#care for african grey parrot
tiktokparrot · 1 year
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katapotato55 · 1 year
if you are at someone's home and they tell you not to do something to their pet: DON'T DO IT
i have a rescue African grey named Archemedies. not going to get into to much detail, but he is an abuse survivor who was never properly trained. As the years go by i slowly but surely train him the basics such as stepping up and color, he has made so much progress and i am proud of him! but one thing: he prefers noises over words. he can still talk, but he would rather mimic the fire detector than say words. it's just who he is. and my pet peeve: DO NOT WHISTLE IN THE HOUSE Two reasons one: it messes up his training. i use certain tones of whistling and noises to teach him tricks and what not to do. you do that and he gets confused Second: i am going to hear whatever noise you give him for the next 50 years. no that is not an exaggeration. 10 years ago our smoke detectors broke and would beep. after we replaced them they would keep beeping, so we kept getting new ones thinking they were faulty. long story short our "smoke detector" just did it randomly because he thought it was amusing to see the humans randomly get up confused as to why it was beeping again. every time people whistle at archemedies, i have to listen to the past 20-ish years worth of noises i trained him not to constantly scream for a week. respect owner's wishes. yes i know you see cute whistling birds on you tube, but chances are the caretaker of the actual bird knows more about their own pet than you do.
also here is a picture of him considering it is the law of the internet to pay your pet image based taxes.
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urostakako · 1 year
there are many things my dad does that i cant be assed to bear a grudge over but what hes done to our birds is unforgiveable
#one of the first birds i remember having was mango she was the sweetest ever and i loved her so much we were best buds#and without telling anyone or giving any indication and AT NIGHT NO LESS my dad fucking sold her to some random dude#and we never saw her again#and we were all so mad at him I WAS SO MAD AT HIM because she was my best bud!! wtf!!#but i thought that was that. and then we got kona like 11 years ago the most handsome beautiful african grey ever#and he was also my best bud!! hes been there since forever even when our other birds died he was always there. precious beloved#and what does my dad do? he gives kona to someone to take care of him while we went overseas and i was like okay fine#but he didnt bother telling us that he gave him to that person to breed him with another parrot. and he told us that later#and we were like okay fine. theyll have some babies and then he'll come back right? and my dad was like yeah#but he lied he didnt bother telling us he never intended to get kona back and now he'll stay there with his wife forever#now we have two lovebirds and he cant stand them he cant stand taking care of them and he wants to give them away too#my dad can do the most annoying insufferable shit and ill move on cause hes my dad but this tamasha is unforgiveable i hate it so much#we were best buds!!! how could you do this#i miss kona so much everyday. at least i know hes alive unlike mango (status unknown) but i expect him to be there everyday and hes not#scream#aricouldyounot
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finnleyshortstuff · 1 year
Nikki having a good look at himself. Picture taken before he decided the mirror was a threat and needed to perish :')
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crypt1dcorv1dae · 2 years
oh raven with a therapy pet
animal's emotions are easier for her to deal with as theyre usually more simple and survival based
and having a pet or even just interacting with animals is very calming and soothing, it would help her regulate her emotions and aid in her meditations
not sure what kind of pet she would have but... my top 3 choices are cat, bunny, or bird
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draconym · 1 month
Do you have any experience working with budgies? I really wanna get a pet bird of some type, but I only have experience with pet dogs. So, I was doing research and budgies looked like a solid option. I heard that African Greys are only birds you get if you, have, like, a lot of experience with bird care, so, really any advice for general bird care or a good direction for resources or what to expect would be appreciated.
I don’t! But I’ve known people who had budgies and they’re delightful little fellows. Like all parrots, they’re clever and long-lived (for their size) and very social. I think they’re underappreciated because they’re small.
Unfortunately many people see budgies as disposable and think they’re “easier” to care for, but I suspect this is because it’s less evident when they’re bored or neglected: they don’t scream as loudly, bite as hard, or destroy housewares as easily as larger birds. But they do need toys and exercise and interaction to a similar degree.
I think that a lot of folks who go out and buy large parrots would actually be happier living with a budgie or cockatiel. They’re incredibly intelligent and they have big personalities, and they’re generally safer to interact with. Because of their smaller size, it’s easier to house more than one bird in the average home and meet their needs for companionship and exercise.
Folks with budgie experience, feel free to chime in: what knowledge would you impart to someone considering a pet budgie?
