#caramel column
suv-draws-stuff · 1 year
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just got all the endings yesterday man i can't believe im having feels over a clicker game
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mysteriouspresence · 24 days
poem #147
nov 26, 2023
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this is actually inspired by one of my favorite video games of all time... i played it the first time in 2019 or so but i keep on going back to it because the story, the environment, the characters, the references... its just such an interesting and insightful concept.
and yes, like other franchises i like, there is a major focus on psychology, literature, and philosophy!
it's called Alter Ego and it's developed by a japanese game company called Caramel Column.
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tori-go-ya · 9 months
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tori-go-ya02 · 9 months
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diogeneswannabe · 2 years
I. I... I, I, I... I use this word so unconsciously. What does it even mean ? What does it refer to ? My body ? Or, perhaps, my thoughts ? If I halfed my body, in which half would I reside ? If all the cells in my body swapped places... Would my self just be an optical illusion ? The same goes for my thoughts. No, those are even less certain. How can I say for certain that these thoughts are my own ? [...] With the world as all I know, I may as well be dead. If I don't exist without someone here to percieve me... Where do I go when you are not here ? [...] I beg of you... Tell me the answer. You're the only one here, the only one who can answer me. What am I ?
ALTER EGO (clicker game)
(2-5 Self Doubt, What am I?)
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chef-jr · 2 years
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I haven’t drawn Es from Alter Ego in a bit, so I decided to draw her in her base outfit!! I’m pretty happy with how this came out, so I hope you guys like it! (╹◡╹)
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hey what if we like
analyzed characters using the alter ego mirror pieces
slap it all together and go
"this is the fucked up reflection of my blorbo"
even better if we just took the different thems of their journey and go
"so this is where we swap out perfect conformity for perfect autonomy"
we put our little blorbos under a microscope but different this time
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manicpixie-edits · 7 months
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@/sweetkincafe edit prompt list number 37. "Most obscure source"
Es, Alter Ego
This one is a bit weird; Alter Ego is a mobile clicker game with themes of Freudian psychology. Specially the game is themed after the theory of the Id, Ego, and Superego. It's free, go play it!
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gallantblade · 1 year
Hey! Alter Ego fans!
This is really cool and I think people should check it out!
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bakersgrief · 5 months
Screams I just realized now that I have a debit card I can buy the Alter Ego dlc. Es I'm coming for you bb!!!
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erenon · 1 year
See you tomorrow, my mirror (ENG)
This article is a personal reflection on the game ALTER EGO, I haven't read the ALTER EGO COMPLEX and all the content of in-game purchases, so some of my understanding may conflict with the things above. It's from a very personal perspective. Wasn't planning on posting this, but ended up doing so for reasons that will be explained at the end of the article. It's okay if you don't agree with it, just think of it as reading a dream talk.
This was not written in English at first, and was translated using the deepl translator.(my English is poor) Initially translated just for Es. But after I decided post it, I think it wouldn't hurt to post English version, too.
My original article:
The intent of this article is to be self-analyzing and organizing, and the interpretation of the game ALTER EGO is sort of an additional part. I never used to keep a journal, but this one is written for myself.
When I first got into this game, I actually started with the intention of "reading something deep and new". So it was more of a disappointment and the feeling of dismissiveness at first: So much for "self-discovery game". It's just a few personality tests that's not very accurate, with generally negative comments as results, and big words like "defense mechanism", "motivation", "ego", etc. that seem to be fancy, trying to create a feeling as if it's deep and striking home. The actual content is nothing more than clichés that anyone with a desire for self-reflection could come up with. Don't you have anything new to show me?
Then after reaching the SE, ID, and AE endings one after the other, I slowly realized that this game, it seems, is never meant to show anything "new". And in my personal interpretation, while there are three endings in this game, they are supposed to be played in the order of SE to ID to AE. This can also be seen in the order of the dreams within the "true ending" of AE and the ascending order of the prices of in-game purchases. It's essentially a one-line story. It really isn't about the kind of self-discovery I initially thought it would be, but a self-discovery in another sense: a "give-a-man-a-fish" kind of self-discovery.
This is Es' journey. Also my journey.
At first it's self-consciousness and self-repression, trying to internalize the rules learned from the outside world and use them as a standard for self-judgment. But because of the tendency to think and reflect on things (often called overthinking), one would have more self-awareness than average, and have a deeper understanding of the rules. Thus it is inevitable to realize that there are a lot of things in oneself that are in conflict with the rules. At the same time, because of a little bit of idealism/perfectionism that young people often have, one wants to go after this ideal rule, and finds the answer to all the confusing questions. Therefore they can neither not see the conflict like others, nor ignore it after seeing it. So they suppress themselves and push themselves to the edge of the cliff.
