#cant wait to see the animatics and art
m-pennanti · 6 months
How funny is it that in 3rd Life Scar befriended nearly everyone and almost won
Now he’s forced to be the villain and even said himself he had given up making friends and leaning into it
Yet across the whole episode he was hanging with BDubs.
He was giving string, gunpowder, advice, warnings, to everyone he came across.
Diffusing bombs with BDubs
Waiting up for others as they were actively chased by a warden.
Offering his revenge to Joel to give him- his potential competition- more hearts.
He was willing to let Pearl get a SECOND win.
Even if it was just his plan to betray in the end, he still chose to help instead of going totally berserk like he definitely could have, seeing as he had multiple plates of revenge to dish out.
He made himself a monopoly of friendship and won this time.
There is no stopping this man. He WILL give you 15% return on investment.
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astrafortune · 4 months
Average shenanigans in the Wachowski household
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willczek-art · 1 year
Hi there tumblr, wanna see my final art school project? :DD
I've been passively rotating ttRPGs in my brain for a while now, so imagine my surprise when I found out I can make a little animated trailer for them and that's like... fun? and got me my degree?? and I sent it to Nerdy Pup Games who made the game and they are super excited about it???
im really happy :³
(Also in a cosmic coincidence Rebels of the Outlaw Wastes currently have running pre-orders! So you can actually grab a copy if you want! :DD Here's the link!)
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symliadoo · 1 year
Passing Through (Can't the future just wait?) Animatic
link to youtube 🍨
i started this back in 2021. i'm kinda happy i finished it before the new year let out!
seasoned fans will probably spot some easter eggs :3c
have a happy new year everyone! 🎉
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s0lar-ch3ri · 7 months
looking at character stuff for later art
first off, how did so many people forget caspians not a triton? im so confused by that????
next thing, if you want a good marshal john reference and google had none (for me it did not at least), take my screenshot from ep 101, 3:45 for timestamp:
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also why does john have that arm covering thing im hoping he didnt lose his arm and its a fun sleeve but ik im wrong WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BOY
nobody fucking told me there was this epic visual animation for the girls fighting!
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...i see why lizzie loved ava
OK BUT FR THE FIRE HAIR??? JESUS SHES LIKE SO PRETTY WOW (also the comparison to jason is a nice touch)
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i cant stop im so sorry she is so fine
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alright this one is just for me to say WOMEN HOT IM GAY but i must say women hot im gay
its kinda interesting to me how different these two look, honestly! like, when i first saw jay on the animatic type thing, i thought how clean she looks, while lizzie is more rugged and shit, cool design details i noticed lol
okay ollie time! when looking up shit for ollie, i checked the fan wiki, and apparently while ollie had the compass he experienced nightmares of some unknown sort. chip met with niklaus in a dream, and he was the first to get a nightmare arc. i wonder....yes this is a kuba kenta and niklaus hendrix made a deal type shit
the belt is not a fucking belt it looks like a corset i cant make this shit up
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also i love how he still has the feather i think thats very sweet
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oh and also the bandana for some reason looks ever so dirty to me yet fine at the same time
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anyways if you join me next time we will be taking a deep undersea level dive to find out if people noticed caspian had a tattoo or if you guys are sluts for his boobs
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onejellyfishplease · 7 months
So, I noticed that Tinker-the-dragon showed you storyboards of their own animatic (which looks great btw, can't wait to see it), and since you said you enjoyed seeing the process, I figured I'd do the same! After all, having people acknowledge and get excited for my WIPs gives me a sense of accountability to finish it, which makes it much more likely to actually get done.
So, behold my chaotic, colorful rough sketches!
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The process is slow-going, since I am simultaneously working on a couple other creative projects, some are tangentially related to this one (like how I'm finalizing my headcanon designs for all the turtles beyond just Donnie), and some aren't (like drawing long overdue art of my D&D party's characters).
