#cardan is soft for jude
viivdle · 9 days
jude after killing valerian because she's not actually a blood-thirsty killer and she was just a girl and horrified
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devi1sange1 · 1 month
Now he studies me with a not-dissimilar look, and all I want right now do is walk into his arms. I want to drown my worries in his embrace. I want him to say something totally unlike himself, about things being okay.
Babygirl just need a hug. She was shot with an arrow, she is at her sister’s and former lover’s wedding, and just needs a hug from king pretty boy. I love her.
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darlingjmiller · 1 year
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Cardan ‘that’s my wife’ Greenbriar
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darlingod · 1 year
Taryn is not a girls girl. That’s all I have to say
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wanderingpages · 1 year
High for this by The Weeknd but *jurdan*?
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Now Playing: High For This by The Weeknd
1:20 ───⊙─────── 4:15
Cardan’s lips taste sweet, like over ripe fruit; honeyed and heady, and Jude can’t help but want more of it, more of the feeling that slowly ebbs its way into her system. He holds her close, by the base of her neck and the small of her back, keeping her mounted on top of him while he nibbles small little red splotches down her neck. She’s breathing heavily, half dazed with the lack of oxygen getting to her head and something else that fogs and clouds the room. It’s so hot in here, she thinks, but she must have expressed this out loud, she realizes, when Cardan gives her an answering moan that vibrates against her skin.
“Ah,” she cries when his teeth nip at a spot just above her breast, leaving a sting he soothes with the pad of his tongue. Her knees on either side of him, tighten in response and he groans when the heat of her presses down against his groin. Her hands slide from the curve of his shoulders to the nape of his neck. One hand slides up, weaving through thick curls, gripping them tightly, pushing his face harder against her. She tilts her head, giving him space to move up, to that juncture between her neck and shoulder. It tickles her, but she likes the way she can feel it from the base of her spine all the way to the tips of fingers.
Jude would be lying if she said she hadn’t known what she was in for, why she heeded his words when Cardan told her “Come find me,” in the midst of the revel. It had been some time between him being the center of attention and being long forgotten in the haze of smoke and wine. With his finger tugging at a lock of her hair, letting the strands lace around his knuckles before slipping through, with his eyes so transfixed on the motion, Jude thought, he’s absolutely blissed out of his mind.
He left before she could offer him an answer and when she had finally given in just moments later, weaving through the crowd to the room where she knew he’d be. He had a faint smile across his lips, knowing that she’d come. Cardan offered Jude his hand, and she hesitated only for a moment before she let him pull her between his legs.
Her hands had found their way to his arms, her chest getting tight against her clothes as she suddenly struggled to breathe properly. He tucked a stray tress of hair behind her ears, letting his fingers linger. His eyes at half-mast, stared at her with something more than lust, maybe – she guesses it was concern, though his question didn’t really sound like a question. “You know what you’re here for?” Teasing, she thinks, because his hushed tenor when he pulls her closer, when their bodies flushed and her heart beat so hard against his own — and for a moment, it seemed like one rapid rhythm had mended between them; had tethered them to each other – his soft words had felt like the beginning of a fire. Heat and smoke.
Then his hands were guiding her, positioning her against him, roaming her body and letting her roam his, forehead against hers when she bent at the right angle, lost in her eyes while his lips barely skimmed hers. She kissed him first and when he parted his mouth, it was all the friction needed to ignite a spark. She bit down on his lips, tasting red as much as she felt it. He pulled back in a gasp, eyes blown out, but perhaps it had been like so from the start. Still, hers all but mirrored his. Cardan's fingers fumbled, then grasped at his own attire; buttons on his shirt, buttons on his pants. His top was off before Jude could catch up to him, her brain muddled for a little more than a moment. Then, Jude leaned in again and there was a flame.
“Take it off,” he tells her now, tugging at the laces on the back of her dress, loosening them with ease and expertise. He leans back on his elbows, watching her pull the dress up and then toss it somewhere on the floor beside them. In that time, it seems Cardan has absently found something amass the sheets and pillows. A golden fruit he had bitten into earlier that had coated his lips iridescent and his tongue in poison. There’s liquid gold between his lips after he's taken another bite, and Jude’s a little entranced, not realizing she’d folded her arms across her bare breasts.
Cardan reaches and gently pulls at her wrist. There’s no resistance as Jude’s hands are placed on his chest. She hovers hover him, stray pieces of hair, dismantled from pins and jewels, curtain the two of them. She’s nervous now, “Cardan,” her lips mouth over his, tasting that sweetness again. He squeezes the fruit, letting the liquid drip over his knuckles and land against his skin between them.
“I’m right here,” he tells her quietly, tossing the apple before letting his hand wander up her spine, the other sliding through her hair, letting glimmering traces of gold speckle over her body. “Don’t be scared,” he paints the places he likes the most about her... spine, neck, chest, breast, navel - up again to her cheeks, nose, earlobe, then down to her thigh and the curve of her ass.
“I’ve.. I’ve never…” she feels dizzy by proximity of him, by juices seeping into her pores. She's unable to finish her sentence, can’t really recall where she had been going, but she knows for certain that she wants to taste his lips again, wants to lick the elixir right off of him. But a small part of her wonders if that would be okay, if she could handle more than just the remnant of what he had taken hours prior.
