#cancer woman personality traits
zapsoda · 2 years
"what is a woman" is a question too philosophically complex for the average person to be used as a transphobic strawman
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astrosolutions · 1 year
Cancer Traits Female: The Unveiling Secrets of Cancer Female Personalities
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 The Cancer traits of female people shine with remarkable depth and complexity. Governed by the intuitive and nurturing nature of the Cancer zodiac sign, these women possess an innate ability to empathize deeply with others. Cancer traits female emotional intelligence is unparalleled, as they navigate the world guided by their keen intuition and strong sense of compassion. Known for their protective instincts and unwavering loyalty, Cancer females are often pillars of support for their loved ones. This introduction serves as a gateway to understanding the captivating essence of Cancer women, as we delve into the intricacies that make them such unique and fascinating people.
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novy2sirius · 1 month
ASTROLOGY NOTES - volume 8; ©novy2sirius
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libra energy is often referred to as “ditzy” which is interesting because when you sit down and have deep conversations with libra placements you realize they’re much smarter than they portray. libra is the 7th sign and in numerology 7 is the number of intelligence. libra’s act dumb to be funny a lot of the times or sometimes portray themselves in a way that’s not their authentic self because often due to things that occurred in their childhood they are confused about who they really are a lot of the time and don’t have a strong sense of their true identity. this also happens because they tend to mirror others personas that they’re around a lot and forget who they even are (libra’s symbol is the two scales that are identical on both sides). once you peel back the layers you realize it’s all an act. words are very important to pay attention to (li)bra. libra’s lie a lot, even about who they are. i would say this could also apply to gemini’s and pisces in a way
jupiter can tell you about some of the best opportunities you’ll receive in life. jupiter trine mc for example could indicate having amazing career opportunities/gaining lots of success in life. it could even indicate becoming famous
your 9th house can tell the best types of people to surround yourself with in order to have more luck and opportunities in life. if your 9th house sign is gemini then surround yourself with more people that have prominent gemini or 3h placements in their chart
a woman’s venus/rising conjunct a man’s lilith can create an intense fatal attraction (especially from the man to the woman). this reminds me of what people describe to be a twin flame bond actually. intense ups and intense lows, but a strong lustful and intimate connection that’s very hard to let go of. this is because lilith in a man’s chart tends to show the women he craves but knows he shouldn’t have long term and in a woman’s chart lilith is more of a dark placement indicating the challenges of womanhood and being sexualized
lilith in the 1h/5h/10h can indicate being a sex symbol or whatever, sure. that’s what i assume most people want to hear when they ask me about it. however, it is very rough and not glamorous like many think. these people attract so much jealousy and hate. even stalkers at worst. they will simply exist and get so much hate especially the women with this placement. it’s interesting because often in society we see women getting the most attention from men get the most hate from women and these women also often have lots of men sexualizing them and flirting with them (obviously all women do, but these women the most)
the part of fortune in your chart is known to be lucky, but not many talk about how it tells the fortunes that will be fulfilled before you die. if your part of fortune is in the 2nd, 8th, 10th, or 11th house you will be guaranteed to have material success at some point in your life before passing
no planet is all good. even “benefics” aren’t fully beneficial all the time. the universe is yin yang, so there’s good and bad to every planet. however, planets like venus and jupiter do usually provide more benefits than challenges. a negative way venus may manifest is in envy since in greek mythology venus (aphrodite) was a very envious person in relationships. scorpio venus’ for example tend to struggle a lot with being very jealous when dating
unevolved signs tend to be like their opposite signs negative traits. i was discussing this with @cupidlovesastro and we noticed the people who had sagittarius placements in our life that were unevolved were huge complainers and didn’t stop yapping about negative things or were gossipy. yapping a lot and gossiping tend to be negative traits of gemini’s more so than sagittarius’
unevolved cancer placements will never get over you hurting them even slightly. since they’re overly sensitive when unevolved they tend to become obsessed with victimizing themselves in order to make you seem like the bad guy. they will want to make you look bad to everyone so they can receive praise. the evolved cancer placements tend to be more emotionally stable though and use their emotions toward a creative outlet
mercury can also be a lucky planet similar to jupiter since the number correlated to it in numerology is 5. 5 is the second luckiest number. jupiter’s number is 3 which is the luckiest number in numerology
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astrobydalia · 11 months
Predicting the chart of your future spouse
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First of all, thank you to @harmoonix for inspiring me to make this post!
I wanted to share some key thing I've observed that you should look out for in your Groom (5129) and Briede (19029) persona charts if you want to know what placements your future spouse might have. Look at Groom PC if you're looking to marry a man and Briede PC if you're looking to marry a woman. These asteroids move very slowly so in order to get more insight about your person looking at these charts is important
For other options you can apply these to Descendent PC and to a lesser extent Juno PC, those can ring true as well, but the main research of this post is focused on Groom/briede
These are patterns I've extracted based on my research analyzing the charts of married couples. Presented in no particular order
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work by astrobydalia
The Ascendant/1st house/Placement of asc ruler
… in the groom/briede pc. This I’ve seen correlated mainly to the Sun or Asc of spouse since it is indicative of their main personality traits and characteristics. It can also relate to other prominent placements/energies of spouse
Hailey Bieber has Scorpio ASC in her Groom PC and Justin Bieber is a Scorpio ASC
Justin Bieber has Sagittarius ASC in his Briede PC and Hailey is a Sagittarius ASC
One of my clients had Cancer ASC on her Groom PC and her husband was a water ASC with moon in his 1st house
Blake Lively has Sagittarius ASC with Uranus, Saturn and Neptune 1st house in her Groom PC and her husband Ryan is a mutable rising. It’s worth mentioning the he’s also known for having a bold, eccentric (Uranus) and humorous personality, he's also older than her (Saturn) and he's from a different country (sag). He also has Sagittarius IC and Venus
Joanne Woodward has Virgo Asc in her Groom pc with its ruler falling in Libra and her husband Paul Newman was an earth rising with Venus and Mercury conjunct his Asc
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Moon placement
this one is so important! 9/10 your spouse's moon will have similar qualities as the moon in your groom/briede pc or spouse might have placements in this sign
Most common case in my research: spouse’s moon is in the same element or modality as the moon in the Groom/Bride pc
Other example is a client of mine had Cancer moon in his Briede pc and his wife had Moon-Jupiter conjunction in her chart (jupiter expands moon’s qualities and is also exalted in cancer)
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Part of Fortune/Vertex
I’ve seen these being a less literal indicative of actual placement but it does show prominent energies in spouse definitely, specially within the relationship
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pay attention to this one!!! I’ve seen it being SO accurate! I’ve noticed that if a planet (particularly inner planet) is in good or bad dignity in your groom/briede pc, your fs will likely have that planet in one of its signs of domicile, exaltation, fall or detriment. This also makes that particular planet significant in your person’s chart (meaning it might be dominant, on the angles, in joy houses, etc)
Mila Kunis has Scorpio Mars (mars’ domicile) in her Groom PC and Ashton Kutcher is a Cancer Mars (mars’ detriment)
She also has Sun in Aries (sun’s exaltation) in her groom pc chart and Ashton in an Aquarius Sun (sun’s debilitation)
The client I mentioned above also had Aries Sun in his briede pc and his wife had her Sun in the 9th house (sun’s joy)
Blake Lively has Taurus Moon (moon’s exaltation) in her Groom PC and Ryan is a Scorpio Moon (moon’s detriment)
Grace Kelly had Libra Venus (venus domicile) in her Groom pc and her husband was a Taurus Venus (venus domicile)
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Angular houses
similar to the last point. The common consensus I’ve seen with this one is that if you have a certain planet in an angular house in the groom/briede pc, your spouse likely has that planet in an angular house too or that planet is significant in them
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planets at critical degrees in your groom/briede pc can be significant or manifest quite literally in your person’s chart
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work by astrobydalia
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bouquetface · 3 months
Accuracy influenced by entire natal chart. This is NOT a person read. Looking at only aspect or placement will only give general information.
Lilith conjunct ASC:
Strong attraction. A forbidden kind of attraction. Could be due to many reasons. Possible examples:
One is significantly older, One is already in a relationship at the time of meeting, One could be a coworker or person in authority.
Chiron conjunct ASC:
Chiron person could be triggered by ASC person. Due to their lifestyle, attitude or approach to life.
