screen accurate Emma Swan pilot jacket! It’s by Danier which for cosplayers good news is it costs less than the cosplay jackets: I paid $75 total with shipping - $28 of it was shipping. Bad news is it’s Canadian brand so is mostly on Canadian sites! Though I did find mine on eBay!)
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saintmeghanmarkle · 7 months
A palate cleanser by u/Mickleborough
A palate cleanser Diplomatic dressing made simple.This is from the (then) Cambridges’ 4-day tour of Sweden and Norway in 2018. In Norway William and Kate watched ski jumping at the Holmenkollen Ski Jump in Oslo, where they also participated at an event organised by the Norwegian Ski Federation.Such wholesomeness. (And the fur trim on Kate’s gloves is faux - the gloves are thought to be from British middle-class department store John Lewis.)Kate looks Kjus right in an orange (which could pass for red) and white jacket from Norwegian brand Kjus (co-founded by a Swede, so she‘s paid homage to both host countries with 1 jacket. William’s in blue. Both together make up the colours of the Norwegian flag.Kate was 7 months pregnant in that photo.Then we have Harry and Meghan at Whistler in Canada.This screams Bakersfield outlet shopping.Meghan, a fan of Canada (‘they’re [her website (cough) designer] Canadian, so I’m a fan’) pays homage to Canada by, er... Well, she’s got it 1/3 right, with the white skinny jeans. [Not a good look on you, Meghan love. Seriously.] No red, as per maple leaf on flag. Jacket by Calvin Klein - American. Ditto CO jumper, Frame Jeans, and Sorel boots (Sorel originally was founded in Ontario, but is now owned by an American company). Burberry (as in her beanie) is British (you know, racists).As for Harry - guess it’s rough sleeper chic.Saw a headline along the lines of ‘Meghan wears 10-year-old boots - just like Kate!’, which might explain the boots. Kate too has worn Sorel (of course, she doesn’t have a monopoly on it, the way Meghan’s fans think Meghan has a monopoly on Aquazurra shoes).What I can’t figure out is: Why isn’t Meghan wearing gloves? Let’s say the temperature was 33 F / 1 C (erring on the side of warm). Isn’t that glove weather? People around them seem to think so. But then gloves would cover her finger ornaments, including the newly discovered engagement ring (something about a loose stone which apparently took 9 months to re-set). Bet she made Harry go without gloves (notice he has his free hand in his pocket, maybe to comfort todger) so that she wouldn’t look an idiot holding his gloved hand in her bare one.Meghan also wore Diana’s gold watch. Wouldn’t wearing metal next to your skin in cold weather be, well, cold? post link: https://ift.tt/wR6CAPu author: Mickleborough submitted: February 15, 2024 at 11:47PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
Yankees jackets are pretty common. As a matter of fact, the one that Timmy used in the Dune press is different than the one he's wearing in the ig pics. The Dune press one is Ralph Lauren (you can see it at the end of the interview when he turns back), and the one in the ig pics is from the MLB brand Starter and it's black while the Ralph Lauren one is navy blue. I don't know from where Taylor's is from
Thanks Anon. I can't even see her whole jacket tbh, but they do look similar.
I do agree that sports jackets are pretty common. But is she from NYC also? I thought she was Canadian? Maybe I'm confused. Has she been known to wear these sports jackets in the past? 🤔Just curious....
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houseofgerrard · 6 hours
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ROOTS RED BLACK PLAID WOOL JACKET Size xlarge.
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