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reidsbookclub · 11 months
comfort fic for spencer reid x badass!reader watching one of those ASPCA-like commercials and spencer looks over and reader is BAWLING and he is so confused and yet wants to comfort r. maybe he promises to take her to the shelter the next day or something 👀? thank you <3
2 + 1 = 4?
AN: I’m sorry if this feels rushed. Also yes I know theoretically it’s virtually impossible for it to be the same cat but work with me here please I tried to make the timeline work since this is S1- S2 Spencer
Spencer was in awe of the sight before him here she was crying her eyes out, one would think something terrible and life threatening had happened but no, it was a commercial. Here she was, the person who Spencer had seen just a night earlier take down an unsub all by herself , crying her eyes out because the local shelter would be closing.
“Sunshine? Sunshine someone will adopt them it’s going to be ok” he said in a low whisper trying to calm her down
“But—but what if they don’t? What’s going to happen to them Spence? Will they be homeless—or worse?” She replied in between sobs.
“Ok what if instead of sleeping in tomorrow we wake up early and I’ll take you to the shelter. We can adopt one together—we we have been talking about expanding our little family after all” he said blushing to which looming up at him with excitement in her eyes she responded “now let’s go right now”
Spencer was amused at her child-like excitement “sunshine we can’t it’s 3:30 am” he said giggling.
She was the first to wake up, making sure to be ready by the time a half-asleep Spencer finished his coffee.
The ride to the shelter consisted of an excited Y/N screaming Taylor Swift and an wonderstruck Spencer taking in the view from the passenger side.
“I think we should get a puppy” she said, “a big fluffy one with a brown patch in his eye”
“That’s specific” Spencer muttered, and continued looking at our the widow, “ I was thinking more in the likes of a caramel colored bunny”
“But babe,” she replied, “bunny would be too much to take care of”
“And a puppy won’t?” He said chuckling.
They spent the whole 45 min drive talking about what animal they would adopt.
Once inside the shelter they passed a an African Grey parrot called Buckley, he used to belong to an elderly couple and would scream “spank me!” Every time someone passed. Spencer couldn’t help but be startled at the parrot shaking his head immediately.
As they approached the dog kennels Spencer could tell she was begins to feel discouraged not finding a pet that she felt connected to. It all changed when they stopped at the last kennel she saw a white and light grey fur Ragdoll cat. “Can we please see this one?” She asked the shelter volunteer.
They were both amazed at how the cat, whose name they learned was Dusty, walked right up to them and began asking for head and tummy scratches. “What’s her story?” Spencer looked up towards the volunteer. Who answer in a whisper, almost as if he didn’t want Dusty to hear and be reminded of it, “Dusty was abandoned two blocks away from here, she hadn’t eaten anything in a while it seemed like due to how skinny she was. But she never lost her friendly personality”
Spencer looked from the volunteer towards y/n and knew just by the look in her eyes that Dusty would be coming home with them. “Spence, babe I want her. Let’s take her home with us.”
“How soon can we take her?” Spencer asked the volunteer who scratched the back of his neck nervously, “well you see I don’t think you’ll want her..maybe how about…” but as he was looking for another cat to show them Spencer asked, “why not her”
“Well she got attached to another cat we have here at the shelter, a Chartreux, we wouldn’t want them separated but we also won’t pressure you to take both since the Chartreux, has been through a rough time. He is actually nameless at the moment which is sad because he’s a senior cat but his previous owner was brutal so much so he is blind in one eye.”
“Can we see him?” Spencer asked.
“Sure, he’s being checked by the shelter’s vet as we speak follow me”
The minute they saw the second cat from the window Spencer and Y/N knew that he would be going home with them and without looking at Y/N for confirmation he spoke loudly, “we’ll take them. Both of them.”
“Let me go tell the vet then”
As they were waiting Spencer couldn’t help but feel drawn to the Chartreux cat he hadn’t taken his eyes off
“You ok Spence? You seem spaced out babe.”
“He reminds me of Reginald”
A spaced out Spencer replied in a sad and nostalgic manner “He was my mom’s cat. She had him since he was a kitten, I was 8-9. I would call him Reggie, he was exactly like this cat but he wasn’t blind in one eye. I used to take care of him when my mom was first institutionalized. During my first year of college my roommate left the door open and Reginald left, he never came back.”
“Spence?” She asked, “was Reggie microchipped?”
