#carmen denali imagine
aquanova99 · 1 year
can i ask about the denalis with a mate that struggles with bpd or bipolar? Thanks love
Okay so this is one of the reasons I put the rules back up. I am not the most knowledgeable in this area and I don’t think the end result will be very happy.
A/N: symptoms can include
Behavioral: antisocial behavior, compulsive behavior, hostility, impulsivity, irritability, risk taking behaviors, self-destructive behavior, self-harm, social isolation, or lack of restraint
Mood: anger, anxiety, general discontent, guilt, loneliness, mood swings, or sadness
Psychological: depression, distorted self-image, grandiosity, or narcissism
I think Tanya will be fine for awhile
She fell for you when you were more or less hood so she desperately tries to recreate the initial spark you had
But when you blow up at her or are hostile towards one of her sisters it’s almost like you’re filling up an invisible gauge
One day you’re keeping to yourself because you’re having a bad day and when Tanya tries to help you unleash on her and for the first time she blows up on you
She is done being the emotional punching bag. You storm off because you don’t actually like confrontation and you realize you have been rather taking advantage of her kindness
She’s still upset though so unless you show progress or have an actual plan when you’re having a bad day she will walk away. And will probably try to separate anyway for awhile to see how she feels without you around
Any guilt tripping or threats you make will not work with Kate
Yell at her? She’ll yell back.
Jumping back and forth from thinking she’s perfect to thinking she’s not worthy or she’s cheating will have her walk away
She will win in a fight too but she isnt putting in that effort
Unfairly treat her once and she’s done
She can handle regular arguments and impulsiveness in fact she welcomes it, but she won’t be taken advantage of
Probably the most patient
In fact I think she won’t ever say anything
But you’ll know she’s had enough because she will get quiet and withdraw from you
So much so that you’ll freak out because you think she doesn’t love you as much and she will just break down in tears
She will say she doesn’t understand what she’s doing wrong and she isn’t doing anything so if you don’t want to drag her down you need to make a conscious effort
Is full of love but will fight back everytime
Any aggressiveness will have her two times worse
Can’t do much self harm but she will tell you if you don’t help yourself or try and figure something out to hurt yourself away from her
She won’t have anything on her conscious and she won’t help someone who doesn’t want help or won’t admit to needing help
The most level headed
He’s just seen worse, ya know?
But he will call you out on it and more or less have you figure something out
“You know what you’re doing right?”
Argue back as much as you want but if he doesn’t I’ll tell you exactly what trait you are expressing and will call you out
If you refuse to relent he will leave and give both of you space
He won’t talk to you until you apologize tho
Honestly I don’t know how you’re figuring anything out since you can’t have medicine as vampire so chances are you will end up without your mate after a while but everyone has a different tolerance level and timeline
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panlight · 29 days
What do you think the Denali Coven were like as humans, their interests or hobbies, or maybe do as a career? (Kate probably does martial arts or self-defense, Tanya could work in art, Eleazar in business, etc etc. They got that big mountain home somehow)
I'm skeptical of them having careers in the present day, given that they seem to have been staying in the same place since at least the 1930s. I guess now they could be doing some sort of remote work? Maybe in the past they wrote books or articles under pseudonyms, or just picked up odd jobs here and there. Or the sisters just had their boyfriends buy them things and pay for stuff?
(And I DO wonder about their house because Denali is a national park. Are they paying the government off to let them keep staying there? Is it so remote the government doesn't know about it? SM seems to suggest they live literally ON the mountain.)
As a human Kate seemed to be into martial arts and physical fitness, having served as a bodyguard of sorts to what amounted to a princess. I think she and Emmett would have had fun over the years testing the limits of vampire abilities. Maybe she does workout videos online.
Irina was from a small farming community, I imagine she had a quieter, more peaceful human life than Kate. Maybe she still likes to grow things? An Alaskan mountain cabin is not like, the most ideal place for a garden. Maybe she keeps an indoor herb garden? Or they are hiding a big greenhouse on the mountain too, lol.
I've imagined that Tanya was possibly from a more well-to-do background; Sasha was her great-aunt and had been watching over the family which makes me think the family was prosperous in some way. Maybe they were skilled craftspeople or involved in local government. We don't really get a sense of what Tanya's hobbies are (other than romantic pursuits), but she seems cultured and sophisticated, while still also fun. Keep thinking of her cannonball into the snow. Maybe becoming a vampire gave her freedom from the expectations of her family/society and that's part of the reason she so was so devoted to Sasha. She didn't feel like she robbed her of her human life, but that she gave her freedom from it. But I do like to think she is maybe into some sort of craft; maybe she remembers ancient weaving or ceramic techniques and sells them at craft fairs and on Etsy.
Eleazar seems like a scholarly sort, and Carmen gives musical vibes, although that might be because of the actress who played her in the movies. In my mind she sings, plays several instruments, dances. Eleazar enjoys these things too, but he is the harmony to her melody; he supports her, but it's her passion. Maybe she was a street musician when they met. Her siren song lured him away from the Volturi. I think Eleazar is like Aro and Carlisle, very curious, wants to learn and study, but perhaps more about history and culture than Carlisle's science/medicine angle.
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thegamingcatmom · 23 days
any chance you can please write anything with fem reader and tanya denali & carmen?
Sure I can! Love those two together. 🫶🫶
I wasn´t sure if your ask was more on the platonic or romantic side - I assume it´s the latter, yes? I´ve done a bit of both here, mainly because I view Carmen as very maternal in general. In the movies we see her being quite nurturing towards Tanya as well as Irina, despite the former being the leader/head of the family. I imagine that trait would be very present in a relationship as well, especially where you (a fragile hooman) are involved.
All in all, I think it turned out quite...intense, in a way. But they mean well, I promise. ❤️
With that said:
Have some doting!Carmen mixed with...Tanya, who´s just being...Tanya. 💋
That horndog.
“No cheating, mi amor.” Came the scolding remark when you went to scratch an itch on the bridge of your nose.
“I´m not!” Not your fault that itch decided now would be a great time to make itself known, right there - under that blindfold you were currently wearing. You had to reach it somehow!
Besides, your eyes remained firmly closed the whole time. You knew better than to disobey your mother hen of a mate when she was, well, mother henning.
You had to admit though…you were getting restless. Neither Carmen nor Tanya had said much about what they had in store for you today – as per usual. You had awoken to soft lips trailing all over your face - as if mapping you – and a megawatt smile that never failed to turn your face various shades of red. Tanya would often lovingly call you her “blushing bride”.
(Which only ever serves to make it worse - just as your mate intends. That minx.)
Breakfast had then been served in bed – Empanadas, your favorite. Carmen loves to spoon-feed you - she gets that special gleam in her eyes when she does. Which is why you indulge her from time to time, even though you sit through it in a rather pained manner. You´ve never felt all too comfortable with people watching you eat - that didn´t stop when you found your mates. Or, well, when they found you.
In your defense: Having two sets of eyes glued to your every movement while being fed spoonful after spoonful does tend to get a bit overwhelming after a while. Surely you can´t be the only one. …Right?
(Especially if the only thing to break the silence are the demands being cooed at you – “One more, mi amor.” Only for that one more to turn into two more…or three more, or four more, or fi-)
After breakfast you had opted for a shower, and were surprised – and disappointed – when neither of your mates went to join you.
“Sorry, my love.” Your partner´s raspy voice had purred at you from her perch on the bed. “Carmen´s orders. Your darling wife knows we wouldn’t be leaving that room anytime soon.”
Well, you couldn´t argue with that. That didn´t mean you had to like it.
“Oh…none of that now.” Tanya had been in front of you in the blink of an eye. Her strong arms had come to wrap around you, cradling you close like the finest china. “I shall make it up to you…later.” She had winked, before pressing those cold lips to yours in a heated kiss that left you reeling.
Your back had met the wall behind you then, greedy hands sliding down until they were met with supple flesh - which they squeezed. The moan that had escaped you had swiftly been taken advantage of – a slick tongue had slipped in, gliding over yours in a way that felt more like a caress, taking its sweet time to explore every nook and cranny, like it hadn´t done so a thousand times before-
Very reluctantly, the tongue had retracted – making sure to graze the roof of your mouth as it went. Teeth had clamped down on your lower lip – most tenderly – and had given it a playful nibble, before releasing it with a light pull.
It was only when a sigh had met your ears, that you remembered to breathe.
“Can´t the two of you behave for a few hours?” Carmen had chided, the hint of a smile betraying her true feelings on the matter. The reprimand had been addressed to the both of you, but the look your mates had shared spoke a different story.
“Can you blame me? I´ve already been deprived this morning. Stealing a kiss was the least.” Tanya had mocked, knowing full well things wouldn´t have stopped there.
Her complaint had been met with another good-natured sigh. “Will you please leave the poor thing to get ready now? We have a rather full day ahead of us, as you well know.” Another look had been shared, and whatever Tanya found - it had been enough to convince her.
However, a rather dramatic sigh had escaped your fair-haired lover at the prospect of it. “If I must.” Hands had come up to cradle your face, before closing the distance to bestow one last kiss. This one had been soft, tender – a stark contrast to the inferno that nearly burnt you alive before.
