#canadian judiciary
if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"JUDGE DENOUNCES HIS ACCUSERS," Kingston Whig-Standard. October 5, 1932. Page 13. --- Declares They Are Trying to "Frame Him"-To Conduct Defence ---- WINNIPEG, Oct. 5. - Charging that his accusers themselves should be under criminal indictment, Judge L. S. G. Stubbs, county judge, came to bat with another furious denunciation of those he claims are trying to "frame" him in the investigation ordered by the Federal Government.
Suggesting that the Government charge an admission to the trial, and asserting that he will conduct his own defense, because he thinks no lawyer he would retain could be depended upon to ask the questions he proposes to advance, he says in a signed statement: "Many of my friends are worrying that the political lynching which has been jointly planned for me by the politicians in power at Winnipeg and Ottawa will take place in camera. Some organizations have even paid me the left-handed compliment of petioning that I be tried in public and not in private. There need be no fears on that score. There will be no star chamber for me; my frameup will be exposed in the most public manner possible.
"My accusers are men who ought themselves to be under criminal indictment, men who obtained nothing less than the government of this province by fraud and through false pretenses - men under whose governance and responsibility our fair province has been converted into a stink-pot."
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sevenoctober7 · 2 months
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Very good news. The Canadian judiciary withdraws the status of a “charity association” from a major Zionist organization because its donations go to the army of a foreign country. This organization and others in America contribute to building colonies and stealing lands. There are legal attempts to do this to Zionist organizations in America, stripping them of their “charitable” status so that they are subject to taxes and oversight.
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mariacallous · 2 years
A false claim that Iran plans to execute thousands of people has gone viral in the wake of the first death sentence for a protester tied to the demonstrations against the country’s clerical rulers over women’s rights.
An image that has circulated widely on social media falsely says 15,000 protesters have been sentenced to death. That claim is not true, but it has been amplified by major public figures, including the actors Viola Davis and Sophie Turner and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Representatives for Davis did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Representatives for Turner declined to comment.
The claim gained the most attention on Instagram, where a viral infographic claiming “Iran Sentences 15,000 protesters to death — as a ‘hard lesson’ for all rebels” was viewed more than a million times after celebrities like Davis and Turner shared it on their verified accounts Monday. The post no longer appears on Davis’ account, but it was still up on Turner’s on Tuesday afternoon.
There has been no evidence that 15,000 protesters have been sentenced to death. Two protesters had been sentenced to death as of Tuesday, although they can appeal, according to state news agencies.
Instagram has applied a “False Information” warning on Turner’s post, noting: “The same information was reviewed by independent fact-checkers in another post.”
On Twitter, however, the false claim continued to spread Tuesday without any warning about its inaccuracy. 
Trudeau tweeted Monday evening: “Canada denounces the Iranian regime’s barbaric decision to impose the death penalty on nearly 15,000 protestors. These brave Iranians were fighting for their human rights — and we continue to stand united in support of them, and united against the regime’s heinous actions.” The post remained up for over 11 hours and was shared thousands of times before it was deleted. 
Trudeau’s office said in a statement: “The post was informed by initial reporting that was incomplete and lacked necessary context. Because of that, it has since been deleted.”
Other users have also posted content that remains on Twitter sharing the false information with no appended notes about its inaccuracy. 
Like much viral misinformation online, the claim about the 15,000 death sentences appears to have started with a kernel of truth. After weeks of protest in Iran after the killing of Mahsa Amini, 22, who died three days after police took her into custody, the treatment of detained protesters gained widespread attention.  
The U.S.-based Human Rights Activists News Agency said that 15,800 protesters have been detained and that 344 have been killed since the protests began. Independent reporting is suppressed in Iran, and it is not possible for NBC News to confirm those numbers.
CNN reported Nov. 3 that the special Iran human rights rapporteur to the United Nations, Javaid Rehman, told the U.N. Security Council that some estimates of detained protesters were as high as 14,000 people. NBC News has not verified the number.
Two weeks ago, IRNA, Iran’s state-run news agency, reported that 227 members of Iran’s 290-seat Parliament had signed an open letter to the country’s judiciary seeking swift and harsh punishment of detained protesters. NBC News has not seen the letter.
The state-run news agency said the letter did not suggest a method of punishment. It read, “We, the representatives of this nation, ask all state officials, including the Judiciary, to treat those, who waged war [against the Islamic establishment] and attacked people’s life and property like the Daesh [terrorists], in a way that would serve as a good lesson in the shortest possible time.”
IRNA also reported that some members of Iran’s Parliament chanted “Death to America,” “Death to the hypocrite” and “Death to the seditionist” after the statement was read out loud.
In a report Nov. 8 citing CNN’s reporting on the open letter, Newsweek erroneously wrote that “Iran Votes to Execute Protesters,” without citing any additional reporting to support the claim.
On Nov. 8, Newsweek issued a correction, writing, “This article and headline were updated to remove the reference to the Iranian Parliament voting for death sentences. A majority of the parliament supported a letter to the judiciary calling for harsh punishments of protesters, which could include the death penalty.”
On Sunday, Iran’s judiciary issued its first known death sentence connected to the recent protests, according to the judiciary’s Mizan news agency, which added that the ruling is preliminary and can be appealed. Another death sentence was reported Tuesday by Iran’s Tasnim News.
Afshin Marashi, a professor of modern Iranian history at the University of Oklahoma, said by email that he had not seen any information to support the claim that 15,000 protesters had been sentenced to death, but he explained why such a rumor might spread.
“In a situation where information is hard to confirm, rumors can spread rapidly,” Marashi wrote, adding that “the rumor seems to be based on public discussion that took place in the Iranian Majles (the parliament) a week or so ago. There was a call by a large number of IRI MPs to impose severe punishment on the protestors.”
Marashi noted that there is precedent for mass executions in Iran, which he said could help fuel the claim of widespread death sentences for protesters. 
“In 1988 thousands of political prisoners were executed by orders of Ayatollah Khomeini within the span of a few months,” he said. “The rumors of a new round of mass executions is likely fueled by memories of what happened in 1988.”
