#carla x you
damnamour · 4 months
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gorgeys · 10 months
stay tuned bc carla smut is on the way!!
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seeingivy · 1 year
meeting the parents 
roommate eren x f!reader 
you swear you know the family sitting next to you at eren’s soccer game, you’re just not sure from where
**find mini-series masterlist here
an: ty for all the love on roommate eren!!!! this part was super super rushed and not AS proofread lol but I just wanted to put the idea out there to set it up for some other stuff :DDDD 
previous part linked here
“Is there something I’m supposed to wear to your soccer game? I’ve never been to one before.” 
You feel Eren get up from his bed, which you were currently sprawled on. You’d spent more time in his room as of late, his bed being more comfortable to watch movies on than the couch. The night you had slept in his bed felt like it breached any sense of normal boundaries between the two of you, this was the new normal. I guess touching each others scars can do that to someone. 
In the middle of the movie he had picked out for today, which was a stupid nature documentary that was putting you to sleep, he had invited you to come to his first home game, which was on Friday. 
He was trying to convince you - telling you Annie would be there, that there are snacks, and Jean and Armin will be too since they were part of the game. You’re positive he doesn’t understand the pull he has on you, because you’d agree to anything the second he asked. 
After you agree, you can’t help but feel your heart twinge at the smile spreading across your face and you fight the urge to poke his dimples. You love his dimples. His smile lines. The softness near his eyes. You shake your head, directing your gaze back to the forest on the screen as you avoid the fluttering in your chest. 
After your question about the clothes, he nearly jumped up, rummaging through his closet to find something for you to wear. After a few minutes, he throws the shirt at you, which lands square in your face, knocking you over. You pull the shirt off your face, sticking your tongue out at him as he joins you back on the bed. 
You keep a respectable distance when you sit together on his bed, obviously. You can’t even look at him without exploding. And whenever he touches you, all you can think about is his soft, nimble fingers running across your skin in the night, touching all the parts of you that were hurt. 
But every once in a while, Eren will brush his hand against yours while reaching for his phone, fix your hair behind your ears because you ‘look like a garden troll’, and claim you have a stray eyelash on your face just to press his fingers against your cheek. 
You think it’s an excuse to touch you, that it can’t all be a mistake, but you’re also well aware that Eren can make you a little delusional. You ignore the validity of the situation all together. The less you think about his fingers on your skin, the better. 
You hold the shirt up, inspecting it. Your throat drying when you realize what it is. His jersey. 
“Eren. I can’t wear this.” 
“Why not?” 
“I don’t know. Aren’t you supposed to wear it while you’re playing?” 
“I have another one. Plus, all the girls wear jerseys to the games. Annie’s wearing Armin’s honorary jersey.” 
Annie’s not a normal girl, she’s Armin’s girlfriend. All the girlfriends wear jerseys to the game. You turn to face him, an uneasy expression pressed on your face. He rolls his eyes, his hand making its way to the top of your head. He sticks his fingers into your scalp, applying soft pressure. 
“Why are you thinking so hard? It’s just a shirt. I can find you another one if it bothers you that much.” 
He’s right. It’s just a shirt. To him anyways. It might mean something else for Annie and Armin and every other girl but for you guys, it’s just a shirt. 
You shake your head, agreeing to wear it to the game on Friday. 
The game rolls around and you’re currently seated in the stands alone. You have superstitions to thank for that. 
Armin doesn’t play in the game, but helps the coaching team strategize where to put the best players. Hence, the honorary jersey Eren mentioned earlier. Armin’s been around the sport since he was a kid and knows all the players' strengths well enough to help assist in making plays. It makes a lot of sense when you think about it - Armin’s never the one at the center of the play, but definitely the mastermind behind it. 
However, Armin claims that they can’t win unless he’s wearing a very specific pair of blue shoe laces. Eren explained that superstitions mean everything to the team, even to him. Apparently, he refuses to play if he isn’t wearing his key necklace. Because, he’ll lose without it. Armin’s the same with the shoelaces. 
Annie was currently tearing apart Armin’s apartment, trying to find the shoelaces before they could start the game in a few minutes. Which left you alone in the stands reading the book you brought to kill the time. You’re not much of a soccer or sports fan - so you had contingency plans in place. You’re just here to support your friends and because Eren asked you to come. 
You feel a hand on your shoulder, pulling out your earphones to acknowledge the nudging. You find a tall, blonde man standing over you, gesturing if he could sit next to you. He has two other people with him, a man and a woman with dark black hair, who have to be one of the player's parents. You give them a smile, nodding your head that they could take the seats next to you. 
“A Midsummer Night’s Dream?” 
“Yeah, I have to read it for an assignment.” 
At the sound of his voice, you take a moment to really seep into the man’s features. He’s got blonde hair, thin circular framed glasses, and a full sported beard. If you had to guess, you would say he’s somewhere in his late twenties, just based on his looks and demeanor. You have a feeling you’ve seen him somewhere before, but you can’t really pinpoint where from.
“This is an interesting place to complete an assignment. What brings you here?” 
You shut the book closed, squinting your eyes around on the field till you find Eren running up and down the track. The game starts in a few minutes and he’s warming up before he takes his spot at the goalie stand. 
“That guy. He’s my roommate. I came to see him play.” 
The man nods, craning his neck to find who it was you were pointing at. You sit in silence, not interacting with the man or the other two people till the middle of the game. Annie still hadn’t returned, but they were surprisingly winning the game. It was neck to neck the entire time, Eren’s team barely scoring over them each time the whistle went off. 
You feel the fingers tap into your shoulder again, the blonde man staring at you. 
“I’m going to go get water from my stands for my parents. Did you want anything?” 
You can’t ignore the growling in your stomach and the dryness in your throat - you had been screaming for a better half of the last hour. You never knew sports could make you so passionate. You dig for your wallet in your pocket, pulling out way too much cash for a simple bottle of water. You reach for his hand, squeezing it twice before speaking. 
“Thank you so much, really. It’s very kind of you to ask me. If you could get me a snack, that would be great. Here’s the money for it, you can use it for your parents' water bottles too.” 
You place the bills in his hands, turning your neck back to find Eren running on the field. You feel bad, but the only thing you can focus on is him. He’s so coordinated, like a figure skater on the field. Watching him lace the ball through his feet to avoid other players taking it from him felt somewhat hypnotic - but you think that’s more about how Eren looks and is, rather than how he’s playing. 
As the blonde man turns to leave, the woman slides into his seat, leaning over to talk to you. She has golden brown eyes, which are warmly peering into yours. 
“You’re really into the game. You’ve been following it really closely.” 
“I never thought I’d enjoy it so much. This is actually my first time coming to a game.” 
“What made you decide to come today?” 
“Eren Yeager. He’s number eleven, running on the right side of the field. He’s a really good friend of mine and he asked me to come. He cares a lot about the game and I care a lot about him, so I just had to come when he asked me.” 
