#captain ana amari
reydoll · 9 months
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i was crazy for this skin when i first started playing her ngl
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nedr4 · 2 years
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lovewillabides · 1 year
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Ana Amari in Overwatch: Genesis
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okay, okay, same thing with the Overwatch team skins. I don't care how many people hate mercy's hair in it, I actually think combat medic ziegler is very well designed and cute. I love matching with any captain amari and commander morrison. Fight me. I just know any mercy with that skin is going to pull their weight and look good doing it.
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Some OOC Interactions
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delugedecade · 4 months
Mirrorwatch: The Overwatch What If
This is for the mutuals and anyone who hasn't touched Overwatch in AGES. Overwatch 2 has been pumping out new content in monthly seasons, and here in Season 10, we have the Non-Canon Mirrorwatch Event.
(If you want you can watch the announcement video for Season 10)
{What is Mirrorwatch?}
A fierce fight between Overwatch and Talon rages upon Watchpoint: Gibraltar. And in a single moment, an unstoppable object would collide with an immovable force. A Punch from Doomfist against Reinhardt's shield so hard it shatters reality. Among its pieces, an alternate reality.
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{Who's Who Now?}
Alignments have shifted in Mirrorwatch, Overwatch Agents are now part of Talon, and Talon Agents now Overwatch. But let's see who specifically, with some explanation as to why I think things changed
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Overwatch is led by Strike Commander Ogundimu. It's likely in this reality this Doomfist was mentored by the First Doomfist, Adhabu "The Savior" Ngumi, As opposed to the canonical universe, where Akande was mentored by the Second Doomfist, Akinjide "The Scourge of Numbani" Adeyemi, who was the person who recruited him into Talon.
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His second in command is Captain LaCroix. Whether or not her husband Gerard was assassinated, Lacroix joined Overwatch and climbed the ranks as their lead sniper, and I can tell you for sure, there's a lot of lore for her considering who she's fought with in canon.
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The last Overwatch agent in this event is Agent Colomar. Overwatch likely had more involvement in the displacement of orphans after the Omnic crisis, So instead of finding power in manipulation and information, she found power in helping others improve. Plus her Hack symbols have smiley eyes
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In Mirrorwatch, Angela Ziegler takes the moniker of Vengeance as the leader of Talon. Not much is know as to why she chose this path, all that we know is that her nefarious plans are for humanity's future. Vengeance Mercy is this Season's Mythic Skin, and so has variations to her design, and during the event, her resurrection has changed from reviving to detonating fallen souls.
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Second to Vengeance is Arch-Commandant Ana. Once again, there are some details I'd like to go further into later, And much like Doomfist of canon, Ana believes the world has grown complacent.
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The first Talon Agent I'll talk about is Reinhardt, taking the name Fallen Knight, which implies at some point he defected from Overwatch to Talon's side. Judging by his voiceline when eliminating Ana, He doesn't like being leashed around.
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Talon Zarya. I got nothing for Zarya being a Talon Agent other than Volskaya Industries being evil and loaning her out to Talon.
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Now this is menacing~ Talon Brigitte has some real lore to theorize about. Either she's been raised under Talon if Torbjorn was sided with Talon to begin with, or she enlisted with Talon after learning Reinhardt defected to it. Also look at Mitzi, looking all evil and forboding.
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And lastly Operative Oxton, where to begin~ A few fan comics have head-canoned that Lena's chrono-accelerator was faulty/damaged, leading to an explosion that killed Emily, which would be quite the dark backstory to join Talon in revenge against Overwatch. This actually plays well with how her Blink ability works in the Mirrorwatch event, where she take make more teleports at the cost of her health. And if it isn't obvious by her pose, she's sort of the Reaper equivalent.
Other Affiliation Changes
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Genji and Symmetra have both landed themselves in Australia as Junkers
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Kiriko and Hanzo have joined the Shimada's rival Clan, the Hashimoto.
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Zen is part of Null-Sector this time as Z-EN Destroyer, with Ramattra taking his place as the monk who wanted peace between Human and Omnic.
{Changes to the story}
Of course with Affiliation changes, there are lore changes. Here are the main two that are most prominent.
LaCroix VS Amari
In canon Overwatch, Ana loses her eye after hesitating to shoot a brainwashed Lacroix turned Widowmaker. But if you noticed earlier, Arch-Commandant Ana doesn't wear an eyepatch. In Mirrorwatch, because of the shift in alignments, It's Widowmaker who loses an eye in the shootout and she has a cybernetic one to replace it.
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Widowmaker VS Tracer
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Back in the Alive Cinematic, Tracer fails to stop Widowmaker from assassinating the Omnic Monk and leader of the Shambali, Tekhartha Mondatta. But in Mirrorwatch, instead of Mondatta, Ramattra becomes Tekhartha of the Shambali Omnics and is assassinated by Tracer. And if one of her elimination lines against Tracer says anything, Widowmaker was the one who failed to stop the assassination.
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So yeah, that's why I said Widowmaker is like the Tracer of Mirrorwatch, getting the most lore to pull from.
{More Mirrorwatch?}
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There's definitely possiblity there could be more Mirrorwatch skins, if we go by an interview between Twitch Streamer Skiesti and Overwatch 2's Art Director, Dion Rogers. Vishkar Lucio, DJ Symmetra, Junker Winston, Overwatch Reaper, Talon Soldier: 76 were all ideas that were cut.
And that's Overwatch 2 Season 10's Mirrorwatch.
If people would be interested in me roleplaying as some of these alternate universe characters, or want to learn about some of the other Overwatch 2 Story Events, like Starwatch or Questwatch, let me know.