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[The Daily Don]   Pride Month
* * * *
June 4, 2023
JUN 5, 2023
Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church, a staunch supporter of Russian president Vladimir Putin and his invasion of Ukraine, last week awarded the First Degree of the Order of Glory and Honor from the Russian Orthodox Church to Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán. Orbán has dismantled Hungary’s liberal democratic government in favor of what he calls “illiberal” or “Christian” democracy that rejects LGBTQ and women’s rights, claiming that the equality valued by liberal democracies undermines traditional virtue. Kirill called out for praise Orbán’s “great attention to the preservation of Christian values in society and the strengthening of the institution of family and marriage.” This award makes explicit the link between the Putin regime, which has been committing war crimes against Ukraine’s people, and Orbán, who is such a hero to America’s right wing that the Conservative Political Action Conference has twice gathered in Hungary, most recently just last month. Orbán has called for Trump’s reelection. The common thread among these groups is a rejection of democracy, with its emphasis on equality before the law, and the embrace of a hierarchical world in which some people are better than others and have the right to rule. In Poland today, an estimated half a million people marched in the streets to protest the loss of rights for women and LGBTQ people amid an attack on democracy by the nationalist Law and Justice party (PiS), which condemned the protest as a “march of hate.” Leaders for PiS claim they are only trying to protect traditional Christian values from Western ideas. Today is the 34th anniversary of the first democratic elections in Poland in 1989 as the Soviet Union was disintegrating. Former Polish prime minister and president of the European Council Donald Tusk, who called for the march, told the crowd: "Democracy dies in silence but you've raised your voice for democracy today, silence is over, we will shout.” Today is also the 34th anniversary of the Chinese government’s crackdown on demonstrations for democracy in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, with troops firing on their own citizens. For 22 weeks now, hundreds of thousands of Israelis have been protesting in the streets against the plans of right-wing prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to overhaul the judiciary, weakening the country’s system of checks and balances by shifting power to Netanyahu, and threatening the rights of minorities and marginalized groups. In Sudan today, the war between two military generals who seized power from a democratic government continues. Tens of thousands of Sudan’s people have fled the country since the fighting broke out in April. The political career of Florida governor Ron DeSantis is the epitome of Orbán’s “Christian democracy” come to the United States. DeSantis has imitated Orbán’s politics, striking at the principles of liberal democracy with attacks on LGBTQ Americans, abortion rights, academic freedom, and the ability of businesses to react to market forces rather than religious imperatives. Last week he told an audience that “the woke mind virus represents a war on the truth so we will wage a war on the woke. We will fight the woke in education, we will fight the woke in the corporations, we will fight the woke in the halls of congress. We will never, ever surrender to the woke mob. We will make woke ideology leave it to the dustbin of history; it’s gone.” But DeSantis’s speech was a perversion of the real speech on which he based it. On June 4, 1940, nine months into the Second World War, British prime minister Winston Churchill addressed the House of Commons. British, Canadian, and French destroyers along with dozens of merchant ships and a flotilla of small boats had just managed to evacuate more than 338,000 Allied soldiers from Dunkirk, in northern France, as German troops advanced. Britain was fighting fascism, and Churchill warned his people that the war would be neither easy nor quick. But, he promised, “we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender....”
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ordingdrublene · 2 years
List of enemies
A list of all nations and people considered enemies or threats by The United Socialist States of Ording Drublene:
The Merchant Kingdom of The Jade Dragons, threat to supremacy of trout market.
The Snarky Solar Observer of Bhang Bhang Duc, Ban on smoking, lack of judiciary system, spite.
The Republic of Nythopia, denial of the supremacy of the potato over other vegetables.
The Commonwealth of Northern British Canada, Being British, denial of the supremacy of the potato over other vegetables.
The Western Post (newspaper), attempted outlawing and slander towards the letter "C".
The Impekkably Arranged Snark of The West Pacific Master Dispatch, slander towards the letter "C".
The Florida Man of Zoran, attempted outlawing and slander towards the letter "C".
The DOWN WITH C of Fujai, attempted outlawing and slander towards the letter "C".
The Lavender Delegate of Giovanniland, Support of the attempted outlawing and for slander towards the letter "C".
The Dominion of New Natland, being good at trout fishing.
The Eternal Misfortune of Aqualagoon, being good at trout fishing.
The Pacifican Inquisitor of Varanius, too many eyes.
The Serene Sanctuary of The Holy Principality of Saint Mark, name too long.
The Rather Queer Radio Manager of Blue Bubble, good at trout fishing.
The F'd'ral R'public of United Adaikes, for having a leader named Lucas.
The Great Western Sasquatch of Bran Astor, Personal ban on "physical contact" sports, and required citizen conscription.
The Socialist Byzantine of Aicrowian Canada, ban on homosexuality, having a pledge of allegiance, prohibition of alcohol, bad on smoking, ban on bodily piercings, Being Canadian, required citizen conscription.
The New Ohio Nation of Mynation , denial of the supremacy of potatoes among vegetables, having an ugly flag.
The Disputed Territories of the Federation of Vanguard,denial,denial of the supremacy of potatoes among vegetables, smoking ban, use of corporal punishment.
The Armed Republic of Tropentarn, pledge of allegiance, prudism, required citizen conscription, national curfew, DNA harvesting, prohibition of alcohol, ban on immigration, ban on emigration.
The 💕Pink Principality💕 of Apexiala, required citizen conscription.
The ʎɯɹ∀ lɐᴉɹoʇᴉɹɹǝ┴ of Corbeil, Required citizen conscription, use of child labour, ban on divorce, ban on adultery, ban on contraception, prohibition of alcohol, national curfew, pledge of allegiance, ban on emigration, use of corporal punishment.
The Technocratic Federation of Laudesia, pledge of allegiance, ban on religious worship, ban on smoking, prohibition of alcohol, use of child labour, required citizen conscription, use of corporal punishment.
The People's Republic of Guitermot, required citizen conscription.
The Visions of a Life of Minskiev, required citizen conscription.
The What's this guy's job of Vuy, ban on marriage.
The Interstellar Commonwealth of Toerana, ban on religious practice, ban on smoking.
The Future of Miracles of Catalyse, use of child labour, too many eyes.
The Draconian tribe of Thepeopl, ban on marriage, ban on physical contact sports, ban on smoking, DNA harvesting.
The Dreamers of the Visionary Union, ban on smoking.
The Ohio-Manufactured Robot of Hoffania, ban on adultery, ban on physical contact sports, ban on smoking, lack of a judiciary system, use of child labour, prohibition of alcohol, use of slavery, UAE of theocracy, use of feudalism, ban on divorce, ban on same-sex relationships, ban on emigration.
