#cant wait to walk out so i can get my shoes and get the grocery money
xo-hugs-n-kisses-ox · 20 days
(v.) To think about something deeply
After Edward left her, Bella Swan fell apart. Desperate to try and save his eldest daughter, Charlie brings his youngest daughter to Forks to see if she can bring her sister out of her depression.
Now, y/n must try to help her sister find her way back to the light while also trying to navigate her Junior year of high school in the odd town of Forks.
Chapter Ten: Reconciliation
Now Playing: Atlantis by Seafret
Warning: mentions of alcohol, mentions of death, mentions of violence while drunk, mentions of messy divorce, mentions of gambling, mentions of severe depression, mentions of fighting, lmk if I missed anything please! Also, there’s nothing super explicit, just my interpretation of Paul’s backstory as he explains to reader
I was lounging on the couch watching crappy movies today. Paul and Seth had joined me as the others were either on patrol or helping Emily shop. I was laying on the couch, my head propped against the arm. Paul had lifted my feet when he walked over after switching patrols with Jared, and sat down before putting my legs back over his lap. Seth was sprawled out on the floor, his hair neatly pulled back from when I did his hair earlier.
After a while, Emily came back with the boys and her groceries and we started to put them away.
Midway through, Jacob bounded in with my sister in tow.
“Look at that,” Paul crooned, “Bella’s come back home! You get sick of the leeches yet, or did they get sick of you?”
I smacked him hard in the ribs as I pushed past him, standing with my arms crossed in front of my sister. She looked down at her shoes, and I waited in icy silence.
“Why don’t you come help us put away the rest of the groceries, Jacob?” Sam asked pointedly, “Give the Swan sisters some time to… catch up.”
He hastily followed direction, almost tripping over to the kitchen. I didn’t watch him go.
“Edward told me about Victoria and the treaty,” she blurted out, “Jacob said the same thing.”
I watched her in silence.
“Do you, um, know what they’re going to do about it?” She asked, glancing up to look me in the eyes.
“Paul told me.” I responded shortly, watching her expression. Unable to resist, I asked, “Did Edward tell you?”
She paused, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing,” I said, waving her off, “Just that he seems so reluctant to tell you anything until it’s nearly too late. Or until he gets a nudge from someone else.”
“Jacob—” she started, cut off by a sharp laugh.
“Jake wasn’t the one to talk Edward into telling the truth,” Paul said, his voice filled with mocking pity. His arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the doorway to the kitchen. I watched my sister put it together, turning to me looking almost hurt.
“Why did you not tell me?” She asked, and I scoffed.
“Edward knew before I did, and yet he only told you when I threatened to do exactly that, Bella.” I responded, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, “He put you in this mess, and yet he’s still the one acting like you don’t have a right to know.”
She was silent before she switched the topic.
“It’s been a while since I was over here,” she said slowly, “How’s everyone doing?”
“Good.” I said flatly, “That’s the answer you’re looking for, right? Anything else would make you feel guilty because you wouldn’t pull your head out of Edward’s ass long enough to think about it.”
She glared at me for a moment, her hands clenched at her side. She took a deep breath, angrily telling me, “So, what, Y/n? Huh? You want me away from Edward, but you don’t want me here? Which is it, because you cant have both!”
“It doesn’t really matter what I want, does it?” I bite back, aware that everyone in the kitchen was listening closely. “You didn’t ask me when you decided to have a vote on what happens to your soul, did you?”
She opens her mouth to respond, but I barrel on, “You didn’t ask me how I felt when you started bringing that sparkly piece of shit—”
“Don’t talk about him like that!” She interrupted, and I just laughed.
“Oh course that’s what you care about!” I mocked, still laughing. I felt hollow, betrayed. All my simmering emotions from the last few months were coming to the surface, bubbling over finally.
“You’re only here because Edward’s on a hunting trip, Bella.” I spat, watching her expression shift to surprise, then guilt.
“Stay or go, Bella, I don’t care.” I sighed, “But make up your mind. None of us want to be strung along as a backup family for when your feelings get hurt by Edward and his coven of blood suckers.”
I turned, about to walk past Paul when he held his arm up, spinning me around to his chest and pushing me to the door.
“We’re gonna go to the beach.” He said, guiding me firmly to the door. I gave him an annoyed look, but he just pinched my side and kept me moving. When I tried to dig my heels in, he picked me up and carried me like it was nothing.
I suppose my weight was nothing to him, since he could pick up any of the others in their wolf forms. According to Quil, he was strong as a a regular person, and that strength was only amplified after the transformation.
He put me in my truck, pulling my keys from my purse and staring it up.
“Why are we going to the beach?” I asked him tonelessly, sort of grateful that he had made the decision. I had grown protective of everyone in the house, they were just as much my family as the people related to me through blood were. Bella choosing Edward and his family over not only me, but them as well after everything they did to help her when Edward left her for dead agitated me.
“I have a short temper,” he said, “I know when someone’s gonna blow. And you, Y/n Swan, needed to be out of there before you did.”
He glanced at me from the corner of his eyes, the side of his lip curling into a smirk, “And I don’t think you’re the type to take hostages.”
I huffed out a small laugh, leaning back in my seat to draw my knees up to my chest.
We got to the beach and sat in the can of the truck, watching the gulls. I was quiet; I didn’t feel like arguing with him and I was slightly afraid that that’s what would happen if I opened my mouth.
“I’m not good with emotions.” He said abruptly, staring at the water, “I don’t know how to express them, other than through anger.”
I was quiet as he took a breath to continue, “I— It’s stupid to say, but Sam’s the only man I’ve ever looked up to as a father, even if he’s only a few years older than I am. I didn’t have an outstanding father like Jacob, or Embry, or Seth and Leah. He was always physically there, unlike Quil’s dad, but he was never mentally with me.”
I turned my head to look at him, resting it on my arms where they sat on my knees.
He continued, “My parents divorced when I was eight. It was messy. My mom took off for the other side of the country as soon as she could, and my dad moved in with my grandma here.”
I watched the side of his face, observing every minuscule expression he made. I watched the way his eyelashes brushed his cheeks when he closed his eyes to take a deep breath, watched the way his throat bobbed as he swallowed.
“My dad was depressed. Mom was tired of carrying him around, so she left after falling in love with a coworker. He got so bad after she left us that he stopped going to work. He turned to drinking and gambling.” His voice was steady, but his hands were tensing and un-tensing as he spoke, messing with the hem of his shirt.
He continued, “He wasn’t a bad drunk, not really. He never hit me or Granny, just yelled a lot. He would break things sometimes, throw them around.”
He closed his eyes, leaning his head back against the seat. The AC made his hair flutter.
“He wasn’t the worst,” he said, “He wasn’t the best. I had to look up to older kids for what to do, and they were always fighting, so that’s what I did. Got into my first fight in sixth grade, Granny nearly beat my ass she was so mad. Made me wash dishes for a month.”
Again, he swallowed thickly. I watched the motion of it, my eyes trailing back to his. At this angle, they were almost jet black. The clouds moved, and they turned the color of coffee, shining and rich.
“Dad was always one extreme or the other,” he continued, “He was either a zombie, like Bella was, or he was drunk out of his mind yelling. He only got worse after Granny died.”
He was quiet for a long moment before adding, “She passed when I was fourteen. I had to get a job to try and pay the bills since Dad never worked. Granny owned her house and left it to us, but that was the extent of our luck. Sometimes we were without hot water or electricity. The school gave me lunches, and I scrounged up dinner from the place I worked at.”
“I changed when I was sixteen, two years ago, now.” He glanced at me, quickly looking away. “Sam and Jared are probably the only reasons I’m still here. Alive or in Forks, I can’t tell.”
He took another breath, “Emily and Sam kept telling me to just talk to you. I felt like every time I tried, I would end up saying something stupid and pissing you off more. Emily says I self sabotage. Sam says I’m emotionally constipated. I’m sure both are true.”
He trailed off, and I took this as a chance to speak.
I leaned over, putting my head on his shoulder.
“I know.” I said simply, watching the gulls play as I thought about what Emily had told me all those months ago. “I didn’t at first, but I do now. I know.”
He swallowed, and I felt him take a deep breath in. Slowly, he leaned his head against mine, and we sat in silence and watched the sun set over the waves.
I had the feeling that he still wasn’t telling me everything, but this was more than enough for now. I was content with this step into healing.
Ok guys another short-ish chapter and more info about Paul! I had googled his family life and didn’t really find much, but what I ended up going with was a theory I had seen. I think I’m going to have him go more in depth about it and probably also have reader lore drop about Charlie and Renee’s tumultuous relationship, too, and her worries for Bella bc of it (maybe that’ll lead to a convo w Edward, too)
Anyway!! Hope yall enjoyed and if yall have any requests lmk!!
Bye-bye!! ☺️
(Also the long weekend is over for me so I’m probs gonna slow down on posting and it’ll be like one post a day type thing and I might write them all over the weekend and schedule them to come out each day so I don’t forget but idk yet)
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nctzenluvies · 3 years
not again...
𝖑𝖎𝖚 𝖞𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖞𝖆𝖓𝖌 𝖝 𝖋. 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗
𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘: 1.3k
𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖌, 𝖘𝖒𝖚𝖙, 𝖏𝖊𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖞, 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖘𝖊𝖝
𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖇𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉, 𝖑𝖎𝖚 𝖞𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖞𝖆𝖓𝖌, 𝖎𝖘 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖌𝖎𝖗𝖑 𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗, 𝖔𝖗 𝖘𝖔 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙..
it was the middle of your summer break. you had just gotten back from a week long trip with some of your good friends. your roommate yangyang, was pretty jealous he didnt get to go as his two best friends did. but of course, becauce your best friend's ex was yangyang, she wasnt comfortable with him there.
you got out of your friends car, walked into your apartments elevator, and clicked on your floor. you walked to the end of the hall to your apartment, unlocked to door and went inside.
hearing a sudden noise, he peaked his head out of his bedroom to see you taking your shoes off. "dude! your finally back!" yangyang yelled. he ran out to hug you.
"woah, im holding bags here." you said.
"haha, sorry. let me help you."
he took your suitcase and a few of your bags to your room.
"there, i may or may not have ordered food."
"cmon, man! i told you to stop ordering food. theres plenty of food here! i literally ordered groceries to the house before i left!" you snapped.
"sorry, mommy"
"ew, dont do that."
"dont lie, you like it." he winked
"yeah! just not from you?"
"oh why not? ive known you since i was born, so technically ive known you the same amount as my mom."
"ok, no. that makes no sense."
"sure does!"
"anyway, can we play a game and eat?"
you two played your normal pc games for about an hour, but you left to your room so you could unpack.
you threw your stuff on your bed and started separating everything. as you sorted your things, yangyang just started randomly poking you everywhere.
"cant you see im trying to do something?"
no response, he just continued.
"do you need something?"
"ugh, what?"
"im having a chick over so you might wanna cover your ears.."
"bro! again? i just got back, and i didnt need to know that!"
"oh, so youre not jealous?"
"no? why would i be?" ,you were definitely jealous, but you didnt need him knowing that.
he put his hands around your waist, and hugged you, "you sure about that?"
god, you were blushing like crazy, but luckily you had a history of being good at hiding your feelings.
"uh yeah?"
"okay." he let go, and walked away.
you wanted to brush what just happened off, but you couldnt. i mean, your three year crush, called you mommy? and waist hugged you?! come on. but hes having a girl over, so whatever. you took your makeup off, changed into pajamas, and continued to unpack.
after about an hour of you watching videos, with your headphones of course, you went to the bathroom, expecting yangyang and his girl in his room.
oh my god. you look out your room to see your best friend jerking off and watching porn in the living room?!
he scooted to the corner of the couch, covered himself up, and turned the tv off, while you went to the bathroom.
you walked out, and sat down at the other end of the couch.
"so, you want to explain?" you asked.
"sorry.. i just.."
"just what?"
"i was, you know, horny, and i lied to you about having a chick over so you would bother me."
"i thought you would have sex in your room!"
"yeah... but i expected you to stay in your bedroom."
"i mean yeah, but this is my house too."
"its fine just dont do it again."
"ok.... also youre blushing."
you opened your phone camera to see if he was right. he was.
"no im not! i just did a face mask, thats all!"
he got up and sat infront of you on the floor.
"why are you on the floor?"
"no reason. i just see you prepared for me, huh?"
it took you a second. you werent wearing pants. thats what he was talking about. as soon as you realized that. you blushed even more, and just decided to leave to your room, until he grabbed your thighs and pulled you back on the couch.
"let me leave yangya-"
he put a finger over your mouth.
"not yet. just wait."
he was about to sneak his head under your oversized t-shirt, but he stopped.
"y/n.. consent?" he asked.
"i- uhm- i-"
"im guessing thats a yes."
he spread your legs, put his head in between your thighs, and ate you out like there was no tomorrow. he had you grabbing onto anything within your reach, and making a bunch of noise.
yangyang stopped, took the towel off of his waist. when you werent even looking, he put a condom on. he started kissing your neck, while he lined his member with your body.
he let go, asking you if you were ready. you nodded, and let him enter your heat. he continued at a normal pace, running his hands across your covered body. thinking your shirt was in the way, you began to take it off, but he stopped you.
"keep your shirt on."
"no, its fine. if you want to see me you can take it off."
"no. i know your not comfortable with that."
"are you sure?"
everyone, including yourself, thought he was just a player, and that he wouldnt be this sweet in bed.
after a few minutes, he had sped up the pace, and gave you a few hickeys on your neck.
suddenly, you heard a knock at your door, it was one of your friends.you looked at each other, and ran to the bathroom. you told yangyang to get his hair wet and run to his room in a towel, while you showered.
he was wetting his hair, when you heard what sounded like your friend.
"dang it, i forgot i gave her a key." you said to yourself.
"yangyang, i need you to just play along ok?"
you hopped in the shower, and you were peeking out of the shower door with your eyes closed.
"yangyang! are you done peeing yet?"
"god! sorry! let me wash my hands!"
"not in here! your going to make the water cold!"
"fine! ill go to the kitchen! damn!"
"thank you! now get out! wait close the door!"
"okay! no need to yell!"
he walked out and shut the door behind him to see your other best friend standing there watching him.
"uh hi?"
"hi? what just happened?"
"i was in the shower when she get home, so she forced me out of the bathroom so she could shower. but i needed to pee and get my hair product out of there."
"oh, so you two didnt shower together?"
"ew no, she has a boyfriend."
"she does?"
"i think?"
"anyway, she will be out soon, so just sit tight."
your friend sat down on the couch, and saw a condom wrapper on the table, a towel with wet marks on it, and a pair of boxers on the floor.
"oh my god. they hooked up."
she got up and went to the bathroom where you were showering.
"hey y/n, im leaving, so you can get out and continue your fun time with yangyang. bye!"
"what?! what do you mean?"
she just walked out of your apartment. yangyang listened, so he went to the bathroom and told you she left.
"i know! whatever. im tired i wanna do this tomorrow please."
"of course. do you want to lay down while i put away your stuff? i know where everything goes so it should be fine."
he picked you up and set you on your bed. you told him what was clean and what was dirty while you lay there telling him about your trip until you fell asleep.
he shook your shoulder to ask you if he could lay with you, and of course, you said yes.
the two of you finished what you had started in the morning, causing the people next door to complain.
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freebooter4ever · 3 years
I called my grandma while i was on the hill today watching the sunset. We chit chatted for a while and then she brought up grandpa - and i'll always be honored that im one of the few she can talk to about this stuff - she doesn't like to discuss serious things but after going through grandpa's whole hospitalization and deterioration and the aftermath together mostly just her and i, i think she feels like she can be open with me.
I also havent changed my book of face photos since 2018 (my grandpa died dec 31 2017), i rarely go on the site anymore i set up insta so that it auto posts the main things, but yeah i cant bring myself to make my profile photo not grandpa and i when we 'snuck' the 63 mustang out of the garage and went on a cruise to mt rainier (Grandma definitely knew lol)(lucky for us we didnt have any issues or break down or run out of gas bc i dont know if she would have come rescued us haha). The 'cover photo' i put up to go along with this is a photo of them that started out as a joke - grandma is terrified of flying but grandpa's passion has always been flying/space. And its a photo of the two of them walking through a 70's era plane holding hands with the joke being that the only way we can get grandma on a plane is when it's parked in a museum.
Grandma told me tonight when she goes to the grocery store or out walking with my aunt, and she sees older couples who are just sort of existing near each other or walking at different speeds or whatever...that she remembers how she and grandpa would always hold hands. How grandpa would always come find her in a room if they were seperated for longer than an hr. Just that connection - really truly a couple. They never did anything without each other. And they actually enjoyed it. Grandma once told me that everything even the little day to day things were always exciting with grandpa, and that lasted for over 60 yrs of marriage.
Its a small miracle that grandma has lived this long without grandpa, i still feel like im waiting for the other shoe to drop. She seems happy, but there is something missing. I mailed her a bunch of photos i printed for her of them and the house and things - i was always taking photos of them and they would laugh at me because they didnt like having their photo taken at the time. And initially i sent printed photos to my aunt, hoping she would tell me which ones were the best and if grandma would like any. And of course grandma was visiting when my aunt got them, so i was immediately ratted out and grandma requested the photos for herself too.
There was one photo of grandpa and grandma on a 'christmas boat' in lake union - which was one of THE most magical christmas's i've ever had - just me, grandma, grandpa, my aunt and her family. And we had a heck of a time convincing grandma the boat was safe, but she relented and she enjoyed it because she got to sit inside and listen to a live choir. And that was where i took the photo, just them sitting in the very middle of this medium sized boat so grandma couldn't see out the windows, and grandpa was smiling. And grandma says this photo is now her favorite because there are so few photos of him smiling, and she apparently keeps the print framed by her bed and tells him good morning/goodnight every day.
The boat was actually one of the times i got the feeling that grandpa understood that his son was kind of falling down on the dad job - there were a lot of things grandpa stepped in for: he taught me how to drive, he was the one who came to my high school graduation, he was the one who heard all about my first career woes when i lost my job. My dad did a lot too, obviously, but grandpa understood how lonely i was during that time, how much work my dad and brother could be. Though i dont think it was till the year he died, when i spent more time with him living in their house, that grandpa realized my ambition and drive was equal to his own when he was my age.