“Don’t take too long, moja láska.” As if you had been the cause of delay in proceedings.
At last, Tanya had parted from you with a light pat! to your rear, before swaggering past Carmen and out of your shared bedroom.
(Not before throwing you one last smoldering look over her shoulder though – “Later,” it promised.)
Such a drama queen.
You love her.
“Mi amor?” A perfectly styled eyebrow had been raised at you, giving you the look.
If there was one thing you had learned in your time as Carmen Denali´s mate, it was that one best not keep her waiting.
So, here you were now - blindfolded, restless, impatient. Promises of “Nearly there, my love” had long since lost their meaning to you. You could feel yourself getting agitated, which really wasn´t fair to your mates. They had prepared a wonderful day for you, no doubt about that. You were excited – and slightly nervous – about what this was going to entail. You would be spending the day with the ones most dear to you – how could you not look forward to it?
However, it had been a tiring day so far - filled with seemingly endless teasing and doting and pampering. You did enjoy the attention you were receiving, but you were never one for being overly spoiled. You enjoyed the little things – a bunch of flowers on your bedside table in the morning, a little note on the refrigerator that reminded you of the food stored inside, forehead kisses.
You love forehead kisses.
Your mates are well aware of that, and they have toned it down quite a bit since you first entered this relationship. By their standards, at least. Which meant you still received a shiny new car every few months because your old one just wouldn´t do anymore…for whatever reasons. Because it got a speck of dust on it, probably.
(It was either that or being carried just about anywhere. Your lovers didn´t see the point in owning a vehicle anyway, since they were more than capable covering any kind of distance on foot.)
“Are we there soon?” You whined. You couldn´t help it.
It´s a good thing Tanya wasn´t present right now. She wouldn´t have let you live it down for ages. You can imagine it vividly – “Why so fussy today, baby?”
Your whine was met with a hearty chuckle. “Soon, love.”
“Why are we driving there, anyway? I thought you guys preferred carrying me around like a stuffed toy?” You snorted.
“Sí, my love.” Carmen agreed, the smile evident in her voice. “Waiting on you hand and foot is something the both of us enjoy immensely, and nothing short of what you deserve.”
…Great, now you felt bad.
“However,” your wife continued. “We know of your wish for a more…ordinary way of life. So, the car it shall be today.”
That shut you up. More than that: You were left speechless. At this point, it really shouldn´t come as a surprise to you just how considerate your mates could be. But no matter how long it´s been, they never ceased to amaze you.
You enjoyed the little things.
Carmen noticed the tears slowly dripping past the blindfold and down your face before you did. A cold hand reached over, wiping them away in a most tender manner, before taking a hold of your hand. “Are you alright, mi amor?”
You were more than alright.
After what had felt like an eternity, the car stopped. The driver´s door opened and, before you could even blink once, it had closed again. There was the sound of your door opening - a gust of wind hitting your right side - before a steady hand helped you out of the car.
“So,” you prompt, listening to the passenger door closing again, then the beep! beep! of the car locking. “Can I take this off now?” Your hands were already reaching up-
“Ah-” Carmen tutted at you, nimble fingers closing around your wrists. “Not quite yet, cariño. Just a little bit further.”
A sigh escaped you, but the lips that met yours in a quick peck had you complying nonetheless. A soft hand slipped into yours, and then the two of you started walking.
And you walked.
And then you walked some more.
And then some more.
…And some more.
…You´ve got to be kidding-
“Took you long enough.” You were so focused on getting agitated again that the sound of Tanya´s voice caused you to jump slightly. “Did you stop for a little hanky-panky?”
Oh my god.
“If that had been the plan, I could have just left her with you, Querida.”
You didn´t have to see it – you knew the smile on Tanya´s face was rivaling Cheshire´s. Her absence made more sense now.
“I was merely being mindful of our precious one´s needs.” Carmen clarified.
There was silence for a few seconds, before a soft swoosh! reached your ears, moving some of your hair slightly. You could feel cold hands on either side of your face, thumbs slowly stroking up and down. “Where are my manners?” A kiss was pressed to your forehead. “Hello again, my love.”
“…Hi.” You exhaled.
Real smooth. Great job.
“Well, are we ready?” Tanya sounded excited. Somehow, that made you even more nervous.
“I believe we are.” Carmen agreed. Her excitement wasn´t as vocal as Tanya´s, but you could still hear the slight tremors in her voice that confirmed she very much was looking forward to whatever was going to happen now. Which-
“Ready!” Your hands reached for the blindfold-
“Not yet, my-“
You are about to lose it-
“What now?!” You interrupted. You didn´t care how insanely rude that was. You just about had it.
A few seconds passed where neither of you said anything. You didn’t even dare breathe.
 It was most uncomfortable.
…Okay, perhaps you should apologize-
Just as you were about to do exactly that, angelic laughter filled your ears. Coming from both your wives.
“Oh my, such a bratty thing today, isn´t she?” Tanya purred, hands coming to grip your hips tight. Her nose was slowly running along your temple - breathing you in.
“Relax, mi amor. I am only teasing.” Carmen soothed behind you.
Finally, hands reached for the blindfold, untying the knot. You could feel the fabric slowly sliding down your face, before it was removed entirely. Sweet, sweet relief-
…That relief was short-lived, however. Because soon after, the blindfold was replaced with one of your mate´s hands.
You couldn´t stop the whine from escaping your lips. You also didn´t miss the brief rumble that sounded out in front of you in response.
Was Tanya´s mind ever not in the gutter?
“I know, love.” Carmen soothed. “But there is something that we must settle first.”
Oh boy. That sounded serious.
“…Okay?” You dared to ask. Had you messed up? Had they? Was someone dead?
“So wary. One could almost believe you don´t trust us, moja láska.” Hands were rubbing up and down your sides in a soothing manner. “Worry not, Carmen makes it sound much more dramatic than it actually is.”
“Says you?” You snorted, which earned you hearty laughter from Carmen, and an overly dramatic gasp that only proved your point.
“Why, you little-“ The fingers on your sides starting wriggling, causing you to recoil out of reflex. Unfortunately, you were incredibly sensitive. Something Tanya loved to remind you of.
“No! Please, please! S-Sto-hop!” Carmen´s arm had come to wrap around your waist, keeping your trashing body upright. Which meant there was absolutely no way for you escape this torture.
“Oh…I do like you begging, my love.” Tanya snickered, showing no signs of stopping anytime soon.
At this point, you were wheezing-
“Alright, alright – enough you two.” Carmen came to your rescue, a joyful lilt to her voice. How she had managed to keep your eyes covered with all that trashing and wiggling you did, you had no idea.
The hands left your body, and you breathed a sigh of relief.
You had a feeling it wasn´t going to last, however.
“Alright, mi amor-” Carmen began. Your hands were starting to sweat. “Do you remember our talk about having…resources?”
You didn´t like where this was going.
“…Yeah? What about it?” You sounded irritated, and you knew it. Your mates knew it, judging by the collective sigh that followed.
“Cariño…” You knew that tone.
Oh no.
“We understand and respect your wish for us not to provide for you in a way we think is fitting.” Your wife was choosing her words most carefully. “However, we were hoping to…renegotiate.“
Oh no.
“…Renegotiate?” You weren´t sure you even wanted to know.
“Sí, my love.” Carmen continued in good spirits. “You see, today marks the start of a new month to our union, so Tanya and I had thought it fitting to celebrate that with a little ritual.”
“Celebrate? With a ritual? What is that supposed to mean?” You loved Carmen dearly, but she could be so frustrating when she was trying to ask for something.
“Well, we thought we might-“
“Preboha!” Seems like you weren’t the only one getting frustrated. “Carmen, truly - I love you, but you´re confusing her!” Then, as an afterthought, “…and me.”
You couldn´t see it, but you had a feeling Carmen was looking as sheepish as a vampire could in this moment.
“What Carmen meant to say-“ Tanya continued, the mischief clear in her voice. “Is that we would very much like to come to an agreement on when to spoil our little human absolutely rotten.” Cold fingers pinched your cheeks then, using that grip to lightly shake your head left and right.
Not if, but when.
“You…what? No! I-” You started-
“Ah, ah.” Came the authoritative reply. “There will be no discussion.”
This wasn´t fair. Tanya wasn´t supposed to be strict. That was Carmen´s job.
(It also wasn´t fair that it sounded much more intimidating coming from her.)
“Here´s what´s going to happen.“ Your wife continued, her inner coven leader really starting to shine through now. “At the beginning of each month, Carmen and I will prepare something nice and sweet of our choice for you. You will not complain, you will not mope. You will accept our gifts, and you will enjoy them. Are we clear?”
…Well shit. You forgot how insanely convincing – and hot - your wife could be. It wasn´t often you got to see that sight of her.
(Not that you were seeing much right now as it was.)
You said nothing in response, feeling thoroughly chastened somehow. Or, as Tanya had just put it – mopey.
There was another sigh then. ”Moja láska…” Soft hands came to cradle your face. “I understand why this upsets you, and I apologize for causing you to feel this way.” Her thumbs ran up and down your cheeks. “However, I will not apologize for wishing to provide for you. Carmen and I have the means, we have the time, and we love you. All we ask for is one day per month to properly celebrate that.”
