#cant stop crying every couple hours
is-this-yuri · 2 months
I’m really, really sorry to have to tell you this, but you will not get SSDI in a matter of months. Not only is that incredibly rare and only for the extreme cases, but the SSA is backed up to Hell because of covid.
I applied BEFORE COVID and my case is still in limbo. I’m on my third appeal. It will have been 5 years since I applied come this August. I have not worked a single day and my permanent condition has worsened and they are still giving me the runaround.
I’m not trying to scare you or discourage you—absolutely apply, but do it with a disability attorney this time. They work on contingency only, and will only take money from the backpay the government will give you once you’re approved (backdated to the date of application). They are probably the only people who can navigate the purposefully-confusing forms and deadlines and expectations and I have never heard of a case being approved without an attorney attached.
In the meantime… buckle up. Make contingency plans. Be prepared for this to be years of brutal survival before you make it out to the other side.
I wish you the best of luck. Hang in there. It is just going to be a longer period than you initially expected 🧡
i'm at a similar timeframe as you, and i think the main issue has been the lack of medical records since i've been going into the process completely without those. apparently the SSA wants to know ive been in treatment with no improvements for at least a year, and if i can prove that i'll be much more likely to get approved.
i also have a case manager helping me with the paperwork side of it, and we're discussing getting a lawyer for me. i'm going to really need all the backpay i can get, so that's going to be a last resort.
of course i'm trying to be hopeful and generous with my estimates because while im confident i will eventually get approved, i'm genuinely worried the wait will kill me. so, maybe i live in a bit of a fantasy to keep me going. that said, i don't think it's that unrealistic to think this could be the one
my only contingency is hoping people are generous enough to support me while i wait, because i truly have no other options.
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du-hjarta-skulblaka · 2 months
One day. One fuckin day without something.
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sneezeshame · 7 months
// mess
someone whos spent days battling a horrible head cold, the wettest and heaviest they've had in years, but no matter what they do they just can't sneeze. they huff and snort and sniffle and blow their nose in loud burbles and start to hitch, and hitch, but it just never comes. they feel so full and uncomfortable no matter what they do, and when they come home from work that day they realize they're sick-sick with this thing, and all night its incessant. they keep trying to sneeze, their body is trying so hard to get all the gunk and virus out of their swollen passages, but they just cant. it's waking them up a couple times an hour and their head is pounding with pressure and they're so miserable they want to cry.
around 1am, their partner wakes up and turns the lamp on and offers to help, saying how terrible they sound, and they feel so sick that they agree. the next time they start to hitch, their partner takes two q-tips and slips them up their red, chapped nostrils, then rotates them both at the same time so they tickle every nose hair and chafe against every sore, swollen, cold-ridden membrane.
they sneeze once, but it stifles against the wall of snot. they try it again, and it stifles a second time, but their sniffles sound a little looser, like something is about to break. sure enough, on the third time, the sickie's red nose explodes, and it rockets violently up their sore throat and blasts their overswollen sinuses apart long enough to shoot out both qtips and two ropes of snot onto their partner's hand. before they can stop it, another sneeze causes a second eruption from their cold, this time both shooting snot everywhere and spraying it. a fourth and fifth sneeze disloges even more crammed into the swollen folds of their sinuses, and their face is pounding with the shaking force of it all. their poor nostrils flare again, and another rope of snot connects with their partner's neck and stays in a long string that ends back at their sick nose.
the sickie sniffles, dazed. "Oh doe, Ibb so sorry, uubbb--" then they sneeze again. and again. now the sneezing is incessant and wet and violent and a theme for the rest of the night.
at 6am the next morning when their alarm goes off, they moan and call in sick, then try to fall back asleep breathing through their mouth, clutching an icepack to their throbbing sinuses in the warm dark. their partner coaxes a thermometer in their mouth, and they struggle to breathe around it while its under their tounge, and it comes out with a warming temperature of 100.8. as their partner removes the thermometer, they sneeze again and again, exploding their cold all over their partner for the hundreth time that night, and then they sniffle and sink miserably back down into the pillows as they start to nurse their chills.
"I hobe I didn'd gibe you by code," they rasp. "this ode is really bad-- HETSCHOO! Guuhhh, SNNXT... I really dodd feel well ad all..." it was terrible when they couldn't sneeze at all, but now that they can, it feels like the cold really is in full swing. it feels like the virus has spent the night hitting their sinuses with a baseball bat.
their partner blames their tiredness on having spent half the night tending to the sickie, but the truth is that by the time they say that, their own throat is feeling a little sore, and they aren't sure they're feeling their best, either.
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hyunlixr · 2 years
pretty when you beg
pairing: hyunjin x fem reader
🏷 smut (minors dni) teasing, underwear kink(?), oral (f rec), overstim, orgasm countdown, orgasm control, hard dom ! hyunjin if u squint, spitting
deep breaths was all that could be heard, his lips trailing down from ur neck to your abdomen. leaving a trail of wet kisses on his way to your clothed cunt.
he kept teasing you tonight, you went out to celebrate your three months together and instead of being all romantic and lovey-dovey, he was whispering the dirtiest things into your ears. but to be honest, you weren’t complaining at all, that’s one of the many things you loved about him, how dirty he could get, even in the most innocent occasions.
— going to fuck you so good tonight, angel.
all you could do was blush and giggle it off.
so here he was kissing your clit through your black laced panties over and over again. it felt so good, yet it wasn’t enough, you needed more.
— jinnie, please
he leaned over to spit on your mouth. and you gladly opened and swallowed for him.
— shut the fuck up
you kept bucking your hips into his face, but to no avail cause he ended up pinning you to the mattress, with his slender, pretty fingers sprawled out on your stomach. the fingers you oh so wanted somewhere else. the fingers you had spent HOURS thinking about.
as he was busy making out with your clothed pussy, kissing and sucking here and there. you were getting desperate to feel something, anything. you took his fingers into your own hands and guided them where you needed him the most.
— nuh uh, i want you to cum because of my mouth tonight.
you groaned when he finally took your panties off and kissed your inner thighs… slowly. still teasing you.
— fuck please, please, give me something.
and so he did, he kissed your now bare clit and started sucking on it like a desperate, starved man. the sounds he made while eating u out were like music to your ears.
he kept alternating between licks and flicks to your bud until you came, kissing your clit over and over to ride out your high. just to get off the bed and look for your favorite vibrator. he put it on a medium speed and pressed it lightly over your clit making you moan a little too loud from the overstimulation.
— s’too much jinnie, no. no. no. no, stop it.
but he knew you didn’t want him to stop, if you did actually want that you would have used your safe word. he knew how fucking greedy you were. how no matter how many times he made you cum, if he wanted you to cum again then that’s what you’d do. you’d do anything to please him.
he pressed it harder and started dragging it along your folds only stopping once the toy was on your clit again. he loved seeing your fucked out face, and how just by playing with the bundle of nerves he could get you to look like that; legs sprawled out and open for him, cunt red and glistening with your own juices and his spit. it was quite the sight if you asked him.
once you had relaxed and let him have his way with you for a couple of minutes, he used his index finger to put the toy on the highest setting. making the vibrations float around your whole body. making you shake because of the pleasure he was providing you.
he knew you were close, he already knew every part of your body, what you liked and what you didn’t. how to make u cum, how to get you on your knees for him, and how you reacted when you were about to hit ur orgasm, so without moving the toy away from you, he leaned down, sticking his tongue inside of u going in and out at a fast pace. making you close your legs around his head for that extra feeling. you were so close to the edge, literally about to let go when he says
— you cant cum until i say so.
he proceeded to begin with his 10 second countdown he loved to do when he wanted you to beg and cry for him. he loved hearing how desperate you were to cum for him. how pretty you looked with tears in your eyes.
“10… 9…”
— m’so close please
you could literally feel the tears in your eyes.
“8… 7… 6…”
— i don’t think i’ll last, please let me cum
“5… 4… 3…“
— please please please
— fuck hyune
— cum baby, make a mess for me, hm?
you came, you came so fucking hard letting him guide you through it.
— good job, angel. hope you are aware of the fact that we are not finished yet. or is my little doll too dumb to think right now?
he said with a pout on his lips, faking sympathy at your fucked out state. and you would be lying if you said you didn’t want whatever the fuck it was this beautiful man standing in front of you wanted to give you.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ — ★ —
hiii this is my first fic ever i hope u like it :D please let me know what u think and if u write let me know how i can improve in the ask box thingy tyvm !! have a good day/night <3
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seakicker · 2 years
brainrot about naga reader its v incoherent...
wwhat do u think of a pretty little naga reader... soft and small and nesting in her soft bed of stolen blankets when in heat.... then wake up to see big naga hunter childe standing in front of her, groping and petting her tail and tummy, trying to take her home to take care of her because he knows its mating season but getting sad when he remembers he cant give her eggs... but if he remembers correctly,, he has a friend whos a dragon hybrid...
ANON (GRABS YOU) (YANKS YOU IN CLOSE) (KISSES YOU) i have NOT been able to stop thinking about this ask since i got it holy shit. monstergirl reader is always a major bonus!
fem reader, reader is a snakegirl/lamia/naga (however you’d like to call her), zhongli has two cocks, exhibitionism (childe watches it all happen and eventually joins in), threesome, breeding, oviposition, heat/rut, and pregnancy below! also some references to some dark undercurrents like poaching, the illegal pet trade, and murder. i might have made this story a little darker than you intended, so i did my best to keep it to a minimum! but will happily elaborate on childe and zhongli here if asked
also crossposted to ao3 after some cleanup and editing to make it more consistent with the style of my ao3 works, as i tend to be a little more casual here (ie using first person and no capitalization)
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i’m thinking about a reader whose heat maybe came earlier than expected or just otherwise failed to get a mate before mating season began, and now she’s left to suffer all alone and unbearably horny in her den in a hollow cave… the only comfort you’re provided comes from the blankets and pillows piled below you, but it does absolutely nothing to calm the hot spell raging through your body. lamias don’t sweat either since they’re cold-blooded and don’t self-regulate their body temperature, so you have no way of calming yourself down whatsoever— just a poor, whiny little lamia reader bemoaning the fact that she doesn’t have a mate to give her the comfort she so desperately needs… the only thing that would calm you down now is a lover breeding you full of his eggs as any good little mate should be receptive to receiving.
you’re so desperate you’re crying and whimpering as you try as hard as you can to take the edge off your heat by masturbating, but it’s pointless— it’s not pleasure you need, it’s breeding. lamias aren’t like humans in the sense that having sex purely for pleasure rather than procreating is a common concept— while there are surely lamia and naga couples who have sex for pleasure, especially ones who are already mates for life, that doesn’t mean it takes priority over true breeding the way it might for human couples, so to speak. your lamia instincts demand that you attempt to breed every single mating season, and the fact that you don’t have a mate this time seems to be hitting you especially hard. you've been at it for hours, hurriedly rubbing at the outer lips of your cunt and spreading them open for your other hand rather than to entice a partner into breeding you silly, and yet it's all proving to be a downright fruitless endeavor in your quest to satiate your heat.
you don’t realize that you’ve fallen asleep in the midst of your exhaustion— being kept up for a consecutive thirty hours or so by your raging heat will lead to such an outcome— until the soft, loving touch of a foreign hand rubbing against your long, scaled tail wakes you. were it literally any other time of the year except for mating season, you’d already be twisting yourself into a defensive position, ready to pounce on the foreign intruder for encroaching upon your den, but that’s the last thing on your mind right now.
what you’d really like from this visitor rather than his immediate departure are his eggs in your belly, but you can barely muster up the energy to even ask. all you can manage is a tilt of your head as you gaze up at your visitor, your bare chest falling with each shaky, heavy breath you draw. modesty is irrelevant to you, as horny and needy as you are now; if anything, you hope it arouses him into giving you exactly what you need.
