#canon vs non canon
pricklypear1997 · 2 years
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The real Arya VS HBO’s Arya. No hate towards Maisie Williams. I have a feeling part of the reason she did not like the role she played was because of how her character was written to be so toxic, as well for constantly wearing the same drab outfit and with dirt smothered on her face constantly for like 4 seasons which can really hurt someone’s self esteem. It’s a tragic thing of what the show did to Arya. A serious insult to the fans and character. I’ll never forgive dumb and dumber. I think about that scene of her and Gendry (s8 ep 2) and more and more I start to suspect it was kinda rapey ngl. Like she just took advantage of him. Yeah he “wanted” it in the end, but like, she didn’t even ask for consent. It just came off so fucking aggressive. I hate how they made her all “dommy mommy” and kinda implied that stupid Hollywood trope of “hahaha man getting raped is funny”. Like bro, in the books, Arya constantly gets threatened by disgusting creeps and rapists. She literally has ptsd from being a child slave and having to work with murderers and RAPISTS. The show was a complete assassination on her character, and as a victim of abuse personally, I take offense to it. The show has a huge fetish with rape and disempowering females and making them do horrific things. It’s disgusting. No wonder Masie hated the role.
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years
Canonn =/= good and non canon =/= bad
GT bring non canon doesn't make it worse than Super
True, GT being "non-canon" to the main continuity does not make it worse than Super. The contents of GT make it worse than Super. For me at least.
What I dislkke the most is how the characters are depicted and mishandled in GT. The Super anime continuity (which consists of DBS: Broly & Super Hero) is far better in that regard and in some other places. However, the DBS manga continuity might be worse than GT imo. Mainly due to characterizations. With a character driven series like Dragon Ball, getting the characters and personalities wrong is a huge misstep.
Link to where I explain why I dislike characterization of certain characters in GT.
So, I personally think both GT and the DBS Super manga continuity (which Toyotaro often takes inspiration from GT when writing) fail in comparison to the DBS anime continuity.
Also, this whole canon & non-canon stuff is so silly. As I've said before, things are canon to their own continuity.
GT is canon to its continuity, Super is canon to the main continuity. And something that confuses a lot of ppl is the fact that Super has 2 continuities; anime/animated movies & manga.
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sebaztianlovesgeek · 9 months
(in no particular order)
Ciel hires a random naked dog man who can turn into a giant wolf to be his servant even though he literally does nothing around the manor and just hangs out with Finny all the time
Finny forms a crush on a character we later find out is an angel named Angela and after the dog village arc ends we never hear of his crush again
For the most part the curry arc is the same, but for some reason they decided to change the ending. In the manga Lau and Ranmao killed Nina and her husband, in the anime everyone becomes evil by eating curry, and Sebastian had to feed them all his curry buns to turn them all good again, WHAT??
Sebastian has sex with a Nun in some cult church
Angela took Vincent and Rachel's bodies and stitched them into a weird Frankenstein looking thing because apparently that would combine their souls in the afterlife so they could be together forever
Also the whole thing with Ciel being kidnapped by the cult is never explained despite Queen Victoria and Angela being responsible for the death of his parents, therefore you'd think they'd also be responsible for the whole cult thing? But they would have no reason to sell a 10 year old to be abused by a cult-
Ash (aka Angela because they're the same person) turns Queen Victoria into A FREAKING LOLI
Ciel is framed for drug trafficking
