#captain swash
marnz · 8 months
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🗣️ let’s gooooo!!!!
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mccallhero · 5 months
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favourite ouat scenes: 39/?
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cool-as-steel · 6 months
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the master of ballantrae is a certainly a book and the errol flynn movie thereof is. Also A Movie You Can Watch. it is the ourflagmeansdeathification of master of ballantrae even.
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malarkgirlypop · 9 months
MEDIC! - 2nd Part (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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I have absolutely no patience... so here is the next part because I'm not a tease and I won't make you wait hehe. I have a lot more I might post everyday until I run out! Because like I said, no patience in my body! Also the main love is Malarkey but I have a problem and make everyone all love the OC. I'M SORRY I CAN'T NOT!! Warning is a slow burn I'm sorry I have ideas in my head and so things can't happen in the timeline without the ideas. I have to have everything ahhhhh. Anyway enjoy!
People step out of the way as the tall man pushes us through the crowd, we reach another soldier dressed in the same uniform. 
“Captain Winters, Sir!” The man's low voice carries over the commotion of the crowd, Captain Winters who is talking to another soldier turns his attention towards us. 
“Yes?” Winters replies. 
“Sir, we have a field nurse who is here somehow by herself?” The man says from behind me. I watch Winters glance over to me then back to the man.
“Sergeant Randleman there are no field nurses here and there are none meant to arrive.” Winters appears just as confused as the man, who’s name apparently is Randleman, was when I spoke to him first. Winters steps closer to me. Reading my name badge that is pinned to my top. 
“Emily Lane?” He looks at me for confirmation.  
“Yes,” I pause looking up at Winters, “Sir?” I feel compelled to also call him Sir since everyone is saying it. 
“How did you get here?” Winters asks. I let out a chuckle. I have been wondering the same thing. I sober myself when Winters gives me a confused look. I probably look crazy standing here laughing to myself. I go to open my mouth to say, oh I don’t know I was pulled through a portal of some sorts, but that coming out of my mouth in this situation might not be the best idea. My mind races. How the hell do I explain this? I open and close my mouth, Winters frowns at me squinting his eyes as if daring me to speak. 
“I, uh…” I start to say. Think! Think of something to say, these men are looking at me like I’m crazy.
“Emily, how did you get to Holland?” Winters asks again, pushing me for an answer.
“HOLLAND?!” I blurt before my brain can catch up. The two men seem shocked by my outburst. I cover my mouth with my hand before anything else can come out of my mouth. 
The two men share a look, I glance from one to the other. “Bull, why don’t you take Emily here to see Doc, she seems to be in shock.” Winters takes my shoulder turning me back to the care of Randleman aka Bull apparently. 
I am once again being pushed through the crowd by Bull. People are still dancing and cheering, a man approaches with his eyes closed and lips puckered out steering straight for me, I flinch back, my arms coming up to deflect the incoming kiss, a nervous laugh bubbles from my lips. I look back at Bull trying to gauge if he just saw that as well. He leans close to me, “They’re celebrating.” 
“I can see that.” I watch other soldiers move through the crowd; they are swarmed, being hugged and kissed as they walk. 
“What are they celebrating?” I ask. 
“The Germans have left, they are liberated.” he answers, still moving us through the crowd. 
The Germans? 
We stop at a commotion in the road, a woman next to us is grabbed by two men. They violently rip off her dress, I gasp moving forward to try and help her but Bull’s grip remains firm. I turn to face him showing my distress, “It’s not our business darlin’.” 
I continue to watch, spotting other women stripped of their clothes and their hair has been cut. The woman that was next to me cries out as a man with scissors hacks her hair. A lady is dragged by us with a symbol painted on her forehead, I step back into Bull realising what that symbol is. My hands shake and my chest heaves, the world spins. A swash sticker is painted onto the foreheads of other ladies. 
Where am I? What is going on?
“You alright there lil’ lady?” Bull notices my panic, holding me up as my legs almost give way. 
“What is the date today Bull?” I pant, my eyes darting around. I’m wrong, this is a reenactment of some sorts. This isn’t happening. 
“Well today is the 16th of September.” Bull replies looking confused, his cigar hanging from his teeth as he speaks. My breath leaves me in a short huff as the answer did not comfort me at all. 
“The year, Bull?” I ask, my words holding an ounce of hope that was soon to be extinguished as he opened his mouth to speak once more. 
“Why 1944, of course.” He says matter-of-factly, his eyebrows pulled down over his eyes even more, his expression mimicking a mix of confusion and concern as he looks at my face, trying to gauge my thoughts.
“1944?” I choke out. NO NO NO NO. I try to catch my breath, steady my heart rate but it’s no use. Black dots dance around my vision. Panic rises in my chest, my stomach twists. I spin around looking for the portal I came from. Where was it? 
“Emily take a breath.” Bull’s muffled voice says in my ear. I shake my head pushing away from him. I stagger backwards hitting people as I go. Bull follows closely, holding out his hands to catch me. This has to be some sick dream? That's right, this is a dream! I raise my hand striking it to my cheek, it stings but I am still here. Bull looks at me shocked by my actions, I raise my hand again readying myself for another blow, harder this time. My hand is caught mid-air, my other hand also captured by a very concerned Bull. 
“Bull,” I say very seriously, “I need you to hit me.”