For EX, let’s say this occurs in the sign of gemini. This sign is typically fast, curious and communicative. The chiron person may have grown up misunderstood their entire lives. They struggle to communicate and/or be understood effectively. The ASC gemini person likely has a fast thinking, fast moving way of life. They’re curious, bore easily and move onto the next topic fast. If the ASC gemini person isn’t willing to slow down, they risk hurting chiron. As chiron may not feel they mix well with ASC person’s lifestyle.
Chiron conjunct Venus:
An amazing placement especially if the man is venus. Venus’s natural way of expressing love can heal chiron.
I’ve seen this happen in the sign of Capricorn. In past relationships, chiron questioned whether they were enough. Their ex critiqued them and negatively compared them to other women.
In their marriage with a Venus Cap, they feel absolutely appreciated and admired.
Sun conjunct Venus:
The couple above also has this aspect. The woman is a Cap sun, she naturally has the traits this Venus Cap desires in a wife. The Venus Cap often talks highly about her. He tells her and others he can’t believe she even exists because she is his dream girl. He has said before he’s shocked someone so perfect would be with him. This aspect can be a good ego boost for the Venus person.
Venus conjunct Jupiter:
Really positive. When these two are together there is an abundance of love and joy. A good marriage/long term connection indicator. It’s hard to resist each other because of the good times/feelings you have when together.
The only downside, these two may overindulge too much when together. Leading to enabling behaviour. Possibly overspending and overdoing.
So while it can be good, 2 times I’ve seen this as Jupiter feeling drained in the end. They poured so much into Venus to keep them happy but Venus never felt satisfied/always desired more. The other 1 time I’ve known a couple with this aspect, it resulted in marriage. I believe this aspect may work better when Jupiter is the man & Venus is the woman.
Chiron conjunct Chiron:
This can manifest as bonding over similarities in your past struggles. However, if both are not in a matured stage of life, they may trigger each other. Bringing out the worst behaviours in each other.
Moon Square Moon:
This could create tension that leads to passion. Scorpio and fire sign venus may enjoy this aspect in their relationships. However, it may lead to emotional pain. Both could struggle to understand & properly care for the other.
Aries Moon Square Cancer Moon:
This is particularly difficult from what I’ve seen. The aries moon felt the cancer moon is “weak” and “overly sensitive”. The aries moon expresses passion in a more aggressive & teasing manner. The cancer moon, especially if they don’t have fire sign placements, could be hurt by this. They don’t understand and/or like the way aries moon’s expresses themselves.
MC conjunct Uranus: To outsiders, the relationship feels unstable. The relationship may have on and off stages.
Mars in 12th. Generally, this isn’t a good placement. Indicates hidden resentment. One person likely does not fully understand the reason for the other’s anger/frustration.
- I’ve seen this manifest as a woman who many bad experiences with men in the past. This made her untrusting of her boyfriend. She feels past experiences made her take some frustrations out on her boyfriend. He did not fully understand her angry outbursts since he wasn’t doing anything wrong.
Moon in 12th. A positive manifestation is knowing what the other needs subconsciously. You are in tune with each other’s feelings on a deeper level.
A negative manifestation is one person’s emotional needs are not being met. For this reason, they are unable to feel comfortable and properly loved.
2nd house ruler in 12th. In my opinion, this is the worst to have. This suggests one’s ability to feel secure is lost. Trust does not come easy. Communication needs to be strong to overcome this placement.
12th H Libra
12th can reveal what may potentially break the couple up or be a hidden problem in the relationship. By hidden I mean issues that are repressed or a sub conscious issue.
In the sign of Libra, inability to compromise, inability to peacefully resolve problems and inability to be make decisions together could be a problem.
Venus in 12th H
The couple may struggle with emotional intimacy. The physical is easy and enjoyable but emotionally opening up is not.
This can indicate a relationship where for some reason the couple hides their love when in front of people. And/Or they hide their true feelings from each other.
This is a tricky placement. While the two are interested in one another, creating a harmonious connection is not easy. Peace is disrupted. The couple can be chaotic.
Jupiter in 12th H
This is actually positive in my experience. The couple has luck on their side to solve any issues. However, luck may not be enough to save the connection if it turns sour. Yet, there will be many opportunities to resolve their problems. The two have a genuine desire to fight for one another. The two can understand each other on an intuitive level. You just get each other.
Example: This is actually my friend’s observation. She observed in the composite of her parents, Jupiter and Venus are in conjunction in 12th H. She told me her parents have had a lot of struggles but remain happily together. There is an abundance of love.
Her mom once told her, her and her dad were literally made for one another. No matter what problems arises only the two of them will be able to help one another. No one else will be able to understand them.
Some astrologers say Venus is the wife and Jupiter is the husband so when conjunct in composite, it can be that saving grace placement.
Sun in First House
The relationship can be the main focus of your life. This can be good or bad. It’s not healthy to cut off your own personal life to cater to one person. But if you can maintain your own identities, this should be a good placement.
I’ve noticed when this is in composite the couple can become known for the relationship. Especially, if Sun is the 10th H ruler and/or if the 10th H has many planets.
Mars in First House
There can be a lot of energy in this relationship. Arguments are bound to happen in any relationship but for this one in particular there will be many. If you are two people who are good at resolving issues and kind of enjoy a more chaotic dynamic, this can work out well.
However, if you don’t like your peace disrupted and fights make you uneasy, this is not a good indicator for a relationship.
You may become known for being “that couple”. Good or bad. Depending on whether people find out about your fights.
Mercury in First House
You don’t fear judgement when together. You can talk about anything and everything. This is a good indicator. A couple that never runs out of things to talk about. It isn’t necessarily a romantic or sexual indicator. So if not supported by other placements in the chart, this can be a relationship where the spark dies out quickly. Better off as friends kind of relationship.
Uranus & Neptune in 4th H
This relationship has a rocky foundation. You may love the idea of what can be more than what is happening. Fantasizing about how you’ll become a better couple when in reality it’s not going so well.
This can be an on and off connection. Whether you are together and committed to one another is not always clear.
However, the positive manifestation is you both value freedom. You have mutual respect for one another. You may have a non traditional start to the connection. The two may constantly move around. You may have to leave home throughout your lives. Not necessarily negative it could be possibly due to work.
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libraincarnate · 1 year
💄 astrology notes: 15 (mature edition) 💄
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quick note: i'm absolutely not an astrologer. these are just a collection of some of my observations, thoughts, theories, and personal experiences. with that being said, i'm still learning along the way & i may come back to edit this post to make corrections. above all this is just for fun. keep in mind that i’m not reading your birth chart and i know nothing about you. these are just some possibilities that may or may not apply to you. lastly, minors do not interact - mature readers only - explicit content! enjoy 💋
x mercury in retrograde: these people may struggle with verbal expression so it’s not that they don’t feel pleasure or that they aren’t turned on, but it's that they might struggle with voicing it and they may feel uncomfortable letting out a genuine moan. so they either don’t say too much or they fake moan often if they’re uncomfortable with the silence.
x neptune in the 8th house: neptune brings imagination so having it in the 8th house can indicate someone who day dreams about sex often. they’re able to create these mental visuals of intense & passionate sex scenarios which they can translate from their minds and to the bedroom in real life. they can portray that neptune creativity via sex, bringing an element of surprise & constant sex appeal. to me this placement reminds of that alluring energy that sirens have. they spark feelings of attraction in other people while fully dressed, but they also have people imagining what they look like nude or what sex with them would be like.
x lilith in cancer: may not want to have kids (or at least not biological ones) but they love it when someone c*ms in them or vice versa, or on their boobs. aside from boob jobs they may have breastfeeding/suckling kinks. overall, they like the chest area whether it be on a man or woman. could also have a c*m fetish or be into c*m play. 
it sounds kind of contradicting cause if you c*m in a woman she can become pregnant, and the primary function of the female breast is to provide nutrition to a baby. but with this placement there’s an emphasis on the desire to enjoy these things sexually, all without actually having to become pregnant/have a kid or become a parent.
while they may not like being very emotional themselves, having their partner open up to them emotionally during sex or hearing them say “i love you” could be such an ego boost for them. there’s a desire to be both wanted & needed. they could be big on aftercare as well, but especially if they’re the ones receiving it. this could include cuddling while c*ck warming.