“Do you trust me?” He’s genuine this time, reading her easily. Jude realizes, maybe outside of this moment, the answer would be different. She nods her head in response. He presses her closer, and uses the hand at her back to slowly guide her hips against his. “Then you can taste me,” he tells her. “I’ve got you,” Cardan promises.
Her tongue darts out, lapping at his bottom lip without thought, slowly pulling it into her mouth. Cardan's hips lift and begin to move in tandem with hers, hands at her hips, guiding her in wave-like motions, pressing their bodies harder against each other until she cries out against his lips. His eyes flutter shut and his fingers leave indents in her skin.  The scant material of her underwear is dampening against his pants, and she’s kissing him sloppily as she rocks against his hardening cock.
His lips are swollen when he turns them over, has her on her back while he takes a nipple into his mouth. She sucks in a breath, exhales a whimper. “Ah – ah, ahh…” losing her words, unable to think straight. She’s trying so hard to muffle her moans, paranoid the remaining revel party would hear, let alone even care. She bites down hard on her lip, and Cardan thinks it’s the most endearing thing he’s ever seen. His fingers squeeze at her other breast, twisting the pebbled nipple between his fingers, soothing the hurt with his thumb, then slowly traveling up her neck, over her chin and slips four fingers into her open mouth, helping her muffle herself, easing the hurt from her lips. She whines and spit dribbles down his ring adorned fingers. Her teeth bites down, but not harshly, and her tongue licks languidly at the sticky psychedelic.
Jude’s body thrashes in tight, mostly controlled movements, trying to cover more surface area, arching her back, buckling her legs over his waist, gripping his hair. Closer. He flicks his tongue and she sobs in rapture, silently begging him for more. His free hand holds her hip down, slides up and down her thigh until she releases him from her python grip, letting her legs fall against the mattress, spreading wide for his fingers to trace her nerves right to between her thighs.  He licks off the remaining substance then his hand slips into her panties, two fingers slipping easily in her. She gurgles out Cardan’s name when his digits curl upwards and his palm presses down on her clit. Spit slides down the sides of her mouth, tears parallel from the corner of her eyes. She looks upward, finding swirls in the smoke, glitter in the air, stars in her eyes.
Her knees bend, soles of her feet pressing down firmly on the mattress, her hips lift in vain, breath coming concerningly fast. “It’s okay,” Cardan says now, “breathe,” he instructs her, “I know, Jude.” He takes her in, watching as her eyes gradually hone in on him, straining a pinkish color from the sting of whatever still permeates the air. They’re wet and wide and repeatedly losing focus as Cardan’s slowly thrusts his fingers in and out of her. “I know, Jude,” he whispers again, sweat beading along his skin, entranced with her every reaction. “I feel it too,” he promises.
“Cardan…” she manages, hands going to his wrist, holding on to it as he slides down her chin and collars her neck, all the while, she rocks against his other hand, finding a rhythm that makes her ache. Slowly, she hikes a leg up, fumbling to slip his pants down. His tail flicks against her skin, stopping her, holding her ankle tight and still. “Will it hurt?” she glances down, watching when Cardan takes pressure off of her pelvis and reaches to pull down his pants. His fingers glisten obscenely, coating the tip of his member as he strokes it slowly. He squeezes tightly, at the base, giving an already light headed Jude a visual comparison to go by. His hand slides up and down like a slow tease. Her hands begin to shake, “Cardan…?”
He strokes the tip between her folds and Jude’s stomach all but caves. Her body tenses, waiting for an intrusion that never really comes. Just a smooth teasing that has her twitching occasionally. “We’ll be good,” Cardan says in murmur of a slur, “So good,” he whispers, placating. His hand smooths down her pubic bone, thumb pressing at her clit.
“Ah –” Jude’s head lolls back, and she takes in a deep breath just as he enters, slowly, testing the waters at first before pressing all the way in. He’s slow at first, easing out of her tight grip whenever he pushes in. When she begins undulating her hips, he falls forward, encasing her with his body, beginning to move more nimbly. Her nails find his back, scraping skin between scars already healed over. He fucks her that much harder, forcing short little screams from her whenever he hits deep enough that her toes curl. She’s still fighting her vocality, still fixated on faeries in the halls, not aware that they won’t recall even seeing her slip past them the next day, won’t recall her entering the room Cardan had decided to occupy.
He grips at her hair, forcing her to look at him, driving into her harder. “Just me,” he manages, and whether she understands his proclamation, or she’s unable to hold back any longer, Cardan isn’t quite sure, but he’s so pleased when she screams out in bliss.
So fucking pleased, when she’s fighting her eyes to stay open, when she’s uttering a jumble of words next to his name, “Please, please, please…. more…Cardan …more…please…I – just…you…”
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ur-mousey · 9 months
Shot in the Dark ~
Jude Durate x Cardan Greenbiar
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summary Morden AU, Jude remembers a steamy night of fun with Cardan. 2.1k warning mature, flashback smut, softcore possessive, breast fondling, steamy makeout.