You were never one for being overly spoiled. You enjoyed the little things. However-
You recognized those were little things to them. Their world was so much different from yours, it always had been. From day one of your relationship it had been abundantly clear that the lifestyle you used to maintain was pretty much history.
The first few months had been especially trying – they had showered you with things you´d never have gotten for yourself. Things that were either obnoxiously expensive, or that you didn´t even know existed up until that point in your life.
You love bagels with cream cheese. Not so much making them, though. It wasn´t like it was an overly tiring task, but sometimes you were just that lazy. You had made an off-handed comment once about how convenient it would be if all you had to do was push a button and those stupid bagels would magically cut themselves. It had been a joke, obviously.
Next thing you knew, you were owner of a shiny new bagel guillotine.
(Yes, those actually exist.)
Thinking about those early stages now, however…
It really put into perspective just how much they´ve toned it down since then. For your sake. Respecting your needs.
The least you could do was respecting theirs.
“…Okay. One day-” Soft lips pressing firmly against yours swallowed whatever it was you were going to say next.
“Thank you, my love.” Tanya murmured against your mouth, before you felt another set of lips pressing against your cheek. “You´re too kind, mi amor.”
God, it´s been years and you still blushed like a teenage girl.
“Well then, shall we present this month´s gift to our blushing bride?” Tanya snickered, the excitement creeping back into her voice.
“We shall.” Carmen agreed, the hand still covering your eyes beginning to lift-
This was it.
Whatever was about to happen, you had fully agreed to it.
(A fact you would have to keep reminding yourself of for the next few years to come.)
The hand had been fully lifted by now, but you refused to open your eyes. A part of you truly was anxious about what you would find.
“Open your eyes, dearest.” Carmen encouraged, a hand rubbing soothing circles into your back.
You took a deep breath.
Here goes nothing.
Your eyes opened - blinking rapidly to adjust to the bright light at first - before focusing on-
Whatever you had expected, it sure hadn´t been this.
No shiny new car, no newly built house, no jewelry worth millions of dollars.
(All of them things you have received in the past. Several of them.)
Staring back at you was the welcome sign of an amusement park.
It wasn´t just any amusement park, though. Judging by the lack of actual visitors and the welcome sign reading “Happy first pampering-day to our precious. Enjoy! ♥”, you reckoned it was your amusement park.
You were speechless.
“Well? What do you think, my love?” Tanya interrupted your train of thoughts. Which was good, because you were about to lose it just a little bit.
“I…This is…What?” You spluttered, really struggling to form a coherent sentence right now.
“Are you alright, mi amor?” Carmen worried.
Just peachy.
You had to be sure- “You…You guys bought me an amusement park?” This was insane, absolutely bonkers-
“Don´t be silly, love.” Tanya giggled, sounding immensely proud of herself. “We didn´t spend a single penny on this.”
Oh well, that was something at least-
“We built it.”
They did what now?
“…Huh?” You couldn´t care less about your incredibly eloquent comeback right now. “You built an amusement park? Just like that?”
Nodding was all you received for an answer.
“...How?” Your mind was reeling.Where did they get the materials they needed? What about electricity, out here – in the middle of nowhere? Did they think of toilets? Because your bladder was really starting to protest-
“This place used to be a power plant, but it´s long since been shut down.” Tanya explained. “We used forest wood to build most of it – polished and painted it. Laid a few pipes and that was that.”
(The park did have a plumbing system then. Thank god.)
She made it all sound so easy. Then again, to them it probably was.
“Well, shall we go in?” Carmen prompted, nodding her head at it. “Lest we get stuck in the line for too long.” She joked, a gleam in those warm eyes.
This was surreal.
You laughed – a hearty, boisterous, real laugh which was soon joined by your mates´ melodic ones.
This was your life.
You wouldn´t change it for the world.
“Let´s.” You agreed, taking a hold of their hands, and leading the way into your very own amusement park.
A/N: Anyone else with cavity now?
Btw: I´m planning on writing a little sequel to this which will probs be named "Ferris Wheel". ;3
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multi-fandom-simp · 10 months
Can I request another Garrett soulmate au? This one the mate he finally finds is blind and has been since birth. When she's changed they're not sure if she will gain eyesight as Carlisle said there are some things even venom can't fix. I think it would make Garrett melt being the first thing she's seen. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Please and thank you!!
(A/N: I apologize for how long this fic took, I was having a few problems with my computer. Nonetheless, I enjoyed writing this! Garrett and his human soulmate may just be my favorite thing to write🤭. I found the dynamic between Garrett and this reader to be so refreshing to express. I added a bit of my own twist to the end with the readers abilities, so I hope you don't mind. As always, Enjoy!)
Eye of the beholder
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Garrett x Blind!Fem!Reader
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the twilight characters, nor do I claim them as my own. This work is purely fictional.
Summary: You had come to terms with the fact that you would be blind for the rest of your life, and the fact that you would never know what your lover, Garrett, looks like. But what if there was an accident, and you had to be changed? Would the venom grant you your eyesight?
‼️TW‼️: Mentions of blood, physical injuries, slight angst
Word count: 2,331
“Describe it again”, Your voice holds a pleading edge as you lay your head back on Garrett’s lap, “Please?” 
“I’ve already described it two times, my love” Garrett chuckled, his thumb traced over your cheekbone. He was looking down at you, you could tell by the way his voice echoed. 
You closed your eyes, snuggling further into him, “A third time couldn’t hurt.” 
“ I guess not,” Garrett hummed, “ The snow, as I said is white-”
“White is the color that feels like pillow feathers right?” You inquire, rubbing your fingers together as if you could imagine the very feeling. 
“Mhm-hm”, Garrett hummed in agreement, “ The snow itself is falling fast. Some of it is hitting the window beside us, while most of it is landing on the ground. The pine trees, the spiky ones, are covered in it.”
You shifted before he could continue, “ What does it make you look like, the snow? Does it make your hair a different shade? Do you get paler, if that’s even possible?”
“ I thought my appearance wasn’t important-”
“-It isn’t!” You reassure, “ I love you for who you are, obviously. I just want to know how you change with the seasons.” 
“ His hair is a shade lighter. It goes from a cold tone to a warm tone, and no, it isn’t possible for him to get paler” Kate’s voice echoed from down by your feet. The Denali’s had been your makeshift family for quite a while, that’s how you had originally met Garrett. Kate had befriended you, despite the fact that you were just a human. You were a ‘fun soul’ she had insisted. 
Then, after a visit from her cousin Carlisle, Garrett randomly appeared. Apparently, during Carlisle’s visit, he had come to the conclusion that you were the type of warmth Garrett needed, and he was right. The two of you clicked instantly. With Garrett, it was like you could see the world, even if you physically couldn’t. He made you feel whole, despite the rest of the world thinking you weren’t. Garrett never figured out how Carlisle guessed you would be his mate, but he’ll be forever grateful nonetheless. He had since then become happier, and healthier as the Denali’s would put it. Garrett hadn’t touched a human in the years he’s known you. 
“Thank you, Kate, at least someone is helpful” You snort teasingly. 
Garrett scoffs sarcastically, “ If I’m not helpful, then I guess you’ll have to find another mate who will read to you.” 
“Carmen would” You huff, folding your arms stubbornly.
“Speaking of Carmen, she wants Garrett to take care of a bear problem” Kate informed, she must’ve been standing in the doorway now since you could barely hear her. 
You didn’t need perfect eyesight to know that Garrett had rolled his eyes, “ and here I thought Kate had come to visit because she missed us”
Tanya had been gracious enough to let you and Garrett stay in the guest cabin, which was only a ten-minute walk from the main family house. It gave the two of you all the privacy and independence you needed but still remained close enough for the others to pop in and out. 
“Will you remain here while I take care of the bear, or would you like me to take you over to chat with Kate-”
You sighed, cutting him off before he could worry anymore,“-Darling, we’ve lived in this cabin for years now, I can handle myself long enough for you to handle a pesky bear.” 
“Yes, I know, and I’m not doubting you” Garret paused to cradle either side of your face, “ but leaving you in this house so far from the others just worries me. I'm sure Eleazor can handle the bear.” 
You pulled Garrett’s hands from your face, “Garrett go, I will be perfectly fine while you’re gone.” 
“Stubborn as ever” Garrett grumbled underneath his breath.
You snorted, “I heard that.”
“ You were meant to” Garrett replied before turning away, “I’ll only be gone a moment. Don’t venture outside the snow is getting worse-”
“-Gooooo” You groaned, tired of the princess treatment. Garrett mumbled a quick, ‘fine, fine’ under his breath before whisking away. The rush of air he left behind aided the deep breath you took. The house was now silent, and normally you hated silence. This, however, was nice. A moment of true independence is what you needed. Not that Garrett didn’t give you that, because he did, but he also smothered you sometimes. You had dealt with the challenges of being blind long before you met Garrett, and you would continue to deal with it even when he wasn’t there. 
A thump near the door caught your attention. You cocked your head to the side just in time to hear it again. It was heavy and repetitive. Your palm slid flat against the living room wall as you moved closer to the door. Normally you would use your walking stick when venturing outside, but you only planned on opening the door this time, not exiting it. 