again, being emotional may feel uncomfortable for these natives but they may attract clingy partners because they’re still sensitive & empathetic, it’s just suppressed. they have a natural energy that can make others feel comfortable & safe. they feel like home. might not be into casual sex but if so, casual sex or friends w/ benefits may be complicated because it’s almost inevitable that feelings will get involved whether it be them, the other person, or both. but some people with this placement may use these traits to be emotionally manipulative in order to get what they want, and this includes sex. it’s like their form of enchantment.
x libra mars: libras in general can play the submissive role well, but with mars here it’s like a strength, something they can twist and use to their advantage. they can easily get into the role of being cute, ditzy, and flirty, but in a way that turns you on. teasing you yet giving you exactly what you want. they can manipulate you to make you feel like you’re in control, but it’s only happening cause they’re letting you and they know you like it but they like it too so their submissiveness is like a form of power here. they also like getting spanked too, so they probably like being naughty/bratty so that they can get “punished”. could like being called a good girl/boy. oh, and compliment them on their body or the way they do something that turns you on, they’ll love that.
they like dominance but they still want respect. yes they can be people pleasers & they want to please you in bed as well, but i don’t think they’re the types to enjoy/tolerate getting slapped in the face or anything they classify as too much, disrespectful, or rough/extreme.
but guys with this placement may like women that can dominate them in bed. the types to be dressed in super tight black latex, being gagged, having to beg, etc. 
x pisces: could be into somnophilia/sexsomnia kinks, basically wanting to or having sex with someone who’s asleep. but of course this is done with consent and i’m not referring to any actual sexual/sleep disorders. maybe it feels like a fantasy/dream in a way; slowly waking up and going from a state of unconsciousness and sleepiness to a state of sexual pleasure, then falling asleep again filled with bliss … and maybe something else. 
& like taurus, pisces love to sleep. but there’s also the sense of being so relaxed and vulnerable in such a state yet your partner still desires you like that and you trust them enough to give them consent. pisces might also feel drunk or high during sex or after they climax, or they giggle a lot.
x mars in the 3rd house: probably had some sexual encounters with their neighbors or even had sex at school. could be considered the neighborhood hottie & may also receive a lot of male attention at school, like classmates commenting on their body.
x mercury-asteroid kiss (8267) / mercury-mars aspects: could be the type to kiss and tell or talk about their sexual experiences without much hesitation. this may be done intentionally because the topic of sex interests them and it’s something they like to discuss, or they do so accidentally by word vomiting. could also be the type of person who easily moves from one person to the next.
x taurus: they have a thing for hickeys on the neck. taurus lives through all their senses and really connects to the physical body and all things tangible/material. taurus rules the neck area so there’s already a natural attraction to that body part & it’s often a highly erogenous area for them as well. 
scorpios are usually considered the sexual and possessive type, but taurus shares these traits with their sister sign. & so hickeys can be a way of taurus displaying their dominance, claiming you as theirs, or marking their territory. but it might not be viewed as “intense” which is usually the case with scorpio’s actions, but it makes sense when you think about the contrast between their rulers venus & pluto.
x 2nd house: i’d say prominent 2nd house placements in general are really good at using their mouths. this applies to simply kissing but oral sex as well. if you have the sun here, this could be where you shine when it comes to sex and your partner may consider you the best at kissing/oral out of everyone they’ve been with. it’s like a natural talent. but with lilith, mars, or pluto here i think they’d also leave someone speechless or in awe lol. with venus it may be something they love to do, like one of if not their favorite part about sex. having venus, lilith, pluto, or a stellium here could indicate an oral fixation so they might be into c*ck warming with their mouth. but i think lilith might be more into giving oral rather than receiving it.
x aries & gemini: these two together remind me of cat and mouse. aries likes that challenge, they like to chase & therefore play the role of a cat well. gemini likes to tempt & tease and could really play the role of a mouse. for this reason, i think an aries having sex with a gemini would be bomb. the type where things heat up in an instant. at some point, aries won’t be able to handle all the games and teasing from gemini and aries will want to capture and dominate/conquer.
gemini displays their power mentally while aries does so physically. gem knows which buttons to push to send aries over the edge but aries is strategic too so once aries has gemini where they want them, it’s over. the playful teasing quickly builds & leads into something hot and passionate, perhaps a bit rough or fast. aries loses their mind & the ever-racing mind of gemini goes blank, but in a good way of course.
x capricorn: for caps, i think edging would be their thing. either as something they enjoy or because they’re just good at it. with edging you have to consider timing & delays and capricorns are no strangers to that. they’re also controlling so getting to decide when someone c*ms and being the one to make that happen is like a power trip for them. 
and because they like to be the ones in control, i think they’d want to be the ones doing the edging instead of it being done to them because they may not like the idea of repeatedly letting someone have that power over them.
virgos are known to be of service of others & libras are known to be people pleasers, but i can see capricorns combining these two traits in the bedroom. not in a submissive way but in way that displays their skills and competence, showing that they can and know how to make you c*m, and doing so feels like a reward or some sort of an achievement for them. and even if they’re the ones edging someone else, they still get turned on from the theme of delayed gratification.
- omg i feel like i'm corrupting the masses, please forgive me. <3
if you read this until the end, i hope you enjoyed it & thank you so much for reading. ♥︎♥︎♥︎, those hearts are for you.
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bynux · 6 months
Gender essentialism is a social cancer.
Just saw a post on Lex that was basically a transmasc person asking the queer community at large to stop excluding them because they pass as a cis man. They asked that we maybe stop coming down on trans men, masc NBs, hell, even trans women who don't know they're trans yet.
And…yeah. I don't think that's an unreasonable ask. Tbh I think that should also include cis men who aren't straight, because they are part of the LGBTQIA+ community.
I think what's vastly more important than whether someone has a masculine identity is whether or not they're explicitly being toxically masculine. Wanting more body hair isn't toxic, wanting a flat chest isn't toxic, wanting to enjoy more "masculine" activities and be seen as one of the guys isn't toxic. SIMPLY BEING A MAN IS NOT TOXIC.
Anytime I've seen someone insist otherwise, it's been someone closely tied to—if not within—radfem/TERF circles. The logic that leads people to say masculine traits == bad is the same as the logic that results in having penis == bad, yet for some reason the former is treated as common sense even in queer circles. We're supposed to be rejecting gender norms, not reinforcing them dammit.
What's bad, what's toxic, is possessiveness. Needless aggression. Unchecked jealousy. Entitlement (especially sexual entitlement). None of these are inherently masculine traits.
It's one thing to be cautious of cis men, who more often than not have accepted masculinity as the default rather than a conscious choice, and may have learned more toxic traits as a result. But you don't know who is or isn't trans.
You don't know how that "cis man" actually identifies. Even if you do, you don't know whether or not he's examined his gender identity and decided he's happy where he is. You don't know whether or not he's actually possessive or entitled or aggressive. Making such assumptions is no better than assuming that a woman will be shy and submissive.
You don't know, and it's not your place to decide.
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astroismypassion · 1 year
Astrology observations🌊🌊🌊
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
🐟Pisces over the 4th house in a woman's chart points to the fact that her father had not the best work ethic (tends to avoid work), faced a longer period of time of unemployment or retired very early. 4th house because in a woman's chart 4th house sign represent the father and 10th house the mother. But in a man's natal chart 4th house represents the mother and 10th house sign the father. It's just the opposite.
🌊It's so strange how much Pisces Moons and Moon in the 12th house people get easily embarassed, which is not a trait you would connect with them, but more so with their opposite sign Virgo. When in fact they can very easily get embarassed by their past wrongdoings and mistakes from the past that they often deflect the truth when talking about it in the present moment, they might pretend that what you are remembering NOW about THEIR PAST SELF actually inaccurate.
🐟I noticed that people who have Capricorn moon can have a 6, 7 or 10 years difference with their romantic partner, but rarely more than 10 years. But with Aquarius Moons is often more. They might have a romantic partner even with a 12, 15 or 20 years difference.
🌊Pisces South Node people need to be mindful of not being grateful for everything as it is in the present moment. With Virgo North Node you might become critical of the things you currently don't have (either in skillset or items).
🐟Gemini over the 4th house in a man's natal chart points to the fact that his mother (and even romantic partner) didn't want to get a job or the mother was actually a homemaker/housewife/stay-at-home parent.
🌊If you have Sagittarius, Aquarius or Aries Midheaven in your Midheaven Persona chart, you might work in a variety of career fields in this lifetime, you might often switch jobs just to work in a completely unrelated next job in comparison with your last one.