Jude Durate nocked the arrow into place. Her stance held rigid as she breathed in deep. Her skin prickled, haggard by the sun's rays. And the whirlwind that was her raged mind never ceased to calm. Too much had pissed her off this week. 
She had known outright that a relationship with Locke would turn out less than hopeful. 
He was dumb teenage fun. Dry humps in the back of his truck after stealing vodka shots from the party of the week. His chest had felt like a feather pushed against hers when she desired friction. Always, his hands, so desperate, reached for hers to touch his bulge. When she meant to overpower him, his lithe tongue found refuge by hitting the back of her throat, which caused her to battle against his pursuit.
Dumb teenage fun.
Cardan Greenbriar was more... Encompassing. However, she would never allow herself to imagine a future with him either.
Both of them had tormented her and her twin for their illegitimate seat at the Madoc Estate. She lived like them since the age of six. And, it was never enough to make her one of them
The gothic manor she had inhabited, with more rooms than there were people inside, didn't impress. Nor was her ability to attend the same private school. Or dress her hair in braids and beads. Nor was her conquest to dominate many sports get her any praise.
All because she was a bastard child?
She fucking doubted that.
There was something else about her that made her insignificant to them. Madoc called her weak. He'd beaten her down countless times until she could land a satisfying blow. She wasn't stunning like Nicasia, the gem of the sea, or psychotic-like Valerian. She felt little need to be manipulative like Locke, or to be as cruel as Cardan. 
Cardan, Cardan, Cardan. Cardan this. Cardan that. Like a vermin, he seeped his way into everything.
How dare he?
Locke wasn’t much of anything. He’d chased a story where he pitted sister against sister. Being a silent observer of betrayal because he found himself too boring. That fiasco was years ago and whatever hurt had faded into the backdrop until times like these.
Cardan was the reason she found herself here.
Jude has been shooting all day. She drew from the quiver strapped to her back, nocked the arrow, and released the shot until it became monotonous. Canaries and quails fell victim, struck from atop trees, or while diving for the stream to escape the heat. Their corpses were then tied and dealt with before she placed them in the travel cooler at her side. Now, she stared ahead, left hip held forward towards the unaware hare some feet away. It rubbed its face in between nibbles of grass blades. Its head swiveled at the drop of acorns mistaken as footsteps. 
She couldn't waste any more time. Jude adjusted her feet, re-curled her fingers around the bow, and pulled at the sting. She ended the hare's life. The arrow plunged into its side. Like that hare, all her life Jude Durate was meant to play as a defenseless little thing, prey for the taking. 
When in actuality she was something to be feared. 
Nicasia had drugged her in front of her peers where she found herself on her knees in front of Cardan. Locke made prom a spectacle where his date, Jude, stood on the sidelines as he revealed in tender kisses, not of her lips, but, of the pious Taryn Durate. Valerian more than the rest had tried to tame the beast he saw behind her feral eyes. 
But she'd always slept afraid. And, Valerian was dealt revenge worse than the rest. Their family names are tarnished or lost with their life. 
Cardan complicated things the minute she tread too close. At a house party hosted by Cardan years after they went their separate ways. Jude found herself in arms with Madoc and her stepmother, guided into the lustrous golden arches of the Greenbriar manor. Twine held everything together.
Chrysanthemums stamped the floor. Each tile became a monument of flowers held in time by resin casings. Since his family's murder, Cardan decorated with fever, white rabbits and ticking clocks filled the space between the doors and walls. Portraits of his father were replaced with him seated with a crown of thorns, his ethereal beauty highlighted. 
"Darling Jude, could you follow me?" Cardan made his appearance from the shadows. His feline features quirked in a welcoming smile. "I've waited for your arrival more than I care to admit." Jude pouted but accepted his outstretched hand. He pressed her knuckles to his lips. He lingered there while sinking his eyes into her. She tensed at the sensation of his teeth grazing her calloused skin before nipping at her fingertips. 
"What are you doing?" Jude hurried her arms to her side.
"Oh... Something that I should have done long ago."
He dragged her to his barren room. The closet door swung wide with collared shirts and tweed jackets hung. However, a mound of clothes could be seen kicked under his bed. There, sat in its lonesome corner, a floor lamp pushed soft warm lighting into the space. The only thing filled with life was his bookshelf, filled with titles she had never seen. Even his brown comforter lacked a human touch. "You are free to leave whenever. But, please look around, darling Jude." 
"Free to leave?" Jude scoffed, "What the fuck? What would you do if I didn't want to play your game?"
Cardan gently twirled Jude around by her shoulder. She sighed, he's treating her like a pet, she thought. Her hands clenched as she made the effort to refrain from decking him in the face. "I see you wore the dress I sent. Should I say, good girl?" Cardan's thumb trailed down her back, exposed by its v-line. He brought her back into his chest. His drunken breath played tricks on her skin. "If you do decide to leave, I'll find other ways of getting what I want." 
"And what would that be?"
"Hint, I'll start with the bookcase if I were you," Cardan whispered, sauntering by to take perch on the edge of his bed. Jude tilted her head which he acknowledged with the same gesture. He undid his collar and began unbuttoning his shirt. And with a scoff of his own, he bellowed, "Buttons are the bane of all outfits."
