#stupid sjws
pricklypear1997 · 2 years
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The real Arya VS HBO’s Arya. No hate towards Maisie Williams. I have a feeling part of the reason she did not like the role she played was because of how her character was written to be so toxic, as well for constantly wearing the same drab outfit and with dirt smothered on her face constantly for like 4 seasons which can really hurt someone’s self esteem. It’s a tragic thing of what the show did to Arya. A serious insult to the fans and character. I’ll never forgive dumb and dumber. I think about that scene of her and Gendry (s8 ep 2) and more and more I start to suspect it was kinda rapey ngl. Like she just took advantage of him. Yeah he “wanted” it in the end, but like, she didn’t even ask for consent. It just came off so fucking aggressive. I hate how they made her all “dommy mommy” and kinda implied that stupid Hollywood trope of “hahaha man getting raped is funny”. Like bro, in the books, Arya constantly gets threatened by disgusting creeps and rapists. She literally has ptsd from being a child slave and having to work with murderers and RAPISTS. The show was a complete assassination on her character, and as a victim of abuse personally, I take offense to it. The show has a huge fetish with rape and disempowering females and making them do horrific things. It’s disgusting. No wonder Masie hated the role.
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How to Write a Fantasy Novel in 7 Magical Steps - Litreactor
Think about issues that are important to you According to Rebecca Heyman, a Reedsy editor who has worked with popular fantasy authors such as Elise Kova, writing fantasy can be a great outlet. “Your concerns about politics, culture, the environment, technology, violence, racism, misogyny — these issues can be explored in inventive, eye-opening ways while writing fantasy.” 
Why assume any fantasy writer must have generic mainstream left-wing/progressive views? I can think of several off the top of my head who are right wing. Like David Weber. Or Larry Correia.*
And I say this as someone whose favorite sci-fi series is the Vorkosigan Saga, which is very progressive, with lots of political content.
It's kind of ironic that one of the earlier points is "Figure out what sets your world apart". I'm pretty sure there's a lot of left-wing/progressive fantasy writers out there, putting those themes into their books.
Some with more...subtlety than others.
*I assume. Urban fantasy counts, right?
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gamer2002 · 3 months
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Out: Black people can act civilized like everyone else
In: Peace and quiet is racist
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ex-foster · 10 months
Women and girls from foster care: *experiences a high amount of trauma*
Liberal feminists: *uses foster kids as props in the abortion debate and calls foster kids "unwanted" and "unloved" *
Women and girls from foster care: *experiences high rates of homelessness and sex trafficking when they run away from foster care or age out if the system*
Liberal feminists: *brands anyone who is critical of the sex industry a SWERF and misrepresents their concerns as religious zealots*
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Love the children in the Eurovision tag treating Israel (omg i said the word 😱😱😱😱) as if it were Voldemort and then announcing to everyone that they are going to pee.
Truly, the work of true revolutionaries.
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schooltrashers · 2 months
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So there is this triggered wokecel (@blocklists-just-4-u) who thinks I'm a "bot", with no evidence backing up this claim whatsoever. He certainly didn't go through my entire Tumblr page, my YouTube Channel, my official website, or any of my other social media websites. Funny how he uses the term "weirdo" because that's exactly what wokecels like him are. They look like the criminals Batman typically beats up.
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The Left often projects like they do with lying and falsely accusing those they disagree with of being "Nazis" or "bigots". These guys are complete morons who've been brainwashed and indoctrinated by their woke teachers into mutilating themselves into becoming "trans", paying Big Pharma and greedy wealthy doctors hundreds or thousands of dollars into becoming life-long patients.
That's how moronic they are, they got suckered into debt by the very ideology they support.
I'm glad I was born in the 80's and not the early 2000's because wokeism wasn't a thing in the 80's or 90's. For example transgenderism was a choice, not forced on children by their woke teachers or woke parents. It wasn't even controversial to be trans, gay, bi or lesbian.
Only a few fringe groups opposed gays, bisexuals, lesbians and trans such as Bible Thumpers(had a mix of both Democrat and Republican).
But after 2008 is when it became controversial, specifically the trans part since they're brainwashing kids into mutilating themselves through surgeries. And guess who profits off of that? The doctors who don't give two shits and a fuck about you.
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Men dressing up and pretending to be women is just like white ppl doing black face.
They belong in men's toilets and men's prisons!!! Oh no he's more likely to get raped? Well he shouldn't be dressing like that in public. Keep your fetishes in the bedroom please.
You're a disgusting pervert who deserves what u get. 😘😘
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bitchy-peachy · 3 months
"That ship doesn't make any sense! 😂"
And what are you gonna do about people shipping it, bitch? Cry about people having fun with fictional characters?
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gritsandbrits · 4 months
I change my mind we do need feminism cuz clearly there's still a lot of work to be done and men will hurt you no matter what side you're on.
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Reblog if men should stop wearing dresses.