“hey, it’s alright,” a cheery, masculine voice whispers, soothing you with soft movements that don’t trigger any of your danger alarms. “i won’t hurt you— i’m not so evil as to kill someone this helpless. the fight is what makes a hunt fun, y’know?”
ah. a naga— or perhaps just a general exotic beast— hunter. exactly what a lamia at her most vulnerable needs; not only that, but he's a human, meaning he won’t be able to meet your needs. though there have been many, many stories of humans being impregnated by monsters, the inverse is a rarity considering the relative weakness of humans as breeders... as far as beastfolk are concerned, humans make better incubators or hosts than breeders. additionally, in creatures that don't have live births such as lamias and mermaids, impregnation from a human lover is generally outright impossible.
despite his outright proclamation that he’s generally someone who kills your kind, you still can’t quite find it in you to feel afraid or territorial— were you in a more clear state of mind, you’d probably feel somewhat embarrassed by the fact that the only thing running through your mind is breed me breed me breed me breed me breed me as your new visitor continues to talk. you know that he can't breed you, but it doesn't matter— your mind is too far gone to be rational.
“besides, mating season brings its own kind of fun for hunters,” he adds with a grin, licking his lips and tracing his hand up the softer scales of the frontside of your tail to make his way to your more human bits. he rubs a palm over your belly, pressing against the space where your woefully empty womb rests. “if only i could solve your problem for good, right? i know someone who could help you, though, if you wanna come with me.”
agreeing to let a stranger—and a hunter at that— take you from the safety of your den and into the uncertainty of his home is something only a dumb, desperate, pliant, needy, and hormone-drunk lamia in heat would do… which is exactly why you’re agreeing to this stranger’s offer because the promise of getting bred stuck in your mind far more intensely than any hint of danger might have.
he’s exceptionally gentle with you despite the aura of danger a hunter innately carries with him— he doesn’t sling you over his shoulder like a sack of flour as he carries you into his home, instead he wraps one of your blankets around your shoulders (for modesty’s sake, one would assume, though you heatedly wonder if it’s his way of comforting you with a familiar object as he brings you into an unfamiliar environment) and gently carries you all the way to his home. aren’t you and your yards and yards of tail heavy?
then you figure he’s used to this. he’s used to hauling lamias away from their dens to either fuck them or kill them or fuck them then kill them, because that’s what hunters do… but that’s none of your concern right now. all you can focus on is the excitement of being able to be filled with eggs, assuming this stranger’s offer was a promise rather than a trap.
it's difficult to dwell on possibilities or any apparent danger when the only thing your mind can seem to focus on is your biological instinct to be a mother.
“you’re beautiful,” he purrs, eyeing your emerald scales with the same greed and scrutiny as a jeweler admiring his stones. “xiangsheng’s going to love you. such a lovely little lamia… you’d fetch me a pretty penny if i were in the market of selling exotic pets; you’re surely lovely enough to be one! i’m sure he’ll be excited to be with someone more similar to him than a human is.”
a naga male?
“please, i…” you gasp, clawing at your blanket to uncover your breasts, the sensation of even a shred of fabric on your body proving to be claustrophobic. “i need it, i need him, i…”
“so desperate,” he hums, gently lying you down against his bed once he’s managed to get you up the stairs. “oh, you’re just my type. really, it’s almost cruel that celestia didn’t make me a naga so i could breed you myself… i’ll be sure to have plenty of fun with you once xiangsheng’s done giving you what you need.”
the man offers you a wink and turns to leave the room as you settle back into his bed, clutching his pillows with your clawed fingers as you pant and writhe against the covers. even just the smell of a human male is driving you downright mad— he smells of the forests you're familiar with: earthy, rich, and strong. archons, if you don’t get bred right this very second…
“childe, you know i have no interest in your… hobbies,” another voice admonishes from just past the doorway, finally assigning a name to the man who rescued (or perhaps doomed) you. “i was unaware that this is what you were planning when you first invited me over.”
“but xiangsheng,” childe protests playfully, bringing the other man back into the room to greet you. “you couldn’t let a poor little lamia go so lonely, could you? lamias and dragons are friends, right?”
not a naga male, but a dragon male? though lamias and dragons—both being reptilian beasts—certainly have their similarities, there's no doubt in any lamia's mind that dragons are much stronger, wiser, and more well-respected than other reptilian beastfolk. dragons are touted as the destroyers of villages and entire armies, bringers of ruin and destruction, keepers of knowledge and treasures, and guardians of nations and nature, and the most representation lamias get in fantasy tales comes in the form of seductive temptresses preying on innocent, unassuming travelers. to receive the honor of carrying a dragon's clutch... the natural order of things spurs you to sit up a little straighter and whimper at the scent of his innate reptilian pheromones, gasping and pleading once more for what you need.
“please!” you cry, gripping at the pillows behind you. you don’t miss the way ‘xiangsheng’s’ pupils dilate in response to your body and your pheromones— he certainly seems to be a man more than capable of keeping his emotions in check, yet nothing is stronger than the forces of reptilian biology and instincts. he doesn’t appear to be in his own rut— does he already have a mate? does dragon mating season occur at a different time of year than other reptilian beasts’ mating seasons do? do you not arouse him past the scent of your pheromones?
"he brought me all this way here... so i could..." you manage between heavy pants, one of your hands wandering down to trace the outer lips of your cunt. it sits just above where your reptilian scales end and meet human skin at your hips, flushed and wet like a human's might be when aroused, yet yours is so discreet when unaroused that it’s practically unnoticeable; the bloodflow as a result of arousal is what makes it noticeable and enticing to mates.
the man known to you only as xiangsheng casts childe a suspicious and disapproving glance as if he knows something you don't— childe only raises his eyebrows and smirks in response.
“this wouldn’t be your first time with one of my sweet little prey, right? you don’t need to act all dignified,” childe laughs, patting him on the back and gazing over at you again. “look at her. she’s soaked. i’ve never caught a lamia more willing and desperate. help out one of your own kind, will you?”
“serpents and dragonfolk aren’t as similar as you seem to believe they are, childe.”
“you both have scales. you both have claws. any supposed difference past that is nothing more than humans having different eye colors,” childe dismisses him with an indifferent wave of his hand. “besides. you can give her what she needs; i can’t. she wants to be a mommy, xian— no, zhongli. help her out and i’ll make it worth your time, alright?”
childe pulls a coin out of his pocket and flicks it into the air with his thumb, an act that catches the other man’s attention momentarily. "and why, may i ask," zhongli asks, turning back to face you as you lie helpless and quivering against childe's bed. "are you so insistent upon aiding this woman if your hobbies typically involve... capture and execution?"
childe only grins at him again, humming a light tune as he moves to sit on the edge of his bed. he runs a hand up the sleek, shimmery scales of your tail, whistling in approval at the texture and luster of them. "because she's a beauty, that's why. and i like to help the needy, you know? such a sweet, desperate little thing can't be left to her own devices for the rest of mating season... that'd be cruelty!"
zhongli signs with resignation and joins the two of you on the bed, taking care to avoid sitting on your tail as he makes himself comfortable. he meets your hazy gaze again, his molten amber eyes burning with very apparent desire as he joins childe in sliding a hand up the smooth expanse of your tail.
"you are lovely," he nods in agreement, prompting a delighted hum from childe.
"i told you so," childe adds, grinning at you. "i told you he'd adore you. xiangsheng has a real eye for beauty, you know... he's accurately appraised more gemstones and jewelry than every last jeweler in liyue put together."
"their intentions lie with creating a profit, not appreciating the beauty of each gemstone for what it is," zhongli says matter-of-factly and almost somewhat proudly. "much like you, childe."
"right, me," childe feigns offense by placing a hand over his chest, "but let's save the insults for later, alright? i'm worried our sweet girl will just burst if you keep her waiting even a second longer for what she really needs. isn't that right, dear?"
you nod frantically, parting the puffy lips of your cunt with two of your fingers to helplessly show off how soaked you are. you've been soaked since the moment you first caught whiff of both childe's scent and, more effectively, zhongli's draconic pheromones.
"getting drenched just like a human girl," childe laughs, reaching over to tease at what he assumes is your clit— he's always surprised by just how similar lamia reproductive anatomy is to human reproductive anatomy on the outside; all the differences seem to be internal. his fingers rub and prod at your clit in ways that make you cry out and wiggle against the bed, the tip of your tail twitching rapidly as you try to steady your breathing. "what a doll. a prize catch, if you ask me."
zhongli removes his gloves and cufflinks and sets them aside, his jacket and belt joining soon after. childe seems to be following suit despite the fact that he won't be breeding you— he sheds his outer coat and belt, shamelessly groping at his growing bulge as zhongli takes to teasing your cunt instead.
"have you ever been with a dragon mate before?" he asks you simply, running his fingers down the slick inner lips of your cunt and collecting your wetness on his thumb. you shake your head, too worked up to attempt forming words, your tail gently wrapping around his thigh in a display of serpentine affection.
