#card log
agate-dragon · 2 years
☀ About me ☀
Hi, I’m Agate! Welcome to my alterhuman sideblog :)
You can learn more about me and this blog under the cut!
☀ Main Blog
☀ Moodboard Requests
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I am a 20 year old college student studying psychology and philosophy, I use any pronouns.
This is my side blog for specifically alterhuman/dragon thoughts, as well as meditation logs, dream journals, and just general ramblings. Basically my own little dragon diary!
I’m relatively new to the otherkin community, I had my awakening around five or so years ago but this is my first step in actively looking into my draconic identity + interacting with other nonhumans, so please correct me if I get anything wrong!!!
Id also love to interact with more dragons / nonhumans, so please interact with this post if you have a blog dedicated to your experience!! I would love some friends to help me get my footing!!!
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Some general info about my draconinity. I used to believe my identity came from a past life, but lately I've fallen much more into the purely psychological camp. My identity is very closely linked to my identity as a queer person, linked to my experience with autism, and linked to kink, both sexual and non-sexual. (don't worry, I wont be talking about anything NSFW on this blog)
I will often refer to the more dragony part of my brain as "my dragon" or "Agate", and may refer to it in the third person for ease of communication, although we are not two separate beings. I am both 100% a dragon, as well as 100% a human, the two identities are indistinct and inseparable.
This is what I look like!
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(Art by me!)
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Used for conversational, lighthearted, or meme posts that are directly draconic or dragonkin related.
Used for conversational, lighthearted, or meme posts that are relate to the alterhuman, otherkin, otherhearted, or non-human community in general. Will also be used for talking about a specific non-human past life.
Used for aesthetic images / moodboards specifically for my dragon kintype
Agate Dragon
Used for more serious posts directly related to my draconic identity or dragon kintype- such as shifts, kin memories, meditations, dreams, or vent / species dysphoria posts.
Used for all post regarding my plushy hearttype, weather its lighthearted/conversational, serious, or aesthetic. Due to this being a dragon-centric blog, I wont be using this super often.
Completed moodboard requests
Meditation log
Used to describe specific experiences while meditating
Card log
Used to describe experiences during a tarot reading, weather that be my own or reading someone else’s
Dream log
Used to describe experiences during my dreams, or interesting dream analyses
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logan-the-artist · 11 days
hey guys um. what the fuck /pos
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i don’t understand why or how but thank you!!!! <3
as a little way of celebrating, i’ve made a DTIYS!
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no deadlines (or prizes)
tag me when you post!
tag your post as #log’s dtiys
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pothosrays · 6 months
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tonight's marathon ft. other things from prior days.
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thelongestway · 22 days
hey no shade but you know dungeon meshi isn't actually based off dnd right? there are definitely some overlapping concepts and it can be fun to analyze it through a dnd lens but really it's its own homebrew fantasy setting. just checking bc i nearly got in an argument w someone over dungeon meshi lore the other day only to realize it was because they were trying to apply dnd lore to it ahahaa
Oh yeah, absolutely, it's its own thing. You don't even have to go far to show how it's its own thing: for one, the whole set-up with the dungeons being what they are isn't found anywhere else in D&D-inspired material that I know. You could maybe reflavor Halaster's Undermountain to something like the Dungeon Meshi dungeons, but that would be another layer of homebrew. That said, I do have the feeling that Ryoko Kui grew up on the same kind of D&D material that I did - stuff like Elminster's Ecologies, or old school Greyhawk materials. Her story genuinely feels like an AD&D game run by an old-school DM, maybe even earlier in the editions (hi, Chilchuck and "I'm a rogue, I'm not gonna fight"!). I don't mean that she follows D&D canon in any meaningful sense--her stuff isn't set in Greyhawk, nor on Abeir-Toril, nor on Krynn, etc. But I do think she's someone who's inspired by old school stuff, even as she makes her work thoroughly her own.
An acquaintance of mine once wrote that long tabletop games gain a quality that she called "being well-trod". This is when the players and DM are so familiar with the world they live in that it becomes, well, lived-in. They don't need to look up rules anymore to extrapolate: they understand the logic of the setting, and they get the same kind of intuitive feel for the world that we do when living in our own world, in real life. A feeling of where the boundaries lie, and how things work.