“Hit you?” Bull questions. “I’m not going to hit you darlin’.” He keeps my hands in his, I’m sure he’s worried what I will do next if I have free reign of my hands again.  
“Bull, Emily.” Winters appears next to Bull, he glances at the position that Bull and I are in. “As you were.” He says bewildered, moving forward with the rest of the soldiers. Bull pulls me towards him, tucking me under his arm and following Winters through the crowd. I don’t struggle, I march forward like a zombie, my brain has officially shut off leaving me detached from reality. In my mind I am back in my apartment, making dinner and then sitting down to watch a show then crawling into bed to get up and do the same thing the next day.   
After some walking we leave the crowd behind moving away from the town, Bull continues to follow the rest of the soldiers still having me tucked under his arm like an injured bird. I don’t talk, I listen as the soldiers banter, most of what they say makes no sense to me. Dusk falls quickly, the group makes camp on the side of the road we have been walking for the day. I get given food and water, I slowly sip my water but I give my food to Bull, my stomach is still twisted in knots. I know none of it will stay down. Bull asks if I am sure to which I nod, he takes the food from me and quickly eats. None of the other soldiers seem to pay much attention to me, I guess since I have been so quiet and mostly hidden behind Bull for most of the day they didn’t see me. My white uniform top is now dirty and sweaty, my feet hurt from the constant walking. I'm sure I have blisters on the backs of my heels. A hand taps my shoulder, I jump swinging around to see Winters standing over me. “Emily, I need you to come with me. You too Bull.” Bull stands quickly following orders, I stand slowly and trail behind the two. We make our way through the makeshift camp, only one tent is pitched, the rest of the men are sprawled out on the grass under the stars, quietly chatting to each other. We make our way to the tent, Bull and Winters disappear inside. A thought crosses my mind, run, while no one is looking, run back to the town, find the portal and forget what you saw. I freeze glancing around the dark land that seems to sprawl for miles. No, something in my gut tells me I need to stay with these men, if I run I could find much worse. I shuffle my feet following the men into the tent. As I enter Bull and Winters sit at a table that has a map pinned to it. 
“Emily, we radioed command and there is no record of a field nurse by your name.” Winters looks up at me, I still stand wringing my hands in front of me. I wrack my brain for an explanation. 
“I’m independent, Sir.” I state. 
“Independent?” Winters hums. “And how did you get to Holland?” 
“I was signing up to be a field nurse in England, when I heard whispers of Paratroopers making their next jump into Holland. I also heard they had only a few medics, so I figured I would meet you in Holland and join you and your men, Sir.” I lie through my teeth. I keep my stare steady, and my body language relaxed to make my lies more believable. 
“Why were you so frantic in the town then?” Winters asks. 
“I got turned around in the crowd, Sir. I was worried I had missed my opportunity to join you. I was trying to tell Sergeant Randleman but I seemed to have confused him.” I glance at Bull, he watches me closely. 
“Why did you ask for the date? Specifically the year?” Winters continues with his interrogation. 
“Well I was tired from all my travels, I had fallen asleep at the place I was staying, when I awoke I was unsure of how much time had passed, since I didn’t want to miss your arrival. I felt like I had slept for years.” I internally cringe at how easily the lies roll off my tongue but I need to ensure I stay with this group.    
Winters pauses thinking about my explanation. He looks towards Bull as if trying to read his mind, they share a glance as I watch them. I catch my bottom lip between my teeth chewing on it nervously. 
“Well Emily we do need more medics. Have you been trained?” Winters turns back to me raising his eyebrows as he speaks. 
“Yes, well no technically. I am in my last semester of training, I only have a couple of months left.” I say. 
Winters brows draw together. “I guess that’s good enough, we are desperate.” he sighs, leaning back in his chair.  
“But you haven’t been trained in combat?” He continues. 
“No, Sir. I am medically trained but have not been on the frontline. I understand not all medics carry a firearm, and are just there to help the wounded.” I answer. 
“That’s correct. Well I cannot prepare you for what you are going to see on the frontline, and you understand Emily that you could also die on the front. There is no guarantee for your survival.” His strong stare pins me to the ground, I gulp. I have seen war movies, most of which I had to watch through my hands. I hated seeing the men being blown to pieces and shot down. 
But this wasn’t a movie. I couldn’t watch through my hands, I was here on the front fighting against the Nazis. The thought hadn’t sunk in. How much danger my life was currently in, like Winters said there is no guarantee for my life. But what is my life? Is this it? Stuck here in 1944? Or when the war is over, if I make it through, do I find another portal? Is there another portal? It’s strange to think how quickly it all got turned upside down, this isn’t a dream, I’m stuck in a time where I do not belong.  
I pull myself from my spiralling mind. “I understand Sir.” I say firmly, holding my ground, making my words as believable as I can. 
Winters stands a small smile spread across his face, he reaches his hand out to me, “Welcome to Easy Company Emily Lane.” I take his hand gripping firmly with a single shake he releases me. 
“Bull, get Miss Lane here some proper attire and supplies.” Winters turns to look at Bull who is already nodding and making his way out of the tent. I follow Bull as he holds the tent flap up for me to walk under. I follow him from behind, having to take double steps for his every one, he grabs things from piles, rummaging through bags, he turns holding up a shirt measuring it to my body. 
“Seems you’ll fit the small.” He says, a new cigar is hanging from his teeth. I follow him as he grabs things and passes them back to me, by the time we are done I can hardly see where I am going. “Oof” I grunt walking into something hard. 