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wildissylupus · 4 months
With those abilities that that person made, for all Mirrorwatch characters fighting their normal selves one on one, how do you think it would go? Regular vs mirror for Mercy, Doomfist, DVa, Genji, Amelie, Sombra, Bastion, Echo, Reinhardt, Orisa, Hanzo, Kiriko, Symmetra, Zarya, Zenyatta, Tracer, Ana, and Brigitte
Ok so the thing is when it comes to one on one, it's a lot easier for same characters rather then others to decide, if we're doing teams then that also complicates things. You also have to consider that fighting styles in general would change due to stories also changing. So I'll explain that when I need to.
Mercy vs. Vengeance
This ones simple, in a one on one, Vengeance wins, mainly because she has the most offensive abilities.
Doomfist vs. Strike Commander Ogundimu
This ones hard but in a one on one but I have to say that Doomfist would win this one. He has abilities more focused on these types of fights while Strike Commander Ogundimu is a lot more team focused. Though that does mean in a team fight Doomfist would loose.
DVa vs. Junker D.Va
We don't actually have a kit for Junker D.Va (and for the life of me I can't find the poster where I talked about it) but I do think D.Va would win specifically because she's professionally trained and is constantly fighting the Gwishin.
Genji vs. Junker Genji
Genji wins, mainly because he got therapy and won't be entirely impulsive about the situation, but in general I could see Genji just being more skilled then his Mirrorwatch counterpart.
Widowmaker vs. Captain Lacroix
Captain Lacroix wins, I've already gone into detail as to why Widowmakers combat style in lore is flawed and doesn't work with her skill set, and I can guarantee that isn't the case for Captain Lacroix.
Sombra vs. Agent Colomar
Sombra wins for the same reason Doomfist does, her abilities are more focused on her then her allies, though that does also mean that Agent Colomar would win in a team fight.
Bastion vs. Gwishin
Bastion wins, purely because of his turret form, nothing against what they did with Gwishin but his kit would not work well against Bastion.
Echo vs. Stealth
Echo wins purely on adaptability, from what it looks like and how Stealth's kit works, it looks like she was made specifically to be at peak performance of her own abilities, while Echo was made to adapt.
Reinhardt vs. Fallen Knight
Reinhardt wins, though it is close. My main reasoning for this is Rein not only has free will, he's also not permanently blinded by rage, like how Fallen Knight is.
Orisa vs. OR-UNIT
Orisa wins for the same reason Echo does, with the added bonus of Orisa was made to be better then the OR-units in canon.
Hanzo vs. Hashimoto Hanzo
Another one we don't really have a solid case for but I am going to have to say Hashimoto Hanzo would win, mainly due to the fact I think he'd be a lot more ruthless when he fights and a lot more inclined to do close range combat.
Kiriko vs. Hashimoto Kiriko
Hashimoto Kiriko wins with the same reasoning with Hanzo.
Symmetra vs. Junker Symmetra
Junker Sym wins mainly because she has the freedom to explore what she's capable of, she's also a bit more chaotic the regular Sym which I think would throw her off her game.
Zarya vs. Talon Zarya
Talon Zarya wins, but she cheats cause she's got enhancements that she doesn't really need.
Zenyatta vs. Z-3N Destroyer
Z-3N Destroyer wins due to him being more combat focused then Zen in general.
Tracer vs. Operative Oxton
Tracer wins due to her chronal accelerator being a lot more stable and not causing her damage when in use. There is also the fact that I think Tracer would be more strategic about the fight in general.
Ana vs. Arch-Commandant Amari
Arch-Commandant Amari wins, this isn't really about skill and more on their outlook on combat. Basically, Ana doesn't really kill anymore and Arch-Commandant Amari can do headshots.
Brigitte vs. Talon Brigitte
Brigitte wins specifically because she has had more personalized training while Talon Brigitte was likely only trained by Talon agents. Brig has had more time with her own abelites to grow and is likely more capable in a one on one fight.
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yanderes-galore · 11 hours
Can you a mirror watch Reinhardt concept??? Please??
As he's just a skin with some voice lines, I had to do a lot of HC for this. Hope you like it! I love Reinhardt <3
Yandere! Fallen Knight! Reinhardt Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Animalistic behavior, Possessive behavior, Violence, SFW size difference, Manipulation, Threats, Kidnapping, Isolation, Biting, Marking, Dehumanization, Blood, Murder, Sadism, Forced relationship.
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In this universe, Reinhardt is much different from the one you know.
In fact... He almost seems feral in nature.
Shown by Ana's and Reinhardt's voice lines, He's often treated like a dog.
This is shown when he eliminates Ana, He says something about her no longer holding his leash.
When Ana eliminates Rein, she says she put him down.
Using this... I imagine Reinhardt acts more beastly, full of rage, and animalistic.
He's a unit who needs to be controlled.
He is able to increase the damage of his allies, block attacks, and devastate enemies with his shatter and fire strike.
A member of Talon in this universe, you won't want to be alone with him.
Especially since he's so uncontrolled.
Normally, Reinhardt is a knight of honor and glory.
He's a man you can trust with your life, one who would protect you with all he has.
This Rein has no honor or glory.
He's been made a hunting dog to do Talon's bidding.
He's little more than a beast of rage.
You can not trust him with your life.
But he will defend you, as he feels you're his to possess.
When it comes to (future) Mirrorwatch fics, I think I like the idea of you swapping universes.
In your universe, you have the Rein you know.
The original Reinhardt.
Yet when Reinhardt and Doomfist clash, their blows send you to another universe.
Imagine if in your universe you and Reinhardt are close.
Maybe close friends? Maybe he felt you were so much more?
Imagine if Reinhardt wasn't yandere before, but his Mirrorwatch version is.
When you wake up, you're confused.