🐟I always taught that Gemini Moon/Virgo Moon/Virgo/Gemini over the 6th house men have good hygiene, when I figure it out that I'm looking at it the wrong way. THEIR PARTNER usually keeps up a very good personal hygiene and is very particular about health, body, hair, skin, nails. They themselves are more disorganized and chaotic or downright bored to pay too much attention to hygiene.
🌊Aquarius Jupiter singers are musically always ahead of time. They might also get inspired by music from decades long time ago. Real life examples would be: Alicia Keys, Miley Cyrus, Lana del Rey, Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera and Shakira. They were all ahead of time at some point in their music career and have at least one hit that is known worldwide and on all continents.
🐟Virgo Liliths struggle with accepting invitations for hangouts or gatherings, such as birthday celebrations, weddings, anniversaries, they most often say no.
🌊Natives who have Gemini Ascendant or Gemini over the 1st house in their Midheaven/MC Persona chart might be very indecisive about which career field they want to go into.
🐟A tip for finding the best photographer in your friendgroup is to search for Pisces/Neptune contact. Such as if you are a Taurus/Libra Sun, search for people that have Pisces Venus to take your best photo. If you are Cancer Sun, search for Pisces Moons. If you are Leo Sun, search for Pisces Sun people. If you are Virgo/Gemini Sun, then opt for Pisces Mercury people. If you are Sagittarius Sun, search for Pisces Jupiter people.
🌊Virgo North Node or North Node in the 6th house might find it hard to keep a job due to not know how to work well with others. Learning this skill will be one of the their main life lessons.
🐟Virgo North Node avoids daily routines, routine at their job. Which is often seen by them wanting to change their daily routine every 2-3 days, they might want to introduce different, new activities in their daily routine. However, sometimes it's not just that these individuals need to follow a routine, but more so they could help OTHERS with routine, mundane task and how to have a steady daily routine.
🌊The degree of the Ascendant in your Midheaven/MC Persona chart might point to your age when you get your first steady job.
🐟People who have Sun in the 5th house in their Midheaven Persona chart might transform a hobby or something that interests them into a full-time career.
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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rainydetectiveglitter · 3 months
꒰ ♡ ꒱Astrology and The Female Archetypes ꒰ ♡ ꒱
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚:
I've always been fascinated by Carl Jung's archetypes, and I thought it would be interesting to merge them with astrology. Take a look and let me know what you think—it's all in good fun, so if it doesn't quite line up, no worries!
꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎ
The Sage
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Key Traits: Wisdom, knowledge, philosophical insight, intellectual depth.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Sun: Typically in Sagittarius or Capricorn, emphasizing a quest for truth, higher learning, and wisdom. Sun conjunct Ascendant highlights a strong personal identity tied to wisdom.
Mercury: Often in Scorpio or Sagittarius, indicating deep thinking, insightful communication, and a probing mind. Mercury conjunct Pluto intensifies depth of thought and investigative skills.
Jupiter: Strongly placed (in Sagittarius, Pisces, or in aspect to Sun/Mercury), emphasizing expansion, optimism, and a philosophical outlook on life.
Pluto: In Scorpio, contributing to a transformative approach to knowledge, deep psychological insights, and a profound understanding of power dynamics.
Celebrity Example:
Oprah Winfrey (Sun in Aquarius, Mercury in Aquarius, Jupiter in Sagittarius)
Jane Fonda (Sun in Sagittarius, Mercury in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Capricorn)
The Mystic
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Key Traits: Spiritual depth, intuition, connection to mystical realms.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Neptune: Strongly placed in Pisces, indicating a deep connection to spirituality, dreams, and the subconscious. Neptune conjunct Venus enhances sensitivity and mystical experiences in relationships.
Moon: Often in Pisces or Cancer, enhancing emotional sensitivity, intuitive abilities, and a deep connection to the collective unconscious.
Pluto: In Scorpio, contributing to a transformative spiritual journey, profound psychological insights, and the ability to uncover hidden truths.
Celebrity Example:
Stevie Nicks (Neptune in Scorpio, Moon in Gemini, Pluto in Leo)
Björk (Neptune in Scorpio, Moon in Sagittarius, Pluto in Virgo)
The Wise Old Woman
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Key Traits: Maturity, wisdom, nurturing, emotional depth.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Moon: Typically in Cancer or Taurus, highlighting emotional nurturing, intuition, and connection to natural cycles. Moon trine Venus or Jupiter enhances emotional intelligence and nurturing qualities.
Mars: Often in Cancer or Capricorn, indicating protective instincts, emotional strength, and caregiving abilities. Mars in aspect to Saturn can add discipline and responsibility to nurturing roles.
Saturn: Well-placed (in Capricorn, Aquarius, or in aspect to Moon/Mars), emphasizing wisdom gained through experience, structure, and a grounded approach to life.
Celebrity Example:
Meryl Streep (Moon in Cancer, Mars in Leo, Saturn in Leo)
Judi Dench (Moon in Virgo, Mars in Cancer, Saturn in Aquarius)
The Queen
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Key Traits: Leadership, sovereignty, regal presence.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Sun: Often in Leo or Capricorn, indicating leadership qualities, strength of character, and a sense of authority. Sun trine or sextile Saturn enhances leadership abilities and a structured approach to authority.
Venus: Strongly placed (in Taurus, Libra, or in aspect to Sun/Saturn), emphasizing grace, diplomacy, and a balanced approach to relationships.
Saturn: Well-placed (in Capricorn, Aquarius, or in aspect to Sun/Venus), highlighting discipline, responsibility, and the ability to lead with integrity and longevity.
Celebrity Example:
Queen Elizabeth II (Sun in Taurus, Venus in Taurus, Saturn in Capricorn)
Cate Blanchett (Sun in Taurus, Venus in Aries, Saturn in Pisces)
The Mother
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Key Traits: Nurturing, compassion, caregiving.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Moon: Typically in Cancer or Taurus, emphasizing emotional nurturing, protective instincts, and a strong bond with family. Moon conjunct Fortuna enhances themes of emotional security and caregiving roles.
Mars: Often in Cancer or Virgo, indicating caretaking abilities, nurturing energy, and dedication to others’ well-being. Mars in aspect to Moon or Venus adds passion and protective instincts.
Fortuna: Well-placed (in Cancer, Taurus, or in aspect to Moon), highlighting themes of home, family, and emotional security.
Celebrity Example:
Angelina Jolie (Moon in Aries, Mars in Cancer, Fortuna in Taurus)
Michelle Obama (Moon in Pisces, Mars in Gemini, Fortuna in Cancer)
The Maiden
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Key Traits: Youthfulness, innocence, new beginnings.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
North Node: In Leo or Aries, indicating a path towards personal growth, independence, and creative expression. North Node trine Sun enhances self-expression and leadership potential.
Mercury: Often in Gemini or Virgo, enhancing communication skills, curiosity, and adaptability. Mercury conjunct Uranus adds originality and a progressive approach to learning.
Venus: Well-placed (in Libra, Taurus, or in aspect to North Node), highlighting a playful, flirtatious approach to love and relationships.
Celebrity Example:
Emma Watson (North Node in Leo, Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Virgo)
Taylor Swift (North Node in Cancer, Mercury in Sagittarius, Venus in Scorpio)
The Huntress
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Key Traits: Independence, strength, courage.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Mars: Strongly placed (in Aries, Scorpio, or in aspect to Uranus), emphasizing assertiveness, courage, and a pioneering spirit. Mars conjunct Uranus adds a rebellious streak and innovative energy.
Uranus: Well-placed (in Aquarius, Aries, or in aspect to Mars), highlighting independence, originality, and a progressive approach to goals and challenges.
Jupiter: Can enhance optimism, exploration, and a quest for freedom and adventure.
Celebrity Example:
Serena Williams (Mars in Gemini, Uranus in Libra, Jupiter in Capricorn)
Amelia Earhart (Mars in Aries, Uranus in Gemini, Jupiter in Sagittarius)
The Lover ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
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Key Traits: Passion, emotional depth in relationships.
Astrological Placements and Aspects:
Venus: Strongly placed (in Taurus, Libra, or in aspect to Moon/Mars), indicating a love of beauty, harmony, and a deep emotional connection in relationships. Venus opposite Mars can highlight tension between desire and affection.
Moon: Well-placed (in Cancer, Pisces, or in aspect to Venus), enhancing sensitivity, empathy, and emotional receptivity.
Mars: Can contribute to passion, desire, and intensity in romantic pursuits.
