#casey jones x male reader
supercap2319 · 1 year
"I'm sorry, what's your name again? Y/N asked the guy who looks like Wayne Gretzky. On steroids.
The guy pulled off his mask and revealed a handsome face with blue eyes. He gave Y/N a lopsided grin. "Casey Jones."
Y/N gave him a shy smile. "Hi."
Before Casey could say anything, something flew past his ear and embedded into a nearby pipe, was a green arrow. Someone jumped down in a green spandex costume and hood as he had an arrow notched at Casey's chest. "Get away from him!"
"Woah, woah! Lighten up Ollie!" Casey said.
"Oliver, you know this guy?" Y/N questioned.
"Unfortunately, I do. He's my twin brother. My baby brother." Oliver said in his deep voice.
"Baby brother? You're only 20 minutes older, Ollie." Casey protested.
"Don't call me, Ollie, CJ!"
"It's not, CJ! It's Casey Jones."
"My God, you guys are man children." Y/N laughed.
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Hello! Could I please have some general Casey Jr x ftm!reader headcanons?
General FtM S/O Dating Headcanons
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Genre: Fluff
A/N: Ye ask, and ye shall receive!
Okay, let's get one thing out of the way.
This man. This man right here? *slams table* TRANS MAN.
So, this guy gets it. On a spiritual level, GETS IT.
You two are the "I can't believe we're both gay and trans" meme.
Baby boy helps you in ANY way he can.
You struggling to put on your binder? He's got you in under 10 seconds.
Don't like taking testosterone shots because you don't like the needle/the pain/shots in general? He's counting down from three and doing it for you.
Disphoryoa got you in a mess? He's learned 10 different coping skills over the years, which one you wanna try today babes?
Calls you stuff like "babes," "hun," "my paradise." He's a sappy little romantic, got that from Leo.
Yeah, Leo is probably you guys #1 supporter. He stalked you two on your first date, giving Casey thumbs-ups and excited grins from a bush that totally was there before, trust him.
This boy loves you more than the moon loves the stars, I'm telling you.
Showers you in compliments day in, day out.
Takes you out to dates whenever he can, because he finally lives in a world where he can. Gets so excited to do the classic couple things Master Leonardo told him about like going to the movies or walking along the beach or going on a roadtrip to nowhere.
Tells you all about the crazy adventures he had in the future, and you hang on to his every word cause he's such a good storyteller.
Holds you close and lets you cry when things get to much. He's the type to listen and then proceed to do everything in his power to make you feel better. Peppers kisses all over your face while calling you his pretty boy, sings you your favorite songs (and lowkey has a pretty good singing voice like holy crap), anything to make you smile again.
He tried to find you guys matching couple stuff, but got really sad when everything was girlfriend-boyfriend. So he just bought a relationship-ambiguous friendship necklace from Hot Topic and played it off as a couple thing.
"Case, why does the tag say 'best friend necklace set'?" "Uh...no reason, my love! I'm sure it's nothing to worry about."
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fun-k-board · 9 months
TMNT 2012 with an AFAB s/o on their period
Note(s): I wrote this with a ftm Reader in mind, but there are no gendered pronouns or gendered titles used.
Characters included: Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michealangelo, April O'Neil, Casey Jones.
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Listen, as much of a leader and confident guy you may believe he is, he is still a mutant turtle who does not get periods and only knows because it was mentioned in a show once and he wanted to know more. He will not understand, beside the basics of 'bleeding down there, intense hormones, and sometimes unbearable pain depending on who you ask.'
If you're someone who goes through a lot of physical pain expect an overbearing mother figure now in your life, he will literally be there with all the advice he can find that'll help.
With the limited resources in the lair and the fact he can't exactly go shopping himself, he'll ask April or Casey to buy period products or pain relief tablets for you if you complain. Even if he's awkward and shy about asking, he doesn't want to burden you by making you wait for a reply over text or have to get up, the fact it helps you makes it worth it.
Soup is also good, he knows how to make traditional teas and soups for you, with great difficulty, and help from Splinter, that will lessen your stomach cramps. Though if you get cravings he may be a little less helpful, it's hard to get ingredients when you live in the sewers and are hated by most of the world.