Sebastian is arrested and kept in a torture dungeon for like 3 days where he is BDSM whipped by Angela for some reason
Fred Abberline dies
Fred before he dies mentions he doesn't have any family yet he has a brother who shows up in season 2-
Lau and Ranmao die yet they also show up in season 2
Lizzy gets kidnapped by a doll man and is almost turned into a doll zombie (not a bizarre doll just a doll zombie)
Sebastian ditches Ciel in France for some reason
Ciel finds Undertaker on some random boat and then Undertaker tells him he's gonna freakin' die
London is on fucking fire
Who caused the fire? Pluto. And thats the only part of the story where he is relevant
The final fight between Sebastian and Ash/Angela is fucking awesome though
In season 2 Ciel is just in a suitcase and has amnesia
Alois pokes Hannah's eye out for spilling a drink or something
Ciel and Lizzy try to find a deer or something and everyone thinks they're gonna break up after just 1 argument
Lau even started a gambling thing where people put down their bets on whether or not Ciel and Lizzy were gonna break up
Some weird old lady set random people on fire because she didn't like her husband, for some reason the fire disintegrated the souls so Grell couldn't collect them which doesn't make sense
Some weird bullshit happens on a train with a Pharaoh, a murderer and Sebastian being cool like always
Alois has a dress up party at his house
Soma and Agni cry because Ciel has amnesia
Soma is dressed up as Sherlock Holmes even though black butler takes place before that came out
Lizzy dresses up as a Native American, lets just say she's lucky Twitter didn't exist in the Victorian Era
Kinda like the whole curry thing everyone turns evil except its from music from a magic instrument Hannah plays and not curry, and Sebastian stops it by playing his own music kind of like the final battle in Equestria Girls Rainbow Rocks
Alois crossdresses and turns Ciel bi curious
Sebastian and Claude have sexual tension in the lake
Ciel and Alois have a sword fight, Ciel is thrown off a balcony and Alois is stabbed
We soon find out about Alois' backstory and it's actually quite sad and hits a bit close to home for me, I won't go into detail but the poor kids been through a lot, Alois is genuinely an interesting and kind of well written character its a shame he was put in the non canon pile of shite
Claude then crushed Alois' skull and takes his soul and puts it in a ring
Kids are getting their eyeballs ripped out and apparently Alois is doing all of this, but for some reason Scotland yard THINKS CIEL IS ALOIS WHICH IS SO DUMB BECAUSE THEY'VE BEEN WORKING WITH HIM EVER SINCE HE BECAME THE QUEENS CORGI GUARD DOG
He is taken to some doctor and is dumped into a pool of gatorade to fuse his and Alois' souls
Ciel's backstory is basically half of Alois' and half of Ciel's and thinks Sebastian killed his brother Luca
Ciel doesn't like Claude because Claude is a goober
Hannah does a weird thing with Ciel she like... Possesses him? And his eyeball appears in her mouth or something? I had no idea what was going on
Soon it is revealed Hannah was the one who ate Luca's soul and is now feeling like a mother figure for Alois because of it
Grell shows up again (yay) and she keeps trying to take sexy photos of Sebastian
Soon Claude and Sebastian end up at a maze thingy and they need to answer trivia questions to get to Alois/Ciel's soul
Soon they go to some demon island and they end up fighting using a demon sword while Ciel and Alois talk about shit in some void
Claude fucking dies (rip goober)
Alois' soul is finally set free and the poor kid gets to be with his little brother again
Hannah turns Ciel into a demon so Sebastian can no longer eat his soul so Sebastian just becomes Ciel's butler for all eternity and I lowkey feel bad for him, because yeah eating childrens souls is wrong but BRO WORKED SO HARD HE LITERALLY BANGED A NUN FOR THIS CHILD AND THIS IS THE THANKS HE GETS??
Ciel and Sebastian fake their death, the end of season 2 and a few years after that the ACTUAL CONTINUATION OF THE CANON PARTS come out
Ciel in wonderland is very silly
Sebastian as the rabbit is hot for some reason, does that make me a furry?