With reluctance, Jude strode to the opposite wall, the click of her heels echoed in her ear. She had no reason to believe that the dress she'd worn that evening was sent by him. She had assumed Oriana, her stepmother, laid it out for her on her childhood bed. The fabric of the skirt flowed pin straight to the ground. Her breasts were held tight by the fabric, showcased by the heart-shaped neckline, whose trim was finished with gold embroidery. 
The sleeves were cut down the middle from the crease of her elbow and looked as if it could merge with the skirt. The gown hugged her silhouette comfortably. How did he know her size? More importantly, what would be his intentions? Cardan was born with more even if he wasn't seen as the heir to his father's wealth. He belonged. There was nothing for him to gain from her. Did he mean to humiliate her in some way? Is that why she's here. It had to be a joke on her part. The hues of blue moved throughout the dress like a story, images of the forest were embroidered into the skirts, its branches reaching to touch the tip of her nipples. Silvered-shaped stars hid themselves, playing peek-a-boo with all who would want to search for them. It was tailored to her taste and with pockets in random nooks.
It took Jude little effort to find the most suspicious thing on Cardan's bookshelf. Alice and Wonderland sat there worn and in her face. Out of all the novels, it seemed the most childlike on his shelf. She made her way to Cardan, standing in front of him. "Is this it?"
"Not quite," He quipped. "It's what's inside that you'll find interesting." Cardan tapped the spine, adorning her ruby ring which she had on in the banquet hall. "Well? Hurry on, you keep me in suspense."
"Cardan... I don't like your games."
"It is merely a surprise."
"Let me rephrase. I like nothing when it comes to you." Cardan eyes met Jude's in a mid-languid blink. Like a cat, she thought. 
Jude flipped through pages until she came across a folded note. Her eyes furrowed at what was sprawled across, her name, over and over:
Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude, Jude. And then some.
Stains inked the paper along her name. Blood splattered and dried alongside spurts of... cum? What the fuck? 
Did he hate her that much? But, would you do that to someone you hate? She surely hated Cardan and her friends but she never made a display of their name. "What is this?" Jude threw the novel aside on the nightstand. She shook the paper in his face. 
"Surprise... that's it."
"Now you're out of words?!"
Cardan shuddered, kneading the palm of his hands into his pant legs. "I have always been afraid of you," He confessed. "I have hated myself for less, but mostly because I wanted you."
Jude threw the paper at Cardan's feet. "You have some nerve... And a cruel way of showing you like someone."
"Darling Jude," Cardan gripped her waist. His fingers glazed over her plump bum. "I could be good for you... To you." He nuzzled his head into her stomach trailing kisses along to her left hip bone. 
Jude faltered in step to Cardan's motion. She swung her legs over his waist and lifted his face to reach her lips. He tasted like sour wine and it intoxicated her. She knew not much of kisses. There was Locke but it was years away and didn't feel as forbidden as this. His cruel mouth was soft against hers, and his eyelashes shuddered against her cheek. He reached his other hand up to her ears and he tugged at the upper bit before biting down. He sucked her lips into his mouth, and the warmth of his lip ring brushed her lower lips. Teeth smacked and she wanted to laugh. Cardan lolled his tongue over hers which he gave up power to be dominated by her.
She pushed down on his chest till he lay there flat. Cardan reached for her lips to stay connected with his, however, Jude parted. Being witness to his face, desperately red, sent shivers down Jude's front. Cardan hiked her skirt up and encouraged her movements. She let herself buck her hips against his growing cock. 
"Is that what you imagined?" Jude could only imagine the silver on his cheeks staining hers. 
"No, and I rather not say."
"Why? Did you imagine more?" Jude tugged the collar of her dress. Her glorious cups spilled out for him to see. Cardan eyes widened and he looked like a deer caught in headlights. "Now you look scared?"
"I told you that you terrify me." Cardan reached both hands to pinch around her areoles. She would say that his touch felt reverent if she didn't know better, but she did. "Alas, I didn't believe I would get this far." He chuckled lightly, guiding her hands to wrap around his throat. Jude gave an experimental squeeze and Cardan breathed out deep. 
Mocking, Jude parroted his earlier statement, "I'll find other ways of getting what I want."
NONNONONONONONO!!! Jude kicked at the ground like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Her cheeks burned deep into the skin. He played her, right? How dare he?! It made no sense. Jude hung her head while she packed the hare into the cooler and began to make the trek back to the manor's stable where she'll ponder and get more furious. And, where she'll replay more vivid scenes.
Cardan saluted to the groundskeeper who pointed him down the dirt path to where he was sure to find Jude. He has let her be a full week. Longer than he wanted, but he knew Jude like the back of his hand.
Jude, Jude, Jude, everything about her screamed to him. He twirled her precious ring from finger to finger. This time, he's on a mission to engrave her taste on his tongue.
.............................. Thank you for reading! Accidentally deleted this upload but here it is again! Please leave suggestions! And possible part two because I didn't truly deliver on smut.
Request rules are here!
