#cardboard boxes for sale
twilightarcade · 2 days
anyway I got curry yesterday and it fucked
#wordstag#and guess what. I got 2 eat curry for lunch today also. Because I had leftovers 😼#ummmmm I didn't really do much. Mmy friend came over & guess whatshe brought .#she got me. Some nice notebooks and also a bunch of colorful pens#which was absolutely crazy. You have no clue how bad I love pens of various quality.#I haven't actually used them yet 🐅🐅 she got me another set of pilot 02 G-7 pens though which was CRAZY !!!!#I couldn't justify spending that much on pens rhat I didn't rally need because I had other pens. Life finds a way thohgh#my green one ran out first (<had switched to largely writing in green) then my BLUE one ran out and it was like well fuck me .#Bur also like. I ddint NEED colorful pens. They were just really fucking nice ro have.#but dilemma over ! We have like a whole rainbow and some. Magic of friendship.#ummmmmm what else . Some volunteer stuff is starting soon and I'm kind of excited but#also what if they pelt rocks at me. That woild be quite disheartening.#I think I need 2.return a book to the library also. I wanna go 2 one of their book sales too#and comeplely irresponsibly buy a whole bag of books that I really don't Need but by god are books fun to have#I may also pick up a copy of house of leaves from my local Book Store because I have a gift card from. Literal years ago.#ummmm I really have Got to get a book shelf in here or something. Maybe I should get an ominous cardboard box.#ohman what else. I plan on writing my submission 4 neotwiny tonight then drawing the assets . Later.#complete jump in topic but I also wanna get a skirt I have like 0 Good skirts. Wanna get a patterned one maybe#I Could make a whole fit with my pink cardigan but also like . When else would I wear a pink heart themed skirt.#lacking in the generic shirts department.#anywya. Tomorrow we make cookies. This weekend we make a cake and also jam like our life depends on it. Don't think there's much wlse#have a good day and thanks for tuning into hit show watch twilightarcade abuse the tags feature like never before
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wheresthebus · 2 years
Because I didn’t know that this isn’t on the CD version, this is also on Beatles For Sale.
“The kids of AD 2000 will draw from the music much the same sense of well being and warmth as we do today.” - Derek Taylor.
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martoraustralia · 2 years
Select Our Wholesale Box Knives Online In Australia
Are you looking for the best-priced box knives in the market? At MARTOR Australia, we believe in providing the best possible products at the most accessible prices. We offer a broad range of high-quality cutting solutions, including box knives, pruning shears and fruit knives to suit your needs. We design our wholesale box knives to keep up with the highest standards, using only the finest materials available and with a keen eye for quality and durability. Contact us for more information about our box knives.
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papersgallery · 19 days
Packaging Cardboard Boxes & Carton Boxes Buy Online and offline in India Papers Gallery
Papers Gallery is a well-known supplier of packaging solutions in India, offering a wide range of cardboard boxes and carton boxes that can be purchased both online and offline. Here's an overview of what they offer and how you can buy these products:
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Product Range
Cardboard Boxes:
Single-wall and double-wall cardboard boxes
Customizable sizes and designs
Heavy-duty and lightweight options
Suitable for shipping, moving, and storage
Carton Boxes:
Corrugated carton boxes
Printed and plain cartons
Various sizes for different needs
Ideal for packaging and transporting goods
How to Buy Online
Visit the Website: Go to the official Papers Gallery website.
Browse Products: Navigate through the categories to find the type of boxes you need.
Customization: If you require specific sizes or printing, look for customization options.
Add to Cart: Select the products and add them to your shopping cart.
Checkout: Proceed to checkout, fill in your details, and complete the payment process.
How to Buy Offline
Locate a Store: Find the nearest Papers Gallery retail store or distributor in your area.
Visit the Store: Go to the store to physically inspect and select the boxes you need.
Consult Staff: Seek assistance from store staff for recommendations and customization options.
Purchase: Pay for your products at the counter and arrange for delivery if necessary.
Visit Us At 
G-603, JM Aroma, Sector 75, Noida-201301 
25A, Amar Enclave, Behind Flipkart Best Price, Ambala - Chandigarh Road, Zirakpur- 140603 
93, SP Mukherjee Park, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi- 110018
Additional Services
Bulk Orders: Papers Gallery offers special deals and services for bulk orders, ideal for businesses.
Customization: Options for custom printing and sizes to meet specific business requirements.
Delivery: Efficient delivery services to ensure your orders arrive on time.
Contact Information
Website: Papers Gallery Official Website (Note: This is a placeholder URL. Please verify the actual website)
Customer Service: Contact through the website or call the provided helpline number for inquiries and support.
Store Locator: Use the store locator on the website to find the nearest retail outlet.
For the most accurate and updated information, including product availability and pricing, it's recommended to visit the official website or contact their customer service directly.
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mathewmartin1 · 7 months
Pizza on the Move: Exploring the Role of Pizza Boxes in Delivery Culture
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Pizza has become a go-to choice for many in the world of convenience and culinary delights. As the demand for pizza delivery continues to rise, the humble pizza box is crucial in ensuring your favourite slices arrive fresh, hot, and ready to be devoured at your doorstep. Let's dive into the fascinating world of pizza boxes and how they have become integral to the delivery culture.
Welcome to the intersection of flavour and convenience. Understand the pivotal role of pizza boxes in the ever-evolving food delivery landscape, making the joy of a piping-hot pizza accessible to your doorstep.