Everyone's roles are swapped here.
Including Rein.
Reinhardt somewhat recognizes you when he sees you again.
Although in this universe he mostly sees you as a stranger.
To survive, you may need to go to this universe's Overwatch for help.
Which includes Strike Commander Ogundimu, Agent Colomar, and Captain Lacroix to name a few.
To you, you still see Doomfist, Sombra, and Widowmaker.
It's so strange to see your enemies become your friends, and your friends become your enemies.
Even more so when you see Reinhardt's a ruthless killing machine controlled by Amari.
Now his codename is just Fallen Knight... It hurts to see.
Rein may become intrigued by you when he hears you accidentally say his real name.
He's so used to the name Fallen Knight that hearing Reinhardt makes him pause.
Perhaps in this universe he had a version of you who died, which might have drove him to be manipulated by Talon?
Your voice and appearance look similar... For some reason he feels frustrated to see Overwatch evacuate you from the area he's attacking.
Amari tries to keep him under control, but Reinhardt keeps trying to follow you.
It appears you two have been brought together once again...
But not in the way you wanted.
This new Reinhardt is possessive and violent.
Like a wild animal, he'll stop at nothing to have what he wants.
Sure, Amari can tranquilize him or keep him back somehow...
Yet he'll have you eventually.
Getting kidnapped by Reinhardt in this universe is terrifying.
You spend most of your time at Overwatch's HQ after trying to describe your scenario to them.
After that, they vow to keep you under their protection until they can send you home.
Only for a Talon raid to strike Overwatch HQ.
Many Talon agents pour into the building, wreaking havoc.
You focus on escaping, only to hear a growl.
The sound of rocket boosters occur before you're pinned against one of the metal walls.
You scream in pain, looking up to see a face you once found comforting.
It looks like him... But the scar is on the opposite eye and he wears a respirator...
Or is that a muzzle?
He glares down at you with predatory intent, breathing heavily as he keeps you pinned.
The tension is thick in the air...
Right up until he picks you up effortlessly, slinging you over his shoulder easily.
Amari may let Reinhardt keep you.
Her dog deserves a treat for doing such a good job.
You get to be kept in his kennel for him to play with (his room, but Amari loves to dehumanize him).
Reinhardt doesn't let anyone else touch you once he has you.
You feel so familiar... a distant memory he can barely recall now...
But now you're all his.
Rein loves the size difference between him and his obsession.
At night he pulls you close once out of his armor, spooning you closely as he nuzzles into your hair.
He always keeps that strange headgear on, yet you don't dare take it off.
He probably bites... (He does).
In fact, if that gear ever came off, he may immediately start marking you like an animal.
Rein isolates you like you're his favorite toy.
He has bark and he has bite.
He'd threaten you to never leave his room, telling you he'll know and the rest of Talon will keep you here.
No one likes him when he's angry.
Reinhardt is a killing machine, you're not used to seeing blood on him or his armor.
He doesn't hesitate to hurt those who try to take you away from him.
Including Overwatch agents.
One wham of his hammer, and they're red paste.
Hopefully you're not around to see it... but it's not like he cares.
Reinhardt likes to intimidate you, to drag out obedience.
You should be scared of him.
He plays rough with you.
He'll pin you, carry you, rough you up...
You're a toy for a dog.
Yet sometimes... You think you see him care for you.
Sometimes you think you see your Rein in there when he cuddles you close.
However... He'll never be your Rein.
He's a fallen knight...
A beast no one can control... Who needs honor when he has you?
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meeeeeeeeiamasheep · 2 years
Reader being the little accomplice, but he needed some smoke, too bad he has an "almost Dad/Mom" who isn't so happy about that idea Soldier 76, Reaper, Ana, Torbjon
Soldier 76
• You were smoking quietly on a rooftop, it had been a long day at work and you needed a break. What better than to do it before beating up some idiots?
• You thought about how all this had started, you had never imagined yourself as a "justiciar" but you did not complain.
• You nearly choked on smoke when you heard the pulse rifle behind you.
•"What the hell are you doing?"
• ". . . Nothing?"
• He approached, snatched your cigarette and stomped on it hard.
• "Oh, come on! I wasn't even halfway there."
• "It's not healthy for you, child."
•You sighed, looking away and whispering "The old man who drowns in sweet bread says so"
• A small bump on your neck
•The next night, he came with a sweet.
•After that, I always come with a piece of candy or gum for you, but they never bring it up again.
•You were part of a group of mercenaries that Talon had hired, just that.
•They were waiting for transportation when you commented on looking through your clothes, taking out a pack and a lighter.
•You kindly offered your companions
•In a few minutes you were already on the second, when you noticed the Reaper's look.
•Everyone immediately threw them out of fear.
•Once in the trailer, the reaper stood in front of you, understanding his hand.
• Scary, fucking scary
• "Give me one and fire" he said as he sat next to you.
•You quickly placed a cigarette between his fingers and lit it.
•He moved his mask a bit, still unable to see her face, took a strong puff, letting out the smoke
•After that, every time your group works with him, they always get together to smoke before the mission.
Ana Amari
•At night in Egypt, you were in an alley keeping watch, while the Captain got the information
•To maintain appearance, you had taken out a cigarette
•You hadn't even turned it on when someone snatched it from you.
• "Mmh, not the best brand dear" You thought about taking it off, but you prefer to keep the arm
• "It was just for appearance, that's all"
• "I'm going to believe you for now, let's go" After that you could never find the pack.
•Overtime at work, lots of numbers, lots of measurements, you needed fresh air.
•You went up to the roof to smoke for a while.