“I don’t know”
“Excuse me?” Y/N said knocking on the window that overlooked the vets clinic station
“Is either cat microchipped? We just don’t want any trouble if they are”
“Dusty isn’t but Im not sure about this one he’s been here since before I was working at this shelter, let me see” the vet replied.
“I’m sorry it looks like this cat is microchipped it belongs to a Diana Reid from Las V…”
“Las Vegas, Nevada address 42 Wallaby Way Apt 13B—she’s my mom. OMG Reggie is alive” Spencer interrupted. “I lost him my freshman year of college and he’s here in DC. How? Oh Reggie!”
The drive home consisted of Spencer telling Reginald everything he had lived through and for a split second she could see specks of child-like happiness in Spencer and with a job like theirs, that was the same as if she had won the lottery.
That night their bed felt smaller with two cats sound asleep by the end of the bed, using their feet as pillows but for the first time in the year they’d been together Spencer’s cold feet pressed on top of hers weren’t and issue.
@samuel-de-champagne-problems | @fightingdragonswithwho | @writer-in-theory | @pretty-boys-book-club | @kodiakwhiskey | @the-chaotic-cow | @nygmaperry | @reidslibrarybook | @luredwithpretzels | @justreadingficsdontmindme | @nomajdetective | @lilibet261 | @dontjudgemeimawriter | @serenity-lattes | @reidselle | @lcvingprentjss | @alexxavicry | @cafeacademia | @spencer-reid-wonderland | @paperbackprettyboy | @esoltis280 | @milla984
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fuckyeahpunkflower · 1 year
Guys guys guys its AU time! With older Miles(18) and older Hobie (20). (Also no spider man powers, normal times)
Miles is attending a prestigious University in Northern New York after years of studying and applying for scholarships at Visions. Rio and Jefferson are super proud of him although a bit sadden that their baby boy is now a young man leaving the house.
On the plus side, Miles is SUPER stoke to finally FINALLY have his very own dorm ALL TO HIMSELF! no more cramped spaces, uncomfortable bunk beds or missing shoes (that somehow always made an appearance again when Ganke returned to the room) Miles admits he will miss Ganke but they'll definitely catch up over some games on the PS4 and summer breaks.
But the best part about this university in Mile's opinion is the fact they allow pets on campus and in dorms. Which means he can live his dream of owning a dog. He's always wanted a dog since he was a kid but his parents never thought he was responsible enough to take care of it ( but mainly because Rio and Jefferson didn't want to deal with a toddler and training a puppy at the same time) Now that Miles is grown he's decided its time to make his own decisions. And that decision was to get a dog the moment he moves into his dorm. It took him 2 weeks to get settled in with his belongings and getting familiar with his classes around campus but after that he was heading towards the nearest pet shelter he could find.
And here we enter Hobie Brown! He works at the local pet shelter which houses all sorts of abandoned and neglected pets. From your typical cats and dogs to reptiles, birds, and even fishes, Hobie is there to take care of them all! And on the weekends he playing with his band mates.
Anyway Cue Miles entering the pet shelter and he's immediately greeted with the site of Hobie. They make brief eye contact and Miles freezes in place lost in thought *Damn, I was not expecting to see someone so fucking cool and hot today oh my gosh get it together you're here for a dog you're here for a dog you're here for a-*
"You know usually people tend to rush straight to the pups and ignore me but with the way your staring at me right now I can't say I'm complaining. your face is the same shade as the pups little red rockets back there" Hobie snickers
"Bro WHAT!?" Miles yelled in utter shock. He was NOT prepared for any amount of what was said to him in that moment. "What- I mean- like man- that was the wildest response I've ever-" He stops rambling to gain his composure back. "Look man, I came in here hoping to adopt a dog, can you help me or what?"
Hobie looks at Miles with amusement in his eyes "Sure thing love, straight to the back we go!"
And that was Hobies and Miles first interaction at the pet shelter.
Back to the p o i n t!!!
This is basically a college Miles and pet shop worker Hobie (except its a shelter) AU merged into one. Basically Miles visits the shelter every week looking for a dog to adopt and Hobie shows him around. With each visit Miles begins to learn more about Hobie and his relationship with the animals at the shelter. Like how Hobie absolutely adores this grey African parrot that was left in the cage on the street. Its feathers are sparse and sheds but it loves to mimic Hobies Cockney accent.
Eventually Miles adopts a cute senior black Labrador named Orca due to the white and gray furs around her eyes. Even after getting his dog he still visits the shelter between classes to talk to Hobie.
So like yeah in order to keep this short before I literally write the first fucking chapter of this AU on here.
