#capricorn birthstone
blingku · 9 months
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manorjewels · 9 months
Vintage garnet rings
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Three vintage garnet rings in yellow gold.
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astroera11 · 8 months
Birthstone Of Capricorn: Ruby
Are you a determined Capricorn, curious about the Astronomical connection between your zodiac sign and gemstones? Join us as we uncover the mysteries surrounding the Birthstone of Capricorn: Ruby. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the significance, properties, and allure of this gemstone that resonates with the ambitious and practical nature of Capricorn individuals.
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alohalanijewelry · 2 years
6.51 Carat Deep Elegant VVS African Spessartite - $171 Free Shipping
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tiredwitchplant · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Peridot
Peridot (The Tears of Pele)
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*Yes Peridot from Steven Universe is here. She demanded to be added okay!?
Color:  Olive Green to Yellow-Green
Rarity: Easy to Obtain, Harder to higher quality
Hardiness:  6.5 – 7
Type: Orthorhombic (Gem form of Olivine)
Chakra Association: Heart and Solar Plexus
Angels: Achaiah or Raphael
Deities: Pele and Isis
Birthstone: August
Astrological Signs: Leo, Libra, Gemini, and Capricorn
Element: Earth
Planet: Venus and the Sun
Origin: Brazil, Hawaii, Myanmar, Egypt, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, USA
Powers: Purification, Cleansing, Wealth, Happiness, Prosperity, Protection
Crystals It Works Well With: Rutilated Quartz, Rose Quartz, Sunstone, Carnelian, Tourmaline, and Citrine
How It is Created: Peridot is the gemstone variety of olivine, a mineral made up of magnesium, iron and silicate compound. The higher proportions of magnesium and iron are used to identifying the key features in the gem, while the chromium and nickel impurities contribute to its beautiful green color. Some specimens of peridot can even appear in meteorites called pallisites and found during volcanic activity on the island of Oahu in Hawaii.
History: The Egyptians mined peridot on the island of Zebirget, which is located in the Red Sea. Egyptians used the gem for over 4,000 years and was even said to be Cleopatra’s favorite. It is regarded as a sacred stone during Medieval times and was even used in the design of the Shrine of the Three Kings in Germany. Peridot crystals found in the black volcanic sands of Hawaii are said to be the tears of the Goddess, Pele. Now most of the world’s peridot comes from Arizona or Pakistan.
What It Can Do:
Keep away evil spirits and great for protecting aura
Releases and neutralizes toxins on all levels
Purifies the subtle and physical body and mind
Opens, cleanses, and activates the heart and solar plexus chakra to release “old baggage”
Clears the feelings of burden, guilt, and obsession
Guides you to better influences
Alleviates jealousy, resentment, spite, anger and stress.
Enhances confidence and assertion without aggression
Sharpens the minds and opens it to new levels of awareness
Banishes lethargy, bringing to your attention all things you have neglected
Is said to heal and regenerate tissues and strengthen the metabolism
How to Get the Best Out Of: Peridot works best near the throat area and heart area of your body so a peridot pendant or necklace would be best.
How to Cleanse and Charge: Cleanse using smoke or running it over water. Charge it by placing it under a windowsill during a full moon.
Social Media Talisman
Peridot ring, worn on the hand you scroll with
Moon water
1 small piece fresh or dried valerian root
1 fresh lemon slice
Cleanse and empower your ring with the ability to dispel feelings of envy and inadequacy.
Gather your materials in a sunny area during a waning moon.
Fill the chalice with moon water.
Take the valerian root in your hand and hold it in the direct sunlight.
Say, “Valerian root that calm sting, add self-assurance to my ring.” Visualize it absorbing the sun and pulsing with a gentle, light. Place it in the chalice.
Hold the lemon slice up to the sun, feeling the illumination and bright energy coming from it.
Say, “Bright yellow lemon with a bite, filter that which befalls my sight.”
Squeeze the lemon slice so the juice goes into the chalice.