• You almost fell asleep with the cigarette in your mouth when a loud noise woke you up and from the fright, you burned your wrist
•Bastion had been looking for you and when he saw your wound he emitted several panic beeps
•It took you a few minutes to calm him down and you both went back inside.
•Torbjon was reviewing some plans when he saw them
• God, you swore that not even your father had lectured you so much.
•But I'll help you clean and bandage the small burn.
•The next day, you saw Bastion stealing your pack
•"That is cruelty"
•"It's called having a little brain, that thing will kill you"
•"I am not a child"
•"No, you are my assistant, I don't want my workshop full of smoke"
"I'll tell your wife"
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nitewrighter · 1 year
I don't know or remember if anyone ever requested any interactions between these two before but, any Lifeweaver and Ana interactions? Just, I really wanna see my two favourite supports interact man, especially since just, I love the idea of Sniper Grandma, vibing with my beloved plant husbando, talking about the best way to wrangle the other kids together and exchanging world views all over a cup o' tea all the while exchanging tea blends. Especially since one is this extroverted sweet summer child who unless he's thorning you in the face is primarily just there to help the team out as benevolently as possible. While the other is this sweet lil old lady who is also a grounded introvert and hardened war vet turned bounty hunter that shoots you in the ass with a power boost before yeeting you back into the field with a "YOU'RE POWERED UP GET IN THERE" to cause carnage to the enemy team and a good bit of confused screaming. Just I wanna see them interact so bad. The idea of it just sounds so interesting! And possibly really wholesome.
I think all of Ana's interactions have the potential for such richness, but Blizzard keeps on having her go with this 'Youth is wasted on the young' script--which like you know that's part of her character but there's so much potential for more.
LifeWeaver: Modifying a weapon into tool of healing... It's quite admirable.
Ana: *chuckle* Oh you weren't here when Angela saw the rifle for the first time. She did not share your sentiment.
Ana: Hmm... let me guess... raised rich, good heart, rebellious streak, now cut off from Mummy's money, trying to make a name for yourself by fighting the good fight?
LifeWeaver: That's... a cutting assessment. You could tell all that just from looking?
Ana: Well that, and your Interpol dossier.
LifeWeaver: I've heard a lot about you, Captain Amari. It really is an honor to fight alongside you.
Ana: Hm. Never imagined 'Captain Amari' would be that popular with the hippie crowd.
LifeWeaver: Ooh, I'm 'the hippie crowd?' I always thought I looked good in paisley...
LifeWeaver: So Overwatch never looked into Vishkar? The curfews, the labor violations, the espionage, the cultishness, the lasers...?
Ana: Overwatch in its prime would fearlessly take down Titan-class Omnics--Corporate lawyers? Not so much.
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76istracersdad · 1 year
plants - 3.2k words, incomplete
ft. a lot of jack comparing himself to lena and feeling guilty about it, speculation about the slipstream & overwatch's involvement in it, and government coverups
hi all - i figured i'd start posting some of the fic i've written over the years to make this a better archive. note - none of these are complete :(
this one is titled just "plants" and was written late 2020. i think i was aiming for an overarching theme of perennials vs annual plants (ie ones that last and ones that die to put it bluntly) thus some of the plant based commentary.
only change i've made is cassidy's name.
Lena Oxton is, by far, the best candidate for the Slipstream. Her test scores are perfect across the board, her commanding officers give glowing reviews of her abilities and all mention her natural aptitude for taking on challenges, and leadership abilities that shine despite her position as a non-commissioned officer. Despite the flight program not technically being under Jack Morrison’s command, he is currently the highest ranking officer in Switzerland right now, and Director Petras wants to give this ace pilot a warm welcome. And neither he nor Ana Amari, his second-in-command and the woman sitting directly to his right, know anything about this mysterious pilot.
“They didn’t even give us her age,” Ana comments idly, legs crossed at the ankles and fingers tapping on the table. “She could be older than you, Jack.”
“I thought you said that was impossible?” Jack tosses back, smirking a bit despite the uncomfortable situation they’re both in. First meetings in any military-esque organization are rarely actually first impressions, due to the personnel files stored on anyone who’s ever so much as sneezed on a recruiter. He runs a hand through his grey hair, thinning and receding at the front. Ana’s has gone grey as well. Gabe, the lucky bastard, is the only one out of the three of them to even have a hint of his original hair color left, and he shaves most of it off and sticks a beanie on top just to spite them.
Jack’s pulled out of his musings by the sound of a knock on the office door, and he and Ana stand up straight. “Come on in,” Jack says, a little unprofessional and hits the button to open the door.
Lena Oxton is, in fact, not older than Jack or Ana. Ana stiffens a bit next to Jack when she sees the younger girl, smiling wide and walking confidently in RAF service dress, two chevrons on her arms denoting corporal rank. Her hat is tucked underneath her arm, and the sergeant who walked her here nods and salutes to Jack. Jack nods back at him, and he takes his leave. It’s a meeting just between the corporal and Overwatch, after all.
“Good morning Strike-Commander Morrison, Captain Amari,” Lena Oxton says, maybe out of turn but her eagerness and the sharp salute she gives them, all with a cheerful grin on her face, makes Jack let it go.
“At ease, Corporal,” Jack says, waving his hand and motioning towards a chair across the table from him and Ana. Ana is still silent next to him, and it’s only from years of service together does he know that she’s silently furious. He hasn’t let himself feel any anger yet, and instead pulls a notepad out from underneath the limited files he has on Oxton. Clicking his pen once, he gives her a small smile and says, “I have to say, you’re not exactly who we were expecting.”
Lena smiles wider, back straight but legs kicking in the seat a bit. “I get that a lot,” she admits, tilting her head. Her hair is short, obviously growing back out from a buzzcut, and is already beginning to show signs of wildness. It makes Jack wonder how recently she got out of basic training.
