#casino plan
larzuen · 7 months
Regarding the Casino Of The Vamps Website
If some of you guys are wondering why the website was down, I was working on the update but got delayed <\3 and forgot to remind you guys here who follow my COTV content so I highly apologize ;v;
I will still release the update soon so don't worry ! I was supposed to release the update back In the 10th of February but got delayed due to the amount of limitations of the website I was using to create the website (cardd) <\3 please be patient with me <3 tysm!
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shortcakelils · 1 year
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y’all remember these two?
@whosectype @rubiloveschocolaste
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bambifornia · 4 months
to be honest with you guys, I'm kinda torn on whether or not swindle would be a chronic-overspender or a massive cheapskate
I mean. I get it: swindle is flashy. swindle has expensive taste. swindle dreams of being spoiled, of a house full of lavish things with a belly full of high-grade energon. and he damn well has enough shanix and credits to buy said things.
but would he be so bold as to spend his money on it?
a part of me says yes. I mean, swindle is living through wartime. maybe a part of him thinks that if he doesn't treat himself today, he might not live tomorrow to enjoy the comfort of his wealth. hence all the fancy mods, beautiful furniture, sleek spaceships, etc.
besides, it helps with stress. gives swindle a rush of dopamine when he purchases something costly. it's a symbol that all of his crimes and hard work have amounted to something. that what he's done is justified (at least to him). let all the glorified "morality-policing" bots clutch their pearls at his greed, at least swindle can AFFORD to indulge
that's something many bots can't do nowadays
besides, swindle is kiiinda conceited and DEFINITELY self-entitled. with a mech like that, who's surprised that he has some alarming spending habits?
but another part of me argues that BECAUSE swindle is in a war, he'd be even more stingy with his money. after all, I think it's a fair assumption to say swindle uses his wealth as a leverage. it places him in the lap of luxury. it buys him out of danger. it gains him intel from bots with loose lips. it keeps bots in debt to him. it silences his opponents. it fetches him bots willing to do favors for him (ex. mercenaries and such). apart from his wit and words, money is one of swindle's deadliest weapons
and if he spent that money on something expensive, then swindle would, by extent, be risking his life
I kinda find the latter idea more compelling
though, he could be somewhere down the middle. some weeks, swindle can't seem to stop spending. hes maxing out his credit card, filling his cart to the brim with meaningless items, piling and piling on more debt.
the next few weeks, swindle is under a strict budget, skimping meals, stressing over the amount of debt he's collected and overworking himself in order to compensate for it all
he's stuck with this dilemma. and he can never seem to get out of it. he WANTS to be able to spend on himself, wants that life of comfort he craves. but he can only spend so much before his consciousness takes over and chastises him for being reckless. the only way he ever slips back into spending is when his greedy nature comes in and encourages swindle to work harder on his business. scam a couple of bots. plan some heists. that'll get the credits rolling in. and after a nice little profit or two, swindle will be able to treat himself again, after weeks of processor-breaking hustling.
it's an endless cycle of overindulgence and abstinence. there is no middle ground. he's always on either side on the spectrum. swindle's greed might make him successful, yes, but it's also destroyed his relationship with money
I dunno. feel free to share your thoughts. I just like the idea of swindle's greed creating more problems for him, even though he argues his life has gotten drastically better ever since he out himself and money first
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fauvester · 4 months
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clays 11.. a professional robber organizes a ragtag team of thiefs to steal a fortune and his ex-fed ex-husband from his frenemy casino magnate martin van buren
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ooeygooeyghoul · 10 months
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What if they did ads for the Gold Saucer and hired the Scions for it
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iced-souls · 7 months
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Omg he’s here!!!!!
D09 day part 3!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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stitchedragdoll · 9 months
I give
Stitcher in her casino dress
For some reason, the casino AUs are relatively safe from the duo
Well, the AUs at least, I cannot say for the puppets in it
Anyway, here are some of the first sketches
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And here are the (many) doodles I made of her !
I still really like those artworks hehe
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I hope you guys like it !
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Hey Chai, if you're really looking for an outfit like your friend suggests, maybe a certain Sally Stage-play has a couple of extra outfits?
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Asked by anon!
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insertsona · 7 months
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hi. do people make american arcadia ocs. is that a thing
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jessica-larson · 10 months
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Experience the thrill of success with our Casino Business Plan—a brief infusion of entertainment, hospitality, and gaming excellence. Join us in redefining the gaming landscape, where every visit promises a winning blend of excitement and fortune.
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chasingmidnights · 1 year
Poker Face
"I wanna roll with him, a hard pair we will be A little gamblin' is fun when you're with me (I love it) Russian roulette is not the same without a gun And baby, when it's love, if it's not rough, it isn't fun (fun)..."
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(How fun would a Casino AU be with these 4?)
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witchhazelevesque · 6 months
I've talked about Hazel ending up at the Lotus Casino, I've talked about Leo ending up at the Lotus Casino, I've talked about Hazel and Leo gaslighting themselves into thinking Leo was actually Sammy, but you know what I haven't done?