Now the chalice holds a soothing brew imbued with calm from the valerian, confidence from sunlight, and optimistic realism from the lemon.
Put the peridot ring in the chalice and let it sit in the sun for about an hour.
Retrieve your peridot ring from the chalice and wear it. Pour the water into the earth.
The ring help ground you in reality while filtering your impressions of what you consume on social me protecting your self-confidence and dispelling any feelings of jealousy or inadequacy.
Perform this spell in direct sunlight, if possible, to illuminate the truth and soothe uncertainty. If you don’t have a chalice, use a bowl, or any kind of cup. Moon water is water that has been left outdoors under the full moon to absorb its power.
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miirshroom · 1 month
The Moon of Nokstella - The Language of Elements
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A while back I counted the gemstones and found that the sides of the moon of Nokstella are not equal. I did this because I had a thought that it might be a kind of dot diagram for an atom surrounded by electrons. It's not the only item where I speculate this, there are many shields where similarly I am interested in counting the rivets. So the assumption here is that there is a story around the synthesis of element 38 from elements 34 and 4.
Element 34 is Selenium, which was named for a Roman goddess of the moon. It is a dark silvery metal. This immediately seems to confirm my suspicion considering the dark moon theme of the talisman.
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Element 4 is Beryllium, which is a component of the Beryl gemstone. These are all Beryls:
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If it is assumed that the 34 surrounding gemstones are also beryls for consistency then they have a good colour match with aquamarine, while the 4 quadrant Beryls resemble maxixe. The colour of aquamarine is generally stable (it is made by trace amounts of iron), though it can be intensified with heat treatment. The colour of maxixe is artificial due to radiation and will fade over time. Clear goshenite is the mother of all beryl's because it can treated to re-colour it to the others.
Aquamarine and Bloodstone are the two birthstones for March. The corresponding zodiac signs would be Pisces and Aries assuming Western astrology (sun signs) or Aquarius and Pisces by Vedic astrology (moon signs).
Element 38 is Strontium. It is a soft metal that is silvery but rapidly tarnishes to a dull yellow when exposed to air. It burns red in a colour similar to Elden Ring's bloodflame:
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It was named after the Scottish village of Strontian (Sròn an t-Sìthein), which means "nose of the fairy hill". The overall color of the talisman recalls that there is a nebulous blue fairy and/or dancer in the lore. And "Siofra" means "changeling" in reference to the fairy creature.
Combine with the above knowledge of Aquarius, the fixed air sign that sweeps away the past to make room for something new, and this implies that a fairy changeling was created by the power of the metallic moon and stone. And that was the beginning of the ancient wolf-and-sheep themed blood dynasty.
Fragments and updates from my earlier speculation about the creation myth(s) of the Lands Between. Presented in format of trumpet sounds to herald what is to come in the following astrological sign:
Scorpio: An existing world ruled by what would eventually come to be known as the God of Rot. 1st trumpet - hail and fire mingled with blood thrown to earth. Scorched 1/3 of the Earth.
Ophiuchus: 1st Day: "Let there be light". Memory of grace. Light of the rising sun reflecting on the water 2nd trumpet - great mountain burning with fire, 1/3 of the land turned red.
Sagittarius: 2nd Day: Creation of the Firmament (i.e. the heavens and the sky) 3rd trumpet - star called wormwood poisons 1/3 of fresh water sources (wormwood is also called "absinthe sage"). This star is quite likely the Elden Beast, but could be an Astel.
Capricorn: 3rd Day: Creation of dry ground and plants. Likely creation of an Erdtree, or a certain species of tree in general. 4th trumpet - 1/3rd of the light from the sun, moon and stars goes dark.
Aquarius: 4th Day: Creation of sun, moon, and stars - creation of a black moon? Or representing a moon cycle - the emergence of an illuminated full moon from the previous new (dark) moon? 5th trumpet - the first woe. A star falls from heaven, with Scorpion-like tail. Creatures are eradicated unless they have a certain sign on their foreheads. The Scorpion-like tail again may reference Astel, more likely than the Elden Beast.