I'm also making some guesses/taking some liberties when it comes to the timeline. Like, I'm assuming that this AU takes place post S2 finale, and thus will take place in the new lair, but I don't actually know. (If this has been addressed in asks before, I'm probably too new of a fan of SnapDonnie to have paid attention to those asks, and don't have the attention span to scroll through a ton of asks just to obtain a specific bit of information)
Similarly, I don't know exactly at what point Donnie starts attracting flies. It might not be as early as I'm depicting here. I can certainly move that part to a later section, but I don't know what I'd replace it with.
In general, if you have suggestions for things to be changed/switched around to better fit with the 'canon' of SnapDonnie, I'd love to hear it. It's better to make changes now while things are still very rough and flexible, than once I'm more committed and frames have taken quite a bit more effort to make.
Sorry for the super long 'ask,' this ended up being a bit of an info-dump lol.
thats so cool omg!! And im just gonna go a bit crazy over the frames if u dont mind me~ BUT THE ONE WITH THE SHADOW??? thats literally so creative im obsessed with it. I love cinematic shots like that, they just make my brain buzz <3
and the one where hes doing thumbs up to Raph absolutely cracked me up!
Also to answer your questions- SnapDonnie takes please after the movie, So Raph has a blind eye and hole in his shell/plastron, Mikey has his scars (though u cant drawing them in bandages to aviod drawing them if i want -i always forget to draw them lol) and Leo has a leg brace.
And as for the flies, Donnie starts to attract them basically immediately once the physical changes start, though he basically douses himself with insect repellent at first (while he still wants to repel them) So frames 24 and 25 would go after he really starts to change instead of before.
Hope that helps!! It looks amazing so far! <3
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localgardenweed · 3 months
Ok I was originally gonna write how I wanna go back to Eddsworld and do stuff for it again but felt out of the loop with the modern fandom and shit but ended up being a rant about how I hate Beyond so like gonna write this again but keeping part of the rant cause i need to share how much i cant stand Beyond again
So like I wanna come back to Eddsworld cause as much as it was a dumpster fire for me it was my first real fandom I was apart of online so it holds a place in my heart. I mean probably technically whatever I did on Framecast was my first ever online fandom space but shhhh that dont count i was but a wondering traveler looking for my place in the world. It actually got me into Eddsworld someone made a animation to Youth by Daughter and had me hooked. But still was very important to me and my art development.
Its so crazy to me cause i was into Eddsworld HARD in the 2016-2020 era where alot of the ig modern fandom was born i watched cities fall and crumble I was deep in the amino trenches, Pork Sodaing and seeing so much historical fandom events happen before your eyes. I was watching everyone consume every piece of Prince of Mints and Moho art I was a sucker for them which probably wasn’t okay for like a 5th grader but i definitely turned out all right /j.
I left for a little bit on and off cause Hetalia was choking me and like keeping me prisoner but like it still had a place in my heart for it but like ya know i still was there but idk now I just dont find the same spark anymore from the first go around. Something changed and maybe cause i just had my tastes change and maybe cause my ex-best friend was making fun of my oc all the time but i made him when i was like 11 and figuring out identities and ways to express yourself without sticking to the gender norms and dealing with alot of stuff at the time i finally caved and just didn’t feel the same any anymore about the show.
Cause I loved that fandom more than anything but, I don’t know I just don’t know how to get back that spark and go frolic in the fields with my TomTordOc love triangle of my 5th grader dreams and just be cringe and free and feel joy again but I just cant enjoy the material anymore like THEY ARE MASSACRING MY BOYS WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO THEMM
It doesn’t hit the same and i know i dont need to consume Beyond i doubt anyone actually does at this point but i cant stand beside while they murder everything i loved about the Classic and Legacy eras.