There is a lot of weird fan service, for example Ranmao keeps shoving her boobs and butt into Ciel's face... LADY THAT IS A 13 YEAR OLD YOU CANT DO THAT-
I'm glad it wasn't canon because I love Ranmao and she would never do that in canon
Madame Red as the queen of hearts is very cool
Weebalu already mentioned this but I wish J Michael Tatum (Sebastian's dub voice actor) did a Alice In Wonderland audiobook in the Sebastian voice
The one where Ciel puts on a play for hamlet was funny, the part where they're practicing is funny because its like an actual theatre club
Soma and Agni are the kids who are always eating, Ciel is the kid who just sucks at acting, Grell is the one who is great at acting but is very annoying and Sebastian is the theatre teacher who wants to commit kms because of all of these stupid kids
Ranmao is seaweed
Grell tries to commit incest during the play-
The special where its basically a 'behind the scenes' thing kind of like an actor AU
Sebastian is a fucking 2010's boy band looking lad
Grell is just amazing in this
In the final "trailer" Grell got pregnant, Queen Victoria built a giant robot, Claude tried to destroy the world with the fucking moon, Hannah... Uhhh lets not talk about what she did, a whole load of "I am your father" type plot twists took place and Alois was Ciel and Sebastian's great great great great great great grand-
The special where theres this character who's basically a self insert but she's a white girl so if you're not either of those its kind of hard getting into it (cries in gay guy)
The POV shots look like something out of Dora The Explorer
Soma wants to marry us for some reason, I wouldn't mind that he's cute
We also get kidnapped by Viscous Druitt for no reason and then Sebastian and Grell save us from a boat in the middle OF THE OCEAN
Finally Will The Reaper (I'm sure there are more specials but I'm lazy)
Grelliam galore
Probably one of the best specials because Grell and William are the main focus and they're just the absolute best
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horse-head-farms · 8 months
watching xB’s episode one and at one point Keralis and xB are flirting and talking about xB’s beautiful hole but they’re in a team with Joe and Xisuma who are just dead silent the entire exchange and just awkwardly start talking again as soon as the flirting has stopped LMAO
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plusultraetc · 6 months
ask game!! fake dating real feelings. sounds like some good quality fluff!!!
AH OKAY SO this one is a relatively new WIP and it's a little out of my wheelhouse ngl, but I Love Them and so I am writing it anyway lol. It's also incredibly canon divergent. Like, we've left canon in the rearview, we're borderline making stuff up at this point.
Early 20s erasermic, Aizawa ends up meeting eight year old Shinsou through a case, and in an effort to keep the Commission from squirreling him and his brainwashing quirk away somewhere, decides to foster a child. The problem is, Aizawa lives out of a suitcase in a barren apartment, which means:
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Cue Aizawa and Mic committing like. Way too much to their pretend relationship while somehow remaining oblivious to each other's feelings. Aizawa's like "wow, Yamada is really good at pretending to be in love with me. And pretending to be in love with him is really easy. I will at no point consider this any more closely."
(Have some Aizawa hiding in the bathroom while the Commission's '''social worker''' visits Mic's apartment bc if there's one thing this fic is it's fun to write :D)
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nonuel · 7 months
mass effect fandom typically has no problem disregarding or rewriting portions of canon, but one thing i have almost never seen touched is the friendship between garrus and shepard. so here is a poll because i am genuinely curious. i tried to be as expansive as poll limitations allowed, but since we are already throwing out canon i recognize there are a lot of variances that haven't been included. because of that, i would particularly like it if people elaborated about their non-romantic relationship with garrus in the tags, comments, or reblogs - especially if you are someone who has voted for any of the non-friend options. thanks for your time!
this post is not meant to be garrus critical. garrus enjoyers are welcome to participate in the poll, i only ask that you are respectful toward other people who may not have him as their favorite, or who may just simply roleplay a shepard that does not have him as their (best) friend for whatever reason.
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Ohohoho I am planning something diabolical. green fans will hate me
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iron-bundle · 5 months
i will never understand the lack of book/michael fics out there like disco has given us so much for them esp because book doesnt even show up in the top 10 of disco characters on ao3 even tho he's helped a ton with michael's character development and is so interesting in his own right
how do book and michael as a ship only have 54 fics but owo/detmer has 200+????
i love ash and pike and i understand why they both have so many fics with michael but pike knew her for all of one season and whatever he heard through spock and ash and michael were so fucking unhealthy. book is so healthy for michael and so good for her and they have so much space where people could write fics for them but they gets jack and shit in comparison to other ships.
also they stay friends after they break up and its so clear they still have unresolved feelings and fanfic writers are so good at exploring that in the ways shows dont!!!
one of the het ships in star trek ever to me
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canadianlucifer · 7 months
While I was reading Blue Exorcist I didn't fully register just how dark the Illuminati arc was, but watching it animated... holy shit.
I could not imagine going through what Izumo has and is going through. And being in the place of any of the other students? Dealing with unkillable regenerating zombies speaking to me in broken up bits saying they want to go home? Having so much pressure to do things most adults wouldn't be able to do? AT 15 YEARS OLD??
I feel like this is the turning point for the series bc it goes from "heehoo funny with epic fights and some character bonding" to "everyone you love is going to die if you don't fight right now. This world is bleak and horrifying under the thin veil we have created and the fate of it rests on your shoulders, all of you."