“Hey, watch it tiny.” A man says in a thick philly accent. 
“Oh I’m sorry.” I say peeking out from behind the mountain of gear in my arms.     
“Aye, who are you?” he squints trying to get a better look at me in the dark. 
The group of men that stand around with him also pique interest, five pairs of eyes land on me. 
“Are you lost?” The man I bumped into speaks again. 
“No, not lost.” I say, staring back at him. 
“She’s our new medic.” Bull speaks from behind me. “Are these boys hassling you Lane?” He leans forward but says it loud enough for the group to hear. 
I look over my shoulder at him and smile. “No, they aren’t giving me any trouble, but I think I could take them if I wanted.” Bull lets out a laugh, patting me on my back. 
“You’re going to be trouble Lane, I can already tell.” He chuckles. “How about I introduce you to these men before you try and fight them all?” I smile up at him. 
“This right here is Bill Guarnere,” he points to the man I walked into. “And that is John Martin, but everyone calls him Johnny.” Martin raises his hand giving a small wave, I smile back politely. “And that there is Joseph Liebgott, George Luz, Webster and Donald Malarkey.” Small hello’s and hi are said as they are introduced. They all look basically the same in the dark in the same uniforms, and I have no hope I am going to remember anyone's names. 
“Hi I’m Emily Lane, but everyone calls me Emmy.” I say semi waving my hand from under the pile of clothes I am holding. 
“Emmy, what on earth are you doing here?” the man who I believe to be George Luz says smiling. 
“Well I heard you needed medics so, here I am.” I let out an awkward laugh. “I better go get changed, but I guess I will see you around?” I cringe, when was it hard to talk to a group of men? 
Luz chuckles, “I’m sure we will Emmy.” a cheeky grin forms on his face. I don’t know what that smile means but I move quickly to find somewhere to get changed. I feel the men watch me as I go, I hear them fall back into conversation once I am out of view. 
I turn around looking for a place to change, in front of me a field spans out with trees in the distance, behind me the men have made camp and are lying in the grass, huddling around in groups talking. I turn in a circle, trying to find the best spot. There are trucks parked on the grass but men sit in them as well.
“Emily.” Someone calls from behind me, I whip around to see a tall man standing in the shadows, I glance down at his arm a white band on his sleeve shows the red cross, the sign for medic.
“You must be Doc?” I say moving closer to him.  
“I am indeed, I have your medic pack here. Bull told me to give it to you.” He hands over the army green bag with the red cross mark on the front. I take it trying not to drop the clothes I am holding. 
“Thank you, Doc.” I say. 
“Call me Gene.” I nod at his response, “Do you know what is in this bag?” he asks.
“I think so? A powder that stops infections, gauze, scissors, Tourniquet, medical tags, safety pins, tweezers?” I say off the top of my head, I actually have no idea what could be used in the 40's. I am so used to modern medicine, they would have no gloves, no alcohol swabs to disinfect gear.
“That’s about right, but I will let you have a look through by yourself if you have any questions come ask me.” he says turning to leave. 
“Ok, thank you Doc. Sorry Gene.” I say loudly as he walks away. 
“Miss Lane.” I hear from the other side, OMG now what. I turn to see Winters poking his head from the tent. I straighten, this man seems to be in charge here. I can't piss him off. 
“Yes, Sir.” I make my way over to the tent. 
“Emily, are you wanting to change?” he motions his head to the armful of clothing I am carrying.
“Yes please Sir, I couldn’t find anywhere private.” I shuffle forward and into the tent. Winters steps out, closing the flap behind him. I move quickly putting the clothes down on the table, I start by taking off my shoes and socks. Then shimmy my pants down, kicking them to the side. I empty the pocket of my uniform top, my hand grips something cold. I pull it out to inspect it. My mouth drops. No goddamn way! I clutch my phone in my hand, letting out a strangled gasp. 
“Everything ok Emily?” Winters asks from outside the tent. Oh fuck! I thought he left, he’s probably making sure that no one comes in while I change. 
I clear my throat, “fine.” my voice cracks, “I’m fine.” I say in a clearer voice. OMG, OMG, OMG I mouth. How the hell did I not lose this. I tap the screen and almost shriek, it lights up. The time and date have not changed from when I was back in my own time. I open the screen, no bars. Well I would be more surprised if I did get reception. 87% battery, I need to keep this on me, I mean if I go back to my own time I don’t want to have to buy another phone. I power down my phone and place it on the table. I search through my pockets, pairs of medical gloves, I place them down next to the phone. I pull more from my pockets: pens, pencil, a mask, hand sanitiser, omg I could kiss myself for always having the most full pockets. The last thing I pull out is a small black case, I open my earphones to find them sitting in their charging ports, the green light flashes. God I am good, they’re fully charged. But unfortunately I am unsure how long they will last as I can’t power them down like my phone. I place them down on the table as well. I take my name badge and pin on watch off my top as well. 
I quickly get changed into the uniform given to me, leaving on my bra and underwear I slip into the pants doing the belt on the tightest loop so they don’t fall down and a white cotton t-shirt, I pull on my black thick socks and combat boots. The boots are a bit big but if I wear a couple pairs of socks they should be fine. I button up the long sleeve shirt, pulling on my jacket. I tuck the helmet under my arm and the medic kit is slung across my body. I gather the items from my pockets and slip them into my kit for safe keeping. 