Also just, I think I hit a road block with it too like, I got stuck on where to do and what to do with Eddsworld like. I make aus i made ocs i made a ask blog i made animatics, now what? And like idk i felt weird and like stuck in the mud with them. Also just had the friend falling out who was also the co-creator of the ask blog so now i dont know how to pick it back up all by myself again but them again i really was just doing it by myself all the time anyway so i just have to figure out how to get back into the swing of things
I have some ideas for aus and maybe just finally be free and bring my oc back from the grave for realsies and make you all consume it but, I don’t know. Im scared to come back cause also weirdly alot of the new fans are younger than me or the older fans are older than me so its kinda awkward, also im just awkward im scared to talk to people online, there is and were some people i desperately wanted to be friends with both in and out of Eddsworld but im too scared and either just watch from afar or abuse the Anonymous function in ask boxes. 
If i cave enough i might come back to Eddsworld to at least finish my lore for the ask blog cause IM SORRY I LEFT YALL HANGING I HAD SCHOOL AND THEN JUST FORGOT ABOUT IT but forever haunted by the people who like every single post and then i get excited cause i see like 99+ notes waiting for me and i think one of my new posts blew up but no its just the ew boys who screw around likes and reblog and the occasional comment
One day ill return to my rightful birthplace and one day I shall be free and one with nature and draw as much as I want for it and as many ocs i want without someone telling me its cringe or make more for the ask blog or hell start doing animation and animatics again
Ok here is the Beyond rant now if you wanna read it
I feel the difference between Beyond and Legacy is that, Beyond is trying to horriblycopy their older brothers Classic and Legacy and almost dumb it down a bit with more childish humor, and Legacy takes inspiration from Classic: It’s different but a natural difference/evolution. Or the fact a whole new guy was writing it all with a slightly different style so he wrote what he knew idk maybe a bit of a factor idk
Also i cant stand the Tord bait sorry I cant, especially when they used to like get annoyed by the fandom by asking and then just realized he was a cash cow so like now we get Tord merch and the hints and Tori and the skit with the cavemen like OMG TORD- and he got crushed by a rock thanks gang, cause like dude I think as much as we love Tord like maybe this go around respect Larson’s choice to like not use him in the series anymore and take him out but like ig that doesn’t apply to merch so yeah lets do one more go around bring out the red one. Or idk maybe they contacted him and was like “yo dude can we like use him for merch” but i dont think that happened. I think it was just better to leave him absent from the show and be like “yeah no Tord guys, no Tord” and we could have all had our thumbs up and be like “Ok Eddsworld Beyond we are okay with that”. Like I know Red October was for charity but idk it still felt weird to use Tord, like could this really not have just been the main 3 or like bring in some deep cut old characters or side characters did we really need Tord here.
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n0phis · 1 year
This is very random, but a little pet peeve I have- whenever there's art/an animatic of c!Wilbur in limbo and it has the train pulling into the station to bring him back to life, and Wilbur just. gets up and calmly waits. Like he's been expecting the train.
Might just come down to a personal headcanon or something left over from the "vilbur" era of the fandom, but he's been there for 13 years!! This is his chance to get out! He's desperate! He's been isolated!
Sorry for ranting in your askbox lmao but this always gets on my nerves a lil
no thats totally fair! i envision his experience in limbo the exact same way :]
i feel like hed try to school his demeanor, but whether he suceeds or not by the time the train stops he still definitely lost his shit at the first sight of it haha. the droning of limbo slowly turning into a more acute metal on metal sound, him bolting up half aware after sitting slumped against a wall and letting time pass for so long, trying to get a glimpse of whoever may be in the train. wanting to know who died (even temporarily), hoping 2 see someone he hasnt in over 13 years for even a fraction of a second. then the train slows down and his internal processing of the situation *abruptly* switches to oh shit. is tommy back?
.etc.etc, i rambled a bit but you get what i mean!!! i love interpreting any canon even as the most realistic they can be, psychological damage and all. i cant say i dont enjoy every single animatic still, but cwilbur acting like a cornered rat in any situation is so good. ty for the ask anon!