"then i'll be gentle," zhongli replies, kneeling over the apex of your tail where scale meets skin and freeing his cock— no, cocks— from the confines of his underwear. two cocks... naga males tend to have two as well, and the downright delicious sight of them makes you salivate. "dragons can be a little more... vicious than naga lovers are."
it's familiar, that much is for sure. his cocks stand tall, proud, and flared; the flares and ridges are more dramatic than naga males' are, and you're genuinely twitching with anticipation as he gently guides his cocks towards your sopping cunt.
"yeah, be gentle with her," childe warns. "don't want to hurt her when she'll fetch me a..." he trails off, clearing his throat and groping roughly at your exposed tits instead. "when she's being so good for us, i mean."
zhongli nods in response, and you're breathing so heavily an unexpecting onlooker may assume you to be hyperventilating as he eases both of his cocks into you at once. while the stretch is by no means comfortable or easy, it's at least something you've experienced before in past mating seasons with your naga lovers— though zhongli is far, far thicker than any of them ever were.
"feels good?" childe murmurs, leaning down to kiss your forehead as you whimper and clench around zhongli's cocks. "so cute, look at you... you wanted this so badly, huh? poor little thing, almost went an entire mating season without someone to help you feel good and give you what you want... what do you have to say to xiangsheng for being so nice to you?"
you lift your head off the pillow so you can get a better look at zhongli as he begins to hammer away at your cunt, his cocks effortlessly spreading you open and filling you up all at once. "thank you," you wheeze out amidst your moans, squirming helplessly when childe pinches both of your nipples.
zhongli's hands grip at your waist as he fucks you as quickly as he can, low grunts and groans leaving him on each thrust. he looks just like any mate should as he pounds you— assertive, commanding, domineering, and brutal. jaw clenched, eyebrows furrowed, and eyes lidded as he downright uses you, you've never been more satisfied in your entire life. your future naga lovers will never, ever be able to hold a candle to a dragon lover ever again.
"then show your gratitude by bearing my children," zhongli groans, losing himself to his own reptilian instincts as his mind becomes clouded with nothing but the idea of breeding a pliant, submissive, and wanting mate. childe grins down at you as he slips his cock past your pretty lips, stroking your cheek with his thumb as he begins to slap his hips against your mouth.
"and watch those teeth of yours," childe teases, lovingly pinching your cheek. "fuck, you're good... that tongue..."
you gasp around childe's cock as you feel the push of zhongli’s first egg into your body— you whine as you can feel one of his cocks expanding to accommodate the egg as it passes into your womb, settling nicely into you.
this is what you've been wanting all this time. this is what you've been needing and craving ever since your heat first began. this is what you were made for, what you're best for, what you're only good at— and knowing that you were able to catch the eye of a dragon only adds to your belief that this is truly what you were made for.
childe reaches a hand down to lovingly rest against your belly as zhongli continues to pump you full, your belly rounding out further and further with each egg that pushes into your womb. the sensation makes you moan out with ecstasy each and every time, your body finally, finally calming down now that you're finally, finally being bred nice and full.
"that's it," childe murmurs, spilling his load into your mouth, enjoying the way you cough and gag on his cock as you do your best to swallow as much of his seed as possible. "good, good girl. you're almost done; zhongli's just got a few more, right?"
you shyly reach down to cup your swollen belly as zhongli pushes his last egg into you, and he's stuffed you so full that you're somewhat amazed your body was able to make room for just one more. archons, it's heavy... though your exhaustion is partially at fault as well, your tummy feels so heavy and full like this that you couldn't even lift yourself up off the bed if you tried. you can only gaze proudly at your tummy as zhongli pulls himself out of you, leaving a slick trail of cum along the way that drips from your hole and down onto the sheets.
"you did so well," childe chirps, giving your belly a loving pat. "get some rest, okay? i'll wait to have a go at you until after you've gotten some well-deserved sleep."
you nod dumbly and oblige, allowing your heavy eyelids to fall as you drift off into a comfortable, happy slumber, body and mind satiated and heat effectively quelled by zhongli's efforts. what you feared would be your most barren mating season to date has become your most successful in only a matter of a couple of hours— getting two lovers in one day who are so, so very gentle with you?
you just can't wait for the next season... will childe and zhongli keep you until then?
you sure hope so.
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"fifty-fifty works for you again, right?" childe asks zhongli, glancing over at your sleeping form as he redresses himself.
"you know better than to discuss business in front of the product," zhongli replies firmly, fixing his tie and cufflinks dutifully.
childe moves to gently pluck one of your scales from your tail, holding it up to the light of the bedside oil lamp to watch how the keratin reflects the light. "don't worry about that," childe smiles. "she's out like a light. a good girl... we should keep her around for another season before we get rid of her. i'd feel bad about losing a product this nice too quickly."
perhaps you'll get your wish to be with them for one more year granted.
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starfxkr · 2 months
after said girlie gets jumped shes stumbling her ass home w a bunch of knots on her head humiliated af n at this point kitten’s friends are just watching her and trap!jj putting their hands on each other— jj finally gets ahold of her by the neck or hair n dragging kitten back inside telling her friends to not hit her up for a couple days 😭 n theyre like trust us we wont like they know your ass is doneeee 🤦🏽‍♀️ cut to him plowing your shit on the couch keeping you in a headlock making you look at the mess you made, thumb in your ass bc hes fucking you there next bc he’ll be damned if you make him look like a bitch, so hes fucking you like one 🤷🏽‍♀️
hours later, kittens in some panties and his tshirt, eyeliner and mascara smeared, bruised, and all around fucked up— limping around his place picking up the mess she made bc jj’s making her n shes all whiny and pliant talking ab “m’sorry jayj” and “i wont do it againnn” but hes still fuckin pissed telling her “nuh uh, clean that shit up.” and she does bc thats her man!!!! n his phones blowing up bc his homeboys heard the cops showed up n they dont know if hes getting searched or locked up ??? but hes like “nah, my girl just pulled some crazy shit on me. we good bro.” n he starts talking ab her like shes not even there n thats when kitten cues the waterworks again n he sighs n gives in n starts kissing n loving on you again bc he rly cant stand to see his girl cry!!!!!
but fr the cops are used to their antics and nobody being able to snitch on kitten bc yes trap!jj will put a bullet thru your head no matter who you are… i love his crazy ass :(
her friends bein all "rip my girl shes not dead her nigga just mad at her" on their stories LMAO
but fr he fucks the shit outta her, like she pretty much passes out, he uses every hole to remind her that shes always gonna be his at the end of the day so she needs to stop acting fuckin crazy for once. she's an absolute mess after...her edges are all curled up, her face is covered in tears and makeup, lips bitten and everything and he's low-key kinda mean about making her clean but she kinda deserves it ngl she was breaking plates and shit.
when he's telling people what happened they're like "oh so same ol shit huh" especially john b who actually gets in jjs ass and tells him she wouldn't act like that if he stopped playin in her face and she can't hear him say all that but she's been crying by that point so the combo of john bs lecture and her tears makes him scoop her up so they can cuddle and watch tv on the couch <3
the cops neverrrr do anything because nobody ever admits shes been crashing out. even when they broke up and he messed around w some other girl, that girl knew not to snitch when kitten beat her ass because like always no matter how mad he gets he literally cannot live without her.
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its-time-to-write · 9 months
ch. 7 - hustling for the good life
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if you made it to the end, thank you🥰
the way forward
Touring is absolutely insane. It’s not as crazy as some people’s like, say, Allie Gooding, but it’s still so. Much. Work. You don’t really dance, mostly hold your guitar while sitting in the middle of a stage while people twirl and leap behind you.
It’s a Blue Glass tour, technically speaking, but Mango is by far the highlight.
You’re in the city of its origin, with its muses sitting front and center. 
“I’ll let you go/Because it’s best for me/I slip out the back/And turn the key,” the audience sings.
i saw u on tiktok, Jamie texts that night. fukig mint the way the crowd sang all the words.
Claire was crying, you type back. And why can’t you ever spell “fuck” correctly??
cant all be smarty pants musicians, Jamie writes. Then, been blessed to be a dumb, sexy footballer.
Ok, I have to go to sleep. Flying to some small city tomorrow afternoon. Maybe you’ve heard of it? Called something like idk, Landon? Lodan?
He asks, u still staying at mine?
Yep. Can’t wait!!
FUCKIMG M I N T, Jamie responds.
You’ve been in Richmond for approximately four hours, just long enough to say hi to Keeley, eat dinner, and, you know, ditch Natalie so you and Jamie can make up for time spent apart.
“That’s disgusting,” she says before hopping into the hired car.
“Ok miss ‘I fucked-‘”
“WHOA, ok,” she says, “I’m going to stop you right there. I’m out of here.”
But now you’re laying in Jamie’s bed as he runs his hand up and down your arm, tucked against his side.
“You’re bringing the team to the show tomorrow, right?” you ask.
“Hm,” Jamie agrees.
“Cool,” you say softly, “Do you think they’re going to want to meet the musical guest?”
“Yes,” Jamie says immediately. “Lads’ve been hounding me all week. Even fucking Ted’s been asking.”
You smile. “Seems no one’s immune to the charms of Allie Gooding.”
“I fucking knew it,” Jamie gasps. “Fucking knew it. You gonna do Creekside?”
“Yeah,” you say.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” he asks, twirling a strand of your hair between his fingers. “How you do all this shit, I don’t know.”
You’re silent. The truth is, you don’t even know how you do all this shit. Natalie is barely managing to keep your head on straight as it is. At first, it was fun to travel. Now, you just want a good night of sleep.
You have an especially hard time with meet and greets. It always feels too crowded and stifling, and there’s no Jamie to hold your hand or sneak you out the door so nine times out of ten, you have a panic attack while pretending that everything’s fine.
You’d be happy never touring again, just playing your guitar for Jamie in the living room. Writing songs for the people you love and only for the people you love. Mango felt important in a way that Blue Glass didn’t. It had a message and actually helped people, whether or not they knew it.
Claire sent you a small video every time her song was playing in a shop or on the radio, then end the song by clasping her thumb and index finger into a heart. She sent one of her and the other women in her new house, dancing to Kitchen Epiphany.
“We wouldn’t be here without you, babe!” she said at the end.
But she was wrong. You wouldn’t be there without her. It’s wrong, all wrong, but you only have a couple nights with Jamie so you roll on top of him and press your lips to his.
You’re in Greece less than a week and a half later, sporting a Tartt jersey as you pull up to your hotel.
