#career benefits
hsmagazine254 · 1 year
The Role Of Intuition In Workplace (Part 2) - Positive Reflection Of The Week
The Science Behind Intuition Before we delve into how intuition can benefit your career, it’s essential to understand the science behind it. Intuition isn’t just some mysterious force; it’s a result of your brain processing vast amounts of information and experiences in the background. This process often happens outside conscious awareness, making it seem like a “gut feeling.” This “gut feeling”…
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worldswin · 2 years
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glitchven · 3 months
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Mmmmm drew that one scene from moonlinches fic "there are many benefits (to rethinking this career path)" cause it was so gOOD
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frankiebirds · 5 months
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I love this scene a lot and it lives in my head rent-free. I can't really think of another way to interpret it other than that this is elle telling reid that the reason he can't get a date isn't because of something wrong with him that he needs to change but simply because he doesn't ask people out (or, more broadly, lacks confidence).
I have seen some spencelle shippers read this as elle saying "hey. ask me out" but i disagree, not because i don't ship spencelle (i sort of do, elaboration in the notes) but for the following reasons:
I think elle would have realised very early on that if she was going to wait for reid to ask her out, she would be waiting years
i don't think she gives enough of a fuck about gender roles to wait for The Man to ask her out
she generally seems confident
i lean more towards her being very new to the BAU in the early episodes. I don't recall right now if there's an official anti-fraternization policy or if that's a fanfiction trope, but even if there isn't, entering a relationship with a coworker that early on is an easy way to mess up her career.
i think she was waiting until she was more established to start anything, but then, well, everything happened, and she left before becoming established enough to feel comfortable taking a risk like that
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bitchesgetriches · 8 months
Dear bitches, I have a question that may benefit the class: I'm lucky to have a job that has a very generous 15 day sick leave policy, and no health issues that would make me take it - except that I also have the copper IUD that gives me horrid cramps on day 1 of my period, for just about 24 hours exactly.
What is the business speak for 'I'm taking a sick day today because of my period'? What is the general business speak for 'I won't be here for a day for health reasons' that doesn't imply contagion or invite questions about how I'm feeling when I come back? Thank you and I hope you know JUST how appreciated you are (seriously, who else would I ask this to)
Sweetie pie... we LOVE that we're the ones you choose to ask this of. This is all we ever wanted--for strangers on the internet to talk to us about their periods!
(Sidenote: I, Piggy, also currently have an IUD, and it leads to practically ZERO symptoms of menstruation. I don't bleed, I don't get cramps, I don't experience mood swings. About once per year my face breaks out in zits and I bleed a small amount for a few hours. That's it. I fucking love it. So readers, just keep in mind that everyone's body is different and your symptoms may vary on any medication. I DIGRESS.)
The #1 thing to keep in mind is that your employer is not entitled to any confidential medical information. If you have cancer, they don't have a right to that information. If you've got a headache, they don't have a right to know. If you're considering a cosmetic surgery, a gender alignment surgery, or any other surgery... they don't need to know. So if you're menstruating and it hurts, they definitely don't get to know.
So my preference would be to go with the direct approach. If you're cramping and you want to take a sick day, just tell your employer "I'm taking a sick day." If they press for details, say "I'll see you tomorrow. :)" If they keep pressing, remind them that they are not legally entitled to your confidential medical information.
But if you'd rather not be direct (and who could blame you?) just tell them you "got food poisoning from the mussels at that place off of i70--you know the one? Yeah last time I'll make that mistake, even if I do have a Groupon. I didn't know puke could even BE that color!" Food poisoning is gross and temporary and tends to dissuade further questions.
Blood Money: Menstrual Products for Surviving Your Period While Poor 
Workplace Benefits and Other Cool Side Effects of Employment 
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applejongho · 2 months
hi besties hi jonghomies I literally might get a job bc of a fucking fourth of july party. My parents invited a neighbor who works at a place I wanna work at to our fourth of july party and I talked to him about how I applied back in nov and they keep wait listing me and he was fucking appalled bc they just hired some bioengineers that are like..... "totally not as good as you" (his words) and now he has been advocating for me and now a manager is interested in me bc of his advocating. she looked at my resume and was like "we need her." FUCKING HELL
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loveshotzz · 11 months
I just got the text that I got the job I interviewed for last week on whim.
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genderbndr · 11 months
I don't post my art often but I made some fanart for @moonliched and their fic There are many benefits (to rethinking this carrer path): https://archiveofourown.org/works/47449438/chapters/119573569
I have fallen in love with this beautiful piece of work and started doodling and then fell into a haze and made an actual piece from Chapter 8.
Moon is a wonderful sweetheart and the writing is incredible. Go read their fantastic work (it even comes with funny pov stuff in the end notes!!!)