I miss grandpa, both in that big abstract grief way. But also in the day to day silly way where i just miss being able to make him and grandma laugh - whether through my stories and antics while i was living with them for that year. Or before that largely through the photos and posts i would make for them to read (i lived in pittsburgh for 10 yrs, they were in seattle so i only saw them twice a year during my vacation days). (my grandma's current request is that i 'explain' my photos more nowadays, apparently lately my posts have been too vague and mysterious. She was REALLY confused about the cairn city dinosaurs and the photo i took of buster keaton's lamp)
The ghost feeling i got after grandpa's death is starting to lift. I still feel a little seperate from actual existence, and the pandemic certainly pushed me back into that unexpectedly, but i think despite the setback getting more of a 'normal' life will be easier this year. Yesterday was actually a good start - i met a bunch of people i dont think i was a complete social reject it was the first time ive done anything on the anniversary of grandpa's death and i only had a few moments during the night where i was worried i'd break down in tears. Overall decent.
One of the weirdest things, considering how quiet and simple my grandparents preferred life, is to think how even with grandpa gone. There is still a part of him - the biggest part of his intellect really - that will go on, maybe forever. And that's the lunar rover still out there on the moon. Only one part of his space contribution but a part that is physical and enduring.
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meltwonu · 4 years
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24. “Behave.”
31. “Don’t kink shame me.”
notes; usage of the term ‘master’, kitten-hybrid!reader, mild dirty talk, SOME SHY SEUNGKWAN!!🥺😭, but gettin the sofa dirty if ykwim heheh😗😏But also imagine being seungkwan’s kitten hybrid and then him being super shy cuz he’s never had to take care of a hybrid before but he wants to pamper you and take care of you but also being intimate with you is still a rly new thing for him!! but also him finding himself very much taking the role of ‘master’ 😭🥺🥺🥺 soft hours!! Anyway, thank you for requesting!! Enjoy! 💕
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Vernon is the puppy hybrid that lives next door with his owner Joshua and periodically, he comes over to keep you company when Seungkwan is out running errands.
Seungkwan, at first, was surprised that you seemed to hit it off well despite Vernon being a puppy hybrid and yourself being a kitten hybrid but he couldn’t deny the weight that was lifted off of his shoulders knowing that you had easily made a friend.
“Vernon, don’t spill the juice on the rug again! Master’s gonna be mad!”
The puppy hybrid rolls his eyes at you, “Last time was an accident!”
You can only pout in return before you sit next to him on the sofa. Seungkwan had stepped out about an hour earlier to run some errands and you’d quickly asked if it was okay to invite Vernon over to which Seungkwan had agreed and left with only a quick pet on your head before he was out the door. “You know master likes to keep the place clean…” You mumble, “I don’t wanna get yelled at again…”
“Relax, I won’t make a mess. And anyway, Seungkwan’s a little too nit-picky about how clean this place is, let’s be real! Needs a little dirtying, y’know?”
“But he’s the master of the house! What he says, goes!”
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Seungkwan blushes hard; cheeks blazing hot the longer he hears you talking to Vernon in the living room from where he stands in the entryway.
Did you always call him that when he wasn’t around?
He clenches his jaw, cock throbbing as his grip on the bag of groceries tightens. He even picked up your favorite dairy-free ice cream.
“Well, your master is a clean freak. Joshua-hyung always lets me make a mess!”
“Don’t talk about master like that! He knows I'm sensitive to dust ‘n stuff!”
Seungkwan exhales shakily as he quietly toes off his shoes and he braces himself to enter the living room where the two of you were.
The living room automatically goes quiet the second that he starts to shuffle down the entryway and Seungkwan quickly realizes he’s caught once Vernon and your eyes are on him.
“Um, I--I got ice cream?”
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Seungkwan is tense. And so are you, for the matter.
Vernon eats two bowls of ice cream before he bolts from the table; grinning when he starts to slip his shoes back on. “Thanks for the ice cream! I’m gonna go eat with hyung now!”
You sit in silence at the dining table just as Seungkwan shows Vernon to the door, waiting in slight embarrassment as Seungkwan quietly walks back to the table. “Um…”
“Are you.. Mad?” You ask, voice small as you shyly avoid his stare.
“M-mad? Why would I be mad?” The pitch in his voice shifts higher and he mentally curses himself as he takes a seat across from you at the dining table. “It’s---uh, does… does anyone else know you call me that?” 
You nod slowly. “V-Vernon and--and Joshua... and, um, Wonwoo from the flower shop and--”
“Alright, okay! I… I see.” Seungkwan shifts in his seat, cheeks still on fire as you watch him.
“Do you like it… Master?”
Oh, fuck.
Seungkwan’s cock throbs as he exhales harshly, “Listen, don’t kink shame me. I didn’t t-think--”
“Let me make it up to you, master!”
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“A-ah, master!”
You bounce in Seungkwan’s lap with his hands on your waist as he guides you. “Oh, g-god, kitten you feel so g-good...” His brows furrow as his own hips cant up to thrust into you, already close to cumming as he watches your cute and fluffy cat ears twitch atop your head.
Admittedly, being intimate with you was still something new to Seungkwan and he was still figuring out what you liked.
Mewling, you swivel your hips; body filled with warmth as his fingertips massage your skin. “Oh, m-master, I--I wanna cum, pl--please… You f-feel too good!”
“Behave, kitten. Be good and, ah, hold off a--a little longer…” He grits out, already on the edge of an orgasm himself when your walls clench tight around his cock.
The two of you fall into a rhythm as Seungkwan fucks up into you and you slam down onto him; thighs trembling when you start to get tired. “M-master, I--c-can we s-switch places? My legs ‘r t-tired...” You utter quietly.
Seungkwan smiles up at you, nodding as he helps you off of his lap and helps you ease onto your back onto the sofa. “Better, kitten?”
You nod happily, tail swishing from the side as Seungkwan slides his cock back into your tight warmth. “Ah, kitten, I don’t think I--I can last much, hah, longer myself…”
“That’s---that’s okay! I wanna, mmh, feel m-master cumming inside of m-me…” Seungkwan can only groan in response as his eyes flutter shut and he starts to double his pace.
His moans mix with yours as he chases his pleasure and he can barely utter a single word before his hips are stuttering and he’s cumming inside of you; you sweet voice working him through his high. “Ngh, your cock is s-so big and--and hot cumming inside o-of me, master~”
You grin up at Seungkwan whose eyes are firmly clamped shut and his lips that are parted in a silent moan. 
“I’m suh--so f-full~” You whine, hips moving as Seungkwan continues to unload his cum inside of your warm cunt. 
His head feels fuzzy as the pleasure starts to ebb away and he feels his body start to relax again as you clench around his sensitive cock. “Ah, k-kitten...” He mumbles. 
“Yes, master?” Seungkwan licks his lips; a slight chuckle floating past as he slowly starts to slide his cock from inside of you. “You’re really milking it for what it is, huh?”
You immediately clench around the emptiness as a disappointed whine falls from your own pouty lips. “But my poor kitten still hasn’t cum yet, hmm? Should we fix that?” 
He slides from between your legs, onto the rug; kneeling as he parts your legs a little more before he makes himself comfortable on his knees. “Well?”
“Mmh, yes, please--please I want to c-cum!”
Seungkwan eyes your wet folds, grinning as he watches his own cum start to spill from inside of you. 
Leaning in, his tongue pokes out from between his lips as he starts to tease you; running his tongue from your leaking entrance to your swollen clit, repeating the same motion a few times as you cry out above him.
“I want you to cum on my tongue, kitten~ D’you think you can do that for me?” His voice is slightly muffled against your skin but your hands immediately lock into his hair as you grind against his waiting tongue. 
“Yes, master!” 
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yn-dreamlife · 4 years
My Perfect Angel
Kai Chisaki (Overhaul) x (F) Reader 
Description: After enough people pointing out your insecurities and snap and ask Kai something you thought you never would. 
Based off of a tik-tok I saw by h0ney.cos there overhaul cosplay is really good! 
Warnings: insecure reader, sweet Kai, angst, fluff fluff fluff, angst again, bullying, reader is Overhauls age, chubby reader, catcalling turned to harassment, fat shaming, mentions of sex (not by Kai)
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“Dammit Chisaki why wont you do it?!” I screamed at the man in front of me. 
“Why do you want me to so bad?!” He yelled back frustrated. I stood there staring at him chest heaving and heart pounding. 
“You don’t understand.” I whisper as I look down at the floor, silently begging the tears not to fall. Not now, not in front of him. I see as his shoes appear in front of me and then I feel his hands gently cup my cheeks.
“Then make me.” He whispers pleadingly as he looks into my eyes. 
As I walk down the market place, basket in hand there is a warmth in my chest. I had gotten everything off my checklist and I still had a little money left over! I could probably even buy Kai a little present. Just as I thought that his words from earlier rang in my head. 
“Remember if you want to get me a present just buy yourself something instead. I always love to see my angel happy, that alone is better than any gift in the world.” 
‘He always is such a charmer.’ A smile makes it’s way to my cheeks. And with that thought I head to a clothing store I passed on my way here. As I walk into the store I smile. 
Kai brought me here once, I remember he had pointed out a dress he said I would look beautiful in. By now it should be on sale and I might even have enough money to buy it as a surprise for him! 
As I look around the store I’m approached by a young teenage sales lady. 
“Hi can I help you?” She asks smiling at me, her voice was friendly but high pitched. I could tell it wasn’t her real voice, it was the voice all people in sales have. 
“Oh no im just looking for a dress my boyfriend pointed out to me a little while ago!” I said as I smiled back at her but it quickly vanishes once she speaks again. 
“Pfft boyfriend? Are you sure you’re in the right store?” She spoke raising an eyebrow, her voice no longer high and friendly and leaning more towards an accusatory tone. 
“I beg your pardon.” I said furrowing my brows, honestly I knew exactly what she meant I was just so taken aback by her rude behavior. 
“I’m pretty sure there’s a maternity store a few doors over.” My eyebrows shot up as she had a triumphant smirk on her face.
“How dare you!” I shout at her reeling my hand back to smack her before falling short as I saw people around us laughing while staring at me. 
“Go ahead,” she said opening her arms “hit me.” She looked at me challenging me. 
I was so angry I pulled a card I never pulled, “I would love to hear what my boyfriend said about this.” I said in a surprisingly calm voice as I crossed my arms.
“Aw you hear that? Shes gonna cry to her boyfriend about it!” The sales lady bust out laughing but it swiftly died the moment my next sentence hit her ears. 
“Yes Kai Chisaki, I wonder what he would do if he was here.” She stared at me wide eyed and the laughter from around the store died. 
“Kai Chisaki?” One oblivious woman whispered confused. 
“He’s the Yakuza, captain of the Shie Hassaikai.” Another whispered to her with a tremble in her voice. 
Everyone knew about Kai, or as he was better known Overhaul. And everyone knew he had a girlfriend. The only reason being the last person who hurt me was obliterated on spot, Kai vowed then and there anyone who hurt me, in any way would pay the consequence. 
So I usually lived problem free, unless someone didn’t know what I looked like, which happened in this case. 
I looked at her pulling off a mock pout, “Aw someones not so brave anymore.” I said my voice laced with fake sympathy. “No sassy words, no witty come backs, no more snide comments?” I waited a moment looking around. 
As I did I saw one of the ladies happened to be standing right in front of the dress I wanted. I walked up to her as she trembled, I leaned in close to her face before looking past her and grabbing my size.
As I turned around and walked out I dropped the money next to the rude sales girls, “Shame, I would have loved to see the show.” And with that I left the store. 
Truth is, I had told Kai not to do that to anyone else again, and I honestly didn’t enjoy watching the effects of his quirk on people. But they had me worked up in that moment, it felt oddly good to leave them all speechless and shaking where they stood.  
I walked through a back alley trying to regain composure before I made it home, but of course luck wasn’t on my side and I was walking past a group of three shady men. Hoping for the best I continued on like I didn’t see them but of course they had to say something, after all it was my lucky day for that.
“Hey there baby.” One man called from behind me as I heard them coming closer. 
“Not interested.” I said as I started walking faster. 
“Oh come on!” One said as they sped up “We could show you a real good time.” What I’m sure was meant to be seductive came out more threatening, or maybe that’s how it was meant. 
After I had said no again the barrage of insults began. 
“Well who would want you anyways? You’re just some pig.” 
“Yeah your eyes are so dull and your hair so gross, who would want to look at that while having sex?” the second said as I sped up. 
The insults didn't stop as I was out of there sight, they only stopped once I was out of earshot. 
I ignored the tears threatening to spill. Why am I even crying anyways? It’s just some stupid people, there opinions don’t matter, the only one who does is Kai. 
And he loves me just the way I am. ‘....Right?’ the doubt had crept into my mind and the seed was planted. 
The seed of doubt, and self hatred. It festered and grew, feeding off of any small microscopic doubt I had ever had. And as it grew it began changing events in my mind. Kai moving me off of him to go to the bathroom was now Kai’s legs where being crushed so bad he had to fake going to the bathroom to rid himself of me. 
Our portions being smaller had nothing to do with us needing to go grocery shopping and everything to do with my size. Him pointing out a dress wasn't because of the color but because he didn't like the way I always dressed. 
By the time I was home the warmth in my chest was gone, no smile was on my lips and I had thought the tears were gone. I dropped off my basket and immediately went to Kais office. 
‘He can make me beautiful,’ I thought. ‘If he uses his quirk on my then he can put me back together as the perfect woman, then I can be beautiful for him.’ 
The possessions thoughts ran threw my head on a loop as I knocked on his door. When I was told to enter I did so silently. 
“Hello there angel!” He said happily moving to pick me up and spin me around. 
“Put me down Kai I’m to heavy!” I shouted as he did so. 
“Nonsense!” He said as he continued. 
“No!,” I said as I wiggled from his grasp. “I am,” I grabbed his hands and took them in my own, “but I don’t have to be.” 
“What do you mean y/n/n?” he said squeezing my hands. 
“I don’t have to be to heavy, if you use your quirk then you ca-” He cut me off within the second that I mentioned him using his quirk. 
“Absolutely not!” He said gasping. 
“Please Kai, you can use it and then put me back together as the perfect girl!” I said desperately grabbing at his retreating hands. 
“No! Even if I didn’t think you where perfect- which I do! I would never use my quirk on you, to put you threw that pain...” He trailed off. 
“Please Kai! I wont be in pain for long! And it wont even be that bad! You cant even be guilty because I’m asking!” I said quickly. All rationality had turned off in my brain. 
“No! I wont!” He said determined. 
“No y/n and that’s final!” He spoke eyes firm. 
“Dammit Chisaki why wont you do it?!” I screamed at the man in front of me.
“Why do you want me to so bad?!” He yelled back frustrated. I stood there staring at him chest heaving and heart pounding.
“You don’t understand.” I whisper as I look down at the floor, silently begging the tears not to fall. Not now, not in front of him. I see as his shoes appear in front of me and then I feel his hands gently cup my cheeks.
“Then make me.” He whispers pleadingly as he looks into my eyes.
Tears slipped down Kai’s cheeks once i was finished just as they did my own. “I-I’m sorry Kai- I just- I just want to be perfect for you so bad.” I sobbed as I fell into his arms. 
retelling the events of today was enough to bring my brain a bit more down to earth, yet I still so felt so insecure and unworthy. 
“Angel... You already are.” He spoke as he pet my hair gently, his other arm securely going around my waist. “Even if my quirk didn’t bring you pain and I did do it, you would still look exactly as you are now, because this is how I love you.” 
I pulled away slightly looking up at him. “Really?” I whispered. 
He smiled gently his one hand removing his mask as the other cupped my cheek. I gasped when I watched him drop his gloves and mask to the floor. It was becoming more and more common for Kai to take his gloves off for me and even his mask, but for him to so carelessly drop them on the floor was shocking. 
He smiled rubbing my thumb with his cheek, “You’re my angel, there has never and will never be a thing I change about you.” I smiled softly but it faltered a little when he spoke again. “Well there is maybe one thing,” the smile on his face told me it wasn’t anything bad but I couldn’t help but be slightly worried. 
“What is it?” I whispered. 
“He pressed his forehead against my own before leaning in farther so our lips brushed against each other as he spoke “Your last name.” 
I smiled even as our lips connected into a soft kiss, every kiss with him brought butterflies to my stomach because they where always so special. His fear of germs prevented them from happening very often so i always cherished them. 
“I love you Kai.” I whisper pulling away so our foreheads where touching.
“And I love you Angel.” it was a sweet moment, just staying in his arms his next words contradicted the gentle brushing of his thumb on my bare waist. “Now where did you say these events happened, and could you give me a description of the people.” 
I pulled away raising an eyebrow with a small smile on my face. “Kai,” I said in warning. 
“What? Just trying to.... visualize your story better is all.” He said shrugging smiling at his half ass lie. 
I laughed smiling wider he always could make me feel better. During my laughter i couldn't see the sparkle in Kais eye as he stared down at me happy to see me smiling and laughing again, even if it only was taken away from him for thirty minutes. 
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babbushka · 4 years
If it’s an option to have Flip give you his dick in a box, please sign me up! I’d love to request that for a holiday prompt, if you’re willing! Thank you! 🖤🖤🖤
(1.6k, NSFW (blow job/face-fucking, grinding/boot riding, fingering & comeshot), okay I have over a dozen requests for this now lmao. This is crack and it’s all @safarigirlsp & @lumberjack00fantasies fault !)
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You come home from running a couple errands to find that Flip’s truck is already parked in the driveway. That was strange, you thought, because he wasn’t supposed to be home for a few more hours. For a minute, you wonder if everything’s okay, if something had happened at work for him to be home so early, but then you figure no, he would’ve called you if it were something serious. Shifting the big brown paper bag of groceries onto your hip as you close and lock the door, you hear a sort of rustling coming from the blackness of the living room.
“Flip?” You call, stepping out of your shoes and setting your bags down.
“In here ketsl.” Your husband’s smooth deep voice sounds from the living room where you heard the rustling, and you put your hands on your hips as you walk through the foyer.
“Honey why is it so dark in here?” You’re confused, but the moment that you step down into the sunken living room, the fireplace roars to life.
Your eyebrows shoot up, because illuminated by the fire, lying on his side on the plush shag carpet in all his glory is your husband. He’s dressed boots and all, got one of his hands propping his head up, but the other is holding a very…strategically placed present in front of his crotch.