Natalie’s been making wiggly eyes at you the whole time you’ve had it on but you don’t care because you’re almost done with this godforsaken tour and you haven’t broken up with Jamie. He still loves you, for some reason you don’t understand.
But hey, you’ve never claimed to understand the male brain.
As you make the mad dash from the car into the safety of the lobby, you hear a familiar voice call your name. You turn and see Donovan, your most recent ex. He’s smiling and holding hands with a girl you used to see around his photoshoots.
“How have you been?” he asks warmly. 
“Good!” you say. “Hopping all around the world, but good!”
He’s still smiling that picture-perfect smile. “Saw you’re dating Jamie Tartt. You guys actually look happy together. Just like me and Zoe. Unless, of course, it’s show?”
“Oh,” you reply, startled. “I, uh, well,”
“It’s ok,” Donovan interjects. “Zo knows we weren’t actually dating.”
“Oh,” you say again, relieved. You never did feel the need to act around Donovan. “Yeah, no, it’s real. At least, it feels real. Wasn’t set up by a PR firm or anything and we’ve been able to keep it pretty quiet.”
Donovan nods. “You’ve always been good in staying out of trouble. Me, not so much.” 
Zoe grins from her place on his arm. “Yeah, but now we get into quiet trouble. We’re getting married this week, and no one even knows that we’re dating.”
She holds out her hand to show you and Natalie the biggest ring you’ve ever seen.
“Nice,” Natalie says. “But we’ve got to check in. Great to see you, Donny.”
“God,” she says as she drags you away, “that could’ve been you. You would have made perfect plastic babies with that absolute fucking Ken.”
“Hey, Dono was nice,” you defend.
“Uh huh. What with all that… personality.”
Ok fine, so maybe he was rather one-dimensional. He and Danielle seem perfectly happy. You’re glad that he’s doing well, despite your so-called “torrid love affair.”
You’ll have to drop by their room at some point to catch up for real.
You end up going out to a club with him. And Natalie and Danielle of course, but as you step through the doors, you’re kicking yourself. Why did you think this was a good idea? It smells and it’s crowded, but you’re going to suck it up for Natalie, and for the sake of socialization. Your only consolation is that pretty much everyone will be too drunk to know who you are.
It’s all fine, you’ve had some water and you’re dancing with Natalie when the lights hit your eyes wrong, or maybe the beat dropped when you weren’t expecting it, but it doesn’t actually matter because your eyes go wide and you feel like you’re drowning. You push your way through the crowd out the door, barely noticing Donovan and Zoe hot on your heels.
“Hey,” he calls after you, “you alright?”
No, you want to say. No, you’re not alright because you’re with a bunch of strangers and you just want to be home with Jamie. You want to kick a football around with him on the weekends and hold his hand and be alone. You can feel tears sliding down your cheeks, and Donovan cups your face in his hands to wipe them away. 
“Maybe we should go,” he says concerned. Zoe’s leaning against a wall, phone out. 
“Already got an Uber,” she says. “You’ll be ok, babe.”
Donovan presses a kiss to your forehead. “C’est pas de problème,” he says. “Ne stresses pas.”
You can tell something’s wrong the moment you wake up. Maybe because you can’t hear Natalie in the other room or maybe it’s intuition, but the air isn’t right. You open up your phone to Instagram and find a picture of you and Donovan from last night. He’s holding your face and looking at you with what you know is concern, but to the observer looks like- love?
Oh shit.
The caption is the standard bullshit - “Forest Fire singer reignites old flame,” and you think you might be sick.
You keep scrolling and there’s another one, this time with Donovan kissing your forehead. The caption underneath is a rant to the effect of, how could you cheat on Jamie Tartt? What a greedy little bitch.
The more you go, the more you find. It’s the same set of pictures with the same set of captions.
It’s the damage to your public image that concerns you. You’ve been around long enough to know that it will blow over, especially because it’s unsubstantiated. You’re thinking of Jamie.
Oh god, what’s he going to think? You’re positive he’s seen it already, because how could he not? It’s so rare that you have a so-called scandal, that you’re trending. If he didn’t find it on his own, one of his friends definitely sent it to him.
Your phone is blowing up with news notifications and text messages. You have ten missed calls from Natalie an inbox full of voicemails. You’ll probably delete all of them without listening. 
But what you really care about is Jamie because in the plethora of messages all you’ve gotten from him is a single fucking voice memo. It’s five seconds long, the exact amount of time it takes to say “fuck you,” and you don’t want to open it. 
But a voice in your head compels you, the same voice that gave you the ok to fall in love with him in the first place, so before you can talk yourself out if it you press play and hold it up to your ear. 
“Hey,” says Jamie’s voice. “I love you.”
And that’s it. 
You don’t even try to calculate what time it is in London, you just hit the call button.
“Hey,” says Jamie’s real, actual voice.
“Hi,” you breathe. “I love you. And I hate touring. And press. I just want to make my songs and never fucking tour again. Donovan and I weren’t even doing anything. I had a goddamn panic attack and he was helping me calm down, and his literal fiancée is like three feet off camera but no one knows they’re together because fuck the press.”
Jamie chuckles. “No one’s making you do all this, love. You don’t owe people anythin’. You can just live your life without selling it. But like, if you want to sell it you can. You know?”
“Yeah,” you say.
“Oi. Look. Are you actually doing what you want? Because if it ain’t making you happy, you can stop.” 
You can hear a muffled voice in the background before you have a chance to respond. 
“Yeah, it’s her,” Jamie says to the voice. 
There’s a chorus of your name as Jamie says, “Dani and the lads say hi.”
“Tell them I say hi,” you respond. “Wait, where are you? It’s like nine there. Are you at training?”
“Weight room,” Jamie says, “but don’t get distracted. Are you happy?”
“No,” you say. “No, I’m not I want to- I want to play my guitar in your backyard and talk to Clare and help out Christine and not give Natalie a fucking aneurism every single day. I want to be able to sleep and not worry what people think of me and I want to like singing again. I want to visit my friends and have time to listen to their music and maybe I’ll tour with them, but only for fun. And most of all, I want to be with you. I want to go to all your matches and wear so much red and blue that I look like a gremlin and then I want to go home with you. And I want, like, domestic stuff too, like grocery shopping and cooking and- and-”
“And brushing our teeth at the same time,” Jamie helpfully supplies.
“Yes,” you say. “I’m really tired of all this.”
“Well,” Jamie says, “you’ve got one more week. Then fucking come home.”
You tell Natalie she’s fired, just to see the look on her face. 
She starts yelling when you tell her you’re kidding but only kind of and then she hits you with her purse, stringing together curses in both English and Spanish.
She’s less mad when you give her a raise and tell her she’s now in charge of managing all your shit so you don’t have to.
“I thought that’s what I was doing already,” she says, and now it’s your turn to smack her.
“First decision I’m making is switching to KJPR,” she says.
You ask, “What the fuck is that?” with a nose wrinkle.
Nat just grins. “Keeley’s PR firm.”
You let out a scream. “NO FUCKING WAY. NO FUCKING WAY! How did I miss that??”
Natalie shrugs and says, “She told me to pass on the message because she figured you were busy. I sent her a very nice gift basket from you.”
You sigh and grab Natalie for a hug. “You’re the absolute best, you know that?”
“Uh huh,” she says. “You’d be dead without me.”
It’s off-season, a year later. You’re on a beach in Brazil, lying in a chair next to Keeley, who’s in a hot-pink bikini.
“I never want to go back to England,” she says, sipping her drink.
You laugh. “I think your boytoy would disagree.”
She huffs and says, “Not my fault he has all that fucking hair. And anyway, he’s the one who wanted to come!”
“Fucking grandad,” Jamie grumbles good-naturedly next to you.
“You invited him,” you say. “You said, ‘Babe, Roy has to be there when we elope.’”
“How was I supposed to know he hated the sun?” Jamie asks, exasperated. “Twat never said anything!”
“He wears black all the time and never smiles, babe. He’s basically a vampire. You should’ve known.”
“I can fucking hear you,” Roy says from under the umbrella. “I’m not fucking deaf.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose and say, “I’m just glad Natalie left yesterday. Some honeymoon this is.”
Jamie gets up from his chair and flops on top of you. 
“Oof,” you grunt.
“Sorry,” he says, not sorry at all. “Hey, think there’s a pitch ‘round here? I brought my boots. Think they’re under the bed, love.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you say. “‘Football is life,’ or whatever. I’m gonna write a hit song about how my husband likes a fucking ball better than me.”
“I’d pay good money to hear that,” Roy says.
Jamie props himself up on his forearms and puts on his most angelic expression. “That’s me, the adorable yet sexy trophy husband. I’m your muse.”
“You’re something,” you say. “Ooh, I think I can use that in the song!”
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mountschelsea · 1 year
Enough is enough (2/2)
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-not my gif-
Request- Something with mason where he stops being the hands on dad that you are used to and going out with his friends whenever he is free. You try talk to him about it and it ends in a fight. You need help so you go stay at your parents for a couple of weeks leaving mason to reflect and realise what an idiot he is. He comes to see you and sort things out and the baby is really happy to see him. Happy ending please xxx
You left that night. 
Mason came home a couple hours later to find a note you left him. 
I can’t do this anymore. I have put up with this bullshit for to long and i’m over it.You don’t care about me or your child.I need to get away from you and this situation.Eva deserves better. I deserve better. Im not going to sit around making promises to her i cant keep. Don’t reach out. I think we both need time away. I really love you and Eva does too. Goodbye Mason. 
Mason being a man obviously didn’t care that you asked him not to reach out. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and started texting you non stop. He rang and rang your phone. He left so many voicemails he fulled up your inbox and couldn’t leave anymore. 
Mason eventually fell asleep. 
You on the other hand were still driving to your parents house, you had no idea what they would say or even if they would let you stay with them. You had no other choice. You knew mason would go to every single on of your friends house looking for you. 
About an hour later you were there. Sat outside the house you left years ago not on good terms. You sat there for about 20 minutes building up the courage to ring the door bell. Finally you were ready. 
Your finger hovered over the button. As you thought for a split second ‘am i actually going to do this’. You did. 
You heard your mum shout for your dad to open the door. You were deep in your thoughts when your dads voice cut through them. 
“y/n?” He saw your red puffy eyes. He took a while taking every detail of his little girl he hadnt seen in years. Until the landed on the baby carrier. His heart dropped. ‘He was a grandad?’
“Paul whats taking so long the house is getting cold.” Your mum muttered as she came to the door. 
“Y/n baby?” She quickly noticed the baby and your crying eyes. 