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carpisuns · 1 year
For the artist meme -- 20 and 6! 🎨 if you like xx
20. how often do you get art block?
all the time 🥰 it's like clockwork lol sometimes i get sooo frustrated and cranky bc i hate all my art and i'm like "woe is me!! i've lost all my skills!! i'll never draw again!!" and then i'm like wait . i know what's happening here. i just gotta wait it out I'll be fine lol. it's nice that i also write bc then i can switch to writing for a while until the art block clears up 👍 i've found it's best for me to just take a break from drawing for a bit and not try to force it so my brain can like reset itself
6. tag your favorite artists/inspirations!
oh man there are so many!!!! i could name like 100 people lol but i'm gonna limit myself to the ones i think have had the most direct influence on my art style. hope u guys don't mind the tags<3
@ileniagennari was one of the first artists i latched onto stylewise. i used to study their work a lot because i am obsessed with the fluidity and softness of their linework and i just really like how they draw faces and bodies. their rendering is also amazing and feels sort of cinematic somehow? i've always wished my art could have a similar feel!
@anna-scribbles has also been a huge style influence for me and she's just also been a big inspiration in general as a close friend<3 i ADORE her work and have studied it specifically a ton. she draws the most blorby blorbos ever. blorbyness is her art trademark imo. and i want that for me too so i tried to steal it. i also think just sheer proximity to her and her art has made me pick up a lot of things from her automatically haha. in particular, i feel like the way she draws smiles is so perfect, and i always try to channel her when i draw smiles myself haha
@ladybeug inspires me so much and has taught me really valuable art skills! a while ago i came to a point in my art journey when i felt just really stuck and frustrated. like i could not for the life of me just DOODLE. i took everything too seriously, even if it was supposed to be simple and silly. i really needed to learn how to loosen up and enjoy drawing more. stephanie is like the most esteemed and delightful doodler i know so i came to her for advice and she DELIVERED. she gave me super helpful tips and invited me to make daily comics with her and it's been lifechanging! it's helped me focus on communication over perfection and feel more confident in my art, which i think had a visible difference in my style too. i learn SO much from just regularly enjoying stephanie's work, including her webcomic @datmcomic!!
@rileyclaw is a good buddy of mine and his work is so hugely inspiring to me! it's really educational to see his wips and learn from his process. and since he's an incredible animator as well as an illustrator, enjoying his work is part of what inspired me to finally take a leap and make my first animatic. i really love how he pushes/exaggerates body and facial expression to communicate emotion and how he makes such careful choices about comp and color and just Everything to tell a whole story with every piece of his art. i've learned a lot from riley on the storytelling aspects of art and that's something i continue to try to build on!
@knockknockknockingonhootysdoor's art is like an instant and intense shot of dopamine to my brain every time!!! i cant even tell you how HAPPY it makes me. i just stare at it and eat it all up and i'm always asking myself HOW does he do it?? how does he make me feel this way. and i think it's just like....how genuine it is?? i can just feel kryan's love for the story and characters in the way he draws and im not sure that is a stealable quality lol. but in particular something i really admire about his art is how SHAPE it is. i love how he builds each character with different shapes and how each design feels so unique and so fitting for them. i am trying to incorporate that more into my own art!
man i already have rambled so much and there are so many other artists i could go on and on about alskjdfjkla ok just real quick i have to shout out @picayunearts bc i intensely enjoy her work in both the ml and toh fandoms and her coloring and use of light and gradient always stands out to me so i kinda try to channel that sometimes! @smallpapers is another fav and i love how soft and simple her art feels! it's always inspiring to me. @raystel's work also inspires me a lot, whether it's fanwork or original stuff. she is so creative with character design and seeing the way she expresses her ideas in art is so cool!
and i would be remiss if i didn't shout out my sister @mozzys-studio who is the first person i came to when i wanted to learn how to draw and she taught me a lot! her art is beautiful<3
thanks for the questions! :D
artist asks
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do you mind telling how your ocs stories go? cause their designs are amazing but i want their lore lol
(and i love your artstyle smm <33 )
You're too kind, thank you! It means a lot that you care about my oc's!! I'd be thrilled to talk about my oc lore! I'll do it below the cut, because this is going to run a little long, lol. Not as long as it was going to be (I spent 3 hours writing out an unbelievably in depth response but something wonked out and it all got deleted) but it will still be long.