NEXT JURDAN POST: Song Writer! Cardan x Jude
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iheartgracie · 6 months
jude duarte soft quotes
“So, in short, Valerian tried to kill me,” I say, finishing my story. “And I stabbed him… So I might be in some trouble.”
“He grabs hold of my wrist. I am shocked by the sensation of his skin warm against mine. “Take care,” he says, and then smiles. “It would be very dull to have to sit here for an entire day just because you went and got yourself killed.”
“My last thoughts would be of your boredom,”
“You were just going,” I tell Locke.
He grins. “I find I am very comfortable here,” Locke says. “Surely there’s nothing you have to say to the king that is so very personal or private.”
“It’s a shame you’ll never find out. Go. Now.”
“Stop you?” I echo. “Sure. If you’re a huge jerk and a threat to Elfhame, I’ll pop your head right off.”
“If you joke about this, I am going to—”
“Kill me?” he asks, raising both black brows.
I think I might hate him after all.”
i cant believe the land chose me
i, jude duarte, high queen of elfhame, in exile, spend most of my mornings dozing in front of daytime television watching cooking competitions and cartoons
“i don’t take commands from mortals” he says with his customary cruel smile. “so your gonna say something nice?” i don’t think so faeries cant lie.
“have i told you how hideous you look tonight?” “no tell me”
“i cant”
i can be charming, i charmed you didnt i?
you never break.
i know when we come to a door because i walk straight into it, much to the roaches amusement. “you really cant see” he says. i rubbed my forehead “i told you i couldn’t” “yes but you’re the liar, i’m not supposed to believe anything you say” “why would i lie about something like that?”
i am no longer a child and i don’t need comfort.
“you betraying toad”
“I’m a jerk. I’m an idiot,” I say. “I admit it. You don’t have to lecture me.”
“I thought you were going to give me a hard time about the glamour,” she says. “You know, the one you resisted.”
“You shouldn’t magic your sisters.”
“And you shouldn’t try to chop yours in half.”
“Maybe he regrets it. After all, I could be scolding him right now, instead of you.”
That makes me smile.”
“You won’t believe what we found in the treasury,” Vivi says.
“I thought treasuries were just full of gems and gold and stuff.”
“We found armor. Glorious armor. For you.”
“For a queen, Which, you may recall, there hasn’t been in a little while.”
“It may well have belonged to Mab herself,”
“You’re really building this up,”
“Well, even if the serpent bites off your head,” says Tatterfell, “the rest of you will still look good.”
“That’s the spirit,” I tell her.”
“Nothing can be seen until the event is concluded.”
“No pressure, then,” I mutter.”
“Do you remember the fairy tale with the snake who has the helicopter parents and marries the princess?”
“You’re the one who’s late. But as the hero of the hour, that’s all to the good. I am going to make you into a vision.”
“Sounds like a lot of work on your part,”
“Will you dance?” he asks, presenting his hand.
“You may remember that I am not particularly accomplished at it,”
“I don’t know what to apologize for first,” I say. “Cutting off your head or hesitating so long to do it. ”
“I grin irrepressibly at Cardan. He smiles back, with a little surprise. It’s possible I don’t smile like that very often.”
“Vivi blows a noisemaker. “Here,” she says, passing out paper crowns for us to wear.
“This is ridiculous,” I complain, but put mine on.”
“A black horse was nibbling the grass of the lawn when they went outside. Its eyes were big and soft. Jude wanted to throw her arms around its neck and press her wet face into its silky mane.”
“In Faerie, there are no fish sticks, no ketchup, no television”
“There are two ways for mortals to become permanent subjects of the Court: marrying into it or honing some great skill—in metallurgy or lute playing or whatever. Not interested in the first, I have to hope I can be talented enough for the second.”
“She hops onto the bed beside me, disarranging my small pile of threadbare stuffed animals—a koala, a snake, a black cat—all beloved of my seven-year-old self. I cannot bear to throw out any of my relics.”
“We’re going to have fun tonight.”
“I can see why humans succumb to the beautiful nightmare of the Court, why they willingly drown in it.
I know I shouldn’t love it as I do, stolen as I am from the mortal world, my parents murdered. But I love it all the same.”
“They talk about honor, but what they really care about is power. I am good enough with a blade, knowledgeable in strategy. All I need is a chance to prove myself.”
“Someone who, along with Princess Rhyia, doesn’t appear to be attending tonight. But—oh no. I do see him.
Prince Cardan, sixth-born to the High King Eldred, yet still the absolute worst, strides across the floor toward us.”
“Vivi said she wishes she had one.”
“I’m glad she doesn’t,” I say firmly, which is stupid. I have nothing against tails.”
“I stand in front of my window and imagine myself a fearless knight, imagine myself a witch who hid her heart in her finger and then chopped her finger off.”
“Are you going to quit the tournament?”
“You mean because of Cardan and his Court of Jerks?”
“You’re littering in a magical lake,” she tells me.
“It’ll rot,” I say. “And so will we”
“Cardan’s gaze catches mine, and I can’t help the evil smile that pulls up the corners of my mouth”
“There is always a moment when it begins to move that I can’t help grinning. There is something about the sheer impossibility of it, the magnificence of the woods streaking by and the way the ragwort hooves kick up gravel as they leap up into the air, that gives me an electric rush of pure adrenaline.”