If you like company he would stay off patrols once or twice, but he's fairly strict about his schedule and won't go too far off it, even if he wants to help you.
If you don't get much pain, he's still by you in his free time and asking questions, you're literally bleeding he's never going to stop worrying.
Whenever you talk to him he basically soaks in the words like a sponge and uses it to help you, a one off 'yeah, this food helps.' and he's on his knees begging for April to buy some.
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Raphael... I love him, but he needs help when it comes to this. I imagine most of the other turtles at least know the basics, Michaelangelo is the worst but he still knows what a period is, but Raph just never really cared enough to learn.
He knows that a period happens... But that's about it. So, if you're in intense or even a small amount of pain and or wake up with blood around you, he's freaking the hell out, he thinks you've been stabbed or something or maybe he accidentally hurt you with his sais as you slept.
If you explain he's sort of like 'yeah whatever, how do we stop it from hurting you?' and then he never leaves your side.
You run out of products? Step out the way Casey and April, he's sneaking in the shop and thieving- I mean, he's putting on a trenchcoat and hat to hide his turtleness, and buying the products like a good mutant ninja turtle should. But seriously, he doesn't trust the two to buy the right ones, he gets the exact brand right somehow, even if you never tell him what one you want.
He pushes the exercise side of it, even if it doesn't help much, exercise is something that helps him so when he hears it can help he doesn't research further. It takes you explaining that it not only depends on the person but the exercise for him to pout and let you lead.
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He'd probably panic for a while but then tries to look through a science lense, like, oh! You need to level your blood sugars in this week, these excersises will help you but these won't, make sure to keep your stomach warm so you can lessen the contractions and pain.
Gets a bit sad if you're the type to be more distant and want alone time on your period, especially if you don't like loud noises. Donatello usually has you watching him while he works on his science stuff, so when you aren't it's a demotivator.
Ends up completely abandoning his work just to follow you around like a sad puppy, tending to your every need or waiting outside your room for a text from you if you need something.
If you want him around he's a lot more easy going, if you don't mind sitting in the lab with him while he works then he's all for it, of course he's checking on you every once and a while, and will talk when he wants to, but it comes from him wanting to help you.
If you have health issues caused by your period or your period is made worse by your health issues he's helping you a lot, he knows a lot about human anatomy and how to help ease pain, especially since April and Casey started hanging out with the Turtles more often.
He has a whole section of a diary dedicated to you, and that includes your period, when you're due, what food you've told him helps you, what foods you've said make it worse, what pain you usually describe as, etc, etc.
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Michaelangelo is 100% the type of guy who just goes along with what you want because he wants to help, he probably knows that you bleed, you get mood swings, and you're in pain. And that's all he needs to know.
He's watching you for your entire cycle and just PRAYING nothing bad will happen, gives you all the food you want, no matter how unusual. This can sometimes make it worse, because cravings aren't always foods that will help you, and he feels really really bad if that happens.
He tries to hold himself back on just giving you whatever you want, but when you look up he just folds and starts treating you like royalty.
He can't make a lot of normal foods, he can make pizzas and maybe a decent sandwich, but besides that he's a bit useless, so he tends to buy you microwaved dinners. Unless you don't like them. And then he's just lost.
Mikey asks Donatello to help on the more science level, like no, chocolate will not help, that's a dumb myth, it will only make your sugar levels higher and increase pain, plus blood flow, and nobody wants that.
Cue Mikey closing the oven to hide his chocolate pizza he was making for you.
When buying or storing products, he tends to sort of forget how expensive they are, he'll go in with only a couple of dollars and fall to the floor in utter shock upon realising that is not nearly enough.
But he may or may not steal a few, he saves the city, he gets no money from it, this is completely justified in my opinion.
It's not like he tells anybody anyway.
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April O'Neil
She understands so much, whatever you need she'll get for you within minutes.
If your cycles match up April and you will have days where you just sit down and cuddle together, usually at her apartment or in the lair.
She's most likely the one who goes shopping for stuff since she's usually shopping for the turtles as well, though you can come along or even do it yourself if hers is painful and yours is bearable enough to go and vice versa.
If you don't get much pain or mood swings, she makes a few jokes on how she wishes she was you, but if you ask her to stop she will.