Miles is in college and develops feelings for Hobie while he helps him adopt a dog. They hang out sometime later and Eventually BOOM they're boyfriends :D
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arsenicflame · 8 months
silly Izzy situation: he gets a parrot.
-Stede is the one to get him the parrot- something about how hes got the wooden leg he has to complete the look? honestly izzy wasnt listening, stede was using his excited voice and izzys learnt he can zone out a bit when he gets like that. there was a hat too but that went to someone else Real quick (the parrot was trying to eat it anyway)
-i know nothing about parrots but im gonna say stede gets him an African grey. it's the goth-est parrot and they're Friends Now, hes got to give a gift that fits in with izzys Look
-when stede gives it him he protests LOUDLY but when stede gets all sad and says he will return him izzy draws a knife. wtf you can't return my gift Stede
- the parrot learns to say fuck REAL quick
-izzy learns bird care from buttons, obviously- izzy is Rules autistic he needs to know How you look after his pet. he is super rigorous with following the rules and at least one crew member has faced a tirade for feeding him something bad
-the bird rides everywhere on his shoulder. frenchie makes him a little pad so his claws don't scratch izzys leathers and so he can grip better
-he starts stroking the bird as a comfort (in Correct places, thank u buttons) he doesn't notice hes doing it but everyone else does. lucius has a sketch
-you know how some pets are like? exactly like their owners? yeah. this is the grumpiest fucking parrot and they are perfect together. he only likes izzy. after a while he mimicks izzy yelling at the crew and nobody knows what to do they all just. stare. izzy laughs.
- the parrot spends a little too much time with the swede somehow (jackies? izzy & jackie friendship my beloved i will force you in anywhere) and picks up his singing. its. something. they end up using it on raids as part of a fuckery. two haunting tones to create a sense of unreality, of being surrounded.
-i didn't give the parrot a name here because i genuinely believe izzy wouldnt give it a name, hed just call it 'the parrot', occasionally 'my parrot' when drunk. the crew call it mini Izzy.
(buttons asked the parrot its name)
-someone once gave the parrot a knife because they thought itd be funny. we do not talk about the parrot knife incident.
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what fursonas would you assign the rangers apprentice cast?
oh boy. well. i'll do my best
full disclosure. i know very little about furries. the "jesus's fursona is a carpenter ant" thing was a one-off joke based off of his profession. but i'm gonna approach this as "what animal is this character like", and try to work with that
Will - Crow Will is clever, and a prankster, and also loyal, so I made him a Crow. They quite often play with wolves, and play tricks on them, pulling their tails and stealing food from them, but also show loyalty to people who look after them. Crows are highly intelligent, making tools to do what they like, and are skilled mimics - better than parrots. These fit with Will's ability to blend in to any group he finds himself in and his ability to find creative uses for people to do seemingly impossible things. (Ravens do all this too, of course, but crows are significantly smaller than ravens, and a defining trait of Will is his height - or lack thereof).
Halt - Wolf Wolves have reputations as solitary, independent creatures (think of how "lone wolves" are spoken about as though they're cool creatures even though we know they tend to live in packs), and also strike people as quite scary. In truth, wolves live in extended family groups, male wolves make good and protective fathers, and they tend to avoid people. Plus everybody mistakes certain dog breeds for wolves, and Halt has his identity consistently questioned by people who expect the legendary ranger to be someone much different.
Horace - Horse Gonna be honest, I was pretty torn between this and dog, but I went with horse. People often don't expect much of horses, and they're not known for their intelligence like dogs are. But horses are very dependable, do what they're trained to do very well, and can absolutely fuck you up if you get on the wrong side of their hooves.
Cassandra - Peregrine Falcon I hummed and hawed over this one, but peregrines fit Cassandra's vibe best. All birds of prey have a certain regal air to them, but peregrines are well-known for being highly effective hunters, dive-bombing their prey to snatch them in their talons, and I think that parallels Cassandra's use of a sling quite well.
Alyss - Swan Couriers in Araluen are known for wearing long white dresses (like swans), and Alyss is frequently described as very graceful. Swans also have a mean streak and can break your arm with their wings, and Alyss showed her mean side plenty of times during the series. Nevertheless, they're very caring parents to their cygnets, paralleling Alyss's willingness to sacrifice herself to save a child.
Pauline - Dove This one's pretty basic. Doves are considered symbols of peace in much of the world - and what better symbol of peace is there than the head of Redmont's diplomatic corps?