“You want to sit down or something?” Heather says, nodding toward the food court.
“Somebody owes me coffee,” I say pointedly to Vivi.”
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catapparently · 7 months
The High King of Flowers
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In which Cardan uses his newfound control over the land to make Jude a flower crown.
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They were sitting in the throne room, Cardan looking as bored as ever as two little faeries droned on and on, complaining endlessly about their measly little problems. He absolutely loathed this part of being High King; always having to pretend to care about even the smallest of quarrels in Elfhame and judge them accordingly, lest his subjects would turn away from him for not acting as a “proper and prosperous High King” would and should. Cardan hated it. He like the gifts, the praises, and the long revels with wine and dancing that went on and on until the early mystical hours of the day. Though, in some twisted way, he enjoyed all the attention and importance he was finally being rightfully given as faeries come to him with all of their troubles and worries.
“Well, perhaps it was his fault, this time. As such, Diaspor, you shall give Torren your first berry harvest every month for the next fifteen years, and in return, Torren, you shall teach him how to weave his dried bark strips into the finest of enchanted baskets,” Cardan mused, glancing over at Jude, waiting for her usual approving nod at his conclusions. Jude stared absentmindedly into space, her fingers vacuously stroking the colorful petals of the flowers and the many plants decorating and encasing their thrones. He quickly noticed her dazed state, her gaze fixed on an unfocused spot in the room.
His eyes snapped to the faeries and guards in the throne room as he dismissed them. “Leave us be.”
At his immediate words, they all filed out of the large ornate room, though not without sparing a few curious and inquisitive glances behind them. Cardan reached out his hand, each finger carefully and glamorously embellished with daintier, shiny rings. He lightly grazed his knuckles over the soft round curve of her ear, meticulously admiring the glittering golden ornaments decorating it, the same color as the shimmery swipe of glitter that he always wore on his well-defined cheekbones.
“Jude, my lovely, what are you thinking about this time?” he probe, not exactly used to his High Queen being so utterly… absent. At the sound of his silken voice, her face tilted upwards, her calculating eyes rising to meet Cardan’s adoring ones.
“I was thinking about Vivi, she murmured, “she snagged a date with Heather for tonight. I hope everything goes okay with them this time.” Jude wasn’t the type to worry, yet her voice sounded uncharacteristically strained. She truly cared about her sister, and hoped that Vivi could rekindle her relationship with Heather. Heather, whom both Vivi and Oak dearly missed.
His fingers moved downward, tracing and weaving through the silky brown locks resting on her nape. “And no date for us tonight as well, hmm?” he teased, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of his perfect plush lips.
“You know, these flowers really are beautiful,” she remarked, her attention once again turning to the lovely decorations around their thrones.” Cardan raised an eyebrow. “You think?” It was unlike Jude to pay such attention top details as small and insignificant as decorations.
“Sometimes it’s hard to believe that someone like you could conjure up such delicate and colorful flowers,” she shot back.
Cardan gasped dramatically, his hands immediately leaving Jude’s smooth cheeks to clutch theatrically at his chest as though she’d shot a glamoured arrow right through it.
“How dare you! I am very much delicate; my skin is as soft as the finest of moth’s dew-bathed silk, and my palms are free of the scars and scratches of a forceful warrior,” he retorted, quick to defend his honor. It was all true, and it was difficult to imagine a faerie more delicate than Cardan. Cardan, who wore eyeliner and kohl to enhance his mischievous eyes. Cardan, who carefully brushed shimmering stardust on his cheekbones. Cardan, who wears the most lavish and unnecessarily intricate doublets and royal clothing. And finally, Cardan, who had recently developed a new liking to lightly staining his lips with the ripest and best of autumn faerie gooseberries. It left a faint sour taste on Jude’s tongue every time she kissed him.
To prove his point even further, he sprang up from his seat, carefully clutching Jude’s wrist and dragging her behind him. Cardan led her straight out of the throne room and into the royal gardens, making sure that all of the faeries who worked to maintain it where gone. Unlike his brother, Balekin, Cardan had never, ever, glamoured defenseless humans into working for him at the palace. Hell, he’d even brought forth a law that forbade it. Yet he still wasn’t willing to admit that on that night, many moon cycles ago, he’d truly cared about that human and saved her from Balekin.
And so, the High King of Elfhame sat his queen down amidst the prosperous rows of blooming flowers, standing proudly before her. Cardan kneeled besides Jude, under the large willow that hid both of them, tucking them into their own little world.
“Jude,” Cardan breathed. His eyes were locked on her, drunkenly inhaling on the image of she who haunted his mind all the time, be it in his thoughts during even the most important of meetings or at night, dancing with his heart cradled in her hands in his dreams. She was his anti-medusa, the ferocious beast of a warrior who had shattered his heart of stone, filling it with the pulsating life of her ambition. The mortal girl who so obstinately wore her hair up in little horns. It was such pure, primitive sense of life that no faerie could have or understand, no matter their eternal lifespan. It was iron that faeries, who could live forever with their magic and enchantments, never truly lived, not in the way that humans do. Not like Jude.