“Paul go get their bags.Come in sweetie.” 
You entered everything looked the same. A few new pictures but other than that it was the same. 
“Listen mum...” you were quickly interupted. 
“Did he hurt you?” 
“Mum i can..” you were cut off again.
“Did that boy lay his hands on my little girl.” your dad butted in.
“No” you finally got out. 
“Look mum dad i will explain every thing tomorrow i just need to sleep.” just as you finished talking Eva started to cry. 
“Don’t worry y/n we can handle her you go sleep.” 
“are you sure?” 
“i’m a mum remember, we’ll be fine” 
you gave her a small smile before you left to go upstairs. 
The next day you woke up to your phone ringing. Again and again. It seems mason had informed everyone you left and told them to try get in touch’. You replied to Lauren and Sofia explaining the whole situation and they promised not to tell Dec or Kai anything. You put your phone back on the bedside table and went to brush your teeth and do your skin care. 
Just as you walked back in, your phone started vibrating. It was Mason. Again. 
You don’t know what came over you put you answered. 
“Y/n?” Mason said letting out a long breath. 
“Mason i told you I needed space”
“Y/n please I’m sorry just come home”. 
“No Mason I told you...” you were cut off by mason desperately speaking again.
“I know what you said, but I cant do this without you. Without Eva. Please. I know i messed up. I’m sorry. I’ll change.”
“Mason you know I can’t.”
“Where are you guys. I’ll come. We’ll talk. We can get through this.” 
“I’m not telling where we are Mason. I’ve told you so many times. I need time and space.”
“Well I’m sorry for not want my child to stay in some random hotel.” 
“We’re not in a hotel.”
“Come on Y/n, I’ve been to everyones house looking for you. Cut the bullshit.” 
It wasn’t your ideal start to the day but what could you do. 
You decided to go downstairs to get something to eat. You came down to Eva laughing at your Dad pulling funny faces and your mum cooking. 
You have been at your parents a week now. You explained the whole thing to them expecting a ‘I told you so’ but all you got back was an apology. They said sorry for everything. For losing touch, for the way they acted the night you left and for not coming to your wedding. 
You finally had decided to go home. 
You packed up your’s and Eva’s things. You had an emotional goodbye with your parents and promised to stay in touch and then you were finally on the road again. 
About an hour had past and you were pulling into the driveway of your’s and Mason’s shared home. You saw his car parked out side which meant he was in. You turned the car off and hesitantly got out. You were to tired to get your stuff out now so you only brought Eva’s baby bag. 
You unlocked the door to see Mason stood there, he looked as if he hadn’t slept since you left. Eva was asleep as you carefully placed her carrier down. You shut the door behind you and you stood there for what felt like years but was only seconds.
Suddenly Mason started walking towards you and quickly grabbed you into the tightest hug ever. You went to speak before mason got there before you. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I can’t live without you. I need you. You and Eva are all i will ever need. I’m a stupid idiot. I was selfish and I can 100% see why you left but I can never live without you, so please forgive me. Please give me a second chance. I will never ever disrespect you ever again. I love you so much, I need you to survive.” 
You stared at him for a moment before speaking. 
“You are an idiot, but I love and need you too.”
_ Veryyy rushed and not proofread but i need more requests so please send some xx
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devilmayfamily · 2 years
School vs DMC Boys
Summary: Because the fall school season is closing in and some of you may have already moved into your college/university dorms, I present to you all, the DMC boys vs you having to leave for school
"You have to leave?!", Dante whines. "You leave all the time Dante", you reply. "For like, a few days", Dante counters.
He'd rather have you home and will fight with you about it until the day you go
Helps you pack even if it means your a step closer to going
"You can always come visit", you say. "Dont give me that kind of permission", Dante replies.
Actually. Dont. Mans will be there every day to check on you until someone or yourself tell him he has to stop and leave
Has tried to bargain with you
"How about we live together in (enter where your college is). We can get an apartment or do couples housing", Dante says. "Dante, you barely have enough money to pay rent here. Besides, couple housing is for married couples", you reply. Dante:*slowly gets on one knee* "DONT!"
Seeing you get into the van all packed up makes him proud and sad at the same time. He loves seeing you go after your dreams but hates he has to stay behind this time.
He pulls you in for one last hug. "Write me, call, anything", he says. "Was planning on it", you reply, hugging him just as tight as he was you. You give the devil hunter one last kiss before jumping into the van, Nico driving you off.
"You have to leave? Yes, I suppose that makes sense"
He keeps it in how much he's going to miss you
Helps you pack, always double checking things
"You're sure you have everything?", Vergil asks. "Im sure babe", you reply.
Has secretly packed you a William Blake book so you having something that reminds you of him
And some tea because he knows if he doesn't you'll waste so much money on coffee
"You could come visit", you tell him. "Visit? That does sound nice"
He visits once a month, taking you out for lunch or just sitting and reading with you in the surrounding parks or libraries
No one messed with you before, but now no one really messes with you after seeing that cold Vergil stare
Right before you have to leave, Vergil pulls you aside to say his own goodbye
"I will miss you my dear", Vergil says. “I’m going to miss you too Verg", you reply. You pull Vergil into a hug, tears brimming in his eyes. He clears his throat, trying to get rid of them. "I suppose you must start heading out", Vergil says. You sadly nod, looking back at the van. You give Vergil a kiss, running into the van before you cry in front of him.
"Crying Verg?", Dante asks. "No, just dust", Vergil replies, wiping at his eyes. Dante smiles, giving his brother a pat on the back. "You'll see them again"
He's like a kicked puppy like his uncle
Becomes super clingy in your last few days
"Nero, I have to pee" "But I only have these last few days to be by ur side!" "5 seconds Nero!!"
Sure it can be annoying but you wouldn't trade it for the world
He does come visit often but not as much as Dante would. Maybe once a week at least
Blue anthropomorphic wings has never scared college kids more in the their lives
"Nero you scared him", you chuckle. "He needed to get a run in today anyways"
On the day you have to leave, Nero is constantly going where you do; to the room, in the kitchen, on the couch, he's everywhere
After everyone has said goodbye to you, Nero pulls you in for a hug, blue wings also accounted for
"Im going to call every day", Nero says. "I know you will", you reply. "And we will have to talk for at least an hour", Nero adds. "And if we cant?", you ask. "We make up for it next time", he replied. You smile up at the goof. "I'll be back before you know it, dont worry", you say, ruffling Nero's hair. You both laugh as Nero attacks you in kisses before loading up into the van.
"Haha! You have to live in some crummy ol' dorm room!", Griffon squawked out. V held onto the birds beak, fighting the bird to shut up
Griffon is gonna make as many jokes as possible about you leaving. They wont cross any boundaries but they will make you roll your eyes at the bird
Shadow gives you extra loving on the coming days of you leaving
V is helping you pack (when you aren't laying under Shadow)
He packs you all kinds of tea when you're not looking
"Who's this in the picture y/n?", your roommate asks. "That's my boyfriend", you reply, smiling fondly at the photo sitting on your desk. You were able to get a photo of V just admiring the world around him.
You brought a few photos of V and you to have as decor. It didn't help that V was the first to sneak a photo in your suitcase
V comes by once a month to take you out and away from studying all the time. He understands it's important but so is your mental health (get some rest guys)
Everyone on campus is curious about your mysterious boyfriend but Griffon is good at keeping them in line
Speaking of Griffon, the bird can't not visit you
He jokes about you being away but he secretly misses you a lot too
He visits almost as much as Dante would
"Griffon, you can't be here", you scolded the bird. "Who said so? I'm just checking on you", he replied. "That's what you said yesterday", you reminded him. Griffon didn't answer, just snuggled up next to you.
Your poor roommate had to get accustomed to a giant bird coming in through the window almost every day very quickly.
On the day you had to go, all the familiars were out, hugging you and saying goodbye
Nightmare doesnt want to let you go but knows he has to
"Alright you three, they got to go", V says to his familiars. They whine but return to their master nonetheless. "We will miss you", V says, finally able to say his own goodbye. "I know you will", you reply. V pulls you in for a hug, one you know you'll miss. Reluctantly you let go of the man, getting one more kiss from him before jumping into the van. Griffon flies along side the van just to make sure you get there safe.
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strangerthingsn · 2 months
Part 10
summary: You live in your car or a hotel, you sell your body to men for money, but got accidentally pregnant by the only one Alan Munson(Eddies dad). He was in jail before, for the same thing he did to you. But lucky he has a son who cares and helps you out.
warning:18+ (all parts), hurt, angst, trauma
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”hey y/n” Jade smiles when you walk in.
“hey, how are you doing” you look at her.
“pretty good, how about you? You look… tired”
“I am… Elias kept me awake tonight” you sigh. “Don’t get me wrong I love him but..kids…” you roll your eyes.
“I understand, go put your clothes on and we’ll see how it goes, maybe you can leave earlier” she smiles. “Hey you have a tattoo?”
“yess” you nod looking at the tattoo Eddie gave you a couple days ago.
“Awh its adorable” she smiles looking at it.
“Thanks, I’m gonna put my uniform on be right back” you smile walking to the dressing room.
—3 hours later—
You’re not even working that long yet but you’re exhausted but you try to be nice to every customer.
“are you okay?” Jade asks a little worried.
“I’m fine, thanks” you smile a bit.
“Good morning ladies” a similar voice says. You look up to meet the eyes of fucking: Alan Munson. You swallow and try not to freak out.
“h-hey” you clear your throat talking a little different then you do normally, hoping he will not notice you. Your heart is pounding in your chest, it doesn’t surprise you if the whole shop could hear your heartbeat.
“Hello darling” darling? Gross. he leans on the counter in a flirty way.
“What…uhh what can I get for u?” You say silently.
“Cant hear you doll”
“What can I get for you.?” You say a little louder meeting his eyes once again. You notice your breath had sped up.
“hey-.. I think..” he furrows his eyebrows.
“hm?” Please don’t recognize me. Please don’t recognize me. Please don’t- you thoughts got cut of by his voice.
“I think I know you.?” He looks at you.
“I-… excuse me” you can’t handle this anymore, you started crying and hyperventilating when you walk to the back of the coffee shop. You needed to get away hire. You grab the phone typing the right number as fast as possible. When he picks up you try to talk.
“It’s Eddie Mu- babe?”
“Eddie I-“ you’re totally out of breath and the tears running down your cheeks didn’t help much either.