“Hey, honey-bunny. I got something real important to give you.” Flip winks, “So, just sit down.. and listen.”
You take a seat on the couch, knowing that whatever he’s got planned, is certain to be the start of a wild evening.
Flip reaches over to the record player and drops the needle, and all of a sudden a groovy tune starts to play, something smooth and slow and sensual, and he clears his throat.
“Baby, you know we been together, such a long, long time…” Flip begins to sing, and your brows have a hard time coming back down to Earth, because your man hasn’t sung unprompted since the summer of ’67.
“Uh huh,” You try your very best not to laugh at whatever the fuck he’s doing.
“…And now I’m ready, to lay it on the li-ine.” Flip continues, in that deep deep voice of his that has you wondering if he’s pranking you. “You know it’s Christmas, and my heart is open wide, I’m gonna give you something, so you know what’s on my mind.”
“Did – when did you have time to rehearse this?” You look around, wondering if Jimmy is going to pop out from behind the couch with a video camera or something, but Flip gets up, holds the present as he saunters over to you while you continue, “We don’t celebrate Christmas.”
He takes a step to the beat, his hips swaying along.
“It’s a gift that’s real special, so take off the top.” He stops in front of you and his hips cant towards you as he encourages, “Take a look inside…”
You pull the ribbon off of it, and lift the lid and your hand flies up to your mouth because: “That’s your dick, in a box.”
Flip looks so pleased with himself, so pleased with this present of his, that he has to physically restrain himself from fist-bumping the air. You have no idea what’s gotten into him, he’s never done anything like this before – did he lose a bet?
Flip’s song isn’t over though, and now that you’ve seen his big gift, his hips buck along to the music as he continues to serenade you;
“Not gonna get you a diamond ring, that sort of gift don’t mean anything. I’m not not gonna get you a fancy car, girl, you gotta know you’re my shining star. Not gonna get you a house in the hills, a girl like you needs something real. I want to get you something from the heart, something special, girl.” Flip closes his eyes and lets himself feel the music, before pointing to his cock, “That’s right, it’s my dick in a box.”
He’s looking at you, eager for your reaction, and you realize he’s being earnest.
The music keeps playing as you reach inside the box, wrap your hand around his hard dick. How long has he been hard to keep it up? When did he come home and set all this up? You have a million questions, but all of them fly out the window when you shimmy the box off his cock, the proud curve of it nearly smacking you in the face.
Without saying anything, you lick a fat stripe up his shaft, and Flip pitches forward just a little, not expecting you to dive right in.
“Do you like it?” Flip asks, wagging it in your face, making it smack lightly at your cheek.
“You’re insane,” You firmly grasp his hard hard cock, making his whole evening when you laugh out, “But yes, I like it.”
You like it so much in fact, that you want it in your mouth immediately. Your tongue runs over the thick bulging veins as you slink off the couch and land on your knees on the carpet. The box with the huge hole on the side of it resting on the floor nearly takes you out of the sexy mood, but then Flip’s hand scratches against your scalp, and you look up at him with wide, innocent eyes.
You suck at the head of his cock, watching him bite at his lip, watching his chest start to heave from how hard he’s breathing. He must’ve been edging himself for ages, and you didn’t want him to have to wait anymore.
“Oh fuck.” Flip groans out as you begin unbuttoning your blouse. From his angle above you, he can see straight down your bra, your cleavage pushed together from your pretty bra.
You only smile a little, before letting your eyes close, head bobbing up and down over his cock. Your hand makes up for the few inches you can’t fit just yet, your spit lubing it up enough that the slip and slide is easy on his shaft.
“Mmm,,” Jerking him off and sucking his cock, you moan around him, and that makes Flip’s grip on your hair a little harder.
He shuffles closer to you, his jeans falling down his strong thighs just a little bit from no longer being held up by the box. There’s something so fucking hot about Flip with his jeans open, that dark happy trail scruffy over the tense muscle of his stomach. You take more of his cock down your throat, your other hand moving to rub against his thigh.
“I’m gonna fuck you hard tonight baby,” Flip promises, holding your head steady as he thrusts in and out of your throat, and you try your best not to choke on him, “Gonna make you fuckin’ scream with this cock.”
You only moan and nod, your pussy starting to clench and drip in your panties. If Flip is getting off, you don’t see any reason that you shouldn’t either, so you pull his leg forward and begin to grind your hips against the shiny toe of his new boots that you got him for Hanukkah this year.  
“Jesus ketsl.” Flip grunts as you moan from the friction on your pussy, your clit throbbing. His thrusts speed up, until he’s fucking your face on auto-pilot, hips seeking the tight clutch of your throat, “You’re gonna come like this? Just like this? My cock down your throat?”
“Mmmmhmmm,” You take whatever he gives you, focusing on your own pleasure, on the way he pushes his foot up onto his heel and gives you a better angle to undulate your hips down onto his boot.
Your hands have an iron grip on his jeans, your eyes watering from the sheer overwhelming feeling of his cock down your throat, your pussy desperate to be filled the same way. He had promised, but you want it now, want to be fucked hard now.
“I’m – fuck, I’m going to come.” Flip’s stomach flutters and tenses in front of your face, and you know he’s close. You prep yourself for the taste of his come, but he shakes his head, practically drools all over himself as he watches your breasts bounce, “Gonna come all over these perfect tits.”
Only a few moments later, he’s pulling out of you carefully, and you gasp down harsh breaths, your throat raspy.
“Shit,” Flip spills himself all over your cleavage, watches as it splatters and lands on your flesh, the hot white ropes sticky. He sighs and shudders out his pleasure, reveling in the debauchery of it all.
“Get me off? Please?” You’re close too, your panties smearing your slick all over his boots, desperate for him, for anything he’ll give you.
Flip pushed you gently onto your back and shoves his hand into your soaking wet panties, thrusts three of his fingers into your aching pulsing cunt, one thumb on your clit and fingers you hard and fast until your thighs are trembling, toes curling, back arching out your orgasm.
He collapses down next to do, the both of you spent…for now.
The fireside crackles steadily, the record player having finished its song long ago. That damn box is still lying on the floor, the half-hazardly cut hole in the side reminding you of all this all started in the first place.
You break out into bright laughter, and Flip joins in, the both of you covered in come and sweat and filled with absurd joy. He certainly was something, your husband, you grin into his armpit as he hugs you close.
And even though you don’t really celebrate this holiday, you can’t help but think that maybe it was okay, just this once.
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brelione · 4 years
After (The Best Boys)
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Series Masterlist
Warnings:Smut, hospitals, mental breakdowns/panic attacks.
After the three weeks that Topper was in the hospital everyone was  in pure agony.None of you were really sleeping properly, your days spent at the hospital with your friend, voices never going above a whisper.
He was getting better, able to sit up in his hospital bed and play uno with you and Rafe while Kelce napped on your lap.Kelce was getting the least sleep, the stress all catching up with him.
You didnt know how to bring it up, instead helping him in the only way you really knew how.That was by extra hugs, a shit ton of forehead kisses and sleeping in his bed with him when he stayed at your house.You had no idea what was happening with you and Rafe.
When Kelce would leave whether it be to the grocery store or to pick up McDonalds you would find yourself on the couch with Rafe, sharing feather like kisses with your arms wrapped around eachother.You still hadnt figured out all your feelings.
You knew that you liked kissing Rafe but you werent sure why.He was gentle and it calmed you but that didnt mean you loved him, right?Sometimes when you were kissing Rafe you’d start to worry about Kelce.
You would usually go with him when he went grocery shopping but he now preferred to go alone, figuring that it would help him clear his head and get lost in the music from his radio.
You laid with your chest pressed against Rafe’s, your hand twirling his hair with his head resting against your neck, arm around your waist.You were still wearing Topper’s hoodie, switching between the gray hoodie you had took from him and the black one with a rabbit sillouhette on the back.
You still felt scared of touching Topper, way too worried about hurting him even when he was practically begging for hugs and forehead kisses.It killed you to not be able to, wanting nothing more than to hug him and kiss him and laugh at how stupid he was.
Rafe sighed, lifting his head from your shoulder, the tip of his nose resting against yours, letting out a small sigh. “You excited to take Topper home tomorrow?”He asked, his eyes only half open as he spoke.You hummed, a small grin on your face. 
“Mhmm...Ive missed him a lot.”You glanced down at Rafe’s lips, looking back up at his eyes.A small smile tugged at his lips, leaning towards you and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips, smiling a bit.A dozen of gentle pecks later and he had ended up on top of you, elbows on either side of your waist, sighing against your lips. 
“The nurse said we can do movie nights again soon as long as its not too loud.”He informed you, placing a gentle kiss on your nose, smiling when you let out a small laugh. “Thats good...I think he has to have like infinite movie picking nights.”You replied, leaning up to kiss him again.
He nodded, biting his lip. “Yeah, definitely.But the no horror movie rule still stands, right?”He asked, looking down at you with a big smile.You rolled your eyes, pulling his head down so you could kiss his forehead. 
“Yeah, the rule still stands.”You grinned, your hand going back to play with his soft hair.He had washed it today.You could tell because it was nice and soft, well conditioned with some high end conditioner.
Out of curiosity you sniffed it, face heating up when he lifted his head, raising an eyebrow. “Are you sniffing my hair?”He asked, trying not to laugh.You rolled your eyes.
 “Shut up.”You grumbled, tugging lightly at the dark hair.He let out a low moan, surprising you both. “Did you just…”You trailed off, noticing how red his face had gotten, his face burying itself into the soft fabric of the hoodie. “Shut up!”He exclaimed.
You simply laughed, sniffing his soft hair again, trying to figure out what the scent was.He laughed, holding onto you tightly.His hair smelt like maraschino cherries and roses. “Your hair smells really nice.”You told him, inhaling the scent again.
He let out another laugh, biting his lip. “Yeah?”He asked, trying to remember which shampoo he had used that morning.You nodded, not able to feel your legs from his weight on top of you.The door swung open, Kelce coming in with a brown bag of Chinese food, setting it down on the table.
He didnt say anything, just sat down on the floor and started to take the food out, placing the boxes on the table.You frowned, Rafe getting off of you so you could move across the couch, hugging Kelce from behind. “You okay?”You asked, pressing a light kiss to his cheek.
He sighed, leaning back against you and letting you wrap your legs under his arms. “You seem stressed.Do you need to talk about something?”You asked, quiet enough that only he could hear it.He shook his head, opening one of the boxe and handing you a crab rangoon, laughing when you took it in your teeth right from his hand. 
“We need to save rice for Topper.”You reminded Rafe as he scooped it onto a paper plate with a spoon.He frowned, shaking his head. “Nope, Topper drove off a bridge.He gets no rice.”he replied, staring up at you as you glared down at him.
It took a few seconds before he hummed, putting some of his rice back into the container. “Should we get him cake or something?They wont let us smuggle him McDonalds so maybe we should get him that.”You thought out loud, grabbing another crab rangoon.
They shrugged, not really knowing. “My mom wants me to be home more often because she’s convinced i’ll crash like Topper did.I dont know, she just wants me home tomorrow for a family day or something.I’ll probably just stop by Topper’s house after you guys drop him off tomorrow.”Kelce fixed himself a plate, the two of you ending up switching positions so that you were on the floor while he sat on the couch with his legs on either side of you.
You sighed, resting your elbows on his knees while you bit into a piece of shrimp.Rafe turned on the tv, staring at you and Kelce.He wasnt sure what was happening with you.He didnt really understand why you two did what you did or why you guys never talked about it.
He ended up turning on Nickelodeon, glad when Victorious started playing.Rafe was grumpy the whole night, up until three in the morning as he scrolled through his phone.You and Kelce were cuddled up at the end of the couch, your arms and legs wrapped around him with your nose pressed against his chest, loud snored escaping the two of you.
Eventually he fell asleep, his phone on his chest and his head on the arm rest.He was woken up by you jumping up and down on the couch, grinning when you saw his eye open. “You gotta get up, bubs.We have to go get Topper.”You reminded him, hopping off the couch.
Rafe groaned, shifting on the couch and resting his face against the cushion.He dozed off again, grumbling when you climbed on top of him, demanding that he get up. “Hmm...where’s Kelce?”He asked, eyes half open. “He went home, its almost three in the afternoon, Topper can leave by four.”You kissed Rafe’s forehead, noticing how confused he was. 
“Three?”He asked, looking over to check the time on his phone.You nodded, getting off of him and heading upstairs to change your clothes.He groaned, finally getting off your couch and stretching his long limbs.Dragging himself up the stairs and into your guest room he had nearly fell on the stairs twice, closing the door behind him.
His clothes were scattered all over the room, groaning as he searched for his yellow shirt, cursing.He forgot to knock, walking straight into your room. “Hey, do you have my yellow shirt?”He asked, watching you tie your shoes.You bit your lip, glancing over to your closet.
 “No.”You lied, standing up straight once you had your shoes on.He chuckled, walking over to your closet.You quickly grabbed his arm, trying to prevent him from opening the door.He easily held you back, seeing the yellow shirt hanging in the closet.
He grabbed it, running past you. “Rafe!You cant have that!”You shouted, running through the house.He laughed, running into your kitchen before realising he had cornered himself.You ran at him, trying to take the shirt back.
 “Rafe-thats mine!”You exclaimed, clinging onto his arm and trying to bring it back down so you could take it from him. “No, no its not.”He answered, holding it high above his head.You sighed, wrapping your arms around his torso.
He frowned, eventually giving in and hugging you back, forgetting that he was holding the shirt when you swiped it from him, holding it to your chest. “thanks.”You grinned, stepping on your tiptoes to kiss him lightly.He sighed, arms tight around your waist, knowing it would be the last kiss he got that morning since you two would most likely be with Topper for the rest of the day.
 “Hmm...we gotta go.”He mumbled against your lips, not really wanting to pull away.You sighed softly, kissing him again. “Let me just grab my backpack really quick.”You kissed his nose, noticing how tired he looked.You grabbed your small leather backpack before coming back into the kitchen, seeing Rafe eating a handful of frozen berries right out of the bag.The two of you got into the car in silence as you texted Kelce.
You:Hows family day going?
Bean:we cant decide on a movie
Bean:hows Topper doing?
You:We’re on our way to the hospital rn.My heart is literally pounding im kinda nervous ngl
Bean:felt that.How’s Rafe doing?He seemed mad last night
You:Rafe’s fine he just slept weird
You:Are you ok?You’ve been really stressed lately
Read at 3:43 pm
You sighed, placing your phone between your thighs.Rafe raised an eyebrow, wondering whether or not he should ask about your sudden mood change.You were out of the car before it even stopped, speed walking to the hospital entrance with Rafe close behind you.
You took in a deep breath as you walked through the motion activating doors, the cool air conditioned air hitting your skin.Rafe came up quick behind you, not wanting to lose you in the hospital.
Topper was sitting at a little waiting area on a red couch, reading something from a magazine.He was wearing loose gray sweatpants and a white T Shirt, squinting as he tried to read.You ran over to him, grinning when he looked up at you, slowly standing up and letting you hug him.
You closed your eyes,arms tight around his torso, his nose in your hair. “Hi.”He grinned, trying not to laugh.You were acting like you hadnt seen him in months, cautious of his casted arm. “Hi.”You replied, feeling your eyes moisten.
You refused to let go even when Topper lifted up his head to greet Rafe.His forehead wound had healed nicely, a stip of medical tape over the area.The stitches had been removed a few days prior, the tip of his tongue fully healed so he could eat better foods.
 “(Y/N).”He mumbled, a red blush across his face.You took in a big breath, looking up at him curiously. “I asked the nurse and she said I can have forehead kisses now.”He replied, flicking your hip lightly.
You sighed, cupping his face so he’d lean down a bit, placing a gentle kiss to his forehead.A weight lifted off his shoulders, letting out a low sigh.He had missed that feelin so much, glad he could finally enjoy your touch again.He sighed softly, resting his head on your shoulder.
 “We’re gonna get McDonalds and Kelce said he’d stop by your house later.Do you need to check out with the nurse or something?”You asked, feeling his hot breath against your collarbone. “Noo...we can just go.”He replied, most of his weight on you.You sighed, rubbing his back. “Are you sure?”You asked.
He nodded, kissing your jaw lightly.You looked over to Rafe, seeing him just standing there nervously.Once Topper had picked up the magazine and slid it up his shirt you guys walked out, Topper holding your hand tight, the sun causing him to squint.
You sat in the backseat with Topper, making sure that his seatbelt was secure. “Its scary to be in a car again.”He admitted, holding onto the door handle.You sighed, squeezing his hand. 
“The ride to your house from here is pretty smooth, no bridges or anything.”You reminded him, feeling his good hand on your thigh. “Can I turn on the radio?”Rafe asked.Topper sighed, kissing your temple. “Low volume.”He told the brunette, leaning against you with his eyes squeezed shut as the car started moving.
Your hand was running though his hair, rubbing at the back of his neck and avoiding his hairline.You placed a kiss on the top of his head, feeling yourself blushing a bit. “Hey, hey what do you guys want?”Rafe asked as he pulled up to the drive thru, stopping the truck.Topper grinned. 
“Uhh...a quarter pounder with extra pickles and large fries.”He replied, noticing how you were staring at his blue cast.Rafe pulled up to the window, handing you the large brown paper bag.You were quick to unwrap Topper’s burger halfway for him, letting him hold it. 
 “What about meds?Do we need to pick them up for you?”You asked, taking one of his fries.He slowly shook his head, slurping down his burger, nearly dropping a pickle. “No, they’re getting dropped by my house.”he replied, offering you a bite of his burger.
 “Thats good.”You mumbled, taking another fry. “What kind of meds?”Rafe asked, shutting up when he saw you glare at him. “Just like, pain meds.I dont know.Ive gotta take like three a day for two weeks I think.”He replied, halfway done with his burger when he quietly asked you if you could wrap it back up for him so he could save it for later.
Your heart dropped when Rafe pulled into his driveway, knowing that you wouldnt be able to see him again until tomorrow.You got up, helping him inside the house and shutting the door behind you, sighing. “Its been a while.”You muttered, taking in the white tile of the opening room, a chandelier hanging from the ceiling.