Ana’s one step ahead of him as she asks, “When did you become a corporal?”
“Earlier this year,” Lena answers. Ana frowns, and Lena’s posture becomes nervous, looking between Ana’s own displeased face and Jack’s clearly shocked one. “They streamlined me, sir, they said because of natural aptitude. I’m far from the youngest enlisted.”
“How old are you?” Jack asks, a bit afraid of the answer. The RAF would know better than to send them a child. Cassidy was strictly kept off the battlefield and not given an official position until six months after he turned eighteen, all at Reyes’ hand. Even then, it made them all uneasy. Jack and Gabe knew too much about being selected for a special program when they were too young to understand everything that was going on behind the scenes, blinded by patriotism and the concept of being special. They were eighteen then, too.
“Eighteen, sir, as of a few months ago,” Lena replies, grin gone and face now matching the solemn feeling of the room, although she doesn’t seem to understand it. She looks as if she wants to argue for her case, prove her worthiness, tell them to give her a chance and let her show her skills, thinking they might reject her because of naivety. Neither of them doubt her skills, though, and neither does Director Petras, who all but ordered Jack to approve this girl for the Slipstream.
The rest of the interview goes normally, with Oxton thanking them effusively when Jack tells her the position is hers. Jack knows this was all orchestrated over their heads when she tells him the RAF already shipped her belongings over to Zurich. They insist on walking Oxton over to her new quarters, where her room is designated by a fresh new nameplate and a singular cardboard box on the desk inside.
“Wicked,” she says, looking around the room, and then turning back to them and saluting crisply. “I’ll do my best here, Strike-Commander, Captain!” She promises, and Jack just nods and gives her a thin smile as he and Ana walk away. It’s not until they’re in Jack’s office again does Ana speak.
“She’s younger than Fareeha when she left home, for goodness’ sake!” Ana yells, Jack sitting in the office chair and looking thoughtfully at the personnel files. Mysteriously, they only showed up when Jack had approved Oxton for the Slipstream position. Ana reads them over his shoulder, flipping the page before he finishes, making him look up at her, annoyed.
“Listen to this. Lena Oxton, age eighteen. Applied for the Royal Air Force when she was fifteen, Jack. Fifteen. Enlisted as early as she possibly could.”
Jack rubs at his eyes tiredly, already resigned to the whole situation. Petras already strong armed everyone into it, and it seems like he has the backing of the United Kingdom.
“I know that, Jack.” Was he speaking out loud? “What I’m saying is, she’s maybe not the youngest person to ever be drafted for Overwatch, she is the youngest one enlisted on base right now.” Ana frowns, sitting down on the desk across from Jack and sighing. “I just don’t like it.”
“Me neither. But it seems like it's gone above our heads, again,” Jack grumbles, running a hand through his hair again and leaning back in the chair. “Best we can do is offer a support system. Maybe introduce her to Cassidy.”
The conversation switches to a less disheartening topic, from the new recruit to old friends and their new updates. After an hour or so, Ana excuses herself to go to dinner, chiding Jack lightly and reminding him to eat. After threatening to set Angela on him, she leaves, the door shutting quietly behind her. Jack gathers up Lena Oxton’s scattered files and reviews them again, this time without Ana grabbing the papers out of his hands.
The majority of it is test results in more detail, seemingly to justify choosing Oxton over a more experienced candidate. They even included her high school transcript, which shows a fairly average student before it stops abruptly, replaced with military academy grades. It shouldn’t surprise him. The United Kingdom had increased their recruitment rates for the Omnic Crisis and continued to take on new recruits after it ended.
At the very end of the file are photos from various points of Oxton’s career. The most recent was only taken a few days ago, Oxton giving a half-smile at the camera. The oldest two are most striking, however. They seem to show a before-and-after: in the before, Lena Oxton scowls at the camera, head half-shaved and hair dyed white. The after shows her, still scowling, in a military academy uniform with a nearly-bare head. The pictures give him more insight into Oxton than any of her official records do.
Jack makes a note to himself to talk to Lena Oxton before she leaves the base for the Slipstream project. 
Of course, he never gets that opportunity. It isn’t until a week after the Slipstream incident that Jack gets to read the report. One pilot missing in action. One teleportation matrix currently being searched for. The scientists note that the chances of finding the matrix are likely, due to the magnetic fields or whatever the technobabble is, but that the fate of Lena Oxton is completely unknown.
“It’s none of your concern, Commander Morrison,” Director Petras tells him over the phone. “Research and development isn’t your jurisdiction.”
Jack grits his teeth. “I understand that, Director.”
“Great. I know I don’t need to remind you that the Slipstream project is highly classified. As such, our official stance is that there was no experimental flight program, no test flights, and no missing pilots. Understand?”
Jack stays silent as he thinks. He thinks about a twenty year-old young man laying in a hospital bed in a classified military hospital. He thinks about the way the injections made him feel like he was burning from the inside out. He thinks about seeing doctors wheeling covered bodies to the morgue, whispering about another failed subject. He thinks about being told to never speak of it again.
“Of course, Director,” Jack says, and the phone line goes dead.
He hasn’t forgotten the lifeless bodies in the beds next to him. He doubts he’ll forget Lena Oxton, either.
They recover Slipstream’s flight recorder two weeks after the crash, one week after the gag order is placed. In the audio recorded by the cockpit voice recorder, Lena Oxton speaks clearly and confidently, reporting all signals normal.
“Order received,” she says, her voice tinny. “Activating teleportation matrix in fifteen seconds.” And then, almost too quiet for the recorder to pick up, Oxton says, “This ought to be fun!”
A few moments pass before Oxton speaks up again and announces the activation of the teleportation matrix. Harsh static follows, and the recording ends.
