#canon: cybertron
novafire-is-thinking · 5 months
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Excuse me as I go insane over the fact that Cybertron is an inorganic-organic hybrid planet
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1080drgn · 1 month
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The air in here ages me ungracefully.
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avocado62524 · 3 days
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peak-dumbass · 4 months
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*emerges from the fog* have you heard of my boy called sideswipe he suffers from little bitch syndrome and unresolved trauma he refuses to talk about
I also think he’s aroace—*gets shot*
#LOOK I KNOW HE ACTS LIKE THE STRAIGHTEST GUY EVER BUT HEAR ME OUT—#he never actually shows romantic interest in anyone in the show#‘but windblade—’ he acts towards her the same way he acted towards jazz when he showed up they just form an actual friendship out of it#‘but strongarm—’ besties have you ever hear of having friends#‘but blurr—’ BESTIES HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF HAVING FRIENDS#anyways I really wished we actually got a backstory for him like why tf did he hate autobots so much in the beginning??#why is he such a troubled kid???? they hint towards him having abandonment issues and then never bring it up again like HUH?!?!#and I wouldn’t be annoyed if it wasn’t for the fact that we have a canonical backstory FOR EVERY OTHER CHARACTER OF THE MAIN CAST#we have episodes about strongarm’s days in the academy#we have 1 episode about drift’s time as deadlock and how he found his kids#we figure out what happened to fixit and the rest of his kind at the end of season 2#the only other character like this is grimlock but even then we at least have an EXPLANATION of why he is the way he is—#—being an ex-decepticon that was never really evil but just liked fighting for fun#meanwhile we have NO EXPLANATION for why sideswipe is the way he is AT ALL#he might as well have just popped out of cybertron a hater at birth and he technically would be the same as he is in-show#BUT THEN WE HAVE THE HINTS TOWARDS HIS ISSUES AND I JUST💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥#anyways can you tell that i’m Normal about him#rid 15#rid 2015#rid15#rid2015#tf rid 2015#tf rid15#transformers rid2015#transformers robots in disguise#robots in disguise 2015#rid sideswipe#rid jetstorm
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rider6666 · 1 year
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Senator Shockwave x Astra (tfp oc💕) and Orion Pax lol✨
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
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hard to say out loud
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lord-squiggletits · 6 months
Also I'm just gonna say that even if it were true that Rodimus was a """""true Prime"""" and Optimus wasn't, that isn't as much of an L for Optimus as people seemingly want it to be.
Like so you're telling me Optimus was never a chosen hero and the burden of the Matrix/leadership pained him morally, emotionally, and physically, yet he still survived 4 million years of war?
You're telling me he wasn't God's Designated Special Boy but he still tried his best to live up to that impossible ideal to the point of developing serious depression and suicidal ideation as a result of so much goddamn loneliness and self-doubt?
Optimus wasn't a "true Prime" and yet he still believed in ideals of reconciliation and ending the cycle of violence? He wasn't a true Prime but he still stayed on Cybertron trying to fix a broken, broken society while also trying to stop Earth from being invaded for a second time? He didn't even need to do that he could've just stayed in exile which he was originally supposed to do all along, and which he would've personally preferred?? You're telling me that Optimus wasn't Primus' Specialest Boy And Chosen Leader and yet he stepped into leadership anyways bc he perceived that there was injustice to be fixed??
Wow yeah I guess Optimus is just such an inferior leader, clearly his actual actions/moral character as person don't matter and his "worthiness" should be judged solely on whether the Magic Cybertronian 8 Ball liked him or not.