Celebrity Example:
Beyoncé Knowles (Venus in Libra, Moon in Scorpio, Mars in Leo)
Marilyn Monroe (Venus in Aries, Moon in Aquarius, Mars in Leo)
Each archetype can be further explored through additional astrological traits that uniquely resonate with individuals. Feel free to explore and see what aligns best with your personality. This is all for enjoyment and entertainment, so share your thoughts—I'd love to hear what resonates with you!
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Rahu, Ketu and Saturn are all separating factors in a horoscope, but it is Rahu that makes it most difficult for a person to identify themselves with the traits of a given planet in their lives. The full awareness of it comes to them only around Rahu maturation (age 42). At the same time there is an overidentification with the Ketu planet.
So the person can easily admit to but be internally dissatisfied through their Ketu but be unaware how much they have already developed in their Rahu and be secretly more skilled there than they, or anyone else, can realize.
This can be easily summed up as many planets are ruled by 2 zodiac signs. Naturally, the state of the planet will depend on its condition in one’s chart. The condition will also become extra intense if a planet is in the same house as Rahu (even the loosest conjunction as it is the sign dispositor that matters). That can easily become contradictory, as I can prove to you with the example of my chart.
I have Rahu in Sagittarius, but I have Mercury conjunct my Rahu and Venus loosely too if you adapt the Bhava Chalita interpretation. That creates an interesting contradiction where I use my Ketu skills to channel Rahu. Since Jupiter is the Divine element in every one of us, I tend to always underestimate my gifts, spiritual, creative, intellectual. It takes other people praising me a lot to realize that I can actually handle more things in life than I think, and I have achieved and manifested so much versatility. But my default comfort zone is to just say “I study a lot”.
Below I will give you a brief list on how this will manifest for each Rahu in general.
Aries and Scorpio will make Rahu oblivious to one’s qualities of Mars and overly rely on qualities of Venus. The person will underestimate their own drive and courage and contribution and ability to set a life direction and give credit, attention or even command to others, before realizing their own leadership and active action abilities.
Taurus and Libra will make one’s Rahu unaware of their Venusian skills, thinking they achieved it all through grit of character as there is an over-reliance on Mars, but in reality they have developed more softness and wisdom of natural laws than they know. That connection to people and nature has transformed them as they learn unity instead of division.
Gemini and Virgo are said to be the best points of Rahu as influence of Jupiter on Ketu is so lucky. However, these people tend to take their skills for granted. They often receive so much they think they’re just lucky and they don’t notice till way later that they have actually practiced a lot of things and developed a lot of experience in what they have aptitude for, and thus they have reached a certain substantial worldly level of achievement purely by their own means.
Cancer and Leo Rahu share the trouble of developing their royal divine masculine or Feminine side, as their comfort zone is Saturn, the practical, neuter planet that judges everything by results only. What these natives don’t understand is that there is an inherent magic and kingly and queenly qualities inside every man and woman, that are inborn and deserve to be claimed without needing work or pain.
Sagittarius and Pisces Rahu overly rely on their intellect to problem solve life, as they were most probably praised for these abilities naturally and encouraged to develop it since childhood. What they don’t see is how much more courage it takes for them to develop faith, when no one ever told them that it’s a good idea to have it, and God and Destiny are very real forces operating within our lives. Sometimes you just have to leave something to fate and it doesn’t mean failure, and all of us are more lucky than we even know. Rahu there underestimates the luck factor in life. They also underestimate their divine creativity, that comes from the heart, not the mind.
Capricorn and Aquarius will make Rahu project a lot of their issues on parental figures, as the Sun and the Moon represent the Father and the Mother. Depending on other factors in chart, that can be blame for delay in progress or gratitude for their parents’ help, even a guilt or inferiority complex, that makes them erase their long patient hard work. What’s lacking is the acknowledgement and appreciation of one’s own skill in long term building and overcoming obstacles.
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tower-girl-anon · 2 years
4th and 10th house: how we act in public vs how we act on private
Hello!! After a long pause, I came back with another post that will focus in the IC and MC axis so it could describe how we act in public (in terms of job and career settings) vs how we act in private places such as our home or with intimate friends acording to the signs rulling the cusps of these houses.
I will write this with opposite signs which means that I will start with Aries/Libra dinamic, then Taurus/Scorpio and so on. For those who don't have opposite signs just look at the signs ruling your IC and MC, and then look at both in the list below.
As always, I apologize for any mistake, I hope you enjoy it and don't copy or repost this post without giving proper credits to the owner.
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Aries in the IC/Libra in the MC: for those who have Aries as the rulling sign of your IC, they tend to be a very active, fierce, athletic, and action oriented person. These people can't stand still in their home environment or private setting. They must do something that's why doing sports to burn that energy can be a common thing for these individuals to do once they are at home. For woman, their family or closed ones tend to see them as a tomboy. With Libra rulling the opposite house, in career settings people tend to look at them as someone fashionable, fair, loving, charming and atractive. In general, they know what to say and exudes a calmer energy in contrast to their active, masculine, fiery, and sometimes agressive energy at home.
Taurus in the IC/Scorpio in the MC: with Taurus rulling the IC, these people tend to be pretty much calm and relaxed in their home environment or with their closest ones. They are seeing as hard working and money oriented (this can be seen either as a good or bad trait) due to their need or having enough material comfort. They tend lo like to keep relationships peaceful in their home and they don't have much problem unless they feel that they lack financial or material support. With Scorpio as the rulling of the MC, these natives makes carry a lot of power, magnetism, intensity and mysteriousness in a public setting related to their work. It seems they had a prestigious position in their field due to the powerfull energy they exude, and most of the time they like to keep control of everything they do, which can be a huge contrast to their private self.
Gemini in the IC/Sagittarius in the MC: these natives tend to be really chatty in private settings. They are curious about everything and question everything they can think of. For them, it's easier to ask questions, share their thoughts or share their visions at home or with close friends rather than in works settings. That's because they like to give the impression, with Sagittarius rulling the MC, that they know and understand everything in just one lesson. They can feel stupid at times when they ask something or doesn't know an answer to a question. In their family or close circle, they can appear chatty and curious but, in public or working settings, these natives exudes an energy of natural knowledge, wisdom, and may even appear as they have strong beliefs.
Cancer in the IC/Capricorn in the MC: these natives exudes a caring and nurturing energy on private while, in public or working settings, they appear hard working, serious, and responsable. They have an emotional side that they keep private from prying eyes. Only those who their trust such as their family or close friends are able to see this side of themselves. They like to collect pictures, videos or any memory that connects with their emotions, and tend to be very motherly to those who he/she cares about. In their bad times, they can be moody or possesive. Meanwhile, their co-workers sees their natural responsable, professional and serious aproach of these individuals to their work. They don't joke around. In job settings they display, all the time, this hard working persona.
Leo in the IC/Aquarius in the MC: these individuals could be seen as the star within their private circle of friends or family. The energy of this group talks about self-confidence (that can turn into ego problems sometimes), creativity, connecting with their inner child and playfulness while, in public or work settings, they tend to display not only intelligence, a unique vision or aproach to work, but also a caring and humanitarian energy. In private, they like to do things that makes them feel good about themselves, that lets them connect to their inner creativity or inner child, and only a few are allowed to see these side of them. Meanwhile, they tend to present yourself as someone original who cares about the wellbeing and success of the hole company so you apport with original ideas that shows their intelligence.
Virgo in the IC/Pisces in the MC: on their own, these people tend to be very practical, hard worker and organized. Sometimes they may look even as a controling figure or a overly critical one due to their need to check every single ditail of their personal life and home environment. They like to makes things done in a practical way that may look overly perfectionist to those closest to them. Meanwhile, in the work environment they act or appear as if they had a mystical aura around them. People will tend to proyect a certain idea of who this person is in real life but, most probably than not, their proyections will tend to be wrong or, at least, not entirely true. These natives may appear distant, empathic, mysterious, distracted, sleepy, somnolient, confused or lost in their own world in work environment. Maybe even on drugs.
Libra in the IC/Aries in the MC: this part is similar to the aries/libra dinamic but in the reverse. These individuals have an inner caring, loving, and peace-maker energy when they are alone or with close ones but, in career settings, they carry an intense and masculine energy that may appear aggresive at times. They put a lot of energy, leadership, movement and action in their work environment. Meanwhile, once they are alone, in their home, or with close ones, these individuals are the most caring and fairest people in general. They are calm and want everything to be harmonic with their personal relationships.