“Hello?” You called out loudly, hoping that whatever animal it was would scurry away before you opened the door, but as you paused, the thump sounded once more. You opened the door slowly, cracking it just enough for you to step one foot outside. The sound was louder now as if it was right next to your head. You took your hand off the door for only a second, a second too long apparently. Before you could comprehend what was happening, your foot lost its grip on the first step and you were descending downwards. The icy steps met your back harshly, probably cracking a rib or two upon their greeting. Your head received the worst of the fall it seemed. It hit the cold step so hard that the ice turned warm, or perhaps that was just blood that you were feeling. Your heart stuttered at the pain, and Garrett had heard it. He was back by your side before the muscle inside your chest could beat again. 
“ No, no, no, you were supposed to stay inside” Garrett panicked, he slipped a hand under your neck so that he could assess the damage. His undead heart would’ve dropped to his stomach if it could’ve. Sat at the bottom of your head was a gnarly gash that trickled blood onto the snow. 
He put his other hand to your cheek swiftly, reminding you of his presence, “Yes, my love?”
He could see struggle decorate your features momentarily, “ I can’t move anything. Why can’t I move?”
Garrett stilled,“ Don’t worry about that. I’ll call Carlisle and he’ll fix everything-” 
“-Why can’t I move?” A phantom ache spread across Garrett’s chest at the panic in your voice. 
“Carlisle will explain everything, I promise” Garrett slid his hand away from your face and place it beneath your legs. Slowly, and carefully, he moved you back into the house. He placed a towel beneath your head and called Carlisle at the same time. The blonde doctor was quick to reassure Garrett that he would be there as soon as possible, and that he was. Carlisle took no more than a half hour to reach the Denali residence. Kate had been the one to greet him at the door. She explained how bad your condition had gotten, and just how much blood you had lost. Carlisle knew what he would have to do before he even entered the house, and it seemed Garrett did too. 
“ Carlisle” Garrett greeted. 
Carlisle nodded in return, “Hello again, Garrett. How is she?” 
“ She is still awake, no need to talk about me as if I’m not” You spoke quietly, though to you it sounded loud. 
“ My apologies” Carlisle chuckled, “How do you feel?” 
“ I don’t feel anything, that’s the problem” You sighed.
“ My sight had already been taken from me, Carlisle” Your voice didn’t quiver or hesitate, “ I can’t lose my mobility as well, please.“ 
Carlisle looked to Garrett before speaking again, “ What would you have me do then?” 
“ Garrett knows what I want” The silence afterward was heavy. There was no need to ask if you were sure, or if you knew what it would entail. Garrett knew you were serious, but he also knew that he couldn’t be the one to do it. He had only become vegan a few years ago. The taste of human blood, especially yours would send him into a frenzy, and Garrett would never forgive himself if he couldn’t stop. 
“Garrett” Carlisle was asking permission, he wouldn’t just turn someone else’s mate without their consent. 
Garrett nodded, “ I trust you, Carlisle.” 
“ This may hurt, I’m sorry” Carlisle apologized before leaning in. You didn’t feel the bite, but you sure felt the venom. It was as if your blood had turned to glass within your veins and then shattered into a million different pieces. Each and every one of those pieces then drove themselves deeper and deeper into the very mapping of your body. Garrett gripped your hand tightly as your back bent off the couch. He watched the muscles in your body tense and tears leak from your eyes.
Garrett looked to Carlisle solemnly, “Will she be able to see?” 
“I’m not sure,” Carlisle answered honestly, “ There are some things that not even venom can fix. Truth be told, I have no way of telling if the transformation will work.” 
“ It will, I told her it will” Garrett mumbled.
Carlisle’s lips pursed, “You know it isn’t up to us.” 
It took a full day for the venom to work its way through your body. Garrett sat by your side the whole time. Kate and Tanya stayed for the first few hours, but once the sisters realized that the transformation would work, they left. Everyone knew Garrett would want a moment alone with you when you awoke. 
When you finally did wake up, you didn’t bother to open your eyes. You had gotten so used to using your other senses that you were overwhelmed with how sharp they were. Every noise outside, from the birds chirping to the crunch of a hiker's boot that was acres away reverberated clearly throughout your ear. The fabrics of the couch beneath you felt like individual threads rather than twine that had been sewn together. Eventually, when you did open your eyes, a familiar stranger was there to greet you. You had never seen this man in your life, but you knew who he was. It didn’t take the auburn hair or golden eyes to know that he was Garrett, your Garrett. You reached out, a bit shakily, to touch his face. He was real, very real. You watched your hands meet the porcelain of his cheek. His skin crinkled under your palm as he smiled widely.
“Kate wasn’t kidding when she said you couldn’t get any paler, huh?” Your voice was even different, more melodious.
Garrett wanted to laugh, “ You’ve finally seen my face for the first time and that’s what you choose to say?” 
“Would you rather I list every physical feature of yours that I find intriguing?” You jest, “because I could’ve sworn you insisted that your appearance wasn’t important.” 
“It’s a relief to see that immortality didn’t take away her sass. I’m not sure we would’ve survived without it” Your eyes flickered to where Carmen’s voice sounded from. The brunette stood in the doorway with a smile just as warm as her voice. 
Your eyes lit up with joy, “Carmen, it’s wonderful to finally see you.” 
“ Oh come on, why does Carmen get a warm sentiment? I was the first person you saw-” 
You shot Garrett a look over your shoulder, “Hush up, you child.” 
It took not even a second to realize that Garrett had actually gone quiet. Both you and Carmen shot him puzzled looks. To which you received the same. Garrett's eyes were wide with confusion and his jaw was clenched tightly. He had indeed gone quiet, just as you told him. 
“ I think we’ve figured out your gift already” Carmen chuckled,  “ You’ll have to tell him to speak again.”
You let out a sarcastic snort, “And how would I do that?” 
Carmen moved to stand at your side. Her hands positioned your head to look at Garrett once more, “ Look in his eyes and tell him to speak.” 
You roll your eyes in disbelief before clearing your throat, “Alright, um..you may speak now.” 
“ How did you do that?” Garrett sputters the second his mouth opens, “Nevermind, I know how, but wow that’s….that’s kind of hot actually.” 
A laugh tumbles from your lips, “Only you would think that’s hot.”
“Not only is it hot, but it’s brilliant. Do you realize how much power your eyes now hold? I mean you made me do something with the slightest of eye contact” Garrett had moved to hold your face in his hands, his lips pressing gently beside each eye. 
“Not sure it’s something to brag about-”
Garrett scoffs, “ Oh please, if you won’t brag about it, then I will. I want everyone to know just how brilliant my woman is.” 
“Oh, your woman?” You gape in mock offense. Garrett hangs his head with a deep chuckle before attempting to correct himself. Carmen watches from the side with a smile on her face. Eyesight or not, you were still the same person, but the way your eyes refused to leave Garrett truly warmed her heart. The two of you continued to bicker as she backed away, leaving the two of you to explore your newfound gifts. Which you indeed did. The two of you used your newly bestowed abilities to travel the world. You were able to see so many things for the first time, and with Garrett by your side for all of it. Just like he would be for the rest of your eternal lives.
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I'm loving The Invitation so much! Carlisle'srelief at being rescued from Alice is hilarious. And I just know things are gonna go so deliciously wrong... but I have just the worst ask for you.
After seeing Bella and Edward's wedding being attended by the Volturi, Eleazar decides that he and Carmen simply must have a huge ceremony to renew their own vows!
How do you think the world's best worst vampire would decorate, does Carmen have a mitigating influence, and would anyone he invites actually show up?
Look @therealvinelle, praise!
You mean, how @therealvinelle and I write him and Carmen?
A Bit on Eleazar and Why I Feel Comfortable Constantly Slandering Him
The thing about Carmen and Eleazar is that they live with the Denali.
Look, they might be relatively ordinary people who don't have constant non-consentual sex with human men, but the fact that they've lived there so long and don't try to abandon the Denali for the Cullens is...
Well, you don't go to a nudist beach if you plan to wear clothes.
Which means that neither Carmen nor Eleazar are a 'mitigating influence'. They married each other, they live in that house, I have 0 faith in either of these people.
Eleazar's Wedding
Much like that ask about Eleazar's home videos I'm too lazy to look up, this will be porn, thinly disguised live-action porn that he invites everyone he knows to.
Which is just the Cullens at this point.
Depending on when this is, the Volturi receive an invitation, however they would not attend even before Breaking Dawn.
I'm imagining a four-act drama in which we're told what a scared virgin Carmen is. Carmen then has to sleep with a series of people in different monstrous costumes until she can reach the final boss her husband to be Eleazar.
There's also subplots in which other people have sex on stage.
This is all a very necessary part of the wedding that you must witness (and find hot).
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Glory of love(Eleazar Denali)
Chapter 6: Alice is at it again
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Alice, holding a big smile on her face, skipped past Carlisle then into the living room with two small cards in her hand.
“I have it all set up, the movie starts at 7, you guys are watching Psycho... it's her favorite” I looked up at her confused as she talked 100 miles an hour. “also you'll have the theater to yourselves and also you need to go the florist and pick up a bouquet of roses at 6:00, also-”
“hold on” I said, covering her mouth. “What are you going on about Alice?”