Pisces: 5th Day: Creation of birds and sea creatures - Creation of sea life could be re-contextualized as eradication of all sea-life that does not fit within a strict definition (considering how rare it is to see true sea creatures in the game and especially the lack of fish). Creation of birds likely corresponds to creation of the Twinbird, considering that Pisces is associated with two fish moving in different directions, or with the swallow bird in the Babylonian zodiac. 6th trumpet - the second woe - 4 angels released from binds in River Euphrates.
Aries: 6th Day: Creation of land animals and humans - created with a Cardinal fire sign. Origin of bloodflame, probably, for the warm blood that is poetically considered the animating source of life for humans and mammals. 7th trumpet - the third woe - kingdom of the world becomes kingdom of the Lord. Presumably Placidusax, the first Elden Lord.
Moon of Nokstella
This legendary talisman is a treasure of Nokstella, the Eternal City. Increases memory slots. This talisman represents the lost black moon. The moon of Nokstella was the guide of countless stars.
At my current guess, I would place the mythical black moon of Nokstella as dating back to the ancient era of Aquarius. For context of what that means relative to other points on the timeline, I expect that the era of Scorpio corresponds to the desolation of Rauh and origin of the ancient God of Rot (scorpions and all). The Abyssal Serpent (Ophiuchus) arrives being "hail and fire mixed with blood" that "scorched 1/3 of the earth". And is followed by the Primordial Crucible - a giant fiery volcano - in the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius as heralded by the 2nd trumpet and demonstrated by the presence of Crucible Knight Denovia with the centaur Aspect of the Crucible. The wing of Astel is a curved sword such as those used by the Warrior character class who resembles the folkloric dancer in blue, and Astel itself has the appearance of a monstrous blue fairy - thus the Ancient God of Rot was also sealed at this time of change represented by Pisces.
And this weaving of chemistry, astrology, birthstones, Abrahamic creation myth, Christian book of Revelations and fairytale folklore is one example of how the timeline is complex, but it's possible to assemble a shape for even the more nebulous earlier points by identifying and dissecting the mythology inspirations. There are certainly other layers relating to the creation myths of other cultures, but this is as far as I intend to speculate based on the Moon of Nokstella alone.
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scarfaxia · 2 months
Hellcrew zodiac signs
saw someone ask about Julius' zodiac sign so of course I have to yap about that now.
I made a list with everyone's zodiac signs and their traits! do keep in mind that these aren't really "facts" and don't always apply to the person. this is just for fun<3
Julius and Kelly are Capricorns. Capricorn, in astrology, is the 10th sign of the zodiac. Capricorns tend to be,
Capricorns are part of the earth signs! Their color is charcoal grey (sorry Julius) and their birthstone is, traditionally, garnet.
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Killian is a Taurus. In astrology, Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. Taurus tend to be,
Taurus is also part of the earth signs and their color is green. Emerald is their birthstone.
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Sera is a Scorpio. Scorpius (or Scorpio) is the eighth sign of the zodiac. Scorpios tend to be,
Scorpio is a water sign, their color is black and topaz is their birthstone!
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Seamus and Sullivan are both Aquarius'. Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac. Aquarius tend to be,
Aquarius is part of the air signs; of course, their color is blue and their birthstone is amethyst.
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Devlin is a Virgo. Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac. Virgos tend to be,
just like Capricorn and Taurus, Virgo is part of the earth signs. Their color is brown and their birthstone is a blue sapphire.
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Lucien and Octavian are Libras. Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac. Libras tend to be,
and just like Aquarius, Libra is also part of the air signs. Their color is pink and their birthstone is opal! (my personal favorite)
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Cian is a Gemini! Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac. They tend to be,
Gemini are part of the air sign, their color is yellow and their birthstone is pearl!