George - African Grey Parrot Parrots are well-known for their ability to mimic speech, and African Greys are among the best. Alex, an African Grey studied by Irene Pepperberg, famously asked questions about himself, generated entirely new sentences, and otherwise indicated he understood the words he was saying instead of simply parroting (heh) them back to Pepperberg. Thanks to him, African Grey Parrots are considered some of the most intelligent birds and are thought to have a similar capacity to human toddlers. So, the character who uses his words the best, and speaks at length, is the parrot.
Jenny - Cat Humans may be the only animal that cooks, but cats are still well-known for feeding each other. They over-hunt any area they're in to create a stockpile for cats in a colony who can't hunt as well, or to teach kittens how to hunt. Despite living in these colonies, cats are also quite independent, not adhering to a strict social order like dogs do. Finally, it's commonly accepted that cats basically domesticated themselves (there's more nuance to this, but go with it). Thus, Jenny, who decided who she wanted to be apprenticed to and got herself that spot, who struck out on her own to create her own restaurant, and never met a person she didn't try to feed, is a cat.
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flock-talk · 2 years
What do you think of the "Is The Owl Video Cute" blog promoting that keeping any and all parrots in captivity is unethical and wrong? I worry they are spreading significant misinformation to people who don't know any better.
Their entire blog at the moment is filled with asks regarding this subject so I’m just going to tag them as a whole instead of a specific post @is-the-owl-video-cute
I haven’t read every single question they’ve answered so I’m not going to say I agree with everything they say, I simply haven’t got the energy to read them all so I can’t say I agree with what I haven’t read!
I agree with the general concept of these ethical topics.
When we’re talking about whether or not an animal should be kept in captive conditions we’re focused on a couple of main things
1) the quality of care provided in the average home
2) the breeding practices and regulations
3) the quality of life the animal will have in captivity
Parrots do not thrive in captivity. No parrot does. Not a budgie, not a macaw. None of them (as a general broad statement on their species as a whole) are able to exhibit natural behaviours regularly, live with less stress than in the wild, get adequate nutrition, exercise, or social outlets.
Are there outliers to this rule? Absolutely! There are anti-social budgies who live happily with people, there are people who go above and beyond with their care so the parrots can live happily! But that’s not the majority. And that’s what matters when we’re talking about a broad and complicated topic such as ethics.
As it stands parrot keeping is inadequate.
There’s no standards on their care, there’s more misinformation out there than there is correct information, it’s easier to purchase tiny habitats and fatty nutritionless foods than it is large homes and healthy options. Even if you want to take good care of your birds you have to jump through 1000 flaming hoops just to get the right information. The majority will not put in that effort and the majority will not have the funds, space or time to truly provide what they need.
When we look at parrots in captivity we find that they do not thrive even in the best of care! Most of parrot care is spent trying to prevent problems than it is about living a stress free joyous life. Most parrots struggle with plucking or other stereotypic behaviours, behaviours that are not seen naturally. These things only happen as a result of struggling with captive life, they self mutilate, pace, and pull at their toes to try to cope with the stress that captivity puts on them. Great care or not these things still happen! It’s just a side effect of living in a cramped captive lifestyle that can’t provide what the birds need.
Their social requirements are absurdly massive! Budgies are one of the most common parrots kept as pets and they have some of the largest flocks there are! Massive groups of birds hitting numbers in the thousands! They thrive in large groups where they can preen eachother, chatter together, forage together with safety in numbers. Most captive budgies get 0-3 flock mates. Can some budgies do okay with these conditions? Sure. Does the majority? No. That doesn’t even touch on the subject that just because they’re a social bird doesn’t mean they love every bird they meet. In the wild you can choose your flock, move away from birds you don’t get along with, etc. in captivity they often don’t get that choice. You buy a completely random friend for them from a wildly different genetic line and slap them together in a confined space expecting them to get along perfectly. It ends in a lot of stress, a lot of fights, a lot of deaths.
We haven’t even hit the intelligence level yet! This goes a little hand in hand with enclosure size. Parrots are smart, not just the big ones! A budgie holds the world record for the most known words, an African grey parrot has the same cognitive intelligence as a three year old human child. They’re complex, destructive and it takes a lot to keep those brains engaged. Imagine a three year old child and all the things it takes to keep their minds healthy, now hand that toddler a sharp weapon for a face and the capacity to scream louder than a jet engine. Frequent toy rotations, tons of money spent on new toys, training to engage the brain, changing up enclosure layouts, foraging opportunities, puzzle feeders, bird-proofing everything repeatedly because your bird chewed a hole in your drywall. It’s hard. Most birds don’t get enough of it. And the majority only get 2-3 uninteresting toys which results in a lot of distress and boredom that leads to an unhappy life and self-destructive behaviours.