The Evolution of Pizza Boxes
Trace the evolution of pizza boxes from simple cardboard containers to carefully designed vessels. Explore how these boxes have adapted to keep pace with the changing dynamics of the pizza delivery industry, balancing functionality and environmental considerations.
Keeping It Hot: The Science Behind Pizza Box Design
Unlock the secrets of heat retention. Delve into the innovative designs and materials used in takeaway pizza boxes that keep your pizza hot and fresh during its journey from the pizzeria to your home, ensuring each bite is as delightful as the first.
Customization for Brand Identity
Your pizza box is not just a container; it's a canvas for branding. Explore how pizzerias use custom printing, logos, and unique designs to create a visual identity that extends beyond the pizza itself, fostering brand recognition in customers' minds.
Eco-Friendly Initiatives: Sustainable Packaging
As environmental awareness grows, so does the demand for eco-friendly packaging. Dive into the world of sustainable 9 inch pizza boxes, exploring materials and designs that reduce the environmental impact while maintaining the integrity of the pizza inside.
Innovations in Structural Design
The structural design of pizza boxes has seen remarkable innovations. Explore features like ventilation holes, raised lids, and corrugated layers that contribute to the freshness and crispiness of the pizza, ensuring it arrives in optimal condition.
Pizza Box Artistry: Turning Boxes into Keepsakes
Witness the rise of pizza box box artistry. Discover how some pizzerias collaborate with local artists or run special promotions, turning pizza boxes into collectable items that customers appreciate and showcase in their homes.
Themed Pizza Boxes for Special Occasions
Celebrate special occasions with themed cardboard boxes. Explore how pizzerias design boxes tailored to holidays, events, or collaborations, adding a festive touch to the delivery experience and creating memorable customer moments.
Tech Integration: Smart Pizza Boxes
Explore the intersection of technology and pizza delivery. Learn about intelligent pizza boxes equipped with temperature sensors or tracking devices, providing real-time information to customers and enhancing the overall delivery experience.
Packaging Beyond Pizza: Expanding Offerings
Pizza boxes are not limited to pizzas alone. Delve into how pizzerias use larger boxes to accommodate side dishes, desserts, or special promotions, expanding their offerings and catering to diverse customer preferences isopropyl alcohol.
The Role of Ventilation in Pizza Box Design
Ventilation is a critical element in pizza box design. Understand how strategically placed ventilation holes allow steam to escape, preventing sogginess and maintaining the ideal balance of heat and crispiness for the perfect pizza delivery.
Interactive Packaging: Engaging the Customer
Turn pizza delivery into an interactive experience. Explore how pizzerias incorporate QR codes, trivia, or other interactive elements on the pizza box, engaging customers and adding an extra layer of enjoyment to the dining experience. You need adblue for your car.
Ensuring Tamper-Evident Packaging
Security is paramount in food delivery. Learn about tamper-evident packaging features that assure customers their pizza has arrived untouched and safe to eat, instilling trust and confidence in the delivery process.
Global Perspectives: Varied Pizza Box Designs
Pizza is a global phenomenon, and so are pizza box designs. Take a tour of pizza box designs from around the world, exploring cultural influences, unique materials, and regional preferences that shape the visual identity of pizza delivery.
In conclusion, pizza boxes are more than containers; they are essential to the pizza delivery experience. From innovative designs to sustainable practices, the evolution of pizza boxes mirrors the dynamic and diverse nature of the culinary world they serve.
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If blind rage ever tells you to hammer your heel on the floor as hard as you can, that is the Devil speaking
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alfiejohnson22 · 1 year
Find the Best Box Blade for Sale - High-Quality and Affordable
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Looking for a high-quality and affordable box blade for sale? Look no further than our selection of box blades. We offer a wide range of box blades perfect for landscaping, construction, and farming needs. Our box blades are made from durable materials designed to handle tough jobs easily. We have a variety of sizes and styles to choose from, so you can find the perfect box blade for your needs. Shop now and get the best box blade for sale at a great price.
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ibexpackaging · 1 year
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As crucial for aesthetics as the tobacco itself are the cigar wrapping boxes. As a result, packaging cannot be left to producers of cigars as a routine duty. They require collaborators that understand how to add flair, elegance, luxury, and class to wholesale cigar boxes, like CBD Packaging Store. You must establish a relationship with the CBD Packaging Store's customer care staff if you want further information.
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dcxdpdabbles · 8 months
I love every fic That has Danny still being Phantom even while in the DC universe but sometimes I just want my little guy to flex his intellect and be all around little mad scientist that only sometimes uses his powers to pick up a screwdriver
Danny is smart.
He knows he is brilliant.
He may have been outshined by his family when he was younger, but that was because his focus was on something else, and frankly, being born last into a family of geniuses made one feel like one wasn't as intelligent as them.
He constantly compared himself to them, knowing that they had already achieved what he was doing and falling further and further behind in his self-wellow.
Then Danny left Amity Park and went into the real world.....he found his intelligence got him far. Danny was exceptionally brilliant when he was working on machinery, chemistry, and, above all else, engineering.
Maybe it had something to do with watching his parents repurpose any household item into a completely new technology that affected beings from different dimensions simply because they used math.
Or maybe it was that his brain was always moving, always connecting, and constantly processing. Danny didn't realize that people couldn't just make whatever idea came into their heads a reality.