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siryouarebeingmocked · 11 months
Short version: Supervillain wants to randomly switch the bodies of everyone on Earth, to fight injustice or something. This will kill countless people.
Heck, even before the kickoff, there's devastating riots across the world. The threat is literally terrorism.
Wonder Twin Jaina finds out, but sits on the info until the last moment, because the villain is her friend and gave what's supposed to be a good speech.
The speech makes no sense. How did two billionaires' feud kill the mastermind's mother? Why does she look like Dr. Sloane from Fortnite?  Did the artist time travel?
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Why would a genius literally named “Polly Math” think this will accomplish anything?
Also, apparently the only thing that keeps the world's rich people and politicians from solving every single issue is the will to act, because the US government does precisely that, up until the Justice League save the day.
The US Congress seems to be composed entirely of generic middle-aged to older white men.
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Those bills would be worthless if everyone was in the wrong bodies. They cannot be practically implemented. And what if Doc Fauxne decides they’re not good enough and pulls the trigger anyway?
Lex Luthor somehow forgets the number of his intern. He never learned the name, because he’s a jerk, geddit? Because, y’know, the guy who successfully ran for President and is demonstrably charming would be such an open jerk to others. *
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After Jayna’s brother finds the bad guy - which even Batman couldn’t do - Superman saves the day by ripping the roof off the house where the bad guys are. Seems a tad excessive, but it makes for a great splash page.
Also, there’s some ‘satire’ of private prisons. Specifically, it’s also a call center. As the video points out, vocational training is great for prisoners. It reduces the chances they’ll come back for a repeat performance.
* Incidentally, he ran on tech development and banning fossil fuels, plus the good press from helping rebuild Gotham. Sounds like a left-wing President to me, especially by 2000 standards.
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gamer2002 · 3 months
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Apparently, there is a denial of wokies wanting to enforce the change of designing female characters in media.
I'm fine with the creators creating what they want, but those people end up blaming the audience for picking different escapist fantasy.
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Signal Boosting
Today’s comic is one of very few Dobson did in the weird interphase where he replaced his old avatar with a “younger” and thinner looking version before he turned himself into a Un-Carebear. And it is a comic that in my opinion has become a bit hilarious in hindsight, considering Dobson’s later obsession with online platforms and the belief he was a voice for others on them
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The thing about the comic (or rather one panel cartoon) is, in itself I do not consider it really an “offensive” or irritating one, like many others by him. In fact, technically speaking it is for example one of the cleanest drawn ones he ever did. Proportions are okay and even the number of fingers on the hands are consistent as far as I see. It also has for a lack of a better word, a clear and understandable message. Dobson poking fun at the concept of  shallow “signal boosting” online and how it may not really contribute to actually helping the ones in need, as a “practical” action would speak more or could make more of a difference, then just words and “awareness”
However, there are a few things about the comic I want to point out, that not really make Dobson look good on detail.
For starters, this cartoon was published as part of SYAC. A comic series that Dobson himself described as a webcomic meant to poke fun at things webcomic artists (or rather him) experience, or something to talk about geek culture. How exactly does a comic criticizing the nature of signal boosting and poverty of the homeless correlate with those themes?
Second, obviously the guy who wrote the blogpost and feels like he made a difference, is meant to be seen as “in the wrong”, because he ignores the homeless people next to him on the street. But, if Dobson tries to make himself look in any way or form good in this one, he fails, because he is ignoring them too in a manner.
Oh sure, he is raising an eyebrow at the other guy, likely because he is aware of the situation they are in and how it is in contrast to what the guy says. But Dobson’s author avatar isn’t doing anything positive either. Absurdely enough, I think that if Dobson wanted to actually have a positive “spin” on the comic, he would have just simply had to draw his avatar actually handing the homeless guys some money. Instead he passes them buy, holding in his hand what seems to be a an expensive soda or squishy.
Lastly, if the comic is meant to be a criticism at online “slacktivism”, then Dobson is in my opinion one of the last people on the planet to take jabs at it.
Look, my personal opinion on “online activism” and youtubers making videos to spread “awareness” is… complicated to say the least. I do believe there are some people out there who genuinely do something that makes at least a bit of a difference in the world, by e.g. volunteering in social programs to help or raise money/food and giving it to those who really need it. But others… there is a reason a “clip” like this from South Park exists and works.
And Dobson, based on everything I know, is just among those “other” people.
A failed webcomic artist, who has never done anything for others than to angrily demand things change, but not doing any actual “fighting” or protesting for someones rights. And yet believes that his shitty cartoons he occasionally released have a genuine positive impact on the world.
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Truth be told, the only positive impact Dobson has on the world right now, is because he's no longer around. And even that is not entirely true, because it makes actually doing research on the guys stuff harder than usual, if you don’t have that parrot repeating the same shit over and over.
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Had a flashback of that time I was in a cat meme fb group and someone asked why no one was talking about the BLM protests in the group, I commented "because it's for memes of cats" and northamericans flocked to the comments to call me a Nazi.
What a time to be alive
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