He nodded in agreement, slowly walking into his living room.It wasnt too different from yours except for the gray carpet and the different couch.He sat down on it, seeming confused.You placed the McDonalds bag on the side table, looking down at him. 
“Hey, can I tell you something without you freaking out?”he asked, shifting in his spot so he could look at you properly.You hummed, hoping it wasnt something too bad. “Yeah, yeah I guess.”You replied, waiting anxiously.He gulped, taking in a large breath.
It took him a second to finally form words, his legs tingling. “Um...so im in love with you and I have been for a while now.I dunno, when I called 911 the last thing I thought about was you.I just thought you should know.”He confessed, his heart thumping so hard that if he were still in the hospital the nurses would come rushing in.
Your eyes widened, trying to think of something to say.That wasnt what you were expecting him to say, taking in a large breath that hurt your ribs. “um...uh….I um….”You stuttered, taking in another breath.You let out a nervous giggle, covering your face.
 “Im sorry, this is just crazy….um….so can we just….can we talk about this another time, please?”You asked, not sure you could handle everything that was being thrown at you.Topper nodded, grinning.
 “Yeah, yeah its fine...we dont have to talk about it.I just wanted you to know.”He muttered, avoiding your gaze. “Alright...um...im gonna go but i’ll see you tomorrow.”You left quickly, shutting the door and hopping into the passenger seat, still shaking.
Rafe frowned, trying to figure out what had happened. “Whats wrong?”He asked, hand on your thigh to get it to stop bouncing.You sighed, looking over at him. “Topper just….he’s talking weird.Its stupid, hes drugged out of his mind anyways.Can we just go home, please?”You asked, wanting to focus on something else.
Had all those hugs and kisses meant something different to Topper this whole time?Or did they just mean something different to you?Now things were starting to make sense.Why Topper had left that night three nights ago, why he had always glared at Kelce whenever the two of you were cuddling.
Now you felt all the guilt.You were hurting Topper this whole time by being so close with Rafe and Kelce when he was supposedly in love with you.And now you would be hurting Topper now because of how often you and Rafe did things that shouldnt be done between best friends.
Everything was so fucked up now.Rafe was pouting, trying to understand what possibly couldve happened in the five minutes that you were inside Topper’s house. “Are you okay?Did something bad happen?”He asked, reaching for your hand.
You sighed, lifting your hands so your elbows were on the armrest, resting your head against his hand. “No, just weird shit.Its fine, Rafe.”You replied, sighing when he pulled into your driveway.It was already 5:30.You got out of his truck, going inside quickly. “Hey, why are you walking so fast?”Rafe asked, struggling to keep up with you even with his long legs.
You simply huffed, going up the stairs.He was confused, following you anyways. “I just…”You trailed off, groaning as you flopped onto your bed.He pouted, sitting at the foot of your bed after closing your door. “What?”He asked, not understanding.
You rolled onto your back in a starfish position, staring at the ceiling. “Im just stressed is all.Do you want to watch something?”You asked, looking over to see your remote on your night stand, surprised when his hands gripped your hips. “Do you want me to help with the stress?”He asked, hovering over you.
You knew where he was getting at, not sure how to think about it.It had been nearly a month since he had touched you like that but it had lead to something bad happening.But thinking something bad would happen everytime you messed around with someone was crazy, right?
You slowly leaned up, kissing him lightly.It didnt take long for his hands to move down to your pants, carefully pulling them down your legs.He looked up at you before pulling down your light blue underwear, making sure that you were okay before dipping his tongue into you, holding your thighs down as he pressed a kiss to your clit.
You let out a low moan, fingers squeezing at your comforter as he licked a stripe up your folds.One of your hands moved down, tugging lightly at his hair.He let out a moan, letting you direct him the way you wanted, his tongue plunging in and out of you, eyes closing.
He sucked on your clit, trying not to smile at how loud you were, slipping a finger into your entrance.He wasn't sure how this would end up, remembering your promise from last time.You moaned loudly when he added another finger, pumping them in and out of you.
He could feel you getting close, kitten licking your clit to tease you.A shiver ran up your spine, moaning loudly as your eyes clenched shut. “Rafe-please.”You whimpered.He smiled up at you, adding another finger to stretch you out a bit, slowly moving.
 “Rafe.”You whined, trying to get him to move faster.He simply chuckled, giving you what you wanted and beginning to speed up, your moans only making him move faster.You climaxed with a loud, high pitched moan, letting go of his hair as you panted.
Feeling his tongue moving again you let out a soft moan as he cleaned you up, your fluids on his chin and fingers as he licked them clean.He wiped his chin off with the back of his hand, looking up at you. “Rafe.”You whispered, knowing how crazy you were about to sound.
He leaned back over you, his nose touching yours. “yeah?”He asked, not sure what to expect.You let out a soft sigh, kissing him gently. “I want...I want to go all the way.”You told him, noticing his breath hitch in his throat.He gulped, not sure if he could do it.
He didn't want to hurt you. “Are you sure?”He asked, looking into your eyes.You nodded slowly, anxiety building up in you as he slowly pulled down his pants, letting you palm him through his boxers.He let out a moan, wanting you to apply more pressure.
 “Are you sure that you want this?”He repeated his question, biting his lip.You let out a shaky breath, nodding. “Im sure.”You replied, eyes widening when he pulled down his boxers.He was huge.You just had to hope it wouldn't hurt as bad as it looked.
 “Its gonna hurt a little, alright?I need you to tell me what you want.If you want me to stop I need you to tell me.If you want me to slow down I need you to tell me, okay?”He asked, wanting to make sure that everything would be okay.You nodded, touching his hair lightly.
The first few inches didn't hurt but when he was about half way in you hissed in pain, gripping his shoulders.He came to a halt, looking down at you with a concerned expression. “Baby, hey, hey.Do you need me to stop?”He asked, preparing to pull out when your fingernails dug into his skin. 
“no...no.Keep going.”You replied.He began to move again slowly, biting his lip.He was nearly fully inside you, trying not to moan as you kept clenching around him due to his size.You were whimpering, eyes becoming watery as he was finally inside of you.It stung a lot, scratching up his back.You sniffled, glad he was taking things slow.
You took in a deep breath, a few tears rolling down your cheeks. “Shh...I know, I know.It’s okay, you’re okay.”Rafe whispered, cupping your face and wiping away the tears. “It hurts.”You whispered, sniffling.He bit his lip, kissing his forehead as he tried to help with the pain or at least distract you from it.
He wanted to pull out and run you a bath, trying not to make himself cry. “Do you want me to stop?”He aksed, trying his best to stay completely still.You shook your head, holding onto hims tighter, his  face in the crook of your neck with his chest pressed against yours.
 “Baby- I indeed you to try and relax, alright?Tensing up only makes it worse, take deep breaths, ready?Breath in, breath out.”He pressed a gentle kiss to your collarbone, listening to your breathing. “Good girl...in and out, just keep breathing.Im gonna start moving a little, okay?”He asked, feeling you nod against his shoulder.
He took in a deep breath, pulling out ever so slightly before pushing back in, clenching his eyes shut. “You okay?”he asked, pulling his head from your shoulder, looking down at you.You nodded, taking in a deep breath. “Yeah-it hurts a little but im okay.”You confirmed, kissing him lightly.He let out a soft sigh, squeezing your waist lightly.
 “Ready?”He asked, keeping his hands on your hips, waiting.You let out a shaky breath, nodding.He was careful, only pulling out a quarter of the way before slowly moving back in, jaw dropping when you moaned.His heart was thumping fast as he moved slowly, groaning.
 “Shit.”He whispered, leaning down to kiss your cheeks, nose and lips. “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”He asked, pulling out halfway this time before pushing back in, watching as your eyes widened and a moan came from you.
  “Shit, Rafe.”You moaned, nails digging further into his back.He took a deep, shaky breath. “God, youre so fucking tight.”He moaned, letting out a low whimper, repeating the action of pulling out halfway before pushing in again. “Rafe-”You couldn't even form a full sentence before you were moaning again.
He was pleased with your reaction, moving a little faster and pulling out almost completely before pushing back in. “You want me to slow down?”He offered.You shook your head, running a hand through his hair. “Faster.”You muttered, seeing a surprised look spread across his face.
He began to speed up his actions, pulling out nearly completely before plunging back into you, both of you moaning loudly,He was panting, a light layer of sweat covering his face, going as fast as he could. “Rafe-im gonna-”You moaned, your head rolling against your pillow as you clenched around him,cumming all over his cock.
He licked his lips, slowly pulling out of you.He picked up a towel from your floor, carefully wiping your thighs clean. “You did so well, baby.How are you feeling?”He asked, picking up his boxers from the foot of the bed and pulling them back up, laying down next to you.
The sun was just going down, red and purple hues covering the sky like a wonderful painting, the golden light coming through your blinds.You held onto his arm, resting against his bicep. “Im fine...im tired as shit but im fine.”You replied, hearing your phone ringing from your shorts.
You sighed, too tired to move.Rafe grabbed it for you, telling you that Kelce was trying to call you.You were panting too hard to answer, Rafe gulping and licking his lips before lifting the phone to his ear. “Hello?”He asked.You noticed the way his eyes widened, eyebrows knitting together. 
“Chill, man.Just- what do you mean you broke it?Well dont-hello?”Rafe asked, realising his friend had hung up.You looked up at him with a confused expression, trying to figure out what was wrong. “So Kelce broke his door and he’s on his way now.He really doesn't sound too good.”Rafe answered, slowly sitting up.
After the call about Topper you thought you had heard the worst news you’d ever recieve.But hearing that Kelce had broke something made you want to vomit.Kelce freaking out was how you knew the world had hit rock bottom but it didnt help that you didnt know what he was freaking out about.Shit.
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ughitsnic · 4 years
Remember when: Chris Evans
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Over 2k words... which a hell of a lot for me. i dont really know what i was doing with this one but i had fun writing it. angst? yeah kinda
It was never Chris' fault, he was so caring and full of love but that was just who he was. It was that you were in a relationship that felt forced and that was moving way too fast and way too public for both of your liking. It was tough on you where as before you would happily go places together, baseball games, go out for food get a drink, walk the dogs. But now? Everyone was watching over analyzing the headlines were ridiculous people conspiring about an inevitable break up because you both looked stressed.
"Hey" you sigh, putting the groceries down on kitchen island and kicking off your shoes. "Im home!" No answer. You take your time unpacking and putting everything away neatly in the fridge. You shut the door and look at the polaroid picture stuck on by a mickey mouse fridge magnet. A picture of you and Chris from when you were younger at disney in front of the epcot ball, vanilla ice cream allover your faces. You smile, you couldn't remember much from the trip because you were both only 8 but you did remember telling each other you were going to be best friends forever.
"Did you get stuff for waffles?" Chris questions, walking in only in his gray sweatpants.
"Yep, I got whipped cream, strawberries, blueberries and chocolate syrup" you tell him, putting the picture back up.
"God I love you" he mumbles, kissing your cheek and getting a bottle of water out the fridge.
"Do you remember this?" You question.
"I remember you crying on the tower of terror"
"No i didn't” you say defensively”
“Yes you did, you didn't stop crying for like half an hour!” he laughs
“At least i didn't piss my pants!" You fire back, laughing.
"Hey! I didn't piss my pants" he groans.
"Yes you did!"
"No it was a tiny bit" he stresses.
"So you pissed"
"Y/N stop" he laughs. "I'm still embarrassed" his cheeks pink.
"Shut up pissypants" you giggle
"Y/n!" he drags out, pouting.
"What are you gonna do tell your mum?" You question.
"I might" he shrugs, finishing his water.
"Oh please do" you laugh.
"Stop i was like 5"
"We were 8!"
"So! You know what" he points trying to hold back his laughter. "I didn't forget when we had that sleepover and you had that sex dream about Jackson and you woke me up sleep talking" your cheeks burn.
"Oh my god shut up" you cover your face.
"Oooo Jackson" he says in a high pitch voice.
"It wasn't a sex dream" you stress. "Fine. Remember when..." you trail off, you lock eyes, both widening knowing you're thinking of the same thing.
"When you had sex with Jessica and you only lasted 20 seconds!"
"We both know that isn't the case anymore" he winks trying to play it cool but you can read him like a book and the pained expression on his face let you know that he was dying on the inside, thinking back.
"How old were you again?" You tease
"Baby, stop it" he begs.
"Okay, i'll stop" you stomach hurt from laughing so much. "I wonder if Jessica remembers?" You ponder walking over to give him a hug and to tease him even more.
"You're the worst" he mumbles against your hair letting out a little laugh.
"I heard she has kids now, so does Jackson," he says quietly. You press your lips together pulling away.
"I think i'm going to go take a shower before you make those waffles" you say quietly, the entire mood shifting. He just nods. That was the thing it was great, brilliant even, when you joked around and just hung out until actual relationship stuff came up, like the subject of kids. The plan was always for yours and Chris's kids to be best friends just like you two were because both of your moms were. The plan never was to have kids together, the plan was never to start dating in the first place.
"Can I join you?" Chris questions snapping you back to reality. You really had no clue if Chris felt the same about this whole thing.
"Another time?"
"I promise I'll last longer than 30 seconds" he smiles.
"Who said anything about that?" You question biting back a smile. You could never say no. He was just mind blowing in bed, on the couch, on and against the counter top, in the back seat of the car, the shower was no exception. In fact this entire thing started because you both decided, wine drunk, that you should sleep together. You were both fresh out of relationships, both sad and horny. And when people saw you leaving the guest room they assumed you were secretly together, so you both decided to give it a try. You were just 'testing the waters' and to start with it was perfect for everything you could want but now? You just wanted your best friend but if you did break up would there be a friendship?
“Are you being serious right now Chris?” you were so angry.
“What?” he questions confused. Is he being for real?
“In that interview you said you were hoping to have kids in the near future!”
“Whats the issue, we’ve been together for over a year y/n, we aren’t getting any younger!” he stresses. “I do want kids, and you want kids but what is your problem? Is it me?” he questions, he looked heart broken. “Why don’t you want a family with me?”
“I’m just not ready yet Chris, i don’t want to rush things” you lie… well was it a lie? You wanted to wait and see if this was even going to work out.
"I’ve known you all your life i know when you're lying! Do you know how embarrassing it is when there's pictures of your girlfriend ducking out the way so i don’t kiss you? Its fucking embarrassing y/n you need to figure out what you want from me because i’m starting to think we both have very different priorities!" Chris shouts, you reach for his arm as he tries to leave. "Just give me some space"
At night you lay on opposite ends of the bed despite both of you being cuddlers.
"Whats on your mind?" You question, watching him chew at his lip.
"Nothing just tired" he lies.
"I know when you're lying" you sit up.
"And i know when you’re lying" he snaps. "I’m sorry" he quickly apologizes before wiping his eyes. "I’m sorry that i don’t make you happy" his voice was unsteady.
"You do make me happy" you crawl across the bed and pull him into a tight embrace, his head resting on your shoulder.
"You can be honest with me" he mumbles, running his fingers through your hair. "I see you pull your hand away when i go to hold it, i see how you cringe when i call you baby" he sounded heart broken.
"Chris" you whisper, your own heart breaking because you knew exactly where this was going.
"No don’t lie, i know you hate that we cant go anywhere with out people taking pictures and over analyzing everything we do. I see how you dodge the subject of babies and i know you want one" he sighs. "But not with me and that’s okay... I’m sorry but i don’t think i can do this anymore. I love you y/n i really do but i’m not in love with you" he lifts his head up to look at you, his eyes already red and puffy
"I-I don’t want to lose you" Your eyes sting and he just sighs, you felt as though you couldn’t breath. Even though you knew this would be the outcome it didnt hurt any less.
"You wont" he assures.
"What? Are we just going to look back in 10 years and be like wow remember the time you ate my coochie for like an hour and we pretended to love each other" you try to lighten the mood despite the heavy flow of tears from the both of you.
"You really do have a way with words y/n, but exactly" he forces a smile, despite his cheeks being stained with fresh tears. "Or remember the time when i lasted way long than 30 seconds" you let out a shaky laugh.
"I cant believe you’re breaking up with me" you mumble.
"If you want, you can break up with me?" He questions 
"Remember the time i dumped your ass?" 
"I do i cried like a baby just like you did when we watched marley and me for the first time" he reminisces
"Hey" you nudge his shoulder playfully. "You cried at that movie too"
"I did" he frowns. "Its a sad movie"
"I know bub. But what do we do now?"
"I don’t know. Do you want to spend some time apart?" He asks and you shrug. Usually after a break up you would find your self at Chris's house for a week or to or vice versa.
"I- I just broke up with a really amazing guy and i really need my best friend right now" you start to cry all over again. "Because i don’t want to lose him"
"You’ll never lose me" Chris whispers, now holding you in his arms rubbing circles on your back. "I love you"
"Ouch too soon" you joke wiping your tears again.
"I love you, platonically" he corrects. "Now? Do you want to watch back to the future or lion king?" Both of them were yours and Chris’s go to films when growing up. "I’m going to go get us some snacks"
"Its 2 am" you remind him.
"So? It will be like old times" he smiles. "Only this time my dad wont come in and shout at us for talking too loud"
"Remember when we were playing on the playstation at like 4am and your dad came in and split us up so we would actually sleep"
"Yeah" he smiles, his eyes bright. "I had to sleep on the couch and you got my bed but you come and got on the other couch so you weren’t alone because you were scared of the dark"
"It wasn’t me who was scared of the dark it was you"
"Maybe was both of us... maybe it was me" he laughs.
"I cant wait to tell everyone i dumped captain america" you laugh.
Whilst it wasn’t what you wanted you both took a step back from each other you moved out and got an apartment the other end of town and hardly ever saw Chris because he was always filming but you still got to see dodger all of the time, watching him when his family couldn’t. Sometimes you’re relationship gets brought up in interviews and he just smiles and shrugs.
"People say marrying or even just dating your best friend is the best thing you could do, but when you've been best friends since you were born it doesn’t really work. Its like we dated because we owed it to our self and our families to see if we would work out. We didn’t. That’s okay and thankfully we are still friends. Maybe its not actually mutual and that i’m just harassing her and y/n is too nice to tell me to tell me to leave her alone. please hang out with me y/n lets go get food, come watch a movie" he jokes. "No" he shrugs. "We are still best friends"
You were sat in the passenger seat of Chris’s car as he speeds down the road, the radio blaring.