“Almost done in there?” Winters asks from outside. 
“Yes Sir.” I reply, the tent flap opens as he walks back in. Winters scans me from head to toe, a small smirk forms on his lips. 
“You forgot one thing.” Winters reaches into his pocket pulling out the red cross band. He gestures for my arm. I reach out my right arm, he steps forward and slides the band up, I look down at him watching him intently. Winters eyes meet mine, I look away quickly embarrassed I was caught staring. Winters laughs softly pulling safety pins from his pocket pinning the band to my sleeve, as he pins the last one I gasp. He looks up worried, scanning my face, “Got you.” I smile, his face cracks into a smile. “Indeed you did.” 
He finishes pinning the band taking a step back to admire his work, I feel my face flush shy from being scrutinised by him. 
“Well now you look the part.” He steps forward again, taking my helmet from under my arm. He gently places it on my head. “You always wear this, you got it?” I nod the helmet falling in front of my eyes from the movement. He chuckles, pushing it back up.  
“Well I think you should show me how good your skills are.” Winters crosses his arms in front of him. 
“My skills?” I am confused. 
“I have a wound on my left leg, ricochet bullet. Gene was going to come dress it but you’re here now.” He sits as he talks, pulling up his pant leg for me to see the wound. I kneel down in front of him to better look at the wound, the lighting in the tent is poor but it will have to do. I pull gear from my medic bag, gauze and a fresh bandage. I pull down his sock to see the affected area better. The bandage on his leg is dirty, blood has seeped through the previous dressing. I look up at him as he watches me. 
“You should be keeping off this, no?” I ask, wondering what the other medic had told him. 
“I mean I can’t really, these men rely on me.” he sighs, he looks tired. I cannot imagine what this man has seen, his face looks young but his eyes hold scarring memories that he will never be able to unsee. 
I remove the bandage on his leg, the wound appears small, and the wound bed appears to be granulating and no slough seems to be present. There appears to be no sign of infection, I press the back of my hand over the area to feel if it is hot to the touch, which it isn’t. There is no sign of erythema around it and the edges are actively healing; they pucker up due to the trauma of the ricocheted bullet entering the skin. 
I feel Winters’ eyes on me as I assess the injury. “Do you have water?” I ask looking around. 
Winters pulls a canteen from his belt, handing it to me. I tip the water from the canteen onto a couple of pieces of gauze. Then pouring the water onto the open wound, “ah.” Winters gasps flinching. 
“Sorry.” I say continuing with my task, I clean the injury itself and around it, to help stop bacteria from entering the wound. I pat the skin dry, I apply the new clean dressing tying it around his leg to secure it. I sit back on my haunches looking up at Winters, he smiles seemingly impressed with my work.          
“So what’s the verdict nurse?” he tilts his head as he asks the question. 
“No sign of infection, which is good. Should be healed soon. It would heal faster if you didn’t walk on it so often but I can compromise with you on that. How about when you have time, you elevate your legs, to help reduce the swelling.” I say gathering my supplies and tighten the lid back onto the canteen before handing it back to him. 
“Well I guess I can do that for you.” he says, taking the canteen from my hands. I stand making my way to the exit. 
“Goodnight Captain Winters.” I say. 
“Dick.” he replies.
“Where?” I exclaim. 
The man looks confused, I stare at him eyes wide. My hand lifts to point at him. 
“Yo..” I mumble. 
“Me.” He says pointing at himself. 
My eyes are big as saucers at this point, what is this man asking me?
“Right now?” I ramble.
“What?” his face scrunches in confusion. I mean he’s cute, but like I just met him. I reach my hands up to my top button undoing one. 
“I mean I guess.” I say slowly unbuttoning my top, unsure if this is the request he just made. 
“Emily what are you doing?” He seems genuinely concerned.
“What am I doing? What are you doing?” I stop unbuttoning, I think I have read this situation very wrong. 
“My name is Dick, Richard Winters.” He states.
My mouth falls open and my cheeks become hot, I’m sure my whole face has turned the darkest shade of red. 
“Dick short for Richard.” I gape, the cogs in my brain finally turning. 
“Your name is Dick.” I half shout, covering my mouth. I hastily do up my buttons. I am so dumb what is wrong with me, I could hit myself. 
“Well… ah… goodnight Dick” I mumble hurrying out the tent. The cool breeze brings relief to my hot face, I fan myself trying to catch my breath. I need to find somewhere to sleep or hide, I need the ground to swallow me whole, that's what I need.   
I rush back to the group of men most of which are sleeping, I see Bull’s larger figure sitting quietly talking to others. I make my way to him, carefully stepping over the men sprawled on the floor. I sit next to Bull. He appears to be my comfort, not that I know him well but from the interactions I have had with him he seems to be a kind person. He smiles down at me when I seat myself next to him.
“Saw you in Winters’ tent, everything ok?” he asks, leaning closer for me to hear him. 
“Yeah, yup, oh yeah, fine I’m fine, so good, grand even, yup everything is a-ok” I ramble quickly looking back at the tent I just ran from, cringing at how the interaction ended. I wanted to curl up and die. 
“Ahh, are you ok?” Bull frowns in confusion, tilting his head to get a better look at my face that I ducked down out of view. 
“Yes, yup.” I reply, popping the p at the end of my sentence. 