Understands the pain that might come mentally, if yours is really bad during the month she even ignores the Turtles to help you out. Unless you want to be left alone in which case she can do that as well, but she will text you every few hours, this is probably happening with or without your period given how dangerous being friends with her is.
If you have intense pain, she's extremely worried for you and will try to help in any way she can, especially if you have other issues that impact your period and or your period causes you other issues.
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Casey Jones
Once he gets it Casey doesn't care for the exact details, all he needs to know is when he needs to be involved. Then he's actually really helpful
Usually gets too embarrassed to buy pads for you so he asks April to do it for him, if she refuses he awkwardly makes his way over and will be red the entire time he buys them.
He will begrudgingly be mushy if it means you'll feel better, but also reluctantly leaves you alone if you prefer being alone, he's complicated when it comes to you.
Tends to try to make you laugh or smile if you get sad, but fails to realise that the flood gates of hell spill over with unholy blood whenever you do laugh too hard.
If you're someone with less blood and or pain he'll be asking once every few hours if you're okay, every month is the same, he never learns that you're going to be fine, or that you don't experience too much pain, but it shows he cares.
If you have intense pain he's next to you always helping and at your beck and call, he's fine with skipping out on time with April or the turtles because he doesn't want you in pain.
This has been in my drafts for a little over a year, I've only just got the strength to finish it (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)
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Can you make a oneshot of Rottmnt, where Splinter shows the Male Reader baby photos of the boys, and how all the turtles will react, please?
A/n:hey welcome back shadow. Thank you for requesting
April Is pink splinter is slanted and Cassandra is bold
Summary:splinter shows you the turtles baby pictures
Type:one shot:turtles + splinter & male reader
You were just at the lair one day pretty early, that's because you decided to spend the night which was fun bit sleeping arguments were tuff. But you ended up sleeping in the bottom 'bunk' below donnie, he had to make it into a bed though, it was awkward. It was the moment we're you just stand there while he's doing the bed reminds you of the time your mom was yelling at you because your bed was an absolute mess, then she angrily fixed it. Thats what it felt like but Donnie was angrily doing the bed. Or yelled at you before he did the bed. So your standing in the kitchen, just making you some toast for breakfast. And it was surprisingly a great sleep you thought Donnie would snore like your dad but he didn't. So while making breakfast splinter came up to you.
"Good morning y/n, what are you making"
You looked down at splinter and smiled always glad to see splinter, he was like another dad to you.
"Good morning and I'm making toast"
You turned back just as the toaster went off.
"How'd you sleep under purple, he didn't give you any trouble did he?"
You chuckled.
"No, I thought he'd snore though but he didn't. He was just on his phone or computer most of the time I was awake."
Splinter hummed.
"Would you like to see their baby photos"
"Oh absolutely"
As soon as your brain processed what he said it was an instant yes. He took you to the living room were you snd him sat on the cough. And just as you did April walked in.
"Oh hey guys which you doing?"
You looked up at her with a big smile.
"Well we are about to look through the turtles baby pictures, wanna join"
April stood there for a second before her smile grew even more .
"Of course but let me ask Cassandra if she also wants to join so don't start looking through it yet"
April called Cassandra and asked her if she wanted to see the turtles baby photos and you snd splinter just looked at eachother knowing what's about to happen.
"She's on her way"
Not even 5 minutes later Cassandra is in front of you April and splinter.
"I hope I didn't miss anything"
"Nope just have a seat"
You watched her take a seat behind splinter because there was room. And you four looked through the baby photos and you were sure you woke the turtles up. When they all walked in obviously tired. And they all seen you four sitting there like the scene from despicable me, were grus mom showed the girls his baby photos. So they were confused.
"Why are you guys so loud"
"What you you four looking at"
The twins say at the same time, but Donnie a bit more suspicious then leo. And you could hear it in his voice. Raph was practically felling asleep were he stood, and mikey was laying on you asleep. You were just right there and didn't seem to mind.
"Oh just your guys baby photos"
All of them froze and mikey slowly sat up from your lap. They all had the same looked on their face. They were tired but scared so they had a sleepy scared look. You laughed at that as Cassandra and April looked at certain photos.
"Aw Donnie, you and glasses why didn't you tell me"
"Mikey you had braces?"