The amount of distance a parrot travels in a day is huge! They have massive exercise requirements that the average home cannot provide. Yes even a large outdoor aviary isn’t suitable for a lot of birds! You’ll still see stress-related behaviours as a result of living in these habitats in some cases. And again, looking at the majority here they won’t even get that amount of space. They’ll be lucky to live in a 10x10 cube with maybe an hour of time to flap their wings.
Which brings us to wing clipping. Most parrots will never get the opportunity to fly which screws up their systems massively. Their brain ends up underdeveloped, their lungs end up weaker, even their heart can be weakened or just straight up smaller than a bird who was able to fledge and fly regularly. Let alone the amount of birds that end up with broken necks because the wings were cut too short so they smashed straight in to the ground or flew full speed in to a wall with no way to control their flight (wing clipping removes the feathers responsible for controlling direction, not speed.)
Majority of pet birds end up overweight due to inadequate nutrition and exercise (see:wing clipping). There isn’t even a brand of food I can find in a local pet store that I can feed my birds that actually fulfills their nutritional needs, yes even the stores that sell the birds don’t have what’s needed to even feed them. If you want to invest a ton of time in to research, working with your veterinary team, and formulating recipes you could make it work with seeds and veggies but it’s very very difficult to do that (and again, the majority of people will not). Seeds are high in fat and the average captive bird is not getting enough exercise to burn off all that fat, this can result in neurological problems and fatty liver disease which easily chops a birds lifespan in half.
Breeding. Where it sits right now parrot breeding (in the majority of cases) is disgusting. Most of the time the birds are kept in teeny tiny cages and don’t really come out, the babies may get handled just so they end up tame and easier to sell but other than that they don’t tend to get out much. Most birds are over-bred and in the cases of small birds they’re too tiny for most blood tests to be done. So things like ensuring two birds aren’t closely related to reduce inbreeding risks….. doesn’t happen. If you look at the world of dog breeding for comparison there’s a ton of regulations to ensure healthy pups. You can get x rays to check their bone structures and joints, blood tests for their Coefficient of Inbreeding, etc. the (good) breeders put a lot of work in to socializing, building confidence, and raising healthy stable puppies. That doesn’t exist for birds. There’s no attempts at socialization beyond making them hand tame, there’s no exposure routines to build confidence, there’s no health tests. The bird world also has this hefty habit of deliberately inbreeding to cause genetic disasters because they look cute. One line of budgies, for example, is so overbred for the sake of making the feathers large (desirable trait for more sales) that the birds can’t see properly and often have really dirty vents because the poop gets caught up in these oversized feathers. An offshoot of this attempt was the Feather Duster Budgie. A line of budgies who ended up with a genetic mutation through this process, their feathers never stop growing. They don’t live more than a couple years at most before they either die because the feathers were too heavy to access food, couldn’t breathe, or were otherwise inhibited by the weight of the feathers.
There’s a lot wrong with captive parrots. Even if we were to reform the whole pet care industry at the end of the day we’d hit the same result. Parrots aren’t healthier with us than they are on their own. Even with the risks of predation and disease in the wild the amount of stress they experience in captive environments and drastic accidents with escaped pets/ getting stepped on/ eaten by the family cat often shortens their lifespans in similar ways.
Here’s more posts I’ve done in the past regarding ethics:
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strawbs-screaming · 7 months
Punch out boxers and what pet(s) they would have
hey bestie, exam season is almost over so im recovering a bit so why not give this to you all??