Hell, his dad heard about Mr. Freeze's ray and he made a copy in two months. Danny made Mr. Freeze's ray in two weeks. He made other ghost tech in that same amount or enough to arm his schoolmates in one afternoon.
The point is that Danny is good at what he does. Put a screwdriver in huis hand, and he be off until whatever hair brain idea he had a physical form.
Everyone in Amity Park knew this as a fact about the Fentons/ Since they moved in, there was nothing but experiments one right after the other. Sure, they wasted it on things like Ecto-studies, but his parents made their money from somewhere before the world learned about ghosts.
Danny's parents had many, and he means many, patents. Everything from a brand of microwaves to vehicle parts.
His parents created them, sold them to partial rights to companies, and then wasted whatever money they got on some new experiment for a ghost that had not yielded any fortunes.
He thought he could do the same. Just apply to anywhere that would take him after creating a portable phone changer on one's wrist. He figured it would have gotten less attention than he did hadn't he just shown up at Wayne Expo as an unknown inventor through his parents contacts.
Danny had felt relatively small with his foldable plastic table and his four cardboard boxes of his invention while everyone had booths and screens, and a few even had prominent speakers with people in suits that cost more than his house
. Danny felt like a little kid trying to sell lemonade in the five-star hotel lobby. Everyone walked right by him without a glance, or they jeered and mocked him.
That was until Bruce Wayne wandered over. Kind and charming the man, maybe he wasn't the brightest- but he stood there listening to Danny excitedly explain how moving the hand on the bracelet caused it to charge, so walking around with it was all the kinetic energy it needed.
His ward- Dick Grayson, in all his tiny ten-year-old authority, had purchased a bracelet from Danny. It had been the only sale he made that night, but it was the only one he needed. Bruce had called him to offer him a position at WE.
Like his parents, Danny enjoyed his freedom, so instead, he offered to be a freelance inventor. He would show the Wayne's first dibs but go where the wind took him. He made them if he found buyers who weren't trying to ice him out of profits.
Unlike his parents, he didn't waste the funds past his travels. Slowly but surely building up a fortune over time.
Danny still went out as Phantom, but over the years he invented random gadgets and chemicals that he would ship to Bruce for a healthy paycheck. Ussually he makes something that the rich man off-handedly comments on.
"Oh Danny, I just loved skydiving, but I'm scared Dick's parachute will get stuck."
Danny invented one with small rocket blasters Bruce could manually control into landing for his son.
"I always enjoy undersea diving. The tanks are a killer on my back. Jason was almost weighted down by them too."
Danny created a breathing mask that had the tanks in smaller easier-to-carry cylinders.
"Tim really loves his computers. Wish I could take the whole thing with me when I go out!"
Danny had a working computer on a heliographic wristwatch the next month.
It was awesome. Danny traveled a lot but always found time to call and speak with Bruce. He got to know the man well over the years, found himself chatting with him for hours, and even spent his visits to Gotham at Wayne Manor as a guest.
Bruce's kids were a riot to be around. He would often go away for a while only to return and find that they had grown in numbers. He loved them like his own and found himself a confidant among the children.
It was he that Dick called to whispers about his insecurity within Bruce's home. He would go to all the gymnastics and mathletes shows he could catch, cheering the loudest among the rich parents as Dick outshone the rest of the children.
Danny had practically flown home to rip Bruce a new one until the man admitted to his gapping son that he had applied to be his father mere months after taking him in.
It was Danny that Jason spoke to when Dick and Bruce's fights were too loud. He would take the boy on trips, and talk for hours about books to calm down, then he had sat Bruce and Dick down to rip another new one.
It was no surprise that Jason had called him when he had tried to run away to confront his birth mother. He had been there to see the bitch arrested before she could hurt Jason.
It was Danny that Tim often sought out to showcase his photos. He always made sure to call the boy right before he was meant to sleep, regardless of which part of the world Danny was on, to wish him goodnight and talk about their days.
Tim always brightened whenever Danny caught his skateboard competitions or club performances. He was the one who found out Tim's biological parents neglected him after the boy told him, and he was the one to help Bruce win custody.
Then came Damian, who was as scared as he was angry. Danny adored him and saw so many ghost-like mannerisms in him that connecting to the boy wasn't hard at all.
Bruce didn't seem to understand that his son was used to outlined expectations and grew irritable when he felt he failed them. He was the one that help Damian get used to his environment and was the one the boy was much more willing to try new things with.
Steph and Danny often got along well with their sense of humor, but mostly she followed him around, seeking approval that likely missed out from her parents. They would sit down and talk about her future and what she wanted in life, and he even let her practice her makeup on him and giggle about boys.
Sometimes, it felt like she didn't have to be the tough girl from the rough part of town. She could be a teenage girl without a care in the world. At least, that's what she claimed Danny made her feel like.
Cass didn't talk much, but she didn't have to for Danny to not see how much she enjoyed their days out, too.
He loved taking her to see the arts, to sit and listen to music together, and most of all, to see her slowly bloom into a sociable young lady so different from the closed-off girl that first arrived at Wayne Manor.
Duke was still relatively new, but Danny could spot the wild, unhinged look in his eye that would have made him a proper Fenton. The two often spent their time playing video games and working in the community together.