"If you don’t stop with this crazy driving you’re going to send me into labor a month early" you tell him.
"That’s the plan i cant wait to meet my niece" he smiles stopping at a red light, he reaches over and rests his hand on your large bump. You groan as she starts to kick, it was something about Chris's voice she loved.
"She better not replace me" you joke.
"I guess you can come to our movie nights" he smiles. You were currently on your way to a restaurant out of town, you were craving the food and your fiance Matthew was at work so Chris offered to take you. Your laughter dies down and you just listen to the radio. Moral of the story playing, you could help but laugh to you self quietly looking over at Chris who was in deep thought. Was he thinking the same thing as you? Or did this some almost perfectly describe those 18 months you were together?
(btw my requests are open so feel free to send anything in)
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starlithan · 4 years
I Promise
Part 4
Siren Han/ Reader (Ft. Choi San ATEEZ)
Word Count:3350 words
Warnings: None so far
Summary: I'm not good at it so lets just begin
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Part 4:
Minho’s POV:
I can't believe this, why, why of all the people I have to be the one who sees these messed up things?, “you sure that was a mermaid?” I asked the person for like the fifth time, the guy was terrified, “yes I swear it had a blue tail and black hair, and red eyes, I don't know the exact way she looked, do you think I'm crazy too?” I sighed again and rubbed my temple, “no sir, for the last time I don't think you're crazy, trust me they very much do exist.. And I'll take your case and investigate don't worry” with that I got up and left the buzzing coffee shop.
A few days ago if someone told me that mermaids existed id likely slap there face, but now *sigh* id believe them, totally not giving another minute of thought, I walk on the pavement the sun setting on me, mind thinking of my next destination, but my mind was now clouded with weird thoughts
What if Y/n is in danger?
What if I made a mistake in judging Han ?
What if he's the one who's behind all the killing and disappearance?
And why in the world was this all hidden?, why did the police not investigate this, my head was spinning and I realized that I had walked all the way to the beach, obviously I cant investigate this, the murder was like a month ago there might be no evidence, I got to head home, the file was in my hand, the cold breeze was blowing through my hair, unlike Y/n she gets relaxed when the cold breeze hits her but not me i get more anxious of what's gonna happen next.
I got home and just stood before the door for a minute. I needed to collect my thoughts before I saw him.
Han ’s Pov;
She ran away, SHE LITERALLY RAN AWAY…….. I mean I was kind of expecting it but still, I sigh as my hands go on my neck, did i…. Did I perhaps mess..up?, did she not like it?, or was it too soon?.... Come on Han Jisung, how could you not have read the mood? As I was about to swear at myself again, the door opened, I turned to see who it was and saw Minho Hyung standing outside, glaring at me. I swear if human eyes were replaced with laser beams, I would have been dead long ago.
Taking that as a clue to leave, I turn around and slowly walk to the bathroom. “We need to talk,” He said, “gosh I'm dead” I whispered under my breath “not yet” he said and went outside 
ears of a bat .
I followed him outside and we walked for a while, after several minutes of walking Minho Hyung stopped dead in his track, and i did the same, mind filled with endless thoughts of what's gonna happen, he turns around and looks at me, no he stares at me, he gives me a full scan and then opens the file in his hand, and then shoves it in my direction, I take the file and blink a bit.
Why would he give me this?
Putting my thoughts aside, I scan my eyes over it “was it you” he asks, i look up “what?” I ask giving him a full confused look, “wait you cant read” he says and brings his hand forward, but I retreat a bit “I can, we sirens learn how to read and write, for crisis like this” I say “and this file is talking about a mysterious murder at sea by a mermaid, so what do I have to do with it” I ask, He looks at me again, this time with a look of confusion “well your the only mermaid I meat so…. Be honest is it you”
To be honest at that exact moment I wanted to pick up a rock and hit it hard on the nearest jellyfish, but this is not the proper moment to lose it Han  so I sighed instead “I really don’t know why humans compare us with mermaids, “look Hyung mermaids and Sirens are different mermaids are scarier and are more close to a fish and we Sirens look more like humans, and I can tell you this was done by a mermaid because mermaids eat human hearts in hopes to become like them they are highly stupid….if you need my help to crack this case I’ll help” I said moving my hands in many ways possible, he looked at the floor and then went in a deep trail of thought, which trust me was a long wait.
“Okay fine I trust you for now, and yes I need your help tomorrow at 5 pm k” I nodded and we headed back. I hope whoever was the victim did not die in the sea or near it
Y/n’s POV:
I was startled, confused, happy many emotions in one and who wouldn’t be after that kiss especially, I look at Darong who was sleeping peacefully while I sat at the chair at the corner of my room mind drifting in my thoughts, in moments like these I wanna take a walk by the sea but I can’t cuz he might be sleeping on the couch which is near the door to be honest I don’t have the guts to even pass by there. God. No 
If Minho found out about this he is gonna kill him. I shook my head, sweet thoughts Y/n sweet thoughts, I mean by now everyone should know that I’m an over thinker. An over thinker of extreme level. I slowly opened the door and peeked outside to see the lights off, which meant it was pretty dark, so I can slowly sneak out and make my way to the beach.
I do exactly that, in the execution of my plan I slowly tiptoe my way to the door and lucky me I make it, now the challenge was opening the door cuz the damn door makes too much noise for mere simple movement, let’s just hope he’s a deep sleeper, I slowly open the door a little and squeeze my way outside, I close the door and sigh in relief and make my way to the beach and sit down in the cold soft sand.
It’s so peaceful, that I never realized it, suddenly I feel a small sting in my right hand I look at it but can’t see anything, must be a muscle pain I sigh and divert my attention back to the sea, the reason why I’m afraid of the sea is sharks lol I think everyone has the same reason. “It’s nice isn't it?” a voice behind me says I turn around to see my brother standing and smiling with a blanket in his hands, he sits down and places the blanket on both of our shoulders.
“Hey” I say softly as he replies back with a smile “nice to see you enjoying the moment” he says and I smile we both sit there silently staring at the endless sea “what really brings you here if it’s me I should tell you I’m perfectly capable of handling myself” I say he laughs and ruffles my hair “I know, I know and no I didn't come here because of you I was posted here” he says and I give my eyes a little squint to indicate that I don’t believe you “what?” He says laughing, I sigh and look at the sea “I don’t know why they would send Korea's greatest detective to a place where crime hardly happens” I say as I hear him sigh “same I don’t even know too but hey isn't it good I’m here we’ll get to spend some quality family time” he says “yeah” I answer silently. 
Then we go back to being silent, after few moments of dead but peaceful silence “if there’s anything that’s bothering you, know that I’m waiting throughout the season” he says and I stop remembering the story of the flower that waited for the Prince through all the seasons, I smile
He remembers 
“And I will always be there for you, waiting through all the seasons” I smile and put my head on his shoulder.
“I’m Glad your here”
The next day comes by pretty quickly, as we all get dressed up and sit on the table, barely meeting eyes with Han , but I could make out the blush on his face and I chuckle a little, so I’m not the only one.
“I’m hungry what should we eat” after a whole day of being locked in my room reading, skimping breakfast we all sat down to decide what to eat, after moments of brainstorming I come up with an idea “I know a good chicken place here” I say as both Han  and Minho’s eyes light up, I laugh a little they look like small puppy’s wagging their tails at the sound of treat.
We all got up and headed to get ready and wear our shoes. The sky was clear today, our walk was as silent as the grave itself but none of us complained.
“We’re here” I announced as I hoped in front of the door, nothing makes me more happy than chicken itself, I pushed the door open and made my way in the shop, the shop was quiet not a soul in sight 
Is he not here?
Suddenly a loud thud came from the kitchen and I ran, my first guess was that halmonie fell, my second guess was it was a ghost. As I got to the kitchen San sat on the ground looking at the dishes which were now half broken and half not, “Are you okay?” I said as he looked up at me surprised, I went to his side, “yeah I’m fine, how come your here you should have called me up is everything okay?” He asked as I helped him up, he brushed his knees with his hands, I smiled at the kindness and nodded my head “we came here to have some chicken” I said San placed the last dish in the bin and gave me a questioning look “we?” He asked and glanced behind me to see Han  leaning on the door and my brother looking at the now cleaned floor with awe, “uhhh hello Han  and…..officer Minho?” He said, I turned to my brother as he smiled and waved at San, “you guys know each other?” Me and San said at the same time to each other, I smiled “yeah he’s my brother” I said, “ohhh well we met at the grocery store he helped me drop some heavy boxes to the shop” he said, which pretty much cleared up everything.
The table was filled with chicken and we all sat down including San, “thanks for the food” we all said and San smiled, the chicken was so good, I reached out for another one but my hand touched something I looked up to see Han ’s hand was upon my hand and his eyes were now on me, I silently withdraw my hands, and stare at my plate, Han  picks up the chicken and silently places it in my plate and gets up “Minho Hyung let’s go it’s 5pm”. I stop and for the first after a while I stare at him and then my brother, “where are you guys going?” I asked, Minho got up and placed his chair back “I have something I need his help with, bye San '' he smiled and they left.
“So they look close” San said and to be honest I wanted to laugh at that thought, “you think?” I said as I went back to eating my chicken, San looked up, “what they aren't?” he said but I'll leave him to figure that out
Han ’s POV:
It was now 6, the sun was almost about to set and yet we found nothing, to be honest how could we, the mermaid would have escaped a long time ago, but still we looked around the beach again and again, “I guess that sums up our search, we found nothing” Hyung said and kept on walking at a steady pace, “we still haven't checked out that cave yet” I said and pointed at the cave in front of us, he looked at the cave then back at me, “you sure?” he said and I nodded.
The cave was dimly lit, we looked not to sharply, but found nothing, “let's go home” Hyung said as he sighed, I nodded as we started to head back, when we heard a voice, the voice sounded like someone was struggling, the both of us turned our heads towards the sound, Hyung started to walk towards it when I stopped him “let me” I said as I told him to close his ears as tight as he could, and he gave me a questioning look but did what I said. I opened my mouth and started to sing, a siren's voice can also enchant mermaids/merman's, my words coming out as a sweet command, this was the same song I used to enchant Y/n but it somehow didn't work on her, my voice echoed in the caves, I played with the words and started to slowly walk towards the now quiet struggling sound, and as I thought we found our culprit, a mermaid stuck in a fishnet, her eyes were now yellow gold, hypnotized by my song, with my hand I motioned for Hyung to come, when he came near and saw the mermaid his eyes widened, not at her beauty (cuz they aren't pretty), with that we carried her home still hypnotized.
I came back home tired, but me and San had lots of fun, I walked in and Darong came running but then she stopped and looked at me and then went back “HEY WHO DID YOU EXPECT” I yelled, she must have been expecting Han  for sure the two of them are close now I guess, I rubbed the back of my neck, boy was I tired, I went to my room and placed my bag on the bed and went to the bathroom.
I washed my face and stared at my reflection, black hair coming out of my headband a little, I should take a bath. I thought and went to the bath to fill it up, but what I saw there was unbelievable.
Y/n’s POV:
THERE WAS A FREAKING MERMAID IN MY BATHTUB, I tumbled back about to slip I close my eyes, but that contact with the floor never came I slowly open my eyes to see myself in Han ’s arms, I look up to see wide eyes as if he was in shock, Minho came running “WHAT WHAT!?” he said, as Han  lets go of me and I stand up, clearing my throat I look at the creature now glaring and hissing at us, “why is there a mermaid in my bathtub?” I ask pointing at the creature, and looking at Han , he glances at my brother then at the mermaid “well…..ask your brother” he says turning away, Ask my brother, why I mean why would he…
I turn to my brother, and he gives Han  a panicked look, then scratches his head “well it's complicated but, there was this unsolved case I got and it involved a certain mermaid killing people, so I asked Han  to help me crack it and we found her and so here we are now” he said, his voice getting faint after every word, after that he looks at the ground like I've scolded him for stealing candy or something.
I sigh averting my gaze to the mermaid, “okay fine but .. both of you .. stop looking like kicked dogs” I say as my brother, Han  and I head outside the bathroom i carefully close the door, “*yawn* I'm gonna go sleep then, night” my brother says and runs away after ruffling my hair, I blink sometimes i wonder What exactly is happening in his head?.
I turn to look at Han , he was staring at the door, trying to make sense at what just happened, I smile, he looks more paler today, pale and tired, like the stupid idiot I am without thinking I reach up and touch his forehead, he turns to me, when my eyes meat his, I saw those eyes loosing there color and he was definitely cold, way cold for a normal person, or siren.
“Are you … feeling okay..?” i ask he nods and stares at me, his hand comes up, and cups my face, my freaking breath stops, we just stay like that for a minute, suddenly the color of his eyes change to yellow and then back to his normal eye color, he hisses and places his hand on his head, “Hey! Han , Han ” I panic, he recovers quickly and then gets up and heads out of my room, “Han !” I say, he turns around and smiles, “I'm fine” he says and leaves.
I hope he really is alright.
Han ’s POV:
shit , shit, shit, I tumble my way to the sofa, this is bad this is super bad, my head hurts so freaking much, I breath in through the nose trying to calm myself down, but I cant my ears are buzzing and I'm hearing voices.
Born of sea turns to sea form
Born of land bleeds and turns to sand
But cursed to be a part of the sea, doesn't break easily
Does Not remember anything 
Love can break the biggest spell
Can tame the curliest of beasts
My eyes widen, these are the same voices I heard when I was a siren, back in the sea, I hiss as the pain sharpens, I rush out of the house and to the sea, breathing I try to concentrate on the cool breeze, the pain stops but I can still make out those voices, like a faint whisper, what does that even mean?.
After a minute or two the voices die down too, and I take a sigh of relief, I take out my necklace, the vile, half or less the half of it was filled, but I had made my decision, I can't and I wont hurt her and at that point it hit me, “Gosh love sucks!!” I sigh and ruffle my hair .
Y/n’s POV:
I hear hissing and mumbling, my eyes snap open and I glance at the time 3:00AM, I sigh, whoever it is better shut up, I get up and focus on the voice and it surprisingly lead me to my bathroom, I carefully open the bathroom door to find the mermaid, her eyes were glowing yellow, just like how Han ’s were, she was saying something, I came near her to see what she was mumbling on about,
Finish the job, kill her, Finish the job…..
She kept repeating that on and on, and then suddenly she goes still, eyes back to their original shape, she looked at me and I could make out tears in her eyes she whispered to which I made out “help me” and she repeated that again and again, I came near her and she suddenly  pulled me closer, when I looked in her eyes they were yellow again “seeeeee” she hissed 
Flash's came in front of me, moments, all those horrible memories, I tried to escape from her grip or escape from those moments but I couldn't, the more i tried to pull away the more horrible those memories became.
When she finally let go of my arm I tumbled back, my back hit the wall of the bathroom, cold, that's when I realized I was shaking, tears coming out of my eyes.
“You see?” she said 
“W-what… a-are you t-t-trying to s-show me?” I ask trembling
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peacedolantwins · 5 years
Resentment (G.D)
When you and Grayson first got together, it was like a dream come true. He was your prince charming ready to be everything you ever wanted, but instead of a horse and carriage, it was with a baby blue porshe.
He would pick you up and take you out just about anywhere. Theater, movies, fancy restaurants, anything. You weren’t in the relationship for the money and fancy things, you would have been just as happy watching netflix back at the house or just sitting in a park talking, but he always insisted on going out.
“A beautiful girl deserves beautiful things,” he would always say.
And while you knew the truth, any time the fans saw you two out somewhere expensive or going shopping, they were quick to call you a gold digger.
Grayson would see the comments and tweets and at first he just ignored them. But after a while, he started thinking.
Were you just with him for the money?
So he stopped.
He stopped buying you gifts, he stopped with fancy dinners, he stopped just about everything,
And you didnt mind. You didnt need fancy jewelry or clothes he would get you. As long as you got to spend time with him, the man who you loved, you didnt care.
But then things started to change.
When you two would hang out and you offered to go to the mall and walk around and maybe do some shopping he looked at you like you just offended him.
“Not Rodeo?” he raised a brow.
“I mean, if there was something you wanted to buy there, we can go.” You really werent a fan of going there since everything was way more than you could afford on your own. But if he had planned on buying something, you were okay with going with. You could go to the mall later.
So you two went and he was quick to head straight to the designer stores. You two separated while in the store. While he was picking out things he could actually afford to buy, you were simply window shopping.
You lost track of time when you felt Grayson reach out and touch your arm. Thats when you noticed he already paid.
“You already paid?” you glanced at the bag.
“Yeah, you didnt buy anything?”
“No?” you were confused about why he was asking. You never bought anything when you came to stores like this. You werent about to drop your rent check on something that honestly looked kind of ugly in your opinion.
“Hm figures,” he rolled his eyes at you.
“Excuse me?”
“Nothing, lets go,” he walked ahead of you, leaving you to follow after him.
It went on like this for over a month, him making small remarks when you wouldnt drop an insane amount of money for something. But you got used to it. You didnt let it get to you. Until he did something you thought he would never do.
You woke up late after having spent the night with Grayson in your apartment to find your jewelry box open. You figured you must have forgotten to close it the last time you put something in and you shrugged it off and got ready for the day.
But as you did your makeup you couldnt help but feel something was wrong. You walked over to the box and thats when you noticed it.
The box was nearly empty.
A few of your earings and a few bracelets were there but all of the jewelry Grayson had gotten over the course of your relationship was gone.
And so was your grandmothers ring she left to you.
You started looking around, thinking maybe Grayson might have knocked the box over this morning and everything just fell out, but there was nothing on the floor anywhere. You were starting to panic when you heard your front door open and saw Grayson come in.
“Grayson did you knock over my jewelry this morning?”
“You mean the jewelry I paid for?”
“Sure, whatever, yeah, but did you knock it over?” You didn’t even care about the remark about him paying for it all, you just needed to know what happened.
“I pawned it,” he said casually.
“You what?” you felt your heart drop.
“Its not like you wore it anyway.” While that was true, its not like you didnt wear it because you didnt like it. You had a tendency to lose everything and you werent about to risk losing a bracelet over a thousand dollars while going to the grocery store.
“Did you take my ring?”
“Which one?”
“Grayson this isnt funny! Did you take my ring? The one with the diamond?” you were scared to hear his answer.