Morrison isn’t sure if the hint of a scream before the static is real or just his guilty conscience.
Lena Oxton was never a part of Overwatch, officially, so Jack Morrison has no flags to place over caskets and no next of kin to inform - not that Oxton had any, he remembers grimly.
There were no flags or ceremony for Soldier: 75, the teenager in the bed next to him who cried out in the night, whose bed was empty when Soldier: 76 woke up in the morning. Jack hadn’t even known his name. He hadn’t even thought of him for decades.
That night, when he sleeps, he dreams of the soldier enhancement program for the first time in years. In his dreams, Lena Oxton is wheeled out of Jack’s room, her still body covered by a white sheet. The doctors tell him not to think about it, tell him that the bed next to him was always empty. The doctors tell him to forget.
Ana brings it up first, when they’re sitting alone in his office. Jack has his hands folded and pressed against his face. Someone who didn’t know him would assume he was praying.
“We failed her,” Ana says. Jack doesn’t look up. “What are you going to do about it, Jack?”
“There’s nothing I can do,” Jack replies without looking up. “She accepted the position. She knew the risks. This is what happens in war.” 
“I know that. It doesn’t make it any less wrong,” Ana retorts. She’s been a soldier longer than he has. There’s another long pause.
“After I had Fareeha, I fought so she wouldn’t have to,” Ana says. “I thought that she could grow up in a time of peace. I hoped that she would become something - anything besides a soldier. I failed her too.”
“Fareeha made her own decision. She knew the risks. This is what happens in war, Ana -” Jack repeats, but Ana cuts him off.
“What war, Jack? What war are we fighting?” Ana stands and moves to leave. “The Crisis is over. You and I and Gabe each have the medals to prove it. So why are our kids soldiers?” She hesitates by the door. “We failed them, Jack.”
The door slides shut behind her. 
Lena Oxton doesn’t let any of them forget her.
The Slipstream’s teleportation matrix is found after months of searching, with some reclusive new signals expert named Winston apparently being the one to pinpoint its location. Within a week of its return, the scientists note chronal anomalies surrounding it and place it in an asymptotically timelike chamber in the Swiss base specially designed during the beginning of the Slipstream experiments. 
Jack takes a moment to scrub at his eyes, squints at the page, and skims over the next few dozen lines of equations. He respects the scientists, but he wishes he knew how to ask them to dumb their reports down without coming across as dismissive. He flips the page and begins to skim over the paragraphs when he reads:
Upon reactivation of the chamber, the pilot previously assumed killed in action, Lena Oxton - callsign Tracer - reappeared, though she exhibited many anomalies that could not completely be contained by the chamber. 
Five more pages of analysis follow. The report concludes by stating that Dr. Ziegler and the scientist from earlier, Winston, have been assigned to her case.
Jack goes back and rereads the paragraph. He rereads it again.
“Athena, where is the, ah, asymptomatic timelike chamber?” He asks out loud.
“The asymptotic time chamber is located on level 2B, wing E,” Athena replies.
Jack sprints the entire way there.
They make her speak at his funeral in Arlington.
He’s watching from a distance, hacked into some security livestream via drone, less than a mile from the actual thing. All the old heroes of Overwatch, the ones alive, anyways, are gathering around his grave. The sun is shining brightly. He can see Reinhardt sweating in his old Overwatch formal dress. Jack Morrison’s glad it doesn’t rain for his funeral, because it would just be another nail in the empty coffin.
Lena’s been made to speak. It makes sense that they would - the funeral is popularized by the media, with Overwatch’s downfall and the scandals that led up to the explosion, why wouldn’t it be? He wonders where she’s going after the Petras Act, the heroic law that saves the world from any other superheroes trying to do good and fucking up the planet more than it already is, goes into effect. For now, she’s still the golden child, the posterboy of Overwatch, for better or for worse. He’s read his own slander. He can’t bring himself to read anyone else’s.
“He was an excellent commander.” A goddamn lie. He couldn’t run a military company for his life. Maybe he was charismatic enough on the field, enough of a solid figure in a rapidly shifting war-torn field, to be considered for Strike-Commander, but it blew up in his face. He touches the lesions that are just starting to heal, ugly stripes breaking his facial features. Blew up in his face, alright.
Lena’s never sounded ungenuine in her life. She quips advice sometimes, to whoever she feels needs it at the moment, never sounding haughty or out of line. Even now, when she’s spouting lies that he’s sorry she believes, she has the conviction of someone announcing the sky is blue and the grass is green. “He was a mentor to me, personally, after the Slipstream Incident. I could have gone back to civilian life, but he inspired me. I wanted to make the world a better place. Jack Morrison helped me learn how it could be done.”
He tunes out. Stays on the drone’s line for hours, waiting for anyone to say anything about Gabe. He’s not sure why he cares so much. Morbid curiosity? Looking for revenge? Nothing interesting turns up until it’s late into the night, and the motion-activated camera has been off for hours. Its night vision spins on quickly, and Jack sits up, studying the footage.
There’s a small figure standing in front of his gravestone, a baggy hoodie barely concealing the light of a chronal accelerator. Lena’s changed out of her formalwear and is back in front of Jack’s grave, obviously trying to stay hidden. The drone picks up every word she says, and though he can’t see her face, the tears are obvious in her voice.