Since I've posted a few different sets of oc's on this blog I'm not 100% sure which one's you're asking after, but I'll assume these guys based on context clues!
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(If you meant someone else feel free to ask again, I'd love to blab about the other ones too haha)
All these characters come from a webcomic that I've been slowly (very slowly) been chipping away at for the past three years. I am waiting to publish any pages until I have a significant chunk more of it done, so unfortunately it can't be read anywhere yet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The setting is your typical kinda-but-not-really-medieval fantasy world. Magic is not yet well understood by the general population, but some adventurous few have managed to master it.
First I'll go through the characters one by one!
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The angular woman in blue is Valen Turnbull, our first of two main characters. She was born and raised in the cliffside town Blackport. Ever since childhood she has been strong, brave, and dutiful. She even had a little bit of a rebellious streak, though she (mostly) grew out of it. She left home after a vicious attack from Sea Spirits sunk most of the town. She felt tremendous guilt that she couldn't do more to protect the town, despite the fact that she single-handedly kept the equivalent of a sentient hurricane at bay. The only one she told about leaving was her best friend, Darius. He wished she would stay, but in the end he understood. Everyone copes differently. There is a lot more to say about her, but frankly I cant find the heart after losing a whole paragraph to a computer glitch. X﹏X
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The smiley woman in red is named Laine Feywell, and she is the second of the two main characters. As a young adult her best friend (who is unnamed but will be referred to as 'Green') left home so start his own adventuring guild, so naturally she joined him. As the Guild grew, eventually Valen joined and became fast friends with Laine. Unfortunately, the Guild was not fated to last. Out of greed Green began taking morally questionable jobs for the Guild to do, which Valen opposed. This ended in a battle, in which Laine took Valen's side and defeated the rest of the Guild. After that the Guild disbanded, and Laine and Valen continued to travel together.
I actually have an animatic about it! I'm no animator, and it's the only animatic I've ever managed to finish, but here's the link if you want to see it!
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The last character I'll go over today is this scraggly and emotional man in green- Darius. Though he is only a side character in the comic, he champions my heart. I unfortunately have no good art pieces of him, only the panels from the comic he's featured in. I'll have to remedy that someday! Darius's backstory mimics Valens a good deal, since they grew up and went to school together in Blackport. Initially Darius was very shy and unsure of himself, but Valen's boldness proved infectious, and he eventually grew up to be a brave, yet scrawny man. On the day the Sea Spirits attacked Blackport, Darius tried to talk Valen into evacuating with the rest of the citizens for her own sake. Valen wouldn't have it, despite how scared she was. Darius relented, and after evacuating everyone else actually came back to help her. He chucked everything he could reach from a traveling merchants stand- which luckily happened to be selling magical curios. Eventually something he threw seemed to work, and the Spirits abated their attack.
Finally, here's various fun facts about the characters/story!
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Laine and Valen eventually get married!!! They fall in love after the guild incident, and confess their feelings after another near death experience. As young adults, they're really unusually intense and kind of scary together. Thankfully they mellow out with age (somewhat lol)
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The town of Blackport is actually named after the ex-general-turned-minor-god who founded it! The God is referred to as 'Lady Blackport' or 'The Lady.' She is said to still watch over and protect the town, though her temple was dragged to the bottom of the ocean by the Sea Spirits. People who believe in or follow this god are known to use exclamations such as "Oh Lady above!" or "Lady forgive me." or even "Lady Blessed."