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thank you for letting me yap<3
the following characters belong to,
Julius, Killian, Kelly, Cian, Octavian, Sullivan © @sanityshorror
Seamus, Sera © @gracilissart
Devlin, Lucien © @scarfaxia
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lizadale · 11 months
So idk if this has been asked before or not. But I’m going to throw it out there. What birthstone are the twins falling under? And what about the rest of the crew, if they were born in our world? It even what astral sign would they all fall under if that’s easier???
Sorry this took me so long to answer I was trying to see if I'd answered anything about birthdays before and i can't find anything so uh... are we talking about zodiac stones? That's easier for me, so...
Note that i don't really have set birthdays for anyone. non-canonically the Mario Bros, Peach, Bowser, Yoshi, Wario and DK would all have the same stone because they were all a batch of star children together, but that's not as fun. Also, I firmly believe Mimi was lying about her birthday in the Merlee quiz and she just picked a date that rhymed.
Mario & Luigi: Sapphire (Taurus) [for their birthday i took each brother's first game appearance date and averaged them to get 5/11-ish]
Peach: Carnelian (Virgo)
Bowser: Chrysolite (Libra)
Blumiere: Ruby (Capricorn)
Timpani: Emerald (Cancer)
Dimentio: Onyx (Leo) [enjoy international clown week u fuck]
Nastasia: Beryl (Scorpio)
O'Chunks: Topaz (Sagittarius)
Mimi: Agate (can't help being a Gemini)
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 8 months
hmmm astrals design notes
Aquarius: some kind of vase imagery, perhaps skin looks more painted in the way old vases were while maintaining the astrals color scheme?
Pisces: Fishnets on the arms and legs, fins in the place of hair, scales on face
Aries: Design already made
Taurus: physically larger, bull tail, horns of course. Nose ring
Gemini: Castor with a scar. Pollux with lightning themes. Emerald and pearl weapons (birthstones for May and June, the months Gemini is in)
Cancer: Glasses in the shape of the symbol, tough armor, many arms
Leo: Lion furry Lion with golden fur, sharp claws
Virgo: Woman with wings, harvest themes
Libra: Maybe blindfolded, scales of course, maybe looks a bit like a jackal due to Anubis
Scorpio: must I even say it. Scorpion traits
Sagittarius: Centaur with an arrow quiver
Capricorn: Goat furry
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anxious-witch · 3 months
Let's talk birthstones of the main four in Dead Boy Detectives (aka the ones that we know sun signs for) because man, idk if this was on purpose but they fit SO WELL.
Edit: Sorry for reposting, I realized og thing was so fucking long, so I separated it in two parts. This one is on Charles and Edwin's birthdstones
Let's start with Edwin, our resident Capricorn, whose birth stone is garnet. Dark red stone, that is coincidentally associated with the underworld.
"There are many different myths about the origins of garnet. One such myth suggests that the garnet originated with Persephone, the Greek goddess of sunshine. Persephone was captured by Hades, the god of the underworld. Before Hades released Persephone, he wanted to guarantee her return, so he gave her some pomegranate seeds. The word garnet comes from the Latin "granatus," which means seed. The next time you eat a pomegranate, you will notice the seeds' resemblance to garnet."
Like??? Goddamn?? Quite literally perfect for Edwin.
Furthermore, let look into garnets in their natural state. Garnets are very tough stone, and as it is fairly resistant to abrasion and chemical weathering, garnet is often found in sedimentary rocks or material that is highly weathered and where only the hardest materials have been left behind, like mineral sand dunes.
Quite literally only the toughest ones even survive being collected, in a very difficult environment. Despite that they are very beautiful and prized stones. But let's also take a look at their spiritual meaning.
Garnet cleanses and re-energises the chakras. It revitalises, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate. Inspires love and devotion. Garnet balances the sex drive and alleviates emotional disharmony. It activates and strengthens the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope. Stimulates past-life recall. Sharpens perceptions of oneself and others. Garnet removes inhibitions and taboos. It opens the heart and bestows self-confidence.