She presses her hand over yours, squeezing tight. You can see her eyes glimmering at your words, though you’re not entirely sure why. You can’t place it but she seems familiar too. You’re having a weird sense of deja vu from the game all together. 
“You’re a sweet girl, really.” 
You smile back, your heart tingling at her words. You’re distracted by everyone cheering at the field, craning your neck back to find Eren. You watch him sink the ball into the net, jumping to your feet at the sight of him stopping, a smile shining on his face as he watches the scoreboard turn in his favor. 
You swear you imagine the next part, but the looks everyone around you give you tells you it was real. He turns to the field, squinting till he finds you settled in the bleachers. He points to the net, signaling at the score he just made, and then points at you, a smile pressed against his face. You’re not sure what it means entirely, but what you are sure of is that his stupid smile was going to make your heart explode one day. 
Eren wins the game. Obviously. You watch his teammates lift him into the air, shuffling him to the end of the bleachers. You run down the steps, your cheeks sore from smiling so hard. You watch the players let him go and he meets your eyes, slowly walking over to meet you. 
You basically run at him, tangling your arms around his neck. He lifts you up, spinning you around for a few seconds before setting you down. You can feel his arms shaking, which you’re sure is the adrenaline from the rush of the game. 
“Ren. That was so fucking cool. You’re so cool.” 
You can see the corners of his lips quirking up at his words, a warm look in his green eyes. 
“You’re amazing. You move so fast, I could barely keep my eyes off of you.” 
“You can’t do that anyways.” 
You smack his shoulder with the side of your arm, rolling your eyes at him. He’s not wrong. 
Before you can bite back, he looks past your shoulder, waving at someone behind you. You turn your neck to find the three people you were sitting with from before walking up, swinging their arms around Eren. 
You watch the man with blonde hair put his hand in Eren’s hair and affectionately shake his entire head, while the man and the woman envelop him in a hug. You’re thoroughly confused. 
“You know them?” 
“Do you know them, peaches?” 
“Peaches?” you hear the black haired man say, turning his eyes towards his wife and son. 
“Yeah, we were sitting together during the game.” 
He turns his neck, narrowing his eyes at the three of them.
“How did you guys know it was her?” 
“She has Yeager printed on the back of her shirt in huge letters. It wasn’t that hard to figure out she was the girl we were looking for.” 
The three of them turn to you, all of them smiling brightly. Eren pulls you closer, swinging his arm around your shoulder as he turns to face you. 
“Y/N. These are my parents, Grisha and Carla, and my brother Zeke. They really wanted to meet you and I was going to introduce you to them after the game but they had other plans.” 
You can feel the gears settling into place in your head, the deja vu feeling making sense. The picture Eren showed you when you were sick, when you became friends - it was of them. His family. You just didn’t recognize them right away because they were way younger than they are now. 
You press your hands to all of theirs, the dread filling your chest. They knew it was you the entire time and you had no idea. Is that rude? Are they going to tell Eren you said that you cared about him?
“I’m really sorry I didn’t recognize you. Eren showed me a picture and I thought I knew you guys from somewhere, but the picture he had shown you was so old.” 
“He showed you a picture of us? He basically refused to show us any of you, he’s so secretive.” Carla responds, the shock pressed on her face.
“Just threaten him. He’ll give in eventually.” 
The three of them laugh, your heart tingling at the sight of their laughter and smiles. Okay, okay. Not too bad. They don’t hate you, that’s for sure. 
“I have a feeling he only does that for you.” 
You quirk your eyes at his dad, Grisha he said, and shake your head, dismissing the comment. He’d do it for anyone. You just know how to do it. You hear Annie and Armin calling you from the other side of the field, something about taking a picture of them. 
You shake all of their hands another time, giving them your brightest smile before letting your legs drag you to where Annie and Armin were standing. 
“No grandchildren till after graduation.” 
“I get it. She’s really cute, she’s sweet, it’s probably easy when you sleep in a bed together every night. But no grandchildren.” 
“She’s not my girlfriend. And she doesn’t sleep in my bed.” 
Eren feels Zeke smack the back of his head, turning back to glare at him.
“You get stupider as time goes on. That poor girl likes you so much.” 
Eren shakes his head, looking over at you from across the field. You’re crouched on the ground, taking a picture of Annie and Armin who have their arms tangled around each other. Of course, you’re crouching on the ground to get the best angle. 
Annie’s pressing a kiss to his cheek and he ignores the fact that all he can think about is you doing that to him. 
“No, she doesn’t.” 
“She told us she cared about you. A lot. And mind you, she thought we were strangers. She wasn’t trying to impress us as your family or your loved ones, she literally was just telling us, like she’d tell any other stranger who talked to her. She likes you.” 
Eren feels his dad come behind him, pressing dollar bills into his open palm. 
“It’s her money. Make sure you return it.” 
“She offered to pay, didn’t she?” 
They all nod, confirming his suspicions as he glances back over to you. Kindness was like breathing to you and he envied, admired, and loved it about you all at once. You were so...you sometimes, it hurt him. 
Eren gives Zeke one more shove for good measure, before stalking over to the field where you’re standing. He reaches over, pressing his fingers into the side of your shoulder. You turn over, your stupid doe eyes staring into his again. 
“Need something, Ren?” 
“I want a picture with you. Ask Annie and Armin to take it.” 
He doesn’t miss how your face lights up at the request and he curses your sweet little heart for making him like you more. 
Sometimes he feels like he can’t help it, like you could breathe and he’d love you for it. The way your nose crinkles, your chest rising and falling as it fills with air, he could love anything, even a stupid physiological act, if it was you. 
You hand Annie the camera, reaching over to press yourself against him. He reaches forward, squishing your face in his hand as Annie takes the picture. You run over, snatching the phone from Annie’s hand to swipe through the pictures. You accidentally land on the picture of Annie and Armin first, Annie pressing a kiss to his cheek. 
“Oh my god, I thought that was us for a second Ren. Imagine.” 
But he doesn’t have to. There’s already a picture of you two like that - you pressing a kiss to his cheek - from a while back. You just don’t remember it. 
next part linked here
taglist: @maliakealoha @smolone88 @mykyoon @squirrelspoetry @roronoazorosbxtchh @fell-4-u @erensleftnutt @thelazylemur @mg63k @filunara @mblrrr @spidersinmybutthole @lezsie @erensmoodygf @maesthebestmonth @nanamiswife22 @lalalucidity @saiyasworld @rebeccawinters @l0v31yw0r1d 
pls let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!!! just reply to this post or leave ur @ in my asks box :D
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ozarkthedog · 8 months
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summary: while working as a bartender at Prospero's Orgy, a masked woman follows you into a storage room.
warnings: 18+ only -> mdni. verna x fem!reader. f/f. smut. fingering. slight dom/sub vibes. no spoilers (that i know of). no beta.
word count: 1.3k
author’s note: tbh, I’ve only watched 2 eps so far but I had to write something with her. I don’t know anything about the series so forgive me if there are inaccuracies.
