#cas in the wind
angelsdean · 3 days
I do think it's an insult to the masterful episode that is TMWWBK if you come away from it thinking the message is "Dean was a bad friend who wasn't there for Cas and didn't do enough to help him." The entire episode lays out how it was ultimately Cas's hubris and pride and shame of knowing he was betraying his friends that kept him from reaching out to Dean (and Sam and Bobby) repeatedly throughout the season. Bedlund makes it clear that Cas's downfall was of his own making. Sure Cas thought he was doing what he "had" to do, but Cas also doesn't try to do anything else than what he's decided is The Only Plan Of Action. And he purposely does not turn to his friends because of that mix of pride-shame. He thinks he's right and he doesn't want to be stopped. He also knows that what he is doing is wrong. Working with Crowley. Trying to tap purgatory. It's shady and extreme and could totally backfire. And it does.
Anyway when Cas asks ,"Where were you when I needed to hear this" he already knows the answer. We know he knows the answer because we just watched an entire episode of Cas spying on his friends! He knows exactly where his friends were the whole time. HE was there much of the time, watching them. But he chose not to turn to them for help. So when Dean says, "I was there, where were you," it's a sinking feeling for Cas because Dean is right and is calling him out and now that it's said out loud it doesn't feel good. But the whole episode is meant to show us how much Dean was there, waiting for Cas to turn to him (because Dean had no idea where Cas was and couldn't just easily contact him or go find him), and Cas being there, hidden, much of the time, refusing to turn to him. We see Dean spinning excuses for Cas and giving him the benefit of the doubt to Bobby and Sam whose suspicions were growing. Dean doing all this up until Cas's slip-up finally confirmed his worst fears, that Cas was lying to him and going behind their backs. Cas is not "the bad guy" and we can sympathize with him and his plight of course, but ultimately the episode is meant to show his downfall and how he let his hubris get the better of him at the cost of his friendships, primarily his relationship with Dean, who trusted him and fought for him most when others were ready to turn their backs on Cas.
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kerryweaverlesbian · 26 days
Whenever fanfiction has Dean say he hates Cas’s coat or thinks it's stupid or ugly and he wants to see Cas out of it as soon as possible I simply must disagree. He kept that thing for a whole year full of rank water. He saw Cas back in his usual getup and gotar bonar. Dean loves cartoons. He loves costumes. He loves Cas’s coat.
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shallowseeker · 5 months
Gabriel traps Jack in a Mystery Spot/never-ending Tuesday, but instead of his loved ones simply dying in accidents, it's situations where Jack himself keeps accidentally killing his parental figures, over and over, in increasingly clumsy ways.
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freakshowcowboy · 1 year
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samsrosary · 2 years
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sam gets a mark of his own
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moonfromearth · 6 months
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~Anything you can do I can do better.~
Decided to spend waaaay too much time on @tricoufamily's Duo Challenge instead of writing. This was an awesome challenge and now I want to make a couple of scenes with these sims! ��
[more info below!]
The Plot:
Half-siblings Dillon and Addy have spent their entire lives in competition with each other. The children of infamous crime leader, Leigh Caldwell, they've devoted themselves to earning her favor, and becoming criminals worthy of the Caldwell name (although they constantly fight over how to go about any mission they share).
Dynamic: Sibling Rivalry Genre: Crime
Sim 1 - Dillon Levin-Caldwell
Trait: Gloomy Hair Color: White Hair Length: Extra Long Extra: Long Face (did my best 😅)
Sim 2 - Addison "Addy" Diaz-Caldwell
Trait: Kind Hair Color: Unnatural Hair Length: Long Extra: Vitiligo
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
11 timkon for the devotion ask 😁
11. “I’ve already died once. I would do it a thousand times over again to keep you safe.”
also prompted by @blueforget-me-not, @cas-and-their-refusal-to-write, and @chaoxfix !! (phew this one's popular!)
"Absolutely not."