#squiggposting#idw op love#literally the more you deconstruct it the less sense it makes#ppl want rodimus to be Validated By Canon as being better than optimus soooo badly#i get it you cant like rodimus without shitting on optimus#however when you get canon wrong i can and will roast your theories#if optimus went thru everything he went thru but somehow still isnt worthy of the matrix#then what WOULD make him worthy??? like seriously#fighting to protect organic species from colonization didnt make him worthy?#trying to find diplomatic resolutions to a 4 mil year long blood feud isnt worthy enough?#doing all of this at the cost of great personal suffering to himself doesnt make him worthy??#being willing to fight and imprison his own autobots for trying to break the peace wasnt enough?#becoming villified by most of earth/cybertron by forcing them to cooperate wasnt enough???#optimus siding with the ultimate victim of cybertronian oppression and 'defeating him' by acknowledging his pain#isnt enough to make him worthy?? THEN WTF IS ENOUGH TO YOU PPL#nothing bc 'worthy of the matrix' is just code for 'validation of my fave'#and most of the ppl in this fandom dont even know OP did all of those things anywYs#also like MOST PEOPLE arent wielders of the matrix are they unworthy too???#WHAT DO YOU MEAN WORTHINESS?? WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS OF THIS ALLEGED WORTHINESS#ON THE MORAL AND THEMATIC FABRIC OF THIS STORY????#literally idw optimus embodies the same values that rodimus does#it's all about love and forgiveness and building a better future and choosing kindness over violence#And if you dont get that optimus represents those just as much as rodimus did well#you prolly didnt read very closely lol
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istherewifiinhell · 10 days
OH YEAH. and ofc the animation starts with vector prime.... looking over all time watching us with his fond gaze (dies)
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lets-try-some-writing · 11 months
The Grim Dark Archives: Statement #004 SITUATION UPDATE
[Statement taken from Agent Witwicky on the 23rd of September 2010 regarding the situation with [Redacted] and the Autobot presence on Earth. Secondary statement taken from [Redacted] shortly after their awakening also included.]
For any listeners, I will say this simply. The reason for the six year gap in further statements and transcripts is because... [Redacted] was caught by the Autobots shortly after their statement on Holoforms. [Redacted] was meant to only be on a short walk around a secure area, but they deviated from the planned route we had cleared for them. We do not know what they were trying to do, but we believe that they were possibly attempting to observe the Autobots from a distance. What little camera footage we gathered from [Redacted] showed them rushing toward where the Autobots were reported to be looking for energon.
Considering how terrified they are of the Autobots, this choice made no sense to us. But whatever [Redacted] was trying to do, they seemed to be taking notes when the Autobot known as Bumblebee snuck up on them. Bumblebee made some sort of sound that our systems could not pick up, and within moment [Redacted] was surrounded by the Autobots at the dig site. There was some sort of discussion in what we assume was their native language before the one called Bulkhead proceeded to punch [Redacted] hard enough to knock them to the floor. Further footage was grainy, but when the Autobots finally left, [Redacted] was all but a crushed mess on the ground.
Our agents were deployed to collect what was left, but miraculously, [Redacted] still seemed to be alive. Whatever power source keeps Cybertronians operational was still blazing. And so while higher command was not exactly the most thrilled with the idea, [Redacted] was brought in for repairs. I wasn't there for all of it, but from what I gather, our scientists and engineers both had a field day and hated every waking moment of trying to put [Redacted] back together. Thankfully for everyone, [Redacted] seemed to be in some sort of sleep while they were being repaired. It took years to get them back into shape, and all the while we kept the Autobots occupied as best as we could. We took [Redacted]'s advice and were careful about what information we allowed the Autobots to have. They are currently under the assumption that we can destroy them with nukes. It seems to have kept them from acting out.
However they were reported constantly watching the stars and searching for things on the surface. We struggled to keep track of them, at least until two things happened.
Firstly, [Redacted] showed signs of waking up from whatever coma they were in. They started moving around and booting online around the time a new alien aircraft appeared in the skies. We couldn't trace it and there were no Autobot symbols. But the Autobots were quick to inform us that the ship belonged to the Decepticons, their mortal enemies. They seemed far too excited for their own good at the prospect of fighting these other aliens. We opted to keep our sights on the ship as much as possible while the Autobots began a frantic search. It was around this time that [Redacted] finally came online enough to speak coherently, at which point we immediately questioned them about the situation. Their response was highly concerning, just like everything else they have ever told us.
I will play a recording of their statement here.
[-Statement playback begins-
That is the Decepticon warship. Sorry, my processors are pounding like a glitch right now, but yeah, Prime wasn't lying. That's definitely Megatron's ship. Why did you think the Autobots were here in the first place? Did you think they turned up for a vacation? No, they came here because this is where the Decepticons are.
How did you not pick it up on your radar? Well the Nemesis has a cloaker. All Cybertronian ships do. You didn't notice the Autobots until they came to you right? Well think about it this way. If the Decepticons can now be picked up on your radar, it means they don't care about being seen. That in turn means that they have a purpose, a mission. They have been hanging around your planet as long if not longer than the Autobots have, likely waiting for the right moment to make their move.