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 ⋅ 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
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Booming music shakes the walls of the old, brick building as you make your way to the storage room. You’ll be amazed if the orgy goers don’t drink their way through all the liquor before the night even properly begins. You heard someone mention something about midnight and rain. You pray your boss will let you go home before all hell breaks loose.   
You unlock and shove open the storage room door with a sigh. This was not really your kind of scene. You could handle yourself in a bar and catered events, you’d worked plenty of them before but an orgy? You don’t know why you signed yourself up for this. Sure, the money was good but the moment you stepped foot into the abandoned facility, the hair on the back of your neck stood up.
The room was dank and barely lit as you graze the various shelves for a case of Glenfiddich. You find the last case on the floor near the back of the room when the storage room door creaks and then shuts with a bang.
Fear prickles your skin.
It’s probably some horny couple looking for a secret place to get off. Still, you clear your throat before nervously calling out, “Hello?”
You scream when a masked skull turns the corner of one of the shelves. You walk backward until a coarse brick wall catches your clothing and halts your retreat. 
“Oh, I’m sorry.” A gentle voice says from beneath the mask. The woman is draped in a hooded, sparkly red cape that barely covers her body. The black lingerie she’s wearing underneath leaves little to the imagination.
You clutch your chest as you’re taken aback by the stunning blonde when she unties her mask and reveals herself.
“I couldn’t help myself.” She admits, stepping closer before setting down her mask on one of the shelves. “I saw you from across the room and I…” she trails off looking at you as if she’s seeing the sky for the first time.  
“Oh my. Aren’t you precious?” She coos, stepping closer. Blonde hair frames her face like a halo although something in your gut told you she wasn’t an angel.
Your breath catches in your throat. You’ve never seen such a beautiful woman so up close before.
“What are you doing in such a place?” She ponders with curious eyes. They travel the length of your body and back again. Something wicked and dark encases those hazel orbs making you swallow down the lump in your throat.
Your cheeks burn as you stumble over your words. “Bartender- I’m a bartender.” You catch your bottom lip with your teeth and tug unconsciously on it. Your flight response kicks into high gear as the lady in red seals the gap between your bodies.
You whimper as she presses her barely clothed frame against yours. The brick wall behind you leaves no chance of escape as your heart bangs steadily against your ribs.
“Shh. There’s no need to be nervous.” She states softly while cupping your chin in her palm. She drags a perfectly manicured thumb across your bottom lip and tenderly releases it from your teeth. “You’re something I rarely encounter.”
You’re frozen in place, like a deer in headlights, waiting for the inevitable when she leans in and time stops. She brushes her lips over yours, so tender and soft, you try to keep the whimper that bubbles up at bay but to your embarrassment, it escapes.
She pulls away with a grin. “You really are precious.” The apple of your cheek is warm under her thumb as she rubs the soft patch of skin. “So sweet. I’d love to hear you sing.”
Your brow quirks until you feel her hand sliding down your belly. She catches your wild eyes in a firm stare. “Tell me to leave and I will.” She states while lifting the hem of your skirt and snaking her hand beneath the material. “Or will you allow me to experience your seraphic nature?”
Your core clenches as she palms your mound when you don’t send her away. Her nails drag playfully over the thin cotton of your panties before she tugs them to the side and finds your molten heat. An illicit sob tears from your lips as she teases your dipping folds with deft fingers. 
She strums your core with expertise leaving you a wanton mess in her grasp. Her thumb circles your clit with tight movements, drawing your bliss out and into the open. Your mouth drops in an ethereal sound as she takes you apart with ease.
She smothers her body over yours, her lingerie covered breasts close to spilling as she secures you against the brick wall even harder. “Such pretty sounds from such a pretty girl.”
She laves at the softness of your neck, feeling the pulsating beat beneath the thin flesh as she drowns you in pleasure. Her tongue leaves a hot, wet trail over your neck and down your clavicle as you shake under her lewd touch. 
Two deft fingers curl their way into your soaked channel, spreading and molding your warmth to her liking. She rubs along your velvet walls, finding which spots make you shiver and which make you sing the loudest for her.  
“It’s fun tasting the other side, isn’t it?” She asks despite your impending rapture. Her hazel eyes glimmer with wickedness. “The grime. The debauchery.”
Wet, sticky thwaps fill the room as she spreads you open. She drinks down every moan and gasp that tumbles from your lips as she fucks with her fingers you into abandon. She tips your head to her chest as she pulls one of her breasts free from a lacy lingerie cup.
“But you’re one of the good ones, aren’t you?” She claims as she feeds you a firm breast. You groan into her flesh and suckle the nipple she offers. You twirl your tongue around the pert bud and relish the soft gasp that she lets loose.
“That’s a good girl.” She praises while stroking the base of your skull and scissoring her fingers against your slick walls. Your essence drips down your thighs, staining and marking your skin but you could care less as this strange woman makes you feel things you never have before. 
She hooks her fingers and grazes that spongy spot behind your clit and your body goes ridged. Every nerve in your body sings, wanting to cry out and praise her for choosing you. Your hands lock onto her shoulders, too afraid to let go, worried that if you move she’ll disappear and it’ll all have been a dream.
“It’s alright.” She coos, her eyes growing soft as your core quivers around her digits. “Let go, my precious girl. I’ve got you.”
The knot buried deep in your belly snaps. You come with a raspy wail against her chest, riding out your bliss on her fingers while she holds you in her arms. 
She sucks her two cream coated fingers into her mouth and cleans them with a moan. Your mind goes numb at the image and you do your best to not crumble to her high-heeled feet.
“I must return to the party now.” She says, fixing the skull mask back over her face. She stares at you from behind the mask for a silent moment before weaving an arm around your back and tugging you with her toward the door. 
“You’re not supposed to be here. This isn’t the place for someone like you. Leave while you can.” Her tone left no room for argument even though you knew you were still on the clock. 
You catch yourself on the door frame and spin on your heel, catching her otherworldly gaze. “Will I see you again?”
The lady in red smiles under her mask. “One day.”
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feel free to scream at me -> 💌
follow @ozzieslibrary for fic notifs!
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avengerdaisy · 2 months
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Beau Arlen & Jenny Hoyt (with Carla De Lugo and Emily Arlen) in Big Sky [360/∞]
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
eren probably made some nasty ass song def about yn (like that slut me out song) and eren played it for his mom before he dropped it and she wasn’t even surprised.
“Little boy, i’ve heard worse come out of your mouth before.”