Mikey just slowly layed back down on your lap not wanting to answer that. And donnie just stood there hoping this was all a dream. In the end they all hoped you three would forget what you seen and never bring it up.
A/n:that was alot longer than I expected. Whoops. I hope you enjoyed
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Shared Headcanons:
2012 Boys When Reader Uses The Same Weapon As Them
2012 With A Famous Reader
2012 Boys With A Mutated Child Sibling Reader
2012 Boys When Child Reader's Teddy Bear Rips
2012 Boys When Sibling Reader Draws A Family Picture
2012 Boys With A Big Sis Reader
2012 Boys With A Mother Figure Reader
What The 2012 Boys Call Their S/O
2012 Boys When Their Big Sister Gets Mutated
2012 With A Friend Who Listens To Sean-Nós Music
2012 Boys With A Male S/O Who's Stronger Than Them
Dating Leo Headcanons
Admiration? No, Love.
My Hero
Leo With A Secret Hacker Girlfriend
Leonardo Cuddle Headcanons
Dating Mikey Headcanons
Mikey With An Assasin Girlfriend
Honey I'm Home
Rest Your Eyes
Donnie Cuddle Headcanons
Crush Much?
Pick-Up Line
Dating Donnie Headcanons
Donnie With A Secret, Boxer S/O
Hello Mr. Turtle
Donnie With A Collector Little Sibling
Dating Raph Headcanons
Raph With A Secret, Softie S/O
Not So Fragile
Daredevil Pt:1 Pt: 2 Pt: 3
One For The Books
Call Me Karma
Splinter With A Secret Girlfriend
Free Time (Karai x Fem!Reader)
Code Of Conduct
Ice Cream Run (Casey Jones x Reader)
Truths And Lies Pt: 1 Pt: 2 Pt: 3
Home Is Here
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v3n33rs · 10 months
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝐴𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑚𝑒 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Hi I'm a Transgender (FTM) fanfiction writer and I'm here to make people happy
Anyways lets get to the good stuff
And for !'s: F! = Fem M! = Male NB! = Non-Binary T! = Transgender(FTM only) P! = Platonic
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝐼 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑑𝑜 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
M! Reader
T! Reader
Smut(I'm bad but hey, it's something)
Ask for specific kinks(I'll tell you if I'll write them or no)
AU's(Ex: Animal world, Mythical creatures, ETC)
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝐼 𝑤𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑑𝑜 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Pregnancy(Ew children)
Incest\Tcest(Requeat this and I'm blocking you)
Pedophilia (Minor x Adult)
Scat or Piss(Ew)
F! Reader or NB! Reader(Sorry NB's)
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑠 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
If you're Trans\Homophobic, Racist or a Pedophile Leave, Now.
If you have a rude comment keep it to yourself
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑚𝑠 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
COD(Call of Duty)
ROTTMNT(Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
MLP(My Little Pony)
HP(Harry Potter)
MID(My Inner Demons)
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
HTTYD(How to Train Your Dragon)
DS(Demon Slayer)
The Maze Runner
Sonic The Hedgehog
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
John "Bravo-Six" Price
Simon "Ghost" Riley
John "Soap" Mactavish
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Alejandro Vargas
Roldolfo Parra
Valeria Garza
Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin
Casey Jones
Splinter (P! Only)
Twilight Sparkle
Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie
Discord (P! Only)
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ronald Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Arther Weasley (P! Only)
Molly Weasley (P! Only)
Mrs Oates (P! Only)
Helluva Boss
Moxxie (P! Only)
Millie (P! Only)
Hazbin Hotel
Angel Dust
Husk (P! Only)
Cherri Bomb
Lucifer (P! Only)
Ash(P! Only)
Marnie(P! Only)
Allister(P! Only)
Bea(P! Only)
Kabu(P! Only)
Opal(P! Only)
Bede(P! Only)
Melony(P! Only)
Hop(P! Only)
The Twins
Nezuko(P! Only)
Any of the Hashiras
The Maze Runner
Chuck(P! Only)
Sonic The Hedgehog
Tails(P! Only)
Blaze(My bbg)
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Request anything I'm bored as all hell
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deadpoolcom · 3 months
For the character x reader sadly I’m only doing M/N and characters I’ll allow the characters to be female but I probably won’t write for them without a request to.