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Laine has been working to teach Valen magic over the years. While Laine mastered it a long ago, Valen has been slow to pick it up. However she is both stubborn and eager to learn, so she'll surely master it someday!
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The final thing I'll mention is a little au I have of this gang. They're just a bunch of teenagers running an urban exploring youtube channel. Laine is the leader of the bunch, but prone to injury because of her over-eagerness. She also puts together the cutest outfits before delving into abandoned buildings! Valen is their cameraman and Laine's girlfriend, and though she isn't as injury prone as Laine, she's just as foolhardy and actively encourages Laine into dangerous situations. She's also on her school swim team! Darius is the relative straight-man of the group, but not by much. Rather than talking them out of exploring potentially dangerous abandoned buildings, he'll just research if they need to be concerned about asbestos or similar concerns. He is the heart-throb of the DnD club <3
Anyway, that's all I'll say I think! The post is already massive, but hey it's not everyday someone prompts me to talk about my oc's!! So thank you for that again I love you for that!!! I think I covered most of the basics of things, but if there's anything anyone wants to know do not hesitate to ask! Clearly I love to blab ahahah I'm sure this is more than you were bargaining for when you actually asked, but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Once again it was going to be longer before my computer vetoed it and deleted the whole damn post lmaooo.
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You’re fucking animatics made me start working on scary animatic /lh
yippee i’ve infected more people with the animatic disease :))
fr tho you have no idea how glad it makes me to hear that my art has inspired other ppl to create. i cant wait to see ur scary animatic anon :D<
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sluggybasson107 · 1 year
For the artist ask game: 11, 15 and 18 if u want! Cant wait to see what your working on rn all ur art is very pretty sluggy!
Aww, thank you so much Milo!! All of your art is very pretty too <33
11. Favorite comment you’ve ever recieved on your work?
Honestly, I cherish every single comment I get on my art, so picking a single one is extremely tough!! The people who are always there for me and leave comments every now and them are ones who I draw for, so I guess anything my mutuals or followers have said to me? I cannot pick a single one tho I’m sorry ;_;
15. Biggest artist pet peeve?
I already answered this one, but I also dislike oil pastels. Don’t ask me why, because I can’t justify my urge for wanting to burn any oil pastel in sight.
18. Do you have any larger projects you’d like to pursue? Like comics, shortfilm, a series etc?
Yes!! I briefly mentioned some of these ideas in the ask I linked above, but I would love to draw more comics in 2023! Even if it’s extremely self-indulgent, I want to make a longer comic or a short animatic someday. Also maybe I could make a vtuber model for fun? The huge ideas I have are endless!
Thank you for the ask!!
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slowjamastan · 2 years
17 questions tagged by @arugula2048 hiiiiii thank uuuu :)))
1. Nickname: andy
2. Sign: caprisun
3. Height: 5'6" lets give it u p for being AVERAGEEE
4. Last google search: kenshi yonezu vivi (<- THIS SONG IS 10 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT!!!!!!)
5. Song stuck in my head: Sou's cover of siinamota's Q <- has been on a vintage vocaloid binge again (this will become obvious) & is drawing art for a Q animatic that will likely not see the light of day
6. Numbers of followers: 415 (For What Purpose, My Friends! ive become a het4lia blogger!)
7. Amount of sleep: its 3am as i write this... thats not good
8. Lucky numbers: 314, 114...wait. maybe its just 14
9. movies/books that summarize me: my fucking journal i guess. bad question sorry my experiences r unique and no one understands me #twisted #w2mtm but the real answer is that the magic tree house series laid the foundation for my entire life at age 6
10. What are you wearing: lavender wooly housecoat over a black t-shirt dress. and my #lolitakei bloomers as shorts lol
11. Dream job: [redacted for being too specific]. and if that doesn't work out id like to teach ESL, or work in a library, or smth else really specific and specialize in an area no one else can do. ill figure it out as i go! i think i wont know my real dream job until its right in front of me.