LMFAO! 😭😭 he so would. Just saying some neck ass shit and being an absolute whore. Saying stuff he has NO business. Poor (y/n) would be so embarrassed and mortified but Carla would be laughing! “Eren, why would you play that around your mama? What’s wrong with you?” “Oh, honey. That boy’s been a damn mess. I’ve heard way worse.” Eren is standing there with a big dumb ass smile on his face. “It’s good, right ma?” And you just can’t believe she’s so chill about it.
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a-lilac-lyric · 5 months
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Wow! If I had a nickel for every time [there was a Disney married couple who looked like they were going to be a villain couple but then actually turned out to be a couple where one is way more self centered and power hungry than the other and starts to distrust their partner, who realized that love is more valuable than power, to the point of threatening them, then later shooting them with evil magic], I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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bumblesimagines · 10 months
You never cared this much before. Why now?"
"I thought rivalry was our thing. Now it's turned into something... else?"
- Carla Rosón
You never cared this much before. Why now?"
"I thought rivalry was our thing. Now it's turned into something... else?"
pronouns: they/them, gender neutral
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Cayetana hadn't been at all what you were expecting. Despite the photos she posted on her social media and all the boasting about her lavish vacations, one drink made her loosen up and ramble about her interests in fashion. You could barely keep up with her chatter, being rendered to confused nods and hums of acknowledgement.
Too enveloped in her own little world, she seemed to barely notice how she leaned against your side while scrolling through her phone and showing you different pictures. Your lips tugged into a small smile at her excitement but before you could even begin to try to make sense of her incoherent words, a purse dropped amongst the cups on the table and your head rose to look up at the other blonde.
"Uhm.." Cayetana's gaze flickered between you and the infamous ice queen, slowly dragging herself away your side and standing up. A sling of nervous babbles left her but she quickly clamped her mouth shut and turned away, slipping into the crowd of clubgoers.
"Carlita," You cooed and leaned back in the booth, propping your arm up and raising a brow at her. "That was rude."
"You don't care whether or not I hurt her feelings. Stop acting like you give a shit about anyone but yourself." Carla said, smoothing the back of her dress as she lowered herself down beside you.
You whistled lowly and chuckled "Damn, what's got you in a mood today? Was it little Caye? Lu's not replacing you with her, though I wouldn't blame her if she did. She's pretty cute, huh? Real sweet and nice."
"Stop flirting with her."
"You're in no position to make demands, Carlita." Satisfaction pierced through you when she whirled her head to look at you with a scowl. You gazed back at her and smirked. "You never cared this much before. Why now?"
"Things changed." Carla looked forward again, crossing her arms across her stomach and pursing her pink-tinted lips. "I thought rivalry was our thing. Fighting, getting ahead of each other. Now it's turned into something... else?"
You shifted slightly in your seat and exhaled softly. You hadn't spoken to Carla since a party Lu had graciously hosted. One too many drinks had led you to a night with foggy memories where the only thing you remembered was waking up in bed with an all too familiar face. Even with the occasional flirting, things between you and Carla had always remained strictly off romantic or sexual grounds. For the sake of your brother, Polo, and his relationship with her.
"Nothing has to change. We forget anything happened and we don't mention it to Polo." Your eyes found him in the crowd with ease. He danced with Guzman and Ander, looking as content and gleeful as always.
"It doesn't matter now. Polo and I broke up-"
"Because he killed someone and you helped him make a false alibi because you didn't want to get arrested." Your jaw clenched and with your mood ruined for the night, you picked up your jacket and stood up. She watched you, an emotion other than smugness or cruelty finally showing in her hazel eyes. Hurt. "You've been playing a part since you were born, Carla. Continuing to pretend won't hurt you."
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callmeklair · 9 months
I was re-reading Carla's DF route and realised how well it is written especially Yui's character
like just look at this
I love her resolve and her way of showing her own strength
nobody can deny she is one of the best FL out there
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she is so realistic and brave
this whole route showed her best side
i love her so much
(if tumblr ruins the picture quality please click on it and read it 😭)
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Yandere Tsukinami brothers if their human s/o was so short (1.41 lol), innocent and beautiful.
Everyone who sees her thinks she is a child and this situation upset her very much.
anybody people: " oh! is she your daughter? she is so cute! *pats her head*
Everyone who sees you? What makes you believe they would let you into places where someone could see you.
Yandere Shin Tsukinami
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Shin would definitely tease you.
He would be a really mischievous yandere.
Teasing would not always be benevolent.
His new favorite hobby is to put something too high and watch you try to reach it.
Yep Shin can be a pain in the ass.
Shin would take advantage of your shortness with penalties as well.
Running away is definitely not a good idea.
Unless you want to run.
Shin would like to chase you in his wolf form.
He also has a good sense of smell, so hiding isn't worth it either.
Okay, even though 90% of the time with Shin is a pain, 10% of the time he can be sweet.
Or in a sweet yandere way.
Hugs and kisses are the thing.
Whether you wanted to or not.
Sometimes Shin might just carry you somewhere and start cuddling with you.
Either his wolf or in human form.
Yandere Carla Tsukinami
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Are you a woman?
If you are and you get a short child Carla blame you.
If you are not u just dodged a bullet.
He really enjoys how short you are.
It makes him even stronger than you.
You are even more dependent on him.
For some reason, all the stuff is so high that even a chair doesn't help.
A good example of sadistic use of power.
If you have been good Darling Carla will help you.
Otherwise, he will ignore you.
It's best for you to fend for yourself.
Carla also uses your shortness to her advantage during punishments.
Sometimes he starts treating you like a little child.
Or an idiot who can't make own decisions.
You better behave yourself.
If you do Carla may even be gentle with you.
He might even let you out.
With him, of course.
And so that others don't see.
Carla might just pull you in for hugs.
Whether you wanted to or not.
He might also pick you up in his arms if he wants to kiss you.
Carla doesn't start bowing.
Not even for you.
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damnamour · 4 months
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gorgeys · 10 months
Do you still make fanfics? If you do please do Carla smut
PORNSTAR ★ carla roson
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Carla Roson x fem!reader
Part 2 of So Naive
You still don't understand that you belong to Carla, she intends to prove it to you and Guzman...
Warnings: SMUT - top!Carla, bottom!reader, semi-public sex, dub-con, shoving, grabbing, hair-pulling, hickeys, biting, brat taming??, pet names, mentions of murder/mutilation, degradation/praise, choking, finger sucking, non-con pictures/filming, begging, fingering
Word Count: 4750
Note: i'm so sorry this took so long! i lost motivation for writing for a while but i'm temporarily back!
also i literally changed tenses in the middle of writing but i was too lazy to fix it and the ending is a little rushed bc i didn't want it to get any longer than it already was, hope you enjoy!!
Carla checks her phone as she enters Guzman’s house.  She’s definitely late.  Too late as she notices the last text from you was sent over an hour ago when you had arrived at the party.  In one hour you could have been anywhere doing anything.  She hates the thought of it.