She took a breath and slipped me two movie tickets. I gulped as I imagined us sitting alone in a dark room together. It sounded amazing, I almost couldn't believe it. I also didn't want to screw it up.
“oh, yeah and after the movie you should take her out for moonlight stroll in the park, she gonna want to talk about the movie”
“¿Qué hiciste?(what did you do?)” I looked at her panicked. The more she talked about this planned night out the more reality started to kick in. I stared at the movie ticks blankly once I realized I was gonna take the most beautifulest woman in Forks Washington on a date.
“Alice, give the man to process everything” Irina chuckled, knowing damn well she was involved.
Alice cringed. “Oops, was I talking too fast again?”
I didn't say anything, just fiddled with the movie ticks. Carlisle sighed and told Alice and Irina to leave. He sat down on the couch next to me and padded my shoulder. “everything is gonna be fine Mate”
I shook my head and stood up, I paced back and forth in front of him, ranting. The fast I spoke the quicker I slipped into my native language. “no puedo hacer esto ¿Qué pasa si lo estropeo y lastimó? Y Alice acaba de arreglar esta cita sin que yo lo sepa. ¿Y si ella ni siquiera se siente atraída por mí?(I can't do this. What if I screw it up and hurt her? And Alice just sets up this date without me knowing. What if she isn't even attracted to me?) ”
Carlisle nodded along as his gold eyes followed my every movement. Once my words started to make zero sense in both Spanish and English, Carlisle stood up and grabbed my shoulders, stopping my pacing. “why am I doing this carlisle? It's just gonna go to shit like always”
“its not gonna go to shit Eli” carlisle said softly. I pushed his hand off my shoulder and stepped back, angery. “it always does! I did everything I could and still failed, what if this ends the same way? I can't go through all the pain again… I Just can't”
Carlisle shook his head and put his hand on my trembling shoulder. “y/n isn't Carmen” he stated.“i know you got hurt in the past, but that doesn't mean you should let it alter your present or future”
“what do you like about y/n?”
I smiled. “She's so kind and generous, and I love how passionate she is about the things she loves,” Carlisle smiled as he listened. “and her eyes, they're so beautiful and she cares… So, so, much, about her students and her family”
“how does she make you feel?”
I smiled softly and looked down. “overwhelmed with love… I've never felt this way before”
The next morning was the day I would ask y/n out and I was panicking “okay I can just say 'Hola, I got theses ticks for a movie, my brother-in-law was going to go with me but he's busy, would you like to go?” I said pacing back and forth in front of the two desks Tayna and Kate were setting in.
“okay first, don't add Carlisle into this” Kate started. “you want her to feel she was your first choice and your not just asking her to go because the first choice bailed.”
I rubbed my face in frustration. I never felt so nervous and out of line, how could one human make me feel so frazzled.
“and try tenderness, girls love all things romantic” Tayna said. “but don't go over board.”
“just speak from your heart, when you go to her you'll know what to say” Kate said, standing up. She turned me around and pushed me towrds the door. I took a deep breath and walked out of my classroom.
“good luck!” the girls called out. I nodded to myself trying to muster up all the courage I had. I walked down the hall and the closer I got the more shaky my hands got. I quickly shoved them in my pockets as I turned to the hall that held her classroom.
“Puedes hacerlo(you can do this)” I mumbled as I raised my fist. Once I knocked I told myself there was no turning back.
“continue to work guys” I heared her say as her foot steps got louder the closer she got to the door. She opened it up and I was graced with her beautiful smile.
“Hola Eleazar” her voice was so gentle and cheerful I almost lost my train of thought. I cleared my throat and scratched the back of my head.
“can we talk? It will only be a un momento” she nodded and closed the door so we had some privacy out in the hallway. I cleared my throat nervously as she stared at me with those extrodanary eyes.
“please forgive me if this is too forward but, the movie theater is showing a screening of Psycho tonight and was wondering if you would want to go with me”
Her innocent eyes widened. “you want to take me out on a date?” she asked nervous.
“Yes, I would love to take you out on a date... If you'll have me” I said trying to sound confident. She studied my face looking for any lies or unsternty. Her lips formed into a genuine smile.
“I would Love to Eleazar”
“¿En realidad?(really?)” I said meeting her eyes. She smiled and nodded. “Si”
I nodded clasping my hands together. “excellent, so I'll pick you up at 6:45”
“great, I'll be ready” she smiled. What she did next took me off guard. She stood on her toes and placed a quick kiss on my cheek. “see ya tonight” she waved at me then slipped back into her classroom gracefully.
“Oh, gracias a Dios(oh, thank God)” I said, sighing in releaf.
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aurora-by-jacqui-natla · 11 months
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THE NEXT DAY WAS A BIT BRIGHTER THAN IT WAS WHEN WE ARRIVED. I got to know the Denali Coven while we waited for more vampires to come.
The leader, Tanya, was born in ancient Slovakia. She was the first of Sasha's adoptive daughters. She was also Sasha's biological great-niece, and when Sasha yearned for companionship, she chose Tanya to join her. Within her first century as a vampire, Sasha added two more vampires to their family, Kate and Irina. They have been close as a family since then.
Kate, or Katrina, was an attendant—basically a bodyguard—to a highborn female of a warlike Slavic tribe. She was well-trained in her tribe's martial arts and was very protective of her mistress. Kate was guarding her on a caravan when Sasha attacked, along with her daughter Tanya. Sasha was so impressed by Kate's courage and determination to defend the caravan and the physical resemblance she had to Tanya that she changed her into a vampire. Kate quickly became loyal to Sasha and Tanya. Her defensive power began to develop within a decade.
Irina was the third vampire added to the coven. As a human, she was a pretty peasant girl living in a small farm community. She physically resembled Kate and Tanya, and Sasha decided to change her with the idea of adding a new sister to her 'daughters'. Irina, Tanya, and Kate loved their mother as much as she loved them.
Then, it all changed when Sasha's crime of creating an immortal child was revealed. She did not understand the reason behind Sasha's actions, but once the Volturi tested Tanya and her sisters' innocence and they were spared execution, she did understand why her mother had kept it secret from them. Their mother's death left the sisters traumatized, and as a result, they were purists of vampire laws.
Eleazar and Carmen were the last to join the Denali Coven.
Eleazar was originally from Spain, and as such is fluent in Spanish. He was born sometime during the 1700s, but I didn't know his exact date and birth year. The identity of his creator and the date he was changed remained a mystery to me.
Like Dad, he was given a place within the Volturi guard for his ability — like Joseph— to sense the special talents of others. His job was to detect if any threatening coven had any members with extra gifts and then pass that knowledge on to Aro. He would also be sent around the world to look for any human or vampire with useful talents to add to the coven. A gentle person by nature, he wasn't entirely happy with their methods, but he felt he was serving the greater good by working with those who would uphold the law.
He eventually met Carmen and instantly became her mate. They tried to balance his love life and his duties by living with Carmen while continuing to work for the Volturi, but because Carmen was troubled by the violence of his everyday life, Eleazar eventually asked for Aro's permission to leave the coven. Aro didn't like the idea but gave Eleazar his blessing, believing that he would willingly return to the guard if Aro ever needed him to (and he felt no need to hold on to his gift).
Eleazar and Carmen travelled nomadically for a while, looking for a more compassionate lifestyle. They stumbled across the Denali coven and were awed by their 'vegetarianism'. Tanya invited Eleazar and Carmen to stay with them and try out the lifestyle. They enjoyed each other's company so much that they made the situation permanent.
I couldn't imagine what they were going through with Irina. Having their coven member tell the Volturi of a crime that was never committed must have been conflicting for them. I don't know if their relationship will ever be the same.
I was out hunting in the woods with Jacob and Renesmee. Edward and Bella told me that she likes to hunt with Jacob. I don't know if Renesmee knew of Jacob imprinting on her. But she didn't seem to care. Jacob was in his wolf form and Renesmee was on top of him. I spotted an elk, caught it and killed it. She drank the blood from it.
"Jake, can we get chocolate?" She asked in her sweet voice.
Wolf Jacob replied with a nod.
"I wish I could have chocolate," I said, my tongue swirling around my teeth.
I couldn't eat food ever since I became a vampire. That did explain why the Cullens didn't eat much in school.
"What do you think it tastes like?" I asked her.
"Um... Chocolatey!" She squealed and I laughed; I was sure the wolf Jacob smiled a bit.
Then, I saw Bella running through the woods, her long brown hair waving. Renesmee jumped off Jacob and ran to her.
"Momma!" Renesmee's arms opened and Bella picked her up.
She hugged her mother tightly as Bella held her. Maybe that is how my mother would have hugged me. Bella looked over at Jacob and me.
"Another coven arrived," Bella declared.
Wolf Jacob stared at her with a stern look.
"They haven't hunted the area, Jake. Don't worry."
"The area?" I asked.
"The Quiletes and the Cullen have a peace treaty," she explained.
"How did that happen?"
"It's a long story. I'll show the Egyptian coven, my daughter."
The Egyptian coven? They sounded interesting.