I think we can EHEM, all agree that, given Edwin's journey is S1, especially centered around his sexuality that garnet is very fitting stone for him. Especially since it inspires love and devotion, and we see several characters quite literally change themselves due to the fact they fall for Edwin. Boy might be repressed, but he inspired such incredible amount of devotion, both romantic and platonic in people, that it's insane.
Also "removes inhibitions and taboos" could very well fit with his journey of accepting that being gay isn't a taboo. Extra interesting that his inhibits are fully lowered and he confesses his love for Charles while getting out of the underworld for the second time.
Now, onto Charles, a Taurus(and yes, I am aware some people still think he is an Aries and Crystal a Taurus, but I fully subscribe to Charles being a Taurus) whose birth stone is emerald. From a historical context, this is how emerald was described:
Emerald representing youth in the age of man, the power of this lush crystal stirs the soul like the heart of spring, symbolizing hope and the future, renewal and growth. It is a Seeker of Love and a Revealer of Truth, inspiring an ongoing search for meaning, justice, compassion and harmony.
Look at me and tell me this doesn't fit Charles. Representation of youth, not only because he died at 16, but because he seems to always carry that youthful optimism(yes, which is in part a mask, but I do believe he is genuinely a very positive person), also he definitely tries his best to search for meaning, justice, compassion and harmony. Like. This boy died trying to make things right, by fighting for justice because why should someone else suffer when he isn't, and they are so alike? He also has increidble amount of compassion and we see how he best tries to harmonize between Edwin and Crystal.
Now to look at a more spiritual layer of it.
Emerald is a life-affirming stone.  It opens the heart chakra and calms the emotions.  It provides inspiration, balance, wisdom, and patience.  It is said to promote friendship, peace, harmony, and domestic bliss by enabling the wearer to both give and receive unconditional love.  Because it promotes honesty and loyalty, it is also beneficial for business transactions and all types of partnerships.
Emerald fortifies the spirit and helps to overcome misfortune.  It brings a sense of joy, recovery, and rejuvenation to the downtrodden.  It cures claustrophobia and rage as it inspires a sense of wellbeing.  It brings subconscious thought to the forefront, and promotes self-awareness.
Life-affirming stone. There is something poetic about an emerald, who is life affirming, being paired up with garnet, who is connected with the unerworld, isn't it?
But also, a stone that helps overcome misfortunes, and help with rage, specifically. Poor Charles clearly had his fair share of misfortunes, and rage as well so he could use an emerald. But he seems to embody it's qualities very well, especially as he begins his healing journey. When he learn how to be more self aware and quells his rage, he truly does embody joy and rejuvenation to others around him.
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subir-astrologer · 7 months
Astrological gemstones, also known as birthstones or planetary gemstones, are gemstones that are believed to be associated with specific astrological signs or planets. Throughout history, various cultures have attributed mystical properties to gemstones based on their color, composition, and perceived metaphysical qualities. The belief in the power of astrological gemstones is deeply rooted in astrology, an ancient practice that seeks to understand and interpret the influence of celestial bodies on human behavior and events.
The concept of astrological gemstones is based on the idea that different planets govern different aspects of life and that wearing gemstones associated with these planets can enhance or balance their influences. In traditional astrology, each planet is linked to specific characteristics, energies, and areas of life. For example, the Sun is associated with vitality, creativity, and leadership, while Venus is connected to love, beauty, and harmony.
Astrologers believe that wearing the gemstone corresponding to a particular planet can strengthen its positive effects and mitigate its negative influences. The choice of gemstone is usually based on the individual's birth chart, which maps the positions of celestial bodies at the time of their birth. By analyzing the positions of planets and their relationships to each other, astrologers can determine which gemstones are most beneficial for an individual based on their astrological profile.
While the efficacy of astrological gemstones is primarily based on subjective belief and anecdotal evidence, some proponents claim to have experienced tangible benefits from wearing them. These benefits may include increased confidence, improved relationships, enhanced creativity, and greater overall well-being.
