ovaruling · 7 months
ok we def already knew this a hundred times over but even so: let’s fkn GO
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A couple of miles and circuit training from yesterday. I have more planned for today too. It's a very busy week so I need to stay on track for my own sanity.
The mornings are chilly already and I'm quite ready to give up my summer 😐
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cam-strong · 12 days
45 Minute Run
What a beautiful evening! And then the bugs came out in swarms 🤢
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artbyat · 14 days
Muscular female
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Amazing arts of women are waiting for you
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mxwhore · 2 months
Talk about your workouts?
I'm kinda in the same boat about maybe never gonna be able to start T and I've been thinking about working out to help with the gender. But I have no idea where to start or what to do. I haven't exercised since like middle school pe...
thanks for reaching out! im no professional trainer but ive worked out episodically through my life and have a bit of biology knowledge to guide you with!
If you havent worked out in a while, its best to start with mobility exercises. They will prevent your joints from hurting badly if/when you start with strenous exercise like weight training. I recommend the youtube channels Hybrid Calisthenics and Squat University for those, they are quite cool and not condescending at all.
Once you feel more confident in your mobility, you MUST do mild cardio to improve your resistence. You can achieve this by walking uphill 10-20 minutes a day at a pace where you dont lose your breath. There are a lot of cardio videos in youtube but i dont recommend them at your stage since going above 130 ppm without previous training may be dangerous.
You know how some cis women refuse to train the chest cuz they are afraid their boobs will decrease in size? This (sadly) doesnt happen. Localized fat burn has not been proved. You can reduce breast size (if thats your objective) via generalized fat loss, which is achieved thru a mixture of exercise and (fuck!!!) calorie deficit. Dont give up on your chest tho, you can still sculpt it!!
That being said, you can still build a more masculine shape by training your upper body!! Swimming is a (very fun!!) exercise that trains your whole body but also builds back, shoulders, chest and core very efficiently.
Finally, if you start feeling lightheaded at any moment, SLOW DOWN AND DONT STOP ABRUPTLY. Take care of your beautiful brain and heart.
Im a firm believer that everyone should work out if theyre able to and have fun while doing it!! I hope this helps and i wish you a beautiful journey
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superheroworkouts1 · 3 months
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uppercut-athletics · 2 months
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Training hard every day to fight like a warrior. Let strength, bravery, and virtue guide your path. 🥊
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qrfit · 3 months
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Day 5 of 5 day workout week:
Whew! It’s Friday! 🙌🏽 I am exhausted! But, I still managed to get up and dressed to workout by 8 a.m.! No easy feat for me the day after any holiday. Yet, there I was. I like it. 😏
-For strength training, I went with my usual 8-15 lb range of dumbbells for compound and static moves. I alternated between upper and lower body moves or combined them together. Think weighted lunges, weighted squats and squat presses, bicep curls, bent over rows, tricep extensions, etc.
-Next I did high intensity cardio kickboxing, heavy on the cardio! Today, I went with sparring gloves instead of weighted boxing gloves. No added weight to these, but they’re great to use for form. I finished with rounds on my 2 lb weighted jump-rope and a cooldown/stretch.
Total calorie burn = 420 kcals 💪🏽
That’s it for the week! 👊🏽 I don’t know about you, but I’m due for some rest days. I plan to enjoy the weekend until I’m back at bright and early Monday morning!
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chubbychiquita · 2 years
You crush on some BIG women! 🥵
What are your gaining goals?
tbh my ultimate fantasy goal is to be a gorgeous immobile princess covered with a floral sheet, overflowing a mattress, and sucking from a tube bc im too lazy to lift my arms, but realistically i think i might stop *intentionally* gaining when/right before it gets hard to take care of myself on my own
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A couple miles and some circuit training and a WHOLE LOTTA work today. This girl needs a nap!
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cam-strong · 28 days
6 Mile Run
on this gray, rainy day. 🌧️
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artbyat · 26 days
Muscular female
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Amazing arts of women are waiting for you
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thatveganfitblr · 2 months
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Ending July with a 5K run and 101 running miles! 🤗🤗
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uppercut-athletics · 7 months
Boxing Mode 🥊
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qrfit · 1 month
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Day 4 of 5 day workout week:
It’s a cardio day again! I haven’t done high intensity step aerobics in a hot minute! In my humble opinion, nothing tops the calorie output of a solid, challenging step workout. I mean, just look at that calorie burn! 🔥
-I did about 50 minutes of step double risers! This routine had 8 rounds of choreographed combos followed by low-impact/high intensity blasts. I finished with weighted abs on the mat and a cooldown/stretch.
Total calorie burn = 423 kcals ✨
That’s 4 down, one more to go! Uno mas! 🙌🏽🫶🏽
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todayirun · 3 months
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I'm in Switzerland again (for work, this time for 2 weeks). We have bad luck with the weather, it's been raining most of the time. I do enjoy it, but I wish we had some sunny days as well.
Anyhow, I visited this waterfall in the area, there is a really nice path around it which can be walked in about 40 minutes. I wanted to try 'trail running' there. In the end, I didn't do much running, I was mostly distracted by the beautiful view. I just had to stop to take photos again and again.
I'm not sure you can tell by the pictures, but it was pouring.
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