This is how I feel about Dungeon Meshi and D&D. It feels like a work written by someone who walked the same paths that I did, and whose work is therefore both new and startlingly familiar. That's it in a nutshell, but then I also wrote a bunch of examples, which got very long, so cut for length and spoilers!
I wrote somewhere in the tags on my Dungeon Meshi posts that it's incredibly surreal reading a story that seems to be informed by the exact materials that you base your own homebrew games on. Kui takes her work in a wholly different direction than I did - but the disparate elements of the story would fit in like a glove, because they're based on similar logic. I could quite literally take any of the ecologies elements of Dungeon Meshi and put them into a given module I'm running, and it would need less adaptation than 5e material. And most of the cultural/racial elements of Dungeon Meshi? That, too. Where it's not a one for one match, it would so easily be explainable by "different continent".
Let's take the example you're probably here from: the Canaries and elves in general, and let's take elves in general first. In D&D, there's been a switch in models of elven aging throughout the years: from "they are literal babies up until 60-ish, and then have 40 years of actual adolescence" to "yeah they grow to full adult size at about the same speed as the other races, and are then just culturally considered too young to make their own decisions". I am decidedly not a fan of the second model - I think it takes away from the cool biologies early D&D thrived on. BG3's treatment of Astarion's age of death, for instance, keeps throwing me. Yeah, I get it: it fits in with the edition they're working off, but I hate it. That's not how things work on our Faerun! But then we get to Marcille's backstory, and we see that she has the problems old school half-elves did, and you're like "oh, well of course someone invested in weird cool biology as an author would interpret elves like that." Her treatment of age makes sense to me. She makes the races as alien as possible, and hits that vibe of "D&D-style fantasy is its own thing, with its own set of rules" that I love. In contrast, and unlike any prototypes I know, Kui takes her half-foots in a different direction! They don't live longer than tall-men, they live shorter lives, closer to goblinoids. And I think it's for the same reason: because it's that much cooler to have different experiences of life in humanoid races. This is decidedly Not D&D, but it would absolutely fit into that vein.
With smaller details, I keep joking around here that the Canaries are grey elves, and of course they're not. But then Kui keeps putting in these tiny little details - which can be either nods to existing material, or the same extrapolations that other authors drawing upon high fantasy tropes have made. The white ships that have travelled all the way from Tolkien's Valinor to Evermeet and now to Shima. The fact that the Canaries have basically the right color scheme for grey elves threw me completely: I was not expecting that! Elves being that specific brand of destructive that they are - jeez, the Canaries would be right at home in Myth Drannor, or during the Crown Wars. So I joke around about these specific dolts a lot, and I am having an inordinate amount of fun seeing if my predictions that come from running a Myth Drannor game for a good long while now come true. And it goes on. Marcille doesn't prepare spells, and the magic here is obviously not Vancian. But Mithrun's teleport shenanigans are literally stuff I've done in games. The differences between races in D&D aren't because of wishes made by mortals; they're built in by gods for their own purposes. But the towns that spring up around anomalous spots and that have to deal with the weirdness have the same vibe. Kui draws on a more extensive tradition than just D&D, of course, but she transforms the tradition in a very similar way to old D&D. Of course the elves' magic in Kui's work does weird and creepy stuff with soulbinding and immortality; that's been their dark side since Tolkien and Celebrimbor's work with Annatar, and then it turned into stuff like elves regularly sacrificing their lives in high magic rituals in Faerun. Of course Senshi's backstory is about the dwarves that have dug too deep - but they are, of course, distinct from gnomes, and the gnomes are a peculiar and interesting breed of arcana specialists. Of course Chilchuck is a Burglar - but he works on dungeon delving unions, of all things! It's a familiar transformation, so the world makes sense to me, and I love it. So yeah. Tl;dr: not D&D ofc, but the vibe is there, and I am having fun with it.
Also - can you tell me about the argument? I am super curious, and I wonder if the person you were arguing with was working from 5e material.