Glass Joe - small, fluffy and cute white cat that is the spawn of satan, knocking shit over, eating your food, wrecking the couch, massacring the toilet paper, all while looking adorable, named "Bouffon", sometimes called bonbon because of it
Von Kaiser - a doberman thats scary as shit but a complete angel, very loud barks when scared but very cute otherwise, named "Turm"
Disco Kid - an african grey parrot that never shuts up, really cool but still the spawn of hell to a certain point, always singing or quoting stuff,named "Angel"
King Hippo - a capybara & a turtle, he lets the capybara on his bed and the turtle has its own pond, both of them are pretty chill and the most evil they do is just bumping into doors, the capybara is named "coco" since Hippo made a hat for it using a coconut shell, the turtle is named "Reef" since he ran out of ideas
Piston Hondo - some koi fish & a praying mantis, he has a pond for his fish and decorates it, meditating there when the weathers right, the praying mantis has its own terrarium and doesnt let it out unless he has to change up something since hes paranoid about crushing it, the koi fish dont have names but the praying mantis is named "リーフ" (Leaf) since he found it fighting some bug on a leaf
Bear Hugger - besides the squirrel (we dont count mrs bear since shes more of a friend and it would be rude to call her a pet)he has a pet snail and a rabbit, the snail is one of his first pets and he got it when he first started his boxing career and found it in the showers after a match, its named "squeaky" because of that, he actually found the rabbit not too long ago after feeding it some dandelions, it just came over to his house on a daily basis after a while and he accepted it, the rabbits named "Dandy" since bear hugger saw it eating a dandelion and ran with it
Great Tiger - has a pet snake & a gecko, the snake has a pattern somewhat reminiscent of a tiger with its Orange & Black stripes, despite its fierce appearance, its pretty shy and hides a lot, the gecko is the opposite of that: it may look not very intimidating but its a menace, the snake is named "tiger" (how creative) and the gecko is named "Woob", aran came up with the name after taking a glare at it and just saying "woob."
Don Flamenco - other than the spider that carmen owns, he has a pet goldfish named "Fish" that he he just feeds and fucks off, he has 0 emotional attachment to it, he could see it dead and he would go "damn sucks to suck" And move on, hes not the one for pets
Aran Ryan - a mountain lion he thought was just a really big cat, he gave it a bath, fed it some meat and just adopted it, it doesnt really mind but its like... really confused, aran named it "princess", the way he found out was him inviting bear hugger over and seeing him go "IS THAT A FUCKING MOUNTAİN LION" the moment princess walked out of the bathroom after eating the toilet paper again
Soda Popinski - a husky thats absolutely running from place to place 99% of the time, its sometimes a bit mishievious but pretty well behaved, its named "soda" since thats pretty much his idea of a cute name
Bald Bull - a lazy fat ass street cat that sleeps most of the time or just eats food, its mishievious but not enough to bother moving, its suprisingly good at opening cabinets and eating to its own hearts content, he really has no way to stop it, named "Tombili"
Super Macho Man - a shi tzu named "puffy" that likes to nibble on wood, its very fluffy since he takes great care to brush it
Mr Sandman - Not the type own a pet since hes indecisive about it, had a few pet goldfish before but thats about it for him
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battlekilt · 6 months
I gotta be honest with ya.
Rex would be a dog man.
Anakin, however, wouldn't be a dog or a cat man. No, he's too weird. he would be a bird man. Yes, I'd argue a parrot. He'd love their raw intelligence, their selective social needs. He would love how demanding they are to take care of and the rewards they offer. Offer Anakin Skywalker an African Grey Parrot, and he'd be training it like parrots Apollo or Einstein. Though, I think he'd prefer broken-ass rescue parrots with plucked patches, a reputation for biting, and a complete refusal to trust. Admittedly, the Force would help. However, Anakin would only use that to ask for the parrot to try and tell him what it needs, and what it wants.
I think he would get along better with parrots more than other people. He'd want the challenge of something seen only for its beauty or what entertainment it can provide. That is what he'd want to befriend.
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jaybirdswriting · 10 months
Things To Compare To Grey Eyes
A: Strong armor that glints in the sun.  
B: A round stone picked from the forest floor. 
C: An eyelash curler that’s the same shade as their pupils.
D: A storm cloud filled with lighting and rain, blocking the sky. 
E: Titanium that’s incredibly difficult to break. 
F: Smoke trailing out of a chimney. 
More Undercut
G: An African Grey Parrot.
H: A blade, deadly but useful. 
I: An oven radiating warmth. 
J: A thimble worn for safety. 
K: A watch that ticks away as time passes. 
L: Fog obstructing the view and making it hard to see anything else. 
M: A mouse, small and cute. 
N: The hair of an older person, telling of their age. 
O: A monochrome photo. 
P: A can made of tin. 
Q: An elephant, playful and wise. 
R: A safety pin for those characters that are extra cautious. 
S: A cave deep beneath the Earth.
T: Pencil lead. Perfect for writing. 
U: A diamond held in a golden ring. 
V: A statue crafted by careful hands. 