Tim whirls on him, glaring. "You," he hisses, jabbing one finger into the S-shield on Kon's chest, "are vulnerable to magic. That thing," and he points at the unnatural, glowing storm raging outside, "is full of insanely powerful magic that could fucking kill you. You're not fucking going."
Kon's jaw is set in that infuriatingly stubborn way of his; the glint in his eyes is nothing short of mulish. "Somebody has to get to the middle to stop that wizard freak. It's only gonna get worse if we don't do anything. And Cassie's already hurt. I'm going."
Not for the first time, Tim curses his own vulnerability. Curses that he's the best pilot among the four of them. Curses that the storm is raging too fiercely to just leave the plane on autopilot. Kon is determined to throw himself into harm's way, and Tim can't even come with him.
He turns back to the controls, glances at the anemometer; the wind is still rising. Ominous purple lightning crackles across the clouds all around them. The image of Kon flying down towards the sorcerer only to get struck from the sky by three hundred million volts of magic flashes through Tim's mind; it takes more self-control than he'd like to admit to not flinch.
"Cassie's hurt because she already tried confronting him directly, alone." At least his voice comes out steady, if a bit taut. "You think it'll go better if you do it instead?"
Another lightning strike shoots by, so close it nearly knocks the plane from the sky. As it is, everything outside goes bright white and the sensors scream; by the time Tim wrests the plane back under control, they've dropped five hundred feet, and he can see the churning, frothy waves down below.
"At the very least, I can distract him while you find a place to land safely," Kon says, ever-so-graciously not rising to the bite in Tim's voice. "'Cuz you're talking a big game about me getting killed, but it looks to me like just trying to fly out here is probably gonna get you killed. And I mean, I've already died once. I'd do it a thousand times over again to keep you safe."
It would have been kinder if he just punched Tim in the gut.
For a moment, he can't breathe; panic and hurt and fury and terror all sweep through him in an excruciating rush, and his grip tightens on the throttle so hard it hurts.
"Really?" he hears himself say, lashing out in automatic self-defense. He hates this, hates fighting with Kon, hates what he's about to say because he knows it's cruel, but he can't stop himself in time as the words pour out. "You'd put me through the survivor's guilt and the grief and everything you know I went through once already, a thousand times over? Didn't know you had that kinda viciousness in you." He laughs humorlessly. "Kinda impressed, if I'm being honest."
For a moment, there's nothing but the sounds of beeping sensors and the howling wind. For a moment, Tim is terrified Kon has just vanished, thrown himself into the heart of the storm without another word—
But then warm, strong arms wrap around his shoulders and chest, and Kon's cheek presses against his hair, and Tim can breathe again. Kon is leaning over the back of his chair and just holding him, and Tim can breathe.
"That's not what I meant, and you know it, Rob," Kon murmurs. His breath against Tim's ear sends a shiver down his spine. "But I... you're right. I shouldn't have said... I mean, I... well, we can—we can talk about all that later. Right now, let's just..."
"Sorry." Tim takes one hand from the yoke to lay it over Kon's wrist, just for a moment. His heart is still thundering in his chest, a mirror of the storm outside; he doesn't need to ask to know whether Kon knows. "I didn't mean it. You're not—you're the kindest person I know."
"Tim." Kon holds him a little tighter. "It's okay, dude. Let's just focus on getting outta here for now, yeah?"
Getting out of here. Not confronting the sorcerer. Tim sucks in a breath. They do need to get Cassie some medical help, and some time to strategize can't hurt. Hopefully, he won't grow too powerful before they can double back and take him out.
"Okay," he says, and rubs his thumb over the pulse point in Kon's wrist before reluctantly dropping his hand back to the yoke. The wind outside buffets them relentlessly, despite even the formidable stabilizing tech built into the Batplane; he can't afford to keep his hands off it for too long.
Lightning flashes again. It's a little easier not to flinch.
"I'll run distraction outside," Kon says. "But I promise I won't confront him. Just get you a little breathing room to fly."
Anxiety spikes again in his chest, but Tim nods. He trusts Kon, and Kon is more than capable of playing a distraction while keeping a safe distance. "...Be careful."