Scoprio in the IC/Taurus in the MC: these natives seems calm, composed, hard working, practical, and loving in every work setting. They work hard for their success, they gradually and steadilly build a legacy or rename in the company they work for. They seems more open than their true and private nature reveals. Because the truth is, with Scorpio rulling the most intimate part of ourselves, these individuals are extremely private with their intimate life. Only a very few people, family and friends that they can trust are allowed to know their deepest part of themselves, their pains and shadow self. They can be caring in their workplace but this doesn't mean that he/she is close or intimate with their co-workers. For that to happen there must trust and a lot of time of knowing each other before these natives allows you in their life.
Sagittarius in the IC/Gemini in the MC: these people act chatty, intelligent, knowledgeable and open to any kind of conversation in a public or career settings. They are smart, whitty, adaptable to any situation, and quick so they know how to answer any kind of question. Despite the intelligence and knowledge they show on public settings, this people tend to have an inner yearning to learn more things, either by studying more or travelling to other places to learn more things, even though it may seem as if they know a lot already. Along with this, they could have an inner belief system within themselves about God or humanity in general that could surprise people and an humorous side that they only show in closed settings such as their home or with friends.
Capricorn in the IC/Cancer in the MC: this is the opposite of the Cancer/Capricorn duo. In these cases, the individuals who have Cancer as the sign rulling their MC are seen in public or career settings as someone motherly, someone who is emotionally invested in the work he/she does in the company or in their own proyects. It affects them deeply when they make a mistake or are not able to fulfill perfectly the work they are asked to do. On private, they are very serious and responsable. They work hard behind the scenes in everything they do because there is a lot of responsabilities for this natives. That's why they are very private with their feelings even with his/her friends and family. Only a small selection of them are allowed to know their intimate thoughts and feelings.
Aquarius in the IC/Leo in the MC: people with Leo in MC are, in general, very popular or they tend to become well known in their jobs pretty fast because a lot of people tend to admire their aparent charisma, confidence, talent, warm, and bright personality a lot. Some people could see them as egocentric or self-centered due to this but, on private settings, they can be the most caring people of them all despite that they doesn't like as nurturing or caring as a water o earth sign. In private settings or, on their own, they prefer to socialise or try to help other people through social media, working in humanitarian causes, and, most probably than not, they have an intelligent, revolutionary, and "weird" side to them (in the best way) that they don't display on public. Only to their closest ones.
Pisces in the IC/Virgo in the MC: these natives are very down to earth, hard-working, practical, grounded, and detail-oriented in a work setting. They put all their effort in their careers, they want every detail resolved so everything can be perfect which, in extremes cases, can make them look overly critical in the eyes of their co-workers. Because, in many cases, they don't like others, or themselves, to commit a mistake. Maybe it won't look like it to others, but in private they are very dreamy, imaginative, emphatic, and sensible. In private, they tend to let their sensible and imaginative side take course so he/she can escape a little bit of the harsh reality of life. They could enjoy reading, listening music, drink or, maybe, doing some spiritual practices that helps them to connect to their intuitive side and helps them to recharge.
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catboybiologist · 1 year
has anyone ever told you that you're perfect as a biological man and you should learn to love yourself as the man that you are????
so cw for discussions of transphobia and all that. So first off, yes, but I'm still trans. End of that discussion.
But anyways, I got this and a similar ask back to back, from either a transphobe or a troll making a weird joke. While the asks themselves are uninteresting, they made me want to talk about something that's been brewing in my head a while. And that's how the phrases "biological man" and "biological woman" make no goddamn sense, as a biologist. So I'm gonna use this ask as starting point to launch into that greater discussion- I'm not really responding to the asks itself, more dumping some thoughts I've had kicking around for a while. (Also sorry this blog is so transfemme language centered sometimes, I'm just writing from my perspective and don't want to exclude anyone I'm sorry. The rest of this post will be from a transfemme perspective but applies to transmascs as well for testosterone and other elements of ftm transition).
The reason it doesn't make sense to me is like, what exactly do you mean by biological? You're describing a massive biological system, and all of its components. So let's dissect what you could mean by "biological".
Obviously you're not talking about the entire human biochemical system, because biology includes our thoughts and behavior. So if someone socially or identity transitions, we're already eliminating some biological factors from what we consider as "biological" here.
Soft tissue secondary sex characteristics are easily acquired by HRT. Shit, I have some breasts growing already, and I'm 4.5 weeks in. So that can't be what you're talking about.
So maybe you're talking functional genetics? Well if we wanna talk that way, we gotta talk about gene regulation. The entire point of taking HRT is the change patterns in gene expression across the body, suppressing genes associated with masculine secondary sex characteristics and promoting genes associated with feminine secondary sex characteristics. Estrogen, like any hormone, is a signalling molecule that is trafficked between cells and across the body. Its job is to kick off a network of downstream signals that carry out a variety of individual functions. So in terms of active genes, a trans person on HRT will functionally be the sex of their target gender.
Okay okay, maybe for some reason you don't care if they're off or on, if you have a gene that has the potential to make you male, you're a man, dammit! Well, as mentioned before, everyone has the genes required to give you secondary sex characteristics of either sex. So under that definition, everyone is biologically both a man and a woman at the same time. And also biologically cancer. Not "biologically has cancer", biologically IS cancer. Also, we're all every organ all at once everywhere on our body. Changing patterns in gene expression are how one organ differentiates from another, and how many visible traits arise. As mentioned earlier, this includes many genes responsible for secondary sex characteristics.
But chromosomes! Y chromosome is a man! The only reason the X and Y chromosomes have relevance to sex determination is due to the Sry gene, which is linked to the Y chromosome. Why is this the case? Well, your chromosomes are paired. Normally, pairs of chromosomes are the same size and have the same genes. This is helpful, because it means you can have two copies of every gene- if one becomes nonfunctional, you have a backup, or you can express multiple spicy variants of the same gene. Somewhere in our evolutionary history, one of these pairs of chromosomes experienced a large scale deletion, causing many of these genes to be missing. It's fine if you have the backup copies on the other chromosome- but some kind of patch needs to be developed to help make sure that, on average, most offspring have at least one copy of the full chromosome. So, the individuals that linked the Sry gene to the Y chromosome, the chopped-up version of the chromosome, passed down some offspring. But there's nothing intrinsic about why it has to be this way- most animals don't have chromosomal sex determination at all. Even in mammals its fairly common for an X chromosome to grab the Sry gene, creating a phenotypic male with an XX karyotype. It's an evolutionary patch, nothing more, and a rule that is frequently broken. And if we want to talk about evolutionary patches being biological determinism… well then let's start talking about how vitamin C deficiency is the "biologically mandated" state of the human. And besides, chromosome structure is really mostly relevant for how it functionally affects gene expression, and we already talked about how gene expression is changed by HRT here.
Alright, alright dammit. I'm talking about the genitals, dammit. If you have a penis you're a man! Okay great. Tell me if you would classify post-SRS women as "biological" women then. Also, we're really starting to reach here.
Fine! I'm talking about bone structure and bone structure alone! I mean yeah, some elements of bone structure will always remain in someone that's had testosterone in their system long enough- its rock deposits in your body after all, its difficult to reverse. But some don't! Even adults on transfemme HRT experience hip widening, changes in height, and other changes in their bones (they just take a LONG time, and I've often ranted about the massive amount of misinformation regarding how long HRT takes to show its full effects). Additionally, there's plenty of surgeries for facial structures- is FFS the true hallmark of a "biological" woman? And also… no matter what metric you start drawing lines on here, you're gonna end up excluding some cis women as well.
To be abundantly clear, NONE of this is to say that you aren't valid if you aren't medically transitioning. What I'm doing here is pointing out that "biological" is a useless, overexpansive, arbitrary adjective that, even using the most transphobic definitions, still includes most trans people. The line is drawn… somewhere in here, to them. And more often than not, it will be drawn wherever excludes the most trans people, which will invariably exclude some cis people, and they'll all eat each other alive.
The reality is that "man" and "woman" are useful conventions that can be generally applied to classify most people into one category or another. And that's not unique to gender, it's literally how language works. As with pretty much any linguistic classification, its observational, not prescriptive. When thinking up of names for animals, we don't think up of a definition first, we see a group of animals that share similar traits and then think up of a name that will represent that species. But then, if we find more edge cases later, or an edge case becomes more prominent, we either adjust the definition or subdivide the group further with accurate terminology. Imagine if, around the time humanity discovered weasels, we made a definition of weasels that only included the European Mink. Then we found the least weasel, and people started crusading about how its "not biologically a weasel" and "defend weaselkind". It's just so… arbitrary. Where it begins and ends is up to us as a society, and linguistics, meaning that "biological" as an adjective here isn't doing much.