I don't claim to know their plans, but now that they are up and moving, you can bet that Megatron will show up soon enough. That's when slag is going to get real. So far the Autobots have laid low and been pretty docile right? At least I assume they have since you are all still alive and your capitol isn't burning. Well unfortunately for you organics, things just went from bad to worse. Expect my kin's war to begin ravaging your world as well. Hopefully their lack of numbers will keep it somewhat contained, but honestly at this point all I can do is give you context for what is going on and hope you can use it to your benefit.
The Decepticons are likely here to retrieve something or other. There were thousands of objects deployed during the war to keep them safe. Killing the Autobots is just a bonus. As for the Autobots? I can't claim to know, but I bet they will pull the same scrap. The two factions are notorious for being competitive. Just... try to keep civilians out of the way as they try to wage their war.
We are a dying race, and this is exactly why. When one of the factions get what they want, then you can really start worrying again. For now, they will be too focused on turning each other into slag to care much about you.... or me.
-Statement playback ends-]
[Redacted] did not elaborate on what allowed them to survive very nearly being killed. They also did not tell us WHY the Autobots tried to kill them, but we have more important things to deal with now. The Decepticons are active and we do not have nearly enough information due to [Redacted]'s extended coma. We are going to need to work quick to catch up on all we missed and get as much information as we can from our suspicious ally before they get killed for good this time.
[Statement end.
Further statements will be added to this catalogue as soon as possible. The Autobots have been observed moving and I am sure it will not be long before we need [Redacted]'s knowledge again.
Agent Witwicky signing off.
Recording ends.]
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itsbluebirdhere · 8 days
we are on deviantart!!!
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We will probably post a bit more there so feel free to delve around! + have a WiP for your time
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soundwavessparkmate · 2 months
'ello, all! New chapter is out! :) It's been tiny bit long, but I have been cooking this since June, as it was meant to be published in June! I have been thinking to fizz it up a bit with Earthspark, but that's still down the line. Until then, I hope you all enjoy the misadventures of our lil group! :D
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Actually I'm doubling down on this, I 100% blame the actual physical ship for the Lost Light's reputation as the Loveboat™️ of idw
Something about that ship just makes mecha all relationship-ey
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valnes941 · 5 months
Satellite of Cybertron/Chapter 1
Okay, Google, what to do if you suddenly found yourself in space, didn't die after a few minutes, realized that you are no longer a human… are these two giant robots destroy nebula during battle?
He was running. Again.
Green crystalline trees whizzed past, metal ferns whipped around the hull, and cable vines tried to get under the servo.
But it wasn't the first time he'd been here either.
From behind, the slow, loud stomping and noisy venting of the pursuer could be heard. The vegetation around him reflected the violet glare more and more vividly.
He was being caught up. As expected.
Spark pulsed excitedly, heating up his chamber and accelerating the energon pounding in the audials. Optics in battle mode scanned the surroundings.
Up ahead, amidst all the kaleidoscope of green, steel and purple, the native blue lights appeared.
In time. He was already beginning to tire.
Suddenly, as always, the forest was replaced by the bare bank of a shallow but wide river. He was immediately transformed.
The two wheels made sure to make contact with the ground, and he quickly picked up speed. Using the familiar rocks as a springboard, he managed to fly over the obstacle and land softly.
He braked sharply to avoid crashing into the blue crystalline thickets and transformed again, but he was unable to steady himself on the servos and rolled over. Now he was lying on the aforementioned energy-blue crystalline vegetation and mentally counting the new dents on his hull. Well, as an unnamed seeker-researcher had written: ‘If you remain conscious after landing, the landing is considered soft".
Violet mech groaned and stood up, rubbing his bruised helm. When he regained consciousness, he retrieved two cases from subspace with a single manipulator movement. First, he checked the long and narrow case, opened it, and with a sigh of relief ventilated it: the brush and paints were in order (which was a good thing, considering how difficult impossible it was to find replacements for them in these places). The second case turned out to be a book - opening it, the motorcyclist checked the fresh inscriptions on the bound pages, which were safely hidden by the metal cover. Fortunately, the characters were still legible, though slightly smudged. All that remained was to quietly update them, and all would be well.
Flicking through the previous entries, he stopped at the very first page. The young Cybertronian's optics were not on that page, but on the inside of the cover, where the large handwriting read, ‘Notes of a novice explorer,’ and in smaller print, ‘Liber, doing Vector's Feats'.