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UDLTTOM WORLDBUILDING RAMBLES: American Wizarding Society vs British Wizarding Society
This is like the 3rd installment of what is quickly becoming a series of long ranting posts about the lore surrounding Harry Potter & a current time-travel au I'm writing on AO3. But you don't need to have read the previous two posts to understand this one. (I still link them for those interested: pt 1, pt 2, pt. 3.) .
I think it's been fairly established that JK doesn't have much awareness of anything outside of Britain when it comes to world building. I've seen posts discussing how unrealistic the magical schools are and such. (Which obviously there can't be just 11 schools. I refuse to believe it. It exceeds my suspension of disbelief.) But this post isn't about that, but the whole societal structure of the American Wizarding society as a whole. I recently started watching my through the Fantastic Beasts films (I know I'm late to the show.) and as an American I can't help but to address some of this...
There's a lot to address & I'm sorry if this post gets a off on some tangents. But I'm just gonna jump right in with the things that bother me most.
1)The MACUSA reeks of British colonization.
As we all know, North America wasn't unpopulated when people from Europe started arriving. Native Americans, the Mayans, the Aztecs, Inuit people, and while some of them were nomadic others had established cities & advanced communities for that day in age. It was the religious zealot Protestants, aka Puritians, being driven out of England that pushed into these communities and brought with them this harmful religious dogma and pushed these people out of the homes and their lands. Like if you read into any of these cultures and their histories, you'll see that these communities were accepting of magic and in the HP world were probably very much wizards themselves.
And so the MACUSA doesn't make sense to me having been founded before the American Revolution, but after the Salem Witch Trials because in all likelihood wizards were being persecuted long before all that. Like I can't believe that the indigenous communities wouldn't have formed some sort of collective in order to combat these foreign invaders from overseas—Especially if they were wizards.
I mean so there had to be something before that, right? Like in all likelihood what I see happening is that these British wizards pushed themselves in with the Puritians (for whatever reason) and in the process brought with them their backwards views on muggles & blood politics & classism which wasn't a part of the original society. Because if you look at the indigenous histories you'll see that medicine men/women were respected members of their communities. Wizards and Muggles lived alongside each other just fine. But then the colonizers came & ruined that harmonious dynamic between the magical and nonmagical.
And that it's called the Magical Congress of the United States of America...It doesn't make sense unless that name came about after the American Revolution. Because before that it was referred to as the 13 colonies. Then it also took some time after the American Revolution for the 13 colonies to expand into the United States. (American didn't get all 50 states until 1959 with the purchase of Alaska from Russia and the forceful occupation of Hawaii.)
It makes more sense that there was a power struggle between two or more opposing Magical governments for the control of the Americas. And this would lead to a sort of Wizarding Civil War. Between the indigenous magical communities and the British, & Spanish, & French Colonies. It's a big place, huge. & it would be diced up and divided I think much more than than the muggle/no-maj community/government is.
The MACUSA being only on the East Coast makes more sense to me. (It also explains how there can only be one wizarding school in MA.) And how that school is a sister school of Hogwarts & how they are structured so similarly. Because watching the Fantastic Beasts films I don't feel like I'm watching American wizards, it more feels like I'm watching British Wizards with American accents.
And then the rest of the country is split up into districts or regions (much like it is in real life with: East Coast, Deep South, West Coast, Midwest.) where the indigenous practices and cultures are still prevalent.
I also don't buy into this idea that France and Spain would abandon their stake on the Continent. So in reality, it's more believable that Spanish Wizards would control Florida and expand all the way up to Arkansas, French wizards would Have control of Louisiana & Mississippi, East Texas, parts of Oklahoma, the British Wizards would have the colonies & maybe parts of the Great Lakes area like Illinois or Ohio, and then the rest of North America would be divided up into different territories amongst the indigenous communities.
Which then brings me to the second thing that bothers me: Rappaport's Law.
2) Rappaport's Law is a heavy-handed allegory for Jim Crowe & Segregation Laws.
As a white person, there's a lot in this topic that I am likely under informed and underqualified to unpack. It is a subject that would be better dissected by someone who understands the cultural histories and nuances better than me. But I read up a lot on random histories (because my Adhd brain leads me down some interesting research rabbit holes & I find myself fascinated by lore histories and folktales.) And I've learned a bit about the various histories pertaining to the Trans Atlantic Slave trade and how things like Voodoo made their way to America through the enslavement of various African tribes.