12. Favorite songs: my default answer is always sakanaction's Music but the only "genre" im a certified expert in is vocaloid and i dont have a set faves list. without thinking abt it too hard, here's a few that i would and do and always will lose my mind for during karaoke: six trillion yrs, monblanc, glow, meltdown, and the hibikase x echo mashup from nicopa 2015. additionally, pls listen to miku/luka dekat di hati
13. Favorite instrument: vocaloid is classified as an instrument. but i do miss playing violin im not gonna lie. i wanna learn to fiddle
14. Aesthetics: i have many sideblogs and tags ive used and folders of images to sort things into pretty piles... irl i just do whatever. i cant even pick a color palette bro
15. Favorite author: rowling i dont have any author loyalties worth noting, unless u count junji ito. there's several fanfic authors that im subscribed to and would suck them silly but thats.just a game theory
16. Favorite animal noises: the best animal is the one thats yours. i love every noise from my chatty chatty lil kitty cat. mrrrp lol
17. Random fact: the real answer to "why did you start learning japanese" is because of v0caloid. its literally because the subtitles do NOT cut it n i need to understand what is going on. i need to be able to navigate nnd i need to READ i gotta appreciate these music videos better i just need to connect w these weird hikki fuckers making anime girl music. no one does it like them. im N3 level now. shout out to magnet for inventing lesbians in 2009 or whenever
tagging: sorry for being evil but i hate tagging people i hate it so much. i dont want to do it and i dont want to save this in drafts for a month bc im overthinking who to tag. it dodsent matter. Post Now<-
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cheesy-cryptid · 2 years
Thanks @kpopgalaxy28 for tagging me here!! 🌷🌷🌷
fandom tag game credit --> @dances-and-dolly-dresses ^^
Were you an Austin, Baz or Elvis fan before seeing the movie? How about after?
- Total Baz Luhrmann fan. When I was younger, I was so drawn to Romeo + Juliet and The Great Gatsby movies because I loved the creative direction of the films. Those two movies really left an impact on me because I hardly ever see movies portrayed that way and until now I still rewatch those movies as comfort films.( I never really researched who were behind those films because I was afraid of being disheartened that these kinds of films would be few and far between ) After I watched the Elvis movie, I fell in love with it -- and then I figured out Baz was also involved in Great Gatsby & Romeo + Juliet. Instant comfort film. 
What is/are your favorite look(s) that Austin sports in the film?
- Hehehe I love his classic Pink outfit and the Blue jumpsuit he wore during the Las Vegas performances. AND AND the black button down outfit while he was at the carnival. 
Most memorable scene or line?
 (OH TO PICK ONE) Definitely that firework scene in his car after the Trouble performance. It was that part in the trailer that got me hooked--and I waited for that very scene to come up in the film (AAAAAAAA). 
 Also the opening when he sang the “Glory Glory Hallelujah” part--Like.. I had little to no knowledge about Elvis (besides his classic songs) before coming to watch this film and like I didnt really explore much of his discography. But something oddly magical happened when I heard him belt out that part in “An American Trilogy” for the first time (Note that Ive never heard of this song before)-- I was quietly mouthing the words because that opening sounded so glorious it kinda (delightfully) startled me how the movie was starting off so strong ASDFGHJK. 
What are your top 3 favorite songs on the soundtrack?
Suspicious Minds
 If I can dream
Vegas Rehearsal/That’s all right 
How many times have you seen the film in theaters?
- ONCE. I watched it with my family-- and deadass I cant afford to watch it again in theatres because movie tickets are so expensive now where I live 
What kind of fan content do you like to create/consume? (fics, gifs, ect)
- Fanart all the way. Although I wish I could branch out doing fanfics/drabbles because I have so many cool ideas but Im not really good in creative writing (sad lmao). If I do have a big story idea, I just end up making a comic or an animatic on it instead. 