“Alright, get some rest.” Bull says, lending me the blanket from his legs, I slip under it next to him relishing his heat. Exhaustion pulls at my eyes, even on the cold hard ground my body yearns to rest. Bull moves next to me coming closer so our bodies are almost pressed together, I rest my head on my medic bag, as the world around me fades.
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Colonel Fitzwilliam: Is it Canon?
Colonel Fitzwilliam’s name is Richard
Fanon (I’m using this term to cover adaptations and JAFF), not canon. His name is never given. I like to think it’s Darcy because that would be hilarious.
Colonel Fitzwilliam is physically attractive
Fanon not canon.
Colonel Fitzwilliam, who led the way, was about thirty, not handsome, but in person and address most truly the gentleman.
Apparently many people found the 1995 Col. F. handsome, leading to him being dubbed “Colonel HotPants” on Dwiggie, but 2005 shows a more realistic not hot:
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I also suppose that Colonel Fitzwilliam is often changed to hot because he’s the only single man left in Pride & Prejudice and people want to marry him off. Come on guys, the not handsome men deserve happiness too!
Colonel Fitzwilliam and Darcy are best buddies
Fanon, not canon. As much as Colonel Fitzwilliam is co-guardian with Darcy, he is not fully in his confidence. Col. F doesn't even know who Darcy saved from an imprudent marriage, he’s guessing:
I only suspected it to be Bingley from believing him the kind of young man to get into a scrape of that sort
Now if Darcy is just reserved or he knows Colonel F. is a gossip is unknown, but he would likely have told a true friend the name of his friend.
I suspect Darcy told Colonel Fitzwilliam something when he asked him to be a character reference about Wickham to Elizabeth, but it might have been as simple as, “Wickham is living in Miss Bennet’s neighbourhood, can you answer any questions she might have?”. I really doubt he confided the failed proposal.
Colonel Fitzwilliam swashes or buckles/is a military hero
Fanon, not canon. We know absolutely nothing about Colonel Fitzwilliam’s military career. Pride & Prejudice is set during the Napoleonic Wars and Colonel Fitzwilliam may have fought in France or in the colonies, but it’s just as likely he’s been stationed at home. Especially since he’s from the nobility!
Arthur Wellesley, who would become the Duke of Wellington, did not see active combat until he was one rank short of Colonel, and he went abroad on purpose because he was rejected by a woman he loved. 
Colonel Fitzwilliam is a great guy
It’s hinted in Northanger Abbey that Captain Tilney is stationed in London and would be subduing riots. It makes sense not to have an eldest son in the actual line of fire. Similarly, we are told Col. F is “the younger son” of the Earl. If there is only an heir and a spare, they probably want to keep him alive.
Colonel Fitzwilliam wanted to duel Wickham
Fanon not canon.
We don't know what Colonel Fitzwilliam did when he learned about the Georgiana/Wickham affair other than keep it under wraps. It's clear Lady Catherine is unaware. But while dueling was common, we don't know if he's that sort of guy.
I was writing a JAFF once with an immoral Bingley and this idea is so strong in fanon that I was told Darcy was stupid not to "unleash" Colonel Fitzwilliam on Bingley. Unleash what??? We don't know what he can do!
Darcy Sr. did appoint Col. F as co-guardian to Georgiana, but we know how flawed his judgement is *cough Wickham cough* so that isn’t quite a recommendation of character. All we really know about Colonel Fitzwilliam is that Elizabeth likes him, and sorry Elizabeth, your judgement isn’t much of a recommendation either, especially since she compares him with Wickham!
It was plain to them all that Colonel Fitzwilliam came because he had pleasure in their society, a persuasion which of course recommended him still more; and Elizabeth was reminded by her own satisfaction in being with him, as well as by his evident admiration, of her former favourite, George Wickham; and though, in comparing them, she saw there was less captivating softness in Colonel Fitzwilliam’s manners, she believed he might have the best informed mind.
Colonel Fitzwilliam cannot afford to marry Elizabeth
Yeah, Elizabeth likes him because it’s clear he likes her. Another example of her being biased.
Colonel Fitzwilliam has a great relationship with Georgiana
The guardianship is probably more to protect Georgiana's fortune and make sure she marries well than to give her an extra parent. Col. F. doesn't say much about Georgiana and clearly hasn't been spending too much time with her since he hardly knows the Bingleys and they've been in company with the Darcys fairly frequently.
The fact is it just doesn't come up in the small section we have with him.
Unclear, but likely he can. Charlotte certainly thinks he can afford it:
In her kind schemes for Elizabeth, she sometimes planned her marrying Colonel Fitzwilliam. He was, beyond comparison, the pleasantest man: he certainly admired her, and his situation in life was most eligible
When Colonel Fitzwilliam calls himself poor, Elizabeth calls him out on it and he doesn’t refute her:
“He likes to have his own way very well,” replied Colonel Fitzwilliam. “But so we all do. It is only that he has better means of having it than many others, because he is rich, and many others are poor. I speak feelingly. A younger son, you know, must be inured to self-denial and dependence.”
“In my opinion, the younger son of an earl can know very little of either. Now, seriously, what have you ever known of self-denial and dependence? When have you been prevented by want of money from going wherever you chose or procuring anything you had a fancy for?”
“These are home questions—and perhaps I cannot say that I have experienced many hardships of that nature. But in matters of greater weight, I may suffer from the want of money. Younger sons cannot marry where they like.”