The Rapid Approach of Maddies Death Laser, use of autocracy, ban on emigration.
The Ukrainian Shades of COPPAtilism, use of feudalism, use of monarchy, use of geronticide, use of corporal punishment, required citizen conscription, lack of a judiciary system, use of child labour, use of slavery, ban on emigration, ban on immigration, use of autocracy.
The Principality of Bessarabia, required citizen conscription.
The Kingdom of -Northumbria, ban on same sex marriage, prudism, use of slave labour.
The Former UwU's republic of OwOistan, ban on same sex marriage, use of feudalism, use of corporal punishment, use of child labour, use of slavery, prohibition of alcohol.
The Black Economy of Hasier, use of feudalism, ban on public protest, ban on divorce, ban on same sex marriage, use of gentrocide, prudism, required citizen conscription, use of child labour, use of slavery.
The Plutocratic Banana Republic of Zerentopia, use of autocracy, use of theocracy, use of monarchy, use of feudalism, use of a pledge of allegiance, ban on public protest, ban on same sex marriage, ban on divorce, ban on adultery, ban on contraception, ban on smoking, prudism, use of corporal punishment, required citizen conscription, lack of a judiciary system, use of a national curfew, use of child labour, use of slavery, ban on immigration, ban on emigration.
The Kingdom of Savonir, attempting to declare declarations against declarations.
The Empire of Munari, denying the supremacy of potatoes among vegetables, making bad puns, ban on divorce, ban on adultery, required citizen conscription, use of child labour
The Don't Let Me Down of Frenchy, implication of frenchness.
The Moderately Liberal Unitary Republic of Goobergunchia, long name, ban on smoking.
The Transgender Trajectory of Dakota, ban on same sex relationships, ban on abortion, prudism, compulsory vegetarianism, use of corporal punishment, use of a national curfew, lack of a judiciary system.
The GLORIAAAAAA of New Anarchisticstan, ban on smoking, prohibition of alcohol.
The Defender of the Rejected of Kyorgia, use of geronticide, ban on smoking, ban on emigration, ban on recreational drugs, use of slavery, prohibition of alcohol, use of corporal punishment, lack of a judicial system.
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893) was an American-Canadian anti-slavery activist, journalist, publisher, teacher, and lawyer. She was the first African American woman publisher in North America and the first woman publisher in Canada. When the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 in the US threatened to return free northern African Americans and escaped slaves into bondage. This is where her symbolic effort to create free African American settlements in Canada began. She founded a racially integrated school with the support of the American Missionary Association and published a pamphlet called, "Notes on Canada West," which was a plea for emigration and discussed the benefits, as well as the opportunities, of African Americans in the area, and she ran an anti-slavery newspaper called The Provincial Freeman. During the Civil War, at the behest of the abolitionist Martin Delany, she served as a recruiting officer to enlist African American volunteers for the Union Army in the state of Indiana. She taught in African American schools in Wilmington, before moving to DC, where she taught in public schools and attended Howard University School of Law. She graduated as a lawyer at the age of 60, becoming only the second African American woman in the US to earn a law degree. She wrote for the newspapers National Era and The People's Advocate and in 1880, organized the Colored Women's Progressive Franchise. She joined the National Woman Suffrage Association, working alongside Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton for women's suffrage, testifying before the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives and becoming the first African-American woman to vote in a national election. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/CjffBKQORwR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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catsnuggler · 22 days
Those of us in the belly of the beast have gotta do what we can to be internationalist, to support folks in the third world and oppose anybody trying to exploit them. Anybody. That said, that beast we're in the belly of is the biggest offender; not the only one, but the biggest; and it's the one we're in the belly of; so we usually ought to be fighting said beast directly.
I'm thinking right now, particularly, of the US and Canada antagonizing Mexico over AMLO's reforms to the judiciary, to make the judges elected instead of appointed. A US ambassador directly said this is because this will affect trade relations between the two countries. Well, gee, why would the allegedly oh-so-democratic US oppose the people electing their judges, and cite trade? Oh, that's right - elected judges will be less likely to side with multinational corporations instead of those who elected them. Therefore, they'll be less likely to declare legal the exploitation of Mexican workers by said multinationals.
There's got to be some ways to kick the US, and its Canadian lackey, in the nuts over this. In the rare cases that governments cede power to the workers, their sovereignty to do so needs to be protected from the actions of empires who censure them for this.
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hudsonmckenzie · 1 month
Things best immigration lawyers in UAE must know about the immigration law
Because of the different ways that immigration law can impact both an individual and a major company, most attorneys will at some point in their employment come across a client who needs immigration law representation. The best immigration lawyers in the UAE need to know when to seek out further professional help and how to handle clients' immigration-related concerns in a responsible manner.
Since immigration law can be expansive and intricate at times, it is imperative that lawyers possess a basic understanding of its most important subjects, such as the extent of the federal government's authority over immigration rules and regulations.
All three of the government's outposts are amicably connected to immigration: The executive branch has jurisdiction over immigration with relation to international affairs, and the judiciary decides whether or not the other two departments are effectively using their respective responsibilities. Congress' authority stems from the power of American sovereignty.
Americans tightened their relatively open and unrestricted immigration policy in the 18th and early 19th centuries, and they little questioned it until the late 1800s.
The origins of immigration law can be traced back to the 19th century and the Plenary Power Doctrine, which holds that the legislative and executive branches of government have exclusive responsibility over all immigration-related matters.
A person who is "knocking on the door" to enter the country is actually "on far shakier footing than someone who has made it here, even if it was outside the rules." She continued by pointing out that immigration law is civil law, not criminal law, and that it lacks funding for certain rights granted to people charged with breaking the law, such as the right to government-funded legal representation.
It can be difficult to challenge detention since people might be detained whether they are trying to enter the country or are already inside but are waiting for an immigration official to arrive. Even after being ordered detached, a person may be detained while they wait to be really removed.