Wherabouts in the world are you from? (be as general or as specific as you're comfortable with)
- I live in the Philippines 
Are you active in other fandoms? If so, which one(s)?
- Yes. Im very active in the Encanto and LOTR fandom. I sometimes make fanart for videogames 
List 3 fun facts about yourself/your interests.
 I love creating illustrations for short stories made by other authors. Sometimes I collaborate with them to produce an art series.
I sometimes read Tarot and Oracle cards 
If I had a nickel for everytime I became a student of a national artist from the Philippines without knowing they’re big time national artists--id have two nickels..which is not a lot but its weird that it happened twice
//Im tagging @dragonanddirewolf @x-earthangel @artsynellyyy to join in if they like! Feel free to ignore if you were already tagged ^^ //
[Feel free to tag others or just jump in and participate. Just copy, paste and reblog. Let’s get to know some of the awesome Austin/Elvis fans and creators here on Tumblr]
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zoppzoop · 4 months
hello lish tis the monthly council who hopes ur doing some variant/s of good, well, wonderful, fine, dandy, rested, reposed, lavished and leisurely in these hours, and if not, will be doing soon. hello!! hope ur good, how u doing?? just wanted to let yk ur art is like a cookie to me i see it everytime and i want to eat it while flaking crumbs all over me and assembling them afterwards so that i can have more of it. ur animatics!!!!! im too speechless to say in tags but know that they blow my mind always!!!!! hope ur good and having a fun time!! do tell me 5 songs u love listening to rn or anything u want to talk abt!!! have a good day!! (solar)
also ps im not sure if tumblr is eating my asks?? but i did try to send u valentine cards and if they reached, yay<3 and if not, happy (belated) valentine's day to this site's belovedest user<3
hello solar my beloved i love and adore you and your regular check ins so much <3 not doing too great at the moment but hopefully things turn up for the better <333 also 🥺 thank you so much i love seeing the tags you leave on my art and i regularly keep going back to them <3333333
the 5 songs! oh um!!! pacific by chase petra, from the start by good kid, smoke with the devil by kian stone <3, allies or enemies by the crane wives and the sureshot by nathan hanover <33 ive been so deep into the jrwi podcast lately, i'm like almost done with my second listen-through for the whole riptide campaign and yeah <33 i cant wait for this semester to end so that i can go back home and be less burdened with managing my finances so that i can get the patreon content and listen to the rest of the campaigns theyve got <3
also ps, i did your valentines ask! and i replied to it with an ask of my own saying that i wanted to keep it in my inbox forever because yeah <3 hoarding it <33 but it seems maybe tumblr ate that ask?? because i do remember sending it that day itself-
anyways! happy (belated) valentines day to you as well <333333333 and thank you so much for that ask i appreciated it a LOT and it made me very happy <3333
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thoriffix · 4 years
MANY thoughts head FULL
(ts spoilers incoming!)
thomas rly said prinxiety fans go nuts today huh
every time they mentioned heart or logic or deceit i got so excited wtf u cant tease us that way
i mean animatic format was like the only way they couldve had remus and janus i think? so like a tad disappointing those two didnt show but yknow they wouldnt have fit w the theme of the ep and thats fine
the theme of the ep overall was so good and cute!! very fluffy thank you sir
mood ring virgil
cant wait for yall to go batshit over roman angst (ok but like pls dont make the whole episode abt that? let the mans be soft and happy and excited yall damn)
gerard gay
i have a hc that remus loves nicki minaj so in my mind roman jumping straight to her from anaconda is jus cuz his bastard twin never stops playing her music
romans heart eyes.... hi sir i love you!!!
cant believe all that roman angst involving mirrors is canon
abdillustrates also!! jus v happy to see his art
overall: very good ep!!
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