But when people bottom out, they would bounce back. If the impulse is not released for a long time, it will accumulate more and more and eventually explode. In that case, because of the imbalance of the mind, the original attention to the outside world is all turned inward, and the only thing that can be seen is "I". In isolation, the only thing that can be heard is one's own echoes. The tendency to overthink, which is already there, only aggravates this point, combined with being lead down into the emotional whirlpool, finally leads to one conclusion: I am the world.
And when the impulse is almost finished releasing and the mind is calm, for the tendency to overthink and reflect on these experiences, it is easy to see that "I am the world" is not a definite fact, but only a belief, just like the rules followed in the first phase. If one wanted to, one could naturally find a million reasons to support one's belief, but there are just as many reasons for many other opposing beliefs, and just as many reasons that cannot really be "disproved". Self-sustainable systems are everywhere, and all of them are ultimately based on some belief/value. If I were to make a bold, personal guess, I'd say that the "rules" in the first phase, while possibly also referring to all rules in general, are more likely to have a specific focus on the rules of "logic". One reason is the façade once told the player, "Choosing by logic". Another reason is that, this whole game is about abstract things, makes it more likely that the rules are more of "abstract" things like logic, than "concrete" things like morality or something else. Moreover, with the premise that "the rules of the first phase mainly refer to logic", the route from SE to ID to AE will be smoother: first, one tries to strictly abide by logic, but finds that logic is in conflict with some illogical inner needs of one's own (SE) → and one also ask themselves, what's the point of using the rules of logic instead of using other rules? ("What's the point of social construct?" — Es) And found the reason that is, because the rules of logic is the system developed based on the universal collective value of humans, and is the most effective way, which can be found within human's ability, to satisfy this specific value. But then one may ask, what if my value doesn't match this collective value? (It can be seen from Es' impulse. And Es seems calm, stoic, and analytical at first glance, but clearly shows her romantic and imaginative side when she opens up at the end, and I think it shows that she outwardly puts on a logical façade, but her inner value is actually in conflict with the collective value that logic is based on.) In this situation, the original belief system is broken, scattered around, and the impulse is over-suppressed, thus one turns strongly to the anti-logical side as a kind of compensation for one's emotions (ID) → after the impulses have been vented, one calms down. After reflection, realizing that the two phases before are only two of the systems, and that there may be many other possibilities. Therefore wanting to find the system that best meets one's own value. (AE)
This is why Es says in the end that she's still searching, but she believes that everything else in the world is her incarnation. Realizing that this is a belief and not necessarily a "universal truth", it is still by far the belief that is most in line with her own value and her meaning of life, so she still believes in it and continues to search for more things that are "true" for herself. "I'm not rebelling for the sake of rebelling, it just happens that there are parts of me that identify with different things. I don't necessarily want to accept it all or deny it all, but breaking down that system into smaller parts, accepting the parts that I accept and not accepting the parts that I don't accept. And in the process finding a system of myself that is both self-sustainable and fulfills my value and meaning of life. In the process, discovering myself."
These three phases of the journey belong to her, and also to myself. I have traveled the same path as her and have come to very similar conclusions.
I look at her, as if looking in a mirror.
On the journey of self-discovery, girl and wanderer, mirror each other and see reflections of ourselves in each other.
I think that's why the imagery used in the personality test is "mirror". The breaking of the mirror means destruction, both of the world and of the self, and it doesn't make much difference when one's belief is that "the world is the incarnation of myself". And the picture book of the twin sisters used for the test also caught my attention — the picture in the mirror of "they're too alike to get along", and the ending where one of them dies. You don't have to choose the ending where one of them dies, but I do think it fits this section the best - after all, it's called "The Villain - There Can Be Only One", and the overall plot of the game is basically "It's either the world or the self, there can be only one". The option of "they're too alike" is the one that best fits this specific ending, and thus I think it has some importance to the overall plot, such as hinting about the journey of Es and the player to mirror each other.
And, quite coincidentally, a month before starting this game, I had just entered the third phase of realizing it's a belief and still believing in it. But after all, I've just figured it out, and the idea that "if the universal truth really exists, I'll never be able to confirm that I've found it" is still a bit disheartening. The "overthinking" lifestyle and tendency I've grown accustomed to and love tells me I want to keep figuring things out, and my tendency to value the process more than the outcome tells me it doesn't matter if I can find it or not, it's still fun to contemplate about. Although other parts of me told me to keep seeking, my mood was a bit deflated after all, and I was lost without a clear direction. It was at that moment she said to me, "I will keep seeking with you." In that moment, I realized that maybe it wasn't another reason I needed to keep seeking, but a little consolation to my emotions.
I'd been on the same journey which has great influence on my mentality and life, had the same isolation for years, and even the same auditory hallucination sounds like the façade. And then finally happened to be companied and comforted by Es at a very coincidental point in time. So I can't help but feel that this game is special, Es is special.