Duke seemed to enjoy when Danny invited him to tag along on short trips, especially when the two would go camping. As someone who grew up in the city, he had never been fishing until Danny taught him how to reel in a big one at a lake a state over. The whole Wayne family had cheered the dark skin boy on as he held the trout over his head for the photo.
Alfred treated him like one of the family sometimes meeting up with Danny on his travels for a cup of tea or a nice phone call to gossip about Bruce.
Danny loved it but adored when the Waynes would help with his inventions. Even if all they did was sit in his makeshift lab inside his RV or the west wing of Wayne Manor like Bruce did, having them made his hands fly faster and his calculations sharper.
Sometimes, he caught the strangest, softest look on Bruce's face when Danny would be wielding.
Danny was so used to this lifestyle that he would forget about his ghost powers. It's not like he really needed them.
That came to head when he returned to Gotham on a whim, wanting to surprise Bruce for his birthday by taking the other man out to dinner somewhere fancy he happened to stumble across the scene of Scarecrow holding the Waynes- his Waynes- as hostages at an award ceremony in the new mental hospital they had funded.
Danny hadn't thought.
He saw the Fear Gas vents open and pulled one of his gadgets. He threw it as hard as he could at Scarecrow, watching with satisfaction as it bounced off the manic's head- knocking him out and spinning in place as it activated.
It was a miniature vacuum- meant to gather pollution in the air to hopefully clean up their planet- sucking in all the green smoke before it could harm.
He three out of the other five at the goons that had tried to gas the spectators before, pressing his anti-gravity plates- reversing them to slam the goons into a heap and officially knocking them out.
Danny took down the Rouge in under a minute.
"Bruce! Kids! Are you alright?" He cried rushing the stage to the stunned family. He helped them out of their bonds, gentelly tracing the bruise on Bruce's face with a soft whine. "They hurt you."
"I'm alright, darling," Bruce muttered, leaning into his palm. "I'm better with you here. What was that?"
"Oh just a-"
"Look out!" Dick suddenly screams as a flash of ice comes from nowhere. Danny tucks Bruce onto his chest and rolls away from the ray's pathway. They land with his friend on his back and Danny leaning over him in a protective hunch.
Quickly, he stops his foot against the ice, pressing the heel back and watching bursts of electricity from his built-in tazer race up the ice to the beam of Dr. Freeze.
The man doesn't have time to react before spamming and hitting the ground. Danny scoffs. "Using a ray with a cryogenic laser beam so last season. Invent something new, you one act poney."
Bruce stares up at him with those soft eyes again, and Danny smiles now that he is sure the Danger is gone.
"Is there nothing that mind of yours can't do?" Bruce asks and Danny laughs helping him to his feet as police swarm the place.
"Find me a date, maybe." Danny jokes, "I haven't had one since you took in Dick.""
"Neither has Father!" Damian shouts from behind them. Danny bemussingly watches the young boy march up to gesture at the mortified-looking man.
Despite his father's obvious embarrassment, Damian does not seem bothered to shout for everyone to hear. "He may swing both ways but hasn't acquired a suitable spouse. What says you, Danny? You could assist in correcting this error."
"Sure, I'll take him out." Danny laughs, patting the boy on his shoulder, knowing he hates to have his hair touched. Damian all but melts into his hand like his father seemingly smug. "I know a great club to meet some great people in Metropolis!"
Damian's smug look fades away as Bruce's eyes fall. "I meant for you to be Father's sp-"
"Danny, would you mind explaining those tazer shoes?" Bruce cuts in, throwing a arm over the inventor's shoulder. "They were dazzling!"
"Oh, Bruce, I'm always happy to explain my creations!"
Damian pouts as the two walk away, acting like a married couple to the scattered spectators. If only his Father would just man up and tell Danny that he's practically been his second Father all these years, they need to officiate it.
Tim sighs, placing a hand like Danny did on his shoulder. "It's okay, Dami. This time, we will surely succeed in the Parent Trap plan. Maybe before Danny gets lost in the lab trying to invent a way to warp travel."
"Don't even joke, Tim," Jason says. "Danny would figure that out. He created the Zeta Beams to make it to my senior play. He'll figure out warping if we ask him to."
"Dad's the best," Steph laughs, and they all agree, determined more than ever to make Parent Trap happen.
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allcustomboxesco · 1 year
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ellierenae · 9 months
SUPER UNIQUE writing ideas for hobbyists and professionals looking for fun, personal projects to get their inspo back
get a fictional pen pal (ask your other writer friends!) and spend time decorating envelopes, picking out a handwriting style, maybe buying a cheap perfume/cologne that smells like your character to really get to know them and feel their presence. if you have hand tremors or bad handwriting like me, you can choose a handwriting font for them and print their letters out!! more examples: save the dates, wedding invitations, birthday cards, party invites, etc.
use old calendars in character (there are many "expired" planners on sale around the end of the year, usually August) personally, i use them to record major life events like first band tours, trips abroad, holidays, birthdays... even trash pickup days and when they forget to roll out the bins!