Cardan removed Jude’s crown off of her head and set it safely on her lap, yet it was immediately devoured by the many sparkling layers of red fabric. Red, just like the color of the roses he was weaving into each other by the stems like a flower crown, making sure no thorns remained. He intertwined the flower circlet through her royal crown, then placed it atop her head once more, admiring the way it matched her dress and the faint blush on her cheeks she believed so soundly that she was able to hide. “Wear these. Just like my love for you, the flowers shall never wither or fade.”
“My darling High Queen,” he murmured, utterly drunk on her very presence eternally by his side, his lips brushing against hers, “my Jude.”
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love-and-books320 · 5 months
tainted love is so Jurdan coded
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riafalcone1 · 2 months
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: The Folk of the Air - Holly Black Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jude Duarte/Cardan Greenbriar, Jude Duarte & Cardan Greenbriar, Jude Duarte & Taryn Duarte, Jude Duarte & Vivienne Duarte, Taryn Duarte/Locke, Jude Duarte & Oak Characters: Jude Duarte, Cardan Greenbriar, Locke (The Folk of the Air), The Bomb (The Folk of the Air), Taryn Duarte, Vivienne Duarte Additional Tags: POV Taryn Duarte, Soft Jude Duarte, Jude Duarte/Cardan Greenbriar Fluff, Soft Cardan Greenbriar, Pining Cardan Greenbriar, Protective Cardan Greenbriar, Sad Cardan Greenbriar, Cardan Greenbriar in the Mortal World, Simp Cardan Greenbriar, Jealous Cardan Greenbriar Summary:
Taryn reflects on the relationship between her twin and the High King of Elfhame and how they came to be
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praetorqueenreyna · 1 year
Seeing jurdan art while only being halfway through the first book is so surreal. They are actively committing crimes against each other rn
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ragazza-whintigale · 5 months
Ultimamente mi sento abbastanza produttiva.
E anche se non vorrei cantare vittoria, in serbo per voi questo mese ho:
- La prima di 4/5 parti di una Dark! Jude Duarte x reader x Dark! Cardan Greenbriar ( seconda e terza parte sono quasi ultimate )
- Una vecchissima richiesta per un Yandere! Anastasius x reader.
- Ed infine il primo di 4 post dedicati a Fourth Wing: Una Dark! Sorrengail Siblings x reader.
Se mai riuscirò, potrei portarvi alcuni capitoli in arretrato tra cui alcune richieste su cui sono bloccata, una Soft Dark! Liam Mairi x reader e una Yandere! Aquamarine Hoshino x reader.
( Per chi è nuovo ai miei post gli consiglio di prestare attenzione ad eventuali avvertenze ⚠️ I comportamenti dei personaggi dei miei post sono volutamente esagerati e oscuri. Quindi se non ti piace scorri e blocca tutti tag con Dark! )
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its-ya-boi-kaz · 2 years
Me: i hate cliches
Piece of media: she said she'll come back and he's been waiting this entire time
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rumi-rants · 1 year
the cruel prince 👑
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wanderingpages · 1 year
Hey Peach, I’m going feral for this Jurdan idea and you’re the only TFOA blog I follow anymore. So, set when Jude is still high key just in it for the power and after they’ve started getting intimate. Jude kills her dad, or someone else does in front of her and she’s playing it off like this is a win bc he was trying to get the throne ergo against her. And she and Cardan walk back to his chambers and he’s trying to gauge how she’s doing bc she puts up a good front but that man raised her. She asks for sex (rough) and he goes along w it and they start making out and she just…. Slowly breaks down and starts sobbing and Cardan holds her and they just cuddle and she actually talks about her feelings and problems and then it’s sappy hurt comfort.
Thank you for your time, just had to get that out. Hope the kiddo is growing up nicely!
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A victory, Jude thinks to herself, though her hands shake and tremble when she slides the sword out of his chest. She feels dizzy, as every bone and organ scrape against the blade of Nightfell. She’s done it. He’d be proud of her, that she’s bested him. Of course he would – that is, after all, how he’s trained her.
Blood rushes in her ear and unable to help herself, her knees fall to the ground, beside him. She hesitates then closes Madoc’s eyes, seeing the stain of blood on her finger tips as she does so. She wonders, almost as if she’s not quite herself – as if she’s looking in on the scene from somewhere else – but she wonders if it would be fitting to dip his hood in the blood she’s spilled. There’s a thickness in her throat, Jude can’t quite swallow properly; it tightens and constricts at her rib. She wishes she was a little more human at the moment. Maybe then she’d know what prayer to say to send his soul off.  I’m happy, she tells herself, forcing a smile. Safe.
But then, why do her tears feel heavy when they land on his chest?
She doesn’t really know how or when the calvary came, who had helped her up and declared her righteous in battle, who’d led her back to the palace and bathed her. Who’d scrubbed off the remainder of her father’s blood from her skin, and dressed her in finery. Doesn’t pay attention to the speech being made in her honor, doesn’t look to the remainder of her family, mourning his death. She nods and smile when she thinks it’s the right moment, raises her chalice and repeats whatever cheer has been said. She eats her food, but hardly tastes her meal.