Depending on immigration status, there are many distinct types of visas, which is similar to alphabet soup. An individual can enter the United States on a non-immigrant visa for a brief period of time and for a specific reason. The most popular non-immigrant visa categories are as follows:
B-1: Business visitor
B-2: Pleasure tourist
E-1: Treaty trader
E-2: Treaty investor
F: Student
H: Temporary worker
J: Exchange visitor
K: Spouse or fiancé of U.S. citizen
L: Intracompany transferee
O: Worker with extraordinary abilities
P: Athlete or entertainer
R: Religious worker
S: Witness or informant
T: Victim of trafficking in persons
TN: Trade visa for Canadian or Mexican
TPS: Temporary protected status
U: Victim of certain crimes
The different types of employment visas include:
EB-1 – People with extraordinary ability, outstanding researchers and professors, multinational managers or executives
EB-2 – National interest waiver, excellent ability and advanced degree professionals
EB-3 – Professionals with bachelor’s degree, skilled workers with 2 years of job experience, or unskilled workers
EB-4 – Special immigrants (religious labors)
EB-5 – Investment green cards
The most popular type of visa is the H-1B, which requires that the applicant have a job offer with a salary that is considered to be standard in that area, possess a bachelor's degree or higher, or work as temporary aid in a specialty occupation.
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newstfionline · 4 months
Sunday, June 9, 2024
Call it the year of elections (Bloomberg) Voters in countries representing roughly 40% of the world’s population and its GDP will have elected new leaders before 2024 comes to a close. India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi proclaimed he’ll remain in office for a third term despite the Bharatiya Janata Party’s loss of its majority in the lower house of parliament. That humbling means it needs to forge a coalition government for the first time since it took power a decade ago. Indian voters, it turns out, are frustrated by an economic boom that has created a billionaire elite while leaving 600 million residents behind, living on less than $4 a day. In Mexico, opinion polls accurately predicted Claudia Sheinbaum’s landslide win to become Mexico’s first female president, but forecasts failed to pick up her ruling coalition expanding its majority, rattling markets.
A Canadian province decriminalized hard drugs. Now it’s reversing course. (Washington Post) It was less than two years ago that officials in British Columbia, the epicenter of Canada’s drug overdose crisis, unveiled what they called “bold action.” The experiment, backed by Canada’s police chiefs, was to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of some drugs—including methamphetamine, cocaine, fentanyl and heroin—for personal use. The approach, officials said, would reduce the stigma that can discourage users from seeking treatment and the criminal records that can prevent them from rebuilding their lives. But now, with complaints about public drug use rising and a provincial election looming, they’ve abruptly reversed course. The center-left New Democratic Party government, which championed the policy, last month received approval from Ottawa to recriminalize drug possession in most public spaces. “The people who are struggling with addiction are people that we love,” B.C. Premier David Eby told reporters in April. “But sometimes, tough love is needed.” Canada is debating how to respond to a drug overdose crisis that has claimed some 42,500 lives since 2016. More than a third of those deaths have occurred in British Columbia. The province loses more than six people per day on average.
U.S. Considers Expanded Nuclear Arsenal, a Reversal of Decades of Cuts (NYT) A senior Biden administration official warned on Friday that “absent a change” in nuclear strategy by China and Russia, the United States may be forced to expand its nuclear arsenal, after decades of cutting back through now largely abandoned arms control agreements. The comments on Friday from Pranay Vaddi, a senior director of the National Security Council, were the most explicit public warning yet that the United States was prepared to shift from simply modernizing its arsenal to expanding it. Mr. Vaddi, speaking at the annual meeting of the Arms Control Association, a group that advocates limits on nuclear weapons, confirmed what officials have been saying in private conversations and closed congressional testimony for more than a year. It is the inevitable outgrowth, they have argued, of China’s rapid nuclear expansion and Russia’s repeated threats to use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine. But it would be an epochal shift, and one fraught with dangers that many Americans thought they had left behind at the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Mexico’s outgoing president vows to pursue changes to Constitution (AP) Mexico’s outgoing president pledged Friday to press ahead with j udicial reforms despite nervousness among investors and suggestions from his own handpicked successor that he should go slow. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he would pursue 20 constitutional changes after his Morena party won a two-thirds majority in Congress in Sunday’s elections, including making all judges run for election. Analysts say the president is angry that the country’s judiciary has blocked several of his previous reforms because they were ruled unconstitutional. Markets did not seem reassured Friday. The peso closed at 18.36 to $1, about 10% below where it was the week before the elections.
France, allies to ‘finalize’ plan to send military trainers to Ukraine (Washington Post) French President Emmanuel Macron said Friday that a coalition of countries has agreed to send military trainers to Ukraine, suggesting that plans could come together in the coming days but not offering concrete details. The comment, made in a news conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, is the latest sign that France and other allies may now be willing to put NATO country troops on Ukrainian soil—an idea that some allies, including the United States, have long considered potentially escalatory. The news comes roughly a week after the Biden administration announced the United States will allow Ukraine to use U.S.-provided weapons for limited military targets inside Russia—another former red line. Since the early days of the war, some allies, notably the United States and Germany, have been focused on laying out red lines to avoid getting drawn deeper into conflict with Russia. But more than two years into the war, the lines seem to be shifting. Russia has warned France and allies against the plan saying foreign soldiers on the ground in Ukraine could be hit. “Regardless of their status, military officials or mercenaries represent a legitimate target for our armed forces,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned this week.
Paris wanted an AC-free Olympics. Visiting nations had other plans. (Washington Post) For all the steps Paris organizers have taken to put on the greenest Olympics ever, their boldest measure—the one they’ve touted again and again—pertains to the dorms in the Athletes’ Village. The rooms don’t have air-conditioning. Because of other cooling measures, organizers have assured, the athletes won’t need it. But in a farcical turn, when the Games start next month, an Olympic Village designed to showcase sustainability will be more of an energy hog than organizers had hoped. That’s because portable air-conditioning units will be everywhere. Wheeled in. Shipped in. Ordered by visiting countries that want their athletes to sleep well and perform at the highest level.
Israel rescues four hostages in operation Palestinian officials say killed more than 100 people (CNN) Four hostages have been freed in a special operation in the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza, Israel’s military says, as Palestinian officials reported more than 100 people killed in strikes in the same area. All four were kidnapped from the Nova music festival on October 7, according to the IDF. Hostage rescues are rare: this is only the third such successful operation. Following Saturday’s announcement, the total number of hostages still held in the Gaza Strip from October 7 is now 116, of which at least 41 are dead.