Kon somehow, breathtakingly, manages to laugh despite it all. "C'mon, Rob, you know me. When am I not?"
He drops a quick kiss to the top of Tim's head, then vanishes before Tim has the chance to answer. Tim misses his warmth immediately.
It's fine. He'll hold Kon to that promise to talk later. For now, all that's left to do is to make it out of the storm.
50 Prompts About Devotion
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miramelindamusings · 2 years
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With schools starting back up and the leaves starting to change colors, I’ve been thinking about Baby!Jack. When I was little, one of the moms would volunteer to read to us and she read The Wind in the Willows--I think Cas would do the same and that’s what he’s reading. I also really wanted to draw Midam picking Jack up from school and Dean with Jensen Ackles’ longer hair!
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athena-xox · 6 months
List of my favourite polyamorous eah ships. Do with this what you want.
Maddie x Kitty x Lizzie
Sparrow x Duchess x Poppy
Cedar x Cerise x Kitty
Raven x Cupid x Dexter
Jillian x Nina x Rosabella
Ashlynn x Crystal x Farrah
Northwind x Daring x Sparrow
Apple x Raven x Darling
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uhzuku · 7 months
are u ever gonna write again
to be completely honest w u i don’t really know <3 atm i am perfectly content kicking back n playing games n reading on ao3!! i finished my last comm from my last set and i wrote one gojo thing in jan but other than that i don’t really feel like writing!! i have SEVERAL drafts sitting in varying degrees of completion tho so if i do write u would get one of those dhfbhfcn
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dog-botherer · 5 months
So I like imitating characters I like that have distinct voices. I’ve been copying Edwin’s voice to figure out his general cadence and in doing so realised how often I drop my t’s. I was wondering why Edwin saying the phrase “cat king” was so satisfying and it’s because he doesn’t drop the t on the end of cat, giving a lovely double consonant sound between the t of cat and the k of king. I now feel like I need to be really conscious of saying t’s because it’s really weird to hear myself drop them
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angelsdean · 10 months
oh, cursed thought a lot of ppl don't want to examine.....the parallels between john ghosting dean to go off and do his own thing and neglecting to inform him where he is / if he's alive and cas ghosting dean for weeks / months to go off and do his own thing and neglecting to inform him where he is / if he's alive. something that's a basic common courtesy esp when you're living the lives they live and doing the things they do, which could get them killed at any moment. oh dean :( he's been WORRIED and SCARED for the people he loves his whole life. he's been sitting and waiting for someone he cares abt to come home his whole life, and scared he may never see them return again. he's always looking back. always looking at the door. always looking at the phone that won't ring. 😭😭😭
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shinelikethunder · 2 years
obvs i cannot pass definitive judgement yet, having watched less than half of All The SPN There Is, but... mildly disappointed to report that i'm not really feeling it on Destiel. ok, sure, their interactions are fun enough, but i guess i was expecting WAY more ship catnip given the hype.
mostly though, i just cannot shake the feeling that at this point (mid s6), if Dean and Castiel DID manage to fuck, it would end prematurely with Dean hyperventilating in the corner
(while cursing a blue streak at Cas for "making it weird," mostly to cover for the fact that he might've peed himself a little and not in the kinky way)
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hearts1ckness · 1 year
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kairasims · 8 months
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Some consider him a ladies man and others, a gangster.
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But only those that really know Santino, know that he’s just a sweet goofball
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credits to @northernsiberiawinds because half, if not MOST of his face is nothing but their skins/genetics 😩
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mazeyphaedra · 4 months
3, 12, and 6 for the ask game
ask game!
3. Favourite food?
this stumped me i like a lotta food!! but i’ll say tocino. any and every day ive gotten to eat tocino has been a good day bc tocino had made it so
12. Your favourite music genres?
oh im so glad this got asked again. i also enjoy alt rock!! and rap, r&b, and gay pop (but only when chappell roan does it)
6. Do you have pets?
no :/ i begged and begged for a dog and then a cat but never actually wanted pets enough to be willing to clean after them lol
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