Mind that i write M/N X (INSERT MALE CHARACTER) females please dni bc I feel uncomfortable with females reading and interacting with my stuff that’s specifically made for the pleasure for male people who can’t rlly find m/n x a male character so-(sorry if it makes little to no sense bc my eng isn’t rlly gud-)
I will Most def make some fluff/sfw fics.
I will do nsfw but if the character you request for is under 18 then I will NOT write for them.
Here’s some characters I will write nsfw/sfw for M/N x male character below
PETER PARKER (any ver especially spider-Noir bc hes my fav)
HOBART BROWN (spider punk)
HAL JORDAN (green lantern)
MARTIN MAN HUNTER (I fr forgot his actual name 😭)
DOG POUND (Both ver)
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enb-y · 1 year
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hi, I’m kitty (cat is also fine!) and I take requests feel free to ask questions regarding to the rules or to simply drop in!
➣ I take requests for some of TMNT. I’m trying to catch up once again, it’s been a very long time since I’ve been here, not only that, there’s a possible chance of the characters being out of character, I’m still trying to get used to their personalities.
➣ your request may or may not be published as quickly as I would like, I do get writers block far too easily (more like burned out), but I would never ignore your request, It’s either I’m trying to get to it as fast as I can or it’s going through editing, or I’m possibly writing it already, I also like to take my time on requests. (I may be working on someone else’s.)
I’m also busy with my personal life, you know.
➣ denying requests isn’t really my thing, only if it had offended me in some way, however i don’t deny them or if you didn’t read my rules throughly.
➣ I will be writing for rise tmnt, 2012 tmnt, 2007 tmnt, 2014 / 16 tmnt. I’ll try to rewatch the 2003 tmnt, I’ll just need to make room for it.
rise teenage mutant ninja turtles.
⤷ leonardo, raphael, donatello, michelangelo, april o’neil, cassandra jones, casey jr jones.
2012 teenage mutant ninja turtles.
⤷ leonardo, raphael, donatello, michelangelo, karai, casey jones.
2007 teenage mutant ninja turtles.
⤷ leonardo, raphael, donatello, michelangelo.
bayverse teenage mutant ninja turtles.
⤷ leonardo, raphael, donatello, michelangelo.
➣ I will not be writing nsfw, non-con, abusive relationships (canon characters and reader), sexual harassment, cheating, yandere, self harm, eating disorders, pedophila, incest / tcest.
I’m normally cool with writing polyamorous relationships, however I will not be writing it for tmnt. I’m sorry. (except cassandra x reader x april. It’s the only one I’ll accept as of now.)
➣ sfw is fine, platonic / romantic, fluff, angst, hurt / comfort are also fine. anything is fine as long it’s not sexual (or anything I had listed above.). lgbtq is acceptable on this blog.
➣ I only take x reader requests, I don’t write ships or oc.
➣ I will be writing for female, male, genderneutral readers. please let me know what pronouns you want the reader to be, if not mentioned I will label it as genderneutral. (pronouns are likely not to be mentioned).
➣ headcanon, scenario, oneshot, drabble.
➣ please inform me if you want your request to be platonic or romantic, it’ll be a lot of help, because however you requested I could possibly turn it into something romantic—maybe platonic, depending how I see it, I don’t want to mess up anyone’s request.
➣ when you request for a character please tell me which version of the tmnt you want or I won’t be able to write it for you.
headcanons are the only thing I will mix up the tmnt versions, separately, mostly, however if it’s requested differently.
[example : can I request a oneshot where the rise tmnt meet the 2012 version? I’m sorry if this sounded confusing. but it’s acceptable.]
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the name is fake, I just like cats.
© ENB-Y 2022 please do not steal, copy or publish my works on other platforms without permission.
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Hey there, space cadets!
My name is Al, my pronouns are he/they, and welcome to my blog!
Requests are OPEN
Who I Write For (Currently)
Casey Jones Jr.
General Rules
I only write male!readers and ftm!readers. There isn't enough of those in this fandom, and honestly, missed opportunity that I am taking.
I don't do 18+ content of these characters. Not only am I uncomfortable with that, but none of these characters are even over the age of 18 in their cannon showings.