The horiffic image of you and him had been replaying in her mind all day.  His hands all over your body, his lips against your skin, the way you would sound for him.  It was like a constant nightmare that she couldn’t put to bed.  She was hoping you could help silence her thoughts.
She headed for the kitchen to pour herself a drink, craving a light buzz.  She only downed half of it when she noticed Samuel approaching her.
She turned her back toward him, hoping he would get the hint, but he quickly tapped on her shoulder.  Carla obnoxiously rolled her eyes before turning around to greet him.
It was more than obvious he had developed a hearty crush on her since Marina.  He always ran his hands in his hair, trying to perfect it before he went to approach her.  He’d be too smiley while talking to her, and he’d take a step too close which always resulted in Carla escaping the situation as quickly as possible.  She couldn't understand how Samuel never noticed her grimaces or eyerolls or the hundreds of signs she sent him to give it up.  Carla hated everything about it.
But you seemed to love it.  You’d always tease her about him, calling Samuel her boyfriend and pushing her to go talk to him.  She was pretty sure this whole thing had even started because of you, that you had mentioned to Samuel that Carla was interested in him in the first place.  You always loved a little white lie.
For some reason you just loved to be a nuisance.  You loved to watch Carla squirm when you flirted with the guys.  You loved watching her become so irritated and red, grinding her teeth so hard she could start a fire.  You loved flustering her in the middle of class by sending her some dirty pictures, watching her eyes go wide as she quickly hid her phone in her skirt.  She’d always give you the craziest look, wondering if your antics would ever end.  And you loved forcing her onto Samuel, watching her struggle to get away from him just to spend another moment with you.  Of course, you never let her, always ditching her with the pretty boy and leaving her wanting more.
You were such a brat.  Everyone knew it.  Your parents were unbelievably rich, valued much higher than the regular Las Encinas family, so you always got want you want.  Of course you used that to your advantage more times than not.  It became your entire reputation.
Carla was your perfect match.  Everyone was always willing to give her everything she wanted, from her father to her ex-boyfriend.  Everyone but you.  Carla hated it sometimes, but all those other times, she loved taking what she wanted from you.
“Hi, Carla,” Samuel said with a big, dorky smile.
“Hi, Samu,” she dryly said, placing her drink on the counter.  “Have you seen Y/N?”
“Yeah, I just saw her out there,” Samuel said, pointing to the the door he had just entered through.  “But-”
“Thanks,” she quickly said, giving him a grateful pat on the shoulder before walking past him in that direction.  She paid no mind to how he called after her as she walked through the doorframe.
Her eyes scanned the large living room where most of the students had gathered to talk and drink.  It was quite crowded and she almost didn’t see you.  Almost.
But there you were sitting in one of those fancy leather chairs, a drink in one hand.  But you weren’t alone, not even close.  Carla could already feel her face burn up, her neutral expression turning completely sour.
You were sitting in Guzman’s lap so comfortably.  You were perched on one of his legs, facing the side.  Your own legs were over his and hanging over his lap.  Your free arm was draped loosely over his shoulder, your nails digging into the soft skin of his neck.  His hands were all over you, one arm wrapped tightly around your waist, the other reaching to squeeze your thigh.
Maybe Carla wasn’t the murderer but in a few seconds she thought she’d become one.
She wanted to pull all of his teeth out just to wipe away his smug smile.  You leaned in toward his face as you spoke, tightening your grip on his neck, and when he laughed, Carla felt he was already gloating his victory.
She wanted to slice all his fingers off when his hand began to travel downward from your waist to palm your ass.  She nearly groaned when she noticed the skirt you were wearing.  She knew that one very well.  She knew it was the shortest one you owned from the amount of times her hand had wandered beneath it.  You were basically sitting on him with your bare ass out.
And then, for the finale, she would make sure to cut his dick off.  She saw the way he adjusted in the seat, slightly moving his hips up into your body.  It would have been a miracle if he didn’t have the largest hard-on known to man.  But the part that really made her swell with rage was that you could feel it and you weren’t doing anything about it.  You were sitting on his dick like you were his girl.  She hated to think about what could have happened if she hadn’t arrived at that exact time.
You raised your glass to your lips to take a long sip of expensive liquor.  It was the perfect opportunity for Guzman to turn his head and find Carla standing stiffly in the doorway.  He almost laughed out loud. The feeling of you sitting in his lap and her jealous glare was so triumphant.  His smile doubled in size and doubled in arrogance.
Her eyes narrowed at him, a silent promise that he wouldn’t get the last laugh.  If Carla’s blood was boiling before, it was on fire now.
But then, noticing Guzman’s attention had been stolen, you turned as well, instantly finding Carla’s eyes.  You could feel her wrath even from across the room and you only fed off it.  You were drunk off the feeling of power knowing you had La Marquesa tucked snuggly in your back pocket.  It felt so good that you couldn’t help yourself.
Instead of being a simple tease like usual, you gave her a ladylike wave.  And then you sent her a polite, friendly smile.  It was innocent to the naked eye.
But friendly?  She couldn’t bear you.  You looked so fake and well-mannered.  Two things you definitely weren’t.  Especially when you were alone with her.
Carla couldn’t stand you acting like she was just one of your bitchy friends, like there was nothing more between you.  No, she was everything for you.  She owned you in every which way and she was determined for not only Guzman to see, but for you to accept it as well.
You and Guzman both directed your attention back onto one another although you were very aware of a seething Carla charging toward you.  But only when she was at arms length did Guzman see her.  He didn’t have enough time to react before she reached out and violently grabbed you by the arm.
“What the fuck, Carla?” Guzman shouted, outrage painting his face.
She was squeezing so tightly you could already feel the bruises forming, but you refused to go without a fight.  You tugged your arm back and gave her a condescending glare.
She was done with your bullshit.  She pulled your arm, twisting it in such a way that you spilled your drink all over the white rug.
“Carla!”  You scolded. Her aggression surprised you a little.  She always kept it classy in public, not a hair out of place. It seemed you had pushed her over the edge this time and you were enjoying it a little too much.
Carla didn’t speak but gave you the coldest look you had ever received from her hazel eyes.  She looked ready to kill and you silently wondered if you would be Las Encinas’ next victim.  You didn’t really mind as long as she fucked you first.
Deciding you had been difficult enough, you allowed her to take the glass from your hand and place it on the table.  With another tug of your arm you were letting go of Guzman and sliding off his lap.  He protested but you didn’t acknowledge him.  He had finished his duty of keeping you warm until Carla rescued you.
In a blur you were weaving through the crowd, wobbling on your heels at the pace Carla was dragging you at, and then climbing the stairs.  Carla opened the first door on your right and pushed you inside.  You immediately recognized it as Guzman’s room.