What is a woman? Well, some combination of the factors above, and many, many more I didn't talk about here. It's a classification cluster of people exhibiting certain traits that is not easily reducible to a simple adjective. And guess what, so is literally anything we see in the world. What is a race? What is a nationality? What is a species? What is continent? There are useful, simple definitions for each of these things- and those definitions are helpful on a first pass! But once you start to examine it more closely, that utility breaks down, and you have to get more nuanced. Which is exactly what happens for trans people, but for some reason, people aren't willing to have that conversation in the same way we're able to have quirky debates over whether or not Australia counts as a continent or an island.
I want to develop these thoughts further at some point, but I hope this is at least a good summary of my perspective on all this, as a biology grad student, and I hope that some people find utility and comfort in my explanation!
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lilithess · 2 years
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capricorn suns are super wild (!!!) and easy to click with. nowhere near the boring capricorn stereotype. they are hardworking, reliable and tough people, but FUN! they have this motherly aura, more so than cancers. a capricorn to me is like a middle aged woman who decided to go wild after a few glasses of wine. and they’re not as judgmental as people claim them to be. the judgy rigid part that everyone talks about goes more for cap moons and mercuries.
aquarius loves a bit of drama (especially men) and wants attention (especially women), but not in a “in your face” way, not in a desperate way. they will keep their cool at all times, it’s like they’re constantly trying to maintain a persona. but if you read between the lines, you’ll notice the competitivness and ego trips. they all have a little “notice me” sittin inside. leo is just more open about it. aquarius men are highly unbothered. aquarius women remind me of closeted scorpio women.
comparing virgo men and virgo women. i don’t know a single nitpicky virgo man. they’re actually all so different. if i met a virgo man, i’d had never guessed it’s him because there’s nothing really that stands out as a common trait. women share the intensity and are incredibly smart and shrewd. i think this sign’s intelligence goes unnoticed. it gives such a “quality” person, even tho the nitpicking can be annoying
geminis can lack a backbone and boundaries a lot, especially at young age. not sure what’s with the “player” stereotype bc i can’t imagine being manipulated by a gemini (especially a guy). they’re honestly kids. however, the gemini as in the sign itself and what it represents has a sort of dangerous potential. they can really be indifferent about matters that i’ve seen no one else be so indifferent about. sort of like “who cares so why not?” lifestyle. they’ll laugh at their own pain like it’s nothing so why not at yours? they have a troll like nature to them and their curiosity has no limits. can be a very dark sign who, for some reason, is considered a light social butterfly.
no one attracts jealousy as well as a leo placement, especially leo rising, venus, and preferably leo stellium. i know a leo rising and that energy ate up her whole chart. no mind her virgo or 12H placements, she’s just OUT THERE in the spotlight always stealing the show. however, i think leo’s intelligence should be apreciated more bc these people are really more than just a diva in a leopard crop top. i’ve seen leo placements dumb themselves down (very annoying) and honestly they can be very naive. the sun shines light at every other planet in our solar system, not the other way around. i think people forget that no matter how much leo seeks attention, they are also the ones giving it to others.
i know mutables are rumored to change the most, but scorpio’s ability to just… change their entire life, identity and being can make you wonder wheather you even knew the person or not. i had a scorpio sun, mercury, mars and ascendant bestie who went from being a rebellious femme fatale who wouldn’t leave the house without make up; wore heels to high school and messed with other people’s relationships for fun - to a stay at home “wifey” with no social life and a man who’s probably not even going to marry her. no one even hears from her anymore. scorpios really die and reborn a completely different person. it’s not the little changes that mutables do on a daily base or just mid conversation. it’s a whole other person.
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ohmerricat · 7 months
half the traits people hate about 13’s character and label ‘inconsistencies’ are just part of her personality and they’re pretty clearly written as consistent flaws particular to this regeneration. you just can’t bear to see your beloved iconic protagonist as a complex woman. everyone and their mother loves to talk about the graham-cancer-socially-awkward scene being one of the lowest points of her tenure but i’m adamant that it’s fine writing and most importantly fits the type of person that she is: a genius autistic blabbermouth who can conjure up a powerful rousing speech at will when faced with a life-or-death crisis but can’t deal with small-scale emotional moments to save her life or anyone else’s. she’s a bit of a bastard. far better with machines (this includes the tardis) than with people (this also includes the tardis). feral child. wacky tour guide. emotionally distant aunt. she’s still my least favourite nuwho doctor because somebody has to be last on the list, but that doesn’t mean i don’t love her. consider watching her series with your eyes and mind open next time
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i think you dont quite understand what real feminism strives to do. i think you might be a little confused by the name. real feminists understand that men are harmed by patriarchal expectations, we care for the toxicity men are forced to perform to fit in, we mourn the men who think the only way out is suicide.
we advocate for conversations about subjects taboo between men: testicular cancer, prostate problems, breast cancer. however women cant just forgive and forget the systematic violence that is inflicted on us every day. you cant blame them for being wary. but real feminists do care for you.
i think you dont quite understand what real feminism strives to do
I don't think you've considered how the definition of "real" feminism you have accepted came about, or taken the time to objectively ask why and how it deviates so wildly from all real world feminist activism in practice.
i think you might be a little confused by the name.
I think you might be a little confused about reality.
real feminists understand that men are harmed by patriarchal expectations
Patriarchy, at least in the sense you are using the word, is a feminist construct, and I'm not a feminist, so I don't accept the ideological framework from which you are starting out. Only people indoctrinated by feminism believe that all societies and civilizations around the world are part of a secret worldwide conspiracy set up to benefit all men through the exploitation and oppression of all women. Any person with a working brain and pair of eyes can look around their own life and realize this is not the case, and that there is no historical evidence of any kind of any point in history in which men suddenly "woke up" from the imaginary Matriarchy, like Ken in the Barbie movie, and decided to come together to wage war upon the female of the species.
"Men", as a class are not oppressing or brutalizing "women" as a class, and in fact such behaviour is very rare in any woman's day to day interactions in the western world, so to actually claim that western society, which feminists call a "patriarchy", should best be defined and categorized in this way is delusional and completely at odds with real life.
we care for the toxicity men are forced to perform to fit in
"Toxic Masculinity" is yet another uniquely feminist invention, and a particularly mean-spirited one, in that, as with the concept of "patriarchy", it simply blames "men" for everything bad that happens to any man, and so the only "help" or "care" it offers is to tell men it's collectively all "their" fault. Masculinity is not toxic, any more than femininity is toxic: both are simply names for recognizable traits seen in both sexes across all societies and periods of history.
we mourn the men who think the only way out is suicide.
I've never seen a feminist mourn for men who commit suicide. But I've literally seen hundreds and hundreds of feminists gleefully celebrate any and all men suffering and dying. There are thousands of examples of this on this very website, and, without exception, all of them are carried out exclusively by people identifying as feminist.
This itself should be enough to make you question your starting assumptions about the movement, because other people don't do that: it is only the teachings of feminist propaganda that makes people behave that way. So once again, the claims you are making here run entirely contrary to actual, empirical reality.
we advocate for conversations about subjects taboo between men: testicular cancer, prostate problems, breast cancer.
Feminists do literally nothing to actively help men in any real-world way at all, other than, as stated above, informing them that whatever is happening to them is collectively their own fault, and attempting to emasculate them by making them view and talk about themselves as women, because feminists refuse to accept that many sex differences in behaviour are the result of millions of years of evolution, rather than being "societal constructs". Because of this flaw in their worldview, even the most well-meaning of them are incapable of seeing men as anything but faulty women.
Here's an idea for you: men are around 80% of all suicides: if feminists really did care about this, and were "mourning" every man planning to take his life, they would simply offer to listen to men in need and help out in any way they can, with warmth and love and understanding, and without any ideological framing and indoctrination and victim blaming. Men are 80% of the homeless: If feminists really did care about men, they would organize at head office to go around feeding those men or taking them home and giving them a bath and a bed.
But feminists have never done this and will never do this. Because "feminist" is the word the world has for people who have been rendered incapable of caring for men.
women cant just forgive and forget the systematic violence that is inflicted on us every day.