Put it all together
Let's miraculous ladybug square this shit (au pending on that), because it could be that both of them remember who they are, or that only one of them remembers or that neither of them remember.
If they both remembered, then honestly, the shock of it might snap them both out of their comatose state, and that in and of itself would be a nightmare for them. Imagine them running out onto the street and just- Hazel canonically almost had a panic attack when she visited Berkeley, Vegas would literally kill her. And it could actually be kind of funny depending on how old Leo was when he first got trapped at the casino because he could have been as young as eight. So Hazel seeing this literal child (which is saying something because she is also a child) and being like... is this my boyfriend's son or... ?
If only Leo remembered, than nothing would happen, they would just exist near each other, and there's something kind of tragic and haunted even in that. Also kind of freeing too though. Like their meeting was always going to be painful for them, and they got to just be in the same place without that pain or weight to carry.
Also, like when they're actually on the Quest (tm) and during a group discussion Hazel casually drops how she spent year x to year y there because she's recovered her memories, and Leo, who's either kept the fact that he stayed there very close to his chest because it's Leo, or has loudly be announcing it to explain why he's so much younger than he should be- anyway he chokes on his drink because what kind of a coincidence is that?
If neither of them had their memories, then it would really depend on like... how sad you want it to be. Like, do they just float around each other and never take notice of one another? Do they meet and become friends willingly, of their own volition? Even if they don't remember all the pain of their pasts, it would still leave some kind of impact on them. If going the sad route, then Hazel still would have died in Alaska but maybe Juno or Thanatos or Pluto did something they technically shouldn't have done and gave her a second chance somewhere new. Because then Hazel would have reason to be proud of her decisions, because her story had come to a resolution, even if a tragic one. Or maybe none of what happened in Alaska happened, and she is just a kid spared a cruel fate that she isn't even aware of. If it's the first, then in comparison, Leo would be at the start of his story, always feeling something is wrong, that he's forgetting something that he knows he shouldn't be, something he did wrong, something that scares him when he tries to think about it.
Or if they weren't weighed down with those wounds, then, yeah, maybe they get a few years of peace and happiness and friendship before the world needed them back and everything they'd been able to forget comes crashing down on them.
If only Hazel remembered then... it really would be like seeing Sammy again. Like, that would be literally the only plausible explanation to her, she has no idea he would have been dead by then. And Leo, who hasn't really spoke to anyone in... he doesn't even know how long, who doesn't even realize he's forgotten his own name because he never has to think about himself in relation to anyone else... he's got no reason not to believe this girl coming up to him, saying they're friends and don't you remember me and seeming so heartbroken at the fact that he doesn't. He doesn't want her to cry, he doesn't want her to be sad, especially not in this amazing place, so yes, of course he wants to know about their old life, of course he wants to hear about their adventures and yes, he wants to be this person she's describing, and it feels so good to have an identity again, a name and past and friend, and-
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emometalhead · 8 months
You guys some serious birthday week magic happened. At last minute, my parents and brother were able to get my birthday off from work. My mom and brother also have tomorrow (my mom's birthday) off. So we're going to have cake tomorrow and celebrate my mom. Then we'll have all of Saturday to celebrate my birthday together. Dinner plans are back on. I'll get my avocado rolls 🥰.
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caffeiiine · 10 months
i would like to see either nikolai or sigma's sentences please :3 /nf
under the cut bc length. [it got REALLY long]
anyways, nikolai and sigmas prison sentences as they would be in michigan.
note: i’m not using the wiki for this. i doubt it covers everything, so im going back through the manga and analyzing everything from there. aside from finding out manga appearances, everything else is research and pre-memorized info.
note 2: i may have made a few mistakes with the sentencing but it should be accurate enough give or take 10 years.
note 3: there’s no minimum sentence since majority of research i’m doing leads to me picking the minimum years since it usually states “punishable by life imprisonment or any number of years” which is unspecific and sucks so i just dropped the category
nikolai!!! - crimes - sentence - reference state - references/citations
Crimes :
first degree murder [7 accounts]
second degree murder [1 account]
domestic terrorism [16]
mutilation of a corpse [1 account]
shoplifting [implied, counted as 1 general account/misdemeanor]
assault with/using a deadly weapon [1 account]
impersonation [2 accounts]
disturbing the peace
theft of public property [2][3] [1 account]
verbal assault/threat [4] [1 account]
aiding and abetting
aiding in prison break
drugging [1 account]
attempted poisoning [5] [2 accounts]
fleeing arrest [1 account]
robbery/general larceny [4 accounts]
unlawful possession of explosives
attempted first degree murder [implied] [7]
kidnapping [4 accounts]
aiding a convict
breaking and entering [1 account]
sentence :
at maximum = 14 life sentences + 61 years + 186 days and/or up to 7,063,000$ in fines; no parole
reference state : michigan
references via michigan legislature : [first degree murder] Section 750.316 Act 328 of 1931 + [second degree murder] Section 750.317 Act 328 of 1931 + [domestic terrorism not counted, i can’t find definitive punishments and it'd probably be with the supreme court] + [mutilation of a corpse] Section 750.160 Act 328 of 1931 + [shoplifting] Section 750.356 Act 328 of 1931 + [impersonation] Section 750.217 Act 328 of 1931 + [felony assault] Section 750.82 Act 328 of 1931 + [disturbing the peace] Section 750.170(?) + [theft of public property] section 750.356 act 328 of 1931 + [terrorizing/verbal assault/harrassment] section 750.411h act 328 of 1931 + [aidinh and abetting] section 750.450 act 328 of 1931 + [aiding in a prisoners escape/aiding a convict] section 750.183 act 328 of 1931 + [attempted poisoning] section 750.91 act 328 of 1931 + [fleeing arrest] section 760.479a act 328 of 1931 + [robbery] section 750.529 act 328 of 1931 + [unlawful possession of explosives] section 750.200 act 328 of 1931 + [attempted first degree murder] section 750.91 act 328 of 1931 + [kidnapping] section 750.349 act 328 of 1931 + [breaking and entering (with explosives)] section 750.112 act 328 of 1931.