“The one I got you? Yeah.”
“You didnt get me that one, Grayson! That was my grandmothers ring! You have to get it back!” you were beyond upset right now.
“So you seriously want me to go buy you the ring now?” he asked annoyed.
“It wasn’t yours to sell! Why would you even take it!”
“Well you better get to it before someone buys it,” he shrugged.
You looked at him in complete shock. You couldnt care less about the other jewelry, but that ring was important to you. It was the one thing you had left from the woman you spent the majority of your childhood with since your parents were always working.
“Grayson, I cant afford to buy it back!” you had gotten it appraised when you first got it and when you found out how much it was worth, you never wore it.
“Then figure it out!” He couldn’t believe how you were acting about it. Hes worn a full outfit that costs more than that ring so he didnt understand why it was such an issue.
You looked at him in complete shock.
“Unbelievable.” you muttered as you slipped on your shoes and you were out the door as soon as you had the address to the store he took it to.
You quickly found it, driving probably more than the speed limit and parked. You walked in and the man behind the counter asked if he could help you find something. After describing the ring to him he motioned you over to one of the cases.
“Yes! That one, how much is it?” you tried to mentally prepare yourself for the price he was about to say.
“That one is going to be $7,899.”
You closed your eyes and did your best to stop the tears from forming. You knew you couldnt even put it on your credit card because you had a $2,500 limit set.
“Would you be able to hold it for me? Just for today while I go to the bank,” you pleaded with him.
“The most I can give you is until four today,” he explained.
You quickly glanced at the clock behind him and started to panic. It was already twelve, and you knew the bank was closed until one, which meant you had two and a half hours at the most to go and get the loan you needed to buy it back.
“Ill be back in by then,” you gave him your information and you started your drive to the bank.
Once you arrived you sat in your car and did your best to keep your composure as you waited for it to open back up. As soon as the clock hit one you practically ran in and waited for one of the employees to tend to you.
A kind looking woman came from the back rooms and called your name and introduced herself as the person who would be helping you.
She had you fill out paperwork and once you were done she put all the information into the computer. She said it would take a little while for the credit report to come in and she left you sitting there in her office while she went elsewhere.
It was already 2:15.
It was three o’clock when she came back in and told you it all went through and you were approved. You rushed through the final paperwork with a few signatures where needed and you were out the door and driving back to the pawn shop.
You quickly found the same man who helped you from earlier and you bought back the ring.
When you got to your apartment building you sat in your car with your head resting on the steering wheel.
Looks like you were back to living the same way you did through college. Ramen noodles and cereal for every meal from now on.
You glanced around the parking lot and noticed the stupid baby blue car was no where around. Good, because you didn’t want to deal with him right now.
The next few days you found yourself at the restaurant you worked at picking up every shift you could. You had been ignoring calls from Grayson and Ethan too once he started calling you.
You didn’t have time to deal with any of them. You had an eight thousand dollar loan to pay back.
It wasn’t until the two of them walked into the restaurant and got seated in your section when you had to finally deal with them.
“Hi my name is Y/n, I’m gonna be your server today, can I get you something to drink?”
“Y/n? It’s us you don’t have to be all hospitality with us,” Ethan was confused as to why you were being so formal with them.
“We have water, tea, and pepsi products,” you placed the menus in front of them.
“Um, just water, babe-“ Grayson looked up at you and for the first time in days he noticed how exhausted you looked. You were running on fumes and he could see it.
“Great, I’ll be right back with your drinks,” you quickly walked off to get the drinks.
“Dude what’s up with her?” Ethan asked his brother.
“I don’t know, I know we had a fight a few days ago but I thought she’d be over it by now,” he explained.
“Here you go,” you placed their water down in front of them, “and did we need more time to look at the menu or are you ready to order?”
“Y/n, stop it-“ Neither of the boys liked how you were acting towards them.
“Don’t worry, take your time, I’ll be back in a few minutes,” you walked away again.
“Gray, what did you do?” Ethan had never seen you this way. You were being so cold and lifeless despite the fake smile and cheery voice you had slapped on.
“I accidentally pawned one of her rings,” Grayson explained.
“Why did you… what ring? Doesn’t she only have the one her grandma left her?”
“I didn’t know,” Graymuttered more to himself.
“You didn’t…” Ethan stared at him in shock. “Are you serious! That would be like her pawning the ring dad left us! Did you get it back for her?” Ethan knew how much that ring meant to you. And from the few times he saw it, he had a general idea of how much it cost.
His brothers silence was all he got but it was enough to let him know the answer.
“Where did you sell it? Fucking hell Grayson! Why wouldn’t you get it back!” Ethan was ready to walk out of the restaurant right now and go buy it back for you since his idiot of a brother didn’t do it himself.
“I went back later and it was already gone okay! I tried!”
“How much did you get for it?” He questioned.
“About six and a half thousand.”
“Well you gave her the money right? Maybe she went and bought it back,” Ethan was trying to be hopeful of the situation.
Silence again.
“Grayson you didn’t even give her the money?” Ethan knew you weren’t made of money and knew how much you made. Which meant he knew there was no way you could have afforded to buy it back yourself.
“Have we made a decision yet?” You appeared out of what seemed like nowhere.
“Just a salad for both of us, babe talk to me please,” Grayson knew he fucked up and he didn’t know how to make it better.
“I’ll go ahead and send that in, any appetizers while you wait?”
“No, Y/n please,” Grayson covered your hand with his.
“I’ll be back with your order,” you pried your hand away gently, not wanting to cause a scene.
What you didn’t know was that your manager was standing close by and saw someone touch one of his employees. And most restaurants didn’t care much about the workers being hit on or made uncomfortable, but he cared about his employees.
Once he saw you leave to take the order to the kitchen, he went up to the table.
“Excuse me,” he crouched down next to the table, “I’m the manager here and I’m not going to have you harassing my employees. If I see anything like that again, you’re out of here. Enjoy your meal.” He patted the table and went off to find you.
“Y/n, I’m giving your table to Erin, take one of hers,” he gestured to the two boys in your section.
“No it’s okay, I can handle it,” you would much rather deal with the twins than the group of kids who looked like they were coming in for homecoming.
“Are you sure?”
“I’ve had worse than someone trying to hold my hand, I’ve got it,” you assured him.
“Okay, you let me know if he tries something again,” he looked at you.
“Yes sir,” you mock saluted him at which he rolled his eyes.
You went and checked on the other tables in your section and felt Graysons eyes on you the whole time. You eventually went and took them their salads and asked if they needed anything, but you left before they could answer.
Eventually they asked for the bill and you brought it out, more than happy to have them gone. You returned their card and waited for them to leave before going to clean up the table.
It was then that you saw the giant tip they left.
$500 in cash.
They carried more on them then you made in a week.
You grabbed it and passed by your manager and quickly explained they left something behind that you were going to return to them before following them out the front door.
“Grayson!” You called after him.
“Y/n, look I’m so sorry about-“ he started.
“Can I see your keys really quick?” You cut him off
He handed them over, confused as to why you were asking for his keys. But then he saw you sliding your key off the key ring.
“Y/n no, please don’t,” he knew what this meant.
You tossed him back his keys before you took the money out of your apron and slamming it to his chest.
“That should be enough for the price of my key back.”
With that you walked back into the restaurant and slapped the fake smile back on your face. While you really could have used the five hundred dollars, you were not going to let him try to feel better about what he did.
No amount of money he tried to spend on you now could fix the damage already done.
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LuHan scenario- Skin to Skin
Genre: angst,smut,and fluff
You sighed as you put down the piles of papers down on your boss’s desk. You threw on your coat as you exited the building and into your vehicle. Yours eyes focused on the red taillights in front of you as you drove in traffic. You finally made it to the supermarket. Grabbing a shopping cart to carry your groceries as you gathered for your lonely empty sad looking refrigerator. That’s til. “ Hey” said a familiar voice. Turning around to meet the eyes of your high school friend LuHan. “ Hey, what are you doing here?” You question looking around to see if any fans or paparazzi followed him. “ What. I cant go to a grocery store and not just look around?” He said giving you a sly smirk. “ Oh shut up Lu!” I said playfully rolling my eyes. “ I guess you don’t want me to accompany you as you shop then.” He said walking away but before he could walk to far you called after him. He knew you wouldn’t want him to leave so he turned on his heels walking towards you with open arms, with a smile snugged onto his lips. Gladly you allowed yourself into his embrace, smelling the god loving scent of his cologne. You both spent half an hour shopping. As you were putting your groceries onto the belt you and LuHans hands would brush. You both would look the other way ignoring eye contact. After grocery shopping LuHan offered to help you load up your groceries. “ I’ll follow you back to your apartment so I could help you unload. Ok?” He said looking at you. “ Sure” is all you could say to your two decade friend. You were stuck in traffic now waiting for the cars to move so to kill time in traffic you brought out your phone and decided to look what’s new. A notification pops up and you click on it. You gasp as you see your friend , LuHan, the man you loved for so long kissing another woman you tried processing what you just saw. A honk of a horn drowned you out of your trance to see you had to pull forward to get back into normal traffic. You cried on your way to your apartment thinking of the photos of Lu and the woman. You cursed and swore as you parked. Trying to look like you weren’t crying your dried your tears and stepped out of your car to retrieve your groceries to only see LuHan making his way to you. Once he was in front of you you couldn’t help but hit him on his chest.
He knew you saw the photos. “ Y/n stop” he said grabbing your wrists. “ I hate you, I hate you , I hate you” is all you said while trying to yank your wrist back to your being but got pulled into an embrace. “ I know you love me more than a friend.” He said stroking your hair while you cried into his chest. “ But just because a girl kissed me and I didn’t do anything but sit there. Doesn’t mean I love you back. If I can feel your touch. If I can be your love. I want to go beyond. I wanna go too far. Now tell me I’m the only one.” He whispered. Without hesitation you interlocked yours and his hands and made him follow you. Unlocking your apartment door you both stepped in taking off your shoes and closing the door, LuHan grabbed your face and kissed you. The kiss was full of passion. Tapping your thigh you jumped and wrapped your legs around LuHans waist with him carrying you and himself to your bedroom. Gently placing you on your bed he took off yours and his shirt throwing it somewhere in the room. Still kissing your lips he made his way down to your neck then started going lower, unbuttoning your jeans he putted them down. Kissing your stomach as you lightly moaned his name his fingers hooked onto your underwear and pulled down exposing and inviting your core to the blow of his breath, your breathing began to hitch as he licked your clit. You moaned tugging at his beautiful brown hair this caused him to moan against your clit which felt amazing. He added a finger into you earning a moan. You tugged at his hair as you were a moaning mess under him. “ Lu I need you.” Is all you said as he came and kissed you taking off his pants and boxers, showing how hard he was.
“Are you sure you want this?” He asked leaning his forehead onto yours. “Yes baobei” is all you had say as he entered you with a low growl against your lips. He interlocked your hands and kept strong eye contact as he thrusted in and out of you slowly. Wrapping your legs around his waist assuring him to go faster to which he got and kissed your lips. You moaned a ‘ I love you Lu’ as he growled a ‘ I love you too baobei’. He stood on his knees as he hung one side of your leg onto his shoulder going deep than you expected. You moaned louder as he reached places you never knew existed. “ I’m about t-to cum Lu” you said as a knot formed in your lower abdomen. “ Me too baobei.” He said as small beads of sweat formed on his forehead as his manhood twitched inside of you. You screamed of pleasure as your orgasm washed over your body. Soon followed by a deep groan feeling LuHans hot seed feeling you up. You both trying to catch your breaths with LuHan on you. “ I love you baobei”. “ I love you too” you said you both fell asleep with him still in you. You knew you were loved and he knew he was loved. Nothing could get in the way of two.
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kissesandcream · 3 years
Im not good with making headcannons 😭 and I dont know if this is a headcannon either but I just think this is cute and funny soo I wanted to share I have a feeling If Kaeya have children or have to babysit kids in the Modern time He would be very good with it ESPECIALLY Kids that love Frozen like I can imagine him blasting the "let it go" song while acting like Elsa and make little snowflakes and also I have a feeling he is good at singing the song too also I can see the kid even will somehow succesfully make him use a Dress that that looks like Elsa's dress or actually an Elsa Cosplay dress (Or maybe even dress up in general LIKE THAT MAN PRETTY-) Like Imagine going home to Kaeya in a Dress while singing let it go "Hey guys Im back!~" You say signaling your presence as you put your shoes back where it belongs. You walked deeper into the house that you are now sharing.. or well more to living with your now beloved Husband, Kaeya. Your household can be labelled as quite a Lively one if it were to be compared with Diluc's. "Guys?" you called out again as you the put groceries that you were once holding to where it belongs. Weirdly Quiet is what one can describe if they were to be the one there. The quietness of the house was not something to celebrate rather is something to be concern, and that is exactly what you are feeling right now. The house was to quiet for your liking, because by now your Lover would probably be running downstairs to greet you while carrying your child so they can greet you too- and that is also what you expect everytime you come home and you know you will get it everytime. But right now there was no sign of it, no signs of your lover radiating his fun self that will always make you smile everytime, also no signs of your Loving and Lively child that will always give you comfort. You tried calling out a couple of times again, but the outcome was all the same... No responds. And you were not kidding when you say you start to panic a little as you explore your House and still havent found both of them yet until... You heard faint music in the distant. More specifically at the backyard. You immediately ran towards the backyard that was not that far at where you are at. The Closer you get the more louder and clearer the music and song so as you ran you make up the words to what the song is saying and you know well that the song is very familiar to your ears. Once you reach the backyard door you pause yourself before reaching the door handle to think on what is the worst scenario you will see and experience once you open the door. But you shake it off and took the door handle, pushing it open. And the moment you laid eyes on whats going on at the backyard your eyes Widen to the sight to see the whole backyard tho not much is covered in snow but what make shocked you even more is not that you have to later clean up the whole backyard BUT you are more shocked on the one Who's MAKING the snow.. Your Husband the Love of your life.. Is standing at the middle of your backyard in a DRESS singing Let it Go and your Child is not even concern about whats going on They were having laughing and singing along with their FATHER (which is Kaeya). "Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know-" "Well, now they know!" You cut him of in his singing and You can see him snap his head towards your direction in Shocked and his face was in Horror it was pale- he looked like he just saw a ghost. You cant help but laugh at his expression "LET IT GOO! LET IT GOO!" Your Child sang not minding the fact that they just got exposed and that their dad is in shades of red out of embarrassment. You took out your phone and Kaeya knew what was going to happen. "Wait- Love NO-" Kaeya shouted but was to late because the camera had done is Job. Your look at the picture smiling widely at it. "This will be one to remember.." you said happily as you pat Kaeya's back. But even with all you're teasing and the embarrassment Kaeya feels he smiles because he knew and agrees that it will be a memory to remember and a happy one to. He let
out a defeated sigh and pat your head "Indeed it will be.." "Also... who's dress is that-"
(I dont know what I just wrote but I hope its somehow can cheer you up- or just accompany you when you need company! Its weird but This is what I can do- Hope you enjoy it tho!)
kaeya def owns a bunch of dresses i take no criticism. him in an elsa dress,,,, i wanna draw that now oh my gods
sorry baal wip you'll have to wait ive gotta make way for loml princess kaeya <3 i would make the pic my wallpaper forever and ever pls
its so funny to think of him interacting with kids considering he canonically traumatized all of mondstadt's into believing lanterns were firefly souls 😭 but he can be wholesome if he wants <33
this made me smile tysm noya!! ur the absolute sweetest ilysm!! 💖
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aaliyah-babe · 4 years
The One With The Butt: Part Two
pairings: eventual joey x reader, jamie x reader
authors note: i own nothing from friends, all credit goes to their respective owners. feedback is always appreciated!
feedback is the glue that holds my writing together!
you all walked into monica’s apartment and there stood rachel, in the living room,
“ta-da!” she yelled happily,
“are we greeting eachother this way now because i like that,” chandler pointed,
“look! i cleaned! i did the windows, i did the floors. i even used all those attachments on the vacuum except for that little round one with the bristles, i don’t know what that’s for,” she said to you and ross,
“oh yeah nobody knows,” he asnwered, “and we’re not supposed to ask,”
“well what do you think?” she asked,
“it looks amazing,”
monica walked around the coffee table and stopped dead in her tracks,
“oh, i see you moved the green ottoman,” she pointed out and your eyes widened,
“uh-oh,” all of you said,
“how did that happen?”
“i dont know, i thought it looked better there. and i- and also it’s an extra seat around the coffee table,” she said,
“yeah, it’s interesting. but you kno what? just for fun,” she picked it up, “let’s see what it looked like in the old spot,” she put it down and examined it for a second, “ha! well, it looks good there too, let’s just leave it there for a while,”
“cant believe you tried to move the green ottoman,” pheobe scoffed,
“thank god you didn’t try to fan out the magazines, i mean she’ll scratch your eyes right out,” chandler told rachel,
“guys, i am not that bad!” monica argued,
“monica, let’s be honest with ourselves, you are,” you told her,
“yeah, cause remember when i lived with you? you were like a little...” she started imitating music from Psycho, moving her arm up and down,
“that is so unfair,” she complained,
“oh come on. when we were kids yours was the only raggedy ann doll that wasn’t raggedy,” ross agreed with you,
“okay, so i’m responsible, i’m organised, but hey i can be a kook,” she sat down,
“all right, you madcap gal,” ross said walking over to her and the rest of you joined them, “try to imagine this, the phone bill arrives, but you don’t pay it right away,”
“why not?”
“because your a kook!” you exclaimed,
“instead, you wait until they send you a notice.”
“i could do that,” she said,
“okay, okay. then you let me go grocery shopping and i buy laundry detergent but it’s not the one with the easy-pour spout,” rachel plays along,
“why would someone do that?” everyone gave her a look, “one might wonder,”
“someone’s left a glass on the coffee table,” chandler starts, “there’s no coaster. it’s a cold drink, it’s a hot day. beads of condensation are inching their way closer and closer to the surface of the wood,”
“stop it!” she yelled, “oh, my god. it’s true, who am i?”
“monica, you’re mom,” ross said which lead monica to gasp, while pheobe began immitating Psycho music again,
“uh-huh,” joey walked in, talking to the phone, “oh, my god! okay! okay, i’ll be there,” he hung up the phone, “that was my agent. my agent has just gotten me a job.... in the new al pacino movie!”