Closing the book and carefully placing the important things back into subspace, Liber looked at the opposite shore. The creature that had stalked him had not left. It was following him closely with its bright purple optics, whose colour was diluted only by the darkness in the middle, like black holes surrounded by the light they sucked in. Though the beast was not clearly visible from behind the green thickets, the fur knew its appearance well.
A powerful giant, many times larger than him, a silver body, two manipulators, two servos, a pair of horns and wings each, as if made up of a single endoskeleton, capable of flashing flames the colour of the creature's optics. Something that shouldn't live, no, exist on Cybertron.
A species descended from Unicron himself, the bringer of Chaos.
And yet there it was, and it was about twenty-five mechanometres away, never having left its teritorium.
Satisfied with the job he had done, Liber walked slowly into the blue forest, looking for signposts to get back to the settlement. Knowing that he would not be attacked (the cronid himself had never crossed the river, all dangerous animals had been scared away by him), he found himself daydreaming about the next time he would learn about this creature.
The creature sighed as it looked at the robotic motorbike. Wasn't he tired of following her and then running away? On one hand this behaviour annoyed her, on the other…. it was refreshing.
This purple stalker was the first intelligent (?) inhabitant of this world who hadn't tried to kill her after his first encounter with her.
Though the fact that he always came back was a little tense and reassuring. How curious/crazy do you have to be to come back to her every time, knowing it would end in a mad race?
But, come to think of it, one didn't prevent the other.
Sighing once more, she turned away from the river and walked back to her house.
This day was exhausting without metal weirdos lacking the instinct for self-preservation.
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majachee · 2 years
It's SO funny when fics refer to Macaque "Mihou" or Liu'Er Mihou" like that's his real, secret name, and it's just Six Eared Macaque in Chinese.
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autobotmedic · 2 years
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[ I do not talk enough about the fact that aligned ratch came from a village in canon which is like the only bg info i had to develop from and at this point that development includes:
rescue had no idea what a shanix was when he first arrived in iacon because his small society traded items/creations or worked together for others benefit if they needed repairs for themselves/their home/an object
rescue has an accent that is not an iaconian dialect despite spending so long in iacon, although only a bit of it shows in English with certain sounds, such as some of his Hs ( yes i am aware that is just how jeff.rey combs talks but SHH )
most have no idea what the HECK ratch’s accent is though because, again, unknown village, in the wilderness... rly have to be a language nerd to recognize it based on the general region
there was an extremely mixed bag of sentiments toward him among others while he was an apprentice because it was basically equivalent to ‘country bot goes to city’ but surprise he’s brilliant and already knows a lot actually (enough that he ends up showing up ppl who’ve been here longer) despite his cultural ignorance rarely giving the best first impression
ratch had a genuinely difficult time adjusting to an overwhelmingly large and active city and was extremely slow to actually explore beyond learning how to get to places of interest specifically or those recommended to him
he is STILL not the fondest of serious heights or super crowded spaces, but he deals with it because if he has reasons and priorities they are more important (if he does not have good reasons tho he will leave you cannot keep him here HE WILL DEPART AT THE FIRST OPPORTUNITY)
oh I named the village Domus because obviously it should have a name if someone asked him
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interstellar-elf · 1 year
Little Transformers head canons
- Most Cybertronians find humanoid non-Transforming and non-sentient robots terrifying on a eldritch horror level, though it depends on the fraction sometimes. For example, most Decepticons are willing to exploit a non-sentient robot if it offers them some kind of advantage.
- Cybertronians find Earth animals really really neat. Cats, elephants, parakeets, peacocks, dogs, bats, rabbits, beavers, crows, cows, butterflies, horses, even extinct animals like dinosaurs and Tasmanian tigers are considered super interesting to Autobots, Decepticons and any other Cybertronian who comes to Earth.
- However the only lifeform from Earth that scares Cybertronians are octopus, and that is mainly because they resemble Quintessions.
- Beachcomber actually had a job as a narrator of nature documentaries for Nat Geo for a while.
- After discovering that humans like to care for container plants, some Cybertronians decided to do that as a hobby - but with full grown trees and cactus and other kinds of large plants.
- Transformers don’t have much of a hard time understanding some human holidays, some have even adopted some of them, like Halloween. They still don’t understand Thanksgiving though.
- Thanks to Optimus Prime learning about it, basketball has become very popular on Cybertron as a pastime.
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