I followed Bella and Renesmee to the Cullen residence. There I saw Edward, the Denali Coven, my family (except for Mum and Dad — probably hunting no doubt) and another group of vampires waiting outside of the house. Jacob returned to his human form and was not naked for once. I stood beside Bella who stood beside her husband.
I saw four beings looking at us: two men and two women. One man was a young boyish-looking vampire with midnight hair, olive pallor to his pale skin, and an oddly cheerful look. He stood at five foot seven inches tall and had crimson red eyes. He looked about the same age as Ayla. The girl beside him had olive-tone skin and her hair was heavy, straight and midnight-coloured; her eyes were also crimson red. She was a little bit shorter than the boyish vampire but seemed to be a tiny bit older than him.
Then, I saw a man standing behind them, towering over them slightly like a protective father. He had black hair and a slight olive pallor to his pale skin. He looked at us with his red eyes. Beside him, there was a beautiful woman. She had long, curly black hair and an olive tone to her pale skin, and was shorter than the three vampires.
"Is this the child?" The boyish vampire asked.
"Yes," Bella replied and he and the girl walked towards them.
Bella put Renesmee down and the child sauntered to them. They looked down at her and the boy knelt on the ground to her level.
"Hi, what's your name?" He asked her.
"Renesmee," she replied and they shook hands.
"I'm Benjamin," the boyish vampire introduced himself and his head turned to the girl. "And this is Tia."
Then, Renesmee placed her hand on his cheek and showed him her memory. Her birth. Her origin. She freed her hand from his cheek and Benjamin grabbed her hand and clamped her hand in his own hands. Then, his hands opened and dark brown earthly dust emerged from her hand and Benjamin swirled it around with his right hand. My mouth gapped open and my gold eyes widened. The earthly dust, spirling, flew from her small hand.
"Benjamin can influence the elements," I heard Edward explaining.
"I hope Violet's not getting jealous," Joseph said, chuckling.
"I'm not," I replied, my voice pitched a little bit higher. "I mean, I can turn invisible and I can do this—."
I shot my hand at a little tree stump and a purple blast flew out and hit it. Then, a purple flame emerged on the tree stump. I stared at the flame, puzzled by it. That never happened. Then, Benjamin's hands aimed at the nearest lake and the water rose and zoomed to the flame. The water landed on the flame and the mist replaced the flame. I turned around to see the vampires — and Jacob — looking at me with amazement and Renesmee laughing.
"Since when can you do that?" Bella asked.
"It's a long and complicated story," I said. "It was after the wedding and I found out that Dina and Ayla are werewolves—."
"Children of the Moon," Edward jumped in.
"They're still here?" The tall olive vampire asked, a hint of surprise in his tone.
"What do you mean, still here?" I asked him.
"The last time I've heard, the Volturi exterminated all of them."
"Well," I shrugged my shoulders. "Not them."
"And she nearly brought a building down from that blast," I heard Eleazar adding to the conversation. "It's a rare thing to have."
"That is?"
"A single vampire with multiple gifts."
"Who created you?" Tia enquired, slowly approaching Benjamin.
"A vampire named Victoria," I answered bitterly. "As a part of a revenging army. And then I joined this coven."
I pointed to my family. The Egyptian coven turned their heads and saw them. Then, the olive male's face dropped; I saw Mum and Dad coming back.
"How was the hunt?" Simon was the first to ask.
"Very well," Mum replied. "We've got two deers each."
Then, Dad turned his gaze to the olive male. His gold orbs met the red ones and his lips pursed shut. The male looked back at Dad and his red eyes sternly glared at him.
"Amun," Dad greeted him and looked at the beautiful woman. "Kebi."
The woman, Kebi, bowed her head.
"Gabriel," the male, Amun, spoke.
So they knew each other? Are they good friends or didn't they like each other? Either way, they acknowledged each other.
"I see Aro didn't need you anymore," Amun said with a little smile on his face.
"I left," Dad let out a small growl.
"Everyone knows you can't leave the Volturi easily. They would throw them away or dispose of them."
There was silence between them. What were they saying? What did Amun mean that we can't leave them easily? Did Dad leave because of the disgusting idea of taking a human life just to live? What happened with Dad and the Volturi?
Before I could ask, a loud sound of screeching invaded the woods.
Continue to 10. THE AMAZON COVEN
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missjanjie · 1 year
Nobody asked but that’s never stopped me anyway. So, here’s which queen from every season that I think is most likely to be on a future all stars season (no repeats/winners) with explanations that also no one asked for:
Season 1: Porkchop - I just feel like they’re priming us for her to be on either an AS or early-outs season and I think she deserves it
Season 2: Nicole Paige Brooks - it was between her and Mystique as the only ones left and Nicole has expressed interest in going back for AS, and with Poppy’s reunion look referencing her, she’s back on fans minds
Season 3: Delta Work - out of the queens that haven’t been on, I think she’s the most relevant other than Carmen, who has burned all the bridges between her and wow anyway. idk what standings she’s in but I could see it happening
Season 4: Dida Ritz - I’ve seen people campaigning for her to be on AS for a while now, and she’s always expressed a willingness to go if invited back. And while Willam is more popular, we can all safely assume that’s not happening
Season 5: Lineysha Sparx - like Dida, she had some good highlights but never really got her flowers (I’m noticing a trend here). No offense to Monica, because I am genuinely so excited to see her on AS8, but I am a bit surprised she was picked over her. But I will concede that I don’t know if she’s still active in drag, but a lot of articles had said MBH retired so 🤷‍♀️
Season 6: Joslyn Fox - I like her, I wanna see her back on. But this is one of those cases where out of the remaining queens from that season, she seems like the most likely choice unless the producers want a ‘do it for the meme’ route like with Serena and cast Kelly (who doesn’t need it and has a great resume on her own, but that’s how I imagine a show runner seeing it)
Season 7: Jaidynn Dior Fierce - another queen that fans have pointed out deserve another chance in the spotlight and there have been rumors that she’d been shortlisted once or twice. Kandy Ho was also shortlisted for what I believe was an early-out season, but I feel like between the two, we’ll see Jaidynn first
Season 8: Cynthia Lee Fontaine - this is, of course, contingent on her health being in a strong enough state to take it on, which isn’t a given, unfortunately. So, barring any health problem, I know Ru loves her and would bring her back
Season 9: Peppermint - at this point, I feel like they’re gonna give into peer pressure one of these days and finally cast her. I think a lot of fans feel that it’s long overdue
Season 10: Asia O’Hara - the only reason I put her as more likely than Kameron is because (I think) she’s expressed more interest in going back. But both of them did the Vegas show for a while so wow definitely likes them and is probably keeping tabs on them
Season 11: Vanessa ‘Vanjie’ Mateo - I feel like this is one of the more obvious ones, to the point where I’m actually surprised it hasn’t happened yet. My theory is that they’re waiting to bring her back when producers know she’ll go far (unlike with 11 where there were a lot of highs and lows without people really seeing her as ‘winner material’). I will, however, acknowledge the possibility that someone like Nina or Plastique could be cast before her
Season 12: Crystal Methyd - like Vanjie and Cynthia, it’s clear Ru loves her and production likely wants her back. That said, I do think she’s one of the queens that wants to put a little more time between her original season and AS, but there’s no other obvious choice. And knowing what I do know about AS shortlists, there’s a chance Rock or Dahlia may precede her if they do go an early-outs route
Season 13: Denali Foxx - again, I don’t know if she’ll be the next s13 queen to go on for the same reasons as Crystal, but I don’t doubt it’s inevitability with how much of a fan favorite she is. If I saw anyone getting cast before her, it could be Kahmora (see above) or Utica
Season 14: Any of the four runner-ups - I know, kind of a cop-out. But here’s the thing, the obvious answer is Kornbread, but she’s said she doesn’t want to go back for AS, but wanted to get another chance to compete in a regular season (which she should’ve!!!). So, Daya, Bosco, Camden, and Angeria all seem more or less equally likely if you mix both the fandom and production standpoints
Season 15: Mistress Isabelle Brooks - also kind of early to call, of course. But I’m not talking about who will be the first/next queen of a season to do AS, just who I feel like stands a good chance of being on one at some point. And I’m so sure they’re gonna wanna bring her back
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One of a kind
Heyo @rexburn12 here is your request. I hope you like it :)  Writing this was def something new for me but honestly it was kinda fun. 
Also this is a Male Reader, something I haven’t done before either 😅
Fandom: Twilight (Carmen Denali)
Summary: You are the last one of your kind and someday a special someone needs your help, even though you never wanted to get back in contact with her kind. 
Words: +1.1k
Warnings: being a dragon???, fire, death?
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With some difficulty I stood up. I hated this form. I hated this body. Nothing could compare with the unique feeling of mighty wide wings. Nothing was as fulfilling as the spreading of my wings and the first swing into the air.
But I had to change into my human form because I could hear someone, or better something. I hated them. They were the reason I am the last one of my kind. They weren’t allowed to know that I was still alive. They’d probably kill me as well. 
Slowly I came closer to the creature. It was female. I could only see her from behind, but her smell and movements were enough. I knew exactly what she was and she was very close to the border of my territory. A few steps further in my direction and this vampire would end up as a pile of ashes. None of them were allowed to enter my territory. 