Don't do: yandere, heavy angst, and unhappy endings.
Do: Fluff, light or general angst; hurt/comfort
Casey Jones Jr.
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sleepwrites · 1 year
LEGO Monkie Kid
My dragon~(MK, Macaque and SWK with an s/o from the east sea dragon clan)
Sherlock Holmes who?( Macaque, MK, Mei, Red son, SWK with a mystery lover platonic s/o)
Slithered into my life(Red Son with a fem!s/o who is the descendant of Bai Suzhen, the white snake)
Fiesty (SWK and Macaque with an s/o who would fight god if given the chance)
Sweet then Sour (Red Son with a gn!s/o who seems really quiet at first but is actually a bit rude)
Tough day? (SWK, Macaque and MK laying in their s/o’s lap and never wanting to get up)
Dating the Six Eared Macaque (exactly what the title says, gn reader)
Safe with me (MK, Sun Wukong and Macaque with a gn s/o who has social anxiety)
I’m glad you exist (Sun Wukong and Macaque with a autistic and transmasc bestie)
Fluffy! (Monkie!MK x reader fluff)
LEGO Ninjago
Date?(Cole x male!reader)
Under the mistletoe (christmas special, fluff, no pronouns used for reader)
Valentines day crap (something I crapped out for valentines day)
Neon Leon
Card games and apologies (male reader, hurt/comfort)
Mystic Man Mikey
Nothing yet! But you can request~
Nothing yet! But you can request~
Nothing yet! But you can request~
Cassandra Jones
Nothing yet! But you can request~
April O’Neil
Nothing yet! But you can request~
Nothing yet! But you can request~
Casey Jones Jr
Nothing yet! But you can request~
Across the Spiderverse
Nothing yet! But you can request~
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⚠️Warning:death mentioned, rottmnt movie spoilers(kinda)⚠️
Summary: Casey sees you hanging out with Donnie and gets sad remembering the last time he seen you two together
Type: one-shot: Donnie X Male reader
Casey and leo were just walking around lair talking about random things. It was weird for Casey to see leo how he was, and the new environment. But he was getting use to it. But he hadn't seen you yet and was worried you died but that thought changed when he heard you laughing. Him and leo turned the corner and seen you and donnie sitting in the kitchen joking around. Be couldn't confirm it was you since your back was turned but he figured it was.
"Hey guys, oh y/n you haven't met Casey yet"
You turned around and Casey froze, his eyes widened as he remembered the last time you and Donnie were together.
Casey was looking for leo sinc he lost him in all the chaos happening, the krang were getting stronger and he didn't know if they would make it. He looked over and seen you dancing yourself to a someone. When he looked closer it was Donnie. He let out a gasp but you guys were to far to go to. But he could hear. He watched as you dragged yourself to him, legs twisted, and blood all over you. You had reached Donnie and you pulled your yourself to were you could grab his face.
Casey heard how queit and hurt to voice was and he wished he could ran over their but their was a giant gap between you two and he could never make it.
"D-donnie please don't leave me, not yet"
Casey felt a lump in his throat, he felt tears threatening to fall. You had pulled donnies face closer yours and you gently kissed his nose, tears falling on donnies face as you pulled his limp body closer to yours. You were sobbing and Casey couldn't do anything about it. The krang bots glowing eyes shined off if your wedding ring and Casey remembers going to your and donnies make shift wedding, it was a beautiful moment. He watched as you looked up from donnies body at the krang bots before dropping your head and accepting your defeat.
"I'll see you again my love"
Was the last thing Casey ever heard from you. It broke his heart, you were like a father to him, all the brothers were and it hurt so much to see you go such a horrible way.
End of flashback
Casey snapped back to reality and looked over at Leo.
"My god I thought I lost you there, what happended?"
"Oh I just haven't seen y/n since, the incident "
"Oh, sorry I forgot about that"
"What incident?"
"Casey here y/n is from the future and he's the reason he didn't all die from the krang"
"Oh, cool I didn't die, did i?"
"That's actually what I was thinking about"
"I actually still have your-"
Everyone was looking at Casey. But he looked at Donnie than you.