UN will declare that both Israel and Hamas are violating children’s rights in armed conflict (AP) The U.N. secretary-general will tell the Security Council next week that both Israel and Hamas are violating children’s rights and leaving them exposed to danger in their war to eliminate each other. The secretary-general annually makes a global list of states and militias that are menacing children and threatening them. Parties on the list have ranged from the Kachin Independence Army in Myanmar to—last year—Russia during its war with Ukraine. Now Israel is set to join them. António Guterres sends the list to the Security Council and the council can then decide whether to take action. The United States is one of five veto-wielding permanent council members and has been reluctant to act against Israel, its longtime ally.
UNICEF finds 90% of Gazan children lack food needed for proper growth (Reuters) UNICEF said on Thursday that nine out of 10 children in Gaza could not eat nutrients from enough food groups to ensure their healthy growth and development. “In the Gaza Strip, months of hostilities and restrictions on humanitarian aid have collapsed the food and health systems, resulting in catastrophic consequences for children and their families,” UNICEF said. It said that five sets of data collected between December 2023 and April 2024 had found that 9 out of 10 children in the Gaza Strip, which has been pounded by an Israeli offensive since last October, are suffering from severe food poverty, meaning that they are surviving on two or fewer food groups per day. “This is evidence of the horrific impact the conflict and restrictions are having on families’ ability to meet children’s food needs—and the speed at which it places children at risk of life-threatening malnutrition,” UNICEF said.
Heavy rains in Australia’s east spark flash flooding, rescues (Reuters) Heavy rain brought flash flooding to Australia’s largest city, Sydney, on Saturday, prompting rescues and evacuation orders for several low-lying suburbs. Emergency authorities said they carried out 13 rescues and received 297 calls for assistance from residents in Sydney, the capital of New South Wales state, in the 24 hours to 5 a.m. local time, because of floods sparked by the heavy rain. Sydney’s Hawkesbury-Nepean valley is a floodplain prone to dangerous flooding, as it is fed by five tributaries and has chokepoints limiting flows to the sea, so water backs up during heavy rain.
U.S. Confronts Failures as Terrorism Spreads in West Africa (NYT) In the shadow of the 9/11 attacks, the United States rushed troops and military aid to a swath of West Africa to help French forces stop the spread of al-Qaida and other terrorist groups. More than a decade later, and with hundreds of millions of dollars in security assistance spent, that regional counterterrorism effort has largely failed. Groups that have declared allegiance to al-Qaida and the Islamic State group are on the march. Military coups have toppled civilian-led governments in Mali, Chad, Burkina Faso and Niger. The new leaders have ordered U.S. and French troops out, and in some cases invited Russian mercenaries in to take their place. As the United States withdraws 1,000 military personnel from Niger and shutters a $110 million air base there by September, U.S. officials are scrambling to work with a new set of countries in coastal West Africa to battle a violent extremist insurgency that they perceive is steadily seeping south.
Southern Baptists are poised to ban churches with women pastors (AP) From its towering white steeple and red-brick facade to its Sunday services filled with rousing gospel hymns and evangelistic sermons, First Baptist Church of Alexandria, Virginia, bears many of the classic hallmarks of a Southern Baptist church. On a recent Sunday, its pastor for women and children, Kim Eskridge, urged members to invite friends and neighbors to an upcoming vacation Bible school—a perennial Baptist activity—to help “reach families in the community with the gospel.” But because that pastor is a woman, First Baptist’s days in the Southern Baptist Convention may be numbered. At the SBC’s annual meeting June 11-12 in Indianapolis, representatives will vote on whether to amend the denomination’s constitution to essentially ban churches with any women pastors—and not just in the top job. That measure received overwhelming approval in a preliminary vote last year. By some estimates, the proposed ban could affect hundreds of congregations and have a disproportionate impact on predominantly Black churches.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“‘Others Black, Too’ Judge Stubbs Says,” Toronto Star. January 27, 1933. Page 2. ---- Judge Charges Discrimination in Refusal to Allow Him to Give Examples ---- Winnipeg, Jan. 26. – Again swinging into his characteristic fighting stride, Judge Lewis St. George Stubbs to-day resumed his defence against charges of judicial misconduct by lashing back with counter charges.
If restricted in the scope of his evidence, the judge charged he was being handicapped, discriminated against, and he made a motion to Mr. Justice Ford, suggesting if he were not allowed to continue giving examples of ‘discrimination of administration’ of justice in Manitoba, all references in the charges to this contention be struck from the scope of the inquiry.
After making the submission, the accused attacked judges of the appeal court for remitting a $30,000 fine against ‘Martin’ (broker) because it would ‘either be a levy on Martin’s friends or further imprisonment of 23 months for him.’ He argued with the court when he attempted to follow this with examples of poor people being jailed for inability to pay fines.
Spectators aroused the ire of the court by laughing and applauding the accused judge and brought upon themselves a further threat of exclusion.
Draws Ire of Court An attempt by Judge Stubbs to shield the crowd from the wrath of the court was halted by Mr. Justice Ford, who appeared indignant at the accused’s suggestion that he had never seen a better behaved audience.
‘I have had longer judicial experience than your lordship,’ Judge Stubbs said, ‘and there is nothing premeditated in this crowd, only a distinctive combustion of feeling so –‘
‘That is quite unnecessary,’ the commissioner interrupted. ‘Please go on with your work,’ he insisted, heatedly, when the judge tried to continue his remarks.
The practice of accepting fees for issuing court orders is an establishment procedure, he contended, and he read letters from fellow jurists to support his stand.
‘If I am a black sheep, I want to say that when you round them into the fold the predominant color is black,’ he said. ‘There are no white.’
Less Work, More Pay Once more he jumped on judges of the higher courts, declaring that while they did only half as much work as most judges of the lower courts, they received twice as much salary.
When the hearing will be concluded cannot be conjectured from Judge Stubbs’ attitude. ‘We can go to the end of the line,’ he told the court.
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rantz1 · 6 months
The RCMP are operating in Alberta and most other provinces Unlawfully in violation of the Canadian Constitution and are involved in Human Trafficking and High Treason connected to the compromised Winnipeg Bio-Lab and the criminal and treasonous pandemic response.
The fact that a violation of the Article VI Sec. 92( 14) of the Constitution Act 1867 is exclusively within the powers designated to the province; and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are operating within the province of Alberta without any law in force governing them based on Part VII Sec. 52(1) of the Constitution Act 1982 making the RCMP Act 1985 of no force; all provincial policing done by the RCMP constitutes an unlawful criminal act.