“oh, my god!”
“what’s the part?” monica asked,
“can you believe this? al pacino!” joey said excitedly, “this guys the reason i became an actor, “i’m out of order? you’re out of order! this whole courtrooms out of order!”” he quoted,
“wow, what’s the part?” pheobe asked,
“just when i thought i was out, they pull me back in!” he yelled again,
“come on, seriously joey what’s the part?” ross asked,
“uh...” joey began mumbling and your eyebrows furrowed in confusion,
“you’re....” rachel began mumbling, “what?”
“i’m his butt double, okay?” he told you and all of you began giggling, “i play al pacino’s butt. he goes into the shower and then i’m his butt,”
“oh, my god,” monica laughed and you buried your head on chandler’s arm to stop laughing so much,
“come on you guys, this is a real movie, and al pacino is in it! and that’s big!” he exclaimed,
“oh no it’s terrific, it’s- you know you deserve this. after all your years of struggle you’ve finally been able to crack your way into show buisness,” chandler joked making you laugh harder into his arm.
“okay, okay fine make jokes. i don’t care. this is a big break for me!” joey exclaimed,
“you’re right, it is,” ross started, “so you going to invite us all to the big opening or?” he joked making you laugh even harder.
it was the next morning and you had woken up to shuffling in the living room, and you could hear someone talk faintly on the phone,
“yeah later, of course, i’ll just say i have work, okay, i love you baby, bye,” you heard your boyfriend say to the phone and you frowned, anger striking through your body. you decided that you would play dumb and act like you didn’t know, for now.
walking out, you smiled at the person you hated most right now, “morning, baby, who was that?” you asked him and he shrugged,
“i uh, it was gracie! yeah, actually she called, asking if you could work extra hours later?” he asked you and you shrugged, then realisation hit you, he’s saying that because he knew that gracie doesn’t work on fridays so he could have his girl over, wait, was gracie his girl?
“i actually can’t tonight, i’m going to spend some time with joey, congragulate him on his part in the movie,” you told him,
“oh okay, i’ll just call her and let her know,”
“okay, actually i’m gonna head over there now just to wish him good luck,” you said, leaving the house in your robe and pyjamas.
instead of going to joeys, you went to monica’s, knowing she could help,
“mon?” you called out, before hearing her answer you,
“can i talk to you, for a sec?” you asked and she nodded,
“what’s up sweetie,”
“okay, i think jamie may be cheating on me,”
“what?!” she yelled,
“i know! i woke up and i caught him on the phone with someone who i now think is my boss but anyways, he said something about telling me he was going to work late, saying i love you, calling them baby, and then told me it was gracie asking if i could work late hours tonight so now i think it’s gracie he’s sleeping with cause she doesn’t work on fridays,”
monica’s eyes were wide with shock as she just hugged you, “did you confront him?”
“no, not yet at least. how should i?” you ask her,
“i dont know, you’ll figure it out don’t worry,”
“thanks mon, is joey still home?”
“yeah he’s in his apartment,” she told you and you nodded going to his apartment before knocking, and walking in.
“hey joey,” you said to the guy who was putting his shoes on,
“hey y/n, are you okay?” he asked you, concerned painted on his face,
“yeah, i’m fine, just wanted to wish you good luck today,” you told him and he smiled at you, god you loved that damn smile.
“thank you,” he kissed your cheek,
“you’re gonna be great, remember me when your famous joey or else,” you joked,
“could never forget you,” he said with a smile before leaving.
chandler walked out of his room, with aurora attached to his hip,
“oh, sorry you two,” you apologised and she smiled,
“aurora this is y/n,” chandler put an arm around your shoulder, “y/n this is aurora,” he put an arm around hers, letting you go,
“hi, nice to meet you,” you said, and she smiled, hugging you,
“yes, it’s nice to meet you two,” she turned to chandler,
“i really got to go, ethan is probably waiting,”
“okay,” he frowned before pulling her in for a kiss, you shielded your eyes a little before leaving.
you guys were all hanging out in monica’s apartment and chandler was sad because he and aurora had split because of ‘andrew’
“look at it this way- you dumped her,” ross tried to reason, “right? i mean that woman was unbelievably sexy and beautiful, intelligent, unattainable...” ross trailed off, “tell me why you did this again?”
you saw joey walk in and you smiled, “hey!”
“hey, wait a minute! werent you the guy who plays the butt in the new al pacino movie?” monica asks,
“nope,” he sighs, sitting next to you, you frown and rub his leg,
“no? what happened big guy?” ross asked,
“big guy?” chandler sneered,
“it just felt like a big guy moment,”
“seriously joe, what happened, are you okay?” you ask him,
“i got fired!” he put his hand over your,
“oh!” everyone said sadly for the boy,
“yeah they said i “acted” too much with it,” he sighed, “i told everybody about this! now everyone’s gonna go to the theatre expecting to see me...” he trailed off,
“oh joey, no one will be able to tell,” rachel tried to make him happier,
“my mom will,”
“there’s something so sweet... and disturbing about that,” chandler told you all,
“you know, i’ve done nothing but crappy plays for six years and i finally get me shot and i blow it!”
“maybe this wasn’t your shot,” monica told him,
“yeah, i think when it’s your shot, you know, you know it’s your shot,” ross agreed with his sister, “did it feel like your shot?”
“hard to tell. i was naked,” he told you all,
“i don’t think this was your shot, i don’t even think you just get one shot, i really believe that big things will happen for you,” pheobe said,
“yeah, you’ve just gotta keep thinking about the day that some kids will run up to his friends and go, “i got the part! i got the part! i’m gonna be joey tribbiani’s ass!”” you reassured him,
“you think?” he looked at you and pheobe, and you both nodded, “that’s so nice!” he hugged you both,
“i’m sorry, joey. i’m going to go to bed, guys,” monica told you all,
“uh, mon. you’re leaving your shoes out here?” rachel asked,
“oh- uh-huh!” she said,
“really? just casually strewn about in that reckless haphazard manner?”
“it doesn’t matter. i’ll get them tomorrow... or not, whatever,” she walked inside her bedroom,
“she is a kook,” ross said,
“i’m gonna head home, see if my boyfriends cheating on me,” you said without realising,
“what?!” they all gasped,
“oh right, yeah i heard jamie say to someone on the phone earlier about telling me he’s going to work late...” you finished explaining the rest of the story to them,
“oh, my god,” pheobe sighed,
“mhm, okay well i’ll see you all tomorrow, update you guys then,” you said to them before leaving and catching a cab to jamie’s apartment,
“wow, can you believe that? jamie? a cheater?” ross asked,
“i know, and did you see how happy y/n looked when she first met him?” rachel agreed,
“i’m gonna kick his ass if he is,” joey said,
“we all will,” chandler agreed,
without knocking, you walked into his apartment and heard moans coming from the bedroom, yep, they were having sex.
“oh jamie!” you heard- gracie yell.
walking into the room you barged in, “fuck you! and you gracie! what the hell is wrong with the both of you? oh my god!” you yell before running out, ignoring the calls from jamie.
let me know if you want to be mentioned in future taglists!
taglist: @zestygingergirl
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15 Minutes - P. Parker
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So I’ve been stuck in a writing funk for so long, and I got inspired and I’ve been writing this for days until I got it just right and it made me sad and I hope y’all like it and I’ll defs get onto my requests more efficiently now!
TW: Death of loved one, torture, degrading language, abuse, sad Peter, grief, all round angst.
Original story by sarcastically-defensive-17
It was routine. Every day, three times a day. 6AM, 12PM and 5PM. He barely had the chance to recover. Psychologically. Emotionally. Physically.
The machine was cold. The dull grey of the sides reminded him of how alone he was. Deserted. Left for dead, he supposed. No word of contact from any outside source, no hope for a rescue mission. He lost count at 3 months in captivity.
Every single day he had to see her. Had to relive it all. He never once thought that he would physically be transmitted through time and space. The worst part, he knew the woman holding him hostage. One of the most intelligent people on the planet. An expert in Thermodynamics and - so he now discovered - a ruthless person fueled by grief.
A bell chimed followed by an alarm and blinding green light. The glass door swung across the machine, trapping him inside as he stood upright with no way out.
“5, 4, 3, 2...” the countdown rang out, and the green light intensified. His stomach spun, eyes clenched shut at the feeling he will never get used to.
He was back in his apartment. Clothes he hadn’t seen in a long time on his person, his hair a few inches shorter and his reflection almost a stranger to him as is stared back at him in the mirror of their bedroom.
The ringing of his phone was foreign, yet expected. Same schedule.
He lifted the device, holding it to his ear in the same way he had at least 100 times before. Including the day it first happened.
“Y/N,” he breathed. The only thing he enjoyed about the event was the chance to hear her voice again. The breath sigh through the receiver as she strolled through the bustling streets of New York, on his way to her.
“Hey, I cant wait to see you!” Her voice held excitement, the same he had heard over and over. It became his own self indulgent nightmare. He longed for her, he had never held her in this, but he could hear her and feel her near. He could see her laid out on the pavement...
“Me too,” he answered, feigning the joy he felt that day at the idea of her return. She had been in England for the past month and a half, working to quell a growing drug import/export ring. How little she knew that the same work she focused on would be her demise.
After all, she was an ex-cop turned badass avenger. She was known for fearing nobody.
“Im about 15 minutes away from home. I can’t wait to see you!” Peter couldn’t stop the tears from falling from his eyes as he rushed to get his shoes on.
In exactly 26 seconds, his signal would ring.
“Aren’t you a pretty little thing,” a voice snarled in the background of the call, followed by a clattering sound and a muffled shriek.
Peter pushed out a breath, putting his phone on loudspeaker and jumping out of his window.
He had no webs, no mask, no care. He had been over this scenario many times and wasting time with the spidey gear left less time to save her. When he tried it, he was met with her body slumped on the ground, blood flowing from her neck as she choked on the crimson liquid. He didn’t even have time to do the same to her attackers before he was pulled back to the present.
The actions must be damaging to the space time continuum, but the doctor had a lethal artifact in her possession, and she was prepared to do anything in her power to change events.
His ankles painlessly cracked as his feet hit the pavement below the window and he was off. He needed a new detour. He had tried many over the months, but a new one was running through his mind.
He cut down a side alley that would lead him around buildings and directly across from the alley she was pulled into. It was broad daylight in Queens yet nobody cared to see a young woman dragged away by three men.
Peter was just thankful that Y/N didn’t have to suffer in the original telling of the story.
He cut corners by vaulting from the walls of the alley way. He jumped over fences, dodged trash cans and even ignored an elderly lady who had dropped her groceries - a mistake he made by helping her in his first run through of attempting the detours.
He reached his destination in the form of a alley way decorated by versions items of graffiti. The bright colors stood out from the grey brick in the shape of various symbols. He and Y/N had often gone to that alley to observe the work of local street artists. She adored it.
As soon as the rubber toes of his shoes hit the mouth of the painted backstreet, a gunshot rang out and Y/N’s body slumped down on the other side of the busy road.
His heart broke once again at the sight.
He barely had time to step onto the road to get to her before the green light erupted in his vision again. His head reconnected with the thin cushioned pillow in the machine as a roar tore from his throat.
“Failure, once again.” The feminine voice snapped. “Always failing!”
Peters throat was sore. He had spent far too long screaming. His head was pounding, evidence of underfeeding and the sheer transference of his body through time.
He never expected to time travel. He knew how damaging it could be to change history, but here he was. Held against his will to save a woman that he loved so desperately. Forced to watch her death over, and over, and over. To hear her voice and feel the construction of his heart with the knowledge that he most likely wouldn’t be able to save her.
The physical pain of being returned to the day it happened and the image of her dead in various way seared into his mind. Whenever he closed his eyes, he saw her.
The machine slid open, and a boney hand grabbed his face. He was far too weak to fight back, even with his powers.
The eyes of the doctor glared into him, bloodshot and poisoned by grief and ferocity, “Why are you such a failure? We have been doing this for 5 months! There has been no improvement. No chance of saving her, all because you are pathetic!”
“I’m trying,” he mumbled.
The hand left his face, leaving a biting cold in its wake. They always kept him in cold rooms. Part of the torture to encourage him to do better. After all, Peter believed just as the doctor did. He deserved the pain after what happened to Y/N. He should have protected her.
A loud bang echoed through the white room. The fury in the eyes of the Doctor made him almost shrink. He already felt miniature under her gaze, but somehow, he felt worse whenever he came back empty handed.
A hiss left her lips as she cradled the bony hand, Peter assumed she had hit something. “This happened because of you, Parker. You were the one she trusted the most. You were the one who she put her life on the line for countless times on your pathetic missions. You are the reason she is dead.”
“No,” he choked. It was a wet noise, his throat constricting as the mind games took hold again. His hands wove into his hair, tugging harshly. The action had quickly became a coping mechanism of his. He would do anything to distract himself from her words. “No, no, no, no. It wasn’t me. It was them. The gang. Not me.”
“Keep telling yourself that.” She hissed, the eyes staring down at him incredibly similar to the same glassy ones he saw every time he went back. “You were never good enough for her. You were always four steps behind her. Y/N deserved better than you.” The doctor stood up again, the expression on her face void of any emotion as she kept her steely gaze locked on his brown eyes. Her lips turned up at the corners slightly as she watched the tears fall down his face. Her back was straight, regaining the posture she often adopted when addressing those working for her, “Send him back again. Maybe if he does it right, I won’t need to be stuck looking at him in 15 minutes.”
“Ma’am, he needs time to rest. His body can’t handle such a short recovery time between jumps,” a random man in a lab coat told her. He - like Peter - cowered under her gaze.
“Send him back.” She growled with every word, pushing the door shut across the machine and walking back towards the other room.
The green light erupted again and he soon found himself in the same scene from before, although this time he emptied the contents of his stomach on the floor of their house.
His phone rang like clockwork, and he answered, placing it on loudspeaker and reciting the script he wrote for himself on the original date.
He slipped his web shooters onto his wrists before he left, following the same route as his last trip. Everything was the same, down to the exact way he dropped from his windows and bounded through the alley, although this time, he sent a web across the street, pulling himself forward into the alley way.
He collided into one of the men that had Y/N cornered, sending him crashing into the brick wall of the alley.
“Peter?” Y/N shrieked, doing her best to fight the other men off in the same way he had seen her do so in the past. Or, other pasts.
Two of the other men launched at him, both with blunt weapon and scuffed faces. As one swung high, the other swung low. His mind was centered on Y/N and his reflexes were working in overdrive, burning him out faster than anticipated.
It all came to a halt when the two men were on the ground and the sound of a blade slicing through flesh filled his ears. Y/N gurgled on her blood, eyes full of anguish as she stared at Peter with fear on her face.
He only had time to catch her body as she fell before the light overtook him once again.
The overly sterile room greeted him, sobs wracking his body. The door slid open once again and heels clicked against the tiled floor.
The malicious eyes watched him again.
“Please, no more,” he begged, knowing he would be on his knees if not for his fear of moving out of turn. “I can’t do this anymore. It’s torture.”
The hand returned to his face, a soft touch that lifted his wet face to look at the furious glare fixed on his being.
The doctor tutted, patronizing him. “Oh, honey. You think this is torture? You should see what I’m prepared to do to you if I need to spend another month doing this.” Her smile was pure evil, but her eyes held the depth of a woman mourning. The circles under her eyes and the deepening wrinkles fold of her grief, and despite the recurring pain, he felt for the woman. He wanted to apologize to her, had she not disregarded every apology that fell from his chapped lips.
“Please...” he whispered under his breath, feeling the hand leave his face and close the door once again.
“Send him back,” she announced to the other room before turning her attention back to him. “Save my daughter, Peter. Or you’ll wish it was you that died that day.”
The green light flooded his senses once again.
Tag List: @starshonerose @mantlereid @theanswertoeverythingisl0v3 @another-lonely-heart
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magicflowershop · 4 years
one day kitty; Kita version
《inspired by movie A Whisker Away》
✿✿ you wished to be with the person you like and wish granted. whiskers, button nose, tail, four legs and ears on top of the head; you turned into a cat. with this, you are given the opportunity to be with the person you want to express your affections to. but as a cat. and only in one day.
― haikyuu characters x cat!reader imagines!
❀ masterlist ❀
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the wheel of names have spoken.
kita was having a good time by himself in his grandmother’s rice fields, feeling the breeze like the precious farm boi he is,,, when he saw a cat sleeping on a wet patch in the middle of the field
gathering concern for the little cat, he brought him home and decided to clean it up 
then you woke up
you felt something scrubbing your back when you open your eyes you see a guy aiming a hose at you 
you scream bc obv, but that scream translated into a screech leaving your mouth and you see your hand
homie that was a paw
why do u have a paw?????
"stay still, you might hurt yourself”
and why is there a Kita Shinsuke spraying water at you lmao
you see that he’s kinda annoyed that you’re moving so much while he’s trying to clean you up but at the same time you arent sure since he isnt easy to read and that don’t know him too well rip so you let yourself be cleaned for free ig
but yo what the hell??? so you’re a cat now????
you try to remember what happened before all this and how in the world you suddenly turned into a cat and magically wake up in Kita’s place 
you dont know the exact location of his place so you have no idea how to get back home from here
Kita pulled the cat closer to him, and wiping the wet fur with a towel as generously as he could that the cat soon found comfort from his gentle caresses
okay maybe you could stay for a while yk huehue
“you’re having fun”
you hear a familiar voice from a mile away, you look back and see a fat, creepy cat standing on two of its hind feet
o wait
you saw that cat last night when you were watching the shooting star outside,,, you thought it’d be cute if you suddenly wished for something so you did then that thing appeared outta nowhere promising you that he can make your wish come true than compared to a stupid star
so he forced the wish outta you
that you wished to be closer to a guy you admired,, and you had a lot of crushes in your school ykyk,,, just that Kita takes the entire cake
“you have until midnight to remain as a cat. be sure to leisurely fulfill your desires, y/n.”
and so he vanished
while knowing full well you’re basically Cinderella now, you take consideration of your leisure time with Kita-sama
do you stay or do you go home first to check on your household
“oh what do we have here?”