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uniarycode · 5 months
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New card reveal, Takari but kids this time.
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exlimix1a · 2 months
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Ko-Fi • Carrd • Sheezy • Art Tag
Hello! I'm Exli! Digital artist, nature enthusiast, and admin on Sheezy.Art! Pleased to meet you C:
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God I hope he just picks them up to stop them from arguing…
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moruboru · 16 days
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idk fr fr 🐍🐍🐍
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4byun · 3 months
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A humble offering to my best friend @spiltspit of our gamer ghost au 😔🤲🏻💜
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dialphone-archived · 1 year
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There's something so sexual about this guitar and I need it
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izyuumi · 8 months
Getting this out of my brain before this evening, so here's how the teams are looking right now as of Day 1:
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Green People are the ones who were present for the event (or logged on recently), and although they don't stream as often as some of the others (- Pac), there is some hope of them logging in more often for the duration of it.
Orange People are the ones who were present for the event (or logged on recently), but they haven't been on for a while or have some special lore going on.
Red People were the ones absent for the event, and have been absent for a while now in general.
(Disclaimer: this is my own analysis, I don't watch that many POVs so some of these might be a miss!)
I wanted to get it out here to explain my thinking, with how many active members each team has (active as in, they log on rather regularly): 8 on Green, 8* on Blue, and then 5 people on Red.
*I counted Pac and Missa here since Missa has been getting on more lately, and Pac will probably be back soon (?)
Now I'm not saying picking one person off Green and one person off Blue and adding them to Red would even out the teams, but...
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Diavolo Being A "Mom" To Luke
Starting with this chat because is too damn cute and it explains the title
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Him leaving supportive comments on Luke's Devilgrams
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Him rushing home because he knew Luke was baking at the castle :')
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"Look at him go!"
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Him purposely and unapologetically making Luke's climbing course easier in the competition ( he was the one organizing the event )
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This other adorable chat
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And the last one I could find... ( Diavolo looks so shocked and moved here, it's adorable )
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twiceasfrustrating · 1 year
According to the official Obey Me AMA on reddit, there will be no more new lessons after 80 (but they will continue to make events). I will officially consider original Obey Me dead.
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lifesshort-imshorter · 2 months
My Sunday PSA for ADHD:
I am *constantly* seeing people talk about accidentally doubling up on their meds because they can't remember already taking them - or skipping them altogether just in case they did take them.
Seriously, guys, please think about getting the timer caps for your pill bottles. This has been a lifesaver for me when I grab my bottle to take my meds, remember I need to do something, set it down, and then when I see the pill bottle again I can't remember if I even opened the damn thing. This has happened enough that I can't count the times, and even if I could I wouldn't tell you because really, brain? C'mon.
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This thing tells you exactly how long it's been since you opened the bottle and helps to keep you on track. These come in multiple sizes to fit virtually any pill bottle you already have, but they also come with their own bottles (and labels!) on the off chance they don't - and you can find them online easy enough.
Best part is these things can work for multiple people for different reasons. Got a forgetful parent or grandparent and want to make sure they're safe with their meds? Great gift. Have a teen in the home but you smoke weed and want to keep an eye on it? Perfect nug jar. Just curious about how long your adhd meds last before productivity goes down? Perfect timer.
Have teen children and worried they're going to access your Vicodin from that dentist appointment? Have a high fever and can't remember how long it's been since you took your last Tylenol? On day three of a depression streak and can't remember doing anything but staring at the wall? Can't remember how long it's been since your last birth control pill? Great purchase.
Just keep them in an area you are frequently and stop worrying (I keep my adhd meds right next to my computer, and my morning meds next to the sink in the bathroom). Get rid of the am/pm pill containers that no one remembers to fill anyways. Trust me, it is worth it.
In case I've inspired anyone, these are the ones I have, but there are other brands and styles out there from different sites if you don't support Amazon.
Even if it's not for you, please share so that other people see.
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grimaussiewitch · 5 months
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Yippee he’s here! :D
(No we do not ask how many times it took to get the last shot)
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