And again back to the British colonization, slaves were sold to the British by rival tribes & then some of those people made their way to North America when the colonies were formed , but that there was also a significant number of slaves that were indigenous to North America as well.
But how the indigenous communities were structured and how the tribal communities were structure were not all that dissimilar from each other. They both have an awareness of magic and similar spiritual practices. Again magic coexisting with muggles and what makes the most sense was that rival tribes would in fact sell the wizards into slavery and keep the squib/no-maj members of the village because they were less of a threat.
Which in turn would lead to most of the magical communities in North America being POC. Like honestly, I think they are the majority in the Americas. And the Rappaport Law, preventing the intermingling of no-majs & wizards would be heavily criticized because of the similarities to Jim Crowe and Segregation Laws.
And you might try to argue that because of the Statute of Secrecy, wizards wouldn't have any awareness of those muggle laws. But I argue that because of Slavery and most of the wizards being either slaves or negatively impacted by the European settlers would be very, very aware of those laws and prejudices & be actively fighting against them.
Like it was wizards creating and maintaining the underground railroad. It was wizards getting other wizards out and getting them away, regardless of whether or not they were magical because they were all slaves. And they would in fact still have muggles living side-by-side with them in these magical communities and spitting in the face of the Statute of Secrecy. And entire generations of no-majs would live and die in these communities and possibly even leave these communities to assimilate with other muggles and what not, but the American wizards would not be as cut off from the no-maj world like their British counterparts are.
3) Blood Politics would never be able to take root there.
Because most of them are unable to trace back their own bloodlines. It's why Americans don't have house elves working for them because it's Slavery, which they spent centuries combating and trying to escape. And why Grindelwald couldn't gain a foothold there because he was European and was actively killing muggleborns, squibs, no-majs like that wasn't their own people.
And this would also mean that, technologically, the magical communities in North America are more advanced. They are not stagnating like they are in Britain. Wizards are not a dying breed. They have a healthy growing population and low inbreeding rates, and advancements in magic and no-maj sciences. It's the sort of strength Grindelwald and Voldemort would want to recruit for their causes, but with how the majority of the continent is structured would never be able to.
[thank you for coming to my tedtalk.]
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stick-named-figure · 2 years
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only likely?
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Wait so like
Hold on a second
Crisis Part 3 is claiming that JLD:AW created the multiverse, implying the multiverse didn't exist before the ending of that movie right?
But, the DCAMU had a crossover with both OG Teen Titans AND Teen Titans Go in the TT vs TTG movie.
And Titans had an episode that confirmed TTG is a canon universe of the DC multiverse.
So....did Crisis Part 3 LITERALLY just make both itself, the entire Tomorrowverse, and JLD:AW literally impossible because a prior movie dead ass DEBUNKS ALL OF THEM from fucking EXISTING?! Because how the FUCK could that crossover film happen if the multiverse didn't exist yet, huh DC? I'm weaponizing your own bullshit lore against you, bitch. I DEMAND AN ANSWER.
Make this info VIRAL, it takes ALL these fuckin' movies and their horrible ass endings DOWN.
Also this is dead ass the only time I've ever been thankful for Teen Titans Go's existence. It literally negates the entire Crisis trilogy, the entire Tomorrowverse, and JLD:AW's entire storyline. Never thought I'd say Thank God for TTG.
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Here is the receipt showing that this crossover did in fact happen and I'm not making it up. The fact this happened contradicts Crisis Part 3's claim that the multiverse wasn't created until after the ending of AW (aka Shitopolips Dump), meaning that entire movie as well as the entire Tomorrowverse + Crisis trilogy should be completely and entirely stricken from canon immediately and we should all refuse to acknowledge them as such.
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karmesean · 2 years
newest short got me thinkin...
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thinkin real hard....
edit: changed the bg colour so it's not puke anymore!
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tvckerwash · 9 months
we got the york/north/wash trio, but we deserved the wash/ct/maine trio. no I will not elaborate
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blindtaleteller · 11 months
Question about medical care in Asgard… I'm talking about a case of Odinsleep/coma. How different do you think caring for a person in a coma would be on Asgard than on Midgard?