When it’s over, Cardan is beside, her leading her to her room. She gives him a smile when he turns her to face him. The door is locked behind him and he tells her it’s only the two of them. “Are you okay?”
“Of course, I am,” Jude responds, “I’m splendid,” She doesn’t think she’s ever used that word before, because it feels so foreign. She thinks, perhaps, she hadn’t fully returned to her body since watching her father fall. She places a hand to Cardan’s neck. His pulse beats just fine, “Just absolutely fine,” she reaches up and kisses him, tasting the salt of her own tears on his lips before she’s even aware they had fallen. He holds her steady, pulling away in concern.
“Jude…” he manages to thumb at the corner of an eye before she turns her face from him.
“It’s a victory,” she can’t help but repeat, what must seem like the umpteenth time. She starts at the bobbles in her hair, sitting in front of the mirror. Her vision seems blury and her fingers get caught in the jewels. She sniffs, annoyed, but gentle hands are easing her digits away, taking out the rest of the adorning gold and pearls and gems. “Thanks,” she murmurs, watching him through the mirror, more than herself. She knows, she’d be unpleased to see the reflection of her red tinted eyes and swollen face. She doesn’t remember crying profusely at all, but why are all the symptoms there? She tests a smile, and if it hurts, she thinks she’s masked it pretty well. “Aren’t you happy?”
Cardan goes to the buttons that line the back of her gown, nimble fingers undoing them with ease. “I am happy you’re alive,” he tells her.
Jude rises, turning to face him, he pushes the dress down her shoulders, letting it pool at her feet. He runs his eyes over her and Jude frowns when she’s realizes it’s not because she’s something pleasing to look at, but because he’s searching her for bruises and scrapes.
She yanks him by his head, forcing their lips to touch. Cardan lets out a startled noise, but rests his hands against her ribs, holding her steady as he mends his lips with hers, submits to her will, despite the taste of blood from the wound she’d inherently inflicted.
She’s managed to get him in bed, managed to rid of any remaining clothes, managed to get him behind her and inside of her, no foreplay or teasing, just, “Please, I want you –” I need you, she thinks.
“Jude…” Cardan’s hand had skimmed her body down to her mound, playing with the sensitive skin between her legs and he’d been so beautiful when she’d look back at him, with her back pressed to his chest, and Jude thought she didn’t deserve his tender look at all.
“No,” she had murmured, tugging at his hand, forcing it over her chest instead “Cardan, please…” When he’d given in, sinking his teeth in the crook of her neck as he fitted inside of her, Jude still wasn’t quite pleased. “Harder,” she’d whispers, now, digging her nails sharply into his bicep, wishing, hoping, begging that his blood would replace phantom residual from Madoc. “More,” she mumbles even though her eyes begin to sting. Cardan fists her hair, leaning her head against his shoulder, sucking harder at the tender skin until it breaks between his teeth. The iron in her blood is dizzying but she’s begging him, begging him, begging him – “Don’t stop…” between whimpers and mewls.
Cardan grabs hold of her arms, bringing them to cross behind her back, the hold is firm but not unbreakable. She sobs when he slams into her this time, hitting her womb at an angle, bruising the muscles so deliciously. He guides her forward, bending her until her face is pressed to the sheets. Jude lets loose a soft cry, fisting her hands so tightly, nails pierce the skin of her palms. More blood, she deliberates, to coat the grime she still feels.
“Cardan…” She manages, sounding broken. Her toes curl and her stomach tenses. She bites down on the linen, as he slows down enough that inch by inch of him is embedded to not just her memories but her flesh too. He pulls all the way out, when the shudders in her body feels utterly unbearable. He turns her over, but she grabs on to him and pulls him close, burying her face into his neck, breathing the mess of his curls, all before he can look at her face and see the worst of her.
“Oh Jude,” he murmurs, “My favorite warrior,” he lets her know, blindly reaching between them to guide himself back inside of her, more tender now, but it aches all the same. She weeps, wrapping her legs around him, gasping in pleasure at every slow thrust.
“Don’t go,” she whispers to him. “Please, don’t leave me,” she begs. He kisses the shell of her ear in promise, holding her slick body against his as they both reach climax and then some.
He still inside of her when he braces his elbow on either side of her head and brushes her hair back. She still pulses, coming down but not fully there yet. Cardan wipes under her eyes, giving her a small reassuring smile, “Let me get you cleaned,” he murmurs, lifting off of her, but she grabs hold of his arm, stilling him.
“Just for a moment,” she tells him quietly, twisting so when he lays back down, they’re both on their sides, facing each other. He fixes them more comfortably, pulling the covers over them as if to keep her secrets safe. They don’t sleep for a long while, don’t move for much longer. Then she begins to speak and Cardan listens intently as Jude walks through her thoughts, her emotions, the schism between how she should feel and what she actually feels.  “I don’t think I’m okay,” she finally whispers.
“I know, Jude.” He places a kiss to her cheek, “I know.”
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cruelprincae · 11 months
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i never quite understood how similar balekin and cardan were until this holy f-
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