To understand the influence of astrological gemstones, it's essential to explore the properties and associations of some of the most commonly used gemstones in astrology:
1. Ruby (Sun) : Ruby is associated with the Sun, the ruling planet of Leo. It is believed to enhance vitality, confidence, and leadership qualities. Ruby is also considered a stone of passion and creativity, inspiring its wearer to pursue their goals with enthusiasm and determination.
2. Pearl (Moon): Pearl is linked to the Moon, the ruling planet of Cancer. It is associated with intuition, emotional healing, and feminine energy. Pearl is believed to promote inner peace, harmony, and a deep connection to one's emotions and subconscious mind.
3. Emerald (Mercury): Emerald is associated with Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini and Virgo. It is considered a stone of communication, intellect, and mental clarity. Emerald is believed to enhance verbal expression, logical thinking, and problem-solving abilities.
4. Diamond (Venus): Diamond is linked to Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus and Libra. It is associated with love, beauty, and abundance. Diamond is believed to attract love, enhance relationships, and promote harmony and balance in all areas of life.
5. Red Coral (Mars): Red Coral is associated with Mars, the ruling planet of Aries and Scorpio. It is considered a stone of courage, strength, and vitality. Red Coral is believed to boost physical energy, stamina, and assertiveness, helping its wearer overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.
6. Yellow Sapphire (Jupiter): Yellow Sapphire is linked to Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius and Pisces. It is associated with wisdom, prosperity, and spiritual growth. Yellow Sapphire is believed to attract abundance, good fortune, and opportunities for expansion and personal development.
7. Blue Sapphire (Saturn): Blue Sapphire is associated with Saturn, the ruling planet of Capricorn and Aquarius. It is considered a stone of discipline, focus, and karmic balance. Blue Sapphire is believed to promote mental clarity, resilience, and patience, helping its wearer overcome obstacles and learn valuable life lessons.
8. Hessonite Garnet (Rahu): Hessonite Garnet is linked to Rahu, a shadow planet in Vedic astrology. It is associated with transformation, intuition, and spiritual awakening. Hessonite Garnet is believed to remove obstacles, release negative energy, and facilitate personal growth and enlightenment.
9. Cat's Eye (Ketu): Cat's Eye is associated with Ketu, another shadow planet in Vedic astrology. It is considered a stone of protection, intuition, and divine guidance. Cat's Eye is believed to ward off evil spirits, promote spiritual insight, and help its wearer navigate life's challenges with clarity and confidence.
Each astrological gemstone is believed to resonate with specific energies and vibrations that align with the qualities and influences of its corresponding planet. By wearing these gemstones as jewelry or placing them in their environment, individuals seek to attune themselves to these energies and harness their potential for personal empowerment and transformation.
In addition by wearing gemstones based on their astrological influences, some practitioners also use gemstone remedies to address specific astrological imbalances or challenges indicated in a person's birth chart. These remedies may involve wearing gemstone jewelry, carrying gemstones with them, or performing rituals and ceremonies to honor the planetary energies.
While the efficacy of gemstone remedies is primarily based on subjective belief and anecdotal evidence, many people report experiencing positive effects from incorporating gemstones into their spiritual or healing practices. Whether used for their aesthetic beauty, symbolic significance, or metaphysical properties, astrological gemstones continue to fascinate and inspire people around the world who seek to connect with the mystical forces of the universe and unlock their full potential for growth and self-discovery.
In conclusion, astrological gemstones are believed to influence one's life by aligning individuals with the energies and vibrations of specific planets and astrological signs. These gemstones hold a special significance for those who believe in their power to enhance personal well-being, relationships, and spiritual growth.
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anyataylortaylor · 1 year
How to Find Your Birthstone As Per Zodiac Signs
In Astrology, birthstones are considered to be gemstones that are identical to the different zodiac signs; depending on a person’s birth month and zodiac sign, birthstones are thought to have special meaning, and these birthstones are expected to have unique properties and energies that can improve the character and life of the individual wearing them. Find Birthstone as Per Zodiac Signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Additionally, each zodiac sign has its own unique power. It works with four components air signs, fire signs, water signs, and earth signs; all work together to frame an interesting character quality. Since ancient times, each sign has developed alliances based on its attributes, colors, myths, animals, and gemstones. Each sign has its own unique perspective, complete with potent assets and exhausting flaws.