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Gonna assume you're asking about the MCU as I answer this! 💚
With a Coma/Odinsleep .. Probably not too terribly different in act for the most part IF it's being treated like a regular coma; but incredibly different in aesthetic, and well.. it does get a little more iffy when you're talking about 'Odinsleep' in particular, even with what little we do know from what's shown and said about it on screen which I say by means of examples given, both canon and deleted from it.
Some things definitely do change if you take deleted scenes from Thor 2011 into account in particular though: as one of the things they removed entirely from existence in the cutting room in that movie, was something called 'healing stones.' They actually had two portions of scenes that they shot (one in the hospital after Jane ran him over, and one just prior to the final portion of the fight with the 'Destroyer' in New Mexico.) I'll slap them in here if I can find them out of my giant clips playlist of doom.
Sticking with just the canon though; and specifically with the regular coma treatment first? The first thing you have to take into account is that there are lots of different kinds of comas, and that even Earth-tech wise, some of them are going to be treated a little differently (short, long term, caused by external injury, caused by internal injury, trauma induced are a thing too.)
That said, the first thing we have on display as far as Asgard's medical goes, is something that unsurprisingly is a repeated major portion of their basic lore in the MCU: that they aren't gods; they're an elder race who have been themselves reaching into the cosmos for eons of generations even stretching back to at least near enough to the beginning of their universe well established enough then, to take note of the fact that the Infinity Stones made at the birth of that universe, were not made by either them, or by the other elder races like the Dark Elves, or the even older Tivan brothers: with single generations lasting as long as five thousand years.
Related to that is also the fact that they by the time in their universal timeline we do catch up with them: they are very clearly a warmongering/imperial colonialist society. Even before and likely during them, Odin made a generation of wars horrible enough to be called 'The Great Wars' among the lot that he and apparently Hela (who was clearly full grown --meaning she was anywhere between 20ish and 1000 years herself-- even in her mural depictions,) to spread his version of 'peace' through the removal of what other species he percieved as threats and competition (see Muspelheim, Jotunheim) going so far as to make certain they couldn't rebuild even their capitals.
Why is that important in this conversation? Because that also means including Bor and Asgard's previous generation five thousand years prior to 2013's invasion of the elves; they had been dealing with injury, illness and more among their own resulting from those battles: and yes during those thousands of years of conflict between Bor's crusade, and Odin's: they had lots and lots of extra time to improve both their tech, and any magic along those lines.
Which yes are actually two very different things, though from the looks of it are often interconnected in Asgardian society in particular, unlike on Earth; where medical technology is foremost, and sorcery/magic has been forced basically into hiding by centuries of the many different flavors (both in religion base and name) of Inquisitions on Earth over the course of over a millennia by the time the twenty tens roll around. We also know that they do posses some limited means through technology, of suppressing some magic; but whether or not Asgard in particular has evolved their understanding of sorcery in particular to do so on a magical level is questionable at best given what we've seen between the first two films alone.
Given the blatantly similar societal distaste for most non-combative magic, and even a good portion of combative magic for that matter that's pretty likely not the case: even Thor refers to his mother's skills and knowledge as "tricks." However, that doesn't seem to apply where the "Healer's Hall" inhabitants and actual healers are involved.
Most obvious example of technological vs magic, and those limitations I mentioned above that we have is a pair of scenes in TDW: the Soul Forge in the Healer's Hall vs. Loki's full-room illusions.
Soul Forge (aka Quantum Field Generator:)
This is also, one of the scenes that continues to show rather than tell, the MCU established facts of their advancement.. and their arrogance around it when dealing with what Asgardians otherwise clearly still consider 'lesser' races under their protection. Quite a contrast to Loki's interactions with Selvig and Barton delivering those two a great deal more dignity and trust in A1 too, while they're building the portal device ...but that's a whole other set of attached social observations and comparisons I'm not gonna get into here. The point of this one is: if there's magic there; they're making it very clear there isn't much of it, and doubling down on that whole 'not gods, only mistaken for them' far more interesting take, on which MCU Asgard was built since the very first movie. (again though, it also displays their arrogance in that direction, as Eir not only treats Jane's inquiry very dismissively; but gets flustered and gap-mouthed [literally] when she positively identifies the diagnostic technology being used. It also is one of the many displays of how differing etymology between cultures in the MCU [yes there are a few, including the Dr. Strange film as another major example of that in particular] is a purposely crafted thing.)