“Unless where they like women of fortune, which I think they very often do.”
“Our habits of expense make us too dependent, and there are not many in my rank of life who can afford to marry without some attention to money.”
All of these seems to suggest that Colonel F. could marry Elizabeth, but he wants to maintain his standard of life and that requires a larger fortune. Also, most military men received some sort of allowance from their parents/family and he might have that cut off if he married against his parent’s wishes. (The military didn’t actually pay very well.) All of this considered, he could marry but he doesn’t want to drop his expensive habits.
Now we do know he liked Elizabeth, “Colonel Fitzwilliam seemed really glad to see them: anything was a welcome relief to him at Rosings; and Mrs. Collins’s pretty friend had, moreover, caught his fancy very much.” and I do think he did the gentlemanly thing by letting her know that he didn’t want to marry her, but I still think Colonel Fitzwilliam is mercenary.
If his mercenary ambitions are justified or not is for you to decide as the reader. I think Colonel Fitzwilliam is part of the question of where we draw the line between avarice and prudence.
But really, the Colonel is a plot device to make Elizabeth aware that Darcy was the main player in seperating Jane and Bingley. He doesn't have a whole lot of depth and much of what people imagine about him is not supported by the actual book.
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cannebady · 8 months
Stede Bonnet didn't run away to be a pirate. He ran away to be a pirate captain.
He lost himself in stories of swash buckling and adventure on the high seas that he would be leading the charge on.
He wanted to be like Blackbeard before he met and knew and loved Ed.
Him finding his footing in violence and power is in character. It's what he felt was out of reach for his entire life. He's acting exactly as he would act given his success.
And, he's predisposed to being bitchy so the transition from passive aggression to violent whimsy isn't shocking, it's the natural progression given the circumstances.
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larkral · 1 year
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Happy Wednesday! Thanks for the tag @shrekgogurt and @artsyunderstudy! It is so fun to see y'all's excitement about your work!
I was anticipating saying something today about how I've started editing ADA and I don't have anything not spoilery to share, and blah blah blah, but my past self was WRONG about that. Because I've started writing something new and incredibly self-indulgent: my Simon gets adopted by Gay Mums AU.
Enjoy this, the first moment one of the mums sees Simon:
The baby is fair skinned, but speckled all over with moles, like an impressionist painting. When I bend over to pick her up, clear blue eyes lock onto me with a focus I didn't know babies were capable of.  I lift her out of the cot and look down at her. I'm hypnotized. Her little arm comes out of the blanket. She's only wearing a diaper. The moles spread down her body, and her arm has black swashes across it that spell out Simon Snow.  Simon. Him, then.  My heart swells, and it's about to spill over. I close my eyes. I press my nose to his head, and breathe it in. His skin is so fragile, so tender under my nose, and he smells fresh, clean, like forest air and innocence. 
This story is so self indulgent about being a parent, and also so self indulgent about being a queer person who came of age during the time when gay rights were emerging into the mainstream. I cannot even tell you how excited I am to share it with everyone. Especially any baby gays who weren't around during these exciting times.
Tags below the cut!
Hey everyone! I hope you are overflowing with excitement about something you're working on today. If so, share it with us! If not, take a breath and remember you don't have to produce anything to be here and be loved. @stitchyqueer @thewholelemon @confused-bi-queer @raenestee @facewithoutheart @cutestkilla @hushed-chorus @sillyunicorn @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @basiltonbutliketheherb @ileadacharmedlife @asocialpessimist @bookish-bogwitch @aristocratic-otter @captain-aralias @petedavidsonscock @takitalks @yeonjunenby @carryonvisinata @takenabackbytuesdays @martsonmars @nightimedreamersghost @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @ionlydrinkhotwater @aroace-genderfluid-sheep​ @forabeatofadrum  @palimpsessed @fatalfangirl​ @blackberrysummerblog​ @valeffelees @imagineacoolusername @orange-peony @j-nipper-95 @whogaveyoupermission
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devenrue · 6 months
I'm clearing out my project list and one of the things I've wanted to do for ages is release the story of my airship captain, Jules Olivia Doonagan. She's a pansexual, polyamorous, gender-fluid, swash buckling, pirate queen sent on a quest by a goddess to obtain a magical item that collects the souls of those who die at sea and ferries them to the afterlife. By doing so, it powers her ship and allows her to travel between planes. There's much more going on with the story and I'm excited to share it with those of you who are into such stories. Art & maps will be included, naturally.
If you're interested in learning more about it and/or becoming a beta reader, pop over to our Discord and add the role to join the discussion (available to patrons of all tiers).
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skemcesisetlt · 2 years
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OFMD Roller Derby AU
find my socials here
"And would you see that, GIRLIES! Our very own #1, CAPTAIN TEACH slides into the lead SECONDS AFTER THE JAM WHISTLE!"
and the crowd goes wild!
I've got a roller derby AU on the brain and I just had to render my ideas, and learned a lot about clip studio! ... and share my derby logos I've made for fun!