Sigma!!! - crimes - sentence - reference state - references/citations
threatening an officer [2 accounts]
domestic terrorism [16]
unlawful possession of explosives
attempted first degree murder [1 account]
criminal negligence [9]
aiding and abetting
negligent attempted mass murder [10]
attempted first degree murder by proxy [several accounts] [11]
felony assault by proxy [12] [3 accounts]
attempted manslaughter [14] [2 accounts]
attempted second degree murder [15] [1 account]
aiding in a prison break
aiding a convict [1 account]
breaking and entering [1 account]
felony assault [3 accounts]
sentence :
at maximum: 5 life sentences + 45 years 93 days and/or up to 8,000$ in fines; possibility of parole
reference state : michigan
references via michigan legislature: [aiding and abetting] section 750.450 act 328 of 1931 + [felony assault] section 750.82 act 328 of 1932 + [aiding in prisoner escape/aiding a convict] section 750.183 act 328 of 1932 + [unlawful possession of an explosive] section 750.200 act 328 of 1932 + [attempted (any type of) murder/manslaughter] section 750.91 act 328 of 1932 + [breaking and entering (with explosives)] section 750.112 act 328 of 1932 + [threatening an officer] section 750.478a act 328 of 1932 + [criminal/gross negligence] section 8.9 michigan legislature
#[1] i wouldve included something about his gun but the laws vary so much state by state itd be difficult to find a proper middle ground and-#-gun control laws are really iffy and varied in general with a lot of uncertain elements like concealed carry etc#[2] referring to the poles he used to fight atsushi chapter 58#[3] not entirely sure since nobody stole support infrastructure before so theres no law for it#[4] verbal assault is an umbrella term so its a little difficult to pin down; when he asks one of the government people if theyre ready to-#-“say bye-bye to their lower halves” going based off the context; it fits the legal definition of verbal assault#[5] taking the syringes at face value and assuming theyre actually poisoned despite inconsistencies with approximate death times#[6] not entirely sure how nikolai got the floor plans to the prison; and as far as i looked; the act of possessing them doesnt seem illegal#[7] its implied that he tries to kill fyodor very often; i cant find examples but 111 fyodor states nikolai has tried to kill him on -#-several occations#[8] at about chapter 72 sigma states the casino is run under international law; i’m not running nikolai’s sentence in japan so i’m ignoring#-that piece and giving him the same reference state as nikolai#[9] the coin explosives being held in a customer room#[10]the coin bombs that were to be distributed via the casino and explode once distributed enough#[11] via the customers in the casino and security; sigma really likes his crimes by proxy doesn’t he.#[13] the gun in the comms room is definitely illegal but to keep things in line with Nikolai i’m not counting gun law violations unless its#-obvious like murder or manslaughter#[14] attempted manslaughter in of itself is a contradictory term; the way it’s defined and the way i’m using it is in reference to sigmas-#-state of mind right then. where he was engaging in a desperate attempt to save his casino via stopping teruko by any means necessary-#-and was not in a proper state of mind to be accurately tried for attempted second degree murder as he normally would’ve been.-#-the legal term for this is “in the heat of passion” i believe.#[15] trying to take teruko with him in death#[16] i can’t find punishments for terrorism so it’s not counted in the final tally#i spent actual hours on this [not regretted one bit]#oh my hod i don’t want to look at the michigan legislature for another month after this#it was so much fun though ty xan#soda incarcerates your faves#bsd#bsd nikolai#bsd sigma
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casinoquartet · 1 year
as much as i love casino quartet being a silly lil sitcom style polycule that's very light hearted, you cannot deny that there is definitely angst potential with all of team chaos leaving red in the dust. like i get clownzy being gay was the highlight of s3 for a lot of people but like. they Did leave red in the dust while ash was basically in the ls equivalent of a coma and red Did have to betray them because they weren't clear on their plans . that is a Thing that happened that i think some whump writers might enjoy . just a thought
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