Take the provided 36 page PDF file and download it or copy it into an email and send it or hand deliver it to your local MLA. Then print off the pdf file and send it by registered Mail
The Law Clerk
Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
Legislative Assembly of Alberta
9820 - 107 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 1E7
And then SHARE this post!
Petition for Redress of Grievances
In The Thirty and First Legislature ~ Of The ~ Province Of ~ Alberta
1. THE CONSTITUTION ACT OF 1867 ARTICLE VI § 92.(14). EXCLUSIVE POWERS OF PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURES, SUBJECTS OF EXCLUSIVE PROVINCIAL LEGISLATION Sec 14 The 'Administration of Justice in the Province, including the Constitution, Maintenance, and Organization of Provincial Courts, both of Civil and of Criminal Jurisdiction, and including Procedure in Civil Matters in those Courts ..
2. The Parliament unlawfully and unconstitutionally exceeded its powers granted in Article VI § 91 of the Constitution Act 1867 with the Issuance of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act 1985, circumventing § 92(14) of the Constitution Act 1867 removing control of the Administration of Justice from the Province of Alberta, and having servants of the federal crown acting against the Province of Alberta during the COVID-19 pandemic response; which protected the criminally negligent engineering protocols implemented by the Alberta Health Services by the framework constructed by Rachel Notley and the New Democratic Party directly tied to the biological weapons that are the subject of treason investigations at the Winnipeg Biolabs that preexisted the issuance of Declaration of the State of Emergency issued March 17, 2020 under the provisions of Public Health Act.
Prayer For Relief
WHEREFORE, the Petitioner and all undersigned demand the following relief and hereby instruct our public servants to discharge their duties as instructed by the People of Alberta.
3. We, the undersigned, petition the Legislative Assembly to investigate the malfeasance, misconduct and gross negligence, of the NDP governments role in creating the conditions for the Alberta Health Services role in the corruption outlined in attached Appendix containing evidence filed in the State of Texas and Michigan, the corruption within the RCMP based on the federal encroachment inherent in the RCMP Act circumventing§ 92(14) of the Constitution Act 1867 and the judiciary that has concealed the aforementioned concerns, and mentioned in the attached petitions in support of this petition for Redress of Grievances.
4. We the undersigned require the Alberta Legislative Assembly create the necessary legislation and changes to RCMP policing and any other matter as needed after an inquiry before the Alberta Legislative Assembly.
5. To do an investigation to verify our claims of corruption made prominent and concealed high treason used to initiate the COVID-19 pandemic response.
We the Petitioners and all undersigned respectfully submit this Petition on the 19th day of March in the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty four.
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gravitasmalfunction · 6 months
The role of the courts in liberal-capital democracies has always been to maintain a distinction between the political and economic spheres. The pretence is that the economic regime is the preserve of private actors and private market activities and that these private activities do not present a danger to the political sovereignty of individuals - that these private activities do not challenge the political ideal that lies at the core of liberalism. The real danger to individual freedoms is perceived to be the potential for coercion by tyrannical majorities acting through state institutions. From this perspective, any advantage an owner of private wealth might have over wealth-less individuals is not objectionable to the regime of liberal law administered by the judiciary. It does not amount to political oppression. Political oppression comes from the state. What the Charter of Rights and Freedoms did was to cement this belief system. Too many Canadians are not aware that the constitutional guarantees of freedoms found in the Charter - and of which they are so proud - are only guarantees against actions taken by democratically elected governments. Thus, the government of Quebec had to justify its attempts to regulate advertising aimed at children and the language of business signs. But Irwin Toy or any business that objected to the legislation that told them how and when to advertise or in what language to print their signs was free to regulate its own employees' speech. Workers are told when they can speak on the job, how to speak to their supervisors, and to whom they might speak about the products and services of their employers. No justification is needed by employers who impose such restraints, because the restraints are said to be imposed as implementations of the terms of privately, freely negotiated contracts. But what really happens is that the owners or managers dictate what is in those employment contracts. This brings home the point: to advance their economic goals the rich can take advantage of the whole gamut of political rights, even if that makes them richer and gives them greater leverage to oppress the non-property owners by their exercise of private economic power.
Wealth by Stealth: Corporate Crime, Corporate Law, and the Perversion of Democracy by Harry Glasbeek (p.106-7)
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mariacallous · 2 years
Tehran, Iran – Reports that the Iranian state has sentenced approximately 15,000 people to death for participating in the now two months of protests in the country have circulated widely on social media and in news.
First reported by Newsweek, they were so widespread that even Justin Trudeau, the Canadian prime minister, tweeted about the claim, saying: “Canada denounces the Iranian regime’s barbaric decision to impose the death penalty on nearly 15,000 protesters.”
The protesters in question have been on the streets nearly every day since the September 16 death in custody of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman who was arrested by the country’s morality police in Tehran for allegedly not complying with Iran’s dress code for women.
But Trudeau later deleted the tweet, and Newsweek corrected its story.
Let’s take a closer look:
Is the 15,000 figure real?
While thousands have been arrested in Iran and some have been sentenced to death, the numbers are nowhere near the 15,000 reported.
The 15,000 figure is the number of people believed to have been arrested, according to overseas-based human rights and media organisations. The same sources have reported that more than 350 protesters have been killed.
Where did the 15,000 executions story come from?
The news of the executions appears to have stemmed from a statement signed by 227 of Iran’s 290 parliamentarians that said people engaging in “moharebeh” (waging war against God) should be dealt with “decisively” with a response that would “teach an example”.
Along with “corruption on Earth”, moharebeh is among the charges used by the Iranian judiciary that can carry the death penalty, hence the apparent misreporting that led to the claims that 15,000 people had been sentenced to death.
The statement was criticised online, and some lawmakers tried to clarify their position by saying that they did not mean that all protesters should be executed.
Days later, a document began circulating online that purportedly showed the names of 227 lawmakers on a letter that called on the judiciary to treat all those arrested in the protests as people engaging in moharebeh.
However, the letter appears to be fake as the list of lawmakers is old and includes former members of parliament. For instance, Eshan Khandoozi, listed in the letter, has been President Ebrahim Raisi’s economy minister since August 2021. The Iranian judiciary also rejected the authenticity of the letter.