Compare that technological, with the feats of sorcery Loki manages in that same film. Not only does he not use tech to manage his magic/sorcery (or 'tricks' as Thor calls it lol).. but he does so behind the locked door of, that same level of technology, in his own prison cell.. and beyond it. While some of the deleted scenes show this too? The final cut certainly wasn't lacking either.
So, all that said..? And without dipping into the whole discarded-from-canon 'Healing Stone' facet: it's very likely with a normal (or normal-ish lol) coma, that it wouldn't really be that different: just easier to some extent and probably a lot faster to correct any issues with those caused by injury in particular.
However! And most important:
Odinsleep, is something else entirely.
From the first film, we know through dialogue that not only is 'Odinsleep' not a normal coma by any means: it's one that can, has, and with the way they talk about it: SHOULD be induced every so often in order to maintain his health.
Where do we get that and why do I say 'his' in particular?
1. It is called Odinsleep, which says outright that in the MCU either Odin is a common enough name among Asgardian elder generations to be named as such OR, that it's a practice that belongs solely to Odin in particular.
2. The conversation between Loki and Frigga tell us as much, in their conversation over Odin's bed. (PS I couldn't find the full clip immediately, so I am posting the full uncut scene [with deleted parts] instead. The part that I've marked it to (timestamp 1:06 in the video below if that doesn't work for you) is what you need to listen to most, and was part of the final cut in Thor 2011.
Though the way they cut and rearranged this scene has some of that conversation out of sequence, the information given about Odinsleep remains the same in the much shorter canon conversation.
Their conversation tells the viewer outright, that not only is that a thing he does regularly, but that it can be planned out and planned for: as they make a point of stating that it's only this time, the Odinsleep was unprepared for.. and, they have seen it enough for Loki's first words to be stating the fact he 'never gets used to seeing him like this' .. meaning? He has seen it enough times that he thinks he probably should be: but also that it's upsetting enough an experience to him, that he isn't.
You'll note that they also briefly discuss the fact that Odin had been putting the Odinsleep off. It was coming anyway and regardless .. and should have happened far sooner.
While it's not technically counted as canon on screen, there's a little more information given directly about Odinsleep in the parts cut out too, if you choose to observe and use them: as well as a more direct showing of what we already know even without that scene of how Frigga chooses to pass the throne to the only heir not currently being guilty of and banished for several counts of treason including restarting the war and disobeying the king in that bed, with Thor's invasion of Jotunheim landing him firmly on Earth with the very obviously earned traitor title.
I'll leave it up to you if you want to watch and or use any of that, and you definitely could; since it's -again- just dialogue telling the viewer what's already known simply by watching the other scenes around it in the canon cut, including and especially the throne room scene where Sif & the Warriors Three request Thor's return, regardless of not only knowing he was banished for treason.. but also having been the others to try to remind and convince him alongside Loki; to NOT commit that treason, prior to him doing it and dragging them along anyway.
All in all, through those scenes; we are given a very clear set of rules and information about Odinsleep either way. Which includes the fact that it can be a form of coma that probably should not be randomly interrupted or the subject brought out of it, where it's apparently necessary for the individual's overall health: but can also be a state in which they might spend the last of their lives.
In that, this also tells us that; there isn't a whole lot that even Asgard's greater technology, or even magic can or should do, to bring someone out of it at all.
And, from the way they do deal with their King going through it even by surprise: we know that there isn't much they can do at all beyond keeping him comfortable and as healthy as possible until the Odinsleep finishes it's course naturally... whether that results in the subject waking up, or possibly, dying.
There's no mention of anyone else going through Odinsleep.. but there's also no mention of whether or not anyone else HASN'T, either.
Either way, that scene alone does show and tell a lot more about Asgard's medical capabilities and some of their limitations too, even as a society that's been at war since before Moses (lol but true, especially counting Odin's dad before him fought the elves for what Odin himself identified as 'Eternities of bloodshed' that didn't end until almost 5k years prior,) even, when cut down to the re-arranged version put down in the film's final cut.
Ultimately, and that said?