You stumbled into the large room from the force of Carla’s shove, eventually losing your footing and falling onto the soft carpet.  On all fours, you peeked over your shoulder to see Carla slam the door behind her.
But she didn’t move toward you.  She just watched you, one hand still on the door knob and the other moving to sit on her hip.  Now that you were alone, the look in her eyes was a bit less violent but still intense.  She looked hungrier than ever.
“God, you look so much better on your knees,” she said, her eyes shamelessly devouring you.  “Looking up at me.”  Her lips twitched upward, reminiscent of a smile.  These were the moments she enjoyed the most.
You pushed your hands off the ground and sat back on your knees.  You gathered your hair on your far shoulder, giving Carla a better view of your long neck and devilish eyes.
“But I leave you for one second and you’re out there riding his dick in front of everyone like his little slut,” Carla hissed.  She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth a couple times and shook her head disapprovingly, scolding you like a child.
You mocked her attempts to chastise you with a condescending laugh.
“Don’t be jealous that his dick is bigger than yours,” you said, looking over your shoulder to show your shit-eating grin.
She didn’t seem to take your comment lightly as her jaw noticeably clenched and her grip on the door knob tightened.
“I would watch what you say, princesa,” she said, tilting her head.  Even if she was the Marchioness’ daughter, she had always called you royalty.  The title fit you too well.  “Things will only get worse for you later.”
She took a confident stride toward you, enjoying the way your smile slowly diminished.  Images flashed behind your eyes of what “later” could possibly be.
The feeling in your stomach was so strange.  You hated being dominated by anyone, but for some reason, when it was Carla, you felt an uncontrollable pulse between your legs.  You were practically begging her to shut you up.
“I don’t care how big his dick is.  I know he can’t fuck you how you like it,” she said, taking another teasingly slow step.
“That’s not what I was saying last night,” you said, that aggravating smirk returning.  “Actually, it was right here, on his bed.  You should have seen it, Carla.  I was just begging for him to go faster, deeper.”
You imitated yourself, letting your head fall back and rolling your eyes into the back of your skull.  You balled your fists at your sides, gripping onto imaginary sheets.
Carla’s next two strides were quick and put her right behind you.  She dug her nails into your scalp and fisted at your hair, violently pulling your head back even further so you were looking directly up at her looming figure.  You released an involuntary moan at the sudden pain, stretching your hands out behind you to brace yourself.
“I fucking warned you,” she said, her other hand cupping your chin to angle your face even further back.  Your mouth slightly hung open at the sight of her.   “But that mouth of yours gets you into all kinds of trouble.”
“And this mouth,” you started, voice strained by the way your neck was bending backward, “took his whole fucking dick,” you said with a sadistic smile.  "Every inch."
That was the final nail in the coffin, her expression morphing into one of red hot rage
Your hand instinctively flew to the back of your head and a shriek left your lips when she pulled you up by your hair.  She dragged you once more, this time to the bed, and tossed you toward it face first.
You quickly turned onto your back, leaning back on your elbows while Carla stood over you.  She placed her hand on your bare midriff, the skin between your top and waistband, before she climbed onto you, straddling you with her thighs.
Both of her hands quickly moved to wrap around your throat, instantly crushing your windpipe and causing you to drop flat on your back. Her slender fingers felt comfortable there as you wheezed pathetically for air, her nails digging into the skin for good measure.
“Not so tough now, are we?”  She hunched over you, ass up, as she brought her face so close to yours.  She grinned like a maniac.  If someone had walked in right then, they would have thought Carla was trying to kill you.
“You know he showed me all those fucking pictures you sent him,” Carla said, steadying the pressure on your neck.  “The pictures meant for me.  And in that fucking red set.” She scoffed at you, shaking her head.  “You wanna be his cam girl?  His pornstar?”
You threw your head back as your eyes began to roll into your head for real this time.  Pain never felt so good as you felt yourself pooling under your skirt.
“Fine.  Then I’ll treat you like it,” she said, one of her hands leaving your throat to grope your tit through your shirt.  She moved her face downward, leaving a trail of warm breath against your neck, eventually finding your collar bone.  She looked up at your twisted expression as she roughly bit down on your skin, earning a strangled noise from your throat.  She smiled into your flesh before sucking on the spot mercilessly.
It was like torture as she made it a routine, moving her lips downward each time she bit and sucked your skin raw.  You felt the blood rushing to where her teeth gnawed your skin, forming pigmented bruises.  She never tired of hearing the shaky breath you released each time.
When her lips had chased your skin all the way down to the neckline of your top, she was quick to grab the hem with both hands. She pulled the top over your head with your cooperation, leaving you braless and bare beneath her.  She exhaled a long, satisfied sigh.
“All for me, huh?”  Her eyes shifted from your face to your chest and back up again.  Still trying to catch your breath, you couldn’t give her a response.  She sinfully laughed, basking in the sound of muffled music and your relentless heaving, before her lips wrapped around your nipple.
You groaned low when her teeth grazed the sensitive skin, your hands molding into the back of her thighs.  Her other hand mimicked her mouth on your unattended nipple. You knew she always loved twisting, yanking, and rubbing your tits until you squealed and squirmed.
Eventually her mouth moved onto the smooth skin of your breast, marking you up yet again. You rolled your eyes, wondering where this sudden obsession had come from.  She always liked to keep you clean and free of noticeable hickeys.  You didn’t mind the change but you were beginning to grow impatient with the foreplay.  She had given so much attention to your top half you just wished she would give something to your bottom half.
“My god, Carla, could you be any slower? At least he fucked me in the end,” you said in a raspier voice, pulling on the skin of Carla’s thighs.
Carla rolled her eyes back at you, momentarily detaching her mouth from your chest.
“So fucking loud,” she mumbled, speaking more to herself than you.
She wasted no time stripping her hand from your tit and pushing two fingers past your lips and into your mouth.  She was content when her fingers slid in with ease and pushed down your throat.  You didn’t mind sucking on her like a popsicle as she pulled them out and then pushed them a little deeper.  Her lips quirked upward as she absorbed the sight before her.  Each time her fingers disappeared into your head she could feel the spot between her legs heating up.
“Good girl,” she said, gently holding your cheek with her other hand.  She leaned down to give your chin an appreciative kiss.  “Bet he couldn’t go that deep,” she said following a particularly rough thrust.  She chuckled lowly, not breaking eye contact.
She returned to your tits only for a few more seconds before pulling her head back to view the entire, perfect sight of you.  The hickeys were already beginning to darken on your skin leaving you perfectly bruised and battered.  That plus you bobbing on her fingers was a beautiful scene.  One that had to be shared.
She pulled her hand from your mouth tantalizingly slow, allowing the saliva to create sticky strings between your lips and her fingers.  She eyed them curiously, slowing her movements to prolong the strings before they broke.  Then she carelessly rubbed her fingers across your chest and down the valley of your breasts, leaving a visible trail of spit in her wake.