How many people have been sentenced to death?
The fact that the exaggerated reports have been debunked does not mean that no execution sentences have been handed out. On Sunday, the Iranian judiciary announced that the first death sentence has been handed down to an unnamed “rioter” who was charged with moharebeh, “corruption on Earth” and “setting fire to a government centre, disturbing public order and collusion for committing crimes against national security”.
The judiciary also announced on Wednesday that four more individuals have received death sentence in connection with the protests.
Two individuals were sentenced for “using a knife in the street to cause fear and terror for the people“ in addition to attacking others with the knife and arson. Another is accused of running over and killing a police officer with a car, while a fourth is accused of playing the role of a “leader“ in street unrest and blocking the streets.
Several other people, also unnamed, have received between five to 10 years in prison for national security-related charges.
The judiciary has said the rulings, which were issued in Tehran, are preliminary and will need to be approved by an appeals court to become final – after which details can be made public.
Judiciary officials have said more than 1,000 indictments have been issued against “rioters” in Tehran, with many more in other parts of the country.
What’s the latest on the protests?
Protests have continued to spread across the country, with videos coming out daily despite severe internet restrictions that have been imposed since the start.
Protests and strikes were held on Tuesday and Wednesday to mark the anniversary of the country’s nationwide 2019 protests.
Iranian authorities have refrained from releasing official tallies of how many people have been killed, injured or arrested during the protests. But they have said more than 40 members of the security forces have been killed.
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aacd2020 · 6 months
向加拿大国家(报案):Vancouver, Canada (fraud group + court security company + Housing Land Property Office + HSBC Bank) cooperation and profit collusion
Chinese Mutual Cooperative of North America. Wholly owned joint-stock company. To the Canadian country :(to report to the police):
(Robbing the company's car + robbing the Castle hotel + robbing the wholly-owned company 250 acres of land worth 500 million Canadian dollars + evading income tax of 250 million Canadian dollars) Serious violation: Canada's "seven" national laws: (Constitution + Human Rights Law + Property Law + Company Law + Criminal Law + Income Tax Law + Banking Law) Criminal organization. Under the judicial protection of the state, committing crimes on behalf of the State? More vicious than robbing a bank?
Canadian judiciary: "lawless" :(afraid to file a case + afraid to investigate + afraid to disclose evidence + afraid of evidence + civil cover-up of criminal)
Canadian state: "Justice broken down, administration in disarray", "know the law. Violation of the law ", repeal of the law, "Criminal organization: Terrorist robbery crime, which is creating a judicial miracle in Canada, criminal organization: serious damage (national image + national security + public safety + economic security).
The Canadian state cannot. Protect private and corporate property? Is this a state of law or a state of terror?
Most respected Canada: Prime Minister + Federal Parliament + Speaker + Member + Department of Justice + Department of Public Safety + Department of Intelligence + Department of Taxation + RCMP Headquarters + Supreme Court of Canada: Leadership: Your Excellency: Hello!
I, as a taxpayer, thank you for: protecting the Canadian country (image + security). Protecting the dignity of the law:
1, Royal Canadian Mounted Police headquarters: entrusted local. Police officer with cooperation interest: "do false investigation".(Investigation procedure + Closing report: illegal). Police. Deliberately (independent company police report), falsified as: "Private partnership civil case", serious violation: "Police Act", especially serious, falsified false investigation closing report: "Closing report:" one word "does not mention the key issue:" auction of land ". Do not say: company report: does not provide the true.(debt evidence + trial evidence + judgment evidence), our sole proprietor.500 million land, was defrauded and robbed auction alarm report: the police deliberately avoided the company report to the police, deliberately avoided the land auction, intentionally will criminal crimes, said civil cases, civil cases, should also provide (auction land judgment order evidence), fraud group Fear of evidence exposure, the police fear of evidence exposure, however, the investigation police, according to the criminal law, there are particularly serious criminal acts, forging false investigation reports: "falsifying evidence crime" to conceal fraud and robbery crimes, do not provide real evidence, should be investigated for the police forgery illegal responsibility, Police :(deceiving the three levels of government of Canada + deceiving the Crown Prosecutor + deceiving the BC Ministry of Justice + deceiving the Headquarters of the Canadian Mounted Police + deceiving Canadian taxpayers)
2, should the state come forward: Review: "Shock the world" "Special Big Case" (What is a civil case, what is a criminal offence?)
A, North American Chinese Mutual Cooperative. A, wholly owned joint-stock company. To the Canadian country: Police report:
B, Our Company Affidavit: Me personally and Co-op Corporation. Nothing illegal. Nothing wrong done. No debt. No business contacts. We are protected by the law. Fraud group (fake debt + fake freezing order + auction company 500 million yuan land).If I say a lie. Confiscate all my property and sentence me to death. Cooperative Corporation: (No lawsuit + no court trial + no judgment order + no debt)
3, Company request Canada: Ministry of Justice + RCMP + Canadian Court: provide true :(debt evidence + trial evidence + judgment evidence)
A, if there is evidence, we $500 million, corporate property donated to the State, request the Justice Department. Capture, imprison, assassinate me. Destroy me,
B, if there is no evidence, is not, should be pursued; The protection forces are responsible for the violation of the law, and the state compensates our company for double losses.
C, We as a Canadian Corporation: legal or not. Application: "Police file" Why Justice: Afraid to file "Dare not provide: Auction land evidence" D, Justice Canada: Email back says: Said: This is: "Civil case. Civil cover-up for criminal? Five minutes to solve the case: Just provide (debt + trial + judgment evidence), our company application (20 million yuan property + land 500 million Canadian dollars) mortgage notarization: Request the Justice Department: provide (corporate debt and illegal evidence)
4, the criminal organization did not violate the law + the police did not violate the law? We request: Justice :(don't catch bad people + should catch good people)
5, review our company's illegal behavior? Our company is on the Internet. To the world :(to hire legal experts), 10 million Canadian dollars. Reward for solving crimes, collecting our company (criminal evidence + debt evidence) does not investigate criminal organizations, reverse investigate victims, this is the joke of the world
6, My name is Yang Xuanwen, male, age 70, Canadian citizen, Driving License number :9131888, Address: 5584 Laburnum St Vancouver,BC,V6M 3S8. Email [email protected], Tel: 7788911777, I am Chinese. I can't speak English. I can communicate in email writing, twitter.com/aacd2014, facebook.com/aacd2015,
North American Chinese Mutual Cooperative, Yang Xuanwen,In the 2024-3-27
(抢劫公司汽车+抢劫城堡宾馆+抢劫独资公司250英亩土地价值5亿加元+偷漏所得税2.5亿加元)严重违反:加拿大”七个”国家大法规定: (宪法+人权法+物权法+公司法+刑法+所得税法+银行法).犯罪组织.受到国家司法保护,代表国家犯罪?比抢劫银行更凶恶?