“it’s okay breath… you want me to come and get you?” He asks you hear him already grabbing his keys.
“please” you sob.
“I’ll be right there baby” before you could say anything he hangs up. You hear Jade helping Alan because of his voice. The voice he just called you darling with and once called you, slut, whore and bitch with, and with the hand he was leaning on the counter, he once shot you and almost killed you and your son.
The thoughts were running through your head and you could stop them. You needed a safe place, that’s why you locked yourself in the toilet. You sit on the ground still crying and hyperventilating.
“y/n?” Jade asks worried.
“Im hire” you say softly but it was loud enough for her to hear.
“honey can you open the door? The man wants to talk with you”
“p-please…” you sob shaking your head no even thought she can’t see you.
“What please.? Y/n what’s up.?” She’s really worried.
“E-Eddies dad” you say quietly.
“o- oh.” She says also a lot more silent. “I’ll give him his damn coffee gonna fucking spit in. it be right back”
“she just had a long day, she struggles with stuff at home” Jade explains to Alan.
“she don’t wanna talk?” He looks at jade.
“no. So what can I get you?”
“Just coffee don’t want anything in it”
“ok.” She walks to the machine making his order ready while he continues.
“I thought I knew her, she got a similar face”
“oh she was a model also was in much magazines” Jade lies.
“ohh” Alan nods. When a customer walks in he seems to be distracted, so Jade actually spit in his drink.
“Eddie?” Jade hears Alan saying.
“fuck” Eddie curses under his breath, he had Elias in his arms. You and Jade are so damn lucky there is no one else in the shop.
“Hey son, you got a fucking kid?”
“Don’t call me your son.”Eddie looks mad.
“Having a kid was the biggest mistake you could make.” Alan looks disgusted at the baby.
“No it isn’t.” Eddie turns to Jade when she understand him she points at the back where you are, and he nods walking through the doors.
“uh-… sorry” Alan clears his throat.
“hire your coffee” Jade looks annoyed by him and hands him his coffee. Alan gave a quick smile and sits down by a table.
“babe?” Eddie looks around. “I have a young man who wants to give mummy cuddles” He swallows not knowing what to do in this situation.
“M Here” you sob opening the door of the toilet.
“oh god baby i feel so bad for you” Eddie wraps one of his arms around you. You hold him tight and you take your sons hand. “I didn’t know he’s out of jail yet” he presses his lips against your head.
“maybe im over acting” you wipe away your tears.
“No you aren’t. That motherfucker shot you” Eddie rubs your back gently. “Come sit down” he grabs a chair away from the table with one hand and he helps you sit down.
“thanks” you take a seat and you try not to cry even more.
“Don’t thank me, wanna hold Elias.?”
“yes please” you looks at your son in his arms looking around not knowing what’s happening. Eddie smiles and gives him gently. “Hey lovely” you try to smile a bit.
“nana” he reaches at a banana laying on the table.
“You want the nana?” You ask him.
“thats mamas lunch” Eddie grabs it.
“he can have it” you go with your hand through his curls.
“do you have a knife?” He looks around.
“I think Jade has one there”
“ummh, okay.. might take a little longer cause that son of a bitch wants to talk”
“its okay, i can break it?”
“no no, I’ll do everything for my favorite kiddo” he smiles walking out of the doors.
“Elias?” You look down at him and he brights up as he hears you calling his name. “I love you” you kiss his head gently. He looks up at you giving you a little kiss back. “Awhh” you smile.
“You have a knife?”Eddie asks Jade.
“Why you need a knife?” She looks confused.
“Gonna cut a banana for Elias” He shrugs his shoulders.
“Well I have” she says opening a cupboard and taking a knife out.
“Thanks” Eddie takes it and walks to the back until..
“Hey Eds, can we talk… just for a second” he hears his dads voice ask.
“What Alan? What do you wanna talk about? How it was not your fault to shoot a little girl?!”
“she wasn’t even little.”
“she was eighteen dad.” Eddie looks so mad at this moment.
“how was it my fault?! She failed her work, besides its very normal to be on birth control while being a sex worker. How was I supposed to know she wasn’t?!”
“So you just shoot her?!! You’re crazy man” He makes wrists of his hands.
“It was better for her anyways, hope she had a dying death.”
“fuck you.” Eddie looses it and he gives his dad a hard punch in his face.
“EDDIE NO!” Jade yells grabbing his wrist pulling back behind the counter.
“What happened?!” You run through the doors with Elias in your arms. You look around but seeing Eddie mad like this and his dad with a bleeding nose says enough.
“You gonna regret this, I didn’t raise you like this.” Alan is on his way to grab Eddie.
“You didn’t raise me at all.” He looks at his dad with tears in his eyes.
“That’s cause you where a fucking accident and your mom decided to keep you, not me.”
“You shot her. Maybe if you didn’t I had atleast her and a brother.” Alan didn’t miss one thing and that was the way Eddie looked at you with hurt in his eyes.
“ohh, I get it” Alan walks over to you and looks at the baby. “Is this your girlfriend? Since when you fuck whores?”
He knew it. He knew it all along.
“Dont fucking touch her.” Eddie frees himself from Jade her grip.
“or what?” Alan smirks. “Little nervous aren’t you doll?” He looks at you holding your breath. “This is my son isn’t it” he takes Elias his hand.
“DONT FUCKING TOUCH HIM” you kick him in his balls.
“fuck.” Alan backs off.
“mom insist” Jade whispers and Eddie just looks surprised at you.
“Well I don’t think you can make kids anymore. Problem solved. Get out or I call the police.” Eddie pushes his dad towards the door.
“I’m not done with you young man.” Alan looks extremely mad at Eddie and slams the door shut behind him.
“Sorry. I’m really sorry” Eddie looks at you and Jade.
“its okay, we didn’t have a busy day and at this time anyways” Jade shrugs his shoulders.
“Nana.?” Elias looks at Eddie.
“Yeah sure, I’ll cut you banana now” Eddie takes him from you and kisses your forehead. “Are you okay”
“m fine.” You where still mad and Eddie saw it.
“Well I think your pretty bad ass and I’ll think twice before getting into discussion with you now” Eddie jokes.
“I think he’s still gonna feel that for a while” Jade nods. “I’m closing by the way we can leave form the back” she walks to the door with the keys.
“Okay” you nod while grabbing a wipe to clean everything.
—1 hour later—
“home sweet home” Eddie walks into the trailer with you and Elias.
“I should cook”
“no im gonna cook. You’re feeding Elias and you’re gonna bring him to me after then you take a nap.”
“okay boss” you kiss his cheek with a gentle smile walking to the bedroom. You lay Elias on the bed so you can take off your shirt and bra. Picking him up again you sit down against the headboard. Elias starts drinking and you look at him.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have showed you this side of me..” you start talking. “I’m gonna explain this all to you when you’re older. Promise”
“honey?” Eddie calls form the kitchen.
“pancakes okay?” He asks, mostly when Eddie cooks its pancakes.
“Sure, make one for Eli too”
“I will”
“you hear that, we are gonna eat your favorite food” you boop is nose and as response he chuckles, your in love with his little chuckles.
“don’t drink too much then” you mutter, he has just a little belly so he definitely needs some space for the pancake. Elias is already growing so fast and his hair is adorable.
“da” he says when he pulls away from you.
“You wanna help daddy with baking?” You put on your bra, he’s so busy and wants so much he forgets to drink sometimes. But that didn’t matter for now. “Come here” you pick him up and you walk over to Eddie.
“there are my favorites” Eddie kisses the top of your head and then Elias. he always lays a blanket and pillows in the sink so he can sit there. You set Elias in the sink and you stand next to Eddie. “Are you okay?”
You didn’t hear him at first, you where over thinking.
“oh yes?” You look at him.
“are you okay?” He rubs your back.
“I’m fine” you nod.
“Okay, tell me when you don’t feel fine, yeah?” He pulls you into a hug.
“I will” you nod hugging him back tightly.
“go take a little nap” he kisses your head again.
“okay” you let go of Eddie and walk back into the bedroom.
-8 hours later-
It’s around 2 am and you just couldn’t fall asleep, you kept thinking about Alan and his terrible smirk. The way he knew who you were but lied about it. The way he wanted to hurt his own sons and you.
“baby” Eddie mumbles apparently awake.
“Jesus Eds you scared me” you turn to him.
“Why are you awake? Had a bad dream?” He keeps whispering.
“no I didn’t sleep at all” you shrug your shoulders.
“are you scared?”
“i don’t know…” you look down. Eddie wraps his arms around you and cuddles you.
“Ill keep you and Elias safe”
“I know you will” you nod laying your head on his chest.
“next time i see him i shoot him down”
“You wanna be in jail the rest of your life?” You snap.
“Well ill do everything to keep you safe..”
“no Eddie I still want babies with you” you chuckle a bit.
“multiple?” Eddie looks at you with big eyes.
“God no one sibling for Elias is enough” Eddie chuckles too.
“Sure” you smile.
“now sleep cuddlebug” he plays with your hair.
“okay sir” you smile closing your eyes.
sorry that this took so super long but I was so busy lately.. I hope you enjoy
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@bethexo07 @kellyxo1 @daisyridleyss @lovetaquitosmmmm
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zi-ve · 11 days
i fucking hate my job i want to kill myself but no but i am so fucking tired you know i already feel gross as a dishwasher touching food bits full time makes me feel like the ugliest girl in the world but the owners cant even fix the service dishwasher for 3 weeks i just am expected to wash and wipe sometimes 300 dishes in a few hours and they all are heavy and the sink is deep and these are small tiny spoiled kid problems but every morning i wake up and cry and i am too tired to not work overtime i think i burned out a week or two or three ago but i cant stop and i cant quit because back home everything is fucked and i just keep remembering every day how my dad looked like in a coma and how i found his funeral strangely entertaining all these random people every single one hugging me while sobbing just strangers all hugging me telling how sorry they feel for me while i feel fine its fine though still ive just very well avoided working full time in a mechanical job which brings me nothing except numbers in my bank account only to worry about money more and fantasizing about stabbing my bosses slicing their stomachs open and throats too i think they are embodiment of sins like in a biblical way of gluttony and hate and just ridiculously bad vibes and my co workers agree. i think noticing how germany can fine people thousands upon thousands for boiling a lobster alive , the owner couple would have quite a lot child abuse charges seeing how they keep them in a room filled with trash for 7 hours a day. they are the most unreliable people ive ever met constantly making promises they cant keep. im afraid of becoming the same because i dont text people back. i cant stop seeing how everyone is doomed and politics are fucked and everything is powerless. i try to cope with the idea that im still pimpin, dont get me wrong i totally am, nothing is as heavy and restricting as it seems but fuck man im so tired and fuck latvia man i love my people i love the earth i love the sea there but holy shit how can it be so tough there. if only there were sensible social security systems i swear my dad wouldve died years later and i couldve at least seen him a bit more or something. i want to kill myself only because i want to live i hate myself so much because every couple of days i cant cope at all. its okay though i think. time will pass anyway and all the other tweets. my horoscope reminds me of discipline every day and it is right. i just have to do everything in my power to not let it all eat me alive. ill be still pimpin
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scuderiahoney · 21 days
1. in motion alex and lily ( and alex and lily in general) have to be roman empire cuz THEYRE LITERALLY SO CUTE I CANT
2. they called bunny first omg shut up.