“What a pretty slut,” she said, her eyes devouring you like a piece of meat, enjoying the slightly tired look in your eyes.  She made you feel unusually small.  “I wonder what Guzman would think.”
Without missing a beat, Carla reaches for her back pocket and pulls out her phone.
“Carla,” you whined like a child, turning your head to the side, and burying your cheek into the sheets.  You were never camera shy but this moment of vulnerability was different.  If you had known this was her intention all along then maybe you wouldn’t have let her fuck you up so badly.  No one was ever meant to see you like this.  No one but her.
“Come on, you didn’t have a problem sending him those pictures.  What’s a few more?” she said while petting your cheek.  She held the phone above you, just out of reach, where she could capture the entirety of your bare top half.
She hums in satisfaction watching your sweaty body under the lens.  Your hair is cinematically sprawled across the sheets while the saliva coating your lips, chin, and chest shines under the dim lighting.  Your neck is slightly red from Carla’s ironclad grip and your chest is adorned with darker shades from the excellent work of Carla’s teeth and lips.
“He’s gonna cream his pants when he sees this,” she says, sucking her lips into her mouth.  She was getting a little too anxious looking at you.  “Smile, cariño,” she says, her own grin decorating her face.  She grabs your chin and forces you to look up at her and the camera.  Your eyes are barely open but it doesn’t matter.
She snaps the picture before you can even react.
“Gorgeous,” she says, letting her free hand trail gently down your neck.  She intentionally presses her fingers into a particularly sensitive spot, eliciting a groan from your lips.  “I’m sure he’ll love it.”
“Carla,” you whine once more, throwing your head back in frustration and further imprinting your nails into her thighs.  You hated how much she was ruining your plans.  Guzman was just meant to be a distraction while Carla was supposed to make you cum all over her fingers.  Instead, Carla was slutting you out to Guzman and you were nowhere near cumming.
“Shut up.  You did this to yourself,” she said, her hand gliding past your chest and scratching your stomach.  “You should have never sent him those pictures.”
Both of her hands move to the waistband of your skirt while still clutching the phone.  She’s harsh in the way she rips the skirt down your thighs, creating some friction between the clothing and your skin. She slightly adjusts herself and bends your knees to fully remove it, leaving you in just a pair of lace panties.
She presses her palm against your clothed pussy and only laughs in yet another mockery of your state.
“Good god, you’re just dying to be fucked dumb, huh?” she says, beginning to palm the wetness that seeped through your panties.  She situates herself in between your legs, allowing you to push your knees further outward, helping to aid the aching feeling inside you.  Her sly smile widens, glad to have broken your hard exterior.  “Already spreading your legs?  You’re too easy.”
Her fingers push your panties aside and dip into your soaking pussy.  She refuses to give your clit any attention as she swipes her fingers against your slit.  A throaty sigh pushes its way past your lips, your hands finding solace cupping your tits.
“D’you want me to take this off for you?” she says, tugging at the waistband of your panties.
You hum in agreement, looking up at her through your eyelashes.
“Then ask nicely,” she demands, her eyes straying from your pussy to stare at you expectantly.
You can’t help but groan irritatedly.  She knows how much it hurts your ego to ask nicely for anything, let alone this.  She thrives off making you feel the worst before making you feel your best.  You push away your pride in hopes of feeling that sweet release.
“Please, Carla,” you plead rather dully, breaking eye contact in a forced attempt to get what you want.
“I think you can do better.  Look at me and tell me what you want,” she says, leaning her face down toward yours, forcing you to meet her eyes.  She brushes her thumb against your clit for some encouragement.  It seems to work as you let go of any last bit of dignity and look straight into her.
“Please, Carla, just fuck me.  Take it off and fuck me with your fingers.”
The hidden desperation in your voice clicks something into place.  You swear you see her eyes light up as she instantly obeys, removing your panties in a flash, leaving you completely naked beneath her.  She moans loudly at the sight of your bare pussy, pushing her hair back so she has the perfect view.  You spread your legs a little further, enticing her to reach out and feel you.
She does, now pressing her thumb roughly into your clit, and reveling in the starved noise you make.  She watches the muscles in your face tense as she rubs consistent circles against your clit, enjoying each element of your expression.  All the sucking and biting and teasing had already made you a swollen, soaked mess.  It only made toying with you even more fun.
Carla gradually sped up her slow movements, earning increasingly louder squelches from your pussy and increasingly louder moans from your wet lips.  She could feel her own panties dampening from your distraught noises.
“You even sound like a pornstar.  Fucking whore,” she says, as your hips slightly buck up in pleasure.  “You want me inside of you?”
“Please, please, Carla,” you beg, every sign of the brat you once embodied having faded into oblivion the second she laid fingers on your pussy.  “Fuck, I need you inside of me so bad,” you say in one breath, practically moaning your words.
“Fine,” she says, slowing the rotations on your clit.  You watch her rub your pussy with one hand and hold the phone above you with the other.  She points it directly at your entrance.  “Be a good girl for the camera, okay?”
She doesn’t wait for your response as she slowly begins pushing her finger into your hole.  You can only assume she’s recording as your back arches off the mattress, feeling her slender finger dig so deep inside of you.  The pleasure is almost instant when your pussy consumes her entire finger and you release a guttural moan.
“You say he fucked you but you’re still so god damn tight,” she says, her eyes darting between your pussy and the phone screen, making sure she’s capturing the perfect angle.  Her exaggerated laugh rubs salt in Guzman’s wound. “Hold your legs up, baby.  I want to see all of you,” she says.  You immediately obey, grabbing under both your thighs and pulling your knees up to your chest.  “That’s better.”
Another moan leaves your lips, feeling the stretch more intensely with your legs spread even wider.  She takes it as a sign to pull her finger halfway out and then push it back in, slightly deeper.  She does it agonizingly slow, building a steady wave of pleasure.  She repeats herself, once, twice, three times, pushing in and out of you at a deliberate pace, leaving you a whining mess.  You lose count as you grow impatient, wishing she’d thrust into you like a mad man as she had done many times before.
“Please, Carla, faster,” you beg, opening your eyes to look down at her.  She moves the camera up your body, capturing your raised legs, bouncy tits, and blissed out expression.
“Sorry, what was that?” she teases, smirking behind the phone, forcing you to be louder for the video.  Her attempts to soothe you with her thumb on your clit are futile.
“Faster, fuck me faster, please,” you whine, throwing your head back, hopefully out of view of the camera.
She doesn’t necessarily oblige but she does add a second finger when she pushes into your pussy again.  You moan louder at the slight stretch, your insides twisting into a tight knot.  She curls her fingers delightfully at the end of the thrust, only making the feeling even stronger.