“I hate you,” Lena says, voice shaky as she lowers herself to sit on the ground. “...I don’t mean that. I hate...I don’t know what I hate. But I hate this situation, and I hate Director Petras, and,” her voice cracks, but she continues, “I hate that you’re gone.” Silence for a few more moments as she picks at the grass around his grave, then picks up the flowers someone had left there and inspects them. “You would’ve hated these,” she says. “This is an annual. One year and it’s gone.” She picks at the petals absentmindedly, voice still thick. “Y’know, I’m coming up on my first year as an active field agent. Streamlined me so fast, people seem to think I’ve been here for years. I think being new is the only thing that’s keeping me from being demonized in the news, like you.” Jack shakes his head. He deserves what they’re saying about him, and more. But he can’t tell Lena that. She drops the flower and stares ahead at the gravestone, not saying anymore for a few more minutes, just crying quietly to herself. Sometimes she starts to say something, but breaks off. It’s not until a car pulls up to the road nearby, and Angela comes out, pausing by the car door as Lena whips around to look at her.
“Listen, C’mander…” Lena begins again, standing up and tugging the hoodie firmer around herself. “I told you about my shit family and all, but, ah.” Jack watches Angela walking closer, his own throat growing tight at the words coming out of Lena’s mouth. He doesn’t want to hear them. Doesn’t want to disappoint anyone else.
She says them anyways. “In the end, I had a pretty good one. I don’t think tossing pulse bombs at me to teach me not to drop them counts as catch in the park, but what the hell would I know?” Lena shifts where she stands, digging a heel into the dirt. “For what it’s worth...I would have liked to call you dad.” The last bit comes out almost silent, almost too quiet for the drone to capture and almost too quiet for anyone but a supersoldier to hear. Angela comes up to Lena and wraps her in a hug, and Lena loses it again, crying into her shoulder.
“Oh, liebling,” she says, guiding Lena away from the gravestone after pausing for a moment at it. “Come back to the hotel room. Winston’s worried sick about you.”
Jack shuts off his connection to the drone, heading out of Arlington through the shadows.
It takes him months to locate Lena, find where she’s settling into civilian life. With the networking today, it hardly takes any time at all to pick out some perennials and have them sent to her apartment. The hardest part, he thinks, as he clicks the anonymous option, was not having them sent with the message, ‘to my daughter.’
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ya-zz · 3 months
Okay, but, what skins do you have on all the characters in overwatch?
Or ones you want to have but can't get anymore?
ALL OF THEM? .... Here we go. 90% of these skins were from lootboxes in OW1. If i don't play a certain character, I won't buy their skins in OW2 // I'll also put how many skins I own for them. Some have league skins but I'm going off what it says with no filters. With Cassidy, I supposedly have them all, but I am in fact missing four because I didn't want to buy them in the shop.
D.VA - Varsity // Antifragile Dazzle (21/29)
DOOMFIST - Formal (17/25)
JUNKERQUEEN - Black Metal // Zeus (7/15)
MAUGA - before S11, Bonesplitter, now is the Port-De-Paix (3/7)
ORISA - Forest Spirit (18/25)
RAMATTRA - Wandering Monk // Poseidon (23/23) // Has league skins
REINHARDT - Greifhardt // Lieutenant Wilhelm (20/30)
ROADHOG - Mako (17/28)
SIGMA - Maestro (17/22)
WINSTON - Lab Technician (19/24)
WRECKING BALL - Submarine (20/27)
ZARYA - Apocalypse (14/23)
ASHE - Calamity Empress (14/26) // I don't like the others I have unlocked
BASTION - Overgrown // Antique (24/27)
CASSIDY - Blackwatch or Deadlock (32/32)
ECHO - Good and Evil // Moth (14/21)
GENJI - Happi (21/32) // I spent way too long earning the tokens for this skin
HANZO - Scion (24/32)
JUNKRAT - Beachrat (13/27)
MEI - Honeydew (18/28)
PHARAH - Hades (16/29)
REAPER - Blackwatch (25/30)
SOJOURN - Vigilante (3/14)
SOLDIER: 76 - Strike Commander Morrison // Formal: 76 (24/31)
SOMBRA - Antifragile Slay Star (16/26)
SYMMETRA - Oasis (18/29)
TORBJORN - Chopper (17/27)
TRACER - Adventurer (24/32)
VENTURE - Overwatch 2 (0/4) // Don't play them, don't come for me
WIDOWMAKER - Dryad // Black Lily (25/35)
ANA - Nighthawker // Captain Amari // A-7000 Wargod (25/30)
BAPTISTE - Formalwear (12/23)
BRIGITTE - Sparkplug // Antifragile BB (15/24)
ILLARI - Nightraven (4/11)
KIRIKO - Antifragile Kira-Kira (6/15)
LIFEWEAVER - Cassia (4/12)
LUCIO - Poison Dart // Jazzy (19/30)
MERCY - Dr. Ziegler // 2019 Atlantic All-Stars (24/32)
MOIRA - Blackwatch (19/26)
ZENYATTA - Kaiju // Toybot // Takoyaki // Bathmaster // Z-3N Destroyer (32/37) // Currently working on getting the others because they're credits, not coins
There's characters that I rarely play, only in MH or some shit, so for characters like Doomfist, most of his skins are from the bp or lootboxes. As I mentioned at the start, I don't buy skins for characters that I don't play - like the lifeguard skins coming out, I love them, but I don't play the characters, so why should I buy them? Saving them credits for items for the ones I do play.
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sleepyfaequeen · 2 years
Nécessairement mal
Tumblr media
Widowmaker x reader
Summary: You are just like her.
Pairing: Widowmaker x reader
Warning(s): death?
Song: Problème d'émotion by Igorrr
A/n; I really hope you guys like this. Please comment and give me some ❤️!
There was just something about you that caught Amélie's eyes. Perhaps it was the fact you were also brainwashed to work for Talon. She found it funny that history was repeating itself before her eyes. In a way, a part of her despised the organization for it. Still, she knew that small feelings like this were meant to be hidden if she wanted to avoid repeating history for herself.