3. have you watched red white and royal blue? cuz the 'osc' and the relived bunny is so alex and henry saying "alex" "baby" coded
4. oh i just know sebs gonna be kicking his feet and shit (figuratively) when he finds out about bunny and osc
5. rip bunny and lily you would love taylor swift
6. Oooh back story time.
7. "ive always got time for you" SCREAMING. CRYING.
8. well thats a traumatic backstory. Im sad now, and oscar's response??? Its not giving unwanted pity or sympathy and its not completely dismissive because she has "gotten over it", because you don't really get over that you know. And he's reassuring her not in a way that feels like pity but empathy
9. OSCAR PIASTRI HAS 3 BRAIN CELLS 1 is for his chosen sport, one is for his sense of humour, one is for emotional intelligence.
10. He's so real for the max comment 😭😭 reminds of that vid where max goes "my dad did that a mechanic once witha fork" and daniel just goes😃🧍wut
11. oscar encouraging bunny to try football (I can't use soccer for the LIFE of me lee im SORRY thats just not right) makes me so SOFTTTT
12. Lily and alex stop being couple goals challenge FAILED
13. i mean bunny its not really that hard figure it out unless you're max and lando (completely fuckin oblivious)
14. I have no clue how hockey works BUT AHHHH THEY WON AHHHH
15. one more game. One last data point. what if i cry huh? What then?
16. List of things to hold against lee 1) lando's plot line in motion 2) strawberry wine chap 3. 3) the CHARLES APOCALYPSE FIC (basically any angst cuz im a wittle baby)
17. Stairs why stairs huh what. OH HI OSCAR (its 2 am forgive me)
19. Carlos oscar beef persists in every universe (except in that one fic cait wrote.. but that was also sorta beefy with sexual tension)
20. MAX YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS TO THE HAIR COLOUR AISLE AND BUY THAT BLUE DYE. Oscar is about to dye laughing (get it) his zendaya laugh when he finds this lore
21. DID NO ONE BET ON THEM? i was expecting a "you owe me a twenty" somewhere
22. Lando you stupid stupid fool,(yes sir id like this one for my self please)
23. "Eachother apparently" lee i love the way you write stories but i lOVE your dialogues even more 😭😭😭
24. Imagine oscar being like "charles. YOU NEED to switch seats with me." esp if he's sitting in the dead centre between max and lando
25. Honestly i totally get bunny cuz i was crying all over when out volleyball team one the state level and this is like NATIONALS
26. logan 😭😭
27. nooo max, pookie noo (this is me adding to this after monaco., it was indeed pookie no but osc podium charles win yay!)
28. jos verstappen couldn't be half the person max is.
29. Hey Mr. bartender? can i get two "your happiness is more important than some stupid trophy." With some extra unconditional love on top thanks.
30. lee a question why is max doing "sappy stuff later, we should celebrate", "angry on bunnys bf later, we should celebrate" . Like i get half of the reason but their seems something a lot more deeper than just wanting to celebrate hardwork and "last time" thing
31. Max and lando are so done w their bullshit (they only know a few hours) and charles is done w max and landos bs cuz he's known MUCH longer and HE ISNT COMPLAINING AS MUCH AS THEM
32. Bunny the mother hen ahhh
34. oh they remember the kiss, i thought they would be hungover enough to forget all the best osc bby
36. Long live carcar beef 🫶
DONT APOLOGIZE I LOVE YOU FOR THIS. my response got long so it’s under the read more:
1. Alex & Lily guest starring in every fic bc they are the blueprint
3. i have not but i did read the book & yeah. That’s the energy.
7. it’s all i want tbh why can’t i find a guy like the fictional ones i write
8 & 9. emotionally intelligent osc my beloved!!!
11. you should see the arguments cece and i have had while i was asking for help workshopping this fic. there’s a lot of *soccer *football. i still have not convinced her but in my defense they’re at an American uni they would call it soccer
16. i will NEVER escape the wrath of strawberry wine part 3 no matter how much fluff i write. still in @theemporium ‘s doghouse months later
17. oh hiiiiii osc!!
19. omg @leclerced ‘s carcar fic my beloved 😵‍💫 ty for the reminder i should rlly go reread it
20. Oscar just wakes up to blue haired bunny & nearly died of shock
21. tbh i just didn’t think of it but George and Alex definitely did!! they’ve had a running bet going since before spring break i feel like.
23. THANK YOUUUUU dialogue is so hard to get right so i am kicking my feet over this
24. 👀👀👀
27. biiiiiig mood
29. hi bartender me too pls
30. i think i get what you’re saying but it’s really not meant to be him avoiding it or anything- he just knows they have a flight home to bug Oscar and a few weeks left to be sad about things ending, and events that they’ll get to be sentimental at. but this is the only chance they have to be at a bar after they win the championship so he wants them to have fun!! (and then he himself gets sad but. he’s trying to make sure they all have a good time)
31. Charles is so so over it he’s caught them making out already, this is old news to him. max & lando are scandalized
34. poor oscar. godspeed dude.
35. supportive seb!!!
36. carcar beef always & forever
thank you SO much for reading & letting me know what you thought ily!!
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hypersonic04 · 10 months
cant stop thinking about the reader and ross’s first anniversary and him telling her how lucky he is and confessing how inlove he was from day one
this is so cute!! he would be so extra I think, lol.
I think you got married in the summer, so the morning of your first anniversary starts with your bedroom all golden and warm and lovely. Your white sheets are all crumpled around you, with you laid on his chest and your body gently rising and falling with his every breath. It’s so quiet, and you swear you’ve never felt happier. You both stay in bed a bit this morning, him brushing your hair away from your forehead and pressing a kiss there, ‘happy anniversary, my darling’ mumbled against you skin. Little do you know, he has the most beautiful, perfect day planned for you. He says he’s going downstairs to get you a cup of tea, but really comes back with the biggest bunch of pink peonies you’ve ever seen and a couple of wrapped up presents and a card. You cry at what he’s written in the card, and his gifts are so thoughtful and lovely. He also loves the gorgeous card you bought for him (or maybe made, I think you’re really creative and crafty). You spend the rest of the morning wrapped up in each other’s arms, opening cards from everyone else and reminiscing on your wedding day, getting a bit teary.
The day is so perfect - maybe a lovely walk in the morning, making the most of the gorgeous weather, and then he’s booked a lovely meal for your lunch. It’s later in the day when his plans come to fruition, though.
It’s about 7pm, starting to get a bit dusky, and he’s been out in the garden for a while. When he finally comes in, he’s got the widest grin on his face and you’re like ‘what have you done?’ with a giggle. He just takes your hand and leads your outside, and your gasp tells him that he’s done a good job. He’s strung fairy lights all round your garden, a hammock set up (something you’d always said you would like in the garden, eventually), and there’s a bottle of champagne and your favourite snacks set on it. It’s your dream of a perfect evening, really.
You spend the whole evening sat in the hammock together, your legs in his lap as gentle he pushes you both back and forth with his heels. Eventually, he lays down next to you, and you spend hours talking about everything from the wedding day itself, to your first date, to when you met each other.
“I remember what you were wearing and everything.” He muses and you can hear the smile in his voice, running his fingers through your hair. You glance up at him and his eyes are trained on the sky, his face so soft and in love as he thinks about it. “Your hair was down, and you were wearing a dark green dress. God, I remember going home that day and I just couldn’t stop think out about you.”
“Really?” You whisper almost. Sure, you’ve talked about when you first met, but hearing hun talk about it like this makes you emotional.
“Mhm. I never really believed in love at first sight, but I don’t know how else to describe it. I used to lay in bed at the end of the day and wonder what you were doing.”
“Probably thinking of you.” You smile as you trace shapes on his chest.
I think you lay in silence for a little bit and you think he might’ve fallen asleep, not that it matters. He went to get you a blanket about an hour ago, all cosied up. You could never be cold when you’re cuddled up with him.
“I’m so lucky to have you.” He says quietly, pulling you into him ever so slightly. “You mean everything to me, I hope you know that.”
“I know it.” You nod and turn your face to his, taking in his side profile, the bridge of his nose, the gentle furrow of his brow. “But I’m luckier to have you. I wish I couldn’t have told teenage me that she was going to be so loved, and she was going to feel so happy.”
“If I’d have shown teenage me a picture of his future wife, I think he’d have told me to fuck off and stop taking the piss out of him.” He laughs and it rumbles through your chest, both of you giggling together in the dark of your garden, and you decide that you want every anniversary to end with the sound of his laugh in your ear.