I don't think caring for a person in Odinsleep would be different from what we see on screen.
A whole lot of trying to keep them comfortable, undisturbed, and healthy; while wondering and worrying when and especially -if- they'll even wake up.
--Post Script, and a more direct personal example: Incidentally, and if you're curious: I have written Loki as having gone through his own "Odinsleep" in twenty thirteen, in Book Two (Vestibule 1, Universe 8) of my Lokiverse project: GROUNDED. Yes, that underlined bit is both the title and a link directly to where that long fic is posted on AO3, if you're curious how I handled it there. I suggest reading the chapters leading into that segment to understand how that portion of their multiverse got there, but if you want to skip a bit, the Odinsleep sequence itself starts in Chapter Four and ends in chapter Five, and is ultimately among the last of events before a time skip all the way into Civil War's era. It's not the only time the muses use it, but it is currently the only instance I have published.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
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such is the tale of a ✨chronically online hypocrite✨
#(please forgive this old folk’s rambling for a hot min bc i need to get this off my chest somehow and in some way)#tl;dr: come and get into the hw idol series!!! we have ship discourse; more ship discourse; even more ship discourse#(yes ik people should be free to ship what they do b u t claiming a noncanon ship as canon and forcing it on everyone else is. not cool.)#yes yes friday’s mv was visually cute and ino.rin’s singing was peak b u t i feel like it has caused more harm than good in some way???#i cant b e l i e v e the jp hwtwt beef over friday’s mv is still going on mannnnnnnnn#no less than 3 separate people have made posts along the lines of#‘p l s stop using [official tags] to post about *[unnamed] non-official ships* p l s there’s a time and place for everything’#and n o n e of them even remotely run in the same circles yet they’re all banded together against a *certain* group lmfao never change hwtwt#lhy (esp yhy) shippers are always at the scene of the crime mannnnnnn#i cant see anything on their end of the naval battle (has every single lhy tag+account that i could think of blocked)#b u t it’s still really funny to witness on my twtdash against my will. i think i need to touch grass#‘kyhn isn’t canon either so why do you like it while being such a hater towards lhy—‘#great question!!!!!! it’s bc (disregarding the movie) they actually interact really well together~~~ like the honeypre event y k—#and also bc yukki treats hina really nicely all the time (even when she was being tsun and literally running from her feelings for him)#a n d hina loved him for who he truly was; even before his image change arc. and she also does her best to appeal to him and such~~~~~~~#but lhy. uh. they just bully hiyo 95% of the time and while they do look out for her bc they’re pals#they’re just pals. guys. and lxl have gone ‘uwu it must be u uwu’ to each other one too many times so shoehorning hiyo between them would.#be pretty weird ngl? esp since the ‘widely accepted’ portrayal of lhy as a trio is p much just hiyo x 2 dudes who dont even like each other#and. like. a branch of such portrayals usually seem to have aizo waft away from the ‘r/s triad’ to date mona instead which is. very weird.#some people just pick and choose aizo and mona interactions dont they. all they see is the umbrella scene and go ‘ah yes. canon’#they dont even read further to see how mona doesn’t even use the umbrella after aizo leaves (clear rejection)#a n d how aizo doesn’t even remember giving the umbrella to mona + mona’s entire existence in general after that#and that’s not even counting the grudge mona refuses to let go of even after what looks to be literal months#so for certain shippers to just casually shoo aizo out of the hiyoharem and into mona’s unwilling arms for the sake of yhy is. weird.#and like. shouldn’t he and yujiro have a say in this?? they’re more interested in each other than hiyo so just how are they being commonly#portrayed as hiyosimps in fanon? im so confused… like. wouldn’t they be equally obsessed with each other (as w/ hiyo) if they were a rstrio?#aaaaaa get this off my twtdash plsssssssss pls see this post twtapp pls let this affect your dumb algorithm im tired of the ship discourseee#as funny as the ‘lhy vs the world’ naval warfare is it’s getting. um. very annoying!!!! and now im missing nagisa more than ever s o b s#plsplsplsplsplsplsplsplspls influence the algorithm ragepost; ik big brother is 👀watching👀 so do your thing—#(pls feel free to duke it out with me too if y’all read this i need my birdsite algorithm to le a r n that i dont wanna see stuff like this)
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