sketch floor plans this can be on graph paper if you have the know-how when it comes to scaling down, but there are also tons of simple apps that allow you to both create the floor plan a builder would use and add furniture like an interior decorator. some even let you rotate them afterwards and see the furniture and walls burst to life in 3D! you can think of them as the sims but where everything is actually to scale
make an architectural model if you have some scrap cardboard, paper, and glue, you can easily bring the floor plan you just made to life (you'll need practice if you want to get really fancy with it of course! window panes and railings are the gnarliest part for me, haha)
make a playlist as your character maybe the most accessible one on this list, you can make the playlist your character listens to. sometimes this can be fun and surprising, like when my little guy Possum from Violence Without Plot is covered in tattoos and plays punk music on stage but listens to nothing but spa music to wind down between shows
write something your character can see this one is so weird to summarize but what i mean is like... a school essay for your teacher character to grade. cryptic street signs warning about danger by the lake. a memorial plaque beneath a statue. a character's online blog. a few of the cards in a grandmother's recipe box. a business card for a smooth-talking lawyer. things you can write that make everything feel so textured and real
these are all things i do on the daily, and it makes my life as a writer a thousand times more joyful and fulfilling. so have fun, be safe, and don't forget to unplug the hot glue when you're done <3
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the-offside-rule · 3 months
Lando Norris (McLaren) - Moving Home
Requested: yes
Prompt: Moving in with Lando x
Warnings: nope
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Lando gazed at the picturesque English countryside as they walked hand in hand up the pebbled driveway. The prospect of moving back to England with his girlfriend, Y/n, was an exciting one. He had missed the rolling hills and the vibrant culture and in all honesty, Monaco had gotten been a bit boring after a while. He remember how he tried convincing Y/n to just move to Monaco and not worry about uni since he said he would take care of her forever, but she was not going to just give up on university that easily.
As they approached a house with a "For Sale" sign, Lando couldn't help but feel a spark of anticipation. The real estate agent, a friendly man named James, greeted them with a warm smile. "Hello there! You must be Lando and Y/n. Very lovely to meet you." James said, shaking their hands. Lando smiled. "Nice to meet you, James. We're looking forward to finding the perfect place." He said, holding his hand out for Y/n to take. "Well, hopefully this is it. It's truly a remarkable house." James saud as he led them inside the house, a grand property with a spacious garden and elegant architecture. As they explored the rooms, Y/n's eyes lit up at the features that matched her wishlist.
"I'll let you both have a look around yourselves. I just need to make a call." James said before leaving the room. "This is beautiful, but-" Y/n hesitated, glancing at Lando with concern. "It's quite expensive, isn't it? Almost 4 million pounds." Lando squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Don't worry, love. I want us to have the best. I'll take care of it." Y/n smiled, feeling a wave of warmth. "You're sure? It won't be too much will it?" Lando laughed. "Darling, I got paid 20 million last year. This place is not not much." They continued the tour, discussing how they would decorate each room and imagining their life in this idyllic setting.
Over tea in the cozy kitchen, they finalized their decision. Lando looked at Y/n with determination. "This is the one. I want you to be happy, and if it means a beautiful home in England, then it's worth every penny." Y/n's eyes shimmered with gratitude as they held each9thwrs hand on the table. "Perfect, I can get a payment plan started out for you if you'd like and then-"
"No, no, I have the money just tell me when you want it and I'll send it on over." The dealer was gobsmacked. He didn't exactly know how to react to this 24 year old saying he can just pay off his house whenever it is needed. "I mean, whenever you'd like to move in." Lando nodded. "Let me call my bank and I'll have the money sent over." Lando stood up, smoothenlling out his shirt and shaking hands with James. "Please doing business." Jame said. "I will call you to finalise everything." Lando placed his hand behind Y/n. "Of course, we'll be in touch."
A matter of weeks later, Lando and Y/n shared laughter as they tackled the mountain of boxes in their new home. "I hope our furniture isn't lost in this bloody cardboard." Lando quipped, holding up a lampshade. Y/n chuckled, setting a box down. "Well, at least we'll have a well-lit maze." Lando plopped down onto the sofa, completely exhausted from hoisting boxes around everywhere. "You okay?" Y/n asked sitting beside him. "Just tired. I honestly thought being a racing driver would prepare me for this, but these boxes are giving me a headache." Y/n leaned on his shoulder. "Well, maybe if you drove as fast as you unpack, we'd be done by now."
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novulen · 5 months
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ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ: after buying a weird ouija board from an elderly man, your night takes an unexpected turn when you return from the bathroom to find a stranger in your house—wait…are those four arms?
ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛꜱ & ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: 18+ (mdni), unprotected s3x, pinning, (u get fucked against a wall), usage of ‘doll & princess’ , tw just cs sukuna 🤗
ᴡᴄ~ 2.08k
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Your palms trembled as your gaze swept over the text on the box before you. It exuded a frightening aura that penetrated into your bones and sent a sharp chill up your spine, yet, at the same time adrenaline surged throughout every vein in your body. You felt giddy.
Ever since you could remember, you've always wanted to own a ouija board. As a child obsessed with the occult, you were absolutely taken aback the first time you heard about it, and had attempted everything you could to get your hands on it.
It was sort of disappointing that it was only now you’d get to experience it.
Although, swaying your thoughts aside, you grinned. You should have been thrilled to at least encounter one at this point; it was either now or never, and you wanted to make the younger you nestled within you feel happy.
You sighed shakily, and smoothed your hands over the top, wiping away any dust that was settled on the box. Upon opening it, particles of all sorts ejected about everywhere, and the candles lit on the table raged a fiery orange as the fine powder fell into the flames.
You’d been curious about how long it remained in that pink-haired elderly man's home unopened, much alone touched. However, given that you had purchased it at a garage sale, the soot contained within the cardboard didn't come as a huge surprise.