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Here are some doodles I made too of the first 4 chapters end note pov memes. I couldn't help myself, they're so goofy. My hand was getting tired by the end lol so some are better than others. Hope you like anyway :) (btw, i put some patterns on sun, moon and eclipse just for funsies, idk if they actually have that kinda marking in the fic)
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The person with the curly hair and bubbles for braids is the reader and the guy with the short hair is me! :) I really love the fic, seriously, absolutely put it on your list if you have the time.
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inkz123 · 5 months
Man finishing school term and wanna rest, draw and work on comms more, but then like 2ish weeks later, boom, gotta fix stuff to start the new school term again
Mannn i just wanna do nothing but draw blorbos and backed up ideas and all the sketch wips i havent even finished ; ;
Idk school for me just throws off the vibes fr fr
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batsplat · 6 months
Bike or Rider: Brno 2014 // Phillip Island 2018
Brno 2014:
Q: When in the past you were winning so many races with Honda, everybody was saying, was because of the bike. Now with Marquez, it’s not like this. What do you think about this? And also Honda won today.
Rossi: Yeah, I’m [...] thinking to this situation that this is the bigger difference between my period and the Marc period. When I won, in 2001, 2002, 2003 with Honda, not everybody - but a lot of people, especially the journalists - say that I won because I had the best bike. Now with Marc, racing with Honda, he won a lot of races, but because he do the difference. I don’t know why have this difference between me and him, for me it’s difficult to understand. Maybe the rivals, because, sincerely, we are better rivals than what I had. Because more or less we never complain about - a lot - about the bike, when in the past I beat especially Biaggi, he always complained that I beat him because I have the best bike... It was funny. But at the end, I change bike and I won also with Yamaha, but after I won because I don’t have rivals, so… It’s never ending. But I think that Honda is very strong, but you cannot say nothing to Marc, because he won ten races, so for sure at this moment, he is the fastest rider.
Phillip Island 2018:
Q: Yes, a question for Vale - Vale, what do you think is the limit of Marc Marquez, and if you think that maybe some day he will change to try the bike to be better, if it’s possible, better rider, more layered… During the past, when change Honda for -
Rossi: Ah, change the team?
Q: Yes, Honda for Yamaha.
Rossi: Oh the limit… Difficult to say, sincerely I don’t know. About the future for change the bike, it’s something very personal. He don’t have to change the bike, so, he have to feel. If he feel good with the team, with the Honda, he can make also all the career with the Honda. Depends very much, it’s a very personal choice, what you feel, what you find, for find the motivation for race. But I think that everybody have his own way. 
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jopzer · 1 year
okay. i have finally finished my rewatch and i think i've finally made sense of my thoughts vis a vis ted and jamie's relationship.
i think it's very interesting that the exact moment ted pulls away from being directly involved in jamie's development is when he realizes that what jamie needs is a father. like in season one and arguably the first half of season two he is very hands on in trying to get jamie to realize his potential/the error of his ways but like. things are noticeably different after he sees him and james through the door, and then after wembley they do not really interact again in a meaningful way until mom city. roy literally picks it up as ted sets it down, like. he can't be what jamie needs he doesn't Want to, he can barely even handle what he feels for henry like we see in mom city, he's not picking up a bonus son you know
i really do think it's a very interesting way to handle their relationship specifically. they're so so intertwined in their character arcs and they're constantly setting each other's off but they can't really meet in the middle because ted can't/won't connect with him on that level. they're a son without a father and a father without a son and they can't click into that relationship because ted pulls away from him the minute it becomes clear that's what jamie needs, and we see it come full circle and see why in his monologue during mom city
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main-clown · 6 months
I’m crying why does it show up so blurry
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Anyway! More magma doodling, ft. There Are Many Benefits (to rethinking this career path) by Moonliched!
I don’t understand what art program people use that makes the lines so smooth argh
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necromimetics · 26 days
I start my new job tomorrow pls keep me in ur thoughts and prayers
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euphorial-docx · 3 months
you know i’ve been in the trenches when i think getting benefits and a teachers salary— a teachers aid salary, actually— is the epitome of wealth. i feel rich now.
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bitchesgetriches · 5 months
If Your Employer Refuses To Negotiate Salary, Try These 11 Creative Counteroffers
If a potential employer refuses to negotiate salary, it doesn’t mean that their offer is bad. Internal policies far more benign than the one I just described dictate salary offers. Some employers have a strict system for salaries based on tenure, experience, performance, or job title. Others must adhere to government guidelines or union rules regarding fair salaries.
It also doesn’t mean that the conversation is over. You can ask for so much more than money! When an employer refuses to negotiate salary, they’re giving you leverage to ask for other things. Today, I’ll give you a few ideas for creative counteroffers that will make your life better and sweeten any job transition. Even better, I’ll suggest some simple scripts you can follow to maximize your chances that they’ll say “yes.”
Keep reading.
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kinomiya · 7 months
I cannot believe I am watching the western world mourn a racist nationalist who was only throwing tantrums because it wasn't him in control of the empire.
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