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sonny-whorezik · 5 months
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haiii ... like a week short of a month since i left everything.... i just wanted to use as Journal and catch up before i do Fully return to social media, gettin rid of the app after this post yet again:
has . been . rough. grief has been consistent the last month from my best friend and now ex leaving me, losing that new job due to being physically sick from grief and being unemployed an additional month, my best best friend my dog, sage, passed away last friday and although i left to drive to kansas i just didn't make it in time. She has wind chimes over her grave and passed listening to the sound of the wind chime my great grandma left for me. two days after her passing marked the First Full Year since my grandpa passed away, i had a dream the night before where we drove around looking at christmas lights with people no longer in my life and he just looked so so sad. i am consistently physically alone; i facetime a couple friends but i go outside alone, sleep/wake up alone, eat alone, this has been going on since i left arizona in november Most of my time is spent completely alone.
ive tried new habits. i meditate and stretch in the morning and night. i read a page a day of a stoicism book my dad got me last year with a propeller hat. i see a therapist weekly, wake up earlier, even floss now. The complete back to back to back grief has left me no choice but to just Do Something. while i would Love to share something with someone its best i reserve it to myself, yet here i am vacantly sharing my last month to who knows who...
my friend invited me to see stop making sense last night in a farther town, showed the original film not the remastered and general admission was all standing and everyone acted as if it was a real concert dancing and singing. this was my 6th time seeing it in a theater. did not cry once yet celebrated the experience i have had and although i will never have anything quite like i did with someone quite like them, at least i had it for a good portion of my life. had to devote this must be the place to myself, foreign. to be completely transparent, i do miss them every day. i do not cry like i used to, i dont let myself get consumed by thought and feeling, ive grown more desensitized as time has passed, but i still miss them of course. i consistently see things that remind me of them even when theyre not on my mind and when sage died i wanted to reach out so terribly; reminisce of the fort we built where she slept with us and i had no one to talk to but my mom who was with her til the end. i didnt. i havent reached out. it is not my place given they were the one to leave i just will not keep reaching out and chasing someone who sounded so blatantly apathetic on our last phone call. i tell myself it was just a form of self preservation to them but yknow. like. that's it, i have no choice but to experience grief with self compassion and continue on, wherever that goes.
i may be starting TMS treatment , having magnets zap my brain 5 days a week, 6 weeks. i see a cardiologist on the 30th since my chest frequently hurts and both ekgs have concerns in the pause between beats. my pulse at resting is consistently around 120 yet my blood pressure is fine; who knows. well i guess ill know actually in 10 days. im finishing a vape, got a full pack of cigarettes ive yet to touch yet plan to quit smoking here soon in hopes it helps. maybe after my pack to eliminate temptation yet not waste my money... i bought it an hour before sage passed. i barely drink coffee and dont use energy drinks anymore i do what i can for my heart now.
atticus still sleeps with me, most nights. sometimes he wanders the living room when i cant sleep. im almost halfway through galapagos. i washed my sheets for the first time since buying them in august. im very much alone and this is all fine i tell myself. the stoicism has encouraged me to alter my perspective on things more rationally as opposed to the wired self deprecating and depression-based "take everything personally" thought processes ive had for 18 years. im on my phone significantly less and i even wrote a piece on piano i may share after this post. ive been transposing it to cello, my grandma requested.
i have no interest in perusing anyone anytime soon still, whether its still too early or what i think i do just Need to do these things alone for a while. ive never found sole stability in others, i learned this at 6 with my dad, yet while outside aid would help, it is not a requirement to live however. forgive me for how long this is and for leaving once again there are a few of you i used to talk to daily and now ive just got a few contacts in my phone.
despite chronic mental illness, mourning, loneliness, you name it, ive never taken this approach before. i will typically have a suicide attempt yet here i am doing a pancake stretch and ommm-ing every morning. i keep as busy as i can, today i went through every single thing i own to sort donations and the day before i deep cleaned. there is a box wrapped in a blanket of some of the things that remind me of them. i went through it today and brought out some things like the books theyve given me, it doesnt hurt as much anymore to remember. im donating the mugs i never gave them and the one theyd use at my house when theyd come over. all their letters havent been reread yet sit in between the photo of us in the cave. it was nice to see. i am so honored they let me, of all people, share these experiences with them. i am more thankful it happened then miserable itll never happen again; at least i had it for a while. i say this yet if a year passes and i hear from them, i would love to reconnect: hear how their life has been, what they've been doing, how their family is and if they are doing better. if this has helped. while for 6 years i believed they were really it for me, whether we ever dated or not ive always considered them the only one who Really Knew who i was, how i worked, you name it. although im "moving on" by taking care of myself more, it is upsetting to admit if i ever have a chance again, id take it in a heartbeat. i say this yet still believe Even if i do never get a chance, that's okay too. While i would, i dont anticipate it, rely on it, sit in denial "theyll surely come back," its alright if they never do. i live each day as if they never will yet to my core do know that i would try again
a knee ways .. i hope you, whoever reads, is doing okay, that you feel alright and what not. you dont have to feel good every day, but at the least alright i hope ... not sure if/when ill come back maybe just once a month im unsure yet .was just in a solid enough state to do this for a moment . wish you all well ,
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quodekash · 1 year
anyway on another note the gang's about to be caught by cops! ✨
oh. never mind sean drove past them. in no world will that have good results.
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i swear if they freaking kill yok im going to find gmmtv and destroy them
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stop trying to be freaking heroic, okay, YOU ARE IMPORTANT
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hes so stressed though
im so scared for yok rn
pls let him be okay
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episode 8 3/4 of the eclipse, anyone?
i swear that part of the series is just the infirmary interlude of the series
anyway im not watching the eclipse im watching not me
focus, egg. focus.
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force like the guy? force jiratchapong? cos if its just him then they're all good, they'll hug it out and be on their merry way.
if it's not him, then they're screwed
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(and in amongst all this chaos, my brain is still thinking "kinky" because he said "finally you get to arrest me for real")
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who the hell is this guy?
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oh. so we just dont find out who the hell that guy was? is this information i was supposed to know already? i have no working memory, especially not when i probably previously encountered this guy in the early hours of the morning when my brain was shutting down, so i have no clue whats going on rn
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im so confused that i cant cry anymore, but this is me internally
this wasnt supposed to happen to my boys
and yet they saved this plot for the side couple??? the side couple is supposed to be my main source of dopamine, but its getting a little difficult when they're arRESTING EACH OTHER
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but who are you
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not even slightly
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what i dont get is why the only one who was actually properly handcuffed was the one in the wheelchair. why were the others all zip-tied. why wasnt yok also zip-tied. i have questions.
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i dont think its a mistake that the random old guy talks about his parents and then the very next frame is gumpa looking at him disappointedly.
he is dad.
its just a fact
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oh !
hello there!
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HELL YEAH (what a great screenshot that is)
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he looks as confused as i feel
"you told me not to look for you if i wanted no regrets. i should have believed you then." NOOOOO
ill avenge your beautiful hand and your beautiful foot. ill tear off the legs of every dragon i fight. with my face.
mm mm mm, it's the wings and the tails you really want. if it cant fly, it can't get away. a downed dragon is a dead dragon.
(yawn) alright, im off to bed. you should be too. tomorrow, we get to the big boys, slowly but surely making our way to the monstrous nightmare. but who'll have the honour of killing it?
it's gonna be me. it's my destiny, see?
(le gasp) your mom let you get a tattoo?
it's not a tattoo, its a birthmark!
okay, ive been stuck with you since birth, and that's never been there.
yes it has, you've just never seen me from the left side before!
every moment is the right moment to quote how to train your dragon
anyway that's the end of the episode. uh... that hurt.
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bibissparkles · 2 years
yourusername ✔
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liked by prattprattpratt, marvel, user93, loveynyln, zoezaldana and other 5,890,00 other people
capition: love record this with you guys, go watch your movie cuties 🤍💯
marvel - we loved work with you! hope we do this often!
zoezaldana - it was a pleasure work with you sweetie !!!
prattprattpratt - had much fun ;)
user72 - i'm SO excited so to watch thissss
chrisevans - proud of you yn, hope to see you soon
imsebastianstan ✓
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liked by yourusername, chrisevans, anthonymakie, tom holland2013, cuteynandseb, user43 and other 7,525,00
caption: every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite. proud of you babe ❤️‍🔥
anthonymakie - finally, gosh was tired of sebastian rambling about you,"of how beatiful she is"," she smells sooo good anthony", congrats
yourbestfriend - so so so so happy for you bubs, love ya, sebastian you already know of what will happen if you hurt my baby girl
user11 - aaaaaaaah, is reaalllllll
enews - new couple in hollywood, congrats.
florencepugh - they're so cute i'ma throw up <3 love y'all
sebastianbaestan - i just wish it was me, but okay, if you are happy :)
yourusername ✓
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caption: I’m a mess but I’m your mess now ❤️‍🔥🤌
imsebastianstan - and i love this mess 💗
chrisevans - stop, i'm now i'm single, no need to be all cheesy (no, i'm not crying now), i hope you be like this forever, love yall
yourmomuser - my princess is all grown up now , i love you, happy she's with you sebastian
scarlettjohansson - i feel single and i'm married, your so cute, lots of love from here, miss you ynn
userabc -your so gourgeus together
123user - don't know if i want to be yn ou sebastian, honestly
yourusername ✓
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how hes so handsome all the time? uh?
imsebastianstan ✓
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she likes the nature so much 💖
........marvel cast stories, posts, tweets.........................................................
elizabetholsenofficial ✓
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to who want to know, yes they're like this all the time
anthonymakie - ya know, i just want a minute without sebastian and yn being cute and shit
yntheyn - you just jealous makie, shut up
sebandynlove - yn and sebastian being cute appreciation, a thread:
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pleade keep feeding us with cuteness please, it's what keep me going
chrisevans - even seb found his girl, but, WHAT ABOUT ME??
< sebastianstan - wdym even seb?
< chrisfannumber1 - I volunteer as tribute ;)
yourusename ✓
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liked by tomholland2013, sadiesink_, chrishemsworth, enews, imsbastianstan and other 4,369,00 other people
caption: this sir, is the love of my life.
chrisevans - i CANT, i'm so happy you guys found each other
< chrisismybae - chris freaking out then being a cutie >>>
robertdowneyjr - cute, also happy for you kid 😘
imsebastianstan ✓
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liked by yourusername, marvelstudios, chrispine, donatellaversage, elizabetholsenofficial and other 6,742,00 other people
caption: yep, that's my girl, how’d I get so lucky?
anthonymakie - she got lucky too men
< ynseabassgirl - anthony being the hype friend >>>
yourusername - i love you so much babe 💘
haterofyn - she is so only useing seb, its kinda sad though
< scarlettjphansson - shut up, she the most incredible woman out there, so back of
< imsebastianstan - if you knew her, thats never gonna pass througt the head of yours
< yourusername - you really think thats ok to go out here saying like that to people, thats what is truly sad
.........................................time skip 2 hours later.............................................
scarlettjohansson ✓
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liked by anthonymakie, yourusername, chrisevans, user78, cuteanthonymakielover, stanofstan and 3.486,00 otherpeople
caption: @yourusername please come get your man, i'll deal with makie
marvelfan - this cast is everthing
tomholland2013 - i feel personaly attacked
< andrewgarfield - me too, honestly
< tobeymaguire - so am i
yourusername - oh my gosh, poor spiderboys, coming
tomspiderboy - aaaaaaaand, tom's being bullied again
103 notes · View notes