On the bottom of the crate lay a cream-colored board with the alphabet letters painted in a messy black, and settled on it is a tan planchette. The most important part of this whole thing, you’d been told–if you did it right.
Excitedly, you pawed at the ouija board and clutched it, quickly placing it on the wood and doing the same to the planchette.
“Huh,” you hummed, examining the symbol in the center of it, which seemed to resemble a circle with two mirrored ‘antlers’ around it. “...Never saw one with this before,” Though you figured it was some sort of special kind. Deep in thought about what to ask of ‘it’, you sighed, guessing that any ghost or ghoul would be interested in your uneventful life anyway. Although, It was worth a try.
With an equally excited-nervous gulp, you placed your fingers on the piece and began your pseudo-seance.
You’d started with the usual questions, not really expecting much.
“Is anyone there?” Heart racing, you swore the indicator began to vibrate, only to discover later that it was just the result of your shaking. You were never known to be a patient person, consequently after a few seconds, your hope slowly began to fade.
However, as the moment you intend to pull your fingers off the planchette nears, it moves, sluggishly, to ‘NO’.
Very funny. You thought to yourself sarcastically, but couldn’t help the small chuckle that escaped you. It made you feel comfortable knowing that, at least, you were speaking to someone with a sense of humor (a small sense).
Your fingers scratched uncomfortably at the next question that popped to life in your head.
“Are you, uhm, evil?” the question flowed weirdly off your tongue–was that a weird thing to ask? Nevertheless what you had thought, it still replied.
Coincidentally, the room’s temperature suddenly dropped, and a chilly whisper of wind whirred near your face. The instantaneous gush of air nearly blew out all the candles, your only source of light, and it’s only then you get a fix on what you’re working with.
A fucking ghost, ghoul–or whatever.
However, you don’t back down upon realization, you're only immersed deeper within wherever this was meant to go. Thus, you begin asking more…loose questions.
“What’s your name?”
Your fingers follow the piece as it slides from letter to letter.
“Suh-ku-na?” you try the word on your tongue, head nodding approvingly at the taste the name leaves in your mouth, although you can't deny how much you’re now aching to see this thing's face.
Thoughts swirl in your head as you attempt to get some possibilities of what he could possibly look like. You can’t help but begin to imagine a ridiculously attractive man in place of Sukuna, with bulging arms, a sharp jawline, plump lips…Your thighs bunch together at the thought.
But, with the instinctive urge to bunch your thighs comes the urge to pee. And lord knows you can’t ignore that thought.
So, to Sukuna’s surprise, who is watching from wherever, you get up and awkwardly waddle to the bathroom, and he’s left all by himself, with his thoughts. The same lewd ideas that’d swirled in his head the moment you picked up that damned board with your cute, mousy smile–in that short, tight skirt, all dolled up as if you knew.
Seeing that, stupidly enough, you hadn’t had half the mid to even move the planchette to ‘END GAME’ Sukuna took that opportunity to bring his fantasies to life.
Now, to your surprise, as soon as you stepped foot in your living room, a stranger stood there to greet you.
A beat of uncomfortable silence.
The longer you stared, the more…unusual Sukuna seemed as a whole. Though, he’s hot nonetheless.
Your head shifts to the side as you gawk. With four, brawny arms, body sculpted to the hilt, and a rippling abdomen, Sukuna didn’t fail to pique your interest. Thinking about it, you’d always been interested in abnormal looking men–your ex could prove that.
One of his upper hands ran through his hair; a blush pink. It oddly resembled that of the man you’d brought the board from.
“You just gonna stare?” A loud , booming voice erupts from his throat, which snaps you out of your state, only for you to become even more anxious. Sukuna feels his cock twitch at the effect his voice has on you, just from a simple sentence at that, it made him wonder what it’d do to you further down the road…
You simply stood there, edgy–which he was used to.
Lower hand on his hip, he began to slowly but surely advance towards you. Making sure he didn’t scare his prey away.
“Hey, I ain’t gonna hurt ya..’s okay,” he cooed, placing his arms up defensively. This was the first time he’d sweet-talked anyone in a millennium, and with it took his ego. Sukuna was hoping that you didn’t take this lightly.
Soon enough, with his proceeding and your backing away, you were pushed up against a nearby wall, caged within his huge body.
“I- What do you want? How did you even–” A finger to your lips.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.” There was a pause, and the air filled with your erratic breathing. “All I wanna know is how tight that pussy is.”
Your body shivered with cold chills and it seemed that all you could do was look up at the huge pillar of a man. Eyes wide and mouth agape at his straightforwardness, you stuttered. “W-What?”
Sukuna’s lips tugged upwards in a smug grin. “Y’heard me.” Almost instantly, he dived into the crook of your neck, nose brushing against your supple skin as he tasted you. And yet, you didn’t push him away.
Something deep inside of you wanted this–you hadn’t had a good fuck in years.
But who knew you’d be fucking something so unnatural?
“Fuck,” he hissed, yet again halting your train of thought. You couldn’t stop yourself from looking down at what caused said sound, and audibly gasped when you did so.
You’ve had your fair share of partners and hook-ups in the past, and personally deemed yourself amateur. Though never once have you touched, let alone seen a cock as big as Sukuna’s.
He hadn’t taken his pants off, nor had you even analyzed it properly!
It baffled you, and in turn, the expression on your face fueled his ego.