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kairissimstories · 2 years
Birthstone Legacy S3: Gen. 01 Garnet 👩🏻‍⚕️👨🏻‍🚒
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The Sims 3 challenge of the Birthstone Legacy; follow the first gen until the last gen of the unique family. Starting with Ginger Gardner.
Hey everyone! I wanted to do a Sims 3 Legacy, I was planning on doing the Lepacy but I got;; distracted. So; please welcome the Birthstone Legacy. The rules are here.
Ginger Gardner is a workaholic, brave, disciplined, family-oriented, ambitious, genius. Who wants to be a world renowned surgeon. Her star sign is Capricorn and her favorites are Rock, Tri-Tip Steak and the color Red. She graduated with honors in Science & Medicine Degree and is starting her career finally in the Medical world.
She enlisted a roommate to help play rent, meet Kyle Galloway a daredevil, brave, handy, irresistible, loves the heat, hot-headed firefighter. He dreams of becoming a firefighter super-hero. Kyle’s favorites include Rockabilly, Hamburgers and the color Yellow. He is also a Virgo;; that is compatible with Capricorns. He went straight from Military School Graduate to a Firefighter and agreed to be the roommate with Ginger to help with the rent. 
To help with the protection of the house, Kyle talked to Ginger into getting a dog named Lucky. The two balance each other out, but can they find time to grow together into something more. Or will the two find company else where?
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vampstel · 2 years
Haha don't mind me being up at 8PM to ask more about Lawrence and Rei, maybe more or less specific? 1. How would They React if Charlie got hurt by someone, Both bystander and upstander? 2. How was Allen's Reaction to Rei's Relationship? 3. How would they react to a hug? 4. Who were Rei and Lawrence Inspired By? 5. (If you believe in Zodiac Signs) What are Their Zodiac Signs? 6. Following Question, What is their Birthstones? 7. What is their Sexual Orientation and Gender? - Dreamist :D
Good LORD Rei and Lawrence would both be furious. If they see it happen right in front of their eyes, they're definitely intervening. If they didn't see it happen and Charlie just comes home bruised, they're both going to comfort him and ask him what happened. Either way, whoever hurt Charlie is gonna get in a ton of trouble. Rei and Lawrence are terrifying when they're mad so god bless the person who hurt their baby...
Allen was so happy for Rei!! And he wasn't surprised to see he got together with Lawrence. The moment Allen step foot in the studio and saw them interacting, he just knew. The gay detector was going off LOL
Rei loves hugs!! His main love language is physical touch and he always hugs his friends whenever he can. Lawrence, on the other hand, isn't a fan of physical touch. He only likes being hugged if it's a loved one hugging him. So it's either he gets mad or he gets surprised and melts into the hug. They're both good huggers though. Rei's hugs are very comforting while Lawrence's makes you feel secure and safe
I had a lot of inspirations for Rei... He was mostly inspired by Furuta and Juuzou from Tokyo Ghoul. Lawrence was inspired by a BATIM character (you can guess who very easily) as well as Alucard from Castlevania. They're both also inspired by me, Lawrence especially
Rei's a Cancer and Lawrence is a Capricorn. I think their signs suit them well but I'm not that well versed in Zodiacs
Rei's birthstone is pearl while Lawrence's is garnet. I could be wrong though... Rei's birth month has a lot of stones...
Rei's gay and trans-FTM. Lawrence is biromantic demisexual and cisgender male.
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grumbledgreens · 2 years
your opinion on your birthstone?
I’m a Capricorn which would make my birthstone blue topaz (at least that’s the one I’ve been familiar with, when I looked it up there were some other ones). That used to be my favorite color as a kid, so it really worked out for me, but nowadays it doesn’t really fit the ✨aesthetic✨. I have some blue topaz earrings from my grandma though that I’ll always treasure :)
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