加拿大国家不能.保护私人及公司财产安全? 这是法治国家,还是恐怖国家?
最尊敬的加拿大:总理+联邦议会+议长+议员+司法部+公共安全部+情报部+税务部+皇家骑警总部+加拿大最高法院: 领导: 阁下:您们好!
1,加拿大皇家骑警总部:委托当地.有合作利益的警察:”做虚假调查”.(调查程序+结案报告:违法).警察.故意将(独立公司报警报案), 伪造成:”个人合伙民事案”, 严重违反:”警察法”,特别严重的是,伪造虚假调查结案报告: 结案报告:”一个字”不提关键问题:”拍卖土地”.不说是:公司报案:不提供真实的.(债务证据+审判证据+判决证据),我们独资公司.5亿土地,被诈骗抢劫拍卖报警报案:警察故意回避公司报警报案,故意回避土地拍卖,故意将刑事犯罪,说是民事案件,民事案件,也应该提供(拍卖土地判决令证据),诈骗集团害怕证据暴露,警察害怕证据暴光,但是,调查警察,依据刑法,有特别严重犯罪行为,伪造虚假调查报告:”伪造证据罪”隐瞒诈骗抢劫犯罪,不提供真实证据,应该追究警察伪造违法责任, 警察:(欺骗加拿大三级政府+欺骗皇家检察官+欺骗BC省司法部+欺骗加拿大骑警总部+欺骗加拿大纳税人)
B,我们公司宣誓书: 我个人和合作社公司.没有违法.没有做错任何事.没有债务.没有业务联系.我们是受到“法律”保护. 诈骗集团(伪造债务+伪造冻结令+拍卖公司5亿元土地).如果我说假话.所有财产充公.判我极刑. 合作社公司: (没有诉讼+没有法院审判+没有判决令+没有债务)
6,我的名字:杨宣文,男, 年龄,70岁,加拿大公民,驾驶证号:9131888,地址:5584 Laburnum St Vancouver,BC,V6M 3S8.邮箱 [email protected], 电话7788911777,我是中国人.我不会英语.我可以用邮件文字交流,twitter.com/aacd2014 ,facebook.com/aacd2015,
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nonfer · 7 months
Tumblr media
3 22 24
mostly passed | 2:29.9 - 3:29.9 | Jul 27, 2015
how they leave | 0:17.3 - 1:17.3 | Nov 9, 2015
almost done | 0:14.0 - 1:14.0 | Oct 10, 2016
switch order
bit arbitrary, but anybody | 11:37.8 - 12:34.7 | Oct 10, 2016 | <;close "it's" to "it's">
1,366 views Jul 29, 2017 | circa feb 28, 2024
bad guys | 13:14.3 - 14:04.3 | Oct 10, 2016
Tumblr media Tumblr media
oh really?
thinks that it works | 4:07.1 - 4:49.9 👣
kind of important to remember that i'm not responsible for the words and actions of others. an interest in seeing issues addressed isn't the same thing as responsibility. [3/5/2024]
Read the Supreme Court ruling keeping Trump on the 2024 presidential ballot
Politics Mar 4, 2024 10:34 AM EST
and previously:
nonfer on Tumblr: A Guide to the Criminal Cases Against Donald Trump
will return to this if just to check my post. anyway, am pretty much certain that of misprison of treason, insurrection, or sedition all are serious offenses. am also certain that adjudicating those allegeable crimes based on only a preponderance of evidence doesn't sound fair. my concern is that our nation's highest court didn't address whether they found sufficient evidence, previously shown in more than one colorado court, to issue a ruling as to whether proof beyond a reasonable doubt had been shown to our judiciary.
update may 7th:
dairy prices had shot up | 1:36:42.6 - 1:37:42.6 🟨
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thxnews · 10 months
Leonard Marchand: Chief Justice Appointment
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  New Chief Justice for British Columbia and Yukon
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced the appointment of the Honourable Leonard Marchand as the Chief Justice of British Columbia and the Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal of Yukon.  
Honourable Robert J. Bauman's Retirement
Chief Justice Marchand takes over from Honourable Robert J. Bauman, who retired on October 1, 2023, marking a new era in the leadership of the British Columbia judiciary.  
Prime Minister's Recognition
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed confidence in Chief Justice Marchand, highlighting his respect within the legal community and wishing him continued success in his new role.  
Role and Responsibilities of Chief Justices
Chief Justices and Associate Chief Justices in Canada hold vital roles, overseeing court leadership and administration. They also contribute to the Canadian Judicial Council, striving to enhance judicial services in superior courts.
Appointment Process
Chief Justices and Associate Chief Justices are appointed by the Governor General based on Cabinet advice and the Prime Minister's recommendation, ensuring a rigorous and merit-based selection process.  
Honourable Leonard Marchand's Legal Career
Chief Justice Marchand, previously a judge in the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal for British Columbia, has a distinguished legal career. His practice focused on public authorities' liability, appearing before various courts and administrative tribunals.   Dedication to Reconciliation and Indigenous Peoples Chief Justice Marchand's career includes significant contributions to Indigenous reconciliation. He played a pivotal role in civil claims for residential school Survivors and was involved in negotiating the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement.   Syilx Heritage and Advocacy Work Chief Justice Marchand, a Syilx member of the Okanagan Indian Band, has deep roots in Kamloops. With a background in Chemical Engineering, he transitioned to law, graduating in 1994, and has been a tireless advocate for Indigenous Peoples throughout his career.  
The appointment of Chief Justice Leonard Marchand marks a significant development in the legal leadership of British Columbia and Yukon. With a rich legal background and a commitment to reconciliation, Chief Justice Marchand steps into his new role with the support of Prime Minister Trudeau and the legal community.   Sources: THX News & The Canadian Government. Read the full article
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