“Up here, doll.”
Your gazes met as you complied with his unintentional order. Lust clouded in Sukuna’s eyes the more he gazed down at you, and as you lost yourself within the depths of his sinister, yet alluring iris’, he took his chance.
A calloused hand distractingly rubbed at the skin of your thighs, another creeping closer to your heat, though you’d noticed too late, and by the time you did, he had already pushed your panties aside.
As uncaring as Sukuna was, he gave you time to deny him. But , to his surprise and pleasure, you didn’t.
“Sukuna…” you whimpered as he slid a thick finger over the hood of your clit, collecting your essence in the process.
The way you said his name had him fighting his self restraint.
His breath caught in his throat, and his words came out in a shallow whisper.
“Hold on to me.”
“Wait, why–” Confused, you stuttered out.
Though, not even a second later, he slid inside, and it was then your question was answered.
Sukuna was so thick, huge, even thinking about the size had your head spinning. How was a size like this even possible?!
On the other hand, Sukuna was shocked–bewildered even–at how tight, how snug you felt around him. The feeling was foreign; most he’d fucked pushed his cock away, not used to his girth, though your pussy welcomed him in a blissful warmth.
“S-shit, doll. I won’t be able to last if you’re sucking me in like that,” he moaned–fucking moaned. His cheeks flushed a blush pink with embarrassment as he looked away, averting his gaze elsewhere.
Did Sukuna Ryomen really just moan?
He felt his ego diminish at the mere thought.
“‘Kuna, ‘s too much,” you whined, not even sparing the nickname that came out of your mouth a second thought. Your soft hands gripped onto his broad shoulders, as if seeking out the one thing that would save you. But, he’d inevitably be the one that destroyed you.
Overwhelming shocks of euphoria rocked incessantly into your body, and with the overpowering fullness his cock had you feeling, it proved to be too much.
And within minutes of his initial entrance, you came.
Feeling the sudden gush of liquid around him, Sukuna snickered. “Fuck–’d you just cum?”
You could tell the only purpose of him asking was to make fun of you, and a pout puckered on your lips in response.
“I haven’t done this in a while,” you murmured.
“That isn’t an excuse, princess.”
But you huffed, looking away annoyed.
Sukuna frowned. Were you really catching an attitude as he was buried deep inside you?
His lips tugged upwards in a vicious grin. This wouldn’t go unpunished.
He released an onslaught of thrusts into your cunt, driving his cock into the formerly untouchable depths inside you. He held onto your thighs, squeezing hard as he fucked up into you.
Your eyes watered and rolled back, and your legs instantly wrapped around his waist to aid his thrusts.
“F-fuck…so dee–ep,” you mewled, choking on your own saliva.
The room filled with the sporadic slap of Sukuna’s thighs to your ass, the lewd sound so loud you swore you could feel the vibrations resonate off your apartment's thin walls.
“Shut up and take it.” he hissed, head thrown back, and you audibly moaned at the sight of his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed.
Sukuna was treating your poor cunt as if it were a pocket pussy—rutting into you without any consideration for your own pleasure, yet something about that seemed so incredibly hot.
The desire you had for this man you’d met just moments ago was unbearable.
He made you a babbling, crying mess, as your orgasm washed over you for the second time that night.
But Sukuna was never finished if he weren’t finished.
Thus, it didn’t take until his orgasm came that he finally pulled out, breathing heavily and perspiration rolling down his forehead. His calloused hands soothed over the meat of your thighs, admiring how red the skin had become.
He didn’t say anything for a while, though his eyes grazed every inch of your body–was he admiring you? This was the queue Sukuna needed to go, he couldn’t believe himself!
“Wait. you’re just gonna leave?”
Sukuna grins. “Y’ want me to stay?”
You couldn’t deny how your pussy was still craving him, hell, you’d almost instantly jerked him back in when he had pulled out earlier, so you nod. Though, a better way to make him stay pops up into your mind.
“Round two?
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who was gonna tell me how hard it is to write sukuna..
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papersgallery · 3 months
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mariacallous · 6 months
On Boxing Day pro-Palestine demonstrators met customers at the Zara sale in the Westfield shopping centre, in Stratford, east London. They were not there to wish them the compliments of the season.
‘Bombs are dropping while you’re shopping,’ they chanted, as police stood by to make sure the protests did not turn violent. ‘Zara is enabling genocide,’ their placards read.
Quite what they wanted bargain hunters to do about the Israeli forces bombing the Gaza Strip, they never said. Lobby their MPs? Politicians are on their Christmas holidays. Join the Palestinian armed struggle?  It was unclear whether the shopping centre had a Hamas recruitment office.
But on one point the demonstrators were certain: no one should be buying from Zara. Even though the fashion chain has not encouraged Israel’s war against Hamas, earned income from it, or supported Israel in any material way, it was nevertheless “exploiting a genocide and commodifying Palestine's pain for profit”.
Zara, in short, has become the object of a paranoid fantasy: a QAnon conspiracy theory for the postcolonial left.
The Zara conspiracy is an entirely modern phenomenon. It has no original author. Antisemitic Russians sat down and wrote the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in the early 20th century. There was an actual “Q” behind the QAnon conspiracy: a far-right activist who first appeared on 4chan message boards in 2017 to claim that a cabal of child abusers was conspiring against Donald Trump.