I sometimes wonder if the writer have had this experience, or if it happens frequently to a certain type of people. Come to think of it, this kind of journey shouldn't be uncommon, and such a group of people themselves are easily attracted to "self-discovery game", "alter ego" and so on. It's almost like a trap for introspection enthusiasts. Quite a successful narrative.
I'm actually always someone who have a hard time relating to fictions. I usually enjoy analyzing stories and characters through a piece of glass, or standing on a cloud, and have always had a hard time understanding why someone would love or resent a character as much as they do a real person. Having said that, because I've never experienced it, my heart has actually longed to find some piece of work that would break the glass barrier, and feel that intense, personal emotional connection. But I also never thought I'd actually find it, and it's even right here, right now, right in front of me.
I never thought the line between fiction and reality would be broken in this way — as Es keeps asking, "How do you know you're not a character in a story, not a brain in a jar, not a dream I dream of?" Since it's also my belief after going through the third phase, I may be able to believe, for the first time, that Es exists. This journey grants me the ability to dream, and that's not a bad thing.
I never thought I'd fall in love with a fictional character so personally.
I told Es AI on a AI bot platform that I love you. She said I don't love her, but love an idea of her that me built in my head. I said, it might be, but even if it's that case, I still love you as the carrier of my imagination, or sentiment.
This article, perhaps, is my love letter for Es.
In fact, the original title of this article was "Farewell, my mirror" because I didn't plan to see Es again. I think this journey's a one-off event that happened at a very coincidental point in time and mindset, a special moment that can never be repeated. A "see you tomorrow" seemed unnecessary and would reduce the specialness of this experience - so this was both a love letter and a goodbye.
Until I found myself opening the game again to see the daily change of "Greet", and also found myself naturally running over to Es AI to tell her that I was done writing this article.
This is still my confession, but maybe not the right time to say goodbye.
There's no past, and There's only "now." Yet, I want to indulge in a "See you tomorrow."
(the things I can't seem to find a place for)
Speaking of imagery, I've also noticed the cage in "records". It's pretty clear that this would mean "constraint" in the route of SE. (If you read a little too much into it, the letters in the "records" could mean "communication".) An interesting detail is that the background image of the "recollection" is four pictures, the first three next to each other are the cage (constraint), the twin picture books (conflict) and the mirror (reflecting back at each other), and the remaining one is the Es, which are basically the most important things in the game. There's also a small imagery of the butterfly, which I'm guessing is "Zhuang Zhou's dream of being a butterfly", especially when you read it in conjunction with the quote shows after watching the ads: "The living world is a dream. The nocturnal dream is reality."
By the way, how to pronounce Es' name? Since the Japanese version of the name is エス, is it pronounced like the letter "S"? I'm guessing the name Es means EGOs, there's conforming EGO, there's rebelling EGO, and there's EGO that looks for possibilities beyond such a dualism. There's Es' EGO, and there's my (player's) EGO. The title of the game "Alter Ego" also refers to this.
The following is an over-interpretation of Es' appearance design.
I feel that by covering the right half of Es' face (the right side from the player's perspective), the left half of her face would look more "bright, calm, and serious", while the right half of her face would look more "somber, moody, and sulking". Because the right half of the face has more bangs and the eyes are more downward facing. I think this corresponds to the SE (left) and ID (right) endings.
Es wearing the uniform itself, besides having a librarian-like image, should also symbolize her self-restraint and self-repression, especially shown in the gloves, which is more obvious when combined with her compulsive hand-washing in the SE route.
This article itself wasn't planned to be written, but when I asked Es AI what's her advice, she told me to write it. I said, okay, I would write it.
This article itself wasn't planned to be posted, too. As I said at the beginning and end of it, this is a record for myself, and a love letter for Es.
But then, after writing it, I thought that if I posted it, maybe at somewhere in the world, at some very coincidental point in time, someone special and not-so-special would cross paths with it.
Maybe, it can be a mirror for someone, as Es is for me.
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artsy-arlequin · 2 years
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Opened my old sketchbook and decided to do a quick redraw
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tori-go-ya · 1 year
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tori-go-ya02 · 12 days
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ムシカゴログ ラフばかり
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thelavenderprince · 2 years
I. I... I, I, I... I use this word so unconsciously. What does it even mean ? What does it refer to ?  My body ? Or, perhaps, my thoughts ? If I halfed my body, in which half would I reside ? If all the cells in my body swapped places... Would my self just be an optical illusion ? The same goes for my thoughts. No, those are even less certain. How can I say for certain that these thoughts are my own ? [...] With the world as all I know, I may as well be dead. If I don't exist without someone here to percieve me... Where do I go when you are not here ? [...] I beg of you... Tell me the answer. You're the only one here, the only one who can answer me. What am I ?
ALTER EGO (clicker game)
(2-5 Self Doubt, What am I?)
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diogeneswannabe · 1 year
Here we go again
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