She puts the camera directly over your face.
“Open your eyes, cariño,” she says.  You listen, looking up at the camera, hoping she’ll reward you for following her command.  “Who’s fucking you so good?”
When you don’t respond immediately, she prompts you by driving into you a little harder.
“You,” you instantly moan out, your hips chasing her hand.  You fight the urge to shut your eyes
“You, Carla,” you moan when she curls her fingers sharply, staring into the lens.  When you notice her pick up speed with her thrusts, you begin repeating her name like a prayer, hoping it’s the key word.
“Who makes you feel good inside?”
“Who makes you squirt all over the sheets?”
“Who do you belong to?”
The answer is always “Carla.”
She’s still not fucking you nearly hard enough but it’s faster than how she started.  You feel your pussy throb and her fingers hit the right spot each time.  Your tits are slightly shaking as she increases speed while your spine forms a permanent arch.  You allow yourself to be as loud as possible in hopes of pleasing her, in hopes that she’ll let you cum.  All the while she captures each godly move of your body and her fingers.
But eventually, after what feels like a lifetime, she ends the video.  She throws her phone across the room and smiles down at you.
“The only thing that will be as good as fucking you is seeing his face when he opens this video,” she says, her hands leaving your pussy to cup your face.  She leans down and attacks your lips with a devastatingly smooth and wet kiss, her starved lips moving intensely against yours  You can barely reciprocate with the delicate state that you're in.
You almost start to complain about the emptiness of your pussy, but she suddenly ducks down, hooking her arms under your thighs and burying her face between your legs.
“If I were you, I’d start praying.  Pray to God that I’ll let you cum.”
why am i lowkey feeling guzman and carla threesome??
@hauntedfictionland @mjl877 @underratedax @androgynouscloudenemy @justyourwritter69 @blondetxxz @nessyishere
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usuibu · 8 months
more eren hcs pls! where his mom teases him ab the reader and he begged carla to stop bcs of his embarrassment
poor eren lol carla always teases him ab his ears turning red too
I literally am getting so lazy im not built strong enough to write one shots consistenly im so sorry (to whoever requested things before this one IM STILL WORKING ON THEM I SWEAR!!!) im so sorry for skipping the line and writing these hc instead😭😭😭
I love u aswell i love the dynamic of eren, carla and reader its so cute thankyou sm for requesting omg
Bf!eren headcanons
More headcanons/masterlist
Carla edition
- if carla arrives home after eren she’ll always ask why ur not over before even saying hi to him😭
- whenever eren is annoying to u (as always) she smacks him aggressively
- carlas always buying random things for u at the store which eren gets pissed about ‘she didnt even ask me if i wanted one she just said to give it to u’
- she likes to take facebook pictures promoting u and eren as a couple (shes ur biggest supporter frl💀) the pictures are always unfortunate angles tho but its the thought that counts😋
- while u guys were still getting to know each other,, eren 100% went to carla and armin for advice after jean i feel liek carla and armin are a cute little support duo for eren😭 he realises what bullshit jean gave him once he acc listens to them two tho
- ever since eren asked carla for advice tho she doesn’t let it drop and tugs at his ear to make fun of him when he denies things abt u
“Hows ur girlfriend?” His face and ears just heat up as he gets embarrassed “i said to stop calling her that shes not my gf yet”
- when u were meeting her for the first time she defo made it her mission to embarrass the fuck out of eren
- shes defo the type to embarrass him with personal medical stuff like start saying “eren did u remember your bowel medication?” “How is the ointment for your warts working?”
- u always leave eren half the time to help her make dinner and its ur main bonding time bc shes so cutie
- whenever u force eren to help with dinner she gets mad when he cant cut the vegetables properly or is forgetting to mix the pot or whatever she gets pissed smacking his head and gives up asking if you can do it instead
- shes always smacking him poor guy😭 everytime he does get smacked he gets overdramatic and start saying he thinks he just got a concussion or smt💀
- she makes it a point to tell u to make sure that eren doesnt bring down ur grades LMAO even if eren is smart academically she will still do so
- eren doesn’t mind being touchy w u even if his parents are around idk im too lazy now to think of more carla ones 😁🙌🙌
i cant stop thinking abt him tho help its so bad im going clinically insane
- as much as carla is a bit of a bully to eren she defo aggressively loves him,, like she aggressively pinches his cheek when he was a kid whenever he got some sort of achievement
-like the only reason eren is able to be sheepishly proud at stuff hes a bad at is bc carla was such a ‘OMG WELL DONE MY SWEET SWEET EREN😁😁😁😄’ mother when he got a singular gold star or smt😭😭
- as eren got older tho he started getting embarrassed abt how she was so proud of the smallest things (hes rude carlas lovely)
MY MIND IS BLANKING as much as i have eren brainrot i cant think of more😓😓
My requests r open for anything u can ask me any specific headcanons for eren or any character aswell!! Tysm for reading 🫶🫶
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carlarosenakilah · 4 months
Dose Carla have crush on anyone??
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avengerdaisy · 2 months
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Beau Arlen & Jenny Hoyt (with Carla De Lugo and Emily Arlen) in Big Sky [361/∞]
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literally no rush for this or any pressure at all to even do it at all but buddie + “i'll carry you if you want.” if it strikes insp?
Buck unlocked the front door to the Diaz house, shouldering it open with a groan. “That was a long day.”
“You’re telling me,” Eddie replied, cradling his arm against his ribs with a pained huff. He had been correct in his earlier thinking, he had broken several ribs. All things considered he and Buck had escaped relatively unscathed, at least physically. It could have been a lot worse— and it had been, for Chimney.
They had just left the hospital, Maddie having sent everyone home to get some rest as there wasn’t anything anyone could do until Chimney was out of surgery. The plan was to come home, eat, shower, get some sleep and then head back over to the hospital in the morning with fresh clothes and coffee for Maddie.
“Dad!” Christopher yelled, getting off the couch where he was sitting with Carla, the TV playing in the background, and rushed to give Eddie a hug.
“Hey, bud,” Eddie said, giving his son a tight hug even though it made the pain flare up in his ribs. Hugging Christopher was worth any amount of pain.
“Are you okay?” Chris asked Eddie and Buck softly, taking in how battered and bruised the both of them were. Chris went to hug Buck next while Eddie accepted a warm but not as tight hug from Carla.
“We’re okay,” Eddie answered for the both of them.
“We saw a bit of the collapse on the news but I switched the channel before Christopher could see too much. I figured since there was nothing we could do it would be best not to worry him but I was checking for updates on my phone,” Carla said to Eddie quietly, checking to make sure that Chris was still busy talking to Buck.
“Thank you, Carla,” Eddie said sincerely, giving her another hug. “Not just for today, but for everything you’ve done for us. For me, for Christopher, for Buck. Just…thank you.”
continue on ao3
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