You mean "systemic", but even so, there is no systemic OR systematic violence being "inflicted" on women every day in any western nation, and it's hysterical nonsense to claim such a thing. Women have more legal rights, privileges and special protections than men in every first world country, so once again the claims you are making here are actually the inverse of any objective appraisal of the facts.
real feminists do care for you.
Real feminists - the ones who teach gender studies classes, write feminist textbooks, organize feminist marches and slutwalks and are active in any meaningful way in the movement - don't care for me at all: they have, instead, been taught to hate and blame me for every real and imagined inconvenience they come across in their lives, even though they may have never met me or spoken to me. This is precisely the same way that the Nazis viewed and spoke about the Jews, and that is why I say feminism is a hate movement.
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fate-motif · 1 year
here's the character traits i think predisposes characters in the jigsaw franchise to get brainwashed by jigsaw and become a jigsaw killer themselves:
they have to believe that they did something wrong, and that they atoned for it when jigsaw tested them
they have to be already somewhat comfortable making life or death decisions for other people
we all know pee-paw's self-help seminar from hell isn't just an alleged self-help seminar, but doubles as retributive justice in case the person fails (in his eyes). so whoever is offered to join up with jigsaw has to be comfortable with both sides of the ideological operation in play. it's not enough that they were severely traumatized and have a hole in their lives that they could fill by being part of this cult, though those things really predisposes them for the brainwashing. multiple characters were targeted to join the jigsaw movement and did not feel the vibe, so i think i have it isolated to these two traits.
further thoughts under the cut
how we see this in the apprentices
this puts all three main character mainline franchise jigsaw apprentices in a very clear light, really. amanda thinks john helped her overcome her addiction and redeemed her for the things she did as an addict. lawrence acknowledges how he neglected his family and took them for granted so hard that he cut off his foot for them even though there was no guarantee they would be alive when he got out. hoffman is perhaps the one that feels he owes john the least (since he at least partially came in on the scheme purely through blackmail) but considering his intense passion for brutally punishing the guilty i think it's safe to say john testing him jolted him out of the apathetic, drunken stupor he had been living in since his sister was killed, and that he thinks that's a good thing.
(your mileage may vary as to whether logan nelson blamed himself for john's cancer going undetected, but as a coroner he seems to take his job extremely seriously. if john sparing his life caused him to take action in appreciating his life in any way, i think it's fair to say that it got him to give his everything when at work.)
and as for the life or death decision making for others, it's crystal clear at least to me why the people that joined up did. two are doctors and one is a cop. these are professions where making life or death decisions for others is required, even if you're doing everything you can to save someone's life. amanda isn't either a cop or a doctor but having been an ex-con i think it's safe to say the high risk environment may have predisposed her to feel more comfortable taking decisions that may lead to someone's death.
and it's not really a coincidence that it's cops and doctors, either. both policing and healthcare are embedded in the themes of the saw franchise. john kramer thinks jigsaw is a doctor that doubles as a cop; healing a sickness if the patient is worthy, killing them if they aren't. that's why i think a lot of traps that people like to claim 'don't work' because the players aren't being tested for a flaw or misdeed still suit the jigsaw ethos perfectly. because pee-paw may act high and mighty but what matters most to him is the retributive justice aspect of the traps. and this is the same for all his apprentices as well.
except for brad and ryan, really, but they're more than anything victims of saw 3d's rushed writing. they're only there to help lawrence stop hoffman, since a disabled oncologist might struggle to take down the armed and dangerous cop turned serial killer. even then i can sort of squint and see those two as thanking jigsaw for intervening on letting this one woman ruin their friendship and make them commit crimes when she didn't value them. the atoning aspect, weak as it is, may be complimented by the fact that jigsaw just netted himself a couple of honest-to-god psychopaths because they didn't look even a little remorseful to have to kill their girlfriend when they reached their truce. oh, well.
but what i like about my conclusions is that they really explain why the victims who were set up to be brainwashed failed
not every jigsaw game victim would make a good apprentice
yes, up front: john kramer has lost his mind when he thinks anyone would ever want to join his sick little crusade. most people do not want to kill and can't find killing in most capacities to be vile. also most people's reactions after being tortured would be to immediately try and attack their torturer. and yet the madman actually netted three people to help him out. it's such an insanely lucky number, really, proven by the fact that hoffman tries to recruit two cops and fails.
two cops. one of them had engaged in police brutality, let a colleague cover for him, and respected and defended colleagues that engaged in it. the other one may have been a little too classy to punch suspects in the face, but the way he treats jill tuck speaks to the opposite of any respect for people's dignity. both of them are fine murdering jigsaw game victims who were only attacking under the extreme circumstanced they were in! and yet they didn't even hesitate when hoffman tried to sell them on the life of being jigsaw, the ultimate policeman!
because neither of them thought they had anything to atone for.
while rigg has an entire library of things to atone for, what hoffman wants him to regret and feel bad for is letting his desire to save people affect the people around him. maybe if hoffman had any kind of emotional intelligence he could have pitched his traps to make him consider his actions on others, but instead all his arguments came down to 'look at these weak, pathetic people. they're sick, deep down, so it doesn't matter if they die when we torture them'. which rigg was never going to believe. he saw his desire to save people as innately good and unchangeable, which is correct, of course. it's just that the actions he takes are absolutely hopeless to actually save anyone in hoffman's eyes, because that desire makes him careless but in mine because policing saves no one. so of course he could never have become a jigsaw killer, because his traps did not make him think he had something to atone for.
as for strahm, hoffman didn't even bother brainwashing him, and that's why obviously he was never going to get in that coffin. the water cube trap was a straightforward execution. strahm had already seen a jigsaw trap mutilate perez for no reason other than to get them off his trail. by the time he reaches the coffin there was nothing in the world that could have convinced strahm to join hoffman.
it really speaks to how far gone and twisted hoffman is that in either of these cases, especially strahm's, hoffman thought there would be a chance either of them would even think about joining forces with him.
could any other jigsaw victims have made good apprentices?
i have a couple of ideas.
before we get to the candidates i'm going to address the apprentice adam angle, because it's a common au and everyone loves adam and wants him to be alive. also because it's a fun angle for chainshipping. this is your opening to send me chainshipping fanworks where larry tries to brainwash adam into joining him! but as it stands in canon i don't think adam would have found it in him to join the serial killers because he's not the kind of guy with a developed killer instinct. yes, he's depressed and suicidal in the original script. yes, the bathroom game makes him say out loud he wants to stop taking his family for granted. but he killed zepp in the very urgent scenario of trying to stop zepp from shooting lawrence, and i don't think he has it in him to deliberately put people in torture games where it's very likely they'll die. especially since, before jigsaw, adam had never met anyone he would actually find it in him to kill on purpose. though neither had lawrence, so i will give the adam apprentice girlies a point there.
the writers of the first movie say that zepp was having a blast when he kidnapped gordon’s family so he’s clearly he’s got the killer instinct needed for the job. the problem is that even john would be able to tell by a glance that zepp wouldn’t be able to stop himself from indiscriminately harming people as opposed to using violence for their ideological leanings. there’s a reason he was poisoned instead of merely asked to join. so while a rare find in that he might have already been primed to be a serial killer already, we all know john loves his delusion of doing violence for a higher purpose and zepp would ruin that illusion very quickly.
the only candidates i think would have been perfect otherwise would be brit and mallick from the fatal five. i've mentioned this before but they feel like they've atoned for their crimes through their game and were delusionally euphoric by the end of it. and so long as the victims chosen were on the scummier end of things, i could see both of them prompted into villainy.
you know who else got prompted into villainy? brett abbott. which is kind of insane to say considering he's a kid and i feel for him even though he did literally murder a man. it's just very hard for me to hate a kid suffering under institutional injustices even though he let that suffering out through murder. but all i'm saying is that under the right trap brett and the fatal five survivors were the more ideal candidates for apprenticeship... if only john was there.
yeah. hoffman doesn't have it in him to coax anyone into anything. he's a homemade nail bomb, not a leader. he would probably even dismiss brit and mallick right off the bat over their now missing hands, and you can't tell me he would have the patience to groom a teenager like brett. amanda and lawrence are also not exactly winning in the charm department. so really once the cult's charismatic leader kicked the bucket their way of life was doomed to eat itself from the inside out.
which is exactly what happened.
... don't ask me to think very hard about anyone in jigsaw because i've forgotten 95% of that movie
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