League: Queen Anne’s Revenge Roller Derby Junior* Team: The Captain Kidds Women’s** Team: Swash-Buckle-Hers (pro team) Men's Team: The Mutineers (pro team) Men’s*** Team: The Privateers (scrimmages and local bouts)
*co-ed, inclusive of all genders **trans women, transfemme and afab players included ***trans men, transmasc and amab players included
SO yes! I'm working on a fic, but I'm welcome to anyone who wants to use this fanart as inspiration (along with credit, of course)
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ipomoea-batatas · 2 years
Day 22: Tattoo
In which Stede enlists Lucius to put together a design for his first tattoo, and of course Stede is That Client
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Please find attached the proposed draft of the requested design. I believe it fulfills all parameters we discussed, but please forward any notes at your earliest convenience.
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Wow! It is far better than I could have even imagined. Truly excellent work, as usual!
Edward and I were thinking, though, that perhaps there might be some way for you to incorporate our respective flags into the design as well? Maybe not the actual flags, that may be a bit too busy—but perhaps one of more elements of each? We’d love to at least see what you can come up with?
—Captain Bonnet
I am thrilled to hear that you and Captain Teach remain in full possession of your respective cognitive faculties.
I shall have a new draft with the requested changes on your desk by tea time.
P.S.—Gentle reminder that you are meant to sign your alias, so as not to leave written evidence in case we are apprehended.
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Please find enclosed the draft updated with the requested changes. I have included the spear thingy from Captain Teach’s flag, the dagger (?) from yours, and the heart motifs from both.
I look forward to your thoughts.
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Most remarkable! I would say we may be nearly there. Two things
-Last night, I was revisiting The Tempest and came across the following quote in Act III, Scene I that simply called to me! Might it be possible to include somewhere? Perhaps around the edge, of a swash at the bottom?
“Hear my soul speak. Of the very instant that I saw you, Did my heart fly at your service.”
-And secondly, is there a way to make the lighthouse stand out a bit more? Perhaps some more shading around the base? I think that would really make it “pop”, as it were!
—Captain BEdwards (good save there, eh? Thanks for the reminder!)
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I have added the changes you requested.
If you have further edits, might I suggest we find a time to sit down and discuss in person? Only I fear that we may find ourselves running low on ink and paper.
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Thank you! Might it be possible to see a version with a swash along the bottom as well?
Also, is it just me or is the top looking a bit…I don’t know…unresolved? I welcome your input!
–Captain ##Edwards
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To the illustrious Captain Edward Teach,
If you cannot convince your husband to be less…him, with this tattoo design, I am going to tell Fang to secretly tattoo a cock and balls flanked by two upright middle fingers instead.
Yours, repspectfully,
Lucius Spriggs
Should do that anyway. Be bloody hilarious
…Wow. You’d the the one that would have to look at it, you know. —L
Better make it mine then. Should I pop down there to model?
(I’m joking but now that I think about it, he might actually go for that. I’ll bring it up over tea)
You know, more and more I understand why they call you the Scourge of the Caribbean.
Talk to him, please? —L
Sure thing. Hey, should I get one of his dick on me? Could you draft that up for me? Thanks mate
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sarahlizziewrites · 5 months
Happy World Building Wednesday! Describe your current WIP without using any character names, place names, or terms exclusive to your world. Is it even possible?
Hi! Thanks for the ask, and sorry for answering it so late - but this gives me the excuse to wish you a Happy New Year full of stories and inspiration <3
Going to do this for Brazen Sparrow:
The high seas call differently to everyone. For some, it is a discipline - the sea may not be able to be tamed, but it is controllable. For others, it means freedom. Untameable, but that's the point. You're free as a bird if you live on the sea, as long as you treat it with respect. So when a naval captain is taken prisoner by a notorious pirate, these two women have a great deal to learn from each other. With a vengeful old rival, and mysterious mages with their fingers on the threads of fate thrown into the mix, hearts will be broken, loyalties will be tested, and buckles will be swashed.
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marnz · 1 year
the thing about writing a book or a series is that you have to do math.
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128 Participants
Here are the 128 characters who will be battling it out to earn the title of Best Post-SGW Archie Sonic Character. While not every character who was shown in the reboot, I hope we can call agree that 128 of them is enough:
Abraham Tower Abyss the Squid Akhut the Orca Amanda Tower Amy Rose Antoine D'Coolette Aquarius the Chao Axel the Water Buffalo Bark the Polar Bear Battle Lord Kukku XV Bean the Dynamite Bearenger the Grizzly Ben Muttski Big the Cat Black Death Blade the Shark Blaze the Cat Breezie the Hedgehog Buckle Bunker the Tortoise Bunnie D'Coolette Captain Metal Captain Shellbreaker Captain Striker Captain Whisker Carrotia the Rabbit Casino Egg Pawn Cassia the Pronghorn Chaos Charmy the Bee Cheese the Chao Chip Cinder the Pheasant Clove the Pronghorn Coconuts Conquering Storm Coral the Betta Cream the Rabbit Crusher the Chao Cubot Daniel Murer Death's Eye Dive the Lemming Dr. Eggman Dr. Ellidy Dulcy the Dragon E-106 Eta E-108 Iota E-109 Kappa E-110 Lambda E-113 Xi E-118 Tau E-123 Omega Echo the Dolphin Eclipse the Darkling Espio the Chameleon Falke Wulf Fixit Gaia Phoenix Gemerl Gold the Tenrec Grounder Honey the Cat Jian the Tiger Johnny Julian Snively King Puff Knuckles the Echidna Kraken Lord Mordred Hood Lupe the Wolf Madonna Garnet Marine the Raccoon Maw the Thylacine Metal Sonic Mighty the Armadillo Miles "Tails" Prower Mini & Mum Moss the Sloth Motobug Mr. Bristles the Yeti Crab Nack the Weasel Nephthys the Vulture Nicole the Holo-Lynx Nigel Acorn Omochao Opal the Jellyfish Orbot Pearly the Manta Ray Phage President Princess Undina Professor von Schlemmer Professor Pickle Queen Angelica Ray the Flying Squirrel Razor the Shark Relic the Pika Rosie Woodchuck Rotor the Walrus Rouge the Bat Sally Acorn Scratch Second Devourer Shadow the Hedgehog Silver Sonic Silver the Hedgehog Sonar the Fennec Sonic Man Sonic the Hedgehog Speedy Spike the Porcupine Swash Tails Doll The Bits The Dark Arms Thunderbolt the Chinchilla Tikal the Echidna T-Pup Trevor Burrow the Mole Tundra the Walrus Uncle Chuck Vanilla the Rabbit Vector the Crocodile Walter Naugus War Walrus Wendy Naugus Wes Weasely
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desthebolt · 9 months
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If ive shared them i dont remember, so have Captain Feta the pirate mouse rat, and Beaufort the diplomat fancy mouse. They are in a swash-buckling adventure and gay af
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
Publisher PQube and developer Octeto Studios have announced classic Japanese RPGs-inspired turn-based RPG Sky Oceans: Wings for Hire for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, Switch, and PC (Steam). A release date was not announced.