Kita’s grandma entered the scene and you think that okay maybe this development is a little too quick since you weren’t ready to face his relatives yet
“i found this cat in the fields. it looked like it could get sick so i cleaned it”
o yea you were a damn cat
also Kita calls you freakin “it”
pennywise who
you chose to stay in Kita’s place bc grandma thought it’d be lovely to let you stay there for a while,, and that you looked like you were starving when you saw the food on the table
thank goodness you were a cat bc jesus were you actually drooling
so you spent time in Kita’s place big deal
but his place isn’t what you’re aimed for no?
“i’m leaving”
Kita says putting on his shoes, ready to leave and he’s wearing casual clothes,, you don’t think he’s going to school for volleyball practice
IS HE GOING ON A DATE????????????
as if thats actually true cmon Kita doesn’t even hang out with girls that much,,, even though he prolly has a bunch of admirers like the other Inarizaki Vball bois
but what if he swang that wae?
so you followed him right?
you wanted to find out where he’s headed also that he looked good in casual clothes you just want to keep looking at him like this 
Kita went to the grocery store
and apparently he was buying ingredients to make food
so you begin to think that you were foolish for lowkey gate-keeping him
like sis cmon you’re a cat rn keep your head in the game,, what do you do with those paws of yours that cant even grab his hand and pull him away when he was about to bump into a girl as he was about to grab a bottle of tomato paste
heck you cant even get inside the damn grocery store and walk in between them cause you’re a fcking cat!!!!!!!!
you watch their mouths say sorries to each other
the girl was blushing
Kita looked worried that he couldve hurt her since the hag was coverin her face
nani k
n̸̢̪̜͚͑́̾́̑̋ á̴̠̜̳͖̼̃͗̚͘͠ͅ n̵̼͙͇̻̹̓͜͜ i̷̥̲̻̪͈̞̙̩͛̾̅̓͝͝͠ ̶̨̡̜̞̟͆̿̈́͜ḵ̶̂̓̀̚ o̶͎͛̋̋̊͋̊̅̈̅ͅ r̶͙̮̱͊̎͠ ę̷̺̪͎͈̗̖̯̣͍͒͊̒͆͂̈́͛́̒̃
you started tapping the glass windows like mad SKSKD
and ofc since you’re a stray animal ppl wont let u get away with absolutely anything so one personnel saw you tapping the windows and shouted at you from inside the store
Kita and the hag saw you and yea that was enough embarrassment for the day, you ran away and let your feet take you wherever 
its a bit boring that since its a weekend there’s nothing to do,, you never expected that Kita’s weekends would be this boring too :(
so the creepy cat appeared
“what’s wrong you dont seem to be enjoying yourself anymore”
“turn me back to human i need to finish my homework”
maybe thats not the most liable excuse you have but it is true that you need to finish an assignment
“but i gave you a chance to be with the person you admire, no? is this not enough?”
“yea well its-”
“here you are”
you feel someone pick you up and you see that it was Kita:0he must’ve looked for you since you dont even know where you are
oh my god Kita Shinsuke looked for you ma’am eye- or mayhaps you took the route back to his house without knowing since you were busy staring at him when you were stalking him earlier ye
you watched how he looked at the creepy cat you were talking to and and judged it from head to hind feet lmao Kita
“do you have the same owner as this cat?”
he asked you and you gave out every ounce of your energy to shake your head as a no as well as to let out the most disgusted and disapproval meow you ever could-
“the hell would i want to be acquainted with that thing!”
no way did u just speak
so Kita stared at you for the remainder of the time but decided you speaking isnt physically possible and that he could’ve been real tired since he saw the Miya twins along the way
he took you back home since his grandma seemed to be real happy seeing a little animal in the house with them
but you didnt miss to see the little knowing smile from the creepy cat from earlier, you just knew from that alone that he was messing with you since as you said you were bored 
it was wrong of you to talk to that lil disgusting thing
since that moment you refused to speak with your mouth every again, if you were going to speak thought you would probably just purposely say meow only to not make anymore mistakes
also you’re spending a lot of time with Kita’s grandma than Kita himself
“i wonder what your future spouse is doing at this moment, Shin-kun”
Kita looked like he wanted to roll his eyes so bad lmao since he always hears things about his grandma wanting to see his wedding before she dies :c
and yk it makes you sad too just hearing about this
and you want to help 😔
and you would offer help 😌
they heard the cat speak and now you’re running away bc they heard you talk about wanting to marry Shinsuke 🤡
the day ended and you managed to go home before the sun set basically nothing happened and your transformation was all for nuttin, you were bamboozled by a demon cat you randomly saw one night
the next day you were back to your human self and it was a school day so ofc you have to live on normally in school as if nothing happened, as if you didnt just stalk a guy from your school but we’ll get to that
see, you’re friends are friends with a few of the guys from your school’s volleyball team,,, so you’re within vicinity of Kita’s attention 
when you explicitly did not want to see him atm
you decided to run away but you realize that’s useless bc you’re all going home together :D
now you weren’t the crowds type of person,, you had no idea how it come to this, you’re used to hanging out with your girlfriends yes but they were having fun altogether like this it was fun just watching them goof off and whatnot
when i told you you’re almost dropped the second you hear Kita calling to you, you best believe
you said hey but in a different tone of voice bc it was too early for him to notice you had the same voice as the cat he saw yesterday,,, then you both walked in silence
you couldnt take it anymore and decided to go to the nearest convenience store since you had something you want to buy,, you went and whispered this to your friends but when they were asking you to let your voice out, you were deadass croaking
but then you clown yourself sum more bc Kita was concerned of you acting like this and asked if you were alright
now you’re stuck with him in the convenience store bc your friends and his friends thought it’d be a great idea for him to go with you :D
“you should eat something warm before going to sleep, and take a warm bath too”
okay now you feel bad for actually making him worry lol
your alibi of getting sick works really well with not speaking at all around him so you used this till the end thinking you can escape him with this until it rained and you dont have an umbrella with you
aight y/n you’re one hell of a clutz
Kita was enough of a gentleman to buy an umbrella for you until its actually out of stock
you guys stayed in the convenience store for the time being
you were losing your mind
how much longer will you stay with him
you thought of an alibi to save you from the embarrassment so you told him you gotta jet and go back to school bc you forgot to bring your notebook with you 
but now you realize you realize you didnt have to tell him bc he’ll still follow you as if his life depends on taking care of you :(
after you randomly stormed out of the convenience store, he caught up to you and pulled you somewhere where there’s a roof over
“are you usually this reckless? or do you just like getting yourself sick?”
homie does not hold back
he pulled a spare shirt from his back and put it on your head,, proceeding to wipe your wet hair with it until he realized he’s subconsciously invading your personal space
he looked right at you, so you two were standing there,,, staring,, his hands on both sides of your head,,,,, both of y’all are wet hunni
he let go and turned the other way,,, the darkness wasnt dark enough to conceal his red cheeks and hunni you made him blush aight
“you reminded me of a cat i saw yesterday im sorry about that”
“you dont have to apologize”
o sis you did it now
you s p o k e
so Kita was beyond surprised to hear that voice again,,,, and this time from yOU,, ALL NORMAL,, NO FROGS
“i, i can explain”
he looked at you confused, hell was he so confused, that you sounded exactly like the voice he randomly heard yesterday which made him think that came from the cat,, he didnt think that was physically possible bc yk but the embarrassment from your face was enough for him to guess
“did you really say you’re willing to marry me”
“i mean,,, i don’t mind”
“grandma would be glad”
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stay tuned for more!
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sams-sass · 4 years
Time after Time Pt.2
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GIF not mine
Hi guys! Here’s the second part for Time after Time. Let me know if you want a third :)
Read Part One: Part One
Summary: You and Dean finally get to be together again. 
Warnings: Fluff, smut
Characters: Dean, Sam, You, Cas, Jack, Jody, Donna, Claire and Alex-Mentioned
Parings: Dean x Reader
The two of you finally broke apart, still standing in the middle of the living room.
“Dean.” You breathed.
“Y/N.” He groaned, resting his forehead against yours. You smiled.
“Dean, there is something I need to tell you.”
“What is it, sweetheart?”
"It's about Jamie; we should talk in your room."
"Sure." He said, taking your hand and leading you to his bedroom. You both sat down on the bed and faced each other "What is it, baby?" He asked, never letting go of your hand.
"It's Jamie; it's his soul. I can feel it slipping away from me." Dean was serious now. Looking at you with hard eyes. "I am older now than I usually am when I have him."
“Ok, what do we have to do?” Dean asked you
"I need to get pregnant." You said, lifting your eyebrows.
“Ok.” He said, questioning you with his eyes.
“Like right now, Dean.” A smile broke out over his face as realization washed over him.
"Oh, I think we can take care of that." Before you could respond, he wrapped his arms around you and pushed you back on the bed. He kissed your lips before moving down your jaw and onto your neck. You were panting underneath him. The first time with him was always amazing, so full of love and passion. Your fingers worked on the buttons of his flannel, pushing it off his heated skin. His hands slid up your shirt, pushing it up over your head.
"You are so beautiful." His voice was breathy and his eyes dark.
"So are you." You said, unbuttoning his pants. You both smiled at each other as your clothes were quickly shed. Dean's hands ran up your hips, over your waist, and landed on your breasts. His fingers worked your nipples and his mouth left open mouth kisses across your stomach. You were a moaning mess underneath his skilled touch. His mouth descended lower, and you felt his tongue slide into your dripping core. Your hands raked through his hair, yanking occasionally. One hand left your breast and entered you as his tongue made circles around your clit. Your back arched, and his name left your lips as you came. He kissed his way back up your body and gave you no time to come down from your high before slamming into you in one thrust. You both moaned at the feeling.
“I missed you so much.” You mumbled against his shoulder.
"I have been waiting for you my whole life." He said as he pushed the hair off your sweaty forehead.
“I love you.”
"God, baby, I love you so much." He began to move, and both of you were taken higher and higher until you didn't know where you stopped, and he started. You reached your peak together, and Dean nuzzled his nose into the crook of your neck as you both came down. His arms tightened around you, and you crossed your ankles and squeezed your thighs around his waist. You both left kisses on all the skin you could reach. This is what you waited for. All those years of searching, and you finally had him. It was perfect.
You were in the kitchen looking for food to make for dinner when you felt him press himself into your back. His hands splayed out across your belly, and he kissed your neck affectionately.
"Does he feel closer?" He asked, running his finger through your hair.
“Yes, he does. Much closer.” You said with a smile. You turned in his arms and wrapped your arms around his neck.  
“What are you making for dinner?”
“Well, there isn’t much here. Is there a grocery store nearby?”
"There is, I'll make a run. Make me a list, so I know what to get." His hands were running up and down your back, and your fingers were playing with his hair. He gave you a sweet kiss and reluctantly let you go. You sat down and wrote some essentials down and handed him the paper.
"I'm going to call my friend, Cas, to come over for dinner. He will want to meet you." He said, smiling at you.
“Ok, I always like to meet the people you meet in your new life.”
Dean knocked on Sam’s door.
“Come in!” Sam said.
“Hey man, I’m going to run into town for some a few things. Do you want to come or stay here with Y/N?”
“I’ll come with. Let her relax a bit.” Sam smiled at his brother.
"Good, you can help me," Dean said with a spark in his eye that Sam hadn't seen in years. The boys took the impala into town and got all the groceries on the list. After putting everything in the car, Dean leaned on the car and faced his brother.
"There is just one more thing I have to get," Dean said.
“Ok, where?”
"Follow me," Dean said with a small smile and a wave of his hand.
They entered the bunker as you were just finishing taking a mental inventory of the entirety of it. It truly was expansive; it almost seemed like it never ended.
“This place is massive.”
“I know, it's awesome.” Dean smiled at you.
You made a quick dinner, some stir fry recipe you remembered from some blog you read once.
"Alright, boys." You said setting the things on the table. "Somewhat healthy for Sam, emphasis on the somewhat for Dean." You smirked. The door opened, and two men walked down the stairs. One had a kind face and blue eyes; the other looked younger with a boyish face and a wide grin.
“Hey, Cas.” Both boys said in unison.
“Hello.” Said the younger one.
"Oh, hey Jack, didn't know you were coming too," Sam said with a smile.
"I got your message; what's the emergency? Is something wrong?" His eyes landed on you.
"Cas, nothing's wrong, man! I wanted you to meet my….well….my Y/N." Dean said, slapping the man's shoulder and smiling at him. Confusion passed Cas’s face.
"I do not understand. I did not know you had a…Y/N." Dean smiled and then wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him.
"I'll fill them in, Dean; you enjoy your meal." You offered to rest your hand on his chest and to look up at him.
"Thanks, babe." He said, leaning down to press a kiss to your temple. Obviously, the action was confusing to Cas as he just stared at the both of you with a furrowed brow. You motioned for Cas and Jack to follow you to the living room where the two of you sat in the chairs.
"I know this is going to be surprising and shocking, but Dean and I are soul mates. He and I have been spending our lives together since 1650. I am a witch; I always remember our lives when I enter a new one. I track him down and bring him back to me using a powerful spell. I gave it to him earlier today, so he now remembers the four lives we have lived together. He is my whole world. The lives we have lived together were full of happiness and love. I could never be without him; he is my home." You were smiling, and Cas and Jack were clearly confused, but you could also see something else in their eyes. Happiness. "Come on and eat; there is plenty, and I will answer any question you have."
“Thank you for your offer, but I don’t eat. I am an angel of the lord.” Cas said as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
“Right.” You said after a long pause. “Do you eat?” You asked Jack.
"Yes, I like to eat." He said, and you chuckled. "Well, come on then, I'm hungry." You all sat at the table eating and drinking. All you could see were smiles, and all you could hear was laughter.
The next morning you and Dean got up. You showered while Dean made some waffles and bacon. You all again sat around the table with full hearts and happy thoughts floating through your heads. After breakfast, Dean asked you if you wanted to go for a walk. You two were in the woods near the bunker, reminiscing on lives and learning more about each other in this life. You stopped by a pond, and Dean pulled you into his arms again.
"I thought a lot about this." He started. "Y/N, you are my life. Everything you are is everything I love about the world. I am so happy you found me, and now my life can finally start. Nothing in my life has ever felt sure but you. You are my world, my home. I was asleep before you, baby, and now that I am awake, I cant wait to spend every moment of my life making you happy. Will you once again marry me?”
"Yes, it will always be yes." You said as he pulled out a jewelry box from his pocket and slipped the band around your finger. You held each other for a long time laughing, crying and sharing sweet kisses. When you entered the bunker again, there were more people there, all of them cheering and clapping for you and Dean. Dean took you around the room and introduced you to Jody, Claire, Alex, and Donna.
"How did you all get here so fast?" Dean asked, so surprised.
"I called them all last night," Sam spoke up. "I knew you couldn't wait to get a ring on her finger again, called them before we even went to the jewelry store." Dean smiled at his brother and pulled him into a quick hug. Sam turned to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him. You wrapped your arms around his waist and mumbled a "thank you" into his chest. He ran his hand down your hair and kissed the top of your head.
The day passed the same as the one before, full of happiness, love, and learning about one another.
Three months later
You ran your hands over your starting to expand belly, and smiled. Jody and Donna entered the room, you turned to greet them.
“Ready, chicky," Donna said, grabbing your hand.
"Nothing I haven't done before." You all giggled. They helped you curl your hair and pin some of it back. You did your own makeup, a light natural look. I mean, you were getting married in a forest. They then helped you into your dress and shoes. You opted for a simple silk cream-colored dress you found when Jody and Donna took you surprise dress shopping. It hugged your curves and had a cowl back that you loved. There was a tentative knock on the door.
“Who is it?” Called Jody.
“No boys allowed.” You all giggled again
“I just want to see Y/N.” He said as he opened the door. “Wow, you look absolutely gorgeous.” He said with a shy smile.
“Thank you.” You looked him in the eyes and smiled. “What’s up?”
"Dean asked me to give you this." He said, handing you a note. You took it from him, and he bent down to kiss you on the cheek. "I love you." He said.
"I love you too, Sam." He hugged you kissing the top of your head, and escorted Jody and Donna out of the room. You opened the note from Dean.
I know we have done this before, but I am still nervous. I just wanted you to have something of your own on a special day like today. I love you, and I can't wait for all this life, and the next will bring us.
Attached to the note with tape as a necklace. The same necklace he gave you in your last life after Selena was born. How did he? You turned the letter over. There was a P.S., that cheeky bastard.
P.S.- I buried the necklace near a tree in our last life right before the end so that this Dean would have something to give you on our wedding day.
Tears filled your eyes as you placed the necklace around your neck. You dabbed at your eyes and freshened up your makeup. Another knock sounded at your door.
"Come in." You said with a smile. Jack opened the door and gave you a smile that warmed every part of his face. You had gotten to know Jack over the last couple of months, and you thought he was just the cutest thing.
“It's time." He said, and instantly you felt butterflies dancing in your stomach.
“Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go.” You answered with a hopeful grin.  
Jack helped you out of the bunker and escorted you into the forest. Your heart was exploding fireworks throughout your body. Even though you were nervous, this felt right. It felt whole; you were complete once again. You got to the end of the aisle, and Jack stuck out his elbow. You slipped your hand in with a smile. You looked at Dean. He was staring at you just like he had every time. Love seeped out of every part of his body. He leaned back slightly to grab Sam's shoulder for support as you got near. Sam had the biggest grin on his handsome face. You finally reached them and immediately reached for Dean's hand. He took your hand in his and rubbed his callused thumb along your smooth skin. You gave each other one last smile then turned to face Cas. His speech was quick but meaningful, about always finding your happiness and holding on to it with all you have. You exchanged vows and rings.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife; you may kiss your bride," Cas said. Dean didn't miss a beat, leaning in to cup one hand around your cheek while the other came to grab your waist. His lips molded against yours, and cheers erupted in the background. When you broke apart, you both started to laugh as you turned towards everyone. You walked down the aisle again, this time as a married couple.
Your song was playing "Time after Time" by Margaret Whiting, and you were in each other's arms on the dance floor that Sam, Cas, and Jack had built. The trees were lined with Christmas lights and mason jars that had flameless candles in them. It was perfect.
"I can't wait for Jamie to get here," Dean said.
"Me too. He and Selena are just so perfect." You answered back.
"Just like their mom," Dean whispered in your ear, causing you to giggle and roll your eyes.
“Time after time.” You said.
“Time after time.” He agreed.
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