She moved quickly and lightly through the snow. She did not sink in and left hardly any traces. Was she hunting something? But there were no humans this far off. Only animals. What was she doing here? Curiously I followed her, always careful not to let her hear or see me. It didn't make sense to me, she moved as if she was hunting, but there was nothing to hunt here. There was no human anywhere near, we were too far away for that. 
Shaking my head I snorted and turned around again to get back to my shelter. She should do what she wanted as long as she didn't get too close to me. 
Relieved, I turned back. I exchanged my arms for my mighty wings and the legs disappeared too. Satisfied, I spread my wings and took the first swing in the air when my sensitive ears heard something. I turned in that direction and listened more closely. It was the vampire woman. But it didn't sound like she had found someone to suck the blood out of. 
Curious as I was, I went back and looked down a small cliff. There she was, lying on the snow-covered ground. Above her one of her kind, but he was different. Fierce and wild. Not as deliberate as she was before. 
She tried to shake him off, but the vampire above her was much stronger than she was. And somehow it made me angry. Something about that scene made me angry, so I pushed off the cliff and dragged the vampire off her with my mouth. The vampire was screaming, growling and fidgeting wildly, but I just flew up in the air and dropped him. I took a deep breath and with a single directed jet of fire the vampire burst into flames. As he fell back to earth, you could hear him scream. But when he crashed to earth with a harsh sound, the screams also stopped. 
I descended, but did not put my feet on the earth. That way the vampire had no chance to attack me. I puffed as I looked into her eyes. They weren't red, as I had expected. They were brown.
"Thank you," she said, and I just blew smoke out of my nose and went back up into the air to finally go home.
What was I thinking? Now one of them knew I still existed. They would hunt me down and kill me like the rest of my kind. 
Angry at myself, I entered my shelter. For hours I walked back and forth, racking my brains for what to do. I had searched for a long time for a good hiding place, I would not find another one so quickly. But I had to go. Before the vampire woman and perhaps more of her kind came to kill me. 
And since that form was too prominent, I had to revert to my human form. I unwillingly swapped my dragon form into human. I hated that form, but it was my own fault. If I hadn't interfered. I should have just let her die.
"What are you?" it softly rang out behind me and immediately I turned, ready to attack the intruder.
Before me stood the Vampire woman, with more of her kind. Awesome. And in this form, I couldn't even escape properly. I took a breath, ready to burn every single one of them. Though this form wasn't designed to breathe fire.
"We mean you no harm. We want to thank you" said the Vampire woman I had saved.
"I'm Carmen and this is my family. Eleazar, Kate and Tanya" she pointed to the other vampires who had come with her.
"Not interested" I growled.
"Please. I just want to understand" she replied and came a step closer.
"I said not interested."
"What are you?" said the vampire with the blonde curls.
"Something you will never understand. I am unique, the last of my kind and none of you will change that."
"Why should we?" said the vampire man.
I snorted contemptuously, puffing smoke from my nose and shook my head. As if they were innocent.
"I have lived for many thousands of years and a horde of vampires will not change that. Let me go or you'll end up as a pile of ashes."
"I promise you, none of us will harm you. I'm in your debt. You saved my life."
"I do not trust your kind. I made that mistake thousand years ago, and it will not happen again."
"The Volturi" said the Vampire Man, and by that name alone my anger grew.
"Listen. We do not like the Volturi either. They are monsters. We mean you no harm. We just want to understand you. We've never seen anyone like you before" said the vampire woman I saved.
I could sense that she was not lying, that she was telling the truth. Slowly I straightened up, gave up my attack position and looked at her.
"All right" I answered and she started to smile.
"What's your name?", she asked.
"Y/N" I replied.
She nodded, repeated it and then said, "We'd like to get to know you, if that's alright with you."
I looked at her again suspiciously. Lying vampires looked different. This one was serious. Besides, I wanted to find out for myself why her eyes had a different color.
"Whatever" I murmured.
She smiled broadly and then looked at the vampire man.
"Give me your coat, Eleazar" she said, holding her hands out.
The man took off his coat and gave it to the woman who handed it to me.
Ah, yes, these creatures wore clothes. Stupid invention. 
I rolled my eyes, took it and put it on. 
With a gesture, the vampire woman invited me to join them. Slowly I followed them.
Or perhaps I had just made friends for life.
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volturi-stuff · 4 years
Strange Noise
Kate Denali x Reader
Requested @rexburn12
Hi, can bro can I have part 5 for joining the family can it about the reader sleeping in the living room in the Denali house. The others went hunting leaving the reader alone but since the reader is a lion shifter there is a side effect. They purr in Their sleep. The others return but hear purring confusing them they go inside to see reader purring in their sleep shocking them. Kate thinks it's very cute and sits next to the reader. You can write the reaction of the others :)
A/N: My god this was cute to write! I'm sorry it's short though.
You decided to take a quick nap on the couch while your beloved Kate was hunting.
You didn't even know you purr, you've lived alone your whole life. Until today.
"What's that noise?" Carmen asked.
"I think... It's purring?" Jacob said.
Kate walked over to the couch and saw your sleeping form.
"It's Y/N." Benjamin whispered. Kate stared at you in utter awe.
"Awe, I wish I could purr." Seth said, the others started laughing, causing you to wake from your slumber.
"Huh? What?" You said sitting up. You grabbed Kate's hand and intertwined your fingers with hers.
"Oh nothing, my little kitty." Kate whispered to you.
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aquanova99 · 1 year
denali coven x sh scars
ty your blog is amazing
A/N: I refuse to make reader stay human so in my world while most scars fade with the venom the larger deeper scars and birthmarks carry over even as a vampire
Is a natural fixer and also she’s not planning on losing anyone else so as uncomfortable as it may be to talk about it….you guys are talking about it
She’s mostly checking that you’re okay now and wouldnt do anything reckless to hurt yourself again
It’s going to sound like a lecture no matter how well internet ruined she may be
Probably has her guard up for years around you to make sure you’re safe and also to make sure you’re sticking around
When you ask her if they bother her she is shocked on how you came to that conclusion “No? Why would I care if they’re there or not? They just let know you may need more help sometimes.”
You’re comforting her
She wants to talk about it but she’s so emotional about them that it’s kind of hard to really open up fully
She does care really deeply about what hurt you so badly you had to resort to that but she feels so bad that she’s just crying
She cries harder when she realizes you thought she would turned off by it
Somehow you’re apologizing for bringing it up in the first place even though she’s telling you you have nothing to apologize for
Y’all are going to hate me for this
She’s not going to deal with it
In my world I think Kate has a lot of resentment for being turned but sticks it out because where else would she go
I think if you have been together awhile and she cares about you deeply she will just never bring it up
If she sees it early on when the two of you are getting to know eachother she’s going to walk away.
I think everyone has their own things they are going through and some people are willing to give up more of themselves for their partner but Kate is not in a headspace where she has any more to give and I think she’d rather save herself the heartache of possibly losing someone she’s grown to love
She’s going to I think be a bit oblivious and just ask where those came from
When you tel her she’s going to pretend it didn’t shatter her heart to hear you say went through things
She’s going to ask if you’re feeling better and if you’re not how she can help
Thinks they are beautiful reminders of how much stronger you are than others and how much you’ve overcome
If your insecure about them she will probably ask if she try something and decorate your arm with beautiful flowers and vines intertwining with some of the scars
When you look at her artwork in awe (because let’s bffr she’s an amazing artist) she says “well now they look beautiful to both of us”
While you’re cuddling one day he noticed the scars when your sleeve lifted up
“Is this what I think it is?”
You are waiting for the ball to drop and nervously say yes
“Do you want to talk about it?” You shrug because truly you don’t know how deep you want to go down this rabbit hole
“Are you okay right now?”
You assure him that it was a long time again and you’d never do anything remotely close and he just nods and places a light kiss on your wrist where the scars begin and he changes the subject to something else
Never brings it up again. Not because he’s uncomfortable he will just let you open up that part of your life on your own time
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chriscullenimagines · 4 years
Tumblr Twilight Cast
Denali Coven
~Tanya X Cara Delevigne
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~Kate X Gigi Hadid
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~Carmen X Lana Del Rey
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~Eleazor X Gilles Marini
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~Irina X Isabel Lucas
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-Christopher Cullen
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thegamingcatmom · 19 days
I send you an ask AGAIN because word limit doens't let me axpress myself and this is important, K? mkay. I have so many thoughts regarding their very different personalities etc that I am laughing like a maniac.
One of those and most important is Carmen and Eleazar must be having a BLAST living in that house with all these shenanigans XDD
Another thing that crosses my mind is how different we all see our reader, bc when i read (reader) i think of myself? And I kind of have been participating in martial arts compeititions for some years and I think it's hilarious the reactions and arguments they would all have regarding this very matter? Given how protective -territorial- they can be, even though I think Kate would be over the moon with her smol human mate kicking ass (bc shes a warrior too so i think she can understand) Irina and Tanya though? they are totes a very different matter, but I mean if it makes reader happy I guess they'd end up agreeing, besides they can always kiss it better later, right? ;))
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Yes yes, Denali mattes are always most important, I fully agree with you there 100%. 😌👌
I actually HC Carmen and Eleazar as "the parents" of sorts? Like, they´ll be the ones most likely to see reason in things and, yknow, think and act in a rational manner. They´ll be the ones to take your concerns seriously, without mocking you or making fun of your whining. Something that can´t always be said for the sisters...