Here is an overview of the game, via PQube:
Set in the open skies, experience adrenaline-filled turn-based dogfights as you take the role of captain and unite a party of ragtag sky pirates setting upon an unforgettable, touching journey.
Relive a golden era of classic JRPGs with a touching, heartfelt narrative about the search for purpose and building friendships that last a lifetime.
Become Captain of a Ragtag Crew of Sky Pirates – As head of your crew, you must recruit new members & secure enough resources for your fleet.
Stylistic, Strategic Turn-Based Dogfights – Tactically plan attacks and adapt your strategy as you clash with adversaries in the open blue skies.
Gather Resources and Upgrade Your Airships – Upgrade your crew with new special abilities as you progress through a winding narrative! Manage resources and expand your airship departments as new characters join your band of pirates.
A Beautiful Ghibili-Esque World, Filled With Wonder – Stunning Japanese animation inspired visuals make for diverse environments and memorable character design. Discover new towns and cultures, and help solve local problems to gain their support and loyalty.
Original Orchestral Soundtrack – A beautifully orchestrated original soundtrack accompanies you along your journey.
Centuries have passed since The Great Scattering, a cataclysmic event that shattered the surface of the planet, throwing large portions of land toward the skies, and destroying most of the human civilization in the process. Remnants of the planet are still found within the atmosphere, where humanity has formed new tribes and adapted to live up in the skies… Take the role of Glenn Windwalker, a young and tenacious captain who yearns for exploration as he is thrust into an adventure of a lifetime… Explore a Stunning, Vibrant World… Whether you travel on foot through beautifully bustling towns or take to the open skies within your airship, Sky Oceans: Wings for Hire rewards those who explore. Explore diverse locations to build new relationships, and discover additional missions to uncover secret treasures!
Recruit Crew Members and Form Unbreakable Bonds Recruit your very own crew of swash-buckling Sky Pirates one-by-one. Each unique member comes with their own diverse backgrounds, strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes, and you are responsible to keep them happy for bonus efficiency in battles. There are multiple dialog options while interacting with characters in Sky Oceans: Wings for Hire. Your choices will impact on how they feel about you, so choose your decisions carefully! Stylistic, Strategic Turn-Based Combat Clash with adversaries in the open skies in thrilling dogfights, beautifully rendered with gorgeous, screen-popping user interface elements. Tactically choose your attacks or take the option to evade incoming fire from your enemies! After long battles in the skies, it is important to maintain your teams safety. Upgrade your teams offensive and defensive power with extra weapons, reinforced equipment, and agility improvements to help you survive!
Watch a new trailer below. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.
Publisher Announce Trailer
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bruiisedpetals-a · 1 year
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        a  starter  for  lady  margaery  tyrell   ( of  @wcrriorhearts​​ )
vik enjoyed watching the sunset approach the skyline, the way the colours changed and darkened; swirling against the ocean that seemed so peaceful now.  only a handful of weeks ago the battle had raged on the blackwater; and though that was over and won, it seemed he was no closer to going back to the reach.    house tyrell had taken root in the capital, eyes fixed towards the throne it seemed ...   lord paxter would be a fixed face; jammed at his first cousin and brother by marriage (mace tyrell)’s side .... and so vik would too — newly knighted, his income funnelled back to aid in the care of his mother.    he’d not sworn himself to his cousin personally, he was lord paxter’s guard in a fashion as it was his purse that paid the coin.
he was looking out over blackwater bay, having walked parallel to the rush for a time along the gardens until he’d found a nice place to take in the slow creeping sunset —  he closed his eyes to enjoy the salt-sweetened breeze; it brought a wistful smile to his face.
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as he opened his piercingly blue eyes, a trait he’d proudly inherited from his late father captain wells redwyne, a familiar gait, sway of feminine hips and swashes of fine fabric fabric stirred in his peripheral.     ser vik turned and bowed to lady margaery as she floated along effortlessly, as was her way —  ❝ my lady ...   a pleasure to see you. ❞
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