"Nevermind you'll just have to wait, I don't wanna ruin the surprise, but the person you marry us a very lucky perosn"
"Huh , I get married! To who?"
"You'll just have to find out"
A/n:I almost cryed making this I hope you guys cryed to. I hope you enjoyed
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lazyauthor9000 · 1 year
| Rise of the Tmnt |
| Hello! New to Tumblr and one-shots, so here we go. (Currently looking at references from other posts lmao) |
Request status: OPEN
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-Request Rules-
First off, please have patience. If I have not done your request, do not panic! It will come eventually. I am either busy, or have no motivation or inspiration, like at all. So please do give me some time.
Put enough details so I know exactly how you want it!
Go ahead and request anything that goes by my writing rules.
If you do not specify in your request the gender, the reader will automatically be gender-neutral. I will be writing for male and fem.
I can and will turn away any requests that make me uncomfortable.
I will only be writing ROTTMNT, for now.
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-Writing Rules-
Will Write:
Fluff, Angst, Platonic, Romantic
Gender-neutral, Female Reader, Male Reader
Au's, Hcs
| I can do sibling/child or parent-like readers as long as it's platonic |
Will Not Write:
NSFW, Ab#se, Pregnancy, P#dophilia, R#pe, SA, ED, SH, Incest
Oc's, character x character
| Pretty self explanatory. I'm a minor, so this stuff will make me uncomfortable to make. I will not do oc's as I want everyone to feel included |
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-Characters I will Write for-
Will do:
April O'Neil
Casey Jones
Questionable (Maybe for platonic or angst reasons):
Baron Draxum
Big Mama
Warren Stone (??)
Karai (I miss gram gram)
Foot Clan (?)
Will Not Do:
The Kraang (LIKE??? THEY'RE BRAINS.)
| If a character isn't on the list, I haven't gotten a request for them. If I don't like them, I will come back to edit the post to add that character. |
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-Random things I will accept in my inbox-
Confessions, Facts you'd like me to know about you, Small vents
Fan art is appreciated, loves!!
Any kind of Question you have for me
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-How to request-
Go ahead and ask, Dms, or in submissions
Maximum: 5 requests
Reminder: Be specific and put details so it can be easier to write!
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| Thank you sm for reading all that as you are now at the end! Im excited to be writing again, honestly. It's been hard knowing that I've left some books unfinished due to my mental health and loss of interest. That's all on Wattpad but I don't really want to remember the accounts rn lol. Reading Tumblr one-shots and other fluffy stuff inspired me to do this. The show also gave me some motivation to wrack my brain with some ideas. I hope you enjoy my work!! I will also be writing on wattpad. User: @L3zy_3uthor101 |
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denjis-chainsaws · 2 years
Sources & Characters
Long list, so it's going under the readmore!! If a source or character is not listed on here, I will NOT write for them! Only because I live under a rock and take forever to get into new stuff and get comfortable with a character enough to write them.
I'm not limited to solely character x reader! I do character headcanons, too!! As long as it's not just canon x canon, I'll try writing any SFW topic. I will NEVER write NSFW, regardless of if the character is an adult or minor. And characters 14 or younger and pet / animal characters will only be written in platonic or familial scenarios.
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Special Notes:
- Personal character headcanons are allowed to be included in requests. Eg. trans-masc. Yu Narukami from Persona 4, agender + ADHD Happy Chaos from Guilty Gear, autistic Denji from Chainsaw Man, etc.
- For characters with questionable gender representation and/or fanon interpretations, they will be written as gender neutral or genderfluid characters unless requested otherwise. Eg. Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4 will be written as genderfluid with any pronouns.