All in all, if I had to choose someone to confide in in a moment of crisis (which kidnapping very much is), I´d most likely go with Carmen. And well, Eleazar too, since it´s a package deal pretty much.
But oh boy, Carmen and Eleazar are just done most of the time, yknow? "Done" as in they´ll just be lovingly squatting together in a corner somewhere, observing all those heated discussions and crying and whining in a calm and collected manner, save for the occasional twitch of lips...on the outside.
Inside they´re very much dying. From laughter. But sometimes they´re honestly done, as in-
"Ah...here we go again."
And yknow, they´re so used to all that drama by now that they´ll just give a loving eye-roll, shaking their heads a bit, when Kate drags you in kicking and screaming with Tanya not far behind (Irina has long since gotten home because she can´t deal), going like-
"Look what we found! Can we keep her?? Pleeease?"
Ofc they´ll say yes.
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Ofc! That´s why ppl enjoy reader x character fics so much, after all. Self-inserting lets you live your daydreams a little bit and I think that´s a wonderful way to escape the everyday struggles. I honestly can´t tell if I see myself whenever I read/write such a story, or if it´s more like I envision an OC of sorts. Perhaps a bit of both? That´s the great thing about these fics - you can pretty much imagine everyone you´d like in it. 🥰
Ohh you do?? That´s neat! I´ve been thinking about picking up a sport as well. It´d defo be a good compensation, as I´m working whilst sitting most of the day. Perhaps some point in the future, we´ll see. 😅
Ohhh Kate would be ALL for it. She´d be so proud of her lil firecracker. As you said, she was a warrior in her human life, so she´d only be all too happy to teach you stuff and help you get better at it. She´ll most likely be a bit of a horndog about it though, because how could she not be when she gets to touch you places and help you get those positions right? 😏
Irina would feel...torn. She´d worry for your safety, but she wishes to see you happy. She doesn´t want anyone hurting her precious, but that glow in your eyes speaks volumes. She´d be waging the pros and cons thoroughly before coming to a decision. She might be overprotective/possessive (they all are) and sometimes hard to convince, but that doesn´t mean she won´t see reason when it´s more than clear how fulfilling it is for you. In the end, she´ll be on board with it.
...Something that absolutely cannot be said for Tanya. She´s the most stubborn (and territorial) out of the three, coven leader status be damned. She doesn´t appreciate when someone wishes to go against her word - she has told you numerous times she does not wish for you to continue this self-mutilation. She´s rational enough to recognize the joy it brings you, but not rational enough to allow it (at first). She simply doesn´t see sense in it when you could pick up any other hobby. One that doesn´t involve bruises and cuts and whatnot all over your lovely body. No, absolutely not-
You: "Pleeease?"
Tanya: "No."
You: "...Please with a cherry on top?"
Tanya, through gritted teeth: "My love...do not test me."
You: "..."
You: "But-"
Tanya, about to (lovingly) drag your ass back to your shared room: "I said-"
Carmen: "Tanya..."
Tanya, closing her eyes in exasperation: "..."
Carmen: "Don´t be like that. Look at her-"
Carmen: *points to your exaggerated smile*
Tanya, very reluctantly: *opens one eye*
You: "😁"
Tanya, very reluctantly: *opens another eye*
You: "🥺🫶"
Tanya, one eye starting to twitch: "...I-"
You: "😏💋"
Tanya: "...Oh alright." 🫠
Kate, in the distance: *makes whipping sound*
Irina, in the distance: "My 100 bucks now, please and thank you."
Do you sense a pattern here?
Tanya be whipped af.
I think it´s safe to say that, no matter what you come up with, the sisters will always yield in the end. They just can´t deny their little human. 🥰
It also helps having Carmen on your side, of course. You can do no wrong, in her opinion. 😇
Oh...there will be lots of kisses later indeed. ;3
#whippedtanya #supportivecarmen #happyhooman
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darkforestimagines · 5 years
Everyone knew Tanya had been having a rough month.
After getting back from the Volturi scuffle, in which Irina died, Tanya had retreated into herself. Eleazar and Carmen and Kate and Garrett had each other to help console them, but Tanya was trying to deal with her pain on her own. Sometimes Kate and Garrett would return from hunting to find Tanya just laying in Irina’s closet.
When Tanya got home from hunting, her mouth dropped open.
“Save yourself!” Garrett yelled to her, covered in snow, as Kate rapid fired snowballs his way/
Tanya got hit square in the jaw by Carmen’s snowball, and she quickly scooped up a handful to throw back.
Mates turned on mates, shirts ripped to allow for ease of throwing, and the lawn was visible in some places by the time the snow fight ended.
Tanya sat on the ground, arms around Kata, laughing as Eleazar tried to shake the snow out of his dress pants. Tanya leaned her head against Kate’s shoulder, and the whole coven felt... not quite whole, but healing for the first time in months.
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You get isekai'd into the Twiverse as a newborn vampire. Thoughts of the Volturi, the Cullens, and Bella Swan are far from your mind, as you look and see the person that turned you is Eleazar. What do you do?
Anon, I don't think the question you asked is the question you think you're asking.
What Did Anon Ask?
This isn't an SI insert of Muffin with full knowledge in Twilight, this is a Muffin style insert with little to no knowledge who suddenly finds themselves feeling a lot like they're on meth.
In other words, I'm not sure why we're putting me into this scenario.
But okay.
What Happens?
I'm very fucking confused, that's what happens. I've been turned into a crystal demon, told to eat deer even though I suddenly want to eat people, and I'm a part of a harem maybe? Unclear, I just know a lot of men walk into that door and seem to have sex with multiple women and I am now one of those women. Probably. Though they tell me it's okay not to do it yet as I'd probably eat them.
In fact, I realize very quickly there is drama abounding. The Denali had a great thing going on and then Eleazar had to go and fucking turn someone.
Now, there's a newborn vampire in the house, which gets in the way of sexy times as you can't bring in human men when there's a vampire who's probably going to eat them, Carmen's wondering what this is even supposed to mean for her relationship with Eleazar, and no one is believing Eleazar when he says this is a super awesome thing and Dear Muffin will be a sister in no time.
They would kick me out, but that's against the law to abandon a newborn. But it is decided that I must leave. Sex must be had and I am in the way.
I find myself on a road trip with Eleazar, I imagine he takes me to visit the Cullens as he now finds himself technically homeless. He tries to dump me off onto them, but they are also not having it for similar reasons (newborn vampire is getting in the way of the high school routine, there's already a fuck ton of them, etc.)
I feel very very awkward about all of this.
But I'm dumped onto Carlisle who agrees to take me when Eleazar refuses to leave until he takes me. The Cullens have to leave the town of Forks early because of this, as they will now have to hang out in nowhere for as long as it takes for my control to be reasonable.
If the Bella thing is going on at this point, I have no idea until Bella comes over and confronts the family about this sudden departure. I... probably end up eating the very delicious smelling Bella at this point.
I am forever the vampire who ate Edward's girlfriend.
Edward then goes to Volterra to kill himself and I am forever the vampire who ate Edward's girlfriend and thus made him kill himself.
The family breaks apart, the grief and blame and tension too much, especially when I'm still there and not kicked out after murdering (sort of) Edward, and it just ends up being me and Carlisle.
"Sorry for ruining your family, man"
"That's quite alright."
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Imagine talking about the future by the bonfire. (Breaking Dawn part 2 x Reader)
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"Had you ever thought of getting married?" Carmen asked you with a smile as pleasant as always. "For the majority of us, in our time you would have been married and had offspring a long time ago." Garrett winked at you. "Not really, in all honesty the first thing that popped into my mind was how much I pity the poor unfortunate soul that decided to marry me. Clearly they are capable of making poor life choices and don't stand a chance in this world." “(Y/N) (L/N)!” Esme chastised. “What!? At least im being honest!” You put your arms up in surrender. "And kids? Well, I don't know how else to put this, so we're going to say this. I can barely look after myself never mind a smaller much needier me." "Needier? Not possible." Jake smirked to himself and you playfully swatted at his arm. "You'll come around to the idea." Benjamin grinned at you. "Sooner or later." "We all did in the end, didn't we?" Rosalie looked around the group.
"Well...I suppose the thirteen hundreds are calling." You sighed. "Jake..." You took his warm hand. "You and I go way back, and I'm behind schedule." "I can't believe you're doing this." Jake shook his head. "Why do you need to re-enact everything?" "SHUSH. I'm proposing! Now, I know that the vow goes 'in sickness and in health' but I'd like you to know that doesn't really apply to me since we all know I'm the one that's going to go first. No, I won't clean up after you. No, I cannot cook and yes, I will make stupid decisions. Knowing you may regret every minute, never the less I shall still as for your hand. Jacob Black, will you marry me?" Jake took back his hand and prodded at the bonfire. "No, no. I'm all good." "Oh well now, woe is me and damn it to hell, imma die alone."
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