The Zara conspiracy was mass produced by social media users: an example of the madness of crowds rather than their supposed wisdom. The cause of the descent into hysteria was bizarre.
In early December Zara launched an advertising campaign featuring the model Kristen McMenamy wearing its latest collection in a sculptor’s studio. It clearly was a studio, by the way, and not a war zone in southern Israel or Gaza. McMenamy carried a mannequin wrapped in white fabric. The cry went up that the Spanish company was exploiting the suffering of Palestinians and that the mannequin was meant to represent a victim of Israeli aggression wrapped in a shroud.
The accusation was insane. No one in the photo shoot resembled a soldier or a casualty of war. Anyone who thought for 30 seconds before resorting to social media would have known that global brands plan their advertising campaigns months in advance.
Zara said the campaign presented “a series of images of unfinished sculptures in a sculptor’s studio and was created with the sole purpose of showcasing craft-made garments in an artistic context”. The idea for the studio setting was conceived in July. The photo shoot was in September, weeks before the Hamas assault on Israel on 7 October.
No one cared. Melanie Elturk, the CEO of fashion brand Haute Hijab, said of the campaign, ‘this is sick. What kind of sick, twisted, and sadistic images am I looking at?’ #BoycottZara trended on Twitter, as users said that Zara was ‘utterly shameful and disgraceful”’.
To justify their condemnations, activists developed ever-weirder theories. A piece of cardboard in the photoshoot was meant to be a map of Israel/Palestine turned upside down. Because a Zara executive had once invited an extreme right-wing Israeli politician to a meeting, the whole company was damned.
Astonishingly, or maybe not so astonishingly to anyone who follows online manias, the fake accusations worked. Zara stores in Glasgow, Toronto. Hanover, Melbourne and Amsterdam were targeted.
What on earth could Zara do? PR specialists normally say that the worst type of apology is the non-apology apology, when a public figure or institution shows no remorse, but instead says that they are sorry that people are offended. Yet Zara had not sought to trivialize or profit from the war so what else could it do but offer a non-apology apology? The company duly said it was sorry that people were upset.
“Unfortunately, some customers felt offended by these images, which have now been removed, and saw in them something far from what was intended when they were created,” it said on 13 December, and pulled the advertising campaign
That was two-weeks ago and yet still the protests in Zara stores continue. On 23 December activists targeted Zara on Oxford Street chanting , 'Zara, Zara, you can't hide, stop supporting genocide', even though Zara was not, in fact,  supporting genocide. On Boxing Day, they were at the Stratford shopping centre.
Zara has apologised for an offence it did not commit. There is no way that any serious person can believe the charges against it. And yet believe them the protestors do. Or at the very least they pretend to believe for the sake of keeping in with their allies.
Maybe nothing will come of the protests. One could have argued in 2017, after all, that QAnon was essentially simple-minded people living out their fantasies online. Certainly, every sane American knew that there was no clique of paedophiles running the Democrat party, but where was the harm in the conspiracy theory?
Then QAnon supporters stormed the US capitol in January 2021. Will the same story play out from the Gaza protests? As far as I can tell, no one on the left is challenging the paranoia. I have yet to see the fact-checkers of the BBC and Channel 4 warning about the fake news on the left with anything like the gusto with which they treat its counterparts on the right.
To be fair, the scale of disinformation around the Gaza war is off the charts, and it is impossible to chase down every lie. But when fake news goes from online fantasies to real world protests, from 4chan to the Capitol, from Twitter to the Westfield shopping centre, it’s worth taking notice.
Sensible supporters of a Palestinian state ought to be the most concerned. No one apart from fascists, Islamists and far leftists believes that Israel should not defend itself. And yet the scale of its military action in Gaza is outraging world opinion. Mainstream politicians, who might one day put pressure on Israel, remain very wary about reflecting the anger on the streets.
They look at the insane conspiracy theories on the western left and see them as no different from the insane conspiracy theories that motivate Hamas, and they back away.
The Palestinians need many things: an end to the Netanyahu government, and an end to Hamas. But they could also use allies in the West who do not discredit their cause with dark, gibbering fantasies.
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cult-of-the-eye · 8 months
*sales assistant voice* Yeah so a Tim is good for helping with grief related meltdowns and general fury against injustice - he's not so good with panic attacks and depression, for those ones you need to get yourself a Martin K Blackwood, no they're not sold out, you just need to look harder, they're prone to getting lost...I'm sorry what? No you're gonna have to speak louder - A JONATHAN SIMS?? Why on earth would you want one of those?? Study inspiration? Sure, ok well I can get you one if you really want to but heads up, he comes in a wet cardboard box. Yep soaking wet. Dripping. Yeah good luck with your studying. Oh and he comes with a Martin. No, yeah you can't buy them separately. Yeah I'm afraid. Of course. Both. Yeah. Can I tempt you with a Sasha James? You seem like a person of taste, she can help with anything really, cause she's really good at becoming whatever person you need. Yeah yeah of course. Oh..no, she doesn't have a standardised design, sorry, each one is slightly different? Yeah, apologies. Right. Right so is that one of each? Yeah of course. No the Sasha does come with a Tim. Sort of like the Jon and Martin, but not really Yeah. Yeah. Are you off then? Yeah? Yeah good luck with everything, I hope everything was satisfactory and you got what you came here for! Thank you for shopping at the Magnus. Yeah, yeah bye now, bye, bye, bye.
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