Amélie watched you with interest as you made your shots. They were enough to scare anyone on the receiving end and loud enough to even make her shudder with mirth. (Y/n) were trained by the best from Overwatch, Ana Amari. Talon had managed to take you during a mission, and she wasn't there, but she heard from Sombra that it made the old Captain's heart break. Widowmaker couldn't and wouldn't mind seeing them react to what they've done to you.
"Miss Widowmaker?" She looks down at you from your laying position as you held the sniper rifle in position. "What.. was the target, again?" You looked calm and stoic but Widowmaker can see the cracks. Just like her, you were slowly crawling out of your confinement. She can see that glint of you being scared to ask. Had the scientist, Moira, been there, she would've not answered so.. kind.
"It's the one with the dark hoodie." With her heel, she lifts your chin and has you face the scope. Her amber eyes looked towards the old soldier with an amused glint in her eyes as she knew this man's very life would end in seconds.
She looks towards you again and frowns. You're very gloved hands held the trigger were hesitating. Shaking.
These cracks were the very thing that let Widowmaker know you were still there, just as she was.
"What's taking so long?" She looks behind her to see Reaper approaching, her own hand rest on her hip as she looks towards you and the target. Her eyes meeting yours as she could feel that same attraction when you take your shots.
"It takes time for the right shot." She said with an annoyed glare towards the ex-Overwatch agent.
"Just get it over with." He said with a growl as he glared down at you. Amélie never liked how he was behind you, watching you when clearly that was her own interest.
"Fais-le." She said.
The single shot had her almost sigh with content as she watched the old Overwatch agent fall. "There content?" She could care less if Reaper was glaring daggers at her behind that mask.
As he left with the other agents below to steal the documents, she turned to watch as you stood up and slung your weapon over your shoulder. Just as you were going to walk to the airship she stopped you.
"Je sais que tu craques." It seemed like it wasn't enough at first to stop you but you did.
"De petites erreurs peuvent être corrigées.." Hearing you speak the same language made her quite curious why you took up French. "Avez-vous l'intention d'en parler à quelqu'un?" This question had her smirk as she looked at your face. Still so stoic despite having your little secret on her very lips. You were at her mercy. That's how she really liked things to be.
French Translations:
Fais-le = Do it.
Je sais que tu craques = I know you're cracking up.
De petites erreurs peuvent être corrigées. = Small mistakes can be fixed.
Avez-vous l'intention d'en parler à quelqu'un = Do you plan to tell someone?
Non = No.
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ask-overwatch-heroes · 10 months
Captain Amari, your rifle looks to be rather old. Why not go with something newer? Any particular reasons?
- 🐰 anon, back from the dead
Ana: Fitting you would come to me after returning from the dead.
Once you've had a weapon long enough, you get used to its quirks and how it feels. It's hard to get used to anything new. And, it would cost even more when you factor in all the attachments.
Pharah: Yeah, wouldn't want it eating into your retirement funds.
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hotpinkrathian · 10 months
Bringing to you something nobody asked for
Ouihaw soccer AU starring Ashe Caledonia, team Captain for the Colorado Bandit's, and Amèlie Lacroix, the goal-kicking legend of the Scalex Spectres.
The women of overwatch 2 in a Ted-Lasso like showdown of who is the hot- I mean who is the best team.
Colorado Bandit's: Ashe Caledonia, Angela Ziegler, Lena Oxton, Brigitte Lindholm, Vivian Chase and Pharah Amari
Scalex Spectre's: Hana Song, Olivia Colomar, Amèlie Lacroix, Kiriko Kamori, Satya Vaswani and Dez Stone
And of course, the game is commentator on by an elite group of hosts; Ana, Zarya, and Baptiste.
AND there's already 2 chapters on AO3. Link and synopsis below
Bandit's Vs Spectres
It's the first game of the season, and the Colorado Bandits are set to play a new team entering the American Soccer League- the Scalex Spectres- a "corporately" sponsored team with players from all over the globe. The new team captain of the Colorado Bandits has her work cut out for her as it is, but she soon realizes that her adversaries are a lot more competent than she's prepared for. And a lot hotter than she was prepared for.
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ollythepikman · 1 year
My fav overwatch skins for each character
D.Va: Junebug, White cat
Doomfist: swampmonster
Junkerqueen: plutonium
Orisa: reindeer, forest spirt
Ramattra: wandering monk
Reinhardt: greifhardt
Roadhog: toxic, Mako
Sigma: prophet
Winston: gargoyle, safari
Wrecking ball: junker, snowball
Zarya: workout
Ashe: poolside, little red
Bastion: antique
Cassidy: lifeguard, blackwatch, mountain man
Echo: moth, surf’s up
Genji: blackwatch, sparrow, young Genji
Hanzo: scion, young Hanzo, wave
Junkrat: beachrat
Mei: honeydew, Luna
Pharah: asp, raindancer
Reaper: solider24, blackwatch Reyes, el blanco
Sojourn: captain chases
Solider76 (ace): slasher76, grillmaster 76
Sombra: Los muertos, neon cat, virus
Symmetra: Devi, goddess, magician
Trobjörn: Blackbeard
Tracer: nezha, Mach T
Widowmaker: Côte d’Azur, rose, pale serpent
Ana: captain Amari, snow owl, sniper, wastelander
Baptiste: tropical, talon,
Brigitte: vampire hunter, ironclad, opera
Illari: daybreak, chumpi
Kiriko: sukajan, take
Lifeweaver: amsonia, magnolia, orchid
Lúcio: equalizer, jazzy, poison dart
Mercy: witch, winged victory, pink mercy
Moira: glam, moon
Zenyatta: zealot
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