W: Coins tossed in a fountain. 
X: The concrete of a parking lot, old and worn. 
Y: Handcuffs used to entrap you. 
Z: Barbed wire, warning of danger. 
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dove-da-birb · 11 months
Meet Antonio Salieri
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Antonio Salieri
The ‘poisoner’ of Mozart. Antonio is reserved, and cunning, and will do about anything ti make sure he gets his way. Mozart avoids him at all costs. Smells like almonds. Aloof cat, not outright mean, but not friendly. - My OG notes about him but I heavily revised this.
He rolls his eyes at people who insist he’s a poisoner, and also does not appreciate that a syndrome was coined after his name; Salieri syndrome, a person in power who appears to be helping, but is only subverting their success. But he pays them no mind, and continues with his business. “Be careful with him, don’t you smell the almonds? That’s cyanide dear.” No, no it’s not, he was just baking earlier.
He lives in a modest apartment above a bakery which he owns. He does the odd performance now and then, but years of trying for fame has taken a toll on his passion for performing music.
Voice Claim; Kaname Futaba
Birthday; August 18
Height; 176 cm
Occupation; Composer, teacher, and director of the Italian opera
Hobbies; Playing violin and baking
Dislikes; Liars
Specialty; Playing the harpsichord
Weakness; Creative block
Favourite food; Almond thumbprint cookies
Hated food; Grapefruit
Vampire Type; Lesser vampire
Animal Companion; an African grey parrot named Gluck
Some History [wikipedia again; lots of info so I condensed it]
He was taught how to play music by his older brother, Francesco and ran away from home on two occasions so he could hear his older brother play in festivals. Antonio was once reprimanded by his father because he didn’t pay the proper respect to a priest, and Antonio’s reasoning for this is that the priest’s organ playing displeased him. He does not remember much of his childhood save for his love of reading, music, and sugar.
He quickly rose into the opera scene, and his works pushed against traditional opera styles, and added his own style into them. His works were mainly inspired by classic literature and dramas. His first large success in the opera sphere was with his Armida which featured a conflict of love and duty, steeped with magic, and set during the First Crusade. Many of his operas were either large successes or raised little attention.
When Joseph II came into power, Salieri slipped out of the spotlight, as all operas were to be in German, a language that he had truly never mastered. He did find success in the Parisian opera scene with his Les Danaïdes, inspired by the ancient Greek tragedy writer Aeschylus’s The Suppliants. It was so successful that it was kept on the opera scene in Paris for over forty years.
As for the ‘poisoner of Mozart’ title, there is no hard evidence that Antonio murdered Mozart, and the two were most likely respectful of each other. But he has no time for rumours and rolls his eyes at them.
He is cunning, but also painfully honest as he cannot stand lies. He does try his best to achieve his goals, but unfortunately, his work is either a success or never takes off, which disheartens him. At least people seem to enjoy his baking. He and Mozart don't really talk and tend to avoid each other, but Salieri at least gives him a polite nod whenever he sees the other musician out and about. He seems aloof at first, but when he trusts you he becomes a tad warmer and teases you... but he doesn't realize it's teasing.
Tagging; @azulashengrottospiano
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bantaro-bird · 1 year
Okay as a proud parent of a parrot, most people draw Grian with scarlet macaw wings. This makes sense; they’re recongised as parrots, they’re mainly red, and they’re also recongised as one of the parrot types in the game
The majority of the parrots in the game actually are macaws, this excludes the grey parrot, which is recongised as a cockatiel (which is a type of parrot but is much smaller then the macaws)
There’s lots of parrots! They come in all sizes in real life, from little budgies (from Australia, who are easy to care for and frequently found at stores), to the larger lovebirds (who have several morphs, my favourite being the peach-faced lovebird morph and are from Africa), to the African grey which is well-known for mimicry (but is specifically not in the game as they are entirely grey, not just mostly), all the way up to the hyacinth macaw (largest by size alone and the template for dark blue Minecraft parrots) and the flightless kākāpō from New Zealand (adorable idiots that can’t be kept as pets but who look like moss chickens and are the heaviest)
I saw some art of winged Grian you did and had the urge to tell you all about parrots
Lovebirds can’t have avacado; it’s toxic to them. Only male canaries were brought into mines because they sing much more frequently then females. Budgies have the largest recorded vocabulary (might have changed since but at one point recently they did). Much like snakes, we call different colouring morphs, but it’s also common to just say “blue budgie” instead.
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