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
Bold = Lots of writing experience / favorite to write
Italics = Little writing experience / not very familiar with
Normal = Decent writing experience / good enough feel to write
Small Text = Platonic / Familial ONLY
- Chainsaw Man
Denji, Power, Aki Hayakawa
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
- Guilty Gear
Happy Chaos, Bridget, Sol Badguy/Frederick Bulsara, Jack-O, I-No, Baiken, May, Asuka R. Kreutz/That Man, Nagoriyuki, Giovanna, Goldlewis Dickinson
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
- Persona 3
Male Protagonist (any name, defaults to Minato Arisato), Female Protagonist (any name, defaults to Hamuko Arisato), Yukari Takeba, Junpei Iori, Fuuka Yamagishi, Mitsuru Kirijo, Akihiko Sanada, Ken Amada, Koromaru, Shinjiro Aragaki
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
- Persona 4
Yu Narukami (or Souji Seta), Yosuke Hanamura, Chie Satonaka, Yukiko Amagi, Kanji Tatsumi, Rise Kujikawa, Naoto Shirogane, Teddie, Tohru Adachi, Ryotaro Dojima
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- Persona 5
Joker (any name, defaults to Ren Amamiya), Morgana, Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, Yusuke Kitagawa, Makoto Nijima, Futaba Sakura, Haru Okumura, Goro Akechi, Sojiro Sakura, Tae Takemi, Sae Nijima, Yuuki Mishima
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
- Dragon Ball
Son Goku, Son Gohan, Chi-Chi, Vegeta, Bulma, Piccolo, Freiza, Perfect Cell, Raditz, Krillin, Yamcha, the Ginyu Force (all of them), Broly (Super + Original)
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Shotaro Kaneda, Tetsuo Shima, Kai, Yamagata, Kei, Kaori
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
- TMNT (2012)
Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Splinter
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
- Bandori / BanG Dream
Kokoro Tsurumaki, Nanami Hiromachi, Chiyu Tamade (Chu²)
《 || - - - - - - - - - - || 》
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v3n33rs · 10 months
you should do a Casey jones x m!reader fluff...
Sure sweetheart
Pairing: Casey Jones x M! Reader
Summary: It was a cold winter day in the base so Casey and M\N cuddled to get rid of the cold
Warnings: None
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It was a cold winter day and the two males were in the turtles base on the couch cuddling for body heat before M\N spoke up "I love you so much" He said, it being muffled by his head in Casey's chest "I love you to dude" Casey said as he rubbed M\N's back gently.
"Could y'all not do this in front of me" Donnie said a bit jealous. M\N then took his head out of Casey's chest "What are you jealous of us?" M\N teased playfully as he hugged Casey lazily "N-No!" Donnie said quickly blushing from embarrassment.
"You totally are" M\N teased again as he shoved his head back in Casey's chest.
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There you go love
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lazypanartist · 2 years
Requests Open!
Hello, one and y'all! I'm pleased to announce that I exist in both physical and mental capacity, and due to this, I will be taking requests!
Requests currently limited to RotTMNT, Young Justice, Batman Beyond, and Pokemon
I will be writing romantic, platonic (friendship), or familial pieces for any characters that I can for these series. Please note that I am not limited to the listed characters, I merely believe that I'd characterize them best. (Read; they're my favs)
I do
x reader, x Character
poly ships, gay ships
male, fem, enby, gender neutral reader!
I DON'T do
incest, T-cest, or faux incest (step siblings, whatever.) That's gross.
No gross age gaps, either
Pokemon x Pokemon. Not my thing
On that note, beastiality of any form. It's nasty
I'm open to doing just about any writing style!
Short or long fics
Multi-chapter might be hard because I have no project management skills, but like I said, I'll try!
Baron Draxum
Cassandra Jones
Casey Jones
Young Justice (Seasons 1-3)
Bart Allen (Impulse)
Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)
Tye Longshadow
Eduardo Dorado Jr. (El Dorado)
Kaldur'ahm (Aqualad/Aqua Man)
La'gaan (Lagoon Boy)
Violet Harper (Halo)
Roy Harper (Arsenal)
Cameron Mahkent (Icicle Jr.)
Klarion Bleak
Lex Luthor
Black Beetle (probably just familial, idk)
Batman Beyond
Terry McGinnis (Batman)
All I can think of rn. I'll be checking my askbox all the time, just in case ^-^ If I don't get to something quickly, it's probably because I have school/other responsibilities.
Hotrod/Rodimus Prime
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6rookie-writer0110 · 10 months
hi could you do A Male Ninja Reader Adopted By Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles X Kate Bishop?
The reader is Kate's boyfriend who helps her against the tracksuit gang, when they are surrounded, they are helped by the reader's adopted brothers the ninja turtles, along with their best friend Casey Jones, who surprises Kate and Clint very much.
Cool. I would write it 👍
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